HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-06, Page 4- "
I . I .
. I � � ' �. . ,XUU13-OPAY, OUT. 02 1033 -
11 ---.-- !THE GODERICH STAN ----'-- - __1 I �_ -.-.I-,- ________________""`"""`
' IVA0111 YOU11 __ __ - - : � � _____ - - "..." - � . __ - *
- I, _
- ___ , - - _�� I.,
._ .
- - , - - church we'of the W44 biw-ked 12044 j
� . I I
---,-,------ . - - - f w with its sw 13:3or and the fatuvi HOUBLED ALL LIFE Famers SucceW - . . I I
. .
Mn 4;4 mother 4na thz OAUTA Inside. He I d . I in C,6uft Action 1. I I I
Q) A WWN TOPICS �44 0130 of five children $ad wasbrousut ,, I
I up to Mica 0 a 25-Ullnute prayer and 'WITU CONIITIPATIQN W,n Coo -_ 11 � . I � I
__ - . ,4.0 ... __ ..... . ww"Mft a W-lulnute sermon without batting Am fit 41 Agoiw* Kipwaine . � . I
, TSK NEW *71CAR cyclarlj,. Hamp is the awfait ft15tlW1=' t
�Xw items Under ihN L_�A=j See 0XSjFj%VZ JEW I I .." Pocklar,co.*, Hwol -- _ , .
. Uembers a 'the local Hebrew colony in tj�Q world" ealcr omu than tho, Hwe , . . .
also rage rjx) wgre . out of town at the Wex-end, for Qh=al, ar'd the =st Important Institu- . I rvao"yo so
hill But Xellogg's AXA,i�BXAX _.- Obw to" Y" c"Mi far M. little
�` the ann a �Zrva 0 Qf the Jewish t�5n, w4cro the W� mo U, 10 decays 11T4* pialatift are farmers and the � kia" DOW14
, " " Cao%,NXWDC0PNS*RVP.-sb* I
Now ye: (R nZanab. W3). Xr. Lreaks lom 40 told his guillc=0 94 Brought Real Rellef ,ow. Affords a good illugratlan of the "Us It,
S. WIMIAMS ItEcov'MIN-0 - - I$Iuailsy night. And last night he Called K I food. PW VVW
MR A. Cornfield, wife and family, UQW4 I 5 "The #=W�� risks which farmers Imur when they, . I I OCAaws " WVW1 . -
Mrs. 0 $4 1 . I
,vo.,Willisms. St. VIUCeut Street, Mm and Wax RoblaS *04 Ur, And Ur0- family night, And his subjca wa embark on the sea, of high fluame. even Dsoul
. ,
who W bcen serlously III 114 UrOutO, AI Ubo. went to Torollti), Ur. David Miracle Til%t rallcii-o I iino-tW44 "Kim. ,
U 7ou Are subject to headaches, lthgugh they , . . i*�
. th ... io�selves MAY be at the .
Muergi IT06pitol, where she underwent Brown went taClevelAnd to� be with Ids: <)u eanday muAng tile evangelist ,,,
. � U, taking the ,n rudder." "I U" .
, descrip_ 10$0., of appetite a d energy, sleep-
two operatt,ons In six weeks, is, we Are daughter. T-110 Day of Atonement (YOU spoke about Heave 4 so � And OtWO effecti. , that W Thu 4oeis Mr. J e Raney comment __ � UWAM ,
� *
Pleased to learn. Ina4ing satisfactory Kippur) will be oliserved this week -end, tion Qj the city wW,h the .writer 9f t, e loef tqnnersesult frank conotipatiOno ]read , In a So r.e `0 11
A, from he&* p we Court dgment, in which
,progress toward recovery, the celebration commencing At sunset Aywalypse saw coming do* Mrs. Turner0a voluntary Ittt*ro be ftds in favor Ot . R� Bay, Wesley � .
Sunday and fintabing At sunset on Mon. Non, with street$ of pure gold atid twelve 004 an" . . I . I . I
Mirriso, cj0WjtVWS WORIK "For the past six moatbo I have Thompson W .nine er Huron town- RN . .
. -day, when the Goderlobites will again gates of pearls. In =W8 cities there Us .
I , been eating Kellogg's Am -BRAN, $lisp farmers who pulle 4W*AU the I �
A Meeting Of thO VVIPPICA 10411dren's obscrve this ,event out of tawn. were such problems as UQUS41og, 11914111Z, and canwA pirabe. it too highly, - V .1
4, work committee of the ooderich Tjons " . water paving, "do, trees, etc., Out 14. ,, , KjUcAjdjUQ packlna Co.. Limited, And . 11 I I I I 1. I - I - I - . .
Club was held *u Thursday last, at Which CANOE C16VO eud's city these problems did not exist. 4A= fifty Years of 990- All -Mr , against U-31-garris, Samuel a- Mcw�, - � I .
it was de;Ided to take on five, MOM Pa* The Opening business Meeting for the We were.told there 'Were many m3uslons, life have Uen troubled vi . lan - _. A& I
th 'Wrist - , .4, NeWe"geLelland, Ubbert, MCIA01- � I
. Uents, And One cam was reported as fall'of the Menesetung Canoe Club was. theto, that there was no need of the sun pation. Kellogg's Ala --Br%, boa net 1=4 and ,John X MacKay. Original. dir- T1l*c,tWAff.&RC11CQ- , 1?4�
. � I . "a. . "Nme.a.-W , __-, _� % � -
, -light for the Lord wgs Only helped Me, but hs, cured Me. cetors of the company, And the company a. jg= I - I i
AAeArly completed, At o cost of $215. hold on Tuesday ,evening, vhm nomIu%- or moon to give, . .
I . tions for the various offices were made. the , light . thereof, The city was waWed 111, thought I couldn't like the, Itself. The Ismouilit Involvedin. this sc- � AMA 8" "" 0 moop"*$ you I I ------- i._�� 7.11
N h taste of bran, but Kellogies, Aw. tlou,, hes L ," loc. 5W "o" APPOW -
,r4 at. 00derith last spring, Is 80*0-01 fecso -_ . . '.
11 . 1. A"%Ws FO)t NAUMALIZATIOl The club room$ have been very nicely: by tile, ,stream proceeding out Of t e N In deliciou-0.11--Mrs. ,0. J. s2.A0. Total stock at over $17,000 bQw- . I �
Thomas Anderson, 11spier Street, 0ode- redecorated duritiz, the summer, wood- tbrone whosp Water$ were clear 04 CXY- BRA � . . --,--I--- �k
rich, has made application for noturall- work refluislied, furniture overhauled, stal.And there, were trees by Its banks ,Turner (Address upon Tkuest) - I ever, was sold, There Is a reference to: � - I � ' � . . . - 1� 11 1.
. no t,he,X,aeal )OAq. At Goderleb p I �_. � t,. I � , �
I . I zation paper& Ile wag born in Colborne Aoors ailed, etc., and the Club decided yielding 1rult,every Mox4.)L, - - Tests show Atx-B I ,"utal , . rovided. , . I, . . �, 11 - I . I. � :.; I.,
I orn4the But it WIP the Many g IW Y , two t4hb** WhiCh. OVere ' COU81.1. . ed, spring, and good ��_ -"---- . I . � I . . .
-QWUSbdV, but aS A ��Olmg` man went ,to to buy a, few now .pictures to Ad ate4 a a 5 open = �to iiiijuire And report IhQ amount of *t of a stapdad b - I .
. ihe Unittd States and took, out c1tWn- wal I is, foregoing an at home �A October, w t 6 ev t of _.; '!Bulk" to VXercloft tht jrx- ., damages sufrered by Ahe several Plain- Mattress, a dkesger With glass t0i Stan =;;�' I �_� . � I I I . .
. hich h Angelis spoko PArticu- Tation - . 1.
, et . , juvalto's chair, 0, (100 �, .
. ship papers. Wom 1013-90 he lived in the� money that ,would be spent Injin At jarly, ingliegting to 106 Mind, that there � StWee; vitouft B to hel . � . . I . dard bedside table, p- I . .,
. . Inteatin*1 tract. Air4w also Sup. lute"Ung Sudgmenk torlo chair; U.arid-ma0er =, a good su .. .
was opportunity. to'enter 10 childhood . . an blankets, IM air- . 0018_ , I . I � I I
004"Ich township and 41ftoc 1920 in home to be used for the purchase of pit plies Iran for the blood., . d . . The Right C . I
Goderloh. I tures. . . � . (the eastern gates), In middle .life (the ' . 'This judgment U of Immense Interest ,Ply Of 11119AS hot water bottle for t � .L���. .
� . I . - 1, !. . southem gates), in the evening of Ufa The 0bulk" In Am-Enw is much, to farmers at South Bruce, many of au8biou and . . *1 I
� -A S14ALL DOCKET . WAS )BOS'N'A"T 1SATFIELO the western, gates), and even a . .ce. lusidethobodyp whom are shareholders of the Xlncar- bathroom.' . re-elecied as 1011 � I
I - .. ( I chance like that of lettq. I ,me .: �.
, i a soft mass, which gently dine packing Co., In ..as much ,,, judt, The officers were I. .
There was but one ,civil action listed ohn. ,�,Iejvlji Laird, vice-president Of for the cold,hearte to. find It form.0 � , "I 1 At the Right T
d , entrance. cleaks -the Intestines of wastes. President, miss A. McLean; vice -p ,si ----- � _I`II"""""""" I
for Judge Costello's coun And I moat is against former directors Alleged retary. Mrs. I I
, ty ,court on the Connecticut General Life Insuranoe The evangelist is a good cornetist I I
Tuc$ft f . Certainly this is more natural to4ave ,beriefited from the sale of stock (lent, Ms. C, ru. Groves; W ur- . �
. , y jui4. it wa3 xdJourned until a Company and president Of the American ],,do the lisma,51riging, with his voice Breen; treasurer, Miss M. 0 I. .
I 'date to be 11W. 10 this QCtIOU "muel Life Convention, the oldest ,and largest or instrument; nia subject ,on Monday than tFaking-fills and drugs -I -so, In the, packing company,, now in process Henry I . '
Martlack, theesemaker, Is Spin . night was A Little Sit of Heaven, And ofteli I -fd- u - A14,11PAN 16 not' of liquidation, .. Ivveri. . Price 0
V ' the group of We insurance companies lathe 44i . The meetingolosed with.s. he"tY Vote .At the Right . I
. stnime-111n e*--rative Cheese'7and: But. world which win session at the Royal q% A." ho rm"mp"r a series of habit-forn-dug. Two tablespoonfuls I That +'hii --Is directors failed to . �
� , I � . I � 1. . F I I . I
I ..1� ter 0o. for wages *mountlng, to $317.60 York, Toronto, thia,week, was born at, Illustrated lectures+ on th6 life, of Christ. daily *01 izorree.t Most types of.con- tile with the Provincial SePretat7. a Pro- of thanks to Miss Andrew$ Xor - . ,.
�� (it . ". . alleged du stipation. U h ria !am- hospftli . ty, ' , . . . � Oar Us . t for this week �
I'll, I + 0 him. The . company Is -Sayfle'14 In 1885, He was educated at He has been in'the work for twenty SPectus as required by.the Ontario C .
)I � tounter-ciaiming for $311.50, Mr. Mort- the Ualversity:of Toronto. The conven. yea trouble not, relfieved this way, eft . 10! I . . . I ..
. P, + , � rs, starting ,In ,the West, where lie panics Act and that the. &totement Ved . � .
1. i; I to 01"""..� 13th .
� � lock claims to have hid"a yeart 0 trAc tIon was held'ia Canada this year for called on. the scattered families au(k YOUI� doc'tOr- - In lieu was not in compliance with the . USE YOUR FREEZER . .. I
I S - , I . .00L 6th . tol I - . I ,
. ,
j � 1� - with the company, and: the cheese ant the first time AS A tribute to its, SaYgeld" mjnlai6red In Wngs spiritual. His note Qet the ved-an4-rreft Zkop. At law,, I$ the chief reason ;Ivan lor Judg- . � � I I . . . , I
� � , � . I ,am et- born .president, . - - . , It . I . .. . .
was closed down .before It was. cer's, Made by ellogg ment . . . . � . . . I I .
I .
, a . � ITI[S. LIVER .
I I . f egurse,-la-definitely evangelistic and Your grO I � . ,I'. . By Betty Barclay OS z1a . .
1. � C4, 1 1. . . . I heare to grip . London, OUt4PIO. . . , . Early in 1928 Sam R. MoLeiland I ... _. . . CARTER I .
�� . I q to brIng his rs . I . , And freezer thes, days. Make �
. - I . I he trie, . . use your -1 ...... 2zo .
I I . * � .. .1 � . . � HOME is R01118RD I I with the real issues of Ufa and to make . . .-, , gobert H. 11arri$, WerE, carrying 011 1% tasteful hitgo,. filled mlth�uourlshraent, rMLS ................ -11-k .... ....
i 1: . . �... . Col. a. If. Lsl�g received Word yester- a decision if they havo not already.dou� - - - '' � .1 I . . . J)Qrk paoking�-bu4ikiess 14 ICIMardilde and to take the. place of hot, heavy: foods, ........... ... ...IIIIII:_._-- 9 - . . .
. . . .
1� I . I I ___ � . I in thesame year, they promotid a linalt- Vro,eri dishes not only. .qontain.-sucli , NEZ's DExTru X,&LVOS 18 I .
t��., � . . I 8'. or _, .1 1 I ... I— so .
, I � , --y_ _1j . I I d";'yS;`,,*C lub - f . I 1. nd ,NO. i or X- .... I ....... I.-.1.11.
I .
lk ! , . .
� � . 11 . day that 198 home 4t 409 .Victoria ave., 40
1 ---- f --------- lw_i Windsor,, had been entered'aud . robbed. ' , itev. Mob Minim Is Slated to give an H. an . * - I ia� iiabluty company, capital $60,000, to ms Milk, cream a eggs, I �, _� -, . .1
. -. -
� � � � ,I- I . 0 * , . healthful foods a. .
�. � I The thieves gained entrance by a cellar Illustrated leoture to.the 9AOnS' Club at . Own business, And then bixt sugat as well. Sugar.. by the way) -.200 .
I window and ransacked the house, W1110 their luncheon on Vilday .evenin Minual Training toe over their , . ACETOPREN TABLETS, doz .
. � i;-, proceeded to sell stock to the amount of is the kind of qUick-energy fuel tired . .
.. ,� . . . . :::I����- I
.. � �. . � 1� I was unoccupied. They were apparently � I .. . - . � , , $1_7,0qQ, ..The company strug es WILLIAM . . .
�41 q SPECIALS . . . gled along MW43 need on A )lot day. Try tp� . 5 -SlIAVING CREAM, � .
I �, in search of Jewelry. Tite robbery will .� I . - . � I . � .
� 1, . . wl I . I .1 I 'And School Club$ ,or two or three, yedrs on, money$ bar- unusual frozen d1shes:' 1. I lum"K. for thc.liatr, tb.e two. $56, .
4 O'S 'going to , . county, Home - 1. I I . � . .1
I ) Wiiid__-:,__-_ tate. 001; LUIn I I I ' ,,d YRom.the bank and front its de I rrQzen Custard � . I _, % , . . . '39c . ....
.. .1 '' . 11 . I I .. .. : . I � .
;' '! � . � . I . sor, as his.daughtor, a. Brutei is Hear low"tor on Tvchnical f%oto directors, out at which one or two . . I BAXERS, ASP*19, Z d" ....... .
I � . 11
. I
. I . . . . 1. . .
. . � .. I . 11 . . I I
� 11 In the city and is maklan . Ohi;Wapy . . � we I . soc4led e Paid, Ahe . . . �. ,.
;� �! � . BOYS' CORDUROY g thorough Tr al * . . 1, dividelidS war I -I'& cup sugar _.- ' ' � ' ' ' �
. .
� . cheek -up with tho� polite, who have se-_ - - . I .. I - - , �- - - _... _ lengthy judgment ,I tahjQ�_poon flour
. I . � I. I ,� say& ht -part. " The- . . . I I - .- ..-. i BABY, 0 TABLETS .... ....226 � � -
,I, I ;_ I I - . . Milk . I . S WN . 11
. . � . �11��, I ; t'REECHUS cured several, valuabloOlum., .,. . I . * , I I - . a large gathering of Home collapse come in, January, 1031, after all. t. 'cUP . I . . . .
1; � I . . 11 � I . I . . Ms. MARY A. JOUNSTOX � .There was j . . . I . . __ I _,____� .
� ", � A str9ng'And well m' .� � I I I 1. . .. and School Club members in .Central capital had been dissipated and when I egg . .. 2 �A�m, InfantS? � .
, i I ado Breech I. O. .o., F, INS'VALLATIOx . 2 teaspoow. vanilla � SOAP-RoWle '
; , for Fall andWwto wear, Leather I . � , . . I. I fpf �!a
I . . Lloyd C., HudsQh of -: Court clerk, Club 'entertained the . clubs. of the continue business, . . I . I � I . . .
. I toed knees double seats, and 1jensall and suite , Clode . rlqh,.Qn I I . dd to milkan�, , _______________" �
� �� ,i . I Mrs, Mary A, Johnston, mother of Mr. school on Tuesday evening when Central '00 More .money could 'be borrowed' to � - ji.(l cup$ cj,00M, whipped ,.. Delight 2 eakm . ....... .. 4
� �, . . 1). D.: 0. M. Bro.
.1 ) I . . Were In Robert Johnston, flurrogate I mix sugar and flour. A - .
, 1i I I '_1 , Uned, Your' ,choice of blue or . Ooderlch,' died . Monday. evening at the county. Mrs.* Percy, R%IneS'OQcuPIed ,the . - Judge Not - Satisfied I gtirri E .
� ,,, �, �, � Monday And Installed' 1be officers of I cook. three minutes, ,tg constantly, SAL ,R ,PATICA, -MOMIM, .
. 11 i" 1 ,: I'll :. . 'brown- corduroy. sizes 24 to $2, - home of her son-in-law, Russell Bob- �chajt and after greeting the Visiting ,.14,ot Only was, there Material misinwr Add egg,,.slightly Waten, and cook all, 11 I , . . _. 590 , " .
� � i � I , . . Special - �1 . I Huron, Udge 10.62, I.O.OY, for the en- orta6u,. Luck I now. - Mrs, Johnston, ..who members sh� a:sked Mrs. 'Palmer, the , - I I I I . � Item 700 for;..� ..... .............. �i �111 . .
.. I I K . I I . . . . . � I formation in the Statement Aled. with the., other two minutes. Coal_ Add vartiLa. - I . 1. . , .
. . I
I I . � I I I , _Uttle . ,
I I I � I . . . � suing .term., They are-: LP6N.G�,� Geo -been in failing sident 61 Uuton. Council of,H=6 and I I so.
I " I
. I �, 1. I � lq�son; X, , O., Percy Barker; v. e., w4s.,Ia her 7,1st y"r,: has, pre � Provin ial� Secretary as to the. eonsid- -[ 4i I.."A
! , . - M.ath P .11, whipped cream, preeze. .. I , C%EOLINE, 4-00- 1 . ...... I I
.. � �; . . � .� . I ' health. for some time and her passing on -achcal Clubs, to conduct the ,business or.tion -that WAS 'bel.ris, paid JO, X-,*Lel- I . . . . - . , . .1
. I
. I i I I � -$of .0,610. MAX Robins;. R.' S. J. W. -Newcombe .- .. . Through- 9f, the council, Thank$ were tdadered . Apricot Mousse , I I I __ I .
��� t. ;, � - Abell ; Monday was not unlooked for. . I I . cot pulp � . . McCoy's , -COO I LIVER EX -
6 � . I F.. S., 4. C. Carrie; ;rreas.. W. P. And and Harris lor the pa_&Lng plan'.. . .
1� � . . � I I , , � . .1 4;41aarkerl -RI out her ,illness she had been attentively contril.,olub, for the privilege Of holding ut there. were ,other misrepresentations," 2 cups , apri � I ........... � .......... 55C � I
qV I I ... . . I ,. - . Wodin, ,"J%4.14.0,,�A. 910I cared far lij her daughter, Mrs.,Robort;-� the council Meeting At , that evening . -. 2I.3 cup, sugar L TRACT TABLETS ..
. . . 1�, j , I . . , . * , gInsou,. L,Siiz., X Stowe; conductor, . of 'the regularity of the voluntary wind . . -------- - I
. . I I . Alex. StraltoA� LB.S., 0. Vid $040 with ,whom iho,wade her home, gathering,,, =4 after a , report. train Ing -up proceedings, or that the company 2 cups heav�.creara . . . .
I ,� j � . I , . WINDBREAKERS, . ) can; R.SIS., The funeral service will be held at the the 0, E..�)�k�'S Mite$ his - ' 2 teaspo"S 9141 . � . .
. � ' .
. � . . � , 9AVention had been read, atin FPY !kOX VILY COILS' WlLSOX'S I
� . �. . � . , . . . Reg, Me I U,S.V - . is now legally In liquidation,":v . FLY SWATTER& I
I' �,� "", .� . . � . I . L Gee, .0.1 H. 13. M. Tlah I . ., . 3 tabje�.pdons cold water FLY PADS, I � .
. .
i, I . I �. . , :i�oy� All Wool.jiffy $pod Wind- borne; (L,S,V.Q., George SovMa; inner resident this (Thursday). afternoon at nominatiolii" %W' Asked � for president lordship, I am ,.not satisfied. , - i -water. Dissolve . I . . _______� 11 : . 1
1 I . I ' 730, VvIlIth Interment being made In and secr6tArY-treaSurer.'of. the� council. Soak gelatin in cold .
�, � , " i , , I . I breakers in black. blue, green and* guard, W. Xowcoinbe; outer guard, BIS lordship further' finds th&j. therej T3 tile Strained Apricot . . Bro-4.
. - -
� I �., ,I � I , . . . n. Sizes �6 to , 16 yeam Charles Stakes; chaplairi, .'John Finder. Greenhill -cemetery. Mrs. Johlastoll WAS After somp.discusslorl it'was decided that IS rid eyi,depce .that the ,defendants. Shitis, oVer hot water.,. COUGH. . DROPS-S-Ith
� I � 3�1�''i'� I.., , . . . . Marcia . � a- Member of the. United church. Shi these officers, when eltzted, should.bold Reld, Wilsort and Aie�y, directors Sp P1110, * Add the d1upived -gelatin, and * Luiltses, WaMP016's, Ift loc Pk�' . .
. ,� 1, � 'special '. � 6 At the close ,ofthe Installation Bra. . . . ' I Cool., Whip -cam ., stiff. . . . I I
. .11 �, . I , . . ., . of th, Is Survived 4y a family.of three sonsat1d ofte far 'two . years Inateid -of onei . the gr . �
. � , � . .. $ . I I � . pointed after the original. directors bad sugar.
I I ,� I . . I , : , I Hudson Addressed the, members .' three dAughters, who are Robert John- Since both 011k . e ensuing. year - .. . . � � . mixture. Freeze - I I '
; 1 . . i I *rs for th - �44 .0. the Fold, I � lightly,' to -ftat .. . -1 -
I � i. �. " � ,'�: ., , . I . ,,.� . . lodge, .The refr .committee 4erv- . L . . tlie,zeaforth.4ub res*ndd, had . .thing 3a'. , �W#11! 1nir either packed in'ide'aftir - 6UTEI� NAT_URAL� XAIL 73POIL . . . .
I . . � I 'A4 . appear 6 �without stir) . I . I , I
I �*_, �_ 11 095 ed lunch. . I Stan, doderich; Gordon and Will Johftm are to be. chosen from . I doil 74 Ate Absolve& ."They I - . L. 1, I " ' . . , .
; � '' i , '' , . L . . � . at . salt, or in the In6chahical refrIgeator. � ISO LIqUID. I ..... ..."; ....... ,,�.'33. I .
� . S . , . . . L . I Stoij, Toro ,o; MrS. � Haigh, SeAjorth; it was qecidetf to leave the dholce..to ber, vittinia, and not berieffolaklos: and L . I I . I .. . .
. .
; : � . 1: . L . . . I . .1 . ' gution who would Ann* L L I I -16d......1. I �-_ -
, �� % �� - L . I . I -_ ''. , ' Teemattri and .Mrs. Bob that" orga . . unce 'directors-aftir ' Oran9b. SAta4L�,rj%u41't . .1 I L
i "I - . I .. , Mrs. Logaris . u ough tho were de f M'to L .
I . . .
- , 11 � � , .. M. �0 L SCOTTISH EVANGELIST - crt3on, at ucknow. ' Aame$ at Some future date. ' . , . Films and do, PrfntF"9 I
. B]N& L . ..,
. � i . I � ' L F .1 _ Those living out of the - 10th, 1928, and.though t - - ; .. (Servep 6). .
I � : , �, "'. . .� . . . 11 L L . I .. frequent , Mrs. Raines, L then. took the hair March they,com, . I . we sell I I . I 1.
� � :� � . , . : . I - . - Lutknow have never failed to be c , mitted grave irregularities, I am glad to 6 Oranges - I - .
1, ,� I .1 .R . . �. Rev. Bob Murwa, Ifolding Two Weeks' visitors with their mother a6d a happy again, and. ponducte . d the rem Ind. -. . . . . and Dev.el . aping . .1 . . .
,� . :, � . .1
� i a er t absolve � them from liability In this 'ac - 6 ;tablespoo $ lemon juice � ---
� I . �' � : , 0 ... . L I Lt CL �h . . the 'Solos wexi I 1� . L . --------- 7 1
1 . � - . L . I . I servical 1h, hurt family, rvunl�n was held the' latter part . program. e given by Mrsi tjonjO -the judgment. readi, The dismis- ' 3 tablespoons ,oil . , . . :
I 1, ,� ., . I .1 � . I I . Bilptis , And . Mrs. Prank L action . .
. . ..� � , . L . I I ' . of 'May when Mrs..Ljohndon celelirated. Mum, of , Seaforth . sat of the .against. these men IS ' i teaspoon salt ADSESIVE rLASTER, %� x I -
� . . I . . . i . -
I L , L ' , I . � . . Phone 384L .. . . - . . 11 - . . . I . : yd. And BANDAGE 1*1q. yds. L :,
I .1 . I .. . . . I . , . JSSL on, ,peppp.r . . . for L � I
i L I . I . . I . her L 70th birthday. , � Saunders, OtL0odgrIbb, readings by' W - wlth4ut costs; , , - , * 11 .. . '9 -
. . . L . Miss . % teASpo ........ 11.1 ........ .. .. 1.1,260 �# -
� ! � L . Evangelist Bob Munco 16, conducting a I.. 11 1 'of C114t.qn, qnd. M Mildred 11 - laimer-shareholders . Watercress I . I LT40 tW6 . - -
. I L � Lovett I .�
j� _
� � I . Tip Top.lailors t S� L series , � I - the . � 9610 - toe.. successful I � Slit . L. . � _. .
,eL - . 11 . .
I L� ! . . - . � L I wO mz whoL 'recover their money are,*, George Fare oranges and I dombine L
� I I . . . One *slX-vatt. Incandescent lamp On - -0
L � 'p � , I L wo-weelt )f mftt , Ing$ Ift son, 'Of oodeffA. A platio
I . � , I I , . �, . I . . GoderIch Baptist church and is proving .Jdih Price, and 'Mrs. -. M. Beatty, lemon juice, all and seasonings. Marin- .SPECIAL EVERS"ARP PEN- * I . I
; � , �: I . - . the market to said to la&JOL a tungsten: dered by., Miss H, Ray, Wesley Thompson, J �
. L , L I . . ,
, I !� . I , . a, vdry earnest worker. The window Jenkins of. ...... I .... I ................... 119116
.1 ,� . , �1, �. L I . Suit ,or Overcoat filament wire only 4-10,000 of ap inch Holmes of Seaforth. Mrs, Ebert Chaplin W. L. Bell, Williarn.J. ate orange slices land watercress with CIL ............... R. .
, j L:, . I .L . L I . I - 1. � ,. I . 1.1- cards. call him Sottish, There IS L Tie in diameter, . . . Clinton and'M!rS- W. -F. Price of GodeI.. . . . -_ , , --W" . I .
.� _. � . � . I I I . Arowri, Jr., J�im Smelt.fer, Thomas Ray lemon and oil mixture.. .Arrange,otange I L
I . I
. : . � � I I 1. I . . ; from his first sentence rich, W�o�; briefly.- There was also, Corn- I RAZOR *BLADES_..� .
,. - . doubt about It, I I and .
L I; 71 " . 50 �� r . I I Saun. Sarah Beatty,, all of Huron, township slices in circle on beds of watercress, *
. If I I - ". I .
I . )i . . on, jils, audlence� k . . I or of Kincardine. " .� . allowing a liberal serving of wateraesso . . .
: I I . .new him to be 6 native unjty�singlrig led by Mrs, Prank. Ginettis, ald style, 5 for ........... I-400 - .
. I . I ,� , I tie, The back- The State of Georgia cofts nearest m . I . high L in
� I .
L . ! . . : " ��l ; 11 I . $ . .. of the land , of the this . ders, with W, X-1. X,Livens at the piano, .L. - E. DX11100Y; Goderich, 'Acted $or This' Salad I$ vitamin A and Gillet* Blue,:5 $or ................. I .... Z(ye-
I . 1� I ral, t. far '. . . _1-1 ... "...I.11-1256
I . Al. L .22 0�, ,. � ground'oif his early life Is Scotch Pro-" to bejr4 AU average state'ln area, the. Thd� speaker. of the evening was. TnviI pi4intiffs"& C. Makins, X,C. for defen- vitarnin'o. content, Awo Important food 11-1 ............
� ., ,:o %,!,* .., - . I .. I . . 1. . . 5116. .
. , : L�%, '. _� . 1: byterlan and he Is a great believer ift average for the ,48 ,stAtes teing 0,057 19, 0. Beacom, who gave 0 Very: dant, .. . I jq�.-t&a not ,likely to be in.. economy Aitto stiop VAlet, 5 for ... I� .........
I . .
. " .1 .1 L �� His own earlyL Ideas of .Mile$. I I . . I 10 and informative address On I I �: 1. . I -.L . I . I. .. I
I . 1. �� '',;. L , . , the family pow. . SPL " . . . ....."--.01
I ,,� c� , I I L. I __ .. . . ... L .. I . .. - timer - . .. * . meous. I ... -L
., . 11 . I � . I
, L t1. ;�L ' __ . . I - '.I . - � "Technical' or Vocational Training-" GODERICH TOWNSMW AUXUUR'r , . -,#, " L
� - 11 . '- .L I , I I . . . . p,EFSODENT ANTISEPTICI
1, 1 Y.I. .�� L �.IaG..,.I _. L . I - . - I .. I ... I .,. - . .. this 'L . I I _. .. I . . I I L
. L . I I . . I. . L J � . I . . . . lie ,traced the development of . I . . I I I.Small. 234�, medium 479. IarV 830
. " . . I � . . I DOING IFINU,WORK I ,. . � . . I .
: I . �� . . I � - I . I %, I I . . . . ' L ,, L - . .. - --- . L . I � . - , -
. � .. I . . � . . --- - -_ ____ _ - - --,.----- - -_ beginning I - . . I .1 I . I ' . � - . .. 0
1 � , ; . . . a . . branch of Instruction from the I 4 _ . . . "T BE WIWI .
" I � L __� 11 L L . _.___ -1 . � of the'piesel . GIRLSPON .1 . .. . L I I � . . .
I 1 ".. I . , .. . FFRI"�. I
I � �i % .. I I . I it ceniury when Interest In I . . .
. .
. I I . I J . . . . . 1. .1. . ".. I . . . I I.. o 1, -, I . . . .; . � I 1. % . ''I I . I .. . this. matter: Was only Awakening .And The Hospital Auxiliary of, Goderich 'I . Buy mugs ht.1he rpropWe
i ,.I I.L .. . � . . . .. 1. * . . 1. . .. .r. . -GET SOME CURVES1. .. . .1 .. I
� � , . I . LL training war., a 'matter Of- private enter- t9wAship held Its annual Meeting At the .. I get theL 4.H.jAUDER LAXAW,BOLL -
4 . Pill our L those thin places and * . � :
� I L �! : . . L . - ce Andrews, Bayfield ' IL
I , . ". � . I prise with instruct6ts brought from Eng� home. of Miss Alt I
�, 1%, � . �. . � . . WoAr in all large -Lities. there are Road, Lon. I utyps -men adin re. Take Vinci CADViNLO7 .
'L� IL . land rr,day, with, 17 Members p - pretty a L 0. WIGLE P.
. � I . ,� . I , I . . I . ,res . I L I - .
I I r W I . . Orofi tonic) and.yoifll be surprised how I . I . - -
, . L : . . L I .. . .. 11 1. : . technical abools, in, connection- With ent. I . . .. . youi figure Improves. 'Tast�i delicious. , . - , . --.1''. .. .L I .. I .
'�' . I - T T , I . I
� I ; �..__. .t.,,_ �". . T , - N. E., �CO ATS, . :Oolleglate Xristitutes, 'in the public On the 4th. of: MaMkL.After furnfAinj a L ]>RUO STOP
. I . . . I .E . . . L . . . 1.
. . ;,L, L . , . . . 'L L . CAMPS9W . : . , I . : I
. . , � I beginning -I& mi the Solarium at the hospItAl . . .� I . I. . .
; I . . . . . ... , . . ido in thff voca- , the Auxil- I I I .
I � I
�t 1
�i 'r,
i � 11
� I 11
1;, -
i -
�)?` I
I i th I i
. I I 1. I I
L 1. .1
j... T R
: ,� i I � . 1. L . . I 111111111111111110,1� � , L. . . .1 .. mono schools ELL . . L . .. I . . � I j-- . ... ..
. ., � � . . I I � . . I 1. I manuat ldiy had,on hand,4521. The ladies then . I I -e- , . . I L . . L . .
. � , . . 1. . I . , 11 . tionallralming by Means of . 'L . . . L I � 1.
1 � q L , I . . 111. I. I.. L L . . .. L . . L.. I I .. . . . . I . to L fUrUjSh. rk I I .. I
, I ; I . . . L
i, I . , �, I , ' 'L I . I training and household science classes. undertook i ward in the.new
f m , I . CL ' I I . - 'the I . . .
� I I . I ' Ly I . . Wi .IL r I t But at present such classes Are &Vail wing of the'hospital to be known asthe I . I � .. L I
. , �i' . I on __ _ .. .. I . I... .
I ; .1 � I . able -in only the larger J:entres; Small, Goderich Township ward. They raised .. I . . . I .. . L". . . .
. . . I I I I . IS L ' , ,
I i ., � . . I . . - .
� I L.. ; Save our. New We oa I I I towns that could not make use Of an $26 talent money. to dtart a f und for the ,.. . .
I I I L . . . . I S , 6 .
;', 1 ii, ; .. .1 I . r . . I , L
., I .. . . 11 . . . L . I I I
I " I .. I . . . . I . LL . Instructorls, full tirne, are Without this furnishing Of It, The Sayfielclo. Road
;1 I ( . . . I . . . .
j I . �, , , I . . . . . . ILI � . branch Of' instruction. However, In his Membeig hold asotlal eVching at the
. I r..iI. ...A.% ^f iIbift 1%pd . FA11r;r.*. n . . ' . report' of -AW -to- 70. 1�66ke, r . � .
I " L I . . . lft&toi if home ' of" Mr. Z. - � W. Salkeld and r L
i- i a cl trimmea - unnerio.r. to, .es
I . . . . I -
. L I .
� . L I . . 1 p �- ' I L � techiilcal schools, had suggested that aft added $12 e d, And the follow- L .L . I . . . I . I I
, , . L . I I I . . . . .
L ; . . . for a long � I .Instructor Might , e, 0 . L . .
� I . with the. best fom. L N ou could. look . �n b engaged by the Ing lieopl ' subscribed'about $�O towards -.M. -no .
: � ' L , L I . I
I . 1 $. L . . school boards at twoor three toww,and It�� Mrs. j; Groligm, Kenora; Mrs. Stan- . I . I
L . I I . - _ I
� . . . .. . . . . I
".. � . ., . . time ouldn't see, coats, with as'xpuch, I . I . . divide his time according. -to the ftum- ler bonaldton, Winnipeg, Mrs. E. J, 1. "^ . M -ND,
� . I . I L I Mr.,Chas.*43roves, Bur-, r,UR THE WEEK"E' i
I . * , L - I L .L IN L IL Evans, Montreal, . . L I ;
I low pri , " I Dr Of classes, - $ 'iP 0
I I j,' style and �ualily at. anything like the, . 10 .
I .
I � . L . I L og Ar. Tleacom's addre&t the' lington; - MiI. L Go" Groves, nubilu; Mrs4 I JPT �
.. . . .11 . . . vollowt Special , '6 , I OBER 6.-"'7 L and, L 8 1
7L I I . . I '. I , I ''I I : . . matter of manug training wjas.discilssed D. Campbell, Xonora; Mrs. Thos. iwallis,, . I L . � ''. , .1 .
� , . I . I _:
" � . I � I I 1. I by members who. 4sked umrij 4liestlons Mr. dco.,Androws, Mrs. 06, Gould, Mr. I - 1: I I . . . � . .. :
, I �-� .1 . 4b "I 1= 'Ch n, . � I .. I. I . I i62 --u �&. It, ..A 441 �ih. A.- *I# lhfif A- *blk � I. . 1. 1. I . . .. 1. . 11 L _� . I .. ., - . -
. . i. I . I � . . I . a I .1. . . . . 1, . W . . Uaw... -_ . . +.-W." . - -t-, ,SOUP, CAMMEL 5 21TINS
� h I I I I
, ; � 1. I � I .. I � . . . . .. tided that each club look Into the Mat- Ulm Templeton, Misses Lily and Jennie . I . . 15C I
. #A,r briric, I+ to the attontion Of the whitolv- Mrs jGem 4olinston mrw Soy . TOMATO
I � 1
I . .
. I .
, I .
. � � . I . �. . . , .
. . I . �
I 1. I .. . � I � . . . I I . � � . . . .. �
. . .
I . . . . � 111. I +
. I . I . . I . . . . . . .
I . I . Pul - veis �
KNIT WEAR -41! , .10 . . . . � I .. I
.. . . . ,
. . . . .. . I
I .. T he last word,'of smartness this fall. � Soft � �... , . I . � I . .
. 1 14001 it, gaily. assorted --c0lors. Reasonably . . i I
. I
. I � .
. .
. rited + � � I
� . P + , * : . , I I I I . . . I
I . . . . . ., . . . ..�
.. . $1,95 and $2,75 . 1. I I Z
.. . I . .
.+. . � I . I .
I . 0 . � � .
celb"re 11r_:1 A. r 1, A' .,.,A .1 0 A%#,;.] .0 9 A -4
board at trustets, and andeAV04 When
the present, financial stringency is. over,
to have manual training, and, In time,
household science, taught to the.9chools
of Clinton, Seaforth and Goderich.
A. Vote of thanks *as tendered. Xnv-
Spector iel;�om and all wlio bad taken
part In the .program. Refreshments
were served and sk eoolkl hollf was spent.
on motion of the presidents of the Olin-
ton and Seatorth clubi a vote of thanh
was tendered Central club for their
hospitality. 'Tile, singing of the. Xation-
al Anthtm. brought to a close a plemAnt.
and profitaUlef 6vetftg. .
. A
Patterson, Mrs. Jno. Sunter, MrsI WM.
Moore, Sr., Miss A. Driver, Mrs, 46s. S4.4
keld, Mrs; Imao Salkeld, MISS SOHO Cox
Goderleh-, Mr. Mel. Sturdy, Mrs. 0�
Sowerby, Mrs. Robt., Sowerby, Mr. n.
Porter, Mlas.Sell, Mrs. Go. McnwAin,
. Mrs, Robt Menwaln, Mrs., Fred Mllott,
Mr. 0110S.'VZitely, Mrs. Geo, Laltlmlte,
Ulm Flossie Xaft6l, Mrs, Wilmot Haack6,
Mrs. U. .0. Winter, Mrs. It Witmer, Mr.
John, Port,or, M.r& Austin Aturdy, Mr.
OlIver Edward, Mr. FA%e.%t Jobriston, W.
Winoy Johnston, Mrs. neg. Johnston,
I Mrs. Gco. Sowerby, Mr. J. W, Salkeld.
I lvb. .Harry Salk0d, Mr. Robt. And6tows,
!.Mrs. A. P. McLean, Mrs. Go. 0. Sturdy,
. I . . . I . . ,�
. I
. I
. .1 � � 11 . I .
I I . .
� . . . I
. A
PURE 1 1-16. PR . INTS I I , - 10.
LARD I . I . . . I .1 . C..
. -.1...
. 1. . I I . . . . . I
. . ,
� .1 - LARGE, 2 1-2 . 1b. Ting � 2
PUMPKIN. . . 2 Tins 4 5c:
, I . I .
. . I .
1. , , . I I . �
i,� 0.
. 11 . � . I . .
. I A%L rd
I .
1 2 POUNDS for I
- . . . I . I
, I I
. I .
It N o. ,tin
Superior d3 -
j $2 io so Uji qu Aj VV %,I,. a 11%!kl%� * k, 0
. . . I . . .
. . I . .
.. I . . . . .
I . I L
. � . I '
I . . I 'als. Dresses
. . IVE W DREPSSES in all then'ew shades and mated I .
I ___ . ' �
I .
I I -1 11 � L I - : .. . , L_ _-1" for street afternoon and evening we r.
- o"Noww"Po-OP-0-o"W" b a
. ..� .. I I . I .
. 1X 40 1
MEWS and BOY" ,P ULLOVERR&S .� -I - . .
. These .PuU6vers are new and popular, of high grade s6leated wools. high
I . , ta r. Colors bluej green, maroon
% necks Nvith a Lightning lRookloss r stene
I and blaek.' Boys' Sizes . I .
. .
$1.9s and $2.225, b . . .
0 .
. "I',,, Xeli's sizes , $2s 7S .
� .
11.1 I �.. .. ..
_ -
-, ___
__ ., -,-,-, , , ,
� �
West Si4e of, Square I � Phone 419
1 1 ,
.... 1. 1. � .-
� ..__ I
I 11 �
__ I
- - I .
- -_--1 1. I
141, Vred NaMI, 0640=1011 WOW115111y. L
� Ms. Henry Breen dankted�% mat, on,
� _VVT 16 -oz. tins
DA U A 4 C
1 %vitich $11.60 was realized, the mon0 to
be used. in Purchasing %, 4kesser. WS.
I . , � -l"..."
A. Forden donated a top'- for a Quilt
fifils-hed. nits
which Miss Mcl-can'_
It N o. ,tin
I)rought $26,85, and the ,muu of *220
"I .
I .
TE, 29C
vag realized from soeW teas, Each
Member Is Asked'lo"bting to the, October
metting a -yard of,ponui", aft4-mmlber-1
ship tickets *91 tdso ba 8old. Mrs. 0.
. . 1.1b. Package
Ginn donated a rug for the wAtd; Wss
. . *1
__ _ _�
. . � __
! I
Graftunut F66S 2 PACKAGES "
L& �Wkeld, 9, V191toes ,6119=, WM. rA-
ward, %, toot stool; 3W. Robt, Uarnief.
Mrs, ino. njsijt�, Mm It. Stakeld, feMbers
for pajoWs. Ws Mdtsri providing tho
I . r 40C
material and finishing tho I)MOIK.- __
11-1 - .
: ��__
11 'T. t. whitely, Mrs, Wai. rdwarl. Mitts,
Edna Drior, and Mrs. 4S. Johnston
;, . .
I , Finest Granulated
lifitaw Cates; Mitt Lue", t%0 tray
Durham Corn Starch . . or Yellow 11
elctli-,; Mrs. C. A. Grove% smtft;
ML*3 Nc-t,e�Lj, tlVC6 Mattress ,protectors;
�. . . I
mit" X 0. fwved. bo,ftpread; 1W, J".
johrittou, wmto mer bx*C, Mrs,, rked
. Per pkg. 9c
1 I .
Wcaft8l, Amten. M"- I. bc1d 1011v *Ad
10 Is, 53c
top for qunt; Um aw. 85i't'I'd, air
I ........ � .......... I
etWilon, and Mi" ARCO .Aildtft'S. hot
11 1. "..., 11- - -1-11.. -11 I Wk_""*-W0WA i -
wMer bottle.
. Tht, furnWilDg!; of th6 WAT4 Ultv Mwlo
j, J. M ru A 0 &
I - -
ChildreU 0�1yr
Folt fuTCNERIS .
I tw,*, A S. T 0 R ; A
.-jjj1jjjjjj"__ -'''--'-- - ' I I
� 11- � . . . . . . .... - ------ ON" , "' _ -1111-111
� - _ 100000""L
-1 - . - ..-, ��_l I lik