HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-27, Page 1The Merchaufs Friend
An advertisQr's n1essk9e in the Gode-
vich Star reaches the reader on Ulm-
d4y, the day of publWation, in plenty
of time foi perusal and for week -end
shopping. .
� I ti .& I I
A Rare Offer
A trial ,subsefiptiou, to the Goderich
Star$ Huron countv's biggest alij
1))Fightest newspapov, will W "Zont to
00 end of thit yew for 25 conts.
I .StQer Ditches Car . 1Program, for.Noy�
I ; . �! - I '' Day �
. Nobody Hurt . - ,roAstice �
. IqAY "WE. ARR SEVEN" � -14" .
I . — . I 11ths A .
I Crime Decreases I
I In Huron County , .1 ;
. . ,,, .
'11 .1 I WG INDUSTRY IN 5. HURON TOO MUCH OPTIMISM . Serious Ca* fewer. ` Report - � r.
�,�.j ;�Ux, Roblus, and, A"wold Y&Con- P I Community sor�k*' at clooftV& . I . e# I . - �
, non Miss Death only il Insists, on VEGETABLES FOR WEST 1000 a.m.—Vets at Knox . I r at a re- Mailed ,To .
. out T o w 0 Cou0c , Editor of Tho, Star. Ustawel Bamicr: A si"ke' . dayo 1 �
"TIP , By in4ex, ity " .. . I I . � . Chure'll Nov.F a "Can . � I
, I . . Having Majorl , Car to 31so Puked xaA ShippeA frow, . . . Dear Stre-TU13 week the Ontario Do- cent MODtilig 4skcil till!$ Question, . I Shows I I � :
: /4),on Monday, in—oratu; about 5 o'clock Repre"Ptation . . MCCAAW ,Station At a meeting beldby the local brang,li partment of Agriculture. under son. T, you point to anything that a pmsstralsi .. I ?�
� . . I � . L. Kehriedy� Is releasing a great deal of has ever buutV loan YOU? � The annual ropoill at Votive Magistrato
XAx Robins And A=old McConAellre- DISCUSSES RELIEF PLANS A car of vegetables is to be packed and ot the Canadian Legion On Thor
,sday, Information. for the farmers of Ontario The Editor Ooderich Star. I .
-turning from Toronto, had A very Ila- shipped -from Me.0aw to Vneald, Sask. October 20th, =4138enieW were 40na- roj;ardlu particularly the bacon liog ill,, Dear Slr�-Au After at . liner appaker of C. A. Itel.d of the iudl�.Ial District of .
�., Pleasant experience, which might have � =5 Is. to be a community car and all. pleted for the following, . . dustry, in which Information this Very tile old reliable typo U,c*tQd, 4sCAU you o �
I , I Confers . With Rev, F. - C. Elliott interested in (1394miller, Nile, Sheppard- . . ! Important declaration .occurs- . ,. point to anything a pessilmiat.has Over 3601 last, was.todaY ,forwarded to tho . I .
.MeaAt death. it w", between Mitchell . . ' ' Methods Used'in ton, Carlow, Goderleb, and vicinity,'are - POPPY DrIvo .. "Ift production occupies an impor- buut?"-and, no 4 �
and Slebrinpille, about three miles east , I .oubt, ,,paused for 4, too Attorn
. on requested to communicate with R�i. W ,,04 Saturday, Nov. &tN the Annual taut place to the farming Industry of ply,o. secure , ,ey General At Toronto. ,The ro., . �
�; of Mitchell, They were driving along Ingersoll. Ili the conviction that no port shows a . slight decrease In serious .
the highway, when a steer an the road � j. Pation, rather Lowry, W. j, Shaw, F Poppy drive will ll� launched, one Ontario. It is one of the basic branches one would.bet ritdo orioUghto Interrupt
e car .; the t C. Cralk or 0. Z Watts, All kinds ot me ,table hill,. And tile 1,istowel garmop Seems crime ln�.tlds county.
, , possibly on: - at its regular Session vegetables except pota mber w1th two girls to each polling ,of our ,whole system, A cowl&
I . Own, council toes will be Accept- dINWOn, Will make A lXOnSQ to house part of our agricultural r0enue Is do- to tl"14 that in this Delphic UttorsioQc ,The total number of crises handled by '
. L raged by 'the lights. Max swerved tile last Triday utolit adopted A report of able, such as apples, beets, beans, car- c=vm. ROPPIes and wreaths, us most 1931 Ontario produced Over $14,900^0 the pessiodst Is 'forever' sqttelched, and His Worship for the twelve months w44 - I .
. ,
. . . I . . car �o avoid the -Animal but it erashed mittoo to drog one of Its total ,cabbage, honey, parsolps, onjons, people are aware,. providet. employment worth of biogs. Rog prices ate very low r , opeats. 40 . Can You?" . � .
.� Into the ;c%r from the aid, e crumpling up the special cOM , $94, as compared with 39q for the Panic, .
. . . lenders And, springing the door of the ap . punipiklm, squash,� tnMIpS, There'IS no during the year for d1504144 veterans In now and have been for the past Year, . Why not point to, the Otings theaiitj,� .period last 'year. . � . I .
. .pointees'to the new board of trustees call for clothing, but vegetables only, the hospital Vetcr4ft $hops# the 'proceeds' but taken over a period of years PrOdUc- mist hais built? The Nattonial Trans . con.
�� car as Well as sufforing a broken leg it- Of NAOIEW Hall, the temperance Ve . OPle We desire to pac� on 31overAller ;St. Of which when sold to broaclies, provide tion of hogs has proved prolitable. TWSL t1nental TouWay-tho hundreds of miles Criminal Offences show a, drop from 63 .
. 11 self, WhIPh made it necessary to kill the to ,drop one of thora, also,.which would Help an you can. . comforts. The branches In turn, $611 Is true of almost. an I . . I
. animal later, Ace .
, ,ording to � . y ten-year period, of parallel track though all the waste to sit, and of those nine were dismissed.
, I
0 " � ear idg.zaggett across., . the ditch, three make the board consist of sevell,bastead . � I - . . . . j. them to the public. the proceeds Of Which and we feel that it will also apply to tlia spaces of Canada; the chain of colossal only two offenders were. soot to - pealten- . I . I
I - , . S . go into the local relief tuud,Aud Are, used next ten yeari -that, lie ahead of us; a ragway hotels that are going so far be- , .
. 1, . times and. just misge4 hitting 9. Post in of nine. This wouf(A meet the objectim G. C. I., SOCCERITE � tlary. one for. ton and *AD for three I
. I to assist veterans 'And f,avilIlles in dis- great difftculty though with farmers in hind o, Week 014t we kieed A, St. Lawr- I
. �11; the centre of the ditch. The ditch was: that Mr. A. M. litipbertson raised that, . . DEFaT SEAFORTH tress, . . . � I., , . I I I I . . .
---" I doe , . Ontario in the past has beorl, that they once at red Ink to do tho bookkeeping; Years, , - Tile ,twes bear out the' Onton- I I .
, p enough to take the or In so that according to thQ old deed of trust there . — hogs when .
! . tlie'deck was even With thelovel of the could be only, seV . ell trustees, but it re- . . . . . . The mintraura charge for:sviall popples go out of . . prices are low, and or point to the pulp aUd. powei plants tion that., depression,. or .hard� times.. do . .
. roadway, Max and A=old had to walk mains to be peen whether it will be ac- Score -on Monday Was 1-0 in Favor of 100 and large 25c. Those wishing , to.� then are not In apos)tion to take full And the hotel apartm#nt and offloo build- . . . . .
. . . Ucat CoUctlate .1 ,. contribute more liberally, of co ;lot' breea serious oroo. . ,
� , I .
I . Into Mitoliell. and get Usistance -anid the oeptablo or riot on. the Score that It Still � . . . .. � urOe may advantage of .the market when prices ings that have .been built so favin, ad- , The non -indictable offencos numbered . I
I ,do so., Xd1lowing 1, the Ad"cial Mate, again reach a teinunerattion level, We vance of the need that they are unable . . I �
car needs causliderablet, repairs, but they .gives the fown,cou,4011 a-tmajorlty, poprp, On Monday,, Oct, 24th; In their first Mont Of the Poppy Fund for the yeav believe it is es�orltlhl to avoid this. MIS- to pay interest On their bonds,jet Alone 206, one less than last year, These are .
. ,
, . count themselves lucky to be, allvQ and sontattion, hence &.controlling vote. This same with Seaforth the locaf'Vollogiate � . . . .
� . able to t L ell the'tale. . � ' aL ending Sept. 30th, 193.2.� 1 - '. take At the present time. prefered or common stock, Or we Might for breaches of the Uqtkar Control Act, �..
11 . � . I . . special conlinittee * report also had 0, Soccer team won -with Score of a -,O, I . I— - . A ,cannot If- turn westward and gaze at th ParlIa- which numbered ,09, Highway Tralmo . I
� � - — , . clause recommending that a bowling Both aid I RECEIPTS . % .!.� further factor which *e e . I �,
: . .1 � es failed to 'display brilliant. '.1 - I ford to ,overlook,' and which w'e.think ment buildings of the postage stamp, Act, etc, Total fines levied were $$Goa, . . . I
I I . A BARGAIN IN NEW$PAPFXS %iley.,11cense be issued to N. H. Uixter, playing and. on the whole the game was sale of Poppies ........ � .... I .... -...0.4 . �
; " . whIch was adopted. .� . . . I Bank Interest .. . --..�.. ....... .......... 2 01) should -be recognized when plans for the Province, XahttobP6, Which for size, mag, I
� . B�.speclalarrarigom6t with The )�Orl- , The Anance. committee reported a&fol- devoid of, interest. .. , . future ate being considered, Is the agree- t ,Aid of this. amount $14,05 .WOa not paid. . .
I I 4oh Vrea Press arld.The London Adver� ' . Ahmeek Chap., I.O�D.E...�.,. .... 10,00 , . nifleence. and extravagant cost, migh I I .. I .
� The, -first half I"ked fast combination , . Mont that 'was drawn up at.the recent well house the -parliament of the EM. The allni of $100, represent �
tiger, Tlk� Goderich Star is able to, an- lows: - The receipts from the grand stand and tricky,footwork. Ten, minutes after Maple Leaf, 1. 0. D' E.."... ...... 1. 10 00. , . . tug cases AD- . � I . L .
i', Wt. 19th were $37, less -$4 expenses, or 0ther donations .'.. ... 11 ...... 11 ... I ... I $0, Imperial Conference hold * at Ottawa. plie. Or still furthet and see prairie pealied. Is pending, �but In ail probability . - . , - . I � I . .
. nburice a.special olubbing.offer ot'The net $33, and' We recommend that a State- the start Page scored for .Oodefieh from '. Rebate from trans. comteide I 1 - . 00 The,agreement there- drawn up between villages: with sidewalks . and town 'water, *Ili be paid, . . . I. I . � . .
. I I I Star,and either of the London papers . close in, Patrick, Seaforth substitute . Great Britain and Canada pri6vides'tbat Stretching far out Into the Bur 0 U I . . .11 ..
. .
. , I ' .., ... I ..... � ... 0a 6 e h 1. , �7. . I . .
. ment be forwarded to Messrs.' &.'and W, was sent in for. Keftse at left half. � j1he Governmelif rebate .. 35 r undl 8 The Juverillo cases -totalled 40, com,
� I for $5.50. This after is. good, only'-untll Litt with . request for .1 payment I of $1 I 7 as play was faster in the last I . ew Minutes Unsold pcppl4a . on hand..:� ..... � 124 Canada will'be given an,import quota, fields, and real estated clear t th or . .1. . I
, .
� , , Nov. 30th, after which regular prices Per agreement; � *i recommend1bat the I . � 1. . 00 Into Great Britain for. 2;500,000 cWt. 'Of Zon. I I . pared with, 4S, last year, but tile offences. , . I ; . . .
. � I �
�.,4.::.... will prevail. Send 14 your subscriptiolls, of the period :but ,many plays. Were � L I . .. baco,A-or250 million pounds, . This I*- Perhaps the word "built" can hardly , %veto I at a minor riature for the most - , - . � . I I
" � 'td Tile Star*"and . saVe $1 oft our public library -board be paid 9, 1-urther I ... Total, -Receipts .............. �$153-02 � � . .
� - � now messed -up. by both Sides. Ir . I I � I . � I . . ,
. � . . sun! of $200 on their grant;. we -recom, - I . . 1, Total Expenses ..� ......... $124 84 not a rate of preference which European be .applied to so fitmay a structure As a part, , Four juvenile offenders were com:. � I
. I �
. . I
. . regular clubbing offer.' 1. : . 'In, the seqo4id half Coach HUI shifted . . . Countries, such Denmark,. can get bubble, Yet It was undoubtedly th opti- � . . . � �.. .
; I . . . . . ment that #4000 of 1034 'Victory bonds the, Gaderloh line *a, bit. Elliott, Inside , . .. , ,,, � I 1. as I . . ..,
. . .1 � . over by granting bonuses on exports, bui, Mists that. blow. in 0 0 mitted to Institutions during the yoar,' ., ' . . ...... �. . .
11 �— -- --- as held by t�e Baechler Sinking Fund left, .went to left f ull bac 113 , �dofinite promise to -take at ' I . �th tock ienarket I
I .
i;� I I � . FOUND . I I . � - k, - Johnston, . alance ....... '; .... $ 28 '18 a . Amount bubble till it burst ,With '4jlch terrible Mires, of .whom Were from Ooderloh. - . � " - - . - * .
I - . have been sold through the Royal Bank left full, Supplanted Page'at outside left , The above ArricillatVas spent on milk, 'up to this figure. A further agreement fbm 'In October- 29th tbat,'tho country - There is ..%',. marked Incr6as I . tho - , . .
� � . — -- . , amount- . 6 4 .. I
k . . at 102,25,an4 the not proceeds and Tiago,-sliffted over to inside left, I,n bread,' groceries and fuel, also. aWating arrived at during the Conference. 'was � . . . I � . I � I ..
It . FOUND -A shoPPIn94 bag containilig, Ing to $2,0P7.62, were, deposited Ili the. the A - transient comrades, .� i � Is. still reellp.9 from the Unpact. . number. of cases. sent up fal. thb . *. .
, clothing And sum of moneZ Ap- nal thirty minutes' both aggregi - . I . . that effort should be put forth by,0reat I And now, not satisfied with past ex- . . . , fbr,tr . . . ,. . . .
�. - . 11tily BTA3 001q,cf,. - - � I . . Baeahlor. Sinking Fund account- - Till tions turned In a better game. 'Seaforth . I . .. accused persons electing -to go.before 4 ' - . - �
? I 1. I . . Cliurch Parade Britain to stabalize the price otporL 14 porteng OUr optimisti , f 1, d propose I . I � . .
- .. - I � I I of I .
.. 1. .;— -- --- . I 0 ren 3 . .
, ,. — - -- amount of f,2008-00 Was withdraym frNn hope down on. Goderith goal often - but ., 1. . I .
11 '. : this - if And . On Sunday morning, Vb�. (Ith, all a, profitable basis both in tile Interedta f�. P'6' ury Instead of..'alloosing, sum,� I .
. . . WANTED I I accoun - placed in, the town atedly turned back. 'rhe ball r coed With the St. Lawrenae Sealkay Judge And J 'by . .
- � � was repe ' �
I � . veterans of townand viet;iity.are Invited of farmers in Great Britain and.farmers Canal,, which, When completed, wilt take. Mary disposition tho, magistrate ,
i . , — general, account to pay the debenture . I I � . . . � s , 1.
. WANTED.-A�gant, and representative and interest due.Oct, ,St. . I was, often qut of. bounds and the time to meet At the club rooms, ,South at., at in the Empire Countries. The ablldy:'ot ratteh. of tile remaining. froiqllt from the Last year la wer ' . I i.
� ., - . . .
. .1 to canvass the ,County of. -Huron. spent on tbr6w-ins shared In the, factors Great Britain to, achleye . � suo;i I . ist , committed for trial . . . . .
� The, i�Qmmittee fli - - , 10.30 aan, for the purpose�of Attending . nust not rall�-�Rds, add a low- hundred lnilliou and this year the n ' . . . . . .
Every -car owner, truck,.. tractor, kerosene rther.. reported that slowing, up the game. - Neither. team* had service At Knox church dre , be minimized When It Is realized that doll4rs to.the,tatjonal e and provide . umber is. 2t ' . . I . .
� , and fuel* burning stoves -and furnaces, 11119DO interest on'$30,000 Pr6vftin' 4' scared vhen the final whistle ohrilled. afid, 4 ' , , Its olvilians - d bt. . I � . t
"I I I . * � � I �
Ate prospective sales, Should be able to ManitoWk 0 per bent. bonds on . I . medals. : I . I .... . 'Great Britain constitutes 'the World's s,me more thousands of electric horse. The most favorable Aspect of.ttie Te. - 1.
0 Oct, tat, , Line-up: . . . . . � I � . I . '. .
, . .
�1' . handle sufficiont stock -to 6over'torritoty. had Weeft received and deposited to thir Se�forthCentrq, Nicholson; ins. right, :' .. , . � . . I. . -chief bacbn� import mar4et.'. , . power, when we ha,ve already bought so*.POrt, as viewed by the loml authorities., * , ,. . . .
� I �. � Memorl�l Service "For over a year now the price of hogs Mu6h f I � I 1. I � . .
": . . For Particulars comniunibate �wlt,h oredit'of .the O.WS.R, F=d;,t,bAt 1412. , W D. Slits- I I rom -Outside "Iriteresto"..thO �wc Is .the com arpitive, absence of. major ' . I ., I .
. , ins. left, . . .P ,. . . . . . ,:.
If., . , MAGIC . GAS b ,W. Oudmore;. outside On Prid ' Ili 11th a toift�. has-b0n-lowor than for Many years Pre- cannot. begin to use Our own and, " riminal offences, suth�- As, mu I : I . .
DISTRIBUTOR , BOX interest due 0 t. .. . . ay morn . g, Nov, . , . must 'c rder, Man- . .
�!. . , lath On' $1000 1943 right, Archibald;, ouisidelefil H. McIver; munity service will be -hold at the ceno- vidus. I , . r . . . I.
- . ' . I auses, = 3 - I . . . . �
=,- Stratfo d, Ont., I '. : ' VQMln1oni of - c This resulted from two c , ell It at'off. peak price to thil .
. I . .. � -- � F I .. . Oanqd� - bond, had been re" centre half, J. McIver; right half, Mdy- taph it 10.30 &'ill. 4 At veterans are In- First, the high. prices for bacon that ob. I � I I . I . :� ,
. .� I - . - , 11 slaughter, etc, There is also a marked .
�� - " ' - celved. And deposited to the - credit ,of ,,an- left half, Kense; right bw - . . I I .
q� , , k; Dun- vited to meet at the ,club room at 10.1
:,. , ru.. Lie NOTXO,j� . . I talned in 1929, Paper Co. �and provide . them . . I
� �-- . � . the cemetery 0jipetuity fund, and 0 1930, And part of 19ji, in with .equipment Witlipilt ,,Cost to use It_ docilease In , ruinibor of ,criminal . I � �
� I .1 .1 . * . , i
% .XOTIZZ OF., TEE � COU -4T 1. OF . nx� oth . or clause F arl- das; left back, Hillen; goal, .Forrest, aim. Special invItAtIOW have been for-' relation to th6 prices Of, athe'r t : , � , . I
, . . 44; , � Wo. understogo, that gljb ,�) -to L the in =111 M.0 perhaps, Mr. Editor, All tjigse prosecutions arising ,out of widus. Motor . '.1 I . �
, . - - ,. VISIOX"Towx ,01, . ?Atrick. Warded, ayor and. council, 41 commodities Induced 4 large increase in thiligs are too far, away.to really inte�. Accidents of which � Huron ,66 . unty.r . oads I I I .1 . . -
� I
I I I G10DEPJPH, , a now btlilh�bn 91 � - 140e of 4 : Goderfich- - entre, H. Greene; inside churches, suhooli, societies, and SO hog production,,-.1nainly in guropean ' . 1. . I
. . � *0444. --O ' .
; , . . I I . �. . . .ppr cent, 2Q�year b6ndii to sell sit A dis- ost us, so lot� us, stroll through 6UK �fiir have biell renktkably free in the, period . I . . �'.
. Take notice.tbat the Court of Revision right, S. Taylor; 'Insido left, V. Elliott, Scouts, The Citizens, Band','wjII 'be In countries.. becondly, a number Of Sur- town and point out 66 Ait Craft fae� I .
10aunt -will be Placed On- the market next . . .. 11 . . I . I
? . I Pf the Town ,of 06d6rldh will hold Its week and 'we recommono-'that, the pas outside right, A, Smith; 'outside left, P. attendince; arrangements.b.4ye also been bpean nations which produced a surplus �d -Poor ail covered by the , report, . � ... I s
F�41% 'xQrAt- S*in& In 14P. �401111c&-.QUATO=- - . ,� - I I ,light nilade - by,ths-'Provinetal .06i�� � of -hog � were shut 'out Of theii -rh tilo.4-Wet, plailti thm Naito . 1 � � .1 .11 . . �..
emot6ly perpetultyl!" . . . . to . .�
�qWn Hall; Godieil6h,'for the pilrpalst� of, I d half, j. McLe'an; left hall, A.. Doak; have a representative place their,wreatb; hatural Prb I Shiji4ulldings. and the charred r0malm . - � I P � — , ��- I . �. .
�� ring appeals against the assessment be1nVested in .$his Issu � mlrtlll�tts in the 'bonsuming icoun- f the Kensington .r.grriituro i0actory, and , .' ' SAW -0994 ON HIGHWAY .. � �
��&?z. . e, also that cash I' It J The service. will ,be ttlis of Europe by inearls of tariffs And 0 .1 . . .
. p,gbt back, Q. We by, left, .,back, B: oil this occasion. then.pause and. drop a tear as we vIeW I . I I I .. �
. . for the T6*jx.,of .Goderith for the -no in the Ontario West Shore Rail- Johnston; � goal, H -.onducted by oyerseas padres, .: ernbargoea, and consequently wore forced Mnl,--�! , -ago
; . on ba .
; WA3� L . . . WaIns; sub, . ng � to, =,onto a few days I .
�' - - .Year .103142; .on,.Wedliesday, 'Xovember fund be Invested inthis, Issue. � The Strgughan. . .: 1. I I I 1. 'I the ,ve��-!"ctln gf,�'�-� =.A , b.-7%v'Z- � =4 - X. C. 'Robertson, and George Jenurier,
. 11 kPAge; ontre half, R...'Errington,
� ari1i4nrhl: t6�11
I . . I I I -:' at hK pla.-e oQ.4ama ack.99a 'a deer onAlo. - 6: -highway, - -
�1 2nd, 1032, at 8 o'clock in the evening. committee report letting. the, contract fee Ref6ret-D. 1. Hill. � . I ,. County Parade -a to. mUket L -the- .Whole- -of their, OutPlu' verts that mark & last r.-" 1.
,; Ali parties Interested are requested to: r,pinting . I lid SeMiciii ' I . .. . I
:. . � � . the. 1932.,. voters' lists to The . . - I . . . . 1. I bacon In the only remaining o0en mar, the O,:W, S It. All these WOM built b�. one and m.balf miles ea8t of Clinton, it I
I attend. L . ,. .Of ac � . - I I ... annu c Parade And Service' ket that 4of* Orea,t Britain. ' . 1.
. I Cle . - ., This was optin*ts, And the '.own �bolda the bag I. wa's about 7 'o'clock in the momba ., just I
� . - . L. L. KNOX, �TOWn. rk;, Signal and recommended a1ist. � CHRISTMAS CARDS . will be held at Seatorth on the after, really- distress product and had t - .1
I counts for paymerit. I . 1, . . . ,a
Goderichj October 20,th, 1932.' . . . I I . . The'Star's Chrlstma card samples,are nomof goveinber 11t1l, at 2.30 O.M. In - - ' I . .. � � 0 1011 If evei a country was hag ridden, otiri breaking d;iyllght. 'when the deep, a, full- .
9 pirm, . at any price that could .be secured for hi., ba,n by,the letich of optimism and . . .. I
�:. -- -11 - -------. �— The public works committee reported here . See them, and place your order Victoria Park U the weather. t4l 4 It, Ana ,resulted In overloading the,mar- . sized doe, suddenly appeared out at the
�� - ' . .
I- I . REAL ESTATE AND iNsunANcR'. they were installing sewer .connection to etchings, riot In a church, . 11 . � . . ket,to such an extent that* 'prices b I roke no relief ,13.1n sight until the People re ditch about 50 feet Allead.of the ,oar, I
!�. . . � �--- I ... 1� I —o-- property of.J�rrylfealy on Huron road, early, Hand -colored steel . I . ... . . . . cognizo ths fundamental, fact that two Tho anlinal skidded on the wet pave- ,
�11 HE ! JAIRMS 0 REAL ESTATE Mr. He,% hand -colored copper . plate' : engravings, .1 . PubIlil Dance. I I to abnormally low levels,* to 9, consider.- I ment and took to I
. - ri6amniendo embossed cards, Initialled oar4s, Ift*nch A Public held on the able.degree, but from some oth �
L;, ly to pay the cost, d . .
I T and two inake-four and not forty---�th:%4 the bpposIte ditch, tha
y I AND INSURANCE AGENCY. that the sk#lng rink be advertised fo fold . dance will .be " , I or 'causes, debts -contraoted have ultimately- to be motorists watchin c A I through A . .
I .
� � -- . , I , deckle-edged cards, Pastels, -photo- � the same was true of other 9 .it r,W I
� . . . . rent forthe coming *Int6r,by tender, a nI h % Tickets will be on . . . classes' Of -Dald and In short, as Mr. Micawber-adid. Wt
. .
Some Cheap Faraw for Sale marked obeque for 5 per ,rolit. Of the greeting cards., ' Of NaLr'." number of.valuable Meats, . . � 1. . I . . � .. re fence and canter across an.oVen . I �
eroonal .. g . expenditure 20 Still- field into a bush. The Animal Was riot .
�, gravures,. air brush novelties, in.p le by me .
- I 120 acres, large bank barn, 1 Y2 story offer I . . also -the Acadenty series m . . .
, to. accompany each .
11., house, large orchard, spring creek, only .. tender, tenders of allrb,tinas ,cirds '(all Cahadl prize, are 'Ing got I "At the Imperial Conference lately, lings and a halt ilenny-result, miserY. alarmed about the sudden allpoaranto-of I
r b together for those
�r. three miles from Goderich. Price $i5OO, to be In by'll O'clock p.m, oii,T.hursd%y, .produced from original work 011) re- holding -the "lucky tickeW41 .Look for, �field, in Ottawa, these conditions were and despair." the motor car. a I
I . strictly cash. � . I N6. 3rd, and continued, ,"We reedin- of art, as postqrs 1* I I . . .. , . given very �erious consideration, The .1 Yours truly, . .1 no up to Its Arrival had
L . price' . to . . painted -by. leading artists :of the Dorn- . . . . . apparently been lying down, . ,
�, , � 200�acro .farm, Slaughter r . I I Banot Boxes. � BritbhL delegat0a.were as Much Corjccrrj�'L 131 � DOUOL,'tS. BROW,X. . - . I- :11 . .. I
I .
I . qWck Sale, Only $2160 Per acre., Soil. . (Continued. oil psge'8)� L . L Inlow, many Unes,oj' handsome blanks . . ed about the effect that. the dumping. . I - � . I I � . - .
�L principally clay loam, no wast . . I , I -. - I . . on. which we *111 Print L Your. own per- Drop Your, IguokinghaML Cigarette I . . I I I � . 4 . . .1 . L I I .� I L
I .. .. . I of distress pr-oduats.,�W. having Oil th L . .. . I
11 . ,a or Lt V1112ry ...NOTICE To CREMITORS �, - � L- . . I .- I— - -- -1 ., wrappers Into tile ballot boXeS. It will home. live * Cott . I . . .
few stolue foul. weeds.L Ab, 0 --- . - 46nal greeting. ,At all-ppleoS. . --ChrigtMag- -gffts- for -kiddles, I ere "o S .y Wrestl s
L stock producer, as * the I I 10 . . Corn inA
�- " �AejeSL -now_ , u4der----culbjvation.� ..Mbre -I,--- . menu - tho I I . Events
. . TO CREDITORS. —---.7- -==F=17, �L=t . L I + t �`-, 11 DOminion's roptesentatives about the . . . I
, � . . I I
� . I . + . . demoral markets, . Finally L . AND RJUSINESS .
' �. ready, about 00 Acres timbered. ,Oood NOTICE . . .. I .FOR SALE OR TO. RENT . . I ization �of -their . . . .. ff-ff i Over An H Bnxj -or. s I I . .
bank barn, I% �stol`Y house In fine - con- , . . ' Po - - our �
'L . . -� <.v.c;P . - . I I—— . . . . .
� � dition, Orchard: good water. Located Notice is hereby given to 11 persons .the above quoted stipulations and guar�- . . , . I.
.11 . im at a OR REXT.--Solid brick N. St. Debaters Lose' . .� .,� 11 ! I .
about 12 miles from Town'of Goderich, having any ela again the Estate of FOR� SA"a � I antees were entered into protecting not The 1p . . .
Cdunty of Huron, Ont., close to school, George W, Sturdy, late of the Township house on Trafalgar St. All mod� .Only produces of Great Britain but those The 'Viery Italian +V*nq)Wshed— L onthly meeting of the Ooderlch � . . I .
I TERMS of Goderich in the County of Huron, era Loonveniences, wired for electric By. Narrow 'L Margin Board of Trade. will be hold, on. Monday , I
large village. Handy markets. I I L ,of Canada, and all these I I I I 1, , . . ,.
I [_fAll
rx, deeeAsed, Who died on or about stave. Write Box 25, STAR OPPIcE. b . agreements had Two ,Other First-Cla . . .. I
. ��$90P. down cask balance credit terms, YeOma . ., . . � � . . 1. L Ar objeot,, the mUtual,'protection . I I evening next at L 0 o'clock in the town .
,� . very easy If, required,. Takes paid L I I the lothl.day of October,- 1932, to send I . . . . . for thie I Bout$ � halt. . . I I v .. .
�� -, 7 n ful 9421nat " abnormaL.oconditions .of the . . I
;1 for 1932. No back taxes. No exchange same duly proven.ta the undersigned ob: $6.5()�Slx-roomed house * on Quebec Centra i . � I..,
1, . accepted, Immediate, possession, or before November 6th, -1932, as on andL -St.; water and lights., Apply L lia Win$ I?resbyter]r De- common,mark6t In Britain for the meal . - .L Th o Arthur Circle bazaar Will be hold .
. I
. I
.. I L
� . I If L interested write to- after that date the Executors herein.will MISS X.-. UIT. .-, . .1, L b4ting Finals. �at Clinton pioducis ,of all gnipiro farinos.ol Tho Wrestling tans certainly got �A full Saturday, October 29th, in Xnox lecture I
. .
1� - J. W. ARMSTRONG, proceed to.make distribution of,the assets FOR 6ALLE.-First-cla Cortlet, in At . 1. .. � Fmay I ThOS You* have get forth L in the fore- bill ion Tuesday ,night At Vict,orla'Opera room. Afternoon tea. served from - 3 to . I I
, . . Office Upstairs, East 13ide Square of the said estate, having regard only to . 'condition, ,Price as —.. going quoted paragraphs. this, .sum and House' *hleh WaSL comfortabi filled for 5; supper from 0 to 1. $50. some -Made, I
P.O. Box 09 Godi Olit. the claims they then: have notice of, . $10. Apply P, 0. L . Substance, of, the �' . . ;Y � ancy,work; country, -an6 , "
e. . . . Pact''entered Into be� the event.' . � _� baking, ,candy,,,f
DATED AT GODEAICH this 19tuday Box all. . .1 Several carloads of young people and " . .
" L 1. . '. I of October A D 1032 I . . . I I . . . . I . L tween Great. Britain and Canada for the The .feature bout 'was between Seatty mystery, tables, I I
; .
I .
I .
� �
; �
I .
� I
0 . . �J. .# I I . ated - six -r � Older ones from GO rich all deq. the, mutual protection of all Britain lie well MacDougall, the Goderich Man who b,s I I . I
. . 00111 apapt� . 4 The regular meeting of the ,Central
HAYS &lid HAYS, . .. TO RENT no rl'of Young People's So- as Canada, and how Canadian meat mado. good as a heavy weight wrestler, Home And .School Club will be held In
� 10oderich, 'Ontario, . Mont on Hamilton .St. Per fur� annual coliventlo .
. ther particulars apply HAYS & HAYS; aleftes Of Huron,' Pre8bytefy In, Ontatio, producers have Fecured-to- them a mar� And Poggi the fiery Italian, and it Went the vllool on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. ,
Solicitors for the Executors B1a:prtst&s,' Goderich. - L 0 � .� .
� � I of the said estate. �. . I St. United chiirch, Clinton, on Priday ket of 260 Million pounds of bacon every for tin hour and two minutes before .tat, at 4 o'clock. .
. . .
. 1
V077CE TO . CREDITORS. . �- FOR' SALE On RENT. -Red brick evening, wben the finals in the debating year. . Scotty did the trick with -a reverse back Sunday night, November 13th, at 7
-1 . . .. � house on Victoria street, all con. . � The writer is addressing this In a slam which put Foggl "hors de bombat,,, p.m. In tl)e S. A. 1401i, a special �oorvlce, " .
, — , venfences, also a frame house on Park league of the Presbyt.ory were,held, the friendly spirit to the fariners of South The match was supposed to be the beat .and at 8,30 In the MacKay Hall, North .
IN THE -ESTATE -,OP THOMAS Pin, D- street Apply T, R, WALLIS, Victoria contest being between .the North, street Huron' where. during the recent pasco two out of three but*Poggi Was unable St., a very special service, conducted by
Mlate of ihe Town Of Goderich, street: , I L called an election it Was 6ounded from to continue, his doctor Advising against Colonel WM. Valziel, Chief Secretary of
County of guron, Esquire, De- . . United church young people and Con-
.- . -- — . . , . ,
. RENT.-Smaili tralial, 'hada and Newfoundland, Watch for
, ceased. -- OR 1� !.r OR To The Ooderich debaters were Miss' the hotme-tops that Bennet had slighted It, In fact It is riot likely he will be Ca
1. . F&� h the farmorg, and that so far as the far. baCkAn the came for a couple of wieeks, 1 further announcemen . I I
All -persons having claims. against the b I' house, - for sale or to rent at & Dorothy Allen and.Ray Copeland, w O� mers-of South, Huron were concerned, Scotty had his opponent. pretty well ln "' I
argaln' 'easy terms� THOS, YOUNG, had the. affirmative In the 'debate On the Imperial . Applications for the New Dominionof
Estate of,the late Thomas Redfern, who South a . I . . .411es Conference was , hand Most of the time though two or
,, � . . . olved that we have, mote to fear, ,tr. -Canada Loan Will recelve.-promPt atten- .
died on or 4bout the 29th day of June 606t. I .a Iraud . . . I I
I three times he, seemed to be In 0, bad
1632, are h9Pby required oil ,or before PULLETS FOR from the bI4IIIvAtI6n of the Unitta States , goad over carefully the Above condl. way unable to break Pogalls hold, The 'tion If Made through F, WOOLtOOMBS. . ... . . .
the 21st daX of November, 1932,'to send. SALE' -MAY hatck. than froin'that of Russia," And th Hamilton St., 4 plione,296. * . . I . .
-to the undprsigned full Particulars 'of single comb, White Leghorn pulletg, . 0Y had tifts an Agreed Upon At this Conference Italian was inclined to be rough and the; . .. � I . . I I
their claims, . duly varl ed as after that itxceptionally -heavy,laying, strain. About perhaps,the boat of it from the 'Point of for your Particular benefit, and then go referee had to Intervene sevtral . times I . - . .
fl I cAr.D OF THANKS I ' . . I .
-state will be distributed with. hens tOdetherAvIt ulie hatch- haters Odim Hazel 'Smith and Gerald 6ndeavor to meet those conditions, which a supreme test of ,etamina to stand over DUAMrs H. Carr 'and family. I . � .
date the V 76� choic,- PUIIetS from 226 to 260 ega view Of argument, but the Centralia do- to it and ate if you can not Make Some and Warn him niany more, It, is surely .
out regard. to the ,claims .of which no - pUllets still to .sell. price 50c and Godbolt) 'had'a little the better of It it i fl ion. desire tof express their tin. 1, .
notice has then. been received. ed ought to, be a real strong endeavor to An hour of such a strenuous game, to g�,JlWilljam �
� OATM- at Goderich this 17th day of up. W. HUME 10miTTON. R. R'- ,51, the Manner Of delivery, The judges im I c4ere gratitude to the friends and neljil- .
. prove the hog industry and show the Say 110thing of the PUTIfshniOnt tile Con-,borg whose many Itiodneases and (�prc-;- I
October, A.D., 1032. � 10oderich. Phone. 1413, Carlow. , " were -Rev. F. W. Craik, Goderich; 13, W- world -that you are alive to the great ad. testantu took. On account of his rpugh.810ns of Sympathy -Were so much appre- . 11 I
I I -
MANIC DONNELLY, VOU -ISALE.-Ford, delivery. truck il Beavers, of Exeter, and Pearge U. vantages that the beat stat— c. tactics and bad temper PO it-wao not clatea follom= tile sudden death of a � 11
� . �-- . � . 00derichi Ontario, � . model T. BargAin for'quick sal . fferson, ,,Clinton. Centrall9l Society. Great 'Britain and Canada have (levited Popular with the audience., Scotty basibeloved but -wind and father. They ahl'
I I � ,! will hold the shield for a year. 11
I .. I . I - � Solicitor for tht- Executor. J. It. WHEELER, garlillton St.,' Gode- jexpres3 their thanks for flowers and far
, I � . —,—== --- - . . The attendance at the ,convention for YOU. b. little the advantage In weight', being � I
I 1. . � . . � - - rich. 11 Lot me 'ust nuoth 6 — � ".. A. 1A14 Ills +- . Ila i n(j -1,.f t.W'A� ..IACarS 103110d Ut the time of. the funeral, . I .
. I
. , . I .w.Tw,. CRAIGIE
.� -
I , ;
� ., Insurance and Real Estate,
, , ,
! I'�� :, I Dohnlinoiq, vZovitmoxxt "
� I
I , . L
.. . , . .
--�— I.,
� , � . I I
. I . � -I--------- �--,
--:-. completely fill the ,churoja+ . . 9- Me rom . n wv I : i I � I
,61110flY tile Minister of Agriculture of ipressed his opponent by following up an �j Tisie family int tile late Mm Alexltlldcr I . + � ,I
etween Thoo ik6ro three sessions Of. the ,ton. Ontario regarding the succeza; to be 011. ,advantage when Vaggi was not oady. �Cralglt taket tilig means of 'e-Ulltessimd . . Ij
fort Xorth and Victoria Streets, a com. ventlon- Morning, tOmlhen':ill9 At 10 tallied by taking propor advant, jhoir sinrere. apprrelatVil 'of tlip miny . . ....
abla r -oven roomed house, hardwood Im ,*hen ,Ontario ttrect %,; P,. S, Con. qcoL� (.)fl Tile main bout was pre,,edod by Nloflandnesnrii.eatendcd tj tilvin by p�,Ilgii , . I
floors, hot and cold water, garage and '� " the benefits assuted tile farmers of o..j. ,other bouO, which aleo were gz;ad. it hors and trieh(W... in thtir revent r --'4z1 . .
grarden, Immediate passerslon. m.. W d cted. devotiotial exorcises, Charles tarlo by this recent trade pact. Itoolt Alex. Xa5a.qvt)kl, of Renfrow, Just�fbercavcme.nL The�- wish'als.t tit -xprclv. . . I
, �
HOWL'LL, phone 3 or 913. . ' r1awk leading In prayer. The addre2s of 001. Kennedy says: "The built ,nine minutc-3 to beat itaelt r�vnnctt, oU , their gratitude fat floral, tribute'i', alid I
�-- W0110me was given by 'Rev. V. 0. Parril, C Of .
FAUU, VOR 0AtX.-FWy, oxrog, more pastor of the church, to wljlf�lj a sultabla MnadWs ble011 products ,of "oort qu,. 'Vancouver. a crotch hold Arid body r,IjLm,� to thonne wha %indly Laned (ars for th,, I � I ". I
or less, the property of the. tat MY hau In the past com from Ontario. ,turning tile trick. Xanasvokl �ig said to4lilletal,
e reply w= made by the -Presbytery. it. P. I � , rvqtlln� . . 0 1 � I � I .1 . . . ;
R, W. :0. lftftel 4tuated, fit tile 64 -f I I . � 'The country that -Iprodu�er the mia � be:+ the best find in the -w . tiorldl I
I ,--------1---------- � .
� I 11L, 111111 I I
19ou ptreet on tile goutpern boundary
13. president, mr. %vDit, jilyth. Report,"
. JLN 31bxmnlaal �
My of baton At tile )p�, 15rl;t% of .produ�- ,of recent years. being placed next 0 M.. I . I
- .1 I
I . . ;
af the tD,xv- of goo,j clay loam, large
Were recelvod,� Christian Vellowship by
7 d I monnits.--ill lovilla MPM3Tv of �'!!' I . . .
, Cread by Aeferto Jack rorbeg. all
tIOA Will win under anv eoliditiong, �
- Oct. 29th, I
! I
� �
8 6 0 , ,
un. Life bsurflnue OoMpoq of 8118da
. iome and bar,,, drive rhrl-, wo Inho ,
' p
hen -house; artotan well (105 feet). the
VeV best of ,water; gowl frul.t trees,
5 Tholma Cheer Od rit
,8 , (, c "; t
Chris lan
t1isslons, by I-Iranit Wildtong, V-Icter :
Christian Citizenship, tff!n Morence
, , �, dear mother, who passed away . I
, , In, ve thr. �-q .
V � I
We ml n t)r,) th � ouallty r"I Mare spPeldettlar. Xasawold Is 195 11 . 1926.
llv,,,q and tPed them intc%IIIc:pjltly, dnd Jack Sennett 103. 1� I
"Tile ho,,#5 mmt nrrfvp at the Tilt% st-.Dnd biwt. wMi!h wai Wlwe�,n Sweet6l't mvilVirit'", Are all that' are !olft, - .
Ideal IOCUU011. C1050 to rchools and
Scott, H�lgrave: Literary and R"re'at!on
'0 . 13 41
023 flear, Immr, 1113�her. oil(, 0: th .; "
'in�Valtclr: 'Par"OH,
� ;
. I �� I
churches. Vilir further Particulars apply
by r
-ev, S. J. Mattliles, Grand 33end.and
plants without licav, Of Toronto,'20G lb.�., and I
V len fro;� bruls .
A manitr whi-0 heart WaD a.11 PUTO a; .
. . ,
on tho promt,v5 or tb j?Litoy or WILL
NAV -1% L.
report 0 f inc tr0lary-troasurer. 'IbO 't)Or-
,lid the P-I�Lwra mun�t develop the ua,a rMlOr ITOM, Of 8110310. 102 W., Wi-111 gold, .
. . .
cualitIO5 �n
f .
— ...... .
othy V. 'lovalters, nollmillr1r. n0rorts
Of our bacon. � ttventy-nille nllllutc�s, nith. wrestleralOur dear wwther's ivorth fan now" I
. . I
. You desire (1) to give your childrea. an education,, (2)
To Rr"'T 9-r =,I'D,= api.
Wore followed by muslc� by ntlgrav�� v.
ti�t unitq t') .cApftlpo wir zilnre d"WOM (Wt 111 V0207erilig after it tlll`Ov-� told, .
thyt� W5rldla groat baron Market." '.Tbp reverm body slam vv= auah% tile de- She ofttinic"; mtd We'd 11&'P, lier. .
j �, .
to build a resei've for further eftiergencleS, (3) 'to PrOted Your
Tond ers for tile renting of tit!? property
P- a" rjhlerl ftltlud6d a Polo, "Tept" MO
to Pray"" by IL"c" 'C`cult'E�l- 'Oroup (111'
It Is needl(cl fartbcr 0 ealarge upon "elding throw.
010 great benefit to be derived by Th011 al tile 405'0? <�amc� tile 111-11'�
The words have prowd too true: . I
We lest the UA and dearest friend, .
lionic against the Mortgage, (4) to Set noney for your
aS!de I
old age. You can, accomplish these desires
"I %`709t Otteet Intown as the ,S!:atinC
milit. for Ilse as a ninit for tile 4coming
emqgons were c4induttcd by n
Cralf:, "' P' �V'
ollrWlau Follownhip; 2�7. Dr.
vir r
farrAler5 fr,Drgl tlle,�O tf�ent ftgMeML1wq. 4bout betW00n
votty M0,038ii3all aTia
D,- r mother. vvlien we 1.),;t yau.
T1113 U,011M,10 VAMILT, .
inore econonil
cally tlirou�h life insuratice Man in any offier way; Consul'
Wtuter. will be rccelvei by tile tow,,
4!triliell, Up to a ol,elomt P.M,.. on
&jOrtlincre, Auburn, mionjons; P� Ot'- 0-
but It �vlll 411 dOPOnd uPon the rimpon- NazzaTI1110 V,=I.
-- p�e�
wO Slatto to the Invitation to do ofir ,� The 1!
-�,,,St , T 0 f 0 1 ��,Z
. - -�— .
Its about our,many plansl.. . �
TSIURGI)AV, XOVn'mB21n std, loor
W. Dutt, 65tTle. 01tiv,whip. mud W.V.
G. J. Uathng, Grand l3ond, Utor.Tr and
to de�otvo tile ftworg vellred. and tjljq�ollft lihmolf a
� who
can ,0-,ily L,, doilL,
ca -world's Mlamr)021
tq t1ju 02vial reforee
-At Alon ,sn"i �
V=10=13� . andra 11� ,1 .1.
. I
r�lcll tonder to be aceo,,,I��anjc-a by a
_1 V b,ejj(;inq1"weIterv,oIr;Ut.
bv gcnuinp .
(.11 llonln�. 0"'Onr "N'll, t, %.�,,. �.�(l
0mca 110
911011ca .1 !i V.=!dtUW 545 11. R. LONG, Di8trict Awinat
mar1rc or fivo D-.ir cent, of
-a 'Plli�"" r
Amount of toader.
ID3r,ner wag rttvcd it,, tile ba��rgt Zt by
all our onorOI03� to tll(� . ie Ontario AMTOH� 0�)mxrntnlm.
f'D ta5l: Cr ftainlrJor V
tho VTW311 C-Gmun, oro tiio bptt v�p i Annoltnecm:nit Wa3 made t1m, an,)Ilter
Mro. J."I'va Van%pm.r. T).-,�.' i� a r. .:1, I
. 1
1,70 tender nownswilv aeCODIC4, .
the ladlc-�l Of the churell arza val fol-
I L by -a tina cong p^,T13-1 e6uduct,�
lcvca 11
:10,vo and Ili PuPl-lont quantitio to mat' -11 wGUM he 1101d 11cro ell Nmonfltr
11W,ten.-At Alexandra 11�,�. ,ta',. oa
- .
Vrldly� 0�%%Or altt 'tll I
I I 1. . . .11 .1 I . -.1,11 11 I 1. -000 M.i0,i.."*.., .. _j
L, L, =1409,
Itth, rodch t;cr� kc-�C-�,xd Mt'l wj�)V.amc
Maintain a ateady matfxt. `0
to =. Ucl.
vw�- — I I
Clerk' GadorIZIL 11 Wowlalrcd -on rasla 01 All 0VT-W0:=ft, jbY Me 611000tc,�-�. V.unl. 190.%Ce, a rv:l. 1
I I . I . * .
. . . I . .
. - .
I I 1% I - . I I I -1 r , , -- , 11 11 11
I .
� � . . �
---.I..., I— I 11. 1. . - . . - . . 1z . , I a, /
t .
-- I - I I � ----
- .
. -,--,----,— owdkL -.-1 . 'IM.', - ,.,.- -... ... 11 .- 'n�V, ,"11110611111"�IW110111111111. , 5 .�,
� ... WjW .� ,