HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-20, Page 3a . . 'i_411;RSDJAY� Nov. 20�n� nn . THE GODERICH STAR , � "0* TXM -�___ ---,,,- ___ I I ___ _. . __­ � � I __1 — __ . .____,_______.___ - --1 ­­--­- � '_ _____ --iiii-4- _­­ -------I---,,- . - ­ *pppo,iii­_ we ct =Qnths or mei.e� Mr. Herbert � .- __ � �-__- I _' 1 40*7% 4 0 Cr;cb, are of the Clinton tal"CMU0. Tourist Fares Slash Cruise Rates %ul's diad on TatsdiiY evelailiV, 00t, Alth, ail HIGH QUAUTY . I . I 0 1 Coum", and � trict - the ripe age of eighty y"XI, "a tigh � . . . ........ ___ ... .... 11_1_-__--_-11--___ _­ � 1 .-_11_-112-_---"'- ..... W -T - I F­q5vw" , V.-_- �., . , Ly ; I . 174k.. �,'. - . "." I violiths. aft. e-klx *" born In Tuck. � ., . i I I_. �_�� . I I ,,, � . * ' v�h,4, ­`%�,, 1 . , I k� 1, I . ' - N�', , � e 1, . ,� , Rizinith tiDwohip. being a Wa of the lato!l DIAMONDS r___ . 11�. , ,;�,�', I i I" V_ . e_ .1 . .. , -P I " .. '' � _,� samixel Cricit and hu wife, "ia %)%vie,% : I . I '� .100 � ..;�,;;,:::7.,%� . L ., �� ." . i . I—- , 1_" , I'' _. . , , ,P,=eer reildkutw of that tO"*V%Wp. BID I ! . . - I , .� �, % , ,,, L " . � . I . ; S UMMA R Y A Good In -vestment : . '­­ , i" I Z �_ 0 �7'.,.'t'. 1 1 . Was WM,ou the faM uOW o"ed by W. ­� I � '�:, 1)��, I I � 1 . I., � I "'4 I I .1 I ­��` I . , I ,I ­ -111 , " U �, , I " fi. R. WhIltinore, XAter he farmed W 1Xatumads bavo advancea .1101:% z I - 1, .., . , I I . JIM 1 ., I BUSY Ilsbiuswgy 1CLINTON POPUAWICIN 6 Vll� cxcrAfty yegri on, the 4second couctaion, I - I t .." .1 ; ­_ 111, AtI the Wamonds in our ,Stock : � .1 �-.. �. , 1�_ , , � " " ,�t ',�� * I � Z "O., , '4', ,�,' . I I 4n xulttluir 'Company 23 'by Ith son, W,-ro va-cl-4asca - bvfor6 this wl. i I .... �� .-t/44", �,,��.,, �' I .� . Clint/ It= atatonis populAtion. for na Sh-aws 9a the %arm now egeupleil * , , �, ,..� I . . . : . . . . , .. � - 4 41�-;i,'J' , t I..'' � , . Ovatimp #90n "d thea flud3 on jnzrft�e ,of rolx over last ass.e5statan. MOV116 leaving At to xn�)vo to Clinton vali'm anTA Inlues zemalu the -m=. � . . , ,:, , , �� )� I . . I � . A . I ... *,,. . I � _� I( 1, 11 �, ,s 'A' I � . . "L 4- 11 i I I i� � . %-zv up with or4e", 1448 tbb yeAr. 140 last year. QhWrmn about 4x yeam sz,,�. Vralle In TwXer- it 70% 111V 1� .. � It I I lWon, coatczPlatIng � I I I , 11. .. . . . � i,,k � . "mith 40 toola a kceu Interest In, 041VIC buying a, Diamand nqw Is tho � ( of whool aao are $02 as,"Comparea with , �-IJ r_-;Q'%GEWr,W A�MOUIqUEX)L affairs, Serving on the couui�ll for Sixteen 1, ,'�', I 1 .414 . - . I � . =- in 1931. ft -0 ,to buy. � ,,.�, , � , , . 1- J 1. . � I . I Years, s,,ven �ear4 as reeve. And r I � , , , . I , '. - - a . , i I moving to Clinton he wss persuaded I � I .4 ,L � � - 11�� , I Mr. and Urs. Qeor�e Allen, WinghAin, LUVILNOW FACTORY 131USY olni�e Come In and lot '43 shivTou . i ... � , .. � i k I- I I L� � I.- I : Anuounce the engagement ef their ftu� persuaded, .. �.�:A, I V, * ....4 . : I . ,_ -114. ,A . : Otero viola. ,.May. to Mr. Bertram D. Tile tuckuow Table cam*pauy Is, tiew Wte * pl*,,o at the couniM tole, where , our Stock 0� t1le fteg& vauty i .4-, . I . "o-, I " - . , L lie was serving the second term at the 1Xastiouds. ' . I .. i -w 4 . - .. 11 ­__7­wl;�W_� tLALh_JK4`1&_0__-_��_. I aris I . : .. � 4 I I sx. - I .. .0 .1. 0�"'A 0 � "' 1. . _� I I .. � Porter, of Wlnghara, the mxrria�e to 012erattnR eight hauvs a day. This me Plaramd Aln�.i from $16'.00 up. . I ,—,�,­:� , - ',-I. � � ,, -11 . � I ., * * t 6+6. 0 *k is ,% III . . � � " 7 , � � *60Wft,P%4F , , - � . a ay X,7r tho time of his death. lie gavo much time . . I I I 1. . I I..." , . " , . . I 1-2ko place t1ae latter part of QdQer. two w0*101C 113=4 Mtr POr 41 , A , % ."* . _. I . I .1 , I ­ _ �_ I -, , . . I ; . '�' I t -1 I :I�_ -1 - �,Vi � - . � Lusploycol, WhQ for several moutha hava and *tteutlou to the work of the to". . . � I � I 7 7.1- � ­ - - - � - � =. *.. .,.,, I. . " ­ ­ ­ , . 1. I I � .1 . I � A ZURICH DEATH . been working six hours, Somo jmprovo� bringing his wide o%perIeucQ to bear up- I 1: , .1e- ,. . , III �­­ " -.4 . , - .. I . I , . .. I I .. . . I - I - � , :�-� I . I ........ �� �W­.­-*�� . Uere PassQd away on Wodd#sday, meat in business conditiong; At progou� oil ei'do affairs. Re wAs a meritier 4t � - . I . . . 7 ­:: I . . _ � . . . . - I I � . , 40,,� 1 October 411, a highly respected reiildi�%it M2kQ3 this POSSIblo and directors, and Turaler's church nearly 0,11 1* life, being E. C. Robertson "I . . ,....'_ . * , I . I.. � . . �4� i . *ttv, a member,of the aftial board for years , . , , ­ . I .1 . I . *&. � . . 0 Zurich, In the person at Mrs. Mary workmep are in an optin 'state 'of DIAMOND MERCHANT '. :; i �', � 11 . I -!- -, ,;.,iLi� I I I . � ,� ,�, E. Stclok at. the advanced ago 0 , f , 83 years, Mind. NO 1AY-9#4 bAve* occurred and, alld Was Sunday school ,superintendent add JEWELER . . 4; , , : - . I � I , I �' I 1. 1 ­ ­.fflC­�_­­A�&=X_=1' I R_ for thirty years. Re was one of the v,qry �: . - 4 month-5,awl I days, sitter an iuc4s, of no gut In salary bao been made In Spite Phone 136 . 09derich I I ­:� ; .1 � I . , , . � few still left of those -who could rement. . � . . I . . 1, a number of - yQ4rg* duration, of Unf%vor4ble pr4y4iiing business cdaii I . . t, � I I . I . - I ) I I .. ditloris. . ber the building of -the present ,church .. ` , . 11 .. I — .the latest thing 14 cruise fares Of Austr&U Is famouo for It -3 I I . ., � �, I GOWEN WEDDXNGS. . seventy years ago,' Since cQuilu I - . � I . i - 3 , . I �� . I I , � into . I- 1; � , lu more modest fashion. comfort, as rthOUQ4UdB of atudono, � . . . F-14ECT NEW PRESIDENT , Clinton lie woo connected with Ontario 1".. - � I I—— . 7.1 _ _. -_ �_._ . � . ­ -­- ­- .1 �_ , .� Co t*l - - �- - a . I � I On Monday, October ard, Mr. and Mrs. .__ I - - V ,-- . Thii-We&WhIus4n-cruIs*­fariW Uxthers.-au"r-ofessari�-wta�havo-"- ___�:__­ -1. __ _�_ - - 11 - , __ 1-11" , -, '. , . I I _. . - i � . ": 1. , , Ix the institutiou, of Tourist elms crossed the Atlantic In the speedy , Robert Forbes, 4'Belvrave, both in the Seaforth Expositor, At the mooting,og street church. . I � � Nl_� . . . . , best of health, oelebrated their golden he directors .Of the MOX11101), Mutual DEATH OiV -*VWGaA I r4 LADY '. I . . '.. . . . � �, "i"o on the Mediterranean Cruise 'bY vessel know. Divided by the 05 1 1 wedding anniversar$o In the form of a 01re, Insurance company held -in Sea. CVeW,s .(,)f - .. : -.91-1111, the Empress at Nustralla; and for 449 Of tho.,crulse, whitiv allows . t 11 ,. 1p th., . .olt= — I I I I . I . I forth last week, John, Bendewels,,who bag, The death. occurred at her residence . I . '11, I - 0 a WA-bUUTA Of 4300 1 dinner At high noon, followed bY an In. � A-Umc" 'artits r a 49 -day a stopover In England and returil . . formal reception. . . . been President of the company jej sov. ill Wingliam. on FrItlay evening of IN401111, i - 02 I _ 0 that calls at 26 ports 46 Tourist elms by any Ozinadtoa.- I . .. . I . . I I . oral :Veors, resigneabb, po Copeland, who had been .Ailing fw sev. (DlunAannon . L I now available. --,even tbo Blue Rib- . Xr. and Mrs. J, Rubort Jones wore . .slUou on ac. ' I- I . count at ill health, and 0. R. Mco&lt- eral Mattis. She hAd spent the past, : . — .. 1, trau6portitloa was sold 111te Palestine, the. X11o, Cairo and Pacific liner ,host and hostess of a delightful go.ther. winter with her daughter, Mrs.. W. A, 19! , ,,,.,,,, � I . - I .1 1. I � I I. 1, merclia4dis'e, a recent an- tho Pyramids, Rhodes . site ,or, bon boldlun Elmoreso. of Britain- I I nqo. of Tuckersmith, was unanimously , wor4 I. Ing at their home In Exeter to celebrate ,Campbells of Strathallert .Boulevard, Tor.. nouncement. by the-Canadlan, Paii -the famous Colossus-Baroolovia, , a out at a dally,cont at a tit - chosen aiMits successor, Mr. McCartney A distinguished visitor, of the past I . Pti 3 than $4,36. 1 "ThaUkagiving And. the recent golden Onto Teturning with her daughter to I vitle. Slemships'woul(f have, read Casablinca, Olbraltar and I in- tIO 108 - ,week was Charles J. Robinson, of De- - It Is believed that the now rate . - wedding arinivervary, of the latter's par- has been 0, director or the, company for 'her ,own .home for the Summer. Add trolt, VhQ,stiways enjoys a visit to his ; somothini'llk6"t-lils- "Thelioly chat. Madeira. where Mrs. Chris - I ents, Mr., and Mrs. F. H. Nell, of London, a number of years, knows Uie bUstripw Shortly after '.her health began to fail. 'nativeiieaib: White here h . Columbus was born. Are will introduce the joys of winter ' 6iZ The entire family of ,children Of thQ- cOlqPAUY thoroughly, Add is an , e paid a vis, . J.�ud, Swt, alld the glory that to e Lansdowne, *9 MAT'911 0, 484%. deceased No. 6i Ashfield, where be received the � I h� , I usbands and .be Vresidency, we believe th Born In Ticeds county, Tiowrishtp itf it to the "little grey school -house", is, S. I was GreecQ for Itss'than $4.50 a lil"411"Whts at the cruise which crulaing In . six Abler executive And ­ 9 I . sunny southern laU- together 'With -their'Wives...b. . In vlootitig him to lop � t_ - leaves Now York January Met. tudes to many who have not been , . day . - � . -children, were present to, honor the bride y I . , directors d with her parents to the Township gray But t Islet .done that W47 so Tourist accommodation In the able to enjoy suoh a, holiday be - and in, . education he ever had, mad About � � I . ade ,& -wise choice, Mr. Boaho"e Move . I . I . . I . groom of fifty years. . I I . will (if NOWIcki. near. Oortle, when about lour WbIch,coatre many. happy memories., wintorboll(larmakers- JeVnod,of. Magnificent 22,000-tOu 4"ress fare, . . . . . . . . . . . I still retain his Position on the Board . ... .. , I . - I .1 years of age, Id, 106� they moved to He is alW%ya Interested In his "Almsp — - I I . .1 I - � . . . I I ,,� � I . .�. . --.—. . . — tind his host Of triends hope that be will, Lower Wingham,. Where the family rg- m%ter,,, as be calls It left for , the 'Mrs. C. 0. Brown and Mrs. . MV � Idson. I 1. I . .... I I . . I � ... I . I ''. . 1. . I . I . J)R. V. .1. R'. FORSTER. , � . � �, won. be, restored to his u4sual, good . ., # and . I I . . . I I . . . , , . . . . . � , . . I he4th. . . I . . . . sided for -four Years, .When they moved Pupil% wha now number only 10, %,huge who will 'also 'bave'chargo of lie,pro. �" I I - t I _� . I I � I . . . EYE . , EAR, NOSE, THROAT 11 I I . I I � to Luckfim. She was Married in ,LuOk- box" of tholce, candy for � distribution gram. ' . . . . . . . �. I .. . , SEAVORTH WROMAN' DROPS DEAD . UOW to -her, late husband. , Thomas Ore- among them. Now a man of some six- ' On Sunday, next, Oct, 23rd, Rev. W11- I . __ I ­ � . - .46 I . Late House Surgeon New Tork Orph . , I rin glad you bought I . I . . .. . . . � I th4lutic. and Aural, HospitOl, Am Th glory. who -Predeceased her 13 y Years of ige, be recalls the tIm4 Uaid Hill ,will preach. his farewell ser- �� ; I I . . , istaut at Q deAtIl ,of Mrs. John.A. Wilson, ears ago. ty-five .: � . - . Moorefteld's Eye Hospital and Golden Soafdrth; who ,expired She went' to, WIngbam no' a I I � . I suddenly from I bride In when hO attended the little school, iiki* mons In St. Paul:Is church, Dungannon, . " , , , pl,enty ,of Chrl 1Stie's .11�. � . � h - 'n I . . ;Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng.. heart �gaihire .in ber'Sarden where she 1876, taking UP xeslOerice in the onto In many others, until 4o, was nineteen and Christ church,, Fort. Albert. He will _�,_ " '.., - . I I - . . 1 53 Waterloo St. S,, Stratford, Te"e" bad Which she: passed awa Surviving a�e 'years old. The "big Voys" were requir. Afterwards be transferred to the Parish 11z 114 z , � I . . ,� I . k � golle to lift.somo -bulbs, came as a, , y, . � -_ _ .- * . - , .. Phone 267. . distinct shock to a large circle offriends. ' two daughters, .2drs. W, A, Campbell, of ed -to mid In the bay'4d harvest fields at, Bervie, Xlngarf 'and Xldlough,. and . . � . I IV Pre,ni,ium, 'Soda . . . I � . . . . At Hotel Bedford, 00derlob, in, thg' The deceased, �formerly%lgs tirmsi,Hall, Torono; Mrs. E. 0. Button, of River- on the f%rm, 'during the summer Months, will preach . his inau 1. Sermon there . . . ... . 11 .. .. �� t I . . . . I . . . �, . I 0 L� f h was I, one son, 'George. of gliptax, ' � . gur#. . A � . Cea&er ecause, I . � I � I . evening Of th o third Mend, cat I side, PaI4 � . mouth until th following day ,o day. the daughter of Mr, and Mrsi. Ste- and made good use of their Ltlme during ,air the first' Sabbath of November� � � a, I, % ii b I . , I 1 I . . . � . I . I . -11-11, Phen Hall of Washington, Oxford Co, Sask�; Also three sisters, Mrs� ii C. ,Bay, the winter ..season by. Adding to their i the 6th, It'has been Arranged by BIshOp . . . . I i I . � I Of LWOW01; Mrs. L -Q,- . � . I 1. I . . . She.*as larried about 35 years Ago. to. I -41MOT13tyte, .of knowledge such things AS. were obtain- I s�ager that the congregations -of il.Iuax- I . I ... , I Ii. wi.th. s oul),, they"re , - . 1.1, � . , I , , , " I . . I I ,_,�ENOIXEERINQ . -bereaved husband, . yVho survives, Winnipeg, and.jWrs. D. -' i - I . I I � . ��7­4­_, - - - - - - — tier At Xonnelly, of able in the schools of the early days, I now, Ripley, Port Albert and Duu�au . . I � . � I . ---7-,--- along -with two of m timily,.Mri. Elliott TOXIOAtO, The funeral - was: conducted which - were so. dMerent from .those Oj' non, 'will term one Parish, the rector Of � . . . I �� : , -about. all well need . . . I. � 4 1 son, fre' __ I - - - - 8 drities by . I I �. I I � . III I i -� . I 11L 6� 1PARM . : . Little,. at; Quebec City, arid 1). Ri'WI1 , at- inore recent times.. Born ii �i . � . . . ' � . . � GOEBr — o . m tier late residence on MondA ,i, Goderiell, - Luckt%ow. to � be assisted In hi I.- . I . I . � ­ � I . .. . Mrs. Wrllsoll , was� ternood. at 2 o0cl y -ur.! be was A ton of the late Mr., and Mr . meMber-of the "Church Arm.3t,". who . . . , I I I . I for *a g od lunch." I . .. I Consulting and Municipal Engineering Toronto, . on, Active 6ok by Rev. L. ep. C g a . . ... , .-ill . . . .. . . o I . . . . . . � . � - D.aindge.;-Laxid Surveying. ,. % arid vAlued worker in -'connection wfth rie,, pastor. of the United church. ,Tn., ,',Charlie" Aoliltison, Who are .Still rL, will have his headquarters at Port Al- -11-0 0, . . . . . � I � . l . I I I .. I to ,dt Was MAde in thw *Ingb I . I . I . , I I I I . . I . I Masonle Temple Aldr. . Oodericb, oy�t, the Women's missiquar,y Society. and. - rme am cemr membered by many An'the county town, bert.. ' I . I . I . I � . . . 1. . . . � li� . . � I d etery. : � . . . . . ,. . . . I I . . . . � I I . . , . . . Phone 230 1 . . . tadleso, I Aid Society or. First prcabyfor� . .4 . ­ . I I I:_ where . Mr. Robinson .(sr.) followed -the I mr::'"ind Mrs. Thomas Stothers were . 4 . . . I .. . . . i .,-,*' I . , � . . � , � q . . � � b" a L � . I . . 11 I . . ; ­�­ . .. .11 . . . I .. � I I . . ;...;, � Ian chute . elforth, . .1.1 DEATH . I I . . loftuPatign of 6. butcher, When 0harlog �giiests with menibers..of their family ,In ­ . � I I . . I . . I I ,. - ­._o%�..%,..-��- � 11 I �. � . .�� I I � . . . . I . . . . .. r . . I OF WI.NPHAX PIONEER . . , I .L . . . I - , ` " " 2 .. , �� I I ._ . - . I � ... . I . � . . . .1 I r J. Robinson was a more lad, -the family T-orolit,a. ". � I �. I I . I . . ... I I " 1, V. ..-, , '. . - .. . I I s . . . . 1 RIUR dith-W Wilbam IsbUter,A ploh-� Moved to the farm. oil coneessian 5,1 . -Mr. And Mrs. i � - .. I . . , #�­ . . . . . ; ­.�t 17. __­,.�­ , :, � ., , ' ' ', L, , ' e ' e ' r . Richardsonand little . � I 1, ", ­ ..� .. . . . I �r I .A . .11. 1-! 11 . � : I . . . - - -1�4 ,­ I "�',' 7.L' , . ,. , ., ' " ', . ,.. . . . . � , . . ri Ads", 11allf , day, terb , apS t e o"Id- kc0d'41"g Wingh4m .district occUr-' ' I 1. . :..: ti. . . . � :HAYS . - & HAYS. I... . I 'Xhe d: 11 I Ashfioid, At piezelit owned by Mr. and ,daughter, J ' Christ,'* 'O' . .. - . LEGAL CARDS REI . I I .1 6 � '. :.�_, I. , , . � . . M h red with I . 1. �. une.. who have moved theirl - . I:. , � I tes , Il 1, 1, ''. . I I I � 1.� . . I I . I . .0st resident In HurOd County, c6leb.ra ed shocking suddenness at .big I Mrs,' SAM1101 Roach., Here the family. household effects to the dwelling Owned . :, I . . . . I . . � - �11`n* . � .11 -.� Z . I - 4. - : I - . � . . I t I I I . � . I , :4 day evening. , Robb, were recent Toronto I : � 4 . . . .. � ;,..; *,,:. : , I.. ",I �1 , _ . I. . .. . I . . . . . t, home'on, Thurs 1 by. Miss At. J. � PUMIUM "k �!. -..-. . I . "" . i� '1! �,�� , . . . . Barristers and Soltritors . p ,his 99th, birthday, Thursday, Oct. Mr. Isbister,contlnuod�: to ,reside Unt. . 11 thirty-three . . � , 4, .. I 0"'At who WAS 92 Years 61 490i. had beed ell- Years &go, When tho.farda was purchased. visitors. . -V ­ 1 . . I h .. I R. C, HAYS, X.0,, and It, C. H��3, B�Ai the home of his Aaughtcr, Mrs.. a. A � Joying, vxcell . . � . � . . . I I., - ' ..,v ., h, . . . _. . I I . . .1 �­;: ��:'.­`Ch"-.'.. � � . � . . 1 % Alton . . I ,D.unbari ,Pelkrave,, with whom- 11o: is, I ent, health until taken ill by. Robert . DavidsouI` WhO brought there, , Miss Celia Pentland has.returned to I SODA CMCUM -1(l.'' ��. .. . Rao -street, Ooderich, - . U1 . . .. , I � . I .. I .. 1. . ­ " � I sent he 6(ming, a Year liter-, his bride (who 13:11ow Y( . I . ­ . ., �r, ., � . I I . . .. Telep,4.one.80 I L. . . pre, residing, 1 Born In Durefriegghlre and doath'carde early in t )tit I her home In Dungannon,* following A . . � -1. I , . , � I . � ..: � . I . I .. . . . I I . . . � I ��* ; . I . � I :� � I I � . � . ScotlaAd, on. October 6th, '16b, he-, ;t' lie was a -Ali Of untlitial. eno�gY despite correspondent). About. forty -pleasant visit.with her sister, Mrs. Henry. � I . I I I . I I Aele I .. . I . . . .� 1 I . � L � . ;�. .. 1. . � * I , his years -ago, . . . I .. .1 � . . I . � . . .� . I .:.. . �,� -.- . �T. � . . . . . . I I _ .1 I . I I .. . � - the,iave-of two Years, came to Canada I fourscore years and ten and UP Until Mr.�Charles J, Robinsonjeft his 2iative of Vloshertori, .. . . L . I . I . . .. . . L � . 1.4 I . �. � L 1 4 1 . 1� .. . . . . . . I . I .... � . " - [� " , , ". L . . L , . .� Mrs. Frank Jones and family . . rtl.$ y and .,.f� - I -1 .­ 'L. L ,I s, L I . - . t::; I I . With his parents_ Accompanied .by big own car. The d cemeti'man was born tWcA years, he I follow4d'in his f her's :111":`It.,:�r'�:'�'�_ L, . iL I I . D OUGLAi R. NAIRN. . the previous' Week bad been driving his'land ,,and settied In Detroit. Here, for - Mr, land I I C P'L 1j,q1Jt, flah. . I � . L I . — - . I .. I . .1. 'brothers And sisters, and settled In the in the Orknep.ije t . ty . were guests recently with Mrs. Jones* L .slightl�salted. lrrl�.sist-' I I.. I .. i�7-7";i..,��A�� I . I . . . L At . ;4 I . . I tarrlster and Solicitor township of btimfries,* Ox A of 100tktePS AndtRriled:04 a most success- sister' Mrs. Harold. Tigerti axid � Mr. Tig. I il- , . I Off[Ce: NORTH T, ' 1i .. . 1, i . I � 'L % . . fo;d . t'L I . I . HAllidAy tarrad L.In, tied . . . $ .. game yeoirs,.Xr, County. Sixteen Years 041110* to 'Canada: and got- ful butcher businiss. ,Being In Detroit er of f�heppsirdton. ' . L . . 4ble. 040 the-fafnily . i. 1 . , Phone 512. For . . . . . :, . . . I . I . . . � . Dumfries ' township L 4L In L Ayr,. later Ternoving to ,Morris. when it was . booming, -he. hAd,many, 6p� 1 Mr. add Mrs. Hobor J. L. Zedg an'd . � . tiog:theML 4 'M'!I, ; 1: . I L U �i�llil I 1, . . . , later movin , 'L � starts ea . . . . L 1. iii _: *`� � I . . � ,w . . I I L . 6 to Township where he was succes u ' . . jii,�, MN` I., il : . . i. I-,- im-�I�iii�ii * � : I I . " I I .; ANk DONN LLYk B.. A. 4 Morris towngbipand Is one Lot that. body L Fsf, Ily en -a portunittes of handling real estate which 'family visited Mr, Eedy's parents at � , I - .1 . E -, . . I . be i ,re the ta�ply ., .. . . : . L . . ; r.. - ; ; . . I ears a 0, were , pi M1114ank -one day recently, . - L iiik,'V), i I N - : ; * i , . I LFR . — . L Of-411rdy' Pi6doeri,Vho by thritt a gagod-In finding, Until 20 y rofitable Investments ilien., He L .1 . it -) :: I.. . ! � I. . I .1 I . . I L . d"n' . . .g I L , . ::. �, ,:.." - � . Y, . I . - I i :: : I .1 .When he retire � 0 . ­-� C i,ra 1 . I . ­m�: . Z; - ji . t . � . I - Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. . dustry contributed so largely to the AS, I d and t.001c up residence has taken, An active interest Lin the wel- , Mr. and Mrs. Bert Maize motored. to , , . doesn f Lr4n OUt. .. . ., - - , N . I ­; . L I '? One 282. pin In Winghan'L ' . L R: t -lm . . . .. `­ - - veto Silt Of Western Ontarlo, About He married Ellen Ahder�- I fareW the city, 'and for so ,Ar� his . . . , . � L . . . . .... : % ! an, ,`!� : t � h RAMMTON : ST.IL .Goderloh. . I n:e ye thornhill And Were guests for a L few ' . I . 2 T '� ii:. . . . . ,. . -son and during last ' been associated with -thelcourts, juvenile. --flays there with fTieticls. - . . I 1. . . . . � 201.. ! I !: . . t , I . . . 30 years'ag,b he retired f in fgirdingand Pleasure, , winter they had th� � . .1 -2 4: 1�1*� I.. I . L .. Iro I . . . . . i , i I . I — , . I . . I - . of celebrating ,their diamond I and otherwise' where he has Acted I , M. .: (Rev.) 1). A, MacMillan, who has __ . , L x . t. . I . 1. . . � mOvect Into Belgravo where he resided I . p rs I L I - : .. L .. I . � .11 . . I Wedding Anniversary. Ur, islilaier took the,capacity of a b ' 1. � . __� . P . L I . cOdftnUOUsIY` Until the death of. hig, Wife, t in . . I enefaotorL to delid- been in pobr health recently,' ,went. to . : 1. I . . - R- 'ARROw. 9 � I . . . . . . � . . . . ,; � I I . . . . � . � . N F - Catharine Robertson, -six years ago ,,A active par the community life. and Ouents, ,and has been the meting of giv- Toronto for. treatment. We wish.her a .1 . I ,. I . . I . - I L ..Ak for six terms Was reeya'of Morris I . I I _.� .— .. . I . I I ,,I�ero Solicitor," NokkLpyi,'ftb1Ic, Etc, Since that titpe_,ho .b .mad ord . I . - 99 e his b a had4 . and Ing many of them a -now -outlook a d a speedy recovery. I I . I . L . . 11 11 : I . . . I I . . . ' ' been'reove 'Of Wingham for two!new, . . Re Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs, Sam- ml . L Successor to J. L. Killoran, ;kItA 'hiii'.three .daughters, Mrs. That,' . . start In leading a better ut., n hischamber toward Jermalem, ,he kneel- .As a vcr fuge at) efrectilve prepara. 1 :.4w one 97, Office, The.Square, GoderIch.: Walker, Brussels, Mrs. John 13, Stew Years. He was a staunch Liberal In IS Always a welcome visitor here, Add; vel Swa times a day And L L I . . I . � art, R, Cul,, e4 upon his knees th Van Is Mother Oraves' Worm Extertaftv) . . . . I L . c n *Lere: -Mr. and Mrs.. . I rea gIV to det L I . I I I Clinton . Pollil s- He Is Survived. by his Wife, while at the fair, renewed Many aca, bert and daughter of Wiekrion, Mr.,an,d 12 L:16. , tor, and it can be en the most A . . . . , .and Mrs.' D, A. Dunbar, Bcl�,�, prayed, and gave thanks bef6ra-his God, - I . I . I I.. .. . grave. . .1 . . . three sent, John, Onaway,. WOhL; Wil� quaintarites. of former.years, Three of . Mrs. Sharp and ch , ild and Mr. Fero- as he ' . I . ERNEST M. LEE. .1 � . . . . � . . . . . L . I Adam, I . . , . � did atotat!M0.11 Darto . 0. cate child Without fear of Injury to th � liam A. and -Toronto, and six his . sisters reside , in this COMMU111tY, son, of Detroit, and '14r. Lampkay. of The regular Meet;L ng Of the Y. P., S. constitution. I I .: . . . . . I 1. . . . . :*'. . .' L . L L : DEATH 'OF CLINTON COUNCILLOR daughters, Mrs. C. )9, darnisg tBrUsqeIs;,. Mrs.. John Redmond, Mrs. Hugh Xing , Red Bay. I . . I . I . .. , . � .. I . . I Barrister and Solicitor '.1 After an iIldeL i �oxten L . I Aft. J. H. Miller,, 1361graVe ' '. Mrs. - ' _ � , of Union thurah'was held -at the home L . — . I f, . ' . . CIS I . ding over a cou- ; Mrs, J. D. and William kinaban. . Mrsi Robert Davidson Will " at L tend L a of the president, Miss Nora Soweitby, on . - . . � I . . I L . Sun. Life Bldg., Adelaide and Vittoria., , . . . Cadwell, Winnipeg, Mr N. Bi Je I . - * .. . I .L I . Telephone. Elgin. $301 . . . . . I I I 1. L . S. didds Arthur Brown And Allan �Reed were ,ning. Miss Lena COIW . I . ;1 ... . . L. .; . .1 � Wingham; Miss.,T,411A B., Victoria,. B.C., Stratfoi , meetirg Lot the. provincial executivd of Vrlday evL ell had NEW YORK MEN, TAKE . . . . ' . L . L I ­ . L . Toronto 2. - I ... . . . . 0 - L - . i 'in" Christin � ' I . d visitors on Friday evening, U0 I viatioh - in charge of,the meotl�g, Which opened L . I I . I I . . L . . Mr. and Mrs. F. Ross and son Donald, the Ontatio. Ed ational Ass4 � with a hymni The Scripture Itisson Was . � ; . il . � . I I I . .1 . . — Gas' mth'� S 0.1 At home. IRON 11" . . . I 1. . . .. wmach atteiTtled anniv . Toronto, on- Friday, when .L plans will be 26:16-29. 4 L Prayer was read by . I ..TO GET New PEI . . . . . . . � CA1XOI%AC"V � � . . I .. I . . 9 . .. . 1. FORMER XAYORL OF WINGRAra DIES ersa:ry services .at Auburn f made for the program for the W33 COrii. John I New York. -O. W1111rims, W. 146th St. , - L . . I , . 0 ' L Foll . . -Presbyterian -church -on Sunday, and . the leader. The topic. on I . L I t` . . .. i . , vention'at Easter. -.i L 'A Young I . I . . . . . 1OVV An We I I ..# . I . . � . I - � thtgdL ,h illness, of Only. i .few w�8�. guests. with their .brother-in-law, . ' ' WAS was all rUndown'and had .no pep c , _ L I DRUGLESS MACTITIOXER. � � . . . . . ,,, Mf . L Ja Meg Medd. I Mtg� Elizabeth Crawford lelt'dn d, Man's Experience L in the Temple," I Vinci (iron tbalt) give him ne%, . ... I . L L . I I Is Dangleroll.S I days, , Occurred at his rest. vigor. . I . . . * I I . I 0, Wingliam, last Thursday afterii -�� for Detroit, Where the will enjoy L n1ty I . . I . . L. . . I . . . dent MisADorI9445myth, MISS garga Dur. I no4 L read bk Miss Marion Porter. it was d6- L strength and vig,br And made a new ma . . - . . CHIROPRACTOR .' A, X D .— . Of Alt L . r9t I the AvIntei With -her daughter, Mrs. R. cided to put on a patriotic COMMU . L L D4UOLESS . � . ncon, . James Alexander Marton, who did, MW .Beth on, Miss Flore Durnin, eod�ert on Friday evening, Xcrv�, lith, of - him. Cai.npboll% Dtug Store. . 11.1 . . . .. . THERAPIST,, 00DItRICH, I . . Recoinmends Daily Ilse of BisurAted. Was . born In ,Lgina ..E. Willis and Mr� Willis, The a . . . I . . L L . � � I . 1. � — I . . ' * rkshlre, L%Otlg6ncl,, in Mrs. R. Davidson 4nd Allail Re - ' L Ummer . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . Magnesia to overcome Troulft 1848- I-10 came to Canada with his par- In - Walkerton '. on. Tuesday a . ed 'wore t months were very L pleasantly Spent at In the Leburch. There will be a; special . . L . . � . ., I . i I Equipped with electro-ningfiette baths, biused by`Acld.� indigestion e nd Wedn6s- ! her. home in Duriganned and.: At . . .. . . `Electronic electric: treatment and chiro- . . . . nti 111,18�2, and settled in Obingua,, day, -In AttendaneoL at the WoreelpS .In. I .. tier Speftker,aiid a good mixed Program in .: - . I . . L - . . , I . . . I — I . . . ' Town . summer cottage at Port Albert, Shle keeping with the day will be given, . I ! . . . . pr&dtio. Chronic, organic and nervous . .Oat 11, the, stomach coney .ship, Peol _Vounty,, Doceas- stitute Convention, on the program of Was accOV$4nied, 'by Miss Mountjoy, Report of S, S, No, 6, Goderich Town- I L � . .. . . . I diseases. Lady in attendazfce� Office L Ing accompanied by a ed studied IA`W in Brampton and Tor -t which 9. didiabor of them taokL art. . . . I .. :oeptldi ,full, bloated feel after eating are at onto, gr duating who spent the summer with her, GODERIGH L . . I . . I . 4 . . . . . I . bours 2 to 5, and I to 9 P.m.I.eA - , . in 18761 and took up his : Mr. Harvey Finnigan and I . L ship, for the month of September. I I Modday and'. Thursday by ,appointment. most certain evidenoe of the presence Of ora-tilealn Mi Cora Finnigan, motor I Mr. Leslie. Schultz, of Dungannon, At- Th6se marked with an asterisk have I I . � . . I . . A. X. ATKINSON, residence Add excessive hYdrO01110fic add Iniho stom- Since . resided, having only disposed of to Detroit, WheroL ed on .Vnuay tended the funeral on Tuesday of his missed a MONLUMENTAL WORKSL . oface, oorner of, South .street and Brl- ach, creating 20-cAlied I'acid Judiges- his Practice to R. S_Hotheringthn dur� end. - � . they enjoyed the Week. , father, the late John Schultz . rie or wore examination: Sr. . HAMILTON ST. IL .. . �. . , concession IV,--Statiley Mictlwaini, 10.b; -*Gerald -L I tamita Road. Phone 34t. tion." I 11 I I 8, Colborne, .whose doath'L occurred in Lassallne, 74.4; Gerald Orr Will Best Material and Latest L I � � I . . - — _7:�r ,. . . . I ifixthe Past Year. Mr. MOrtOn had b6en L MISS Erma Finnigan,, R,N., 18 on 0 Alexandra -Marine and General Hospital Porter, 62; Dick. Po , 65, I; Designs I . . . I 1.4 1- I. . - . ­.. ­­. 'Acid stomachs are dangerous because active -'In municipal affairs, having serv- cise In dodertch at present, , I rter,, 55.4; Graham . L . I I . AUCTIONEERING I too much .Acid irritates the delicate lin. ed the tow following a tra it accident When -he was Johns . Expert Workmanship . . . . I ' L n awreeve for one year and Mr. and Mro. 9 . Von, 01.4,, iltan Gowerby 50.5. Jr. . . . � . I Ing of the stomach, often loading t,q.gas- mayor'for two years. lie had been very rich, were gue L Harry Ryan, of Gode- hit by a car while .wA1Xkng_RIong the IV,_*MauXIce Harwood, 7W.2, Orval ,All Work. Ovaranteed . I . I... . HOMAS ON" . $is With relatives in Dun.. � ' , -, r, '­� L I I L ., . .. Gy-NDRY tritis, accompanied by serious stomach active In Mason' ibad n6r�th�ig�_-Joo �­: ' .- -'- a -McAllister, 5,6.0. Sr. .Prices Reasonable I �. T IL 4 0 1 . to affairs and during the gannOn for e few days last week. ., ... I _ . I., 0.6�_VeS Lfrdtn ' Siollit , 61.4; ]Eric I I ulcers, VOOd torments and sours, creat- Past Summer h A number of relatl this dis- Your busilloso will he . ad been Presented -with a 'The regular monthly. meeting of the . .1 11.­*Mattland Fuller, 44. Jr. Itl,- - app I . Elgin Ave, Godericit. L nga ' -trict. attended the funeral of Mks. John Viola Tichborne, 59.6; 0MIldred Powell, rieclated. . . Live Stock and General Auctioneers. . Ing the distressing gas. which distends 10119-serVIce medal 'by the grand lodge Du nnon branch of the Wortien's In- . : .b I . I . the stomach and hampers the normal In recognition Of havingL been 5Q years stitUte will be held .at the h Wilson of Auburn, which 'Was held on 53,3; .Lorraine Lassallne, 40.4;. *Armond R. A- SPOTTON � . Sales made everywhere and. all. -efforts, functions . OV"the-'VItal :internal Organs, a Past master. .Deceased Was .also an ome of Mrs, , Monday Irom Auburn Presbytkrlin LaS�ajlne,'.44,2; Harvey Lassallne, 28.3. GODEnica - ONTARIO I � I I I made to give you satisfaction. auk J es on, T . I . I � often affecting - the hegirt. . . . I Active worker In the church, bel Fr '04. I hursday, Oct, 27th, at church, . . . 1. . I - P. .0. 13ox 161 I I L . I I . Farmers' Sale Notes,. discounted, L .. II.--msjoan McAllister, 70; Betty Fuller, I . I . I � . . . , 'L I i ng -a 3:00 O.m. The roll- call Will be- Answered Mr. and �mrs_ Richard MeWhifiney g.4.6; Arthemise Lassallne, 62; Lottla I .� Phone lig, ,, . . I -It Is the wOfSt Of folly to neglect such member Ofthe former Methodist church. by, -"Don't ,for the sick room.,, The . I . . I -----.--. a serious ,condition or to treat with or- and gaing into Union, whore' he bad host Wire-Aqburd VIWOTS on Sunday.. , Powell, 62; Arnold Puller, 56.0; Eric _­­-, ­ . .. - L * .. -- . . ­­ I . . . I .. — dinary digestive aids which have no served oil the chu I esses will be Mrs. Percy Finnigan, � ' 'Of Speiran, 20. X.-VIva Orr, 50.6; Edna . . . . NOTARY PVBQCI ETC. r4ch board, .besides tea. . . . . . I The Annual thankoffeiing meeting I I . . � . . I L.., - L, L .. . � . . _­­_ . neutralizing effect on the stomach aelds. thing a class In L the Sunday school. He . . I I the W, M. s. of Erskine Presbyter an Powell, 41-9; Dorothea Tichborne, 41.8; . L I . .L. L ' 4 I Instead get from any drUkolst,a, little had Always L been 0, great ]over ()f flowers, . I I , church will be hold In the church on Rod.die Johnston, 38 I., . L I i I I I- -_ _ �. I WM.BAILIv. .. -1 Alsurated Magnesia And take a teaspoon- in which be took a great deal of Piide . I . . Thursday. Oct, 27th, at 1,45 p.m. miss L I , L . , I .. . LTHE i RUTH V: EVAilS, Teacher, . I MEN'S I I � . NOTARY PUBLIC . I ful in water right afteir'eating, This .around his ,home, SurvJVIng - Are his I . . I.C'. L .A. WhatlIng, of JItatiol, India, will be I - . Wo , . General Conveyancing done. will drive the 9-U, wind and bloat right Widow, Who was formerly J`eSSie Woo& Present and address the gathering,, and, . (From another co L rroap6ndent) . , . I . . . Good Companies Represented. 'out Of the body, sweeten the stomach, Of Brampton, and one aon-W. V. Mor. in addition there -will be a musical Pro, I Dan Sioling returned hom'e on Satur- rk Robb rs 1 . . . . ne 298. 1 , , .. Ooderloh, out neutralizes the excess Acid and prevent ton, Of Vancouve . gram Prevented. . I . e . The I L . r, the latter rushing GODLER Hl' . : day from Ooderich hospital, where he . L ..--- ­ - � .'', - . "' L'----.-. �__ Its formation and there Is no sautnes% home by 41±PIan0,`, when nOtifted of . � I L ' his b6on confined for seven weeks with ' I . I - . 11 �­_­­ ­_ ...---- .'­____ gas or pain. Blsftratod Magnesia (it% big father's Ifi* � .. ' ' L . 6 eyelets, sub-sa . L . "L ' ' nes;4 on Sunday.' SHIP, a L broken leg. . . - . INSURANCE . The [GOU6614 TOWN - . I . . 4 . . Powder fOrill-bevor In . liquid or milk) funeral Was hold groin his late residence HEAT FOLKS. I I Mr. and Mrs. J. )a. Speiraff and Mr. .quality, a real w6r1t I I MLLOP MUTUAL VIRE XNSUR- 11 harmless to the stomach, liieypOnSiVe 0 � n Saturday afternoon udder the Aus- I . - . Uri And Mrs. Xelth Ross and daugh-, Thos. Bell, of Goderich, were -Sunday boot . ALIc ANCZ COMPANY. ' . I to take and the ,besti;gorm Of Magnesia, Pices of WingbAft, Lodge, 286, A., V, & KNOCK, 1$h0C1( . tdr, ofHolinesville, visited with relatives visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. lorIall and winter . 11 ,: for stomach 1PUrposes. KNMK', . in the community on Sunday. I wear. Sizes 6 to, 11, . . . 'A'14" the serVice belh� Conducted b . , . .T1*gff3 H ' I Cleo. Hewitt, L . , y ' APP1(4rJLr- - . I I F, ARM AND ISOLATED - TOWN PRO- thousands Of People Wh_ _�­ _... 'Rev. L� R, Currie, pastor . of the United 4.%ftj Sunday, OotObtr 30th, thd sacrament _en . � .. .4 Meals with no More fear of Indl. I Miss Ruth Evans spent the week d Special . . PERTY I INSURED, . � . destion. I phu 4 roh, ..... 11 . AT T14C DOM 11 of the Lord'a supper will be dispensed .at tier home in Clinton. . I � . . --.W-- at Union. L .. 11 Value of property insured up to An- �-- ­ ­­ , . ,— I . . OPM UP Tf4c- C.F.LLM, . uary. 1910, $3,648,975.00. __ __ - I . YOU 0 L , The members of Riveraton L. 0 L I Miss Marguerite Falconor, (if Gode- $01 10 95 1 1 MAIFEKING AMD 11 � NO, 145 intend holding an oyster su' * rich �ipent Sunda * at tier horde, . OrFXCXRS­-­John Zennowise, ftestii . . . , pper - I y . . . L I dent, groadbagen; Jag. Connolly, Vice- % Mr. iind Mrs, William R. Johnston, of L 3HIV . L- in the hall an Friday evening, Nov. 4.1 Doh't, forget the oyster supper that. 18 . . - I . I . .President, Ooderfoh, 1), r. McGregor, vxot6r, a I- I being held by Riverton Lodge, L. 0. L. - Sec.-Treas., Seateirth. Brophou Bros to visiting relatives In this Next Sunday Ttev. A. E. Poulter of . neighborhood this -veek. . 1L. - I I 145, on the evening of Nov, 4th. * L � DXRECTORS-Jas. Shouldloo, Walton; . GODIERICH - - " . OhL . I . Varna, will conduct the service In.the, . . I I 'Win. Wrin, Constance; George MoCart- . L Misses Olive and Mle Anders spent I i- I Orange hall' at 3 p.m. Sunday gchooll-. I I — . � 0 -TWI LOADING' - Ithe week -end with their cousin. Miss At 2 P.m.. Al... Rum S . . If \ney Se3forth ' RObt. TIMIS, Hattack; Mona Da I fSelfarth. - * . - . . . Miller's Worm Powders destroy worms I I Jo6 Pepper, bruceffold; A, Broittifoo I I It . 1 14 1 1 1 Seaft"th. . . . " P014111RAL DIRUTOig I The lbeil students of LUcknow, coil. . 11 . Anniversary and reopening servido. without any Intonveftlence to the child, Agent for . .1 . I I � �_, 11 . I L .1 I will be held in Union church on Sun. I and vq...offe tually that they pass from "111111 . `�' �' I �11-1 I' _F`­*_______"__1______­`i­� I S, - i -I .1 I I , a ta I , 44-6- � �- �.4fi i I I ,� 11, I A0ENTS-W. J. 'Zoo. R. R. 9. C1106n; I I tinultion .. . . . .0 . I . im, Watt, X.yth; Ed. Hiftebleyo Sea- slid EIVIBALMURS School arc home last week and t_1 11 day, Nov. Oth, tit .11 a.m. 'and 1.36 PM, � the .1i;dy unpereeiVed. They are not Tip Top Tailor Suits -_ ' ,�, forth; John MurrAy, Sesforth. � . ALSO this' Owing to Aft Outbtelk of measlei tit .. . - . �� . 110. G, W. BUtt, Of Ootrfe, a former;. ejected In their entirety, but are ground . . S. I 2 la, ScItOblo 'Which they Contracted. . I � 111�1 Policyholders can pay their s-4sessi, AMBMA1qC9 SP,RVIOE AT ALIo Mr. and Mrs. S. 4. Xiloatrick and Miss I I . - - 'Pastor, will be the speaker at both ser -?'up and Pug away through the bowels !or L Overcoats to your � . 4WInerits at Calvin Cutt'a ptorej Godoriel * vlco& There will be speelai music. 11 with the excreta. They thoroughly measure Tho Royal Bank, Clinton, or J. I' . , HOURS—NIGUT OR DAY Olive )Mpatriek visited friends at 1,!g. . ^ !� - It. � ­ I The Y. P. 0. of Union church Intend oleaft9e the stomach and b6welo and I . . , Reld's, 9a9field � M02101110 and Tuckersmith, this week- I . I holding ,a gallowe-en Social in the 'leave. them in a, condition nbNlo cid , I ,, .. : Ight 217. - - Day 126 end. I. . riot favoralb�l�e � . . tk&m'. )It 1. I I I I 41 . ,_:=_­­- -­__­­_­r.��'. ==, .. . . . I Hall on U,onday evening,, Oct. 4, to worms, and there will be no revival of . ZW # — _.... . ... �.. . .. ___ 11 11 ^ I .� Orange P250 — ._­ .1 alst, A good prograid with �ame5 and -the Pests. . . 1 $ . FIRE INSURANCE ______________-_­_ . . . . I . . . I 00*4.46, In U.10 . -4 10 . . I millillilim� . L 14AA . I f Rave It attended to by the ,V I �kWZST WAWANOSO MUITAtr ME - , INSURANCE 00. ___ --i I I 1. if, a th om I Petablislied. 1879 H"d office. Daft&dnofi, Onto' , - - _eelei! L fun0trFaA Director and I chat. Hdwitt. Xtixardlne, xoresident I, k�_4 L Xvibolmer nobt, David.,ou, Duhgmmoft, vift-tortil- L dent; in addition to the Pretldont, and Also Ambulsnct,Service ) Vie wetitber fortomt, for this hotzo* hold 11 "fair and warmor.of The Rest Tolka furnish the atmospherd for lito Vice President, the tollftltig are Diftei" tors: Win. Wat56n, Auburn; W. J. - Goderich Ontaflo . I I I N. I I I eadaches and Dizzy .� Tlioingon, Auburn; Wirt. MCQ tu,-k2o,w; W. P. Re6d, Ult. 2, LWkMW; fOrrie; Minister, Will conduct the Seri, na,Try. L. r3alkeld. GWc,fkb: zinettl All ft118 tPr011iptly _ktt6ndCj t,) . � Aekogt, HolVood; Tim OrMn, it. U. go. I dsy or night, I 1, uIcknow. I Otott, =15MAM Ike. 11 I th6twes gtft* 835, Itcidse 355W. , 11 .. I 11 11 I --- 'I 'Church An4 oreiylor'a &ilaefr. . I I T903. SWTM81 Ufts, nerve$ were in duph bad mtditioa I found it a 0 &West impossible to got a good night's sleop. . __ __� *" 1� . ' Comfort b ealling at someboily's hoW, U a, VAI. I � . J, ­ 4. 1 the community Is cordially invited to tit., ­­­`_­' ­ — �_,i. A carload Of happy 1101taters will goo'll . be nestled In a grateful bin.. Tile" tend. . NOUN Hi ves In Bad Conamon I the furnace win have U4 Mot') Colic, The annual harvest horde service of, Zion �. ) Vie wetitber fortomt, for this hotzo* hold 11 "fair and warmor.of The Rest Tolka furnish the atmospherd for lito church, Tolorlo Corner, will bel 110d M 1�unft evoning, Mt. 28rd. at I' O.Clock 90% V. 0. Elliott, of Ingerzoll. . I I I N. I I I eadaches and Dizzy I 1 Spells I fOrrie; Minister, Will conduct the Seri, And gtilety,� They Mind the Ilres and Spa"i the 'Coal- T'My arc' tho apr1to's ,V � lee. SWIM music Will be, provided by a mA16 choir from the Goderich Baptist I � 1. I I rdr, Nell Crawford, Hamilton. ()nt., writ,ft..- I'MY that Wake things bright and clwrst- . 'Church An4 oreiylor'a &ilaefr. . I . nerve$ were in duph bad mtditioa I found it a 0 &West impossible to got a good night's sleop. VALL "M � Tilem W43 a good turn -out, to tho C10'r- � a I woz alco bothe d with LmdaeltC3 and dizty mptus. , MM I&O In the Oranqo hall on Gunday. whou 1W. J. W. 110tilcy, of Tliatnesford, de- I . I tried MOV d ri1oront. winc(lic.q, but, thov di(l not , %MCI Mlertd an Intorepting addrom froal the I. 1, be -y" to giva itse mul-h rAipf"hilt after I I iad. takm Milburnoi 11ext and Nervo 11119 I pou!j hVilly I . I B6 MUSTARD . COM toXt "Now when DaniM krww that t1i valils m olaile-a, lie wont into hle5 I boliova the rhange thoy had made in la -V (,andilion.11 coAPLANY houl-et; Asid W3 windowa Winril Multi111� Pot Salo fit P11 dq� and emcral ptoTea; put up, oply . , ".V -4UV 4. 4 . 1,41AUUM %.JO,) AA,talt4tdo ,�oronto, Oat, . I I - - ,.,-�"_....-.-,-.A-�-�----.T—���,,:-- ­­_�_.-. ��--- ;--- ­­­­'­ _­ ­ - _', _____ I ­­ ��_ li000iii��­__ . � � I . I . . I � ­­ - -­ I - - - ...., _v I - � ­ ­ � � � .. . . . ... - . - ­­ - . � - '4- - - - ­_ --.-.. ,�, I , 1, . 11 4 . . - — � - .. .- ­ ­ _­­ , - .A;ft.­ -vi""NOOPOOMW "A"W _-*_Ir1A 4_41`"r� I — ... � .��.