HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-11-10, Page 7�—Irw
. PAGE 8wli m �
THE GODERM qI T-0 I- -- �� -- - _ ..�.
. _ , dare, and be suffix ent Ila at$41 to keep
+i O a
'�e��ran�' +�rr���� � from
perllihliiif• ��i �,Ih�' M� � � ,
"For-ttma:eal� there has bd U recessed
A Qom,lixcl t€t us as' A pdrogle the Great Ideal `iliac � ��
MAINLYforWOM At Kno • Nesse that shores ab1" all ,s2tiera as Iwo � ►� ��� ��"� ��� er ���
#Mad at In .Tesus Christ the Sa�lour. i .
Occasionally Some Mem � _—,. „And to my mind= fratli evldeneA tai t
(daunts veA .rem l,a^,,0 l) the history of the hast, � befliev0 tho �TO�. .`"�" - ! •ala raU0 the world . tuned thzir mes DC01 to that is capAble, of dainti the most1 when
._ _ '
- ti= Af their lives iia aueaa a way a pre for the, rtadurali^e of peat:o js that. rftlo
r,m$. $upN ADVILESSFS I case3 to Ripling's words: a
paratlon for a rich, mature and coaorful1 Who stammds If freedcm fall2 for air alio and o and dev004n rOashes
X%VS1%,XWVRL4L. &ALL,X autumn. The speaker said It cotmed to "Then cams the day def Peace alaxietY, forward toward the aims and laurpasea j,
b0 the Craze of our time to treat ]too ua dropped agraY %0 glad relief and for and. etabluty of that life 1101do Which � Ir � .
. A good number of t4c mombers Of the there is no ,Other, which liar Ori antetaso
, , , C G, I. T and of the Y, W. A• of NOrtls : a joke and live on the suTface of thing% a moment was forgottea, desire t0 sive IIs accord with Christ, and pgul R i`reely ,Rt~ xe ro. Lularxcaktax al,t: 20o below-
street United church attended the dis- `1<ife, is .riot .a cup to be drained but a, The World rcaa blown WWI calor itka a whleh is wilting to pay m t1mo and Con- ' 1
tract rally And banquet of niisglo11 measure to be Alled, It takes time and fiatwir, $lanoy and . persistent effort that the change 'fro akin �1riAR� p� '� �R��=y1 ��R ��` �
Choles, Y. W. A.'s and C. '. T, T: s oI ef2drt to Snake 0. bcautifUl life but it Ix In that trUbliphant hour; world Inlay posseYs the character for
9;.won Prestryterial held in North sida worth wh9iOT' The gmit procession xrew. shear shlnanB which chrast stands.
United church, 6eafQrth, An Friday. feet sandalled with dewY 11=0, i lawn -1 os tn9str< 5111 Co.. 14mlied, �l4�tslkivlEas axnlltolt, Toramtao $t. w
,Me, Layton. of Exeter, anel A3►tlss And marching up the street dl�aus 'FPlsea Vls� is La4cking' 4tod T- - ¢ R � .�
The supper, which Was In charge ,of tuc i Battle, of Goderleh, oomveye Ole or In- Galsied in lite a new gnci roan
ZilacGiilivray Young Women's Circle, sva$s of tho Hassling to Mrs. $tssh f her pts "It is out of a life that is true to Jesus sures On loan; we Avcupy a atewardlslhlP. tlutA t30d for lass unspOAkaba.M gift: `
rued to 250' guests, tris tables beMlg Clallat that fliers flow every 'form of riQv.iwtB D►iSH)F5 li CrintasiAnrs dtid2ll. v�Ostr,la MtS9ItlaVti:
8e i sphstt31tii1 au'd R +sPouxteeri years liar, gone since that permanent life. sootalay, Politically and By Betty Barclay The Cong". the Cross Alsd the Ciraw a
ijecgrat4d with candles and chrysAnthe. , , great day: 2>a %case tb,W bare 'drag;0d gyp pub Basan • The Old Testament references to �
sing kang Was held •betivean E. iR. wI(tL13 fUDDaiTSSS With leaden feet .. i► World ever since religiously and fndustriAlly. And aon- The following Is a. selection from thin
mums• alter 11drs, J. , trariwlse the one which promotes Vice (serves. 6) stewardslllp aro foliowd d up by Similar message written by Rev. Q. W. Oliver
' the courses. The guest ape J QdJBEitICB IVOAItEN $ INS=TUTl6 strnggluas #A ' redee;nt Its resolution of and low 9deall and uses his fellow man statements in the New Testament. Take
ti, Rtlah, of Tlllsonbuzgc secretary of thv "$oyer amain," 7nA>� Ni"e but hest for • oII1y selfish ends; to get but not to $ gree tomatoes „ Which r ng appeared in the November Ii t was
d Q. C1'. L and X..Iy, E. 4L WWe, maald•. A+. Aw 3gst Thurs* S green 1�PPem tato passage an Malachi 3toreh use, a During the Ailsateet a Uoadil-- b wav
Dominion Boar +C T, addressed a largely attended aueet: ta"SO 0 � dI an st ata eve, t4 abuse And net to Use rights and g all the tithes into EMa atgrehortse, that
fuss welcomed' by Mrs, . d,gnslor of , day freedom and gifts of life,. and refuses to s oranges m privilege to meat a 1iinduhal►ra
A ` I . Af °the Womett's 3natitute•,tm tine fins►- have season %o thins, in unison, 'U heads by 1k%M6-an agricultural Ong,cI and:
and Mrs. W. i« Vie, of^Bea. ng make• an Ysordest effort to 'strengthen the ' i tablespoon minced onion there may be meat 10 mute houSO, and y P
I 'I
oppen, '• .Are Clov�rtted:' Ilse, bora isr raverencr, far we will remember .. r glen^who detraAts eithe. gut: each touiAtO SntA S sakes. Tako Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord a graduate of a well known ,college 4w
forth- Main. street. Migsion Circle, Exe- Jed Of of Jiowe We t them. V deliriaasi ytiy, psace dawn- rola Teen peppers and Out each Lngland. I entered Into cotivgrsatlogt
contributed a quartet AooAsnpanied address proved most iafArina Ivo a in Yshnaeif or by his in8nerice upon oth- seeds f g of hosts, if I Will net Open you the win.
ter, was anuch aiapteciaied ea upon thesr1d, asad vv#Ii llsidv- lows.of heaven, and pour YOU'Out a also- with this young man from the East, zt
str anstrutnents . sviaica� spas ,great- _ Ing still Sn uuailoh troth Bladne6sl and sop- era, from the htgbest ideals, iof Ids Pa -s `one .who One into 3 rings, tF'eel oranges and Cut sing, that there chill not be room enough
b% Tdiere .are three ways avhicis' Yeo rtiay Aauttt hash as farmdeepe sense In small Pres, on each salad plate ar• Was my Arst convOrsatlon with a Htndw I
ly enijoyed, An interesting atsd 11►tor�a" nt determined lXllgle rOW :ja11n in the t3elf*same tears, we re- traotism, but w to recoiv0 it," Compare this with veran Ile toad me about his converstan. I dls-
!ug conference and question bureau was err. met x r-- has never had the vision. which preserves. range tomato slice tapped with peel r a
Sash, who A mnlion tiQlsSeS :stand an a hila 6 in today's New Testament lesson:- - covered that he had coma to Canada to
ab]y Conducted by Mrs R , gavo first, by Custom: secolsd, iVv las', and is country a .. >g net a true keeper o! ring. I"f11 center of ring with orangb „He which soweth sparingly shall reap
ul S estionS in x0. third, by regttlatlon.. "'=+aw'is based on In.0 day aebOd wyyalnst .the sIm„ she siatton's #rest and enduring nQUI'e" Add minced onion to ErencM dresslnaT and he which sowOth !h't now ideas about agrlculttsrA. It WAr j
a .number of aaelpf ugg also sparingly;
r alalias snot with by work- otistom� die .. ,mo' .matter .how far A aitiliton Eads fiVkio would be atitl . .menta. Pour over Salad, ,a the plait At a►1s farm Wlat 'lntorested me
gard to the � 4 b c ou_ o ever! before the time of A mitlYon aevely lads that lie boukltlfullY, shall reap also bouuti2ulty, most. "I am going to lay it out III tho
era in connection with church organ�a a k Y ti , Where lli0l •Oast xlever rife• "In other words to establish righteous- %amb Clsop4 W1tL. Oranges ,
world oondltlbns Christ, you vuill And %hat .la•W is based •0}7 net who aim cess sulteth a .nation, and makes far I+aul had been commending tate gen» loan of a crosS," h0 said. Next moat- '
tions aid.tlle difficult -and tom becomes iavt. In %: And vairzt Aare: you Ii e, and towald tlsat endl (i3ervgs il)
t the nt time. Speaking Custom, a sus at should walk about At wfA permanent peoPl ' erositY of the Corinthian Christians to ging I started hams to .thy little country
exiatin A PFe� iris bobbed their this day :Af. remembrance aught also to be O lamb, veal or .park chops the Macedonian Church and .with such manse. Che day b0fore, f had listened
lying she said. "Clod does not ex• modern way,. When g And a .million aches " a great dap Iror rene*ed resolution, Thin Melted butter
6n g ttot t. Man' d .became'•a custom. We Se11aW. the good result that the tables aro turned to strange voices. One was Yrom Japan:
ect. You to gips whit yrau slave go , -4hdmr 'a *.hill beneath the sky? day of remembrance should' be A day :o2 13l}ted. oranges and ]t is now the .ilberality of Mace- #G was itagawa who Mad said that all life !'
put so .many are hiding behind. the Custom someone has established and "it „x� '.that J$ our Auest�. IV MO $fie reverence for the higher and more en- salt
bdonia which Ss to provoke Corinth, Paul emanated from the Cross. The other
bu 1600 of depression: _ There .is a world becomes -a law, The XOAaltW -Make 'us you and, who,atn IT , who haus ltd? during Yaots a3 life.
ga .. pepper before taking his Way Into Cor inth.�ant Was irom;�Yndtq; Chabra had found ,
ce between tubas is given aid keep the law; then the .law is ,put ,1st ac- on, we, ;Who have ahartld ,what they w . Lae with its goal before tIs •lie$, 44
sof di$eren re ulatlon, Tiose honored with t Paprika
tio;a by g What 4save' •we .done •in and with. these Christ
and Vitas laying out his farm tiA
sv ,t wised; 3f you have nioxiCY to dA We propose to Christ is %he way,' and Citr#st the prizes fat from thick chops ntid dip !n on some of his Worker& to advise them
fourteen ,years? :Qfihat
of his cOrntsig lest, ha says, n Iy Of the •;the form of the ,Cross," As the train .
,you have ?Honey to .give." ,North :1? t� Scltool'board a govern_ ars to cornet surely on ' "To have a visl4n of. world conquered melted butter. Oil broiler well and broil Macedonians should accompany him end sped alopg, many ttloughts entered 017
• Spend y by alis school Saw, they.may <mske by do with the . ye
street Church C; Ci. I. T,;'C3oder ch, gave .policeman, is f urte0nth occasion ,of -the 'O rv- for man arid;for,#od--and fpr each hat fps 8 Ipitlutes, Turn` and pisco a should find matters riot so flourishing. mind, but i10thing eouad .'dispel that
r laws, bttt seldom do: .Tato .p4 this o
. demnnSGxatiori of a `g• •b• �r T• -meet- s the traffic .On the once of the 'Day of silence, we Should and woman t0 put' � hand
neffort and thick: slice of •peeled orange on each he, 'had led them to believe. "That.
W11en he regulate_ an Y
ed b n uartette. as Crimson light lvhich I Mad seen aglow
fAaltiat Y 9 Stlaftats silate$ the":law'" not only keep :it as the':day of remem- work with sine i�ilimlaBdentermfnation.te chop Broil 8. or 10 minutes longer,
Ing, ,.P� ve :encs but as a. with the s Mighty would put me to shame," he says to the the day before... T thought o! iha Mia
. h -who possesses rare ability , ituttonal :gov- brance, the day of: re r , • .it as was,clone: la every cor- sprinkle generously with the seasonings.
1Vhs aisle After dealing ;with const l+rot 'at .a accomplishCorlthiatts, T.
t0 speak pt you.. He Fund. How. ,
k .for girls, then told a stfik- eak r de- day of ser►ewed-resislutlons % wazld during 1914-i8 would. Serve hot, free o . their liberality coWdr I,. tat19 yfear,t present the "Chat- 1'
as a spec ex g , ernment at some :length the. ap a had spoken so ly 1
about a worker in ivory Who at gym, ,day of Irlilitary ,vlctoFy with the Pomp o tar wards snaking'.Armtstice ]?ay °� eek Potatoes wanted them to kcop up their ledge Extraordinary?" . Again I th0110i t
ing story tailed the methods .of sele inB of power uppermost ju our thoughts, but $ ori,rij.e Canndied Sweet that he j,
on the motuttaius in Switzer- : i i as eo cSls, ro- l�l oring to titttiug day indeed -Yea eiten .A holy day
lived aM g bees for school, mun C P tin P res and praying and (t3erves, $) credit, Dr. James Denny says that the • or India 'and: of Japan; again I thought
ed MimsClf on a}ways atriv- encs and g should- enjoin in the history of the WAIN.
land aisd prid vincial and federal governor the end that all Peoples ie that" I or n e nice legitimacy of Such nip6ives as are ap- ei aur itWn nOeda in Canada; and.ugaln
Carvin s erfeot and fit - n- , visions that, will �'71t ds with this end, in Y w 1 cup a B j
ing to make his g P their ftlncttons. In describing the se themselves with Such ! I' thought of the words:, "I shall lay it`
afar, stand opposed, to efforts .niade. in assn, ' 'fes teaspoon; grated 'orange rind 'pealed .to In verso :5 will always be more
or the eyes of God, &SIe made this the said it ,was composed of.. rove nal. to fife task of making f in this out 1n the, farm Of the tzrosa."
f ate, Mr: W. Igle p eq or less 'questioned among Christians,: but ,
. address on liv- „ impossible and creating A, world quarters; to cease.,'retnesriber, 9 . a cup water
b sic of. a most inspiring 98 mon, mostly, worn out politidanS, who wars imp
• and. -born out of great day �i -clip sugar as song tis human nature is what it is On the way to.trsy home, wlxen ono of '
th Christian life. The One .who a can brie encu h patriotism far reaching r b Armistice Days
max , e are appointed of th y B s wherein _ ,want to emClni t blew oo a light corn •syrup they. wUl always be appealed to: A. my elders. met ilio, I laid my heart open, o {
• to t e ro cession of ,world affairs whe 8 a P n is .
the ,Sleet alis took thirty ears cannot be said h p . g t for its. military ,associations, for no.
lived p influence to bear. .This ser to ether no salt great man of attion:ltke St. Paul wattld ilio>and told him I:itail aecided.ttpon
" • but that �:. all , nations . shall: Come;'.clo g � , me than. thoas ifs .teaspoon
r are Par'.tkiree years service b Trine vltlason, •whA Bot a ch one loathea..war ai3Y s►t r.
pie,pare of the Hon. Ca consider. ton for_ a - .s utter of course find `lits temptation along Ghls the method .for raising-. our 'Missionary
e - and have Srerter C s n it and: been in.•iGa ?nidst.: k cup b . , s olive, Cor- atnten%ttc0 money this. your, "I
. life •hag charged the: world.. Sh aP there through the :influence' df .her _ who have ee -
other. ,, iii s fain $: to 8 sweet potatoes Or, yams aline. It is not the high, t m and M
,sled to the iris ,to make the. spring a aid a -Special Art- Ilut .x hope as. a ,lia4ple sWe w .
P B friends. ;dr. Wigle, p p Eta Truth a ain ne flret 7 angredlsnis and Pour tainly,'when.the forwardness of, one Ott- said;_ "I ard BOing to lay it .out in fife
. d.he hoped more women forever• its memory out, of respect ,. Combf form of the Gross, and: am going to ask
bate when he sal op. She real
•--- nt deeds and the :gift pf 'fives :and. ,over pee*rl, Uncooked. Sweet Potatoes drr' mulates another; but !tY Q..Bood.cause, it
id be elected to Par],. •• n the solution to it ail -what .is -it? valla s better than pone.. A good cause, too; every one to bear St along with m0:"
won -And
James Solomon, the wisest,
man accounted in as the. beginntng of the time, of peace ranged an casserole or baking dish. Sake
lm McPhail and Mrs, J issued then and' still, calls •to, men
.wonderful power :ot 'its own . WWI�sstnday morning; I told' the story
cTn Mrs,, stir g 3m' and .da ,has Set down which covered. in. a moderate Oven <$7b'=400 deg, ha3 a
r Trashy a :Fes. Y over.. to men Begin , to attend to : it; It asserts it- the '1lindu and his. farm, and told tMdt
/A� die i 1ti.7 MAisset s rt$oreii 'a vote of thanks to •Mr,.. , all truths, and women thea whole world' C l tonder, 30 to SO minutes Baste
- rC , $ pQ one of the most eternal of k;) , ti s if rind takes possesstosi of .souls on it$ ttie Crong 1s the° potirer of Clod u31ta aitl�
Wi le which was heartily endorsed by o the plan
touching upon the secret of the rtes and build a world not. according t mh1- e "
en 'but according o the patters► of
` m Mr, Wigle o .' In one Oi m occasionally.. Remove .lid last. 10 own :account. 2t is it race : to dove that vation, evenn for the: ' MlasionarY and .
rr i T the sadist}ee. in reply g, endurance and fall of Heti ns under blazer,'
* �riRO �✓ fou• the prince of Peace: is being run, and all who run obtain the Maintenance Fuad; As Y asked them to
■ S DAN sites to. brows? or put i
IS. said .that during his .term :0% . office go brief and, comprehensive; sweep he yyriation° .just before removing. from .
. Wouten's Insti- rt of the highest. Patriotism; You: and wham Am, I; '. sh allows and I prize.
mayor of Goderich. the mc'. there
. dies the hes who are, Y d :oven, add a :layer of mar m ings, but. a
- .. ll ec le,toila
_For w
share the Cftoga along with
d the L O: 'D• .:h. were always the patriotism of which a p p $ That We should walk _about. at •v=
• cosh In cation Lute an Paul resumes his earnest enuncintioiy were no refusals, n0 questionings..
8uirercrs. IF dif sir+ ,in need seeing 'be confusion that . . brown. drawing from regerves, a ienili. of ere- ;
:ready to h'1 out and stood by him d are . And a million other lads should'he• . of the law of nature setting ,forth that
SiS oUT r y c p t declares that unless poo- hill beneath the sky: C.oCt)NUT SALADS n die to. ;Clod whore Cash ,was scarce and
CUT T frig the years Cf the war. still.,..lass. I Under a
or c t i credit still .hood, and 'promises t0 w.ear .'
ach trouble, dyspepsia, indigos- , pie are to perish, they must have great s also the law of God ohs;icy is i
atom ted donation, of X50 higher life,. The flag of the Empire was placed on: -zing. F'lIl denten at ring with Ong .
burn- food for-.. 'The Institute vo a, visions -visions of barter and 8 , areal sense an investment. not. ri cast.
tion sourness. gas, .heart v al tablets at .the %East :street nut an your saladg7 If not; You have the old .Barmotits a little longer for else
i School isoard on the sal- broader ustice .and deepe3..tMe .memorl i Ing away of money; it is not fruitless,
c are eau ed nine .timesin to the'Public c visions of broad j t iso •on wonderful opportunity. bleb sake of miasinns. Men who never gave {,
mentation, et ., a , h .
lc'`in the f the 'v lue of all; entrance and hi the choir loft; a been neglecting a won pPo I but bears fruit in cite measuro tri w ave now. and men
cid stomach;' says a well arq of the instructor of mus sympathy, visions o on side af, ion
coconut salads
1.en'ty cllrbrlic a life .Itself and that the Rolls of honor o Isere are two recipes'for to Iiltaslosls before g ni`'
. schools' and 35 to the Goderich branch things that touch the r tion 1. It _sown. Each is to give, so sayz3 t who.had given before doukiled their ailt&' .
. krrb:Wn.atttirbrity. pulpit. A lull their under
develops, In - n Le ion for relief our- are eternal In character, O PO t r that l -feel sure you .Will ttpitreciate: haul, chat i1e has. purposed 1n his heart,
Burning hydrochloric acid P df the CanaSiia. g eo les .become of .H: Living, organist and choirmas e .
rate. The me- He . meant that when p P ,, s- Delicious' he is not to glue and at the same time: Worries cause fretfulness and rob th?i
. She .stomach at an alarming ra poses, In order to increase the come-
With mere 'things that pert' res;dered special :music. ..The ;Rete Coconut Suipui_ at he cannot keep' it, Neither °
irritates :and inflames the delicate he. members were divided 1n- intoxicatedt nal" wit: sung 'as the anthem,' with a edded • regret th infant of sleep, "the great +nourishes, ,
. ,acid tery fund, t sh' gat ons perish :aith..tligm. "Whein s o,
nd o2ten leads t0 Bas- f i 2 cups cabbage, fin ly shredded . is he to give out of 'necessity, because of mothe
Stomach lining.,and to two groups, captained by 'Mrs, A. i?
r ¢raves' Worm a�xternrinator colli
an the grow arrogant and filled with pride Mrs. W. F. Saunders as soloist' and Herb. 1 sup grated pineapple, drained' li use es of his society, h alio lritestlges :anti
trios or stomach ulcers. Don't dose d Mrs, Murdock McDonald, Y his position, or the . • g .
1.14Ic'Lean an ov r he erishing things, that "they, sow 'Greene ,.sang `Canadian Morn to music l i cup coconut, premium :shred clear the stomao
acid, stomach with pepsin or artificial r a urer: e t p arid n composed. by -I*. Elvins. The Legion
It Mrs. J: B..MaOHay, as t e S the seed of their own undohrB a fl sv cu mayonnaise or: the comments of his neighbors: oth- restore healGhfuincss.1. .
digestants that only give temporary re d
Each roup will collect coppers date ail their own destructtot. male quartette: Comrades Brown, Riley, v P Y loves"a cheerful giver. Money is neth-
�, I . 14,1t irOnl plain .l}Y driving the sour, for g y i1 because CirindrOd and ,Barker, .sang Remember Dash of salt- . him but an index to the aloul. .In '-"""'"'�""_ y
stomas into frons 181b 'to 1920 for the :next sir He. meant that natialis fa „ C i cabbage by allowing it to stand ing to
Men food Out of the h and Bud lois, O;.Mighty One, r sp B
!n the lar est the are disloyal to privileges,verse $ the Apostle says.lf we really wizlh iNpW lf011 QI4111 We�w
the intestines. months. The side collect g g y..o hold aria Rev. Major J. H. 'Barnett; Ph.D., In ee water; Drain and dry thorough
n our b .the losing Which God had given them t ra - to be generous, ,God'.w111 not withhold
Instead, neutralize or sweet, Y amount will be treated Y e saw truly assisted an the 'service and offered p y ly. roes Tightly together with. remain . F. TEETH
.With a little the ac bXin- use is the widest Service. Ii from tis the Power of being so. It yields FA.r,.,,S — •
. acid stomach after meals aide. The net proceeds'of J tes that Peoples erg.
as ,all history corrobera P P dng ingredients.. Serve. oft crisp lettuce. est of .blessing to .titian rind' sit tmberrs+rttiaremtt
Bisurated Magnesia and not only will the lecture amounted to $•16.53. things, At the conclusion of the sermon, two h with: Strips aL pimiento and a rich baro W1tHa
our Aleals Will digest do not perish for.lack of material B aarnis P ort talk,'laugh or sneeze, Wlthoutleur ,
pain vanish 'but Y It was decided to pack a bale of character and that• the .members'of the Legion, James W. Mac- thanksgiving to God,
There is nothing, better than but ibr lack of ch chopped chives: Serves e.
. naturally. TSI clothing -to to be sent up north,,0n ov.;;14, p
g est devotion a man could issue :for Vicar and, J. McNevin, placed a :wreath
sweeten and set I truest hist •the congregation"bid Having dwelt on the necessity tai giv- of false teeth dropplrvg or slipping. Fos-
Bisurated Magnesia to at MacKay lieu and member$ r ilKyx' 9 land is the devotion that roots oil the tnemorlal toCoconut and Carrot. M
Your stomach •ants his own 1 the tact "Post Ing unsparingly and on the rewards that .teeth Thus new, Aftfirmly
]po ode comfort -
o no
tie Ori acid stomach. You an old clothing are requested.)
.. Y it&elf 1n great Spirit of Character and. remaining standing while Rob i?t cupa�.8rated raw carrots flow Item right giving St. 'PaW'S heart- ably.,
and feels. title in Just a taw Minas. leave them at MacKay Hall, °Mrs. J, a world as .well as was sounded frond the vestibule 'by
can be obtained ttr , service fpr the whol . ..1 can: coconut,' Southern, atyte Mammy, Bath pasty taste or -feeling.
Bisurated Magnesia . •Mc a 's or Mrs. 0. Youngs, . The ort Henry, followed by the. whole con overflows as he thinks, of God'a•good gift Makes breath, 'pleasant: Newer .And bet- . .
. liable druggist. It Is^sate,. 8 q is hope big own. land, anon, in Singing, "Nearer, 'My God; t8 % cup mayonnaise
from any !e Bg Is great this year and It p ,° to declare 'that; with Breg s g B for. man's. salvation. and he gives utter-
is:not need g And I venture d trr than anythtng you'vd. ever used. Cart
reliable, 'easy and pleasant to use, s .wlh res and to this • - a Iii, Thee/'` and the 'National 'Anthem. Combine carrots, coconut, and Mayon-
res that the member P all, the resources and power and m g ante to his thanks saying;-"T'hankn ba I Fasterth today at any drug store.•
*'laxative and is not at all expensive. is u ori us as a The benediction, pronounced by Rev, mise. ,Blend. Pack .tightly into Indtvi- T v- „ „ • ...1.
W .... .. ...:.::....... 1_0 W. .
-- —.-._��_ - .._.. - , flcent ..beStos¢w2 L_gy..,, - .p...:.._.. c -- . ___ -
were read b Mrs a - a..
. Current events y, British people there is no royal road to Ver.- *Lane beought`,ta_ a close, service, dual mold,: '"�tiift 'Vnmold , an crisp ' --- --- ^--^ ^ - - .
. LL
Murdock MaL`dona. The roil Ca11 Was a jnaYl-made national life trial Willeii- Which w1]1 be long remembered. lettuce. f}arnisM' with additiOnaI may ;4DW
answered by'•What+I am Thankful. For. - rr .
onnaige, serves 6
. 12 .V
t s. Pere Raines; read a
The president, MF y � V �� say
N- j3 pi ESSIONS p .
. ` comprehensive and interesting report of • .
the district convention held recently in 1
r",�'�,•,: , C
j, X11. �� ,�,��LW�'+�'S END _ i. � �•
.. Walkerton at "which 245 delegates were, r r
A; :E RtrPRINTED A `SEE undQy 9 f ferncorn . /m 1M Y. registered. Forty new branches have,! ' I . LHERELI
XT µibs'DE'OVER 7s YEARS been organized in the province. and 40,-I .1 _ N, ctocerklr, ons. ` _* •
19� [lY IAA731:L IiADtilli°O \ \1 �� �/
..,p --GALLING EVERY: DEPRES- 000 members are enrolled., -. C.. . 11 tt J li .
. •.
-_�_ -
�3M1,9 M 'YEAES QF GOOD "The Proper 1Feeding of Children", will . Thedearest idol 1, have known,EREIfAH EAi MT M-1'
Such criiipnesa', Aakitiess, freehnes4 are
fiM1ES }rytQ- isoARS i f GO D be the subject at the next meeting and Whate'er that Idol be,
d$ SpRRECT TtD QATE, will be taken by 'Mrs. Tichborne.
.°.... W . e.,: ; e, .. .Help me t0 tear it from 'rhy throne, Ildwr 1q y . Ii "a jUSt
° a>`... ckr rs. They furnish just talo
At the close of the meeting afternoon And worship only 'Thee. .
Soda. G t ,
r 71}IEitaIOST I,NtEtIESTING ItEAO. tea Was served. salty 'kung for souls or salad + +just
V 04G AVAILABLE--GOOn _ ,. 0 _ � \ God, ri ,cheeseor
Sb -shall my walk be close With ti d
�/, ,, Calm :and serene fny frame; .
tills c 'ep buss.for
4' t-. are , Sight shall mark the road t . ,
Phra}cisns ,901 is 'faxed ar--.,,pr Now o P j .� �:j _,
YOUR FREE Copy. �.,,,���,//, ee.' T to the L
13 asn"b �
Mat leads me F t , 1 -„ :,, % F�1.,
. t ittla Bray-eYed , PhIlIP gazes at j t Amen. a . .
J:N `�j
you ho efU11Y• Ndorb^.P4 YOU Can VYIri:.Cowper, ,
•p��TEL/4�/ERLEY t��"o o b . '
mend h a damaged toy? Yes. that m r
can soon be :lone- •but to helP m9.fid I 'PHILCO
rr SpApIt1A AVE t. GOLLEGt ST. his weak, i I :`,\ I ! imat- . \
Ilia damaged Songs.PRA7t ii "r .
. little frame. is
a work at for \� ' '' , '
'TORONTOt Help us, our Father, to use the t- t -
- haat cis to�octt -• greater moment, „: -
,� ,i.,
- N"IIGHBO ' •
r+ wttt tax all the care anti akU� ;�, ! erkil mond thinGs Thou hast put !n our
to :AA , 6 1 0 _ �':..:. *N
., �_
. The Mutual Fife
. ASSarce Company
1.- , / of, Callado
`. ) : Ad'i1 NT
Narth Street . . caddlc6', Oatsritl
n t0 hri,g - th1A
there is hooe'Olen.
re to for e0 many
eft who aro being! ,
, ""Ist tills great +
however, ane a
rn you send Itilto -G.
gt.. Toronto 2.
H4019 a'
O" t i a�t 6dtpe It is r
r - ,;,r Ari e i
.. Nowi-
Paln N� off l I
Lori Stand Chug
era WoOlps r* .
WAS � 01 pletel SMB _
list: J. D, 'Rued, Dominiota o, 4Pin N• °IirT Wi>Atcf "
"t lhxve' on several die-0ion2, eaela
Mid severe colds and couglan, and! u" to lassie ra lt�r,l
time gettir'K rid of diem.
I laid tried many ecst*h relatCdic.4, tf1al sl bat trill y��
Ea friend irorom lt-ndedl Dr. food's :NOT say limas
Noir i ay Aftea tlad fifst bOttic t felt ata Ifnpt"Crilelit;,
Pail! lint clad woad bottld Completely rdicVt d. mm of my,
lonlK 8wiling C -00A:'
1°rO:s d W It bottle-, lAi'gei family iii$ dl�C.; ist etll ri-_ *
.S p 1n I enerel auerea: last tip only Vy `1 be T. tiallzFiril C*.a .
I , . A r`otoatoa (hit,
hands, in order not only to benefit our- , , w
selves , but to advance the . good of Our Z : w 11 a
r71 I fellow men and hasten the coming oef I K ,. - I .' µ hrt;, f *3 h e
Sh a d o rw Tuning � 'Thy Kingdom. In Jesus' name 1r . Q . .. � .
. .. pray. Amen. I '.
• 4 r
Twin Sp¢akeirs s. g. LESSDIv l+on, NOv. 26, 1632 1 �h—r—i- d� - * . - 4
Leason Topic^Stewardship of Money °
�iw Lesson Passage -Deuteronomy 8:11.14, $
LL� 18. 2 Corinthians 9:0-18, J�1�
�Itgh Efficiency
Golden Text --Luke 12116: I J
. Frons a sermon by Dr. Joseph Parke." � SODA CRACKERS
Tubes L . on '.The''Theology 'of Money" based' on
the text, in to-day'a lesson, "But thou 1.
Shalt remember the I.ord Thy God: fox
1 01111101111111111110111M 1111111111 it is he that gives thee Power to f;ct l ,_ _,»...
--., . _'. -. --.•` ."-_`. '. ,_
, (COMP100) ., ..
The first radio 'ever scientifically des's"td 011 a
musical ' instrument with the famous PHILCO '91
chassis.' Here`s tame. 'Here's range. Here's superior
reception than will abate and delight you.
We'll place this oew PHILCO in your htlmr
today. S delivrers. Pay as you playl - a
Also with Seven Tubes Chassis in same
aabinRt only :'q9�o �
Wealth", the following is gatherer!:
A deep conviction Of this fact would ,,
turn llumali history into a sacrament, ,
a0ceive into the .mold the full linens- ;
atop of this ,doctrine, and You will find'
yourself wortang side by aide with God, r
' In the field, in the warehouse, the Willi,'
the shop. the office, the pulpit. What a
blow this text strikes At one of the most
popular fallacies in common lift •uatne- I
19" that Man is the maker, of his own'
' sldoneyl Mnewho can Cee Plod In thel
creation of worlds cannot tee him sug-.
Beating an idea in bualnet% smiling djn
the plough, or guiding the merchants'
pent 'Idn' the realm of conlmerCo the
!&"cost Il1¢h • flas been prattieaily deth9611-
-0 ,-",,,;, - ed, and in $114 P1-0 have It On set all
Inarinar is Contempttbl0 idols.
TACORNISH GoII tivlslleta yata fact m be 0tiep p pptal
$o the Inr2lia0rY so h0 ►hakes 1113 appeal
to reeolaa-tion ."Thou shalt remem-
ON THE S@UAM PHONE At icr.,, Gad anis weaath are ever to lea
; thought of together. Tire aliver and
P H l L ICO . _ TRA NDN S'l T O N N O R YOUR GAR I ... Bold, are saline" `e ho is mut rnc
al staff$, 1'eoprle$dlr, ids hold,our area°
a,�z.._ _- -- -
, - IF „_ - _1,.1 .--. -1.2111110010111110re ••w,rwwr .... .rr.