HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-13, Page 1.e %4L 0 . �� "'Ph M , , the . erchaufs. Friend- . .411h� . 2,%6. , An advertisser's BlOssale in the Ciode- SM ,0&, rlioll Star reaCbeS 'tile L I IMEMOPIrINI . r IWO cader 0a Thurs- 7 Im , day, the day of publication, in plenty "I JUVJCrI JC L lc__ Im ix I - - of time for pem,,al and for week -end 1 , r .0 4 , tur shopping. . - I I L A Rare Offer A tvial subscription to the Goderich Star, Huron County's biggest ani kightest newspaper, will t?e �,:Cnt to the end of this year for 25 cents. !; �_=- ' - L . . . . ' '- , ' . � - .1 - --- ____ -.-- � -,---- -­­­�­ ­ -_ --- - - L , , - , _ . . . . . . . _ _ I . F;"rWtion: 42 a ym In CartAda GODBUICH. ONTARIO* CANADAo. THURSDAY, OCT01314-t 1801, 1932 WAlua IiAr=4 mushim 0) I $40 % year to V. S. points. 01 . I -1 ---_11 � __ __ -, _ - , ________,_, __ L .I..... .. ,.,. L . ��­___­ . I .111, ­ _____-_1 -­._----- ___ � __�, ______ _ - - 7-- 1 - - -_ — __ I r �� - "I'll �_ _____=�__�__�=_ - I � I - , 'Oft. I I 11 vvEEw** END �' `,�MERCL I IG SELLIN 0' E E 7 KOO �_­ -A �TS. TO UNITE IN B u V N'T."21"HIS 17, . �_.. 11 __ . � ......... ....'.. I ­.-�, � .1 FRENZIED FIMNCE i '613uy and Save!' Sale ' L . Marathon Trophy . ' � OBJECTS TO TOWN COUNCIL I ­ - I Leaves Goderich xul�bw Chequi% Ir.ox.'s, Prouttssw BlroanshBeisclynclteo, Auto .... �!L` I � ""'ay and Saturday . . . . . I Notes and the.ProverbW "Fifter" I I - � �­� �. j:'.:.::r. AA%P' I L *\)�, � I I I .I-: � ��, HAVINGMAJORITY TRUSTEVq ' .,:�. L :;: p� L � :�!�': L �': L _�': L . "I I .. �:�. L , , �� �!�.:�:: X... 1, L . Capture& lioll., Broutbt Into VUY . . � ��:��!�:�: . . . �,;�".� ��:�� I -4 .4 - .: L : �� �� . . I ,.-. h4er Runner �r Was ,lRolding Vwbrella Over � � .;, � �­�ti:��� ', ,� — ' — Twelve Merchant* Are Co'aper­ ' � . , 6 I' . 1� * Iniese are M2 days of, freazled lln- . � - ��,: � � � �: -L r ���!� ILI:�. . . : �i I- ­­ , - f Li We a &-RaymcInd ,, ii!�!�,:�i�� L ..; A. M, Robertson Writes Town MAY LZASE RINK athliff in Big . I 1 ,4 day Feature 0 J one, ,A in police %putt, where- the do- . :,L;. , . ante, ova :.-::, , . � . L .� LLL I 11�: I I � . . L . , presslon has been Vatic � ,- � :I ; Fa*ors Am Too t Event I _­ Program 4 in 6vidence in MWAY Hurt !i-�.'��:�:`--. ..." I . 1:,::!7'. . . I - L recent days. I I . ". 111111 . I Town Council Otis Offer train Ex"r- . . I . � ��Ii� --.�. 777 7:::�::; .41. ... L _'-w., I . . -b ' AM: Generous Or4IA9 ' ,��,i:�:i-'.-������,i��!�i:::;.',����:���,!!: :P::. fen" leemaker and Will, Consider It Twelvo Ooderleb. mcroh.aut,s are -ca. L a radio sales- I., 7_..., .. . .. I W. V. Quinn,. 19 -year-old Exeter ath, Last Saturday in Riding a bicycle while holding an um- Iii".I......", .,. :..�.,.:;,:k,�:�.:.!..:,:...,.". !::::.�-' or,natlnC; 1413 Friday and $iturday. - I 02Y Lforts, man with a pronounced impediment, fix ...1:%,:,:1',"':,. -�;. .":... I . All offer has been recolved from W. .-.,:..:.1 , 11 ,- I �*. .. . . . SSUE A. 00131d, to least) the West street rink, S I late, won the Thadixo9l" Z . 11% speech tad One of his customers bo,:brollu, over his head In. a driving rain ­ . MACKAY HALL THE'L Octob�or 14 and 15, 'A a 4113uy and $Avo,v I I . .. I , ,qlub six -mile marathon. romping home jOre the magistrate. ou. acharge.,oX fraud, Raymond Mu;ray,'aged1li son of Mrs, 5�:` ,, I '. ' fall commAMUIV sale, When Citizens oftlac, ., L L I .. ; . �. . . . � L .. I L. I which Goderlob, recently had wished Up� town and ft&o of It$ ttAdlojg� area Wil : ' ' .1 . . an easy Winner and covering the dis- ThQL Cu4tomer had given the salesman John Murray. on Monday afternoon Tall LL, ... . I$y on it in a tax bala, $or the. winter sea- Ll L . , . L :::::, Deputy Reejo Is Praised be offered: somo. rare inerobskruilsa bar. � I , :1 F L driven by _ . Ban. Mr. Gould sAys, he is an exper- I ; � -, Wice JA 04 minutes, '4rAlo Crawford,, ,two worthless cheques of $10 each as plumb Intq the side of a car ". ...7. I Ws Fellow awns, Just. at a wasn. When thq Are . L, - . I . L the dowti payment on, a radio. Accused � ,...... , I . 'r and Conversant With . . Goderich collegiate sku4exit, Was sec011d, Mrs. William Gauley, and was'palufullY "... _., leaded LIC6 ruakt most appreciated. - . . . . had�beoxi given a. weak to make restitu- . . Member$ . I the -requirements of hockey players and 1, ? . A third of a mile behlitil. X.Er.1,1113toll, tton. ' " L � � Injured, The lady driver was absolved — The merchants 000perating Aroc. Tho I , * from lilgme after an investigation Con- I L skaters., He Came, to Goderlolv from Kit- People's Store, Goo. W. Schaefer. p. E� lccal� student, just goied out 19. Elliott "Have yo it reached, a sattlement?" ditoted by Provincial Coustablelpox. Dissatl5factioll.with the action of the c " for third place. 11t was a n0ok-4114-ASOX asked the, magistrate, . . I L . herier and. Is: a nephew of Councillor Hibbert, A. cornfield. Nv. Hera, mcL-,au ' I . I I . When the youtwo bloyclo bit the cav town council in appointing live members *- P. Gould. The public works com- B . I . I I I I It to$,. W. Acheson & son, m. nobirm I I . finish and'ptovided the ouly.thrill. of "Yes." $aid the salesman, "he has giv- broadside he was Pitched up Against the =Ittee will deal wit'a tha application And 4as. Cards, A. L,� Cold, Oeo. WaovIc%r , . . . . I the rape, Ralph Henderson and Tom. on, me two 1.0.u.sa for the ,to. the board of trustees Of M""Kay bring In a report. � L , - . , . . . testants. less chaquds�,sv I two Worth side with considerable force, but luckily, � I . and Jas. Campbell, These storc-3, with . I ., 'Memorial Hall, Imtead of three UL ro� . , . . I I Ross were the Other two Con was . thrown to the ]road Clear Of the ' I . L ; their 'pennants and store and window I . .11 . . Quin winner., finished quItQ'frP81a- "I don't, consider that much of a set- whf---Is. The Ibleinle, Was hurled Into . .., questoil, Is voiced In a letter fromA. AL "There Is too much, dirt lying around', dissplays I _n, the , I ;. , , reflect the big selling cVoxit� - I . 1i Thu annual event waB run. under fav- tlement." said Hip Worship. � I L LL 7 1 r b1g o ditt as, extept, for a. bAskwind "Well, In, case the 1,0;'U.18 ar. 0 no good the air and erqhed through one of the , I I I . A00ortwn, read at Friday night's, resu- it Isn't swept often enough, I Am tolds" The bargains offered, As enumerated I )", a , car windows. Tim boY sustained 9, deep EX. COMMSSIONglik T. 111. COOINUS, lar meeting of.the council. I . . Said the Councillor. . In 6 supplement Issued by The Star this . � OZoh a runners faced for a third Of he, says he will give me a Promissory out In his head and in. One arm, The *who will 0041duct.1?, Preaching Missionin L The -matter of majority re Deputy RCOVO MOSer-41 keep a Pretty week and which hRVe.been distributed . w I tC C ,��Tk. . J . 'the ,distance, The cou&a took the 0011�- -note," the salesman added. . lobe of his left ear was Partially torn ,St. Chore I . peal . presentation,, . ' \, testauts around the Square down the "Warso and quore of It. Are you sat- Victoria ,h NOV. ,Q_2()'. L . ,close dye an it, and I.donst think the . re in, eveo home, are particularly ap _ L 33ay4old Road, a�xoss Polle.v'$ sideread isfied With, &,settlamerat of that kind?,, away and painful, abrasions to the ta4e . . � - �_ , , - I .. .. I I I Is at stake,' Mr. Robertson, repre$04t. Is any Ated for sWoe" It.'# , Ing to lady shoppers, but there Also are . .. . - I I and arms sustained, .. . Ing ,temperance faCtIons, which claim 0 Couiacill Uumbe -'-IV& been rain . . 6 . to. the Huron road and thence to the Magistrate Rejd� asked.. ' L . I L . or . r- , .. * real values for men. A study of tl*, I 1! I . -of star Ing 'A 000dlY - "It's the beat � It Dr. W. F. Gallow attended the led, BUSINESS IS 0001) . . have a deed to the land.on which Mr. ing, for a month," . L. merobandising' messages 'Is convincing . I ', .Point t - ,Crowd wit T could do, I don want who was taken to his-.IiOile on XIvitarim . . . MACKAY built Wa: ` ,'. . AeSS44 31115, other events. on .the to sextO tho mAA to JAJI 11, come the a4- alld t,tfal 1.01,00 All Us L contununity, hall to be Mayor Lee said he had just the other . proof that it is Aot necessary to go. out , L . �, and . .. I � ",L , ' tions Club - Program. . swer. . . . . . I ni% road; where tia will'be confined $or town County P11,0*141 ed as's community Contra, is claiming day made a mental note of how titan of town to shot, I . . . o . - . . . ten days or two weeks, The Accident . Doing Rushift TradO Control .of that hail,'Xor the factions the Square looked. .However, .his wor- DO YOUV.$hOPPIn1r Ila' Goderich And . � , . - Nine.,yearvand under-Oud ,Johnston, "Well,..if you're satisfied, I am, But occurred at the corner of Montreal and , . . . . � , L I I 1. There 4as been much activity In polite which he -and his friends represent. lie ship was,.sore the public works 4hairman .keep your money. At. home I I � , . . Douglas MoDonalds, Leonard 1510011111014- there are costs of ".40 to pay and this Waterloo streets. . . : less ithO,n al t writes., 1. 1. . I Would. investigate C-Omplaints. . I . . . . . � I , L . L I .� . .Twelve years :and under, one-third -court. does not swept rubber �Ciieqtas�, . I circles in recent dqs, AO '911 , . .. I . . I ,. . I , I � mile-HarDid 1 Joe 1.O;XT.,S 7 _�� . . ar,rpst$ having been we 111, received A -COPY' of a I , Lletter written . . . . . . I . . aolman 0% mln,), 'or Promissory uates," the bench ,4e., for one of.� . L Mixer to May, Home. � I I . . . . L fence ' AuQth L Cottage Destroyed . �� I . V Costello, �,.'. . . deolged. �, � . I . . UNSOLVED MYSTERY L 'or air, ollegedlr'arlsliag from. to J. W. Taylor, which you sent to. Me, . - - L L I .- ' 1. . 11 .�­ . '. 1.;aAocq*, aw I I I I .1 . . IL . I Me in illicit liquor or the consudip- "I should like to point out that the Henceforth. citizens Will net be. par. , . . . � . I . Under IS ye#n, two-thirds Of -a 1140- , 'At this point Roclised stepped Into the I .. I tra . I . WItted1o, borrow the municipal cement � At Sunset ]Beach,. . . �. 'Could I b%ve A, week to PAY?" Missing Tools of, W1111im, Keelinle, East tion of It. One man, the worse for wear, proposed. action re the formation' of , A. , I � I Myrray. Xobc�xxald (4% min.), Keith, picture, '-1 CK : IL mixer until eounoll lifts khe�Lbaa. A .1 . L. L I . I .. I . . 1:' , I us q MR %y Ha I : � . . I . . L L.. L . . . I - asked, 46 he, proc ad. to give, the WAwanosh, Simply "Walked,,Homes', ,ran int9.4 horse and. buggy with his car new board of tr tees: fo motion to, thls�dffftt. Was passed, I . I I I . , Cutts Brute Flf4ier. I .he Odd . . . . (Jaya L L . L . . . I I I One tulle -A. Siffith (I m;A.), Carson court the proverbial: f4flu 'i . .1 awAnosn, was so. and is. spending seven In the is %tot fit accordance with. the proposal bill � . I � , , . I . LMA&trat6 I L ger. Dave Gwynr East W . . . . 11, nor ,with, the A for ToORIM to t . Hotno : of Mr. Jl_ .0. .... I - . .. I . p, Roy, 11)6n -lane, . . L . . Reid, exhausted by the qUitted .of tht-ft by Magistrate Reid In county bastile. The stuff must be laid before the couno held UP pending investigation. 0ouncl l I.; - L . . . . , . . I . I 11.1 ' mighty 'powerfut for two strong men, trust deed governing"4Uch appointments, Reynolds k'a com. - � L . .... I . I : . ­:anQ1e DipkIl postelethwalte?a grand swirl 'of dIW finattee, sat back In his police court 'here yesterday xxio Ing lor Turner..wants It explained, There , I L . L I . annual peanut. scramble. drew the I most chal . r And assentett. � � .. ... , M - one a phyalealLglant, ,wero,found in 4 This deed fixes the, number of trustees. , . � Plete Lou .1 11 I 11 .. �.;. L rid was easily the liveliest , The I . Dave Was Alleged to have stolen a sPade ditch compla . ' wp.a great deal of'kicking from com* I L . .1 . � 11 ,,tely out. Two�others are .at severi, and 'm .four trustees are al- m%eb,ne. It . . .1 ,entries of all a . radio 4aalesinnn And ilia accused and ,a shOvoI from Bill Zechnie, one of I . Dodupa , iots of two Gode- ready appointed as Agreed,: Upon at. La patIWn:,Abo`At 1claalogLthis . .. . . '. .. — :. L. , I I :, . :* ,and most -popular number oti-the pror left Court arm In arm a h e hate's witnesses swore he saw a avaiting trial, ;.I 6houldret bolet Cuts �he said I . The And six,krooixiod cottage ot Mr., J. . . � . I I 11 . 'grain I.. L . . I I I !arm$ also hwe Charges general Meeting Of those r,oncern0d In , , 1, L . � . . lFretoohniart, , on signing a promissory spado and a shovel,whith looked suspl- rich - township I Clark Knox---OWhy not. includo'.' O' 13 t..geyiiolds, governor of the'county Jatl,' I I . . L * . . sh ve L I I . I 'L ... . " F .. . I I for having � inoonshine in their posses- the spring of 190:1, Only three Additional Wt,.; � L� � IL , �: I :The Lions cup; held- for the past tw4. note, exclaimed, "Tliazik G1, ad" the`re%; clously like the NechI216 tools,' from AL .and other equipmen - Was burned to the ground last night, - - � L I . . . I L : , "'.,, - years by, Bill Oarrow, *Qderich runner, another, debt paidill I I I . . distain-c of 10 1 L . feet, loaning Alp against, slon. Town, county and provincig. trustees ban,.L be nominated by the town -3,:-The loss.is estimat- . I,. 1 I . � . . (I . tbis L . � / . I � . . CciuriellIcif HUmber-"Oue thing at a with the. content `,', . � : -who was ineligibleL year, Was pte� �, .9 I . .1 tlie Gwyn house. M� d ruled Police all bave:beon. bus3r. . . � : . council. Any three. iat those rianted in . . I L . . gistrate Rel .. I .. .. � .. time. Wisll start with tb4.cerfterit mix- ad at $4,000. The �CrWft I$ ­Unknown. .� I � . . . . , 111, a race by .. ... �. . I L . . .. I . . , � , L sented tar B Quinn after the HUNTINO' WITH bAWRA� , that 75 feet WAS too great a distance at .. I . the list, proposed -by the t4wia Council- a .,I': L I , . . . . I L The cottages located at, Sunset Bea,ohi , .. . . ;. Lion S,. D. I Craft, as were prizes of bab- , To the camerArhunt*r and the at sitilroLy ldeiatifx either a would b6 acceptable," (Sig A,0bUuCJU6r 11 I I . . %it Huron, north 0 1 thei to � had, i s . I I .1 . ordashery to -all other. � contest%ntg. I u- Which to po the Will Wage Fight L, � AC,Oettgoxi. L IL . - . L I Turner seconded, VouncIllot On L . , W4 1 .%. . I I I . . . . -dent of wIld.life, the canadjanPr6vinceo spade or a shovel, Land to. dismissed . . �. 1. Humber's �motfon. .. . not,.hoon occupied for some weeks. but . 1. 1, f .1 I _: _. - - . , , , __�. . . I . I 0. . Coufacillor Humbar-"A general �. . . ; I I I .L I ,; � -----7- 1 - — ­ - - � - ; offer 'unusual'opportimitlos for Interest- case. Anyway, after the W ti * I rii.fid?l i he does . .; Money -Making Proposition . ' I was completely furnished, the equlptnentL . . . . . . � , ; , been laid the zpade nd shovel L a . . . . . . ,6 _': I . _Viiiiii I leg experiences arid . records. There Is had a ormawgon . :to Regain His, Guns inset jig :of those Conte 1W . Including Ali aloctrid stove and,ol . , . . . I'll I L . - .., . , . � " . : he mean by;,'those concerned?," . I _ , L , otric . , '.. I . am to'tho Cam- found In a this a patelt just Inside the ' , . . i 1. . I t.�. ti L - . the coundil Is dabbling In the. -bond . I --�-� no closed season on g . . I rofrigerator.� I .. L � . sap- ularket these, making, money 'night the flatues wore � �, I . 1. . NWH72 ­4GIrl., wants housework. , . _ al � � . L . - 'Mayor Lee­­�'I don't ,Xnow, but 1 ' days 'and . . . . t, , ' I . I . T I - , D. _VtA-;hUut#r'and, throughout theyear, he Xechnie fence, tvidently having liden Machin� Gun No* Rep ose ha.means. the temperance pe, I , About 10,30 last ' I I . I I . 8nqok& at STAR opnbt' �' . L - . , o$et in . I . DP110," In co�xaraltteo .of the whole It allthorized noticed by Mr, Harry Watroh, Who h4s, 11 I . . I will find favorable conditions to -study thrown there of recent date,, so that All � , ii) . . , : I . �L - L It,— '' . � I . . I ." . I I L " ' of L game a, - nimals, arid birds A well. . . I. I I ­ .. I . . . Polke Cobri - Chamber� - , � The letter was referred, to the special the sale of - $�0,009 of Province of xani� -a, cottage nearby, He. promptly notified : , : ,,, . % �, ­ WAIT= -Agents - - and :dealers to sell -the habits . . . . I I - , 'L , � � � , .natural 7 I . .0 . : ommittee, of, which Councillor 30.' 1) toba -bonds, Whielt it has In. a sinkirig neigh I .. .:�. I . � . . . b1l"Durners that r,dtall at $S5. and.- to photograph them in ,their � . . . L I ., � � Charge Ja, Laid - . C I . tuti . . L b6ts and Also Mr. Reynolds at * ` : � I .1 't, - 'L Taust b-ave,$50, to $206 c4pital. For fur- surroundings, . . . I .. A PAPER YOU WILL LIKE TO READ . . 1. . . — a , I ,Brown is chdirman, Without further. d,. at a price Which `wIll. net AboUtL d(2dertell' a aL� ' . . . . I . . ' L , . , . .1 I . � I .. I One room was found to b . : ; I I L .. I L I ;, L. � I . I I ,14,'StAft OV_ , __=­ . . I . � - The pollee court chamber 119radually, comment, The' sfiecial committee, on $2,000 profit. . . . I . mat , brisk wind ., �', . I ); S ther,partictilews writai Boir = -z - . I s of Ilames and,wlkhL�a "I.- L '. I . — . __ . A. trial subscription to The Godericil of . L . . . . . . I I I ( , , I L � . . . � . , I . . onil. September 16th, reported; . Before going into Committed, however, bloWing ' ., . I ; . . FICEP. . " . I . FOR SALE OR TO'RENT L atav, HuronCouuiy'a biggest and bright- taking- do the Appearance .an An L, I I ­ I ,Iwd up I . . . the structure was awn Ila . ,. . . . I . I I 11 L . . I WAN,T=,---4o - i �_- . weapons now To � . _f . - I u I . t I (" , I . . L - I . - eSt,paper, will b sub- SuMcient -pose In it 6 17tegarding the formation of a board 'r,ounell or H inber, :chafrm(ul Of fin- In the absence of any, addquate fire fight- � , I buy or i4re, a 1�orse e. sent to Any new I I i T W , , .r L quell 'a Chica,go holdup by_gangsters. of,trusteds or gBdXay.*CorArmm1tY,I*I, anCe,L explained the preposition, .He said in Apparatus, ally ! I ' , I . . zetweeit 1000, and, 1200 V R]9NT._JJeaWd six � apart-. P.-priber to the eud:Of the year !6� 95c. L . �., 0. The loss Is paril . . .Weighing I - at, . r =z��� . - The - collection - � was added.. to. 'on, Satur- the, W. C. T, 'a. has. app,ointed two re- Mr. A.' Pennington, of the firm Of Me covered by, Insurance.. .. . . � I il 'I L . meat on 11auill.ton" -, I . I . . .. .. " . I . lbs..for delivery Wagon,�* Apply Obderich , fur, � . . � . �, I I . . : 1 , . . I . ther par;Icula . -4- ntaiives,: . the sons .,of Temperance 'Lead, '1�oung. &'Weir, Toronto, was in St, � F, BSNN�ETT. is, appli 1-14YI3 & HAYS, AU�T7W Zi�� day mortilng when ProViticial 'Officer prese . L - I . t I) - -Bakery, .. Hamiltop , . . . . I , ' 4itt .. �, _1 . ! i , I . � - Goderic#. ., ,­­ I- .- ­ —,-- Fox brought In a German machine gun have 'appointed two representatives and town t day- and strongly advised the' ., � .1 . I 1. . I I .. I, le accommodallon , for . . I . ,� WAI�=G ' . L yj�Xtqus of a board of nixie trustees we rocom, sAlo U the�o.boi�ds Acw avloi.lr , I i I , L .. I I . ]FrOft � 'P5A_.4,-vPOrsl,, tgurtio witli ,­7tw at I ' LLJ1JL9 - . IRIBOR I ,� v I " -t�. hoftt. - ,All I . � g �oqo HWG!�,. -AND L 'the ,c6uncit . Appoint , five-;;. �jalj .Would, neb'the town a 'nice P't n1111 .AT 11`111 RA I - . AUCTION SALE OF FU�R- ,and. Ono, �thqwno_rpp_4#4�_ - . - � .. L .. twor old,?�Ppbple_ Quit -a ', billooif tires, !$25; two-plete IJVJ48 L r ' IT= 9-- ' kiiiai'of am ion. 'They are � the pi,61 m6iiii.1h .. 1. . ;�t, oi�i . � . . I I . . . . . . �,�� � , I � convenience$. Eo4tore 0, ,STA . I . -Goldthorpe ,Messrs. George. P. Gould; J. W. - Taylor, about-�2,000., Mr. Pennington, the fln4 . r . . . L.i I I , I . . , I I � I . L . I � roon party of Lieutenant Oliver . 01 . ( 11, I . . .L I x suite, good upholstering, $10; Mr. John Ball1le will sell by public I . . .1 . � I I .L . and 25 re- atictIon at Mr. Thomson's store, on .. the of Bayfleld a W. F. OalloW, - R. R. Wigle and a ' � I . I I � mahogany finished vICtr01X. rid their seizure constitutes Dr- . noe minister said, wished to go -,- - - . L r 1. — CordS. $,1,5.L L Lee ---;t a first two -to be appoInted cord. I ''I . 1. . L � the Arst step by the Crown to oonflsca�e Mayor .h . . r publicly . As advising" the sald., of The :Home Smith on Monday brought :�i��" 1____r_ , Enquire at STAR OFFICE. Square, Godeifidh on 'of r . . . L 11 I NOTICE TO CREDITORS . 'L THURSDAY, OCTOBER'2111th, 1932 this and all other weapons belonging t.O, for three years, the -next two to be ap- theEb ,bonds now. ille also had Advised .11(6,00 bushels wheat for the elfiva,o . I r . ­_ -­�­­_,%_- I I . . o years, and --afterwards - the town to . hold the proceeds until -a. Wt. c!earIng � at 6.30 on TUesdak even . if - "I �_, �- WR SALE,-Oardwood, beach - and ' . the colorful lieutenant. . . pointed for tw "L . - 1. , AL EARL at'2 o'clock sharp: ,, .` . - L .. i " NOTICE TO. CREDITORS. -, Maple, good.. dry wood. L .. appointments to be for three years and. MOTHavorable -time for reinvestl . . I . . .1 . � I � � � . , 'SL' Following seizure on Saturday a Charge 91. .. 9. I . . . . . . . � I . . — . 22 . one mecldry Cabinet electrid' range; . Yor of the town 'as elected from ong. before 14anitobas, ProSpe L . . . L ' L - L � I MCNIM, R. 8, 4,'Aubufti. Pbone 24r.4 , . Qnf. OfL the ma would not be vary I cts' for a goad -sloe r i, , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all Dungannon, , I . one Kitchen Aid kitchen Cabinet; having offensive weapons dangerous . .. I d winfe fleet . . glass L time to time." .1 � 11 .� persons having any claira'against. the . kitchen cupboard; one :.extenslon, to the public was laid, This is to come, . I . L I .1 . could be bought much more' thoaply�l for Goderich harbor are -said to be . � V . on, � I . . . . . L . . . ­ . . "He hu.information regarding that pro- bright. � I . . .. I �. . . � I � ' istater Of Jeniftle.Sterling Uort late of PULL= - FOR SAiZ,�May hBtch, table 114sor style.kitchen chain; up todayL (Thursday). , The plea will be Pralse& Deputy Reeve - : I L. L . I . . . . I . �'. . -of Goderich .1n.the, County of ' single comb; White Leghorn pullets . , One . vince.. I 'Just pass this Information On The Oi S. L,L frelghte I rs. I VAleartler I And, I ! , th6 Town' . �v=et;Wte' with mattress (KI'06bler), "not. -guilty" arid, An Interesting -time i's In reviewing, tl�id. line Job Which -the to YOU go As to go .on I 1�. Huron. Widow, who. died on or about the exceptionally heavy laying strain, About two Chairs to match; three Vorigolewn Promised In the courts. Tho.charge and public works committee bad. made of record. . You tan WartianL, tled� up here for two 6easoxiss. L i . I � . 20th day, of September. 1032, tO.sehd the 75 Choice ,pulletsi from'225' to 250 egg rugs' 9xI5, 9X9) 3X6; One square Jewes the,.order of coutIscation. ofall of Lieu- all read between the lines And suit your- - . . . I , I � I hens t6getber with - IS earli June hatch� heater; one Annex heater; one &van- harbor hill, where'a -new walk for pedes- ' "Isn't cleared for-4he heati of- the lakes laist I . I ,, , same to the undersigned on or before I , ' trians has been.. laid and the road.widen, , .Councillor Humber. . � the 15tU day of Oct ad pulleta, still 50c and port; one wardrobe, walnut finish; one, tenant Goldthorpe's. arms, Which would - selves," said . Thursday morning Several local. SallorsL. . obet, 1939, as ou and to 40111, lirice 1 1 L I I r . A - ; 44 � after that ARte, the executor of the said up. \ W� HUME ,: R. 5, c4ild's ,high -chair; one kitchen .stool; likely -follow-a -oonvJctIOU,-'Js -to-mbd�-fought , ad that What M - 'Pentaltogto said, Mr, ured berths on 'these boats and others CLTJTTON,. R . and drained, Councillor Brown Was ?11 I I . . I aft i ;&L end,'Frank Donnelly, Conn- Treasurer ,� .., � , . . . . �,-� �es GOdbrieW (Ph -one 1413, Carlow. - . one medicine .cAbhidt (White); one vle-. to, the biti I partlefilarly' oulogistio of Deputy Reevo. I . . joined the drew of the Northton. .q., I L I qate Will proceed to make distribution . I I — trola; two washitands; one, dresser, one iol for accused,, has .said. ' . Mr�. Xnox---wA'H(!'%Id . a let of stuff. I L L I . '. 11 , thereof, having,reg4rd Only to tita­­ I Moser, -the public works. chairman. . . . . -going tramp from, . . . . . �11 . � 116 then has notice of. . L F on ' SAI,9,-Vard delivery tr1jok butternut - sideboard; one brass bed 'some weeks ago Lieutenant Ooldthorpo -11 Wish to, express myself in unmis- We'll giscuss that.,A#tor." . . . ,The Della, %. sea .. I . 1. . k�"` DATM 'AT GODERICH 'THLIS 30th 'Model T. Bargain for -quick.sal� L (spring* and mattress), one walnit steel delivered a valuable-. collection Of L fire- I L . 1. L - Halifax,. was ]it port last Thursday And � 1 . . �, dayL of September, A.* D, 1932. -1, R. WHEL%M, -Hamilton Sv., Gode- load (spring and mattress), six dining t,k,ble term Arid to publicly thank Mr. . . Correspondence Read . Friday, clearing for the Maritimes with � I . I ��, . . i-rAms And SAYS, I rich.. 1. 11 . . -chairs, solid Oak, leather seats Other arms, by voluntary. arrangement follOw- Moser for the �aplendid job done," said N, H. Mixter. . molosed a clxdque for a cargo of flour. and salt from the plants I L . I . articles too numerous. to men&u. I Ing his conviction for pointing an air the ooun�llltpt. "I have harped on this $25 for a bowling alley litonse. Refer- of the Western Canada Flour Mills. ", � L, � o 1. L . , Goderlich, �Ontarjo, L . . . ­ . ,, : . . solicitors for the ZxecUtor 1110R RENT -On Trafalgar, between No reserve on anythizig as proprietor gun at the gardener at the summer r.esi-� thing, I know, -since.I entered council, red to. finance committee. . . _ .L i ' . I I . - 1. ; . . I Nort and Victoria Streets,a com. Is leaving Godetich, . � I dence of Mrs. Stott. Th6 arrangement L :i , . . heroin, I L A ' and thts.yearj have, hRd1thd support of. � The public library board. asked for the , . . .1 . . . .. . . . - ' . I L' . . . .­ '� , -, ­= ----------- f6rtable seven roomed house, hardwood 7ERMS-Cash, . . . then -was that Mr. Goldthorpe was to. my colleagues. Councillor Turner. Per� � . . � 10, . . floors, L hot And cold waters garage arid T. GUNDRY & SON, have the use of these firearms, or make L - I .. (0ontiruied on page 5) . . L I . 1 REAL ES'VATE A" INSUILAN09 . haps .some -unpleasant things ,have been . , Comzn,� Even6 i � . : I .- gardens 'butiftediato- Possession. W. W. . . AtictiOnear. a sale from the -collection of Sonietwen- - LL' � — L * said, but now we can: forget theoe, and: I k;8 f L , f .1 . TILE An]�ISTRONG REAL ESTATE -OWELL, phone 8 or 213., SALE.OF FARM STOCK. . L , ty, at the discretion of his w6rifilp, The I aga.01 ixpress my thanks to the deputy c4i 99 . � AND SUSINIM. BRI"S I . �. L AUCTION . . L 'valuable, art I � Soccer � and Lit . I I . . ` I I I I "I I H N i I I i I I I ANTED. -Hal W " � -, wllx"'�" I I I I 'I. , . AND INSUPAN09 AGENCY, 1piARM,00R SAL9 OR To RENT,�_ . guns, some of Which .are '. reeve. I have. been Waiting for a final I I . . . I . I " I . . I , I �Q, . I . I I __ . J6 � Eighty Acres, more or less, the SAbitTEL Z YOUNG . highly prized by Lieutenant Goldthorpe, report on the relief sewers, on Which a Don't miss the Penslar. 1-teirt sale at I ��'. Large nuinber of Houses and Farms Property of the late Win; Johnston, in will sell by public auction at West Half 'Who 11218 collected them over a -period of Mr. .'Moser ,did such�, good- �work, before L I .atthe G. C, 0 OAMPBELL'S DRUG STORM . I I q � . for Sale st'vory low prices and, easy i3oaerich* Tw,p., one: mile north ,of Lot 22, �st Concession of West Wawa- years and in a number. of pouritries dur- expressing my thanks to ''him in this - I ' . I I. I I - Woman's . 04 ter -mo for payment.' Ask about them Portees. HUI, Oth con. lot 21. Bank nosh, on 1. �.. . Ing his war ,experience and In his post connection, This Council should shO* HalloWe I 'ert Party The annual meeting of the .L . I . L . SL " . . . Arranged and Hospital Auxiliary will be held in Mae- . barn And frame houl BPI XaY Rail Thund4y, October 20th, at 3 . I J. W. ARMSTRONG, I $a. Good sprin FRIDAY, OCT. 21st, 1932 war travels. - its appreciation for the very endid , , L � . . . . Office upstairs, East Side Square a good cedar. May commencing at 1:30 sharp: The Ciown is expected to call 'wit, service he has given the town." . I . Christmas Dance . - � p.m. .Everyoue Interested Is - Invited to . . I . I � � . . I ,�, ...11,��f­ ��,Pjo,-. Box, 89. , - �-. , I I Oaderfoh, OuL have possession After the loth qf March, C,ttle��l blue cow, 6 years Lold, due nesseslo testify that accused has On ca- Councillor , Turner oexpressed similar . Maybe . . . - . I . . . 1.,��5� ''I I � I . . . . I " - L — 1933. MRS. WM. JOHNSTON, Regent to I attend. . L . , I St. Godarleb calve last. week In Nov.; I red cow "G, casions used these weapons in a reckless sentiments. He said people were well .. - . . I I L . . __ I . I. k, - - h I , ". �, - ! �, I , �1- 1 �, . - I', I,, I ., I , , . L' . I . . ,. . . . . years, old due to calvdr last week In NOVA manner, dangerous to the publ, but satisfied with the Job done . on - harbor Atimeelt. Chapter,- LO.P.M. will . Old . . � I I I I I , * I cow 5 years old, supposed to be In' calf, Just who these Witnesses will be. will � not bill. I I On Tuesday, -the Ilth, the 0. C. I. I . . ... . 8ALS.-Business of the OoddrIch I cow g years old, oupposed tabe In calf; be disclosed until today. . � I Its regular meeting in the library , on . . . FOR . I 'or squad played Its first game with Monday Afternoon, Mt. 17th, it � four . . Mineral Water Company, West �St,, I black .cow 11 �ears old, supposed to be I I Ilayor Lee also ,expressed his thanks. ote . . .. #I I . � *Cltnton in the Wossa soccer series. The o'clock. . . . � . Goderloh, Ontario, by tender. The low- in calf; I COW years old, freshened 5 . AUCTION SALE REGISTER "Mr. Moser has even us a ,wonderful , � est or no t, . . , The regular meeting of Victoria Rome en4er�not; necessarily Accept- weeks., 6 steers, 3 Years old; 4,heifers 2 . piece of work," His Worship, said. score was 1-1, Page scoring for Obde- od. Tenders to -be received by the Local years old; 6 steers, I. year old,. 5 heifers, 11MAY, October 21st-Auttion sale . . . I and School, Club will be held on Thun- I Ma4ter, of the Supreme Court, Court l'year old, 7 4091VOS. of I farm stock at West Halt Lot 21, lot Says Square Not Dirty rich early in the first half and Camp- day. Oct. tOth, at 8 p.m. in the kinder- � : House, Goddrich, oil or before the 16th - gones,-1 general purpose horse, IS Con. West Wawiluldsh, Commencing at -Councillor Turner said he was in re- bell for Clinton on a penalty kick., The I oom In the achool. . . . day of.06tobei at .12 Wtl6ok noon, Re- years old; I filly 2 years old. 1.30 o'clock, SAMURL,T. YOUNG, Pro-; .1 celpt of ..complaints front merchanta play was slow owing to the . muddy field. garten r OC b . compartled -by a marked cheque for ono� Pfgs.­2 broo4 sews due to farrow t 0 0 orldh The .W. C. T, 'U. Will hold Its to or . tenth of -the tendered price. about time of sale, L21 'chunks, about 195 prietor. T. OUNDRY , "oft,. Auctioneers, about the dirty,tondition I .of tbe. Square, Johnston was the star of It 0 d meeting At the. home'of Mrs. 4. H. COI - I Vor further particulars apply,to -lbs.. -1 . . . . � . I . . I .. L I . I — backfield. ' I I . . borne, Ot-PatrIck's street, on Thursday,L - . T99 CANADA TRUST COMPANY, TORMS.-All sums of $10.00 and un- The schools In the league are Mit- the 20th, at 1.30'p.m. . C6r. 23undas and,Clareace St., der casht over. that amout, 12 months' 91n1DTV Qt ITIDL Am PATTUIrit !991 . . I . I .1 . ) I I I � . . — .Lend- A�f­4,, I L $ I chall, Seaforth, inton and Ooderich. . RUAMAGE SALE . I . . . I �� . * � ' I L � . I I I . I , � . � - . � I . I 0 . 'OrCULt, WLU Oe gJVdnLOfI lurnishing ap- . .1 . . I ... . L . ­ * . ­ I I I - - , , t . . I . � A little support from the local towns- ' Thu Maple teaf 'Chapter, 1. 0. 1). E., - FARM— __ woved barileAble, PaAr. A diseount, of 5 , All -IOC4 Will hold a rummage sale on Friday And I -FOR sAm-Porty aeres.11rabreL per Cent. Straight Will beL.allowed for would be appreciated. , , . . or. less. the property of the late cash, . SAYS MALY OR OF! WILD RUMORS :Zonpeles, Are played at the fair grourids.,Saluvdal, Oct, 216t and 22ad, , I It. W. 0, Nottel, situated at the end of . ,Everything adverilsed must be dispos.. I — , . � The Me -up was: ' ' I : * . . . 1E I .. I South streel, on the southern 'boundary d of, as proprietor lo overstocked. I I . . � Ooderich-A. Sinitlis,eentor; 9, Tay- NOTIC . of ,the town; of good clay loam, lone - T, GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers. Denies the D a P u Jt y Reeve is 13ONDSMAN 'CHANCES MIND I,r, inside right', -B, StrAughati,- Inside Warrener's Bakery ifteopened, under I . I house and barn, drive shed, workshop; SAMUEL T. YOUNG, Proprietor. � I 'Paid For kfis 1. left; W, McDonald, outside rio)it; P, the name of "Ooderich Bahtry." Mr. I hen -h so* irteslan well (ISS feet), the I 4 Frank Bennett In now- In charge And is ou ' . ver best of water; good fruit trees . I Woman Who Appealed Polite 'Co�rt Pages outside left. R. Errington, contra I dy SeMces foor next I d al location, close to schools ana CLVARING AUCTION SALE OF . � Conviction Is Back In Tells half; It. Orden, right half. A . Deak, left open for business. Watelt . . .h A'A". "ho f.o4s-se .�#­l 11OUS& PURNISHINGS t. W A %2Y.1,% .[�U# f.,11 h. t- et -r�,,,, weeit'a ad . in The Star. L �, , . . V. — _1JV.y . . � .When. the bondsman for Aal'S. M al - i , I � # I . 11 -1 . � I - . ,. I � . on the Premises or. to Pmor or WILL ..— NASTY REPORTS, SPIKED I ston, left full back; T,,, Vrooman, goal. . 0 I 11 . . I . NAOM. � . . — I Bell, recently �enttnoed to one year In .CARDS OF THANIKS . �11 . . .. I � - .1 � . I I - We are lustrudect by . ' . Moreet, tot contributing to the dello- Clinton -A. Campbell, center; 4. Gtur- Mrs, Henry M. Down and I family wish . �' . . . I . I 1. � 1 4 . . I . - MR- J- 0- R0139RT-90N, CoUncillor Huthher Would L&e quenoy of Children, withdrew his Bup- goon, inside right; 'D.,Smithl laoide'left; to thank their friends- for the many ,. 1. , I - . I ____ to gall -by Public allction at his real- .. I port lost Friday, police .wera obliged to C. Snider, outtide, right; L. Oa)hOuh, kindnectoo extended to them during the I J.,V. CRAIGIE; � I deliee, West 8t,, Ooderich, on t n . I ; � I .. . rearrest the woman and eccort bar to Outside left; 6.'Cook. Centre half; E -VI, long Illness and death o( husband and . . . I i. I SATURDAY OCT. loth .. Source , jill, . Ilott, right half; ii Armstrong, left half; father; also to thwe who'so kindly loan- . f , Insurance and Red Estate � . C. H. HUMBF–P Commencing. a 1.80 Wolock I . � I . __ -, . 10. Weston, full bach; 11. Hyder, left full ed their cara or aasiGted in Any way dar- - JIWItLUSIV I � I � . All the contents of the house, Including: ,,These are Concocted, stories and art back,, Us Gibbs, goal, Ing their cad bereavement. , . 1. . DOMINION. VROWNCIA1. THE SMALL SI ORE I Mohawk -tyfle 10411W kadlo, cast - That &tory� Is concocted; It'8 a crime," The executive of the Literary Gooloty Mr. and 'Afro. Uerb3it Fisher Wish to 1 $265; 1 elleSte � - I XVNXCIP�w 11ON", ,,A,lr their many friends their . I , . WITH THII ilia msroeic -u d, 3 living room chairs 0, 01ime," said Mayor Lee tit Irsviday said His Worship, was , elected. Thumday, Oth, as followa - ehx1a)rrets4sDIb t44QP))roCIAtIOA4 of the many kind- . . . , I I � pholstered; I wicker chaff; I Akinin. night's town "council , meeting, in. spiking Coutitillor Humb8r­"You can't get to Zon, Preo., Alias Shepley; Pres., Alex, . � I . I � I., I =11- . Is.— � . ", I Il - . _ ;_ . . .! star rugs ,3xS% yards; I studker's set; 2 Several nettes extended to their daughter during I , i I � I I ugly rumors which have Wen the bottom of rumors such [is these by MaoiVicar; Ut Vito Prea., Marjorie herAllnees and for the exproasions of - IT 6: — �, - - 1 4- T I i �1 � I - bridge lamps; - I fireplace set template; going the rounds about Doputy� ltebvet 8imply, denying them, it is not sufficient Mc-therington; 8xid Vict-pres., jemc3 sympathy ten e . . I 1� � . 1. . . . I ... ..... I telephone table and chair; 1 electric ex d d to them In their b�r- . A - I . . . Waluut'table; 6 rugs 21hx4; I Moser, chairman of Public works, being to merely correct them in the pre -0. I nedditt; Sid Vice-Prea., Roy Prrington; efivement. They also exprms their gr3- . �111100*1111ttml paid for his servicea by council via thoi would like to know who is circulating the gootrotary, Marjorie Paer; 4 . , 9X12; 1 � dining room suite 1. Treasurer, titude, for the numerous beautiful flazal . I (buffet, table and 6 chairs), 1 walnut subteranneatt route. rurftorl�. Let's got to the bottom of this gerbert dreene; platffits, jc-an price, tributes. I ; 1111 Life 98surflnoe 00 , , of Bank bedroorn suite (Queen Awe), mattress I'Mr. Moser has given the town voilU. thing and do something about it." . Jean -MacDonald, Al" Howell, nay The family of the, late George W � I A, land springs, dresser, beach and chair; able servict, on the relief adf,vers lot win. ,Councillor growit-f-We doftft want to I,awreuco; ,press, 130cwtarIC3, Douglas Sturdy, Goderich Tbwashipi witit to , NyL � s" Z-_ . - - - _­­........"_ , 1 green enamel bod; 1 Marshall ftliht,, ter and oil harbor hill this fall, I have start a, lot of libel actions."' lAtiddleton, Man Taylor; form represon- tlAftk kind frion(b for their floral tri. � .. 1� tr "t ; I small dresser; I Aet "rifigs; I teen him moelt working on them jobs Couticillor Humber-I'Perhaps: come- tatIV054_porm IV, Nancy. Clarke. . , , . Form bute5, for the uW of autoinob,1103 and . r 11 -mattress and spftgs,, fI from carly morn till late at night., but body Is jollying the MIYOr." I%U, Xeltli Saunders; Potm IIIB, liar other aziatance, dbo Ptev. W. T. Iluut - , YOUR D9SIM , Simons beds . I drtsftr; I stand,, I vacuum clean for 1115 kindly eowidetation In their bn. �L tain% overdrapes and blinds; I he has not ,beau paid for his labor by ,Mayor ,Lco-PNObOdY 13 J011.5ing 1110," 'old Turner; Form IXA, Jack Snyde1j" cavement. I I I., You desire (1) to give your children all education, (2), e'l),111"O, r , . stered tocktr, 1 wall mirrot-, I Piro this tolmell. Councillor Ttimora��'l doubt very tuttth Vorm IM, Bill Craig., Form Ile, Rhea I - - I �, to build a reserve for further emergencies, (3) to protect your TefrittrAt6ts I porcelain top kitchen "However, there have been noty re- if tiny such teportz came from Any mom" Bacphler. Porm Us Murray UmDouald; . olm-1- L I holne, against the inottgage, (4) to set aside money for your tablet, I WAtiftal 2 -plate electrio range, ports going &round. One bag - it that ber of thti council," Form In. Itoberta 4T,ohnston; Vorat to, GTUltI)Y.-At Oodorich Tp.. on Mon. 1, old age. You can acconiplish these deAre,q 111ore eConotnis, 4 drop leaf table., I =411 sideboard; I : council charged up an extra car of tft, Mayor tto-"80 do Is but thfit% what Ray lAwronee; Journal editors, Eileen day. October 10th, 19ag, George W I I linoleum 70; kitchen duos; kitchen another an extra tsink cat 6f liquid ss� Is being isid. Itsa alfiAst;7 slut 00 thO 0,13rlen, Iteno St,)11, Mary ltoizton, Sturdy, In Mi 00th reat. � I . rally thtotigh life insurance than in atly other way. Consult utensils; Wit mower and, numerous plialt, to ,pay Mrs Moter, us about out niany,plana. , other artkits, Council." Hazel Young; staff -VepteseAtatives, Min WWN--At Gcftich, 041 13uudV, I "People ,cire"Ing such reports should CoUneillor Tumor-sIttorcovor, 2 don't MeNaughten, Miss Dale, Miss Acker- C00tober 0M 1032, 110W t1%J107 DOwn, i � i , � . his is IL 10od lot of tuMitare and will beloved husband *I Dorothy Dawn.,, la . ; (0%ca 113 be W1d without reserve as W. lt�ebert. halve commott stx186 ttioittgh to know thAt think ttW comid1lor would tt%Z4 for a =Us 10 OD611 year. I u ne. Xt is remrt like thAt--itot tor is Minute." The executivo to pleinning a Itzillowolen i pbooet : 01 vemd" UP how-6keephig, 4a " "I " No i H. R. LONG, District Agent """ is giving W41�*I'.—In Godorleb, on 0,,eaday. 1, . Tmug-vant, even r06rttd thst ,otte tountillor hid "I just want to lot the public know pagey C�pccjall,7 for th6 frC511mc-11 041 tba 0" M. , I a % ov Mrs, Teter Maeftall 1011twins, ! I ___­ . L . ILI I L-1 I I _.­ � . ­ . . " , . . .... ". . , ", ". . 1.1 T. ()V"ny & goN, "Id that this m&nntr of Dlying the be. about It"t aild.t1te mayov, *01oswe Oil to V,-Ida7 night p2ovlow to the Slat.' Voud HeRay), Aged al year.&, I months 'ZI 1--_-_-_-'1 . I I I Attettloota. Duty W00 *$% dW "04 in Couticil. the teXt Miter of bathi0a. 11 � I hoz�oa are fastozed for a chrlstmas dzinca. 25 d�,Vs, I . . - � I . � . . I I . . , . . I t I !I . � I I , . . ­ L .... .. � - ___.- . .­ . . 1. ­­ ' I 1. _ _... _­ .. _ __ . - .1. - I . I- �� 1. ­ .", =­­_­­­_­ ­­ " _­­-­,4J04r ' -�-------'--�-�---�..�-...'��..,,-..-,-,-.--� ­­­ ­ L I --4— I _­­ ­ 1. � ...­­ � _,­_,� . . — -1 -r- � .- . ­ ,4�� 1. � I ,� I# I - � i - - - . � . .- _11 ___�� . . — ­ I I ... , - - -.7 — ��, " �L � ,,,..,,I,* 0,01,10,,, — --- �� .. ­_ ­-, . ­ - . � , .1 Jazist, 4:4 ..a