HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-06, Page 5'I'Hait,VAX. OCT. 4th, living G. C. I. Triumphs %n Track and Field"( xu+;,a later to 1 Rgeque (0). Sherritt (X). Ght'iWe (Mk; senior— Crawford (A➢, Young (M), Urinate 3jy n CaliatY School Honors Pit (e) 3w/fortis Last Friday Passmore (U). La Boeque (0). M[einnee (Q); eerier'--lexringten. (0). ceawfard Running `broad jltmp, junior "Tirleii (til), Kerheahliin(IA, Coruitt (8); in- termedtate8mith (0). Meelpaddeu (S).' Paesmere (11): senior 'iyndall (8), elederiele Collegiate Institute last Fri- (0), Coote (C). day won the major honors in the county Running high jump, juniotandier. Interscholgetie track and field meet held O'Brien (0), Cousitt (8); intermediate at Seaforth, in width 175 athletes 'coni- i3='l (E). 'Wilkins (0), ' Hillevi (S) ; peted. The lozel school won the Mc- Senor --Johnstone (0), Cook (ii). TeYt- Millan Trophy emblematic of the wheel Will (8). championship; rolling up 144 points as drop, step and jump. junior- O'Eriei compered with Seaforth'.s 118. Godo- (0), Kerbashion (M), Howey (E); in - ride in accomplishing this, captured the terntediate- Hockey (E). Rennie (8), Juror and intermediate boys' champion- Passmore (li); senior -Page (0), 'i'yn- ships,' Joe O'Brien and Audrey Smith, dal' (8), 81Us (S). respectively, being the successful ath- Pole vault, junior --Hovey (p), Barton letes, 1). Sills. of Seaforth, annexed. the (0). Rutledge (S); Intermediate—]Lennie senior boys title. The junior girl sham- (8), 'Craig •(Ci); Christie (M); senior-- pion is ar.:Nott, Seaforth. and the senior Johnston (0), Page (0), Moynes (0). girl eb mpion, Pickett, Clinton, The Shot put, juniors.-R"erbgshion. (M), 401. Rance trophy for the school win- Pepper (C), Doak (0); Intermediate-- ning the amt. points. in intermediate Smith (0), Rennie (S), Killen (8); boys' events was won by C3oderich Cole e ' leglate Silver n)ed and shields were son (iS) resented to all champions, the medals to be kept by the champions and the shields. to be retained by their respective 'Clinton; senior-.Seatorth, atoderich.• schools for•Qne year. fw 4t ti#e nahclusion of the meet, W. J. ` • Duncan, eafortb, gave an address, com- plimenting the contestants and officials. He then introduced Mr, Medd, M.P.P. for South Huron, who presented all the cups, medals and shields, Mr. Medd present- ed each. of the six schools taking part with pictures of the Fathers of Confed- oration, . ' The details of the events are as,fol- lows: (aft Standing for Mitchell, (0) Running high jump. junior --Nott (S), 01=(8), Swale (M); . senior— Ruston (M), Gaudier (0), Pickett (C). n Basket ban throw, junior—Lyon (C ), Nott (8), Parrott (M); senior—Pickett (C), Tyndall (0), Gosaman (M). Target throw, junior—Mct& (G), 'Tasker (0), Caldwell (E); senior --Ball CO). Herbert (M), Wens (0). Running broad jump, junior—Nott (S), Lyon (0), Tyndall' (0); senior-- Ruston (M), DaVis (M), Plcleett (0). Softball throw, . junior—Nott . (8), Lyon (0),.Parrott (M) ; senior: Pickett (0) , : Gen ('M) , Hart . (S). Relay, junior-8eaforth, Clinton, God- erich; senior -Mitchell, Seaforth, Olin - ton. senior -Nook (C), Rlienson (M), Finlay - Relay. junior;-Oodericlt, Clinton, Bea- fettle; ea fetth: lntermedtate-m0oderieh, 8eafortn. THE GODERISHSTAR PAW illif>4+ • • 6 ••tilde' Eventit• 50 yards, junior --L. Scott (S), Grate sick (0), Swale (M) equal.. • 75 yards, senior• aer • (G), Bettger (M), Ruston (M). Hop, step 'and jump, junior—Nott (8), Lyon ('C), Johnston . (Q);. senior.•+• Pickett (C), Bolton (S), Davis (M). Standing broad jump, )union Nott (S), Johnston (0), Wassman (M); sen- ior --Gaudier (0), Davis (M), Daer (0). Clinton, (H) Hensel', (0) Goderich, (8) -Seaforth, 4E) Exeter. gine Events 100yards, junior --O'Brien (0), Mo. Donald . (G),'- Cunningham (0); inter- mediate-3ockey (8), Passmore (11),` Rennie , (S);• senior—Sias (S), Habkirk (S). Cook (0). 220 yards, junior --O'Brien (G), Me- Denald (0)0 . Cunningham (C); mnterme- dlatc-•.Hockey (E), Passmore (H), Northy. (0); senior -Sills (8), • Cook (C)',:Habkirk (S): • 440 yards, intermediate --Smith, (0),.. Craig (0), Howe (M) ; senior—Sills (E), Errington (G),` Johnston (0). , • 880 yards, junior—Nicholson (8), Mo i?onald (G). Fisher (0): intermediate • felt �o O O Pointing, f'aPe rhan in � g and e InteriorInterior d ecoratin g thnates Ch rt ' Es ee ul1 Given y or Coun • Town r9 t in l J1'1.O. CUTIIBERTSON DECORATOR Box 509 • Gibbons St., Goderich • 1:20I01Q.©>C 0 i Victor Bi -Acoustic Radio HEARING IS BELIEVING ; PROVE IT 1 CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE 603)EF,ICII. ONT. Liberals Retain South Duron Riding . eopl'e We Know Me. )•oug)as #3ampbell, St. Catharines, was In town yesterday, Thanksgiving at St. George's Church . Rev. H. D. Ashby, Rector of NM i{ St. °P*ui's, Wo uditock Tits Promisor at. Gunge e eltureh was beautltuily (IC:Crated- er the harvest thankarsivin$ ser'vteea en Sunday last andthe speci4) preacher of the day was Rev. IL R. Asha by. of Weoletoek, who tack for hie tex'i at the warning eerviee, "Consider the Mice of the Reid; they toil not, neitlrer do they spin; and yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all ids glory was not arrayed like one of these," Olathe 'aid, was In the plowed field and in the lily. He was everywhere in nature. Al) was a manifestation of Ood and nature provided for each one his food and raiment, Sometimes it paid to go our and get in touch With. nature till the ;scanty, of all God Siad made fell an the' (Contented. froth page 1) amid, and we felt Unpelled to thank God for His goodness. We thanked Plod too undoubtedly favored the Liberals, asRev, far the life of Jesus ohrist. • hey were intended to, Rev. Mr. Ashby also euuducted the 1Vtri Acetasuiifasur c rehaehool harvest festival at 3o'eloek C. E. Clarke and Mrs. Clarke were up Irene London this week. Mrs, W. C. Patton and Misr Ruth Pat- ton were Torontovisito during the e past week, • WU'iam Henry +holding was born in the afternoon, wliic'i eves held` in the Hibbert township, "County of Perth, Apr. church,, taking the place of the re gular 14, 1880, son of Henry. Golding, who came cry session et the school. The children from England. Be spent his early years brought their contributions of fruits and; on his father's farm, and went to Sea- vegetables, and on Monday morning forth in 1042, entering the eneploy of the' these were taken to the hospital and tho Bell En 1ne and Threshing Machine o , children's shelter. Company, where he IS now shop fore- The evening service- was choral, Rev Mr. •Ashby, who is rector of New'St, man. Golding interested himself in Paul's, Woodstock, again preaching. The municipal politios'and was. elected to the Na y w p d inusieal part of the eervtces tor the day Seaforth town council in 1916. Ile be- 1 was of a festal naturo and, at morning carne mayor of Seatortlt In 1921, and was h service ineluded the offertory anthem I` Y 'Praise lee the .Lord, 0 Ye. Heaven given nine consecutive acclamations to Adore Him," Miss Ann 'Wurtele and Mr that office. He is ission of the Fub- of Wino p g the k d Frank Riley, taking solo parts effective - of ]1e Utilities Commission and h7ma being 1 d ly. of the Seaforth Hospital Board. ac Tha ka M evensong the anthem was "1 Will Elena 1013, her. Golding was married Theyy 1 Magnify Thee, 0 Lord," Miss Olive 'Doh - borne B cachou, of Owen Sound. . borne taking •a. 'solo part Very nicely. have five children. Mr. 3nlding is a Immediatelyafter the.offertory. at both prominent member of the ',United church Mrs. H. P, Clearih P0 of Seaforth, • past pt services the Te Damn was sung es an The vote in the various polling' sub- act of thanksgiving for. the blessings ot divisions in-:Goderioh Township on Mon- hue and Miss Kathleen Clearihue will be the harvest, day as Compared with the vote in. 1930 the guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. L T, Mao In addition to .the services of the day given below:. Donald, Christie St., for Thanksgiving already mentioned was. an early celebra- are week, Mrs, C1earUiue will visit relatives. tion of •Roly,4ommunign at 8 o'clock and• in Winnipeg and will spend a week with there was a celebration also at the 11. her brother Harry, in Brandon,.before o'clock service. returning to her home in Regina, Seek, The rector, Stev, J, N, H. Mills, was Mr. J. T. Fen left last Friday for Tim- mins,Titime In which town lie will .take, over part in the evening service, • MissM Phillips of Toronto, 1s vis sting her brother, Mr. Wm. Phillips. and Mrs. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs, T. Ferguson, of Lucke now, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm.'Phillips. , Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cole and Mrs. Mc - ll were on a tri t0 Flint, Mich., an Detroit this week, and Mr. Cole attended the Mic art State OptometricalCon- vention in; Detroit While ' ere, Mr. and MTS.' T. M. Davis and family, week -end Vending w e na ares e in Goderioh• The schoolse g closed for teachers' conventions , and n giving coming on Monday ntakes along week end. ue who has spent the three months in the east, le ,Monday for Toronto, where Mrs, Cleari- Sores Flee Before It. There are many who have been afplcted with sores and have e di e n.khemaway with Dr There- sa' Bclectric 011, All similarly :troubled. should lose • no time in applying this splendid remedy, as there is 'nothing like it . to be had. Itis cheap, but its power is in noway expressed by Its low price. "Many a tragedy" says s a temperance speaker, "has been caused by the two words; "What's yours?:' And even more by the two words, I will. ,,. . IT SEEMS MORE • • There are 2.7 filling stations for -ever/ mile of highway traversed by motorists in the United States,. • SOME FACTS ABOUT- GODERICH DALRY_IVIILK -4s 25�� jersey Milk. �. Y Comes from healthy herds ---ls carefully handled by . mflst•:sanitar y ... methods and modern machinery. Delivered early In the morning. Comes to ju now as the— Finest or Y Flavored. Pasteurized Milk EVER. OFFERED HERE You will like the milk carried on the white wagons from the snow-white dairy. GODERICH DAIRY Phone 45I HAMILTON STREET Weddings ' COLEMAN'-s,rmiExsoii the studio of a photographer who has AMOi\iG T>El>✓ CHURCHES been forced to take a vacation..on ac . a met .24th u On Saturday, Septemberq count of indifferent health. Mr. Fell ex- The Lail deanery Meeting of the Angt!- but pretty wedding took place at the pests to remain in Timmins until the can church is being held in Trinity home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles'Stephen-new year. He watt accompanied by his church, 13ayfield, today (Thursday). son, Varna, when their only daughter, eon VitUbur. The opening meeting of the' Laymen"s Gladys Kathleen, became. the bride of , - Mr.. Lorne Webster Coleman, youngest n ;.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coleman, St • Varna; .:at high ' noon. 'Miss Edith Mc- I Bride, cousin of the bride, played the wedding music and. to the strains of the chorusthe trifle and n nidal h Loh nrib e g. groom took their places before 'a beauti- ful ,glower -laden evergreen arch, Inter- spersed with gladiolus" and marigolds, from the centre of which hung a white bell. . 'The bride, who entered the, draw- ing room on the arra who, her. father, look 1 Insist on the Genuine Silent Glow Burner Endorsed ky the . Good Housekeeping .institute rind also by Ladies' Home Journal Over 80 noiv in use • in'Goderich and Vicinity. A Goderieh" user of two Silent Glow B u r n e r s states that' last year the tide of these -burners effected `,a saving ot be- tween $40 and $50 in his Ind bill. (Name on request) Have'a demonstration by the local agent. L. H. ZINN [a ceDcR►c WEST SIDE SQUARE Association of St, George's church for 1 d the fall was held on Tuesday evening, • John's o e When Ven. Archdeacon Jones -Bateman — Next Sunday at North, h ;t.: 10 am, Music Instructor On Irish Ritegave an address: Men's Club, "Life's Harvest, What ,Will It s1 And Present ` Maitland .: Lodge . Be?" 11 Lin" ‘'Let „Let tis' Give Thanks;' Engaged Ibr Boar' Bridge Covers C In assorted colors and designs AT A RIDICULOUS PRICE See our window display of these beautiful Japanese table covers. We purchased these P at an exceptionally low price and are pass- ing ing them on to you at 9C each Our fall and winter range of ladies' French washable suede and fur kid,, doinneatic cape, trimmedgloves loves arrived this week. Phone 86 RThe Calk8E 1. Store • c ofrtess--_'olgio-- - --= .t9sas oX�' With. New :Gavel --300 Masons Present • There ' was a gathering of over 300 ed charming in .a gown of eggshell crepe members_ of the Masonic Order in the roma .trimmed .with French suede laced temple of Maitland : lodge on.. Friday and carried a mixed bouquet Eggshell evening last, when visi'.ors from. Strat- hose and silk faille pomps completedher costume. Miss Blanche Taylor, friend of the bride was bridesmaid, being gown. - ford, Mitchell, ' Teeswater, • Blyth, Luck-, now, Listowel, 'Wingham, Exeter, Hen - gall, and, of course, Morning Star Lodge, er Carlow, gathered ed with the members of :also car- r , figured blue chiffon and ed in Maitland Lodge to witness the third d e= ried a mixed bouquet. Mr. Clarence.i Stephenson, brother of the bride, wast gree according to the Irish rite, put . on best man. DALE-FLYNN by St. John Lodge, No. 209. A., of Lon- don. : Thirty -dive member) of the Lon- dora Lodgecame up from London in a .bus load and they put on the most im- At St. Jose ih's church, Clinton, Wed- : presseee work with . wonderful snap and hesday morning, Sept. 28th, the mar- riage was solemnized'by the Rev. Fr. M. N. Sullivan of Margaret '8, daughter of Mr, Andrew Flynn of Hullett, and Mr. asked Worshipful Master Dr. Graham to ,Arnold James Dale, son pt Mr. and Mrs, resume the gavel, which he did and a James Dale, also of Hullett. The bride vote of .thanks to: the London Lodge was entered the church with her father, -who moved by Past Masters Dr. Hunter and gave her in marriage. She wore a ReV, J. N. 11 Mills and the tribute ac - handsome wedding gown of blue silk knowledged by Virorshlpful Master Rob - crepe With grey chinchilla trimming, Inson, who, on behalf of St,' John's. Lodge blue felt hat with small veil, grey gloves presented Maitland Lodge with a new arid hose and black . kid slippers. , The gavel as a souvenir of their .visit and the bridesmaid was her sister, Miss Edna W, M. of Maitland Lodge made a fitting. Flynn of Toronto, who wore a dress of reply. • wine crepe with velvet trimmings, velvet Among the visitors to Maitland Lodge hat: and black gloves and shoes. Mr. that night were several high officers and remarks were made ' by Rt. worshipful W. G. Doidge, D.D.0.M., of the London district; itt. :Worshipful W. H. Qregory, of Stratford, D.D.0.M.;. and Rt. Wor- shipful J. W. Empey, of Mitchell, P.D. D.G.M.; also Rt. Wor. Ed. Smith, seore- tary of St. John's Lodge. After - the proceedings, in the lodge room buffet luncheon was served lir the assembly hall. The London brethren extended a cor- dial invitation to the 'members of Mait- land aitland Lodge and the visiting brethren to attend their regular meetings at any int, accuracy, After the degree work Worshipful Master Robinson of : St. John's. Lodge the Pastor. 3 p.m., Sunday School. 7 - p.m., Rev. W. G. shave, I• B.A. At 10.30 ' Monday:' morning union thanksgiving i SolarY Is $35 a Month -Goy service led by Rev. Bob Munroe. Come' ern117eitt Grant Is Received. • Thanksgiving services will be held at Victoria street United church Sunday, October 9th, at 11 a,n. and 7 p.m. Rev. Arthur Sinclair, of Tiensall, chairman of Hilton presbytery, will conduct both ser- vices. The Christian Service' Orono will public school board a statement wae. lead the service of praise at evening wor-''tabled from the Department of Educe. - ship. Mr. Benson Smith, of. Brantford, will a solo. 1 sing r Services at the Baptist> church Sunday next: 9.30 a.m„ special Rally Day Bible. school service. Rev,.: Bob Munro will give an address, 11 a.m., ,gospel service, subject, "Special Thanksgiving;" 7 p.m., subject, "Not Far from the Kingdom." Rev. Bob. Munro will preach at both' ser- vices. Evangelistic services wUi be held each night next week excepting Satur- nay night:. Rousing gospel . singing - a hearty welcome: At Monday evening's meeting of the Wilfred Flynn, brother of the bride, was 'best man, and .Mr, Tom Flynn wan uslfer. The wedding march was played by Mr. PudweU, organist, who also sang a 'solo: Tilechancelof the church was prettily decorated with • autumn -flowers and ferns.' The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a travelling case, to the bridesmaid an onyx and mrquesette ring and to the best man a silver cigarette case. Inunedlately after the ceremony the bride and groom left on a motor trip to Toronto and. Niagara Falls, the bride wearing a Coat bf navy blue cloth with trimmings of lapin fur, On their return Mr. and Mrs.. Dale will reside on the groom's farm on the seventh concession of HuUett: The only guest present from a distance was Mrs. W. E. Drew of Re- gina. Seek. A STRANGE MISHAP 'Lucknow Sentinel: Jack Shiells, three years of age, is now considered to be out of danger following a surgical operation performed in an effort to Save his• life following an unusual 'accident 'which oc- curred to him last Wednesday. • The youngster is the son of 'Mr, and Mrs. sCharles Shielis, of East Wawa - nosh, and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Congrram of Bolyrood. He had been playing about and after a lapse of but a few minutes was discovered in a precarious position in the hen -house. It. is thought that he had gotten Up to es nest on a keg, which rolled away with the result that the little chap etrUek his chin on the nest and wa0 found hanging I11 that manner with his toes just touch- ing the ground and his little arms help. lescly dangling, by his sides, life was almost extinct, the lungs having canape sed, but the heart was still beating. Ile did not regain consciousness until the fol- lowing day. 'Medical aid wars summon- ed and later a Landoll physician was eai- led, who performed a spinal Operation'. for the purpose of relieving brain Wee - SUM in an attempt to save the lad's lite. Attending medical' men proclaimed it oe the first such experience they had.ene countered in their profession. -After ser- 0ra1 harroWing days of anxiety for pare ent0 and grandparents ,tack's' progress l0 favorable i)itd it 10 thought he .ie Rive out of danger. Do FALSE TEETH Rock, Slip or SlideP Fasteetli, a new, greatly improved powder to be sprinkled on upper or low- er plates, holds false teeth firm and comfortable. Can not slide, slip, reek or pop -out. No gummy, gooey, pasty i taste or feeling. Makes breath sweet and pleasant. Oet Fasteeth today at any good drug store. ACID STOMACH IS DANGEROUS CASTO A IA For Wan* and' Children In U*e Forgiver 30'Year*I Alwagai beats sagnitute of • •i�� Sufferers i'rom Iridigesticn CUT TOTS OUT "Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, indiges- tion,•Courneas, gas, heartburn, toed fere mentation, etc., are caused nine times be ten by throttle acid atomaob," says a well known authority. Burning hydrochloric acid develops in the stomach: at an alarming rate, The aetd Irritates and inflames the delicate stomach lining and often leads to gas- tritis or stomach ulcers. Don't done an acid stomach with pepsin or artificial digestants that only glue temporary re- lief from pain by driving tate Cour, fore Meriting 'Mood out of the •stomach into' the intestines. Instead, neutralize Or sweeten your ' acid otoillaclt after 'nettle with a little Eisurated Magnesia, a d not only win the • pain GAnIsh but yostr 'meals will digeot naturhiIy, 'Yi is uothin;g bet- ter than Uifurated nests, to sweeten and nettle en acid stomach. Your etora- j teat acts mad feels line lit just a few r,ainutes I:Mutated Magncola can lie o1- I teem tains,' iroany reliable druggist. It 13, cafe, reliable, easy and pleasant to tete. lo not a laxative acid 1$ net at all ex4 psneive, WANTED FRESH EGGS dour' eggs will bring you • more money if you havethem graded right, GODERICH EGG MARKET Ring Edward Hotel Block Phone 1.14 Kingston St. i • tion sho in g.the Government grant t0' be $2 163,28 leas 10 per.sen .retainedined by the 4overnnent, also less $391.86 re- tained for the teachers' superannuation fund, malting the net payment to the board of $1540.05. The statement was referred to the finance committee. ' Mrs. IX 3. Lane appeared on behalf of Ahmeek •Chapter, LO,D.E., asking that the schools be dismissed at 2.45 p.m. on a date to be fixed, in order that the. children might witness on education which is being broughteto a local theatre by the Chapter.. The request was grant- referred to. the Scheel management come mittee, . . Musks . Instructor Named Onmotion of Triistees Schaeffer torsi_ Johnston Mr. Raymond ' F. Player, gaunt af North' street United churchr. was engaged as waste instructor in the schools at a salary of $35 a month Leto:- Mrs from the Central and Victoria home t 'and school clubs and from the Goderich Women's Institute, contained offers of ' $50 Per year .from each ,organisation to- • wards defraying the ,cost of teaching'' music in the schools. The matter of painting the : rad ; of t he referred to Central school was e. C pro - Perin" 'committee wits' power to -act. Members present were: Trustees Cutts Johnston, Gray, Schaeffer and. Mills. • A list of accounts amouiottnit to $98,'17, :cost of the MacKay picnic,' were ordered paid. A vote of thanks was tendered the home and school clubs and teaching. stat for assistance given at the picnic. II School Reports Central school reported 223 on the roll, an • average attendance of 210, a I percentage of 94.1. Penny bank deposits for September were 567,07. During the month Miss F. Sturdy taught one-half . day for Miss Durnin. The enrollment at Victoria school for September was 374, with an average at- tendance of 339.9, or 90,89 per cent. Penny, Bank deposits were $0.8.40 in Sep- tember. During the month Mies F. Sturdy taught four days for Miss H, Hartwell, The matter of nen-resident pupils was ,/ m Why Not Try Martin for you next $uit or Overcoat. It Costs No More IF you. want a low or medium priced Suit or Coat say $25 or $30 we can give you y 'errs of measuring exper, ieoce. The beat woollens that money' can buy and hand tailored $40 to $55 Better Goods at Lower Prices. Smart Hats Dry leaning and Repa'ring Ser ict: FRANMARTIN TAI Loi. and HATTER 100 yitt.tik5W9g Nae A strcAK flF liiil,\►QW 101 Nth► CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Nog* Roark SOUND SYSTEM OA. PHONE 47 NOW PLAYING--"Itcung Ainerica" and "Donee Team" en a big double 4111. Monday and Tuesday SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS FOR THE. HOLIDAY WEEK • Jackie' Copper and "Chic" Sale . otter another of thee human intere?t yams which never fail to plcaIe. Equally entertaining .to young and old alike. ' "When. a Feller Needs a Friend' and just to round cut the program OAN LAUREL and OLIVER HARDY are here again to another rib -wrecking comedy. "Wednesday and Thursday • EDMUND LOWE and CLAUDETTE, COLRERT Make a wonderful team of ceephisticated sweethearts in an amuent:0C modern romance "MISLEADING LADY" °Friday and Saturday Locally thetareen'o mese popular pair 1 WILLIAM POWELL and KAY 'FRANCIS Thrilling you t Mystifying you anis entrancing you with :1 ginniorotis atouit of suave !gentry ,and irreeiitabla ladies. "The Great Jewell Rory" COMINGG •":reify Lynton" Metes Monday, Wednesday and batorday at 3.00 p.m. 1