HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-09-01, Page 7�'
*1 11
. "Wwxy� MIT. tit, 10W
. 1-1.1 ... 1,11'... — 11 - I I.. I. I I
CON"Mmy OF music
*---"--, I
Y*rvv st A, W� Awwdw,�,
111plos''T64 year �
and Occasionally Some Men I
. �
A.T.,O,M, (,-,-W;r.ema exa=;-. attou)l
-1 .1 ....
I .1-11. I.. 11
[Wm D. 0-crCem; AX -10.= tsc',V 11%" -Ii
41f,,rvuerQ.H. Zaro kl�,,=s), A.T. 4�- M
UQ60$ 0*UTD0OX $"TWO
3 .
,(tta, . -�'S) .V. mils (4p1,.Q-.Xs), U. une. �
, ibL
The lawn 4t the IWme of Ura. Burt=
l Its ba2k1wroqua Of
� .
(By Alum Pse) -
A shelt time .4'a troy Were 11traes fill,
I junww—c- Mv:�'Tal (24t Class 1;ar-�,,:S)o
� � � I 440:21 1G. f0clo"t
Rva0b. w4tu Pretty
'wers, made a Plea5mi, zettwg
-, ==lr ra-
`21� they b3ja ausw�=4 tb0r countzy's
xlewentpx��-R. 114alsen ,I (11=48), 0.
. . X. Curm., �rzam. �ten-
for .the re;,,ular mzutbly mcetlng of the
' '
They had fought. and Wed lor grgedolWa
era), T. Dauuaa (1--Z=3). H. Ste` -
Dungan=a br4n.,b, of the Wituouls In-
� I
� xatrcaurt"�n—u. verdue. I
,.,;+I,+. — T"6ur&,ifly afte�-.Icon It was
� PAGZ 80"M
-- I .
i 1.
" Sunday Afternoon .
Vy MA13M.- 414DULTON, C�"-'��')� �)Ot'
�1� .. ow.."o-ow"PPM-o"W�1 &me Fine Ouslity—Lower Price
wt-dt%tr, r;QP:m% 9M ,ycu i;-,IXQ V .
�jelr,j; r,ach vath rAult M him,49 .
we wv 1WU ea a 3z"O."ey, 1 . I . .
0"'Inj at 011V XM&,ft cemmaild., . I . . 11 + �
� Ovew W11's aud rlidrz aria Va2o7s. . I
� we we go�4i; w UZ W -ace. 1. :
U-azw to tr,c, better "Ind. .
0-41*4 Qhal% I I I I .
Prayer . I ...........
We r L,Q 7SALA ........... D A.. "
,ray for jr,jjawjjft2e as wo travtl th . I 04
read et life T12au who "-t the Ught Q2
. .
040 Qf the�most 4=-ei-sful meai4i;s'Of T�F Went th'-0,194 Jaen new hltitz'y to Singing . � . ihis dark w,,Tla. thLno on W %lad tbrOURU .
. the year, and �bout tb!xty4jve ladies and ,. wake. A. T, C. M. (SQ�Q - verfo=er), M, - gup,rar . , .
� . Oh. the fws that ,was ,made Wben they StOWA;,; (b4n,ort); jute.-;4e0jptS,., H. Istered *u4 HIL, .teed AnaUs!% us for ctW own. aud 0.4ers! Wllghtvu- 4 .
. yourg wa,T.en -were present. The Junior came b*44 I t of Ingred.leuts aua other in. ment. Amen. . 4 Tie 4100001110 I
I Institute members were gu6sts lot the Lane; Junter, D. M. tarrO; -J?rnAArY. ,'-,42m0'- FOR SEPT. 11, loss, a .
. WCMQUIS, Institute upon the oz.caslou it ot Z34 times Surely, there was UO I* -."k* 0. Rendarton. � I f')rms1lon required tor registration must S. $. WAE$$Q*N � . . . I
AW,t the -visit of. the new distriet president, OIL what a change from then to now, . . . Thewl . appear on la-aels or tsQs attai-.hgii to feed xjwn, T*.pid —h-ratl JouriMing To- �.., . I - . �
, N .� , Intermediate 914tori—X Gordon (14 - ainers, . . I 14.11-11, akts one -
.4 ,rs. QcrOoa -Bis4ett6 of 00deil,* Who Whell tome of' these berom come 404 the cont warc C na". we tottud ftscives belng blessed as the
brow .. yjnaer� the s,et4ing Stuffs Aot no xx"on, rj�� �, -J�vxowm .1 thirteen childrea tsch. wbtjzh m
_ 04re5ved the gatitorinW. ftvarable ' class uQuQrs);, :1R. Ryan, 'u. Ryan, A. � . wife lorought Some well-Angeita sorlb
" � C00I.Me, Intermediate CoUaterp�jat, zompositiou of 06 TcRiste;r. I I -tetj )to w?auld
veutber coadit.'=s added to thS, Success 01 Capitol Hill XUX1 a'Sk for &'a' � 'Phanve In the c . go -34. . like to live there, or at
,.of the Out-of-door meeting. The wed. of boaus-money they VhOula be 'Paid, � td br4ud 41)411 be made without xe-reg- Gcldlen Te*�NVMW 10:20- ' . . 1�4st lln&er . Awhile to. breatlic in. the ollua bt5ks, WhIch Silo told us contaloed I
--if&ut, Mm V,hgs. W. Alton, condu';ted Viey got machine guns, tanke U4 as M Ryan* Inte.-i;uealilte form. X. RY'A;- istering it, Any chan&e In the, suaran. I Ire.q1tucss of nature. the djariQs, a the-thildrea. amd wo 113-
. 9 .1 I I .
L VM,,. Teachers. A. T. P. X . X AtIlls Otonors). jn&redients of & regls_ D.r. icsop Parker in a Sermon on T144
'Ithe meeting, The'voll call watil answer, ob, the shame that this has m;kt to . teed analPis or �. qcspel Invitation Interprets teday's Its, But in additlou to the 4elightful OR0 tonal t� the ,"ading of them. Um Godo
. I � junior Harmony, E., ,Ricker (honors) -
f �cd by, 11W1 . . . 1. nulor . I tered h,,%nd calls for the suhrAiPA$04 of
,W I Am An Institute Mem- . IV& ZqotA; X Vist
Ary, L_ Nott,
. . ... . � , prim. &-new application With thO Usual ftosl[14 son and'the following is condensed from there am g Man and his wile at the head had Just 0001000 the 101 01 1321211114 .
bar?, Ms. Alton, In a tew well-chosen, I . Z., Ricker Ust class boners), V. , * I . of the Institution Who are filled, with th6 thrce of the' etrim I)aptucd- in her home, . ..
. � � words, extended A hearty welcome to the was WeAtd to witit,utudh pleasure and 4r -v, , samplej '444 the. assivaraett. of a new .it. especially' She bad led them to Christ* and her cup .
� Wheeler (2st. class, honors), W. TtgWar- � I I
members of the Junior Institute, to the Interest by the large, p1her4ag. Mrs' ths, (list class honers), 1. YQddeu , (bon� registration number. . . The standards stre all In motl0a. In spirit of Cltrlst� and the *Ifo � �
I District FrasIdent, and to .the Visitors Gordon Mssett, .after Vxpressing her I I the Arst plate there went the standard IS k V.gnderjul- %voutzut breathiag out the Of JOY wa$ running OVet-'OnO Of the SIZIS
I ors), C. OcQtt (hono;a), L. Harrison, . I .. . I Who Led,
. . Zon, , me was.not very. bright, and while sha Was .
%vho ,were present frout.70rontD, L(MdVA Pleasure In bebWpresmi� ter the &et of the camp of the children Of Jufth', SPI'tt Of )OVIM; kir.tina, WJ
I . � El mentaq, X Enlot, (borers). . . . . .y, what I � knew of it. is still ok child her.Xather sold her to au ' .
� and 09dorIch. Miss CW, -e Pentland IttMe VIM the DiliiiunnOu Institute$, § . . . I � -1 I A ftlove Clover Menace immediately following came +,he stand- near. Her 1 40, I �
. fAVored vdth- a reading, "The qaarraip- Spoke OT the SPIP41d 4)PP00urdtles Open � . The mild 'Weather of the last Wee ard of thetAmp of Reuben; andjust of 1,uterestlult.. . � ' I., I ' eating.;houso of ,, doubtful roln.13tioll. . .,
. by Joan Bittett, and � Miss Helen Andtr- to the me*91*rs gior %tudY =4 ',develop- . .*stils In the TAke P4e counties of On- I Ali came, the Standard -of the camp or I asked her It sha� bad always been a There *he bad'ylelded to tome tempta- .
. . . , - .
. I ecially along the line of lioMe-] New . tarlo In particular, hgs resulted in
can gave %k raadlug, "The Highwayman,- ment, asp � and Isformfion. - Wt I the children of pan. 4#,ThUS were the. Christian. It seemed to Me She Must tion, and bad been eerit,.to the reform%
I . . . . Wth' y6up 11, th . � in4 spread of clover ftddqr, other. � . . I tory, but, there ,Was still a debt 9t Pome. .
. .g 3%dies. being .Tepresentlatives makers, I$ a - on, give an ex,cellent I alarm . I to have a-,qulred su.4b, 4, beatt- .
I . I 1Qrj4lZatj1Da: . Toon, 'Me sab)tdt ,ol "'Music and' I . ,for AeOrtsy Famer wise known As lone vine. This puz?,sitio I Jourzteyings of the obildrefi Of Israel ac- I have been
I from the Junior VIM am raw I . . , . r tiful spirit, But she said -she bad not thing jjke� one honored dbIlars to be Paid . .
I .turned, last vedk Trout Its'influencla 'in the Itume 'h win ne, q Monaco& cording.. to thel; armies, when they sot -as to b " of the' Ouse. Mrs. 00110 -
Stotbers, who Tv ," 8 0 0 its 't plant is 0 of the most aerjou. b
. � I (Furalshed by the OntarfO 1)*LWAM# . �
. . 4 delightful tour of the continefit. of tiladvAtIorml, cultural ind recregtiona7, , . � of Agrjeolture) I � to elover because 01 the'lut that it Is forward." .. . always known what It % , a near ta the owlpe.
Llurope gave -a ve-,T vivid Portrayal ofthv Ulfluante. Slat tVaVWS*d. 41�e 't0a0111109 I . , impossible to .When the Moses Chrl'st. When
. . I . � ,, � .-j almost separ,%te dodder camp began to move . She .was about sixteen was trying 0 arrange for the, payment of .
. �
. I Y., - Journey, which IrtclUded Septla44, �n - ot M10%, 1A UOWPU.� %na $boWlea )low I � clover Seed, and whare dodder goes Said unto, HoVab, Ids fsther�ln.l% I years of age she bad, -,gone for a very this money to free the' &V * . I . .
. on ." . , -g .r . Warble nies constitute a, Serious pest f�oa� I shiZ- '�Out the bright ,spot in the story ap-. - � �
I ) 4 Fran4pe, Belgium, Rolland, Ger-linstitoWs =V 'relifler Talt;ablo IUS916t- to Seed in a clover Acid some qread.is we are milling 1$� 'Set I L short tiatv to our W,X,S. 'gehool jh I
, ze unco ut 121VA119 "it Started. . I of catt* wherever -th,ey kre -common. It , . going now-, ev ' uoka. and there bad been so impressed Peared 14 the 101's OtAty. She What64 to .
. is estimated by'. fedetal ontomologists � order for the marcb,---�'We are Journey- I
noreEa the Atlantic, going, 'Was made A ,hearty Vote of thanks Vas The clover dodder Is -a delicate ,ilne- , n t she . . .
11)"VIldIP11 that fully 5.9,per cent of, the Wdes taken tag: unto the place of which the Lord by the kindly spirit of the teachers, is- bO, "a, ehlld of � . �
. , like plant. wbich starts with a very fine Ve'lally one Of L Imp ,,, Wazawak, our I
. '. aboard the. S. S. Laurentid, while. the 4 el to, 4 ,who . Ud ,assisted .'%, pruviding off c4tIb 4u 4$30 vare damaged by this d which said, I wIll.01vt it you'. Come -thOu with them, that she � deol.ded m4st be, , Weiti. Mr, 1.% . I Olt I I ,
I I j ., many, Switzerland and .Italy. The 'trip � Inevitable. .
I. .: turn, voyage was made, on the worl4ls,� suoh a Splendid �progrsm,and, the mest- pest and the loss 4n value to bides alone green shoot, hard to detect, anj I . wp Will d t ee goodt f I or the sbo. would ,becorna: a' Christian. I � � -pastor here in Matsumoto, had gone out , . ..
. - . � ;�C.'..41.11. I..... I I ....". 1166. I ... . . . .... the, � . . I—— ,....I; I 11 .1
.. ,. i * b V.Upflzo I .
..............'. ,'14k,gfst..,4cw,e6m-going,...ves�-el.,,;,�-,Tba��IKF#Jos- lng-�closed -with -the,�sJaghAg-`df---thQ `KA4; -attaches Itself -to the-6tiM Pf-thd�gwwv- ,'" ,aAV � O. h .........�.... ..---i.- ,,threw-sirls -'arA--% -.1.1 -.. " '. ,
t fter- I
I 11 I I
' "' "' --i"""" -
. B�hoililtw"tci,47001000:-"Tii6 wnkival loss Ing plant, linix3ly breaking away'enti.vly Lord hath ,spok'an' 'good �coneernlng Is- % � t a years ,went , y S to grow - d Written 'tit her . �, -.1 I
I . t1o," - whicli was described as a, IfloatIng t$nsl Anthem, 9te,, - wbich refreshments throughout Cana& from. this pest 'is :own not and living on'the CIO grace and In spirit, seeing ln:eVerythlat words this one girl ha . .. I I .
. . ralace," arAd which landed -at New Tork. wer.6 Served =d. u Sod*1 `b4lf4iour an- estimated at from $1,000,000,00.0 to $14.- from it � . . , MI.,, Moses spoke with feeling .-in.,149 . ', "T - Mr , ' . I .
, , .
. . .
The.report. was Very o6mpmhartsiyevand joyed, . I . I � I ver Plant . I . voice. Theze is a gospel of human, feel- the wonderful ,hand of God. She mar.. diary something. like this., - OdaY. .. , .
. . - .. . . 000,000. . . � : , - I 1. .. . . . I I I . ' I . life.. she I jCtazawa came out to the reformatory. I .
I I . I � .. . I badly. infested field -should be in . it vi* could abolish e
. . . . . . -aid I&N,evin, 'MrS. 'g-Whee . . Any . 19 , all written 905- ri 4, ,and fixtO, her ma:rIed . . .
. . , . I r. I .. . . I . . I Mrs. Don . . I . plowed under. and blanted to. % hoed or pels, all -doctrinal method . s of welcoming brought this saute for -seeing spirit, Her and gave the thrbe Of us such 0, bcautl- ; . �
� . - I I . and Mrs, Abe 'Higginson, �mgrnbers & the 1 �ultUral ful talk . , and then he baptized us, I wM .' . I I
I .
. - � .. . . - - . men, there Wo e head of an agrlc ,
� . 1- . .11 � " � . Goderich bratth df the Womehl$ Usti Careltcs Haudltnt b4u�es I.ower. Prices grain crop 'for In suffiblent, length of time and persuading ' � uld ,still husband was th ' . .
. .
I �.. . . . 1. . I :. . . I ,� tute, ud,compartl6d 'Mrs. Its � A report received by the Ontario to ,cprnpletal� eradicate arty aoclmlula- remain the. gospel of love, ,sympathy, School in 1111s PrOvillcO, (Litit saw,' the .so happy and thanMul. I docidea. to live . . . � . .
. ".. . .. DEPRl" IONS . . . .. . 8 ett 'on 'har[Marketbao Board states that, In an Of- tion. of: dodder which ma,y have talion I life ind. to* fellow Jesus ,phrlsko . . . .
", It"4F.S ,� J 1*1t, : - � .� . � I I teliderness'.-Ull that is involved in the world'frout the efts and Iviind of a selciX. a, good I I '.1 . .
. . . . I I . � .� I fort-to,irlduce apple growers to prevent place in the sell Where a slight ln�, � . . d',01 Ged,in - iknd looked for the tomirig (it the new ' . ..
I � - ' 11 i .- I . . 1. 1. - - ....... .. - - , ..,
. I. ; . . I . I . I - � The' - -' - ..
; je�t mear In I . , I
. . — ( . . . . the bruising of apples during harvesting festation ft no ning *1 the ter i nature. . t1st, He did, not -tee the ban In. fact ,,,a life,of Which I . Jesus told Xlcoi Oraw,
I � . ALW)�YS END - . � .. I � 11.11 I tip�d patches containing 4ob . � . I
p 1� I . I � ,R. -ana ,used for fodder, US a . � - awa4e early,, hopef 41 .
, . . ., . 1 , . ': , 1. � ando patking, . 8, Marsh of Illinois dodden:cUrl be cut Towhat.was Motes inviting hWIC11110- everything, as b% W 6 W it.
� . . I . �, I . lml�m A %4V .. I . . . , Collieg� of Agriculture, cites marketing before the field Is ilp% . In vie,,, -lakv? W, . ,ame'a little I next morning .1 Was I . , . �1. I
I I VIR HAVE JUST .. f as it .not W exchange just bt�. rapatlent, With her in- -a to - db , , - ,O . ,
, I . I I . . .. I �. � I studies, wlji.::4 have ,revealed wide. differ. fact that -Vii vjQvOT read . one wilderness for another? Ile .w" In- terpretatiort of, things,and events,. but her or.fljiding it. and was, det . . . . . ... . �..
., ' � . . . I I . .
I , I - Wied , - ' or exp, - -the now life had .
I r= in �iming
I CHART MAK OYU 75 . I . : - di�. � M . God4 said .,
. I . : � . I beautiful sp!-It and life gradually wopk rIght.11 rs .
! I . I � � onces, in market � . . �.
1:, . : � - . � :11 .1 Prices as 0, result Of be 4bSelately free Trorn dodder Seed, the vittag him to marehi to meet cirount-, I '" .
. I V 1.
L . �.. AGOCAUM VMERY , I I . . . I . I., methods of handling.frult. In orchards. only rate, Procedure ter the seed grp er � ad, I comelto the girl. She used to.be carelwi ' . .
. . I gtttaces , often fraught with tri�l And him, and he too was baptiz
I �, .. I � .SM A was a . �
1. . �L .W YEAK OF . . m one case, he said that therei is. to make sure at the outset, that the I in her woik about the, house.. but 110',Ar . , . .
L I ,... . . � � **S, Rom im 10 11"W 'I � - . -�j"DER40OU6104TY . . : . - difference of 6r) per cent. between prices �a,d be sows � . . pain, disappointment. and rn&-keryj I Tbo� Were , moved to the Prefectural -Ated to. b .
I - I , I . . -is absolutely . fete Of t1over . . she d d not - c. supervised. She , . - , . ..
L. '11.1-1-1.1.11 . , - I . .. .. � .1 - for -� 'a . I ,. . . � . . . . . When we. invite men to join us On the,'Reformatory where tbey'havO charge Of . . I . . - I . I
� , . 11, I I ..ty rj CogXKT 10 00�IE, . , ! �cb .marriUa look place quietly' at the received Apples at the terw1na,l max , der. I . does her work well.,ebnociouA of the -pie , . I . . I
� .0 . . . . . . . e ,, . ket In cons Apte of the method of . I u - , . , CWistian Pilgrimage It ,must be on the j the work with the children, and in the . I .
. . � I . . . I . street, on 4a,tur- . � eq . I . . I . .
.1 . I . . I . I bridws 410mg, Trafalgar . . . I . . . I . - I . Aence of God with her, andlooki.ng for� � .
.. I . . . . -1Q1 a=., of bgrvetting a -Ad gradin& . I I - . I distinct. understanding that we are rul- I classes and in the homes they ore U41119 . . . .
11 . . THE MW MOMMIG VLA& I day, August .2%. 1932, .at I . � . . I aming touch V.iass , . . ward'to the,joy of pr4yet and life In
. �. ING AVALAAX�60CM . i - Florence Elizabeth mougherty to John, * . � . 11 I—— . I . I I Ing *the present *by* the future, This is I ibe Spirit of Chrlst� In trying to bring , I . . . I ... I . .,
� - .I * . ., 11 I . . . . . � I Xxp6t.ure of couch, grass roots to the . I Christ. I v �- .1 � . I -1. I I .. I ..
� -�' .�, . � jp.& AHEAD -�VM M* . I . H. taudeo, both I of Goderlob., Rev. V. . . precigoy the. logic. of Mosles'.. i'We, are! about a new life with a. new, motive. 1*1 ... . � I 1'1 — I i
� . Removlwig Surptus,'HoneY . sun for a few diys, 4n hot summer is one . ,,, I , � . .
.. . I . � . . I C, Clarkvr of London, formerly:,of this � I . . journeying unto the _place," The'end was-1heir hear4, . . !. , " A,vr , . . 11 . . . . .. .. I I . I
. % . : The, best, time �to .remove #nIshed $up of the =lost effeCtiVe'WaYS OfelddMg -the . I � .r.06, '.. I .. 1. I . 11
, : . ,. YOLIR fa COPY, . : �** I town, was. 'the oldr . Indicated--4he goal, the destiny of thel .
. . .. ,lating . clertyman� oomb' Is -in the early afternoon chlioLroll )ry N ' 1. .... -
L ,
- ' oy
� , 1, � . . I e!S of , Soil 61 this pest., Vnder lavorAble wea- I . " Today We went out to hAIP thein; tak- I . I
� . . I .. . 1. only a:, few relatives and friends. of �he . . 1.11 . A . . . I . . I . rVIR FLETCHEWS L "', .. ..
I . I . I � L I to LkM #iarch; and that was so bright, so allur-'Ing a -speaker- to talk- to the. children, -
, � . , I . L I ' whin'the beas,are Working we . In the ther conditions it IS. possib e I I � . .
I .
I I., t ,contracting couple were present, : Mr.. I . - I S T I . L
i. .. . . . I 1. I . I � L ' wc r . . .. . . . . � , L. .
' L
I . .1 . . . I . . � I JIejd[S.L 'It:,02tri easily be done by, blowing couch g�ass r,cots-mnpletely ,by t o o Ing, AO glowing w4t1% all hospitable color, and to. furWah Pom a musle for thout, but I , - . C " A L L 0 . K � A I . I
I .
I . . , .." . - . Clyde parter and Miss ,Evelln Dough- smolce Into - the supers at the top to three days' exposure, �bit. wl�h the pres- I that 'Moses did not see that tomorrow L . . I IfF . I
L . . . . . & . � sister. of � � -t L L I . . . . I I 1. . I . I %
.. . I . I 11 . ,h - ' a .. . . I . 1. . I . . . .. L: I
L. . . . Vrty,. the ']#Ida,: signed ,b __ L, , �4!
. . . . I . I rqVitter. - The bride IS a ig.134uate'of drive most of 1lie bees down. As, the ertce .of moisture ,they will retain Ish Ir there was to be a battle, or seeing 4, -be I 1 . . I L . . I I I . I .
I 1. . I I . . . . . L. ,, cover Is lift#a,,�tb-e bees above ilte'tover vitality for some time.. It is difftcult. to I .. . I '01..�. -�''-1'q.1wA, L , " I . I
1- . . , . . had'already p4ssL,d'the war-fleld 11 � *A,!�,,�' � I ". --J,
. ke a -,,: � ,,: .:,.� ..',��k.---- "'I �.!n.. I
. I - V0114 #o* afoLtivi - and the groom, , A,& ",. -MR, � �
I . . . . - ,Alexandra hospital A Well b brushed off With. &,large festh4 under humid. oon.� - I . . . 6 .. . '! : .. L �, :�, ��.;::':*L �. �,,:, � ". : .. ,.: , . .
, -
. . ,�' ': - I
I vittor.,This, too�, is the Christian loglac . . '. ,1..1�.'.--.".: .: ", , . .
. I ,j may a r kill couch grass rots . :7*.., �, .4,
.1 I 1. 1111� I., i.�. :. � ' ';`.' ,:,; "' L� 1', 1, L� . 1
., . .1 I known. retail Arqgglst, , They will, reside , . . L � Me . I... , , I L I 1: .:1
I . I ... . . . . � from a tjke,ls :W$ng...'.After most of di,tiovs, and-plowIng under coudh god is I L;,��: L, �,-.� * . �` 7 1 � .. .
. I . I I , ,L,;�'. 1.�,' .� .: " ,,� . ld,...��'..; -L
* ,.:. ::::::: ��� " ': L
. . . I I I I I I L �.;:� "! 11-;, . .
- V, . " � L . .. . ,
I ,-- In, Go4erich. I .. . . 'the of as laid down. by PAul; L the great Apostle, �.� ,
I � , :..,:..:�-::L ", -� :' .
�� ,
�� ,
�� ,
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::.:: � �
. 'L . '. �bbb. , L . _ �: - �;,, ! . . .
. , Li "I
. .1 ... �:; � �::�'k,:,�,���',� .�. .
I . . I . . , , �:,, - --�i
. . , �::�::-:, , �..
1. I 1, I I . . ; L ' . � the bees been .driven down, tomparativeli little use iri.destrov_lng . ". �: , f ; .� I..
. . " , . I ' , . I I i:,' ���., I ". 11
. . - - I -- . . - as 15 in. SaKIror our ,light affiiot on, Which is I . . .,:.! ,.
. I , �
- I ,
.o I L. I " ", � 1. . " "i
. , Ir sboUld.,be lifted at one end, an , "',
I . " � , 511pe , d it, even I , , � ." "'�, ,
L . . I I . .. I L . - . . I . �., I . . . . . When plowed as deep - . � I 1, :".. , �� �,". L , L" .1%1- "�.' ., . L. I . � .�'!
� . . . I . . . . .j[0K."GjBS0jq I . � the bees .on' -Zia bottorn bruslrdd 09 c4qS&i The spread of, the 'plant IS. but for a -moment,'worketh for us a far . I .:;..L, � '�' ., . ;"j:',� ':�;-��
. . . . Ipp L L . : I , � L�, �
I . . , , .' .1
I . . . . . L I . . . I . ". . .� ! .1- 1. ... -; ,�; , ,;..'." . . L I 1
. . I . . " � ,. '�, " �, ', . . I
. - : : � :�... "L �k f,� I
L ' , . . . . quickly before, any cart, return, The through the -root system and the. only a x ding and eterna . I 'jr .(L .;.--L.:, '�� ... I
I - I , . . '. �.��"."�",��.L��.,.�*""",..". L'.1, , .
L I .. - ,cee 'Weight .. Of � 11 ..
. L . wor . L I I . I . , . . � . ` .% .. 1 '' �
. I .3 DER' �, . A .pretty )louse wed(Ung L �ook. place on . I I . I . . 1� .I... . L! �,L..;" ,.L"'." �" .11
i I I � L QHN. � P1 . K I s - Super can then be carried Into. a build- effective way of eliminating it Is to work glory while 'we look not ai L . ,;jjj:j,ojW 4 * . �'. � I . L';�.:"�;, ;,; ", I
. , , L I L . . .. , - on - end In, front of a Win- the roots Up . .. . , ., - . , I %
I ., 11 ,�.,L "
.. . I i5aturday, Agg. 20th, at "HillyleW Farm,, Ing and -stood, Vhere- the sun can get at which are seen, but at the t ...... . - -1-1. , , , . , -. .: -:-�� - -
I L I . . . . . ....". ,,,
. . I . . . I . . I I I -i, .6 �,. I
. I I . I . . .. I �Caleftnia, the home L'of the bride's par- dow so, that , the remaining bees will them land, burn or dr , the Vitality out . . ,:'.11 'L �!.'*,.i.f�, ,:.-..'� �,%'.
,. I . . ,. . . . � ants when Je;ssie Lorene,' only daughter leav it- �nd' OyL to .the L . - . Y., I . are riot seen.: for the things Which are I WMA"v 1 : I .. . .
- - . ; ' ,a window, where of them, . . L . 1. . .:. I - , 11 . , � :: :". -L.". ',L .
" L. ' . . . L " ... .1 .11 I . -seert are, temporal; but the things wkl,�Ihl ,ew -, . ��.- 1", � . � �
. I � I PLUMING, MATING. - .of. ;Mr.. And. Mrs, D. Z.,'Gibson, boame they make their escape, . . I . . I " . ,
. � . 1 .1 f" I . �,- L .
' I .
. . � I . ,�, _ � . I I WC . )RK L the'L.bride of Dr, William Aubrey Crich, . . . . I . . . .1 I . are not seen are eternal." He ,brought - MW ,�.: L . ,
. . I
� �. , ", $WET L M'ETAL --s."Win. 'A. I I � — . . . I . - "the power of an endless -life,, o I , ,
, . . -ororito, ton of Mr. and Mz . - 'j", . I
. . . . . '. . I .of !r I .. L . . % Weekly Crop Report L . . I t bear # # _ . .. , . '�
. ", � L . I L I I I : . L a officiaung pas tip6n * I O. J* � . . � '. .. . !.. � I I
I . , Q'ich, Of Seaforth. Th � L, '' - � . 4
. . . . Phone -127 I P.10. Box 131 9 - Make the Meadows Pay Recent.. rains . have helped the new L the latmediato day: he quieted t � . � " .':; .- L
, tor was Rev.'N. 1). MacKinnon, o Nor . ' I , I
. . . � . . . In -as - day'i tUmult'by .a sure anticipation of . I
L ,:L ;. . . Von Mair age L Ontario. usually has 'aliout four. and seedings of clover, ,wbjle. pQtstu. ex . ". ' I
. val. .7 .1. ellent, I .
. � � , L I .. . ,"--,-"— . . I. , he L bride, gi by L L . . . Eastern. Ontario, are an L Invitation. f L . . !, I . . L
L . : � her' father, a Jacket one-half million acres of hay crops each -cePt In - bLaVea's Peace. Moses, In the . . I L I
. . .wag gowned In . g scross the pr6vffice Harvesting is about . completed and he gave t . .1 . . .
.. .. � . I I I �;= ,t.,L -� - .'' ' ' ' ' ' ' fr4ck, of angel-skih lace made on.lo year. -In pas,sin I I .. . 0 Robab, hadrespieet unto tbef . . I I
I . 1. . � — ,L .. . . 49 Just -before haying.one cannot' help feel- threshing- - has , progressed.. favorably. r-corapense of: the rewardr Christ saw- I . .L, I . . I
. . .. , . .1 .1 ''. L . I I
I . � I I., . I -- - lines, with -net, veil In cap eft act caugbt-, Ing. th I L . :Yields of wheat and barley Are average, the a . � . -3. � � : , . : ,- . �. . ,
I . I . i. , 1. I . L at man of these accres are not I * in. th ve .. - .
. I .. L . L. L I 1. I with orange blossoms, arid the carried 'a . . y Ito light, A co nd. from theLbeglaning, .0 r I I .
.1 .� ' I L L , . . . conduct of battle, he was . � I . I I .
� 1� � . . L ". . . bou4ttat'of Sweetheart, roses; -cornflowerst paying the taxes and the cos� of han. but oats are qu nsiderable . th. aL . . . wearing . I .
I . . . of after,ha v : I .
,. - I p . . ,C . . and baby's,breath. Miss Meitner, Wilson dlirig. the crop. ' StatistidalL reports indi- amount I rvesf cultivation Is the conqueroes dladem, We must *drawl � . L. i I .
I : LR I E cate an, av�ragi �'--!A of only one. and being , done 'in. the tobaoZo districts of .. . - . � , .
,. L ... I., LIN 11 I .. . ., and Miss,10na Connelly, both ,'of Toronto, se f ourselves forward by. taking. firm hold of, .. .
. . . . . .. I. . one-half tons to. the acre and this can Southern OntaAo. � A .large reage , o ..
L. I I . L . I . I . were bridesmaids, the former In , pink I � L 1, . .
. . . certainly', be much 'Improved -upon. Flor second outilpg of alfalla'was handled in the endr-o-in other words, we must have I . I I
. . . . L . " . r at frock ,V#b. �plctjlre hat of felt -and . . 'I. . I . I �
. I I , .
� . .. . . I . I I � tOL Match, an Ld .sweet lialdimand. Red clever, Acids are, very .� �
. .. L ` 'M . . shoes d carrying briarcliff the nt.eadows, good drainage, ar, ' L A. , such ,a ,cofiception of lifes. destiny asi . I . '. .1 -,-%,4W=- , � 4 I
I . ., L I Sell Lar I piornin6nt In ' Lambton. favorable , L � ,.;�, � . I
I . . . . . ,.ife , ' rosesti Miss Connelly, sirrWarly costumed � . .e very Important. Xoots- of gras'-' L . . will Invigorate every noble motivej stir! , I I 11 � . I � I I
I... . The' ut 001 I . , ses slid clovers are slow to lie * I)r grass has meant,that poultry every . satr . islon, - and make us more � , , .11.1. . I .
. L L I . I . I . .11 ., .. in %green,. carried . Talisman . to.les. aL; - - . � . �
- � - ,�� �1; . ; � . ed pa j,tj,;, . 1.
. I . � ,. . . . . . I .,. I , . . The I 9.`OOM$nt I all 'Was LDr. David, Altchl- wet soils.and wherever there Is on range has been well supplied with Man conque:ors in all war and coailt,"t. 1. , . . I .
.. 1. . I - the . .Sell, air Is Shut 'out and groan feed and insects sothat pullet�sare . w L, . � . I
. . . . . I -son, of, 'Hamilton.� Miss Vift Martin, of water on . this was the reasoning Of Moses, ,this L . . I I .
. . - honce the bacterial life is either Weake weU:. matured. Wellington reports ar L .1
. . L L Assurance' Com I y cousin of the bride, played tbe'w0ding n- . 1. . Was the reasoning of Paul, this Was the . 4 : , I .
. � � pan od or kulad. Another point in meado 0 over last yea,� in corp . . .1.
. . I w apparent Inoreas . L
L. .. . 11 � I I L .. . music. A. reception lwas hold afterwards . L . 11 .
.. . . improvbmeni is 'the use of high quality borer Infestation. Yields of 1411 Lwheat practice of Christ. . . . � .
., . .. . .
I., � - � - . , I 'of Can ardi. . . . on the lawn., when Mrs, Gibson received, ,seed. . It poor seed Is Used the�jneadoW averaged well over 30 bushels to L thf . Moses did not invite Hobab to join � . . . ; . . . I
I 1, . . . . 'L . . -WeATIng a goWn. of delph blue georg�ttcr, , . I . I
.. . I ESTABLISH0 ,1849 blaek'bat, and shoulder , corsage of . . stiirtg out with a 'handicap, Good sore, Tomatoes and com, made splen- merely for the sake of being in the c:)w- - I . .... . I .
. " . I roses did growth dtirink the month of August ' - I . I . . I
. . HEA0 OFFICE - WATERLOO, qNT. and lily�of-the-vilIey. Xrs. Qr4ch,mother drainage, :good seed, and a liberal tup� Rust - is preValen . . party: he expected, service from him. He , , . . : 0 . .. 11
. . . . . I Ply. of suitable fertilizer make profitable tjn Leeds County, par- said, -"Leave us not, I pray .
, I � of the. groom, also received, gowned In meadows. .1 I I . ticularly on late ' Oats. OissShoppe L r . 'he.. "or- I . .
, I I I asMuch as t1jou khowest, how ,a are to I . . .
. - . :
- .
res4h, 4%
�j I I
.1 I" .1 �
. D. D. MOONEY beige georgette. and late;, idth beige hat, . . . I .- -- damage Is reported 'in some seqUons. . I � L . . .
. - .. . - -sagi Of - roses and lark. I . � - I
- . - I . . - . and shoulftr do, I . I I L encamp .In the wilderness, and thou I . ..
L . I . " . L spur Later the bride arid groom left for L . Must Rcgisi4r, Fteds . . . . maYest be to us Instead of eyes." In this . I'll . -- L 11 I - - .
I . AGPIXT . . L L . �
I . I I . .. . I P 4 fo I
L .. T!oln'te Att tarll,.tbe bride travelling in a George H. Clark, Dominion FeedCoai- . . Altalfa Ensilage Moses showed leadjerahip: it we I nter 0 .
. I I .. � I I PHONE 250 dress of dark.blue crepe romalftc-, blue missioner, calls attention to the fact , 4,6� vitation Of I soldier . World .E . rose utstanding Prominence , I
. l(otW. Street : Goderich, OntArio travel cost, blue felt ho , Lt and,matdhifig that' u Full bloom appears to be the best time .and a legislator and . L I . .
. .
. . � " .
I L . . I .. I 11 nder provisions of the Feeding to cut alfalfa, for 'ensilage. Wilting al- a wise man. I - reco i
. . i .. . .1 - .1 acce series. On their retu-mn in September 'Stuffs Act, afl,registrations expire auto. I L Eyes are of Inexpressible I _gnized institution of Canadian life—tho big , L ,�, . . �.
, , � . . matically, 04 September Sath . falfa for Ave hours improve$ the quality valUb InL the whole conduct. I
. , I - . . . they N-411 reside. in Toronto. following I _,,9f,lIfe; to be . annual event looked forward to with keen antici - -:
I . I .' . f " " L . pation . I
. � I.. '. I . . .. I - � � of ensilage and Is recommended for this able'to sii, to tako'j�bie'di,t recognize - . I . I
. . . I L I . the date of issue; also that � all comradr� . . . I b3r hundredf; Of t1lousands of Canad no. - I .
. I
I .
� . .
. .
L �Nl
� I
I . . �,.
. .
- 10
. . . L I 7&�q . . I. .- dial feeding Stuffs must be registered, drop. The autution 01 25 per ent. q, "the manwho can do WS is rendering L . . . . . L Be"" I . . I I . .
. �' , I . . And that the fee for re Ailon is, $g timothy tOL alfalfa seems to Improve Its Service to the whole church. . I PAGEANTRY -o'-&-Barn Band L . . L .
.. . '
I . . I per brand. , glatt L . quility as ensilage, while LS'MIXtilre of Moses Intended to do Hobab good; but L I Mn-FredRoyU, Atus. Pao., F,4.0.6.. Dirvctor I .. . .
. A - U1001 � . L Feiads must be IA . belied exactly as Tag- cora and alfalfa produces an excellent when he put In the reason, be showed � RECREATION I F�omkaaletnd-thfi oldest and linestBrags L . .
.. . I I 11 . . ensilage. ' .
. & . . I
%Rrm,41S %fow DOUA, -- . I , The. addition of molasses at the rate the lno6mpleteness of his faith. What * I AGRICULTURE Band.in Europe. Winner& of 250 awards. . . . .
I . . . L . � . I I 4 I
I . I . of two to four per. cent. and crude 'sugar did be want withHobab's eyesl Had he . . Th Other B=ds .
ko W WIL vs ARIV � at the rate of one to tvVo� Par tent. im- forgotten who It was that struck off the ART L — ifty . . . I
. 0
� � U., AIE L� . proves the ,quality of alfalfa ensilage; . iron Wheels -of EgyiVa -chariots? .Vor a I . I RtThe numph" . . .
.. TOAD. I dF V6 1 . L The addition .of .salt does not appear mootent, perhaps, he had. Who Is there . music . . �
. -V� . I .
. ka- I Unload dramatic agesattl - g .
W"If I I . ., to improve the. quality Of alfalfa 00011- amongst us—prince or priest or Strong, bosuft . � I ' L ' .
. I I . SCIENCE Eat in Ante , d W .
. � ., age, while the additloft of lime resulted does: not Want some little it ancy, eftista, I I
� A91 IN . . . . I ,h a poor quality of eng1loge that est mAn—that at? Sacrilloe , I .
I . L . 11.1 .. . in.su, .11 . . L Of Greaf Peoples. i I . .
..� ., :`'. . . the cows did not, cat It. . : , local assistance? Moses wanted the eyes INDUSTRY . Performers oft World's Urgent Stage.
.. .
� �' ... . . SPOACular Pyrotechnic, twale. L"Very I
. .
. L . ... I. I'.. I...., - . rness weks� a
' ...,
11 . L to ,*.�.,'"�..;,:".:..,�"....-.i.,.% Alfalfa out Ift full bloom and placed of a man to whout the Wilde. I I I EDUCATION I 0"njagL in froat of the . . .
I ...
w � .7 . . . : , "..", . . .. Irl .the silo without euttift produces a familiar plat#, to help him, fo0getting " gir"dittand.
... " . .1, I
� . ..... .11
- � .
. . . . . . LL . , .
11 . r.. . . . `Wo;s—" : �
. ...
...... ... -
L . .
� . I I , . . . rlotted materialwhich -Is not fit for feed. that God bad been to him all eye --a flee 1 FASHIONS . .
I I ., � 11 .... IftgL alfalfa In the silo for. by night, a cloud by day. We all-foiuetl; I . Cattle - Shtep . Swine - .
. m ... Stor Periods
. I I I . . , . ...-.,..-% , , I
I . .... L.. ,-.".L., Poultry, Judgin
. . 1. . . .. ....... I . -.1. I.. varying from three to nine months ap- me- 'TRAVEL F -loan; Ham. . - .
: . . �.. . . these things, we want the belp*of go 0, Compelit
. ' I . . culruro# internal OW Dog and Cat Shown
,.,... pears to have no adverse effect on VS important man, Or local celebrity, or,' . I ;
�.-.�,. .
�, I . - - - - - --- - .L.. . Trottin and Pacing Itacen and $M .
. .. ...... "" ".' I feeding quality. . SPORT
. � . i ... .............�.,.. -I... I wise resident,, forgetting we are Incharge: it . .
� ... ...... -
. ...
.. 1.
. . .
. . .
. ... . . -- Futuri es,
. . ....... I ' -- .
L I 11 I . . 1. - - of God. We go to Hobab'when we might' ENGINEERING 2odOO-VOICIR -
. . . . . Persian Balm preserves and enhances go to .%ehovah. I � .
I . . I . . I .1 I . . womenli; natural heritage of ,beauty. hey were prece�ed ! � AUTOMOTIVE IBXHIBITION CHORUS � ,
. I LL RESTFUL SLEEP ' Vor sheer feminine lovollnessi It Is un- by the ark ol the covenant of the Lord I . I Th, L' . . -
I . ill. � .11,1 ,. . I rivalled. Team and 'rejuvenateo' the, i. . CONSTRUCTION ,a ls,nt4ern&tldnallyfamouschotalorgtilai-
� .f .. . . skin, and makes It exquisite In texture. arid the cloud of the Lord wag upon; � . 6 B tion win be accomWartied by the'
I I �, � p1111111P 1111,11 I .' - for FRETFUL, 1)"Ilghtful to use. SUM It d I ety, thom. by day. But before they rot, out,�' 0SAeW-th'43Arft Hand uradi ,Sept. :
, . I . 0 1 #I Tuesday, Sept. 6; and �ata`rd=pt. 10. - 1 r4
1 1 - it imparts a youthf, I halt" tolelev"ory Mmes prayed thug: 1-Itin up, Lord, and� I
I I . . . ' I 0
0 . I eomplodorf. Inftperlsa a to* all daintir let thine enemies 'Be Agattered, and let!- Kave Don With " Miss ragUnd Ill" L
� I � F V9R[SH CHIL . ;'l2, . . WILLIAM INGUS,
. E 1) . . � them that Itate thee flee, before thee." - . Prasidest Vk6re 5,"imarthe Rolh R4gs S,6.9. L
I ,
I - -- - . And when thky halted he again prayed, " . K W-V,&TURS W6rld'9F$##St,%jkj1AtW , " .
— L L . . — With Catfojia't L Mgf)lofion --MR, . ,"' .
. I . - � `4 , 90,ying: 11ReturN,P-,tm,a,, unto the many' . diser"I N0fiWg,;, MII)W,AY'S'MII#9 OP MEARTMENT I
The West Street' —7��--- --- ,�4", t
When your child totses; An4 cried r " thouDantig of rarael." Prayer W the best'i 500-cially r�daeed rates on railWade dating AthibitiOn. I
1, F " means of reminding ourselves of the', , I'll, .. . 'L consult local agents. . .
i out in his slepp� it ineang he is not WHEN USING I pre=ce of God. To plate ourgelveg Int. "' . I
P I comfortable. 'Very often th6 trouble IF I I I
I Electrical, Sho' is that poisonous waste matter is not F " ' His' hands before we 'go forth Ofi ourl I � .1; -NAMOM .
being Carried of as it should bt. r W I LSON'S � --- -L-----'- --
F I Journey, on our P!eaiure. on our worlt:,— —. . . — . .
We cam st g000l stock of Bowels need helj�—mlld, gentle belp ; i , to commit ourselves again to Him b-1 I I �
* but effective. hat thb kind C3#,' I -2 .
! , 4ore we retire to rtst--this Is the 'b�st ' All Her Children Wew,& Troublee
Bleetrical APPliancet, toria. givos. cagtoria i!3 a pure vege- I FLY PADS 'I . 8!!w
,rixtares, etc. table preparation made speciallY for . i '. . I � : tecurity for heepIng up our faith rind - I ,,, � I - I
childrea!i ailments, It contains no PEA D r)i;4[ ( , "I I � trmt in Itlat In whbm wa all profet5 to ��
harsh, harmful drup ties, . �. C A;)[ , "; , - ." " . . With, Diarrhoea . '
�, no nareo believe, wbom we Lill ;mv"t to meet 04. , .
We specializern DoWt lot your child s mt—and your, . 'cl-cov 'F� ter WL, ltavo the world. I I 'L " .
own.��' interrupted. A prompt dote . I " % ; , 1, I , I Urf!6 J. J. Bieltett, UP.. 1, Vadoft, 11.0.� *%it".
WiringL of All Kinds . of castoria will urge stubboralittle ", \ 4 � � ... . World Alktiom I N #t"h t Sumater all my ebilarm v� - tw troubled ith
F,atirnatcs given on bowels to att. Then relalied tomlott . , Ift, Godo of the IfetoraLitory I -
Iand restful aleepl Genuine Castoria . � diatrhw3, and were so b%t I 4114 Uot know what to 40.
1 nev. rr,6d Afnsworth, Vnitod churell, .
appl;cation I ... � A friond told me to gh ;iera Dr. Fowler Is txt of
always has the nattle: -11-1 Afe"o'gaU &y MW migglonary In Japan, 4-.01tea: Today tro' 6 6
All Work G I natanteed, e 11 — — J"tq day for thro* wetWs 114Ve be,31 OUt tO the fet0A'raatOT,V. W11161'. wim Strawberry, 00 I got a bottlo, and after a le
. _
, /
I �
I 4? ,e4t;- =,I, 1 3 Peas Ill ftA 144tt. Is BltuatW about 19no IM105 Lout In tlln am Df d"ca you fttAd havo ocen the Oitvgt. Th# .
04 0 CEN" MR PACM C01111try tMM ?.jatqU*j6to, in a beautiful, . . .. d%MrM�'Wftd won well, $41%, alta I &in Vfty AaAkw
Frank McArthur C A S T 0 R I A as 100w,#081## or&'erso 60"&st stiviet. gwvo Of. vbno OT0051 aturcludod With;: A . fe lout wollilostal "t*dy. X W it 0* Wy 0* "
Ph6olt 82 a wost Stree 11 I I L I WIff PAY MOBW vieh lleio. IM a 11=07 w2k. of P!acei.� .
I .1, .111 - :211012-MEND01�0111� "M*H*W tjjrrADC0;,f1*"*0*" WIM coverol ,C( ,tf ag03 housing from ton to i "lift" to 6*94 tot! q04�01
I 1�t��� --- I 6 'I