HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-11-10, Page 6I , I
. V,404U SM ___ ------- - - . THE GOI)ERICIT STAR " T4_VW51)A-V. Nov. Im, ion -
_____ - � �
I - b � teaucatliml tar Mau". 0"Wr be. __ _ - - - � � - �� 11 ______ __ 11 - � I � . - - . .1 *Vlr".:;��___�__ ,- - _�_
VV4ts wcro: 4200 C9 MP Altar - �� __ - * - __ - over 40glit williala% ,for MussolitqVa gov- �
. P" 0 erzmC4� to ccntiaue and It" U-43 UAU 0 0
P" I C1 th� $404MP UDMAD 1=4=01,lwy SOUTH AFRICAN POLITICS I 4k mmoz awaln�,-, Ill. 614-.rtly befe.rq the . ,
� I OW12 J 10PICS vortzz t-1 Me I
� chure.-i a eiianco. $169. I I . . I
. � .- same ebur. -h: Vane VZUkhm3y, sister, I M X. MOV. -Mon) � dAte of voling lip sbawed b23 astute I ; I
. ..... . C. $4.030. MU7 YOUZ3, sl&., __ - - - - __ - - _ 4WO-ma"7 1�3 ukak:ng rra;,m w4th the Vat- �
�� tv-, Sten -19 undvi t4z lwadIna nce Qcdcr..Ak, $2,00; Fran% young, brotilpr, . . . - lcan� grantUag Cer-taw Vonco-'40ra OW4
1: Vaq Ueo_ I
, w- I
oL-1 P320 V3111 aw�larlab. VAX ��a,.J. �qjc,,o, Tbo Sz,uth Agrl:!�,z 1goven. merg., $a dovolut"Ort er C:�Varatlqa freak t4,0 Valaa 49rcelog to a 1143 Of Mar My of lRoake I I
. I z -.q- *.-n, 00,870; will'aak U Young. T)r0-:uW4U0 in having two c1arlta,15, Oro tba Is c4tir-la; unrc�t In Mat rrovlv._�20. TUD in the Immemate VL441ty, of St. Peters
*_ .
- . thor. 0-.-Lr.1,!b, $59; JoUn 3-.1mDact, exc3uttyD ceat in preto
I, , zia, a tiza,i5atid �wcotg-,ztzo,proolczA of all r, the 1;aotaa& and the Vatican eamlUg Undor tho coa- ��������� �� 111,111, .... 11 . . . . . .
l. I - I I. -APPLY FOR NATUTRAIlIZATAOX .10phow. Goderl.-U, !41a. Ulu Vwallolky, M003 frVat Cape Town, the otbor the tua and pull jQf rawalxaa , for whic4 there trol of Me. Pop -a. t - bus calula tile 4up. . I ........ .
Mt buUMA90 W Capa Town. 4;�,ems, to be no panuca. Vat a tilt tW t ,
! I . 02m,.oa, b�;�45 w,�rth $75; ZMaty,far t4o Varl!Rmc , .9 NO adw food Y" can bw Vill O" you 00
I T,ilrCO 43pg)l1Zat1Jn3 lCr ItaturaILMUM -?r.oV-1z;Anm ot - the vain), sloa. ]..(� port of, 113 "40slutical party which *w* OdWous.0awt*004t lot such 11010 I
I � I have teau X. -d at the Court 21oWa #4:11 � . 7ilts 4W systcm Is GwIng to %,struggle blttlwiko_�a WJ11 auo,04% than a pollU01410 otherwbo WOU14 bava been largoly aualast Cost 04 VROWN BRAND MRN mup-_04
. . Vartous parts of the leounty. 4DAe is TWO DUMMS INJIV440 . for the 10AVItO between CaPa Town and wIU Make a publl, ,=Q�"h Intra4ugfng ,him. I I ..- 1000" opo"my f"O., xv"y 00W "no At.
frcm Hoary 13. ,rcusan. a 0=01 rmlnt2r, pree"O.11a at the time of untficatlo i 04 . $*ad lk tot okcAaws rkus vw- p""
� . 'n of the '10; rind the h2athqr Is, AutocrACY vest for xtsav 20 pract", baXn.tW14 Wfffi6 ,
vio uowntrco, and narry vioids, two same 73MAI qaos� ..
� -lant; at Wino'bank.. Another from z4aU Of the be3 - n"3 - I
Vc t I:noJVn relpsaiqu on the can- Pr'kA -'I-' 1003- M a CPAIPT01111,S0 the Ablazp, ggala. -4 obo.z time 4qQ thera,
, , Tho rlebi�clta showed th# 4n auto. .
I 1100=01 R. U. 21 Auburn, a native at friend; In Act' of Unl!)a Bottled the qU0-'tI0n by was a cQuile, and 44 sonio respcd,4 a trq- SWA3 M,au". ,-Aw., I
; ., I CrADY At VX05014 18- the, W4t, form ,of (;OV- . I .
Hcllaad- ,lud ,3 third from `Ucbert X, God�rlzh. woro injured on Monday' In =AkW9 C3VL Town the PArII41U0rkt%T'8I-; ,OW- I I
wilmmon. 11. U., 2, aader!vh towrVblp, tl '�40 renewing the bitter fcal'ng' 01nMent Air 'Italy where before 1922 1 . inriiiiii A
� .10 wont spill In tbo history of rw. e4pital whera parliament mcetq, twl�a 41A prolossor JA tbo Pretoria. UnIvoralty I .
clso a native of Holland. Tlw.'u aPPU' tcrin Parlt. The Mail and Empiro has year, And .glvbq ftotgriA tb I I I . . . .
. . , . o principal I had written a book omd mado one of Ufa "'*tbiag WAS, in political confusion. R . Sy . . . .
cations will to lZold by Jufto Co3tollo , ount of tb6 accident., egeautiva oacot[. The dual 6yotem itas The country 10 prosperous. With little or,
\� . - on January 3rd. 1933. . . ,be Jollowing ace jobaractora speak. insuitinsw of the ixtob, I -
"A broken bit was the ,caun, Of the proved to be not only 03tly but hicon- 1.$auth Africans, It Was publish Ile. unemployment, tho currency 15 fairly , , I .
w�rst spill to tile bl�tory of barttew ed Un- ... I .
VAR CRASIIiS DREAV WAGON � vonloUt especially When ttablo and t#o reli0ow, dIfforeaces bo.1 . cc" � of
. . borte racing at DUffOrlo Park. It b.%D- is In 4A . . parliamea I t der a nom dq plume but some of thepeur -_ , � _ 1. I .. � . -, .1
; . GNP &19113 apparently, Mean nothing perted yesterday In the second be4 of etsion. I 14cuts discovered the Identity of the tween U10 State And tile, Church are foe I T11kWAJDA1 V -0c." 4M . . I I
to John idelvor, of etaffa, for Icist Frit T40 Governor Ick4eral Is , the'tIme belux at Vest. ^ UP -to, " *094I- I ,If 0 .1 lm I � 1. � � II I
the 211A5 Pace Just as the leaders stialght- Appointed! author, who�was one of the English pro, 14ONTXXAL � . . I .
day, while drIvIna his car. he sailed Tight oned out tot the &tretch drive, Peter T. from E091444 by the KIPS and 11910 00� I fes,�Qrs. Tbree young 1300=U 'engaged Religious Revival in Italy ;W . SWA #- �ow VC "Cooph's ft* , , . � .1 .. k
pnt one plumb Into a broad wagon at, a France . . �
�_�_ � I .� . I I � �*)
� I the =10 Intimsecti , Th was on the Inside, but Rountree with fIcQ for AV& Years. The appointments 1 4 taxt and tool; the, -professor Ilf6r a Still. digre.9sing from South African , XWOW11404W 1 W. 14W owalodl . . . 1. I ... - -
On Of ScAfortu, 0 Bertha Vatizh was lapped an him and -, ride." Tboy, tarred And gothered him . .
. . broad, waaart. driven by Gordon Ilittlo, appeared as it 13ho might be the winner. , ' politics I may add from persbug obser, . --- 11 . I .1 - I .
vp ,Proceeding along the tiallway and Suddenly the more made 4 slight bobble I . � . -1 I . I . and set him down at noon -day almost vation that it seems evident. a religious . . .1�
I Aboreforo had the right-of-way. Moro- , i
. And When Rountreb plc4ed her up, the �� stark naked Wtho main street at Pro. rovIV41 Is taking,place. batl% fA Italy and Premises for the bYdr0 store and offloo, - _1 ,
. ; ULFAST '
sdof for Molvor-he bad no pormit to bit broke and the more released from � tor1q, They were arrested and, each, fined rrance. since the'Orest, War X have W. Walker has offered to put in a vbti4t
. drive and will th�reforo answer a ebarl;e the. rein $tumbled and fell, ,throwing 00 pounds, The fI , n" . arK re -rent the present -premises, J *.' W. and Mrs. John Campbell spent
I.. I I . were Paid by Pub- visited both cottattlos in three OpO3$" Cralgle,has offered a store on the Square SuAcLay wuh their,daughter, Mrs, George I
. Rext Saturday- Both vehicles k7ore Ox' Rountree, while four others fell or stum- 14 � Ila oubsoript.lon from qmpathizers. It and olthou X. Saunders one on West st. .
the wreckage.' These were i I Oft -14 and C. Phillips, Ana Mr,
tenolvely, damaged. McIver agreed to bled over � . gh a Pmte4tanb I bav Phillips, near Fordyce.
� was a thoughtless, stupid not oil the part attended services In I%, Peters in Rome .Mr. and Mrs, Donald Fowler 04A.'
. settle after the AOCUOilt had' been In- *wJsfast M*s), Aid, Abdoll iVeathersy, . , I 1. . . I ,
V%ticated by TraMa Oilleer Laver. . I I I : ," of Anyone living in 0outh Africa and 1he beautiful La X In , daughter Melba, spent tunaay afternoon
.. .. Peter MorrIm3n (Fields) and Partisan ;L I _ad,liez, church
. . I , ... ,::: . moro esPolally for A, professor In a unt. Paris, and others, And hav . _. . - with, Mr. and Mrs. Dynes CampbelL I
mltea "'UNG'S EST&O I (ChaPutan),, Things happened quickly . versity whose students were atainly, imp ., I e -been much Mrs, Ja I "
I Rev, ,704 Joseph Young, of Stratli- In the spill, in fact too fast for the naked , . 'r L Tossed by the large congregation$,, tW', , . _s. Cook, Mrs, Geo, Lane, SOO
, 'J. . Vatch With a keen. susceptibility to any. [ Ohituar MAW Sackett and I Mrs. John Mullin, .
. zoy, a native of Colborne township, ,who, eye to follow, but one driver said, to be LL 11 L ^ beautiful aluBle, the, solemnity 91 the; . . ��J . .
4�', �
Rountree, and the latter admits It, was I � *,� tWX belitterlas their people or their . %tteadqd the thankoffering W. V, O.
died In, London on July 15. left an estate rL, "4 r services arid partl4niarly. by the.-Iar;e �_ .. , I
. valued tit '$13,366.30, according ,to his thrown clear over, the Inner fence Into I I � I lanatiage. Who trouble did not end with attendance of men both eld.L and. Young . .1.1.. ��, . meeting held in the. United churchi Dun- I I . .
j v I the Inlield. some say Peathors also was '. . 1 �4 the enforced re,SlgofttJqnL of the professor. On former Visits'before the -War I'bad . I L lgojl�T Totwo . I 1. . gannon, on Vrlda3r afternoon� MsL� .
. will, filed at Lohdon last Saturday, The burled Into the Infield, but at . : ., . LL PA . . �Sevj $,haw, of NIle, and Mrs. George -
� I � The university Senate decided that otleock the .congregatiatte. Wer - I e t , W .
I entire estate onDisted, of personal. pro- any rate . I I L � z D a h on oduesday of last week Lane,, gave two splendid addresses, I .
, Perty. Fqher Yo 1560 one of - the top boards an the Once, was .. 4 ma nly '
i ..� ;
qng diluted that 4 .. I 1: � L henceforth to4chinip In the UnIverAlty VVoinen'4nO, children with, few men And claimed a fine old'rosident of.Goderich,
, . . i
, smashed to splinters by the collision of I . Per cont Dutch Mr. and Mrs John Little, from pe
. Y.L i shall ,Oe one hundred I th'-� church zeemed.to hAve lost h 8TIP Robert YouhS, In his 77th year,"after'an Courey's,Corno;�,,spent Sunday, w= AT
. - I ,eitbpr b! or bad and out of the I i I er
. I . I ke-5 ; , '
. L �. I (Afri Naart . . 4
I 11" Sla)'Instcad at as heretofqre�j ftess of two years, The late Mr. Young and Mrs, John, MUWn,L
91 'wreckage came a lot of broken barn"4 on the male population. whit revivai ap� derioll township, sort of L: A: few from I .
1. i.�,_ - . . . - was bom In Go nill .
. . L � L equally English and, Dutch. ' . here attended the -aim
"Feeling Terrible, ,as well as sulkies, L L � I � L I I pears to be making a change in so far tile late
I . - I I i . . . Richard b. Young and Martha veroar3r In LucknoW ivalted Chur40t 6�
i . 11 ast youag. In 1$
� :
. L , at Is as thlk�h aitendance can m6,%. day arid -the -fowl supper .on Mond L- I _��
I . I Of the four 4rIv.or8 f4 go down, two --- I I I The Vlac Question . � L 77 he W" ruatried to EIJZA , �".
. . .t . . I
. I . ____-4I. I . . I were badly injured, Harry Melds. was ��.--�, . . . . a change. � L *4'*n� 'WaSlon I Wlt- ktane Varooe, 6V - Colborne township, night, both days being idood for. tto oc�- .
. L . � � I
. I 1. picked UP unconscious and rushod to. . . Some tim� ago the ftg question caus� lsur�
. I . I . , UeUed ' a great gathering in St, Peters of Thor resided in, that municipality before cast=. L L
I L . Mrs. IfelCenzie Strongly Recom, the hospital, where it. Was reported lost ; . . ed a great. deal of racial feeling. The boys. argi. Youths numbering about. one -Coming to Ooderich. to live th4ty-Ioui I . �.! I I L
� , '
� I . . night that he b to to black shirts year,$ agoL And f= 4. tiMe Mr. L L I I
� . ad severe head Injuries L Dutch. party wanted scrall the 174o4 thous�ndls"They Were we ' Young,was . .
meads Dr. Wifliams! Pink Fills I and. �,a fractured ky, will I J** And have,a distinctive Soutli Afrj-w. and 44 0, t�dy W, correspond with tile .
, . I Worn nose. An. X -r' ". I I I . . ould manager of the,.Rlilgewood V=k Fain, NILF, . .
I 1. for ..Out Wo L men also be taken to see it his skull I$ ftqc- ' L . I can flag. � The (British section opposed 130Y 'Sebut$ I In � Rngland, - A 'service' ' when It was owned ,by the late Mr. At- . Th . a Sunday School has d . oolded.to haIC'L L . I
"'All, . � tured, via 04untree came out' of the DIU. AND � 3*S, 0. 0, NOCONMa this vIgorously With the � . was trill. After removing here - deceased 'was .
. . � .1 .1 . I . "I - was completely affair with three or four broken ribs and) I . . I . I I . result that a conducted by a dignif4ty of, the, church tot twerity-three, years oaretaker of the the �Ufkruunas entertainment on Friday, . . I L
I.. . � � I . I .Possibly a broken. hand, Ile claims that - . . � L. I .11 Compromise was effected by adapting a who. Afterwards addressed, Me boys. and Collegiate Inst4tute and In.that p . osition December 23rd. � .1 . . .i . I
. , M out from looking after Setting UP , i1rat.thike. he Was knock , �
!, $004 . We _ have new flag, With a sm Union Jack Irk tile the sorV106 througho is .I*n The NIle servIce next iSu.2dAy is At the
I ,
. . always proved very satisfactory to I 1 ,all . . I . _Ut Wg I ed. to 120 Was hold dxu.,hI&heqt,0Qm. by.hundreds . �
: . . I contre and this pleased ne . .
I otter 'a very cross ed 814ewaV by, Another horae. . Ither pArtY. With reverer;ce and sitteatfoz& Laeer the of students,, to wi%oat be. was affertiork. neW 1tour, 1.30 p.m., With the, Sundayv. .
) . Much . L - - � - both Dutch and English, J 6 re optly A resolution was ca;rled,at great -nave (if St, Peters was Oronge4 by . - school following at 2,46 p.m. The sUb. . . . . .
L .
. ,� F . . baby �ntuht and day," I L . I . L .., I L The , legislative power Is bi-vameral . us , c . ately.known. as. "tile coiQlkel.- He W94 . I L .
. . I .
I I Stronger WXJW3 , Persian 0alm_theL a Nationalist p0tioal ra�etias scr,a0bing a crowd of, war veterans I who were. on a A member f - streat lCulted church Ject At the , preaching service is to. be .
. � � Mrs. James TO Is nothing likeAt With a 6011ate of 40 members at M notn' thoL , . . 0 North. '44tidging", L . L I . . . �. , .�
I . I . . term I'DrItl$11 subject!' L , . tive as a i pre4ch . IL I .. .
. I I MeXCO=10, Glenboroi for creating and preserving a'lovely com- alary and. a parliament. of 146 . visit to Rdme from the Trentino, that and was so ay. at and 4 1
L . . L --4- . I I .
. 'r- ,garthtra Italy where "the I .
� J)"attie Very thin In the Province of Natal the Aqvolli- district 14 class leader In the Methodist church b,_ The Young, People's Societies of Nile, .
I . . And had sey- P10.1011, cooLlIng, caressirig-It sooth Members At a ytarly.salary of 700 pounds tion movement le, . ,causing. uneasiness. Ital . . . L kindly, _i,pcsl� Port Albert and Leeburfi, are arranging, I , .
- . cral bad spoils of difthiess. my leis and and dispels all roughness,or'chafe ,,,,,e$ each, This numb' I . 1443 ss . fare Union.. 04L Affable ,d . . L I
. back ached and I , W , er increased by a quoto, -Natal.jo thL I �Pcce fully fought the Art,ptr1an$ tion Mr; YoUng.had many frier;�s.aAd to hold their first union meeting for the . . I
I I ,
. L
1. . I was feeling Just ter' by Weather tonoItions. Del'ica ly fra-. system With the gra e'L smallest. of .the .four.. pro-, In the- Grek.t, war for'.Ilitwlta I ZrMftta,"� delp sympathy is tbIt for Mrs. Youn in 8ea-'04,in the'1,6burn ,church . on � Vriday, .. . . . I . . .
I . . . .
. rible when'i started taking Vtr, Wililinis,' . to Wtb of Population' 111no0%, 1, largely Brftish and strongly the r0demPtIon of'the territories which her . ber L . 9 . I . . I I :
I Pink PWs. I soon realized 1. Was L grant., It adds 0304Ulsite * ch%rrn to the The franchise is almost Universal for I t 0XV01octit., Besides his; widow Nov. 25th, , , L I .. . .1 I
I I L . gotv� I brilierialldtic in Politics and its� generil I at one thne� formed. Miss Sthel Tabb returned home, froat. , - ...
.1 I dug much strozigor� I gained in welgbt, Most ftlShc iinty Women European men 4ad wAi.�.oitpikcled . Part Of XWY And 'three, bf0thers and. three sisters survive, Innepkip,a. L , . . L
. . ,4 appearance. P1 . . yeeetkt- attitude, to the present government. Not I Wh6n `Okr'brolce L ant Were in the TheY L are* L n Saturday.last, Sha was ac- �
''I I *44 felt like A, new Person, ; I. strongly Inevitably Choose Persian. BArim, A - V0. ly to in oertain in . I - , J"ob - Young, . Chicago, .
. . , L ,elude. W01400,; With - WOUP . .
I TecOmhlend:Dr. V ' I . . only In the . press but art. the platform I %tion , of Austria. The same reverence T#*amas Young, Godetich; John young, compauled by %Jr. and Mrs. J. Solat And :. . .
. , villiams,.;phik pjlis�,, vetY smooth lotion, It -makes the skin c0me, .education and property qualmea- i ' . ne - tawAlship, Iskra. M. A. son and Miss S naTd. . All returzte - 'L
I . . Xrs. Moltenzie Is but out of -thbus the 'separation question has caused and.attqation Was sbown'by the old sc,14 Loral" Colbor . at, . d to L . � . '�
� I . and$ rose -leaf in texture. Recommended also tiOns. the �Olored P6PUIL%tIcm of the Cate ,, , t L I ' VergU80% L L Initeikip. on Sunday afternoon. exceO . -
or . L grea argument about It and, about" but diers a$ by the youth ,Wbo prwetled' GodericIV, Mrs. .Until Man, . I .
, women whe� have been wonderfully to Wton afid.vititen the.bands, TrulyllProvince onw may vote; I . I , Miss Tabb. - I . . . I, � , :
. . I a I Graham, L . . I
. I . .helped .by Dr. Williams, Pink Pills and I . . I .9 General Smuts, tho� leader, of the par- them. In further Support. of the theory Viancouvei, and L Urs. Francis .116 . ifatthews is
. . . . VbQ-1mve written . in to tell b 3 PgerlbsslF * toilet requisite for. every L .. L . a L _' I Klacardlne. 'Me 11106ial was beICI.L on I ry . having a. sale on - . . .
I . OW the rlcb womali - - . �. I I Tbr" Politic4'Padles .', . ' ' liamentary .opposition ls-oppqstd, to tite that stttOCiaty. Is "that kin `M`� VVIday afternoon an& Va,% in charge of L . L . I
� . L. � . I of go" Orsday, of this Week, We regret be Is . .
� .. A�W blood created ,by those #IIIs, -bullt . I . Tbere are three .movement It mar In time. subside. moat for that k . L I Th I I I
'L. I . . r, . , 1.1. . , � .. . paUtiesa tl:artles, not , It . '. . . I . lad & people thaj =ad' Rev, G. T,;L . . . Unable to carry on the farm. work. as'. ex -
1. . Pdl4ustod nervous ,systems. and restored . ;0 1 . neing Watts, Assisted by Rev. J, E '. � ' . L �
, '
I - to 11 , L - L . I con various L sporadic parties t6t . will.be seen fromthese few ifiStances that kind of goverbutent'; one,.mIkItt Vord and Rev, W� T. L. SUnt, 'The, pall- tensively as formerly but are glid we I . �
... . those sufferers to vljor.OuLs health. Givel; A prehl,,tor i0r, 11111no, at Ivingb.-e.- from time to time como into existence that the Union Government,, Whether Its mention Stallus, control �of� SaVlet, gus-* bearers were. . are notto lose him from our midst. - . . ..
L in I .. . I .. I I I . John Hunter,' Chas. Ross, .
L .
- 0� gland Yielded .1021ong. � other live . a'short, life and . dle Out. r Personnel Is English L � . . . , .
. Dr. WlWAms".PJrkk431U4' : fair trial for 'n has The .Lpres- . �. or Dutch, with -its sla where. there Is no, unemployment ira(f John ZdwArds, Edward Belobin Thomas ldr,& T01f4cmd, 'Nixori entertained the � � .
'L . ma -down or nervous conditions, ope a all 3 . ' . . I I I , .. I L . . I
I I L package at your., L druggUtle., . , a blut axe .with is huge left � eat government, ia, National st; Which , different: races And its divergent social where everyone seems ,to be workin$. -=- Tabb and J. D. Curr3r '. . Young Ladies' Guild on Tuesday k&r- L .. . .
a at . . . . I
n e4 g'� _ . * There was: Q, , good ,attendance. � I I
I . .1 I I - I I . . . . .. d 0 I .. I .. . Ime.%ris 004th .Africa for.the . , s to encounter, -pe.acef � ! . "I . �_ . , I . I ,noon. ,
. . . I I L L . I QUQ2- Afri-f and Political faiths, has 'L tbuslastlizAlly and U11A free front, . 'a �Ulltlng L and - the - L . * . . . I
" I . L" .. . . ' " ' z .1 .. L On ' I . I . . . L
I I - .. '-'%L - ' . . eafts. , Under the Premiership of General and rm6unt gruclal difficulti . L =- The progrAminelUded .
L . . . k I . . .. I I � . L . I . . . � -----,---r-_ . I , . es 'Party , Politics, for the: rOUrrectlotl (if Keep, your. stock free from blemish 'ateeting ended with roftL-Shments being L § L .
I . : _ .
1. . L .. ... . , ... . I I . .. . Herttog. .The ,Labor party is, insignift. 'known to.,thd other:members of the Com- Russia, A pessimist has been defined tis; with Douglas, -Egypiian: Linim * I L,L
L, . I ... . s. I I I . .. . . . I . Cant in Members, but. in L older "to 6JV,- i ' . . . L. ant. . Re- serVed by Mrs. Nixon end Miss XatWeen . . .
, , � monwealth. .Ile, man who we . � . .
. . . � . L' .1 . I . . Lars both braces And -a moves Inflammation, q9lcklr: relieve$ Williams.. ' . 1. . I . ., . L
.1. L .L . LLLL � .. .1 . . I IL . I . I . . , . �. .:
. . . . L . 11 . �� . I- ,�,;. belt�ll In South -Afrloa AsIn many other bruises, otra � � .
� . � , General 'Hertzog a .working ,maj a
I -i"'. - .. . I
. ,� L "ity , 10s,.8willinA ,contraction of ,. . - '
L ,�e. . I 1. 1
. . I .. 5 �, I L I 1. L 1. I . . S. A.. X ",3 a Wassollid , lands dtmocraC7,L seems to be At thO car stiftnes; I . . : . . .1 . I
. llf I'll . I . . Pact was formed with the Nationalists - . . L I . . . 3 Of JOIAt& ancT muscles. - . I . I . ...
. . . . S)
I .
.. . . . I I j. I I . I I . .and the-�ArW was awarded two seAta. It Africa needs is a beneVol- .cr6ss�rqaft through patty, Polities an(r 0 .... I L . L r . � . L I.. L Oracles, of the Presoni Day . . : . - ,�.
I . .. L ' L . , b What South 1. .. . . L . I _4p_____� . . L � - . . .. I ..
I . . . . I L
. . . I . L the cabinet and.ptietically controls the ent autocrat --a. ldus�ollnl4bose L sale there tire atany Znglish sDeaking.peoprcr' I . � L Mrs, J. was happy in. her hotne : I I .
. . 11 I . 11 . . . - L I . .. . I I
� . . .. I I .. . �. : government. Ttto. oppositjon_�._the South consideration would be the welfare of and some Dutch apeaking.p L . . I L. with her' husbaug Wed two lit- ,
. . .
L I , eople here , .1
I L' . . ,. , . . I tle children. It 14 -true .
. I . . African p_%AY-� under the leadership- of the ootintry--lone. w,ho' Would prohlbit Who Wear both braces and ebelt and! , : . 1. " . ; didn't have Mudh but, until the 1hhe - . ..
. . I . 4 v I . I � 4, � . . I .. L. I . . . I . . . . . . . us� N I.
I . . . � . I . � � I 11 . . � I � . . . : - . I have becozni� condraked political Pesal- L . . Vand took nick and their. m - .
'.. .. . . I I . . I I I.,. . . I - � . .� -- . . .. i � I � 1flklay L � . . `w6re used 'Up, life waa ;dt � I
I . I . I I . . .. � .. .. � . �,V mistst � . . f ?� , ..
.. L w I ... � . . I . I . . .1 , I * �,
. I . I 0 . I 1 . I I ,L , _ ' , . , 1. -1 I � , .. : enougJh. Long day$ and bights -- .1. , . 11
. . . I . . I I,- I . . . . � -11 I'll . - ., 11.1 ... _,.�. . . .. , - - . 0. tre .
. 'L - -,:�,�,�-.:, - - .:! 1. % I . . P war;��Irad anxiety coupled with ex
. . . . I 1. I I , ,".Y., , ' '-� I I . . . . , . k
I . . ,. , I L . , . . L L' L, I I I , ,V -��"� j"."., . " - %I MAS 14 had their dire afteot, hqyL- .' -
I I I L I , .. .. ,,, I . . . I . L. . . " ' "��,'�:N'. " ; L 40 1 . 11 1! I .. I I I . I I ever"
. � I . . , I... . . I . � , . I : �1-,'.z�..:��:�: � � .. . I , and a breakdown caused the L . I
. I I . ,� - , I 1 . . I . ,� I.,
i. I . . .. . . . . � 4 1. I �'111 - I I I . . I I I . !!�".","', . . - %, - to� I . .
'' L � .L. ,. , I I : . L I I ��_C,�..�,- --� HA -Eric . � I . ; doctor Ito secure her adutissiort .. I . . .
�. .
, , . I � , I I .1 'L : I , . . L . I
. . , L I
. . L . . 11 1,1, I . I � : _ � L .h% the Muskoka UospItal ,for Con.
, I . �
. . . I L I , . � 0 �. tj C�VQCA * 1%A I 0 1 SuMptives.. . �
.. I . . . I . � -�', I I .. . I : 141 1�1�1_ , ,
, I I ,vl, L . I I I ,
. . . � . . , I . . 1. I , L:' - p L . I . I I L . i
I . . . 1 �, 1 1'� I ,�. . I . I L, 11, "I .,_ � , ': I - _w . a . . .
. . .. L .. . � I , ,�L.. 1, I ".. .... % Remains Adamant � . I I . i She was almost overwhelmed with - . ..i
. 4�- I . I . . I . I I �,� . . . I . . 11 L . . I -hopelessness, but before very ip - L .. I . I �
. I . L I I . . ng; I 'I
,. I . L I I . I . I I
.. _. I . I . I .. .1. . . . I - . . . .�
I I I . . I . I . . . � I . InSiStS _ . 1 007 1 - tentlori, the .uninterrupted rest, the . . .. . -
L . L I I -the kindly medical, and nursing at* . .
I I . - L I I . I . . . I . .. L � : I L I I 1L. � L . on Charge to Local Cont-, . . � I I L. I I fresh air and good, food, work -ea , I 1 1. _1
. . . . _ I .. L . . .1. . I I . .. 11 I � I I . . . . I. � . I . L their �,'*tnlracle.11. Now Mrs, J. Is '
: . .. ...... . I 11 . . . � I , L. wisfion for Ne -4 York . I � I 11 .
. . . . . . . ' . . I . . I . L .. I L" . I LIL..L I . , . . . I . . . quite. sure that she will go home, .
' ' L ' . L . I - ' .
I !, . . . . . Exthange , , - I I sooq�uto face and overcome IIIV-s .1 �
, �._;_ I � , I I L I I I . I I .1 . . . I l d,ft ltles�sueh being ..., I
- ' 4�L . .1 L - . . . , \11- r the efteath, I. i
. : Wr4owt-OFF., � . 'I L'. - I _1� * ; __ L. 0 . I L I of the return of hope antr,�,boaith �'.. , - . . I
, -74 - : �
I -
I L nal, Water and Liglit 06mmisslan vt ,� . Which so often are the gifts of the . I .)
. : I . . . -� - . I The I& L \t ,_
11 I I . I. � .. ' '_...L. s � . I I I . L . . I 4 ; �, -1 . I . . I Muskoka Hospital, . 4C4 ' I
- . I ' L OL L �L 'I 1. . -1 I- and publia utattlei-tornmi slim -4 n iothel� ; . Thia Work needs the generous sup.
, .1. . L I . L . "I � . . �L_ -_ -1 . I L
, . I
. , . I . , , , , I I I � L' - -1 _. I
, . .. . '. L L . . . I . , � I I I munlopaUtles that have .Protested , , .. . Port -of many: friends, -withoitt �T,1'10b_. �
I . . � 11 :. again 1s; being ,charged a proportion of :�*_ �, 1, . ? It could not be earried on, A suo. - -_
. I .. -1 4, ; , , ___ _ "I
I L � . I .� . L"' - 16, , I . - I � . � I . � I nerlption. from you will be . . I
. . I . I . . .. I. L, . I I L the Nov Vork'ekalt4rige On atoneys' bar. . � L . I I gratem �
� . . I I - re*ed fUL the States have not made much: I . . . . . I ;I . I , fully received, Please pend It to _. I . I . d
L . a I I . I .� CT, A� Reid, 20 College St,'Teronta04 . . .
I I . . , I � I : I I I I . � .. Progress In.their objection slid will pro, . , . 1. . I . I I .1 I . . . . �
, I . . . . -_ --- - I , bably have to be content merely to have . � L - . . . �1
I . .. . .
I . L . I .. , ; . - I- . .
, .
I I 1 1 AledA profe-st'and then tn . I .
. $Omo liken "d,womeh fight tolds all winter long. Othen . , und und .. I I I I -
. I I I I . .rn to - . . . . I
, . . .L . . .. i .
.1 .. .. efti4y th'a Protection. of Aspirittl ,A tablet in time, and . ! - I i do as the Hydrol3lettric Power Commis. I - I . � � 0 L .#A --wo " . . �
� .% 1. . .. : the first- symptomi Of &'Cold get no further. If a cold, has I , I .. I �, . . .. 'L I . * .1 I . .. � . I . I Irects. 'M the 9. E. P.' 0. has a 1. I.. . . . I . , , 11 0 C7. � . . . .
. I . . litt )$M AND MS. D. L E, MOCOMM" . .. reserve of sm000,odo some, or thojoro-A . . 11 . g1b f I L . . I .
. . . I . I ... --- .
I . I taught You Unawa;**, keep on with Aspirin until thvi COM L AiDiNCE or I - . � . 4; - - - ...�.�.. ,�&ffl!
. .
1. . . . I I . L . commissions thought *the IT. X P. 0. I �, I 1. . - . I
. .
,. . I is gone- -AsPirix, M`t hain ,Von. It doesnot depress the o I I . ! . I I "Onurfe'o maws gVe., Xt latwotth; C*pe TOW", S. L A. I . I Could very wen, and should, look after _.__.1 � . �' . L I . I I I l' . I L 1. I
11 L I ' . . I � .L . . ... L . I 11 . I I . L L N I The latest, specialties In floral. offering$; . . .1 .,
.L . 1 I .
� L I -I 7-�1_17T�� - I I_` - . " �� ,�', " , ', .t,L � . . , ,ft. JJ 70 L , _' ' ' . .
. I., . : . � . heart. It Your throat is sore, dissolve several tablets in ."t,'� -'�' " I L I the exohattgo itself, without Passing it 1 . ' pr ,an aceaSions, particularly so tor fun.- .
�f�,% - , . . Water and g0gle. YOU will get instant itlief, ThoWs 'a4� L, _ _ , , ; I . I OA to l6oal.commlaSlang, but the H. V. , . L .
I . . . . dan& in i eold that lisaigs on for days.'To say nothk . General Smuts and Is more sympathetic p politics, And tu e both rate�_- Ila- P� C. dow not Intend: ta der ths I � .. . , � . F'reah *ral Purposes, from the simplest Spray, , .
� . . I I ,g I I to the iraperjil L Coandetion * wit L h Great Partially with, fairness and.Armness for you aro. . . � t. so � . L 'L. 1hol - , 10 0, =811111COnt Wreath, afid We: OwL do- .
, . ot the pain and discomfort Aspirin might, have spared I Britain thin, the 'Nationall ' I ,190 ., 4Ver .
. I . sts, , . ext twerk years. it W0194 give At the meeting of the �73*derlclz Watet . 1. ., .
I 31011t. All druggists-, with proverk directions for V0,14. . . . .. . L the a, t3r . I . . . XOMPtlY.0a short noticei, I
. . . Among 'A* good many - of the Dutch this beautiful laad,with its marvellous And -tight, Commission held on Thursday, t I ILI, 0 . � . .
. .. I headacbe.s, notirolgia. neuritis. rheumatism I . . I aLstrO h, ft . . . I .. . . :, � . � . .1.
� L 0 . . I L I L (Afti ItAndora) thorc� it I 49. kukder� potentialities a chance to outgrow Its Ocel 21t I a letter, dated Ott, 13th, ' ST PROZWOU I P
. I I . ..� from the Irydto Meetrie, power Commis. I . L
. . . . . I ourrelit of ,republicanism# zore especially potty,' political diffoiVneeg ,And Would, " - AAWWWIO� ANNEWEA I GEO...STEWART ,
. . .1 I � 1 . I L . . . . I 14 the former republIM the Transvaal bring the two Peoples into 4o ter union, Sion of-011"rio it Was Polated OUkthat I
I I . . . I I 1. . . and the Orange Pree State. Thi. 10 � b2tchange Was a legitlinaft part of the ., I.' I � L ,at FLORIAT .: . V
. . . . . . I . I . s. seati. The. U*ntlan Of Mussolini and his actual cost Of. p6wej juse a$; much as in. r, . . . .
� . A S. P It R 11 N ment. Is Increasing - and forbodes trooble, aUtocratio power ln'Xtaly retallA to my terest ,6W�, capital ,IaVe3ted - I ..., UMbehe 100 . . I ftft& sbftt
. . I Is A Part ofthe . 1
. I . . . "A0V,MA*k*za.1H0"A0^ � I and vooner or latet attempts will be made mento b, to"kable OVeat In .his Ad. Cost 'of power. A& to the suggestion that . . . . Gooftion 1. ... 7
L . . . . , . . . L . I to Put thavortneetion, VIth Great Brit I sin .Von ry - the commission should draw upon ter. . I 11 . . I I �# L �
. . .. . turous ,career and I will digress to .L ... L . -
1. I . I . 7 I . 1+ . ,, -. I - following. the eter to it. .&bout three stars ago I was. taid of the reserves In. order to take tare V .431910 . I .- � . I
. . I eat. hoWeveT,L the republicans find It .0, car - _ . - 11 I ..
. . .. 1. . .1 . .1 L x of Indebtedness incurred through charges I 1. I . -_ - - L I I
. . . . . . - lit Rome 'When '� plebiscite Was� taken for exchange upon United States funds I "Mr I ' I ... �
. . � I L I . . . -at to remv,ln witift the Wperiai,, - L
I . . L I I I I 11, I I I . ,V�41L I throughout Italy at Mu"011al's orders, t4 , "rA .L . . .. � .
. the letter stated, "an Importallt fact 1�4.. I The West Street .. I . I
I I . .
. . . I - . I . . . . I I I 11.1111�� I 111. 11 . I I.� �clrclo and 4uteily�ptoh their propaganda', decide whether or ,not the people Were disregarded, namely,' that 11b . . 11 I .
. . . L �
I .. I . ..'. L .. --l-l. . -I . I . . . Malone, Which have been collected for * Z *
F 1.__._*o__lAI _'11*11111 "I"noi! tAt-*ceas10rk&IiY A Politl0lark lAdU1903 In MtbAc!4 with him and his govo thttM _4.�._ I
. * . . 0 . ___ an outburst 'with An alleged grievtmeo The vote Was . M0-_,f1-,_trb Irlect I I .
taken on a.,$unday and terves were designed to take e%ra of such . les , ALA .rlc# I shoo I . .
-1 0" IT . iC1 L tV . . oUtWelghlog his gratitude arid giving Rome was gay in her b13t holiday garb. matters 45 `c0utht90hoIeS'Arkd ObVItXen04 LAUJI, . . .
� - - - , I r .1 I t 1. .
I Or A -W �s - . Vent to political fancies not . 11 I I . I
� . ... . It ne. Goder atu I Olw4y$ 'VerlIthIA9 was tattled out Irk a Most or, Of tbO Plant .generally and stabilization I I We c I
� �quarina With, political futs. derly manner Without exelteakent Or the Of 40herating Costs and B110111d be held'- . &try a good otook of
� . .. � . . I 1!
� . .. . ' South Atrica?s Problems WU%I CommotJoU that an election CaUtoMl available for such purposes!* i 5,0141WISVIRRY Eleetrical Apptialmte*
. . All tile newspapers -04 notne like all This letter vas laid on the table for . . . Fixture -S, 'e'e. . .
L South Afr1ea his more urgent 1)roblem$ further Consideration. L I .
I L L .
L CLUBBING LIST Win cittel Writs With dailles-'were A lotttr from Use Ontario MmIalpal alunlk . --�
I I - I I I . tro face than =Y other member of tho A10L INS I
. - I . . . '. .� I h6lAded In large eapltAls 11,L% Patr* VJ Meo-tria AstoolAtIon wrote statinIC their SUP ud i
I 0 quost-lon of - '0,
. I I I . UrItIsh ,Commonwealth. Th, '-(the comitry, the Ring, evep -gorie into the "Stio 1AND ': * we speciat 0
. . . , fie ar and Loadoll, Free Preno oI .*...*k ** ..:�6.50 tht t0toAtIOU of the gold .1taUdod'Icur- ney. ra Duca, outive lad, n " .
T .St Mmsolfni). Them setmed perfect un- with tl* Ilydro tlettrie Power Controls. �� - �, , T"', wirin
. Tile Star and The London Advertiser ....... :., 6.50 TeA417 AtPrtselit, IS vtlry Much to tho fare. animity among editotis tXpres,nigg in bold slon ot Ontario And Afttt hearing the tv. . g of AlI Kinds I ( I
I � . The Star and VIC Toronto Globe ....... .... ; 6.So The two poutical pArtles ate reatarkably JN'JV& " � -'� 41"'t ESOMMe& given on-
. The Star and The Mail and )Sulplra ............ . 6.5o Unanimous from the pixty atandpolat-, type tht gtntllatnt ,of 016 VA&6k'# PWy plonations. of tile atember& of the It. 0 I X,-tim 0 av - '. applicatiolo J,
. I the gov0rament, for and the opposition Which all, Italian explained to me, VMS of P, V. And Dr. P. A, 0aby. chief tugitior, mff*� . ' .
. . Tho Star and The Toronto Star , . . I, , . . *,,* * # . . 7.50 P,%3 of the otganiftil pl" for tbb pleb- In rospect to tile exchange situation mind I - I . All Work Guasantout
I T110 Star arid The Farmer's Sull" I Against romaluing on sold, Although the atturawated tettrvo fund, 0*W0 AV 1-` �, . " IS3 I . I w -----.-.o .,
I , I al I 0
..4.h**d,*I.*, 3.40 ISLIto. id r"Sult, of the
ft ,,916 wool -producers, and. fwMers, matly vIt.109 'ho,Vld provo tho Palo of the colhott"lon IPP. I I ZTC� I n , A*4 tt:�,
Tho Star and Tito Fatuity Herald and Weekly Star 100 " ,, -Ango from the Toes; , T_W� S- -',G -,--Z, A 5F o F .
I NatI020$0% W-elVo legs for the 'produce I � �_ --- - collecting this eX81 , , 1 4'-- ` -'- ' - Fra ur
I The Star and Saturday Night. , . . . * I .. . 4 ".4 , . , * S-50--- they OxDott to MVI%nd, the Principal � FR-- -, � - - com"11831011181 details Of "me to 1* Ar. L . nk, McArth I
lay Evening post ........ . 6�25 alatkok they avd not giving thtj - goVern. W, -10 rangl.,d botwetn the Provinei&I Commis.""' Phone 82 - we'st stre'tt
The Star and Tile Saturc I "� io 4ME), .. , 'a" I I " �� i: � . *��
, I 1,
The Star and Tile New Outlook ...... ... 4*.. 3.90 Meat U1011 ttowlo. 'Gentril llerttog . P FY7 [if )I ) D*4% I tions." . I I _ . , - � 1. . ,
Tile Star and Canadian HOMOS and Gardens .... 4.90 ws It's best to tuck to the told stmiditra , ' I Anobtr lowr frow tilt. ontulo Maill. . .-. I ----------�.A_---_-_-_�__�
. T,he Star and MV Pali* ................ *,* * * e� * 4.50 bulo to platate to sonit e.%ttnt the la" in � r - i C-lo!dVeettle Ats,mistion was with refer. .
Tha Star and The Youllia' Companion ........ 3.7S exehw�, it we"Ure W" mtsed lot ". KIDNEY Palpitation ,of *" lfea--,L.
_ I I tllco to MCI Uking Of Abitibi CanyoU -do- WONEW VE
tile Star and The C20611C ft.'Ofd ............ 3.75 81011 granting a subsidy lo, farmers. Welk � I Velopultut SMd to oat'llielift Pow" 4tv"A. �
� - I
I Tito Star and MeLean's Magazine..... .....,,.. 3.7S tho soneral pubW pays ftougli t&xattorl. ' I PILLS I I - OpMelat.
. � . ft 1wMaa It wat "t d to P Abot j�, �
I The Star and Rod and Gun ...... . I,.. 3,8S lralwloq is bftv.v Awl Itevesshig. boti, I � XV Ilydra - Norves So BWA%mo OuM Not sle%wv
.. , . . . 1 .. , a�munts totg ch'Arges, tar N, V. tx�banqo, 11
T41e Star and Montreal Witen8g, . A unicti cad Pravincial; ulkerwl�ynktut is I I I Nhw. ffill sm, swift 0 . I ��
-."*.*� ... .... 4.00 . . A tUrnbtr ,nf I%pplfftt 44 . Writ".
0 g I rb"1V k1pit- low WA 0
Thim Star and World NAVide, renewal ....... I site: thro38"ut the M10A there 13 � I * . I I I foalt for 11811titig I VW he =10h O Vt
5.50 I I service VM6 grauttl, hLoo the foll"Wa" tW
. �
, -km�iftg a wave of 8m louta Among the 1 " , , ftrvet lWo A0Z Peou, not alfto,
I - StAt and World Wide, now .......... .. 5.00 , I "I I . .1 " _ .
1�,," I -C I
I 1
VIO :44: natIvo tvel- T%tro ts the dual likasume , I .. I ,,:, . � I V. amne-tto for 3 IL V. eftlzl" ttrvl�a 11 a b I W mveftl opoations *I I
, *, 4� �
Mld� and, , ^ �, I ____ o�_� , , I t� bskorg, std ttkt� 1614- ,Korme evoly thm, . lich *ftm to mk,6 M
� Mmwh bOVA 11 " . , � at thl RaMM04 IM
(M �s mo lasn"es k loving alkv,lfc-atlous for rsoge ZtTvlm : I I
"it .1 . . ,
S*Cial Clubbing gait* tvith other Periodical,# h .L.. n"4" - I W88 gettil* de"Abt
,I *XA1 eaclat. troubtt Is Often, tatL-ged X=w J. W. Howe. 11'eraitto st.; Alex. U. Nctb. � ,�J, Waded MY fmuW to,
. r"tJ,V 4te had 0#1 aj)ffifitaf ion � I & friend wb6 re(ximmen , ruo) t6 "ft &M-uratt
I'Maligh.0vil ten,xds w�t bejn$ L)tl;4. 1. I ft VIttalls tc; W. it, wood. llru�o At.; Jobn 6 11qrt Awl Net" M. I 11 ba"d A box ind iot
gum. I 1. rakwit. Wetta, bt,; 4. W. Alrnttt. V-
"fi for ally Inforlia#4*01i. V * '0 6 Tt Meet A* - romt %ho Ikm troubltd SO I WAS., , '
"iltat at,,e otel %�141k�t,,Ot 1phone On lt'lch tfief I VMuld 0101, Obitaftd them to ja
Cl, UtWhIft Atute Kin AVL Ot V. t
---.I � il - . . VXzy, Squue. F4 W6 At all "
.Z� lill�Ill1l'!,Illl�ll;i-,o�--,-------. I *"!,Ctltly&igelvmov,omt,r,ttut;a B ,; , , " * "' I I , , "4 It" ! al tto"; pit up,o*
. X��_ - W fc,r I - i�
"* 4C4inZftJ_1h IS rbtelft$ 01ten of, bs, The T. Milbum V6, 1jifiam Tor,)Ato, Q,
I . I I i 111
� I
,, i - I p
� I .
- __ -
- - -
- __
- I—- �