HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-27, Page 3TRt r"SSAV, , 2760, 194
7!'JtitilR T
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4naas mufullly $sAQV td from the_ b�
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r K
"nt and District
like a Taxa, a°t;ttraated at some fila..--- -
partiaHIly� Iaasurarlce>
11 11
a .
No. 145; The supper will be followed!
with a goad program.
sefv4tive, 'Liberal, and Communistic of a family of.seven, four sons and three Melvin Reed, of Toronto Is visits rig
,Candidates. were Ii1 the field. Out daughters, of the late Mr; .and lilts, Jas. �wlth
T�Blyth l St a ~ir
Anniversary and re -opening services
are being held in Union church pn Sun-
k of relatives:
1 12;000 votes, over 2;OQ0 were polled 3or Carr, pioneer • settlers of the vicinity of ,
the communist. Wingham. Thirty-seven years ago In 1 Mrs. R. Davidson returned on Saturday
' 1
day, Nov 6th, at i o a.m. and: 7.30, p.m.
lieu• Ci, W -Butt, of Ctorrie,' a fernier
Blyth Ssaale Mr. llln Batu-
11 ca same
carried on. There is no better invest- ten years later came to live on the farm and Ratepayers department
has the O. E. A. and also a meeting of the
f --_- -- -- » w -. ,. - - -
le masttt Ada Durand stile
mo a vur
A Gi1Qlt� investment
I i
The fine bank barn. of Chas; ;tyner,
�VaplYern Mill from the dawn strict since
has bast at the 'wool
�,,,�,• ��,
1.0 �—.
� _ ,
Col. a,�nd Mrs. R.5. uays. ,QS seaforth.
quite a staff pialllug
department of tbls business, lass stoned
IxamiDuds have advaanired. 20610.
All the Dfamands in our tt k
� Al,r "a'
celcbratad tllo fortje,,% anniversAry of
ILLY redd#ng allay on WedUesday, Od,
Mrs^ W. �. dote meta with air unfor-
'tunate aCc#dent at her bean(- iso Eit-
lnt0 the, manufaetum of good s�waadiau
34rus and as time goes ou there 13 no
here pUrehased before 'dais ad-
. Vance anal prices retuai;n ihR samo.
r'Ts'ii .
� ,P
?. n
� �
;nanckvilla on, Tuesday •morulae sat last
week wheaa sho ft ll, fracturing trier le .
doubt ha will, start up the weaving pie-
partrreilt sold ruanaufacturing of bion-
If you 14AVO laeen "onteanlalating
buylnng a l amonel roar I;s. %4o
. -
0' "'�
Mr. Wm,»ffY, tai Mext,20"). 7, Faa3 Eaur-
lG vas 401n0 little time before sho could
suannaerl aRristance, .but 61110 Is now uw,k-
kets. While 'iae has started this >bustnesa
at one of the worst tiara tri the ltt6t4try
time to buy.
me in and ret las &Enmw pia
: .
+ ;
chased the fifty-aera farm Of fila ,�&ster.
in progress toward rnovery.
of Canada, y0t ha deserves great credit
our Stock oaf the finest 011131 y
+ 1.
Ella, This PurcklaSsa makes Mr. Duffy
- -r ^-
for the way he IS Pragresslrng. s
lite owner of 150 .acres of ..hRice land
Diamond #iitnas lrpin •1;1vv4) ftp,
The service was Well attended in the
Orange Hall on Sunday "when Rev, E,
A. Pointer, of Varna, conducted the E.
litr: Gordon, Rutledge, eon, of Mrs. Rut.
ledge 'anti the late Rev. war. Rutledge,
A. beloved, resident of •fUrnssels f*
" 1111 R
_/' flrio' bank barn, toaetller with 1500
iorriierly pastor of .the Wesley ,church,
.m°xe than half a centuey anti former
�s I
of grain, A largo quantity of bay
Clinton, nwho -has been manager of the
county constable, "Rolle:rt Oliver passed
r �ta
eral Imialemeut1.aa, belonging to
Financial Post, has been appointed man-
?away Thursday morning. October 13th,
Ulktlil@tVin MERCHANT
°' .
Hetaiingway, 10th ,concession Grey
ager of tlta !pronto brat►Gli. oaf the c?n-
m rho #�Itclieener.Watesloo Hospital toles
lowing an operation. Mr. Oliver ire.
Phony 13fi -. Codericli
t ,:,, �
' j
p, was entirely consumed by Are
toric Equitable Life.
r .
` n, tarted about 3 o'clook .Friday
his 78th year and although he l}ad not
- .1.
_ '
Morning, _1111
ning, Q0j6 sk I#th, - _.:.::
hTE}1 3F 'FVEIaS HONORED :: - _ ,- .
been Iu. tUe-beat- <af, ,bWtA-for some rim
_ _._- _ - --- -, - _
<::, -:.
_ _
_. ,. _- 1111 .
Over a hundred and fifty guests assem-
had been up grid around about a week
' ' +t
bled at the home of. Mr. and Mrs..,
before the operation. Besides his wife'
Ion Calwell; mouth organ selection, Aria..
. ���" ;<� �
#' Wingham Advamp Times. Several
Keffer, -Brussels, on rvidoy evening, O' .
there are left to mourn their loss, One
old Pprter; .solo, "In T1ie Oarderi;' by
Mary Harwood; mouth organ selection,
A d
. i.:; 1111.. . 1 ' '
yo ire
4 freaks of nature Have been reported in
' papers recently, but to prove that Odt-
i y' Y"
14th, in honor of thgh• son, Wilford, and
his We, who 'were recently marrfod, A.
son• And lone daughter, Elva and Milton,
Of. Sault Ste, Marie, Ont.; two brothers,
Everett .lslcilwatn; ',solo, "'Beautiful ,Pray-
Childhood,'" by Mrs. Gordon Orr;
.ober was putting on springtime airs Mr.
flail#p Dawson, R. 3t, 2, Winghaip, last
Presentation' was made to the newly weds
AS a token. of respect to the couple,
John Oliver of Orey Tovmship and Adam'
Oliver Qt North rumthops. and three pis-
ors of
reading, "Thirty Years With a abrew."
by Mrs. M. Phillips. Lunch was served
Health RO
brought tp this several
fess, Jessie. of 1lright; Mrs. Donald Cre-
•by the ladies and a social time enjoyed
�� Yost
' ,sprigs pf, apple blossoms.:+Some of the
tar and Mrs. William. Laing, of Shake.
• by all. The. meeting was brought to a
.�J .
blossoms were fully out while others were
ivy. and Mrs, Duncan MacDonald un-
'speare. -
Close by singing the Natloml Anthem,
1111,, ..T =.-�.-.-
t to �� r
` TBrI�tK Jack outs the tact six This b>Itl in A.I. BR�►NI
in the .budding stages, -Some of the.
" blpssoms ha? been toughed bY. the Prost
.the engagement of their only
daughter, X , "punelda ,MwjDonald; to
r��nw� „=■' ccpamm �1
CVr1amR;aU,aa11,�m St ron
ndOnll The flays that you' is similar. to that ift , lest
t' Friday -morning, but otherwise :their
Mr.' JOhsn W, Cottrill, $on of Mr.' and
One of the oldest and >�t highly
e g
'Were the happiest were days vegetables. Biological tests
. 'airatural ,beauty was coniplete..
. ,
Mrs, J. B. Cottrill; of Port Elgin,: max»
riage to take: I place the latter part of
esteemed residents' of aeaforth district
passed to her reward on Tuesday, Oct.
i Western Canal
Western is wawa sa
. . Ashen laeshh was at the Heal[. have demonstrates that it its
lath, Mrs William,
._.._-. -
Xnj3' more 4nnshiny days. mild In action.
. .1111
�R. Y. J. R, FORSTER,'
when Adams passed
peacefully away at the home of cher
Rev. W 1R• Day, In Victoria .St.
, Poor h"Ith ie so often clufe - Two tables oonfuls of
.1 IN
.. . _� .
daughter, Mrs, Charles RoIph, Tufts.
' Pulpit Warns Against Chinch..
to vomnaoin constipation. Yet ' Kellogg's ALt,•131tAP1 da fly axe
SurgeonNewYork. Orph-
. The secretary of the R"ter Ball Club
Adams suffered a ,stroke two years ago
this .eondit7ion can sae over- usually sufficient, With each
,aak Vrf+
i r
" thLate anile
Aural Hospital, assistant at
received word from the executive of
the North Wellington Baseball. Asaocia-
and had been in poor health sine then,
and had been confined to bed for the
Last Sunday mores*$' 'Was the annual
� �
come b► a simply' eating a de• meal in chronic cases. If not
Moorefleld's -Eye Hospital and Golden
Square Throat Hospital. London, Eng,
tion which functioned until May, 1924,
past three .months Surviving .are -her
thAnko$ering -service of fire W. M. $: of
victoria United
.. ' Rd cereal. cereal. .. relieved this, way, conssrlt
' 53 'Waterloo, St. S., Stratford. Tele-
that there is A balance frn, the treasury
husband and a family of .three sons and �
street. church and a v
. Laboratory investigations your . .
. 11
phone 267.
At ,Hotel Bedford. Ooderich, on the
of 8796 to be disposed of,. In.X123 Exe-
ter was entered with Lucan in the
three daughters, Mr. Fred, Adams, of
Mn harry
interesting address was given by Rev. W.
IL Day, of Goldfish Lake, Alta., . while
have proved. that Kell"o 's Ien''t this 'leas nt. C4 tea
lP� gg .. pleasant cereal
- . .
` . , evening .of the third Monde • of each.
month until the following clay, Tuesday.
Adams, of Toronto.,
Mr. Jask Adams, of Dayton, •Ohio; Mrs.:
the service was conducted b Rev. E; A,
Pointer, of Varna;
AI.1 -D AN rovlides '.'bunk°" PYA » bett+er than taken r ,
p. Y g pa)<a
t0 exercise the rotes es n dr —
intestines, and and op ea often Marin•
«lliile • o
>R w'+r�+ atwARilgi•
ya a 1lrhl►Y*'
^°^ ~ ~ --- -
:: ..
Charles Ralph, of. SeaforM; • Mrs: Bert l Speaking. •of conditions in Saskatchow-
Islin g, Dayton, and Mrs. J. 0. MoDer- an; Mr. 'Day said, generally speaking,
• .
vitamin S to further ,assist, fuI? Get the ired-rind-green
+4Itgw .ou feel --rand boy w.dt
. ' . rpt. foo-aerbp.u, i.*Bair ow►a
.,, .,, ,; .,,,. ;,Y,,,,
Mr. Benson .TupkeYr of the Tuckey
Transport, p
x has iarchased from Mr: ono.:
mid, London. She is also survived b boy`were much .bettor, this' year than
y last, but there.•ts an area south of Moose
three brothers, Messrs: John, James and
el><mii>latiori. ALL -BRAN is Milo package ►t your grocer's"
t%N ee no 'rich In iron as, an Made b - Kellogg in London,
!de trial pro u,., I. .
-dtptitiwi,te,c u- !hru rink
oil n 1Ti sufficient t ,
'i,rrn4' w Promote repul-Itr-r
Taylor. aif Exa:terx,I a 'Taylor Tire Shop
Andrew Henderson,' •of MoKllIo .
Jaw extending to the Manitoba scam-
at wei o£ beef liver Ontario ".
% I
Consulting and municipal. Engineering
' D.ainage--T Surveying.
on : Ma1n st;, Exeter; also the. residence.
clary which has no crop this year; :In
� ��.ej
Masonic Temple Bldg. . Godengh, Ont.
on :the corner df, Wiliam and Ann Sts.
. .
the. spring the outicolS was Protnishig but
hot winds devastated the Crop.
Phone 230
Mr. Tutke Y will u5e•the buUd3ng in gpn=
hectton with ]11s'tiiiteking business: ,:
The Listowel. road, near McKinneys Mk, 1Dgy,took his.hearers on an !ma-.
fajta was the steric Of a motor accident ria ' trip Presbytery
rY iP
, .,; . , '.
: .
- •
Bl .through .the of
Monday Morning of .last week about ; St. Paul in the Alberta conference: which
7.45, Mrs, pack MCltay, of Atwooda had covers 19,000 square •miles and. has A
-- ,- �.
�J o
Shiell, East . Wawanosh; Mr. and Mrs.
JACk". Johnston and members. aY their
Tue&day, evefring,', toter 11, will to .g
remain do .the inombij=;, of the members
driven 'her huaba d' to' Blue population of ,54 000 includ n 2
n. vale; tivhere ,, t g 4,000
he works on the railroad, re- 'Ukrainians,, 25 per Cent, French and 15
fame} White bur ^
y, c fist, Among friends
and fornner acquaintances present'^were
Barristers and Solicitors.
of fit. John's 11�i' -166 ic'3rO40, Brussels, as
.And .was
er c Sca dlna
turning to . Atwood, As she a p ent 1111 n vian, while. •less .that
l �yy yf
%2 4L / Z I [ n
noticed, Mr. ,and. Mrs. William. Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs, "Thomas McLean and Mrs.
. C, .Hays; K.t3„ and'a., C: Hays, B.A,
Hamilton street, Grpderieh.
pne of the hap151est; evenings iu the his-
tory. of. the .lodge,: It mras.ahliC' ' s LQn
Mci itane 's farm . ten per cent: are L4ngIo-SaxpnS. This ;is
Y an Essex coupe pas ed the Most osmo o
her o. P titan Presbytery #n .the
,..,crowding the Ford A she was,_Oiv-
' L.
Alex, Cravvfprd,' alI of. iVingliam, The
funeral was, conducted by Rev, (711arltis
. 1111 , • 1111
ar�1r '` �r
11 Telephone 88
4f their $TaStieth anniversary and .it was
United church, ,: Da Said.:
11�r Y
ing, The Essex car struck the front fen-
. The speaker described the
H. Nfcl?onald,
respect was Paid' ,Astor of. Erskln8 Prissy-
A worthy, tribute of. res
i► gaieT'1'L0
;,, ..
7lOi70LA$ R, 1vAlRN,
. L
fittingly commemorated, •wTth.,.many',vist-
tors being 'present. 3 . 3 _,
t **;Also also the, oc
der of her car, turning It Into the ditch. � fi Ids
e. ,..parttoularTy cared for by the W,
Mrs, Mciay had threw hngera of lien left M. S. A school home at a as
R Y, east
t William H. , Cam "when a lar a terlan church, of which the . deceased
o 1111 g
man WAS a. in mb r • A short ' private.
cottcourse. of relatives; friends, neighbors hot Pr ate
. 11_-11_ ,
:' Barrister and Sotto#tor
easion f t
o he official .visit of At, War.
Bro. J, F: Tia3ldr#ek A:D C11 Ni. . of North.
rMand badly,out and alsosuSered from of Edmonton, manned b a Staff of W,'
M: Y
(shock.. she. was taken t0 WingS. workers, gathers in. the children
service was' held t a
and acquaintances• gathered, on _Sgtur- at he home, and iter
da afternoon In Erskine Presbyterian.i winds a public . service in the church,
. I I
. .
's Office:: NORTH ST.: Phone 512.
Huron District, .
. of
the. � co munit w e
hospital, where she received medical at m Y h re they live . under
church, Dungannon, for the funeral of .Basing. his remarks upon the words,
. , , .
ideal conditions, At>,S o L
tendon. She.was able to leave for, borne: m ky ake, a
home is established. The po ,potation
the deceased matt, the ann6uncemeiit of "But some man will, ask, Tiaw are, wifernr.�
whose sudden. d -cath some time during.ihe dead raised up? And with what' body. do
At at .a meeting of the executive of
u e
Monday evening. The Essex car filet of
caused 1,Q00 is almost, entirely Ukrainian Where
early morning hours on Thursday, taus- they Come? Thou fool, that Which thou
. .
1." , Barrister, Solicitor, rtes'
whtghaiii Eiorticinitural Socio held n
Society I
: accident : did not:: stop but little English i
i g. h s spoken, The Wassayo
proceeded On toward .List'we
0 1. County Home; beautifully ^ the bend
ed such widespread. regret in the oom- $Owest than .sowest not that body that
P .
- ,hall be, but bare grain, it may chance
munity where, for the :past twenty-seven Y
^--^-�^--^�-------r=--. i
Phone 282: HAMILTOON ST„ Goderibli,
council chamber on Tuesday even-
Ing of last week .the3,� sed
d of the Wing-
Constable YV..MOMichae l investigated,
satiated at .
of the Saskatchewan River, was named
ea h _ . of wheat or Of some other' grafnL But
years, a road been a well-known and
highly EngS, God giveth it a softy as it hath pleased
L ,
tram. Horticultural 1aar°; yin, the Warne of.
- 1111
. an old guide
Y . g and rote refer. (It is
a Oreo meaning „House of Life. .,
. esteemed resident. 8 ed all
Wednesday In the pursuance o€ his him; and to suety seed` his awn body;":
•. ,.
Thos, Pe}ls, Thos. Ring and W. A. Oal-
.bralth,.us trustees., Was delivered to
,. � -
w GODERxC�t 1'W`?V SMTP'
Mr: Da assured his audience Haat
Y' the
duties on the farm; he complained oY he preached a very comforting.: ermon:
feeling tired Many beautiful floral. tributes testifled;io„
SollcTtor';' 'igotarq Public, Etc.:
Sucoessor to. J, L. Xilloran.
SOCIOY• A proposed plan. of he perk
Miss Marguerite Falconer spent Sun-
was well name -
d, with its weTcorit
ing hospitaIity,, .
somewhat when evening
g .
came, but was otherwise in the best 'of the esteem In which the deceased utas
' .,
; H•�11111.TON ST.
Phone 97: Office, The, Square, Cipderich:
- ' .._ .
e Prepared b t
for P Y the horticultural depart-
ment of Ontario Agricultural
day'at the 'home her a
o parents here:
Mr. J. E. Toronto vise ted
O ns, hundred miles'distant is Bonney-
vale. a French- Canadian settlement, un-
s irit$ and apparently in the best of veld. Infernnent Wilts in •Dungannon
P i'P y h
health u on.retirin that. night. On the cel -tory, the following man acting .As
P g g
seat Alaterlal and I,siost
I -1the
1111 1111. -
,. �Ei•NEsT M. LEE,'
_ ..,.. _ _ 11 11 ., 11
lege, was Pres811tetf and -the
a president
and his arks
P committee were• Authoriz-:
`at the home of his sister, Mrs: Th
fiowerby, on Sunday. .....los,'
der der the superintendency of Rev: 1)r: Du-
who 1eGt . a _ comfortabl,e: patsona .astir
. :
morning �-Ibis •two -sons'-. We Pall�bearars:. Mss;rs: A. 8., .fl41tland,
foil°wing g re
,early,_ and haven . brealrYasted, ,were Thomas McLean, John Clrlahcim, Thos:
8 Wiggifis, "C3.
1111.. L.
- 1111: - 1111 - _ . ,eel7tnen . _ - - - - . _ 1111
Expert WOrkntunship
All Work Guaranteed
. _
Barrister and '$oUcitor -
to begin at Once, and have the pxp-
-^ A patriotfb community concert will be
given in; IInion church on Nov. it under
and congregation.. to go to 'this far off
field,", hospital. and two school homes
M. McKenzie and Robert
o� to -the form of a neighbor some two Davidson.ed
miles distant; where it was their inten-
Prices -Reasonable
Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria.
Petty cleared and 16veUed this 4aU,
t the auspices of the X. P. S.
serve a wide area. Forty-five macs far-
tion to do some :threshing, As Mr. Cara Miss OraCg 1V>oKenzie, R,N., Toronto,
Your business will be
Telephone; Elgin _fool
Toronto .Z:
,THE : :
It Is rumored that Mr. M. .Louden has
purchased Mrs: Win. JohnstoWs farm on
tiler :pn at Cold Laine !s a: settlement of
Scandinavians and half-br eels, : Where a
did not arise at the usual."hour, lits wife is visiting with her sister, Miss Mary
called him, and; recelying no response,, and other 'relatives.
R. 'L
One of the :oldefit residents of Exeter
the 5th con. ... - -
hospital, and latera church_, were erect-
removed' the coverings, and was horrified I Miss Hall, of Toronto, is -visiting with
passed away on Friday, October 14th,, in
the ` erson o
p f WMISM . Tapp, aged 86
The regular meeting of the Y. P. S. of
Union church will
c } be held in the Orange
M r'• Daly warned against the church
to find. that his spirit had winged its Mr. and Mrs,, Richard McWhinney, -
Sri ht robabl h 1 f i
g " P y s ort y a ter midnight, Mr. James Medd, 'Auburn, was a week -
.P. O. 13ox 161
• 11-11,_
years, 9 months and'. 9 days, Mr. •
Y Tapp'
had been confined to his bed fo t
Hall on Friday evening.. Mr: Herb John-
Ston. Will have charge.
withdrawing its efforts, -inroads of cam-
munism are being made. The main-
His death is believed to have been taus- tend visitor With Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ross.
ed by a, stroke of apoplexy, which over- i
( Mr. and Mrs Fr d R d
I lie
past -'six sleeks. The deceased was born
Reserve >~tidos'evening, Nov. 4th, for
cgs an son, Dan-
took ,him while sleeping. Tho late Mr,
enCe.of communism.and, Third Na= lald, were Sunday Visitors with, Mr. and
in Devonshire, 'England, and as a young
oyster supper Co be given in fife hall
under the :auspices of 'Riverstett L. O. L.
bfonal party in :the dountry,was shown who was born at Wingham, up -'Mrs. Richard McWhtnney, being.accom-
in a by-election iii• the spring when Con- wards of sixty-seven years ago, Was one nted by Mr. James Medd.
Equipped with electro-magnetfe baths.
Electronic electric treatment and. chino•
man ascot the age of twen'ty,years come
to Canada, a
settling at Exeter.. H was
No. 145; The supper will be followed!
with a goad program.
sefv4tive, 'Liberal, and Communistic of a family of.seven, four sons and three Melvin Reed, of Toronto Is visits rig
,Candidates. were Ii1 the field. Out daughters, of the late Mr; .and lilts, Jas. �wlth
practio. Chronic,' , organic and (nervous
. diseases. Lady ,in attendance. Office
united in Marriage With Elizabeth nar�.
.ton, who prede..eased him in 1917. The
Anniversary and re -opening services
are being held in Union church pn Sun-
k of relatives:
1 12;000 votes, over 2;OQ0 were polled 3or Carr, pioneer • settlers of the vicinity of ,
the communist. Wingham. Thirty-seven years ago In 1 Mrs. R. Davidson returned on Saturday
hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m,, excepting
Monday and Thursday by appointment.
A. Al. ATKIAiSON, residence- 'and
deceased #s survived by one. da lighter and
one. son, Miss Mary Tapp at home, and
day, Nov 6th, at i o a.m. and: 7.30, p.m.
lieu• Ci, W -Butt, of Ctorrie,' a fernier
' "It is ," . June;.. he was, married . to Miss Eliza from Toronto where she had boil in.
Your task and mine, concluded t attendance at executive meetings of the
the speaker; "to see that the work is. Johnston, also of Wingham, and some � , ,
office, corner of South street and Bri-
Road. Piror)e-841
Mr. Thos, Tapp. pf. Detroit.
pasfAr, will be the speaker both morning
carried on. There is no better invest- ten years later came to live on the farm and Ratepayers department
has the O. E. A. and also a meeting of the
f --_- -- -- » w -. ,. - - -
evening; Special music is being at-
ranged. for:
meat for which continued to be h!s homeof
your money and it wiit•tiring directors of the whole O. E. A, While in
ever since, and which was the birthplace
in a return o2 happier lives. birthplace,
The fine bank barn. of Chas; ;tyner,
'Don't for get the 'Hallowe'en social .to
be held In the Orange Hall on Monday
Of Mrs. Carr, whose parents, the late tuft. Toronto she was a guest with her nieces,
No Club Itiajf and Nils. Jahn Johnston, also were pion :Mrs. D. B. Orr and Mrs. Raymond Z
Township, one mile south of
evening, Oct, ,31st, by the Y. P. B. .of
I thought ypu .had quite a case on eers of the district, Previous to his cam- i _ I
Summer Hill, Was completely destroyed
'Union church. A good program with
with that young lawyerl', ing to the farm lie was. employed ad a I
Live Stock arid General Auationeers.
by fire with the entire season's crop. of
%times and contests is being arranged,
I did, But it didn't, last long.' woad -worker in a.chati factory in Wing- I The Indications of Wormta are restless-
Elgin Ave,, Goderlob,
. Sales made everywhere and .all efforts
hay ,and graft+• early Monday morning of
Inst' week. Mr Tyner
Refreshments will be ' Served, Everyone
in the community welcome.
"Oh, I ace. Only a brief case," ham.. Pbr 'some ten years he was a mess, grinding of the teeth, picking of
'—'-`-- member of the CouncU of the Townshipnese, extreme peevishness, often
Made to give you satisfaction. `
Farmers' Sale Notes discounted.; :.
was putting clown
feed for the stock from the hay. mow
Next Sunday the pastor, Rev. F. W.
.the con -
Twins occur more frequently in the of West Wawanosh, where his wide. e* avulsions. Under these conditions the
. Phone 119,
when the lantern which he carried ex-
�oded, setting fire to
Craik, will conduct .the service in the
Orange hall at 8 p.m„ Sunday School
northern cooler countries than in hotter perience trade his SetNtees a valued: asset best remedy that can be got is" Miller's
lands- The percentage of twins born In to the township, For many years he Worm Powders. They will attack the
the contents of
At '2 p.m, . The sacrament of the Lord's
Sweden is Muth larger than in Italy. • served the County of Huron in an , pin -'worms as as an
mow, With the assistance of neigh•
Supper, which was to have been dispens-
soon administered will
_1111.., tial capacity as constable. Of a very in- d
- -r ^-
bots Who ,
quickly' oamo to Mr. Tyner s
ed, has been wlthdrarwn untU after the
dustrious nature, he was a most success-, rind them to, atoms that pass away in
�1 Y
assistance, all stopk and implements Yvere .
thurch is ire -opened.
. THE ful farmer, and became one of the Iarg» the evacuations. The little sufferer will
General Conveyancing danR.
Good Companies Represented,
--- . 1
The service was Well attended in the
Orange Hall on Sunday "when Rev, E,
A. Pointer, of Varna, conducted the E.
t tan a th ills ct
es d-oWn rs !n a district. A good be 9mmediately eased and a return. of the
' neighbor and a good citizen,, he will be I attack will not be liftely,
much misadd in the community ha welt
Phone 2_18 G#oderich, Ont,
and delivered an Interesting and
as the home where he was a kind
• .'W_.
Y . -:
--' `
;p�g message from the text, '"Accord.
h usband and father, Surviving are his= Many mothers can .testify to the virtu
Muth spda disturbs digestion. ; For
sour stomach and- gas, Adlerika is far
better: One hose will rid you of bowel
ng to the measure . of a. man, that is of
the angel," Rev. x1:17. Rev, F. W. Craik
was taking anniversary services at .5& na
on .SundAy
widow, two sons arid• three daughters, of Mother' Graves' Warm Exterminator,
H -PAT F Edgar and Barry, at home; Mrs. Lloyd because they know from experience how
FOLKS McWhinney (Hazel), concession '2, Ash- useful it is.
bold and the Misses Iva and Irene also
-- �-
AN011' COMPANY. Poisons which cause gas Wed bad sleep.: , .1111::.. _..t,1111 ` of home. He is survived in addition by '
_ _ _ _1111-1111. d. _ W;.- ,�.. _, 11
=w CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. fFPom another correspondent) ; 1 three brothers .and three - sisters: Mos- I
ISOLATED `OWN PRO- wmi %,UE aHbO7 -`�` E I
" SHOOTS INTO ,YOUR ars. ham;e, and
t and ,lames Carr, of Suffered From Heart Weakness
INSURED, I Miss Ruth E. Evans spent the meek i
FARM ANI) _ end at Iter home in Clinton. l Wingham; and the Misses Annie and
DEi.'L'AM. YOO CAM SAY • Isabel Carr, also of Wingham, and Mra,; „ _
Value of property Insured up to Jan-: Miss Lena Calwe'll, s3pderich, spent l: Robert Shields, of Palmerston, all of
. nary, 1010, $3,648,975:00. Sunday at the home of Mr, ;and Mrs, GOOD "BYC TO COLD AMD
oMCERS--John Xlennewise, ,rest- Broo-on
crit+ whom, with other'members of their tam-� Shak�erves Restless Nightsdent:.,Broadhagen; Jas, Connolly, Vict- ., { ` Ro6t. Galcaell.Pres` nt, tlpderlch: D. F'. I2tt(lregor, t,� os Sunday, Nov. 13th, ilie8: were present for the funeral.! �" „
%theacmment of ililLlnS Among the relatives .from a distanoe Prae- I (int^, wtitts: -" Y
per, . eas., 9eaforth.. t„O�IEf�ICH the Lord's Supper will be dib ensed ttt � � h1rn. A. -Blake, Waliaeeburg,
DI ECTbRS--Jas. Ehouldice, Walton, p dent for the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. mitered fr+tttt heart tvedkne3s, shaky, nerves, and .
Wm: Wrin, Constance; George McCArt. THE LlaAIAZI l-- Union. [ Samuel McBurney, of East Vvawaoosh; , reatless nights. .
ney, Seaforth ,-• Robt. Ferris, liarloek,, j ThO Young Pettple Intend holding an Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Ireland, Teeswater; . i a I day ,our advertirpment for Nfilburn s heart and
John Pepper, Bruedleld: A. Broadtoot, `X?1�iultAt 1a1tt>WCTiflis Armistice Day program on the evbning Mr. and Mrs. Adam Johnston, CVingham; Nerds :Pitta rind derided to try them although I
Beafarth, Of Nov. 11th. A mixed program will be �;; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pohnston and tam- not have much faith, but now,.I Asn very thankful I .
1 iTY1-- W. ,1, Yea; It. R. 8, Clinton; affil 1;A18AL111Iutt5 iprea.•nted. �: fly, 'Iirnberry; Mr. Richard Porter and did as they have proved: of wonderful bplp to nae.
'Matt, Blyth; Ed, I1lirchley, Sea- A1Gilb ! i am.. novo strong. and well Again, but am never
John Murray, Seafarth. A delightful molal time was spent on daughter, Mlss Marion, and Jack Cou- „
•,X7LMILANOr,, 9E11.VICL� AT ALT, "Wednesday evening of last week when
hailers can pay their aassex�= afrrs, of .Ciodericht Mr, and Mrs. James' without a lata is that boos,.
� i�nr astir at all drtiq and general stores; put up only 1111
mEz>i s at Calvin CuWs store, Godetich• , ROtJilSl X"IiGRT OR DAY About sixty members and friends of the a Show6rs, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg I by The T. Milburn t�o„limited', Toronto,, Out.
'W. a S. of Union church ' met at the . •,
"life Royal 1iAttk, ClititOn, or J. it. . �. _ .1111 -- �.. __,�__ -- - -• __ _ _�= _.�- �� .
Reid's, I1aYrield. iytrhN'. Nits f 211 -� pr7 lett Homo of the president, Mrs. J. B. Orr, �f "�
._.j.� _ alit held their thank-offeringfethemeeting. (I'�"1����� �* �.g+�� ���YlI
t u jt, ';�;”
`` _ _� ops F. W. tiralk occupied the chair. and E F�i� CAN
PIR IbiStJltAPIC e ,
_. v.� ,pencil rho sneering with the ':".�mn, HERE'. ID a ttnerry sight to behold,
�°�`�`�" Fire at'ript'liro Ye�on (lsaiall 55) .was read Soineol� i=s lasting In a mt0ek of heat •
mire 3t attended to lig the -- - - resp0alslvely, Mr. Cka#k . Ted In prayer. and good cheer. The coal bays ate .
'6"ST siV WANOi3II 3011TV" *UZ T p , t� y��r . Tho. mitnutes of flit last mel=ting .wevo never so ,joyous As when they, tutor A Use b" -flowing V L,
INStsRANCE rCtl. Y r i�r •� Ai��f �i, read and attop'ed. 'Miro hymn, road Ia. . happy Ito hold. Thop .Aro tris life .
Love, His Mercy Brightens,'" W" sting, of the furn _ ready to lubttleate on the
2" teliti Ddn 187t! and 1,116 topf0, "I IUV6 fkt lRet pity In of tendfing flrt-s. They'got abaut t1vir
Ilam Otticet i/tutg►nnon;. tial. �'i1IIO:'s1,1 bfrertor �,l]iC� �Xtieet 1liiizx#er dtty the
Oh! Hetvltt, Kinrardinr, Presldeant ; Their UtAtts" Was taken lag Mrs., Oralk. job without fuss air dist abnd sco to it
nobt. ,DavW,ton, Dungannon, 'VM64yresl- "i1111 1i 1O a During thO Offering N16 Bertin, '10 that 5nu got heat With the snhnfnlum
l t ii Vii► ii art�l
dent; rc addition f the I'�gr menti find Vita tat 1 11G1� Service Ploughed th6 Ptelds:' � sung. A probe, of will. MOTOR 'I
'Vice a're�9dtn1,, tint follosGhlg Are;'.. Dirteb .
tai dedieat�sn Was offered by Mr. Itolat. itllft�lYi� bf#t' flits cit st
torn: 'Waa. Watson. Auburn; W J. GoderiG OntWo :Davidson. A solo, •,litore Like tht Mas. CAM M tn.w�'�1rt
The ananoo.1'W C�t1, A.R. tucknow, d19 ,twilit r i etlb#itiCtl terror IM stung by Mr. &stk. lid. 0. 100% PE ham. i Jw1 M l"ANIA � 46 1.L 94&S a a �rr7 a r
A, ort; Ilolbr 70d; leanrllfln, Ea , 1t. Nn. [fay tfx Tiig4lt lif6 ofd!
+ter i�+ COSTS r'1� m �'+► "war
" ` olid ori article Gill the 11(6
Ila r7 T,, t ssllttld, Clodarkh: Most04,
' i . tlad lntatinor oil Jalnea ulfi�=
Otlnts Ittmi on CAL pr wam IrleleiaiC-1, I A ;f
I,+tzissn . , r Pll rs atetl>ri 335 It[an+ity6-,-------
_ -- vla33fn total, b+� amines i"aaifaeg� tttading, oraeatiadiC cotton oil Cd., In n-Ated, Ustrilitator 1#:a ndton, 'Toroiftta, St, Catharlates
iw >t . I I , i �. - __ , �. Wn yy. ,, p� qq�} K �,yy 10. MUSTARD ■c'vo
C 0S &M
u s - ___mow 1Gracre*a ft I oom ft Itt.KVm", by wr. VM�� 1111 1111 1111. 1111 1111,. 1111 .. _ 1111 _ 11 11.
I.., 1111. �dbV,7. •.7A4fd�i 88�ahr 1111 1111 � ' .
t4 :
1111 1111. 1111_ 1111 1111.. ..
,I.. 1111_ 1111 u.,�,�,�..._.�.y.,..-. :� -1111 1111.. . 1111 - - a