HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-09-01, Page 4"e:Se • -, •:Seet • • •',.`fee • si A A- s- ••••••--e' • . " THE Minim STAR 03 TOWN TOPIC5' War Steles UMW Ms heitaiii Se4i lalW PAO ellO MAEDEIIS bruise SOLD A, tww vo-mrletor as this week taiOn porosessisn el U. Mailers bakell SAW tess.M. H, Weed. ef Lembo, leteleg Mr. blaeC.3e1 taut. M. Wood was for merle Seas sliperiutendeut of Perrin% 14innoe. He Will have esseeetated With ben in the Winces, Ida een, II.`Weed, Sr. 'ISM is hie feelatfa foray sole �r$ himself the rather a two sou. .44) nnstovs ovrfvors Toro% Lion G. L. Parsons at the meeting of the Oederieh Lions oh Wednesday afternoon at the brelidand <nub house, referred to the article by Victor ,Latiritton in the eurrent issue or the Canadien Geearalfille and to the welt f Barre et:Creatis in having the sneer Duidept torab lettered tonsplettously, and mtegested that the Lions Club take up the matter of improviog the Mr - soundings. The lettering on •the toilets• f3toies, for instance, needed cleaning out so as to maks it more legible, there should be tere up to the Site to make it aceesaible, and there Were other ways hi which the /mintmight be improved. eemmittee of D. to Parsons, 0. Saundees and T. 0. Commit was apo pointed to look into the matter and re- port at the text meeting. MD AT TEIDSIVAXISR.; aodokb1Wis caidginti Peter Biteet, Janie* Rime& land Hebert Mad, eithe sniff Willem Speen*, Jas, latiteVicer and 'Ilmer. Peitehmt *lea bowled at Tesswater Tuesday rept and tire for third mere in the Dien trebles. Tee Bisset sink soil ie the playoff. TO MEET AT TOBERMORAN SEPT'. n r410 anima, meeting ;or the /Hue Witter itseacietion Will be lied Tobeheorey ithetleblietey, Sept, 10th. et 2 d'eloOlt pee. *Viewing the 'meet. bog an luttlasa trip maned the laiends to be proeided the delegates by the Spend Navigation Oa. Ma their atetuneg Norma% and after this there is a •dauce. UNDERGOES orainxciN Clarence Wearers $94,e! ?Jr. mei 'Mrs. Wesley Walker, teller in,ehe local branch or the Royal lienkestetcesathey tinder:went u OPerittion for appendicitis, In Alexandra hospital en Monday. Graham was the eurgeon, assisted by En Whittle. 'Ube petietit•ie ;miring good progress toward recovery. rigNICKEE0 HARBOIt PARK Visitors at the Milne of John Longs mire on TneSdiy,.Werrlik SaMtrel Peter, Mr. and MC o.trArPitl. Peter •son. 8%010. Of Atwood; Mr. Wfll Peter, of Hamilton; Miss, eve Leary, of Staffa; Mrs. Eva Otto, 'or Westfield, Masse • e • ' ea , • mummusamommosionmiosmonsims • THE LARGEST Fur Manufacturing Sale - Fur Coats and Pi;xes AT MANUFACTURING PRICES ',twill pay* every customer to to buy from us Now The Latest Style Models • o Fair Allowance on all Fur -Coats taken in Exchange Come And See Us IT WILL PAY During These YOU TWO Days C. Ae & S. McKINNON MILLINERS • GODERWH, ONT. Phone 155 ALL GOODS GUARANTEED 11 0 0 1 ot====soutoo=prosso===o7=4. ase . Sud /ins. Alfred 00041111nd mid detighs ter, Vtby Q ikbburg, Mem; Niro and Airs, John Audrews end dausbter, Aileen, of Exeter; efor. and M. Chas. Hatatoelc, Join end Remain Paimers Igoe; Mr. end Ws. liguy Hancock and sea, Oraydeuo f Ilarristen; Mr. and Ws. Win Isangnere mid daughter. Kathleen, of Ooderieh; Ur. and Mrs. Oorderi Harweed, Maurice And Mary,of TV owo Johnston motored to Toronto this week to attend the **Menton. aullelitWeir altdatrughlite4rwa.kins' Audrey31g al4.'31.41.nowkbehtst a raw, ase seending a tiro week% A COINKTION vasatien et Pert Albert stud Clederleb. assault case it wee etatea the aelault lette Men.* last 'week el4002 eo Motor zu last ts6.1,40 rewroair tlieptrst.a 1.70::: „kande 7:secitr: Was coMmitted At the !IMO or Certiek. et. Andrew's street. This yes ii214arryau viu5Int"14 olinugtia uthetta:.00000 Islands to Ms. R. W. Heider, of Detroit, 1$ visit - :pee beinner palsonon, nol w. anbicipx.310:sres. en Rueter as the Detneeratio validelate. Another of her) sone is Mining for state Miss Rose Strang Arrived benne eh Saturday from her trip abroed, end she 'and Iter sister, Miss Grave Strene, have since lett, to resume their duties at Klug,sville and Ouelph reepectively. Mt. and Mrs. Gee. Beettett end son. Ritchie, of Detroit, spent last week -end Goderich townthile They all Went to Pad t an erorr. The effence wascemmitted elettboe rk anSpenan 04440 leat the home af Mr% Robert Carr?, time. The etrengere Were loud. intheir stow street ne stet. ieseue in ea pralara of the amorrunodation. of the rug orreeteee Gederiele tourists temp. The oldest Palen 14 the group was J&r aunsel WEDDING ANNIVERSARY VION19. Petero aged 14, and X$ lonnitest wet; A very pleasant gatherizer was hele in Kee/34'th Longnitre. Age three Menthe Harbor peer on Tuesday when Mr. and. M. /lett Wiggins, of Brantford. cele - PIGEONS *ROM EXIIIIIITION hreteci the fifth etralivereaxe. of their included in the 7,000 homing nigeinle Marriage. About sixty guest$ were Pres," wiech *ere teleesed at Toronto Exhibio ent rhen LlielatoW, Duogantion, Pee - tion lest Saturday afternoon at gee were grave. Blyth, Auburn, Clinton, Toronto, number front cipolien, of One group Deems. and Detroit. Games and races' visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jots. arophey. the Hot bird to errive tome was that of Percy Johneton, whorie bird was re- ported at '4�pm, taking4 Wen and Minutes te Make the trip of epproei, metely 150 miles, although it is undoubt- ediy much shorter as the mew, or rather the Phleen Alnes MseVicare provided amusement for. Teens and old t They were aeconmanled on their return the afternoon, after which le.uch by Mrs. Bropbee and slaughter, Pegg, was aerved. A three-storey wedding Mr. and Mrs. P. elegem, and sons cake, made by Mrs, W1ggbis, sr„ of Dun- metered ue from *Tee/market on filature women, *treated the eentre the dee stud on Sundae returned -to New - table. A toast to the bride and groom, Market, aceorapanied by- Miss eElizabeth of five years ago was proposed by Mn R. Howson, who spent the sumMer bete. Mrs. W. 0. Bleck and Mrs. James Yates have as their mete Mrs, Cloolea - Armstrong, of Chicago, and Mrs, Menu of Leudon. The ladies were for - bin' wee bottle at 738 Ave Minutes Noble of Clinton. M. and him Wig - later, and . Germnette's at 7.30 pen, gine left "Wedeesday for Brantford W , , The 7,000 birds were released sinellten- Where '' Wigthls teaches eallea eously, the signal being given by Hon. mammy reeNeo. 0. Howard Ferguson, Canadian High Commissioner to London. The pigeonS The primary and cradle roll depart - WNW keVera times over the Exhibition trtentsol MortlStreet United ennrsil Counds, getting their **nags, erne enjoyed a bappy time at Harbor Park then took off in all directions for pointsen WednesdnY afterivirni" at a pie**10 Vaue.da and United. States. Cups are being ay/laded the winners, but It will be some time before results are known. TUESDAY'S BRIDGEsTEA A. there:410y enjoyable and Success, .. seul bridge-tea.was held by the Women's were as follows: liciiniter Atikilitireele the Mastede Teme 8 yeare-"tied:threre-reePreemen, 13, Them was a good gathering including Alt - ken :mothersa% prlxnary etho; tepile dren. Altse part - THURSDAY, SEBB. Id; Mg DANCING at THE PAVILION—Goderich SEPT. Sth, LABOR DAY Music by Al. Williams'` 7 Aces Wed., Sept. Itb and Sat., Sept..1.0th TONY PAWS ORCHESTRA Free iron C. P: R, Coiner MUT ME AT THE PAV Obituary 1 Merly-the Misses Weston of Goderkie Mr. and Mrs. John. Andrews and daughter Eileen, of Exeter, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Long-. mire last week, Mies Eileen remaining for a week, returning hoMe an Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs.' Charles Girvire of Oklahoma City, visited fOr a eew days. Ment and Mrs. Fell of the Cradle Roll last week with Mrs. Oirvin. Mr. Oirlitn. department but Mrs. Fell was unable whois a son of the late Hugh °Irvin to be present Misses Edna, Driver, of Ashfield townseee, has not been here Gladys Allen axle Rae Andrew assisted for a number of years and took occasion Mies Aitken and the results of the Mos to call on his. friends In town, He Is a Huroneounty boy who has made good In the on' state.- - see Dr. Mare Tom• returned' to Toronto on Wednesday after spending holidays with her mother, Mrs.I J. L Tom. Mra. tome of Windsor, is a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs Alex. Smith ple on Tuesday afternoon. 11 had been ;gauped to hold this annual' event on the hospital lawns, but owing to the heave rains of the day before a theme to indoors had to be made. ' l'here were sixteen tables plaeed. The contract winner& were Mrs, Lanctway and Mrs. •tfaMea Hume, and, the auction winner Sess. George Mathiesan, Mrs. Hewson' won the consolation. The draw for the TeoploWe,Know. blanket retuenecl -Mrs, Watsoa, Nelson street, the lucky perzon. The serving table was prettily decorated with lace cloth and a beautiful sneer basket of snapdragon and Illative stocks. Mrs E,IreeAvreees0* Ilav*113$ 15 a visit° at Pared W. Carrie add Mrs. R It, Reddite pour- Mrs Albert Stevenson visited friends ed tea and were able assisted by Mrs. B. J. SaUlts, Mrs, Isaac Salkeld,Mrs. A. In London last week., Miss Helen and Master Jack Snell Sturdy, -Mrs. Powiie, yea wet - • —a visited with relatives at 'Westfield last Saults, Mre. Murison and three graduate week. Miss Chambers. _Mrs. IL Beatty and Mr. mr, L.• Arde:son, of 'Galt visited nurses, efrs. Ticlemrneo Mrs. Beatty and last week with Mr. and Mrs. David Me- leffe, A, le, McLean were in charge of eernee • the candy. table. Mrs.. A. O Htutter and , mot - draw for tee blankets. • ' vr1W'red •13,e4e14.dsrtur•da,Ey'ealloe,r oaf vToottrevintiotit Thornloe. 7 to 8 years-P.'4ohnston. 6 to "I years -8. Freeman, J. Freeman. 5 to 0 Yeats --0, to 5 Tears --11. Beattie. • Frog race --Billy Price, Thorni0e, Nose rafie, under 0 years -Agnes Snyder. Mrs. Montague Baker bad charge of the Lewis Taylor. s , • ': e Mr. ane.ltheSC.. Warmoll, of Toe - PASSENGERS BECOME ILL ILL • C. onto,xunntiiare visg p0aztt;;Vitiessii and isik,8 B. • . -se • • Rev, 0. Fs .cistake and Mrs. •Clarkeleff The steamer Manitoulin had a 'some- on Tuesday on their return te London What rough 'trip up. from Detroit after spending • a"month -in. Goderich. 'Saturday" eight, and . Sunday morning .••• Emma Silverthorne and. her and some passengers, making their first niece, Miss Helen Silverthorne, of Tor - lake cruise, became so ur-that they left onto, spent tile: in Ooderich. the boat at Goderich and. returned by ' Mrs. Wm, Orande and Sono Melill1.% has. The passenger steamer • had a were visitors in Owen Sound last week, large quota of passengers both the week-. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Doak are . at Toro end before and this week -end, end:with onto, where they are attending the .Ex - the exception of the odd prioi.saileeeedi thoroughly enjoyed the . Miss Emma Snell, •stf-Torontoe•visited . • ' ve, .• during the past week' With her brother, • • • . • •-• .• Mr. John Snell. darssl'igear weektark wiw4tlif h414eri:tedgrOillearaelett Mr. and Mrs. Jona._ Ionia:etre. 'Miss Este Iluntee, of Kitchener, was a week -end visitor With her father, Mr, J. W. Minter, _Market Ste' • • • Me. and L. Cromie, Of ..De- • ?eon, have heertlieiting at- the home of and Mr:;. be Mcriwain; Netvgate St. • , Warden LeWlee Rader, the COnserva- tive candidate in South Huron, wasea 'visitor to the cbunty buildhig last Fri- day. est Doak, of Detroit, fvMr.41 9114t:re dt. 5, wr .111 k 1 18.148i 1 it and 'Y feidchi; 11411 Mrs.euC:vreersr etu ed the forinees parents, tett. and Mrs. R. MI! or have been visitors for two weeks with. J. Doak. s ' . • air: her sort Alex, of •Dure re ateek-end visitors. with 114,• saw-ftler at . Baecle. Craigle, of Buffalo,' who Mr. and Mrs. Pred Craigie on Sunday to her bonier • o Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Hughes, Miss Helen Hughes, and 'bliss Helen Lindsay, of tendon, were, guests with Mrs. Carrie this week. • , riers. Christian ha.' rettirnect• to Detroit latter spending the summer season here. W. Christian, jr.; le, remaining hero till over Teaboo Day. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Skinner, of De- troit, Mich., hate), taken the Blue Bird Annex at 13luewater Beath near Gado- •, rich for a fortnight. 11-1 Miss M. Campbell, Mies Grace Robert- % sore Mrs. Peed blarney and Mr. John Venus Restaurant Ice Cream Parlor .AND Uputo-date Soda Fountain k We have been requested by the patrons of our Candy Department to repeat these specials this week.. -WE THANK YOU. Mixed Chocolates • 84o Lade Carantel4 . 20e 'Homemade Fudge 39e Sugared Almonds 39c Cream Bon Bons • 39e Licorice Aborts 25c • Mieshmellows feasted or plain 30e. On the Square, Goderich MEW Dresses for fall in the season's latest 11 materials and styles; cresses dleverly de, signed, trimmings of flat bows, scarf' collars, faggotingbuttons, etc.; new shades in brown, vbordeau red na y and black. FALL HATS New Smart! Moderately Priced! Closemfittiqg models, aril the smart sailors. Trimtninof bows, buckles, veils. New fall shades. „.• Alterations on our store Wilt be rOMPlit'next week and we will have our usual Fall Opening LADIES' COATS, DRESSES; HATS, and in MEN'S WEAR • • MRS, iwa, SOHNSTON Tile death of an, old and highlY re- eeected resident of Colborne township, ' Julia Johnston, occurred 'Inesday at the home of her brother, Alex. Young, 8th .concession, after a very theft ill- ness, in. her 82nd year. A daughter of the late Alexander ,Young and: Christens. McKenzie Young, who came froin Scot- land, deceased was born ea the munici- pality in wbieb. the resided all her life- tixae. Her husband predeceased • her three yeas, Of five cbildren three are living. They are: Alexander Johnston of Vancouver, 13A, Mrs, G. W. Patter- son, -Toronto, and Mrs, 33, C.-Weire, of Auburn. Mrs. 0. A, Robertson, wife ot the looaI member for South lemon, who died some year* ago, also was a daugh- ter while a son John, was drowned. Three brothers and one sister also „our - vivo: ,Alex. Young of Colborne tome, side, Rev. John Young. Dee., of Afieldere NX.. Rev. pow 0. Young, 1).D., Tore rano, eed Mrs. A, Y. Henderson, of Cole borne township. Mrs. Johnstan was a lifelong Presbyterian and Rev. Ur. leit- chard, of the. Smith's Hill congregation will have charge of the Zuneral today, width will be held from. the holm of her brother, Alex. Young, at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made in Celborne. township cemetere. • • . • HAD GOOD gUMIVIER Manager of bleresetung Hotel Says It Was Better Than Expected The menesetung Hotel will close for the season tomorrow (Friday) and come teary to what might bs exPeeted, swan - ager *Alex. Sheerer reports better bust - 0 ne.ss,this.year lest On Par° °°Ca." cions euring July ana-•Anguse the liotel- ":"'"-' had to turn custoiters away. The bus - lest weekoend was on civic koliday. Tbe• seven •cottages at the park also, were all' occupied during July and August • WEAR CORNFIELD'S WEAR ooel SAVE,MONEY Wiat $Id. of Slow* Nov* 418 "R. MIN, my MOW MEI 11111000011111111.110.100.0110RMV Tp Top • Tailors' New Falland Winter SAMPLES .. ARE HERE • OVer 100 samples to choose your new suit or Overcool. - Top's greatest value at the re. duced prof Tip Top Suit or "Over. coat represents the big. est value your money can buy. Come in and see rhes samples. M. ROBINS AGENT Phone 384 • 1 ocers----F-0-NLx "Pid‘dieXe 10 again act'34 as.lsope..to the thousands of Exhibition visitors • • • wise suninelly visitour heath*, Noe. %08-0-10,:in • 1X' -‘14)N with owr cowiwOwientoo deliettpis • PP °I'13°kar• • WOIlLDS LARGEST es_ • • • el a ell wow. Pure 7004 HedMine,_ and to again. serve low 1C4flof coureor oir e.ee'. Nectar• Bra" a• Omnge eko. • 43**-43ervice • 'Atli, oit Zi Y4611VOOLatiRELTAARiGLIESRST Theirs ,ereeldersextege• beverages are served dally • throughout the • . entire • • Extra Igiocials for the Holiday Wk -End in lkfraAgr S fon ,*GROCERIES CHOICE SUGAR CURED SMOKED • etwicg. rEAraittED *hat - • 12ATIp.4.5.1.r. Bort: 15c 1 stwED lb. 21e lair Ib. , g SWIFT'S PREMIUM PRODUCTS SWIFT'S PREMIUM SKINLESS SMOKED .. • °VENOM) WoL7 Ib. 210 SWIFT'S PREMHIM SMOKED BREAKFAST STYLE . macze Ib. 25e %EIRE lb* 210 GENUINE SOFT -MATED SPRING ,11.0010 the 10* LEGS HI. 190 THRESHING TIME BEEP SPECIAL ASTSOVLDER lb" itoe BLADE, • • lb• ne MESH C01105 • . • • SALMON Q Steaks Ib. 24e BAEW Ib. 22c HERRING Fresh Caught—Lake Ib. 1 le $p. -tai Primo far This Week Only 011* OWN NECTAR BLEND ORANGE DOME yeah Pkg. .00 1.4b. Pkg,, 9e1 we ske serving this lea daily *2the C,N.E. Semple a edp With our conmilments-eits delightful list -one is winning new users. erre day. MADE 112 oramtices mast CREAMERIES • .. ZIPPY, TAS TV )Wil,n, mgrzow 1 eese ,...,,,,,,. NEW Ib. e FOR THE *OLIDAE WEEK -END ClIATEAU CHEESE git.t LOBSTER Beet Nova Seed* No. 1/4 Thi 25e A PURA HARD SOAP SURPRISIE SOAip 10 Bs?* 9e STRAWBERRY JAM 0.014. sar 250 mune and vioaritazis Bananas Il** I 2 moos 1 RIPE RiMeLOW NATIVE GROIN%