HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-13, Page 5r 5 1 THURSDAY. OCT., 13th, 1982 THE GODERICH STAR Great Weather For Dungannon Fair Big CeOWall Toros (M. -Classes Are Ail Well Filled • Wonderful weather ireded the 11au- glatillen WV today and s. large number of people turned out for this 'popular Manuel event. 'Yesterday all the inter- lor exhibite were placed by 140011, and 'during the Afternoons the • judge* were Willy engaged in their duties of award. ing the prises Recording to the quality Of 'the exhibits. May classes we Well nneri chilly those of dom maim- espe es factta're---bread, cake, paetry„ canned fruit, etc.—which looked so delicious they eteuld tempt the palate of all, even tboee Of most epicurean taste. There were •TOWn wonderful array of tempting lunehee, reeler %Plea:laid exhibits of butter, and e • five o'clock teas, eta. The ladies' raneY LATE sto. erusors FUNElitAL werk, tlioller 'Mt -us 'well */4-44 Tile funeral of George. W-ekitierdYr-eWb0 sante former fairs, wee of a vere high war, end was mach raineherl by those who awit.Flowers vegetables and trait were alse of good qualitythough not so numerous aa upon awn former OeCaSierm Two /OW lbteresting tea,. time this year were the exhibits of the "Heys* Grata Club." nue exhibit* of the grain alb were a. sheaf and bushels of oats while these or the gide' 'glob ooze Meted Of raw vegetabiee and viewed veg- etablea, Whiela looked very attraetive. 'rhe judges in the venom classes in the interior departments Were: rat% IfaXrY vegetables, William UMW; dairy Products, J. R. MeNabb; baking, Lieber J. L. Eedy; canned fruit, Mrs, Juin WUUmz and Mrs, J..7. Wail; fancy work, Miss LyonS; Vain,g, L, At- kinsoa; gjr1s canning, Mee VIM Dm' Mu. Topics 1 , • died en Monday medal*, was held from ' his late residence on the 7th coneession of Goderich Township on Wednesday afternoon. A large attendance at the service and a wealth of feral tributes were signilleant of the esteem in Which on the Pee -Wee golf course, which. did Mr. Sturdy was held, and the sympathy not operate this year. Referred to spe- felt for the 'bereaved family. The ser- elal committee. Vie was in charge of Rev. W. T. Bunt, Bishop Seager wrote thanking council pastor of the Goderich Baptist church,1 for a copy of the booklet: "A Century and of Zion Chinch, Taylor's Corners. of Goderich." Mr. Sturdy was laid to rest ht the Tax collections since September 16th Be An. Early Bird Be a jump or two ahead of the cold weather by • inga Suit or Overcoat N 0 VV Burton Tailored Clothes $25 to $35 Clothes Tailored in Our Shop •$39.50 to $55 Moore's English S.iff Hats—Sot Hats $2,50 and up. Use ow Relining, Remodel- ling and Repair Service. Suits and Coats Dry Cleaned $1.25 • FRANK II. MARTIN TAILOR and HATTER IINWI 4,.....o.44.44444.4144.44•404w 441 • PENSLAR ONE CENT SALE Balance of This Week Only You buy one Penslar item and secure • another for one cent more in Peaslar Medicines and Toilet Articles bit •• CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Gouggica. oNT. -I !Abundant Gante Awaits the Hunters Imo. Square Miles of Cana. • dims Forest Ave • Accessible Objects to Council Haying Majority •(Continued from page 1), balance Of its 1932 grant Referred, to itaanee- A. L. Maxwell applied for a refund on increased assessment and business taX tardily plot in Maitland cemetery, •The pall -bearers were: Messrs. 0. Ginn, W. A. Edward, George 0. Sturdy, Wm. Pat- ton, Wm. Haake and James Connolly. NEW PASTOR INDUCTED Induction services were held on Wed- nesday afternoon in Ashfield Presbyter- ian church when Rev. J l. McCilllivary was inducted as pastor ,of that congre- gation, which has been without a pastor since the resignation o! Rev. Mr. Colcm-. houn in May. 'Rev.. W. Williams of Cranbrook, the moderator, presided; Rev. Mr, Patterson, Bluevale, preaehed the sermon: Rev. Mr. Hanna, Ripley, mod- erator of the charge, oatlin.ed the steps which led up to the call; he also ad- dressed the minister, while Rev. J. L, Burgess of South leinloss, addressed the people, Rev. Mr. McGillivary, who is a brother of Rev. Dr. McGillive,r3r of were •$5187.36, the collector reperted. The following reports were adopted by coundll: Finanee Committee "We have examined the tax collector's' statement of. September I6th, and re, commend, that as the.assessment is now complete, the tax collector be instructed to enforce tax collections. .'The sum of $84.60 has been dejamited as the town ee share of the grandstand recetpts at the fall fair. • "We have examined the following ac - Counts and recominend that they be paid: J. A. Canipbell, acid for lire de- partment, $1A0; Pred Hunt, $2,80; Do- minion Government, rent of bathing beach, $1.00; Dr. Hunter, expenses to .m.os. convention, $33.50; MarEwan & Tebbutt, gas for fire truck, $3.66; E. IX Brown, charity, *5.50; Cole's bookstore. IcPeopk We Know' 40=1.4.•.4.4.04444.41•1 POO Vette' was in Detroit last week; ' ' Iva; Reg. Smith was hotne from Tor- onto tor the tielidAY. Mise Madeleine proctor visited friends gt Lueknovi last week, Mr. W. T, Murney, 4,P., is a visitor in Toronto this week. • Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Lee were up from Toronto for the weekeend. • Mr. and Mrs. L. IL Zinn spent Thanksgiving Day in TorOnto. Mrs. James Hamilton is visiting her daughter, Mra Larkin, at Riverside, Miss. Dorothy Marshall, of 'Toronto, was a Thanksgiving visitor in town, . • Mise Irene Abell, of. Toronto, visited over the holiday with leer parents here. "Bob" Stoddart, pole vaulter, has re- turned from a plea.sant visit in Chicago. • Mr, George Smith, of Toronto, a fore mer Goderichite, spent Thanksgiving Day here. Mr. .and Mrs. John Longmire visited in Mitchell and Atwood on Saturday of last week. • Mr. and Jdrs, G. U. -Elliott, at London. Were visitors in Goderich over the week - Captain Andrew Powlie has returned to Goderich after spending the season on his boat. Miss Rose Pox, who has been visiting in Toronto for the past two weeks, has twat* reterit yearn •tbee IlaS beeti 1 an exceptional increase In the 111110ber of people of this country W110 enjoy the ENO of hunting and rattily thousands go afield yearly, with rifle Or shotion. No rather section of dm worlkt can offer to the spertemall the same favorable conditions as prevail In Canada 'With its immense areas of Virgil* territory within rapid and comfortable means of aceess. Vast Illuatiag Areas This country possesses over 1,000,000 t'quare railea of forest, which shelters game animals ranging from the timid rkeebolarMoose,to 1110 leaturibru.dedslk.tiloteerorr bighorn sheep, mountain goat, timber ?AM And bear are pleritifel end May be, bleated. derive opea seasons Of generous length. • I'M Feat Abartibuit, • The numerous lakes and ponds of =- therm Canada are the breeding places of the main waterfowl population ot the American eontinent, consequently ducks, geese and other waterfowl are plentiful, bI normal years, The ruined grouse or partridge is the most important upland bird and is common to every province, while woodcoeir, Prairie chicken, Hun- garian partridge and ptarmigan provide good sport, in certain districts. • • hunting amends Easy of Access Accessibility is an outstanding feature or muck of Canada's hunting territory, The country is well served by roads, rail ways and steamboat iines, over which the sportsman may travel in conifort, to the "going in" point. Areas previously inaccessible may also now be reached by airplane in a few hours' flight, Detrain- ing or "going in" points are numerous throughout games areas and at these will be found reliable outfitters and qua- lified guides, who are prepared to look after the sportsman's every need. and guidance while in the hunting territory, In several of • the provinces it is com- puhory for the hunter to be accorriPen- led. by a guide but, even in those pro- vinces where it is not tompulsory, it •Is often advisable to engage guides, These returned home. Guelph,•came from pennsylvania, USA. office supplies, $13.00; ,r. W. Critigie,.in- attended the Treater -Richardson wed- mr. and Mrs, Vidor Geeeri, Detroit, men, being familiar with the territory in hreat1yt o1' iheey enjoymentoi operate are a raeo dabsleucethessadocif • Conservation of Game • A mule quartette composed of. Leaman sinance, 07.12; A. Higginson, ser'nees ding on' Tuesday. the trip.- IVreKay, Henry lereleenzie, Neil Men - at Artcraft factory, $23.20; J. E. Huck- zie and Donald McLean,. all of Asblield, ins, band leader, •$6e 30; Goderich Star, contributed a quartette which was much eeinting and adverc( 'g, $19,09; Wm, eajoyed. At theclose of the service all Proctorttending to lire trial; 110.00; repaired to the basement. where lunch Pablic 'Library Board, on account of was served and a, social hour enjoyed. grant $100; S. J. Andrews, field sae, • Miss Worthy Bleck, of Toronto, spent thes, u holiodatryy Bwlacithk.ber patents, Mr. and Ms. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buchanan, Tor- onto, were holiday visitors with Mr. and MS IlarryEdwerds $4.50; Dominion Stores, groceries, 62.12. . . Mrs. P 21 Bell has returned to her The fire committee reported having •home at Winnipeg atter a pleasant visit passed an all building permits. with Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Saults• . Mrs. Fred Craigie and her sister, Mrs. Harry K. Strickler, of New York, spent the holiday with friends in Stratford. quested. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson have Cemetery and Parks returned to Detroit after spending the The eemetery and parks committee re- summer months at their cottage at Salt - ported: ford. 'We have ordered one hundred "Per- Misses Rose, Margaret and • Grace petual Care" markers for the cemetery Strang were home for Thanksgiving, from the Ooderich Iron and Brass Poun- from Kingsville, Toronto and Guelph re - dry, and ten "Endowed" markers from. spectiveiy. the Canada Brass Co, Ltd., Ottawa. Misses Ethel and Laura Farrow and "We have had prepared planseand spe- Ur. and Mrs. Abrams, of Toronto, were cification of a new hot air femme for Thanksgiving visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. the Park' House, We have asked for J. W. Fraser. priees and have received the following Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jones and Mrand quotations: Pred Hunt, $357.52, John Mrs. Wesley Vanderburg, of Clinton, at- Pihder 5425. We recommend that the tended the Proctor -Richardson wedding tender of Fred Hunt be accepted, the Tuesday morning. ark to be done -under the superiisls. Mrs. J. B. Straehin and some, who of this committee: also that a layer of have peen visiting Mr. Wm. Straehan, cement flooring be put in the cellar be- left last week for their borne at Hot fore the furnace is installed. Springs, Arkansas. • Borah is to be a free agent hi the campaign. Ile will just. wander around giving pats on the back and socks on the chin.. • The ultimate goal Is the Hingdom. of Heaven on -earth.—Stahley Baldwin. With so thorough a preparation at hand as . Miller's Worm Powders the mother who allows' iher children to s07 - fey from- the ravages of Worms.le un- wise and Culpably dareless. • A .child sUb- jected to .the attacks of worm.1..1.1 always unhealthyand will be stunted in its growth. it 18 a merciful act to rid it of these destructive parasites, especially when it can be done without difficulty. ,Or Iong Standing Cougi. Wood's - Was Completely ° Relieved - Mr. E. Russell, Dominion No. 4, N.S., writes:— "I have on several occasions, each Fall and Winter, had severe colds and coughs, and used to bave a. hard time getting rid of them. I -had tried many cough remedies until several years ago a friend recommended Dr. Veood's Norway Pine Syrup. After the first bottle I felt an improvement, and the second bottle completely relieved me of my loop stsauling cough." I'r*we 35c. a bottle; large family size 65c.; at all drug and general stores; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. • Norway Pine • Syrui) inendation was made that . three pairs -of rubber boots and one rubber hat be Pur- chased for the fire .department, . as re - It Willi Prevent ulcerated. Throat.—At the first symptoms of sore throat, which presages uideration and inliammation, take a spoonful of Dr. Thomas' Eche- trio Oil. Add a little sugar to it to Make It palatable. It will allay the irri- tation and prevent the ulceration and swelling that are so painfuL Those who were periodically subject to quinsy have thus made themselves imtnune to attack. Fashion First l'HEIR new fall features I are seen in the very high neckline, the new surplice collar, the broad shr)ulders, the straighter skirtl • New shades for fall New. crepes at popular Prices. ° =I= SPECIAL for FRIDAY and SATURDAY Kayser full fashioned first qua.1- ity service.weight and chiffon hose in all the new shades, at 89c pr. The utmost value in quality Hose. CEO. W. SCHAUER TELEPHONE 56 YOUR STORE OF VALUE 114 In Canada a' practical form of con- servation is found M. the setting aside of tracts of public lands, as .game re- serves, and in the rigid protection of game In he extensive national andpro- vincial perks. In these areas the game multiplies rapidly, under. .protection, and spreads over into the surrounding coun- try. This favorable condition, coupled with sound protective legislation regulat- 11 11 TANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR for Ladies and Children The Underwear that gives you the desired warmth, without irritation to the most tender flesh. : cOMBINA TIONS BLOOMERS • DRAWERS PANTIES • VESTS and SLEEPERS Ask for Stanfield's and wear the Best. 0 101:10) fori 0=r4 1Friday and Saturday . 111 SPECIAL • 2 0 20-0 Pairs of Children's Silk Bloom. coli 11 era from 4 to 14 years in pink . cm i peach only 5pj: 0.2 1 The Phone F. E. E HIBBERT 86 Cash Store 11 1=2=11011fill were not invitedto the meeting.. On behalf of the temperance people, Mr. Robertson :.reViewed the situation, Mit-- ting forth elaims to 'control of the hall; big• the bpen seasona- bag limits, issuing Ott the other. hand, It was argue that; of licenses, etc., assures cohtinuance 'or a n.as much as the late MacKay simp• ly. a. mune animals and birds in invest,ed at least fifteeri times the their native habitat Canada Us thus able to offer the hunter exceptional op- portunitles for sport in season. . • dame. :Laws of the lerOviricco . The mune laws .of the different pro- vinees. are .drafted by the provincial Qovernments with a view to meeting local conditieras, consequently there is no uniform game law for the Dominion as ness of the hall a whole. As these game laws are sub - jest to revision from year to year, per- sona conteznplatina week With the termerg hunting trip are obtain copies of mirrent amount which the temperance people claim to haVe invested in the site, the citizens of the town at large should be In control. Those present were dead- locked, ' ... A motion to request the Awn of $75 from the executors failed. to find a sec- onder. It is needed to carry on the bu.ei- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McGrattere have returned recently to Port Colborne after game laws and rethegulations of the mothM er, rs. 8. McOratten, Anglesea St. spending s advised to Vince in which they intend to hunt. Bureau of. In one motion picture studio they The National Development quit producing eomedies and are work- mrs. Gren Cleric and little daughter ep e , theInterior at Ot- ing on a financial statement in eight Ozvendolyn, of Mitchell, spent Thanks trima will gladly supply information on , reels; they think it'll be much 'funnier. giving holidays at the home of Mr. and hunting in Canada, hy either complying Edale Cantor Mrs. N. K. McLeed. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Armstrong and sons, John and Ross, or Toronto, spent the Thanksgiving holiday With, Miss Buchanan,' Church St. with requests, or referring same to'other sources from which the particulars de- If all the monetary gold' in the wo,./1 sired may be obtained. were Collected it would pay onty. about 4 • I one -third a the British national debt. MEETING PROVES -ABORTIVE —Lord Desborough. Aluminum. jewelry wire popular .In France i51. the nineteenth centnry. . . . •'A new gas broiler Is said to broil srieets quickly on all sides at once. ree oose Fox the highest aggregate score howled in three conse- Cutive games. of TEN PINS. on or hers:ire October 22nd - at the Bluewtzter Bowling Alleys News Shod - +stuccos -- tiowileg Newt iiitxter—Harry 'Watson ay. and Mrs. Percy Prot:tor, of De,- • troit, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Proctor, and were Grettau el Group 07People Seas ee,sole accompanied by Mr. Wm. Proctor, Jr 11 - iroterSaturday Night Mr. arid Mrs. Roy Sparling and fam- A meeting of those representing the I • ily, of 'Durham, farmer residents of teramance interests on the provisional! , . . Goderieh, spent Thanksgiving Day with board of trustees of MacKay Hall and mrs. sparling% mother, Mrs .• Wertiock.lof others • who have been inter6sted 151 Mrand MrsR JSwifts had as their the hail from its inception was held on Thanksgiving Day guests Mr. and iVirs.Saturday night to discuss the action of , Prank Smith of Detroit, Mrs. Pred town Council in insisting in a majority Smith of Buffalo, and Mrs. Ryan Of Chi- representation on the board in the in- I cago, terests of citizens at large. The meet - Adjutant A. Cden and Lieut. 0. Van- ing did not get anywhere, the ism being derheiden, the officers of the local Sal- left in the air. The temperance people 1. ration Army Corps, Will attend the have laid claim to ownership of the hall Jubilee Congress in Toronto from Oct, and objeet to having minority represend lath to lath. Cation on the hoard. Those present 'Mr. Edward Beek, chief engineer on were: A. M. Robertean, Mrs. Waiter the Muskoka Lakes boats; has redid Horn, ELM .101tiliel Bailie, Mr, Young, B. to Goderith after a successful season. 'Coo. Munnings illetore coming south he Visited With hiS Ison Willi= on his farm in Northern namedoamedabsytruoist:es townanno d also hi.Otheralve been I Ontario. tar, and Mts. A. Challenger: had as visitors over the week -end Mr, and Mrs. E. D. Weber and family, of kitchener, Miss Mae Murray and Miss Nellie Moe, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne McDowell and family, of Millbrook. aft. C. A. Robertson, 11/41.P.P., wan =- Corded the honor of formally opening the annual plowleg match of the North Huron Plowmen's Association near Bilis- eels today and he obliged by plowing the first furrow, nor did he have be shown how, Mr. George Williams spent Thatiksgiv- Ing with Mrs. Williams, who is convales- cing in a Toronto hospital. MrS. Wil- liams' friends will be pleased to learn that she expects to be able to return to her home in the course of It feW days. • Mr. and Mrs, John Pitblacio, ,Jr., wish to announce the engagement' of their eldest daughter, Margaret Drummond. to Mr. John /gallon', younger sori of 11/fr, and Mrs. Thos. iitalant HUllet 'town- ship, the wedding to take place early In November. • Barrie Exaniftier: Mise Jean Cowan vent Sunday with her pat'enti, Mr, and M0. Alex. Cowan, and lett on Monday night for a western trip in her capacity as Superintendent Of Girls' Work for the Presbyterian Church, She will visit the principal points in all the western pro- vinces, going as far as the Coast and will be away two moriths. Painting, Paperhanging and iilltsot Decorating.. Estimates Cheerfully Often '11 hi Town or Cosintrr INO CUMBERTSON oreonaton Gibletets Sta eleeterkb tee tee 0 " 408=E trustees nominated by the town couneil SPECIALS BOYS' CORDUROY BREECHES A strong and well made Breech for Fait and Winter wear. Leather faced knees, double seats, and lined. Your choice of blue or brown eorduroy, sizes 24 to 32. Special $i 669 WINDBREAKERS. Ail Wool Jiffy Sport Wind- breakera in black, blue, green and maroon. Sizes 6 to 15 years. Special $1.95 M. ROBINS Phone 384 Tip Top Tailors Suit or Overcoat $22.50 Specials s For Thurs., Friday, Sae .• OCT. 13th, 14th and 15th Ritmo, Large Package. - - 19c JELLY POWDERS, WieLA Seit:MUCISL E. sc CAKE FLOUR, Swansdown ' .. 29c , CRISCO, 1-1b4 Tins .. 23c CODFISH, New Acadia . _....15c CORNED BEEF, Fray Bentos, 1's 15c RICE KR1SPIES, 2 packages . 25c SOAP, Surprise, 10 bars ..45c GINGER ALE, Canada Dry, qt. bottles • with free Glass,' Tumbler .25c PRUNES, Large Meaty Prunes, 2 lbs. 25c TEA Premium Brand, with Free Cups and Saucers, Plates, Cream Jugs, ib. 49c COFFEE, Royal York, 1/2.1b. tin 25c • 1.1b. tin •49c., FLOUR Alberta Rose, 984b, .,.. ... ......$2.19 YOUR NEAREST SUPERIOR STORES j. jo McEWEN J. CALVIN CUTT ••sineliree oeaisreameerserre