HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-10-06, Page 3. . , . 't, \ y ,ij � 0 P*Ak I.' "I I � __ U "Vamkyl OCT, - fttk 11A —_ V --1 I I— ­_ �� ____1 ......... 0� . .., 1. ­­ -_ -11 I Cmwty ,,nd District - MGH QVAUTY DIAMONDS - THE - GODERIOR STAR r, - raw TOWA , ____ _________1 -_ ­ _--1_ � - a I BAYFIELD FALL FAIR WAS - I :Dull Aches in His Back I i BIGOEST AND BEST EVER Terrible Paine In Bladder I I Bat . i . I ­ — WAV W iiiable 6064"401 wauw umly cripplPodv ,; - . I ' "' "u� I'ves" , . I SUMMAly X I A Good Investment I t,;ewy isoo s In In" ter cau-T. i. iLgus & &DII. Bull Calt "I cot aot li'o'satill at aijht. ond, W orriblo bI OAW � 4 ad . ­ —1 ­ 1. 11 . I ­ P, I � � I ­ Dlam=ft bave advanved 201:1. ! Departments says _F.r%Ca H, c;kVbert, Ist giad 1�rad, � � "Pa, I ad ph 0 , L=kAaw morchanta are 'Ca'I'tinuing 17W 19cQUARRIN DIES . All the I)Iamoads lu W4r stWk Secretary $traey . I y of sh ouw toll 1: to get a box of Doon's yt w�re pupoliased before tuls ad- Mmh eow in ,exit-11%Teld ftubatt" Xiduev lhl* wbich I did 4 W" ttguLtbtt hursdaY afternoon 1150 "JiIW' MoQUaTTle, 4 -11AUVO Of BI 13� , — after fhe flat few dow, Ana I have not ,ez the weekly WA EI.4EW EXHIBITS . 15t and uaa,. I . . 4 the Ono box-,, I holiday during t4Q, MOAth Of Q8tZbc4*- died FecentlY III` 'WittalW17- 110 lived In vance, and prl�es lremsdu the same. � EXIC . � a9wela. 11111110m I finubt Blytij up to ab , � ulle'l cow In ealf-y". S For Mae at su dI.q sud generxi , out tbirtY yeara ago, cletk- li�you havD bcela Contemplating — r _44 . car N11141 11w, direct oa�welft of r" ITy Tito 11-V111"'W"Urra"awt � 0 �_ 12 �� Mr. =4 Mrs. unbert :Forbw. Brussels, tug In D. B. McKinnon% store. When be busllr* 2 V13100nd 13OW J3 tilO X sp�rkq, Ist and and. Itelfer calt-WM, Limitedl, Oren ot Out mol Weather Reflected in IN- and and' Helfer' one y - ceieuratca their solden weading MOn- , took a RnItion, 'with the Eaton COP. In time to buy. creased Attendance . . sparks. Ict and and' I ..,.,.. ,..,. w-_ 43y. octolaer Sri, . -Werouto, and PAWr a short time there , Come Ja and let. U5 F.1 -ow $04 Jcdr.cz�-X X... Reid. 004evich. IluRh ___ 11 I . -1 I -1 , I went West and otsmt2d rAtIreatling. He our stock. of the Auezt, quality This Year, Hill, colboma. L� 0,aricn. ,11. Trueamor; cotUcro), 14. creek butta-Mij. N. L. Carter. R. S. � xu�r VOIQ TO 8,UFFEn was a member of tbQ Order of Railway Diamonds. I .� SHTEP Orlarlen, in and 2ad. pullet, L. 0"BrIca. Reid. I lb. fancy print butter -R,. 0. . Whou a taltorlot etru,.k and fatally In- <�Orlldttctors and A Member Of Prince Of I Diamond RlIog4 from $15-00 UP. Never before did tho Bayficla fall tair 14cirster Ltt 06nd and. Viymoutij R02k% any nold. Nlr$. Carter. Cott3go choc.iC-Rese 1. . . Jured a 44Z at Stafarth Quo day la,st Wales,Lodge, A., F. & A. M., =011003R. have such an entry list 33 this year. p, 0, two shears Qr over-Uoy pepper ether varicZy-Co2kcrel. L. O'Drion. 18t Snawdon, Jae. Sterling. 11311 hmn, 113MQ . . = weeltz, he pr=odQd on Ulas Way. Icaviva Secretary A. E. Erwin reports nearly 1500 & Son., Alf. Warner. Shearting ram- and and; Pull0t. L. Q'Dvicn- lot and and. cured, omokqd=­Re_,,o Onowdon. U. 11�3- , the exu,ing, ribs crushed 444 leg$ broken, AGED 91, Tatus A)MO)r"Na Roy � Pepper & Son. Ram lamb ­Roy Butt Orphlagtons--44ck, 0. )3attler; lbs. homo-,,urcil'b2con, smok- -"-&, , Ewe, having hot,, Jolla, Kochens, lat and and; coelc- "a, I . mon's &logo' 0 �dlal.nosjardtnc. R. Snowd6n. 2 lbs. ip in agerly. Another car stopped Ali her life, Miss Annie 0ow. of %ake. ,$.khd the outside departments were w1all Pepper az Son. I(A and and, 1 1 entries 'A the 11"140 depart to ye 10%, student, put the field, OUL, has been "illelleate." She was � E. C Robertson ... r Over_ vrel, John X@Zben5, let-oklud and. pullet, houte-Tondercd lard-Tha,3. Snowden, Dond Its driver, a nidd ailed also. And tile 4tuff was excellent. raised lamin In 19.53, 2 shears o the invalid. member of laor ,farally, al. DIAMQND MERCHANT � magnificent fruit, fine vegetobjes, beau- Alf.. Warner. 0. 1). Dell &, lion, Shear,_ John Kocheria. Ist and and. sliver Grey Win. Sparks. Pckir dreased chicken$-- 11 � I ", �4t�_ 4og out of :mlsory. 11 ways, And yet At the owe of 91 she reads: slid JEWELER olever ing owe -Alf. WArner, Roy Pepper & 1DQVAIa1;s__.Cock, Jolul Kochons; hen, All. Warner. JRS� Sterling. HcAvIc-st I � C 4�rjch opper r. Son. ,ozbeas, lat and and'. cockerel. dozen lion's eg$s. white sh011-O. Bat- . "Od tiful floiwprs� appetizing balcin John b i . , I 9* - . . Without glasses, goeii for da walks by phone 136 _ fancy work_ar�a so it went-overything SQnA �VWO 14104 --ROY P John Kochons; pullet, John KochcAs. Ist tier. E. F. Morner. llcavlcA. dozen hews . � ' SEES FAMLY OF DEER . .4 , . , I I . . r.4 Clinton News-fteocird.. .White *lying . horself And travels alone by bus and by I I r I was good -in 84ort it was an exeelivat _N uneol" I o6nd $ad, Brown InUorns-COCk. .L. 0993, brown $U011 -M S- Reld, - e$- . train. Recently she went for ­ ____ , - E- R =:====._. I � . I . . . ,Ram, two shears or over -Thos. Snow- 4. 01B Best display of bee Products- ; Along tile road near Wroxeter the other � � - sbow all rouud-,,� rien., 14 and 2ad; Jardine. . . O'Brien; on, . I plane 440,4qA got R "great kick out of I i , The DaShWOO4,,band guopiic4 an ex. don, lat and and. shoarling ram-0co. c rol, . Battler, L. W.Brion; pullet. J. V. Pollock, Paul Cleave. One quart 11 - day Mr. M. T. 001`103 saw a family :Of wden, Ham l4mbt­ Attler. .White Leghortg$ itrailacid honcy-iPaul CIC:XvO. J. Z POT- � I � U. It.,, MIgg odiv celebrated her 915t birth- and yellow, W1.40h ,ont #, beautiful color gollent .class of Music on. the grOunds. Penhale, The$. Sno, I$ O'Brien, - I .deer. First the doe ley,ped the fence o Goo, Penhale, ThOo, 611OW011- Ewe, ' ock, Brownett, L. O'Brien. hen, lock, One quart maple ayrup--O'. Bat- - . I � . .- d4y, was born -in. Vetierboro, and still lives offoot to tla - - or I lot, tier,, Milne Rader. Ono III, homc-madV � �. . I . -'to the road, th0la"A bAndsome buck 01- In that city , . . . . 4 Whole Interior. 'Chirliese lan- A real. live alligator was one of the raid h%ving raised lambs in, 1932, 2 slaears 53 Drownett. lat and gad. cookel 0. Battler. - Wm. Decker, � 1� � lowed and finally a pretty f%w joined , I ,ras of varloUj bright abodes were strung way attractions and there wetO nmner� a . . I te over -Geo. Poultale, The& Snowden. Mis5 Brownett, Mrs. Heywood; pullet, fudgq- . . - . . Its psirerrt;e and .all $razed beside the road WINS SCHOLARSHIP , across the room, and a white lattice Work- qua games at which *At could try his ShLarll,ag owe -Geo. Ploulialo, 71408. Qco. Little, L. O"BrIen, Any other var- Judges-4toss Scott. Jas. Connolly.. . until IrIghtened by APProacWng cars. ,of DgshwoOd, to. interwoven with autumn flowers and fol- s.411 and luck, and refreshment stands Snowden. Ewe lamb -0010. P01111DIV, l6k lety Legbornsi-Cockerel. ,L. O'Brien, DOMESTIC SCIENCE, . , , I .Harry T. Wqffm9in, lage formedix beat)tIful screen Across .the apienty, Harold aslackstone's sn,41109 face and and. Mrs, Heywood*, Pullet . , Mrs. Heywood, lat Homc�made white bread -Mrs, X. W. . . ; , . I . CANOW.41"LETARD TO SEA . FORTIR . celved word from 3. S. Atkinson, seort- stage, while bran* I hes. with flowen iuter� in one. . . I 0 Oxforou I and and. Rhode Island Rodsi-Cock. Woods. Mrs. j. Addison. . Home-made, . .� L - . taxy and. director,ot the-Camida Burexu 6 re iiia4ed on n1sh had a 'display of - Ram, two shearq or oVer-D, 1). bell & John Koolivas, lat aiiiii and; hen, John Graham brvad-Mia. N. L,- Carter.�Mm I . I woven w L the be%t radix- Talbot and Cor I I . n. *a " Son. Kochens. let and gad, cockerel. John X., W� . Wbodq� Rev. Canon Edward Appleyard, M4, for the Advancement of Music, that he , Son, Shearling rAM-1). ,,ell & Boston brown bread- I. . I . . . tors, Tile ,offect wAs decidedly colorlUl, radIO$ and one ,could hear the pro;ress . , .94., UTII., has resigned 'he incumbency hadbeen a , D.. Bell & is, Ist and 2n41, Oullet, John KO- Mrs, N. W. . viewed Ram, lxmb�l) L . Son, let and Kocher Anc Woods, Mrs. Metcalf. ' Nut warded the $75 scholarship In nd the pretty gowns Worn by the ladies Of the worWs series game %$ he L $.in 1932, ch bread -made from baking, powdor with . . .. of the.0hurch of the AsconsiourWitids0r) the men!$ solo competition lat the Can*. 4 _ . - , and, Ewe* hxvInIr rallied lamb , ons, ist. and gad. onas-Cock. L, . r to become rectorL-of 'St. L Thamm- I Angll- oomblued to make the scene one of the L indoor display. . Bell & Son, lot O'BrIem. hen, L. O*Urleu. H. Penhalet frult-Mrs. N.4j. Carter, Mrs. J, W. Xl- - � . _ dl*n National Exhibition. There were , pullet, I Cation and Mrs. 61 Competitors, from beauty and charm, 'Music for dancing The baby show, failed to nlateXlAlize . SlxepxUn& ewe ­.p. a -Bell & cockerel, IA. O'Brien, Ist and 2nd* I . and grid EWe IArab__D.L D. ilott. LSix graham muMna-Mrs, N. 'U . . I . I I ban - church, Seaforth,* - all, parts of the was 'furnished -by Olin BrowWs, orchestra owing to lack of .4 competent judge but Son, Ist, and 2nd, . Bell L. O"Drien, lat And 2114- `OaMPI"C$- Carter, Mrs. J, W. Elliott, LAYOr - Oak% ,- .. . . _� -" Appleyard are expected the latter Part Of Dominion. He bas been in training un- rse shoe pitching 'contest drew & son, lot and 2nd, . Cock. L. O'Brien, Ist. and glad, hen, L. . I " , 66�ber. Cation. Apployard '16 an out- der W. R. .Goulding, A.T.C.IL of Exe, from Stratford, A numllier of former the ho . I . O'Brien, Ist and and', cockerel, L light -Mrs. N. L. C&M?r, ,Mra. Mauro; .. I . it diocese, And ter t1who 4160 va his otecompalsi at the students were in atteriftlace including some keen contiesters from Zurich. Chas. . Shropshir" . I I � , Warts -Mrs. J. W. Elliott, R. S. Reld, standing clergyman, of th . . O'Brien, lot and 2nd; pullet, L. O'Brien I � I , I t d'T. H. Meyers won the first RAM, twe shear$ or over -D, W- HydPol list, and and, Jerm ,Black Qla � SalQkd vogetablis-Mrs. blot 1C�'rN,',x'd%,'e'; I 1 A . be has bad charge of, some of the largest competition. Mr 1100miLu also rwou ,a D, Mey in* L Carter, Scotch shorI;, I :�".;i, - School and of the ,former teachers, Roy prize and.'Clare Outerus and Ors R. D. Hunter & Son. L Shear' 9 ram- �Cock. H, Trueamer, Jan. Kogheris; 'hen, 7hebst,or . parishes, Including Owen Sound, Wood $50 beholgirship, *at the' Forth Couilty threw. R, D, Hunter & Son, W. 0. Ross. Ra , Fred 'Middleton, layer cake, . I . _. L H. Alft of London, And V. -C. Coombeo second, and a third teatu'also I4 U. Truemner, Ist and 2nd; cockerel, John dark,Wm. Stephenson, l0d. V_oster, stock and Winclsor. He le'a, member of music festlyalt, held at Stratford this I ' this lamb --R, I). Hunter & Son, D. W.Hyde.: L ' I ­ . . . 11 . . , X # J. . I . of:Fort Urle NortltPP warepresent. ,, The day was a little cool And , ochong, Ist and and, pullet, John Fruit cak(u-'R. Desjuirdtlae, Buns-& I � I . .. . . . L I. . I I , I � I .. . I . I the synod :executive � , year. I . . elpts though Ewe, having. ralsedl lambs in 1932, 2 Kochiens, lat. .and 2n1 Gulneas­�Cock, . . .1 � . I . I . I I . . . I 11 . . . . I .. . . I � was.rgdected itt,the,;44�e rec n I t1ba sheats or over;,; -D. W. Hyde, lat and 2UCI le, J. Woolians', hen, War. Merner, Mrs. J�, V,. Elliott, To%,'blscuItx I I . I . . , . =--=.-,;­..1.`.� �" ,-'=== MAX 140k RXESIGHT I . . . ... I TWO CASES OF ZOCIKJAW I there -seemod a 4.opd� ��W I . d' Harold Penha from baking powder -9, F. Weiner, Mrs. . . I . I _1 - _. , . . . . � $ 0 Shearling Pgwom_D. W. Hyde, lot and2n . f2ld Penb4le, Thos. Snowden.* - cockerel, J,- Addison. . Ginger berralts-Mm. N. U. - . I L L . . J. a. FORSTER. - . * , _. Leslie Bowman and Robert, Wright, Wingbam Advance Timei: Raymond grounds, and before the show, . Over a Ewe lamb -1), W. ,Hyde, W. 0. Ross. Thos. Snowden: pullet, ThosP; Snowden, Carter, Helen Tough. Cookles­4*.%&si. -J. . . I . � . . . DR, P, . 11, � both Of LlPlStQW61 district, are in Listowel Henning, 18 -year-old son of Lloydl0en- cold drizzling.#in- 001110 on. Wether -lamb-D. W. Hyde, PP. D, Run- '. Black Spardshm-Cock, 4ohn Kochens: Plain . I . EYS'L EAR, NOSEi THROAT Memorial Hospital, seriously injured, the ning, . of the ath, concession sof Turn- In the evening a "od'concert with ter & Som . . I I hen, 4no, Kocheils; coi6kerel, Ist. and InuMus-mrs; John.Turner, M Vo4ter� L ' ' , . ' 'I W. Elliott, Ws, X L, Carter. . . � I . Late.Hodse aurgi,,on New York Orph- result Of 0, head crash between the berty, about two. weeks .ago bad %,sliver i London talent, the ravorite Fouri-elritor. . � . Dorsets. . 1 . and, pullat, John ,Xochens. Ist and 2ad. Soollies-Mrs. J. Addison, Helen Tough. I . 11 . . a L I .0 7on -comedian . RAM, -+, . wo - shear . a or over -P. E. near. Black Min6rcsig--Cock, inw. X00hens, 0, Meat loat-Mrs. N. W. wood I s, Mrs. J. . . a . # bar In Which they were ridi�g and q forced under his thumb nall. Little .or i tainers, and W-Jille Bell, 1. 04 W..Elllott. L I . � L s a In th- . tag. 'Ahearling ram�_P. 14, Dearinir, lot Battler', hen, Jno, Rochens, H, TfUem- W� Ellett. Apple pie -Mrs, 1. - .1 I.. Moor eld% 'E' spi Al � . olden (arm wagon. Police are Investigating notibino was thought �or' the accident, the ,,attraetlons, va give . L t,o*n - , I I . W,e� charges that neither vehicle carried pro* .11 . I Squar 6at " Bpi I ondon, ng � I . which was of a minor -nature, but a week. hall and had a good sized audience and gad. ' Rani lamb-P.M.P. Dearing,! lat nor. coakefel,L Jac. Kochons, H. TrUtM-; It, E. Rorke. Lern9n*PIc­-�Nrs. W. W. . 1 53 orloo t. -,o atfor . I ago Oiturday. night, Pain, developed, and. The, A, J. 11, Eckhardt prize, a. iour- and and, Ewe, having raised lambs In net-, 'pullet, H. Truomner, L Jab. Kochola$, Woods, Elmer Webster. Plain baked . � , , L L . . phone 267, . � . . . . per. lights.. Wright 'had his eyes Injuke& by Monid4y he Was seriously Ill . L poet9tsi piece gold lined silver' t�a service, wak 1932, 2 shears or over,maV.' E. Dearing, AndalusliAng-Cockerel,.. 0. Battler,, pul. oean4.�Mrs. Metcalf, Ed, Poster. Pound � . � . tel' Bedfor4-, Goderloh, on the The sight of one Is lost, and It# May, be L lot L and and. Shearling ewc-P. E, . let, 0. Battler. -- Silver - Hamburgs-Cook,- ,akt-Mrs. U.' L. Carter, Mrs. Howriel. . At.tHo I., " ,, iii'the'lexcling sp Winner I I ' 1B . - I . . I L I . . evening dogtqrs. said. Bowman - ha, ' Stewart and - Redmond were valled .octal pr#6 but tho . Dearing,. lot and and Ewe lamb -P. 13. L. co . , ! of' the­thJ,rd'-Mond%y of each d I I ke ri,en and appetizing cold lunch � ta I r . L . could not be announb0d. as It,takes cOW . . . . . ,e �. hen, t, O'Brien, Ist and. and; Most SUItable . .. - rev6lrA'I=� nit found thatL the unfortuxAto boy was nearing. ist, and 2nd' . Ir -O O'Brien, lst� and; 2nd; . . : . L month until the f6llowin knocked out, and flesh torn 'a I figurin up, .to determine the � .. . . I . 1. .. . .pullet, for .,one .porson-H. Wsjbirdiae, H,P 9. L L i . . . . � . . I .. __ -&:�:� from tlie'jaw arid lip, Jake. ptange, w 4119 from loclrj%W. Fortunately I sl4erable K I . L . I 'PIGS 4 1 L O'Brien, Ist and and, Black . Ham- Rorke, Mrs. J. Addison. Pickles, pints- . - ___ --,-.-- _-_ ho suffer . � . I I . I I , . . I � . I . a winner. Following is. - . I . . . barp-Cock, 0. Battler: bon, 0. Battler- , L . . � ; I drove the faxm.,wa On,, bad xn 'Injured some of the antla-totardo sefurrl � . I . .% ­ , . Berkshire . I ' Is . z L ar er, H, Desjurdine. & jelly .. I I I ... 11 .. . . ENGINEERING . . . 19 L I ... . � . :cockerel, 0. -Battleg; pullet, 0, Battler.. %ad a cr ala, ­�-H. neo - L I . . . . L . , , The ac. been procured for Brute Campbell,. was . THE PRIZE 'LIST.- . - ' Aged bo6r--4bos, - Snowden. Brood Bantams, any -other variety -Cock, L L de, id 'glasses . �1, I . �_­-----� left arm, but. It Is not serious. I , .and . . . I L I � � I . .1. 1: : L . I I . cident ocourred',about 4 o,clock- 01j. ftt. AUllable .and 4his. was administered, and' . HORSES ' � sow, '. having littered In 1032"TbOs. 01arien, Wis. Heywood: hen, L. OsBrien, ardine vred : MIddItton. Catsuos : . . . - ': I . . . - ,nd ls�responding to the treatruen I -littered,- in 1932 -Thos. L . . Pe t sauces, bottles-��H.'Desjardinc, Urn. L I . i GOEBEL & "A" urday night., on the, � fourth conePeSilon Raymo L t. � t General Purpose , . I .. ,Snowden, SoW Urs. Heywoodi took titter. L . . I . .. '4nd and, )3oar litter , erel, L. O'Brien, Ist, . . nod fruits, pints- . L . . . I I Pal Engineering Of MMWL Township, goo y . ., nproving slowly. casts of, lock� I Snowden, lat e4 in and and; pullet. L. O'Brien -and, I - , - . . � . . L irds West 0: and Is h t -, L " ' but., this L Is I . . gad . L . . . . L . Consulting. and MunW V . L . L. , . Brood mare -E, P, Merrier, J� GpIllass 1932-7,Tbos. Snowden. ist-,and , Ist and rs. N. L. Car L It. Warner. canned., 11 I I -,D-ala6ge-Land Surveying L jaw are no .,common, . .. I � ­ I I L I . � . : I . -Foal 3 1 Any other variety loWl-Cock, L. O!BrIen, vegetables, pinto -Mrs. N. L. Carter, Alt ., 1. ge 4 Son,. " -M * "row". ' . I I . 0 . . . 'L the $ ' ""'7 And: 2nd.: 2:1 . .. , . , I . * L I I d " Goderich, lot. TroWbrld , �. . Brown_ Jac. L Loyd. . Vorkohire L. � . I Masonic Temple Ill go � . second 'case that has developed, in.this year * _ . . Earl Deihl; hen L O'Brien, Earl Dell -g- Warner, Canned . L rneats-Urs, N, 4 I I , I I . . . I ne 230 1 1 . -ACCIDENT - . district In the last few weeks. 'Bruce Wra I "' ; ' -1 Year old -Sam Alton, tooke ,,arl Deihl; Pullet, Carter, H. Desjardlne. . . . I . .. 8LVEV*LE DaWS. L 'ooker' Brood -,sow rel, It. O'Brien, r L. L . . . �Pboi . . I . . I ,,, , L .1 I . . . . . . Pnar,qjc� ' - Aged : boar ' Delhi L. O%Brien,: 'Muskova, Ducks, 4Udgeo-4elanto T. Bu�kV. H, Bartlift. .L. ' � . . . I Roy Pei Per 4' Althn,: El., Earl ' R6 . I . L : Y Popper -- I . . st . An accident of a ser- Campbell, i .TeaiA­Wm. -having littered Aw,1932 Bam I ' . L . . I B,Migels Po i.looal boy, was attacked by I I . I _ . . I .. I I L . . - short 'time ago, t I t a � M SOT . mer Webster, Boar littered in 1932- oLl --Dr. Orl - Ul- D §E= . . . . IL D.6 er ,d [eve, 11arold.. Penhale, M I .. .. . . . 1. I LEGAL CARUS L . . long nature happened on -Saturday aftei. this terrible .disease - a , , an ad. ... I . �ung­mnr, GrIevej Bert . . ORAIN AN. S, . . . I . . . L: At, the. home of J. .xb6Ut'L and L if.iS , I . I . - Alton', lot and ,and. Bow littered kova. Ducks, yc . I I I I �. �� , .L----------"- noon Stewart . Mae- but Is - novir able to Walk . I L Peritheron . . . I ISam uoks,. old -R. Snowden, White Winter wheat -H. Truemner, . . . . - . . . . I I . . � I . . I I I , rt' te L ' . . - in I932.­-,Sp,fnAIton, List And and. . Punn. Pekin d . L I . .1 . I I flAY8 & HA I M$1 � Naughton, second ooncession,.Turnberry, bolliedLlhat this other unfo una Young L Three year , olAr-PH. . Penhale, WrA*.., . . . . .. . . Thos. Snowden. Pekin du&s, young- M. Brown. Red Winter wheotw�-Mllne . . L .. I . I I . . . . . . .- . ' threshing macibine Was�. In man Will Make as rapid or. Two Year . . � ,der, . it. A. Puss, Spring Wheat-- ' I � . I :., . . . . . . .. I . I , Foal I while the a ietovery. Deck old -R, Snowden I Red PWs:,' , , - .- R. 6nowden, Thos, Snowden. Rouen RO I 1. � . . I . Barristers and Solicitors,' I operation. Mr, MacKsuolitorli WAg '#L.the - . . I . . I I . I Jag.. R . Sterling. _R.. j Snowden :1 Aged 6.ar-�Sftm. Alton, Thos. Sniow�, ducks, young -Thos. Snowden, Sam Al. Ni Ine Rader, 14. Truemner, Large whito ' . . . � . . R, C. Rays, K.C., and U� 0. Hays, B.A.L. SIT$ FAMOUS FOOT SPECIALIST John Armstrong. L . . I ouse geese, old -Prank Weekes. t,na:11 i Turner,... H. , Deajardine. - . I . - treet, 0 inow adjusting somethinj 1. �oonnk,.-#.n " .. . . I . . iden. Brood sow, baving littered in i932 ton; Toul wp,h,n --H. Deajardine, Milne, L I . Himilton a oderich. , I Clinton s;Aecord: Dr. Newton- . . L � L I Boar )it- Toulouse -geese, young -Sam Alton. te peas , L . �� . I . . L Telephone 88. . .. . . With the. work, lie took hold�Lfjf.o- br"d New . . Agriculturat i -Sant Alton, Thos. Snowden.. : Rader.' Sarley­�-O. Battleri H... Truern- . I � . . . � _Jno�, Ra_V - and and. White bat as L tefli g . L I . . . . I I L . , Brady ofBaydiald, recently returned.1rom . Brood. Mare awell & Son, R, tered in IW -Sam, Alton, 'lat Frank Weekes. Any Other Varitty geese I . 3-i , S ii . H, A. � I I .. I ,. . . I I 4. �� to.. owing 1imself down, when *the brace . . k. L FojJ4�_Chas, Steve sow. lit [-It, Snowden, H.. Truemner. XON. ,10. I . . . . W . PL Grel . tered In 1032 --Sam Alton, Ist avid old , ' . . . . . I I . . . I C�me L out and be fell .to the barn floor a visit tD,Dr. Loccke of Williamsburg, who . lason, Harry I est pair, bacon hogs, 'any breed- treese, younjg__-�Rcbt. Blair, R, Snowden, Puss- Red Clover seed.o-Jas. Sterling, L I . I L. .. a A - - - . , ' Armstrong. .3 'Years old-4ap. Sterling. and. LL B� L . � GIJA , . NAIRN, a distance of about thirty feet, Medical seerm to have, beew performing wonder- i i Sterling, Wm. � S . . Brionge turkeys, old�Alf. Wainer, H Nt; BrMvn, �Rwect Clover seed-�.Alf. . � Dou­. L , I )Parks. . Warner. Thos. Snowden.. Timothy seed I f I . . - L . I L cures of all - kinds 'of disexieg by , Gelding or filly 2 years, old-GaMet, Tay- Jag, R. I Trdemnor. Bronze turkeys, young-4AE, . . . - I . aid, Was fminediateli surmn6aed and: he ful . lor, � EImL,r , Webster, .1 year Pold-J, . . Judges ---Q. 0. PettY. H� Snel.l. , . sjardine, Milne Rader. i. Yellow I . . I � Barrister and- Solicitor . treating Pattent4l, feet, We asked Dri I . L . � L . 1. . . . . I � �i ', , -Office:., NORTH SZ was taken to the LlAoWel Me Hos- Gelinas & Son, Ist and - 2ad. .Team- 7- I I Truemner, Alf. Warner. Pair Pigeon$-- -X Dt . I . . , Phone 012. L . I . . . I - - I I . 1, . ,. .1 pital 'where x�ray wag -used 4201alt, Was Newton -Brady what he thought ,of it. Ja .. Keys. � , POULTRY— , � - , . Uri, Heywood. Alf. Warner. : I corn -Mrs, Heywood, 0. Battler.. Dent . I I I' . . I � I . I . . I . . ,. . IL found -that bones In the feet,L . . "it is wonderful,"' he declared. - Patients S. R. Storting, N . I . Plymouth !Barred. - Rocks-��Col*, Qo . Judge -A, G. Misener, O.A.,C.. Guelph, coril--Jag. Sterling,'. Fred - Mlddlqtoq� s - I . L' . I . 0 . ,. 1. , - ,Heavy OrAught I . I & Son;. hen, Nelson I . I . .1 Sweet corn -John I J. Willett. L .. . . � heels * and Turner, V I . FRANK DOXNELLX, S . . hid told him. of some almost miraculous I Battler, Nelson Keys . DAIRY PRODUCE . . . . , - A. . ankles of both feet wero. ,broken. . The I I e-Mis6 3arownetti � Robt. ., . Any . other varloty�­U, pesjardine, Mrs. i . I . .. . .L. � . risUlts. We .suggested thai 'hypnotism I Bro6d mar Keys & Son.; cockerel, Geo.-JAttle, Gem e . . - . . injured Members *ere put In A caste. � iWebster & Son. Foil-Miss-Brownett, -lbs. salt butter�R. 6. Reid, J. E. N. L, Carter. Field bedns--O,.BattIr, I I .. .. I . . . I. ­ . Armstrong: pullet, Geo. Llitle, Wra. Ste- 10 6 Jbff. butter InL, 1 lb, blocks- I I . . 1. ­ � . . I � . . .. Bax,rister.. Solicitor, Etc. . . ANE L . . might come Into such treatment,but h.q, Fred Middleton. 3 year old-wrRobt. Web. phenson. Plymouth 'Rocks, White - 'Pollock. I I on page 7) -_ ' . I . ST., Goderich. TWO IN , I scoffed.,at the Idea. He saw A e thou- ,Cock, L.:O*]3r 1 . Th6s, Snowden', hen; Mrs. N. L. Carter, I R. a. Reid, 5 lb, I Continued I : . Phone 262. 'HAMILTON I . .. IV ster & Sofi ist atid 21ftcl. 2 year old- . ten . . . 11 � . I . I I - � � I __ ____ ' , . IV . - 1. -77-7 . -:-- 0 . . . n, Manson Bros. 1 . �__.�- � _____­ . . . . I I - __ 'i & SO . . I 11 . I L . I . W ­, I . . . . . d Son;: Team--�;?Alss -----7- ' � L I I .. . , . . . . P .... . . . . gry. oddity .In the sAmpe of . an apple many of them an , ,having, studied the '_�t- Wo'� I I I I � 0000000woo- 'SF X". , . L . . . A& � . I Sex�or.th, Ex osItor-.. An qxtraordln.- sand.. patients treated and talked w1thL �'* ': , . I 1' it !��1000OW400m�!IIOOOWNN$OOOOOOOOOOO.m"ow.%$m , I I � i. � ' V, R. DARROW. . I was�� brought into the ,office 'of The art, lie I intends aging it L in his practise. Bt=�I.'tl C,1RqobXt.eYW' ,b& er� & I Son. " I L .1 I 1. . . I . . I I 11 11 I I I . I . . � - I . . . . . . - . . . - Expositor last week by Miss` Janet Dr.. Locke, he says, must go and rest -' I Roadsters . I � . .L I .L I . I I . I . . . . I .. .1 - ' _ I Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public,. Etc. and relax for,ten InIn4twever so ofte.ri FcPal--Oarnet Taylor. .9 Year c1d­-N. - _L . . 11 . . .1. . . .� __ I I . 'MING. fL ' ,L : . , . . ., Doig, daug*r of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. M, � I L . . . Iq . . . . .. . . . . . Suce to J. L. Kilioran. Do1g, of�Tuokersmlth,.near klpp�nj. The during.the day, which lasts usually from Keys�& Son. .1 year old -Manson Bros. . . . . . . I .! E . . 6ssor , , . Phone 97. Mod, The.Square, ooderich. - . yf I . . I Is I I . 0 . . I . . . L . ., apple, bad two distinct eyes about two about eight In the morning until late at,SIngIP, roadster --C, Fr ogle, Wilf. Mo- , .. . " . I . . I. wiv, . I . I . I . . . i Dr. Newton -Brady says he saw i Lean., I I I .. - I . I . 4 ;_ '. . L . . . . . L. . . . . L. Inches apart at the bottom 'L - I I I . . L . I . . I .- . I . ,* � I . . Ry . .. .1 r , . .. . t . ; L . . I 04niage . . . . . . ... 1. .. .. . . . . . . � L P � L. I 'RNE L ST I JtOP there were two distinct st cars. from eve*,.;4v.te In I L . . . I L , L ' I I ... � . L L I . .L . L ' . . . ; . , while.on the night . ' IM.. LEE. , I L .. . � ems, rather during. his visit . I . � I . . I , I . L 4 . close together, which 'into, one the American union, as Well as L from Brood, nwe-R. Greig, Garnet Tay or. . � L . . I I - . ,. . . . � L I . . I , merged 1. , . . .1 . � L L . � I .. : �, � Barriotet. and Solleltor .1 . . StelA.aboUt aft Inch long. TheL boo of nenily ever$, province of Canada, people� Foal�R..Grelg, J. Gellinas 4,86n, 'One . . .. . i . I . . THANKSGIMNG . � L . � . . I I . I . Sun .tlAfe L . Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria. the, apple wa? one solid piec6, .but L looked suffering from arthritisf neuritis and an [year old­E&i W14per, Manson Bros. I . I I . L ; I . 1. . : . . I � I . . I I I I I Two year old -Manson Bros. Single , . . . I . . . . . I . . IL ... . I I . . I � . . . I . L I L . . a . . 1. Telephone: Elgin 5301 . very much as if a, small - apple and a form$ 'of painful trouble- of limbs, -back I carria, -- ,1. Pryfbglb, U., J. Willert. � . . a I I . I I . : Toronto �,Z. larger -6�ie had each had a slice cut off, and arms, coming in the hope of. firiong, . go horse . C . THANKSGIVING dinner, Is more than a Mere intal.. It's an . t . . . I i . I I I 6110f, L Best gentleman's outfl .. 0 e. E. 1, . 1. re ' t I 11 --- J. ilb . Lady Driver -E. J. 'Willert. . And Dominion Stores a pro.ared, *1 h tho . . . I _�­ L the side and .had then �beeAL glued' to. r and hi believes the treatment,will. 1. I , . - . . . CHMOPRACTI�,-- � I . - . . I �. event. i I L, L . . . I .1. . . . I . gether. - It was a. rare Oddify L Indeed, but prove beneficial. . . . Ju g mes luskoy, . Oocloricb; . I .. flnest� most Appething assortment of eatables (bat You've, I 1: � .. I - - - - - - - - - - - � ,_________­ ___� ' . . L , I L I . I I 41 1 . or L 11 I . . I I ' . . a *011 -colored and ,sound two- In one p I I . as' r .. I MtIl'obell, L - ' .1 . � I . L I., . . .1 . I eier feasted y9ur to ow . I I I IS TITIONER. . ... . I .IONIC AT HARBOR pAR]K . . . . . . - . 1. In . I s unual lower- . , . . "G" s PAX` I I apple. I.. . L 1. CATTLE.. L � � . . � I . . I DF I . - . . . .. On eaturday afternoon, Sept. g4th, the I . I . . L L I I thanwaverage prices, � . . ... . . I . 1. CHIROP9A&0.R �klq-n DRUGLESS. , . . I I . . . Grade - I L . I . I . � . I . .1 PHONE TARIFF REDUCED � pupils, parents and friends of school sec- ' . . . . . . . L . . - . .1 I 11 I . . I * I I I I ad AurAl U015PIT'a eft c re He t e Thr Ho ta , L Wat . S S 19tr , . I I �, I � -1 I Ilk !0,, 7r, . . . .1 THERAPIST, 00DERICH. - : L, . . tl6n No. 11, Goderich Township, held a. I Mitch cow --Jag, Stirling, Miss arown­, , .. . I I I I . . I . I.L . . .. .. .. ,. . . L . . . I . . . . I . . 1. . The announcement made from the . . ett. Heifer, two years old�Miss Brown- I . . . L . � . I I . , * I � 2quipped with' electro-magrietio baths. central. o&ce, of the Bruce Madidiiial ,Very enjoyable plenfe In Harbor PazZ., ett, I and 2_ Heifer., one year 6id-Alf I . LBO, G � . J L I . . . I .. .tr1c.treatment and chirO- Telephone -System last'Week will be good God6rlcti., Despite thp,,Weatening wea� Warner, Miss Brownett. Heiler calf -0: , I RO ,LED'OATS - .8 25 . . . Electronic elec ther during the m6RAlfig about seventy Battleri M.. -Brown. Steer talf­aoy .. - I I I I . . I . . I . . . . . prmcti�c. Chtonle, organic and ,nervous news .to the subscribers and renters. on . � I I . . Lady In Attendance. Office the system., In practically. . every class gathered to enjoy the picnic and take i Pepper & Son, M. Brown. Steer, two . * . I " I I I diseases. ixc&pting . . It In the games' and sports. A fine I Years old -Roy Pepper *& Son, miss . � . � . I -LB. � . I . I hours 2 ,to 5, and 7 to. 9 p.m., t of phone the rates have. -been reduced, Pal I I . . and Thursday by' appointment. Browhett. Steer, one year old-Itoy I Shortening PRINTS 0 . Monday . and Only the subscribers are. ben6fitting at program of sports" Was the chief attrac- I . DOMESTIC. 12' 1.9 A. N. ATKINSON, . residetite v,j,.� tion for -the -children and was much Pea- I Pepper & Son, Miss Brownett. . , . . I � 1. . I . . . A. m.4- present It Willbe'Jani-vy 14211 . ,. . . � I . I . CaOICE qUALITY . I . 11 .:'2 21��S. 250 i I PUMPKIN. 0 TI . I . . � . I I 1 4 OENUINE-I)ARWIN . � � , , . . I . . 1-4 Doz. 290 . I . . TULIP BULBSCAUTON . I . . - .. .1 114.. L . . I . . . . I I AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS � ' . . . 5 ­ L . I . i RAISINS* W 0 LB. I a I I . . . . � I I I . . I . . L citaieX QXIALITY . . I . I . WAXftW S 2N0 2 . "EAAN TIS,3 23c . � I . . L MING .." . . . I L. . . I � I SUGAR - - - - %LAS. 15.9 . . . I . . Office,. c6ruar of South S1,14mu aLl . . I, # L L I I . I tannia Road. Phone 341, � I 1, fore the general reductions Igo Into �f. Joyed by everyone present. The results Darham . I . . I _­�,�� -r-�­7-�� �­t­!7 . � _ tect, Por subscribers the reduction is of the sports aTe: Running. Yaces 4 to I Helferi one year old -Roy. Pepper &. I . . . AUCTIONSERING effective from April. 1 lagt� ' . 1 7 Yeats, Ray ,Potter . Norma � Pickett, I Son, Heifer cAlf-Roy Pepper & Son. . . - 4 I . . 11 calf-Ro Pepper & Son. _____ L -I- I __ . - I �._­_ In place of $17 which they'h%ve been, Jackie Tyndall; runnI6, 7 to 10 years, I Bu I Ay . 11 I . I S GUNDRY.& SON I ' L - Paying for some time Past subscribers W1114 Potter, Jeanne Vodden, Dorma. I Herefords . � .. . - . I L . , . PlckeW III to 14 years, girls, Madeftene � Tl�` I — . . will get their phones for $is per annum. I I .Mlch cow In oalf-Fred H. Carbert, . �Lf,e Stock and General Auctioneer$, . The systern also decided I to give tonterg Tyndallj Paye Lindsay, Olive Pickett*, I T. J. Lyons & son. Helfer. end y6arold I . . 1. I Elgin Ave.; Go4efiCh. I . .on rural party lines whose names I ap- 10. to 14 years, boys, 'borne Tyndall, ;--T. J. Lyons. & Son, 481; and and, Hel- * . I l . . . sales made ,everywhere and all efforts pear,on the tax roll a chalare4o bedome 041nell Headrick, Johft� Lindsay; young , . � 11 . . I . ,,, I . . I 11 . .. I . . I � . I I 1. made to give you satisfaction. Subscribers if they Will pay $17.50 an' ladies' race, Miss H. Nodiger, Misg V. , ­ . L . Farmers, Salo Notes discounted. nually for a ten year period and sign an' Holland, Miss Irene Vodden, young men's - I I . ,Phone 119. . LL I L . agreement to that effect, At ' present race, Roy Elliott, Grant Lindsay, Eldred . I .,.. I ,. . . I I _. ,, . _ L .. the rates to these renters bas'been re� Emmkrson; snow .shoe race, girls'L Fa.Ve ' ' . I. XOTAAV PUBLIC, ETC. __ ,duced from tlq to 018 yebirl , a . Lindsay; snowshoe rate, ladies, Mrs. . I . .- _� According to X. T, Y. R;.LTyndall, Ulm M. Tholti�onl, three- L I � . NVU. SA=E. Jones, superitteh. legged rate, girls, Paye Lindsay, Willa'G.0 DERICH . . . . . . dent Of the System, the reduction will , boyS, .Lorne I . I I . �.,L : NOTARY PUBLIC . 'coat the System approximately, $2,800 Potter , Tyndall and John . I ; . ."�tl Linds ;' graceful walking In I minute] 1.1 1= X 0'r C f'"N I V C4 � General. ConveYantmag Q0-- Good Campantes Represented. . . Ooderich, OPAL. Phone 298. —J. . I . L L L I CLINTON "AT .110=11, '. , . .. I 0 Mrs. W. Pickett', Married ladies, race, Mrs, -B. Wine,. Mrs. R. Tyndall'; Married N3 � . I . I L L ­ . . . I ,. . L . . I I I ,: . . L PURE .1. . 40-021. L' 2!jQ 1 . . L _� ­ __ Z� _ - _ � tt�'. ­._'..�_t�,,_�,_�Ia�: __ I 'The -"At Home" Of the tei6hera and men's race, It, Tyndall, B. Wise; kick- I .. _. . ,. . . I . . 1 - ; .. . , IT. R. W-- h-leeler I MARMALADE - 00ANOn . . . JAR . .. . _�L,:,:�;Z,�_ L . . INSURANCE I ...................... ....... �_ I On Iday, Sept. 23rd, following the 4n� . L al ',nU field meet Was a delightful affaii4 I I the-alipper, Madellene Tyndall, Mini , is! X Thomson, wheel -barrow race � torn,, 1 E WAr FOUO ALWAYSL ' . L L '60 I OV5000"T r� . I L � .1 . . . I . . . . . . L MEATY. ' 'PRUN"M . I I � . 1 06'. � . cKILLOp MUTUAL -IRE IN$UR­P. )11 The collegiate auditorium VVA6 tastefully Tyndall and Roy Elliott; hop, 4 ' tLI 'p . M SEL" W C-00 1� I . I I . awmi AND . LARGE 8IZE . =a 1b. ,- I . . . : . I -1 AXOt 'COMPANY. - . decorated to . r the occasion, The droq). I , A. JUM Tyndall, J1. GiWoft; necktie A 4M TMT OW rASMOND TOW I&. C. U911046t, of' Ailism Crtflg, igi I I . . . . . . . I . I I . . I I I I . . .. — ,lio Ingo of tbe electric llg#ts were in. Mauve race, .�Ar, and Mrs, R. Tyndall, Mrs., J. I . . �. . I ... I . . I PARK. AND' ISOPLATED TOPWN RO' . I . I 10lbson, and BOY' Elliott; run and jurrip, . L I I)HRIODW ft D981COAM L . . PE1FVA:X 1DRIVAr.w. . � - I Value of Property' insured Up - to San' . uaryo 1910. $3,648,975-00. . . I . . . , OFMCERS-301M. Bennewlse, P0031� . , dent, Zroadhageft;, Jan. Connolly, V100' . 1 4ptegident, Goderich; D. IF. M100rOgOr, 0, Sec,-Trea5" Seatbith. � . � . DMEOTOnS�4m. Siliouldite, Walton, Wrn. wrin. Constance;, George MeCart- I C,aforth; Robt. Ferris, Matlock; ney, S, .LB I I John PepPer, rucefteld-, A. 33ro3dfoot,. I I . . . I i6eaforth. , - . I . AQMM�-W, J. Von, It, U- 3, CILUtOW ',-I& s, a5. t . o . I Aw,for , . 0 h. ty 61 6rs, c a t Or assess- . prits at alVLU uttla a re, oderldh ; at ' p at " or J. 31. � eld'a, L eld . , ,��__:rZ7­���,_ .- -�-.=_�_ " - ­t­:�- ,--.: l! . FIRE INSURANCE i - .-""""",,�,._-,,,,.-,,,--.",.-�.�, J� I .,?O� Have it pifttvAc4 to by the ( -, WzsT wAWAXOS11 MUTUAL MAE " L JINSMANCZ CO. � 19st4tished 1$78 J."! 1 nt" Oftiett' butionnon, Oj%L ,Ch" Hewitt, i�t,lnearfte, Prtsident ; I 1t,Obt. I)avidnn, Dungannon, VIC-6-Presi- I dent; ift Addition to Olin Pft--Ident s`nd 4VIce Frtident, the f6ilowing. are VIreq, I tor= Wgl, V�IaLton, Auburn; W. J. � ,Tq1ompnn, Auburn, W01. MCAUMU, " . tu,-knW,j; W. P. nce�L MR. 2, Lucknow, � Hatv7, L, 8alk,61d, Godedell'. tfntstl ,kort . 110L = GrAn. It. a. No. r ! At yr,jol; T . 11 LUNM". I I '601t Turm. VIM M�1. - ­ . I __ _ -_--L_— ­ I . I _.V1. Brophou BFO.5 . I GODERICH .. . . . . -THE LEADING- I FUN199AL DIRMTONS I I I . I and HURALMERS i I I ALSO AMMAN= SERVICE AT AI& . HOUlts—NIOUT 019 DAY . L Mio"s.NiOl :417.. _L I)isy I go I ......... ..... . . � _1_-_._.1__ . . .. . , IT. R. W-- h-leeler � 0 Funeral Diredor and � 1, Embalmer . . PENCON's ,, . I . Also Ambulance SaWite , I I - Goderich Outnio I ' ' 13BNMfLLr4R All calls prompily,attmdea to 11 .... -ALTU GQAV I I L ,T= 11V ft or night:, . . - II I 81:0116 $35; Iteaft 35w I'll", I -1.1 .... ___..._1.- ­ I Mitended for lavA wdek) Lorne Tyndall,,, kick-the-slippLIr, Frank Potter, I . � _N COCONUT a 0 LB. I go Lorne Tyndall, A very bounteous . � . I . �'... . eco served by thel � . . . . ladies., A �eanut scramble for the chil­ dren brought the happy afteruddn to a - . . r 11 I . 1. . I . . - I L I . . I . . BLUE, RMOGN I I 2 -LB.. . COCOA. 0 4b 0 & TIN 290 delightful close and -0-verYone is eagerly � 0 . . . 1 1, I . . lookfU5 fqfWar(f to another J?athoriug I I . 40 & I . . PENCON's ,, . I . neAt year. . . . .� , I I - " . . CORN STARCH PXG- I I 0 ' .. I I I ' ' 13BNMfLLr4R L . - L . , - L I , 11 .... -ALTU GQAV I I L ,T= 11V I . - . LMISUOY.' 3 CAX902*3* I Mitended for lavA wdek) I . I . . I Up. J. Moore vVda a Visitor to tho vff- . L . .. I . . ;1 . . HALLOW1 I lage on 'atm(ray, . I . I I : L!50 DATAIMS IRM02 I&. C. U911046t, of' Ailism Crtflg, igi I . . a * ,, ,, visiting A13 unoto and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. The Heat Polka aye up4o.the-minute, , , L ' I . I . �'... . I.., I . I �. ____ - __ ___��.z � . . 0. Kerr, The antittat 9AnI:Wr&%Ty tend fowl suli& Johnny-on-tue-spot, hftt ptoduelem.- but they oteadftwtlSr hbld'to somb, olid�, ,4�'. �__ . ­ - PtAMEAL " " . . f W IP�'t I I - W * I por Will be hold M October 16th. 540- per on Uotift oat. 0th; %th * gwd fashioned trggltC Thoy W6rk Vgtt�W 'Overtlift, P11horr4mlAw PUP FINEST I 0 ick cho'cow"te . . I . W I I # , .. .1 , g I ProgrAft . Mr. and Utz, 0. Mhu'stme visik-4 Mr. houte without - at night ana never go out,. IrAley are honest too . era who work Without behig . . � "FRUIT GRAPE, L11. 20c BACON . I Cauliflowe'r I . L V, t. 1( . I , . , -,-* - ' ` 41 lid M& Wea. Mcusn" of clodbrich, on , lgunda�l. . . WaMbed, They -are wIlible-souled little . D. S. L . . � *-.� I I Mr. and Urs. IlutclOas and fattillyl have, become rmidents of Ikliwdu0r. f - I helpers, who ohlyttop when the Job is �Idotli,', It Vou Want to We same snodel ' I , I FOR 2�5c� GOOD BLACK 35c L 10C I .. - : 10 L .. .. I To hAva tlw ehildrim tound and h At- i I emiftycts, ,you caft1b do bettor than I 4 . ' TEA ,.,h , I . of 0, Mother, L I OY tbyZthA1Jr8te1rC � CAM Mt. I b, I .0 I I �, I., ,Ulftniat 1* litAlthy it ftottbltd Ith ­ . ­­._­ _,-''-,L''"----_—,,�,-�,-�—,_,-.--,�---�---'�'�-�"-,---'-," ­­­ , � � . -- ---- - WOM41 Me Mother oravey 'Wom V.%,- torminatrz � "~ iF D 0 M 1 N � I 0 N S lu"O R I E 5 I I �,_ ___ - �_ 1 --inland plan,o� a b1g pu�llp-=Ln pro - J. R., V 82"IfIRD 001WPANY PAAI I I � I C A N A D A'S LARGEST I I � � I T -1m, STOTMI!51 .1 __ 0.0� I a---- _ _ -.---,-,,---- -I,-,---- ­__ __ _ 1� . . � I . I I I I � I . I I . . I I I � I I 1� . I . ,. � � L __.__1_- ­­­. � .1 --f �,4&,W4t��-�,�".L.---,���.-���"L- "" ­­ .- ­ ­_ ­ , '_ - .- ­ ­ . � 11 - LL 11 - I __­.__.._­­______ . ­­­_ -..--..- .. -1. I ­­­ . . .1- ­.. ­­_ _.. ­ '__ —Xilikaw". -, * ) . � . __ __�4,�_ Z, - _1- � - ­ ­­­ ­ W'Q'. Pft,-~ ­­..�_ .1 �_ . -_ I �'. ", � �­ � ,, ;;i�.� 4 ___ - .­ _.:L� �­ , __ __ � I - . L - ___ � . . � ; . ­ .. ­­ ­­ - - �_ INNIUMM--ft—itio-, ""N' ­—.F­� �-��� ___ . ,