HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-11-10, Page 1The MerchanVs' Friend
An adveifiser',i mess3ge in the Gode-
rich $tar reaches-4he reader on Thurs-
ication, in plenty
of time for perusal and for week-eud
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. i .
A Rare Offer
The G(�
,detich star, Huron C_gunty,s. ,
Uggest and b0ghtcst newsparor, will - ,
be sent to any RQW sub%ckit�Qr to t1lo
ewd ot 033 for S,,1.o(% I
..Meetmig Is CaSe'd ' . Council Approvo .1 THE PROPRIETY OF SPANKING 15 I Tomorrow's Service
T"lor, X0100" l"146- I I 0
� s b.,'.1-waDffl,,a,w,,, MOVIlig to 600terich. . Armistice Holiday Auto& Out of Court . I I
. ., � . I — . ,. I I """W'e"rec'om"ML,rk'cX"t'h6t"""" Eki"141' D BATED BY GODER CH PARENTS, __�_ ;
� to Discus Relief Dr '"01*4"o 'pa* E I I At the"Monument
I . . , I . Abopt Xovowber 15th Dr. T. Wardlaw 1 I
. ''. I ith*** C; Aft "" 'Asli6a X o -t to Taylor, clerk of the General Awnibly M�004 Is Sanctioned at Short. #Igqo, be put upat thtt entrance-w4ya I . . I I
, . . And, that I the, — . C1spt- IA00 to Deliver " � ... (
, , to .
of the FxesbyterlAn Church Ux Capadk� and at the Court ]�Otise, � ' " , , Ad, '
-it '1144 ouit Free, - with hiswife.And daughter, will take I up$ - 911111 I
�, * . Solisdo"i"p-WrAw �,Dxy, , poll�e be instructed,to worce tile byQ Open rQrqm VOWW" L"two ",�,, PLO MAN ON, 1� dres*-_,School Chg4ron _
, - - I
. . . Swplw� , I I . ., i
: L I a�,: " X" I "I 4 , rcstdolicv Ill aodg*ll. Dr. T41or co=4� - . law, pro,001tint tile P404014 �Qt vehlofea on Wd Psychology .
� I . . — I .. I
� I
� .#_1:1` -� — , from St. An4rews, N.D., and Is- xetiring - ,. .0 in the ;�4uarc ,�ud a � , to - Attend rke 1 ! . i
I ,xQund the Court I I � An 4904 Maui AU QW -990 ponaoltor. .
I . -1 , Williani, I
� V The town oaundf has Invited repre- from utivevulp% work, On several OQ- It required less than fifteen minutes House." I THE ATM WIN THE DAY Bird of XOrrJ9 township, Sent The, 14th anniversary at the sionin . . I
I caslons he has visited, Ooderich And was aQ mad% a report adoptvd by town tip for trial on 4 charge of fraud in- _g 1
,14$eutative$ of churches and cWIt4blo or. . . . I �
�. . Most favorably with the town. Friday mltbt for town council to trausi- 001%cll Friday night, It Is explained volving 4100, 3zestev;iay Appeared before Of the Arml,,�tleo, marking the closo of 1. .
. )
, I gantaRtions to Meet With them In the "lipm "' of Geolge An. act its business. The slate had. been that there has been no Particular coin. Small Crowd Greets W. Dwain Judge katorau for oiqattoU. Ills trial in the' Great War, Will 110 fittingly ,observed' � .
I I Ire has leased -the =4'4 11
, . I . town hali on Tuesday, November 15w, Z70w, Britannia, rood. � I wiped almost clean In committee the plaint about p4r)ftg lairgotigm, but , ,Addriel# IS r4"i"Ong the county judgO crinilliol4court, W411- by citizens Of GOderich cit a publEc, outo . . �
� . to discuss rellof plans fbi the winter, Anotherintlred -Probyterlan clergy- evening previous, -leaving only routine. at. that It was thought best tb have the . out jury, was Axed,for November 23rd, Of-dOOM 40CVIQQ At the Udlers' MOnu. - �
� . I .. .
�. with a view to preventing, Overlapping. Man to estAblish iesidence here 1A Rev. faip for, tile open Session' No' sooner n p Ev e . Wingholm to 40fe .
� I I J W - BushAold of ,n,a- Went In. Court Houso Park tornorrow
� , , . _ , "To spank Or I' ' . - �
i While no collorete slize-Up -or policy h;s , (Major) J. X Barnett of Ridgetown,' , Making of the report wemAot disouwd The a&A-old question. .1 � (Friday). morning. Given line weathe, I
.yet been presented -on tj4 During tho w*v he was vilaplain or tit had this stereotyped order of procedure in open council. The towri,s right to not to spank�ll nover y 49. I � . tile service is expected to be largolyat. , . I
� . at satisfactorily I . .
i to the vu�uo , ,. ,a - ' __� I . I I .
I for 71st batt%lion. been dispensed with than council re- regulate traffic Ill the Sq"re, -has on answered, was revived, during. the open audience, It, �evei;;� tended. The school children Will attend .
I .1 q1testiou, It Is stpted that domand, . . � dT thskt the child .
I � this Winter will be equal to, If not -, ... ... �.� I - solved itself Into committee of the whole occasion been ghallegge(s,, and Soing forum at MacKay Hall on Tuesday wanted the light left burattw *not cried in a body, �
I relief ,
I .greater than for the past-tw� winters. - to discuss unemployment and reltig pro- doubt. still exists, . . I. I . wheA it w4s put out. The accountant The order of- Service has been an. I . I
At' Friday night's cotingil i.liceting Boa 11 I... 8 blems behind closed doors. I . �. - � . . I evening, whert E. Howard Durriln. BA,, 1191111ced. Lod by tho band, the gather.
.... pprove � !
. � Couneillorr R. V.0rowo, chairman of re- . � I , I 140 talketivil. �hlld Psychology, the first ,of was approved for Ill'% act' Tile oh" Ing Will sill& "P Gbd our Help In Agci . . I
. ' I police In Bad Way .1 liked The bright lights, an4A orled when Past," followed by 4, scripture readlita.
I lief, stated that at. -present theire was on- Innocul * four ',lectures.. on the ,week's program, it could pot boo Its QwA Wayt he Was. I
. . . I . I Atidn With winter's -cold blasts just around To" Water OX. * . '. . . , by Rev. (Major) J. JR. Barnett, chaplain I
I ly one,fanlily On direct relief in, Gode� 11 *_ . . . . I " , About a score of people, odUcationistt told.
I . . I I the corner the municipal police are In a 0, 0 of the list battalion, Then Will come . I I
. . rich. others. however, am being helped . I . � .1 Dai ,it in . A child Is eritltle4lo *cert%lia amount ,
� , Triiiistees Urge 'Action to .prevent bad way, judging from a latter from ' and parents, nearly all pa,. . iddle lifc�
, ,
� indirectly. by the provision ot. work.. A I ries Good � .. mass, singing by the 4chool children of � . I I
, Chief It. 0, Postel4liwalte. It made, - . I .1 were. present.'. � . of physical punishincW6 Mr. 1)utahkob- ,,
. . I I
�' �! " lau to provide firewood by putting down . , . . . .. ,. �. . . 0 Villioint Uea#V apot all addmsS by, .
, P. � Diphtlieriai %it - It 14 !'Geritlenlen: (I ,would ask your honor- , . . Well posted on his subJecit, Me. Dar- Served. agwasm, he'sald luvtswer to . , . ..
' . Superfluous shade treea also has the ' . fqr overcoats for ;Oerge Rpobrt of lAkborstory, - Tests of u1n,'- * aftoluate of Toronto and Mant- a, question, lhould. be U*qd very sparing. Rev. (Captain) D. J,-' Lane, the placing I ". �
, ` L . . , , VQIMbt4kry . I able body Rut I . L ' It . hurts the braUx 4ind he wreaths, thtrUst Po�.st, two MIA. . .
.assistance , �, L . . I . . Ross and myself, as . . tobil, univeraltlea, IQ. a, very rapid speaker ly. I the &out of t 'L .
'_,� � � . ,of the Aawn council. . I I heithet of us -has. a n uteW silence and the benediction. I � �
I . In a notice published, In this.issue cm- ' . . 1, I . . coat at t6wear on the stre4l' The let- .� San�las � . . and for that mason difficult to follow, More than 4painking 7AUrty the body. . . . I
1. . Zed$ are Asked 'not to givo,free meats to VoluntaryliancoRlstIQU of 6,01lool,chil- te"as' Seat -to Abev special t 1W I - .Hi apologized for thlQV stating that for � 11W4at about children being seen and . Thor veterans Wilt. meet at their hall I
� , I - . I Wto , , L Omm , e. . I L Which he Couild.not explillit"he I . I at 10.30 (%�M, And Will March to the J;CQaQ .
. P Ap.
� ttaugents ,elidling at their. holl PIZOV_ . R� W. Sell, SQQmtS,ky;�L locAl" Post L .11, , I I . reasons . L . I
, neQ, bilt #r,-A,With �Ajltjef. . . � not, heard?" aak,ed- the Preacher, . .
- , , ,P4�wa of the � Z . L . . I
I , L . . I
, .� I I at Its of the CanadIsn Legion,. wrote as tot- . Two reports on milk and �oroaru. Invariably talks faster to small audiences * "They can be soon too much," was the . 1, . I. ... . . .
. I rather tq,,Iorwt".�tili*,,to'tlli,tovm *I 'LledL by! the ., ill O'L fjohoOl Boartl I of -the service in 'A body. - .
I It Is alsd 'Iutim4teil Qlai prIvate doloa ' ' regular molithly Meeting I L . ' , . . 0
1 1 on Monday lows: "The executive of the local 'samples from the Oodorich .dalries. and than to large, "His lecture was bot4 in. answer of the lecturer, who advised pro- . ..�
. I
I I L . own elfare work Will be ac- night. The bropoo.al was Made by -the branch of the Canadian Legion resp . L structive and fascinatidg'. vision. of a gymnasium or other. place PROSPERITY AROUND L . . . . .,
I - ce .. L . ect- one on waample Of town, "ter, ed . I . I L I -
� I . , mcelv After the lecturer bad dealt with the where, after the. evening meali children
, I � , ptable., , .1 : '. Board of Holtl% slid . �,
. , �%Pprdval 'WAX given fully ask permission to put on our,an� from the 1%bora A of t 4 Dep t yst es I . THE CORK ,
�'. Motion of TrMtee. L I
I . 4 . % 4Qbaefei , . to ft )a artmen . ER , � J
I I I m erl, of the sub-consclous, conscious, could work off their excess euergy,- then . I . .
. . 1. . I :. - I . and, Mrs- riU41 poppy campqi . � OnSCJOUS LL phase$ . , . .1 I I I I .
, . . ,gn on November 5tia of: AeAlth'at 'XionliOn - Wert before the conscience and super -c 0, their atudlea or to bed . I .
L I - . . , . I . . I .
� I . . 'take . . When In need of good Footwear for ,.
L RINK* IS RENTED Gray, It Is recommended that parents, We also ask that steps'be taken to re�- local Board'L of Health at their monthly of'tb6. mind, using 4 chart to Inustr%te As for littalligeace tests in. title public L - - I
. . . . .
. . :�_. .. . . and guardians of children adVan. intrid the Public that.19ovember .11th Is a meeting on 146riday, 'Tht, Work or'play, turn the corner on East . I. .
I . L A.- . Chbliobn% � Oft" - Of $500 Im tageof ,this offerLat Once. The Matter Atatutory thollotoly . town 'Water .his tallr,- be Invited questions. A grocer, schools,,Mr. burnin fav6md .group clas- .Stmet. Do yi)U'Wftut the L . .. . .�
. In accordance will% :sample was graded A. � with no colo, Service of the ' � . ,.
. wag, left with -the :school management. the groler-lin-council governing 1) accountant, jout4rillist, 'matron and sificatioh based on the d6velopment.of I . . 11
. Aocepteit �y the. Town *CouncO... . '�cm� b 111i present and the. plarto, j6ult , . Best Rubber vootwear tit* ?L, I I . . I I
.. . -'ridly �nlght - -princlOkIs brance Day." . � . P . - - _ ..
I I I . .. . . committee to arrange with - t - J � . -,--,.,.. . I ap - . I '-,-'L- L I.— t Of reacher participated to the debate the mind, not the age of the child. ' 00, in Can`aola IL I .
. .. . I The town council on k he . bacteria per cub o ceatemeter at. 31 do' ' I Turn the corner on HoAtStrect, an , a buy . I I I .
. and Board 'of 11041th, for tile. Use of the -been decl ed to is , C ' while a halt .dozen or more skepticAl Rev, 0. .T. Watts, chairman, blamed - .
. . adopted, withoUt.discusislon, th I a rep of schoo . It had 4 Sue 0 c1vI grees was nil, Th . , the Gooddell ,brand, It *Ill save you. I I . . I .
. . art 19. it advis,bl, I �� a reports oil milk. and pedagogues listened In ailence. I In put the mystertilus-804ndingi oclentl- , I : I
. � the..p4blic works committee 1,600lro � end- L , The Proper I . L proclamation the day previous and court- Cream samples were ah follows; money In COmfV,. Quality and Price, I . I ...
. I I . L tY conlinAttee presented a cll.confirm6d -Its decision by passing a . I . . . .1 . Spariking,will not overcome stubboinen 11o; Words Used ' in Mr. Durain's %olvertis. Am'ydu In need of resoling' and re- , I .% .
. Ing that the West street rink be mated contract With the Gypsum, Lime & Ala�' to al resolution,, Humber-Brov.,# --:. bit* ." . Ing for* the Small attend4nicID, Whey gave . L
1. � . 0 J944 .A. Chisholm: �c the 163 ' . rm I .. . Sept. SoLth 1. in a elill.4'. Mr, Durnhi answered an an- . I . palr1ilg gir your Voiather arid Rubber ;
I t. r �
I ,in four L month.* . . Bacteria Cbunt Percent, . . . . neatL -
. -season for $500,, payAb "3' bastI116 CO- to Install a 2-111011 layer of "That the mayor issue a proclamation Footwear With �a ,serviceable and- �L .
. I iious, rather youthful 'father who has the impression that the 1"turor Was L a , .
L ,
� I . � I to ,fdry. ln,UJGX�o Oh:the ceiling and upper declaring November lith a public holi- I . . . duated from .the novice Class L of par- peollar �f some strange, dootflue, where- � . ...
Ily Installments, The *question �*Vxent- , I . I . per C. C; Butter;Tat grA . . . I T�Irn the 0orner-owRolat Str t, . .
" .. V10*14-sebool at a� price of day in remembrance of our heroic dqaa Baxter ................... . loo;000 � ents. The lecturer had Just reviewed the, ..us the reverse Was tho- OaR6. :Re thought- job? Oe ; * ' L ,'
I I . . . nk was f1bor of , I - . I . 1 14.1 . . Our 14POI is, Honest servic6 first. .L L'� " I f �, - i.
Ing. the ri discussed In cOmmittee $842,06,'P44ble January,26th 1933, On of the Great War." Carried. I recent controversy on spankingwaged by ,that - In tho:'Ue.xt , d00%da the study, of
I ;h , " L '' . I I . o : � . Qoderlo4 Da,ry 5,0010 L 4 . , qagalty'LAt I I . � .
t e: night before. "Tile ptoposltlorio�'ot 'Motioil I Wyou appreciate a live and . .
L dL ' Judge. Hoskins and -Dr. Matz, with wh14 psychology woUld,L Occupy a far larger I I ;
. � I . 71 . I
1 99 Trustees �Carrle and Shaeffer , A letter from the. Legion invited the Ryan ...... _..�.r ..... . 16,00 . 14 . a , L . . I let live 'Price, turn .the c9rner on East I ,
. . P. Autledgel,.4. Alley and' -*. A. 0o* thei Colitra6t L . 1 - . I , ace in the.curriculum of our schools. . . . .
t L iho L . brief. '' ' Mayor and ,Councillors to* attend the 4A , *are familiar. . � pl US L
I L I L . . w"..approved. L ' : , MONAnUS' � ......... �' $00,000 L . most,pepp L . I . street, n 'let nvincoi you th t we . ''. ...
. Were alid "nst,dered., : rep�r.t � A can ., ' ' Th lots, Howell and P cLO.1 a .
'. . ". .. trapt With Mr. Playei, the, bow ,Public Armistic service at the, cenittoph J,Ohi%StonL ..... : ........ 451000 . . Mr. Darriln. by, thee,ay, 1$ a Hoskins e MIS ��,tloond Xav- a d YOU I . � . .
e . I .
eS. , :: 'L ,' . I . . . .014 . ., aver .. L I
I I ..stat L . L . . I I . . music Instructor, Also was Sanctioned., . at 1030 a.m, tomorrow (PrIday). Mayor Beattie .. ........... ;, L. 76,00Q �L 3.QL L . man.,! go believes in spanking a child o.red with instrumental and vocainum- Mean. ,to So I . I . L .. . I
I I __ _. —, . 1. I -L . This; Principle has been -the source of . 'i
� � 11 -1 . TheL PrincIpea of Victoria school mor of age, bers. which therited the applause.they I
. L Lee�-asked. his colleagues to be present Blosett _-L--_-. 100,000 , �. 3', froinsix. months to three. years . I
. I L
I L I . . , ' as follows ", d - . , . . . IL . .. � .. � : : . , qgh , be I #xpresse L � . . . . . . : our success In tile Past, and shvillL be QUr . I I .. . I
I L I VOTERW Llsw NOTICE , � ported 1, L , Average .aften tance, oil this ocieaslon. . * L, . I . Altho d his, admiration received, ; L . . �
I , --------*-..!,- . - . 344.94. 'or 92.00 per cent; Pe . - . . . I Cream Sipt"' 3001, for Dr.. Biatz and his experiment to I A Larger Audience . 1. guide In'Our deeL I lings I With. th . Q p%iblko Uk �
.� , . $1'4,g3. MISS 0 iRny Bank I I I I . . � t) .. the future. . I . . �
�. . . .TIMS . . , . Sullding Permits . I . . I . I
. NTF LIST NOTICE. . deposits, 9 Sturdy taught , I L Baxter' .." ............ : 000,006 *' ,Sj,6 abolish, spanking. - 1. . I
I . I . I . . I . I . . . I twp, days fOr Miss -Hartwell. L .. . Thomas Sandk applied for, a building Gbderlch Da . iry less 1. thaUL '$,�Doo 13'.0 . The lecturer sirongl .A ,much larger -audience fteated Mr. olva.lus a trl%L At yotq, 4orvice,, �
. . VOI�ERS" -LISTS, i932, AWNICIPAIATV . . 0 _ Y strossL'd d'sel' Durnin for. the second of his lectures, I in t
�'. - ' - . L OF THE TOWN. OF GODERICH, ,,.Thdtotat on. the roll at Central school Permit for a storage shop on Vlctorla� Ayall ....... L ............ 35,000 .. -35,0 ,ne hl the rearing of children, It cOv' -Kay. .last ec . I I
� . L ,Mae Hall night. Rio subj t . .
I I strei . . REPAIR SROXI , . I
; I COUNTY or, TAUBOX. 1 223, the, average attendance 248, or et, a frame structure 264,11 feet, cost-� McManus ............ ; 160,000 4LO L'ered., most everything, he �8aid,.� "It is - "Suggestion, S pnobisin Ilealitig. . I
� I .. I I . -F F I . . , was. I .y . f, . . WILLIAM A114'Proprictor. 1.
1. '. . I I . 93,2 per cent, Poenny BEink de - Ing 1300. 0. F. Stu his Johnston . ............ �00,00 �10 -teaching the. -child So lie will learn to ,Can Faith Core?' Dr. W. W. Martin .
1. . . 'L I . Posits Ir � . , . . :
I . XOtIceL Is, berel�y given timt I; li�Vs October Were $65.84; - ' .'. 1. a�welllng on Colborne street at a cost of Seattle ... � ............ 160jo0q , 26,0 control himself. Discipline � is -not $up- I East Sto Goderkh, Opp� Knox Church . I
, I � . compiled with section 7: of The VQteff L X .c '' -,"Ll' �1__L Irdthe OILTIn Young also IS .. fing .his SISSett .L ......... � ...... 150,000 .. .was chairman. . . I . I . . �, - I . . . I .
. oMmun ca.1 oil from. $ho T 'r;� 00. reroo . ,24.0 presslaii.. - A child has cer0n energies Reviewing brt6fty his lecture' of the .
L14ts Act and that I have '.posted up atL bQOd 'of R4 I Uw(LY . Trallnuon., Asking th cambria'road dwelling at a cost of $4,5, L I I . .. I which he must control. :Tho� direction . ,There are fivio criminal and fOur civil �
. L . my office at the Town Hall, Goderich, board tL e I I . L . . . Milk Nov. Uh,. I . evening Vr�'VIOUS. f0rlill-aro Ititerlockl" cases on -the' docket of'the tall assizes . I
�. . 1- 'the thirty- � 0. approve of Govornmollt super- as is R..R. SalldWs. Church. street, cost, 1. . of this stimulating ene y fills the whole . N;
. I
first. day . L . ,rg in: their, nature, , L oiir�tn aWaln delved Which open .here next Tuesday before . L I
on ,of October, 1932, vision alijl L supplyL Of 'Who�l #9 $4 Baxter ................ � 150� , ' - i P.L - tl . ' . .
I . -1 - the list Of Ali L persdas vote In . . IL ok$f So. as. 0. . Tbe$* applications , were referred Dairy.. ,000 ' , 4.4 sphere.. Very often u, spattking; will bel le L mystojl6o"of ' . L
I Manir ,entitled to Cormolitt Goderle 5,000 I into the human mindi Wr justi
� . V at Man to re ee. ... . I .h .. 3.8 , "I disagree with Dr, Matti. Z�ery . . cLe .Jeffrey. Of the four civil
I . the Said .4p&lit, icipal elec, pqo profit to the fire . I . . � , A dillolple of Dr; Coue, he of the "every, � .� . i
L el "l . . I J91iliston � ........... ;ip,000 . cases two are jury. .
. L was reforrj4 #Q#t'and.r 3.4 child Is Inherently both good and, bad. . . I
. I remains there q ,�� %Wp
Mons and, thwt such 11 Vt ., , gern0ut . �
.. . . .st I I ;;r- , t !Dollar for Pollar � McManus . .......... 80.,QO '. . day In every.. Way" fame, of adecade L ago, I ---. , .
; . I . . for Inspection, .. I , tL,MMIW,e for a-,%*-- . I I . . 9.9 . if you can get along. without spinking, hold the close attentio of . . CAHOS OF THANKS �
. ; - I I . . I * dodetlich still Owesi t150 to the Blue ,Orr . . .4 the. le0urer L , . ill .
, . 'L And I.hcrfby tall upon . Chairman Buo 4 , . ........... � ........ 60,000 -3 by all means do so, but get, dlwlpline�- ,to Over n hour. . I I
. , , all � � . . i
. I amrs . of the la6 lRobut. Young i
. I - take Immedl&t6L . .Otero to SlackVtonp Was ap�. . hIS he r a L
any . put- 'of .AS� 1032. grant L , .0 - ,
, . . I I proceedings . to have POInted to mpriesent.the bq%rd at a� Water- Highway. Association on account Seattle ................ 10LQ 000 . 3.4 it, 76U can't got It without spanking, then . The family . I
. .
! , P., rrcra _ _ Vhs,toWn _b ".. . '2.500'_." L � ,�.%25 ' '_ , '^L . ' * " . I I 11
. I _=.L'OMIUJQtM,ColTiiCted,,ft6rd4lf. � . _,Council_ 1=3 13isatt _ , ._. , , ApaftX,L * �' ' There Is nothing mysterious . about wishes to thank the JAApy frldn�!S tot,' .
, I itt "Weettfig til be -h61d'In't1j6 tow� lio,11- ............ - 'I. I . t 1114'. X� 4 jh� I . .
� I �1. , law, the last day lot, appeal being the . L . I . Put it Up. to the board of ,trade to raise L . I .
V� 3 "'' St 41,Y of NOVCMber.j.,1032, , - ,. �n Wovembe th I . I .. Sudden Ind . Swift 11 . , ypnotipral ht :§ __Imt. key ltlri�fibsses shown, during blif long Illnew
I 4 , r 15, L (Or the pur,pose of Cream � Nov. 5th , . I I f hhe - 1�.Ibco ,, I ,nd thosvg Who JQMq0 ,o,,4r,J ,for tile (14IRt ,
. .
� I .. � L Dated%thts 3rd ds� -of November, !L032 oiganlidng A - COMMImItY Welfare board. the Money. Councillor Br9WA - tho . I . F L L #�Make the spanking . tuddcri.snd� ftt unlock6d the door a rt er. t - . .. . .
I . I ugh� Baxter ._ .... _� ..... 960,000 lWifb- "�'.115115 Mind, It Is merely SleepL ... . I
: . 'Me 004tract with Aaym - now L
t. I I . . . . . L. iLl KNOX I. . and F. Player, that it should ba.made plain right Goder" Dairy.. .150,000 , 1. 24�4 ick him and get It over with, MpAnk cori,..OnCrat,on to rel . It Is I � L
I . . music Instructor, called for -0. � salary, ,of that council IQ willing *to plit up dollar .291.5 4xation, the It-tting Air. and Mrs. John johnaton, nayAeld
. Clerk, (of the. Town of GoderIch. _* Johnston ....... �; ... *100,OQo .- him--when-t-a knows -he has done wron , Ot - thlit -vaster. oute a,d road, wleli--.to- thank their Irientis and .-
t . I I I . 3$ ' in ' L 'W' . for dollar wlth',th6"board of trade, but . I I "I 9 r area or -ffii mii �
. . __ — . I �__ I 4 5 per annu , Mr. player , teach ' RIO it In the bud,11. urge4 the lecturer, I L It IS the do neighbors for their kindness find assist. I I
,I I RE" X§TA -D- IN$VX I And conduct cidgiesL in"Oh of lhe'fif that the latter should bistir itself' In the McManus ... ....... 11 . _� ;5,000 . 33.0 take Possession. . L minati6n of once during the time of � . . I .
1. . . TE Ai% . I. - L early Part Of the* Year whon, contributors Orr ....'� ............ n.... '90,000 29.or � 'Up Spoke thb Matron.. "But Wit right imagination Over will. Thi Will, he said, I L Mr. Jounst6n,g
� I . ��_ I, . , �ANCE teert roonds,for one-half'hour per: week. had sora hing to L look IQ . to bring Punishment on. a child ' sickness., I I . . I .
I . .
� . . . ARMSTRONG ..RrAt ESTATE - 'The October "Ifir,v list totalled $1676.- Lot rward , to.. .. Seattle ............... � 150,000 , � 1,9.5 . quickly. e6uld be set against imagination, but the , . , , I . I I �
� 'PE AND INSURANC, d%jL L There IS a credit balance of $69.74 Bissett .... ... 1.1 ...... 7,000,000 . ,: 2 0 - on the impulse, without .getting �he latter InvarigIbly wins, Hyp - Is SORN . L . �
� . V AGEN . , 86� Total expenditures; to e for 1932 . I , 8. . I notism k
. I = ' ay cialehr L 1. L I I . child's viewpotnt, his L . . . . 1. ,, 1. I
� . D. . I
. . I 11, . _ ", from the Oominlon � Understanding?" .41'roly Sugge$'19% L I . I � L , Alexan Hospital, Oli
! .. �_ , ; . . are *.IS,031,17; .. I , ation. A F. Weir, assistant Sanitary InQPoctOr, She asked. I I.. . I 1. . . . V -
. ., I . ollkhtlo. from the. committee , 0114 UP61i Your spirit, not by dalidell- 4401 if4ifti-Alvoiffisip 99.
,: 0HE"EP L . . Mrs. L to Mr; . and I .
. some 'Vi"ap .FArn*. tot S416, I - . L I— x� . L I . for this made a report for July, August and.Sep. ' "Yes, Mike sure yoWre right, the tr " li rfatill Xil6y, A* a' Uj%o . I
. � . . n go
--harni i . C16AILETTES . �MOUnt was received, docOmpatilvd,, ationj but effortlessly. A man is spirit, . a ri 1
120 acres, large bstaic . L . . by.Ei ternber. During AWY Premises oil the ahead me leeway, give him he h . i .1 I
. % story. 'kititfr�m 8, D. Croft, ell an Whoi i3qdare, . . , Give him so . as soul and. bo FE
�. FQIJ*WlngL i, -_ r�ductlori In - the federall - air= , I and on St. V,atrick street were . dY.. God, Is spirit. LLOWS.--wAt A167(304M Hasoflij, dr� . . I
.110114% large Orchard, 8,prl#creeki only, tax, L oIgj%r4ttjS * _ t The Xltigdpm of Heaven is within.you r, and Mrs, . .
. I * ,00Z � , .. I
; ,three Miles -from gle I . t1aile" 'been lowered, in sugg#Sted'the money m one Or two ollahces, but � always %Let ii Sunday' November Gill, to 14
, . e, #000; I 11 welfare work, - . . 10t b I o i used in Unspected and ordera'wert giverl, where thie Psychological moment,"- otiSwered La It grow. Let�'It unfold,11 said'Mr. John Fellows, a daughter. . I
. . . ,
,�' � . .xtrictly cushf&rm, sl%lighter price In GOderich and elsewhere. Pack� � 1. . xiee&Wd� .to. clean . tip- * Dairle$l supplying Mr. Durnin.. . ,� t a *UP I I
�. . 200. -acre Price. for ages heretofore costing 25.cd,u now Sell I . . - he I . Vurnln, leadin to the subject of . . - I I . .
. . . ts Committee reports adopted are as:fol- the town Were Inspeoted, along Vith t 1. DIED
. L
t� , 1. . quick sale, .only $22.00 per acre. -Soil for 20 cents, and 15 cent packages for 12 lowsi., I . .1 Chief of Policei and, fi ... Obstrespirous Daughters faith healing, . . BURK.-In Goderich gn Wednesday, - . I. I � I
I , I I � L . oulid saWlsetory, .
11. . I principally OaY loam, no. waste, Very cents. . . . . �� . 1. .. . Finance. Committee Necessary improverlitiaWware iwitarea to Strangely enough, the discussion Tues. Referring to the falthL cures reported No�. Oth, Dorothy Kennedy., widow of .. . ..
. 16W stories or foul wools. About 120 1 . T- I I L" . I "Y,ot& finance com, from the shrine -of St. Anne do Beaupre the late Joseph Burk, In I I .
, I Macrgg now - under, bUltilatica. More TAX COLLE ONS -GOOD ,, initt,ce WgS to re. -be undertaken In tWd itairlese thit# to. be day night was all about', obstrbperoua and Of* the work of Dr. Locke the Wil. I ., IN 1VIEMORIAM L . I
t , ready, -about 60 &crqs timbered. ..4olood I port as 'follows: L I . . done ot once. During August' promise& daughters, Not one unruly son was un- I . W4 t .
; an L I . I
I 'bank barn, I ),�,-stqry house, In, )n- Goderich. tax c6l. ections, ior i93'2- are "We 11AVe examined the treasurer,,, were disinfected and quakanline.- lifted covered, The accountant told of curihg liamoburg '16e.puller," Durn'n ob' FIN1410AIC-In loving memory of out .
. I
a baby girt I .
I .
� ditiOn, Orchard;' good water. a '04 .02,00k, Just $600 short of this Statement of recelpts and expenditures and 'some complaints were la ked into I , served: "When loading statesmen and I . I .
Located now over ,a not his own, of night crying deaf daughter and sister, Mary Elizabeth I
� '30bilt 14 miles from Town of 04dorich time la I 'he financiers go to these places year after I
� St year� However, the discount for the month -of. Septemboj% itt has and� 111114anced removed. During Sep. by the application of the palm of t I FIfUllgall, who.passed' away Novembet .
lc After three year, they are getting sornething-there Iltb, 4930. . I L
� county ,of Huron, Crib,, close to SC11001: was more generous this year. There is been audited and found correct and we tember a hTnOnd- Orr's Premises Were halld,011 9, Well known spot. I .
. I
'large village. Randy' markots', ' TZ:itm - less Owing In AlTears, but pro (Continued on. page 8) . Her pleasant waya and orailing face, .
. . 8 I Inspected and found sanitar doses, It worked, he told an interested L I I
rd I
S.:k -
�7w. -
� -41900 down cash, balance cri�dlt torms, ,ers still ,V,, the to . PertY own- recommend that It be received and filed. .y and satis. I , . I . . I
I I . I I
; . 'Very easy If *LTeqU'rEA. Taxes paid In InU - - WA some $40,000, "The SUM of -1150 has been received for factory for his Milk route business. .. . - Am a Pleasure to recall; .
. I '====-=��;= �-_.__ I . L . . . I She had a kindly word for o.ath, It .
� Ior 1932. No bacik'taxos. No'exchange * � . �. the Use Of the grandstand from Messrs. . . .., I I .. 17 SIL And cited beloved .by all, I . I I P
aectpted. Immediate possession. Punwo NOTICE — Litt, as Per agreement. The amount has L . - . L L , , �
� , 11� . . I
; - . .. . . . I I . Some daY we hope to meet her, . 1.
� .. If interested -wrlie: to , . -V10VCV-A worthwhile business op.; . (Continued oil page 6) I I MPRES VE� SERVICE MARKS Some day, We know not when, . I
I . ' L L 1.
I J� W. AAMSTRONG, I -1 portunity awaits - I Cominoa EventS L ARL - � I .
I . your Investigo - To clasp her hand In it better land, . .
� 1. . .. 0121ce Upstairs, East side IS 110n. Must have own car and $250.00 . L I . - I . I L
; �quam I Never to part again. . . -
: . P.O. Box 89 * Oodo:ich, Ont. cash. * Investment secured. gat . FOR SALE OR TO DXNT AND BUSINBSS BRIM. I 4th MISTICE ANNIVERSARY Ever remembered by., .
� I L I . ,
. - . L I . "ry __-�-- I I . I - - . I .. I
� I . . Plus 5% ,commission weekly, A= JR A SA,LF_A newly remodell house . 'I . . I I . . . . . f I I
. . L. S 182 Afm+f-A � — . MOTHER FATHER. SISTER$ and I
f � I .
� .
1: �.
L , . I i
� *1
I .
� ( t
i .
0 . with all conveniences, and eon- Miss Doris M el Harris is giving a . I I BROTHE � . I
. I I . 1. . _7__�� trally lobat6d, I be sold Lon easy ,program of rbadlilgo; monologues -and CAptain ' Lane P I 6 a d a For ', CAR SHIPPEWTO VEST I I . . .83. . .
. Wil .
� �
L � il�. . 49 �, , L L . . 161`1110'Of Payment, Qr*for cash sale very sketches at the MoolCiy 'Hall, on Tues. Greater Unity Among . . — ALLIN.-In loving memory of our deal . I
- . . 011elP. . Apply BOX 10, STAR OFFICE, day evening, Nov� loth. - .. . . mother, Elizabeth Ann Ailln. WhoplSscoj. .
I . . . - — . I . . Nations - 1 . I Oenerous Supply of Fruits and Vegef. away one years ago, Nov, 13th, 1931.
L . I'91t SALE OR UENT-Solid brick The Central Home "d School Club L . tables Sent to Kinealol, Baskatcha"n in ill the world,,13o where you wn I 1, I . I .
. house on Trafalgar St will hove a sale of -homer docking ,on Sat� MMM, WAR IMpOSSIBLE - A carload of fruits and vegetables left You'll never .
I I . All mod- , find another L . �
. , I ern oh conveniences, wired for electric urday afternoon, NayVinber 16th, in Mr. . . � MtGaw Station on Saturday last, for. W"O'll. stick to You, through -good or Ill, . � .,
. StOv Write Box 25, STAU OFFICE, � H., 0. Sturoy's radio store. � 11 And love you like a L Mother. . t
I . . distribution among 'the needy In the soo- . L I
i - .'-- The Junior W. A.' and the Church Sacrifice of G r e a t War. Is tion of Kincaid, Saskatchewan, The car in, all the world, whereler you to .
. FOR SALE! OR To V,ENT.-gewly l'o" Soys, League of thOL Anglican, church . I was well Alled, Including 201 barrels of With sister, wife or brother, am . I
'modeled house on Xeay4 street - . Impressed on . Youll never find so meet O, home I
PUBLIC NOT%CR. Hardwood floors, wired - for electric will hold their annual bazaar "and tea . L apples, $50 pounds of boans, 120 bags of I As that one madp by mother. . . I
. qlh� _W-. A* 4�u_ "M- A I 61. range. Immediate -possession. Apply to on Saturday, 14ov, 12th, In the �arlsh Congregation carrots, beets, turnips .and onionsi S'ln all the �.AA 4,1- �v . I
. .
r � . . . wri am . ged no � y. W. WORSEIZ, Xeays -St, phone 475. Imll. , I . . . . I I . . . of preserved I "311 wu us command
.. 11 . � �" _ L td give Meals or money, -promiscuously - . . . . . . I For you the Work of others; I I ,
. TH'r - calling at their both - A-speetal'inecting. of the Cloderfeb An Impressive veterans' sef0ce In fruits, 110 pounds of honey, 100 pound.1 You'll, never find a pair of hands . .
J 0. � to strange men M, OUSE FOR RENT. -,-Residence on I . �
I I X CARRY 4CO. . but to send them ,to the Town gall, H. Women's Institute will be hold In Mae- commemoration of Armistice bay wa of dried apples, 432 cabbag.qg, -and goo ,ZO toll for you liIto Mothers. . I
West Street, T h r o a . S . �. I . .
. I . . In all the world, a9hough you break �
I ; � v or them largo living-rom with fireplacbedi"Oom5' Kay gall on Monday afternoon, Nov held in Knox -Presbyterian church o m of anoWer ear Is being The tender hearts of otliera;
I fifte, ACC10114T aW'MOTOR CAR .�hem the pollee will look Aft e. Hot 11 . I n pumpkins,
I , 'hils doe' y with betglng and over- water, heating. Quite modern, Garage. 14th, at I ,o'clock, to arrange for a . � . "�
. INSURANCH, lapping of lowha There Is no heart can ever ache� I
I . . AdVIT FON . ulty and elps the POlice' Apply Box P, care STAR OFFICE, euchre and dance. .. Sunday ,morning., when Members of anticipated within the next three -weeks .
� .
I . to keep 0heck'on these men. � � I -_ Tho-Goderich TbWusMp -Hospital . Aux. GOderich -post of the Canadian Legion, Thoze Who wish to donaW 4ppicoore re- As much for you as mother's. I . I I �
. The Vatual1ife of Camada Citizens whoa wish to help in this work F LAT �M.'R REXT.--On St. Vincent St I I . I
� 00VICC-1ASONIC YRUPLI, WW ST.. GODINCK may give their, contributions to the Town Illary will hold its regular monthly meet- oomor tixt3f in number, attended in a oltic'sted to chow.e them with particular I In 411 the world, though you create I
Comfortable and Warm, all con. regard to keeping quqllties. A pleaoure for another, I
� � Phooe 238 NELSON HILL, Vmgiw Welhire Fund. ventences, garage, Ina at the home of Mrs. T. R. Rundle, body, marching from their hall. headed I I
! . . garden, .1a", and I -w__ - — I YOU can give none a joy so great
: . �� 19. 1). BROWN, spaclous verandah. Formerly part late Huron road, Thursday, :November 11th, by the Citizens' Band. . took youth� with them to higher rervice. i As you ,can give to mother. . I � . . .
I . .. ChAirmax of Relief Committee., Judge Doylefs reslidenfce. Mi- W, tit 9.30 P.M. All members are. Invited to From In all the world, whero you -in bliss, * .
� . I --- I . � November. Ith, 1932. . UO"I'L. Phone 213 or A. be present. . . a pulpit draped with the Cana, "And when we remember them, we 11 May wOft forget another, h
I I . . I �__ — , The Ladles' Aid . dian qtwtgh and smMl Union Japka Rev. May envy them too, for they tiled, beinglThore, Is no one whom you will ml5j' � ".11,
. b, A , . � ��! FiOR SALE. On To RMir.-Small . of 'XUOX church will (Captain) D. J. Lane,' Miirklstce� PrOoob- In love With life, and we may envy them. When she 13 gone, like mother. I . .
�, 1�. J. wal CRAIGIE , � .1 . . home, for sale or to rint aj a hold their annual anniversarysu" in ed on tife tubjeot, "We Will Remember for they died, havino found a cause tol' a Ever remembered by - I
. . . . I I . I Uargaln,, casy terms. THOS. yOUX0, the lecture room on Nion4ay' e0ning, Them-, choosing hiss. text from John the for, and greater love hath no mani I SON' and DAUG= R � � I
' . South street. . November 21st, Supper 40rve* . . .
I � Rtj1FA I C. H. HUMBER . . � ,stpom. 0 15:13,' 110reater love hath no man than than this, That he lay dowri his life for i IN IVIElitoltiXM I . I
. � Insuranceaw , ate . I . � to 8 o'clock, Adml!�51on 3U Pleft-00 this, that a Man lay down his life f6r his friends. Grief, reverence and pride I
I �, JEWELLgR 0 . eated six -room aput- keeP.thla datd, In. nftd 'd LOVO."In fond and loving Memory ol
0016MON. ftvivwo" THE S AILL'SIORE Mont Oil amilton St. For fur� . lotr 3 011ciOus his frienda," � will mingle as Canadians =veirible at our 4early beloved broth -2r. Pte. J. Iteg
I I M thor partie ra 0, 1Y HAYS & HAYS, supper, I "And there were millions, Who havO church and at cenotaph In memory of Love, died-ot wounds Nov ilth, 1917' I I
.11 1� MMOMA& SOND9. ' I Our 11
1 I I
:11 WkT" THE 111(l STOCK Barristers, Oderic Sunday night, *V61141or'' 13th, at I loved their friends during the great such fallen -ones. .
� 1, �� . . � � and dear father, Vred Love, 4111�a I
\ I ft, ,I . .1 1= � 11 .1 I I - P.M. in the S. A. 1149, a �Peelal service, .Struggle of 1914-18 who laid down their But they gliall not Grow old a, at8levator OL%. 19th. 1003, Ditto otu, dear . .
1. - =2t= I :1 6 11 1,1 ill N."..'.. PULtUTS FOR SALE.—NUy hatch, and at s,So in thaMaVXSy Hall, North lives,,, said the minister. We that mother, Emily J. liove, ol.'ed In Detrolt;7 . . 1. . .
� � *__--�� . . are left grow old, Nov. 4th, 103i.
I 6 . — L ' ' �� I I .. � - single comb,. White Leghcrn pullots. 8t., I Ver.v special sorvko� conducted by . I
I- exceptionally heavy laying strain. About Colollel Will. Dgbltl, Chief SecretAty of A Terrific Saedfic4b ' Age shall not weary them, nor the To noo.— . . .. 11
. . is choice pullett from 295 to 200 . Ito a number Of men repro- , yeam condemn; . .
* henS together With 15 early June hategg Canada and Newfoundland. Watch for "It would til He, is, not dead, but Da_*eM,before,,, .1 .
I ell. At the aoing down of the sun, and In
. ed Pullets still "to, sell. Prift Mc and further announcements. tenting the British dead, marehing tea , 116�- W.I.With W, in SWV6 M006rlem 4 .
I sun Life Asaffence ompefly � of 08118da UP. W. HOMO tilluTrox, it. It. 5, Tho-politig ladles &M. Peters chuft-h abremb, d3y and night, ton ollyl W p3s3 . the morning "I" d, 11 I Y00; ___
0 . & given point. The French dead, eleven We will ronitmber th�iu. Aud though the woundg, of 'tbc�qe Vha .
. . . . .. �� .. Goderich. Phone 1413, Carlo%V,, are ltoldhW a #-ert" of eU(-bre Parties, at ds% The nM3I%tl,. fi,ve Waks. All the ,,As this, a4nivercs�y, rettirn,q,�, contlo- ,I 1andcr Pleld3,
I - . ''I - I Makkay aleoll, N
I ,
I , , I - �F-(M 9A1X,--FiWd 4el(Veri tnwk, Hall COMMelleing Monday, Nov, A M�, L=e, "111111Y thOughn I e-, TCA. #1 otir-hearts they're .
" � 0� _, allied fallen, two and a, Imll hiont,fic, lie wil b , 140 gioro
Z� - YOUR 001M., . Model T, Itargain for titil0k mle 141161 I slx,tonswtItJ",Wtcks. A Iti" The cuouty dead Would rcquiro six weeks Coin* 11tr01131. 33MV4 hearts Will 8trUg- nev4W liti:ticd, . I .
. - '� - , . �J- It. WIIEEIJMI Hamutm St., Gade. will be siven each veek with a grand Taw are Tvit dead but ever pre�,�,at,
� YOU to glie your children in education, (2) rich, . Mite 6f a -$5 gold piece to tho person And a -procession of all thoy Men tacri- 910 between tho pride, 6f naevillee and though their 11P3 W. rtW&
[ to'balld 615cipraw4fill further emergencies, .(3) to protect your - . � with the highest store at the end -of tile ficed for freedom and Its to -0, marching thO sfirrOW Of POrW111161 IM1 M"17 can- To our ParentD4_' .
tefrestiments strVed. Admission 100017 VeSTS which tolloWcol tlAt first ThoSr arc not dead; in int� 017 thC7 live
PAUU !,Ort SALT__r,arW acres, more serim V t,tn abreast, day and ,tight, would rp. ,1161, forget the empty, chair--Iand 'the
I I homb aga!M-t the. aXWfgage, (4) to Set aside money for your . , 6r I "m , the property tt tho Isitt 2oc, ,.ZverSbody Welcome, quire four Mont" to pa�4,
r 4"_.1, � * I
1 17 1
1 , it)"' (2) -.11 I I
I tert Your
�� old age. YOU can a"OmPlish these desires more ecotioml. 9- W, 0. Xr,ftel, Situated at the end of 1,8o,We remember them and hAvorlell AUU11'Alcd MY- I d an IVC4
80uth StTe6t On the 80atkeMn boundary EXI"ITINO CANADIAN rXXV419s s-,,^wn to, do w. aft t �_dl d
/ CA11Y thrOtigh life insutAnft thatl in ftlly.other way. Consult or itc-316 faurt,X= ailerilk stavely Met --- -.1y �VWAIA W"19 VVIrnowina Oak
� I'll the, town: of good cla,v loam, large aenlember tile sp-leudid exhibitim of �vars, :t4urtce;a Sre,AW 11W07 from thelr "gut tho day of tterill4co wm bravoly I tander Caro, Iov
L -us abM ei:r *fnany 14an& .1, . i . houso and barti, drive ishod; workshop., Calaollan art, OfIginals and sligaM falighttr jind the Milt of their cyo. ", ot when it came. V. 10 can had ,eoMo And anizow life loaa turlete, d1I
I . mn-hou-Itt; art"M *ell (135 feet), tu j . not ovuo. 1 .
rhoott : Mee 116 very best of Water; go,,d "t t2des, o t,ead* a In Our 110attl. Darorib dear, �qotl D11aU
copksl U, tho mileoto A"embly sill Asutteta. vcats, lonelier than 91091 left W. Druw rx'Zo beating and th titic
fgeddeiw No IN. R. LONG, District Agent Ideitt location, CIO" tO Achoo:1 and 6" T"Isday, Nov, 15th, Ut'(t, ff0m 6 CO 1,*Mttft VaTs tit many raxe!s more Marching fnen tvas 11taird "15 tralm mov.�4t
d '. 11 . I thumbes. Par tafthtr otrumisrs slvly 11 611000C V.M� Into rt-presentstive of stooll. We TOWOW.ba^ tile 10 lu M01V ed cutward. 1rho dovottd vpl2h.of t1IN live, ever thera.
i� '' '_ '"" ' "' ' "' --L'" ""' --' '- GundAgo PA_,�,x% 81ww"q, fail.
--1_111-._.- - . . 1. .I . LL 11 On tile prew8et or to rrw.,r or WIM the Art OVA Vill LV81a Ids t0% z,dj etely SRI tht lift Of H1411r 11110194C-28, AURIOCIX0141 awwer,M. Voap�4ie Dut 13vo and lnommy autjlvj� all,
I-, 1.i I 01 .- NAFT-M I Cawdian Art at 1,30 Vttockll- . [Wity h6va zot IWto their Youth, Tht,71 (06;4t1JqUCd On Vjt8d ly �� Codly ml,_c4t b7 PAMILy.
�, I I I
1�,.-J�. . . I I
"I _. � I 4
L �/ I
0 I
I . I I ' I L I I - � . . I . ., - � 01 - , .,*4kJrA11JPJ1,SS"4,J11"-
I .
� 1 4
.11goft - .". ,� 7.-., -
I , � $V�k,j� mms�j