HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-06, Page 4- " f * I . I . . I � � ' �. . ,XUU13-OPAY, OUT. 02 1033 - 11 ---.-- !THE GODERICH STAN ----'-- - __1 I �_ -.-.I-,- ________________""`"""` ' IVA0111 YOU11 __ __ - - : � � _____ - - ­"..." - � . __ - * - I, _ - ___ , - ­ - _�� I., ._ . ­ - - , - - church we'of the W44 biw-ked 12044 j � . I I ---,-,------ . - - - f w with its sw 13:3or and the fatuvi HOUBLED ALL LIFE Famers SucceW - . . I I . . Mn 4;4 mother 4na thz OAUTA Inside. He I d . I in C,6uft Action 1. I I I Q) A WWN TOPICS �44 0130 of five children $ad wasbrousut ,, I I up to Mica 0 a 25-Ullnute prayer and 'WITU CONIITIPATIQN W,n Coo -_ 11 � . I � I __ - . ,4.0 ... __ ..... . ww"Mft a W-lulnute sermon without batting Am fit 41 Agoiw* Kipwaine . � . I , TSK NEW *71CAR cyclarlj,. Hamp is the awfait ft15tlW1=' t �Xw items Under ihN L_�A=j See 0XSjFj%VZ JEW I I .." Pocklar,co.*, Hwol -- _ , . . Uembers a 'the local Hebrew colony in tj�Q world" ealcr omu than tho, Hwe ,­ . . . also rage rjx) wgre . out of town at the Wex-end, for Qh=al, ar'd the =st Important Institu- . I rvao"yo so . hill But Xellogg's AXA,i�BXAX _.- Obw to" Y" c"Mi far M. little ­�­` the ann a �Zrva 0 Qf the Jewish t�5n, w4cro the W� mo U, 10 decays 11T4* pialatift are farmers and the � kia" DOW14 , " " Cao%,NXWDC0PNS*RVP.-sb* I Now ye: (R nZanab. W3). Xr. Lreaks lom 40 told his guillc=0 94 Brought Real Rellef ,ow. Affords a good illugratlan of the "Us It, S. WIMIAMS ItEcov'MIN-0 - - I$Iuailsy night. And last night he Called K I food. PW VVW , MR A. Cornfield, wife and family, UQW4 I 5 "The #=W�� risks which farmers Imur when they, . I I OCAaws " WVW1 . - Mrs. 0 $4 1 . I � I , ,vo.,Willisms. St. VIUCeut Street, Mm and Wax RoblaS *04 Ur, And Ur0- family night, And his subjca wa embark on the sea, of high fluame. even Dsoul . , who W bcen serlously III 114 UrOutO, AI Ubo. went to Torollti), Ur. David Miracle Til%t rallcii-o I iino-tW44 "Kim. , U 7ou Are subject to headaches, lthgugh they , . . i*� . th ... io�selves MAY be at the . Muergi IT06pitol, where she underwent Brown went taClevelAnd to� be with Ids: <)u eanday muAng tile evangelist ,,, . � U, taking the ,n rudder." "I U" . , descrip_ 10$0., of appetite a d energy, sleep- . two operatt,ons In six weeks, is, we Are daughter. T-110 Day of Atonement (YOU spoke about Heave 4 so � And OtWO effecti. , that W Thu 4oeis Mr. J e Raney comment __ � UWAM , � * , Pleased to learn. Ina4ing satisfactory Kippur) will be oliserved this week -end, tion Qj the city wW,h the .writer 9f t, e loef tqnnersesult frank conotipatiOno ]read , In a So r.e `0 11 A, from he&* p we Court dgment, in which ,progress toward recovery, the celebration commencing At sunset Aywalypse saw coming do* Mrs. Turner0a voluntary Ittt*ro be ftds in favor Ot . R� Bay, Wesley � . Sunday and fintabing At sunset on Mon. Non, with street$ of pure gold atid twelve 004 an" . . I . I . I Mirriso, cj0WjtVWS WORIK "For the past six moatbo I have Thompson W .nine er Huron town- RN . . . -day, when the Goderlobites will again gates of pearls. In =W8 cities there Us . I , been eating Kellogg's Am -BRAN, $lisp farmers who pulle 4W*AU the I � A Meeting Of thO VVIPPICA 10411dren's obscrve this ,event out of tawn. were such problems as UQUS41og, 11914111Z, and canwA pirabe. it too highly, - V .1 4, work committee of the ooderich Tjons " . water paving, "do, trees, etc., Out 14. ,, , KjUcAjdjUQ packlna Co.. Limited, And . 11 I I I I 1. I - I - I - . . Club was held *u Thursday last, at Which CANOE C16VO eud's city these problems did not exist. 4A= fifty Years of 990- All -Mr , against U-31-garris, Samuel a- Mcw�, - � I . . it was de;Ided to take on five, MOM Pa* The Opening business Meeting for the We were.told there 'Were many m3uslons, life have Uen troubled vi . lan - _. A& I th 'Wrist - , .4, NeWe"geLelland, Ubbert, MCIA01- � I . Uents, And One cam was reported as fall'of the Menesetung Canoe Club was. theto, that there was no need of the sun pation. Kellogg's Ala --Br%, boa net 1=4 and ,John X MacKay. Original. dir- T1l*c,tWAff.&RC11CQ- , 1?4� . � I . "a. . "Nme.a.-W , __-, _� % � - , -light for the Lord wgs Only helped Me, but hs, cured Me. cetors of the company, And the company a. jg= I - I i AAeArly completed, At o cost of $215. hold on Tuesday ,evening, vhm nomIu%- or moon to give, . . I . tions for the various offices were made. the , light . thereof, The city was waWed 111, thought I couldn't like the, Itself. The Ismouilit Involvedin. this sc- � AMA 8" "" 0 moop"*$ you I I ------- i._�� 7.11 N h taste of bran, but Kellogies, Aw. tlou,, hes L ," loc. 5W "o" APPOW - ,r4 at. 00derith last spring, Is 80*0-01 fecso -_ . . '. 11 . 1. A"%Ws FO)t NAUMALIZATIOl The club room$ have been very nicely: by tile, ,stream proceeding out Of t e N In deliciou-0.11--Mrs. ,0. J. s2.A0. Total stock at over $17,000 bQw- . I � Thomas Anderson, 11spier Street, 0ode- redecorated duritiz, the summer, wood- tbrone whosp Water$ were clear 04 CXY- BRA � . . --,--I--- �k rich, has made application for noturall- work refluislied, furniture overhauled, stal.And there, were trees by Its banks ,Turner (Address upon Tkuest) - I ever, was sold, There Is a reference to: � - I � ­ ' � . . . ­ - 1� 11 1. . no t,he,X,aeal )OAq. At Goderleb p I �_. � t,. I � , � I . I zation paper& Ile wag born in Colborne Aoors ailed, etc., and the Club decided yielding 1rult,every Mox4.)L, - - Tests show Atx-B I ,"utal , . rovided. , . I, . . �, 11 - I . I. � :.; I., I orn4the But it WIP the Many g IW Y , two t4hb** WhiCh. OVere ' COU81.1. . ed, spring, and good ��_ -"---- . I . � I . . . _ -QWUSbdV, but aS A ��Olmg` man went ,to to buy a, few now .pictures to Ad ate4 a a 5 open = �to iiiijuire And report IhQ amount of *t of a stapdad b - I . , 1. . ihe Unittd States and took, out c1tWn- wal I is, foregoing an at home �A October, w t 6 ev t of _.; '!Bulk" to VXercloft tht jrx- ., damages sufrered by Ahe several Plain- Mattress, a dkesger With glass t0i Stan =;;�' I �_� . � I I I . . . hich h Angelis spoko PArticu- Tation - . 1. . , et . , juvalto's chair, 0, (100 �, . . ship papers. Wom 1013-90 he lived in the� money that ,would be spent Injin At jarly, ingliegting to 106 Mind, that there � StWee; vitouft B to hel . � . . I . dard bedside table, p- I . ., . . Inteatin*1 tract. Air4w also Sup. lute"Ung Sudgmenk torlo chair; U.arid-ma0er =, a good su .. . was opportunity. to'enter 10 childhood . . an blankets, IM air- . 0018_ , I . I � I I 004"Ich township and 41ftoc 1920 in home to be used for the purchase of pit plies Iran for the blood., . d . . The Right C . I Goderloh. I tures. . . � . (the eastern gates), In middle .life (the ' . 'This judgment U of Immense Interest ,Ply Of 11119AS hot water bottle for t � .L���. . � . I . - 1, !. . southem gates), in the evening of Ufa The 0bulk" In Am-Enw is much, to farmers at South Bruce, many of au8biou and . . *1 I � -A S14ALL DOCKET . WAS )BOS'N'A"T 1SATFIELO the western, gates), and even a . .ce. lusidethobodyp whom are shareholders of the Xlncar- bathroom.' . re-elecied as 1011 � I I - .. ( I chance like that of lettq. I ­ ,me .: �. , i a soft mass, which gently dine packing Co., In ..as much ,,, judt, The officers were I. . . There was but one ,civil action listed ohn. ,�,Iejvlji Laird, vice-president Of for the cold,hearte to. find It form.0 � , "I 1 At the Right T d , entrance. cleaks -the Intestines of wastes. President, miss A. McLean; vice -p ,si ----- � _I`II"""""""" I for Judge Costello's coun And I moat is against former directors Alleged retary. Mrs. I I , ty ,court on the Connecticut General Life Insuranoe The evangelist is a good cornetist I I Tuc$ft f . Certainly this is more natural to4ave ,beriefited from the sale of stock (lent, Ms. C, ru. Groves; W ur- . � . , y jui4. it wa3 xdJourned until a Company and president Of the American ],,do the lisma,51riging, with his voice Breen; treasurer, Miss M. 0 I. . I 'date to be 11W. 10 this QCtIOU "muel Life Convention, the oldest ,and largest or instrument; nia subject ,on Monday than tFaking-fills and drugs -I -so, In the, packing company,, now in process Henry I . ' Martlack, theesemaker, Is Spin . night was A Little Sit of Heaven, And ofteli I -fd- u - A14,11PAN 16 not' of liquidation, .. Ivveri. . Price 0 V ' the group of We insurance companies lathe 44i . The meetingolosed with.s. he"tY Vote .At the Right . I . stnime-111n e*--rative Cheese'7and: But. world which win session at the Royal ­ q% ­A." ho rm"mp"r a series of habit-forn-dug. Two tablespoonfuls I That +'hii --Is directors failed to . � � , I � . I � 1. . F I I . I I ..1� ter 0o. for wages *mountlng, to $317.60 York, Toronto, thia,week, was born at, Illustrated lectures+ on th6 life, of Christ. daily *01 izorree.t Most types of.con- tile with the Provincial SePretat7. a Pro- of thanks to Miss Andrew$ Xor - ­ . ,. �� (it . ". . alleged du stipation. U h ria !am- hospftli . ty, ' , . . . � Oar Us . t for this week � I'll, I + 0 him. The . company Is -Sayfle'14 In 1885, He was educated at He has been in'the work for twenty SPectus as required by.the Ontario C . )I � tounter-ciaiming for $311.50, Mr. Mort- the Ualversity:of Toronto. The conven. yea trouble not, relfieved this way, eft . 10! I . . . I ­ .. . P, + , � rs, starting ,In ,the West, where lie panics Act and that the. &totement Ved . � . 1. i; I to 01"""..� 13th . � � lock claims to have hid"a yeart 0 trAc tIon was held'ia Canada this year for called on. the scattered families au(k YOUI� doc'tOr- - In lieu was not in compliance with the . USE YOUR FREEZER . .. I I S - , I . .00L 6th . tol I - . I , . , j � 1� - with the company, and: the cheese ant the first time AS A tribute to its, SaYgeld" mjnlai6red In Wngs spiritual. His note Qet the ved-an4-rreft Zkop. At law,, I$ the chief reason ;Ivan lor Judg- . � � I I . . . , I � � , � . I ,am et- born .president, . - - . , It . I . .. . . was closed down .before It was. cer's, Made by ellogg ment . . . . � . . . I I . I . , a . � ITI[S. LIVER . I I . f egurse,-la-definitely evangelistic and Your grO I � . ,I'. . By Betty Barclay OS z1a . . 1. � C4, 1 1. . . . I heare to grip . London, OUt4PIO. . . , . Early in 1928 Sam R. MoLeiland I ... _. . . CARTER I . �� . I q to brIng his rs . I . , And freezer thes, days. Make � . - I . I he trie, . . use your -1 ...... 2zo . I I . * � .. .1 � . . � HOME is R01118RD I I with the real issues of Ufa and to make . . .-, , gobert H. 11arri$, WerE, carrying 011 1% tasteful hitgo,. filled mlth�uourlshraent, rMLS ................ -11-k .... .... i 1: . . �... . Col. a. If. Lsl�g received Word yester- a decision if they havo not already.dou� - - - '' � .1 I . ­ . . J)Qrk paoking�-bu4ikiess 14 ICIMardilde and to take the. place of hot, heavy: foods, ........... ... ...­IIIIII:_._­--­ 9 - . . . . . . . - 1� I . I I ___ � . I ­ in thesame year, they promotid a linalt- Vro,eri dishes not only. .qontain.-sucli , NEZ's DExTru X,&LVOS 18 I . t��., � . . I 8'. or _, .1 1 I ... I— so . , I � , --y_ ­_1j . I I d";'yS;`,,*C lub - f . I 1. nd ,NO. i or X- .... I ....... I.-.1.11. I . lk ! , . . � � . ­­ 11 . day that 198 home 4t 409 .Victoria ave., 40 1 ---- f --------- lw_i­ Windsor,, had been entered'aud . robbed. ' , itev. Mob Minim Is Slated to give an H. an . * - I ia� iiabluty company, capital $60,000, to ms Milk, cream a eggs, I �, _� -, . .1 ­ . -. - � � � � ,I- I . 0 * , . healthful foods a. . �. � I The thieves gained entrance by a cellar Illustrated leoture to.the 9AOnS' Club at . Own business, And then bixt sugat as well. Sugar.. by the way) -.200 . I window and ransacked the house, W1110 their luncheon on Vilday .evenin Minual Training toe over their , . ACETOPREN TABLETS, doz­ . . � i;-, proceeded to sell stock to the amount of is the kind of qUick-energy fuel tired . . I .. ,� . . . . :::I����- I .. � �. . � 1� I was unoccupied. They were apparently � I .. . - . � , , $1_7,0qQ, ..The company strug es WILLIAM . . . �41 q SPECIALS . . . gled along MW43 need on A )lot day. Try tp� . 5 -SlIAVING CREAM, � . I �, in search of Jewelry. Tite robbery will .� I . - . � I . � . . � 1, . . wl I . I .1 I 'And School Club$ ,or two or three, yedrs on, money$ bar- unusual frozen d1shes:' 1. I lum"K. for thc.liatr, tb.e two. $56, . 4 O'S 'going to , . county, Home - 1. I I . � . .1 I ) Wiiid__-:,__-_ tate. 001; LUIn I I I ' ,,d YRom.the bank and front its de I rrQzen Custard � . I _,­­ % , . . . '39c . .... .. .1 '' . 11 . I I .. .. : . I � . ;' '! � . � . I . sor, as his.daughtor, a. Brutei is Hear low"tor on Tvchnical f%oto directors, out at which one or two . . I BAXERS, ASP*19, Z d" ....... . I � . 11 . I . I . . . . 1. . . I . . � .. I . 11 . . I I � 11 In the city and is maklan . Ohi;Wapy . . � we I . so­c4led e Paid, Ahe . . . �. ,. ;� �! � . BOYS' CORDUROY g thorough Tr al * . . 1, dividelidS war I -I'& cup sugar _.- ' ' � ' ' ' � . . . � . cheek -up with tho� polite, who have se-_ - - . ­ I .. I - - , �- - - _... _ lengthy judgment ,I tahjQ�_poon flour . I . � I. I ,� say& ht -part. " The- . . . I I - .- ..-. i BABY, 0 TABLETS .... ....226 � � - ,I, I ;_ I I - . . Milk . I . S WN . 11 . . � . �11��, I ; t'REECHUS cured several, valuabloOlum., .,. . I . * , I I - . a large gathering of Home collapse come in, January, 1031, after all. t. 'cUP . I . . . . 1; � I . . 11 � I . I . . Ms. MARY A. JOUNSTOX � .There was j . . . I . . __ I _,____� . � ", � A str9ng'And well m' .� � I I I 1. . .. and School Club members in .Central capital had been dissipated and when I egg . .. 2 �A�m, InfantS? � . , i I ado Breech I. O. .o., F, INS'VALLATIOx . 2 teaspoow. vanilla � SOAP-RoWle ' ; , for Fall andWwto wear, Leather I . � , . . I. I fpf �!a I . . Lloyd C., HudsQh of -: Court clerk, Club 'entertained the . clubs. of the continue business, . . I . I � I . . . . I toed knees double seats, and 1jensall and suite , Clode . rlqh,.Qn I I . dd to milkan�, , _______________­" � � �� ,i . I Mrs, Mary A, Johnston, mother of Mr. school on Tuesday evening when Central '00 More .money could 'be borrowed' to � - ji.(l cup$ cj,00M, whipped ,.. Delight 2 eakm . ....... .. 4 � �, . . 1). D.: 0. M. Bro. .1 ) I . . Were In Robert Johnston, flurrogate I mix sugar and flour. A - . , 1i I I '_1 , Uned, Your' ,choice of blue or . Ooderlch,' died . Monday. evening at the county. Mrs.* Percy, R%IneS'OQcuPIed ,the . - Judge Not - Satisfied I gtirri E . I � ,,, �, �, � Monday And Installed' 1be officers of I cook. three minutes, ,tg constantly, SAL ,R ,PATICA, -MOMIM, . I . 11 i" 1 ,: I'll :. . 'brown- corduroy. sizes 24 to $2, - home of her son-in-law, Russell Bob- �chajt and after greeting the Visiting ,.14,ot Only was, there Material misinwr Add egg,,.slightly Waten, and cook all, 11 I , . . _. 590 , " . I � � i � I , . . Special - �1 . I Huron, Udge 10.62, I.O.OY, for the en- orta6u,. Luck I now. - Mrs, Johnston, ..who members sh� a:sked Mrs. 'Palmer, the , - I I I I . � Item 700 for;..� ..... .............. �i­ �111 . . .. I I K . I I . . . . . � I formation in the Statement Aled. with the., other two minutes. Coal_ Add vartiLa. ­ - I . 1. . , . . . I I I . � I I I , _Uttle . , I I I � I ­ . . . � suing .term., They are-: LP6N.G�,� Geo -been in failing sident 61 Uuton. Council of,H=6 and I I so. I " I . I �, 1. I � lq�son; X, , O., Percy Barker; v. e., w4s.,Ia her 7,1st y"r,: has, pre � Provin ial� Secretary as to the. eonsid- -[ 4i I.."A ! , . - M.ath P .11, whipped cream, preeze. .. I , C%EOLINE, 4-00- 1 . ...... I I .. � �; . . � .� . I ' health. for some time and her passing on -achcal Clubs, to conduct the ,business or.tion -that WAS 'bel.ris, paid JO, X-,*Lel- I . . . . - . , . .1 . I . . I i I I � -$of .0,610. MAX Robins;. R.' S. J. W. -Newcombe .- .. . Through- 9f, the council, Thank$ were tdadered . Apricot Mousse , I I I __ I . . ��� t. ;, � - Abell ; Monday was not unlooked for. . I I . cot pulp � . . McCoy's , -COO I LIVER EX - 6 � . I F.. S., 4. C. Carrie; ;rreas.. W. P. And and Harris lor the pa_&Lng plan'.. . . ' I 1� � . . � I I , , � . .1 4;41aarkerl -RI out her ,illness she had been attentively contril.,olub, for the privilege Of holding ut there. were ,other misrepresentations," 2 cups , apri � I ........... � .......... 55C � I qV I I ... . . I ,. - . Wodin, ,"J%4.14.0,,�A. 910I cared far lij her daughter, Mrs.,Robort;-� the council Meeting At , that evening . -. 2I.3 cup, sugar L TRACT TABLETS .. . I . . . 1�, j , I . . , . * , gInsou,. L,Siiz., X Stowe; conductor, . of 'the regularity of the voluntary wind . . -------- - I . . I I . Alex. StraltoA� LB.S., 0. Vid $040 with ,whom iho,wade her home, gathering,,, =4 after a , report. train Ing -up proceedings, or that the company 2 cups heav�.creara . . . . I ,� j � . I , . WINDBREAKERS, . ) can; R.SIS., The funeral service will be held at the the 0, E..�)�k�'S Mite$ his - ' 2 teaspo"S 9141 . � . . . � ' . . � . . � , 9AVention had been read, atin FPY !kOX VILY COILS' WlLSOX'S I � . �. . � . , . . . Reg, Me I U,S.V - . is now legally In liquidation,":v . FLY SWATTER& I I' �,� "", .� . . � . I . L Gee, .0.1 H. 13. M. Tlah I . ., . 3 tabje�.pdons cold water FLY PADS, I � . . . i, I . I �. . , :i�oy� All Wool.jiffy $pod Wind- borne; (L,S,V.Q., George SovMa; inner resident this (Thursday). afternoon at nominatiolii" %W' Asked � for president lordship, I am ,.not satisfied. , - i -water. Dissolve . I . . _______­� 11 : . 1 1 I . I ' 730, VvIlIth Interment being made In and secr6tArY-treaSurer.'of. the� council. Soak gelatin in cold . �, � , " i , , I . I breakers in black. blue, green and* guard, W. Xowcoinbe; outer guard, BIS lordship further' finds th&j. therej T3 tile Strained Apricot . . Bro-4. . - - � I �., ,I � I , . . . n. Sizes �6 to , 16 yeam Charles Stakes; chaplairi, .'John Finder. Greenhill -cemetery. Mrs. Johlastoll WAS After somp.discusslorl it'was decided that IS rid eyi,depce .that the ,defendants. Shitis, oVer hot water.,. COUGH. . DROPS-S-Ith � I � 3�1�''i'� I.., , . . . . Marcia . � a- Member of the. United church. Shi these officers, when eltzted, should.bold Reld, Wilsort and Aie�y, directors Sp P1110, * Add the d1upived -gelatin, and * Luiltses, WaMP016's, Ift loc Pk�' . . . ,� 1, � 'special '. � 6 At the close ,ofthe Installation Bra. . . . ' I Cool., Whip -cam ., stiff. . . . I I . .11 �, . I , . . ., . of th, Is Survived 4y a family.of three sonsat1d ofte far 'two . years Inateid -of onei . the gr . � . � , � . .. $ . I I � . pointed after the original. directors bad sugar. I I ,� I . . I , : , I Hudson Addressed the, members .' three dAughters, who are Robert John- Since both 011k . e ensuing. year - .. . . � � . mixture. Freeze - I I ' ; 1 . . i I *rs for th - �44 .0. the Fold, I � lightly,' to -ftat .. ­ . -1 - I � i. �. " � ,'�: ., , . I . ,,.� . . lodge, .The refr .committee 4erv- . L . . tlie,zeaforth.4ub res*ndd, had . .thing 3a'. , �W#11! 1nir either packed in'ide'aftir - 6UTEI� NAT_URAL� XAIL 73POIL . . . . I . . � I 'A4 . appear 6 �without stir) . I . I , I I �*_, �_ 11 095 ed lunch. . I Stan, doderich; Gordon and Will Johftm are to be. chosen from . I doil 74 Ate Absolve& ."They I - . L. 1, I " ' . . , . ; � '' i , '' , . L . . � . at . salt, or in the In6chahical refrIgeator. � ISO LIqUID. I ..... ­..."; ....... ­,,�.'33. I . � . S . , . . . L . I Stoij, Toro ,o; MrS. � Haigh, SeAjorth; it was qecidetf to leave the dholce..to ber, vittinia, and not berieffolaklos: and L . I I . I .. . . . . ; : � . 1: . L . . . I . .1 . ' gution who would Ann* L L I I -16d......1. I �-_ - , �� % �� - L . I . I -_ ''. , ' Teemattri and .Mrs. Bob that" orga . . unce 'directors-aftir ' Oran9b. SAta4L�,rj%u41't . .1 I L i "I - . I .. , Mrs. Logaris . u ough tho were de f M'to L . I ­ . . . - , 11 � � ­ , .. M. �0 L SCOTTISH EVANGELIST - crt3on, at ucknow. ' Aame$ at Some future date. ' . , . Films and do, PrfntF"9 I . B]N& L . .., . � i . I � ' L F .1 _ Those living out of the - 10th, 1928, and.though t - - ; .. (Servep 6). . . I � : , �, "'. . .� . . . 11 L L . I .. frequent , Mrs. Raines, L then. took the hair March they,com, . I . we sell I I . I 1. � � :� � . , . : . I - . - Lutknow have never failed to be c , mitted grave irregularities, I am glad to 6 Oranges - I - . 1, ,� I .1 .R . . �. Rev. Bob Murwa, Ifolding Two Weeks' visitors with their mother a6d a happy again, and. ponducte . d the rem Ind. -. . . . . and Dev.el . aping . .1 . . . ,� . :, � . .1 � i a er t absolve � them from liability In this 'ac - 6 ;tablespoo $ lemon juice � --- � I . �' � : , 0 ... . L I Lt CL �h . . the 'Solos wexi I 1� . L . --------- 7 1 1 . � - . L . I . I servical 1h, hurt family, rvunl�n was held the' latter part . program. e given by Mrsi tjonjO -the judgment. readi, The dismis- ' 3 tablespoons ,oil . , . . : I 1, ,� ., . I .1 � . I I . Bilptis , And . Mrs. Prank L action . . . . ..� � , . L . I I ' . of 'May when Mrs..Ljohndon celelirated. Mum, of , Seaforth . sat of the .against. these men IS ' i teaspoon salt ADSESIVE rLASTER, %� x I - � . . I . . . i . - I L , L ' , I . � . . Phone 384L .. . . - . . 11 - . . . I . : yd. And BANDAGE 1*1q. yds. L :, I .1 . I .. . . . I . , . JSSL on, ,peppp.r . . . for L � I i L I . I . . I . her L 70th birthday. , � Saunders, OtL0odgrIbb, readings by' W - wlth4ut costs; , , - , * 11 .. . '9 - . . . L . Miss . % teASpo ........ 11.1 ........ .. .. 1.1,260 �# - � ! � L . Evangelist Bob Munco 16, conducting a I.. 11 1 'of C114t.qn, qnd. M Mildred 11 - laimer-shareholders . Watercress I . I LT40 tW6 . - - . I L � Lovett I .� j� _ � � I . Tip Top.lailors t S� L series , � I - the . � 9610 - toe.. successful I � Slit . L. . � _. . ,eL - . 11 . . I L� ! . . - . � L I wO mz whoL 'recover their money are,*, George Fare oranges and I dombine L � I I . . . One *slX-vatt. Incandescent lamp On - -0 L � 'p � , I L wo-weelt )f mftt , Ing$ Ift son, 'Of oodeffA. A platio , I . � , I I , . �, . I . . GoderIch Baptist church and is proving .Jdih Price, and 'Mrs. -. M. Beatty, lemon juice, all and seasonings. Marin- .SPECIAL EVERS"ARP PEN- * I . I . ; � , �: I . - . the market to said to la&JOL a tungsten: dered by., Miss H, Ray, Wesley Thompson, J � . L , L I . . , , I !� . I , . a, vdry earnest worker. The window Jenkins of. ...... I .... I ................... 119116 .1 ,� . , �1, �. L I . Suit ,or Overcoat filament wire only 4-10,000 of ap inch Holmes of Seaforth. Mrs, Ebert Chaplin W. L. Bell, Williarn.J. ate orange slices land watercress with CIL ............... R. . , j L:, . I .L . L I . I - 1. � ,. I . 1.1- cards. call him Sottish, There IS L Tie in diameter, . . . Clinton and'M!rS- W. -F. Price of GodeI.. . . . -_ , , --W" . I . .� _. � . � . I I I . Arowri, Jr., J�im Smelt.fer, Thomas Ray lemon and oil mixture.. .Arrange,otange I L I . I .. . : . � � I I 1. I . . ; from his first sentence rich, W�o�; briefly.- There was also, Corn- I RAZOR *BLADES_..� . ,. - . doubt about It, I I and . L I; 71 " . 50 �� r . I I Saun. Sarah Beatty,, all of Huron, township slices in circle on beds of watercress, * ­ . ­ If I I - ". I . I . )i . . on, jils, audlence� k . . I or of Kincardine. " .� . allowing a liberal serving of wateraesso . . . : I I . .new him to be 6 native unjty�singlrig led by Mrs, Prank. Ginettis, ald style, 5 for ........... I-400 - . , . I . I ,� , I tie, The back- The State of Georgia cofts nearest m . I . high L in � I . L . ! . . : " ��l ; 11 I . $ . .. of the land , of the this . ders, with W, X-1. X,Livens at the piano, .L. - E. DX11100Y; Goderich, 'Acted $or This' Salad I$ vitamin A and Gillet* Blue,:5 $or ................. I .... Z(ye- I . 1� I ral, t. far '. . . _1-1 ... "...I.11-1256 I . Al. L .22 0�, ,. � ground'oif his early life Is Scotch Pro-" to bejr4 AU average state'ln area, the. Thd� speaker. of the evening was. TnviI pi4intiffs"& C. Makins, X,C. for defen- vitarnin'o. content, Awo Important food 11-1 ............ . � ., ,:o %,!,* .., - . I .. I . . 1. . . 5116. . . , : L�%, '. _� . 1: byterlan and he Is a great believer ift average for the ,48 ,stAtes teing 0,057 19, 0. Beacom, who gave 0 Very: dant, .. . I jq�.-t&a not ,likely to be in.. economy Aitto stiop VAlet, 5 for ... I� ......... I . . . " .1 .1 L �� His own earlyL Ideas of .Mile$. I I . . I 10 and informative address On I I �: 1. . I -.L . I . I. .. I I . 1. �� '',;­. L , . , the family pow. . SPL " . . . ....."--.01 I ,,� c� , I I L. I __ .. . . ... L .. I . .. - timer - . .. * . meous. I ... -L ­ ., . 11 . I � . I , L t1. ;�L ' __ . . I - '.I . - � "Technical' or Vocational Training-" GODERICH TOWNSMW AUXUUR'r , . -,#, " L � - 11 . ­ '- ­ ­ .L I , I I . . . . p,EFSODENT ANTISEPTICI 1, 1 Y.I. .�� L �.IaG­..,.I _. L . I - . - I .. I ... I .,. - . .. this 'L . I I _. .. I . . I I L . L . I I . . I. . L J � . I . . . . lie ,traced the development of . I . . I I I.Small. 234�, medium 479. IarV 830 . " . . I � . . I DOING IFINU,WORK I ,. . � . . I . : I . �� . . I � - I . I ­ %, I I . . . . ' ­ L ,, L - . .. - --- . L . I � . - , - . � .. I . . � . . ­ --- - -_ ____ _ - - --,.----- - -_ beginning I - . . I .1 I . I ' . � - . .. 0 1 � , ; . . . a . . branch of Instruction from the I 4 _ . . . "T BE WIWI . " I � L ­__� 11 L L . _.___ -1 . � of the'piesel . GIRLSPON .1 . .. . L I I � . . . I 1 ".. I . , .. . FFRI"�. I I � �i % .. I I . I it ceniury when Interest In I . . . , . . . . . I I . I J . . . . . 1. .1. . ".. I . . . I I.. o 1, -, I . ­ . . .; . � I 1. % . ''I I . I .. . this. matter: Was only Awakening .And The Hospital Auxiliary of, Goderich 'I . Buy mugs ht.1he rpropWe i ,.I I.L .. . � . . . .. 1. * . . 1. . .. .r. . -GET SOME CURVES1. .. . .1 .. I � � , . I . LL training war., a 'matter Of- private enter- t9wAship held Its annual Meeting At the .. I get theL 4.H.jAUDER LAXAW,BOLL - 4 . Pill our L those thin places and * . � : � I L �! : . . L . - ce Andrews, Bayfield ' IL I , . ". � . I prise with instruct6ts brought from Eng� home. of Miss Alt I �, 1%, � . �. . � . . WoAr in all large -Lities. there are Road, Lon. I utyps -men adin re. Take Vinci CADViNLO7 . 'L� IL . land rr,day, with, 17 Members p - pretty a L 0. WIGLE P. . � I . ,� . I , I . . I . ,res . I L I - . I I r W I . . Orofi tonic) and.yoifll be surprised how I . I . - - . , . L : . . L I .. . .. 11 1. : . technical abools, in, connection- With ent. I . . .. . youi figure Improves. 'Tast�i delicious. , . - , . --.1''. .. .L I .. I . '�' . I - T T , I . I � I ; �..__. .t.,,_ �". . T , - N. E., �CO ATS, . :Oolleglate Xristitutes, 'in the public On the 4th. of: MaMkL.After furnfAinj a L ]>RUO STOP . I . . . I .E . . . L . . . 1. . . ;,L, L . , . . . 'L L . CAMPS9W . : . , I . : I . . , � I beginning -I& mi the Solarium at the hospItAl . . .� I . I. . . ; I . . . . . ... , . . ­ ido in thff voca- , the Auxil- I I I . , I I .� ; ' L . I � I I I I I , � � �t 1 4 �i 'r, 11 � i � 11 '� � I 11 11 i '�,` 1;, - i - �)?` I i i I i th I i ... . I I 1. I I L 1. .1 j... T R _ : ,� i I � . 1. L . . I 111111111111111110,1� � , L. . . .1 .. mono schools ELL . . L . .. I . . � I j-- . ... .. . ., � � . . I I � . ­ . I 1. I manuat ldiy had,on hand,4521. The ladies then ­ . I I -e- , . . I L . . L . . . � , . . 1. . I . , 11 . tionallralming by Means of . 'L . . . L I � 1. 1 � q L , I . . 111. I. I.. L L . . .. L . . L.. I I .. . . . . I . to L fUrUjSh. rk I I .. I , I ; I . . . L i, I . , �, I , ' 'L I . I training and household science classes. undertook i ward in the.new f m , I . CL ' I I . - 'the I . . . � I I . I ­ ' Ly I . . Wi .IL r I t But at present such classes Are &Vail wing of the'hospital to be known asthe I . I � .. L I � . , �i' . I on __ _ .. .. I . I... . I ; .1 � I . able -in only the larger J:entres; Small, Goderich Township ward. They raised .. I . . ­ . I .. . L". . . . . . . I I I I . IS L ' , , I i ., � . . I . . - . � I L.. ; Save our. New We oa I I I towns that could not make use Of an $26 talent money. to dtart a f und for the ,.. . . I I I L . . . . I S , 6 . ;', 1 ii, ; .. .1 I . r . . I , L ., I .. . . 11 . . . L . I I I I " I .. I . . . . I . LL . Instructorls, full tirne, are Without this furnishing Of It, The Sayfielclo. Road ;1 I ( . . . I . . . . j I . �, , , I . ­ . . . . . ILI � . branch Of' instruction. However, In his Membeig hold a­sotlal eVching at the . I r..iI. ...A.% ^f iIbift 1%pd . FA11r;r.*. n . . ' . report' of -AW -to- 70. 1�66ke, r . � . I " L I . . . lft&toi if home ' of" Mr. Z. - � W. Salkeld and r L i- i a cl trimmea - unnerio.r. to, .es I . . . . I - . L I . � . L I . . 1 p �- ' I L � techiilcal schools, had suggested that aft added $12 e d, And the follow- L .L . I . . . I . I I , , . L . I I I . . . . . L ; . . . for a long � I .Instructor Might , e, 0 ­ . L . . � I . with the. best fom. L N ou could. look . �n b engaged by the Ing lieopl ' subscribed'about $�O towards -.M. -no . : � ' L , L I . I I . 1 $. L . . school boards at twoor three toww,and It�� Mrs. j; Groligm, Kenora; Mrs. Stan- . I . I L . I I . - _ I � . . . .. . . . . I I I . L ".. � . ., . . time ouldn't see, coats, with as'xpuch, I . I . . divide his time according. -to the ftum- ler bonaldton, Winnipeg, Mrs. E. J, 1. "^ . M -ND, � . I . I L I Mr.,Chas.*43roves, Bur-, r,UR THE WEEK"E' i I . * , L - I L .L IN L IL Evans, Montreal, . . L I ; I low pri , " I Dr Of classes, - $ 'iP 0 I I j,' style and �ualily at. anything like the, . 10 . I . I � . L . I L og Ar. Tleacom's addre&t the' lington; - MiI. L Go" Groves, nubilu; Mrs4 I JPT � .. . . .11 . . . vollowt Special , '6 , I OBER 6.-"'7 L and, L 8 1 7L I I . . I '. I , I ''I I : . . matter of manug training wjas.discilssed D. Campbell, Xonora; Mrs. Thos. iwallis,, . I L . � ''. , .1 . � , . I . I _: " � . I � I I 1. I by members who. 4sked umrij 4liestlons Mr. dco.,Androws, Mrs. 06, Gould, Mr. I - 1: I I . . . � . .. : - , I �-� .1 . 4b "I 1= 'Ch n, . � I .. I. I . I i62 --u �&. It, ..A 441 �ih. A.- *I# lhfif­ A- *b­lk � I. . 1. 1. I . . .. 1. . 11 L _� . I .. ., - . - . . i. I . I � . . I . a I .1. . . . . 1, . W . . Uaw... -_ . . +.-W." . - -t-, ,SOUP, CAMMEL 5 21TINS � h I I I I , ; � 1. I � I .. I � . . . . .. tided that each club look Into the Mat- Ulm Templeton, Misses Lily and Jennie . I . . 15C I . #A,r briric, I+ to the attontion Of the whitolv- Mrs jGem 4olinston mrw Soy . TOMATO I. I I I � 1 I I . . . I . . . , I . .. L . � � . I . �. . . , . . . I . � I 1. I .. . � I � . . . I I . � � . . . .. � . . . I . . . . � 111. I + . . I . I . . I . . . . . . . I . I . Pul - veis � KNIT WEAR -41! , .10 . . . . � I .. I .. . . . , . . . . .. . I I .. T he last word,'of smartness this fall. � Soft � �... , . I . � I . . . 1 14001 it, gaily. assorted --c0lors. Reasonably . . i I . I . I � . I I . . . rited + � � I � . P + , * : . , I I I I . . . I I . . . . . ., . . . ..� .. . $1,95 and $2,75 . 1. I I Z .. . I . . .+. . � I . I . I . 0 . � � . I celb"re 11r_:1 A. r 1, A' .,.,A .1 0 A%#,;.] .0 9 A -4 board at trustets, and andeAV04 When the present, financial stringency is. over, . to have manual training, and, In time, household science, taught to the.9chools of Clinton, Seaforth and Goderich. A. Vote of thanks *as tendered. Xnv- Spector iel;�om and all wlio bad taken part In the .program. Refreshments were served and sk eoolkl hollf was spent. on motion of the presidents of the Olin- ton and Seatorth clubi a vote of thanh , was tendered Central club for their hospitality. 'Tile, singing of the. Xation- al Anthtm. brought to a close a plemAnt. and profitaUlef 6vetftg. . ". . A Patterson, Mrs. Jno. Sunter, MrsI WM. Moore, Sr., Miss A. Driver, Mrs, 46s. S4.4 keld, Mrs; Imao Salkeld, MISS SOHO Cox Goderleh-, Mr. Mel. Sturdy, Mrs. 0� Sowerby, Mrs. Robt., Sowerby, Mr. n. Porter, Mlas.Sell, Mrs. Go. McnwAin, . Mrs, Robt Menwaln, Mrs., Fred Mllott, Mr. 0110S.'VZitely, Mrs. Geo, Laltlmlte, Ulm Flossie Xaft6l, Mrs, Wilmot Haack6, Mrs. U. .0. Winter, Mrs. It Witmer, Mr. John, Port,or, M.r& Austin Aturdy, Mr. OlIver Edward, Mr. FA%e.%t Jobriston, W. Winoy Johnston, Mrs. neg. Johnston, � I Mrs. Gco. Sowerby, Mr. J. W, Salkeld. I lvb. .Harry Salk0d, Mr. Robt. And6tows, !.Mrs. A. P. McLean, Mrs. Go. 0. Sturdy, . I . . . I . . ,� I I . I . I . I , . . .1 � � 11 . I . I I . . � . . . I . A PURE 1 1-16. PR . INTS I I , - 10. LARD I . I . . . I .1 . C.. * . -.1... . 1. . I I . . . . . I . . , � .1 - LARGE, 2 1-2 . 1b. Ting � 2 . PUMPKIN. . . 2 Tins 4 5c: , , I . I . . . I . 1. , , . I I . � i,� 0. . 11 . � . I . . . I A%L rd I . 1 2 POUNDS for I MINCEMEAT '. . Z:)c - . . . I . I , I I . I . . 4 VINT It N o. ,tin T'%UD Superior d3 - ..", j $2 io so Uji qu Aj VV %,I,. a 11%!kl%� * k, 0 . . . I . . . . . I . . .. I . . . . . I . I . I L . � . I ' � I . . I 'als. Dresses . . IVE W DREPSSES in all then'ew shades and mated I . I ___ . ' � I . I I -1 11 � L I ­­­ - : .. . , L_ _-1" for street afternoon and evening we r. - o"Noww"Po-OP-0-o"W" b a . ..� .. I I . I . ­ . 1X 40 1 MEWS and BOY" ,P ULLOVERR&S .� -I - . . i I . These .PuU6vers are new and popular, of high grade s6leated wools. high I I I . , ta r. Colors bluej green, maroon % necks Nvith a Lightning lRookloss r stene I and blaek.' Boys' Sizes . I . . . . $1.9s and $2.225, b . . . 0 . I . "I',,, Xeli's sizes , $2s 7S . : � . I -11--.1-1-1111-111--l. 11.1 ­­ I �.. .. .­­. .11.1, _ - - -, ___ __ ., -,-,-, , , , � � ' IA. CORNFIELD I . WEAR CORNNEI-W-S WEAR and $AV,& MONEY West Si4e of, Square I � Phone 419 1 1 , .... 1. 1. ­ � ­.- . � ­..­­__ I I I 11 � __ I - - I . - -_--1 1. I 141, Vred NaMI, 0640=1011 WOW115111y. L � Ms. Henry Breen dankted�% mat, on, � _VVT 16 -oz. tins DA U A 4 C . 1 %vitich $11.60 was realized, the mon0 to be used. in Purchasing %, 4kesser. WS. I $ I . , � -l"..." A. Forden donated a top'- for a Quilt fifils-hed. nits . ID LIBBY'S ORK and DREANS 4 TINS 25c which Miss Mcl-can'_ It N o. ,tin I)rought $26,85, and the ,muu of *220 . "I . I . � A BLUE 130Y PEKOETEA TE, 29C vag realized from soeW teas, Each Member Is Asked'lo"bting to the, October metting a -yard of,ponui", aft4-mmlber-1 ship tickets *91 tdso ba 8old. Mrs. 0. . . 1.1b. Package r� illi Ginn donated a rug for the wAtd; Wss . . *1 __ _ _� . . � __ ; � ! I Graftunut F66S 2 PACKAGES " L& �Wkeld, 9, V191toes ,6119=, WM. rA- ward, %, toot stool; 3W. Robt, Uarnief. Mrs, ino. njsijt�, Mm It. Stakeld, feMbers I I tT for pajoWs. Ws Mdtsri providing tho I . r 40C material and finishing tho I)MOIK.- __ 11-1 - . : ��__ 11 'T. t. whitely, Mrs, Wai. rdwarl. Mitts, Edna Drior, and Mrs. 4S. Johnston ;, . . I , Finest Granulated lifitaw Cates; Mitt Lue", t%0 tray dres"r Durham Corn Starch . . or Yellow 11 I 10_14�, Igkve elctli-,; Mrs. C. A. Grove% smtft; ML*3 Nc-t,e�Lj, tlVC6 Mattress ,protectors; �. . . I SUGAR mit" X 0. fwved. bo,ftpread; 1W, J". johrittou, wmto mer bx*C, Mrs,, rked . Per pkg. 9c 1 I . Wcaft8l, Amten. M"- I. bc1d 1011v *Ad 10 Is, 53c top for qunt; Um aw. 85i't'I'd, air . I ........ � .......... I etWilon, and Mi" ARCO .Aildtft'S. hot 11 1. "..., 11- - ­ -1-11.. -11 I Wk_""*-W0WA i - wMer bottle. . Tht, furnWilDg!; of th6 WAT4 Ultv Mwlo I TWO GODERICH STORES . I j, J. M ru A 0 & CEWEL'I 1 CALVIN CUTT ,��_,�__­ I - - ChildreU 0�1y­r Folt fuTCNERIS . I tw,*, A S. T 0 R ; A � 14. ­­­.-jjj1jjjjjj"__ -'''--'-- - ­ ' I I � 11- � . . . . . . .... - ------ ON" , "' ­_ -1111-111 � - _ 100000""L -1 - . - ..-, ��_l I ­ lik