HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-13, Page 7"I
r'.l' ilffi 'D:4,.y, WT. 13th,, 1932
3PAO•lr, arm
te=a--=�> T - Lan �P ,` q wok
and PAW, twedHemt and hazer Qn tlw
.M - r•r ,r.r..+•.mn*s®.o..�ns ,.+r i-- - -` the Am 41 Nr +I�1�tuor'. and wok 1tF.X' ��•ii
before w bower of torn, 131411" artd gut' paps of psof O alb pc faithful teacx0u of ..
the word of b1 f►recept grad exAtnple
limn fianvrers, laoke>i ipper lrafi it1 Growing deaf Ilw�th Head.
st pale blut� aAt4is go!a�t, +dipper Hength, a rill not fA11 iu thtr,e dAys of probletnatizi - . I
W ME long white itid glavea and 1r iuctldeAu o#, �{ • {�•t family lite, Am.si Ali the •chw4e, andi Fragrance Sealed In Meta
VWU and o"ago blossoms, her only or -i Nolses P Try This, fear send ii9srd the prolmises Qf Cl:d'�
1 , s:tand fart and ills laurpo:eS era. rsteadHHy
,and Occ#sionally Some Mem VAwsut being thsD groola # kfit, 46 string onward, it U the part of Ali parents In
- __
at crylitsu, she carried 0 bouquet of E
• � i E iY� tnters;Qurse tvHt9t their ehlldre;a
Y pini, weed white Sweetheart terser, valley if y�au are growing ?Yard of hearing, th(Ir cls
G,6lwilr7i)tCi! �tOlilFN° Jnr.•.••• .. lilies, lrraldenhAir fent and 4 sprig of offer from head nolws, due to eatarr4, to so live as to stir up aspiration, After n a
White heather. jar
ft ct catarrbQ zafle medicine gw4Uleshh u 110 er. happier coxaditiozl life, Tisa► {it
X*tSTI`rllTir7 11Ai<lufiiiNfr µ en of by the Apostle as the'°later>
The Quderich Women's institute held 1*&I" I*� � already brought telessed relief to thou- tura and adtlaQuit" Qf the Lard,°"
n ftTGPARXi1S01�7-`t'1tt�'Olit
a�_.,n� Its regular meeting in MacKay hall on lands of catarrh sufferers. Th@ relationships of master and sero
. Thursday, the president to the chair. ��* 0' ` �" % I The wedding was quietly solydmnized Secure: frcl , gout ciyWlgist Y aa, Far" vant are +►venues for Chrlst4wn fellow-.
This betnC grandmothers" clay, sixty "� ! at the ,Baptist parsonage by tb@ pastor, mgnt (ilau a Strength). Take this ship. Thuse whale duties In Hlfo are cf C lqr
members were present, to do honor to tqRfv. W. T. Bunt, on Tuesday, October home and add l plat hot water and It tbo lowliest d(ecrlpt9cn tray gat" As hlgb I
the guests. in spree of the inclemency of A o i 1tth, of William Albert ?Ac-bardson, .flan little sugar. a reeQmpense as those who more In the ,
the weather, a . of Mr. and liao. George Ri^»hantson, of TZ A utul times A
and Margaret zjgr* should bring yule#: trifle from distrea� first walks Qt sateiety. every lawful erm�
Y i
Bank .books were presented on behalf : Ashfield totrzish9p, ploymeat has a saered character. The
of the iustitute by Miss U. E. iSalkeld, lathy, daughter of :Air. And lire, Willi*% s7hig eatArrltal head, noise,, clogged 404- diatineti0ns of mea in their tOMPQral I OF� G ni v
honorary president, to the two new .7 iproctor, of ooderich. Tice young couple trl% difficult breathing and dropping capacity ltavo no corresponding• 41AIM"
. ` ` -� babies. The members were asked to set were attended by ,the bzdide-4OWr�+� mucous, All threatened With catarrhal tions in their eternal, Qod is no To- l _ •� °
,. aside airy clothing suitable for s+, bale to brattier -au lAw. M iau deafness need simple, effective Paxmint. Spector of persons. � ,whosoever means me. Word by ward; for °'Ne ,weer and xebuked the windsand
sent away ata #Ater date, / ,Palmer, of. olluton. ' The brlds was Paul egatlnues his discourse by show- he repeated after me flat golden text of t2 a loll►. and iihere was a great calm.",
in burgundy gette trimmed
.,, ,- - The president, Gars. Ttalues. wins sp- t</ charwing b gruldy fig Ing thsst ht all relationships of life the i scripture, And as I zoo@ to go he said, And the darkness was rent that@. for ,'Oh,
Twir}ted a 'delegate fa lite convention to s T 'with chiffon velvet, with hat and shoes and' "I feel so mach heifer now,' and, he how tightly he held that Lantern,
layer of earn flake crumbs, Cover with
source of needed trtu gth, power I'
be held In Walkerton on October 18 and �` to tuatch, while the iuideswsid was ores- apple sauce, to which the fruit juice .r guidance must. ever be kept hi mired' and. wandered off to sleep again murmuring �m this journey-roa(1 through the in -
F9, with Mrs. J. Tr Salkeld as substitute. i wed in flowered thufon with matching Leman rind hast been added. Sprinkle „ finite, there are. swame things we can
. r ,I; be drawn. from, l�'ivally, my brethren, ,•and whosoever mean's fife,
Roli•call was answered by ptoverba and , , . 1,cwsisories. 1"allowing the car aY all the top with a. layer of torn flakes, Dot Stz4pg in.the Lord and iu lite pawls x can dQrvn into- that ° n@Ighborhoad .filers forget; things we 'do not want tan•
'altl`tlute maxims, Mrs. f'1..1deNevin ex- �s . retttrued ext lite bowl of the pride s1 parr with ?mt►tter , B,iske ;1i8 tit"go' flnutesi in again four days later, but he lead jOfn.Rd forget. BY Rev. G. E• dtogers, Rolla,
hllplted a piece of htup(iw�►rk-made over �� , :,,r 1 <�° entcf�w9tere w dt►lxsty-•'lldtllitg°aitit6 Last a moderate oven. nerve with whipped of His might,"' e
. WOlitl A 111111MONB that "great multitude which no man can B. ( ,
. shit ,Ygafg'ssg0 ; ; •. , e was set`Wd, s,ater the happy Young cream, number•-�sav'ed Or lobs precious blood.
A special ,.gram was arranged by couple le#t on their wedding. trip, to 1)e put :the earn flake charlotte right In Last winter I had been awaY for two I len speaking with his kindly, mother, rhe "
pec p ti s
the special committee, airs. A, Nimble. spent. at Toronto,. (Niagara Falls and the oven, with the ham: and potatoes At- days visiting the southern half of my said to me, „lie passed peacefully away NO SLEEP, NO REST
won, Mrs, peak land Mrs. W. UoPressth, r other .places, and on their return will ter the latter dish has been baking about work,, attd when I arrived home late at cyst t;o hours ago, and oh, bow, he held /. i
consWing of readings and musical num- . , ,r• take up residence on the groom's farm. 4Q minutes: It the dewrt is not brawn, night, I learned that A man had come how tightly he held that Uritetn" STOMACH GAS IS CAUSE.
iters, Then tame singing by the grand•. at fort A.lbmt- when the ham and potatoes are dobe, over, specially. on howback, saying that 1n that augment, I felt the joy of the
mothers. This was°followed by contest,; .,....--.---"'-' leave it in the oven for a few minutes a ,dying, boy was very amrioua to see me. reaper; the honor of the Ambasaador; Air° A Claud stays; , years X had :
the winners being lsrs, Sanderson, Mrs. ,. • longer and Increase the heat slightly, The next morning I set off twelve stiles and the radiance of our Christian faith a d' gas Was nervous
While the main part of this dinner is north, send found a little bit of Africa and could fiat s1eRp. dtdlRrika rid me of
bad stomach an
. Wallough'.Aud Mrs. J. T. Salkeld, ed by the",presidents of the varj*ous aux- Little I ngerrs, a1H In one, It thrilled me to .learn that
A dainty lunoh•...was served by the six a ri@feopsis Of their s cooking in file oven, heat .the bets. u here !n the t'caC@ River, having come all stomach trouble and now t sleep- `
iliartes,who gave b drain and season with butter, wilt and y this ]#tele»known son of Africa felt no �e,, +CAMP'X3F1LI.'S DRUG STORE.
hostesses. The grandmothers were alae , by way of tits southern States in part
accomplishments SA4 labors• throughout '�(>� �i Meals racking 4f the haat among the blll.wa,
. ed .together at a1 large table beautifully the: Year. M9ss :Snider, . X4WArdine, fav- - pepper. Whip . the cream for the dessert history. In a homestead cabin, far re•
decorated with autumn leaves . and flow- —^^- and make the bevera!<@. Finish setting moved from hospital .and those comforts
. ored with a delightful solo, Which , WAS .. .
p ars, rauoh enioyed,*.her stccompaniment being. RY BARBARA B. 141tOQ$B the table, and the dinner is ready to 9a warily lacking under such Conditions, . 11 I
° MRS. lin P. J. Li}NE' $PEAKS Played by Mrs. (Rev.).)' D. McCul- gsoalm the kitchen is the scone,of no serve, I looked upon one of Afric'S .aulierflag .
t� v )
tough, much activity, children find it the most `— eons.. It was with no max@ formal Wel-
AT PUNGAIVlQO1V lilEE1'II!iG gollowing elle ,offering, the dedloatorY « e that his kindly mother met me at
fascinating room in the. house, It, atmn'y ':V��edlCin�@
Erskine Presbyterian church, Dungan• prayer was offeried by •Mrs: Richard .Mc- special Is going on there they are -p
the' door, and said, :'I'm s. glad You've y •
non, was the centra for representative Sunday Afterntaon come;_ he's been looking for you every
when on Tuesday, Qat. 0h a the uest speaker sure to w under foots. Their: presence i Had"
Whsnney, Dungannon. .Mrs.," (Rev.) I3,
gathering, , Y, J, Lane, C3gderich, w at B is not always a great help to .the cook s>• rsn>#kr. uafittr,'t'ax, Gttd9rlch, one. � day for a week," The•lad was sleeping C��I�ren ���� �t�Pr,
about sixty ladies,. members of the W.M. and; ohaosing as " texts the following and there are times when .they should be. when T sat down by his hard wooden '++s' ■ l mow, ■. -
.S. ,of various .e0gregations in this sea- r from Ho ..Scripture: (1) Wth coaxed awl rto mare suitable Attract=s „ } bed, and when he awoke And saw me, a
. words # lY the y. • our children, Lord,' in, faith and prayer I broad smile broke over his dusky feat-
ti= lion of the 'Presbyterial-, met far the a - stance :of thfttgsl hoped for, but f d s..or the . playroom- Flow ,,From file day I purchased the first three bAhies. My little girl, who waw
. ec .is the sub ,, o . ow ip ores as he said I knew You would
tional meeting of that o anitation. Re-� e ' of things mat ween, (�) •'rTi ye er, . no cIiild should be deprived of .the We riow devote to Thee, ' box for my forst baby until present troubled for a i.ng time with stubborn.
t6 evidence ng ev ,
set from Ash- M me I will 1. Let them " Thy covenant mercies share, • come." I said to him, "Do You know , a
•presentatives were present shall ask anything, in y Name joy of •seeing: the, 'tragic which .produces day, BABY'S OWN TABLETS have cOstivene s, derived" We greatest bene -
R 1 » Lu know f3duth ,• " he n Christ Jesus arra of seen And Thy salvation see: ' . me?" "Oh, yes," said he, "'I know you; been the• only medicine my four chil- fit,
6 field, Kincardine, ip ey, a do it, and (3) T Ma tits .Supper from
'11, I ill-.. for ` 11" site an Y and the In early days their hearts secure you're Mr. Rogers, and yours a good ++ ,
•Xialoes and -Dungannon, also some v who ave Himself A ransom.... all," _ leaves; meat, fruit, flour, milk a Y 111 risen have ever had, writes Mrs,lTA sive YO'U8,cbUd BABY S OWN
From worldly snares, we pray; xry
g urea to, come and leo .etre. I m very Filmer, Cumberland Bay, N,B, .This ,TABLETS for teething troubles, upset �=
tors from the losj&I churoite$ here. The gave a, most helpful And appealing ad- ,like, "Hardly any Child will find junket
ra d lin And let thein to the end endure and I'm :not quite sure of my faith, and. proves beyond doubt that 73ABY'S gtomaths colic pails, simple ieVexs,
meeting was presided over. by Mrs. A. J• dress along the line of, faith, p yes sun • uninteresting if he leas wats5hed it b g
Pre if: o Dr. least -bit in every :ri�riteous way. Amen, 1t makes me a}xthappy; Ctsn you help 0tl�l TABLETS, 6y correcting slight colds; constipAtlon;.slecplessne5s, or
' McKay, Kincardine, -one of the Presby.
sacrifice. She outlined the life e f , made and !f he has helped ilio _# .
is presidents, and a varied. and who, despite physical the est dessert ever. . Thomas Uawels, me?" disorders very efficiently at the begin- whenever he is cross;.restless and fret-
texial vice p es! I ' quietly .read to hem from the Gospels nin '' prevent. . mote serious ailments Children take cross,,
sweet little.: .
f Hudson. Taylor... w P it !s sure to be b IfRA'YER. q Y B, P, n. fol, � 1. F ,
interesting program lugs presented, T>e-' disability and. lack. of 'necessary funds, It !s needless, to say,. that:" the mother
. - the comfortktg words of our Saviour, and . developing. tabletsus readily as candg--find they xc
. vottonal exercises were coriftted, by Persevered and, 'through Gods grace, who cooks with her.children as an and avenl Father, who knowest all. ouranalyst's.
.. He Y i a. ke of that great that reaches
members of the _Dungannon auxulary, m i tied almost. miraculous results. e e as no las task, and she must a l nations and spoke • Mrs, N.rman Lang9lle,`Ncw Germany, absolutely SANE (Sec ser» .
co Pi S l fit h Y needs, bless the women of _l. ri out to the .last, the .least and .the lost: ��
'Mrs. Robert. Fitz erald reading the scrip She eflniteness in prayer, backed methods. Ina ear "or two N:S., sa s; i have used BABY'S tificate in each 2S -cent package.)
1VT ert B She urged d . , look to her Y . ive. them strength. for the new burdens qq �,
o, $ How intently hip eyes were friend, I upon TAl1LETS axclusizrely in :reaxing my ,1,250,00 packages sold in 1. . t,,,
tore lesson.,, On behalf of the auxiliary by faith, which has Rower to draw up daughtex,:an¢ son as.well, will no long h have 1n our time been laid upon I said; "NOW, m friend,. before Otter A D g
Erskine Presb erlan :church. Mrs. lie 'Storehouse. •"$o" many ' whfC d me as ai ,� a Y
, . of yt Gods unlim d S . • . ser be content•to.stand by and.watgh, but m. Increase thY gifts of Wildon. and Tm going, to Out a'lantern 1)R. WILLIAMS' : - , W, '
Davidson in a few well chosen words, bid have never heard of Jesus Christ, 'and, will want to 'do things for themselves. theo 6el and strength, that I leave you . g g p ,
the delegates a heart welcome to T)uiT-" o excuse ourselves by 6lving ; wi 1 o thins ' ust as mother �awledge, .oi c uti . in your hand that will guide you through ,
d g Y we must not. " And they 1 d B 7 ,� ' they May VAlk worthy bf their voc�-
the„Walley., Then I read to. him that a a a M .
gammon, -to which Mrs; McKay made a . up the work to others. 1t 1s not so does. The little: •girl who i a -born tions'. to the honor of d.'hrist our Lord.
pleasing reel : A comprehensive report ugh:a mafteta question but;our sea-• k” and the en of allher:friends match less.. text in. the•New Testament: M • � w '
. .p 6 y. m ry r toad envy . ...Amen.• (Selected). "For cod so: loved: Me world,...... that,. .
1.•of the., summer school at Kintail was lization of what cart . be accomplished a d`Meir' mothers: has. watched' her own "
,, i . u E5 ON FiD1i OCT. 23rd. 1932. whosoVer belieVeth'on FYfm shall not per: ' . ` mttltd Kee Children. Well � As Mattliers it;naw
given. by M1ss .T+f, H,. McI{enzle of Trip throw h Sstith, prayer and sacrifige. mother dozens. of times and follows the s• ' S. +'=and Make p
g To ic—Problems of flee Modern .fish but shall have everlasting life
ley„ who was the delegate of the Presby- A solo. by Mrs. Davidson, of'Dungan- same' orderly routine. She knows. what Lee_,in p
ii t gathering. She reported a 1n aX to Mrs.: Lane's fit to use an how Home: ,i. -� �• �- -
terial to t a B g P non, was a fitting climax utensils and equipme d • ,
c lar er attendance,. increased. int@rest and earnest sal, $ 'handle hem. rhe knows All about. Lesson Pa• ate --Joshua 24,14, 15f Ephe .
. g. app o iia t o1. }
valuable .Instructi.n .received from .the .L.
Miss McDougall;. at present in: Iain= her stove. She, understands recipes and Waris Bol -8.
lectures which were given by prominent sardine, and for, flve.years: a valued the Importance of measuring carefully. oeld�n Texts-Toshua_24:Yb.
mer{ of the church, a profitable, as well .� die gave wit interesting ac ;She •does not burn herself,, spill things,
•ionary;in India, Ba. After long career of victorious War
. as pleasant time being spent, count of some of her experiences in'that'.forget'to watch :food in.. the oven or, •use, .
The roll -call of auxiliaries was answer and where she was very close- I all the pans in"the house to make 's gin- fare; followed by an. old age of compsua
far -away 1 , five" repose, Joshua consciously drew near
ly associated. with Dr.. Margaret .O'Hara, i gereake She may need advice and help o his earth# 11fe and, like l
' h c and where; the names 'of,. Dr:. Marion but. she will do a lot of things the right to the"close, L Y
n K� - ver and:, Margaret WacKellar are way , just because: she has seen them done `Doses,. he determined to give , to the i
r r M il�� Oliv Israelites assembled at Schechem, the
�. household wordw. Her, memories of•: the . in no 'other way '
Dlide•Mrlii�Whs wai 60wII YE Sabbath Day and:its services,' its Bundy benefit of his ,parting counsels, In the I
.; • sin•t ail or ar.a,r Avvly Cooking will never be 'drudgery or a midst of the. elder$, the chiefs, the rnagl-
• king• a d•,y, 'Foe Ftwt Bee• schools; etc., are: ail of the happiest. { bore for this child, Every .step ,will :be ates of Israel; surrounded by a re- , ; ' T.
' am Th• Luiia.nt ftwir find The Juniors, of ,Dungannon, sang a
w Hobo. a great adventure: Her first .will utk air
. , ... � e fid Mrs, McWhinney speotful people; formebly bondsmen of •� � � I
hie S/ all t : Pharaoh, but.now in pa?ssession, of a rich ..
RS )NO t, � a►y no pletislag numb r, a ity to prepare an entire dinner Will mark. �ry
. - Presbyterial President, of 'Dungannon, a fired letter day. A menu such, As .the and beautiful c untry their illustrious « .
4+ ,., IIIIIII ave the closing Words hr which she o 'IS` MOriQTC�! of t6 �1!�'�'
..; a •
s3 following -would be very suitable for such
M stressed our.. r� ponsib#1lty. towArd the T wand venerable commander=-ihe' oldest:
missionaries. She Cxplanted the One on' man !h all their nation—spoke to them
„ important Occasi I
Step Forwatrd" movement,, which has Ilam scalloped with Potatoes H w -sons. Aird of what did a speak?
EE f /��+ be:n accepted by our church. "40 For- ]Buttered Beets . He was,' soldier, and his carve
r had been
4 � Yf '. � „ is c3od's mesnage today. Site Shredded Lettuce Salad, *cnch Dressing essentially military, but he spoke to'
. ward,I AG,AI�N L I ."
pointxd out that, while we may not have Whole Wheat Bread Butter them, not of Conquest but of tl}e"holiness
" live on" toga "we have as Corn ] lake Charlotte Ar?d the obedience; which become .the
as much to y, C
much to live foie, and urged that we Whipped Cream People chosen of tFcd, ,Itis Stich a rill- D � iL'` C � � ' T � � 1 .
u hold the hands of leaders. Caffeine -free Coffee course as a patriarch might have given I r {,,, a • �;\�
p .: upozf his death -bed, or a prophet might . .
. . �".. - i1. --^ • Mrs.., ,(.It ) . Moore, of Brussels; was Method -of preparing dinner, Do •glee . -
have uttered ,from the valley of vision; , /�•
nominated, as the "'key woman" for the marketing in the morning. " Wash let- G
,.+ - - Fie called tp mind the benefits which.
Presbyterial, in the "One Otep Forward" tuce. and place in the refrigerator in a. a a'a D .
age after age, had been Showered upon ����
�� ����
movement. • . covered container or waxed paper. Can
sin and, the benediction, Pro. red, beets Iain be used, if `fresh: beets the race of Abraham, and concluded with" •
;' �1. . i L L .1 : e .. The ging the impressive wards,- "Choose ye .this . . p ` g
l:i nounced by Rev. D, • J. ,Lane, brought 's are used, cook them. in the morning and ' pRI Lh'1 T
Again for "dinner, -;If they are day whom, us will serve; but as for me .
very profitable meeting to a Close. All heat . aril 'my house; we will serve the Lord;" }
V then adjourned .to the basement, where cooked at 'dinner time, be sure to start That call to decision keeps ringing f. , , . EW
I I.asocial hour was spent and where. re- them before fixing the ham and. potatoes
LAWN SERVICE :WATER, RATES through the chutoh still and is the sure
freshments, were served by the ladies' of as it will take from a0 to 6Q minutes to foundation of family life, in these mod ONCE`
eook them, depending upon the sire. I ! '; . .. -- - --
Use of, water for lawn service !s, Dungannon, ern times -as Joshua- saw--it-to-be in' his ` • -
•-• • `- —� The apple ,sauce to -be used in the corn
' from : flake charlotte can also be .cooked. ahead day. The duties and responsibilities Of .
> Ills pass. on froth' generation to genera- I a* •
.5 (five) o'clock in the afternoon to 1 of time. •
tion CHR^ SILENT -
$ (eight) , o'clock In the eveaing•
T %�/t / . .66S
Yy U.4.L / LIng
St is well to allow one hour for bak-
I the scalloped ham and potatoes .and
"Time like an ever -rolling strea;tt
its sone
to Robert Henry Sayers, of Exeter,
of Mrs. E. J. Sayers; of pointe claire, Juice of era Orange or
SptcidlA116tudiwe loi'Etrery OU lWiO
Anyone.. using water for lawn
of life," writes
-Her Mrs, ArCltie fliC
FAchole, Ropoville,
to preheat the oven.
Beata all away;
They fly forgotten, as a dream
MODEL 2i93. Lowboy
console i' iieppple
unattended, entered the living room On gutter a pudding
�-, — ",,,-
cmt. "I commenced taking Lha 'Pills
ciwdify la to teglbtbr the retial number ofyoux
swot. with your Majestic dealer, Ask for ,
. I
service without first having .made
a proper application, or.
Dies at the opening day„
How short the life of ;a generation
ontode autpli1f(6Uon,
detects cod
Anyone .using lawns service out
of the above hours, will be dealt
Avery pretty wedding was solemnized
in Toronto on Wednesday, September 28,
1 slice of ham (one inch thick) .
,a medium ,sized raw potatoes
seems when we look back .to historical
times l How. short the life of the lndi-
' •
Tubes. e r r �:�9•S0
ttfbee .. � •!iQ'
t10'. every time I feel a little out of sorts,
with according to the regulations,
the:i� I�t�ltt
when Miss Fruth Margaret, daughter of
Victoria Wendorf, of Utkbover, be-
, 1.3 cup flour
2 tbsps,'butter
vidual when he realizes that his Jour-
ney is practically endedi. •How vain ,the
I take them—they have really' peers n1Y
+ a7�at
was botlteted wltlt
fav nerves mere Ito bad could not slcrlp�
• • Y had eavcr al operations full fell mest+rceai to make' apo
only medicine."
Growing girls, and women at the
drestd. time of life, have 31)0 -dal Handl
Ho ��
IL I • .
• •
Community cooperation is soli-
of lire". _ tV491iams' fink Pills, Tjie rleh
lto reels treat by these lents
came the bride of Mr. Carl Lott, son of
is teaspoon salt
expectation once cherished of: ; an Inde.
,carry � every. part of rundown ltysatCsfi3
leads relief would gladlylferofnmond
who are ab I was.
rrgot +oz� #}ebu4lding,jsropertlte �e.
alth diad strength. ` TY thtM.
i n V
For eaie sat all drub ntaai gbsaerAl etaafts; put up only
Mr, and • Mrs. Walter bolt, of 'White
church, The ceremopty was performed;
'Enough milk to cover potatoes (about 3
finite future, when there would.be'ample "
time to make up for All the neglects of
by The T. h0burn (�o.,1,9liatd, Toronto. Ont.
containom title. I
I �;t,er and �:1 hi
by Rev. John F. Ha111daY, pis for of Faith
]Baptist church.. After. the honeymoon
peel and out Potatoes into thin slices,
earlier earsl The prayer.of the Psalm-
fist is needed today AS much as Iiia day.
. •
trip the •happy .couple will reside In Tor-
Place ham in bottom of a casserole.
"Sa teach us to number .ur days, that
we may apply our hearts unto wisdotnl"
� !, :
onto. " ..
Cover with a half inch of sliced pot&-,
totes. Add salt And Pepper to floui Qhot
The great man like Joshua dies, but ori-
THIN the 12tbC twelve months
f /
t.a much Salt as the ham may be quite
other like Paul arises and leaves his im-
V eater pro Less has been ma&
. .
The Ontario street United church par-
wedding on Wednesday morning, Sept.
s&1ty), Sprinkle some of .the flour tnix.
potatoes send dot lightly
pression on thQ peosiie of his lily, And
his wordd, like, ,30shus s, to 0611 " ages.
toward perfect tore is radio than iri
nonage, Minton, was the scene of a quiet
29th . when Rev. F: G. Parrill united in
tore over the
with Part of the butter. Add another
tae -inch layer of sliced .potatoes, sprinkle:
Thust it is we read in the second part of
today's lesson his rule. for family life,
tyle pCeCedirlg four years.
Let YV1a`estiC Radio mark fol itself.
MODEL 303. ,A euperb ecltieYement.: A sixdegged Gothic
. 1,
p p H.
marriage Ida Louise, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs; ,Chas. Josling of Hullett, to Nortnan
again with Hour mittture and dot with
butter.. Repeat this until -ill the pots-
Although tithes have :changed and today
the surroundings and Conditions have
in the 'home there, is :no
Hear it I New; brilliant. tone beauty
faultless demon•
Coneolof) tubes $prays&iriding,?turn-
TS n ationt�' :�
ae De Synehiro dent "luring. •i •I�. .
son of Mrs. Wright and
Poster Wright, 0
the late David Wright of tkoderich town-
s Put the rest of .the flour
toes are used, li
Clutter over `the top. Flli
changed too
betterp plan forthcoming 2or the'build-
lx rformance---will
L Detection, chs .
Diode Detection,
New fullyguarantoodItogors'T'ubes; � i .
�jn ` �(Q
ship. The bride wore a pretty frog k of
blue trimmed with 1&Ce'. Tile
mixture and
the casserole with milk until the pots-
!ng and establishing of family relation-
ships titan those laid dovm by Joshua
parchasere in fu11•tinle radio et>3oy-
$eat AYaterial mind Latest
young couple were unattended. Later In
the day Mr. and Mfrs. Wright left on
toes aro covered. Sake in, a moderate
% oven (37G deg. F',) until the potatoes. are
Three vital fetituree which make it
as Low as i
Expert Workmanship
motor trip to Toronto, siam4lton and
Niagara ,Falls, the bride wearing a suit
done (About 60 to dtl minutes).
With the ham and potato dish 9n 'the
avers, there will be a Sew rralnutes for wet•
is ' tt
M Unly Medlclne
Bible ate: Spray -Shielding for
�°° y
and longer tube life. .
$8.00 a Month
i !r
All Work Guaranteed
Prices 'Reasonable
ofwine ,cloth with fox fur trimming and
to' ritatch, On their return
ting the table, The s&lad could bepre-Fullyguaranteed
greater efficiency
Rogers tubes, new,
T ' I:
Your business tool: he
Mr, And'Mrs, Wright will reside on the
farm in Goderich township, '
pared and the Plates Placed .in the re-
frigerator if there is . room for 'them.
�+ t1
Mrs. MG�a chni4 says Dr. 'Williams
itt. deet ilnd rformarim Twin-
s eakets,synchro synchronized to reproduce
� ',"
1 .
After the potatoes and ham Piave
cooking 11i or 2tl minutes, start the corn
plait IiiIiSlelpe� Ear at
eve musical .note in -the' 8ca(le.
*� .
P. O, 1461 illi
A very pretty wefiding was solemnized
flake charlotte
.. . r t
on Saturday. Aftek"On,. , at
'W't,T. McWn-
Elrt ry CCis13 Ip b11B
S'I61s00 Ill Prized I—maitstic,
" '
s -5. ;.•: --.--..-._.v .. .- _.. _ �.
i e of Mr,
p.m. at. the home
d da titer
2iy cups corn flakes
„Dr. W !l It a ms'
S N t' n•'V�ide Search for old
Aid, Ctrathroy, whet# his el er ug 1 2 Cups sweetened apple sauce
Margery Inobel, was united In marriage I
'son Rind of Xis lemon, or
!� Pink hills have
Greatly been a real friend
tArte aid
RAdia Sete.
. O
to Robert Henry Sayers, of Exeter,
of Mrs. E. J. Sayers; of pointe claire, Juice of era Orange or
BE11C�ittCl� to me in all stages
SptcidlA116tudiwe loi'Etrery OU lWiO
Que. Rev, John Moore, Strathroy, offi- lemon
elated, 'lite svhtcamo bride, tvho was 2 tnblespoene butter
dish and pour; in a
of life," writes
-Her Mrs, ArCltie fliC
FAchole, Ropoville,
eat lettere to
tth Ap ,you abed rias t.
MODEL 291. Campswt
MODEL 2i93. Lowboy
console i' iieppple
unattended, entered the living room On gutter a pudding
�-, — ",,,-
cmt. "I commenced taking Lha 'Pills
ciwdify la to teglbtbr the retial number ofyoux
swot. with your Majestic dealer, Ask for ,
g r�aceful 9•tube' Ulan-
1,iipp'-Y'eiiteldiag 100%'
, white d .. 11 • t) tuheds.
Spray•ehi'eld', , 400ne ,
when I was just budding into woman-
hood tug a very delicate girl, I was
fail' partieulars, Yott may own the grand)
�� winner weed receive $9,tl00 In Goidt
ontode autpli1f(6Uon,
detects cod
pa ntoale ampli flon,
Diodon Neer
� �I ion o f the
touch benefitted. Then at critical
took Dr. Williams'
Now fa tnfrsntoed
Nerves S� a�Y � 1eeP
time of life, I again
""" 'pill!;,and they certainly helped
me through that period safely. NOG/ fit
isitcar<actnted ,tk* ,'t
Tubes. e r r �:�9•S0
ttfbee .. � •!iQ'
pa� awl
t10'. every time I feel a little out of sorts,
the:i� I�t�ltt
iMAJ�STIC R�idit�>it
Mt I
Ure. #wild ilinn jam, Swift Current; Sask. writes •
$11 sipitation of the �learty and
I take them—they have really' peers n1Y
+ a7�at
was botlteted wltlt
fav nerves mere Ito bad could not slcrlp�
• • Y had eavcr al operations full fell mest+rceai to make' apo
only medicine."
Growing girls, and women at the
drestd. time of life, have 31)0 -dal Handl
Ho ��
�� D�
worm overt' time
• I Was getting d Ate Itud my trouble s
of lire". _ tV491iams' fink Pills, Tjie rleh
lto reels treat by these lents
re I t Ine ,to
a trig -fid what recommended taro is feet htilburta a
it Itrt renal who
1 Ner
I thesu�togA
,carry � every. part of rundown ltysatCsfi3
��yta�✓ I•r��
leads relief would gladlylferofnmond
who are ab I was.
rrgot +oz� #}ebu4lding,jsropertlte �e.
alth diad strength. ` TY thtM.
i n V
For eaie sat all drub ntaai gbsaerAl etaafts; put up only
At your druggist's iso DTOMetive 811"
by The T. h0burn (�o.,1,9liatd, Toronto. Ont.
containom title. I
.,, ,� ,
.I . :-