HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-09-22, Page 8W01, -P = - � I . I I . I A i I . - . - 4 � - I i . I . . . I I lmox VIGWX ., .: I THE 90DERICH STAR - r MAY, OWT- 22UC% 1032 � .1, -11, � �' *,"11'" '" ;i �. , ." , '__. r, 1 4_�- :_ _1 ­ � , . 0 , , , 11 _ I . . I � A -44M I I j � __ __ _ � . .1 '. . 11�1o. Of wee�0777w* k'44d,� 4�',__*AtcrZou - ­­ _____ — ' - . � I -1 . - ; I 101**141 � r I—— - . 111-- ­­. I—- I..., .1 . . .­ I .; 41 T ws 0 ' QCWA*r 9tu, bwause of the annIversaryl i - WIN I 11 .11 —, � �., � __ � � ,. . . W '"rvkes At the Sister Congregation Qf � � i . i ; ,--).d huj'�nr 0 um sC01V4 3 -VM.,21;�- 4 A"k- as4bt- , Oye Crewe 11,41tva vhurck wbtcu ,is Taelug, � I . I 1;, I . . %._� -A U 'R In %,,e CATO of M153 A. L Sturdy. I aw 433 � � hela, upou that d4te at 13L gan. and 4t 9 . Mr,iwd *&:0Vk�t,,U#d i4id little '07N - �, . I 1 - I i . � Jack, aTo 44 41V 41;m(0,0 Ala. 1 0. U=1 up.4annon l',,-P4,o-,-,,$,,P,mlt4,,,s4,u4,:e,lw,m w fvmishw- � �, alo law, 19 .eua - - � � .- --- 4 , I . 0 06 tat supperl - P t�_s 14t 4!):,*PCu% Me we . at pnsc,41t �, - - � and'e.4tertalment In the Thurch aw EOP L E' . ) -Q.r.11, ACT rar4CUtj , ; , 4"Ite, a UWAWr V014 here attendW T T41113 . I ___." . _r_­_� Vrowe. i � ,r ' . We art) ImTry to 0ay that um. John aan4voroga7 ZCJ��IICC3 at DOUNybrook . *4 Rev. ID, '). "I 0. WA3 a r4oud?,y g4e# " _ . , , I I . - * witu =1 Ana Mrs. jolm menuett, I Z�2=% art, b 04 the Ock M$. $unday last. " I AuQthtr exmple of thp "Back -to STO R.E - j�,�. oad IM -L acoMo ]Dawwn visItO Auntvrrsavry t-avlas vIll be laeld :A � 0440141A." And "Back 0 the L=4�1- � i� I ;� Now Showing Mr. and Mrs. WUIIWA Plunkett, BWb, ItAovemgut Is .tbat of William.n, Reeo, � . . I., I— ­ . femID In W431= tho'ZoTr4cr rw$ 09 Unou UpStcd c4;ii&h *n,3uu(IA.y,-'03. I Were Visitor$ wj�h ))Ungann(i)a relatiVo. NIAUL SO ,several yegra has bc in . I : -11 I I . pusW of.�;hta t#xI. � �^:_ I ' - I I , - .V==Zt. Zn V. Itert, Vwo mt � Mr. Qoraaa W1211tmau Dud wifo, pta *t . of 1("ha!�4,, 'were� in Duqg#ungn. sun. cab busluvas Mere, Is'coming to 1004W , 1,-:Ili�y.iat OADPAST ' - ' , � V,QV. Zjr. 4C�a�V, of- Zo.ekn' � . ;Z1,t wcolt. W. . C��'. V493 . . � 0� , - .414 Upy en. PC- , .��;Cswoa '013-rhu=1 are busy in thli have eharcp. 0 t M0.11501 V90 4. -au and a. Q!fnt, trQjt, wjj%� ijayIng djs OUR . DAILY _BR LA - I . . on the farm owned b,V, Afr: Samuel t;hep-, ' ' .. - I V.4 b,) �Inthcd. I NZ7 JC=`,V, aud zlpz, 0. Z.;20w,on, 01 0004 )I a d3y. ,ill, 00crich, visited Peril. two M.43 &outli of punpunoa,p4 . ' , i 4 � or Dr. And Aus. H, , A 4 1 4r. =d Ms. Uo�eo Houltzauor .eallcd QoUrlch. called P*zx Wends A i',415 ,Ylv� , PRODIPT, $ERYIC)k 'T LOW .? AICE � . 1. - I I I 11 I- at;erlo aunt, 'MZ; - L. Div#ny, Xe. the dr�vel R0.1d. . � . I . '. . "OA3 In t14" Izzallty tha IaMr -part inlw 1 ou Sunday. Wt. I I I . I � I � . � . an fr.t . ' I I . � � 1 1 � 11: I ! I 11 � 111! I contly. c . . . A zectlouitt -ramtIng, of _�ho zjW "' , FM . 0 1��t VeC1 � � 1104 ounday harvest bomo ocrvle �.l - s . SPECIAL VALUESIFORIEND OF WT , R)ER 4 '�Ijr, Tivz% MeNall has his team In the will Do held morn1ue,ar&"FV0n1ng. in St Oht 14=1940w, Pr94ytcr)Al,"W. X .9* is to be hold in- . . . . . I . : -. I. Xr. and Uis. J. D. WON * . � . — .09.1 I 0 — I uhul neolz� Ck , 1] 1"' I I S - � I I . colles 11. F ��� . a �1 � . ,jV0j pit 1,40re In plaace of Mr. Areblo Marku churoli holrol I -Rev.; Mr., Nall, of � XIIX I w= V440= with DUDVWAOu,- friends Erskine PriesbA . I , orlan, church on Tuesday, � . ET Sunday. - . 1 400dQ1.4 h. I , ........ 17c - , � � n0inson t145 wc-21t. I)U�;auna% t1ll W. the speaker for, the � ZVIX. An4rew .1 I jOctobeip -4t %ouip,m, All the jadiea,_ Maple, �Bad�o Cho � � .. , . . , M�jlwaj'j 14-1 tak.Lu 9v4r AV4. IrArQ14 Hi7-,ko, 0 '14 the' , #b,t% I I ,,c. reg. 19c for .... _; : 1:45t Uonday, W. Nebon 11111 took lu dari �. �, -: , � I 'the N110-AWD 10400 t=�'belng. XO ' 'i V151tj I ,� . % I I., I ,41drid,*40. 4ro 1ntgrc4c4 in, the, I . I I . . ,�,&,� : I t2w.Loadoa Or.�, Be v;a3 accampanicd AWM Annie Strauglipa- andt. Wma Con. guo to, li%�� the utorct' 15 ed On Snud;ty ivitlk Ur. and Mrs. jobfi I Work of the W, - X $, are ,cordially, in� � I � "I . I . - I � I " by" . to 0 A)P41 069alu Ault A Punnett., � I � * 1. IvItA to atttlud, An Intaesup pro* � 4 . . I ._5 AqP I � ids mother AIR. hwi aunt, Mrs, Lear. �Qtr;3 jowol,aro the debatao to, roprWat jS 4 pleasure 4 4 , , amounco our old Vicad UP, And W§, Wm, JaCtmut AiP10y, �ZPAM b 44 courbe, of -'Vrepar,itiou. Uri, I .. . I . il. I Mr. E4,,qk Lc= -on and -Mr.,Willimp , the T. P. S. at INOX VAIUAL, 1!1 �!�e sew!-. As ,oug now merchant, , � Le, L*s' -Sua reg.. 10,c for_...._ - _;-­...., , V poaas oDd - their partuers�w--140 Bpe4t. Auall of tile pr#ftt ' ;�i*M*$ Of this A;)Dr W ,Ott, re IwOrQ ,guests On X011113Y with "Ur. 4nd �Rov,) D, J. Lpas4 of,00derick. will P0 T - , �C_ .- ., " 11 I 1. I � the wepk-end with Mr. aud Mrs. Mt � 4v, w�ck Wit eV , Al Apiarist, Mr. Jas. Ell. - Mrs. David altim. the Bpei�or. .. 9 ; . . � I ­ I I . . � ­­ T , on tbey, me.et thz 0)wt;A1Jg team porta only a. fair Beason for honey. Messrs. 00orgo Cowan, And 0. E, I . I , , , �of Ayr. . at BrUcefleld. The subject for deb#o, gowover Purinir .the ejeetrigal storm which � I 1. I I . he cccurW about a, toli Of the Augustine, of 33lyth, were Dungannon paAse4 over this ,district oia Sunday -810owers rego, I , � i ;; �,&. And Airs. George 11owatt, of the "Re�olved Wat the budgeVs�#ew. 13 A. alovor honoy and about �, ton and,ab.ait visitors 04. Monday. I night, Mr. 'Bert Mowhinney, concession IlLadies'Rayo� Silk 1 .69c, 149C. 1 . ; �' I villaae, ,visited .tlko totmer's. brother, John batter way of ri(lsjAg ehur4b thuds than 4ixed With bjiakwbect� . , . I I , , , , , . i I . Mr. and, Mrs, Robt; Johnston and Mr. t4wo. Ashfleld,'bad the mWortune of � . ,I . . 00watt, In Ashfield. tho former part of the SP20131 appeal SYStc3b." AUbUrA The anniversary Of L00bUrn church is =4 Mrs. Jack Sell, of Goderich,. wore having %*4oW killed with UghtnipS. She , I � the week, . team have the adirmatwo., _ , � 'Q be hold next Su I � . - mday, Sept. Nth. I)Un#Anp94 V,isjto�a on Sunday. . L i s I ..;; . W45 found dead in the morning under p, . ad"o ,' Rayon ,Silk Bloomers regA%,,25C I ''I Mr. J=03. liall. of Chatham, is the Wile coulmunitY of Wa3mrburn AM Rev. :R W� Cralk, P-vtor of Victoria St. � Mrs. George McIntyre, who has been honalock tre ' ' ' . � . . . � 1. - . . gav,�t of 10:5 sister, Mra. 11111, of the vil. keeping the ,weildin4 bells 400,64 mor. united ,church, der , I a which had been splintered, I . . . . I � ! - . , Go kb will 'conduct slictidW9 some time with :relative$ In eVidentW-by the same bol w . I � . . . - 1. .- . t, . hiou killed - . I lage, at Present, and Is. renewing old ac. rily. Xast Tht=24�%y ,Air. John Ralthby ,,h;� I I It. . I 0rV01=1 at .0.30 la the 41ternqan And West W.AwaU03112 has returned to Dun- &lie beast, Torrenta, of taIn awompan. ,- -1 re ma 5C . � � qumntauee.7 of his Youthful days. . took As Ills Wtuer-IDL-1141 MISS 1344A 1.iQ in the evening. Anniversary music punon, . . I led the Aorta. � , . I Colo.'d Ch, , Cup , set.�A ­ ... The pupils from, the village attending Young, of WV4t Wawano �and went is being arranged.. The Me and Po# - I . I -0 � . I .. . the GoderIch collegiate are now going I b.-noymooDing "oil �sh. - Mrs. Phoebe, IJNylor. of Myth, who 9_r and MrB, J, M. W1130 .� . .. I. . . . . � �, it �Aro�j'* � trip ,n and Miss . . I � . . ­ 39 In Albert preaching services are withdrawn has be . . I � - , � . ,04 4,guest with -her sister, Mrs, Rathleen . need, ot Viorg, peturned . . ,e , . 1. I ,� ­ In the mornhig iind roturnl� I1t1DM&a11'9uzkoka Ana before �their. tretUrn on for tile , , On * . , . t . . day, . , . I , � I , , . . . . . a . I I � . a ' u W en . box, , .the pait four, months JOSOVIV A.'Xl1loU;b, returned o Tuesday Monday to their hem At -eu . ' e -5C ., I . Tuesday of "bu-'-week'als,441sh , Mr. . Durin ._q tox a week d tece night. It worRex wqj1 Be b , .8, Sunday to ber''hoine. '. - . - . -the ,home of -Mr. An .. . Clover. L if Cup and Saucer,each. p I I v4driter comes it, will ,Act boBo Vonven. ,Guy V-unninghem, journeyed t 04 c a 74 ous y W. � visit. 0 , 4 Mrs. gob, � . ... . I . . . , , � 0 Londes. school Papers have be 0 tt u I � . ,. , ,; , - I . , and Mrs. JAB. X. UcEachoM and vert, David= and With Mrs. W. B_ .$to- . . 0 1 � � . I � I , � I lent. " . boro and had1ho upptig not tied With sent from the Nile. circuit to 4, Saskat� two children, London, were rtoeut vist. I thets, TAPY wor . e here for the anniver. 'We have recently rece,wed a beautiful assortment I � � ' . . : ;1 : , . MISS Margaret , VI-thAt V91490, ObetWan,mls-31cm. field and the follow . 11� . , (From another. correspondent). . Ing 'tOrs with Mr. And Mrs. It. A. McKenzie. MrY services In Erskine - church. other . . . , I . . . 01 . Mrs. 0. Z Erratt spent the week-ex.jd WO Wish both young couples loug 104 letter of abpreclAtion from Edward sh4w the I&dy,s p&ients. . I . of Childre" Hosiery foir fSH'. . I I . 0 . 11,3 ' I I I Of aid , hBpPIneB$ thmugh the 40ur'10V Of WhO.has been sM'lng` ,On that fteld this. . I guests on Sunday at the- ha*e� ot Ur, . . . . I . I . ,� I . � I& , I �'i visiting her brother, Mr. E; Jenkins, married lite. no ,doubt-b6th cloud and year, was r . Mrs. :Archie, Messer and daughter, land W3, Davidson were Mr. . I EXCLUSIVE FALL ITEMS . I I \.., V; 'i , London. . ' I - e9d last Sunday at. the Nlle Margaret, aluovale, w VW . - and, 2fts., . . . Z, ,� I I I sunshine will be their lot its with, all .Sunday soboot: I I .ere we0k.end , J. 21. wear,.* of Ethel, anti; daughter, � Una . , � I ,�, , . � Alis. MortImorti icturnod home to the .mortals but the JOYS obine $he brightest . . 00 with Mr. David McAllister 4md xis- Wroohy Joear. teacner. from near Got- Ve have a lar,te assortment of colors and st*�- Ait � .1 . "_� I . � I . . . . . � , I , , . Dear, Sunday School. members : . . I � � '.. I I mans,E) 04 MOWaY after spending A, ceu. utter, the sorrows, ke, Also In -the evening, Rev..D, J. Lane iftaftments: ,, ' I � , , . . : I ter, Miss Josephine, . Ahe, 611owing s . . iD � __� , On behalf of the Murraydale.,mlation W and Mrs. Hodgins, of Ripley; I I . I I .., . � . I I . Next Sunday is Rally Da ' I and aud.,gr. wlltiam Wob.5,tcr. of .0odertch, . . . " : �, . 1, �? - . . . . . . ,1 F Olt XuOX -field we sh to thank you mv. +s- ig­ 'Mrs Mt ai%A-Irs 1— - I . .. . . . � � 1� United sungay MIMI, 1116-6p session ot the segbool *ill cOnonence at the regu _ I . day School papers I with which h supplied us. so Ube you . , � . � I VVV0V "n- wand0sh, werm, guests recently wltlx, ave Glenn. . Davitt IdlDuagannon, MUO annual x1arveot, 11w4kagwing ser7- V1003 01':SL Paul!& AnglWau church, . I Millinery, Dresses, Purses Gloves . . ­ . . . . .. I . . -$ .. . I .. .. I.- * . i lar hour of �Uo,�jojlowod by ehuroh At ' L . rally throughout ,the . . � and Mrs., will be hold. in the church I Your.inspection wfil be, a ciated. - You, are I . 1. " . ppre 100. L . I I — , -11 SUM Met. � Though' We Are In a remote Of L Southern S. par askatcho . 'We:teel rt . wan Mr. and MrS.LB&rold Zgert and, four chjlftj� 33illie, DDrotluy, Jack andMax. I . I On Sunday next, .Sept*: 2stl4_44 llt:OQ &Jn. and at,7,00 D,m, At the mprnjugi . . . , I I L � . . , L�.t ' � cordially,,. invited. - ;Yours truly - � I . L 11� I . .1 L I . I . L . � .. 1. I . I I -CUBWE - . . . I . Next Sunday, Oct, 24h, w0flie: rally that we are brought closer to you by L Interest you have sh , Own It our Sunday . . . school$. I ,. L L the gar.,t,.Wer& Sunday, guests *jt1j Mrs. Tig- a . 1 It . Ank, jones. . , er ', jiitor, Mrs. %'Fr Miss Sthel. PUm L I Iganj DUegannOn. :haS1 servIce Rev. L. V. Pocock, reot4r Lot the . � . j3ly4ja_Aubur4 par". is to. be. In. chargo, L , 01 WAHL, in the Rev. Ernest Hayes, 1. 1. ­ I I .. . '. . .. . I . .;,!! . I I il. I .. S c - '' STO PEOPLE) 5 to, $1 - RE � - I , day. ,at Crewe church . L it is almost Impossit'le %tir us to keep . I made I - ViOVISiOn tot - the obcommodAtiori, evening, rector of Wingliam. patisk W-111 condaot� . . . � ­ , I I . � I . . Mr. HaWald Slake and-juother, Mt' r's. our ,Suy4dAy schools going in. the winter *1 .L boarders, Board" suPpIled 'by 'the the - servIto. Rev. Mt, Uayea Will be . I I 1. . . ,, � I I .. I . . . John Ala*�, and Mrs, Barbaro, Tait, =a because of the stormy weather, meal, 09tor: weekL '. Appiy at the house. , esWI411Y Welcoine, he belujK a. former . � . — ' !, '� I" .�' I . . . I . . I . . . � 1, I . I . , , . .. . , Visited with tol%tkve� 0)3traticird. 0 lay. - . un � Is dtAr*. those months that the. Paper* have 80nday gueatt with Mr. and Mrs.&, r I ROBB -Were., rector of the parian of St� Paulls, Dun� 1. ` � . ... I . 1. . I L.. 1. . . . pectation of tl�e.boaid Vf managers, ovbr ' ' '. WES11n,LLD " . �.: . - . -, i I L Mr. and Mrs, Ben, Comi Ott and son; tnuig. 'St. r . YOU sent Us will be picked UP and roaCand rereade and We will think of out eastern friends who have .. Mr, an Mrs. W111LIm *�43110s- Miss Margaret McDonald, Lack- now, and -Myra Afebou Miss aldi WIng-. go4non, and of Christ ejagich, Port, Al- L . I � I , bert. Services iw. Chr=1 church, Port Albert, Will be Withdrawn anti the , . - ed . ..... I I . $200 being .the Amount, was receiv . - - L , L , this. I dys, McDowell, of. Goderichi - . I will be Applied. to thi'expenses in- MLU Gla I . . ! , , ' of Cathajj4QS,, ape nt Saturday . -been .. go, considerate 'Us. during . . . � . � I hain. I L choir .. . L from.that . . . L L � d . �rcnovatic�� cc.'. tho spent Sun a� at her homebere. curreti through the , L ' with the laftgi'o. .mother, 'Mrs, H. J "�ihir , I of- the. summer. Our ,�, . I . : *5. chAreb, Will. as". In..the set- . I last � ' ' church.. . I 1. .. .. . Mr. J. E. B1114 had the misforturie L . . . I )hembers of the f am," Blake. and � ly'L .. . advantages tot, Chiistian ton educat are very limited and we rea. * to Dun- ,Campbell his rdtUrnedL peat P44011, 4fter several- weeks a 11i Woe 14, at, Patulls. . - . . * Corn cutting Is general this week, apd, . I I i week .to loze one oir hit horses., I . . � . L - I.- I . .. I 2 'and MAFEKI*G Mr. - Mrs, It. Vincent visited ton- .. � . L Xr, HOward,.'boinI,p,',, -�pi,, XAW.henor, , lize that we are 19,x to many ways, or . . en n a Ub'der1oh. In att da, cc upon her sister; Altnag$h ,the crop is A, bumper one,. them L I 1. . . viends, over the week . . doh sad. Wra&ford: I I . . . .. - notcired up her.i b4tuid,ay�,�.,jlfo :6103hled 11014V 'the same *dayw'a 01" ,hit , moral nature, for which we Are truly sorry. So dear costj I , rn ohrlst.lan work� Mrs. Berton whose death occurred early lis ,Vuesd y 4 rn;r�ina ZOUDwirig a proionged I mooll 'ot it damage& by the ravaVA -of the,corn borer, which -is reported, to. . .. . '. ... I . . I Messrs. Ernest Slake and'Ceell, John- end � I don, Pair. : - A= spent Tuesday At the Lon - Mr. Gordon Wightman was. r�newlng-' . ', I I .by n�therj Mrs, Wn� Durnin and 'Sister; L ­'bM"�t ers. we are very �urateful- for the en. ooltrage,ment, -you illness. - - "- .. I ... I I I . I r . I Tize have. attacked about one &talk in,overy , . I "There Miss Olive Kilpatrick spent the week- ed acquaintances a� Westfield over the , : - . I I . � -. '' L *$ B, -'ry ',�Ao��,4j,toud vlsjt� 48, �tlaotivod At OuclPh'and other points have given us and would, be, ' . 914d It you: Would remember w6 . regulat� monthly meeting of the , N. X S. of Er4kina, Presbyterian chuich four- Is an exoePtionally heavy WelL.do " L ", The ' tarpp of large,, ears. M eVjjOj)ed, I , . . end with her cousin Miss -Jessle, Andrew, wgek-end., I � . I . 1 - I . 1. I � . . _ I . . . 1 . MM. L- . ­ r ... .. . Mt, and Mrs. Jamoi McGill enteitain- YL . ,of L C,reW� . The annivergar SdrvicoS r . 101ted church will be. held:October 9th. us in Your prayers. . .. . I . ..., . . �- � '' . Yours sincerely, . . Is being held%t the home of Mrs, Robert 1, , . : 04Z.-Vaid-01041huraday afternoon of this �r . �"6L .1�­,-�# *....� 0 we very f ew silos in, this district,. =09C fartnots finding L-th# too, great la-0or is . - 1� �_Ia__ . . � . .11 . !Mrs. June. Reed, .of Goderich -is the ed . nds At a corn. roast on Wedm- I I I.. tneir frie I I L . 1. . � .� : I guest of her blece, - Mrs. Thoo, 2nder'stm, ne-'d"-* Ight. I L . . L . Y, n . 1 7 , :­ I . . I . . . . ff,I : � . I . . . . . .1 . . wheLpa$tor.' Ro'V. Mr. �'Mt% Jan. *U4 I I I : 01 ZMagul Rau W."MUM JAA, 1,110, Uulng silos And of this, week. �: �. ., - � . . I . . Ur. Emmerson Rodger entertained p . - 11 r I I I . . . . I : EDWARD. SHAW, : , , W4 be collected. : . : .. . . . .1 . , . . �A, � .. :L. �' ­ L I. .. I . Preach Otofn 11 -and, OVening'And there . I � ,.Qh4AA"L -Rj? I I 1. L tne f0ed;ng o4theeasliage. Alfaua bay, ..;- __ 1. . �numLar of his friends at a corn r st .. ... I Dungannon . ­1�.Y. . . .1 _­ � I - . . . . - - .— : I Mr. And M, Richardson, who have been residing In wnich can be grown, . , very prodtittavgLy " . - ;�erc, ls-'�eln'u . - AW94, Jas. A%Wuer And Mr. AnLi Mrs. - Will '. -Fihtch, of Stratford. were . . . I � ... I ,an :Ttla;sda night, b . . . I . y � * * ' ' . 011019� -, 04 , 90ndo,3t' - n1glit Oct. : loth, there 'Will. bc§ ,.* I . a hot fowl slippet gkven : . , PORT ALBERT . . tile dwelling house. - oWoed by Charles rowier, ,1%ve-MoVect used ta:.a, vpry great exte tent a.B.& substltute�-Zor cAsUagel It , ' L - a Of, , Mt. and .Mrs. 'H&b 0 L guest 'urran - I . I Mr. and. Xr$.L .W., P. ,Campbell visited '' ­.� ''r� . . L: . .. On'. Sunday Ai,',the hpm�- of Mr� and. Mrs, L .. L . . frOM Sbt 0, oight"After WWOU 4. 'PUY . I n b . M4Ster Wcddfot�� ljo� ape j t , e ,%%,ek L us hold e . L their ho e fleets to the dwelling I -as . ejuL be, bandled'InUch more icas.fly. The. SUnday. ,. I 1. � . L I . . � . . - . J L . I . 3. , - H, Hoover, of'-Blytb. I I I . . . , - Will be Presq;ted- by the young. foom . - , . : . . . . . . I end at.:bIs'hQ4x& hero. . ; I Mr., and zars. A..S..03olvester. owned by . Miss M. J. Robb., *here- they . . .. ' 10.10ture. reside. root 00P, inaagles . and turnips,. which, . All allQ burap0t, crops thi,s. Arr,,. and Mts, - Miltoxi XilpstrIck and - A and 'Mr. ai - X153 Vern ad � MtB` Thum" , . � , Miss Winnifred Canili - ' .bell spent a :few, I . I . . 4 . ' ' ' days'.I�st � . , . I (Interiderl'jor * last' Week) , : . . . of Strat. . . lord, Spe4t Sunday at their cottage here, ,W,ill , I . I .. TheldoUY, tMends. of Mrs, William Wil;. � � . . year, are being used. very extensively : to-,Aocom� I I . Antlerson attended 'the I Wis'�ru -"'* I week witir lier aunt,' Mrs. J. . . . L I . I I , t . . "I TaMbIVA, of - L t!Mydro. ,. . . I on I . I Mr. -Cecil Vlake )A'v1-4tW relative,% Lin Stratford this ­ ' . . . 1, I week. The Ma,AY ,'friends! pf, Miss MinrAe Dickson, Are Pleased to,have her hotAe. Bon"colloesslon, 7, .West Wawskuosh, will,pany be pleased to k:nOW that Blic, IS atimewliat the hay and grain, in the rittiona �Orcattlo�. . , * I ; .. Thursdhy. .I . I., . . . � .. . I 1. . Misses Elsl� Addersbn and Margaret ; I . I .. : Miss MiLry �Ellls ls spending a, . t . ouple � L. 1. . . .. . I j4� * L I � Ur, Aldou Ujity on Menday for � . again,! Miss. Dickson Is % ian experienced I Improved in 'health. �-,She has been A, But- . , An% annual event, -thg. celebration 91, . I Durnin won first .Prize Aix. a domonstra- . . I of Weeks with her sIster,Mrs.* J. -D, Zl�; I I . ,ley, of near 'Winzbaui_� .1 I . .. Stratford ,W#cre hL_ Will attend. Norm&,. nurse In. the I tat West, I I . . toter X.VOm acWUqA Aud has been tat the ' wbIeh heralued With much jubilation tiont At.1-04dori Fair on arranghig flowers I � I I I ' * . � eavei' tended. . Miss Eileen Trol a at . the _ -of bet'cd�sin; EcUth, Tre- 1� I I We are Pleased ,to say *,thait Mr. Tom Young IS ImproVino atter his 'Serious L AV� . .. home Of 4ir d4uKh0r, Mrs. Win. Reld, , , 14�.� '.1 . . 4shfield, '"I"? � , 11. , ... I �. Lis L 7 ! by the, younger, set is the b I#hd4y, of . . ji;tlQ. Ida".4ria atvitth ,. '04� SatUrd , , L . ,ay she ' ,on a dining toorh .table, Miss Anderson I iZ .., I . L .. won second ' pr , & - judg ag nutrition lit P A number of the'Westfield frl�h at- L' I 1.6 I I I I I tended t4o min s% %.ilif" � .� iver ry services ot::Do ; .wedding . .Miss leaven, of Toronto, last ��eeic.' I . I ness- , Mr. .VoLuag Was able to be brou home from g4t . ' Mt, . and � Mes� Ciia�. Elliott And. stin, P. H n left W,Oaturda I WAS­bclqtess� of, 4 "' deI*tltful. jXjh;Zjug,, W,4#A 40.011 .,little housellold "SC1611ti. �Ajja­MiSS 117brook AuWBelgrave. on Sunday. , - I -, . � 1. Imp Mr., and Mrs. Prank ICertbaL � i I Mt, *Uct 3trs, Wm- 04UIOY and Mt- the Goderich hospltal� -jast - : . I I , .ry, F for 001den VQ_ . ley, 'where th'by be,'guests 4,jWr.. girk, Wends. !141t. 1)4=�Jyo$oulk A4*1�.. I L .." 1. '' ' .... � . W , an I family, df God&lch, L . and Mrs. Jolih :Oauley and son Jackle, week,. will' . . I for �.two assembled air ber home to do her honer . . . - ­ visited on SUriday � . . at the of Godorloh, Visited Mr_aud Mrs, ha�W t0auley; $und, Sy, On Sp,tUrday,',_0ept, i7th, root St. George's L L wed- orY Was the �scene Of. 4 quiet I . I Months wltli�,�Mia. $illottis 4) and Mrs. ItAte, L . arouts., Mr. They ftpoct to rotUru . . . alltt Wish hot MRTIV 4"PY rotlum of' the I day;, it 0010T her 618hth. birtfulw�, ` The . , , ... :13ELFAST . . I � L home of thi I . lady's 15tstm Mrs. . L I . 1. L . . , . . . , L . . . I . I I .1 . . . I . I MM, Aubrey - 01ggW, and son, Jackle, . . ding When MW Edith Margaret Sproule, a - econd daughter of Mr. and tile late . . L to, Dungannon, about �tho mi4die of Nov_ 'ember 'after thel hunt , Ing. seggim closes- , 'The littie -girij 'brought -*it4"LthoM Many L Ali- Pr-VtWO gitts, which the� pres�extted- to .. ,Mt: and: Mrs, James I�rej#ian SPentL a . , . I.i., I . en JY' *ith, :Mr�� and� 3ft, Sgn� . ..�. 1. 11 =d. L . Mrs. . Whi. � Crozier, of� Crew . Mr > ' '� � L'. i I . 0,aftdL ,�-., - � and MrB, Rifeld. Allen,,.of tuckrio . I - , 11 I., - � : W, vis. returned to their home In Detroit Suo- UM David Sp rdule, 0, Wes t WAWA= �,h, L * regalat" tuoUthly. eting of the I me . )let Upou�'th�'LaU .,Sj)jCjQga � Occasion i a3ld . . . I , - ­ . .1 : " , . I . , , , , I � ..., , I .... : : �ited with 14 � I ' WvIN. . - r:, And TATA, : - day after spending: thc, Past m nth with 10 . and .Mr. Clarence j anieg Hoy, third son Dun I . L kamlon Munch of'tbe Wo we ' ' the afternoon passed an tOa'LqukkjY as , . I Spen� �g­ ' Mr. and Mrs. John MU111h t Ub-'�oxi , .1 .1 Sunday. .. .. Campbell, . L. L: : . .- . I . I , relative$ hore.. she was accompanied ,of I bola by 'her mother, Mrs. hn XenaMlAlliott, o , JO Mt. and mt& Robt. ,j. Hoy, of port Wore.,i4pti �td An t4a.boly, bonds, stitUte will be held .at t4i home, of ' L. . . . 1- of, P, RosB, on.-Towd.4y" aept. 2444 At I . I . pj4yB4L MA4y Same$ dear to the hw� OL. g4 l%1% A., live ti,cloc Z# 4, day afternoon with Mrs. Ebrity- Mulft, , . of LUoknow. . ' ' . . I ,,�L . .. � . It. Is auz sad duty this, wppk to chron- i i0la �rb() Intend$ staying for a. few. on-f-akt , ew ' 11 I I M1 r on�, th6 PW. j...N. H. Milld oe-, . I I ��� `��. I . , � graln will bp. , P.m. Dro 4p 0 ., e of ' bAra � ,, ,At . the littlel bogt-q-as proaWd over -a prettily, � . and Mrs. Roy Altorr and. fkmily the passing Of another of our aged _ �_ � . trIendsi, In, the 'Per4dn- Of Mr. Robt. H6nty I . I 11 Yi$lt. L . : I I 11 161%ting. . . I Miss Ella, Sproule attended the - Mrs. B. Roat1h, Mrs. Lei% . aL.A . e. UerS OCOZAU4 4410'4fteT Beating her gues .Mr. .0torea to Inj _1�.- - Q.,.A�._ &-Pr, . I . � I . _1,;� ...-A I . �1 J�j - . - . ,� " I � I I .. . � � I . . . - bride *Abtl Mr. Clifford 140Y Was best man. Mrs. Frank �%Jmes, w4 . ­ . I V -ayouAt u afteration, '. . I , ! I I . o O do, the eack Of v*V= � Wore A gallY 'volored spent the day with Mr. and )&-9. jltmes� 'Sept� , 19th. Althoug,h Mr.: Henry,, bad " I � � . . I I no win va , I . � i: . I honors of-hogtesad& . I . . . I Mr. and Mrs. Hoy will resId Paper Party hati. . Centrelng the -table twlbur= . � ;i I e in Gode-, ,. . . bten In failing health for some time, ; . . . % little was the. birthday cake, upon which s 4, 0 ow I . I Ills. I � I I I ,� . I I .�.. I I I rich. - 11 . I . Mrs, - J- 0. Richardson and 11 toed Th -1 U Ing are a few from here as 4 shook. �Mr. � _ . 1; . )i . . . �, . . . . . , 0 1 -_ � I dles, Which were lighted sudden death. came . , . I _ � � � S1. Y. .� . . . . I . I . I dauPter, June, W116 11-Ld enjoyed a, two eight Pink can who. attended the London'VP& on ,d' and Mrs. Renry expeot6d 0, have cele-� , ­ . . . . . . . . . .. . . � CARLOW . . weeks' visit !n, Toronto, baver' returned to d4king, - the pro$res.4 of the tami. WL � brated their - -t y I . I � I nesday: Mt,, and Afts...Win. Alton And e 9 h t I . I . �, �� I - _._ I . : , their honjo,jo Dung :golden w ddin a (7 . 1. . � , t!* I. I I annon, They were --trearners. 11b. the same tone& . as the Mrs,'gliner Alton, Mr, and Mrs. Waiter lie leaves to mourn his -passing, his wife, . 1. I I � � . I . . � . . , � ene The Ladies, Aid, �of 'the Presbyterian a000MP4ftjed L by . Mrs. Riebardson!s tBpero.: were festooned from the electric Alto I andone son, Maitland . do at . � . � We- . M � � 1, - , .11 .. ., . ave 1. group Ihteud holdlug a. bazaar and sup- father, Mr. Vred0tick Mison, and Ms. light AXUWP, abo3re the ble n, Mr. and Mrs. Roy: Alton and 1. . The epe , � : , I � 0 : I .. I . I I . .. � I I I . . . . . I - y . Per On October 14th, . I � James. Quayle, B7 pro ent business Of the chairs sutteun ti to the * *is family, Messrs. ,Albert Altott & Sons, sympathy Of this vicinity 4s extended tp, � � I j - I 11 . . min I ding it. . : U , . I An unusual visitor in the While a George BlakL and*.Mr, Vert Alltom. , � tl�o scrrowlng family and frienO, . I i r p, _, , . I COMPARE OUR PRIC ' � . farm of a woman of'st. Wait Menue, Tortmto� . large 'White bow decorate f I I . . . I . . I I . . . ". .1 . � .. . I 1, � � . i I I . � . , ES PorettOlne (Prickly porky) arrived at Xo. . 'Congratulations are extended to MjBacs the thair,occupled by, the hostess. After , ' - . I . . . — .1 � 1� I �� . � I . : , ­ . . . � 3 school yaftl and -climbed ,into,a, tree, Verni and Alma Antlerson,'of Dungan. all had partaken of the dainty dinner, . I . � I � - I 1. .� I .- � . . . . I I . I . . I � � I � . .. where '116 was discovered by the -pupils. non. - publit so . W � . . . I . � i I , � . I 11 . ' .After 044derable-discussion, 4 hOOL: who- ANO21-first and numbered tickets were distributed to the -1 � � . . I � I I . . . . . . . . . - 0 I I . . . . . . L 2 � CAKE$ , e- WAS sedond plhce In the Publit speaking com� guests, Wild Wete required to make a, - . . I � . - I . . I I �1��:-, ... ; � , LIFEBUOY SOAP , I I .1.3c considered a dangerous ifthbor and petition at St, 11elons school tal . r on Pri- search throughout the several rooms for 0. . . . I . � . L , . . ' . . ? , I .1 I . I I . dispatched. � At is some Years Since One day last. #Mero, Was . I I . .11 . . . I. .. . . � � It large repirteseft., tavats with, corgesponding numberg 1 4 i � 1� , I . I 'this district wore, tation. from Dongarm gifts from their hostess. Shortly After, - I . . . : . . was, Been, In I I � . . I on School - present, I �;� . - .,,9C . Sebool VWr and � Coocert.--The Cgi. upwards. of fifty or alit, World , Series � I � .. � . �� . COMFORT SOAP r 4 a4RS borno,'towneshlp school fair will -be held going -,in r of the PUPOS� Ward$ the party d1spersed, each peat rV mmi � 1. . . , . , I . I . . o . � . I .. I . 4: . . .r . . 1. 11 � a truck, voloink her pleasure aid appreciation of . I . I . I I I . . I �. ---*Mp 0 _11- A6 Usual at Carlow On'TU69day next, Dungannon United church is -with, the bappy time spent in tolumenoftt. Go nces ,. ­. I . I . , 1. I!. .. I I . I . September 21th. Under tlia auspices of ,drawing, bottt its services ton Ing the birthday of this popular little . . I I I . �.. � . . . � . . , V . . .1 FRrS %4b. TINS . . . � I . I .1 � ,�. il I � the School,fair commlt�eq, w concert *Ili i . .. Sunday-, rasiden, . . I i � i - - 1­� I I ,. . . rj".12"V � . . I I I . 1._.."_1.1=__-___._ ------ ��_� : One, lot tho� most- successful anniver .5th. . . . i COCOA . SAVE'THE LA13ELS . ibe held IU tbo toWnaW�'hall on ThUrB_ ' ' � �_ . � - . � I ZAIBER '2' 1 . j �� . . 8 011014k. * The , . . � . I . . . ,day night, 06pt. '29th, at I 8 rY terVlceS, In the history, of the.cojL_ - S8, P . ­ . . . ZE - 19C public speaking � . . I I 11 . . . � .11. .- . � I AND. WIN CASH PUI . I and , spoulng contests 'gatift Was that 01 Erskine P�*&b�- i . . 1. I I I � . . I . gre .� J! . ­ I I . will be hold over and will form. Part of - terlan -church, which was held afterho6n . 8 � . . . . I . . . I � I I � . . � I . I SUPERIOR I .. tha concert program. And &Lch t4licel OWHAPPY Alld, eve0nit On Sunday. There was, Is . . I I . . 1� . I . BAKING' ' ' I � HILLCREST ­HILLCRIESIT taking ,Part also Will give a portUon of . . .. . .1 .. W90 AttOhdaute at each SeMce, tekting . HAVZ YOUR, $ET AND TV13ES CHECK- '. 1. � I I I . tile Program, i4cludAng readings, rulta. I ( i I hebftr , , TO ENSURE EXCELLENT RECEP!, .�­ t, . I How 40"Wn bbing -at A proxnjum and I ED , . i I I 'POWDER SHORTENING . , , Von$, IVOCAI and Instrumental . music- I ,happy . and 0m_ , . I ! � . . � I . I . I ObAfts In the 0,13109 Wore nec6stari. The . � I i I � I H i I I � ,,,� � . I I . I EXTRACTS. . drills, oto. AftL"Jon 2R, chliL; front'of the ch'urch WAS suitably decor- I TION OF IIADIO'S 13IGGEST FEATURE I t) 1� � , . � I . I fortable the owner ap. . . . . I III . I 8 oz. tin 1* 15c, I Use the � I . � I taking part. free. .11. �. . Stott With Plants and Anturnh nowers. , . . I ' �111 � 11-0 . 3.g.ttles . 200 The monthly sneeting of the W.x..s. pearsin public after'We '. and ,much favorablLI, comment was teard , �� 't 5611 Them. ,We'Fix. Them� , ' ... J; is oz�- tink . 23C Best, lb. . Was hold At, the home Of Mrs, 46hu. A. � I We "Don, I I i 11 ; _ I . _ . , . ­ I ,� _ . I . . . 11 Young Thuraday, Sept. i6th. Mrs, A. haVe . made a'n �o I d upon the remod"Mu'r Of tl'o entrance I . - . - any Afake. 1. : � . � � I _P . . . I - I— ­ �. . V. Seaderson, presldo$� � Which had been recently compiettd, . . . , : I � . I . I ! The Meeting (4othes, ensemble loolc ner. 0. J. Lane, pmtbr of knox Presby. � . I . . i YOUR ORDER DEUVERED FREE OF � GE OPMW -With the , bymnj- 4-JesUs $hall - TUDES TESTED. FRESH . . . �, i! t0lan churoh. Ooderich, was the special I BATTERIES and 11 � ,� ,j Ck4AR Aelgn." and the coript" lessert was like new. - I �- . I I , I I I . -1 T, �j -1. I � I . , I . . . minister for both services, and WM heard I I � \ . : � � � � �.. I I from thLI 18t chaPtOr. of Joshua. Rev,. W. . COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS CARMBI). I i F I C. & rL . I with Much 11103urc.. he baving bft,n a � h . 0 . I I J. PAtton led in praytr. The hymn, student 'Pastor Of the etingtegattion ul, ' �-. I 4" , �. '%1re:%%0 on me, breath of 0o(V1 Was , J.H.VROOMAN AUTIiORIZHD RADIO SERVICE IVOR I . �t I I IV,, Or I I IWArds of twenty-eight. years ago, when C - Little ChioNarmdadeN - 1th as" 25c tung, au4 an article on the ponticAl , 'GOD , his uftle, the lite Charles U. Ruther- ' GOI)PRICH'S LEADING RADIO DEALERS'. _,_ � . . I 001' �_ : ... I . §&nPree s,tuatlon botween Japan and China was , RRICH � I � I -_.w_--_--" -0 . I --- I ford, was relieved of, W duties for a . . I � �. I , ' I � , - wwfd I - . read, Ont on Sadbu. Sundas 8.1ugh ,of � Furch bty clegal.O.Arks to* months Owing to til-heSitu. ire : "If Your''Radio, i Sick, . �� I � ( , I India, telling 'Of hiS ftitlen couvmjon I . . . made feeling refoence, to this time and ; I is See the Doctor" . Witit Vr�e'Vases, CUP$ and San, I .. 1, . . 11 . I . I ii 11 . . I I I Teo . Preaching .the Jesus. Iftlom mrs. . VWST ST"Z!t . commented Upon the changes which , . . . � I . . 1. . 11 __ -1 , . PlAt0sp Cream Jugs and Sugar Reer' 54clh, sad who"hewedut'" In teacung and � bave, ,,taken place � in the ,congregiLtion, J, f � � I -1-. I ­ I., owls WILIttr road an atflele� In homti tussion, . .. . � . At the a.ftention setvice he. chae to - - L"n f), , . &, - . . . . I work. its b"Iurft Wft,�*, the, 4hffignS *44 --- - - ­ � — RANK RILEY � I- ; \: � I L__� ,I i. �, I ; I . , . ___���,_ �-�_ tftt from 'Part of verte 2, chapter S, Of � r �1; � .1 CROWN . I Oontlntft with an ItOn-Vaglisli spe*k- .., 11_� ­ DcUterontmiy, "And thou shait'renumt. I ! � t , . . _ . --­�=_.=_ I � .. 1 � I 'KiUg Osclir SUPERIOR Ing' PoOplft The rAttting 010ood Vith, �"'_ � I ber " thk Way, which the tord thy Ood � . I Naivgate Street ! f FRUIT JARS .. hymn ,and '041 repeating the Lor4 I W .. 1. . ..., - .11 1. I � I . I 1, � ! , . . - lAmth WAS theh ftrvtd.4Md a , I 0 ,Can take Care, of Ild 1hee these forty year$.o Viitm these � _. � . I , . I . . re, PrIVt � Words he prewhed a sermon sultAble I . . I . 1�� . - STORES *ftltl hmr spent, The at"tt 1 to - I -- , .Small Pints. Ve I - Woeting "arroquirOM' to j'n 1'e 0"*slOfto:3*v16wIn9 the Vast, wbkh I . . _-­­ 11 ­ .. ­".,� , 11 I I -" , I i �..i, . r SARDINAES will be At US, home of ,vr& It, en . . 1 :-_ � .11 I I . , : , dozen 990 - I . I Morris revealed the po-vonce of ood with his ) In Octobft. The topptr contest '*ill be Mplo. At the evening gervleL, bjS text -_ ,�7 X. � ; Lil _ . T E A � on"num. I I W" taken Vom th,- Book of Dazdej� and,, . . . - � io 09" 1 1:1, Medium Quarts T6 Fin 1 j:.. -_� I r � 0 a the afternobli mmn was 4, roview I " I rk A nX7 . . � " per doz. $1.14 eat Pack d I pich �ivk Shworafka . I . I I , , 1, . , __ .", �, ok"oft*60000" full atreogth I I 1. I SWANSOWN Now �in I Ltad, Pkg%39c . CAKE FLOUR lter,3 1 c U P,.t ih. I 1-11- ­­ 1-11.11 _.­... _-1 _---_-11 wi-wil-w.i. � I � I . j.. CONSIDEP. oula SERVICE � I i L . PALVI IT j, AfCEWEN is VA N CUTT � -1_1 I I S U ­11~ift 0 11 "% 01"t 'I I ; per ores . _­.....".­ .... I—— I I -1 ­ I— ­.."... --1 ­­ 1. " _1_1__._11_______ — . urniture . Of a* mt so W evftft *6*" V"atat. ,� , ed the vay f6 w futoro,'&4jurbU I& . I 11.4" INnf\ I . � Stovess, and in fact hft"rs to " forward, ovelt in tho aidot . . IN 11 . of tumon Intl strife and stre% "A � I I h%vft I 'Now I . anyth!'Ong for the Istmin, the tmwome and sww�l Pill Fashions, in, Sailors, ance that, as Ged led M Ve** in tht �.. . FroachHerats $ ."� . h6- mei, I I . I 1064, 00 V6, wh Xft ibm safely th"h . I � and Turbans, I itho "ture. (ft tho, putroft With ,mt. : � . WWO MITIVELY SAVE V & : 1"no, W*A it". "Aft 91111. "Cilae or I The IIAT of the SeAson is flattering and elegant in , In the gftvlee by "Qft 11* mripture sole,t � with their � Intriguing little veil. Many new M. ft"I'8 A`*ue*n tbw'xb' *ho 0"'m I - I � � f, , . YOU' MONEY I 'le"". "* choir Was "SwM JA the airivals in felt supple as fAbrie, and in all the latest L serwe of by Slams fom ettlow, . shades. - 1sw 1, " ­ft4k­ t"Mck"W. , A" *ad SIM* �� . L b6ft rAetftly rft&t. ,,I I at, � Ift in the *ftotj�" by %Obft Children's Wrtt% &xrfs and costume jewellery, " I BI I , et �� " fttkvl� sma by Ulm soft L : ficAstone" $ �W ... , kld,, At the! ""Ing ;*r*e 1" 61d *#&In UP9 9 #do And V*ft . MI&S A R'D Mile VICAR I . 1' 04 64 &"&q of "" I ____ ''. __ � I 1, Tytwx cif ftoo*. "d ,0. 'X wt*,M� I � I L 4% j%twary" #*" * *k A nb&g I Xwmolf 11T*X" 41"�Vffi ;�IW;41�.' .%V..0 � I L I..". I—— 11 I � __ __ , . , .. . I ­­-0.­-.4� raCcuttru W Vt. - - __1 1. 1. .1 . L 11 L . i . .. I s�