HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-11-10, Page 4PACIK TOUR 40 TOWN TOPATCS,, — .. r....,i ONE 1iLON'i<H 'E JULc Barry King, morale youth, wa3 sent to 1 t Jail for ono month by Mcg S ra#o held 3(22day inerninin atter pleading guilty to freaking and entering.. Re" ccritly T.e cntercd the btore tai Charles Black, Qorrlo butene, and stole $18 freta the till. Tho theft was can niittefl about 0 o'clock At night. The door was • i net locked. If NOTXD S. it. EXECUTIVE COMING 'Colonel W. R. Dalztet, chief secretary Of the Salvation Army in Canada, New. fauudland and Alaska, will speak an MacKay Sall, Goderich, an Sunday evening, Nov. 13th. ':lie has been a €5elvation Artily oMeer for. 20 years, besinning at the bottom rung of the•iad- der and rising step by step to the most important and responsible •position in Greet Britain, including. DiVisioual Com. minder, London and /Liverpool Divisions, At one period he waa the chief orgsiriizer Of the Lire -Saving fieeats or the world and in this connection visited SWeden, Norway, Denmark and other countries. In. the early days of the war he went to -France with the ealvetIon Army motor. ambulance unit and wes in continual of that Unit from April, 1014. During the days of the War these drivers :craned a' band which became one of the beat musical combinations of the dais, and wag known as the Salvation Arrny - ani- ' balance band. Colonel Da zte) Ili regard- ed as one of Canada's foremost speakers and thane who bear ism are assured of a real treat, ENTEit.TAMNED AT FO.WI, DINNER ein Priday. evening of last WCek the cast of the play, "Just a Stepchild," with alt those wbo had helped snake the play , a success, were entertained to a fowl dinner at the Huron. Cafe and later to a • theatre party, Therewere twenty-seven. present, The table, in "T" -design, was , pretty with bouquets of pink and, yellow cheysanthemuM and burning tapers of the same voters, After. tbe•repast Rev, F. W. Calk conveyed Isis appreciation and that of the Wama n 5 Association of Victoria 'United church, to he members of the cast for their faithful and wiling service, Mrs, .7. E. ;Mitch, under 'whose direction the plat* was given, made fit- ting reply: At eight o'clock .the group went to the theatre, later returning to the Cate .where ice cream was served and. a social hour enjoyed. • The play was Mat given last March in ,'MacKay haa. on two evenings; ' and, . in -response. to numerous requests, ,vas repeated early In April to a capacity house: Since then tine Play bas been given at Wingbam, **forth, Varna, DWI), St. Helena and Nile, It is estimated that over: three thousand people have seen the play: It ie Lot be given at Ciinton'bn the evening of Noven,bbr. 23rd, under the auspices of the Catholic church. • 1,'fA. CSE BLACK +DOES 'O LO,NDOze Last 'Thursday Jack Black. for Several Years canueeted with the, ttdsderkh bra heli of the Batik of •Montreal, left for Louden, bciiig pr -anted by the bank to the city Ball liraricb, in. the Forest City, On Thursday morning prior to tiffs leav- ing he was presented with a set of ebony brushes by his associates in the Oode- rkh branell. `47.1R0N. QILI) f3itfYji tW KOXIONTO Thi annual meeting . of the above suo:faticszi -wilt be held in the Pathian Cantle /tall. 247 College Street, Toronto. on b'rlday evening, November 25th, for the election of oligcers And the traAisae- Bon of general business, At the con- elusion of the business, euchre, bridge and dancing will be the program and. refreshments will be served. The annual sermon of the AssociAtion will be Preach, ed by the Rev, It. G. McDerinid (form- erly of Ooderich) ' et Ste Pattl'e. Presby- Wian church on Hathurst -street on Sunday evening, Nov 27th, at 7 pan: OLD fIALLLOWE'BN There waw se second celebration of Halowe'en on Monday night (Qld Hal- lowe'en), but just bow did the celebra- tion of a second day, known as "Old Ilallaweentl".14411aLlfitaare.414Were there was a change in the calendar from the old, or Julian,' calendar, to the present, or Oregoriaffifil tiOWW2deitteas-adopt- ed in England in 1682, by which Sept. 3rd beeanie,Sept. 14th, but that *as a difference df;eleven days, nett of seven, If this is the 'origin of the observance of "Old Ha11i w.'Ydi},'l';rit,giaoyr1d: tin that it should be oitebr$teP;on. Nod lith, in- stead of '',Nov 'tth. *ut,:dan?t mistake us, boys, didn't .say we, wanted a third cele tions on,'.1 riday�, We • sun - pose if theyigo ahepit•rivith Sone of those proposed new calendar reforms whieh are sometlmes talked of We will have old and older Hallowe'en as well . as new Hallowe'en. Must Face urges Serving After � er v� Year r Story of Man Who Stole 'fools, Is Found to Be Folio One Year dofnit'e and six menthe in- determinate was the sentence meted- put to John 4j'abermeehl, 37 -year-old tier man.Canadian,' in 'police court Tuesday morning. by. Magistrate Reid. Haber- maehl, who has a farm• in Wallace town-` ship, just across'the border fr;oni How-. ick, pleaded guilty to receiving stolen goods, to theft,'and Inas found guilty of breaking and entering. Ile is wanted in Perth and- Wellington'Counties on simi- lar charges and Wily doubtless leave to ;see trial pt /1‘11, eliingtploie, of his terns. FURS! FURS! 'FURS! By arrangement with the largest' manufacturer of Fur Coats in Toronto, we are having another Fur Sale on NOVEMBER 14th and iSth Perfect goods at less than N.lanufactprers' cost. Fair allowance on. old coats in exchanger Remodelling done at Lowest prices. C. S. N t Phone 155 GODERXCH :ONT. EVANOEIJI1T THOS. D. COMMIS, Now conducting special •preaehing nnisslon in Victoria at. United ehureh, Goderieb, every night excepting Saturday at 7:45 Sundays 11 Liss, and 7 p.m. MASONIC ELECTIONS' ud Peat Mestere 'Night Held on Toot', day EVenlo[,—Bra. pied Weir New Master Bro, Fred. Weir was elected. Master of Maitland Lodge, No. 33, A., P. and A lit, set the annual election of ofncer8 on Tuesday night, and at the baniiuet fol lowing the work in the lodge room an-.. nounced that next .year he was going to get even with those that had always been calling on hire to Snake a speech at Masonic functions. He had a long 1151 and was goingto. see that they all per- formed.. Bro. R. Cl. Sanderson was pro- moted from Junior Warden to Senior Warden and Uro, W. a McMilIan from Senior Deacon to Junior Warden. Wor. Bro. RCv, S. N. TI. 1Viilis was re-elected chaplain, Bro, R. 0. Reynaldo . treasures and Wor. Bro. George MacViear secre- tary and Bro. Ogle Miller tyler,. The work was in the second degree which was ably done by. war. Bro. Nor- man MacKay and in several of the inn Portant chairs he had the 'same officers who were in those chairs at the time he was Master of the Lodge iii' 102'7 Bt Won Bro. HL C. Dunlop was 1. P. M., Wor. Bro. J. R. Vrooman, B. W.; Wor. Bro. A. 14 Cobs, J. W.; Wor, Bro. Geo MadVicar, Bed.; Wor, . Bro. •i R. aa. M rlchborne, 8. a; Wor. Bro. 0. M. Rob- ertson, 3, D.; Igor.. Bro. 0. K. Saunders, S. S.; Wor Bro, J. Galt. J. B.; Wor Bro. It, R. Hall, :I: G.; and WorPiro S. A Croft assisted.. Among visitors to the lodge were Very Wor, Bro. Rev. J. R. Barnett, late ata Ridgetown, who has coine to Qoderich to 'wide; Wor, Bro. Witten. of Raven - ton, and. Bro. K. B.' I3ubbard, of 'Char, lotte, 'Mich., who was connected some years ago with the Dominion Road Ma' chinery Co; and has resumed his con- nection. Wor. S3ro, Norman MacKay; was chair. man for the speaking at the lunch which followed the work in the .lodge room and quite a,, number of the Past Masters and others were called+ on for addresses, and an enjoyable time was spent, , e... - WHAT'S, WHAT! aMiss Green, do. let me help you to some mnoro pudding.. - •'Well, •1 will take some more, but only a. ri'IMithftil,•• "Bella," said tile hostess to tine maid, "1111 Miss Omen's plate." --Tit Bits. CORNFIELD'S, MOM IS THE TIME TO PRE- PARE FOR WINTER! OR FIEL,D'S are prepared to meet your every re- Hi qui.r+ement, and save you money on your winter clothing. Jost look over these Bargains. 2 0 OVERCOATS o- Smartly. tailored 0vereoate of heavy cervlceable materiel In attractive fall patterns and chaal:9. Sensational value at StJ.ITS 'rite pew fall Sults are bare awaiting Your eerectioni Faultlessly, tailored In the aaeepted styles of the season. and Olean !n all the popular patterns. ' WITH EXTRA, PANTS Underwear Fine quality underwear, the .famous Stanfield brand and noted for the fact that it will not shrink. Soft, warm and durable, and perfect fitting. Two-piece Red Label Underwear tI. X15 per garment... i i . ... , �Y 2 'iece Blue Label Underwear . 19441‘1V � per gp rment... i i♦ f t a e • i• i. Combinations at $i 49, $1.95 & $2,50 Ladies' New 3 -Piece Wool Sport Suits eve's something new that will please the sportswoman. These new iO> little fattit a are compo ed of skirt, jacket with zipper or scarf tie at neck, and u jaunty little tainn. ` hez a1+. of l.Liekal.nit, r°nl)ble luiit and curl angora, in black,, navy and wine, trimmed in contrasting shades. 'You'll have to .see these to appreciate theta. $9.95 and $12 9 711 sc., i€rr R./4%0 CORNFIELD Nai 4 (4,\%1C GODERICH STAR Wrestfing Here on`ridgy, Night 1Sott.yMcDou.11 to Moot Mont Wrtdirnn, "Tiny" a> oetbsrclC "Snotty" bieDougali, stellar Godcrtcih heavywelght, wrestler, )Vbo defeated "Whitey* Hewitt and Nazzarrno Poggi. of Italy in rerissiional Snatches in iiia only two Marts in lits home town, has been Matched whit one ref /the werldta 'best Wrestierss for fha feature bout of a Shaw to be field neat Friday evening. lack Oorooran of ` tile' i ueensbury . Club of Toronto bit 'been able to secure "Tiny" Roebuck, gigantic Iiidiati from Oklahoma to .oppose the Canadian. which means that "Scotty" will have one of the hard- est battle*el his entire career, McDougall needs no introduction here. Wrestling the best men in the world both in the united States and ,Australia, he has-:cstabistied himself asa top-notch heavnaleiest,a, Sonne information ...about the noted. Roebuck, however,, will prove interesting, , + Roebuck lit one of t8g' few wresatlera who were formerly Al-Arperican foDtball pleyea. He starred at football laic the teem representing the Haskell ' Institute, a college conducted exclusively for ,In- diaris, Yn 10$8 ,#e was chosen on the Walter ZclsersaU dill -Western team and for the Rockne,Weruer-Jories All -Airier ican eleven. In January. of 1$27 he was the individual star of the annual ;charity game between .the East and. the West, spolisored by the $hriners at San Fran. olsevi. ° Turning professional immediately atterwards', be made goad in wrestling and is now regarded as a leading ten - tender for the world championship. Two of his most noted victories were over Hans Steinke, famous German,who had only lost three' boutsin over a thousand when he .first met Roebuck who used devastating .dying Nelda to batter Steinke into subtaisainW McDougall andel *aback will wrestle to a finish, best .two out of thn'ee falls, to decide the winner;. A : two-hour time limit, the . inaximuin under the Ontario Athletic Commission rules, will govern the bout. Another finish match will precede the main event. This v411 be eft two -out -of - three falls affair also, with an one-hour. time limit: The principals will be Jack Kogut, the 'Canadian Sonnenberg" and Alex, ltasabocki, husky Polish star, who. cosiness here heralded as a great wrestler, Kogut resembles Gus Sonnenberg, for- mer )>seayxweight champion of the world in .his, squat,powerful build and, like Sonnenberg, makes sensational and dar- ing usa, of the' flying ,tackle. KaSaboski is a viciqua performer who is ,considered a da�Erouas opponent for arty` wrestler. {)b1tzfQrj7 MES. -JAMES STODDART After a long and painful 111ness, Mrs, James Stoddart • pgssed away at 11 o'clock Sunday night at. her hone in. the Maitlanid, concession, Goderich town- ship. The ;deceased, whose maiden name was'Carrie Oakes, was a daughter of the late . MrtGeorge Oakes of Ooderloh,s.,WoeiAship. She was united in marriage it .number, of years ago . with lief ' now sber0f t' husband and lived for some`. years'free her marriage 'in the city of -Chicago.' A number of years ago Mr. and. Mrs. ''Stoddart xeturirea to Canada, and purchased the old Oakes farm in the Maitlatd concession which had since been her honte. She was a' patient sun- ferer for some years' and was of a quiet. 'retiring disposition. As long as her health permitted, she attended the Eben- ezer er United: (formerly ldethodist' church) where she sang in the choir and was one of the,Oakes:, nlixed 'quartette which was well,kuo musical circles in the dis- trict yea5'4n p The late Mrs. Stoddari • leaves • to -mourn tbelr loss, her husband and orae, „daughter. Mrs. Perham of De- troit, who nursed her mother through: her, long illness, and one son, Herbert, a sailor one the Great Lakes. Another son, Edgar, died as a young man some years ago, and one brother, Harry Oakes, the lath concession of Ooderich Township, is now the' last surviving member of the Oakes family. The funeral, which was . private, was hetd from her late residence en; Wednesday afternoon. Interment: was in Goderlch cemetery. EVANGELIST COOMBS BEGINS MISSION Opens TWg Weeks' Speelal Preaching Maslen' in "Viet. St, Church Sunday "What is your lite?" was ' the text which Evangelist Thomas B. coombs, who Is co$dnlcting a twat Weeks' preach- ing mission in Victoria street united church, took for his discourse on. Sun- day evening last. The Chrlstiann's life,, he said., must bp a changed life. fie did not mean that everyone must be able to name a particular time at which they 'were converted or that conversion should be in the same way in every ease, There, might be many ways of Convcr- lien and one aright not tie able to name' a specific .bine at which he decided to aecept. Christ; it teas the fact, of cone newton, he stressed as essential and the Christian'slife must be a consecrated life. The patter of Victoria street Ciiuroh, .Rev. P. W. Craik, lir speaking of Mr. Caonnb', whom lie itas known in his work for sola years, ",said, he lra+d ;no hesitation in .calling ,nim a roan of Gad, and air, CmoMbs' motive certainly toms to ba shnply that of Helping people to come into right relatleaship; with 0od. ittr. Coombs • is remaining- in Go:lerieli over the third su:u:ay, Non 2Utln, and i5 staying at ilia 'Victoritf street parsonage. L;aindlay cervica aro at 11 a.m. and 7 la,ni. and ween -slight services (eve* w -'12-night but ;aturdiay) dire at 7:33. a snort csng servlc- liraseding tine p.enticing remise. prayer services are dalso helm lneldl la 'private homes in var- ious parts tri tile town en \seek.day .fecal ;ons. itiEr. cervices ere being \vel l attentlea. vsr t rtii ioem trees were dlistria luted for forest planting last veer, from c",ato fsrcellry donarhin e its« JOHN PINI)ER PLUMC NG, H #TING SHIT t1ETAL WORK heat 127 P. O. pa% 13 4 tALARMED FOR CHURCH'S FUTURE Pirrone° tack at 114;4 far Cinemas alai. Laefc et Siniesity the Cause se That: be was alarmed for the future of the ohureh was the statement of Rev. Charleso Male lm, M.A.. el Egmondville, preaching at Sunday school anniversary *rake at North street United church on Sunday morning last. While One was ad- dressing the ehlldren, who occupied the Central section. of pews, lie bad acme serious words for parents also, Thr, ideas children ,received, were Pickett tip, from their iserilorse and if they apolte or acted as though the work of the Ohara% or its Seabee- Wert not vital the on - dna would grow up With that iit>ieres, Won. Children did not hear their parents tallying of school attendanee the way they did of church attendance, Parents did not say, "Well, Johnnie, you were at school fast Wednesdays I think you tnlght as well stay Moine today and have a good time." Ne, it was, go to school and be there at 9 o'clock and do what the teacher tells you. •o'lfty years ago edngregattons, .o!, 120 _members (the' speaker was referring to a cave m 'Ma own experience) built .eburehea and .paid. for them, and.,now...tiie same • e0ngregaa tions, with several time/ the number of members, wondered how they, could carry on and pay expenses. Fifty years ago people' herd the elrlurelt in high esteem, ('how many of the present church buildings: were erected about fifty years ago) and the Church festivals were the happy days of fellowship because every- body was there, And there must be sincerity. If Par- ente told their .children that 0od was Our Father and all mankind were bre- thren and the same parent spoke slight - Maly of (tber nationalities. as Chinks er Dagoes, the Meet of a' lesson was lost and the child adopted the parents' atti- tude of mind. It was* case of the child not being able to hear what the parent said because his actions spoke eo much More loudly. This lack of sincerity and lack 4 regard far 'the church was what led ;Mr. Malcolm,, to gay he was alarmed for its future. THURSDAY, NOV. iUtii, 192? CAPITAL THET i AFE NOW i'1NO---Thvs. rileitfbzn, isa "Skylige' nuts. Warner Batter itek aAmateer Daddy," MONDAY, TUESDA.X and 'WEDNESDAY (Unto days of bilarity) . f,Uk• itS TOE YOWL MMARXftRp Mem men of mirth, anelody and madness in their latest pct•pourrl of pa,. 1ta and music 1 u "HORS. EEEATHER " may of personality and pulchritude ft1. the east 1 A,'tiirET6At swig atnd`'SA'f;IJR1?t1.7( (dAAblo illi ,, 411 31t'ATb1A$r' MARV1.1, U3D W,' EN •Wx0 LThM oizera ss. meritca0 tugifoe 'featilre program with c '`n 'BEAUTY inci I' BO and, rounding out an evening of rare entcrtainnent, KAY PRA CIS --1n a dramatic triumph , "STREETS OF. WOMEN" . COMING --Movie Crazy" and "Love Me Tonight" Matinees Wed, and San at 3.08 p.m. ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES FRIDAY, NOVEMBER; 03th TO OT TAWA n R�TIJR2J�I'l` z �, i s J1 1 A 1►,m: RETURN Sear,,' Nov 2ot1t,',: Z'lctcets .good, .in coaches only. No baggage checked..' • GOING : ' FRIDAY.. NOV; 18th Lv. Ooder ieii-6.45 a.m., arid 2.3.0 p.m, Ar. O1tawd•-7.55 p.tti, Priday, Nov. 18th, and 7.$0 a.m.,"Sat., Nov. lt)th.' Children 5 years of Age and under 12, half fare.. Secure Tickets from Toiim Depot Agents 'CANADIAN '■ /� �� I ley, tNa ? �. � •i ' . �'ii eee .n :' QUALITY 331131 COUNTRY STXLE usage lb. bEsT IOW or. Fresh Pork Ib.. ;hops 2 u - Z PORK BUTTS ACK . 4GEROLLS Fresh M. 10e Pearneax lb r ACON Pea nteal Ti lac lb. 1 CENTRE CUTS AND. SLICED, L13. Ile PANCIL RED. SFRkNG ' ••'rte B3 ttht. t6iene lb. • Steaks ' ..• lb. ,19 ONE tin' ONTAtRIO'S I'1NEST 1'RODVICTS • SALM FILLETS 3 8 Sliveiobscrok P'aSaTIMIzga an saamafr 1k. mint, Watt g !le FINEST eros t •sAxeT1l, i31.l Rl1.• 1iY1,n5E(L G1tIEN LAUL JAN i'tS0EUnr eeef,. STRAMISVIERY Size 'lb. 4er1M. tYle 21.e Salk.2 1711Ni'Y ••• GRAPES A'1. Roads P E WE I'1AaD TO TR(1i1�iL"C liar, FOR IE:aG i)F FY c, __ ,.,.. _... ._...__.e lC'lDltE llirk'tMtWt1' EAT ATLANTIC & PACIFie co. � � _ i_mirf F.Ii uk 4.1%404