HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-27, Page 8- I-
-— - . -
PACIV 1"QjjT -
I . � I
WWRS5AV, 00T. 27th, IM .
-- .. - 11
I 1. I -1 . I A 1.W-ft*""".K*"".,�- �- I ft - - -- ---- . I -
I As � �� No �0� I 0 - I- 11 I � � .- -Ift - ---Ift�--ft
�� Trustees May Say I i ' .1 1. IN11 a 11 -- I am F 1 �� -, 0-.---.a &&
11 I , I I -- -- �' --W,m-- -- --WW"W-- ---W-, -1 I -W - -- -1
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I C,4zlhurnel�,V HALLOWEIN 4' "We Ari Seveir i eye" 'Of k
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707"'714*14 I)IT. STOW7*97 ZoZxilctl nA DT .1 X04-4%md p4go 1) .Uunoaanno � Selld' Us One 1"Ri , rairs of Stockings ,
VWA Qla =V40 Ila W. MaTkI4 CUUM111 FAR%J&Y � rn,rzl'a Wit ZID rC,UM1W 91 Ma town 5�,-- . �11 -1. I -*"�� I 10110301011= — =,-=2110" . . . .. 11=0 -9j=0X1=0==0=0==;=
I Ano AM UT. A�klns. Of Torlinto, win I 12,4re Z04 cauth ot vtzft�:a 42uall Do left . I ".. . 11 I 11
.. .V: -ea -,;1A 4n &-A X%T*ytrTAaa 'cbUrda ro-ery "r,4zatto '54ext 04,*Uon Is w4tllorEZ0 to
� .nor - -�, -1,0go abbve order was p
;rQ,%,. fi=day. Acua that a. ': Ze'.Ewal OUD= �as fGV tbo laced with "Alercury ARM" Hosiery
I .1. I 1. #'SUPPLIES . 1 WN't ;':'�'W�'Vr,tlalwa= wool rtc-w-1,!z ( M:0. 4, The
llut,a Dawl- 4
=a"lux Hrml-43, ww% 440 .. .. , - p4er, ,,e Star Ana I ably the largestorder �ver placed with a hosiery
, � 'Wintttea J�Zk In. 0, wh star. �ao for tL
&a,��.-".a ura� J012a pro-d'-4ta'A 01 tl�e, V11- W-9� � . tua Q1*Xm%n,Gf tb:3 C� . '440A COMPany,prob,
1,13e 14-3 wmk. . . . lta the matter' or ft'.1ug; on the sDath either 'tile, &D Frzo Press. or tuo
. �aao 02 wako 64" 4r.4 reparv. 144404 AdVCA:= ,At thO V4W 19W r4tIQ will in Canada. Alany mal�ers competed for the big order.
. . I 02 G.c3foAll, Tho'ceine"'cry a tco.:V0, of SUD �or =0 y0arlD ,auba�40394 . . .
Cle ReV. Mr. M�14ray. na park's canualt , to Wrlgley!'s, after most careful study of qwji
I ta)% ebargo of lh�? wr7LX3 hara ancl at Cole's * Book S re, P.,ttedus follon, u,= tr,e jurnace 43 taa!% This la5l. 'effox lu Until Nov. 30M �ty, fit and c6lorings, . . `-��,
S314Va 11M lasslv Fskb�atlb. .- � b.'423 fast -4110a In the Park now as per QuIp. cOusiderea "Mereur.y" as best value afid placed this immense . .
Mr. and ma. Nolsen XMI, 0: aaa'crt�b, 1='Utr44 and we recowtutud tbat xaia. Ue3lclvau 'or Dunaann-aa loaraca with I
-art ti,Viag t4o IaM,rla Varexaft, a1r. and --11': 11"-11'.'111=7=: 77 dltbral VqM�lr bo platcd Ig r,U,o of the MuPh ricarot of the dQ3th of a fogmi�r Order, We s011"'Mcieug" almost exclusively, and redelved this ,
Mrs. ous. CATter, of the vwaso� . I week from Mercury Mill
. � Urs, tjWa, jjoujt2�,Wr. of ZVgZdV:;boM �day with licr fV1044. =rs. H. yunplat. upita4ra ra.-Mo. and tuat aw tallet 0;A101tIzen, well-known and much belovcd. s exactly 862 pairs -with letter--j"babnee .
. t1to M314 Roar be hoatea all at F* 1=t of Palmer, on �, , to follow as soon as . 1� I . � I
I W;1-0 tooic A*ro of tho tato M". W&�,g 14141's X J=W0. of nc4r Cllatcn, to $10. That tho parohn-!Aug Of wall p;ipe,1:ThUT.,day eveWng of Igst vgek, at her . possible." I i
. 4urinx her 411=-3, roturne:1 to her home tlao aucat vi hor,i�kzor, wa, o. k. r5rrattl tqr the vAri.- ho the, ro4l4c;;vZ,. 212 Perth st., Stratford, wliere I Pure -Silk in service, siteer s ce I �
. la�t week,! �! at, tweant. � L , me L -o G witli. wfif-m � , ervi .and chiffon.$1.000 $1,.25. $1.50
,hot tp she IM4 Wen. 0 rolftnt for the past I lf.n , I.` .*..* '4$1125, , . �-
, WPM. . "I " - - . . t�., , 1. . 76co'. $1.00 4A -71
Tile tor*er part ,of -,t* *kesg Aft$, Ur. 440 Mva-� Nunn, ot vetrolt, visitod lhalrmwa. T �o sum or $1,067,40, , , Silk and. Cash
,Y- bl�wg $1,00a plus N, T. ex,-hange, 110taL t.Qca !year.% Vorn In ulausbard Towa,; . . � , � , , - .
iota 119u*4 and MISS Jc,oep*j�js, � elp the, Udy'a vanslit" urs. U. Touttgolat, beon rceeived gram the Mrs, Emily wil. ship Upward# ot wenti-one roars ago, ,A)JoWbol Cashmere" ....., . 6.4.1...,*.*� , . � . - -15�, gik $1.00,
� ; I 1wout t01$(`3%t1%r,V. On their return they Over the weck-ead. ; Ils V,4tato through tile Detrott'ItUst 0,), She Was, Previous to'her marriage, M,ls, s . ' I .
I - . �4 . 1,
: . . were a"zinplusett w, U1,5 welr� Of Mr. and Mrs, W. U. rattemon return. SU89=* fRoXie, a 444iter of pioneer . 90curyis., Van Asa.1te gffk Up ' 1. I I . I I
"mtlwor, cd ,home oWfianday afor a ,week witii� As a 10;aay for the Perpetual care of the derwear for Women , -- . . j
� W111.0 lot In Maitland Icemotery And We re4l4ents of that district. Her earlier I They representall that is fin and lovely in underthings, - I '
, ,
i : %Us week Mrs� u0bort meoca rootv. Telittives in M04--t-Ou 414 041t, rocommond, that trAS be deposited An, -the life WRA spent In tho vlolnity of 'her birth. . . . le � �4
! ed the "A news that her brOtI,,er, Mr. Mr. Jos. Leddy lo.aded A tar of apples cQM*.rV perpetuity food to, be Invested places 404 for some Years She rOsIdedl 'from the quality of the cloth and its texture to the smart .
,� . . james i9talkir, of Z;iapatiee, hod 41ga at the otstion this week. � He *111 ship In the now Dominion of Canada 20.yftr near f3t, Mms. ,For a Amber of Years I cut and the � I
inadvitly. 'Mr. Dixon �;stauor and Mrs. to tome polut 44 Northern Outgrio. . Ste Ilve4 In Dungannon, where one of . ,jr fic. . -, . . . t . I I . . 4 , �
, 103t, and the Income to W spent on, thj$ ..
, ,
� 'Et%lkTt, Mr.'Und Mrs. Pan Qeddes, wont Mr. Robt� 'Scott is home ,again from .. 11., . �
I ; . I . Plot, the plot to be r4oked as .. ...,her OughtcVs was qlalet operator, Iku the B1001ners.. Vests and Sft Gowrls from3fer Wills. ...
down'to the funeral. , VWting W iloughtot" Mrs. X. '01DW0111 (lowed , Plot. . Godoriall, aurva litlephong,Compawg � . . I. MY � p �
. � The former Part of the week Mr. and with Whelft he sNAt several Weeks, � � nw� . - q : . . .. 1.
. I .
MO. W04 Paterson, of,tho village, to- Air. and Mrs. A. J. Verguson and im. All $110 Mmbars of the vouncil were central 0111ce In Dungannon. She had . . I I .. 11 .
, .
. Air, accompanied by Xtw 4outts, $p�vt present 'and the meetink 4140 lived at Wroxoter and in Ohio, V. Coiagol(eam Rugs4-all the new pat_ Silk Curta-m Net�Tallored edge, in . .
% 'turnOd 20WO after' wndllig * week short one, Was a' "cry 0. A, Of 14 Very kind and generous Als. . .�
. , I -
, Sunday With friends to Wingham, .
I . amo UUUM in the neighborhood ,of . , The forepart *1 the session Wa4 takon position. she made many 111ends whipro- teras at'new. lower p4ces. . a beautiful Swiss 'lot of .' firm, .
. - P. $- of Icnox vottod, lieux a up Zan Informal talk with R I . over she lived. She 'W" a devoted ment- I I . . weave and in, most desfrabk shade ' .
. loalt7 I . ThD y 'I,
� . 14st. Sunday Mr. ,and Urs, Edgar 04110wolqu mssquerAdo on Tuesday ll,Ott, or I ge 11, ev. P� 0. her of the 10.41t . I
lit. O,v ,,thIrty , E, A giso WI*D Was 1*40tr rjod. .$he WOW ed obureb. Twite mar, : Thlafif Unoleums—at per square , of beige Or sand, Recently priced .
. . � ,. Uwaou and their daughter. Miss 4per- AIR I or, came In cQstanib. Connected with rallef Work in tb*t to Prodoceased, by her two I . yard.., *.,$I ' L I
I � . nice. spent Sunday afternoon, in Seaforth XbO, PrIges. were .won -by Mrs. A11111110 last wit Wa I husbands, Mr. W. Bellamy and *%. L. -.25t $1.50 att4 ,$1,75 1 $1.00, 'at per yard ......... .... 600'' . I j
. . vislong Atm. auktor. uts, rAWW16 RA)bInson, .and Mks. Wm. atrauglion. , Ater itud, on .the Invitation Ot 1% Palmor. Two daughters also precle I . . . I . -
1; . Mayor Lee. gave tile council the advan, Pkinted1frioleums-4 yards Wide in I
.?. mother. I . I . . Mr. -and Mrs, 0. u. Iturocheasid and $age tf his ,
I . � I ,. i I � ,
babj,:son, of Detroit, kto'At tile llomf "perloAce. Ust winter 410454d JIM ZUrVivino are one son, ;;� . Womeurk Costs—a. very. Wed new , . - �,
. � Rartr 0elIgnty,.. jfl Toronto, 9.m'c, ality at per�
f! . The executors of the estato Qj me late .) -of I one . heaviest %i .
i� P1,49rom of relief work Was 0jirrI04.on, ,,,,,i,,, Z&4. a. BUckinVilam, of W . . square � . Choice - ' : I -
- ' ' '
^010 YOU9410t had an auction a4le of bOr P&r=t&, Mr-'*A� Mrs- J, U103gleA. fun for the 'Various projects, being ou _ ..*961* .00* .*.... ..qA**. in medium and large,sizes, : * . �
11 JCIQ ds . b. Al � . yard' . '� .90C. .
)I W81 eftects last Saturday and very fair UM'Or- MOrft0re. And -W. W� SAM U, zc�lbid broltizens, Tis coming winterilard, Ohio. one sister, Mrs. .Rdbo# F'Keeld $17.600 '$22.00 'gjncf�.$25-0- ,� " "
,. prite-1, were ro,41zoti, the farm contain, gh%u AttendedA Meeting of the M. & I XemP, of Winnipeg,. and live brothors-�- Floor 04cloths—in 1 'I % - a, 2% �d$4 - , . . . . . .
� PO such IM)IRAM Is contemplated and � 1, I .. I
1� Ing 100 40tes being sold for - $4500. Mr M. PUAd cOnimittee'at Xxeter�oa We& thors, will . Edgar, Stone, of Stratford; -loseph, Ot6n, , . V I 1, 8i&.Dkesi5esL-90zue very.- lie
i ,, L I therefore be much moro direct , . � . 0, and
I . . yungblut�s .grandson, Major V abjut� nesday;.ot t ' . , ,. . . wide, new patterns, at per squ I ' ' I �
Un .. his w4. k. . � Illef and It hss been ,deemcd sdVIsable of Nirkton, William Ston#, is$. Imfistm, 1. I . are 'I ' " blaek, nayy�l . . I
. Th.e -fowl suppe VL . d Wesley Stone, Of , Lon- , , . 1. 1�. I � ing sty es in 0 I . .
� W04 the purchaser'. . . .,r bold last week in t, .1ohA Stone an . I ", . I � pleas "I
I ,
11 [ . . � . . haVe the funds for this come out Of , _ 74rd..-.,r �*,,`, ..,.. * , - �- #1 *... �,1600 : . t . I I . .� � . -1
r . T4A Monday evening the various or. XAQX Unttqd church V" 1% grftt Out' the town treo�iugy, and, in V* ,Way 8,11 don, abo� survive., %16r daughter, Mrs . � � brow= and groms. , . 1. Z
. .�, 1ganIzzatlons Of the young V�cplo of the, ceft not only in numbers 11 . . ., � - - - — I I I I I I I . I .. I . .:
is . b t 4150' for taxpayers Will share, in Ahe cost %)ro* Buckingham, bad been visiting Aer ,ror .. . . .4 - I I � -P.--- � i .1 . I . - . . I I --- � I I doraw . . - . . � . . .
�( . I Huron Pftsbyterytnet�jn the�Pgesbyt,er. 001elldid program and A feast of good portionattly And - the Provincial Ome 'Week$ $Ad .Vas present at the time . . . .� . � . I . : . 1, . I . .. I I ".." I "i.
I . . � . . I . .
,.".." I I Ian church here, Mr, Weir, of oWerich, thlogs'on the -tables. and 'at, her death, Which 'ea.146 atterL.sj Very . I . . . . . . . 1 0 . 1. . . �
V, . Mr, g1leby -c%PtA' 00mint.n .Governments each pay dollar .. , : ' - . ��� "I . . . . .
. * . . 0"Upled the obaAr. Nos vated the large, audience �Atl his chalic e ,,. week. The �Mi:,� ra, . I I
, . .rly ,every church ' .1 for doItAr.*1th what tile' munipipailty'bd0f Illnoss of 1� .
i , . � � ' I � 44 than v , I ... . I
". tile k L , I funeral vatheld on' Saturday Afternoon , AFA � � .. . I I.. �0
I . 'W . Presbytory -iiresentqd, , mUcre by Will .
I .: . . was re t4l . Which will long, be, rein a
., �, - all present. I . . . . . . I :spend.' Ust �wlnterjtx IngersOij .they at 2:09 p.m. fr Wo -A (C fto # w "wES0N' SON . . . :.1
14 Vrom the various reports given, good � I had a centrAl relief' committee -with otnDown% rojeral Homo, . . �.. - I . . : I I . . . � .
� �. .1 . I . PMGTtm has bean' IU346 during the past Mr. and, Mrs. Win, Oraig moored ,to. W111611'all organlmtlons co-qperated ;80, Ontario -Street,,. Stratford, and Was cort- .� -- - 110- as 010 , qft - 0 . -1 - olrw � i . � . . � . .1 I �� � I . .. I
I I . .11
Year, .tile Sunday schools, etj - the, ��pagee. an Friday l,ast wit - on& ducted.by Xav,. pr, c,, W,,,I)eMIlIo, of " * .- III , . ..
� peciolty I .1 , it, Mr. I ;that there was ngfoverlapping, ,,and they Central , . Ap w 40 I I& � -- &:-- -��--," . I 1.
. I , I
" . summer school at Xintall, as veil 'As tile Ms. 1). aet10% '61 Wingliant, And Mr. United: church,, Stratford,. Of I .. - . 7- I,— . .
i ,. - . . . I Others. The AM Mr. Ycitng, of 004� XX ,,Stalker, of 13lyth, to 'attend the full- Opened a d000,t.in a room in.' the town which the deceased 140m,was � 4 Wom- I I I . . I I . : . . .. 1 . -, . , I," 0 . � .
. . . . I � I I � 11 I
. 1; 11 . .. I I . . - 1, I I , . I 1. . . . I I . . . � . .. . .
I . � . � �alh 4409ssod. the meeting. I . Oral OVthO late 4as,Staiker, who died hall from 'whIch supplies of' clothing, ber. interment was "In St. Ma I
. I., . . , I I quite suddenly'and'Was burled.pil'a Ott I - friend I s. e leisure thile should, be spent for somo- 4111=80. of the'a0ivIcq in. thb- Westfield Sorry to bear mj$4. Einika T.0 I Ag, 1 %, � . .1
in ol WOO handed out, some ladies being too, UA:.
I ! . . I � .()F�tom another 00M.5poxiden . Un. ch eat. certain.. hours, when, it w 4, *140 oirgle Of i 11= thing. constructive, -not destructive. The, T;Altak obUrclu On- 014111AY And spoke oii Under the doctor,'* care, . . . . . . :
. � 1. :. . I , - 0 . day. Mr. Stalker was borft In this ,vic- . &XV , ould. gAAAdJa:, eitendh, loving sympathy to tho :numerous *a,V3 Of -5p0ndlng leisure 'hours behalf . Of- the W-1 U. S. - Special . musle Thrashing a] . 3,d 4110 filling � JS ' , � I .
!� �. . . I Viss'S. Carter loji 'be Open, Many details of tile plan Were bereavv4 .join � I' I
. . tirslag In the violn.; Inity and Is -we I � I e�readlug, - bobbles, sports, self-improVe. 'ArA$,rendered bY the chair. - . In this section.. � . I . .1� I
. . I I , )I remembered' by the '01,Weussed a gy, I . colit0letei, . ,
, I , . I . . 1
� . . . . . At.v of 11arloollZ at p lid the Q-60erich tounoil got r[Xe kegul eetlug 'd the . . .
"I � .� . . . . . � resent; � , .,- : Older residents ''bf a large family but some,good �olfitegs, And theY . could oon. youn, Pe,opar Weekly, in meat,- ihows, 'Inotorinl;, dancing. :arid Ur. Stanley UU01i.aAaA, 'Of Mount Var�, - MWk U Mae ' - . I I I .
I � NIM X M046h is bggaq:4galn after three. ,are .1oft,'Mr, - . leIg �5001 . del was visiting In Qode . .
I . . . , 1). Stalker, mrs. D. our. with sty Of 13UX190,41109 card-playlog, eto,, *ere thoroughly,� dis: est. Ylsited. 00 Tu day 'With.hi$ motih.-r, rlbh for a few. days last week. . � . I . I �
I I - A MI* of wotU In Qodorloh. �, Qoddos and Mrs. no many of the recommendations jjnjted 41jure4 . PO .
I . I . i I I I . . .bt. lyjcojo�. � Mr. VIllott made, having already le . -was belcrog W,ednesd4q and 44 profited from.the dls� Mrs. R. Buchanan. . I .. . . I .. d . .-1. .
"m- . -0, .1 . . .. 11 .
. .
. ..
I . . I Mrs., a. Cox. of.00derloh., is, visithig, The annual,cpave'atiou ,of the Y.P.S. e .arn" evening with an attendance ot gbagt ' The ladles. of ,the W Ad, Wted . �;,. . 11 11 — , . .
,. . . p . , , d their. wisdom by eiperjeAce , =. Arrangements ,were ma4e for gstfis I . . . I . . . 1 2,
urg-A Wgdilge or ths.8%$e 1AALN of tbO- Huron frekbAegy of the tmited, T.ho,followigg � . � tbigtV-dV6..,,11�he mooting lopened, Vitb holdIA9 a Uzilld*elcrt social on *Iday i .1 - I ..
, . spen � t Sundlay chum � , d4tiong -for building ,,h%b, Inte;,d. lnitting� on a. fo3vl� supper I i i -------'% --= � P � . . . .
., . I - . Mr. .Scott,' of Detroit,' h met in Onta�jo St, ciiu&b, 01111- apoli B 0 l JUr'd I U . .. .� I . �
. . . . . pormits were referred. to the fire com. t � ,of eventstj of this' week, after which th� . Alght, Nov, trd,,trom 0 to . I., . . I
. '
,� " -. � ; ,� with Mr,'. and Ursi ThOs,'Aallam. t0l). last Fk1d6Y.QU1tQ a number from mittee: . at:1u:y1t1a "pg;ay0'by Rev. D. A. Mar- :moeting closed wlth-,thel W#pAh. bene- P'P.M., after whibli- w good' , prcgyj�qu will ' 'We can take cdre of . . I . I..,
I - . ' '- * �
. . � . Iftm Jas. A. VKhIte,.. to We.. Mlijan, . The� chair was occupled'by Miss ;dIctlem . . . . � . . 11
, . . . .. . Allss.,Oroh0d, of Oorrle, spent Sun., hero 'Attende(L li�r. Harry Sturdy was shingle house and . I be givai, cpAsistjnK of ,4uartette$ duot�j - . . . . .. .
. . I . .
I � I I I for the county for the ford and C . barn, corner of ox- Pearl 7i", izensillp c . :a I , I . - - . : ' . . � .
� q glePt9d President . - ani, the 91 � reading& and Instrumental mu5i� from
.� . .—.-. W - VO=, Members of the 4unjo Womenos i - . .
�, � � � . � . to ng Year. The serl6s, of debates was ' ,, - 04'' i, ,
. I I ambridge st., with red c'edar Ing, *is Zk WhItichurch; solos, otc, -from Auburn, - yoa* r � a remen tt � in . � .
. � . . . � L . shingles, 'at I en, by ,�tjtuje tAd of the Junior Phrmorw club, . . � . 1. . . ".
I � an estimated cost of $s,*; MW MargVet Elljo . � - . I
, . ==== . - -� � closed by ther-11nal. between the:w1n tt. The- $pwbrth, Thet. At th6 hool 104. B fill and vicinity. .. . . . . . ., 1. I
I I I �, . hors from Patrick Kenngdy,..to res then , 6 of �Allan Reed Tii ly I . . .. . I . I $
'� , I � from the north and 9tUth groUps,:Cen- hinglo'kit- Leagu6 'hynln,� Wg s1mg, aftjir ea. I I . I . . .
''I I . *hen on the -west L91,cle of -Cypress street, $ . . I day evtning fq'�proctice or their play, . . � I . . I . , . �
. " - I . I . . . . . ; � � I ley Walker, a read- "Tile Eight O'clock BOY." A Joint mbet- � . I . . . I . .
.. . . I.. � . Centralla Won the thield.for the year.. . to reroof awelling; writer -Elain , Ing, .entitled,. 11A,'Goott xame�ll The trig of. those orguattations, Is to'be held .1 Mr.- and Mr�. J;, Hidler, ti--Holln � I I I . . , .
. 1� I . . I � . 1 es# I
` i
�� " III
� I I
�1 i
i . -
1 1 1 .
I 11
I Avo"-440
I . I
, `:� I I
- . I . I I . 11 - � . 1. . . . .; I — . . and Waterloo street, at An e Avenue topic, "Wher6--dbes our Present Social 'On. Monday evening, October alst; In...the Ville, add Mr, . I . . .. .. . . . I I . . .. .� I . I
1, . . 4SH E ' � ' I . . st and Mrs. tT, Bodkin . . . - . - �
I � � ,WANTEO L � trAlla�und Ooderiah; with thic'.regUit that egim4tect ,cost $38: from Wes which Miss HeIgn Atidersongove . � . � " BEN -F Fh.', - '0 '
� lvx"a , . rn.lture ,
, RE �
: � - FIME I ated:=t order tall'to be Qhristla % aken. b parisj, h . . .. I , - 1, ,
; .1 . . , , . .. . GGS, . la?" Wa., t y all, When .4 masquerade Ha vwtl .� � . . .1 I .
. I � 1146- I . . .
I . '7— . . � D0NN*B9d0X -, Of Wilfred Pentland and w4s.a very inter- . ed W1 Mr�'And UrS, 00 Vanstone'on
? ", � . ;�, . Of 4100,� from . L.'R, Dqftcey, to - ie�rq th . . . 1.
� . ,
�. � , ..� 11. . ,� I .1. I . and . . ' �� � . . � dwelling on rt*r.th, side of St. Vincent splring I - Biblo . welon' party Is to be - heidi , 'Ali injoyabl-t Sundak". : . . .. I . . Stem")'.arsd rin't: Aza �, , � � I
li , . . � I . . I I . q' L "VISS Mary J, ttobb, Of DuAganitox � estIng, and. Ins paper. The 60tv f� anticipated, the ente#a1hratut to, A carloAd'of'ap 1�s: all I . I I I. I - .,
.It I . I . I i, is st-i with cod shingles, it Ian .estimated Study- on Jh& book'of 41atthew was oon- consist of,gkojes ot -specl I p , d7 vogpt�bj�s-,.aro - ..
; 1i � . . I visiting friends In this vicWty, - .. . cost arAd from ,Fred 01*A1gK',t0 ducied by Uov. I). A. lhl Intbrest, fog being- shipped fronr thb,..com11aUA1tY* t4 :4rr3A�ing or .th.e: '� - ... I .
.. " �.� . � . I I I I of $050" an I . . :
t . PO ULTRY The Womon's,latituto w4j �Moot �w reftof dwelling oil Boutil INIA,0311114hi Who Itallowe'ell., The.�gatherltg Is for club the �Woi � ,l . � . . I. � . I
. .1 � ., � . , I I . . . � I
.L. I . . . I � $140 Of St.' 134- said the Book oUlKatthew was. the most m6nibc,gs, Only. , . . �'. . � � .. I . I , on� f . .
I . . . I 11 � ' � Wednesday" uov,� 2nd, at the 1101110 Of 'Pont st- With ccdRr shingles .4 I I I . � . . . . . .e,,. . . I I . ,
�. . , . , � .
, .
� .
� � . . 2 ., t,'�n'e#i� Intere,9ting book 61 -tI16 0evir or Old tes- Mr, Harvey Finnigan and sister, TvIlas ---�� . , b . . I .
. � 09hest Pricejs Paid ' Ws.'4ps. PUrdont. mated test of $ISO, I. . . I . � I i . . . � . . I - . . I . . I . I
,�� , - . � I I . I . I t6meAt beino -rift 1i ik&."".�, U � . I .. . . I .
I � I Joe ThonipSon and faM . I . IF A YU Cora'Finnigan, have returned' from .a
. L I
1� . . . . GOVERICH EG XK Ur, and Mrs. , , _ The tax collector and assetstr .report- ISO or 06. A0. 10; Object In. Writing tho WeeMIT �dsjt* in
% .G A ET
,�, . � ,. -Xiscu I W I . � ed on 'the IP32 assessment of*.t' , 00 was lhat,�Jiv wished t I . sl:ietrojf� , . I
q I . . 1141(to, b . o convince �, Mr, and Mrs. J. 0. Pentland 6f a -
I �� I peo'k
11 I L � ga, 11010) 1110�k 1 Ily"'of ustowol, wore, Sunday visitors at 9a published In Istat week's, Stai of 'I w , rims
�i I I .. . I � 11 Vhone 514 . . . � Xhiptow SL the: . home of Mr. V16MAll Thompson. , I , . IthOut 4 ilcAbt, that Jesus was �by; were'vecont' $Tdr, Pont-
, " , . ,
� I � . � ported $1,149 'ir visitors' with
:. � . I I I I W. ' - : .0$ lit taxes eolle4ted s nce, [the'dx0totod XesAiah4he Savlor.bf me' - -'land's mother Vr� 103VI& 4C;1kVIn, and'
. I I. - �;; �o �� Q , I I . I I I Mr. arreA gam�rd, of Centralia, Oct. jtjj� : . . . � � h
. ,
I : ,. � .. ., - � I - 4"A" A, , . 'it WWAS with' tho 'blab and wf=oy, of , I
� . . , . I I �'� ", 1 xiss 81afile Bamford, of Stratfor4d , The, . a sisteri Ws. 4ean Williams. 1
. . I . - ... I I - . I 1. _ _ Xcgfnal� Veto, Ulogno Over the , . _ pl, Tlelephane -co. asked pej.� &su%. #Ad.'t6lls :of, h I Is --bapti4m, *ptl thor 11
1 I . .1 I _ I wook-brid. � Mrsi ..'McDonald bag returrie;17 ftor"
I I .. ' ' I mission to move a pole, Ott Ughthousq influence of JeAusi�hjmgejf. Tlfo, singAgg %. y#% With rolatives near Amberley.
. . , ' .
. , I
. , "W Mr, and Mrs. 'Ohlb." J01fersou and Mi. 5 eet at Zs$eX 5tfogt.to -
I i . - � tr . 1.
, . � . 1 � � . . � . . i � clear J. 11, john- of* "BleAt 40 the tie toot blads", follow- *4 � 0. 'a. 'Poppl. d!, two children, :
. .q W � 0d Mrs. J. d. 90JJW�n and 1amW ston's driveway, find thM was refWr;�4 to ed. There Wa . 4n
'' .. spent Sunday at- tbe� home of Mh 4rohA ' I tbo.: public. ,Work,, co t g, . I 'Out Mat everyone should After A f6rtnight's visit with E; 1.
I 1 .$ aL'Very worthWhilp'dip, Berth% and Lorn,%. vIdted7 relb,tives, In
�1 , I .
11 ,.. I .. � , G)?EATL Y. M09hrichey, ,&Uburn, . I . � . Prop9zitions for mot to . cussion On the AIXOJftt of %4=e Time," Wingliont tot jL fewt (rays. , ,
� . . � 'the operatl
. . ., .. . . . I I I I I . I . . on� of the 11 a brought I. - the
I �i . . I I . 11, Mr. Alex. *%n4erbon, accompanlod. by skating Tink *ere. rocetied'from.j. A =11111n,6 fm� 1.1.w-- II&II lady,
. ,
� .
� .
. I
I .
I . ,. 11 ... YOU MONEY : . . 1. �-11 - ... 1.
.. I . I I
I . . ,�
I . .
I . .
. I .
� I
. .
� ,
. : . . .
., . . . . ... ,.d I 11 I � *
I V . �
I . ,�
I .. I
: �
1 [alackstone s ,1. - .., li
� On the! Woadwily� of Goderic . ' '. � . I
. . ,h 11 I � . .
I . .
. . I
, .
1 I _ , _
. .1 , 'DIJ, Ar`� AMID. Mr. joho - t 84 I . . I I � I .1 , � . I -.- I . ,
- ,
1, -1 . ''I H and Vft Miry, t6yie, spen chi 0 in and trout Peter autredge, 04. 11or- play, makes Jack 4 YV-Q- 0AA4 SOPOr, XarX. ,M, ^# MtjCen.Zj#, Ift --- I -, . . . I . I . I � . . I �
- �
.. 1. . I , ..,E . t-.. jr% ab '"b"t Frank AtIO AW .. I .1 I . , 44. J.yoy,". Ouv Mrs. IT(mathaft V14ttiOdn b of returg: � ------= , I � I . . . . . . - .� � . I . .1. ----
I . � , I 1. I .. 1. � A Pw remixud To e I . I I I I I .
� I , I . .1. � .. � I I at 0 - . I publ�la Works comillittee, wwoll, is ask --- � tir home -to winglialn'. " .
I I . . . I 4 1. .. . 11*6pove. , '' . I I . I Ine �ft I -- - I �- . I - -.1- I -
., . � . . . for:tertd%*-for�tbe tiAk tot these"on, . 11 .- , � , . I .. 4 I � I ov. WIlll�M,.Ua1l:,40MP16ted his duties.
� I . ,beditio* Suites �ttt, reduced 'The Young People's nieeting-Imext rit- - i " . . �, i , , ", ..7'. 1 ,
, .
I � . . day,evoulAw will take the lormot a H4� AMAROMOAtS tot the. use of Agrlcul,� ; a4 rector of the
. . I . 'Oon'Pt '111 pg,tl4h, of 'St. p&ujip
I i ,v% I � . P"fro", 0450 many odd pletes 41t tuml Park-ttir the race inbet-Oct, 26th . - I '160, out Of St#p- . ojiUrch, Dun.9sunon, and Chrlbt church-,
R . lowc*% social .4nd, is In thargo of Miss . L I
I . I .. ���
'I � . from 10 to IM"o 418e0unL .� 11 . . . * , ... Port Alboi:t, on SUAdO last,
,� . I Margaret Joversou �ano, Mr, . ,"rL* decided on.jis the sgme for Oct
Morley , I . A
r,� .. � I � Co goltuht R I ugs, intluded fit JObAston. . We* for iLmron,i where an t th;
I .� I . In . : . . . lot'll, 'and. the .necessary. form of Buy Your., Drugstore I on 18'b,ettrdas,
il �. I lot. - . I , . for ,a literl,,,e tor th . e, op .asking .1 � . � Oct. Mh, lib 11ftar*lag&,tOLWss. Dbrothy
. . . thlo , � . The: W.,m S. met ou'v%orsday a - eration Of the I - '
.; . fter" Opera 1fous . - .. I gVelyak .001'OnOr, takes' Plate, M Will
�11 -1 I., ,�- C01419 "IRLY AND - noon 4%, tht'holue of Urs, Itobt. Oham. e for the wrestling bout �Wag - . . Needs N . . %ssume, his duties in lit$ new parish of
. 1. I . .1 t APPrOvell and the council' AdJOUMea ,be- . .. . � . I
, ,. I I MAX8 'YOUR CHOICS , ney, The, Mee fog was led by the presit, fore nine etlook, - , . . I . MervfOt X31196rr Uticr Xih1OU8hj,',oh Sun-
: . . .
� . I . . � . 1. I . dent ' Mrs. Noman Thompson, the,acrIp- . �, I .K. is I . I . - I �
1. . . I . . . . , 1� �. . I i Note the 014,04r.,Wuc- I day, lTov- 4th, . I
�, .. . . I . . � I . turt lesson was read by &M.J, C. Tt I , J. ;Rarnweii, tr 06dorlch, called
2 . I - , 11 I I ob. 4 SJIMAJ:led With Astbn* js the only eg. Mr. 4rmer oic.qUaIntantiSL
. I I ,� - I . . . . . Anson. Mrs. Albert CWpbeg reaij. a' re* ptession that 'teems to, tions forlhis week.' U0OA f, . An )[)Ungan�,
I L I . I . i , . Arivey What Is , . I I . .L .1
. . Port Of. the Prtsbyterlal meeting -at endured from an attack of this trouble. . , we J)�Iip�e',r C,O.D, � 11 nort recently. I .
, . . I I 1� . L
I hit"to T)"ler Alod Funtra Myth. ThOrtteMUVOr's, t6port, Was given Th.. . Mr. and Mrs. Heber 4T. Lo VeO attend.
L cb*pter In the, *iidy Book taken 0, relief from Dr.� J. D. Kellogg's Asth- HorrAst
I I I I . uIrector . 6214 tile I . .1 I.. I . 4 the funeral ol'a rolatiVe iA, on
.i * Lunch In% `OctnedY Is beyond m�asure. where . . , I 01% MOnday'.0f, lost week. 11
; � I L "a"tan St. , . by Miss 11uphemis (;,bamnssy. 111sutkitil b%xj%"I% Pomier or I I I I I .
I . I ,. I .. GO"th ii Was served -by the hostess ;it thc, close all *OA sUffering'there comes 11, . I L - 4-1 �-
,j I I I L .. . L . . I . . tomfort . �Nbleft .............. I ......................... 166 . .
, . . I
I L . — I of. the I meeting,., , .... I and rest. groAthAug.litcomes n0troaland I I . . . I I . . . I udytORNE -
:� . . .I-.-- . ------ . -� . I -'.., , 1-1 I . - the bro mp I i � � . . .1 .1 . .1 . . ! � � Mrs. Jo3ite 01#6 ' ' 2 .
L � -- . . i I I r, of Goderich, As visit.
; I .. L .11 L . � . . . . ''. � This much Used tentedy, Is. Worth many I Ci&rtee-A Little Uvo Pill% ...... .....020 � Ing lier stderi' Uri, Herb - Wrir%, .
1. L . . .1 I I ,
1 . . . times, Its: PrIce to all who Use, At. 1:�;-.,, ., . : I � L I . : Miss An -nit Walter it. visiting �boraunt,
.1 . '' � S L . , ,_� . 'L - � I I . . L, .L . i , - U -L'$ LOU" WhIter, ot Ooderith. .
. . .
I q I I L . . . ; � DOURIOW XgYPtl4n Liniment Is A quick, � 0eil%dO.W[ft, 019*0 ........................ t$o. rim treated, himself . to
. ,� - . - - Mr. Atlin, A111A I
. I ir -A-aLUE I L certain relief . I I
I I I I � L� . (wiOREATER V A . . for Uoot not or Thruth, , . . � . I . . a, tractor to bustle ,on the tali Work.
. . . L . . . . . . - . ffmir, "n -ft 441'. t1..A.4 t. . I . . I � Im —4 *� V�. .
1. I I . . . I . . . . I On$ re usually i . L . 1. . - . . D., LAW11t; VIM40, WIT= .1 . . . . I L� r - 41 .1
, . . . . . �*
, . '. I . I . . I . I I . � . 'of, Le6bll r " ---- 11, ,r . L 1,
�i . I : . I � r. , . I IN . . . 4 -enough. �r - I . . . . . 'Iftir Cold In IlesA Try Olen-IXOA Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bogle,. . gn, L . � . . �. ... . . I . � - ;,� .., -�� �r
I � .' r .. .1 ''r , . ""' 'L . - I I . r . . I .- L , —__. ,_ I . . I
; I r If - - .. . . I I L � , I L ----------'-----'�r . . sold by L&1$0ft , on Sunday. '. I i , ", . . . I .L
� W-�
Mrs. TOM Anderson, of Dung4lincia.,
With Mrs. malwain at the store
WednesdW. , I . . -1,
., . . � � . I I . .11 - '
� Ic
. I . 1
' �,
I . .
. �
WoodbUtylk FatW- ,Sliap,. 3
cakft for, ; ................ �.. .... SOO
I . .
I . I
Mrs. '911111 18bearilown Ana two 'Chg.
.. . J ,-THEATRE
''.., � 11 �
Ad& and Harold, or Goderlell, vig-
.. I
Llftsee4 Xldorlo6 *44 VhlorodPO.
with Mrs. Jilt. Twb�e on Sattirday.
I 11.-1 '., . : I 11*
. �
. 1-03CMI", jft4 ............ � ..... � .... 100
Miss rreno, $toll and Miss Aguelio, Me.
. , 11 . . A
were in Clinton: on, pridai at-
the V,0009 Teloole'd Convention,
* "I .
; I r/ et i .1
" /y, Isarie
coarRicu INV als"M . PHONE 4r
. ..
I � k� . I
. I .
Casesta, Sroodde qo1al" Tab-
,WAS hold In 4C)jjtArjO "St i%'kli*%�%
� , . .
I � I . .
I - � I . .
10 . I I . I L I . ,,I I . -,'I.". �
- , ^ - JIM 0 . . A, 116F 0 I � I L _". r r - I . . let% Md %*1.1-1.1 ... -1 ...... --.1115(s there. . I ; I r . .
.1. .."....�!x.- , , - . ' ' -
� : I - I . L . . . . r I . . r . . . ., , . I r . r I., rr . . L . I . . ,... . I I L. I. - I , , .. . NOW PLAYING -A 40UM6 bill -Alt's IrOugh to b& Faftot&' with 00.ft
. .
� , . I . .. . I I . ,r � d ." "Sj."HLj)r . I *AkbA0kst Jr -s and Outic -Twats lit "Tex** itanteno I
� L � uy a 0oat . r - ametfo a .. . . I L 1, . - � L _L 0 , , . MA � 'N r' ,
. . This is a graud.year to b * 'I you,ge OUR r B Ton Bl"Oft ........... ..... r. I . I 0".b.
, t So , .. 06 . * Oij or
� I - . * L . . I ............ �...710 Mrs. X Sisley arid -Mr. Wth. nsley, of A10INDAV, TIUMDAY anit VM11N.98DAY � ,� I
� - 1. mueh more Style and quality for whart you f6rnief, III I � READ �1".l r � . neximiller" WL13* 'guests 02k Sunday at t4o I At Inst WO are again PYiVll�,&d to ktar the delightful Voice of I �
- I
r . I I � 1d# O pay considerably less for equal' I C-DINAteNI 1,1411161 lainli4slane ...... ado home of Mr. Alid Mrs. ,1. I.. MoDowelt. , .
� I. you I � .... L".. .r, I.- .11 - L i Mr. and MrLO, X. - Cameron, of LuVY4- I . I ;
, . q I r I I . ,JrO ES
. . ly p ty. A W range:. of sizes f6r jualors, Alisses . how, visited at Westfield on Sunday. ' I
. quali
. .. . and wolijen%, . . . . . . I I Meets the PoOular (wer PDXSOXS� . . . lwta� B, it. TAylor, Of Ulyth, is gpen(T- . .1 singing V610AUtId IM09S fit big, OWA grand manner to . ".
. . . ----t�� . I . .L Commorl I Sen*, Itoligh 04 *Aj% Ing a, few ,dara 1vith her daughtor, I&& , I
- 1i . . I Fa L : - , 'A. Walsit. ' L . r N L I I ..
. gat 'Nio, %%wjr rAst M&O. I
... rrrr 41. L . L . . . -"�— A limber from Wetttield attended th(I 1. .. .
.1 I .
. . . 11. � Thesecoatis have always be�n veil popular, and 1, L . vor I ,"Aft for NASSI ejtj%�Th ,,, 'r lowl tuntr ond iconcert at the XT�Ojt " A:�Wo teput%twn wts all wn wan-o0we'r, Atedtid to �414%(,.,oni 0 . i, �
. , i 11 United thUrth, Auburn, ja��t We4ne,v"Y a 40t Duo was witIt the ztome03 ute VbAt,
4 IL I I - U1811t. . *tell, 8110 M0446d to be a . � �
� �. . Nvith lower pricee ths year they have, a great ap-1, JIGIVE1017 A TRIAL ORDER """' � Dr. -Coun Voting, Of 7bronto, bad
L -peal. A full ratige ofsIzes, 4 to 144 years. 11 I � 1� ��� � "r - 111------- . 14, Or .1 . .
I I .
Pon THENNIOR miss .1 , '
I A shipment of navy serge -shdrts pleated witli
sinart yolie top and some ue-tv uumbers in Pullovers,
. makesthe question of what I to ivear for the school
Imiss a;ohllplo one. �
-��, .
I "title 6ollars with and without
I See the new N
Offs, The liew collars eowe in fora, lot of attelition,
this fan. : I . I
—.---- - -� --------- �-
I 11 -*.....�-,
Your of
stolt. CFO* w SCHAEFER VAN.,
Tettphone 56 t
. Amu ut W14YINGto
* *
s1welais for wordly
floaty-glazed Daughituts aQ
'Scolch Scones
Our Ifeltvy frvit Leaf is
Delldevt7-Try Ofte
Goderl"Ch Baker y
lm"*166 G"ft"
Wittlams, �jhavlrit. C1reAlh. au
Vottlo it" for tho Uk ffte
syrup White rite 11hr, Xtt. 810'
I tot .... ....... . ... ......... .. 250
1 1 . I . I —k-*:�;�=4�
varate, rier cotyw* at 01UNt,olp's
I . I
� )WAbes Own, Tamelts ....'...''.121to
Ott of rat0"t"s In IU 1�;ftlicq
I 11 I - --'-
moolies Vt-"X*W1W..e.�-A
" i --$so
-- — -.11-1 .
Kold-rw tufir� the� joel&�-A
�. I_ I.. 1. I I - -- AWMA-L., � �
INA7 V)rag* *t Ow INV**@"
XV-1-VUft-It 11A.C-01"ELL
11x.0t,,%t0* T.&WAG"
� I
'Attrattivb &tylC,:) lu brrm% uctctl
Ana ,Czcta rzoila V,14til. ul,,
`tmftls PUP1113f MAd�s Of bLX*1
bimm, tcollwao% lgrtc,l zmaa n%v,v.
Rtbleekbig, stud Remod(Hing ,
I I cudaw arid T"SIMiably :
I I. douc I
. Gaiftft Gold Siam inlose ,
1A An tho tan It""
-Wb IfIVRO T6= ralmn, 64r,1--- .�l
� -�
� t A. & S. &XINNOX 'I
rff I* 1115 "* ft0ft
4MA %-;0 1U00 a.,� y - I
. I
... I I is.mart r5ituat-lons--clever dialo,-mo--�utL Mima aomb�ij . . k -
. . -
11 --- 0'.- -- . I I - . . .... *
A it'-At'b 0-f 4 -Cat'- 10 & P03ZIX Of Is 10MV) footbalt Ctavy. L,t2g�,,fataTi%, I
m7m.ro a,uva.tt c,az3"WhIch A', an tvcat, and luapj maie crana tutcalin.
Wn .
�4 t, 01 . I
, 144 HUD` DLE$' I
r -.OA!, cl eaullp,an ,a--t,4-;a aad a r,01r-Cth4n3 r., -,,v tri -mo. I
. .i. � I , " -, AW."011"k-
4406 I
� CWIUNG�Thb*" Mrwrl.,4& lift rjskyritw� r -1 1� .
�fttlftt!* WeC ithd 80. at 3.60 P.ft