HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-13, Page 8.1
THURSDAY, OCT; lab, 12
cArews o
Geeege Breetr, ftownsville, 13!
rereeeelee ferr.ce acquaintaneee jDune!
gennen and vielnity thle Week.
Mrs. Pavel Dela, ea Edmenten, st
etten at the Ilona •of lice autits, AUL
.4=s Creme and Mae Alartha. Vont.
Clecete ce Seeley with Mr. aud3.
David Oloan were Caen nephew and
ntme,anal Mrs. Wm. eedee.,-ell.
The Mallen and Vroilee3 r4e- eons, Murray, Ana Ke.tei, Wass %et -
Lean, et tuzentow, spent tire Weekeenel wee 1.5 kiE,2140.0, oa .044,14y. ertm.
=1. At the horse ef their inn,* %item comae; iene, ear. ana Airs. noneine
titer, Mr. 1(13. McLean. eat* on a oueineee trip throlidli tao the
alr. end Z. Than= .Anderson anti .p..4 U.,nea 13s; vcs4, weea (woo.
ton, Karl, of 004erich, were recent paii.ed on their xecurn eleuemy
eunte wih tthe former'e perente, Mr. °reorients. Aleuts lauceinginuu lista obber.:
Ancl UM. John AndereOIW
n. eveniee, elluera, 0,4401 O
•M.Und A. Arthur Leen% detightere ere welting With, AIM, L. el Palmer, Of
.e.ratiord. Mr. and Mae eleldamy left.
O n uesday foe leelearaine, wid
turn to Toronto biter.
eine Len Peirba:111 (nee ;ze
Besele Reed) artdelitele dauehter, Mary
Lou, of Detroit, spent the week -end and
'nallkeeleing Ray with relatives in
Goderien, Luelmow And. Daegennini.
Their manY friends will be Pleared to
know thsit their little daughter has quite
recovered from her eerlous nines sof the
peel surnmer, A pleaselat tinnily re-
union wee, held at the home of Ur. R,
L. laced When. all the members ef
Now Showing
Coles• Book Store
OWendoline and DerothY. of Toronto*
were Week-en4 mid holiday guests with
Ur. and Mrs. Charles W. Alton.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bellamy, of Tor-
onto, spent Thenkeedving Day with Mr.
Bellasny'e deter, MM.1411afl Canipbell,
and otiaer reletives at Dungannon.
Mr. and MM. Raymond E, Carter (nee
Ulm Evelyn need), of Toronto, were
v;eelt.end, and holiday guests with rela-
tives at Clinton, Goderich and Dungan.
• Ur. Frank Savage, of the staff al •tea.
there of the Ridgeway public echool,
• spent the weeiteetiti and Thanksgiving family were present ecxepting Mise
Day with leis parents, Mr, and MM. Joim ICathieen, of Mra, Mre, Win. Reed.
• Savage. Sr. Mr. Reed% mother, Whe le 813 yeara
Mr. David � Piggins, with his bro., of age, was also present,
• therdn-iaw, Roy. Stewort returned on 'While in tile vicinity of the rear of the.
Monday evening to their hone in Wei- new kitchen erected recentle •
by Mr.
rand, after a pleasant visit with relatives ;Robert Annetreng, who was doing some
In Dungannon. • excavating, Mr, ThOnlas Stothers, pest -
Te first Snow of the season came en, master, picked up a coin, which had eve-
teleeday, Oct 1,1th, following a heavy dently been berled in the ground for
rain and Wind storm of the Preeielte many years. 'Upon scraping and clone
night, when torrents of rain again tilled Mg it, it was fotind to be an old half -
the ground, making it imPoseible for penny token of the Rank of ChM& Gan -
farmers to eontinue their plowing and ada, bearing the date 1852, being thtle
ether laU work. 80 years old. It was very little went,
School vele esumed in all the schools the lettering and carving standing out
of the distritit on Tuesday following very prominentlY, despite its long rest,
holidays OA Thursday and Veldae, Or and, the words anti date were plainly
the Teaeltera' Convention, and on Mon- discernable, It will no doubt be kept as
fay for 'Thanksgiving Deey, Tetursday a luck penny,
of Ode week will be a holiday on account The Dungannon branch of the Junior
of Dungannon Pair. Institute had a full afternoon% Program
Ali is in readiness for Dungannon fall wen it Met at the home of its secre-
f air, which is being held on Wednesday tary, Miss Doris Smyth, °xi l'hursday.
and Thursday; The fair this year is inc'rail-call was responded, to by
• under the direction of game new. Men, Nature Quotation," and MittlY Outtable
• as well as some wliti were formerly 'in-
terested, and no pales have been spared
to make it a success.
One of the leading business Zen of
Ooderich found hiniself in the dit,ch
when file car tqrned turtle while going
tlirough•orne heavy gravel and crushed gate from Dungannon, 'Junior Institute.
stone On the • new road south of DMA- Reports of tonunitteee for the booth
gannon toward Nile. trhe Oar was not. for Durtgalinon Pair, width Is to be heed
muck damaged, beyond amyl:* the rev- iiete 12 end 13, were -received, and tur-
ning board and. fenders ,Somewhat bent tieer plans discuseed for making it a sue-
rortunately no one was injured.cos, An offer of assistance from the.
Mr. and MM. Bellamy, Mr. Fred Dimgannon 'Junior Farmers' Club was • ' . Atter much deliberation it
e .
John 0y, Doyle, havine spent a week was proposed by OE Feagan, seconded by
Pentland, Mrs Lililan Canipbell and received and gratefully accepted. A
or mom in his cottage here, left Ler De- J. Pitblado and reeolved that '1% be
• tionatien Was given or tile County chann.
responses were heard In verse form.
'Communications were read from Geo.
A. Putman and IVIiss Florence Sadie witn
regard to WO Oonventiou to be held at
Walkerton, October X0 and. 19, and Miss
Doris Smyth Wals appointed as a dee-
Tho Masonic Hall at Carlow last even-
ing was the scene of a happy event when
Wor. Bro. William Bailie, of Coderiell,
was signally hollered by his brother
Masons. Mr. Bailie Was presented with
a 50 -year Joni, he having attained the
half-centure Mark as Past Grand Master
Mr. Alex. McKenzie spent Thanitseltre
Mg witUt frleads in London,
AIM MU= Brown, onkten, and
her donalater, Miss Mantle, ere speneleg
4 few Gaye vntli filmes ha the village
and neighoorheed.
arigford Lawler, who ha e been
• rata her denenter, We. Melatyres, ot
Dangetalich, retiirned home tho fernier
part of the Week.
Mselt Of the elleseclics are having an-
niveleary serviees at preeent, Ifeet Sete;
bath tne Preebyterien congregetien itt
the village will have theirs, The Rev.
Mr. Priwitard, of 1Vionkton, will have
charge, Service.% are in UM Meriting
arid evening. •
.4 large number .of the Masonic free
ternity of the locality attended. tv special
meeting of mattiand Loge, crodorioh,
last friday evening,
• Mr. and, Mrs. Paterson, 'of Toronto,
visited Dr. Weliee the latter part ef laSt
• Week.•
Lest Saturday evening as Mr. John
•Shoultz, of Colborne, was returning home
from tie villege, he lutd the misfortune
to be hit by an wino. Mr. Shouitz Viten
• Meeting it got eOnfUeed and stepped in
front of it instead Of stepping aside, and.
ids leg WAS badly broken. The driver of
the auto did his visit' to avoid the awt,.
dent anil afterwards took Mr. Shoultz
to Ooderieh hospital.
• The farmers are busy at present pre.
• paring for winter, hervestine the root
erope and 'filing silos, •
• The beginning of this week saw, the
evaporator startieg.
r Ivir. Chas, Robertson and. family spent
' Thanksgiving at Dr. 'Weir's.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Taylor spent
Thanksgiving visiting friends m Detroit.
Mr, Joilea, of caledonia, made a short
visit to his house here the former part
of Morning Star Lodge, Carlow. He Was
.atrodueed. by aVor. Oro. 0, A. Robert.
son, MYR., while the presentation. was
Made on behalf of the grand master tor
Ontario, by lit, Wore 13ro, W. H. Gregory
LereGeet., of Stratford. Mr. 'Bailie fit-
tingly' .rePlled in his traditienal happy
arid optimistie manner,•
or the*weelt. ••
Last 'Tuesday Mr. und mrs. Harvey
McGee, 'Pr, Weir and'his son' John, went
to Londonto hear Sir Harry Lauder,
mr, and Ms. Carr, Of Dresden, visit.'
'al the latter's father,. Mr, Ephraim Bali,
•and other friends in the village the fore
Auer part of the week, •.
mr. .and Mrs. James ,33all, of chat-
hara, who were visiting friends here re-
; .
turned; home this' week. . •
Mrs. CreWse, oe Galt, .visited he ids -
ter, Mrs: Edgar Lawson this week •
,• Mr. and Mrs. John Medd spent
Thartiogiving with' their' son Stephen, in
Mrs John wHuori Isnot linProvsing..
.At her advanced- age but. sliklit • hopes
•-are 'entertained of her retevery.
(Front another correspondent)
Mr. and • Mrs. Howard Robertson and
family, of Cioderich, spent Thanksgiving
with -Misses-E. A and S: Blair;
W. and Wire. Gormley Thomson, of
London, spent the Week -end and holiday
with. relatives in this vicinity, ••
• Mr, and. Mrs; Elwin Andersen and
•family, of London, were the guests of his
cousin, Mr., Win. Straughan,' for Thanks-
giving' Day. ' • •.
• Mr..and Mrs. Wm. aroos ,and Aar,- E,
Choos metered to Zurich' on Tueeday to.
.visit thelrsister, Mrs.„,
Mr. Shaw, of Nile, had 'charge of sere
vice at Knox United church last Sunday
morning While Itev. Dr. Islortireore took
the work at Nile.
IVIiss Alice Sheppard, who Spent the
week -end and holiday with her parents,
• Mr. and Mrs. A. Sheppard,: of•the Base
Line, returned. to • her work in Toronto'
•en Monday evening,.
Mrs. Brown ,and daughter visited Mr.
and Mrs. Vie B. Patterson and other
friends in tide seption last week.
Quite a miniber of the member e Of the
Woreen's histitute 'went to Londesboro.
teat . Thursday afternoon to meet With
the ladies there and enjoyed a. good sup.
per and social time together,
Mr. Harry Sturdy, Misses Dorothy An -
demon and Annie Strauglsan* returned
early this week from' the Young .People's
Convention, which was held at Chat.
ham last Friday, Saturday' and Sunday:
Be sure you keep the dateOct 19th
le ,
open Mid. plan to be at inox 'United
church, Auburn, on that evening fora
real treat After the ladies have giVbn
yea a foal supper .in the basement a.
program will be rendered by' the "'Galt
Bluebells:" They sing songsoldand.
now 'One of their number is Mr, Ches.
Ellet, the famous' chalk artist and elo-
cutionist • Come and enjoy. all the good
things provided.
The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist church
held their monthly meeting on Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs; p. Waiver
with a good atteridanee present, the pre-
sident, MrsC A,. nowSon, presiding over
• the meeting. Miss Elkin gave a beauti-
tui talk, "We shall never grove old." "Fhe
other ;Prograifiewhich..consisted of read -
'hags. roles and duets Was' much enjoyed.
,• • •
Mr, 0 B. Chapeau, of London, spent
Sundayi the village. •
Mr, Sam Sterling is visiting ft:04de
at London this' week. .
Miss ecia Reid left for Detroit on Sat-
urday to visit friends,
London; Mr. Aikenheact, wife and, fam-
ily, London; Mr, zuzd Mrs, Cotton, Lon-
don; Mrs. Lawson, eon and 'daughter,
Strattord; Mr. and Mrs, Petere and' two
•dalighters, Stratfotd; Mr. and, Mra. Ern-
est efanness and family, London; Mr,
and Mrs. Manning, Clinton, •
Ur. and Mrs, Percy Weston spent Sun- • COLBORNE .COUNCIL
day at Zurich visiting friends. .
elre, (Dr.) LoWis, o Torontio, vieited • --e-e-•
Dr. and Mrs, Woods over the holiday ' Colborne Township counclie met on
heOctober Ilth, all the members present.
Mrei, John W; Woods visited his eister The Mhtlites a the previous meeting
at Fergus last week, returning on Friday Were read and on motion by M. Tyndall,
last. 'emended bY 11, McCreath, were erlopted
Mrs. Buchan returned home on Sat- as read.
Melee from a visit with friends in Tor. A letter was rend .from the„ C. P. R.
onto. .; relating to the removing of cattle guards.
gr. and Um -Chas. Berry, of Toronto, The coUriell decided, however, not to go
spent the week -end with Mrs. Fields in on reeord in.this matter in any way.
the Village. . The collector,. Mr. Wm. Watson, ap-
Miss ittioy Fisher, of Kitchener, is vis-1peared before the council relative to
Ring Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Edward over . taxes and the •b% interest on overdile
Highest. Peleea Paid
Kiss E4war4 Rotel 044
„I Phone, 514 Kingston St
This is What We Offer
It is saniCthingyars can
accept to VOW* advent.
_ age .
Service and Reduced Prices
air Usi for thli week •
OCT. 14th to OCT. 21st
0 Val Li M It • a qt • 45c
• ....large. • *C.; • • 4149
1 - .
Kruschen Salts :
Vapex for head cole3.....98c
1Kentholatutu. ....25e•sand 50e,
Vicks Yarpo Rub..
• Cold Tablet*, red box, a it (ros
• it per
50e, $1.00
Olive 00 Hair Dressing, '4 ox• ,
for •04,41,444.1,1',2Se
Camphorated 0H 2 or. for 250
McCoy's 'Cod Liver Tablets 55c
Ceugh Drops—,
Linseed Liquorice Chloro.
dyne, Smith Bros., linden's
•Shaving Cream—special ..25e
Therntogeise Medicated Wed.
ding 60c
Caticara ... .
Ply Pads. Fly Coils, Fly Tax
and Ply Swatter*.
Developing, Printing
Rave Christmas Csirdis *ode
*,(100014.0 Sam • for •Ste
SAL.. .....
Weil.. at the bielitsierts
2. St LAMM It it isFlOtit
plonship priltes in, writing, which is to
oe ounoited at the .Ruron county on
vention early in November ••
nuisqUerade Hallowe'en party was
diseitesed and plans made for, the slime,
It being decided to Invite the members
ef 'the Junior Partnere" 'Club to join, with
them tinon thet occasten, The fellowing.
colemitteea. were appointed; eleeoreticie,
Laurette, McClure, Core. Finnigan, Belle
Swan and Nancy Cleft; lunch, 'Margaret
UAW and Anna Iteette games, Doris
Sxnyth EVelyie Culbert tind Margeret
Outran; door keeper Doris Smyth (to be
assisted by one appointed by. the Junior
Partners' Club), •
troit on Menday. • • charged from the _le% -to the 31st a
. James <Jammu and family', of Tor- ;December, 1932; 2% during' the month
onto, spent the 'week end witn mr. John cf Januaty, 193.3; 3% during February,
Cameron in tlie.Village. . Miring Mart and 5 thereafter.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Welsch and Mr.' Mr. W. J. Allirt aiso appeared before
Percy Biggart, of Toronto, iipent the, the tounell requesting certain laud be
Weekend in the village. ; drained. Mr,Wn, lao•wever, upon the
Mr , Hareld Brandon had the utisfore'requeet or the council, detlined to asstune
tune to lose a" fine eow on Friday last,. any 'responsibility' th the matter and the
It being ehoked with apples. (council felt that owing to undecided litie
Mrs. Prentice, of Toronto, spent the gation in draining -matters, they eoUld
holideys With her parents, Mr e and' Mrsnot undertake. any Work 'et this nature,
Wee. Stineon, itz the village. (except at the speelfie written request and
Mr. and Mrs: plaltas, of .Pickford, under the direet silpervieion of the ap-
Mich., are visiting Mrs. Annie lionatt In .plicant, 'The folloWing accounts- were
the Village at present ' I examined and passed for paymetit:
After some community singing led by Mr' and Mrs. .1ns. Ferglison, of Lon- Road superintendent's 'Vollehere, $577.80;
Claire Peritland mese" sena ;se% * v don, spent the week -end with his moth- F. Malwain, supplies, $8,15; .7, Adonis,
sPiendld paper on the subject, "Bulbs for Sr, Mrs. Margaret Irergneori, herecutting weeds an Puraning Water. $8,50:
Wintet-blooM„" 'dealing with tins inter- Mt and' Mrs. Gilbert Knight, of Tor- sheen killed by dogs --Ross Fisher, 424;
eating work ft a concise and comprehen- onto, elated her parents, mr. and Mrs.; John Fowler, $35; Nelson MoClarty, In -
sive manner, "'Attie VOIAraSieS worta Fred Geminharde for L'hanksgivirtg 3 speethig sheep damage, J. Fowler, $3;
knowing and ebaervitetpe was the subject mrs. /Arson and two daughtere, of total 9556.31, .
of a vorthwhIlc.. address by Margaret Saskatchewan, are visiting her parents, I There being no further business, the
Durnin. At the close ef the Meeting gr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker, M the v11- meeting, on motion' by 0. Feagar and
lunch was served, Claire pentlatat, lage R MeCre.atet, adjourned. .
Evelyn Culbert, Mary Million and Alma Mr, and Mrs. Crane arid family, Mr,
Nivins being tile hostesses. Ilaroid Weston And Mr Norman, TOM.
. miss peota Dimnin. dietitian*whn h O Detroit, -spent -Thanksgiving here with LARLOW
been misting with fall fair and mho°
- friends. . Remember the chicken supper and
fair work in ManitoulinIsland,during Mr. and Mrs. Foof rd king and nes bazaar under the auspices the Ladies'
the past silt weeksIVLizia Proctor, of Toronto; spent the week 'Aid of the Presbyterian church on Oct.
, is new a guest in her
homeconcession 5Asbneldend vvith Mr. and Mr& George King in eist vdth a good program of local and
, , .
the villa e
dairies bleWltinney, Who accompanied
Miss Alma lvfelfay, Miss Helen Currie
Joseph Cranston, of Goderich, on a mo-
tor trip to the Canadian West, has re- and Mr. J. McDonald, of 'Inrcelte; were
turned to his home in Dungannon.
the regular Monthly meeting of the
Dungannon Junior Farmers' (nub, held
in the parish hall on Thinsdair evertire:,
Was it very interesting one. The presi.
dent, Allan Med, oecupled the chair and
following routine business and apnoea -
Merit of committees, to *Mitt the Junior
Inatitute nitZi the booth, at Dungannon
fall fair next week, two very instructive
addresses were &vett-Which were listen-
ed to With ranch interest W. G. Mich-
• ael, of the Donlitiloil Seed Branch of the
IDePartneent ef Agricultere, learriston,
ed the club upon the subjeet
"Growing seed grain, premtration of Seed
arid sheaf fee' elthibition, and a general
talk on this line of work." ri. Ross, for-
mer prinelpol of • Dungannon • %Mlle
•lSeh001 tar 17 Years, also gave an addeese
in widen he stte.ssed the leertottance of
not only good reading but also of study,
for farm boys, ittld the proper 'me of
• spare time during rainy weather, et.,
Which may be used to good advantage
in making needed repairs about the barn,
• new gate, Wheelbarrow& wagon mks or
other neeesSary articles, U. 14 Atkin-
• son, Assistant Agricultural Represents• tive of Clinton, made announcement of
the examinations to be held in the par.
• 141 hall on Wednesday, Oct. 12th, for
• members of the no y e «rain Club and
Girls' Reim!. Garden and tanning Club.
William Stirling, Lake Road, Colborne,
• has PlIrellased a carload of shtty eilves,
• whieh Were hrelight front Western MO'
• ad*,
• guests of Mr. and Mrs. MOICay over the
Mr, and Mrs. Finout anti fainily, of
Flint, Mick., and Mr. and Mrs. Mhton,
of London, spent the week.erid in their
eOttages here. -
Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Sparks, of London,
and MIS% Barwick, of Cuba, were visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Erwin on Fri.
day last in the village. •
aft. and Mrs. Harold Xing, of Sarnia,
and Mr, Len Smith, of DentIon, spent
the holidlys with Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas.
Parker, in the village.
• Mr. and Mrs. itarty %Wesley, of Niae
Kara Palls, and Mr. and Mes, John
Parker, of Torente, were guests' of Mr.
James Wamaley liver the holiday.
Miss Kirk, principal in our nubile
eeliool, meat the holidays at her home
at Oianworth, %figs Margaret Ferguson.
aesistant at her hoine at Egmondville.
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Leitch, having
;Spent the summer earraing on the 4th
tone• Godetich 'Townehip, • moved this
week to their Men home la the village.
Mr. and Nto. Fred Ireavile and Mr.
Lurie Pow*, of Londolie and Mr. and
Mrs. Koehler, of Zurich, aperit Sunday
with the Mics Ethel and Prencet
Peelle here.
• Mr. Chas. Parker. Elt, Mrs. Len. Smith
and Mr. Ernie Featherston arrived lieme
Saturday night frein tWo Months' visit
with friends In Dakota and Saskatchew.
Mrs. ilowse,,of RidgeWaY. And Clifford
Clark, et 11011111ton. visite4 their mother,
Mrs. Lancelot Clark here, wheis ill at
Drtsent, Mrs. PloWee reMained here to
take titre Of her mether.
• Mr. ittet Mrs. John etewart and Mr.
Stewart, fir., of liataliton, and Mr and
Mro. CUfford Poilork, of tonden, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John
Pollock, in the vtlage.
• idr. W. IL Robison, of London, has let
the eoritract to John Centered and Bar'
Old etitnon to build another cottage ibis
fall on bid property ori Rowsil street.
They hare started on the job.
Mr. Jac R. field and Miss Mary Reid
visited friends at Seers* en IftentlaY.
Mr. and Mrs. Soun Cleave and Mr.
and Mr& Paul Clewvisited friends. at
Sad Axe, Mkh., the peat- week, entze.
turned home on Monde!.
The following summer reskients spent
the week -end and Thanksgiving
their cottage here: Dr. ?lock, wife. son
and daughter. of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs,
W. fl Mohnen, delight* Mazy and Son%
Villiers and Jim of London: Mr. and
Mrs, Chat. VAIL son arid • daughter. of
London; Dr. Tillaum, wife abtl
' csiiMiiiiviimilaimiliiiiiiimuliiii601114******moiiiiimilinimiolm44*
AttractiViS new styles in all the
season's popular abodes.
Reblocklus and teraodellux
carefully sad trauma*
Gotha* Gold Stripe Hose
•, tar fall
—We Invite Your Patronage—
C. A. & 5. licKINNON
Plow* 1S$ The Sum*
. .
Ole summer daya ,wlatt etgui b�
Black elands are lit the sky;
D's time to buy a Leather Coat
To keep you warm and dry.
Bargains on Wallpaper
Sarni& BOAS to eboosee tram.
let your house talked before
• winter (lets in.
ViCtOtia Si. • Phone 157
• Restaurant
Ice Cream Parlor
Candy Specials
• Mandl rliCAN KISSES
nit& CRUM CARA1411040e
Os the Squire, Geich
• '• Wg$111.1:ELD
1Vilsses Mary and Bertha Rills are Tor-
onto visitors this Week.
• Mise Mae Vincent. of GOderich, spent
Thanksgiving under the parental roof.
Public school was closed last Thurs-
day and Fridays, owing to the 'Feathers'
Mrs. •Geo. Annestay, of • Goderich,
epent Sunday with het parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Wal. (levier. •
btr. Len Eversfield, of- Toronto'
epending a few day et at the home of 1/1r.
and Mts. Fred J. Cook.
Mr. and MM. Melbourne McDoWell
• and fatuity were renewing old aqui*.
tanees at Westfield on Sunday.
Mo. 1 1.Loisley and family, Of Whig -
ham, ;spent the weekend with the lady's
parents, ear. and Mrs. J. 1t.
• the Y. P. of WeStdeld expect to pre-
sent their play, "Climbing Roses," at
Porter% Rill on Monday, Get
Mrs. Redmond, Miss Mace Red-
mond and Mr. Raymond Redmond were
Michigan visitors over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry bteArittie,
Goderich, visited with the fernier%
Mother, Mra. M. ateVittle, on feundee.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vineent and fame
ily, ofBelgraVe, were guests at the liana
Of Mr. *fel Mrs. It Vincent on Sunday.
A number of the ladies of the West.
field W, M. 8, Soeitty met with the Blyth
Queen St. W. M. S. &tidy on 'ruesdsy
of last week.
Professor and 1%,to. Robertson, of Tor.
onto, liesses Mary and Margaret 114i.
ertton, ot Oodetich, visited on Friday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. U. /Campbell.
Anniversary services at 'Westfield
tinned thatch were Iron attended last
Sabbath, there being a capacity congre-
gation both afternoon and evening.
Rev. Mr. Watts. of Ooderich, delivered
two stilendid addresses. The music for
• the afternoon eerelee was rendered by a
quartette from Whitechorth, riantely.
Mears, Perrier. Culillisore, liettreft Matt
Martin. Mr. Sleet Cullialore also reit.
&red a solo which was very much en-
joyed• ,At, the eVerting *emir* the thoir
was melded by Me. Harvey Eisler, of
Woodstock, as soloist, which Was Much
PHoNE 47
Now PlaYing William Powell and Kay Francis la *Tim GREAT
New film and new sound accessories bring the greatest of all musical
comedies to the Capital screen for the first time. ,
Vocal and instrumental harmonlea—superb dancing--funeeroMance—
and glorious color. '•
in three nights of grand entertainment with a matinee Wednesday
at 3 o'Clock.
Meet Waco McCauley. and Hornet O'Lavvrie, the grandest guys on
the Rio Orsilide And the funniest screen team east of the wide open
spaces. ! .
- IN
'The Vanishing Frontier'
a colorful panorama from the land of the hot heads.
Cotning—Oct. 24th, 25th,, and 26th—leritain% outstanding screen
tees measly; Wednesday and Saturday at 3.00 p.m.
Miss Alice Sowerby, of Toronto, spent.
Sunday and tile rionctay at tne home of
aler rather, Mr. Win. Elowerby,
bees Marguerite falconer, of Gode.
den, spent dunday and the holiday at
inc home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Falconer. •
Miss Marion .Porter, of the Goderich
Collegiete Institute, spent the holiday
Week -end at the borne of ,her father,
ete Richard otter.
Mr, anci.Mrs. Gordon Orr and tamily
spent Thaniqgiving Sunday at the home
ot • the lady% parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Grahanl. of Goderich,
miss Helen Davidson, of London, spent
the 'Thanksgiving week -end and holiday,
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
edrS. Robb. Davidson.
Mr and Mrs. Chris. Johnston. and
family visited on Sunday at the tome of
their son-in-law and daughter, Mrand
ivIrs. Albert Barker, of coderich.
'Fhankigiving visitor's at the home of
Mr. and Mrs Victor Ross were Mr. and
Mrs. 3, W, Shripson, of Toronto, and
Mr, and Mrs. 'Geo. Ross, of Goderich.
• Mr. and Mrs, Trgwartha, of Holmes-
ville, visited at the horrie, of Mr.' and
Mrs. Geo. McIlwain on Sunday and re-
newed acquaintances at Union church.
The regular meeting of the V. P. S.
of Union church will be held on 'Friday
evening at the home of Miss Nora Sow-
erby, Miss Lena Colwell WU1 have
charge. •'
.AnniVersary services are being held in
Union church on Sundasr, Nov. inet. Rev,
0. W. Butt, of Gorrie, a former pastor,
*ill be the speztkee. There Will be Spe-
cial music,
Mr. and Mrs WM. Falconer and far:o-
ily, of Stanley Township, °were Sunday
visitors at the home of the forrier's
brother, Mr. Geo. Falconer mid Mrs.
Valtoner. • 12
Miss Ruth Evans was at Goderich on
Thursday and Friday attending the
Teachers" Convention and spent the
week -end and holiday at the home of
her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Evans, Cline
While the Union Church is being new-
ly decorated the service will be held in
the Orange Hall, commencing next Sun-
day, when Rev. 3„ W. Hedley, of Thames-
ville, will etoulitct the service at 3 P.111.
Sunday school at 2 p.m.
• Rev. •A. Sinclair, of Hensall, chairman
of the Huron Presbytery, occupied the
pulpit of 'Onion 'church on Sunday and
deliveted an interesting Thanksgiving
address from the text, "And the house
was filled with the Odor of the tent.
ment," John 12:3. • •
Whs. JUS. Ross returned home hum
Getterich on Monday after aperiding see-
eral weeks recuperating front her recent
illness at the borne of, her on and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George
Bedroom Suites at rediiced
prieets, also many odd pieces at
front 10 to 20% distount. •
• Congoleum Rugs included in
this lot.
• Farnitare. beater and Panama
ittanditon St. tioderich
Ross, We are pleased to report 'that
she is much improved in health.
• The annual thankeffering meeting of
the W. IVY. p. of Union church, which
was to have been an open meeting for
the congregation at the tome of Mrs. J.
B. Orr, has been postponed until Wed. .
nesday evening, Oct, 19th, on account
of the W. 1VT. S. Conference behig held
at Blyth on October 12th,
(From another correspondent)
The Young People plan to hold a Mal-
lowe'en social on Hallowe'en night.
More particulars later.
• Mr.and Mrs. Bert Trewartha of
Flolmesville, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. 3411wain,
• Riverton Lodge, 1.0. L, 145, plan to
hold their annual oister supper on the
evening of Nov. 5th. More later.
• Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Falconer and 'Vec-
tor, er Clinton, spent Sunday at the
home of. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Falconer.
Mi. and Mrs. Rudolph Sieling, Mss
Roxi Sieling and Mr. Emerson Rasme,
of Ethel, spent Sunday at the home of •
MI. and Mrs. John Sieling.
The annual harvest home .service of
Zion church, Taylor% Corner, will be
held on Sunday evening, Oct 23.rd, Itt '7
O'clock. Hey. F. C. Elliott, of Ingersoll,
former minister, will conduct the service.
cheir from the Gotterich 13apt1sf church
speelei music will be provided by it Male
and Taylor's Corner.
• The fir.et light beacon for aviators
flying overseas has been installed at CM-
eanhar, on the coast of Brazil.•
• and Be. Ready,
for the colder weather.
Ladies' and IVIen's coats
•:cleaned and pressed to
look like new at the
French Dry Cleaning Works
We can tale care of
• your requirements in
Stoves) and in fact
anything for the
I Os the Broadway of Galeria
New individual models for the weekLend
• that are tremendously chic
hese New hats show that the ittferftf in quality
is not waning. They are excellent in work.
n2anship, quality, and style, and offer
the latest in fashion that the design.
ers can bring to you consistent
• with moderate prices.