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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-08-25, Page 6PA` THE GODERICE STAR
THURSDAY, , AUG. 2Cith, 1034 't
TOPICS 42) '235431' osn cY gas lansansy, Davey
asCareal l:sl c°ti:etlllae,
tines' LC.Da a aN 1.5 Ler les G a" n1
e a C,1 to Cat la Me "w0;ts1 " Sur.
Yours; t4 Dave; to "Cal or tip'" clhhui
Danny p annya y God Whoa it ca:n;
tn_e to Ian t.1. ca_t.odan of the canal?
an2honlion who Band:ca La aisle sit
tn2.s u! donateIa oozy year. So -and
goat 1:o diednet knave a suet in Ills jeans
Dia Davey ian:Connell claargn !t? lie did
t et—nits cionly not. 110 ticmanned the
ast. anti a .r. Wang had to gat D11t
Gyanornde. idle rime a rival gas pomp
aeraes the read, cut of nsil to boron
zemey to pay Havey. 14r, Caorierads, of
COMM. did not relish the early inaraing
break in iais sleep. bat he and Mr.
Young had a hearty tau; :i. AU for Davey,
a still h1 it.
i he c a n 1 has k : load t a ln, d
Last ' litlroday In pollee sourt'Williarzi
Small was sentenced to thirty days in
the Bounty Ja11 nor horse -thieving. Small
Forked for Gordon Spleran, R.R. 3;
1lruaels.One day he took one ot his
employer'e horses from a field and tract,
r S consulting an -
d iG f r n the .w tltau
e o n o ty
one. Ta make matters worse the hone
which Small received In the trade turns
ed out to he blind, A charge of theft
;Fee iters tinder thin heading eCa,
01C9 pogo four)
annor3. II- Q. ansaids and In Stone-
hsuce aattC.idCL t:aa 0,.ner show 1i ld at
V.irta a last notchy and Saturday tlnd
4. test .as jttaaeo. It was e, moon larger;
allow Man that heist at Qo3 e:l;lt, pass
eaoly ilcaue' Whit= has Tot had a
flower allow for vara1 yearn All classes
were f"+ell, the tdn,alay of Gladioli and
dahlias' uetiu lsartic'sIatly
%3a ;a;Eaine brava: ;hlelcis, mounted en
oa1c. wth .a runner otandin,T out in relief
anti tbe munlelual crest as a• back•
i raan4, are ont display to;the window of
Wic1e's drug store. They were won by
William Harrow (three mike) and Vic
i•;i l.a tt I00 yards) on Dominionn 7y
! 1,
c crit cI a oath
retie the i t to
and represent y P F
In these events. Elver sups also were
won by these athletes. bat the cups are
for Perpetual competition. The winners
rc:ala tile calm a, c'.y li Lear t:ac5
rot's YEAR OLD
%ittie J3yco d dirca.l3, tlatr;llt^.," of Mr.
and Mrs Best fasraMata, was tear yeas.
o:ri on Aug. 14th and n•«a the eent:o at a
Very etaarnaiog litrtli lay party la the dais
ing soul of Meneasturan, Pak notal. Cols
cited palter cup and baliaanc ter the
p,;nest3 addled a pretty toilets of cotes to
the canto:Ina and all tine other Euesta at
the hotel were mush interested as little
:oyer received her soothe and opened her
other parcels:
Although County ireasure:r Oordon
Young did not tell _uR thisstory, he will
un4oubtedly vouch Zr.a!to nuthentinas..
One marnind last week the rounty
treasurer a.o:e with the sun, ono is hie.
custom, and prepared to take off for has
l his
ne township to do
f in . Co bon t
farm 1 P
usual days tsark before soinG to bus-
hels on white collar s:hedulo. He was
attired in his. Bird's Eye Centre suit and
took no money with him At Salta
. 1 9 7�
was Pr�irt_:i.zt: y a i 1+5 N:s,.aa:a, �.tel�' .
the rosins CO .,.� ► as atrhlew Ila
.. 'reps Are Fair
Yn tis tCta &Ca:s Innis :: to MI _
Cho mu+ cr 4 :Juin iu nuroa Cou,:aty 9 , ,
r , 'rl tl an North• Oril Four
• ,bnarC3,.d from G�,4ar1 to ...,A4'�. tvia.Pd .a; i<I y' cyq . �
tit: cavae p:;lea tlno master of. barrios' in South and South
a �
��• ae�l 4�gr
♦�c,r :t_ed /rein 2 , ., .n SRI to 2 A
Wi 9
in 1931. Donee and eagle show a de -1
e.cacr, as tin: follarilalE live:nook cumuli
The . Saskatoon Star -Phoenix of
;lgtaree alt the IJarcau of Stabiles slnarr:. August 10th has the following 'article
Iittrozn: x931 :09:4,31;.on crop condatiotns in tine province:
rd secs , fi3OIE; 2u11ry weather with -. loot days,h»ules ......3 duringCha past fewsveee-e has been
Cattle111 w531Qunfavorableforgrowth,andripeningSheep 33"Q33 ?af the crop has ineen unduly hasten -
Shine q^ '�:4?39Boliaccording to telegraphic reports
luau a . .,.11,872 rceekved overthe weekend. by theFA. lv.,ao e•� e� a
� he " 2 2. p istatistics department o.. agriculture.
-•- -0- —^ i In many district: growth has been
Cklildrera sufter.n morn corms seen ! ret .rded and yields have. been retina- •
show the symptom, and any mother eau.
The dry spell was broken by rain'
by last" week varying from light. to
select the presence n# these parasites
the wrlthinge and frettinas of the child.! heavy downpours which willhelp the.
Until expelled and the system cleared of;lata gritbut and feed situation to solve
them, the child cannot regain its health.; extent,
benefit to most 16 x dised tricts, of
Miller's Worm Powders are prompt and! Conditions on the whole however
.. ,
only o Sao #
frh eradication o
notthe n
diegreatlyfromiss e�
0 1Frh er
dont t
re -
worms, but also as a toner up for licit -parted two weeks ago, with the crop
oven that are run down in consequence. .prospects fairly good in the north
and onlyfair in the south and south-
centjral areas, lard 4sound fa& [in
most other districts.
Sonte hail stormshave been re..
ported and although severe in some
spotsthe total damage 'fou.. the pro-
vince is small. Judging from reports
... avaegi: avr� ore..pre..
„ � valent than usual A few daces re -
The Sun OI Company, Limited is the only major
M , oil compony • marketing only one grade of gasoline.
There is no second grade BLUE SUNOCO.
BLUE SUNOCO is a high powered, knoekless
• motor fuel. It has an anti -knock rating of 72 Octane
and this is obtained without the addition or
expensive non -petroleum agents,
BLUE SUNOCO sells at regular gas price. One
tankful will prove there is no .better motor Fuel value..
Don't, accept a second grade -insist on BLUE
by eating the healthful
economical, natural energy food
,�,,,� .�•�� WHgpT
5R .
. L
. f
D - D
IN EVERY 134:04
The Western Fair at London is
always tootled forward to by the
people. of Western Ontario as the
bi!ggest event of the year.
Bop a are coming•'"io realize more
port traces +ai rust, but at ns not ex- I a10.d more .that _the more they !stow
pected that will develop sufficiently the .better they are equipped to meet
to be of importance. Wheat cutting competition and the battle of life, and
has started in all parte of the pro•. that: the proper place to keep abreast
vince -with eastern districts more ad; of the times is the modern Exhibition
vaned than the western, in the with :the latest development in 'Agri-
southeast areas about 50 per cent, cultute, Dairy Products, Live Stook,
of thewheat is cut, whereas in most Manufacturing, .Comrtlercial and In -
of the western districts it is just nice-- dustrial achievements.
kyr getting underway
rail rye Butting is completed' and' ' From September .12th to 17th
the crop is . generally reported about,you will And every phase of endeavor
average, , Pastures are somewhat in farming and manufacturng gather
bare in some of tbe south central :and ' ed together and centralized in one
central districts but otherwisct are spot for your tconvenience; exhibits
which, if you wished ;to.visit_separ-
ately, woulthost hundreds of dollars
and entail a journey ofthousands of
The. sameassue of The Star -Phoenix ; ?mitis; as welt as taking months of,
shows a panoramic view of . 31: cars valuable. time. .
This year, as in years past, -the
Board of Drectors have, set aside a
liandsonie., -sum of money 'for the
prize, list . and attractions, engaging
asthe attraction on the Midway the
ever popular "Model Shows. of Ameri-
ca," which was such an outstanding
reported •fairly good and live stock
are generally reported in good .+eonf•.
of flour bound for England ''by^way.
of Gla rebill and the northern straits::
This is the first consignment of
Saskatoon flour to make the B:udson:
Bayjourney, and left Saskatoon on
Sunday of
., August . 14th,
Eghtoen of the cars were filled at.
Saskatoon and •thirteen at Moose
Jaw. The: train of1 ears made an success last year,
imposing sight andcamera. men The attractions in front of the
had difficulty in getting it. at all into grandstand were hand picked for their'
the picture: The Rabin HoodMills of
F tskatoon and Moose Jaw and the.
Fort Gary Flour 111i11e of. Saskatoon
were the consignors. . The: flour was
to: form partof the cargo of the S. S.
Pennyworbn, which was also td carryi
280,000 bushels of pcpl wheat to En-
gland for the Gontintental Grain Go.
(Laurie Parkinson, .503 ‘Stephenson
Bldg:, Detroit, Michigan.)
God.....I am happy!
0 I know before night has come
Tears wi11, have crossed: ray, path.
H110 sun
Will topple headlong from the skies:
And all the earth will 'spread itsef
inkpotpie niorping before my eyes.
But leave methis madness
This brief unexplainable. bliss
It is e if the Gods bad.kist
My soul..:.... —and then withdrawn.'
And I await . '
The sure return of my vast aloneness
which Crouches, waiting
Outside my soul's, still swinging gate.
(Laurie Parkinson, 503 Stephenson •
Bldg., Detroit; Michigan.)
Where flies the lark on high
Through sun -ray maze to glistening',
Where breeze is born and old winds
There fly I!
Where flows the river to the sea
Past hill and wood and flowered lea, ,
There ride my thoughts in phantasy
A bark to carry me.
Where breaks the storm in maddened
rain .
Where bendthe trees in sudden pain
Where lies the sodden, cowering grain,
There have I lain... . •
Where falls the sun, I try, I try
To reach the harbour of the sky,•.
Below.....,the'sea....,the'last gull's
And I ant high!
brilliance and snap and bid fair to
outshine any previous booking along
these lines. The horse show and'the
two dog shows Will be exceptionally
good' this year and will be the big
drawing card for thousands of :en-
thusiastic admirers of man's two hest
Altogether: -the 1932 Western Fair
should go down in history as the ban -
Best Material and Latest
Expert Workmanship
All Work ,Guaranteed
Prices Reasonable
Your business will be
'appreciated. '
P. 0. Box 181
kills them
On Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Shortness of Breath and Dizzy Spells
• lira. Arthur M; Byrne, South' Woodalee, Ont:,
writes:—"1 was troubled with shortness of breath
and = dizzy spells. ' My physician. told me I was, on
the verge of a, nervous,_ breakdown. One dory I read
about Milburn°s Heart and Nerve Pills and thought
I would try them. I got two.boxes and after I :tea
• taken them l: felt seine better, so .got two more, and
am glad to any I am'•not bothered with my nerves.
any more, and am enjoying the "best of health."
Price 50c. a box at.all drug and general stores, .or
,mailed direct' on receipt of price by The T. Milburn
Co,, 7.iraited, Toronto, Ont.
Seaaiertit. Bey Iias $ r Idea of Grat1-
tude, Court Caot Reveals
A fa•year-old inti nber. of a party
which put out from Bayfield in a fishing
&meek one day last week to visit the tug
Complain, engaged In rasing the "`spuds"
from the wreck of the 'Goverarnent
dredge, grave the tug's skipper. Captain
"Belt" Reid, shabby treatment indeed.
The gcnlal eaptaln took the party aboard,
e.;plalne1 ., the diVint oparatIons . and
'tested the visitors to lunch Inlilstabin.
Atter they had departed the eaptaln
.ad Irks valuable wrist watch, a Clulstz
inne gift from his.' wife. it was taken
tram lab a;hufoniere. Ile coinplainetl, to
tlto poliyce and investigation by Con-
etable Whitesld° led to the recovery of
i the wrist watch from, a : eaforth youth.
r 7!n fast, not one, but two watches were
recovered. The.• lad said he found the
Wend watelt at 1layf1 ld. Constable
Whltesldd has this, timeple, o and will
hand It over on pmd of ownership. The
boy was arratovd in Juveulle court and
Given two years' cucpended ltenteactx by
I IagIstr+ate heel
Bliliious For Days
At Time Until She
Took 'Vegetable Pill
Gratefully, Mrs. C. writes: "ATMs t
„ dose of -tint* we:aderful Caster's Little
Liter Pills gave tiro Ott relief afte4
eery tnedi i to 1 trtr;l failedo
Because they aro PURELY "VE GE-
'roma gentre,cffect votonictoilettt ,
liner and bowels. Lie. t'nr,te's Little
. Li%er Fills: etc uithont vital for env
teitir C d"i;isatioa, Aciality Mad -
whet, Pier (»e;ntls@e_�hstt arid °fad: e>.
( lieu. 2' & 75e. te4 p u '. ftr„tj
Mk foe Caster's by NAME
FOR, VQl1f4
This summer take the trip to
the Coast you're always
promised yourself. Stop off for
a faw day* of golf et beautiful
Minaki in the Lake of the
WoodsDlstrict. See the Prairies
at their best..
Stay awhile at •
jasper National
Park and enjoy
the healthy,
happy recrea•
'provides --in fact
Obtain fulfill
fares, resery
to VAN
PARIC from
you can fo low your favourite
apportrightacrosathecontinent. •
See hundreds of miles of sky.
piercing mountains. Follow
the rushing, tumbling Fraser
River toVancouver. Visit Vic.
toric., Plan a trip •
to Alaska.
formrtion re
Woos, rte.,
your nearest
Full information
regarding routes,
fares, eta, from
anyAgentof Can.
adian National'
Railways. 1Re
A Restful Night
Autos, any site, tarried for only $3.15
($4.1S July 1st to Sept. Lith indt*irc)
Why drive whon you tan put your car aboard
for less than the cost of ail and gas?
More restful.... cheaper... and saves ti day.
Sterrnius cap h r►sr errrr oieht,letninit
Willt it n:00 P.M.,Mry 15t10Novembertit
Cletel nd-1°'J, Statile', Gouda, Div sie ti
Jahr isttoSrptembcr5th inefusiveonrriday,
Saturday and Sunday only...$3,tloow" wrsy ,
$5.00 round trip. Airy ter aro tali,.3
Arista l.4ce J'es;Lgrer1. hr 1&wProtr.: Gilt inti i,
ztieirar rittro o,peri •!erreesr,fll Expra?a Dirt,
rest f"tmlep,Cum ds • Baa'sle.N.Y.