HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-09-01, Page 2'? TA09 "F0 I "
M 00t)Crich stat. ��"""` 1 ' _'__ __ ;, I � I I I . I
W 1, .
� HXT OTHER I auttor advance* SO per I
y . cent. in a worth. WC I
nd"hed �10,tr . I
owe. ,,,, ,&:=y,Pt,�%lT4-r
J& wr'd Great 114ta EDITORS SAY
. :31 0190 Pell FiD I hope our farwWriends
- - I . �
.____R�_. 1-1111-1. -
I;y Vidor Lautistva . -1 ".4 I .
"""fI.O.-P. ___, - ___.
. - __
- I I a 6w -r. la, IOU
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I __
.;I.;.,;,. 1;01;f, 1.11 - - .
.1 � ,for I
- ars 112.w); i Q1 tm qpzeE Cb1,U44'y 1AX TW*$"4*2 *44sx *".W' !� I
"ar in 'a I (Can-,-judC4 Imm. las� week) . .
unitca atalill�';%1150 1;11k y' rar �a advance, benefit. . 11 P,wg t1he v2gt;t-.Vc,4t bax, John Galk,9=4 IERGOAT5 1
3)" old sad new addresses should be , oil tAe ueexl struck, in tim 1*04teAlaachurage. SUITS and OVE , . I . � i
givo wr*.,en eha;�ge of address 13 To, shotat charp C"A" wells we 1bye Tweed hie" buoll wine yea -w telcre: and awmt 2§60, deveZopmelat of NOW, ON I)ISPLAY I
.Cd, C.INCEMNUONS—wo find Men drined for on on Me Maitland tall'i, Tuat 'Was one great I . ARE I
, . tr-14=01al pan) - "A or
;U,t 1p,*t C,1 r rhos* prices Wi . FAV94 ;N d`9 " met
� mp rp4bQr5boF3 P;eIVV V01 - � 11 ,or$- QVW$ite, "orlt4 Itistead of DO theY TIN;aiit Years- ew Prices � . .
�e;r $,,1bSerIP+toaS interrupted no , 15 unfov'r * :4ad salt teen cars brougut another. In IQZ7 c7odericu See the New Goods and Note the N I d ,
- ntw Of t=al tolb vail -r before
to. i2ave V ran to remAt before Qxplra' our V� 1, at all four Draw stfall, 9" Nev,e 6 A en M7 ar *%
IQ CA"a they I tO the taxpayer, unfair to tUe -Milways. for one .Week, Struck In AmerIca, In *PP=�ble 031311- Celebrated its fetiteng 7" le t t I- mg-- ; I
tion. while Aubsalpttons Will not lit S 'are* 'US I I
jLjrca�rg over an extended per- Unfair to .highway ShIplim. The whole t ties. Uo strike not merely gave the leri John Galt had r heft out Qf vir.
e I 1 Canal taoxceping fUauld be, Igbt line �
las we are notifted to 013'.01, of ,trgus-I1&aItl*nd bandet of s4ttard Its gin forest an allll)WOM ara . '
I I F the set- 0-, -_1 d and a POWY at ram% but started a tremend7ous boom from Lake Huroa to Lake Ontario. Ire �
vic R a ANCU� that continUed well Into the 7014. A doz, the bottomlel,s 11144 9114,A)UmPY cOr4UrOy � 11a k
we 9 t�c e =Iberwlshes Qva�otawllvl B - c
I U; 3 should tcaz ad-aptod. """" Sept. 2nd WSW. 91h, succeeded 8, Chas.- I .
'__11,; red lette . I on or more salt blocks we.,e establielled, of pioneer days bad now .
We by regist I Phone Hotel W&9r*
C I - U0 V47ablP, At PV% %,110191111! . . . wv;�u were &UIC4 on �ho GpdorIcut aide, emo NO# 04MT4 now I I I
A. Tromtn4ol�' step , . . , otla.pxved motor road, and already., I. . .
kWh, alit Pillo, .... 1. ....... 3 1093teo, f9lr 00. of the ilivex.at.the harbor, and fardown between the. twin PINATS WhiCh. At the , . . I . r I . I � I .
. wani of Montreal Bulletin) _-;�_ v - ,449re where, 40 yea;* ago 4e- entrance to- the town, commemorate Galt , m il 0 1 1 . . I . �
--- -------------------IP — , the Huron . . . � � _______________�
, ,
, � � . 1. A tremendous stop J.2as-been tak*Atu- S,gi HeptiWa, medium 100, for Ste coLying piers, and crumbling Sheds and and Dutilo�, the tourist. tide was Ilowtuo. IA& : rli
TfMSDAT. SEPT. is . t,�1022 Ward$. enlargement at Inter - EMPIV01 . derricks =ATkoa an Industry that -bAd And It will COUtInUe, and Inevitably e, 01h* offerently." -- . , ,j
. I � . . P ' . trades.and &.new Coaception created of I - Out grow. The charM of God"ich-the co- �. -Ake in SPEGI At, I �� - '
. . I ... , P111111 f once made Qo4erich know -4 through pbutry 'Will in F-7, ,�',
I . . 1. . �__ the de6lrAblv APPlIC41011 Of ftpirP Pat- .— i the viorm mance, the, glamOr-we IlldeSorftblel OMMKI01 ail-,�,*%.tiug- .,The oriwific in I=. . _� I It
. I ,
- - �- __ - ,
�g��=�. _______ � - . 1ftt1S2W_W_VAet1c4__U0"_`--1 - I � .r-, . tiva 4*rAtr _. 11 �. � .-
. . . . . 7 r 00,_� _004.1dr . 06, � Xnevitably the-boom--Collapse(L - The'-exsept-Inthe--ivords, "it-rallft YQUAWIC."', W-QrW*4A,4l=lr 7r�-�- -,--_-1- , .. f9w, W -ft ---. - 'L . . �.. l-
- ....... I" 0 � -, � 11 I I . I � . , ... weaker enterprises *ut, to the .Wall, Modem progress 2" not.*spoile4 thel" ADIDUCIBIX; 0AP010 � Of ' 4 9 .. I . .
I : . . . . . . .
. k '' i . 1. I . .) fii` Ww- -FA S f I I
I - S�a , es. ... town dotte broilght forward as a XMon.."If Y6ur z I
. . Star � . sim.wou Suits In Tea 400W IFJ4W1-DeveIqPWK�-rrWInV P leaving the .d with abandon- goenic loveliness* that 0alt'and Dunlop Ill , fb"r � � ,. - - %
I 11 �� _. I . IpC � pwant Tq#Ah . PAOC ............... $90 ed Wt -blocks;l The strong SUridV011. kilow, The vjalkl up the wild, VI4;�=: proofs are 40dudible, Why dip. yoU, bed- i -1 . . �11 . . . I r
t U I
11 (Antigoulsh (N., S.) Casket) -� .. . The Western Canada Incur MMe CO -'hu land Valley Is UlifOrgettal) a. I . R DAY . .
Centre celebration at, , � . , . tate to show them?" � ILASO �
. ThID Bird'a-BY0 Bathing suits are. JU4 060out the. limit a salt outputlof 12,000 tons a year; the; table too are tlip S
Aeftyl S*ucyllc Acid T*ble* , uron sunsets as Saari . BLATA=; bellowing, as a C.413f; Clatn"
OsSiabiown.-,may�, 00 % matter of history, of docent oil4Wanve at all times, but It Godorich, Salt CompauY, formerly the from R=bor Park when lake and sky - , fares between any tW0 '
blend their golden glow and rosy flame "no volt
decency, lcttbe 2 doz,'foi ..................................... 2150 .Riee $*It " . Oring. e of the speaker was I.Rolmrn .
but the 06*Oliiia, war goes merr4 00, the name of Common . � I , patty, PY041304 about 60 ' � � drowned. by blataht orleC" . points in cansda at retIOU'A"
. ding of the OU004 JA such a rig be - . wits 4 diq, So that salt 10 Still a great into golorings no art reould Imagine or I . . . re and a quartOP � . �
I . Para , � . . . .1 . one-way fa . L . � I I
. . . stopped At once. We have even peen 1Kote*.W"r,e# Offer. �Induit_7- . . I I Imitate, 91 I � I � I . . I I
L . . ' I
'a toa-room in their , 2 Pl,gs,, Icotex, I . rJeenex. ,. fk - In in - . . . I 1, .. � . .. GOING DATES I
School claws . were resumed this boys and ,&Is In I. , later years, numerous dustries. , . — . I Dye4 of Adhma. makes. oolintIC19S. . %, 4
,thing puits. It we e4fin9t .appeal to Value 41,13, for ........................ 790. sprang up, Tb .enterprising, courageous � I 1. . . __ thousands mlserable4 Night Aftqr night from rOon, Friday, Sept. 2nd, W " I .
wili, but in ba . t - a � . . . .
moming for the MAU= - their decency Perhaps pome.one will all . spirit of the. pioneers led the � men of, . � I I 11 Me. attacks retui . . a . Rill, ' . . . I .
at least we failed IQ hear the ers to act .. ,n aAA even wheit brief. n .
one house us whether It is..good Maim zk*d,o wftc� rim, 3 'boxes $1.00 . .0oderioll Into, more than one hopeful - respite is given the Mind Is still in t0r- noon, Mo day' S pt .I - -
� . I .
Ar Her* .that .Way, . I � � A I *=a lam- 0 rw eklyLesson . .
araws -of "Happy JDAYS. � a , eat - . � Mont ,from op),tIn .
. erprtse. Oodericla organs I. 11 I U1.1 e , Upi anticipation. Dr. �, RETURN LIMIT . .
, � . '
. . . . . I . 11 .. � � AMmy's Salt CoMbI09001i, iPlacial one;, Qodprloh road maellinery is widely: I 1. .1 ,midy . . : ..�
Again." I I . . . I . . -both . . J. V. 7conogg's Asthma *a tbangles midnight, ,Tuesday, SePt. � fth-, 1982 1 L I
. . W hi - En . - L . I .. .
. . q*kenIng L L 111.00 wo with Me SI; I uEed In this great zDadbuilding era.' I 064 all this, Relief conies,. and at, cute, . I ,
.. _�__ . -I � . Is"I" . , I %or .. . ..... ! ... 1.1,99c I ' J� ' , L
.. .............................. � Sow (]Iy W. L, GQrdon)L am. warded- on, . ..
� I . I ... m Industries were short-lived; others . . future attacks, Information and (ares"froth you.r
itog was the first to become , mxn. bi. Saturday Night) . � I adapted them�alves to. changing coudi- . . . I while - . I . . . . 1. ... I .
I That $he V.ith,tbe depression find- is' R, 0, ]DU4 fi4 ' Co"a L r�poct * for ..''. I - Iraving tile afflicted one in, a state Of . I .L local agbhu I
Impatient . last -*Xterd-s .............. � ......... 2 cam 20o tions 044 carry on successfully. Tliq town t .. 1. _
L . . � I peace and happiness 'be 'lonce * believed, he I , .. . ..
ity�l rat . bar lde- week va5 the most eiidol4iasing Issued L I I — has. $6 heal.tby Industrial life-Dut -it is I Words Often Mistined , ' o*�. . XneiMen4lve 4 6 L . I. f _,L,e I . .
leading us back to PrOsPer" IS SIncL , leould never I nd 'I - - � .'-L L , `
'!old t a tile depression began, ,showing In- Liste41M&_ L . outstanding as the gateway, to Lake Do not say, ,Vhen yqu write, direct. sold almost everywhere,* ,. . anad 1 a L" fb a 0 . � L.
. droys, the -sation. that time creases In wholesale and I retail buying JAI 25c size . ............................. -X30 Huron. -, I - I L I otters to St. Joseph", Say, "AadresS I , ,. L � I I . . . . . . . . . I . I . 1.
nothing to 416 11106. . . many lines atid Practically 01, terri- 47c . your I . . q . . . . . � . I ' L L __ . .1 I . I . I I L . . I
. , .
. � I �qc Size :: "'N"..".1 I ....... I... ... I... .1 wen zenieftiblesi Goderich Harbor L" your letters., I I . . . . .
. . . . iorlej. TbOagl-, the ,.hoaW1 Industries - - iors_ . a L . . 1. . . L L P ' I I :
I— I $X.QO size for ...... .......... � ......... . 89 it was 46 years ago-�-the wooden stone- L b$ '
L " . 1. S 1. 1. . � I . I . .., Unruly and L - . . . . "
I rich . .filled brodkwater On, the Maitland side fresh,,,. sar, "were unruly and .$MPU-� _ , � .0 ' W ftM b 1L
. . . . IncluWes are ,reportoo � @0 'd i P a . . 1. .
, L
There were six Marriages . in Mde, continue to pre ant doleful reports of 0 'I . . . Do not say, "The boys were L M .
I pared ,With flour In conditions, more stion- Andrew's Liver Saltit 650 sizOe of' the harbor, Overgrown With Wlllbws'� dentllpt L, � . 1. .. . B14 L ' I I . �. . .. . . . . I . .1. . I . I
L 14 August, as 'COWL and *itier price tonaoncles. lanque .l.- ........... ; ................. the Weed -grown railro*,d tracks creeping L , . I . I . -0jo L,.N. I
. . 1w, ..".. L .....-59V I I . '.Ytj have tlie''ability to I I . .. - I ,
- . Iq .. I
. I
. I
j=P and two in August Of last !ear. all -ably Ili,, business 'Pulse -4S I QuitkentnO � � � ; , __ L . I .v. down the Side of the'bill; the dark tun- DO got say, . , L L.t I ' - r or. . . I .
. . I I L . . I . 9 say, 161ou have the capacity to : . ,.
. . . . . . . . . I
a S on, IndicAilon ... . . . I . I * , , �L: , ..� 1. . Fan. I I W.
everWIle". I L . I r learn � . P .0 I
Of, which May be. tak n a . . I iltl*of the old grain elevator; the Island L . 8 i 'd' All ,; I .
ros�lts, ,of We IrApe'rw cbnw . . I —1 . Colgites Tooth 'Paste, I 040 in the hwbor, and -the two long woqden. learn," . . . . L * . � I . . . L. . . . , . 1 4 � � - - L . . . I I
that the . . . . . ., . . ,"hinere Souquet Soap,,fov 250 not dUiur,D, , - — _4 L JT1 I poke, Troax, 0askIp 1,
I ' , I . V I . . piem. stretching far Into thelake, Lake i3o not sq,j, I -They could Nrum 114 .
forcace.ate, already being, loit'L . . � An Excellent Aarpla . I . I L - . nu L - f I ., 11 . IL 4. "I ,mijes-._44My blood wa ieILTSTY � I .
. . . . . anqlAl � Pea) . . . I I craft, mostly Sailing vowels, with lum his equp,nimity- of.mIpdII 0 to Mind . � t - bad conditi** and my face mas jut 1 � . ' ' L
. I . I , . . . I . (Fin . 11tostel . la ......... L ............. t..., ........... i...20o. bar, came, and went', and, now and then $qUanImIty I Ile � of mind.11" I 1 URD00" 11 . .
. . � . . . In the minds of most Canadians there � I .1 . iitoam , Vannes L'
. There I . s said .t* be a AlOnstoor 1000 Of Is'little doubt- that fro L M Can2da's stafwl- - - I I " I In stormy Weather some stout shipWould . Meant 'to have seen:yna ."I- � � ,I covered with blackheads and pimples. I
' '
. .. F!Y TOX, kly swatters,. Fly. miss the harbor entrgiloO, bury. her nose Do "at '47' "I . I . � . ,.%en, ftaUy, cold go'' c4me on the . 1. L L . .
. in' Hart . U County ,this year, point an. excellent bargain has ,been . - William Babb while thoe." Say, 141 meant,to see you," - - 11 ra. - - I L
. A � I �
. L L ' ' . . I -
. L
bmbn,Uts , Ing to , Indian tradition. I Struck but that ItL Is 9; bargain that Is '� . , C911s, owilson, IFly Pads in the Sands, and Captain ' or "I Intended to ie6 you." . I I L I ' Bide of My mouth and Ikept oliread 11 . 1. I I
. Which, . 1. � . ' I ing. un one I
. .
accord merely a beginning of larger trade,and I . would get. gut. the lifeboat. ' I L. . L I I , . I LOO D � , ".W idde ,of my face 'had ... . .
, ' . 1 S'0160;1. 310y Pot I mb, Spa- I 1W not say, OThe Aliens Avq� irl O'�r : tWenty Of them oil Lit I be- . . I .
. presages a hard winter. - Plenty Of Pea- in the, futw�.:.Tho kei to L.. With the early,years, of the, present . . bor- .' I 11 about . I . I
eco:iolnlo agreements I I cial' price . ........ L� ........ .............. _�496 , vicinity." Say,. "live in our neigh . 1. -and ealven, . I
, .
Vlthol�t tto 1 , -1 The Canadian . . . L . � . . a r-bintments .
. I pla lofecast a h4rii. winter. WltiSh t0i Will probably -come � in time - . . '. - ob.gilgo came. bodd.11 I I . . r t .. . I -.::. � ... 6. . 9, n by using. . heli*a to 11W, th I
I . as the triumphant do-� . I � , . L d w vast and, owing I L. . , lll�_. - �L, ,� O..---- ;-L ------- , �, - -
. -crop. WaternwWs Fountain Pen Ink, west. opened, an , or I .. I I I .. I . . 0101640 ther; L I , .� .
Assistance of the' beechnut I .: .to. regard Ottawa ,�n gL -long . . - I : I Lead � =1!rl ' . Were left. . L . . q .
. I I volopitiont In their a oneration . four colors, bottle_ .................... 15c flood of grain choked all possible 'Can Woras Often. MisprionOull . . I I L. sores, little Noun . I . I
11 . .. . I . . I L. I du I . � adis,it and Amearican outlets. $into the ' 1. I lico neg-li-oha. � BITTERS ,. ,.. . ... .
L . . . I L .. L struggle against the forces OVin striai I Fem, . . . I Negl4ge_ Pronov 4 .as� I - A . V $ 1 L'$tSLTW taking, Bardock Blood
. . . I � . I — I extra and more pgrtjculaxly� in 'recent. yen, -_ 11 . I . � L 11
. __ . _- _' ' L "' i bmkas1SAL been decline. ' - . I . I ., Fohool, Fountain.:, . . 'in it, 9, as in day, aoc�ni last ---- - -- . and. fouJid - complete relief o ,,,
I I : . In leg, I as . 11 . Bitters -
Drivog with detective ' .. . . . � L L . . ......... .... "...-A'..005 ated to . . I I I .. , � FW. t1le, I . L.
' there . . L. . . . ,r � .1 I . value ...... . *. , 0bdirich harbor has been recrei - . . I . .� . L , 1164 a L . . as the &A trouble won diappeared) .. . �
Idescribed ag'-pountial, murder, Yet. . . . .. .. --------- � � . . I . tyllable, � . .. . i .. I .
I . . . ' . . . meet changed conditions. � I . . 1111"AWACT111011310 L . 9%tisfaction Ito , . I
. . . I I
/" "e.scores of cars running ground with, I . A. 0004 Point � I Men?$ After Shave. TaloUnk ...... 1,90 . � Recourte. Accent last syllable, not the - 2!I`V _'-.. and to my grftt I . .
I . I .
, . , . I The first grain elevator was built In I T MUBURN `40'..", � ". I
1. .. . - . I . . I - TIM a, I Were . .
0 . — he L Buffalo . ocars lefi. i hais bad ito mote ,
out any .brakes at. 9,11i Or' very, poor -ex. �OollingWOO4 Erlterprise-gUllo#n) � I I : . 060 by t and -Lakq; Huron. first. . . I., . .
.. . - .. I . I i . 1 I le last, syllable I Yan"It0h "L .. ,kin;0,P , I .
I I onounce- tl , . . I L . tw,ble wi* my L.. I
� I braket, ' The Policy Seems to . The, Goderiell star, . opinos . that tha� . on Railway t61 handle -grain. from. ,=I*au- Nalittll%o- - FT . I I . I .. . I . . . . : . I
CUSeS Jor.' . I - � .L . wa�erwq can wapitv Ray lyrup at.11te. Dratst . I net ell . - I . . I I . L .. � . � � . . . .L . I .1 . . . .
I .1 * .. .
be to, wait Until �LUL.acoidint happens. ,St. Lwwrenoe I � H; C. RVNIAr . kP - kee and Chicago for .furtherance to New tune, . . 0011, � L I . I I . .. . L L I L — . I. .
. I . . f4When wo.'xead,1! It says, -"of. the Le-; I "' H'� 'AlUDEr- - England , IVI^ 'Suffalo. In logo -it began to Hghltua. .Pronounce lia-bit-U-4, first: I 'L I .1 . . . q i ___ . . ,;�
% .
I I L� I- . I - ... . . O . . . gest grain L freighter 4011 IL &CMIM91161I 19, It-, W]10 _. - I=dle� gTain front the Canadian. West, � In bit"the tU Las in na"' . L 1. I . I I � . ., L I . .. " ��. .
. . . I L .: . . yne,11 the laili , bush. . ;L '. ILF A as Iwask, I as . 1. L � . . .. .. . .. .
. . , � I . I tivity both in. t car:ying 515,t000 . I . .11 � 4 L . . - . .1 ' . L . . . � ; . I I . I . . I I . I � . I,
he areat. Lake�, . : . . I I .1 I I DeStroj4cdL by fire in �1897, A � 500 000 ture flual. a ," - in L day,. and ..,Socent. lakt . , I ., I . . . . . ... . IL'
L . I I . I . .. . . . I I . I .!,. . I
. . I I I .
. Then has been same ac ols of Wheat WrOU&L the new Welland bus a -put In. operkti ,. , I � . � 9. . . .
. . , hel elevator Wa on 'by
d in, Municipal circlet to curb t1jiday, we tan easily I . . the newly - Organized. 'Gpdekich Ellev . a- syllable ' i : L . � I .1 - , , . 11 I . I LL . I I L 1 . . I I . .
county an . . Ship Canal jut Sa L . , . joist." PTOnaunco the. t, not Jolt, .. . 1, I I . I . . ,- -L
. . who come. into tOwn, t� peddler . __________�. , � .1 . � . I I . I I .. I . .
� Outsiders I L vision what vIli become of the elevators �. . l. . I ., . .1 I tor and- Transit �Corapomy., Aftothtr'llre " 11 I L . . . i . I ..., , . L.. .. I . 11
� . their, '' . With thit T* ,Star it, an- On ,Lake RUrOUL and Georgian � Bayp In -TOWNSHW wilied r t this, plant In .1905; This time I Presentation.- Pronounce first syllable, . . . .. . 11 . .1 I , �. . 11.1 I'll . . I ... I
. . : .
. . I.: I .
vi4res I . . ou ,. -At . - I I I ' " * I ..'". L .1 � � ..
. the rit, , GODSRICH, I . the plaut..wM rebuilt.In 'eniluring ootto prez, & Stitt bad,. not as In. be - . oentf . . ., I I � . . L
obich',millitils. are invested, if . . . ' . I L ,I . .1 11 . � . I .
. . ,
. .tirely ln:,alccord, for there has been al- ' Liwren�e Waterway I, ever bulIVI The . I rite ya,looner, . of . Gode- orete, Rod, with frtguent Inctealses, has I third syllable.. I . I . , " " ' .�. I . ,�. :. : . . I
. . I .
together too much at it going oa. I To. : r, sUrely 12" a. good Pointf, orld that Miss .Margue aggregate storage � capacity, Of . I . �elXed -, I ... . . � i L , I I . �� I �� � �s 1: . : I � I . . I
. Sta , -ts rich, Spent. Sunday at the, home Of her now -an . . . . . 1.
. . I eat, b 31,404 anythiitg� from arlooked by, t4e POr ... I . 3,000,OOQ bushels. . In 1920 it handled . . Words. OfUln .Xisi ) ' L L .1 . . I . .. I . . I
day YOU . . Uy. . should pot.be ov I �, I 1parents here. � � , , .. . . . day-bree. ' _ '. '; L ., .; ;"' - ' �, - . . - ... I . . .. . I . I I 1, .... 1. . I I . I
. perfume to footwear at your front ,door. of Lake Huron and GoorgISP'liaY. , . � ,School. No. nearly 17,Q40,000 bushels; the Western . Debris; though pronounced . I I .. . . 1: . . � I . I I
. I . �-opons in Union � . 1� . . 1. . . . I
. Ist, after the boll- . . , �
- , '. . �. : .. 6 on ThUrWay`., 4,000,'ooO. ad er Mal a . ten not" �L , L , � I . . l . .
ected towarti onforein eXI$tI319 bYlaWs � � . - days, yfith Miss Xtuth Evans, ,of - CillatOn, � Oftional. The W403teril Can- the tijo; ps, not , nt nanec, . . . . . .
9. . L , I I)oMiniong WOU Out . .. . I ant. vith.'a, milllni capacity ,of isin. Intelli4i , three I's and three I's� I . I I . I � .
, .
. L " I , . aq teacher. - . 1. . . ad% PI I ible, � . ..
(Fittatic,41 'posti. I School re . . . I . I . '6bgexve' L I . I ' AL , '. .
. . I I . I . Canada PIdur Mills ,,elevator' hafidligg Hundredth.; Teal not at& Elixir. L
it 10 lintair. coMPOtItWit And 011argy � dir I Sept, . - PECI I I ,
. ... I xrrela a day in addition te4ts I .S, . ., . . S '�
I ,will be well, expended, _W14": - I I. . . 2,500 1,bi. L I Surprise; Ise, 'not Ize. . . I . . L L I . . - L . .. . I . I
� � - I.,..,- L . � t L , ' ad%,$ ' Impson, Of Toronto, 18 elevator atild,salt - la � . I . I . . . ' ' ' L ' - .� L
I , , . . . . _L I . I ,Mrs. Jack S plant, is � the `6tgrovA . .
I . . . I . an I here owing to the � I �:. . . I . - � E WEEK PF -7- ..- I I
The stubborn Ingistence 0 C $pinding some Who of ii 100 -bbl, -stone mill -built by Ogilvie .. . .. —FOR TH . .
I .
_. WILO CARROT MZNACE : L. prime minister upon a- 8titish de -Clara- illness Of her Moth . #r,. Mrs. 'Jas.� Aoss.. . . ulyo grain . I . Synonyms - , * . . 1, . . 1. . . . . . .. . 1. - . I . I . L , :.
., .. � L I . I . . An;4 1111tidbinsoti In. im. Tr I lmmetso,*huge, enormous, prodl . . L
. . . I Vast . . . .
. . I . . tion of policy �on Itupsia. a4d of AUS- � Miss 911� MacUath, of Toronto, has I . . . . L I
T 11 .. — I I . I . I I .and Its -by-products, mean. much to I God- L L . . 1. . I . , 'S 8 'Ot''. a L I I
- . . . . .
I .
10004!6 . tjlas*� t.rWlaws -p;ime Minister on; the question of Ives helte the crich:' To the two CangdIah railToagg, 10ous! ' ... . - r , Oth .
. ... , country : . . . I . yjsjUng . with I relat L rev ve, sept -m 3 d ' to : . .
. A drive. through the I . ituallk won out &j Ott&. been . L � . nest6ref replace, repay, xalutid, I I - .. . . - 11. L . 'bilive '� L , I
� otioUgh � Lt 0:aupite.tholt food'tAxts level allc ,.-' L a frelghtrevenue of 0,- . . . �
. � 0. toliLviat . . 308d6m wt WC . AA -J ll �'J �.: `f there It''Moans .� . L
daya is' . ra, btItL net 'Until. .�he P'U'Ited' X _ I ._ L , �._ . ' . I I .1 . . recover. . . - .,L 1. I . �
. Y, . f. - )rt that, Mrs. 8 . � . - . . . , . Mioiie 368for Good Service.. and Trompt .- . .. ry 11� ., L R' .
% very danger- , , , , , 't'h oi �, X pleased Ao reV I 90,000 a. year.. L U
the vild.eaTrot is getting deligati ii� �.fd&iiptied We O -VO . . . I ourt,u;. I I . ... . . . . ,� L .
I - oil ues of jQs,,ItqS3 li doing as. ell,as leart.be ex- Courtesy, . politelless, ,civllitY. C I I -."-0 - — I
. I
I 'Dun boldL on Ma0y tum`3 and , roads, three weeks. in the end1,l the 8ritish �;P: w t L . Hance. the .re-created harbor. In the I I L . 1 IL, , I I . .1 .1 .1 1. I . . -L . . . . . .
I L L . , view poctgd'. after. ,her ,rocen operatio ,arly 1whoonor days quence,- conclu. 0
the most Serious ItU14ted to ,the Domlnions7 . n in a I Gbd&ich Was est9b- ness, Urbanity, I r .
L . L. .. ,,The sitpation- is one- of - - - - _. . . � I, ooderich, lished as aL'barbor of. rtfuge," in the VAsult, offact, cdnse . Ir'' S nirer Bee , �ottle 29c;! .
.. - .. - - - � __- - - * , 11. e Root or, Gi -1 I .
. , dolng�g4--thpy-sjved the- coutare-10 - Alexandra hospita . I I- ____ - - _' - - �begjrmhlg, _ to: ilon; . - ____L_ - . I - .L .1 . . __.. __.__________ _. I I— L . � ". . - . L ' �, .
Man 'Put L it to L r .Brus- 9 . .1 I . 0 I . . . I .... -_ -WIL . , ' . L �., �
question$ of tile: day.* ,is the way One they also commit I t I ad tile British govern- Mrs. Gordon Harwood is In. Ooderich Sols, with steam carAers .. .. � sactil I age. . . .. . ,
Up. And. in The L I home of her pareats, Mr.. And, Supplant Salling.Shipg, it'WaSLuo lon Let Profanation, desecration, ....... 11, ....... I .
ment to a line of policy'that the British lit the . . . .. . ., .Good 5;-stking Broom - -.I- I .. � .�
I - shallow &-Aft and unoro- 'expel, .. I I . I � . � . . . L .. 1.
. jpxclude eliminate 11 .
0 the ,comment Of a Mrs. John Longmtre,. Where she is'undor safe, Owing to, , I. debod O L .
sais Post. we notie I public may,besitate to Support. . .. L . In re- - .,. 1. . . ��. .. "'L . 1. In . L . �
. . . : the dottor I . . . . I &at . . I . I L I . . - L .
. . Is care. We hope to-"' 4 Speedy tooted entrance, The government af Baki g ..
I.Ormor made to the editor along the I . . , , I .. . . . years has L, spent aivroximately I . Word Study L . I ��, . Our e e . - I . . I
. .
. Fame linesi III can take ,you," Ile Said, . - . recovery. . . . . . $1,060,00o in dredging, new'construction. . ,,Uto, a word three times and it I 0 . .. 19C .L
. . Cause for Sobet� Satistactibn - n Staling, Son of Mr. , and L Wharves, *I .. is : PoWder 0 . .....-I.....0 I . IL .
,,to plam w " Los though they . . . Master Do, and replaottig,tiviber 0i, con- YOU " )LIef US increase- out vocabulary - , 1 lb tin "L." ........... . I . . L L . L 1,
L he -le It looks L . -,. 11 : (Toronto Saturday Night) '� ,. .Mrs. John Steling, bad the misfortune rg. L L . . , .L I . � . . I 0 . ' L I
ad Ut to grow a ,Crop . .Ship . Wand.is, boing� . . . � st ange - - ined. siz .. �. L..
' t, apots where ItJS The.*e can be no 9D ,t WeL.It to fall whe climbl-gg in a ba orate, The harbor area is'2,000 feef long, -word each daY. Words., " , or, s e-, 2 4 . .
b kl0t It 0 of nothing �Insaylng, that Much la� n .. 960 feet wide; . b)r mastering one . . I .Sunkist 9 I . ... oz.. 45c
elee., There aft othe . was due ,and fracture his thigh. -He 'War- reM0 - . for this lesson: . f,tt . . .1 * LS. I .
. (it the Actual success achieved, - pital, Goderloh, dredg9d'oUt:-therb is a depth of 25 feet 'L , I . . , L
Owing alongL'the 01do of the road. I to thd Canadian pritne Minister -It, is a,' ad to Alelandraj hos L 0 lakg tOL pierway, and . in , VFPSTS, worri Out, as with age, , � L I � . . I
. U I I of � water fr in . , monarchy Of the old PJAM �.. I. ........ 2 15C . .
-e 1. dole.. where he is getting along nicely- .. - not .less was an effete . . . . Classic luXuanser... ....... I . I . tin..
at L -t generously admitted by. al Unday the � . �. . L I .
have. �, . fIel�s this year where the Wild I fac I . . Next S Rev. , V'. W. Cralk, Who L harbor a Uniform depth' of . . I
. Carrot . ED bad that I the 'place Is not U tes Mr. Bennett had a, clear L Idea of . . will do. than 29 feoL.L'VeS�dIr- lot any sike tark world.'I I .. L L 1. . . I . ad � L . I I !L .
IiL . . 'and 'of \Vllat has returned., from his vacation . INCOMpAnABLZI. - beyond cota'Pari- hrifty Tea, Y� lb. ai I IL I .
.. L I a 0 ,.and. a maxim , Our Special TI 2- . I
. Intel. I am Mort, afraid of the Zonference, possibilities t,. The ,enter um of 96 modern ' .
worth ten ct. Canada needed. I His victory.1n, the Mftt- OUPY the pulpit In UnIOU chUr'01 'Llb . ' 'L Ati
Service Will be as Usual- -at 3':P,M-1 8urt carriers, can winter here with perfect son'. Without a.13eer or aquaL "A mer- .
thlatle, and we � - ratil hak %, . _., I.., . .
. it than I 'M L Of'r'QW . ter of Soviet d' . I safety. in 1928 about 22 Vessels. Used the chap't of InCOMPs a Wealth -l' -S.. o" : 14b.i pk IC3.9 Per - 0 .............. �... .avt
Umping in the face Of I , I ,L . I L
' nothing to try and rid -exiptence,of day. School at 2 P,,M- .. I . . I I . I Coff, L
seem to. be.doklg . .. strenuous opposition and tho, . I , . . I harbor for WInter-mooring, .the, 0,000.- speare. . . . L I I . I I . I L . -
1 . ,t tilink Jt,Woald trade agree- ' The regular mee%4g� of,' tile Y. P. .S. 000 bushels of grain ,storage in their . SOPHISTRY; VPParent;�Y right but, - H ee, , CUP . . L. . ,A. . I
. The district of lit. tdon I I %6h_f-IS-a.*'6aAay1ding achievement, Not ot 'Union Church Vill'be held, oii,74(lSy i . - , lau, fth free �
an, actual AnglQ-Ptusslan L wi
I ,hold, supplementing,. elovotoi� .. Pt'idc L , , .
be po!�sibjq to toll'a janh'tholt ls'fUll Of j Im I I I fallacious r6asoftw3g. "No amount. Of so I . . . .
� . ut world trade haA, gut- *evening in, the ,church.' Mr. Herb 0 - Such the transformation, %,cent% I . I. . A'7 I . .
Only Canadian, b. - . - . I.. �. . �, L I I and lb . ... I 4--Z 41 c I
wild carr6K Sow thistle and Mustard, - Ston. win have charge *of the intetfiftf. � . . , � . . � � . t, — - .saucer, er ,,.....#....�.,..... I
. feted -for years through tile sale of gov I ' . -- . , , L ,- - h , _ . I � I I I . . . ... .. . .
Thefa,s uot Much. thailto to tell, any jet' goods at' le*s-than-pmduction' tests All young people cordially. Invited to At-� . . . . I . L .. � I I ' -.L .. � 11 _ I - . . ni . M . ... -
JU� . L bitt the one fairly free . . L L
I %_t flow , In'Ordo that thA country might obt6fit tend, L -cakes ......... I.."-__ .
I L . ., 93' 1
larnig r t re(JUlted . . I . .. 1.. - . , I i .1-.,ln-x Hand Soap� 3 L C,
9 . 'L . I � . . .
cr hange Thorp Was a good congregation pres- �. . I . I � . . I . . .
. . I .
L of I woods atand the . bettor I thanO I hall . . . I . . .. .s . I . , 4, , 'd �
. I a'#$ L under Its five Year P19A. SO thOrt� Is Tea- ant at Union church On Sunday, W ' . tEN UINIE . ". ; till kin S except '
. . , . ale, had Clarks Soup. L
. on for tabor sitisfactIOU In this Conn- Aev. A. E. Mann, Of SlUev �� I I W ' . . . - I a
I . .
. � OLLE. ACT try. if the industries concerned In the charge and delivered 0�l -fin& address front . L L chicken L L 111SL It
I . - AN. INDEMNS1 . . now - dgroements. apply themselves VigOr-L the taXt, *,gut ,When. it had grown;1I 1. ! 1.� , . . 0 .4.......-." oti. I ...:..�A I for 25. .4.1
. . I . � '. . . I oUsly to r,eltWg tile advantages they, have' Matt. 13;32, %%a rgilpit was Wzatltt- I I I . 9
Considerable, publicity has been 91VO3 aifitalned, and fully flowers by tilt, .. . -10LO - I Cow Brand Baking Sodal, 1.1b, Pkg.. c
. galned, it good faith Is in banked with S11LE'N . . BU.RN,ERS I '
I .
to the aot at a Liteknow, coa�etable In *10sh leamedlimm galni;�� subordioatedo women,$ missionary SaosetyI which Werc I . I . L . . . i . . . I . . . 1, . . "l," � I . - .
. purebasing ,,4 PrIActicAlY 110W '14!�YCIO the beneficial Offett% Should. b-6. felt aiterwards, Sent to tile sick'ift the C091- . I I I. . I FOR I L . 1 4ft rh . .
I . L L. I I I � . � . I . 1 , Baechler's. Pure Naphtha., So 10
. from = Unkrimm ttallsiont,tor thO SUM,111rOUghOM 00nadlmi Industry %wer4y'litinitity. . I . L - , "Po
. . No oho tspected Oitawa to bring about - . . - I .1 1. . t L . L . I I I I.., ... . I ..
L .
I . .
. JVro ' L L I a
d -two dollara. The b ido".,,oVorident) 4 . . .4 4 . v .* f 4 4 . 0 4. 6 4 to . 43c
. . icycle tume-4 out in It4elf an immediate revival of world . in mother � . . RANG I DEC ATERS bars , 1, . I . ,. . . . . I . .
I . I
I . � - . . 1. . .
to be a stolen one and'whon tUo Owner,1 - I I ES- E 'L HE . I , 0 * I . I
. � I trude. It It 11" SUcot4ded at All in 110-., Mr. Win. Jennings had the MdOrtUIVO . . I . 2 , 9U. . I I t .
youth, claimed It 010 cOft- Ing. tile ,y�ay to businets roelvery It Will . I . I � - 1. .e .
o Goderkela , I last ,week. . L � .Pea Meal Back Baeon, in.the hi ceq
ct4blo &Waftdoil and to0ftZI two dol- bo,hailed as a 811111itIg example Of what to 10�6 & horte I . I : . � AD.. . . 11 . I
. . � . co-operation 04 00001- Mits ElIcall Androws, of. Exeter, Visit- . � . L..
f, not 0 f0i International 1. ana- FURNACES Per -lb. .lI...'4 .... *,23c 1 o. 25c :4
lara. Tilts the constable 11M � pliqu. . I ��d ,on Sunday ,with her friend, miss, . I . . I ..*...*,*. 4 I
. (I ,Mary, HarWood. , . I . .1 .. . I I .. _ . . L ..
'tititd, 110 do�* t4y, ho,Nqver, U106t UO I I I - . . -
- - �. . . . I . - . . . . . Pure Milk Chocolate Buds, per lb,..23C 1
Vas not irlding the bicycle, wq alleg,ed 141 I The cottages at tewlal, beach are a - . - -_
. %VON CONSOLATION AT-LOCKNO1V clo'led UP, wfilch tomiads us that . I � . � . . I .1 6 If PL . . .. . I ' ' ' . ,�
dvvatd�68, wilen it Was 4almed by tile I 4elug . I *I . - %W I . I
,rich tink, consisting � . i ,I � " , .
,owir"r, aL'o t1lat the Money Which Ile At Oode Of Wes' 010'$UMMet IS about 90110- N on I , OA& ) . I I Christie, 9 and McCormiek!s Graham . � ...
imr, H. MeNee. T. Pritthard and W' t.tj. Itoy McIlwain Is, very terIOUdy Ill er ou NOW I M, Vou - I I I
'Cr..Mandetl 4W" 'to %`C-tompence Ift for 1130well (Skip) won gmt prize at� tmek- . . I . . . . .
. Monty * ,Pow. bowling tourtiam , ent litt Tilar'Sdav at Ilia, boino. but we are 9IRd to raPort I I -',-Wafers, per pkg ... �.,.....!.....*!.19c . I.- 1.
. vidd out tor Telmim. . , I mts. uo Olholding -his own. 0� I 6 . - ft I � . I . I . . I I 1. I
. It In tile Consolation event, smakere nov. A E. Mann, Of 01110A,10, WCU- 10 &t and " I I . I . LL'. L 1. I ) 11 . .. �
Atathor (loderiell rink took part In the. � . .. -Easidfirsitt Short di 0 1-1b. carr,
All 011$, Of 0=0, ft oside from ti I We . ening, tw
Told ksut, T'40 fact 13 that a Ponce totirfiameLlit, 'r. 1). V%�,tmanw It. Ja11U_' Died tile pulpit at Union church on . (11* . 11 I .
I ItAlVLi - plikc1lilst-4 nton, E. prl( %am nd Ip. 1JUAt (sklp). Sunday. The ellUrch, wm boh.utu"Ity Ab , 0, k I U.) . I , � . I
. constAble b alle-aea to n a dcp a , I I ,::... . tons .#064*04. 6.6 ... 1.0046 ........ � ..... i. O... 0 6. 25c I
I . Ile 4 yn ,D%ic WItIl flo%tra. Which were dis- L . V ye I :;.::, ..:: � I
S bj8yej��, wollL '$Ort�jl Jr')m V3 to $25, f3proat's rink of VCVOTth WOU t 0 t . ;.::: I
I tributed among the al�k after thO Eer- . . , .11 ::::.' I L
. * ' I
. 1. . . .... .
frein au u0nown trw-lent. W110 later ItrVolly'. . . Vito. I I I � . Fancy Blue "Rose, Pfice, 3 lbs. for ...... 21c ,
. . I , M thIct, lot 010 1131tTY � L . I I . � I PL ` . ,
.tUrntd 4out to be . 114
. .. I I . .
am cf, tWO dallara. ,Vrr-.1laWab1,V Mort . .. . .— I I r Woumkln . I . I., . L 'Orangre. Marm 0
. � A rdme 11)"Isit to � 40 , --- 06 Williams ure a
I I , Come S caboll.0 . 7 11� .
V0 go, Wst!0111119 Of Me .-Itanger. . �� aLt fac-torlts aJad workshor . I M I . . . 1�1, "I 11 I I A. 40 " - each ' 4111 If- �
Id Is kei)t fOr Me, 11� thttetIft9 MIC
The conftble XUTttte:) EaVs, he &I ruet . CHOCOLATE 1AILK Womidg and cuts alt'Jedned by the WOrk- I .. . I t lade, octagon jat� 16
tocelve notleo 01 the UmIt from 001'e- &hik you r,�,n. rat bcder to UCOP L On ltliq4d A I
Tht beSt.hOt WtAthef, _1 . � - s. for 21c
rich awaieratt", tis atted. but tw,-*, too, cau, ,buy for ithildmn. M146 Of bottle Of D-1 00111as, vimtrie 011. it I .. .. ". Fresh Bulk Soda Bi s, 2 lb 40 I
I h Atide fr4w1ho ttAl b1sut. Anyout. J)Ure, fresit milk aud th� best grAft it ju,-t tis qulek in Utleil *tid does 110t . Come in for 1' . � .
'Muelt, tets S, icowilablx L'116%s, Hymt $23 Of eho'�O%t& . lecs± the tklu or burn; the _001- . 1 Fresh Bulk Salted Pseeuaintuts, Pei lbf, 15C L
- on sfk% at All cle"Ifttl4atilt. I -.1..1-1_....__,__ .....___ I I . & . ' -
. b$qtlts cahwt Totltlwhtoly bo Durehis __-.4111 . DEMONSTRI A1111" ON M11) I C, 11�
%*at MV '601,y by - 11 I I ' finest med. Canadian Cheese, 1b... lov.
.It'd Imin erklwva fey $2. S"mill-liand ..Ppppp h� 0 OL $ . .�
, I . �.:.
"A Jank dtilert avo W'InS ft0 Of tt'At 1i I � ` 1. before investing in I ., � n .
to W1 txety day f0TtWM11IC!X7C0Cr,-Zt% . GODERICH DAIRY S URE01 19 .� I V ;
� 1110110mbal . I F1, I I see us for Your rivit,and Vegetable Supplies I
!the cvntt*bJea ao. If VITalvell, .13 I In Ik- L, L i��_ � fto t
lem1w1f, Stitt Alwald W"t ca unilot!"CA, byl -,;� � _1 11��- �r-.1-1- �, ` tin 00 flarner. � I
"* *11tboAft", 'VICTO A170117 ts � I r � I., I
. I .. I
'trititt"-, *bout M1,6 OWC110 dt-vansur .^ � I I __ -,- - __ - I I
i ;
nwh 16f tleir t1t0 chas'!ns the At. %oASTORIA ; 1i
! I .
, B
IL ,
� � I
I 1.� I '11 -
C*W;l n 1
$4 0, =
0. A"outin
crder or U. .1 l
[ !� �e- - 1, I 111,
I �11 . I I
B �V
- � I
in L . '
I 11 I , E � H L
'' C
� 'A , ER I
I 9
I all
1, .
, �,
I I i
.11 , I i
- I I
Ill" �Uiwh 'F L I I "' 'I G.W.BAECHLER J'i
r1glify rMllikv Ill yontln,q far 01clad= I . M mou *" 000*h � I . I �
ipq~t e_* L%W- 06*trol al�a "WIS"11 L A Lo He ZINN ' C01t EAST STREET �r
I L,
, 0 06 utrO, t!Mel 1AM- li� 1ftV"1r4W0"W36Y"ft KILLS 8 11111014RU'lelivev .. �
"*W atti.1, and "EV, tj Alwa-gwift 'W"o ,%,Vt,qt AW soare — Goderlieh � PhOnt '36 Y. � "
f* t'he, rfeswTly I -51 - I LL' I �
tortl . of f,A IM Tb , 111W, L F LIE , 'A "L, I 11 � -L1. ---1-1- I 1,11.1-11., 1-1
,4 fte"fflt ""do I* alhoklt� ViblIr V%mwft -a 440M L_ P, . I—— -_._1_._.-. _ ._._.___ ..... --..1_1_1__ 11 I -_ _. -
1AW � - *1N . hikk.1-1wil . - I i
I 10" i I i .
too 101fl. I I 'I