HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-09-22, Page 3#
-AHUXWAY,� "". 224d, Im I 1. J,
"_"1________-___"_ __ I.----- --- " - —_ _.- . - 1-1 -THE GODERICH STAX , . � MW Tom
� - 4 "o 1, , MIN ON __,_____ I ------- I , 70;_;W�m 04W t I I-,---- %� .I----,-.-- -------------
. - - -.11. - I.I.-I.I..'
1101 =w" M* A4 *UW4**,UQr olikjr* to Itop - .........."I'll, 11 .... � ... ..._________1_1______.__.__. - "
lwr. ahe WAM 44tv" at 1UV4Vr4iiJV, . 1. I—— 111-1111--- 0040000�01 _111-111-1
�J Nodiin Mel, Red Rom *htro 440 b4a Sunda och4a out " � .
Cow* and (District ,
I , WWII", 11" "th *P%A* CPU tile Mat H I mur
. � when you cmve ut MW XOY X,Artbur, *Ila ("werly fA4 COAL 00 HaRDWARE ** PLUNDIRU
.11 Pon wotk at UQU04 but W1111 " " we;
$tat, 4 "41V."#" 14 It"WA. Ture U U
'S UMMAR Y I awsh wt %#,Y mett al the Issy K.1". .
L___ I a real good cup of tea r Sometimes it is, wise to be a "Doubting"
4, ", -111 . 9M X�Artbur� of owe ,ph, b" wabor,
I � __ __ W" Froont 494 W" 4404 to 44441 Thomas!". This is. no fline for blind "buying
"'UCKNOWS XA= Lowy. AM"ANCW INC04stri The Z*Wrt oa the 0001kh uisAlou
Luelulaw aeatluvl: , At a relaeut! Meet. . 11 , � I ,v habit -11 Today we must test tbings for
Them Is 'au Incream 'of fitwen in the., Uu%4 thow*4 the work lot Ulu ,Jenul% b,
Ir; Qf tile volage imun2il the tay-rate, for atteladauce of Wingbiom U44 ,S�hwl . I".. N*Awn� who W"X01mefly At the kIlAwl iourselves to waW sure that every penny ive
tl= Year W;a 4=* at $2 mills. This tlo# term, Tbe publI., ,�choal earament, I'll how, st Now 144keard, but Is uckv Wit
-15-4 Teouptl= of two min$ from l"'t, I$ about tile "Ule. � ... 1 la' owerkh. *nd a great belp to thu spend brings the biggest possible vahle. . 1
-#4 VOZW4 rate. 4nd Is MR40 Up as follos-$; . . .. .. I 3"1141 I
P-Q=t.v rAte, 8-1. village Tate, MI; Aveet MISS lKowMAM AT WINORW . 1 � � 1- %U Vk*- 1� T. aud W. K S. of AuU. 11 When You get your Coal, Hardware, i
liguftir, O's. school -rote, venezal. 15.3. Miss Ague?, MVP114,11, XP4 Will ad- ..... ----- I urn, rep"tea thu tu'y J4*4 ten won). i
-and villue debenture's, a W04. 4rt.qs a meetillIg At will8blow on Satur- �� I btra "d carried on ,tile work ior,d bel" Plumbing, Reating and Tinswitbing frow I
". ^_r1% Chas. 0. Lee*, you got the b! 'st possibla I
I ,d%3r, Sept. aft. William Irvinp, M.P., 0 jail 990 I
VISM "Ran sel"OO& W"Com from Alberta� also will be a spe4ker, .. .T. t - to meet 1P U14111100Y. Th -a acafokth W.
. RQU. Wm, Atkingon. Mulstor of Agri- �- FS I :94. PrUtUtCd a Wa."O rlettlre of a . value, I I
culture 'or ]ir�'tlsh "Um4iA, together JESOAGNAMENT ANNOVNVER I I -_ -_ _ -plouter ,=Vrexatloa Afty mile.% Awth.
, � with his aged #tlxtr,. who lives JA V4- ,rhe eugagenlent . ______ - . � TAA Of Prince AlbeTL Here tiley b4alt
11 . m=d,%1ll0,vv3led on Mr. and Mrs. Henry of 143su Helm Allee, — =� 4 vbum% Que ftrmek 'C"muribut-Ing the 640" 2*4 1
Diusdale, UXt of 15trAtford, I. � I—— ^004- loollAo A311i
AlOrt011 At 116IS&II ,ritently. W, AtXln. Mr. daughter of ....1-111 I 111 , "IM -01111-110F== InAterl4l. *Wtber ilonatcd the site Iula , I
, ,,
. .;% h � . , A third 44wed the 1pgg, in two, Iumith, Hoot Now, � I
. son was * former pupli of W. I and Mrs. Robert Dlmdalol of x1p. I ,. CHAS* C, LEE I
. X"ton pan, Out., to Ur 'T, XdwArd, Taylor, son I . I a .
- -1 wh0A the Utter taught, in the, ,old red x1c very bunch on our output. It e they, haii 4 church worth.000 W11101 WSWAAD WA RE S MAU A III INS HARBOR
- �'PIIQOI lwuft in No, V. TUAgr6ulith, an , d of Mr. and Mrs.,Jmgs Tayler,of Strat. ,,, es . be t L WV 904t U) Aetllwl gash $05. At ,.the 7 1
. . rial , I �
- ford, is a=q.1M,r,eA, tlw )AAXrl* to a to Huron PresbA * opening tout' odults Aud Avo chlldzen . � . .
. , %ke. to -hat the big &ol)lem, ,was how .
A I,- another of our Huron boya who, ))as 90 Make a UvInZ but now it, is boW 0.40� _ ___ - __ I . I __.. � I
� province. . -____
made good In the Ptac* oug�Qlqwotly iii riepterAbor. we pay our taftted, rates and tsIX03. .Were �*Ptlxw 'And Alsty-tive took coal. ...... . ".. . � - I , I
� L . '0ANV"1C0N"ST , . MY at flayffeld rAWOU. M5 Mugla% of Tamsul-Is tho --- - ____ � - �� - I
. I I MRAX BURNS FINF4 SAAN UNSTROUX) .- .. � I I zilme or the SeArorth branch 91 the . r .
, W101:114% AdvAnce-Times: The Mal. ' Y- W- MISA'Douglas was from. L b Y in the orle'atep; &rwArd movitmeat I
U,ek;.�-ow 4katritt; 01st -11 Auxalarr-repoftQ4 On, 11' .
Zurich Hergld.,-z Dr., A, R, 0=0411I nlfteat siivor i;up which, was pgteIi 4 k1lo 9000Ur*9VYW ROP904 Pftnnt*d " , Me. in wNch the W.U.S. boo tw4ertAltea w.
,of Sewall. the Other day Suffered most �b do 'TUO IV aentlMlt A antoulclertuo � *44 the repreRatiltive told of, her work the WOrk0f thetiold §tcrttkVyI Mrs r%be 40,000 In two year$. Mrs. VU4,0
1 � y the president of t;40 T , I on, gitores .
. �Q 0101 . , raw of ruins on auadw evening was , I I �bY Reprosent4yes Of At TemsUl Where tUe people si-e in such Xellikr. Mss Lamont "A U10 reltorh
� painful burns from bu ankle nearly UP and 'WhIell W44 V00 ,bY Clinton band rout's evidence Of AU oUtbre4k of Are ' lop of 00derlol. ulks been appointed ft
to his knee. It %pJ*0XV that whilor last year, Will be competed for ag that afternoon which razed the barn, . vja�w Bir"chos I . � d0lme03 that At One of their servicea of who are, at prestut pa furlough in tilt
I �_ I . farewell to the god of Intocine. 680 pigs *Id. 't*114 but Who V.W return to work key Woman tot this ptesbyteriAl 4Ad #Iva
smoking 20104 VIA. -4 for 44 little Bona to Year at tile fail. falrI when. V, 33 Ian thts ge ."on's crop,, drive abed xqd bar st*cle � it to forward the, 9001ribatiou-S every
. umber Of #X7%"ED W63`6 killed Which -would *e*h about 14 the late autumn. The Belimve, thre,0 molltba. V
I got a 'View Of the recent e0UP30, he *44 brg$$ balula ,Will take on the farm of BUIXempton, two uIlles 4GREETINGS 1.000 Pounds. WX.4. -J# 4 new branch, In this rrosby- 'll nt,tutWr 10 "kea : I
in bla outer �fiice'and had U little S%so- . . I part'. . - . West of Off village, The barn. * Ane . - I to C011trIbOte a Cent *,*etk to this f4nd. '
I . . line III a smalf vessel for Smoking the S1UCVVSS.V% * � . . . structure, 55X54 on 4 Atogo foundation', 1, I W#. Reed reported on the '*ork of the terial ona svleniild work waa reported. A QuArtette UY uts"We's uoell, Dua. � i
I . . . I STMENT housed the se4soula grop .of bay. and PkesbytWY ANO Met, 1A TrWty Stalor", 111"low 134md Which is .named MS. (Rev. 0. P.) I)MUM. ot fitratforo. 100, 144's, and 0aunderi 'of 004tooll. .
filass' %rui'w" !"arly ftough Wben "' 01121toA XOW44tocord; 'Mis , ,Dr. 00forth of UAnthurlik," Ift, Per. ViteAdtit the 1AVItAtiCA tP thQ,pr0VJIlCW i
� pidently. a lighted glatchApped Into the ,3�r,m . s Estiler grain which bad recently beeA threshed, churck IA. 0110 MCW41109 9=01l. 14YAeld, read a letter Iwilkh MeWng to be held In Stra -h APPOCIAttd, Mrs, 1. Z 10,14e,
, .
. grtha, 4d
. jk4all , e,r daughter of Mr. and The livestock Was, Sit ' .0f.doors, with. I ., Vord, The WAS 1440 i
I . I Vessel with tilt 000une when. It UM. 9. W, out ., I *� I Jean ROSS xacx*�'. Of rormosa, Aent report 01% the work of MW ,1$Qut*r of read a igost Intetesting report of the 4
I.. I . broke out Into name$, Which the doctor TrOwattira Of town, Who Is th0 9X0eWQ11 of twObtald of cattle which The PreiIbyterlan womext of U=n omp"Ipilly to thU meeting. X4 it she 'the )3hU rlold,, tAft, viia dealt with 14 SUMMOr School and 01rial 4CAmp. M". i
�, soon ,controlled with extigglusueri, he 90 the 44f of t110 York 400110glAte, 'Who. Were Ireleaved by Lorne Hamilton. * I "To -, . i
. ". -hand, but not Wfore, the Auld TwolktlY, finished a'summor course, ,w" neIghbor4, ..who Alghtgd, the bl" , Presbytory gathered in Jarge numbtro on ays, ,�pospbr;kso. the . Apostle the report of the Seaforth <7., 0. ,T. T. T"lor, Myth; Mrs. t4wards. "easall".
. bad* or% " 't 1304'righ, led in Prayer.
I 1� I . Is and "a rViday, Oth. In the attritetIvo now Xnox ftul, IX. WO aurqn-born Also, B47401d , A letter of aym*4 was Sent to the Mrs. Redditt. L
. 1144 caught 000 of bix lega $ton%- t au0coesful '-in Passing her commercial among the first at the scent. The um. cbUrell, Z*Yfleld, 14V the ,%rl%%U%J rally of was the most Wonderful plate for * dwel. ,family Of MW a. Z, Orr, stratforO, Who Dedicatory V;*yor was ogtred by MW , '
. 11t "aroo and 4 now 4 001MAerelAl APQ� - JorItY of Impleme were , Oftirell. A question, 4twws,�r oonducted . 1.
. 4nklo to nearly the knoe, lltorglly bum- . rtts ,'outside and the Huron Presbyterial, W:qmeWs MW let In JuUq4 srueetlel(i to Visit. now wax. ftVAIDI&I Secretary for* � the vrovulet, .
v-.11., � . � I JAJF the flesh right -around W log to the cl%Ust� C0n9MtUIAtI=4 ore in order, were agv%L , 09wevorp �4, wagon, 4141911 sloum Society of the rresbyterixg we votehod for the JivAt gUmp$e of the at, the time of her death, . � by Aft% ,ThQrbnr0. Wp$ most lu$traotive .L *
. very boo. . . . .. I . . . and 4140 *uxuslug, mus unlard, or
� . . I I . � . � I � 11 . 404 harness. eto., wsre do_#*QytdAL as . (Murch in Can%d*� The PlOrPing SPA- Jake As We drove over for -a Picnic. I .. Isromout oreett"s _soloj "
. . . . I I i,:� . m � I 1,!,�1111 ,.; � ,�', . . . , 11 WS1114 xx"'STIOAno . well " the near -by drive aboo and bay. as= opened with - dovotional - exorcises Moreover, MY groAdUthtr, Duncan, 'w#A Ortttlngs from the HuwA Vxesby,� arautfol* unit's Hold lbou, W
. . � . . 1!�., , , I i .. 1 'I.. �''. . Lue-know sentlaol. There WAS no staek. Ur. 444, Mrs. Icemptow were In oonduow by the ,$e0oft Auxiliary, ones oftlatet of the, I�qlygiold r . Haud,t# Which W" ,grolktly enjoyed. �
. . Da"P. .T. % Pon lack of onstables on hand At 044 Itrial.werourou4bt by Rev, b"J. 1440'. Mrs, ne,lditt Of. . � I .
I . . -1 I OTM. - I dent to inyvstigate. M the Acci� �RIPIOY at the time. and neighbors P4- Mrs., Prasor, of 1046eld".1ii a' gracious chumlt-louw years Since torik dpwn It of OoderIch. . � L tile commIttee, owertch, on behalf of , � .
. . . � uutx 00 angby on their VAY home froM chnrob Address of velcome, Said 'that the Jgzt war413 my beart to bear of Hato ' I Presented the, followl"t
. . I rolvalm UogleidL church Whie t resolved that ow.
l .. . � MI EARI: NOISE, THROAT - - X'J. .Moore, xbo was not 1021=11,moll! noticed, nothing Unusual. Lorne Remit. UMO� theL *eSilyteiial �Mot It Pre$- Vollowitig a viost. appetiziIII; dinner re$01utlem,
, .. , 136 I
. 1. I Late House Surgeon Now york,-Orph. medlately After, $4Lrr1vod .A sbort.ton, ,who lives on the ,first farm to the ,Was Ili 1020 1 . in Zaylltld lvtetlxl rally meethig in , ,b -was uorvod in tho, b4semqnt by thanks of the ,,uron pre$byterial.t* .tx. , I . L .1
. . thalrnic Land Aural. Hc9p#sa,'a0si$fant at time, as #Iao- did PrOvInClal Officer Ma. wl�st,'Aoticedd the o . . . an September 9, That 14 Just the day the ladies of the .,Church the Afternoon .
., I . . utbreak, wbich appar- a The 'President, MI" L. M' Jeckell' ad. tended. toL,the nossion otftoer$ and ladles . I
. L L Mooreftelft Eye Hospital =it Golden LavIs and ,peounty ,Corxstabl before got three younger vbIldrea. who session tontruenced at 0 pan� Devotion- of Xnox chureb.
.�, 1. Square ,Throat Hospital, London, Bug. of W I � Le Ed.. W#lker ently started in the South West vQrner, dressed the gathering and drew -attention are -at home with, us at,Lpresent, allo Al oXer'*cS Were to'k. b the: at It Soilorld, for thek gen. � . .
. � . Alkorton, who, Wit of the J$Ujldj�g L and , to 1he , tt , . on y RX t eroU$ ho$pItality $4d L JA140, our be%rtt( %t
53 Waterloo M, a,, - Stratford. ,Tole.. I h -their families . I 04"his arrIvAl bad -
. . , I . I I . Phone ,207. , - . ; were'onjoying an atter,"oon, drlvq.,Sul only time to remove I fact mt representatives 'gore Donald and Orant Graham, Are to tum ,%Uxilip,ry., Tile L adfteg$ was given by 004grAtulAU0116 .
. - the tv�q begots, be- 1preseut from all parts of the rreal;vYtery. their Ullwilling faces schoolward *gairt.,� Mrs, ChAs**'Xi, ThOrburz, Of 04000, A their b0MUtIful L �edfji(M� r4 t _.
" , I At Hotel Bedford, *Adoliael, Huron count . 011 010 ;�completiou of .
I :In P e en jug
,: . , . I Ood,orlob, on. 4ho . I 1. I I constable, wa$ fore the.i%Wly spreading flames drove. In, looking back alle notod' that this A picture of Donald, Morcemle WS310A most forceful speaker and mr4eilt worlt- the Top Mr$, Redditt moved a vote of, .
I . I I
: . . I evening of the third Monday of .0Qi Also On thd scene. . I . . him back. - ed the �meetlng .was �aiw . .
A light breeze prevent ,4y Bel$r4v.. L ort L
. month until the following day, T4"dA � 4 . . L� L . I w,bela In September, Zand. 11 44 displayed.-- The ,er, who. brought g . .
, . .y , . I I .. : home front being in any, great 4an . ,W reetings frcui tItO On* thAtkS to the speaker, Mr$,L,O, 'a. Thot. L I
.. . . - TI . ger.'U W40 "an inspiration for the fall work., 106th V'Salm. ,w#$ :rtoltod. Tilt$ Bond tarlo Provin,061 Presbyterial and 0001 bilro. and said the delegates I
I L . VE TIOD(YanowN MIT � 4 rigado were -lix tea. A TallY to take stock, and one of per. specjxVx#s In the me Orl4atjo - of,, would 40 -
. I � . However a bucket b .
. I . . L XxG1x1F)$RxxG__7__7_T� ------ = A w1dely-signed ' pgtltl�rl, , tecentl3t L d,neS0 I ocr* the Ott;vw� Presliyterlal. She said that out from. the meetigg With .136W loyaity I � I
. __� .� . In n
. � I .� __ . . . � I I .L I god ,kept, the Toof .Well soaked SoItal 40ttart and inspiration. which -turo, They average 147YOrses Ork SWIm She h4d raore genuibo grcbilri�a to- Sur* and enthusiasm L .
. . � . .
I , .
., � . . . O== & CAUZZ. , I . � '$Ponaored by L pogforth 13usiness Men% . after 0A One occasion; a . smoldering should give. jenewed effort. ,,13ayfleid the Uengall W'M,S' L VhoWed the work of .on thall to any 6 h was A repolUtlot . kL"f ' . . .
I. . . .1 . L Association for better lightirIg of Main shingle was sighted, 6 .. gut Ce, On , ther an Mrs, Omit
I . L . .. , . . . , Th in at church typifies the -in o , Sympathy to the 6n- � 1�
I. . . I . . . 'L , darattablo Spirit Xobe -v4s deaorlbod' ' 14'geter M`B'_M . .
I I � L. L street,, VAS recently placed b , L ra. the boat Presbyterial, treasurer She bad �Arjo Provincial In t4e loss SuSt'attlea , .. . .
. PonSUItIng aJJdL MUI)JOJ , efore court. ,,the bart and Contents, Partially ,covers which will be carried back t4 the Auxr Rhodes spoksof the DAamond jubilee Of under her, In , I
-1 � � ri not m the loss, L : , . I I . .
I I :_ _ D;alnage� I and . al , Engineering 4ij but di. eet with, muchnfavor, . . . I I .1 ills,ries." There Is a� ,stirrIng .call to id- the prebbytorla,n. Ohl ll� in Pot, 0$a" lat . extibiiftg. her conomfu. through tho death of thpir . .
.. I L - I .. Turvey.1n;. , L - - It 0 'WaS.PointeA , . . I I . � � Ire it .. . long to L XuoX eburoh, . this� � Splendid I emotent Soo- I ..
. I I I ---was- now very Vost ... - 11 ------ "� � rob bto g . Mlil . . i
. Alasoife Tomp!6 Bldg. Oodiilc,hj� -Ont:. M ,out that the ligliting of I . I vatft and the W -MA. baa Nen, asked to There was a cilliotows reoitrition 6111ttle obu ,.;which Is kno%yn�t u h tetitrjr, MISS: 8, X Orr, Ivbihnksto� rdim � . I
I . . : , . . 4 zi street . ---and- w , - L . . � I A: I ". . . 1. . . I aro of Urantford., soloot" and to tile . .1 I i
_-__1 -1. I .L -1 .
.. I I . I ,lPhone 23a .. .1. ' 11Y -1 - ___7 L' . , - . - . . L 1 4 ... 0 LL I V�rsft of Scripture and pertlfl�4tes Were 'out the Dominion .01 tanada, shd n4ld: . L .
. . . .. ____ _. 'Are -we 14 lak, -
. . I I . I . I . . , , � . '': that when, -the lights �rere O�Uged. so* . _1 .. .. I .Our Pest at an times?" I 91Y011 which Were 'sent by Mrs, M U a y Goderich Qualtdte, and oltanist, LUro. . . � . L
. . .. acKly Dort,t forget, you b4 t, it for fhe',01 r . , , . I li
I . . .L a -, --sent bui, I , M; Ferguson. also,to Mrs. ovorgo M, L
. !WaA the �'hzllong MISS %leckoll Of Fbtmosa, .. _. - " . I- _. I ft . , - 40, , . . I I
. . . . . of 06d rather tbao to yourselves. . Tile .
. L I L .. L . . years 0,90'thOUUMber 4114 SiZe Wore ln� . . itu ry - , �,Theu she Spoke ,of Dorcas and' empha� . L L L t Strang 44d Z%rrj. .
I , , '
L . LISGAL . ,h a
.. . CAR')S - ' * creased- VurthermcIre, the ftblic Ut,illt 0 1 Nay, 'Dr. mrsiro . I i
__,_.____ - - . I . I Y. , The work of Dr_u'd�Mra, Orah-A - --of her address- - .
L , , 4) . - _-7----r�� commimtft b I I .1 ll m- subject. --vua.. Ilftasbyttr-! a - I . .
. . L .
. a ��.,W AAji* I . as 110 surplus funds' on 1. . sfteO� that She did get works and that WAS describe ' rtLftni
. I - . _��,_ _" , L
I I . . I L I - �A'a f0l',60I)h WorX; 6oune4i,titerel . formerly of 'V,Xeter�. d at the Ll%ni$W' and as a teA she took the stata� The closing, pr0iwr*w4a--f4'kea I by Mm. �__, �- _. I
- . . . . .. � . � . % ore . . - . , there *Pre warly. persons: whose . hearts report of Ltho' Exeter W.k4z.j. � bIe a P i
Barriftets an4 S01101tors. (wabldered it unwise to cause a�ditlonal . L I depin,tipg ment '�To resbyterlitti aild P, sla* Une,
' I UARAY - , i -AtInda were -full of good. works but thern oj� the -Mis ' , Qoderlth. aftar which thei.moothvg, L I i
. ,R. OL. . . ,0. Says, b�A. expense and threVv ,.Out'. the .petition, I .JOUN my . . . and . . $ton Pleld, in .Ttrmbsa-, follo*er of.06 Lord JMUS Ch4st,sh.oUld dJApj.rSe4, .. - , .
Says, Mc., a4d, R. . . . ., . . . I . . that �hey were taken before I dict on." , ' , L . . .. . .
. . . , .. I . 1. LUckn the works I The Rensall W.M.S� show0d the work, or be a contra I . _ . : : � e I I . �
I . liamiltoh. streeti Goder4l. 0* , Sentinel- 1161tig cd. "It Is easier . to Th Presbytery of nuro;�.:mat Itt.Trin... .1
. . . . . . Tolephone 88 . 7 . . TIMIUCIR. usso .9REC'mm BARN - . I i Dr,', Margaret Sfrang� misslonAry to
L L . I I Olt age of 06 and privilIoged to on- dteam that. to do� Valth without,works peace - �. In her Spl L'sdid Land $nsp
, . . I . . . . I . L . . . . years log L . . er .irlug addv6s, Ity,,dburchr'B�ysioldt at 10,a,ro�, at Whlch� , .'' ' � L
I . . . I — . Wingha . River. A .
L I ,M Adva�xg-tMvS.,, _� �cou joy Splendid. health and rezaarkable'lS dead. Do at, D ' L church h 15 been she said, "Loyalty is, u treat' quality, ther# was'A good attondtulce 1. .
: '. I . I I I I 1. .. . . . L , pie , . rm did -good works._ 11 . I of L , reproseja-.. . . .,-. I
I I -, of weeks 4gothe 6-t*r.y ,appeared ,about a Utdvlt�, uiidl reIiont weeks, death ke and she �4id It ... ;_,41dWt watt t6� ..... " built , *00ville for which Edmonton the whole foundation -ot .all th - tatives olden ,aud ministers, A.ropbrt .
I * I I DOUGLAS'A' NA=X�L :' - L Oc ,,� 44411 . I I
� - * , I . I 1, I I I . I . UTMOr. UsIng a car� to llft the ,bay into Moved, A highly respected citizon 04 ft1l; them'" L I I '.. .. . do a iety' gave the, fUmishin0sv' This Is ties, -� Presbyterian is qoony MOU$ .With Was gl�crl by Rev.' L 13. XCAIA�;. of th � . . .
. _ I i
. .
i : I 'L . the barn on his * . has day, SepternbPrI Oth, in . t110 Ynost uortbOly church In'the pres. christiali , L We 0 . .
: I I . I . . farm . This feat tile Person' of I Mrs. I ate richly exidowid ,end Penpral, Assembly ,*blob Inet 4t, London. . . .
� . . . . BarrIster and solicit.or L . Swan Smithi of aeaforth, then byterlan communion. Hensall' M0, finely equipped regarding. our::churchls PrOMOY'4ppro�od of, 'L P%S. . .
� Offl. NORTH, STI, . �pbono ,r,12 I been sbadid ebrisIderably by -Url. Wm. Mr. , John Murray of Luckhow, Mr gove'tlW tieasuretes report, ,whiall $how. D, AU4i4r.V,. gen * I the matior%. i.
� . . . I . . 11 ". Weber of the4- B ' jai�u L I yth Sall Y� I ' . �
. . � . . , eaver 'Valley,, who has MUrray,had,exjmrieftoed e W, Te3PAAd- fikitb founded on find, Agrogable,: to .the sed by ' the deneral , Atisembly . to ralge L .i
. I , g eye sigilt ed. that. to date,th 'funds wer"Illy ten' od .with true ztorlea,� written. -by Dr, M. wq;� 61.41od.-- 14o 4ro the. present m0n 19hurc .
. . -he V jL ar . . I
I . . I . . I , L". . ., � Jubli completed t erection Of L a ne of -late and due to this, he'L Suffered a dollars behind, the report -of. I at ye , . . ' h 13.0onsion Puna L
. 23; A, . � � . '.barJ!Ll. 03; L feet SdUare and. Used, a tru e , L at I . _ Sthmgt the versatile doctor w,ho- looks - custodians 'Are we worthy succ.eam ' " . I . :
I L L I - � , F'NELLV . , � c4tion after .Patients, Z 7 'or 'he*
I . Fn`�X:60` I L Ok tUmbl dowa"A , alrwAy this jUrrundri'The, allo� for this Presbyterlt%14 IS I day I and -assumed tetponsibility for the allo-..
I .. I . �� I . tbrQa9hQut'ZDr tile liftir beams and while he And Mrs, Murray were visiting $1,105' -ad $1,22a,70. -of this , . :, she cation to tills .cry. Other Mat. I
1. 1 . I . , Ig 'of L I . conducts night School LLsore of those., Who �Wiht before?'t j�reabyt L,
I , I I .,� ,a . amount has eanninaL of . . t I I
. - . Ises the, fruit -and then spoke of -the wbrk of t Ora In conn, . - .
. I Barrister, SolICK6 _Etc. , X"terl4l used in Its construction, A In, Tbr(WtO� Injuries received in this already beenL re.eelved. � . ""' or" . L . he. W.Ma, otion with',tho Presbytery, L. . .i��
. Pho4e �8�1 HAMLTOX ST.1 4rx0derich. conaldex�Able Ea,vIAS In,man power W.63 ry�4 'Xbtrt 10110�red reinarks gro� the I vegeto.21e. Sk �DlXonvillo, 1. PoW.00 River I . to . I I - I .
. . . .1 , . . . I . $hap at Such 41X advanced age, hasten� I . I o$. . IX �ooul% tion with the i0eneral i Awnt. Were 41scUssod and busInesa trarls4otod., . .
I . . � the TLesult As only 4*. men were used in od his death. Mr. L Pr . . . I . 11 I I . � . I I L . I
L' "' , .. .... - , "" .�, I . Murray as 0, lad, b*rW sectetarlos Mrs. Edwards. of - ' L � , . . L. . I . I �
. : ... 1:,1. I �,��. . ' trectIlig *t L frame work - And r ]�Jst . . 11�1...... . I I - I . . L . 1.
, ,om I . 11 . . . . I I I I I I I I
. ,dathOL'to, AxhA d- tov,ts -fyblu: Z*tra, liel)Mll, H. Ift Ir aftk40y, i4ad 4, letter ' j4jp,JM,w.I.tU1JJ 11 gg4l 1, t A, I � , . . I .
I . . - �� . " . I � id . � _ hij L I I . . I I . 1, � I m, � I
I � Y A DAR" r- I 9 -tile building. � . wIth-lits, father, the,14te Wzn. Murray, from the rrovintlal' iSoetetary at Sim. . �, I .
. I
. * � . b .- - - . . L . I . . Set��JLUL' on tile garm JJ0,W Coo, . I L L - � 1/1 . - : . I I
. � . I I . : . . - .... '. * . ; "Ister, - Soliolton Notary Public, zu. , 14sw TnEiTtg ())? , X:NEID L wheelwright, 9 The Missio secretary, Mrs. ., I I . I . . .L. I L
. . I . Sucpes�or..tp J, L; -Xillorzu;- . - - � ., .:.; occupied by Mr. '.James MaeDdinald qn. need'of Seo,forth, reported progress In I � . ., I I % I .
.. . . I . �Phone 97� Office, The -SqUgre,: 00derich. searoxth - 116CposIt6.r:- - The- new Regent the - boundary, west_,Tbe, so4_qf, one of , this 'work And dfsplaYed articles made I . . . . I III I I . . . - I . . I
. . . I q
I , .
, : I . . . � . I 1. . . � . Theatre, recently completed:'In-the old Adlfleld'S Pioneers, ,a.*411 aduc&tJ6n'jVj�SbY' tht,' children, The Literature gild 11 ! I ...
. .. . I � . . I I i I 4paSC block, got gV%y_ to .a good StartLofi - Murray's, -privilege, but, poSses$id , Llterar3r Oftrotxr�, ldbs MAVNven, of , I .. I I . .
� 1, . - I . 'lot Mr. L L
. . . I . .
. I . .;,0PeJxIu9 -1110Y, September ath. Large of a keSn1tItellett AudLa Strong PhY4SJQUo' I 0oder1ch, -give. a r port 0 I I . .. L .. - .. L. I . I . L
. . L I$ VNEsT u, LE9- .. . � e It ter � . I I � I . L I . .1
I I I . . . ... I — . � aildicb.ces were present at, each show be totted abead, and, In no small ,do- I of the work, Mrs,- Arnold, of nen"ll, . ... L . � � I.. It , . .-- .GK�0(fJLtJ$1. . - - I ..., - I . - I
. . . . * Barrister and Solicitor � , and. 4U were well Satisfied with the fine gteo,. ProSpered, While In Ashfield he Welcome 4nd .Welfare Ste]iotary, re I port- . L .1 . = . . . ... I ... �
I . . Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide - and � Inotpria, app ointments afid'o L . I I I I L � � I I I ... I 'L
. . . Telephone., Mg1d'6301 " 'lear Sound of the new was an enterprising farmer and stock od that She had made gas calls in -the . .., : . I . I . I I - I 1. . . , I . 11 - 11, _1.r%W1W.. . � . .
. A., Toronto 2.; . ...theatra, The, opening, cerimorly . took 4ealer: The deceased . .... . L I 1, ,. 1. . LL L : I : , . � , . �: '� '� "'L . . . . . . .
I L and, jn.� I married miss Ell� .Presbytery of Huron. besides many visits . .1. . . . .'.. L �; . .L . .. . � � . I .1 'L. I . . . . 1. . I . . I .
. I . . - . . IL I I II.L I .. . P140e.on Thursday night last, zaboth McKengie of Hurori . Tbwnab�p, to bo*1t&%'-I4 her work. Miss Me. . . I .. L. . . L' .. L L . .L I . . I � . . 11 .L. I . L . I I . I L . . I 1.
. I I I., , 'ClUded. Short � addresses L -by Mayor L J, , V� . � 11, . .1� . . I . I 1, .. I . . I � . I . 1. .1 _V I . . . L � 1
I I . I I
. . . I ; . . . I I . . I q
I . � __'_ * Rly - On -behalf , Of the t6Wn and the him a number Of'Years ago. On roijr, I ported thAt the bale �cmtalned 'baby , I ..L1 . I � I . L . I - . I .. . . �
I I I C0140ftAIDTIC .. � b ,who With four. children !all predeceased Donald, Ooderith, Stipply Secretary, re. ISETTER * CROCERIES I
I L . . . � I . .
. � : GLESS �J,n . I . I . . . I .
� , I � ` � . I . . . . I . - vwd�v I
I I . L �,V . I i Lei . -
I .D 1W 4C=TJONM� L . I TJOrls Cluly, Mr, P. 8, Sava44ge for the Ing fr0m Ahe farm, 'some 25 years ago, [layettes, quilts'. dolls and trinkets' for . I.. I . . I , . I : ,fx� #*", .: .. I
. I .. � .
:, I L . � I . . ,:, . . I . I at PRICra* . I
� � — I . L . 'Business Men's Association and Rev, he removed to Sprueedale, wherehe was. Christmas. MLrg. LawSon of Auburn. .1 11.� � I - I .. . I ... I % ETTER.- . I . I . . I L : i
� . 4 . L I I . . I ... .
I CMOFAACTOA AND DRUGLEMS -A. Z. Paruby, Of St. lWarYs, for the St, asso^�Igted with Mi. ifin Reed III tile I Glad Tidings Secrttary,f . . � . . . L . . I . . . ]. L L : I ' ;0" , � . :�' . . . . I .
. . . THERAPIST, 0ODER%,0H. L ''MAryS notary 4 Stated that . I . I L � . . . . =::�t� .1 11 I . .
I � I I Olub. In ud�iltion to the lumber business for Ave years. Mr, � there were $18 subscribers to: Glad Tid-, . L L . .1 .. I I . I . I . I .:. , . . I . ..� I . . L . 4 1 1. 1. I
I L batila. ,large number of JSeafortb,,peop16 pres, Murray therl returned to the cattle -buy- I Ings 11% this Presbytem The. Y� W, LSPONIGS. 4 �' . �11 . �
. I L . . L . I I .
Equipped with _eIjXtro_ZagnetJ4 .ent about tWentY St, MaITS RoUrlans Ing 'bipiness as -well as operating,a,. but� I Secretary, Mrs. It. 0. Dunlop, ooderich, L .� . Pr ' ' I
. I .JN . LL .. .
Electronic electric treatment and, obirow and.their wiveS motored over for the cher L .$hop, I � . I .VA . "nymn : "C% 0 . L 1 I . . I
0=0010, Organic and 111017ftis openingi Mr, 11, j. L Shortly �ftpr the war, he, reported an Increase in membership, gIv.. L . I . . . � - RE.. 10 '.. .
I Sutherland, the Purchased a proparty 1100, and return� Ings and Interest, and Stated that the - .. L � '. I . . LAYM I I . . I .
. I = Lady in attendance- Office owner, is a nit I L . . I I I � . .. . I � . . . . . I L . I
;1 ' L . L I . . . . .� I I . . . . I I .: .
hours 2 to. 6,1 and 7 tio 0 p.W., excepting . X,rya, - � , rnb . Or Of thO club 111- St, ed to the village In,1020, where -he er"t, dift,orent branches were doing various I "' I - L. L. . �. .1 .. . I .. � '. .. . . I.. . . L, . . I . . . �
, .
14twa I 11
I -
, 11
Monday. and TROX1191,191% . 00 a� fine home on JTavd1wk street and WtIrk. L I L , . . L SOAP ,i,. CAit - 9 " * I L. I I '
�h e -nor of South street and Bri- . - .
- T1I(=(%y by Appolratlasht, I I . . I . . 'Y I
I 4 A. N. ATXMSON, residence 97ud , AN SDJToP,S ' I . I . In big latter years had lound much .. 11 ,
I .� . . 11 t� I I , PIMstito. In, caring for hj4 Amwer 11011''Cal . — - LET 3 P4 10 .
I tamlia, goad. ..Phone a4t, .. 4urlah Herald., .With the depression g4r4en. , flowers and. The roll call of the Auxiliaries W413 re- . . �, . I L 11 . . . 'L, I . .. .. I I L . .11 .L � .
I I . .
.� f , A few years ago he Warried opodded to by news items from the ifils. I . I L . I L L . I I .
1. -, I------- - ,, - ___ about at, Its . lowest level at present, the MISS JeWle Motemian, Who now sur� I Sion goids.. I . 'r : . I I '
. . AVICTIONEElmrs<; cltl�erls of Zurlcfi can talk about: One VIVes, and who through th Mrs, murdobk McDonald, I . d%10 U Win CLAnXIS . NO, 318 ' I
. I ,� �. -w 110p.-__1-1-1-� e latter years. 00aeliell, mother of'Miss Ruel micoon- Fla JJaANJD L. t1f; I
. L tiling thOLt IS going IiP It Price, and that of his life and recent P1%F"xLL*'8XA 2 TI a . . . .
I L, I L .
Tuouhs GUNDP,z ,& is I Illness has given aid deac011ess at Peace C*up&, Xortliern ..... . " ._ ''.
- It hydru 'rates, as the 10041 sftreta*, A. him attentive ,care, Thd,lon r r . , . 'F��101: I I , . . . I I I .. 11 I 1, :
1. - ON# �'5. '"?", 1. , . 25
1 � I .. . e al 80 VI06 ;;;r -1o,, told of her daughter's work �� � . .., .!_� . L. I _ , I . . . I 11 . - I
. . . . P' Sets' bas received notice from the ,W.g hbIA f UI . I . . , �' f � I I .1
i. I Live Stock and 0eneral Auctioneers. . - Y_ 8. lace rwidenoe on among the yo I . JW L . .
. L Hydro Commission that Ole. rateg for konday atternooh, With Rev. 0, H. Mae. Ung people In it cSmp and IIATURS-S IIEST , I ,
. I . 91gla Ave�j Godtdch. * Zurich *111'. hereafter L be raised half- a as there is n6 fund Provided for the . . �. TOMATO. JUIC L" *
, 7 .. Sales Made everywhere ind all efforts 0onald, Pastor Of 1he Proftterl= camp she has to ask for oontrIbutions.of ., I I , E 2 14=63 &
. vaiat per kill6wat hourI that is In the I , ,_ . I . . . I
maue to- give you Satisfaction, , . church, of which Mr. Murray WaIL a bread, vegetables, etc.. for their., support. - ' .1 A WN TONIC. . . . % -
Powmets' Sale Notes discounted, - first r4t& Only, 44 the 60011d rate Will be faithful' attendant, ,conducting the ser- . . -L . I .
'PAono -I to. IL the 441110 as f0rinedY. To the domestic vice. Interment ,wa$.Ip .L601iaish com L .L . . I . , 11AII101
I I . CAX ' le
__ � , - ,�� 1130 It 'Will b1fth 25 coati It he, U603 �Up , . I L 6_ E L '. . . IVORY SOAP . . X . .
. . . . I to 60 k.w. 0, month, -after which lie tory, the p3lIbOaterg being, D� .R, Uge. I . TH . . I ' . . . I . I CLEAN13 )WV0VM11* . I . I
. NOTAU'r PtI81,10, ZT0. , ,#40 ,011 t4e, tWo-cent rate. tilt Will IMOSIX, WM, Little, Thos, Burps, Stuart. . I . � I I .
L - ,
C L . L __ __- to the *obertson, Wm, PIShor and W,m, gen. p4 I , . CLASSIC CLEANSER Tin Se
�, . WM. 111A=_ I commercial User it Ineang: more, as mo$t der,64n, I ' L '
. .
I I — combletelat users: do not got In the ____ I - - . � CAMLI's C . I .
I J;OTARY JAUJSLIO Second rate, *blob IS to k.*., but vill. be CANAOX9 I'VAEB9181) .tt" STOM I L . . 00t W. .
I . owetal. cotIveyanding done, obliged W now pay, Ofio ,instead of 4< ., . . GODERICH SPAGHETTI I -1b. Tin 10c
. -_
. I Good, Comptwdes, Represented, as formerly, For SxAraplo � the gerald A tow of 89,700 certificates tot Can. N,wvmv, sueso, smolow I ,
. Phone 290. , . � L iooderI014 Orit'L Offted Use$ around adlan purebred liVe stock Were ItSfled , ,
.1 � . .11.11-1 "
� - "" I " ' ' ' " '-'-' ' - it hundred k.w. a during the fiscal year �rtding March W HEAT FOLKS . I SIDE BACON � 1b. 90'
I I-, - . " -��7-_ MOAM th4t Means thAt Wee will be 6blig_ L . I I C
. . INSVICANCZ ed -to pjy soo more each month for. 1932. "ego, Were made up " follows, . . I .i . , 1 A r . . I I � I I I .
I . . Cattle, 4298; horses, . . ! I r- .... I . i ,
.1 � Ot approidmately $6'00L a yeu Ig,330- I L 81sCIAL -01dOXED
PoWor, 4 I sWine. I . I .
. MOXXtl4p MUTUAL ' N WSUA* nl0r#1 80 With higher ratel; and higher I 3go. 0 :00 AWAY 'A)U CLIMER, . , '10
AX09 COMPANY, I I - AX1% t4xes abd What not, 'how In 0 1 , P0`1110Y; 1,811; and goats Jg3. I vf%" h -A , . . 1. . � - I
. . 11=T3r XMIA10. I �
name Of"Oftfftft $cngo csitt We lower our . . . .
.1 ., ,,, I .
.1 . . I 1. I .
. ;...�_ *
Acids In
. . 979 rumT Ill
:: U11t YA20. - .
.. I 11
. . . I I I
I .
I . . .
. 11 . . . I I I I .
` us Tza
. :.. 8ARmIftaINES 0�02"RM T1011400 2 129e
I Value of Property Iftsund up to Jau-
uary, 1010, 09,048,97$.ft
. 1. I - ___ Stomach
I I a ..
I . .... ... I . . I "..W.Aw I
I .
. . omcms--John Bennowbe, prosi-
. I ." . denT,, SroadlUgon'. JA% Connolly;, Vice-
PrOid0fit, 106d0rich; 1). X UcOttlgor.
, ,
.- I .
4 0
. . - Ind -C 06
DOW BM 'Cause IdLa 011
. I
4j . � I I . .�
r . I . .
I Ltm
NEW . 4MV 2 .25c
Ill 11 "J", CARAVIAN
� . . I
I .
Sec. I . .
� -TTW,, 9303forth.
. 7
. 1.
. I
Z lor wilt tutu a w1ater cold to ko
into A, ttl=40 WAtM Uld Alt,4�.
. . _ I
I .,
D=*TOn.q4ag. .8boul I dice, WAIWn;
. 43001a"10141, - 11 . .
. � I I
. . .
. I � I . . .
Wm. Wrin, Cohstaut% Oeorge Moqaxt,
neg, smforth ; nobt. vortis, Harwell: ;
� -Irar, tPAMINa-, Acto*tb Sourness, OAS dnd Pain:
' .I
Ilow to Tre0l
I i .
� I
-0- 14-- L- . . .
. I
. . I 1
I .
I John pepper, 'Urtterfiold,
; A. Arowoof,
. I __ A
- �.
00OWN or, mzutvi ,.
I � . � D001111110*0 � owlt ArAIX& . NIZ "15
. iseaforth.,
. A0ZNa%_W. J. Yeo, It. It. 3,01inton,,
J010. Watt, Myth, Xd, niftelvey, oft*
. .. . �
� �.. 1.
. skud IMBALM101.8 Modical. �Authorlties ritate that neatly
t ... �
�* - . I - * .
I . - I
. I -.1
. 1 . . . .
� " I M
COAR _.. ". No. a Tin lie zinc AINGS; ... Doz."
� RUS11111M RIX08 2 dm Ik
� %AF=
. . I I
fort I yi selforth.
7i It
4111046htha of ths , ca�eg .of -
ALSO . . 8011140111
AMUMA1409. trouble, Indigettion, Itoulzecd, burnbg,
.. I
- . I
I 11 � . 11 -
. � " I
�'ft", No. 4"No. 2 Tio II
. . I . I . .,
.0 PAUAWAX: . 2 p4gtr. pit
rd . ! .
I e
_A,$ lftent8 t, I t 1 8 e, 43 effe "
AT AM gm, MoAting, nausea, etc,, are due t6 ail
I Tfotms—V�XOYAT Olt DAY; 0itM3 of Wdrfthloklo In the
. �
: . �
. WMATOVO 2%la Tin lie �_,BVX,tt VI,NgoAn C441, 4#0
. 1. i
Tho .. 0 . .
. I gel I el . -,
gold btom.
hAw t Xw#t 217. — Day. 120 ach. Tho delleitts 04weh thang is It.
. I MAOMS _... , Tin %jc VINMAM Halitz,
I � 16-O.", bottle 1. 100
. i
1. .=-:4:.,z, -- -, -,- - - ___ I .-1 __
. Flip.
........... 11 � 1-1-1 . - r1tated, digottlon is dolayed and food
goats, 0115109 tile dkat;reeable aymptorm
W411011 OverY StOmach nufferer knows to
The rW -0 of our yards are rigid. Every
ZOA4,of Cott, that enterg,. mu g, a the
st V
01111tetbign-4114 kt, Solid 0011 And
.44 IF ,
. .
� . I PgAns, I .1 FUVIT JARS
5" '12 --ught, syrup, 146.2 TIA Ik ..
. "14 .4 . .140, a WALL - Doz. 4t.05
. . , STPAMER-4185 TI;, 2se .
Hava IF, atteutied by the
- 4�� INSMAX09 Co. '
X-11-10IL-hed 1478
IttAIA ofte: DabsAvowis, 61f, I
01111, '11041tt, milwArdirle, Vrtgdftt;
MOM. DAVIdt'xi, DuIosafthon, VIC-4.p,reg.
dent; Ill Additift to tbb Pft,Adtnb tind
vkb rfesidexit, the following *re Mrt�.
totV Wft WAtson, Aubm; W, J.
11110MI)V313, Auburn, Wxft, Mc,QaMID,
Lti*now. W. V. need, US, 2, 1,uc-knotv.-
. IWT-y- U Silkeld. (Werkh,- r�rnpst
AektVt Uolykilod, Tim OrIft, Z, 4, Wd.
% rmaGw, ,
. - TU08. �iWv—fiwli,, Ttem. �
Artifichd ftestautt ate not xzc0&d in
We IMW w1lat the Soat VOW "I do
I U43VIVII : . .D"�. $1.15 .
LWA;NA I. OW RAWavalum '41'.1 lanor . ....... D021 $1,55
4"ll� caseg and my 461 real hatft 1W
'AY1119 "Ide "t ftfttiv'b tift and $31-
for y6u, btt4use what eaust,e*m# In.,
I 'we
. . 1. . L
stead get fmift Any druggist some 91,mr�
Atdd UASW$14 aW take a tcatp6o,ntul
ftWt 96 out, Tile Seat Frolks arc. %
ed of joll.7 olvoa t1lat tft Old wid�-
. .
III wAttr light aftor tating. ,rob swde.
� tt
In$ 010 8+,6Mae14,Dr&mbt5 tho fo2matio, I
t-tejs 0,1&ws, 16
ThitY f-04to your Iturte and dZvoltion,
. � .
'. "tra Special Large ,
Laqe� - 'E Xt
of ftee'"Ive Aeld wt there lei po ton 11
Z lor wilt tutu a w1ater cold to ko
into A, ttl=40 WAtM Uld Alt,4�.
. �
"151 9" or Dain. 13burAted magnesittl
fill Dowd,"' f0A'M-,rwv0r 11quid or ralk)
ft bArftd"�
Se each 35c -a gallon 10C each
to 016 8toraull, fgaxp�htivo
to fakd and tq tilt 1po,#t tj%ejent forin of
. I . . I
M, -., It is
At it fdl 01012 patowt
'� ""
utm b�? ftx�tl"nds or peor,a Wr
ao wssp
. I
. " . I
thelf rfiCATII *1211 96 J!WtO !eAV Of III41'.
I etttl=. 11
04, V 9119D ""A"
itift A I
b , 1-1111111,1-1111 ''""''""''"'"'"" . ______, "''. _. _'.. ___
11 11 ------- ftl, 111111-i., � ,...1-1 - i . ii
Ila, -, rl'-J" �"f 1
. . I ---I-,- op --- !___
I IV L . 1. � .
,J t,
. a L I . 11