HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-09-08, Page 1IEvery Thursday Morning The tetar is published every atursday ISOCUIANI, IREGULSILY. soul in the reedee's bowie tb* Lame day; with AM the Utast alleta-the lineal* Inews said the merchandieing mereeeito of the hkol:elietper* and others, in ample time for Peretall fia weeksend baying, ,bleVileNTY-TIIIRle YEAR Subscription: 43 a year In Coined* Pa° a leer to U. S. pante. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, SEPT. 8th, 1932 P toratd et in Iona gelIs Well Whited. Prompt etreiee and =aerate 'tinting That Pleases Sod iltseinent Social Printina from The WAbTX NAYT114, Publather BISHOP OF LONDON. - WILL \IBM GODERICR NEXT ,SUNDAY SERIES OF ACCIDENTS OCCUR Iwill Be Bi;vitst - Official Visitation • . teat is Pound Off. Kettle Point Had Broken Mast and Showed Other Effects of Storm Wont cab* over the d4t1mint- tlitst isearchere had locate4 the hot ofr Kettle Paint oz .Zak HAMS Used bY tree London boys, who had been camp - at Hayfield, and wiao Mee set Out in a skiff to attend the ItanneWorth boat Veto at Detroit at the week -end. The nutting ot the boat, with the mast bro. ken and other evidence of having weatherea a eterni, is the first trace wnich Ilas been had of the Young men stereo. they left liayffele last Friday. The missing men are ell from, London. Tbey are: Eric Chapman, of 96 Elmwood avenue; Reginald Appleyard, '474 Co1. borne street; Denial; A, (Duke) Milne, 10 eSeeatt street. All were employea as saletMen for the Chininean Stationery • Vonepany of Louden, Eric Chapman is -a- Wu of 'thee owner, -andathe-alereee are ' known to many in Goderich. APPleyard •is the only one of the missing trio who .1s monied. It will be recalled that last Friday night a violent storm swept Over Lake . let Clair, cutting adrIft manY, Of tele 'boats which had been anchored In Lake St, Clair eto Witness the Ilarniswertia trophy noes and causing the officials in charge, no end of worry. Pxess Wis- e:tate/tee on Saturday disclosed that tbe official barges had, also -worked lose <hie ' to the pomading of the wayee and ac- eoirmanying ward. , POR SALE OR TO RENT VGB RENT—On Trafalgar, between • . North and Victoria. Streets, a com- fortable seven roomed imuse, hardwood floors, hot and .cold water, garage end • garden, _immediate pessession. ea. W. , HOWELL, plaone 3 or 213. ril0 RENT—modern red brIck house, eonter Nelson and St Andrew's Sts., all xnedern convenience,s, inc1ud1ng elec- tric range, house contairss tour bedrooms, bath roota, dining room, sitting room and kitchen. There Is Also e, large red brick garage. Possession at once, ALEX, YOUNG, • PARI FOR, SALE.—Forty acres, more or less,. the property of the late H. W. O., Naftel, situated at the end of Sleuth street on the southern boundarY of the tawzr Of MA 'claY loin, large house, and been, chive shed; workshop; hen -house; ertesian Well (135 feet), the very best of water; good fruit treee, 'Ideal • location,, close to schools and churches. For 'further particulars • apply, on the premises or to PERCY. or WILL . To RENT.—North* St '1, First houee west side; white brick, 7 roma garage, partly hardwood floors. Pos- session October 1st. 2.—Also a solid brick bouss next door, south part of double hottse. Ras 43 monis and firepaee. Immediate possession. These houses nave all Moderri coriveoiences, are wired for electrio stoves, have good fur- • naces and full basements •with conerete -floors, a bedrooms each, and large gar- dens,' Apply to Ji W. MA/WE ot to MISS POLLEY (owner), north side of double house. C. H. Humeen • JEwELLEH THE SMALL SIORE wane ma PIO STOCK THE a F. •CAREY Cth FIRE, ACCIDENT awe MOTOR CAE ' ItaliettitANCE, AGRlet FOR The Mutual Life of Canada • OFPICU-11191SON1C rairet. WiST $t,. OtormitICH Plume 230 • NELSON HILL, Manger SISTER, BROTHER REUNITED WILL 'MITIGATE AFTER LAPSE OF 36 YEARS Atterney-Oenerare Department to Probe Bicycle Ineltkitt at auelmew biacksailta, lass vecelved an *anew - DANGEROUS PRACTICE Pellet Asked to .01tealea Several ‘, Traffic -Abesest on Harbor, MW "I ant afraid aft are going to hove an accident scone Of these line days en Har- bor Hill if soMething is not done at once," eaed Cementer Humber at Fri- day night's colinell meetina. "Tbe side- walk is in suet/ eonclition that nearly eVerYolle Is milking on the road, include trig Many WoMen end *cbilaren. / am voicing thee olejectien now, because I don't went to tie responsible." "Mr. Moser tells nee he is going to stat on Rubor UM sittewalle at once. Children are coasting devm, the hill in arts. I saw one in the ditch the other day and I spoke to the pOlice,e zaid Mayor Lee. - 'That sidewalk Is a. disgrace to the towei Goeareehee said eConocilloe j'eleole pithilleed PerionialY yourself ''eeVeeal times yoU. would gee It would be looked -after. As a *Gauen we should feel as•hanted of ourtgeligee. Coarse gravel is- din:dead there aixidiscrimatele pad people whom we barite to use out bathing %doh are asked to walk on it, not to sa), anYthing of our own towns- people. baVe taken about as much, of thte sort Of thing se intend to take, Money always can be found for other Darts of the toWne but never for Rubor When Mayor Lee .said that something Weuld be done right away Deputy Reeve Moser, °batman ot the Miblio 'works, acquiested, withea nod of his head • TENDERS WANTED • . SEATED TENDERS addressed to Ole undereignea.and endorsed "Tender for Harbor Improvements, Leamington, Ont.," will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Thursday, see- n:miter 2e, 1932, for harem. improvements at Leamington, Essex Cour/tee Orth s Plans arid form of ohtract can be seen and s,pecification and forms of tender obtained at this Department at the orlices 'of the District -Engineer, cies- Meet, Pudding, London, Ont.; Termite Jamaica% gragnelige and. rsonetruetion dustrnteee,letaaa ateeet, Toronto 6, Ont; • also 'ater• tanice, ,Leaming- ton, Ora, . Tenders will not be considered. unless Made On printed 'Rama etiolated by. .the leelmithient medal accordance with con- ditions set forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied by a certitied cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, aeayb,ble to the order of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dom- inion of Canada .of the Canadian National Hallway Company and its con- stituent companies, tinconditionallyguar- anteed' as to principal and interest .W the Dominion of Canada, or the afore. mentioned bonds and a certified cheque If required to Make up an odd amount, Note.—Blue 'prints con be obtahted at this Department by depositing. an. ac- cepWd, cheque /or the sum of $26.00, feayable to the order Of the Wilnister of Public Works, which will be returned if the intending .bicider submit a regular bki. , By order, N. DESJARDINS, eietretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, September 1, 1932. • j. W. CRAIGIE Insurance and Real Estate DOIDINION, PROVINMAL, • MUNICIPAL BONDS. In last issue we advertised moving to East Street) but have decided to con- tinue at our old stand—lifoore's Gar - We have' to OW PONTIAC SEDAN, 1922 • model • CHEVROLET FOUPE, 1029 FORD COACH. 1036 . . 2 'CHEVROLET ,COACIIES, 1928 offer this week vvitorsT SEDAN, 1928 STAIt SEDAN DURANT COACH, 1929 • CHEVROLET COUPE; L E!..; 1927 • ESSEN; COACH, 1908 gere cairyink full line of Tires rand Batteries • ith We can supply you wSupertost Gasoline aud Oil • J. E. STEDELBAUER, Prop, IVIODRE'S GARAGE 0 Goderich, Ont, 1111. Liffifi.spiro4oe .0o0papt.Of LIado • A man lives too ion& If his old age Malt be neat In poverty mid want. lb dies tgo soon, if his family is left without revision, •Eadowment Meat -ghee affords protectiOn against either of these possl. Wales. If the assured lives, the maturing policy *111 provide au income fOr Lee later years. 11 be dies, his family's heeds 011 be taken care of. rigures for such, s Policy will be fiords/fed upon rev/est. Mee 115 PbOtrineeilleme MI H. R. LONG, District Agent Mr. Sam elheardewa, Hamilton street Peter. IllusieY Score* Grave. iedgnieut front the alike of AttOrneY- • Yard For Umbra*, . invattigation will leir Instituted into the of Relative_ 1ie4 t**et Mteerea LtleknoW • constable, elatirginifiredr. Sheladown'e Whielt had been stolen front Cioderich, pirr. General Race,: TOronta, Atating that an • : 4 PLEASANT SURPRISE AWAITS son, Murray, ts/0 doll tor Ida blade, Finds Out Next Sister Still .• Igives The constable lute stilted that. he chased the bleacle !Vont a transient, tor .4 --She Didn't Know $2 and spent a further a2 on -repairs Alla • Himwiee simply relnibinsing himself 48' ask- ing the boy for matey. The bicycle Wee Atter a lapse or otrtresix .yeata, twee etolert from Victoria Park While -Cotton's Mg twenty-six of which no letters were Shows were there. „ written and each thought the other dead, • /v.( baPPY reunion bas been affected in Niusic tbellools? Gederieh of -brother and sister. Peter s 1 Hussey of Los Anieles, Celt, and Mrs* .1. Jett Iteopeued A P. (Captain) lateCarthy, of LUIS ave. • They are the only snrvivbag children of • 1,....w....4/1 the late Penick Hussey and Kathleen Beard Gets Throe Applications vaan Hussey, pioneers of Ashaeld towna f p __ __mdi,..... ,....f Ship. Last Tuesday, after unseccess- al, .or "gu'uu u4 bridgeaforehls eister's , grave; M' Hasa)/ ' fully &earthily the cemetery at -Kings. ,a. ?tractor .....-...... returned to Goderich, to learn that she At Tuesday evening's meeting of the was living. . • ,• School Board, the first of the fall "1 arrived beret Monday aright on the terms,' three aPPlIcittiona, from leesere. late traln 1 asIted, -Tom Swara, who Dairies, Player and ,Pirdwella were read, law been driving bus here -for half a applying for the position of musical In. centuraeabota my sisterIte was eon- structor. It was moved by Trustees fused in the names, for he told me she mills, seeoncled -byeTeustee Carrie, that was.. deadBe was tbinkirigor the late the matter of teaching music in the "Grannie" McCarthy., my sister's moth- schoolz. be left over 'until thenext meet- er-in-law, who lived next door, it 00T4 :14. In the. Meantime both borne end turns out," • Ma Kussey related to The "sehool clubs and the women's Instituto Star. • • .Welts Cenietery. assistance they 'Would give. • will be consulted as • to What antenatal "Wen, sir, I" went' to bed aeavyelteart- ' Trustees Mrs. jeleaston and gra Gray, .ed that night at the. Bedard. Hotel. •1 elected to the beard at the recent by. electien, Wok tilde eeats If.ingebridg,e nexay tor the first to t :dto see the par - made up my mind_to get a taid and ge time and were welceifferl bY Chalrinarl axle 131ackstone, All • rnernbere • were ..presetit. „issohardiprietsit IF6actears. IVITelicearpdtle;uu priost A re,46isition ,w8A Atboivocla_tront_Iriee nasverb school for eeVen ,oew single desks •awayeso roamed tOrough tlie -cent- etery. •I re•cognized eitanY et the names and one rear seat, also two steel. •*este on the seories, but X did not firid my sis- paper baskets. and four pencil sharpen- Wr's, grave. I returned to Goderich de- •ers. Tbe desks Were ordered by the ke te.niined to ma.further Mottles. beard,. butthe request tor the waste Sweatsthe' liverymanpePer baskets and penell sharPenera Was agein went to Setr. , , d titt. ' • Re had • been thhilsing. thinos , over 'and referreo commee ld me . there was a John Hussey a Mrs.. Percy Raines, • On behalf Of ehe home and school clubs, was heard re- lic tei living in town. 1 learned front him my sister was living. and •I lost no aline in garciMg ,arrangements for the MacKay, getting there,• " Mr, Ruseey went on. ' mob . September • 9th. The matter was left • with 'tete picnic, committee. A Pleasant Surprise . A letter teem Miss lielen Cooper ap- •the bell. We • looked at me another; of teachers was read* It was moved • y somewhat poezied, Finally I .satd: 'Are TrusWe Carrie* seconded by Trustee idea you Mrs McOarthee Are you Muller' Johnston, that Mee Cooperet name. be and she replied ; elees, and Iethinle you added to the 114..0 supply teachers. must be my brother.: It took her Some Carried: . • .' time to • realize % however. . , 'arie board took no action on a pro - "You see, My aster wasn't married' to poeal. to .an :antematiC stoker in Geist:do latsCeathy• when left,": Baia victoriae seltool,'-'/VaMteaellieta were Te' Mr. -gusEey., Now she grown -ma ferred to the finence teintirdttee, with family. One of her sons, Fatifee Thomas Power to pay if iound ,cortect. McCarthy, is Parish priest at Steathe9Y, Trustee Mrs Gray was placed on. the another SAM, as did his father, and there property aomniittee and. Trustee • Mrs. is 'a daughter at home. You can imag- Johnston and Trustee Schaeffer on the Inc my surprise 1" • supply and 'oritirigent conunittee,, Mr.. 'Why did you not writer ;the re- Scheeffer to be •clutirman. ' porter, asked. . The principals will be asked to send in It was like this. I heard that a list .of all 4021 resident pupils attend - father and mother had passed to their ing town stools. The • request from reward. My brother Nichols and Central. school. fee softballs and bats was ter Kate also were dead. Atone was me' referred • to the • supply committee- wItit last' ..stfrviving immediate selatiee • and power to. act . when I heard she had married 26 years . , - ago Jest quit writing, I began think- RELIEF GARDEN, PIECiLECTED. ang she. would have her husband; fare- . Ay and het, home, and it just seemed to One on .Lighthouse • :Street. Grovane break the tie, You know, I am a bach- • Wild VVith Weeds, 'Tie- Salta • Selo. A couple of weeks ago 1. get ,Councillor Colcrough • told toren con - 'thinking should come back. I made ; •cd Friday night that a rend garden on Ina.MY nilrld quickly and came'" • 'Lighthouse, street had been neglected 'And you never married?" we asked. and was grOwing wild with. weeds, despite e "No, esenped that somehow'. I guess I had ea many <Merles as the average the I Left Ashileld in 1882 • Tamer had asked for a report on oar- nintIclignientc.anac.ii tc' help an 7abre" fellow,. but somehow or other .1 Pet • didn't." This. revelation came after ;Cetmciller tt, dens which, the town lead plowed arid 1 Mr. Hussey left the family homeeto located on the lakeshore road between provided teed for last. spring. '"We Port Albert and KMgsbridge, In ,,eee should cheek up on this liana Ho* is e°04. It working. out?" he asked CoundilIor fifty years. age, and was back •for a few groan. days, in 1896. He- first went to Colorado eease alateasaaeatee •aotesseee, math •st, tip landscape gardenetre. arid WAS one agate next yaw. time the. land eacare, eloYed in Chicago,' New York and Lena man. "Another. man. on ttritannia road Ieland for many years. * Four years ago has a splendid garden. There is imeth- he retired to .1.ros Angeles. He thloks er pace erne oze aemee, beat) 15 abotit 70 years of age, hitt he doesn't not been around to them all." look .tt. tor he is well Set up and quite sprightly. ITO Joldhgly explained that It Was here that Councillot Colelough they didn't bother registering babies to nielealee...dIaaeA complete report Is to be Aslifield when be was horn: His stable • • • Might be in the church records, he ex. srout oF BuTTER 131tinJoehdO Hussey, my nephew, who Works for the C. R„ wit at the depot the night got oft the treat, but don't know itina Of course. He 'was. a Mere baby when a left here. didtet even knew he lived la Goderich, was ..married, or had a line grown-up family. It was all a pleasant fairPrise tome. • • Sees Marry Changes "Goderleh looks good to Inc. It has greatly Improved. You have a line har- • (Cohtfnued on page 5) W. WeiLLOCE,' MA, formerly Of "'" SheibUrne, ante graduate of tIniv- ersity of Toronto, post graduate work in St. Micheal's Hospital, Toronto, and Royal Vittoria llottpltal, Montreal. 01E0 Wellington St. Go&rith. Phalle 529. PUIDaila NOTICE "Annie opened the door when I faits paring for a position •en the supply eteabff and Worked In the mines. Then he took lie nad good crops and wants these lots Robbers Beek Truck Hp stp• Seaforth Creamery and Cart lt Away Some time after one o'clotk, an Tues- day morning tobbera &ate a truck up to the P,eaforth creamery, entered by Way of an open Window, brOke the pad- lock on the refrigeration room, and Stole nearly a ton of butter, 1890 pound* to be exact. There are to -dues, except that a woman who lives across the road heard the truck drive up and some noise about She creaMery around L30 am. A win- dow had been left open for eiring Mir* potes.• 'nib theft was discOvered by workmen lu the morning, &death Mice stiMinensed Provincial Constable McCoy and County Constable Oundryto the scene. The butter stolen is Valued at nearly $300. This is the third doing robbery of tide natures in Iliereti Cminty in feeent Weeks, perpetrated, it is believed, by the 00111 PRIVILBCiES—OODERWit IMMO robbers, TN* Wads of eggs INDUSTRIAL 11101111ITION. were stolen from Clinton and Wingham warehouses. APPlications for dining -hall end booth Privilegee 11,1 the Goderielt IndustitelEa. labition. SePteinber 20 ad 21, will be re* ceived by the Secretary initil itlatUrdaY evenings 11tti left $30.00 REWARD thet• Whet* Probak, or Velvet thre Illadatbat Jiffy Instrueticers 141 tee • shiapell. They Vat mil/ 00r tents And fast it lifetline; no extra cost. %bed OrtlY new peckege of blades lest year. A. VLBMItiki, 84 Blantyre Ave., Toronto. _ —REAL It STATR AND INSURANCE THE ARMIVIIt0140 11UL rorAu 4. ANti INSURANCIS AOSNOit. large Illtedhee01 nottitt sad rano or 1.3ele at very feet prices and Cagy tetras for peyrnent. Mk about WM* Seine big home bargains or on& week isTY-,--risk about them. J. W. ARMSTDONO, Oblee Ifpetsirs, Mist liade Sgareiege .0. Pox 89 • Oederiell, SEMEN CONFIRMED MOO NM 11140 IN= likagoothaa tad • Sanallay • St. Atigilsible..441st fidirditY %Dia * rod letter day in the annals of the church heist NV tordahly Bishop Rift of Lon- don dioeere bebit litre 10 arlininiiiter confirmation. Sliftteri .candidates were •confirmed and there Was * large conip. gation ettendanee. Mr. end Mrs. Whitney And Mr. Iirind. ley and hie Inittrier4hWife• of spent the teetiaarid et. the heat Of Mr. •David *Allister. • We are sorry to may that Mrs. Wilitiolf Wiam is on the sick list. We hoot fel see her wood again. Me IS With bar • daughter, Mrs. Iteld, of Atrifierd, Mr: and Atit, Attlee, Ilfe.er. Of vale. spent the weck.endatMt. David McAllister's. AT THE HOLIDAY WEEK END Mawr Rah* and Poor Visibility 4•Portly' to Marne MRS, PORTER BADLY HURT London Car. Travels 40 Feet -in • Air. After Hitting • Post •rive motor accidents, occurred hi. the vicinity of Goderielt at the Labor Day liolidey week -end, sone of them teased by abnormal weather eonditione. lare, Jame. Porter, ICeays street, as la Alex- andra hospital with two Ireetured legs and head injuries. She is expected tO. recover, Rer Imabane escaped with three freetured ribs and outs about the bead. 'Oeorge iesithwaite, Ouron Mad, president of the Hanel Growers S880* OlAtIOXI, was"alightbr injured in •-a Sunday ifternetir crasli, On Sunday afternoon also Charles A. Warren, 18, London ree ceived a broken -arm anci fractured .pel- vis in ofl aeoldent near Grand pond. •On Saturday night, in .the driving Vain, a tar crashed' into a home and baggy on the Bayfield ,road. On, Labor Day afternoon Willisaa Siegel, of Kathener, e&caped with'sligh•t injurlea when his Dearashwturoondedrooad. vernear Exeter, on .tlie • The Porter Atelderit :It •also was raining when the 'Porter 'accident occurred .021 the. Bayfield road, at "Naftel's 'bridge," live tidies south • of •Goderich, ;tearing thenob hour. Mr, and. idea Porter were on their way to Saelield to attend the !Scot/choler . re- union. Mr. Porter states. Ms car was . straddleathe' crown 'of the ,rceidatiben Ite saw a truck appro.:clang. When heatt- to:noted to turn the car to the right side of the road the 'steering gear failed and finally the wheel, came loose 14 his hands. Be reached for the eniergenaY. 'Make, and all went black in front of him, and then the crash. The CAT, a Pontiao Sedan enieshed head-eri, 'este sthe • heavy terierete Mutt-, merit of the culvert, the front wheels: straddling' the railing, the 'car Winging Precariously 'tilted toward the ditch Mee...Porter% hoth legs were. broken by the • terrific imOitcteler head • and shoulders were .forced thoeugh the door glass and .she sustained a severe gash • .her forehead: ear.eP,orter 'was more fortunate, escaping with broken ribs and. cutslee was able to. (tsetse his wife. • A six-year-old grandson, 'Leroy. Taylor, in' the back seat,' was . unhurt. Fassing ' motorists . quitklY eitninforied Medical aid Ond. Brophey's trialtulande and the injured were ttieen to hospital. Dre;Ae el, .Hunter the -atterrding. phy- sician; Mr.- LaltWalte 'Dart . • Sunday afternoon at 2,30 ears driven by George Laithwaite „arid A. ele. Pude well,. of Clintbia were in a collision one Mile bald' et Mr. .Laithwalte'e farm. on . the Huron road, • According to Trafile Officer Lever, who investigated, Mr. Pude well wee; attempting to pass. Me. Leith- waite, when. a collision occurred,the lat- ter's ear upsetting hi the ditch, as a re- sult. . Mr, Laithwait.e is nursing a large bump onhis head. Mr. Pudwell !claims. Mr. Laithwaite swung toward tam, to the left, as he passed. .Mr. Laithwaite said IVIX. Pudwell out In .too sharply. The damage to the Laithwaite ear is about $60. •' Buggy Wheels Stripped , • Saturday night at 10.30 in a driving. rain a car owned by John McLeod of Hayfield arid driven by Harold . laftLeod. crashed into a, boggy aariveit by Mrs. Robert Colwell OW Itele daugtiter, Miss Marlon. Two wheels of the buggy were stripped off and the ladies were preci- Pitated • to the , ground, • The accident happened one-quarter of a mile north of the scene of the Porter accident of Saturday. The McLeod car was tarried over, but the four occupants, 'two young. men and two young ladles, escaped ser. bus injury. The car Wu. badly smash- ed. The buggycarried a red light, but the car driver told • Traffic Officer Lever he did hot see it. • . A Terrific Clip Charles A. Watren, of London, was seriously hurt tvhen his tar, said by °M. core to be going a tertifie elip, left the • road one mile nbrth of Grand Bend on Sunday afternoon, travelled Sixty feet • along a ditch, mowed down -a telegraph post and then literany flew through the air for forty feet before *awing to rest, totally wrecked. Two young boys in the rumble sot were thrown Clear and escaped with a few9 bruices, Warren suetaltied a broken arm and fractured pelvis, After retell/Mg firat. aid he was rushed to St JOseph's hospital, London. Wendel Holmes ef Walkerville and Keith Sehram, of 'London, motorcyclists, were eye-witnetses. Warren had Juet paesed them when he left the read. They deny they were raelag 'with the injured man, The youths in the ruitible teat who escaped' ao Miraculously were Dilly West and Jack Porter, FIVE CHARGES' EMD Whea Chief Postelethwalte Makes Raid He Makee a Good One Chief Postelethwatte -awooped down On the Littlechild residence on Tuesday night and as a- result Magistrate Rad Is in for a rather buse, tattoo. Cherlee found In, ia tharged with intoxica tiara He is in Jail. "Robert tfeet and Mabel Bell are charged Walt eentribute ing to the delinquency of children. They picaded not guilty yesterday and west remanded till Monday, Sept, 1211. Olive fittlechild is charged tvith neglect- ing her children under the J'ateritie De. Iluquents, Act. She gslso pleaded not guilty and will be tried next Monday. Mari t ticcliIbd, inethereinsteee of Olive, is charged Wait easetriting the batter =- dela 'section 291, Criminal Code. All lave their Illecata rave Dell and Neal. NEW MANAGER AT reorry4 ISTORE Mr. Real afoetug, of Montreal, Is now in charge et tho Gado:felt Peolce7$ Stom Itstiele Come Coadederielt d few days to. A TEKDOILLAR• ' SII,E ' ..---.1.,A • . , •4.ran tattall. Drove Car With ilorrowed Avarkersa-144 A eupercilimis • smile which Uverett •Stibins •Were in Saturday morning's traille court was responsible for him going to jell for ten 4tays- when he failed to robe an $11.50 litie which was im» posed by • Magistrate Reid. atibins, a Hay townehip mina thought the Pro- ceedlage somethino Of S joke, • grintftlir tirrouglioat, He told- officers, • he rad meney owing -hint, but tePreeied, nia dee sire to have it collected that. be might gain his liberty. On. Wednesday Ire was still* In jell. He le the seeond motorist to take the time ill 1104 ot 4 line 'kW a traffic offence in recent weeke. Tile man •,,w114 leinied Intern the markers also was nned 410 Ilitia OWLS. 110 Was given; time to ray. Peep other offender's eettled-Ota of tourt, - • Councillor Plans • . .. • Conc. Wood Yard No. Relief MoneyFor .Cos1 title Winter, He Urges .. ,„,t,.,,,i, . an Council ... . • ...; • .. .- —........, . . Councillor' E. -D: Bream elidirman of relief, at 'FridaY eVeniolas touncil mee1. ing, unfolded a plan to baVe the tont ptirchase a wood lot near the town arid to, ask tliose oil the 'relief list to clune down the trees arid tut the Weed . this fall, • so that it wouldbe drY for nee in winter. Necessarily the „men 'would ree eeive - -wet:et-as- their' pay a He argued that tills would keep the money at home instead Of giving it to eoal barons , and said' that hist year ooderich -Spent $80 OlOre Wr relief fuel, than for relief food, and read from •• a newspaper' elipping wherelate pato had 1.106t1 a distinct. suc- aess. ,., • . . • The emincil loOked 'upon the aroma, tion f averably and empowered the ape - toil arid public Werke conlniltteee, leinte lyi to look -about for. a 'Suitable wood lot; secure prioe end data, and report' back to -council* • . •• ' ' TeopieWe Know 1 . . • - . . . . Or. Jas. Graltern was an ornerier over Labor Day. . • . 'alms lia Thornparia- is Visiting .Irirade in Chicago. . . • Miss Finneran- left • on. Sunday for Madawaska* where she alias .secured a position as teaeher. . Mrs. Chas. Girvin Is vbitina in Guelph for a couple of weeks. - • • . . • Mr. Jim Peterson, of 81, Marys, visited his aunt; Mrs. Sharman, Britartola lid., over the holiday. . ' • Mr. Fred Hewitt, of•Toronto, anent the week -end and Labor .1:by with friends on Lighthouse St, • •' • Mrs. John McGratten, Anglesea Sts le visiting her son, Lome, in Port,. Col - beano, for a feW Weeke. '•• aloe• Windual and her _friends, Mur- dock aba Miss. Kathleen. Richardson; spent Tuesday in Ieitebener. a• • Mr. 'Norman Rodgers, of Westfield, has returned home after spending a holiday with'Ids friend, Howard Wilitina, Mrs, Henry Reed, Newgate St., spent over the week -end and holiday with Mr. mid Mrs. Geo. Adams, leake Road, Ash- field. •. Me, Cho. Watson arid son Kenneth, of New York City, are spending their vacation at the old home on Metitreal street. . Master Ronald Middleton, of White- hall Farm, Goderich TOWSSIIIP, 1155 been visiting leis unele• and alma Mr. and Mee. Geo, Stewart,, Mr, Murray Luaeombe, of Ottewa, who boa been spending the last elx weeks with hie grandparents, Mr. and 1VIrs. Chas. Tipp% has returned- home. MM. Jones, her 'on, Charles, and daughter, Mabel,' and Mr, Hurdle, of Agincourt, were the guests cif Mr. and Mre, Clime Tippit Over the Week -end, liar. Charles 1101115, of, Chicago, yester- day vistted Coderich, calling On MM. Grace Slack. who Is very ill. Mr. Ilona la on the ataff of the Chicago Tribune. liaise Sylvia Salkeld is entolled at the London TechniCal •Scheel taking the secretarial, +amaze, And James Salkeld leaves next week. for Stratford Normal. • Mr. auld Mrs. William Debbie; their daughter Madeline, Mid son Arthur, of Guelph, eperit the week -end with the formert resters, Mra. T. Shields and Mrs. 1SL Sheaxdown. . ., Mr. cunt airs. A. Vorden, of twantford. the latter a teeter of Mr, Porter, InJured in , Saturday% accident, motored to •Goderich- on bearing of • the mishap. They- were um/Married by their son 'end daughter-in-law,• !Ir.' and afro. Paden.. a • aeN • • uhrtitary • MRS. ItOVIERT ROBERTSON Atter a year's illnece the death, nee eland. err SidlidaY, at her home on Eldon, street, of Mrs. Robert Robertson, he lier teith par. Deeeezed, wire 'before tier marriage wao Alice Jane Radmore, WAS born lel Devenelare. Enoleod. Sire agape be CallAile. with !her , parents as fatild, Settling In Teirtaito, and liter tattling In Satigeen township, Bruce county, he June, 1010, ehe married Robert Robert - 0021 in Southampton anti eight years ago they Moved 10 Godertele Mr. Rob. tate= being employed 'with Dominion Stores. Tire late Mrs. Itoberteon a sure vend by her huebsucl and one sterol**, Stewart, Itonerteen. She was a lumber: of Knot Presbyteriiiii elatrell And GU Wednesday night .5eyv2Ce was conduet* ed at the family romance by Itev. 11 3. Lane. Interment took. Plate *1 aollth" ainatora today. MIMS the floral tn. butes was one from the C, ft, IL eapreee office, Stratford, Otto IlieVetfa Reheat - Nee le erneleyed; To Officiate at Confirmation' Ser. . vicei Here, Also at • ICingabridge On Sundae, September 1I111e the Right Rev, Kidd, 111),, LID.; Bishop of London, will make liis. oilicial visitation of the parishes of Kingsbridge and Ootle*, tich• In the morning, after the omelal reception of his excellency in Rings* bridge, he will assist at high most he -will then ochiress teeth chndren attd • adults, and tOntirra these prepareta for the reception of Ude saga -Tent. His „excellence* will be at St. Peter's chi -trete fer the evening services, at o'eleek. mit order will be as follows Canonical Receptien or the Bishop. his address to the children, cenferrInft of the 'Sacrament of tanfirmatiOn, the Bishop's• address to the -parents, and Solemn Benediction of • thel aimed Sacrament. , e HOLIDAY BOWLING " Griffith and Swefneld • Won • Second ist Walsh's= •. Ooderich bowlers played their ClearlY4 lolVoerda n goainLe aabtorViDinagyh. n tw era, Walkertoit E . At Winghion Swalideld and 0. Orif- 4th won .eeeond prize in the first event. Other Cloderich playere taking part . Were T. McDermott and V. Hunt, T. • Pritchard and CIO. aliteEWan. At Walkorteo8 rhik consieting of la Toole, 1. A Eastman, 11. letcRee and J. R . Wheeler plaked up into the Sera - ROWS but a tall 101' Mr. Wheeler to re- turn to Oodericbi prevented their con- tinuing, At -Elora J. Neweombe L Wing. T. Taylor• and Albert a'aylor compoeed a rink that had a good afeeraoon% sport but failed toreach the prize-Winubete circle. • Last ataiday the local- elute bold * fed - i -add Irish trebles tottruamet. Rae, of Winglittm, won firet prize, with MeLeari and Wilson as his aseistaute. Downirig, of Hruseels, was seeoed-prize Wherier, Pennebaker, of Clinton, third* Crawford, 'of Wingiram, fourth, and V, Hunt, of • •Goderich, ffttle Goderich Will be represented at the pOrlintoyu twilight trebles tournantent on ida (.AT THE HARBOR. The W Fruta l eepectea in port today with a cargo of wheat for Western Canada Flour Mills. • Last Friday the William Schub ara rived from the head of tbe lakes with a cargo of wheat for the elevator. Siee ,•cleared the same evening at 0 Volt:elk, On Saturday the Georgina arrived from Termite, unloading a Oro of grain she had caraed through on her down trip. She cleared for the head- of the laeo at midnight the same deg. • Tae Pale Bay, from Montreal, was in port Sunday, docking at 7 aan. to take • on a cargo of corn for the heed of the lakes, She cleared at 10 tent. fan Labor Day the Manitoulin called here on her trip dowri to Windsor. She took on five paseengers 511t1 a eargo of alit and was back in port WedrieedaY for a shipment of bait, bound for Owen Sound, her horns port, where she will • probably be laid up, as the etunnier schedule is finished, • CominA Events AND BUSINESS 131DEP5 1• The Victoria Home and Scheel -Club will hold Its regular meeting Thursday, • September 16th. Mrs, • Gordon Biseet will be the speaker. The Central Home and School. Club will hold Ito regular meeting in the school o* laeaday afternoon, September 13111, at 4 oalock. The advantages and disadvantages of home Work will be. diccussed, Come prepared to give Your Ideas on the subject. The -Goderich Township Hoepital Aux- illery will hold its regular monthly Meet - Ma at the horite of the Misses Moven, Huron road, Thursday, Sept. leth, et 12.30 o'clock. AU membera are cordially !invited. , 1 QUALITY AND PRICES IN FOOTI'VEAlt Of late, taking adVantage of the bard timer we are peesing through, come shoe Manufacturers and mail order howAe have put change Made-up footWear ht the Market which, In the long run, ale the most expentive to the cometimer. Although we have tut our pricee very quality b our principle. /I in need of any footwear far the te or winter, give us 4 trial. We give Ya an hentat deal, • In repairing your leather arid rubber footwear we can give you a geed and 'neat job. Let ne torevince per. The East Steeet Footwear arid Repair Shop. •g WM. AUL, Proprietor. BORN • • . 114WTHORNE.—At Alexandra 1/05p1* fel, on Monday, Capt. 581, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hawthorne, a aon. PINKNElta-At Alexandra Hospital* On Tile:day, Sept. fith, to Mt; andellafei dirt P41)11109, a daughter. Del0KWORTII.--At AIexaadra Hospi- tal, en Thursday. Sept,Btlf. to Mr. and Witiltice Duette/oft% a daaghter. OLUTFON.--.At Mettdow Glade Patna Colborne Tp„ on. Friday, Cept. 2r4, to Ms, end atrs. W. Hume Clutton, aeon (Mogan Skelton McKey), IN MEMONTAbt, 131tINDLEV..-4n loving inerory of oar v dear husband dud daddy, Ito eigeeed away Seat. Ilia, 1931. Your loving yoke we mac: aorget, Tbaugia years may tass istraY4 The less of you We eedly foal, Ae keen as Mat Met day. 11 we could live ratted yaur dylaa tread, Or heard aoue last farewell. Tat grief watild not lave, been ca. bed Far tts ecto Wad eati Well, eutiy i4Ise0 by' WItE atal BA/37.