HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-27, Page 2M R m QCT: 17ih, 3932 1r.► -1, THE GODERIC1 WAS - _— - r 1,nadef(;r the ongagenasnt of au Sia•, �.--�„�n - -__ __Cbe rtcb- ttctvlb se,Haal centres which wrou►d Ra>i Been Appcaintded v aW sbede ” xlaursapynt�zteI"vide hietins According to the uwaabeic ,Our eekly Lesson . tilit:e> aoa�anh. +d:ipuiota i?rice= claxset. E1ro ?natter of rias estnb>M ��wwrr sppaa�ND CHAS, BL�►CK1A ant nr %, Sritale #3:00 lAer ORA irar err In ngbsAuthorized ]Dealer in Goderich Vens fl°i a43eance Hirt arrears i2.6U) i liEbmezit H f sue closes? in O,adezi h 2sa W­rm r. W4 te;l Statics, i3.S0 per year In advance : evlamtly to be to the fore sooner or later (BY W. lU. �rdon) fOtP the glIf mT sraB xteiv addxessea sltsfa9ld be CIJ�°P�1VI�BtJILT ,ADILLAC given molten change of address is 0— we haca p.d?sure Iat giving the nTtaier gnest-co, QRl'1f'l4kt,A.+ii'�T(i17: -we flora aumwary ei tho extent to whieh they PSAI � lryords Oftel? .Mi$VX4 l Al��kt SUPPORT :Snot St tet• sf coir saabscribeys prefer not .are adreadly Wpezatipg. to leave #11c�1r sub•cripvaar.s 'Interruptedo rant say. "Tiafs Is nae tandexstanding cc Q ��^' A iu Huse they tail to remit before expira• between you and 1." Say, "between $ou �' � � � r � �,., Q � Q G * � ' #sang Vgpaflle subsc-rlplltttas xsI11 Y4H)L IR AWES We," both ca.,ge i In e•rcars over ars extended per- P =s aT Pronorans being Iod, yet"_nnlPaa we, are notified to, exn.el. rpt m �,• in rias pb9eetire case. q 4th�1a �hHaes eal3 fit yH3u like ,Shy- s Tt�i we assume the subscriber wi-ishes the ser- WHAT 1 OTHER► C IDO stet say "You *Ili Orad thein event -I . to, you^,fes salt. +Five aomiwued. 1�I'f.`Z',A r,f3 shHrald Q tee Mau by registered letter, moneSt molasses, Say everyrvl}see ws7wUrmere is no V c V' ?oder Or rlaeque payable at par era Fader � � i I TZAsuch word as cauz#o ate the baolt: • . BOCCI rd ACK' GodeZi 'ih aieb. lwo toot say,7faker iia#latb Hers, faay,,'Xcannot MA the book. 11+�Htat's Outfitter from Fiend to t eekcoug �j ile PQ not say, "Polities are an Interesting I `7IiURSS1lY, OCT. 27th, 1088 froudtat i�ree Press> F su*ot." Say, "Politics is an interesting ,--, a .. . Where is scarcely a day Passu wwitho r. duck and, Boric; unlimited pie, unllutlt C T� '�� subjecv, ," announcement that some American Arai ' he % ssible , Is e.ta lialring a branch inivada, ted cake and unlimited cups of tea? +�a.FpoA7a7 �i Do .not bay. �!G what hotel are you1RA1�T�G BLANC MANGE nausi�' Esyptiau raninaent is s q The fowl supper is the one event .in stopplpO- say, ""'At w t hotel are you (serves a-8) certain relief for Hoof ;Rot or 'Theo h. StairL,,'na�%�/ les Depresplon The Cause the buy"s life where the reallotlen ac- Tho Popgw Rvort of. "The B,xi. staying?" 1l, ,, � 1?�a cups evaporated milk Four or five applications• are usuullg (P. Mr a. in"Saturday Might) tua►lly exceeds tile. anticipation, Ao not Say, r2Th , melxf eongre gated to- %'Cup sugar enough. tilt' iwaad Fgrei�ita $i61e g �fi teaspoon salt . .. • That the depression rather than motor Where he Cara eat and drink until the » Bother for that purpose.- Topther is The proposal for the aboli'fon of Nemo transport Is responsible for the railways.' last bite Actually society," � I tablespoons cornstarch splashes when It bile redundant, lyse cups orange juice z v I1__ __c_ """`W. Work In the public schools s not aaee lack at suiflcient freight #rairio was re- rho test cup of tea and then tie stops � ublished b 1 tegapaon grated orange rind V [� LQ[E �u��GR Among the many reports p y Words often mispronon:aced iF 1Q - Ing With . a;aything like unanimous Rte= cently SWWA' by the Alexander JI&Mliton because be can go- Jas)• further, - Heat milk to double boiler. Mix At- �1 t o praral from the press. A certain amount, Instituto, which stated In its weekly bug- • And soma' Of his elders are no meas► religious and. Pblianthropfd societies, . H'ortzou. Pronounce ho-rl.zoa, a as.$ar, salt and cornstarch. Blend wit T E4, � L4 Nr.11s 1� of home work is better for the boys and letin that It American railways could. 'trettChmeu either, One to often given 'Canada. but to every land where its. In ra, 1 as In right, .9 unstressed, ar�d part of orange juice, Add. with remaln- girls tbau roaaulug the streets or going capture all motor trucking business In cause to marvel At the elasticity of the there Is none which ranks higher in went second Syllable. , Ing juice to hot milk. Add grated' rind. Mrs. m Batdorf," 87 years • old, still. to show•?. their country-, some of, Wit °bustriess human body and #o. fear that the Hero esteem than the Cook until smooth, stirring frequently. . popular repeat of the t5agactous. Pronounce Saga -shoe, first goes to parties and leas a `Mood time D orange Juice curdles milk, beat with -she eats and sleeps well, thanks to Vinci might not be competitive and could not ay will never da vat, for ;his neighbor, British and k'Oreikn Bible Society, by a and u unstressed,' second a. as in' say, whirl .type beater. Pour into individual Sues o f in �_ o he be handled by railways anyway, the rails' d And there there Is the WI.&l side.. Rev :Edwin W. Smith" 'literary_ superin- went second syllable. serving :dishes and ch111, If desired to (iron tonic).. Vin$ Og � BTO1gE � w . It that Polish engineer wh Claims trnmc volume would else Only d',S per Where else but at a fowl suupper will tendent, mold, increase cornstarch I tablespoon. pep CAMPBELL •.RU Legislator and .legislature, ' Principal receives radio broadcasts in, btS -laced cent, whereas It. would have to else 84.7 you see so many people from so,. many Tho title this Year 1s arresting; the accent is :on iir.t syllable" not the third. without the necessity of -aa moving, set per cent. t4 'give the raliways the volume walks of .life,. so neons- moulded into theme beinrr the pioneer ixspeCt of the l�ssert; �ranounce de-zurt, e : as in f . heara tall We do'on' our set he will surelY 'of traffic enjoyed in 102!8. The railways' osis happy family; so: willing to be pleas- Bible Socle#y's enterprise, often amid be asking, "What are the wild aavc reef need, the 1n$titute showed,, is not ed+ ready to be amused; seemingly impxaSsib]e conditions, Yeller«' n as in for, and accent last syllable, And the not the first. lengths Saying?" We would sooner have the freight now being carried by the Cost. Well, the fowl .supper cry quotations froom wrlters as varied As the kind of reception You can shut cif trucks, so_# 16.25 billion ton -mites ala. costs some members. of ia congregation EVA 'oore;Booth, V. H, Friedlander, sat, Ordeal. pronounce or -de -al, and ac- I at will. nually, but the freight which has die- qty . cents and : the other , members of Augustine, F. W. A. Myers, Browning,' cent first syllable-, not the second. I that same congregation who Aotua Tune. Pronounce the u as in unit, not appeared sfarce 1Q8p; amounthrg to 984. >h" Dant and Aescliyltts-indicate that the 43 so iii soon. . billion ton -miles. provide the ingredients of that supper,report, as ever, has, a distinct literary I The demand, that Chautauquas slrbu;d . and then pay to :eat It --the cost to them flavor. about St, 'Phe• main idea. is group- ; Words Often Misspelled 1 Awkward for Mr.' Klug . 'take their chances instead of Insisting Ls ten dollars and upwards, " ed about pair I,ortt's; great saying; "'With Pneumatic.. Observe ' the. gneu. Tis- , (Montreal Herald) 'But It in order to save time ora a guarantee >s growing, If this were � , IabiZr and men it is impossible,' 'but with Qod all a;4; , not � useage; Receive; el, not lea One very awkward fact .from Ehe Op, waste, one was asked 'to contribute ten thlliga are posslbleF' and a Chinese pro- License; not Eeaue. it)ivisible; three i'a . done probably a .good many towns Wouldtositton point of view is that the Prin- or. t�veatY 'dollars ixi an etkvel the verb "is added: "'t7n..der :Keaven.' there is Cavalry, (horsemen) Calvo (when be cut off thele list or the programs cheap= ciple of reciprocal preferential duties with ppe r 'Calvary e the United Kingdom Ss' one which the ha'iad would be withered' with paralsysis nothing Impossible: all you. need Is a 10brist was crucified). tined• Even the fait chautauqua is not long before St reached the pocket,. or man VI 74, heart,' Liberal party itself has been advoCatltatt even started for it. yn yms I always a}ranclW success. Thy: town o!' S on for. many years, els far :back as 1902. f Naturally the extent to•vvhich the tBible Discretion, carefulness, $riidence, cal- Carleton Place has never yet succeeded ,Sir Wilfrid Laurier submitted a menmr,• weer, isn't; It, that the one and. only society has achieved the +'impossible„ Is cg pulation, forethought, : foresight. ' In breaking even and this year a request andum to, the British +overnanent in thing that can -take the sting out of referred to is a 'strikixig review of its . .- - ! from the guarantors for a reduction In, aW.hich, he` 040d that .lf the Imperial church giving, is the fowl Supper? 0 ,, publication of translatloas; and t1#e. ens , Rlch; wealthy, aiHuent.," opulent.. " rent of the town,ball, where the course 00vorAMent would accept the principle old fowl supper, couragenient -it ha�'givin missionaries '1- Culmination, ctirriax, acme, zenith, of pre,fercntial duties, particu.larky in re- . _._ was held 'was met with a 'refusal, the Bard to ttae 3ood products of. Canada" the: • translation seed revision, work. striking summit , council taking the view that the' tax- .Canadian 'CfovernMfilt would be prepar- iQL1HESVxLL instances are. given of the pioneer work Ridicule (noun), derision, m'Soker ; payers should not •be expected to forego. _ed'. to, grant .the ,1;#ttsil-pnanufaeturer Miss •Rose Merritt has returned t0 .her o1 the colporteurs of :the' society in Nor- - y ee►. China, India, Ne irony, satire; sarcasm the usual rental; increased . bdvsintAi;@s 9yer hIs Soreign gems in 14ondonI Pal. Tibet and many -.,....;. �-4omPeWar:In Canada, ".,,.." . Cunning, crafty, artful, sly, molly, Mr: "J, H. and Mrs, Lowry, •of -Toronto., rruother-'told. The value of the soolety's We believe that :the Qasiiadiaii, p ople+ are; visitingthe iattee sisters; Misses. - tricky, desigrlin ,. s ' work is evident -ed ha' the sevival of Bible " . �64 1INNtNC C,LAMES as a whole, and the •b1j#iber$.. of the Op- .ltmily and laxlnnle Proptor, reading irk some Apoent Christian .. T'roximate, next; nearest, closest" im- t position at Ott%" iso particular, Would Mr..And.Mrs. Stewart' 1tlair 'and son churches: Special stross fa' laid on its mediate. y -- utterly dismayed if, as a result of Mr, KCnueth, 'have returned to Sarnia W 1lianual trainhtg and household science l4fackeuiie: Kf;tg's' stand `trio Cartadlan are sorry to have #hem: leave our Snider, Work In Latin countries and iu lands t?Vord Sturdy .I classes are growing in popularity and at parliament' refnsed to ratify the Agree- Mr: and Mrs. 'Wm. Moore, of Goderich,. whekQ thg 44 O.2aued *',`with has . held '-tlse a ' word thrice tithes and It is. 3 11 11 ?Nay, , . . a recent ineetinq of Homo and school mems, ><or that would wipe for ever from ware visitiora with Mr, end Mrs. lren]ie Yours Let us incre e: our vocabulary 1 the slate,the policy which for over thilrI dOrvis on Sunday,. a Th* Work of the colporteurs in Can- &s y • ,Clubs of the Qlu3ty' held at Central: y 4 b�;:mastering one word each day, ,Words 9 .. VMS has been the guiding prinotple and Apple -Picking^ !s the popular ocoupa- oda receives special. and appreciative for this lesson:: ! . schWl, tdllorvina Mn address by 74dispector goal of Ctanada's turlK olio tion. 'in "this vicinit er mention, many bean 1cW ,,�,. 1. p Y Y . The are some g part arly ,Haut eacctn on the ?object" it *His decided' ADVERSE; usrfavorabte; unfortunate; X,oOaaUa Very fine speclmens. .' . ed. The .present world situation is gra,- ., ; ` shateaCh club look into the matter, bring. lyse >Fahs A Holmesv410 school 1 calamitous. Adverse 'circumstances •on-. • . g vile hool -ad looked very phically depicted as it is seen throughW—M ,• It to the attenttou of theebgaid.of true -1 (Mealord.il3iirar) cheerful.Wlien he gathered a bunch of the a o' the I - ly heightened his ambitipns.' ,`. Dine ... . _ Yes f t Sec stye ,representHttives., y S of the country newspapers "arc , dandelions s few days ago. G'A 1tULiT tel attveness. .,•I _ tees and endeavor, when the present.fln- a Young ,Though lifers has been. a decrease in k `- . , dvoc&tint the locatization of the fa).. The g PeOPlos society executive . ancial: stringency Is over, to have meta•' circulation, and, tough resources were garrulity soon became tiresome to •his. . . met at the parson? a on Monday even- fats, They would have She exhibitors Q E G . I . , straitened In 1831,' the, soca t o" stead- listeners.." H�� ual trAinittg nude In' tlnagt h4►!$elrold: nfl a to the : Ing to arrange for a H411owe.en' party - e Y g. Co n d. Immediate vicinity in ," ' i for. Mond? Oct 31st ... Ily- on its way. Our irlenda hs the'Do'- p N` act or right ht of ur-! ietiet tat4!<110 !u t114 apllHlplr 4t Qliait�ri; -which th0 lair to held; taking In the.town „ rr 1T�s? g p- . A' large number of our young 0 1 minion, says the report, like those at chasing before others., " e earl . set-' - 0 • . Av atorth Olid dodcrioh. . ' and >4 couple. of townships. Tris! les Have y i1Q P e g 9 h Th . Y �. . a#tended the Y. 1?.. Convention held in home and elsewhere, suffered the results flare claimed preemption in thein stow • ..`. . There lire i$.0 manual .training centres made it possible for men to. travel .Ozitiarlo st. church,. Clinton o ilei of the 1 depression, +_ - ' i± tie 0 eratioll in the r nee' and through. several Counties Wl h if i n day genera Yet whit territory, 11 . ill b, V p p VI?} , t vo took, 1aat. Splendid. loyalty; did their utmost tag -en- t r 1 88' household 010hae centres. In Wes- I*Wtin erir `" I ll v, e e ,t '' dour?", depending On; or perceived ' r e.. CIALS t p ops a dozen faire in two e J W ><i rb r attendees} the con sure that the world-wide work of the ., t y #ern gntarlo, these, located at Stant., by, the eye. 'Phomas _was an ocular . , Weeks, These are rofessional exhibitors I vention of the Huron Count branch of , Ay 0 ! I P Y sacietY'. should 'not foltor" " tit r ,, f rdd 4hgtktiltn, Q11e1ph," Tiasi4l'ito'u', -$. - 'n ale ,., The Ontario' 7t'emperance union ' e n ,. __nto At a7,hr1# S deAth" ii' on d Tbe. iKeyri4p !?k whole re rt may 1 --FUR THE EK ��'.. t, d p?.. @ S9til0 EIIt)it4v cut,: Qf i� &s well `1 h rs al* }tftert4 } , pc P111d1' verb - to set forth before- c'irener, London, ,Ogren -Sound« Sarn! I Hladirieh. , ...... • tr for - : ker lila •. ,.Waterloo, �'as getting splendid advertising or thtlr t evening, ... ........ :. > lye summed. up in the oloshr sentence: p' (verb) : I' . i3 at d, Rfal p , . 000, Wind net, k c . it ...... hand- or •,introductory..."He - remised , stock, ,.The lairs are used even as sales . as P $or aad. Woodstock. Three new centres r-= -t r a • •-_ ".Let ua then go,, on, facing; unliinchingiy &{�'� .{. ' . a 4h h f r these. exiai i I ex I1 his address by a statement of his tom- C ■ : 2 h N - -a St .' . wen opened in Toronto last year, autl it t o i "o. Mors,, I,OQa 1. . .._OXFF>vi1tSNPIR.0)F'' M the .difdotaltle's. of the .batffing _'present . t : � :;, �� � ��t tt >: w, � h1b pan." . ina'ncial �coudition." - any were d!£eQz tinned Ill flltdiiti, l i& i ori .R 81 to 1pf4lt+ oxEeii ii0 ► Cannot R, E. Knowles; who Is writing up the and keeping our eyes axed upon Ithe fu- . nb i 40 In the A11ii11 report of'com 4t! 1119i< these ' ed However, di of h • , GEN • a histo of the 'de- Shone• 368 Ior old Sejryice , and P.roin '� Deliver ' ` . .,.tI41at Qd Ill Po p aiNi es nl , ow ere it P;ocee lags the .Sleeneral Council of tore when the immutable purpose ref [•fed +fir rs p : y . #ho de a 1t140I11. means finer • sMA ex9b is at the show, the United Church,'!n the Tgrpnto .star ent of an individual or family from An ' P , ;, shall be :realised. Pouticiaus m8g plan . 6 '(496 ii het a. large centro at all and may rove an us: to I ex. under the caption The mirk Syr Con Gancestor, This enealo was traceable . . . i Y p lova and work for a new world, lytxt. Cas: many genealogy. , clave says' : ,) . . .' ,, tuad. it is interesting to note that . at a ,grtsuor —�+ i • recent 'meeting of the board of education hibltors, to improve' the of their stook. So . 'the story 'Etas two sides. ....: of them. knai it is only' ,*ben thQ` div- Do " Oeorge Washington, Dr„ Cxaka s manipulation of the Eng, ins principles set,forth !n the'Blble, shall tongue fowl supper. And where else for twenty -live of aftj . , �*+ ,, _ . . �ri. A AA i� A /+. A • -- ►.7 LL'hL ,�'!, "' . - ., : `' . of .that :tpwn, 0. .resolution callitf$ 2or of the question of the aban= 13oweVer,`$herC will lktl 9re fairs .that Y convinced .the local fain` is for local poo. was :generally' admirable. But i could not help thinking of a; story, guide and inspire the itfo of men that the Kin dom of clod• 'Will come in its it + g worth the, telling narrated tae me byD:H-M-plc; cents can one {tet willmited ehlekm_ �BiOWIa LahC�� No • ; daaament of manual training ,and house- will adopt rules confining the tern- from theVery-Rev. Prof. A: B. Baird, of Win- tullnesa" .. ' at hI �� ����� h � eels Lsubmission R'IA j j, /2-1t1• PA.g_.. ....... 1, ....• t hold reienge classes at aha municipal e tory om which exhibits come.' •.. . 1 Smoke In learns ralpeg. U,seema that, once'upot it bine The"reading of this report will tori- s. me g neral Assembly or the like, a Vince Any fair+minded person that the �jr,�r ~J/�,,;, �i at o e �' ,A .:....23C y elections vveirt unseconded; other trustCes DonK tstnwel stanitrd) ri r• L' i .V fo gne addressed the court opal his Hibio i5ocietl+ is sendoring .an essential, "r iikated, Std doubt, era a statement allot ' 11th6 requfltmeuts of tine large towns, anti v Baechler s Pride Coffee ,I lb. t t : s° exprestlTng' th© opiniian that citizens gen• .. seal .Would not: Approve of discon#in- pr CT still' per. Earn. Axes' of unknown origlu p work. .He Was the billeted guest 'ot an 1 vital. and growing . service, riot only to . , Eng ishman, abounding , in oaspiranw, And bon t . Wake Up 'lYR Morntnjr.. Canadian but to every land where its . • Na More Night Calls •P'iront it tones, tip And trwwres, t% astornmth to worma ron0_40'a $4 !' .�...39c • + . Heintz •Pork and Be us ` reediunt tin, '. I 11 uing this courses. Severbl,:speaking from ' a'• . . . personal tiro;..fork..done, els -, t So many ares are 'a disgrace to Canada" was the sentiment of an emin- both plus a b p a and miaus. Finally, In his' speech, the loreign- operations extend! and even lit days of , .Bladdetr Veakness Where .: Yinaticiax it Is de- This Kure Fouotwaed .. ': 2 for . 21c observation'.o,f ` i;� thought thea it was of decided benefit ant lutist recently, There is no eve- dente; except irk a tow ,cases; that these " and economic stress Xs : speaking parson said: But I will close __ . for I' do not"vish to oockroach upon serving of the fullest possible support, as thee" it forward on Its world-wtrie' task (1) (I) Omuphw of outres: 12) The pry :"..........:.......... .......:.... .. ..... . . Bulk Soda Biscuits 2' lbs. ' _ j and mons well spent and that dropping Y . ' `i would e a backward a "t ] it u d b kw st. p, ares Are +criminal. gut it IS to be assum- oil that some ,form of carelessness is at your :. sees A H7araadian Chemist's simple preserip. After the meeting, around the fire, lie of `giving the Scriptures !n birth, speech tion for Bladder Weakness and attend - :asked hLs host the effort #tad' inf- _ > ev a 2rum� sae : ant Kidney and` txrinar 'disorders has ery cfflld 5r�tla a ey Y t a ...........:....;.ti5e Pure Pork Sausa a counts st le ° • i Inspector. Leake reports great develop. the back of it. We havo already sug- .how passed the latter. "splendid;-, replied' : , " ` brought joyful news' to thousands who g j 1 . . ' ! . 1 anent in connection with rural schools,. , where manual training and . household Bested the' match, , carelessly' carried, and the cigarette. ttasuranee, compaules have I .the English Presbyterian, -,hut you anode a sutler from the„e distressing ailments. 'one very unfortunate tutst4ke; , 1 . A C,arreotor of Palbionary Trouble& - - ul 2t is a Jnon septet remedy --full formula1. can ct, i~po tiOCalyt tlii"s rotas tir(t laa!s?s tfi'< . 2 lbs. ' for .'......... • ................„.... ; r.......::.25c ,'1 zclenCe have: made considerable •.progress. the • usual ' Mouree wh osses in i any Whereupon naturally„ the Wien orator Many testimonials . could be presented on; every icackage--so you know just what • . r re : Shankless- Y Hams, lb..10c , r: There Aro'1,465 rural schools, with 1,726 ,, "classes; teaching household science and arta alar line me heavy, of raising p beco r'Y, a! ing demanded particulars of the same. showing the great eftcaey of Dr. Thom- you are taking. it . ou have restless, yy ss, "This.•' Bald his• host• 21Xou said that As' lcieetric Oil In' correcthsB disorders meeting of t1w pkv" wt►_A ati l MUM .. .P„en* , , , t rho tariff. It waned ve A logical thing - ,. sleepless Wrights due to frequent desire, Xtra 1 gone ��ue nose R1ce 3 lbs 2e7c 183 rural schools; With 847 classes, giving you did wish ,to Cockroach upon their of the respiratory processes, but the best in iR .. -- to raise it plenty :iu wl.cros s where such pa or pressure In 'Passing, pricking - , :,. manual training,; The equipment Is not, time, 'Xow, dear brother, it Is not "cock- testimonial Is experience and the tail Is Scalding sensation urine :seantY and f r t1things are :a matter of indifferenoo and roach'—it is`'honcmaeh-.''+ " %� tit 'y as 'elaborate 'b's In urban 'cealtres, but Is I ret oinmended to 211 Who softer front highly: colored, don't hesitate or waste Clanks Tomato Soupy 2 , ns... , , ,.. , . , . r . ' c ;; opcoally designed. and the enthusiasm to give sn advantage in: premium nates "Oh, yes, I see:' responded the guest: . , of the teachers In working under dtdlt whero'nefther •matches not-' Cigarettes erre: +2I do re vice the tnuCh that ou dfd tell these disorders with the certainty that. another day. Ask your druggist fors .. ry ,, ` r j y they *ill find relief, It :will allay in- packet of I�aratn Prescription Tablets , .12 -oz. isH. -tYn For City. Baking Powder. culdes is platted by the Inspector. U0 ',Allowed'in the possession oft on the, per»' Inc. I see -•»it !s a differenoc of sex 1' bo, and if the very jUst box doesn t 'help • .. 0 adds that the extent of the Work and US & ifs of anyone, aiorkin In; tiie 'harvest much do I thank you ;this to' know.' �aammation In the bronchial tabes. with free piece of lass�ware 2c � g � you, Sts. ?mall cost Will be refunded: The � .`..+�.��. "general charsoOr depends, largely upon tlelds, or, in the barns or stables._ iii» Asst day's• use should bring blessed re- r , [[ the advocacy and Interestof the public surance companies ,could easily give to turn separate aehool inspectors, Women's fartners.a. solid reason for his enforcing Institutes and �,ariaua Homo and school Clubs, "which have. been largely respon- such -a. rule. And the Imposition• of d welt a regulatloti does. not necessarily siblo Iii many .cases for the Intrtxluotion of btfe subjects,'•. prohibit smokhdg, where smoking )VA . As to the work In •urban Centres, Mr, safe thing to do.. Smoking Iii factories . it I,•cake reports: "'During the year there Is uluaily prohibited, 14 total Jminea, leas be to eatlafaetory progress, not only you can't. Why, permit It In .A barn, I Oil: the hart of the leathers In th lr work. where, once a lire starts, there is ab .1. 1. .. Yea tine ,elusimoing, but %leo ,on the pnr; jutely go way ,of fighting TtV of the. boards in providing 'sultsblt ae11 w tommodation and ttlulpmeut. Tlie work Thi& is the Seaaeri � ! of the pupils bears t0ftolit+ to the at- iSeaforth 15-xpositot) tention tl%t Stas been patd I to the care of This is the season of th6 fowl supper. . .. the C010tuent, 1n the ciAtUter Of the It arenas to be one of the old institutions . instruction: the tgrpr6veme it has been that never vete out. And wvlay should its tiulM marked. Tho elistsey for teachersr When rellglous Inttitutlous find them - taught by, well qualified and experleneed i Smetruetors have contributed very con-tselvcs Bard issued for money to curdy nt eid'lerably to this improvement. ,. Theon, the good "!Work ands t about for' ± aid now being given to mmnuai tt-ahnhdg ways And means to raise the rftdv cash, ' Bel :and one whole' box Is usually anffi. Hairy Butter for bakn purposes . c18nt to get you. functioning normally 9 ■/�' again so you can stoop soundly all night per .lbs ............. i ... * ..... — ... , R ..•. Y,...... " 17c ... . long, . Lushes Jelly Powders,' all flavors, Instructors by, different rusnufaeturera there is *1"," we e11rb w4y ,out of the I I . -_ .. _._ .. •. _. Of lum1Kt. oris", tools, mselriaes, etz, (Itmewts—the bw grrown to a rrivarkable degree. Charts, working drawings. processes of fowl supper. And where else for twenty -live of aftj a Tree with w 1witat 1, -�.,: tdiQ mt<nufaetuxe. , cents can one {tet willmited ehlekm_ . ,. ;f ,. ft a ,of tWih pupus sod � "ables t�,fo r the —. ...� � at hI �� ����� h � eels **Ing. "d teachers generally are anak a - , . I:w the fullest ut't of them" ,A prtiitdr►wtd�li�itr�e � tit The attitude of the departramt1. In In- ihdigestiolm at dyeptps4a mky. bo iikated, Std doubt, era a statement allot ' 11th6 requfltmeuts of tine large towns, anti ' _ temoved by tlirr'tiae of ".ii. etlea hav+± tow been Targt;y met4 arddl adequate attention should now be Midi • it tones, tip And trwwres, t% astornmth to worma ron0_40'a $4 to the: requirements of the miller to ns drat it digoAs food waithoat caui4 and NTttalles. Thies tIllsht be met by a disotmfort, 'eccllbltrstlon of the tollosIng metWds: ; sles Mari, C, o f�B.feiilaetrtaio, 8&t- (1) (I) Omuphw of outres: 12) The pry l} irk, k o aetr+lcya: }"`1 heel i> gift of te� wets with a doublo gtua1M. t ubled Wath, indligtNtUra SLA'lce.9ndA' r Ott my atLyaHDtl3fr the tt!!fid-IMi dial 'arts andOndmtrAl et3ICl.a. ra (Vrerralr:tomleh i<i ��ld1e-i 3at�• can ct, i~po tiOCalyt tlii"s rotas tir(t laa!s?s tfi'< . .�-Mv_ "' dock 1R! XId Vo.tter�, to i got 4 lt(ii'tle aledi tr .C$ toga' +t it< !'.tel ter aww-rxtt:"e atatc�"t to the reeezft r r ' . att�; ze�R vvd. . F meeting of t1w pkv" wt►_A ati l MUM w Iwrw,,,s'rsw r jt &sews Rend,' h for endnoren, tris of the eonnty that AriAlt�lil+hU mad, 4 .I reeWer(atmcfJe`o!Laehd tdetr" ,i 1 V pkgs.. .. for ♦...,....., Y.,."�-..^........ ..• .'Y. r....23V Large barrel of Plai1.n Club House 0 es., 35 ozr n, et...............r.,,r. Choice 'Nell -bleached Celery, large . bunches. 3 for /r - ..r,r........ ...............r.,..'. : dpi Pure Clower Haney, 4V/ lbs,.net..,.. 9c 1. Flo�w,eer Petals Soap, 4 cakes...::.:"... Me Pe r W M. Soap, 10 bars.....i.....ar,x..,r.r.wvr..,3ff7c . Maple Buds, per lbs..•...,..i.,..e.•.A.........Y19c .Bulk Rolled Gats, Quiek or Standard, ` . 2 . lbs. lelr. ................•..............r•........ ►c Bulk Soap Flakes a lb 2 Flakes, s... r.r........-re Best Quality Peanut Butter; 2�1 jar Be Sure to Get ' aur Prem it Tickets . `hey are valtabe fou 1p, Go W. BAEI*u SOP. BAST SMIR unciVA'2F