HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-13, Page 4PAGE POUR
F A ehureh, Fordable
ace 4's4'QIfiT]i" WINS The Harvest Thanksgiving offering in Th I*lOssI . g
<tUwl tanent
Several Gederieldtea Metered to Owen St, gorge's church was reported Jseck I T
Sound on T"uesdAv to 'a`ttness the wrests Sunday's bulletin as 025.10. with fare His ,A ngie
THURSDAY, OCT. 18th, 1932
It is pr;,babSe Rlaat iiia siesat deanery •
win bo held C➢ctobea 2ihh at Welty Over '' QW ofthe Air is +ie;r et:r:::: of tine 8nglivan c$cirvll
(For ittn a under Glia beading
also page rix)
Ing its quarters. over l'ike's Grocery de- eut of three faits, much to the delight Services at llaptist church Sunday, fowl ofpthe air :Mt the fishes of the sea
touted in anticipation of the winter of a crowd, which filled the skating rink, October 16th the Scottish evangelist, Ani the beasts : the field, yeas the dic-
;mem Only one moor is t+o be Oevupled escottg�'. is now wrestlhng on an .average Rev. Heb Munro, will eddies open
time year by the !� of lour nights a week mid is highly aess dressing a tioderich"audience on 1?rl4ay
'itRA111t[Nt4 AT COLL>`fiill'Iif "(,1YlatG" praised by the newspapers for his clean, And wile give special evang@llstio mess ht last. There are Ito wild Midas h@
The irstrnetion Vies of the Huron scientific work, He went to Brockville eaaxes at 11 a,m. and at ? pm„ wh4eh atawed; they are only afield of man.
Regiment has, attracted twentytour Diff- Froin Oaven sound and is fn Hunalo to- will'be the closing street of the series. Once let man befriend the birds and
Vers and NAO.% from various parts Of : night, services at forth street 'United Church they will cease to be afraid of him; and
Sunday next: 10" Aon., Men's flub, cera it
the county. On Tuesday night the class i0C TOObRR >BOWLINC,} topic. "Was- it .else to stop: tlie;8utidAy ' seems that the birds have
Melted ite quarters front. the 'Colborne Weeeesulay of last week a rink of excursion of July $fst2'0 i1 a.m., church e�etgted WV afraid of Jack Miner or of
apartments to the Colleglate gylnnastWn: <toderich bowlers . (1^'. Toole, Jas., 1Vipc- Service, pastor' subiei<t, "'Reason in the anyone
gone around his lase and /some of the
Jere drill eim, a dote Tuesday better, Vicar
ling bouts, They saw our townsman, ther suras to coma in yet. the rector
Tee bridge and badminton club is hoe- qe Dart"° raceougaili wiry the main Bout commented on the liberality of the con- 'Pleat mankind was intended. in the
against the famous Dr. Wiisan, in two .•tegafur. divine Ian, to 'have dominion over the
tuan.of Jack honer, raped naturalist ads
lub ion of the Bible School at 10 a in
P. Hall .and T,Pritchard) took Chrestian Idle:, 3 pm., Sunday school tng pictures h allowed were of
s heir held on Tuesday and"Living Young girls feeding d fondling robins
C7dsse are : rt in a tournament at Woodstock and 7 p,m„ church Service, ubj t,
Thursday nights. i _. • 9 , rinksWell:, . , subject,
. .. amid the rose -bower : beauty of his
the following day three froder ch tin e. maws homestead. Camada , eese, •quell and
Played at Kincardine: as follows« sr ► --'Phe regular .meeting . to
THANKSGIVING DATE ng a n1° n church - th'r" '"""e 'd 'tp"' iYipl% h7s oeeir
large Grotlti, including d number of Croft, H. lichee, L Young and >�; Hunt, Grate of Knox .Preebyteria c Will their "cafeteria'" and have learned to
Clederieh sportsmen, turned out for the skip; [i. (Srltfltis, G. Matheson, JQs, be held In the, lecture room of the abandon fear, and they seem to Come
Thanksgiving Day shooting match at Brophey and Joe. swallleld, skip, and church Monday, October 17th, at .8 pm. back year after year in increasing num.
Garfield: McMieheel's farm near Ben- W. Litt, W. Symonds, G• Symondsand ,Miss Wiggins will have charge of the bets, in last Mr. Miner has been able to
miller on Monday and many fowl were W' IPowell, skip, AU, Were.among the meeting. Moa. It ditty will give a re- keep track of five distinct families one
disposed • of, Reg. McGee, Ted Plante, prise Winners.• port of the Presbyterial
• Hayfield, Members
Iver brdught either
geese, some as many es three, as a re-
,,,i"O asked
w brink
Charles reo bror Newt home itr and others THANKSGIVING SUPPER donations to the mystery table at the cumstance which he used to emphasize
e` ducks or the soundness of the Old Testament in-
_,_r_�. bazaar to the. meeting. junction to let the neither bird go, talc•
ward for their markmpnshfP. Ladies at victoria .street church wh se . Re -opening services will be held in mg only the young.
Sumptuous SupperVictoria St. United church Sunday, Oet. Mr. /Deer showed maps indicating the
MOTORCYCLE. RACES • POSTPONED1 f 1/ictirr ret is a t ' t q ited '18th, at 11 am. and 7 Pan. Rev. .1, W. widespread localities where Canadian
Th ladies s o Un
The big motorcycle race meet atStrdt+ church served a sumptuous supper I1edleY, of Thames#ord (a former
geese welds were banded at his bird
ford on Monday had to be called off on Thanksgiving night to some three hun-
account of rain and will be held this dred persons, The weather was any-
. coming Saturday. On the holiday there thing but favorable and with a - line
•were a great many racers at the track evening no doubt a. larger attendance
and the grandstand was filled with spec. would have been recorded.
Caters when the 'deluge came. William After the meal a good Program was
Lumby, sr,, and his son Balt were lues- given in the' auditorium of the church,
ant. The last named was, to have' coin- 'with the pastor, Reev, P. W. Craik, pre-
peted. siding. Rev, Mr. Patton, of Berimiller,
led in the opening prayer, and the Na-
tional Anthem was sung, 'Misses ° Verna
land Mabel Brownlee gave an Instru-
mental duet; Mr.. George - Poulter, •of
Varna, sang,. contributing three numbers
during the program; .Mrs. Driver gave a
couple of . violin solos; the Harmonica
Boys gave some mouth organ misic ;
Miss Dorothy Craig, of Auburn, sang ;
Miss Margery-Prouse recited; Rev. Mn
Watts and Rev. Mt Patton' both gave
addresses; Mrs,- . Adam .contributed a
solo; Robt: Henry a couple` of cornet
solos; and Miss Velma Browniee, a piano g g
solo. And the program closed with the ton, Sunday evening, 'Rev. Mr, Mills,
doxology. : • rector of St, George's, Goderich, ofncia.
The ladies are 'to be Congratulated on ted, and the evening service in St
the excellent supper and entertainment George's was taken' by Beg. Fisher- and
On your u street early each Morn-
ing, with clean, pure ' whole-
some pasteurized . MILK and
Grey Horses
Phone 451
Watch for the next Board of
Health report, See what our
new pasteuriger did to the
bacteria. It's a record for.ithe
will preach at, both ,services. No doubt !sanctuary were found, showing their nsi-
Mr, Hedley will be greeted by large con- grantees north and south in the main,
gregations, .Special music by the choir, and since lie has, taken to having scrip-
Former membersand friends ' of the tore verses stamped on the leg bands
church will be cordially welcomed, Rev, attached to these birds be has -had mis-
sionaries workingin the Arctic Circle.
came to him and thank him for - the
The annual thankoffering Meeting of work he is doing, for natives collecting
Knox church auxiliary W.M.S. will be the bands from birds' legs, they have
held In the lecture room on Thursday taken have come to the missionary to
evening, October 27th; at 8 o'clock. inquire what they meant
Miss Irene Stringer,'' of India, will be the Mr, Miner intimated that the time to
e ecial speaker, An interesting program visit the bird sanctuary is either., in the,
is being prepared, A sr'lal hour will be spring from Match g9th to April 20th or
enjoyed at the close of the. meeting. All the last fifteen days Of November and
members of the congregation are corgi first fifteen of December:
dially invited to be present. The regu - Mr.. 'Miner's life story is interesting
lar meeting has been' postponed to the and 'he ' got . his bent: for 'the study.. of
above date, •nature through early necessity of : hel;,-
Owing to the illness of Rev. Wm. Wal- Ing out' his father's family income by
lace;' rector of'. St.. Paul's church, Strat- hunting and trapping, and' much of his
ford,. who was to.take Harvest Thanks- Philosophy of life has developed through
giving services In tit: Paul's church, c71in: � association with. nature. They. came
to. Canada from .Ohio. His parents were
English and in Ohio were looked on
askance as being of a different nation-
ality. Strange to say when they came
to Canada they were again looked - on
askance as being Yankees.' -
The freckled -faced Jack and his ceder
brother became inseparable ompanions:
In • hunting said trapping on the new
farm the father had bought in Southern
Ontario and once a year, went moose
hunting in Quebec. -
Mr. Miner did- not have much 'book-
learning and he told in an • amusing way:
of how he became a Sunday school tea-
cher. ' His scholars, he said, taught him
more than. he taught' them, but his love.
of the unruly boys gave' him a popular-
ity with his class that gave him a s f n-
derful control over them. •
• Mr. Miner had to stand a lot of. -chat
ling for years When be predicted that he
would bring . the fowl -Out of the skies to
make his farm their haven of rest, but
when .finally the first Canadian geese
came down. on the farm lie had great
hopes . and by being kind to these freer'
act as critic. and feeding them they soon brought`
f10MING TO VICTORIA ST. GRI1B.Cei others .and this has grown till everybody
Ex-ComrriLssioner T: S. Ctiomlt5, Lean-
knows of.ack Miner's bird sanctuary.
gelist, of • Hramptbn, will conduct a' And henry Ford has taken Mr, Miner
mission in Victoria St. United up, helping' him by the contribution of
preaching i tractors and other apparatus,.
church from Sunday, November ath, to
Mr. Miner is a lover of flowers as
November 80th. evangelist Coombs has much as of birds, and, showing some of
been very .successful ht the field of cyan- his beds of wonderful Iris, he called .at-
gelism in•several Countries and is hiehiy tention to the wonders man had wrought
esteemed as a. faithful preaCl}eri of the in co-operation with nature, another
gospel. Services will be held each sob -
verification of his scripturC+backed
bath at 11 aitt, and 7 p.m.; week -nights then that main was intended to have
(except Saturday) at 7.45 p.m. Mr"
dominion over things of nature, working
Combs will also conduct Home Circle in co-operation, of course, with the laws
meetings; conducting a devotional hour of mature,
in different sections of the town. His The audience at the evening lecture
first sermon will be preached Sunday was Only a fair-sized one,but at the
morning, November 0th; at 11 a.m.: afternoon' talk to. the school children
the hall was packed and .Mr. Miner was.
in his element among the young folks.
Principal -Stonehouse occupied the
chair for Mr. Miner's lectures and at
the close of the evening meeting a vote
CO a ,,
of thanks was tendered the lecturer. It
i was an interesting lecture; it would need
to . be to hold the interest of the aud-
ience so closely for over two 'hours, and
Mr. Miner certainly kept everyone in-
<0L'�Olc� l' forested to the close.
W. Chalk will conduct anniversary
services at Putnam next Sabbath.
provided for Thanksgiving evening.
They are liberal providers and the sur-
plus- was ,'used in providing noon=time
dinner the following. day.'
T odd nA
'A quiet :Thanksgiving . Day marriage
was solemnized at North. street' United
church parsonage at', high twelve.on
Monday, when Rev. Geo, T. Watts unit-
ed Mr. James Vivian Peterson, of St
Marys, and Miss Grace Duncan, of Win•
nipeg. The bride . is, a niece of Mrs,
Sharman; Britannia road, and Is
the daughter of Mfr's. Joseph Jluncah
and the late Mr. Duncan, of Winnipeg,
while the bridegroom is a son of the late'
Mr. and Mrs.: dames Peterson, of• R'inni-
peg. The bride was Married in`a cos-'
tunic of -'beige • georgette, tkhnmed with
brown. After the wedding- breakfast at.
Mrs. Sharman'A, Mr.; and Mrs. Peterson
left by motor for `their future home in
St. Marys, where Mr, 'Peterson holds a
responsible:business position, Mrs, Peter-
son travelling in brown georgette, hat
end accessories to match. MC and
Mrs, George Ellis and Miss Marlon Ellis
and Miss Cook, of London,• were . guests.
`fly laying paving blocks between rows
of growing vegetables at a government
experimental farm, it was found that.
weeds could be controlled more easily,
and moisture is better conserved.
•. r
Harold Taylor, who were home from
London for the 'holiday, and Rev: Wm,
Hall, of Dungannon, preached, Mr.
Fisher read the service and Mr. Taylor
the eesson. -
The Westminster- Guild -. of Knox
Church. has been reorganized with the
following-omeers: Honorary presidents"
Miss Jean Cowan and Rev. R. C. MC-
Dermid; president, Miss E..a Somerville;
vice-president, Joe Taylor;' secretary, Mr.
B. .Smith; treasurer, Miss C. McKCenzie,
pianist, Miss Mary McKay, and ' assist-
ant, Miss M, Mason; devotional depart-
ment convenors Miss Mary Green, end
assistant, Miss Mary McKay; missionary.
department convener, Stan, Taylor, and
assistant, Don Lexie; social department
convenor, Marjorie Maces, and assistant,
Jim Itedditt; literary department eon-
venor, Ale*. MacVicar, and assistant,
Douglas Middleton, Rev. D. J. Lane will
0000 ni tt► o= oih' t o=0> Co d
Luxuriously fur -trimmed Coats; tailored of
all thenew fabrics. A. large assortment of
attractive styles. Specially priced at
$11.95 and .$14..95
New Dresses just in, and sparkling in their
newness. Made of roughs, jerichos
and tine canton crepes. Specially
priced at. ....$5.95, $0.95 and $5.95
0=01, <0>Ct4. 1C10lC
NH Hats for matron and miss, lovely
felts giving all the new touches.
Specially priced at..... $1.00 and $1.95
OM)MOO) .101:10
The popular skirt and the smart thing to p
wear. pine and rough tweeds and
wool crepes. Specially priced at..$2.49
(01r1O) ..... "010:14)•=1=t
A new shipment of Pullovers, new shades,
new styles and new knit. - Specially II
priced at.• • •••...•.•....,.•.$1.95 it
Sarrynlore Cloth Overcoats, good English ' •
cloth, well tailored. Specially priced
At•• .. •1••-.•i.• •,•.i• 4•*•$117.50
>" ' t01 0)" , .... •, it0=0) , . <or
New patterns for fall, featuring the popu-
lar stripe designs in blues and. l~h°otvns.
Extra pair of trousers. Specially pric-
ed at. . - $15.95
Witt Side of Square Phone 418
, .•.,� ,,_.•:.gin+•
Ford. "Phere were y beautiful
doral tributes, among them being those
from the Ooderivii Organ Couipafiy,
Vieterla street United church, the ofi3-
diale of Windermere United church, Tor-
onto, the Optieai Department of the T.
Eaton Co., Toronto, end a lovely tribute•
from Wiliam and Miss Ifantette PdwU,
brother and sister of Mr. Down, living
in South Ashford; Engiand. A telegram
conveying a scriptural message -of apt --
Pathe' was also received from Rev. M,
C. Parr, of Heatt Avenue United church,
London, fnteruiEut was made in Mait-
land cemetery, The pall -bearers were:
Mesas. Campbell Tweedie, Wesley,
Moore, Fred /gurney, William Webster
and Albert Shore .of Ooderieh, and J. T.
Newell of Toronto. Those- from out of
town attending the funeral were: Mas.
J. ICennetiY, Ettrick; Mr. and Mrs. It.
Shaver, Wilton Grove; Mr. anti Mrs.
Fred Young, Warren Young and Mrs.
D. E. Post, all• of IFondon; 'Mr. and Mrs.
J. smith, Byron, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. J.
T. Newell, Toronto; Mr. A. Young, of
Delaware, ;Ont.;: Mr. and Mrs, .1 W.
fitrsitore and,--Miss-33ertha owreeof-Thr
onto. - -
-Mr. . Trebla.'iuis'the grain
for theJi
season, - -
Miss Amelia McIlwaln spent
at the home of Jae. Treble.
Mrs.• Jonathan Miller, of Goderich, is
visiting her niece, Mrs. Harold'A111n.
Mr. and .Mrs, Gerald Allman, of Tor-
onto, spent the week -end with friends
Mr, and. Mrs. Edward Hardy motored.
to. Toronto and spent the week -end with
friends there. -
Miss. Christine Robertson, of McDon-
ald College. Guelph, spent the week -end
at her home here.
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Wilson and fem.
Hy returned to Flint on• Tuesday after
visiting friends 'here.
Miss Julia Young, of Toronto, motor-
ed up and spent Thanksgiving with her
Mother, Mrs. H. M. Young. .
Miss, Amelia, Hetherington, of Stevens-
ville, visitedwith, her• aunt Mrs: •Meir
wain, at the' store on Saturday. -
Acquaint Cook
for$ets— -
Beef insrtei
OF INTEREST TO WOMEN—We are repeating, for aliohed .,, e
only, the. offer of aBritish-made, 13" aluminUm cooking epoonyfortheretura
Wooly 30 Oxo CubeRed Wrappers. OXO Limited, St. Peter Street, Montreal
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Inkster and "Viii='
Oren, of Toronto, spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Mitchell..
Mr. and' Mrs, Dave , Hertmaaf" of Exe-
ter, spent Sunday - with the lady's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'McWhinney.
Miss Cepha Maskell, nurse.in-training
at Stratford General Hospital, spent the
Weekse_fideat "l iessitome-.:here'.
Mrs: R, J, McMillan and little son,
, onpld, •of eloderidh, spent Timnkegiv-
ing • with her mother,: Mrs. dos.• Peagan.
Miss Gladys Treble, of Toronto, - and
Mr: and Mrs. Will Clayton and son Jack,
of Putnam, spent Thanksgiving with Mr.
and Mrs. Jno. Treble. - -
=0. 0=0 0=0 o13Q
Let us install a RAID: FUEL SAVER in your present Rot Air, not
Water or Steam Heating •Plant. By our - system of complete combustion
and the use of cheaper grades of fuel we cut your fuel bill in half.
Thermostatically controlled—Fully guaranteed, - 30 days free trial—sells
at small cost. No ashes and a very small percentage of clinkers. Investt-
aatt and let us demonstrate at
l�Ma E 180
Mathews Sunday, October 9th, claim-
ed one oiteGoderietes 'm'ost highly re-
spected and beloved cltliens, in Mrs. '
Peter Macliwan, who died in her 88th
year after, a very short illness. Deceas
ed, who before her marriage was Chris-
tens McKay, was born in Sutherland-
shire, Scotland, and came to Canada
with . her parents when three years of
age.. The family settled In Zorra town-
ship, a famous Scotch settlement, but a
few years later removed to Tuckersntith,
On December 19th, 1871, she was mars.
tied to Peter MaeSwan,.. whose name is
intimately connected 'with the early days
of the bait industry in Goderich. It is
nearly sixty years ago that they came
to live in this town. Mr. MaeBwan died
in 1904. The late Mrs. MadEWan was a
devoted wife and mother, Very fond Of
her home and of her family. She was
a lifelong Presbyterian Med throughout
the yearns site spent in Goderich was an
oetive worker in Knox church. Her
three sons all are prominent in the busts
nest,elrureb and sorial life of the town..
They ere XiMIafayor M. J. A. Mac? wan,
V. J. Marlton and. W, O. MacSwan.
Three daughters also: survive, Misses
gelle and Margaret MacEwen at 'haute
and Mrs. tilt.) Fred T. Esther, of Lon-
date The funeral will take place front
the family residence tomorrow (Friday),
at 2.80 p.m.
A native of England, but a resident of
Gaderielt for 38 years, Henry Maior,
Down, died - at his home un the Huron
road on Sunday and was buried on }
Tuesday afternoon. Deceased, before
coming to Goderich, was a woodworker
by trade, having been employed by the
Kensington Furniture Co. and the (lode --1
rash Organ Co Ito had been in ill
health for Abeitt five years. He 'was a
Member of Vlcttilia btfect MYaiited;,
church. a Lileral din , pelitirs and fret-
teetally a member of the Chmen Friends �.
dn;l A. 0. F. Surviving are his wife and,
too daugliter-, Mia. J. W. Straitens, and
Mu Rothe. Down, ei Toam to. The
ei•ttese Vis Thetdey was in charge of
to. F. W, Csasr, Witted by iliev. J. H.
..ter.. . _.
lbs. 45c:::;-
lb, 49c.
F. -Es',
Sag ..
- 4
Swat's Jewel 1..m.
- :. Prints.
Here arc: values of the kindthat have made
a.all A P MARKETS thousands of friends & :tues ht
mean real savings for.for_ thriftyA P
Ontarivalo hotusae-
3 Tuna 27e
STOCK to 3
410saz. Jar 23C
Except • Chic:cen With Rice
Package 1 I
tick lb.
WING itb. Z.
SN ;'.'UL
*null( LEAN
,.•r..,..,.,.,Dse,PIECE Off, ,SeeONo
lNalg or, Whale
vreenti MAI ti COUNTRY STFi',E
lb 9e
lb. 12
lb. 1
lb. 1 e.
lb. I f,!
Medium Size Ooz. 2,9c
ccr.tl q Vco .0
3 lbs. 1 e
erle roan MANAGan,
> i -ilii! l.tl l)t 4