HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-09-01, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPT. let, 1143 A v4'y enjasable bridge -tea was held 1 at the pretty sumneee home or Mr. and :lits, 11- M. Day or Detroit, tat Friday afteru0oti, M. Day and her sister. miss McAdam, received the guests. The tables were set An the Ilial and porch overaoolcinrj the lake, but later had to awe mored iota the large 'living-rbotn as a "squall" tawny over the lake and it rained heavily for cense time. The at - lair was undee the auspieea of the Bay.. field Doff and Country Club. Mrs, Malt of Stratford won the prize for contract, and ills Lucy Woods the prise for auctieu„ Mrs. Day, assisted by Mies, Jon stay, Wm MWeidaal, Was, Jessie Metcalf' and M. W. L. Metcalf sereeta a dairnty °tea. Art :unusually tine amateur -0134y was presented on Friday by six girls of, the girls' Junior Auxiliary of Trinity chute% in the old post office room at Gairdner's, 'sea which' Was fatted up for the occasion as a miniature theetre to seat forty people. ' The girls range in ago frown twelve to eighteen years and under the direction of 'Miss ..Betty Gairdner, aged twelve,. they rehearsed ,the little tour -act play, "Tway Christmas Boxes," and presented itto make money for the mission work of their soelety. They had a matinee in the afternoon for the children and as other performance at night for the adults. So many were not 'able to get ' in that the girls are repeating the play on Monday night by. request. AU the girls showed splendid talent and the re- markable part is that they did not re- BAYIE.e4D THE GODERICI STAR delve any help or baggeatiarra rrOM adults' except in the. Matter of properties endt the building at the -stage. A great deal of the credit is due to the initiative of ' Betty Gairdner. Thla. Clever Yeemd lady 1s very orlginal hi her ideas and has ale ready written lettleesketchas for her own amusement lour of the girls, Eetty Ga4irdner, Isobel Cameron, Doris Feat'he Craton and Louise McLeod played double roles. ]Before the enrtalns were `drawn Miss Betty. from 'behind the scenes ane in imitation of a radio announcer, ane nottheed" the east and presented tach scene in turn Very auguring was her apology for having Christmas at this tbu& of the year. The Arst scene is at Mrs. Banks'' bane and to is, discovered piling olothea en a elates to prep ration for the packing of a Christmas box to the missionaries, her own box to her els- ter -In-law in New York having been pre. vioesly .packed. The part of Mrs. Banks Was played by Isobel Cameron, daughter et J, A. Cameron of Toronto, wile ,spends each rammer' here Mrs. Jenkins (Louise McLeod). presi- dent of the Ladles' Aid, arrives to help pack the box, -and ber comments over the funeral dirge held by Mnr. Banks over each garnient ere very amusing, Mildred. Banks !(??oris Featherston) comes in after Mrs. Jenkins has depart- ed and begs to help leer mother by ale dressingthe two Christmas boxes. In her free and easy manner she quits thoughtlessly gets the addresses fnircen. The next scene' portrays a 'bleak Christ- mss morn at the 'Home. of Mrs, uavid Brown, a missionary in Montana, Her ew Fall 'repel ehave. avejust • pasect itar stock a urecrepe . s��k ...38 Y''.�' w n:the new f1.1. shades. B:ah Co r � �k Wh erte, sa=t -blue Adm Masa It hu,m�:a$ I"ita y, R Brown, 11� cara :Drown,. .,_ .Chucker Green,, -Cricket:-Gr..e_en Jacquinet Red WtonYn•� e e These shades are correct for fall : an the price is : only $1.00 per yaYc A SuperValu6 Your Stole GEO. W. SCHAEFER �.�� . Phone 56 - COME IN: AND SEE THE Ne*.'Derorost: CrosIej M�diIs RADI with Many New reatures Prices range from $6995 TO 5225.00 . The WItltlSol" is �41.0•46. Q. ��/ Remarkable value at Equipped with Authentic Silencer and Sensitivity control, Automatic Volume Control colortone Control 1932 1t F. and A. F. :Pentodes. New Extended Wage Nod. Cabinet by Carl Otto L. H. 2IIWV West Side Square Gomer°ich Princess Pat Toileiries We are headgnarters ter PRINCI' $S I'A`li" TOILEVRIttele— FACE POWDER with the Canned beta in all stades—Sommer Itite Del eA 4l4 Ivory or N:atursl. palest), A color sampler to show the shat1o. FAMOi1S PRINCESS Ieeet ZZO130E Piaplsy colors at our store. English. Tint. Semen. Medium, vivid, =mattes Nlte. PRINCES. S PAT MASC,i#EI. Breen.11laek. ICU S1tliDQW.. Blaek, Green, Blue, at CAMPBELL'S L' DRUG STORE BE#�IL ,OOUERICH.ONT. * '4 daughter Dorothy is quite Esti:leap over what the box might contain. But when it is opened and nice dainty clothes wrapped in tissue paper are discovered the Joy and thankfuhlese of the two knows no bounds. Miss Eleanor Botch - mer and Kathleen Scotehmer as 'lairs. Brown and Dorothy did this scene splen* dilly. The next scene shows the .) ox in- tended for the missionary being opened in the apartment. of the nervous discon- tented Mrs. Worthington in New York. The newspaper pareels • containing' gar- menta almostat for the rag man are an insult. to Mrs.. Banka' stylish sister-in- law. ister in- lay. This scene is very.: tumorous and the comments o1 Gladys, Mrs. Worth- ington sdaughter, end the French Maid, , Marie,° are very amusing. Betty Gardener ' played Mrs. Worthington, Isobel Cameron, Gladys and Louise McLeod, Mane,: The last seerle is: a meeting of the ladies' -Aid -at- the -home- of- hfrs; Banks. Before the curtain is drawn the members are heard singing a hymn, "From Greenland's Iay Mountains" Services at Viotoria street. United church Sunday,. Sept. 4th, Rev, y: W. Craik.. et both . services; • 11 a.m., sub- ject, "The Lordship of : Christ;" 7 pm., "A Deoper Spiritual Tone." Sunday The "preside/it (Louise McLeod) callsfor ,School at 10 a.m. the ;frti?autes of the':last meeting and The annual conference. of the•Baron after a recipe and oroehet•patterns have. presbyterial of the Presbyterian Women's been found and discussed by Miss Loom Missionary Society will be held in Bea- ls (Betty Gairdner) she finally digs the held on Friday, Sept. 9th. Mrs. Thor- rains f the bot f her lar tol "out. o h tans o e' burn, of g Ottawa, provincial treasurer, hand bag. A letter' of 'thanks. is read, will be the guest speaker. The morning from Mrs. Brown. The ladies are aeton- session commences. at .'10 o'clock. fished at the gratitude for the pretty • F T R LA E S Miss Aileen; Jolw,storne spent the Week -end with her friend, Miss Jean, Cameron, Mrs. George Lane and daughter 'Melda motored to Coldwater and "Rivervlewfo the week -end. Mise ladelda :Lane has . been %best to teach in Coldwater, her duties to come mance Sept. 6th. Miss EUern Durnin, from'. the West, spent. a few days with'her cousin, Mrs: John Campbell. Rev. Mr. Tmvener will be home next Sunday. The service will be at 3 P.M.. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Mr, and Mrs: Charlie Sherwood, of Detroit, and Mrs. James Barbour and daughter. Freda, of .Gaderleh, spent. last week with their parents, MT, and Mrs Sam Sherwood AMONG THE CHURCHES (like many such occasions, the members all started on different keys and'then stopped. But after being called to order by the president,• they sang very: nicely-). things: Mrs. Ba. reads a: note. of '`"re- Next :Sunday at' North street , Baited church: 10 a.m., Me11;s club -subject, thtowent" from her ub er,•in-Mr which 1<,How 'may we , show true friendship?". throws light on the subject Mrs Hod- �diseusslon led by .ster: J. W. Moore. 11 ges (Doris: Featherston) •moves that 'a m Labor Day service, the Pastor 3 hereafter the society send as nice things to the missionary as to their own tela- i p`m 'Sunday School; : 7 . p.m., Subject; yarluits Receptions of Jesus." Services at Baptist church Sunday next:. Bible school at 10 a.m.; gospel service at 11 .a.m., subject •"A Spiritual Labor union."- The•- ordinance- of .the Lord's Supper will be administered at the close of the morning serviee. 7 p.m.,; gospel servile, subject. "Borne of .Four" tives at Christmas and also thaay enplose them in dainty wrappings,• It is. unanimously carried. „Master Evans Cameron acted In .the ca -.. dit r'-sta a mane er -- • pzi Y`b g g ' ' NILE Our pastor's Subject '.last 'Sunday aftermon as "The $ereaved Father," next Bunday it is to be "The Lost Son.„ The service is' at 4 o'clock and the Sun- day school at 2.45. . - , • The Young People's. Society met in regular session last Wednesday evening and also held a corn roast at Bogie's Beach on Friday evening. The next meeting, will be a week from Friday. The school teachers whey 'have spent their holidays in loeal homes are - again assuming :their responsibilities ori Thurs- day of,.tllis; iyeek.,...Among these are Miss Velma—Finnigan 'and Miss Alice Shep- perd. Miss Jean' Lednor also joins this noble profession. ' As to the life of the Burg one sign is the new roofs to be seen among which is part of the house ,01 Gordon Pearson and of the parsonage,: ,also the barn pf the latter. The broadening of the road from Dungannon to ' Nile is hearing completion. Harvesting and threshing went ahead merrily all last week. The worldnever stands 'stilt. Even. Nile -ebbs: and flows. An evidence of the former is the withdra*al of our meN chant, Mr. Robert Wilson; from our midst, of whom it is said he was strict- ly honest and was• harder onhimseit than on the one with whom he, wts II dealing. The corner seems dark of an. evening and strangers don't recognize it when they dome t0 it. May the store 4 soon be lit up again. The commuAity Was greatly touched by the death of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Watson on. Sunday morning last, Murray Emerson Watson had lived the short life of five weeks but long enough to gain a permanent. place In the zrffeotions of the household and connection. He was gently )aid away in Colborne cemetery on Monday afternoon, Rev. W. G. Shaw' conducting the . ceremony. The desire of the ' par- ents that the funeral be semi -private' was carried out but the sympathy for the bereaved was genuine and wide- spread. i WESTrLELD Threshing Le the order of the day; the grain is turning out very good. Vit. A. E. Cobk anct -Mrs. t'..1. Cook, are exhibition visitors at Toronto this week. Mrs. X. Stalker spent a couple of days last week with her nephew, Mr. Bert Taylor. Mrs. Aitkeris, . of Toronto, visited on Monday at the home of Mrs. 1tobt. Buchanan. Mrs. Finley Walsh spent a few days last week At the home of Mr. A. Walsh rand other friends. i Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gardiner, of 1Lucknow, and Mrs, Barkley, of Dungan- non, were Sunday visitors at the home of the latter'S daughter, Mrs. W. A. Campbell. The Anniversary cervices of the West- field tinned dhurch will beeteld on duns day, Oct. filth: Ito. Mr. Watts, of Godes rich, 0411 be the speaker both afternoon a and evening. Mr, and btr'a.' W. P. Campbell, tilts Winnlfred and Mr. Douglas Campbell, were guests on Sunday at the 1lorat of the fornrer'a aunt, .Mfrs. J. Eteley, of Londesbero Wedcli. a IMI1LLIGAN«SIMPSON In the Alulonte ldapttst a:hnrell, the marriage took place of Mettle Isabel, slaughter et Mr. and Uri. J. 1i1. Sicnpsers. to Alfred J. Milligan.. son of Mrs. Milli- gan and the late.Thaulas W. Milligan, the Rev. William Aird e+itislating. Tian. ehurd a was decorated with anapdtxilon and glacial, The wedding. musts, was played by Miss. Maude alettoek, organist of the ehurels, who al°a played during. the signing of ilia register. Tire bride, wire' us given in Marriage by her lance, wore a Yawn of white satin. Ile'„ tulle veil . was held fit, Cap shape with orange blossoms. Slle.earrled rosea and lllesef-the-valley. infill Csiadys Ed- rnondson was bridesmaid and wore a frock of., entre georgette With m,atehing hat and carried yeuow roses. vie groomsman was Mr. 11. Smith, While Mr. Bert Simpson and Mr. Graham Shnpsor aushers. � A t res !an wasat e held p r�, 'home iiomo or the brides parents, where the bride's mother woe asgisted by the groom's mother in welcoming the guests, who were the immediate members, of both families. Later. Rev, and Mrs. Milligan left for Queboe. For. travelling . the bride wore a peach and brown Crepe suit with brown hat and matching maces* Series. On their return they Will reside in Hamilton e The bride 18 a iormet member of the Collegiate Institute rtaff and known to many in Goderleh. Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is .with - ant a rival, Stops bleeding instantly. Cauterizes e t s Wounds and prevents blood' poisoning. ARNINGT LAWN' SERVICE WATER. RATES •'else of water for. lawn Service is front. - 5 (five) reelects in the afternoon to 8 (eight) . o'clock in the everinit• Anyone. using •:water for lawn service without first having Made a: proper application, or Anyone using': lawn : service, out of the above hours, will be e dealt -Witte according to' the regulations. Community co-operation is cited. atter and Eight: Commission GODERICH; TORO T . ARROW 0la REDUCED FARES for period of Canadian National Exhibition, August 26th to September 10th, inclusive. Return Tieletl up to September 15th, 1932. $5.35 Return FOR INk'ORMATioN Bedford House, 323 British Exchange, 590 !:APITAI THEATRE CODRRICN ;PROW 47 --An Idea place' tor, Wm entertainuneh NOW f'LA 'ilvG,—Edna Ferber's "So Big" and "Love Is a, Reelect."' 4 Week of Special Attractions headed by MONDAY and TUESDAY ' JOE B. BROWN who rates about 00% mouth and is heralded as the sereen'S greateet comedy spceialisE, pettraee a. rang -tang tarantula from Texas While GINGER ROGERS assisted by LEW CODY, gates him plenty to rang -tong about : By all means don't miss the triple "A" comedy adventures of "THE TENDERFOOT �.._ palatine Men. at 5.00:p.rq. WEDNESDAY TfiUI$$AAY The miracle-pieture'lr ' H'ali`ng your heart with . the dory of its inspired 1 �. "Faith." •e s �. o\\ r l Areal mel of p �f� 6if �!. TIff MIRACLE MAN" �` • As: a silent picture it made stars of 'T'hemes: MSeighart; Betty Corirpton and tuts all • r as Lou Chaney; as a talking. picture it features a new ata c t . CI cS'TER MORRIS -sum SIDNEY Hobert : Bosworth—Irving Peclrel •John Wray --Hobert, Coogan arad 18ed Sparks RI andU FRIDAY SATDAY It A' good -bad girl with love inn her heart and 'hate in her tosi as •portrayed. by M'IIttAIVI IIOPKINB' offers you a lot of excitement, plenty' of faction and a spot et tat in this. smashing tale of hoodlums, gangsters and musicians: • iii • The Dark k Dancers in T h _ with JACK OAKIE- WILLIAM COLLIER, : IR., and EUGENE PALLETTE Matinees Mom,- Wed. aria Sat. at 8.00 pan, CODING• --"Folly ere the Circe;' 1 k f Brown's Irish Linens 8 Days of Attracjive * ' Lrnen Valnes commencing9 0=0= . o>DO) (0L-=0) 52 -INCH LINEN LUNCH' CLOTHS with colored bord- ers. Reg, 95c each. Sale Price each... 72c 52 x 70 INCH ALL LINEN DINNER CLOTHS with colored bord- ers. Reg. $1.49. $ 19 Sale Price, each.. 42 -INCH IIEIVISTITCHED LINEN PILLOW CASES Reg. 95c each. Sale Price, each, only.. 5�9C GS -INCH, BNT3LEACIIED TABLE DAMASK In the vine pattern 59 Sale Price, per yard.` C (0>CO0 0 20% Discount off the following lines which we, are clearing out DAMASK DINNER SETS 2, 2% and 3 yards long, with a dozen Napkins. LINEN LUNCH SETS 'With 6 Napkflins, assorted colors and sizesp. LADIES' and GENTS' PLAIN AND INITIALED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS ANTIQUE FILET LACE in all sib',*. FINE UALITY LINEN HUCK . e.. a WELS Assorted designs and .sizes. 36 -INCH COLORED DRESS LINEN In popurar shades. Selling at 20% off. • 16 -INCH LINEN TOWELLING with green, gold, and 25 rose border. Sal e Price, .... - 22 and. 18 INCH LINEN TOWELLING with colored borders. Reg. 25c per . yard. 19 c Sale Price, per yard. 90 -INCH LINEN FINISHED ENGLISH SHEETING . A beautiful quality for your better sheets. Regu-. lar . value $1.25 Per y o rd, Sale Price, per g C 2 DOZEN DAMASK SETS 1 dloth 72 x 72 ins.11 Napkins 20 inches square in assorted col- ors. An exceptional value, per set.....'.. �39 About fifty pieces of odd lines andcounter soiled fancy linens plearing at % pricer, r .. attit.`Jafi 0 ) ((11=10) (0=0. Oe (>Q 01:10=10=0 1O This is your opportunity to purchase many of your Christmas Gifts pp at reduced prices. ousoortsot==i0=0 0 0030 (sir`. „.� t P$6n eF. E. HIBB-ERT We do not give cash coupons on Sale Merchandise.