HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-09-08, Page 8THE G;c;DERICH STAR PAGE EICarr "—*--.4-4*"."'"""`"*"*"*"""*"*""-- tAgo bell ennivereary *trek* lent Sane eday, preaebing stone* both Afternoon 1 Ithib I 4 iVeraineke, had Crave& He wes a fore (34 tene.ne'D 'nee evening. The Rev. It Macey. a mei' yotor Of the elneeelt fued iit large teenEe. Belying and lee nephew aro tee to ill3 nturrit, capacity. A elenee from tannin' Menne in Wineelr ae piesnat leeonte, ens en attention and keit tete let:CR:Me Ozerge Ilowatt feaVe his chareo ef tles sleg. TOY Ilene been Irene aa enteene caaing a ctuc,co hero on preview Kennon heel 1. ene preatiter ettel etnir Wel always be Wel- leen and Mrs. Hawed Bseie visited 20;nel back analia. Mende Sta Ripley the teenier part OUZO inenn anneeer ennereeeen ,,, erne •• - Me A, leollineen And ce1a Milner, aft Ten w.t.:04,,ZIts S44au tato3 Ir-TzAklal I t..A. =wail tnie eropicen e. 0 e ,,,L et nee finenniee tante Mari atre Janiesi mr. agie,re/ne ,walteb 1301mo:ins wit eiewatte _ - -- - . -Ifrienne ireel'exonte. • en neenenee ' V. etolln Jaelzon, oe Pert Dover, • me wed ears, 0, Teennenne of Low. talla 'm 0144-1 Al this not hhurhuudspat tho holtday with friends here. • I for all occasions Cole's Book Store 4164•044•••••■•••1111•M•111••••••••••=0•114•44•4 nee eta. Mies Martha Attune is borne a%ter HOLIVESVILLE Lar.t wed; Mr. Sandford Lawlor treat- neneline eeveral weene 'With eelativee in ;:pcnt the wee -en e in Detroit. „rd his bark hit -siert to a coat of, new Klteliener. elaireeCS. I 4 1111CS, A, IIC4 Jaeltsen. oi Urgent ela, visit- 1",11....sr,„,001ril Trewertien silent tile week. W e. Awl Mrs. elinee, Houlteaner, et ed tier enter. Mrs W. IL Pattern:0i, en e144 "4444 "SS Itifiertonent in Teestvater. zolx,ei-,borougli;--wirml-m. xlivadrit.urtho Thursdg_ last.., • , =ea erine Iterbert, of ntoorefiele, D z, bo last Week. 1).1rN. (Mr eTee rertneelt; Cd Tisrotiftennyeleitinft hen- eenette, Edith Herbert .4 vlsed With ing`• vousin Mrs R. ri. Man. 140 Pandnagt. . leneral of ahe Inn: Ur& Jolvaston, last 0 m *inn h t ett, f Labor Day with Mr; Wm. Herbert, of ewe tables which were set end to -end Uev.. ro n ore en en, tern from Id • eeeFs ef Dunarzrzoi:i TAUESDAY. SEP•T• etle, 1032 lot note, its well es endiiidualn have made , iliberal donetione toward prime end epee •;, 04 Alta' leatarea will be exhibit* by; It)* Dungannon Girls' Home Garden and j owning Cub. A *model prise of is free,' foureday trip to the Rope Winter Fier i ,Is to De awarded to the eoriteetent who' " bee tie higheet eggregate score in the! Tete Wino 7 a Mr. 2;13 • UM. etethur ,InUngannen Grain Vlub. Reineraner the 4 eetheelitir en Merelay. Sept. rith, when a The eeeular montley meeting or the I Elliett Was Vie e'en* of a very plee,sant i dates, eintoller 12th and latiti family party, nultMering about thirty, director* ane failigers of. the West, Wa- 4 .tatnerea tie eelebrate, welt tne host and, wancelt MtitUg•Viai X4Uranee cOrnpanyl .,40,Ete5a, their. ernital weaning. On Senn, Was held in the eeeretarre oftice on, tembee 5th, 1917, fifteen years ogo, thin TuesdaY. After routine ' beishlese wile 'marriage was solemnient et the, name of. disposed Of a number of loss elaime tl'ie inede'a parent.% Ba4.. and nere. Davide anre adjusted, included in the numben leproul. et Mis.s Emma nproul and Arthee being three 'harteneree. neferee nree ere, r Elliott. Be. L- ItlaCcirele PaStOf I very frequent thie year, and it D undere; .41 Dueganeen Methollet (now United) i stood, that two other burns have beeni :ielede performing the ceremony, since !aestroyed. by lire which occurred soh* awn, a dauebter niargaret, and twoillistanee awAy (hut insured in this eorn- , ..ena, Harold, awl penop, • livo bc.-ut any) since the meeting. I Added to the honey circle'. At CIO Peek! Mrs. T. IL Welker. of nituesels. and the aethering silt down, te *mere lettlee,,Nhe 0. E, Augustine. IA Blyele were! sPaelous dining MAO, which WaS Prete i fittest* on TgesdaY with their :Ater, nirs, ,tity:_gceorated ..,in, egnn and white, the ' A. E. 1 reittland, - - 'Alan =leentlandneepent the - Week -end - aid holiday at his naMe here.. nefr. A. B. Pentland has coMpleted the wiring of his buildings and expects to . have Hydro installed in the near future. EIPVCral trent the vi attentletl th° roe, a fent days last week.' nen J. W.. liernert And f Men Vent wedding fifteen years ago, Joining the mine Valor neheme as that used a e week at Carlow. watt a =AU argil of evergreens, decor - his holidays Part of Winch he spent. 4°`:)refle • Mr. Breeden Maelrfeth aid Mr. Edgar cited with pink and white eaters, which Mrsnienityre, of Dungallneen eves with his mother in louden, Out . Trewartbe, spent a few days In Toronto were much, in evidence throughout tne Miss Ethel Finnigan, Dungannon, has Lawlor, lest week.to Toronto On $atUfday and attended and visited the 'Ethlhlth" house as Well Beneath the arch stood made provision for the accommodation the guest Of her neither, lqrs, Sandford ivIr. and Mrs Jav. JO -ninon Motored • Nine 'Edgar Trewartha has returned le miniature nrieal party., -a •daintily of boarders. Board supplied be the edre. Jolua beeletle, a lessadesboro. the Exhibition, rettirnine early this week. • • . oeside her the happy bridegroom, arid I L 8 .-- e we= Davidson 's gate u villao last vie,,,k. Tuesday to attend Mori Exron MISS le. MacDonald, Of Tee*Watele bettore them the minister, book in nand, the Presbyterian church. on TuesdaY . Mr. alms. Asquith, 0. E Erratt and as one of the neegioni te in rout II On. teacher of the Holmesville 'Wring, Is with and looking Very Soletnn and digniiied forenoon. a grease mi. Pinder please Harry Sturdy, Are taking in the %'oronte Comuuttyaeed,44410 ma-. itkoptinen have re. us for another year. _. We ere glad. to In his long-tailed blacle coat White communicate with HORT. DAVIDSON. .. wedding bells and. pink and white Anniversary services will be conduct. /32cilibillan tilt: sve` turned bonte after epehding a week in wele(nue her In our uuclst* Dr. McNabb, Of Toronto, and his Wile Congratulations to the 1101Mesitille streamers completed the decorations . A ed in ZrakMe Presbyterian church, DIM- . and daughter, called on friends on the the trip reeetunielettfet .. and Mr. veil benne evening was enjoyed by all, gannon, on. Sunday. Sent lath. jet 3.00 Pent" Mich, Then had with them on girls' soft ball team on their recent fittge cesa at Porter's Hie over the holiday, and .the bride of fifteen years ago was P.m. and a 7.30 p.m.. Ren D. . bane, bent line last week, hie Gilles Ihey also visited Part Mr. era urn °ban Robertson, of time at, Pleasant take toot yr. and Where they played against Porters eltil.... meaee the recipient of many beautiful ewilf IN.11,140XtuFrespeabYtertiabtteefoh, thGoderich,d cadence, vaned on relatives le the en. Mrs. a. lc stalker at one cetteee, 1•°-8' TheY,W°U the Prlze of a Pent ban•gitter not only, of crystal, but many in; • e s a speaker r , 0 ay. Itome from a visit to ber cousin, Mrs. NILE BIM Proctor, ist vice president, Preside refent) ; Miss Itobiria Sproul, and ` Mies ! given at both services. flealr° held • their Ili* meeting, Mei •Oral's Poor health prevented his being this tiongeegation. SPecia music win be • • , fgtrau heleroctreitcelit,`MWhtsereoesnulieetWas visiting gowned bride wearing a wedding veil • Meal, day, or Weelc. Apply at the house. I was renewing old aceUaintartos in the Mise AMile g • lase the termer put of the week, ee.e.....7„,.....ene_e_.- and cafe:here glove. aiyor au°. Guests- present weree-tienetRey. Mr. Lane will be especiaTiy welcome 4 Oii Friday evening, Sept Zed, the Davie Sproul,. the bride's mother elier, as he was a former student pastor of Mies Alma Yungblut has rettirned • • Ernest Paterson. at Welkertimen Rehm Peitteell lie to Attehd Clinton en. The epechil features of the program lettle Sproul, reingannon, and . Miss! Hen C. et McDonald occupied his own Airs. Aligns Clark and her son and business ectilegile thie fittig: woe: A duet by Misses Norma Potter Clara, sprout of Stratford; wine Milani nuesit in the Presbyterian PhUrch on dauehter, of East•Serra. visited itt the nese Ethel Tabb ts'Itisithlif ner aUrit and Edna Melo; a reading by Miss )p1Th mecum, of Tiungannon, and Mrs. Sunday fast following a she weeks' vane - home of Ur, McLeod last week. at Innerldit tor a tete weeks, Cox. and Miss Edith Herbert gave a ftober1Wilson Goderich, also sisters of , Om- • e_ Mre. Tiordon Taylor mut 'Mr. and Mrs. The read lauildees are atili busy' lit paper on •Developing PerintnalitY. the bostess; William McClure, the Seise Servnes in Dungannon untted dwell ,7olan Arthur, of West Wawanosle, spent their work titentfoMrOrr Mirth of ses Laurette _and Emily McClure, and were withdrawn on Sunday last itee the Ur. and iteree'WM. Waite and daugh- "'The Self-eigliteens Son" Is to be Itfr, Mere end Jetta 'Wilson, all of been' °41°ArtS ruoilthis vueut/4311- wu. Mies Mabel Ilakingbottora, last week, day afternoon. the Week end with friends in Enrich. grognin motlier, who le Well over eighty `his little son. urn Robins•deughter, Jean, motored to Toronto for • Ta,vistock, visited friends in the linage tending Goderieb, Collegiate tine year. the week -end visiting. friends Kit. Elliott, of Dungannon. titie comniunitY. leterton 1VIerner and George' Sturgeon Si. Teem's; Mrs. Wel Cristo, Imid0414, 'Week, • Mies Rose, of Gorlericb, spent Sunday IVicOratten, whn happened with ail ac- Toronto. non; and Mre, J. 15,, Ifesson. VI BundaY vielting friends in 1Viount Forest, Nele. BAY;FIELD epee; Robert enneme emerere minister., Ray, 'A McMillan, who has ler, of Gatieriele. visited with their eou. jellary'isubjege at Nile chinch next SOO- Misses Prances and Ethel PoWile Vent Sioderiell: Mrs, Jennie Elliott, the bride- •Unable to return entitle to the illness of et Alberta, is at- St tenni spent Yvan' of ego and her daughter, Miss E I Mr. 0,nd Nfre. Tftehardson and'littne All 'Dress Crepes 89c I Regular $1.2o values m black, white, ivory and navy, 88 inches wide, pure silk, at per yard...82e SWEATER COATS Pure wool and perfect fitting, sands, browns, navy, sizes 38 to 44. Regular price $4.50 and $5.00. Each.... „ ,„• ..... NiEws ROSE Silk and lisle, sizes 10, 10;4, and 11. a Iffite; choice (if neat Veaves and best colorings'. Reg•. SW -quality. SPecial clearing, .... pairs' pee DRESS SERGES AND SUITING 54 -Inch finest botany yarn, all pure wool, in nav3rs, browns, green and fleck mixture. Reg, „ $2.00, at per yarcl..... . . CREAM SUITRITG SERGE 42 to 44 inches wide, good weight for shirts and coats, regular $1.50, at per yard 75e, PRINTS AND BROADCLOTHS 86 Inches wide in medium. and dark colors,. and guaranteed fast, regular 1.9t and 25e, at per yard.. ; . . . . . 160 eson GODERiCE, ONT. Son Mr. an Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph elravistein, ofHarold.Jackson, , 0 in e Pe • , • and renewed- old aceuttintance,s last He is a nephew of Ur. Thos. McPhee, of ehener. . eproul, DiniOnrion; '44s. Courtnev. at the C. N. E.,' being accontrapanied by M d Robert r s • , Themes Mothers and Mies teen Sto- • at nee and Mrs Max manual, Dungan.. there. the le,tte.r resuming her duties on Mr. Arthur Peek, of Bayfield, and is a Pleasure to report tlaat Gordon left on Monday to Attend the fair of stmt. the teaching start In Toronto. on Tues. tvgai INfir, atut lidtag.,n, Percy. eirungblut, of ouride.nAtnwouhien onlaeorentytingsetheviehtke: forkatno ot and ,i,-..,0.-tr11, etireJroehnvissiatinndo tfwrioenstuonsaLwaurtarle. finogrd.hetotsytsoffrIendsjointminmerxtenatidd- i'daY^ . . _ , David G teggins, of Welland spent congratulations both popular A the ween -end And Labor Day visiting tett ween Mr. and Vire. Alen* Jack- bones broken itt Ille hands and is pro- ton last vent, '' friends and relatives in, Dungannon and ere), or Gocierich, vented at the now of grossing reenni, . A number of the Summer visitors !en the community. , Reeler.. . the /buena sister, Mrs, Wm. l'atergo4,, AnniversarY time has come. The Port this week for their homes as school daYs - ette arid liak& Harry Bellanty,- of Tor- ne- in the ideas% • Albert tlilt.'eltleeell,ltrch.....leeetenobserve its are back again. dos this week hen_ , t 11Viniescis Betty Molt, of Toronto, has re in William J. ThoMpson snebt Tues- Aliniversari services a week' from next me and eern Breen, of .Buffalo, ar-*4)daaylt°n' g811)14entthaNtrfeSI.Ir Bellannt's sister; mine ----n-with lier unele. Charles Elliott and 'Mts. i u to her home after a: month's visit daY in Dungannon attending the regular Sunday. or September Han The speak- rived last week to spend a Month In, Lilian Campbell, and other reiati e.s. 1 Elliott, . and with other relatives. monthly meeting of the west wawa. er at 11 am. and At 7.30 Pen. Is to be their cottage here. 1 eon J. leemoil ane Miss Clare ) misi Beryl Zero% of New Tinteard; trash Insurance Company. Rev. W. Velfine, of Seaforth. A number of the citizens spent mon.. Spiout intariq „ttl stratford on Tiles- , who has been a guest with her grande • Me. and Mrs. Chas, ntraughate were The Nile school reopened with a goon elan afternoon at Porter's Ilill field dayei day, miningeileen limn for the wedding rother, Mrs Jacob Ryan, and other re- in Godetiett the former part of the 'week enrollment of Rupee on Thursday last, and. enjoyed a pleasant time. yleiting the lattens aunt, Miss' Welsh, with the new teacher Miss Archibald, previous to her return to her home in in charge. The Other eettools of the. Edmonton. • . community are under way with the same • air. James Hewett has removed the teachers as last term as follows: West berber .shop on his lot been from the Wawancish No. 7; Mise Ceder etreet And put an addition to the back Valley, Mite' Jot:imam =Itheppaniton, part of the building, making a complete nits Hamilton: Port Albert, Miss Long; - up-to-date building. • Colborne No. 6, Mls Watkin; and Lee- . The flautist congregation in., the vile burn, Wise, chestnut. SUPERIOR 8Th Client:ries at Sawing Prices for Thurs., Fr.. and. Sat., Sept. 80 9, 10. • Whiz Fly Fume.... . . ..... . .8 oz. 35c; 16,oz. 800 Oki Eriglish Wax. • . pints, liquid 69c; 's this 69c Mazola ail. , — ........... 's 29c; 2'S 460 Red lkose Orange Pekoe Tea, special—. 36c Mciaren's Olives...No. 9 Stuffed 230; No. 20 Main 23c Surprise Soap ...... —10 bars 45c SPECIAL .. Drummer PASTRY. FLOUR 24......39e Chateau CheeSe, spreads or . . .. • • .. ws 15e Brigger Pure Strawberry Jam, special... — oZ.' 270 Wax Paper, Centre Pull and Presto.... . — • Wax Paper, Rolls. :St* and 10c Para Sant Wax Paper, 100 ft. Green Box., • .. .26c You can depend on Vinegar sold by Superior Stores Park's Catsup Flavor, per bottle.. . , 30c SPECIAL Maple Leaf SALMON per tin:. .16c Mop Handles, each. •• .... • • • 44••••• • • '4' 4 .40 • • *1144 *190 Clark's Spaghetti, per tin . .... • .... • 4 0 4,4 :01 4 IOC 0. s. Cleaning . tv's 33c Fly Coils, to bang up... for 1.0o SPECIAL Electric Bulbs„ frosted, 30 and 60 watt. . .. . .. • •••••• for 50e rip Spreader Mucilage, per bottle.. • ....100 Shredded Wheat Biscuit... • • • * .2 pkgs. 25e Perrin's Superior Ginger Snaps, 24b. carton......... • .2So SPECIAL Manyflowers TOILET SOAP per Ca.. 4404•• • •••••••••••••• • 4644 .4 .. a .. ilAid 4* UV Australian Apricots, to • * • 6 • • * • * • • * .... I. • $ • • 20C Australian Peacli6s, 2%..• ..... . .2 tins 35c Certo„ per bottle O.,. • • • 6 *14 • *1 • 4* * * • 0 • 4 to 4 * 0 0.•.% • 200 bortening, 1 -lb cartonsile Nonsuch Liquid Stove Polish, per bottle. • • .111c Kirk's Haidwater Soap, 4 .2Se Clothes Pins, 3 dozen. p•Os411*• • • • 41.4e•ati*oltelli9Oviet &MIS nate Cookies, per ih.•••••••••••90011•••••••••23C family Blend Coffee, t 's• ..... • • • • • • 0404400..0•04201 J. 1 CON • ann nersery Al° Miss' SPrours sister, Mrs. letives for the past two Months. has re- Min Ruth Houston and. lady friend, of London, spent•the weekeend With her Parents here. MissDolly Ross, of Philadelphia, visit- ed her patents here over last week and left for her' home on Tuesday.. Arthur Mien ,and Mr. Elliott. Mr. Ernest Priteliard, of Toronto, and Mr •,,Robertean Goderich were visitors. et • ttie home of earn Lilian, Campbell on Labor Dan Tb.e Misses Catherine Crawford Elsie` tUrned to her homa . Miss DAISY Ryan has resumed her duties as teacher at Kirkland take fel- lowitte a vacation spent with her mother, Mrs Jacob Ream • Benson Pentland has resumed his du - re to take part be earanetitiOne at the. I Western Pair, mondone next week. Fres- ent were the Misses Anderson, Mar- garet Durnin, Cetherixie 'Case/ord. and. Beth , • .- • Gon4.iticia,!kovv-Nsa.ip Me Jai, Ben- 'WaS at Toronto attencir big the exhibition. the. beginning of this ,.,±n -On Wediessdag, Augest Slat, to, Mi. and MS Wylie Johnston, a daugh- ter.- COngisalatione le • • ' A large number took le the field date sports % at 'Porter's Hill on Labor; Deie Ali report a good tiinp and a large crowd. , Mr. and mrs. John sowerby =oozed. to Brunet= last 'Thursday and spent few days visiting with relatives there They also atteadee the Toronto Exttibn tion. Delete chapter was reed reeponsittelyn ...ne tope: was read by, Mr. Everett Men Dwain, ;Arrangements were made, for corn roast.- A hymn was sung 'and the .trieetingedesee With the nertediction.. The :service will be held. aS Usual in Union. church next Stmeay with- the patok M charge. • It is hoped that tnere will be a good. attenciance• as the speciat .speaxer foe , anniversary services to be he:id in October , will , be decided 1004 eftee the, service • . • .- pne F. vy. creek oecupied the pulpit at eltrion. Oburcie air Slimier and: deliv- ered an inepirieg address on the sub,- jeat, The .Lordship of Christ," from the text "Remember that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead according .tor ray' gospelee- .Titnothy 2;8„. . • CARLOW . of ties as teacher. near New Leskeard The Y. P. S. of Union church. arc nen and Mrs. Fred Davison, Of Dee • , trate pent the poet two weeks leaning Anderson and 'hAullle Sttnraugterhaet "high"JohnJohn Cranston has returned to Wel- having a torn. roast •on Friday. evening, Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Spares spent two girls in tbe Enron -County Judging Come 1 Mrs. John, Bell, of Lucknow, was a and as an award awsid 143. this were' -week-end guest at the home of her bra - weeks camping on 4th con., Goderich Petition, , Township, left for their borne in, London given a Ineeverip to the Canadian Na- titer. Tired Ross. - on Monday. tiohal Exhilti en, el on a ay et Mr. and Mee. William Fisher, of Luck - Mr, Bert Beacom, of neer Myth, have Toronto In et tid the Exhilaition. They now, were guests with Mr. And Mrs. Luck - big assisted Mr. Lloyd Makins, the bar- exPeet to return ten Vridae•Y . his mother and brothers here tins vicinity, were e land to resume his duties as teacher. her here, during July and August, left DunigannoniteaIn - attenclan, ee at' the Fred Ross. Dublin so his home on Saturday, • .C /en Be, are; William moue Harvey MieS Helen leteleer,cher, nr eettdue • Mien role Slliott and: friend,- of De- Mole,. Albert Brown, Raymond Brown, ted a toeceesful, coaching cats at traithome of 'Mrs, Davidson on Saturday - trait having vieited ter mother here the Jacob • 1YL. Retch Joseph. vetde, Wilbur • past two Weeks, left for their homes on Brown, lame 4aktarent Benoit ,ceinweniefternoon ,for two teams Ois who Sunday last. • Ronald Pentland. and Lloyd Finnigan. • • • .Mr. and Mrs Murdock Ross, who. lost Mr' And Mre 0 Cecil Mr I even, and. .4eene-- • : • We ccin..takt care of 7 your requirements in their house last week by fire, intend deughters, Wiling and Ufa, and -Mn and building %IOW in the same place, to Mrs. SUrt011 Boaelt ertieYed it pleasant I start soon. ' • • • weeenend and Labor nay Metter trip to Dr. Flock, wife and tinnily, having Tobermoren On Weir return trip on I spent the summer in their beautiful cote Moneay thnewere guests with Mr. ItACt; toile on Dow St, left for their home in Mrs. A. 'P. Diener, of Marton. I i Windsor on Monday. . Mrs Courtney, of St. Thomas, who . Urn Miller, of Moose Jaw, haying has enjoyed It three weeks' teen with her! spent the past tem months visiting sister, Mrs. David sptoul, returned in5. friends here; lett for her home on Itneee " 'Tuesday to her home, 'being accomprine 1 day of lest week. ' ted as fat' as London by her cousin, Mrs - Ur, Gordon Peddleetudent, who lit,I,Vils Crisp, Wine has also been a guest »reaching in /Coax Presbyterian church ' with Mrs SpInul. 1 here this summer. Is visiting friends in I Mrs. Lilian Campbell and three sons, Theme" this weekaccompanied by Mr. and 'Mrs. HarrY . Pobleeart Bros., London, who ran a Bellainy, of . Toronto, were Kincardine neat and vegetable business in lter.. John visitors on Tuesday. Titmetn store for two months, closed Mr, Milford Pentland, of Black Dine down on Saturday night I monti, Alberta, hasebeen visiting his en- ter. and Mreriver and drieebterte, toe. Mrs George Irwin and Miss Celia Opal and Edith, halting motored here Pentland. two months ago from the West lett last 1 Mr. and Mrs Robert J. Wiggins have week for SaalcatOOli. Where he tekes ri returned to their home at Brantford 1 i pennon as firemen em the railroad, after enjoying the holidays With their . Rev. R. nt Galewife arid daughter. respective patents . here and at Blythn Gladys left on Wednesday to spend a Prior to their 'departure a very happy ' month's bolidaYs with their friends in the was :spent at Harbor Park, Godee I Waterloo, Bay City and other points rich,, When relatives and friends to the Mr. A. Sellerwho is the new mane number ofeabout sixty assembled to cele - neer hi the Bank of Contritely* here, bee bride with thein the filth anniversary of . rented Miss Nora Feretteinns beautiful their weiteleg. Sports games, eine made i renidenee and, took un house with hie, the afternoon pass very pleasantly and! wile and son last week. (afterwards all Partook of a sumptuous Messrs. Ernest Featherston. entitles "supper, an attractive threeestorey wed- I Parker. and Mtn than and Mrs Mit.dding 010 made by Mrs *rhos. Nvigghis,: lo«. lett on Tuesday morning for the mother of the bridegroom of five yeers I West by motor, and intend to be absent , ago, occupying a prominent place lit the for two Months or more. 'centre of the bible. A toast to the bride Mt and Mrs, Fines and finnan Of arid bridegroom wits proposed, and con- ettintert. heving • spent the month at grettilatiores extended. Mr. Wiggins has Atiguet in the village, left for their home resurrieti his duties es Prinebeal Of a on Wednesday. Mr. Pines is 'primate' . sevenetoomett school On the Outskirts Of In the high eehool in Clinton et present 'Brantford. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harty Thomson end i Mr. and Mrs Kitson Matti and little Mr. and Mrs, Itobert Ihemson, of the eon Lorne, Who Wen been guests with 1611 concession near Clinton, spent their -aunt, Mrs Max Hoffman, WM ree Suet y afternoon in theVillage with ,turned to theft home at Windsor.[ friends. 1 The attention of readtre is called to Mr. Clayton Guest, at Sault Stethe fact that riongamora Fair is to have Matie, mototed here on Friday last and two days, at ustiel, the dates being Wed - lett on Sunday for his kerne, attomparn needay sod Thursdey, October 11th and led by his wife and son and danghter, 18th, not Ottoher 12th, AS listed in Se - *he Itave. spent the lest month visiting end newspapers Art ettreetive prise' his pinnate etut brothers and enters Int has been Wired, containing many here. ' •feettires, and it is expetted that the Miss Isabel Nfiletertl, who is studying feir this year Will be the best in Many for a nurse in John tetpkine *tee hes- years. Local.Merthente and Many SeMs peel, Itentiniore, is here spending two „ weeks* holidays With her parents, Mr. - 4 - and Mrs. Win. Mustard. Vint recently sold out their house. end property heft Mott intend moving seen to Florida, ' Inhere they Will make theirheMe he- tut - lire, • The date of Ilenlield roi Fair is Sept. elttli and 25th, When it, bit competition * looked for. The 3. II, ROW*, Tree Ohl, of one fourepieee 14-0Ant gold - lined Weft tee setvice, fine asti, Whieli will be a ePtCial VIM at the ter to be won on Mints, Should bring nut the host tnitepetition. The serer Ott it In Mr. F. A. Ildivardet store window tel tale daen for etepectieer, 'Inisle WS are available front the ettretert. ••••••••••••••••••••••••*041404.44 PORTER'S BUT; Miss MI agithefon, supotiateinfot of Math* Plognitel, Oodolth, was a bendier pent Of Mts, P. Meenire. .• Mr,and Mtn John eunetinitienee,Mist F. P. temningliente and Mrs. MASI Watt, planned at the *mkt tettilitt Intke Ritsen• on WOO. MILLINERY • A geed !telethon Of this season's smartest 'Myles, mire% ChM rain* and &fete, rens, Velvets and Pakten The colors are blatk, brown, iteetnetit, green and riat'y. Priced friable $1.49 up Remocking and Hereedellieg cattfolly; done. &Ahem Gold Stripe Hose in new fail ahadett. We invite year Pedro -none. MEMNON Moe The Square Furniture StdOes, and in fact anything for the home. wg.POS1TIVELY SAVE YOU MONEY Blaek*tone's On the Broadway of Goderich, 'September 9th, , at. the beech, back o Mr. Austin Fuller's farm, to which all' the young people in, the eommunity are invited: • • Mrs. W. J: Simpson and Mies Ella MacMatle, who have been. visiting here, returned to Toronto on Wednesday'. They were accompanied by the Sider. Mrs., lee& 1vIellwate, who in at- tending the exhinitten. , The regular meeting of the Y. P. 13 of Union church was held. in the church on Friday evening with thitteen neembere present. Mr. Hon Johnsto had ,eharge of the Meeting, which open •edewith the hymn, "Softie' and tenderly Jetts is Calling" The se-1'4411re* lesson The , Aid of the Presbyterian church intend having a ohlekeix supper and bazaar On Oct 21st, township,hall, Carlow. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian eh:nth held their monthly meeting at, the home.of Mrs. Glen, with-twen members peeeent. The society regr the passing of one of their valued bus, rhe late ears. A. Johnston. 0•••••••••••••••1.1 ASKS EA/My. APPLICATIONS' Merchants desirous. Of making a dis- , play at the Goderich Fall Fair Will please put their application in 'as' soon as pos- • ellen.. Deem application With the seers- - tary at the town hall or With Mr. G. W. .; 'Schaefer. chairman of the committee. • Exbibitors, are' Alen- asked to seta their , entries in eartn.. HOW. HAPPY How happy and com- fortable the owner . ap... pears in public after we have made an old ' clothes, ensemble, look like new.. . - M,VROOMAti .. ... ' GODERiCil French Dry Chinning We ' WEST STREET - ........................- VERANDAH CHAIRS We have a nice assort., ment of Verandah and . Desk Cheirs.d if ferent colors and styles. Let III supply your needs so you may spend your leisure time in comfort : — ..._ 3. R. WIIEELEIt Tow...4 lefieit Otretter St. Otilietiele The Fair of the District Goderich Industrial Exhibition TUESDAYSEP. T20th &21.st and WEDNESDAY The Scott Concert Co, ie:;snten .erageci for the WEDNESDAY AFTFINnligOit;;N The Biggest Racing Program of any Fall District Fair will be held. 2:28 Trot or Pace, Purse . .... . $150,00 2:17 Trot or Pace, Purse $200.00 Relay Running Race, Purse 850.00—open to Cot. borne, Goderich and Ashfield Townships and Town of Goderich, three horses to a team, one lap each, whips barred. . Bunning Race --Open to County, Purse $55.00. Watch,plext Week's Paper for Full Program of Grand Stand Attractions. . Enjoy the full programfrom covered grand stand. Something doing all the time. See the Exhibits of the Products of Field, Garan and Orchard at their Best. Exhibitor Kin* Make Their Entries Early JAMES CONNOLLY,DR. W. P. CLARK, President. Secretary.Treas. I. • MILLINERY* bring individuality, correct style and outstanding values to vilS:t:RY FIE:T.1D.E8. 'FOR PALL BABY BONNETS, SCARFS, CHILDREN'S RATS and COSTUME JEWELLERY rsions of the Beret, Turban and Sailor, in many new shades for autumn. entry one . R. Mac VICAR KINGSTON SUM Paris develops new