HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-09-01, Page 83 PAGE SHIRT CUT PRIC AT , -WOOD $.1 SON VOW andohTUMAKFAR WAILERS ft is ,guing to cost you much lec.5 money to maintain ,yout ;car in good runninghape thistfall and winter if you deal with us. In keeping with existing economic condItions we have &bided on these prices Car 'Washing ,......611.;.4.•041/ orr:**6.10,••••75c namting •,11,..0114,4% *** .41ri3O.1.....4•6#1•0•••ir•••••,.4•01,•4* 65e A 1 ea Change of Oil (5 quarts)......`..$1.41) SPECIAL PRICES Oft -Valve Grinding, Relining Brakes; Adfusting Brakes, etc., one.titird off our former prices. ' fik .Tires froin.„. ***** *** •••*-4‘.....ortirrolr 004110,100 up Batteries from... * up .-----40U-SAVE-MONEY-E1ERL rror • . USED at Reduced Price Cheapest in Town. Whypay more? 1931 Ford Coach, 4 new tires, mot. or -A, 1 just like new.. .. .• 11 • Toronto price $425 do, $450 • i.99 Pottl Coach) low mileage. This must be sold. Re possessed Make us an offer on any one of our Model "T's," 1.,1 ton. Track, Studebaker Touring. . • gra !P title 83 on .„..StiUtit .• New 1032 Ford Coach, "4", lust di:iven from factory. Original price $695. Now... , . USE CENUME FORD PARTS 0.0 THE GODERIC CARDS for all occasions Cole's Book Store I 1 tItr. and. Mrs. W. T. „Riddell sPent WI/ea/ay vilting friends in nipioy. • Mr. and Mrs. Olaytan Ladd returned to their 'home in Detre% last. Weak. - Ms, A. J. Pergnson 'spent- the week- ena with ber mother, Mrs. tatuart, at Wingham,_ . I arr. jeans JO/IUSiOn WM' MO lad l week geeing a new Avoawe in the se11001 house. • . .n I , DOS. 'Georg° Marshal, a former real - 'dent Of the village, is visiting in this lacality at present. I Mrs. MeCoOl, of Clinton, IS the guest or her daughter, Mrs. Roberton of the . village,t VreSent. Miss 40 l' , aggle Johnston and WS, aas, H. Sol n spent the weelt-end with friends IListowel. • ;, , ' IVO. and. Urn Jones, of Caledonia, Were UP . last week and, after .4 short stay, have returned home. i i . Mr, and Mrs., Wm, . J. Altempson. :spent the week -end. at the home Of their ' son, 13°44gft In London. , .1. *r• maw*. or .Tororgto, had charge of the Presbyterian -congregations here ' and. Smith's Hill last Sabbath. .1 Mr. and Mrs Alfrea Clark, Hensall; spent the former part of the week visit" ing Ur. and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson, in 1 the Village, . '''. • Mr. and Mrs. William Scott and Mrs. Emmereon, or Illinois, spent the 'week - r end with Mr, and Mrs..Jas. Carter, Of. ;the village. , . 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Beadle, Dam Line, spent the week end. visiting the • .., lattens brother, Mr, 'Harry Youngblitt, ' at Zuriai. ‘ - , I Mrand ntronnohn Medd the former • Part of the week visited at the home of Mr. el, C. Moss, Windsor. Mr. Moss is '-serinlelY ill. I Tlie county roads in this section are getting oi thorough repair. The crusher • has been going Fvery. hualt ' since they Mr. Jeremiah Taylor and his partner - in -life and daughter n Mies °lease, and Lloyd ntaithby, spent Suoday in Chat - horn visiting friends, I Miss Josephine Weir . returned home . last week frees: visiting friends in ' Strathroy. She.. wa$ aocconpanied barites . aunt, Miss Weirof that village I .mr. Motarene, of towmanville, spent the week -end. with Mrsatelivene's par- ents Mrs. Meilvene and famila, who a were here, returned home with him, I Last Sabbath the Baptist -congrega- tion had the pleasure of nearing the t• Rev. Mr, Charlesworth, the first pastor they luta after tentingto the village . 1 ' Master. Donald Ross, of , Dungatnon, returned, to his home • on WednesdaY 'after speeding - a new days With his uncle, Mr. Jan * lvledde of the village. I Tim Bennet •aottgregatien intend hav- ing anniversary serVites next Sabbath, The Itea, It Gratey will have charge. , Mr. Gracey was••a formerpastor of the church here. - • ' • • -1 This Week Will see the finish or the . I harvest with the exception of the buck - 1 wheat. 'A large part of the threshing IwilValso be done; there his been a large , number stook thresning, ' Mrs. GUY Durhaan, St George, came here on Saturday on a visit to her par- ents in the village, Her niece and nephewaliera and Murray Taylor, of St. Helena accoMPariled her I The, Politicians are Around, reminding us of the elections. We are reminded 'of the 'rich 'motive provided ' for the farmer. Curl/ the parasites or his chart- ces will not be worth nnieh yet i . I V.r. Metiinclieyof the Myth graven road, took noasestion of his neve house iaata week, The old house na Standing as a rntaitutient Of a by -gone age, being the last log house oectipled in this neighborhood. ... ' e Mr, Herbert Mogridge, of the Base Line, had rather a bad accident. He was leading a steer with a rope When It , became unmanageable. Mr.. ' Mogridge , got caught in the .rope and was dragged quite 4 distance. He is confined, to bed. 1 AntriVersarY SerVices will be 'held in • the Baptist church next Sunday, Sept I4th, at 3 O'clock and I.30, o'clock. The epeaker far the day will he a former . t pattor, Pea, H. at Oracle, now of Pem- broke. The servite 'Of tong will be led ,. by talent from Toronto, CHECK OVER THIS VALUABLE GROCERY LIST. EVERY ITEM PRICED TO YOUR AD- VANTAGE, AND REMEMBER YOUR ORDER CAN BE DELIVERED AT NO EXTRA con. Extra sS., FRIDAY avenosfatlsw,SEPTEMBER 1st, 2nd and 3rd. COFFEEMaxwell. House, 141). tin MARMALADE • RICEFancy Blue Rose, 3 lbs. for.. MUFFETS -The TM C dotted , ata New Low Price Oc RAISINS Fresh from Atistralia, 27 2110. for 1. SU Fittest Guaranteed, 190 Ms $5 00 , UPERIOR HERE'S VALUE oz tin 15e Baking Powder fi 16 oz. n 23e PorkandBeans3tra% tins 21c AP C I Flakes 25c rin Your Highest PriceR Paid. /HUN . COIN CET SUPERIOR STORES • • aluburnr0 STA i enis I f DThannon c Ooderient. visited ; witli Mr. arat Mre, Tnas. Wlggina ein 4 The annotnnalloble fandliea enjoyed Venal At Harbor Park, Get!erten, reit I 'n aesday afternoon. . r, Ur, 'Octant Stewart bao opened. P. Walter rnon in the bunalion %nettling t Misa Danartern, dwenina. Mr. O. 0! Mom -tine, or Montreal. la Z a g" t. with Ins enter; Mr. A. D, Pent- t lana..and other relativea. ; Mr. ran Maned. narieultural More- 0 sena:attire for 'Unroll County, was- a rem. 1 Gamma visitor ona TiktlaY. • ' • 4 lulta and Mrs, William Jackson, of t /Toren Town31119, fwere reeent atteata 1 with Mr. and Mrs. David Glenn, ; Mr. goat 1Vira. Harry Ryan,. of Gede- ntaila -V-, -"vialf4PS -relattree--414,--goragg acquaintances in 'Punnet:mon and .dne t . . trict. - g In J. 'Wiggins, 7.- Scrimgeopr, James 4 Davidann Thomas Wiggins and J. noble, enlened A motor trip to Owen Sound. re- I oently. . g Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Maize and SOO* g Erie, who spent a few days, in Toronto, I leave returned to their home In St, Lama ' bert, -Quebec. . , g Mtge Erma Roach, a recent graduate g of Alexandra Marine and, General Hos, ; Stitt Goilernoll, who has been holidaying I with her parents, Is now on a ease in .004erloh, •The Via M. B. or Erskine Presbyterian g church will meet at the atiminer cottage or Ur. and Uree G. M. McKenzie, south ,I or 'Itiatalt, on Thursday afternoon of J this week, . • ' nortnile Savage left an. 'Tuesday for 1 Ridgeway - -l'Ohe..tar- - he. will assume- •• his duties as teacher of third -book . work. ! He taught 'School last year in a school • a few miles( out of Ridgeway. ' 1 Mr. And i$M,Igg*. Of laPPOO, were latindals VISitOrS. with Mrs, Elgle's sietore ' Mies Ethel Finnigan. Mrs, Itobt Fin- 4 tagari, IVII0 visited: them for two weeks, returned to her home with ahem, ' Miss Merle' Finnigan, of .Seaforth. : has returned to her home after a very :.. 'pleasant fortnight's visit ,at the home of • 'her, grandmother, INS.m. Robt. Finnigan, ' and With other relatives in Ashtleld. - • T. G. Allen, .who accompanied Joseph ' Cranston and James McWhinney on a .alatornriP to• Western Canada, lett Sas- katchewan a week age for the Pacific Coast, where he is a guest With his bro- ther, in Vancouver. • aVtelVin, Reed, Toronto, was a •Dtiagaea, riari •visitor for the week -end, being ea,. eeMpallieri an his return by Mrs. Reed and two children, who have enjoyed a ent-weeks' holiday with mrs, Reed's Mather, aninifSenall tairvin, ' , a The Junio', Farmers' 'Club; and the Junior 74/At/tate:ma /or practice in the Parish hall- on Monday evening, in 'pre- paration for the "Meek Trial,' whichis to be a feature of the joint meeting of these two organizations OR Thutaday. As 'threshing progrestes there are some record 'crops of wheat reported in the district. William Carr and eons thresh- etiatwenty acres on their fabn, one mile east of Dungannon, the yield from which is estimated at 50 beshels per acre, there being 1,000 bushels in all. , 4 eoact4tg otos for the members of the. Junior Institnte. who, ?re to partici.. pate In ,adirtetts, etc., at the Western ;Pair,. Loriddin it to he held it the home of Mrs. RobOt Davidson on SaturdaY afternoon at 130 pair. The coach will be litiSs 'Helen afeltereher, of Dublin, and a ooraian, imitation is, extended to atia other erre wile wish, to be present. ... . • • MUch sympathy is expressed for Mr, , and MM. Alex. Watson in the death Of their only sail. Murray, at the earin. age Ion 5 Weeks. The little felt* was Ili on- ly a short time. Besides his Parents; ne i Is survived - by two sisterit, iffintiltred .. 111 A gOod mortest Pitting and and Fabrics. brown, beetroot, Priced from 0 Iteblocklx,ig carefully Gotham; netv fall' We invite ,. C AI phthe la$ . , . . aelection styles, Berets, The r $1.49 done. Gold nbades. your , at this in Brims, Pelts, colors green * up and Stripe patronage, ; , season's Close Velvets are black, and navy. _ Remodelling, . Hose in , The Square t & S lifeKINNON „ PAIN HEADACHES, NEURITIS NEURALGIA, COLLiS • • • - Whenever you have some nagging ache or pain, take some tablets or Avirin. You'll get imtnediatt relief. There's scarcely ever an *wile or pain that daphin won't relieve—and never a tizowhenyou Ciket take it. The tahltt.V With the Boer eniss are always sate. They delft depress the heart, or otherwise harm yoti.tTuethemustasofteit ' rts they eau awe yost any pain or discomfort - last be taut to buy Aspirin and not * 100titlite. aid :Margaret, Inee Seneca wars be can tlie family name in Colborne on onetay :Rena:eon, Rev. Mrnliaw, of e laile-LecineasePort Albert eircuit ate matte" and intermeat was in Ceinorne emeter. Dania Malian/1n wlaal asnatnrig in e co-454110nm of the Intellen In cow., ea'tion witai the dwelling of Rama / rnistrong, Was vealr fortunate in eseap- n serious Inntear when the scaffold upa • Which lie Was standing„ collapsed, rCelpiteting Diva to ane around in the deg. of A pile of refine Welber. /la fl anotat tea feet, but wao able to eon- /nue workiag. Mrs. Elizabeth Craw/and and MIS3 nuntioy have returned to their Inane ii Dwagannon after ,enjoying aobra eclat' holiday In their euramer cottage t Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wit - Is, who also enjoyed the lake breezes I r a mouth, in the same place, have re - Lazed to their home in Detroit. Infr, Allis has the, Cottage at Port Albere Moll lie was eating, almost eollaPleted.' The regular =Mania meting or the WQ$Wbflr: be held at he home On Mise Nancy Men, Dun. Diann inetead of at Miss Jean John - ton's home 5.5 speonied in the Prograro, n Thursday, Sept. 8th, Prelates to be cry interesting. Roll -tall is to he ana wered by "My favorite borne grown cod, and how I like it prepared." Mies dna OraWfOrd Is to give on address on Pure' Deeds." Miss Doris garnyth Will emonstrate "Preparing a =tool Ittnen" nd Miss Anna Reed Will give an ad- ess %ion the aubjecta "Bora our, Alan- te may 'help the: Schein Faiza" The. ostesras win be Anna •Vary er‘ Belie Swan and nattretta afea lure. Sishool reopened in the schools 'of his district on ThunsdaY, &Pt •Isit• PrincipalTrafpatrfck and Miss Grace B. ewell are in *barge at Dungannon tehool: Artlini Brea% in 8. 8. No, nfleida -101Pattick -aut. reare; Miss Stella Johnston at Cedar, Valley; Miss Ada 'Helm in S. S. No, 7, West Wawanosh; Miss Ross at Prosper. sr and Miss Eunice Long at Port Al- ert The salaries' in nearly every ease re lower than in the PreVious year, Mr. Kilpatrick reoeivIng ;1200, a cut of 104a lanes Jewell, $150, •$900 being paid eat year to Mr. Scott. Miss leilpatricir is to reeeive $775—last year, $900; Anse ng receives $1000 at Port Albert white rthur Brown Is to get $930,- A freak of nature, in fact, one 'of her' esterplecesis being displayed hem It is in the fcrtn of a bunch at aPlales, rowing on a twig little larger .than hydro wire and scarcely twelve inches in, length front , where- the at,tplea begin to he endof the twig. They are in four groups, and it resembles a cluster of rapes in formation The apples area peflectly „formed. and ate of good SIZe. he weight being' almost fOur and a half pounds It, is, estimated that the apples mita make eix plena r The variety of pole ia known as the "Coddling," anti .hey woe grown on a , "sucker" on one of the lower limbs of a tree on the farm of Robert Davidson at -thangattaora the tree being one in an orchard planted by hiS late father i upwards of eighty years ago. The tree had evidently been tort- ed after flatting been planted as the tap - pies borne on the rest of the tree ,re known as "Ininas,"or 'King of .ronde.na, County" • . Gordon IvicGratten, stoond eon of Mr. and Mrs. David MeGratten, who live we miles south of Dungannon, is nurs- g two Very sore hands SS the result of a'peculiar accident which happened whiledrawing in grain at the farm . of Mr, Angus Gordon, Sheppardton, with whom , he has been employed. The grain was being taken up age the mow With "slipgs," winch work somewitat like a hayfork, the bundles being bnuleti up on to the hay -fork track by means of a team of horses outside the barn. Gor- Wf. earttpke care of your requirements in Furniture Stoves, and in,fact anything forthe home. WE POSITIVELY SAVE YOU MONEY Blackstone's On the Broadway of Goderich • roug504y, SEPT. 13t, 102 em Stitched Sheets Reg. $2.50. Made from strong firmly woven sheefing with neat hemstitched hem .at e I QM the top Size 72x90, per pair V 41"4141 PILLOW CASES Flue heavy English cotton, hemstitded hem, size 42,x345. Per pair — .......... ...... 9He PRINTED CREPES All puie silk, 3.8 in. wide, various colors and neat patterns, formerly $1,95 to $2,50, At per yard . $1.25 BEDSPREADS N' Regulrgaold$2a.n540hilt.wilaKc,srizonklaeoSxpiroeQa_d_s xtiusatu: ?Iv $1.4i LINOLEUM RUGS. . A special clearing lot from the mills enables us to offer these at manufacturers' prices: Size 3x4 'yards, regular $14.00 for . , 'Size 3x4Y,. yards, regular $16-.00 for 12'40 Size 334.x4 yards, regular $17.00' for . , —1340 Size 4x5 yards, regular $22.0.6 for . if.00 KOTEX To advertise the new form fitting Kotex we offer for a short time 2 boxes Kotex and I regirlar 25o box Kleanex, regular $1,15 all three for ..... 1,1•••••••• ..... .../31.•••• . 136 ... 3•.79c • , yorinromrorrromorldrow • NUNESACK CORSETS • Impart Corredi lines to your tigur.e. No riding up to catch:: ),t..giv need to yank it down—Nu-Back stay,S put... . . . , . Acheson & Son GODERICH, °NT:. don gave the order to tai younger 'bat- ther, who was driving the team to are - teed, which he diet Gordon. believing, that "Me had plenty of time to get off the. bundle' and Out of 'the way. palling to, de so, he was eatried up en the bundle. almost to the peak' of •the barn before. he •could glve the order to stop the tenni Thrie 'fingers'. on .one lianti becarne tangled • .14. the Pulley, and were badly lacerated 'amid ^ burned, the flesh" being torn .aanoet completely, front the bohes. Inan effort - to rOease. this hand, the other' one became entangled, afid, When. the horses stopped, the bundle came been .down to the load ; and. Ole fingers of the seeond hand went through the same gruelling ealierience as those, of the first band, whieb was releated as the bundle was lowered, He was brought directly to the offtee of the local doctor, who dressed the *auntie. Tit each case it was the second, -third and tallith* HOW HAPPY NOW happy and com- fortable the owner ap. .pears in public after we have made an old clothes ensemble: look like new. " .1.11.VROOMAN - GODERien French Dry Cleaning Works yitzsT ST/WET VERANDAH CHAIRS We have nice assort. metu of Verandah and Desk Chairs, dif fe rent colors and styles. Let us supply your needs so you may spend your leisure time in comfort R. WHEELER attar* Dsatst. sat rantrat Ditsetar Ooiaeolela - 4•1•03w3, gers whielt became entangled. Tile wouride are quite Painful; lut. the pa- tient is congratulating himselfthat t citiver of the herses was able to brIn the team to a halt.' before the bundle reached the peak of the barn, which would la all probability have meant in- stant death for him had It been narked on to the track. • , • CARLOW STORE , School Supplies --Buy them here. A tilled seribifter five to each • PlirehMer. When it's het wouldn't a nice cold -dish of ice cram be just the thing. We. have Bissett's. FRANKLIN illellEWArg • Ailliiii•••••••ri•rdi•ii••••••••iwommir%.• •prosimmanimamommu• Our Fall Samples HAVE.. ARRIVED ! PLACE YOUR 0141)ER, EARLY- . FOR YOUR FALL SUIT or OVERCOAT A small deposit will }told the order iois a later delivery. • • TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TI -115 OFFER de to Ont. Individual SHIRTS rnaMeasurement. A.,FINE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM PRICES .REASONABLE Goodwill Cleaners and Tailors WEST STREET, GODERICH rolosramil•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MILLINERY ; SMART. mir MODELS OR nu, bring individuality, correct style and outStanding values to every One Paris develops new versioto of the Heret, Turban and Sailor, in ream' • new shades for autumn. DART DONNEPS„ SCARPS, CHILDREN'S IrTS• alai COSTUME JEWELLERY 11/113.5 M. R. MacVICAR KINGSTON STREET ,