HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-20, Page 1The MerchanCs Friend An advettNer's lness�ige in the Gode- rich Star reaches,the reader on Thurs- day, tile day of publication, in plenty of time for perusal and for week -end shopping. I ; � I ; , . i , I I . - I I : I I; I � I ! ... 11 I I I I - _.� I I ... ril I, I A Rare Offer A trial subsctiption to the Godetich Star, Huron coillity's biggest and 1'rightest newspaper, will be sent to do end of " yew for 2S 4conts. ­.. . � 6 . BOAT INCID04 REVIVED 1% sk 4CO. ChaMplonghip TAST HORSES, MANY ENTRIES I �, - at C lintgn Nov, 5th stoppwr ot mgo"un ^a& lft"t*e . COMD11U0 f �, I , 11 70, � — 'A A11140000W 04,144 WOO FINEVEATHEX alm-A At thrMeW-a SmidW,010b meetimig in i ,, I ' ' � . 'to - PW.WI 80�&�, S"Ping ond Xortli street Unned Owth 40 'Mund" , "; , - Miff , "' . ", " I -, ftKrl ., I , iwlitiwa.,�Trus000s" smo � morning lost the pwwi W,V. Mr. Watts, . " FAL L MEET'A SUCCESS � . -0 I , , I Introduced ,the, dimetisalon of tho ,wisdom . . _. R&Itepayers Meet of stopping thtr 8un"y afteM01% Ox- . , . f . I � 1_�� — I I 'Cursion on the Uke this mummer, but RECEIVED BRUTAL BEATING, Wisay Pam From " of Town � . spoke more an the Vm"a. of Sunday .�, . � I o annual -convention of the Huron , __ � observance in general th4a 9f this Par- Enjoy AfWA004!s . bunty Vdumtlouml Association of Trua titular incident. Ur. Wstts, referre4 to 01(c][011010 FwMtr Alltgtit `16 "STO, Slug - tees ona Ratepar,ers, will be held In the $004 . auditorium, of tho Clinton Collegiate on tbe' legal provisions agAlust themcommor. . ireit ScafOrth Butcher With Chaw Z, . SaturAay, Tjov. Oth, Commencing at 1.30 clalizing of the Urdia Day and of the , Wagistmie, Reld was at $eaforth on , measce of Increasing NxIty In ob"O"" Tuesday where he heard an assault. 1. , . SID HAVS POPULAR WIN � .P.M. sharp,, Cont�sts 'in public Weak- auto of the divinely ordained day. He I . — . I I I Ing, sPelliffw and. vriting, $or which prize$ Charge preferred by Malcolm -Seaton, as- . will be Presented, will be features of the. Claimed that the action of the X,ordls, -Shows I ,,,.�. AM—& 1. hiiViincr +he R11ndalo ex. year-old Seatorth butcher, Against JOO 14-Ye&r-Old Volors Two Fines are Cut ---- � � One Unchanged ! I , Judge Costello c4vos JwSmoot � I ,"� ,,,� 11 I. in Hotolkoepers' , �1 11 I , � I I Appeals . I ", � . Judgment was haudea dowit. QQ S%tur- . . � � (141t la$t by Judge T. M Costello Ia4ho- : i; appeals of three Huron county hatel. - 4 kocpera, against tonvIctlons by Mawlstrato . . . � � 0. A. . AM under the Liquor Control I I � Act. In all three cases a Rao of $5Q4 f � glad costs was Unposed for�qi lirst ovenea . I for "having liquor In other than a prt,ir, I vate residence.11 The appeal of William I U on Iteusall is dismissed Coovlo. . . pre L. ,Campbell; of Tor- Ryan, 24�ye%r-old MeKillop farmer. . . . 0 I . . ,gram. Mr. M. � 0 E A curalons from Godoricli-' cancelled Usti. Hoots to Field in First I I I . I I — tIous In the other two eases, those of I . . onto,,tbe now'seciet4ry of the � - " added tQ the, prestige of the, Alliance Mr. Seaton said that when he vent to � 1, . 1-7 . cy. of Scoforth, and Harry . and Mr. Herbert Corbett, of Pr0tont pre- . Imowherv� than In 0 Ryv,u!s place to Collect a debt he was. at- �, ' , 11104t �, . Gun L IS AN OPTIIM$T 2 Charles "11101 I , . $'dent of tile Ttastoes' and RAfgpayorO o , Qderloli, Am Mr. tacked'and hit over the head with a I -0-0_ I Case Goes. , . Jounawit. of alytb, also Axe sustained. . � Department, vill ova addrossm, . Ford, and M% Gordon TAmbspol;e brief- chain, knocked down and kicked In the � ' but the flne4 Piro reduced, Duagoyla; to, . � . ­ . I .. I ly, Mr. Ford plating cut that the ques- Perfect weather and a laige entry"MA Rev. J., X4 Ford, Who, V,olnploted III* $30% and Johnston's to $260. 1 . . I 1: - I I 1. . tion 'was the, wisdom of the motion and mouth, his ftlse'teetlt. being broken and eA . .to Higher Court . , - world �Comwentlng on the appeal of William . � , I WINS SILVERWARE his, lip -and mouth lacerated, allegedly by Of fast bQrs"" t of theM from New . — . . 1 103rd YeAr Ust Wtek, Says . . . . � � . I raising the question whether soiqe other 3r4)rk and Wol)iSsa, Stptol� yesterday . I , In whose hotel law ofticora found I . . Union � I 11 . . — method could h%ve been adopted. and Joe Ryan In the presence of b% two bro- - the fall, rAce meet one London X:ryer,,G!:esJ*s Story .. . . � Gettl1w Better , . . both liquor and beer In the bar, Hia. I . . - . . .. 1, stw4ey thers, wilt, amatentlk'did not Interfere. , combined to m%0 � .0 th -third Honor at% I I r I . I Tb*nsh'P Man *he WAnne" Of Mr. Lamb standing up for the 41#ht of et,noon's progrsihs of bar- . Last Thursday was the eighty , � Y$` in part. . I I '. I . ]Eckert Tea, ServIcer.a4 OpLyfleld, Fair the church or Chute Dr.. Ross gave evidence of tho Injuries, Of the b9st aft , . � birthday anniversirr .of JRev, J. E; Fiord "I am not going to attempt to review . . � , h orgardollons to ever witnessed. in . . . � �, I . 'toed. Amtts*4 el . . . I I . Boston sustai koted trial Aess horse rating . . Trial . I I I I ; Bayft.eldj�-Murrsy Grainger, of Stan" take an active Part in such loue* as'the . at up by Godierleh. The time made .was vXcep- . and at'ttie�wldvweek service, in morth'the evidence given by the defendqint an .. � "�. ,ey I a the m,t_ by. judge And jury and was me , oue�haix -Mile,i We& paced —.. � . . . a, his own behalf but apparently the leora,� . . � �-_ Township, was the winner of the observance of Sqndav�smd I . . . . street UnItedolturoli the preceding eve I . � ", � . 'khe president oi the the, magistrAte, . . tionaur last i At,the: conolusloki of the adjourned . -ed Magistrate was, -not W �wore Lin. . four Plede silver tea service, 24 'camt, ter of temperance. � � I 1.03) and it), several of tht heats the Ing he spoke, tit a very Interesting. way . - . , . . . , .gold lived, donated by J. IL Eckart, of club, Dr. Rimporsoni Mod lie had ln-� - ' — Proverbial blanket would bove covered preliminary hearing of O1Iv4r -Goldthorpe, of some of the chaagf# Whig by the defeadant!s Ingenious - . . , . 11 11%vo oo- pressed I .� � 11 'ffioIol-'Qf'thQ,tord's payl - W, M. S . FERKN � Bayflold, before Magistrate Acid On . ourred during It � � . Story than the review* court, The do* . . I . I Torort . qVired of. RUL 0 , �, CON C9 three and even the Arst four horseai so I$ UtOLUM41 I . , ta, to be competed,- for) ox% PpInts . . � . I 1� . -in at least,six o1k,tsses,(tlneo,.'-Jn sto,c , luatt W,hotwi,' Sunday exCurstons. . � k . f � I I . eigge were the whipping Anishes. The Monday Mornblo. the amused was Cow- It was one hundred years ago that fendant, the Proprietor of. the botel, . . I � ,k 444 A ta', � . . . . 1, . poultry In -tite outsido departments and We& allowed elsewhere and, was Inform. MISS I%ttek!30U, MWIonary to Xudi&F . W�dues- witted for trial on �a charge of possessing Mr. Ford's poroats came to Canada. the made no effort whatever to keep within I . I . I . .1 . � event was a success and next . offorwive weap�cns,dangeroqs to the pub- I I I , . I 'three in the inside4epartments) ,Atsow6 ed that bosts oni their regular 'echedule .. GJVC-3 Address . day It will be repeated, it was; anhounQed voyage at this time requiring six or seven the sections of the Act. %pplicablo, to Ilia . '. I I . . � . fair in'the district, And this year offored were not interfered With but .that 10c" ' The I W, M. *S, Conference for the west from the Judge's stand. . . -1 . lie peace, The Wal opened atBayfield weeks. That was the yeat- of the "pas. 'business and In open contravention of . 1� . I � . I :for competition at.the Sayfield fair.. Mr. curslons were Prevented except In, o I . . . I nie fastest "P - �.. �. last Vituraday. and was adjourned owing eing 9911to Riefofm Bill and the time of them 'sections,' had a very cousldQrable I .1 I . . . . rie I ­ �agora and trotters.,. In . . . . I. ; . I section of Huron Prepbytorlsl, was held ,Canada. were In Oodicr , i0hr, yestetday� to. the unavoidable absence of a ,crown ,changes Inindu5try fror rin o . . Ora$nger. Vill be. presented with'thI8 Cato which was. so late In the. season I .4 home .to gat. quantity of liquol th very plado whore, kL . 9 use all it in 43 . Afidtowis United church witness, A. M. JUdd,.crovm attorney tot tory. Mr. ,Ford's father Was a, I It should not ,have been. I cannot �bev'. � beautiful prize, aftor thitti..44ye ,from- that - action speined f little , d b t t I SlYtIVe'a Bertha Patch, the sensation ,�f *the year, Weaver I . . Z . .the fair 4ates. I . I . , for the. legislation against � the Sunday Wednesday, , Oct. 12M . The morning. won the ,2,10., but Vic Sowatirce bad t4 Middlesex county, The Crown. Is seek- and ;on arriving in Canada settled in havo. the l0rediblo story given in the: � I . � I . . .; I jug to legally confiscate A,valuable col, I . . � '. , . .. . excursion' there was no doubt but that session opeoed,at.,10 o'clock with the -Orive the h9rao out, pkirtioularly 11i the . Peterborough,! which. continued to be the Magietrate'& Court and I can gee no rea- . , . . . . .. � . I .. .. LOST � . Sunday would becomes gala day for all vice-president,, -Mrs., 0. W. Lane, Ash- last best, Willi$.0rottan. after fli4sh- lection of Arearms--rifift, Shotguns, re-� family home. Of a ftuituy. of gve, son$ &on why the penalty Imposeo. . by. the I . 1. I I , I I . I ' 1. ­_ , � sorts of 'excursions. The:.cluW.s hour of field, prosidi g. Mrs,,(I)n) Toll, glyth, ,Ing sixth I . n t1i Tol*ersi tk machine gun. and % large. and thrao daughters Mr. ford Is the 6A. learned magistrate la ­M3 discretlow. � ... 11 10 � . o first beat, lbeadeti. the i . � . I I . I . t . .LOST. --7-A small brown purse contain- meeting hacl, by this time elapsed and was appointed secretary�for the meeting. field In the next twiD:w1les tq do a Won. quantity of antratwition—now in'Its pos- ly survIvor. I . . should be varied, The Conviction =4 , . I I I I . � Ing several bills, on Wednesday no further, 414cussibn took place, - Resolution and fingtice committees were derful comebseX - ,. session.., Mr. Goldthorpe, represented by It , . � costa to re� _ - � , .. . 1. . . . � , after 4 long lay up . . was in 1074 that Ur. Ford entered p6nMty. should bo sustained, . . . . �. ' :, I afternoon', b0tweeri. Dominion Store and . - __._ appointed after which three lftdles� gram The Most popular ,,eat Victory .of the Frank Dolmolly, Is stubbornly, fighting .the Ministry of, the, Wesleyan Metho, 0011dent allowed At $2.0.001I, . . .. I . I . . I I I I ..North 'Street, Fluder Please� leave at —._==1Z: �--v­___ — � the charge, he.havInK elected trial I . . . . I � I . . STAR OFFICE,lad receive reward. I . WANTED ": Victoria street-Auxulary, ooderich, took program was -when ,Dr. YMtely's." 14- 'by dist church and during the intervening . . Fine Cut In Two . I . I IF - . , - , . . I � . . . I ­______:=::._ ­­_ i to the judge and Jury. . 1. . . . I � . I . . I ._Z . . charge of the pperAng pxerclse. .'Reports year-�old Sid Hoil.showot4 his heels I . I � year& he has, witnessed the union of the A more lonlent view Is taken by His . � . . ,.'' . . . � REAL `,ESTATE AN'V INSURANCE - ' L BURNERS, X4tional Blue , lame. of auxiliaries. circles and. bands follow. field in the first and cros�e . 11 ire U Witnesses heard at Boyfleld, on.Thurk�' Wesleya ' �� ' , . . . . . - . — . 01 bl4i Six Tricb, Double Seven, ed, A solo WAS nicely Tendered by Mrs. . 0 t e w I . - n 'and Xqw ,connection Metho4L lionor. in, the appeal of Mri John. -on, .in , I . '.1 . I �.t I'' [in, and .the veteran day were: .A. Carty,, London newspap- dists In 18%, the union 'of tho,variOus A guest � rcom of whose hiptel, loonstabici . � 11 . I . :'ott ., 2;10%,. Johnny Mull , I . , . . .11 � L 1. � 114 ARMSTRONG REAL .�ESTATZ or -iingle Nine NOW retailing at $35.00. p_pJ tz6r, AqburA; 9. Itym.ri And prayer ainian, - physictan 0 Methodist bodies' in 4883, ,Under the Whiteside found, several bottles .of beer., * . . . ­ . I . . I T .1 a . . free,legged pacer rec6lved. 4. big hina erman, Dr. W. J.- T I I I I � .1 . I . ctive, I -w 0 . . . ­ �?" I I . AND INSURANCE AGENCY. Prospe hasers or -dealers Write. ;ios' � Mrs, Stott, with ,b in ldf.''Goldthor 'IThe� Methodist Church Of',- . night of July 4th, The: learned. . . � I . . . I I ed the mornirW session, ,Xhe ladies from the crowd- I . p's n�me'of Can . OIL the . .. . I I ' . I . . . . - , , -, , phimaTok i9ble SALES, 127 Queen Stl: (if St, . AndreWs Auxiliary served dinner ' There were so. resides, 'George Beacom, Goderich, and ada," and tit 1926 the union of the Pres- judge says, .. . . . � . .. . . . . I � 200.9 . I � . I . I � I � 1. ,cre farm, s4ughter . price for Stratford. . � I . IL . I - e I - *- . Many . starters in the Mr., and Mrs. W. J. Hough, former ser" bytcrl�aI I . 'IT, . . I � I . . .4othodist, and ,Congrer,ationkI he defendant's explanation Is that � .. acre. soil vants fi% the St he familiar lines of th' I . � L . . . quick sale,, only $22.00 per ___ I in. th school ,room. 2.24,class that It. had to �@ split Into . ' . � ­ I ' I I , . I I I I - -�At 1.30 the afternoon session opened .two divistions, Js�k Grait *drg, : ott household, . . - 44u6ting t . a beer was for his own use and that � � I I . � . . principally clay ;loam, no �waste_ *very . , ,,On; a Hamb churches. . ., � I 1. :few � stones or ,foul weeds. About 120 NOTWE TO C"n'TORS � with devotional exerialses: led, by the N.Y,i horse, ep,pturing .one and Sarah Dr. Tillman, ,a summer resident Of the hymn, "Change .and decay in all he Merely kept'it in the room Or rooms 'L . �. . I ­ � . ,acres now under' cultivatim. 'More �_ ladies of Xsfth street A xiltary, Gode .. Bayaeld, swore that"he never saw say' around I swill Mr. Pord'Paid hosaw lots whe . e it Was fou .. . W- " I �'. .: ". � . NOTIPV. TO CREDITOP.S. ..: I u - Tide, a Seaforth�,Owrted, mare, 'the other; thin . .r ad for ,convenie4ce sake. I . 1, . I . ready, about 6D -acres, timbered. good � . rich. Mrs. (nevJ W. P,,LAn&, pres.1deat . g put of place ir.k Mi. �Qoldthorpo'a of Changes but refused to think of this - I . . I , The crowd was, ,better than. fair and the . . ' . . �­ . bank barn, 116-sthry house in fine con- I . . — : I of, Hurod Presbyterial, gave the report promoters . are . well satisfied. No . ny conduct or reckless use of'-h.is guns. � The defendant states that ,certain rooms . � . 4 'I ' � as decay. Ile has the forward look and Were* designated as prlvato� rodm4 t and , .. � , - dition., -Orchard- good water. Located Notice to hereby 04ven to' all persons of ths, meeting of t I he e pres . f do George, Bestow, Who answered a, call : � - ' . , - to thing of"these 'changes 113 0; there. the - beer, should ha,v6 been kept,. : . I �. : .114011t 102.mfles imm'Town, of'06derlch, having. any claim agalfist the V4;ste of .Dominion Board .horsemen iwer ent rom, ou u P . I . . .. I J� . I'- . I ' exash fromth:6 Stott home' . I . . . �, ... held � in Torouto� recently; was L1a , point a Vhe f0i a polic .,I,t,o,on d=i ig of old worn�out Methods and While. I do n t 1'lh 1, � County of Iluica, -Ont., close.. to school, George W,'Sturdy,.1ste of the Township wle a, 0 far as, 106, Mftis'1,WgY.-- , I K � . 0 -bolleve that a max4hUm . . I I . 1. ­ . .. . rpo the ,adoption of's ', . I � I . large vIllige, Harloy warketa. TERMS of Ooderieh.in the ,County of.Huron, rth,W, SeAforth, literature .secretary, results: . ' .� . � I .. the might of, August 30, when ., . idmothlng b,otter. - penalty should be Imposed it Is my opin- . . . yoon2an, dece4sedi whii,dica -oh or. about ; . spoke With regard to the literatttre on ' I . I . . It - alleged to . have ran amok with his The _ � . . . " I . Aoi, .1. Star joins In . congratulatiow to ion that the keeper of a.pubile house ot � I ; . I , $900 down:casb, balance, credit term1s, . 2.24 TROT 'On, R . . 11 . guns, said I everything was ,quiet -Arid ' . . I . I . .1 . .... -very easy it required. Taxes Pald In full the 1O.th day of OdtoU#p, 1032,,to send display. A�solo .was sung by Mrs. Mur- � � .. . � .1 I � . Mr. Ford on the Completion of lits,83rd tid,tol should 'be at ki. a - I . �. .. �­ . I : 1. I i same ddly prO.veiA, tJ)'fb& UntiejBignod on Tan A . uburfi. I The, MI I salon P . First Division . � more cirournspe . . � ) I . 0 19S2. � No back taxes. No exchange and of St. . . I peaceful whia he got there and that -with, I . . . . I . . I Year and joins its many triendo. In atelot Compliance with th . L I . I AbrtptedI Immediate possession. . r- or belo.,-� NQvpMOer- M, 4032j; as. on and Jack Gratton, Plelds Stable, I . IIGoIdW' was his normal self.' - anaiv . � . du Q, law thin a .; . I . � I . I � . . It interested write to - L . . - . after thatidsto a Executors heroin Win � Andrew's .church gave an Interesting ox- . 1, . . WishinK him MW tqqrA 11%ipi er- private. In4W at' and I Cannot agree . ' I . . I . I ­ j� V�. ARMSTRONG, , , . proi 'ilbutJoit of the assets * . Hamburg, N.Y.. (Litt) ........... I... .1 ,2 $ William Hough and, his wife, Darla, '., . . I errise. .Miss Gra e Patterson of India,- sarlemi � '' . . I ' . I � I I r 0 1 . _­_" I � with the plia- of defendant's counselthat I � I . I . - konary Who is on furlough, gave a, Ginger Oratton, Ous Dinning, hand! , , . - I I " . . . . 'chal Ile ' _ * r . . . .1 � . . . ZZ * . . ' of the said oftto�,- i only to a, mis iman and cook, respectively,. at the . .� r 1. I I . � � Office Upstairs, East . Side , Square � . . I I ' Alvist �Wilsonj * ... I . ..... ; ......... 7: .1 '2 Stott home unill they Were dloChargid r . r . . I . � . this Is inerely.a.to eat broach' of t I , r. . . . � .t' I P�O. Box 89 . . . the claims they.,W11 f of. - ;Auob-appreolated�t address, Miss - Pat- on . law collwg for' o� minimum penalty, I% . . .. � ­ . i . Qoderioh_ Orit. � DATED AT 0OPM10H this i9th day terson hat� spent fdteen years In migslon Roy. �C.- Todd, Jr . B; - 'Cooney, on, August 30, both testified that "Mr Auburn Farmer � Is, 0 pdInted out. a first offence and T . . . . . t :.. ... I . . of October'r &"D�, 1$32�, . I . work, In, India. Reports of committees . Unionville (Bosworth), ........... 1�,­ S' .4 1 ,Goldthorpe It r � I . 0 , � I I . .1 r I . I . . ' . r ' I . . . r .1 . . r . .. r I � r . ad pn oc�aslons, brandished, - . woulcl,vary the learned magIsIraloIs pen., � , ', . 4 .1 . � '. - � . I 1. 1. . . IMY.6, iteS. -a .' is; Ordier,- - !� .- '-, , ' grcattAs and' t'4 -blow theiri . .1 , . ., I .� I __ , 11-11 � - 4 , _ .� _ , �11 -followed bY closing ex6o Mae , rrattomo�w . . . reqt�oe'4 ,to I . I .. ' � ' 0$qjj ' 0 i:' r �� , ., I k ­ eat (Fraser) ......... I ........... �� . Hough AsId. he . I I � .. ,U&YS *n& , � C I wort; giverr I .. I .10' , -alty by roducinj It. from 0OO and cdtla : . wag ordered Dies of I pries - Goderlib, O�t4ii6 'I' .... - For, 1. a 3 4 brAins ouf� . I . i , - � , I � � I I . _ . . r � I . �, . I � ..Aeg fila. ., Ce , � . ____ --.--- ". Maxl� i- . . . . � . . . . 'r.. �. r to $230 and costs with. the usual. 0 da" I . I , . I . . . . . I . . .r, .1 I . i . , .11 Opt . . . I �. . I I I r I Solicitors for the Execution . Lee; Margaret Dfllon,, -Benny by Mrs. Stott to 3oua for the .Police. 11e . .r I . . I 266.-ptlon of maalstratD. Costs of - . 1. .* grtleS r sold, , � . of the -qatd estate. FOR SALB OR -TO RENT . . . 10r 'p. r .1 . . . � rented ,and reift . I � __­-� _. Bettlg, -Bingen Worthy also started. r 1 obeyed Instructions and that .because lie .at, $20." 1 I . .. . '. - . I . . . collected. Fire, automobile; burg- ' . . . I . . � I did ,this he was d . lacharged, as was bit Inquest Is Ordered- Into Fatill. appellant allowed I . I ­ I � . t I I I f. - I 11 I I � 1i ,� �� -1 1. I I I VOTICZT0 CAEDITCRS.� 7 . SALE,Fontiae sedan,, In nrst- Time"214, 2.131/t,, 2A8%. . 11=_dept Wh!ch Took -Pla' , J, J. Hhggard, Soqfor�th, Was oeuntgj i r � . r . I c . I . . . I �, ,,, I lary; accident ,arid. sickness bisur, A . . FOR ass condition. ,0,- K. aAuX- . wife. Neither had ever known. set Wl,e, ' , ce . � � . . . � : CI . . I . r � � I Mr. llung,ay a . . . . ok-k _0 r I V �- *or I iiii 10vank r. DOIAlftIlly, . . . � . �.. � � ance. Ob eeplpt and Auditing.. r IN THE �iWT�T� P , , . - r . I . . . . Second, Division . . , : : . . . on 'HiShWay r 561crich. for Lonion and 4 I , I . ,r .. r . I � � THOMAS RED- DERS. r . . I to discharge ,a Yospola .. . . . . . . . I . I FERN, late 69 the Town of' Goderich I r, Sarah,. Tide, r Baldwin, Soaforth I . 4. . .. I r � � .1 _. . .0 - . ­_ ohq5tou, � r I � � . . � -, Mi-, Juddis Evidence � . �. . I I � .. .1, .. � �. I . I -_ I . �, A I XIE3 34: in' the County, of ,Huron, Esquire, : '10A T,-7SoIId , brick. _(Baldwin) ..... ........... I ... I ... �...' ...... I -1 I .. .. I -F. 'WoeptiLco I Ll . . D;: I SA14E OR. REN I ­ . . I ,;,AiA1,J, i r . . 4 m 1. 0 .* 0=0 11M I 11 � I . . . r . 4 i6eastil. � . . � . us � on; Trafalgar St. d- . . ,Crown Mtorfisy Judd, a suinmer resi- John �c�-hultz,' ft&t1A ;�, it AV114U, i . ""*_"""% � I � . r E1AV.J1LTQ1q STRZWr I . . All -mo Mac McGregor, Torn Ramage, . I . . ;� I . . � C I I . ­ . erA coliVerilences, wired - for . 4 � dent of Bayfleld, gaVe.somewhat damag- on Saturctay evening last died in Alex- jg:L 151n " I I rite Box 25, 811 -AR OM40 . ' Ing evidence against amused at Mon. Andra hospital front, injuries received : . I I � . PIKONID . 296- - ; � r — I electric Chatsworth (-Ramage) ......... .... �2 2:. 1 . ! - _. .____ __r � � . All,persons, having. claim� against the' stove.. , W .r . .. . . . . . I 1. _, .Silent T,, Roy , 1. 1. M60ranit, r JXJ3 � r � .� r I . . I , r .. r I �..te .of the late Thomas Redfern, Whor . �_ � . . day mornring's session Of the prellmin, when st,ruor down by -an automobile on. . . . . . � � � I' . I I died on I,- about tbe 29th- ft- d J Clandeboyie (McCrann) ............ r 4 'I 2 . � � . . .� . . POR -RENT.—Sbi-rocimed apartment . I . I A. �=� J -_1A I, U 4 .m #I- + , � � KTH I . . I . . 1"�y 1032, -are hereby required, on or be ore � the 21st day Of r November'r 19U, W send . to 4L P , , � JW1 particulars 'h :of Indi . ir their cl me duly -verified as after that . date the Estate will be distributed with- ... I I . modern tonvenieridesi South . St, Alto room and 'board. -Apply .j, r . E. . 11ARNVMLL. Key's St. Denim, Grattan, Q. Canningharn , I., I CI0deboyL,,(Cunnfngha . � 5 � 3 . I , m)',.,, � or, o .start d. r Lqdy ,Dillon, Men e sit . r ,r I TIMe-2,1.4'r ZAG,:216%. . . r 'y' . . nes an es, -w was ,., a piece of gun, play In which Mr. Gold- thorpe is alleged to have Rguiid.. It Its pened in the' second or third ,Week . P of r July in 'front � Of the altz ;hotel. r The . � couti.,v Is way. near: ,,,uourn pcwevtc pievious. The accident Amppened. near decosged's -farm, one and a -halt Miles � I wast ,of the village as lie wdkse walking ' I along the road aXter 04alt. At first:,his. . � r - . . � . � I . ' . r . .. I '* The ,Coalbaven brought,2,500 Was of r �� I r .' . .# coal groin Toledo for the Westeta Can- ads Flour r Mills on. Saturday, clelirlaff I r . on Stio I . . I . I . . . day . I . . . r I . TO SEXT,--Ifeated aix-room apart. out regard to this claim# of which no Mont On Hamilton St. Per fur. ther 'apply - 2.16 TRO T OR PAcE—$225-' -1 . I � London crown col ansel said he bad pul- injuries were not, thought to be serious, r I . A Tii e Home Smith arrived on Sunday notice has then been received. . ,1DATED at Goderl.oh t * Of his 11th day particulars HAYS & HAYS, Barristers, Godekleh. I __ . . . . . Bertha -Pat r chi Hastings, Bramp ­ �. r I ' . � I ton atree) led his car up in front of the ,hotel to overhear a heated argument between out gangrvn&,ls a I t ,Ve ad a It set in and amputation of..tbe leg to prevent the . . night train the he4otthe lakes with a . . . . . . r Cargo of grain ' for W C. F, M. r . October, A.D., 1932. r I , (ROW ........................ I .1 a I Peter Werrimaoi Field, : Hdm. r Mr. Goldthorpe and a young m . an and . . . 'who 4 of the poisoning proved of ..no . . = . 0,left . ... r, r ring � . . I Monday.0 . � I . . I . . � .. I SALE OR. RENT,_ned br�l�j FORhOus# I V�4�potTF��Y. �. . ion Victoria street 'all con- I burg, N.Y. (Pleld) .... : 2 2 a wom, young an . had Just emerged . I A jury was embanelled by Coron- . .. I I . . I . � I I . . I — . I ... ... 1. 1. . I I I . � . . . � . . venlefioOS, also it frame house I . on Park Baldwin, Payne, t . o . rop . to I I . from the hotel to enter their car; He er Dr. A.� 0. Hunter on Saturday night, . __ i. . , I 1. L . I I . :i � . . I I I . I 11 I �. . . Solicitor for' the Executor, street. Apply T. R. WALLIS, Vittoria (Payne) ............... - said lie witnessed Accused go to his car they yleWing the remains and adjourn -m . Comin,4� Events .. - . ­­ - . . . I . =_—, � , , _ . - I � _... .— —_ --- . Ry----- . - .­., .... .... ... �'..­ a X 2 abilAake out a shotgun or rifle and alm Ing until today (Thur8day).� L ... . . . . , ,. . L . I . L I I � . Iola Grattan, Hartis, Owasso, . - . . I I . .. I - I � � , . .. W. . I I . - I I. — . -beach and I I . it in' the direction of the .: irian. ' and The driver' of the ear, �vhloh tick I L . 'ESS 8 Irs I . . " . I :1 ja CRAIGIE .. . I . .. . SALE.--41ardwood Mich. �Harrls) ........................ 6 4 4 worn I an, . . do str . L . . . , . . . FOR ' Wit Mr4'$chultz, Norman J. I _-, _ _ .. . . -_ - _111 I . . I I I . . . . � good, dry wood: EARL * Other starters. -Everglade, Peter T.I. I'Don't, be a fool, Goldthorpe. You Detroit, formerly of BayfiuAd, was not . . . . ' . . C. H, HUMBER �' P"a. 3, Auburn. Phone 24r22, list Boy. I . difficulties for using he'14 afier Ifivestluation, by Provincial The Arthur Circle 'bazaar Will be, hold I . R . I will get yourself into d' leal.Wate . . MION161is . I . Insurance an D= 1�. .. . . 0a SaturdaY, October 99th, lu Xnog thurch . ,. - � I . . . .. L . I . JEW91-LER L - ' I , . . .— Time -9.101/j, 2.101,,,', 2.11%. 1 . .. a gun. Av that manner in. thv tonditto stable ,Vex. Xi seems that when he OL I . . I , DODIINION, PAO"NCIAU . ViE SMAL� SIORE. � ' j?UIZETS Pon SALE.—May hatch, FREE FOR A1:,%,-etT,R8E $225 you're, In," � .Mr. -Judd., admoniz-hed. Wit- turned to the Centre of the road to pass lecture room. Aft rnoon . tea served . . I . . . . I , . MMCIPA* BONDS. WITH -THE 810 STOCK I . . single comb, White Leghorn Pulletsi Willis Grattan, L . L . ness, said Mr. Goldthorpe put the out) the' deeeased, the latter became coutus- from a to 6, supper from 0 to I o'clock. L, . . , I Mrs. WcConn- . L . I L exceptionally heav, . � back In the car, complaining that he ed, apparently by the lights, anc Home-made baking, candy and fancy . I . . I . .. I L . .L ' L"' I 1 . . I v laying strain. About . ville, - Ogdensburg, X. Y.' JUMPOOL , I atop. work'tablea. . . . I I . , I I I I I I -_ _ 111, : L - . . _______ 1 75 choice Outlets from 225 to 250 egg .......... L. , I I had been annoyedi The incident hap- ped or dActly in the path of . L . I . I . L .. . I , - Pl� .­­­�'_._. ., ­­ ­ . "WIAO wKewler with 75 early June batch- (Chapman) ............ ........... 6' 1. pened aliout nine o'clock at night, . the tar, 'Keep it Week from Frida , that is Oct. . � . I. . L 1. .- I � 1 _v4� . . ­ L.. . . , , - � �!­­!- - I . I L . I . ed Pullet$ still to tell. Price Sid Hal, 'Dr. Whitely, Gods- Had he hold his course 611 Y . 11 . . � . � - . . . I 11 .. up , I W. HUME CLUTTON, Rdoc and Lrich (Mullin) ............ i.i ............... I 1 I' 41 "Answering a question of Prank Doxi�' Would have been well. . . I 28th, clear for the play in the Nile I .. I , 1, . I I . . . . . , Goderich. (Phone 1413,. Carlow. . . : a . . - 5, Ray Peters, �'J., Rillit, Guelph � nelly; Goldthorpe's ,counsel, Mr.' Judd Mr. Schultz was a, ivell known farmer church, "LOWY o, Step Chil . d,11.to be given . . L. L, I rggoe 06tpflLp , , . (Gid Litt) ... � ..................... � ......... 1. 2L 2 7 said be had made a report to a crown In bit CoMmunily and the father .bf a. bY twelve Qoderlth artists. The dura- .. .. . I I . UL ' . 0 , FOR BA`I`E�­Fard delivery truck, Tommy Q., Vrank . official after .he ha#, been questioned very latge family who,. With his wife, .tion of the play to two hours and it hall. I I . I I , I � 8, n.-* Lik. 98811 . L ( 0011fid'a -- 'L Crippo, ,about It. Asked ,why he refused to re- L SU'rVIVe * him, ' . �14, , Model T, Bargain for quick sale and the, admission. only 25c and.20c. L . - - � 1 .... 4-- WHEAELER, -fismilton SLi Gode- , Owasso, Uch. ,(,�Vynos) ........... . 3 a. 2 port it at the'time witness refused to TU., L . . - � . . - rl�,�_._ . . . Other starters--Mareellit Scott, S*Uh answer and was upheld by the bench, . inquest JUry Is Composed of : RUMMAGE SALE . . 1 4 L, . . � . . � —.-., " . . Harold Blackstone (foreman), 0, H. The M%pIe teat Chapteri 1. O.,D. V., YOUR- DESIRES � - . __ Fast, Ramona, Grattan, Prodide s.0 ,Crown Attorney Holmes agreed to ball Green, John a. Platti John Cuttj W11. wfll hold a rulamage cale.on Friday and . . t . . . . I Pon RENT --on , Trafalgar, between Grattan Bars, I I , . , , . I of $1,000, which was promptly arranged. Jtani Stothers, W. Tichborno and A, P,' Saturday,. Oct. 21st and 22nd, . L . ' . L. I I . You desire (1) to.give your childr6ft an educsttion," (2) Xorth and Victoria Streets, a coin- `Tlme-�.103/�, 2,11%, . 2.13, . . . . . I fOrtable $even scorned house, hardwood Some an,. . . , . to build a reserve for further erne ricies, (3)'to protect your . fibers, hot ,,%it cold water, garage and Startei—R. J. Ratenburg, Chatham.. I COUNCIL DRIVES BARGAIN There,were six p�oplo'ln the ear whi.,b A BARGAIN IN NEWSPAPERS I . 1 T2 , home against, the rno0gage, (4) set asiida money,for your garden, Immediate . possession. ,ML W. .. _ ' I . I . � .. I By special arrangement with. The ton- I . , � We I .�, HOWELL, phone 3 or 213. . - � I Amok Mr. Schultz, three men and thiee doft Free Press, and The London Adver. I .1 I old age. You can ,accothplish these desir6s more (!conohii. . � L 11 .— I . I MISSIONARY SPJ5Ar,#.RS Demands Guarantee For Us - women, A* is stAted, and they tire ex. tister, The Goderich Stai Is able to an_ L . . . I c of Agri . . L .. cally through life insurance than in any oth.er way. , Consult FARM Pon srALE.—P-orty scres, . morg . 111, - . . cultural Park For RaftL Meet pected to testify 'at the Inquest. . notinto La Apecial clubbing offer' of The . . 1, . . . I I us about our Iriany'plans. , . . or less, the Property, of the late )Prominent Mastonairy Speakers to Give Town Council held 'a special mebtlng Funeral on Monft� � Star ,and either of the London papers . I i I . I . . I I . I . I ; ft- W. 0. Xvftel, situated at the end of I Addresses in North St. !United Church Friday night to consider, among other I The funeral of th?late John Schultz, for $5,50, This offer,is good only until . � offt 116 , ". I I t South streafl, On the southern boundary Friday, 004. 98 I . thing -k .the rental of Agricultural Park which -took place Mo.nday afternoon from Nov. 30th, after which. regular prices, % . I Wee . 4f the town, of good clay loami. large . . . photo .4 L f It dence. 549 14, R6 LON G, Disirict, Agen Rew, A. 9. Kepler, ,D.a, -Vie Is in for -race meets conducted by other44an Knox church to 13all'S cemetery, was will prevail. 'Sond'in your subscriptions . I I I .. . . . .1 . . . . . . � �. house and batft,- drive shed, workshop, . �rloeh association. It wmo ex� largely attended, The deceased man wa now to The.6tar and save'$1 off our . , . . I . � on� o e; a est well (1,36 feet), the, Canada as a fraternal delegate to the the God, � 9 1 L I , . . __ _ __ - I 1. .­ i - ve best of water; good fruit ttees, UnIted church ocooral' Council ,from plained that the Windsor Driving Club a son Of the late John Schultz and Bit- regular clubbing offer. I . I ­ I . I . . I rde Iftatto , 010SO to schools and' theChurch of Christ tit China will spesk charter, permitting wagering, wap to be zaboth 03aeker L A -ad wag born 10 years - CHRISTA11AS CARDS I 11� - - I I -1 I_- I .. L I . . I I I thu es. r a her particulars apply at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Priday, October used 14 the program of yosterday and ago in -East Wawancolt, three miles The Star'o Christmas card samples are . I . - — L I � oil the pre It * Dr. that a. charge of 50 cents general ad- east Of here. - 116 moved to Auburn with , . . . . I ** or to PERCY .or WILL. 20, tit North street United Church. 1here. See them and place your order - I .. NAFTEL6 . ! I 11 his Parents When a young boy' Here helearly. Hafi&colored steel etchings, L _,— � L_ ­ ' t' ­­ ­ --A .. ­ I ­ Kepler Is .an ,experienced wissitmary of mission was to be made. The Matter . . .. . , .,-..---- the thurrh arid has been secretary. of was discussed at length, the point being ttended the Auburn public school and � I AUCTION SALE I hand -colored Copper plate engravings, I I ... ED R, S ­.�-_­� ..:- I the General Assembly of the Churth. of. made that the town would' -11 a later L5PC,nt Onto time In VarTy Sound emboaced Cards. Initialled cards Vrendit . . - 1 14 U S C A A UOTION SAM Or PARM STOCK. Christ in China, Ito has travelled wide. well in a 60-00 split on g4ndstmad re- District and Bruce 60itnty, About thir. fold, deckle-edged car&, p��tZ, photio- % � , . . � . I .LA6 I — . I , Y throughout Chinao knows th-, Problems celpts after 60,cenvq had been tollcoted 041ve years ago lie married Sarbar,� gravures, air brush no�eltios, In personal I SAMUEL T. YOUNG of the thurch and Is regarded as a. wls- at the mail% gates, so the following MO- Youngblut and took over ItIs fathers re. greeting cards; ii)so.'tho Academy serie's I . I .1 L I "AT M100REJS GARAGE' 1 Will 9011 by Public auction at West Half stonary statesman of great ability. tiou was, pas -'ed: . sidenee in Auburn, For many years he , ' - L �5 r I I 11 I Lot 22, 1st Concession of West Wawa. I worked tetion Man on the 4D. 1). RI of Chrittmas cards (all Canadian) to- , .1 . .1 noth, on L I lso will speak atthage 1811�wn-llumber- Thdt Agricultural I produced from original work of Art, as , " I FORD V8 coups I L I two i6ivloes. Journeying 2,500 mot:; Park be let to Messrs, Oldion XAtt and find 14tei purchased lot 12, torieec�fon 8, /�, i PRIDAV, OCT. 21st, 1032 from his missionary field on the remote Wesley Litt lor holding d"horse, race meet Oftorn& towaship, three M1103 West of Painted by leading artists of the �Dom- . I . likenew and at a real reduction In price I ; Commencing at 1:30 sharp: Indian Reserve of Goofth Zike, At. on October loth, they to enter Into an here, which was his home at, jb� JIMO oI lnto�; malty line3 of handsome blanks' I . . on which we will print your own 9.,r-. , 1-11 . 1 1929 OLDWOBILE COACH. I I Cattle. -I blue tow, 8 ydirs old, duo berta, Rov. Mr. Day strikes a, now note afteement to matte Proper 06rratlgollaenO his demise. Mr. Schultz Was 0, Meynber ronal greeting.' At all pricez. . . to Calve last week in 14 ,; I red cow 6 d of the,tutheran church, Auburn, up un. -_ . 1 1929 DURANT TRUCK I . I years old, duo to Calve I week In Nov , In MissioilarY annals, Ills Work among for amurtment, tax and any betting P, -, tit tile time U-rvices were dfSmittinued. �! the Plains Indixns�'Jkas been of the moot vileges that might be allowed, and to 1 1928 CHEVkOLET'Coups. I. - I I cow fl.vars oldl,suplAb b6 In ca , i501110 U1110 ago he bc-CAMO a member of CARD OV THANIKS . , I I , ,� . " I MW V -Year$ Old, NUPP60ed, to -be Ift, calf; trying and unspectacular Df the &Yot- isr(it, to save tho town harmless from XtIOX *039terlatl ichurell, The di�-goss. John Wilson and Peter Vatorgon, 1 MY8 DODOE SEDAN I I bluk COW 11'YeiVA 616, gull"d to be ed heroic type�. 116 itiows the atndlita any trouble, dawages; or costs, In tonneo- Auburn, wish to thank thoto who s�y . I � .., , lu CA14. I Cow # Vtfts Old, fteslitfitil 5 os tiew know him, lte�. Mr. Day eawd tion with tile uo of tile said grounds 021 ed M121 Is'survivoil by his widow, One kindly as�l�,ted tliem and expr=4 sym- t 1 1916 �IXINO,',V8 DELUXE'.. SEDAN ' `­ Wftkg,' 4 st6eM 2 Years O)d; 4 helfew 2 AS a CalhMisiloner to Oenigral. Council that day, .. .. .. That GO Oct 0ut, of the &Wer (Xatle). f*81 i3mith, OfNIM11117; pathy In the Tceent bliftitss and doath � 11 I . . �;,# . yosts 41d, #,steers I yto,014; ,6 belforo, and is glVir* ,N to e6pt W the three 0411911tets, 'Amelia, Margaret And of o, loving: %1fo and kind mother. ", . at 1-3,0f the hew price,' I yest -61d; It cstyW w addrtw-s before r46. Smil stand recolpts be ) I . � - . I * . I . . . taming to'his field. town, Me"rt. film to guarantee it Mull- 'LIM" at home, aqd elx'soas, Leslie of I I - Lowest possible prices on Ite*'&-1 sefttritt, P 110001 13 Dungannon: F,tra; of wwtc�llurtll; 1011. BORN 2, years,old. W'V. F, W. ,Crjklk is In chargo of the taum of $50 net th tho town. for uto of Go6clkkh Tiets *ad Supkfed " yt% I "'. soW6, 4lue to farrow misli(marY and MMfttensuC6 land o%m- tho grounds stnd standand that tile town tOn.,Of GO&Mh; ftinald, CaralAn and MLIVE,�-At AleXandra Ho*ltal. IWOM Etwer, at home. Sibo of #Me; 21 ch%tft,,$!!ptjt lg6 pWgn In this Vresbytery And It Is in this retsta the first welpts from the evalld ­�­_O­­,.. I a0derkh, on Saftday, -Oct, l0th, to Mr. , . U plate .Attterk'$,� gwromteed I year, tot $5.65. 1114. , COMIMUM the* Metttlug$ sra being held stsind up to $75 not to the town 'before and Mri. Ja= S111no, Godorich, a too, I I TIMMS.-All � 'See, us FIRST �,Ve deal. ififtfig Of $10-06 Auld Uft- In CWerkh, 81milo meetings will be, any poftion is pod ovtr to Messrs, Litt, LIONS LAPIRS' NIGHT �`­ . DIED I � I . � : � : � : � � . I I I . '..... � . � I der, mh; over flat aniout, 12 MoUq2t, the witter of eoutp!ttlng strafigements T110 GO&VI01 L1011S ClUb Will hold a M0019. ­At 'Mderleh, on Vzlday. ­ I I . ! CreMt Will b6 given On guralAWng AP' 94tho at Tielgewe 04 Tuesday, the 25th, to bti left with the Publit works and An* ladle -so night at Cinton on rVidly even- October 1011, rAtsy ,dcalgle, widow of I i Moved bitnkable PsPer. A ftwount of 8 Wr Cent- dfslgbt Will bb alloved for M 13%Y&ld On Wtdfiektfty, the 26% And anca coftuftft--carkled. 193. Oct, 28M, with a f;3#1 mgWr at 7 the late Alexander Ovalgio. in hor 80M 1 J. E. STEDEILBOAUERt Prop., cagh. M, D=940non 09 thuieft tht 37th, UtsolutloftSOf 021(101011CO WOM DM-"Od OVIOCk. UIOW&f by & Mgf= b7 01111- Ve r * 1, 1V1t*thfi1g advortLted must im dispos. Dr. Xepler, howinvc% WIU, gopt-Ar ohly ttlaud letters ordered florwardcd to 09. tail talt'Zt- Thd V0nVfUV %111 W M- JOHN0T,0N.-At Godorleh, o2i ,0,16tA1!. , M009E, led of, $A proprietor ft 606rStacktd. the 00derfoh, ftlectiftSt, Iter, I I t) M S GARAGE# ""k -ho Out. It* I I JW�Y7 It. J. A. 11A�twaa and UMV0 J, gi�aLod to Md w1aner of Me %4nk�alv-. de,!V, ()c,#,o�6C 15tir. lo32, margarn 140. � I . .1. ­ ­ ­ I � I . I.. 1. -1 - ,g alons W . JA *, btth of W11010. 11WO I&M Igg ,p3y warikth6n. %*. OOLrIV, "�f VKC- &61146, widow of Mo lato Alexandcz . I ___ _--- ­ I � . . .... L . - . .11 ­ I . N. � -1. T. GUNORV �& SON, AWVonot?86 Toler, U,&, ZU, Aft"fit It,; IL -1 - om"* SAMM T. Yotift rrametoz. Mr. my'st tho emer met-anX& . tCr, on t"# L Mea5fV, I " - I btrt*Wd M 2ettat dAY3. SOW�31,64, la 110,2 941% ymr. I � 'I 4 11 � I I � � I I I I It I 1, 4 __ ­ �. . _-__ V, ­ ' , ­. ��' L' - � _ . .- Z- .� I ­ . � ",_._�_,�__, _ � .____L­__­,k_­ wg­,,_ __...__-111- . . ..... jWLj;!�­.­--­- --1 - - . -_­ . .I - , ­� ' L - ... ..", I __ - ­ .1 . ­ .. L ­ I.I... ­­­... .1 .. 4 _4 / % 1� . ,. 11 . I , . . I - � ,� � - - . - — - � I �� __ � ­­ _ . ­ , �, — ��� "MVP � lwftw,��-�ftw# I aw_ M — ' '- - L - ��