HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-08-04, Page 8�
I #
1 P14ut JaGav 13 WE V
I . ---,-.--.. --- 1. THE G : 1! RICH STAR "&7R$qAy, ,&VG'CriS-r 4tjj� 1032
4 � . - - � - 0 1, ��,�������,���������������,,�,�,�,!����'I I I —, �
� .. " 7V . BELFAST -1_---___,____ - � .- _-1-0— I _ . � _ � I . —
.1 - _ . .,v'
.. I ---,--- _
ATr3e-H1nu7VaM;*e;hi-,11 11iUp-nq 1, 11, 11 . . —
_. �,P�q It- . -, �L,r",: gn 5 I ;� , -_ . � ' ; " '
� a V51 ,.- - . V�,;
04uhurnieP OPTICAL SiRV- Ic' tw�- 20=�. . PICTURES 0 0 � �,
I _.�, I 1 1911114--WI-7�.4 — I � cNi?" J0 �� � FINAL CLEARANCE .
� =5. Day.1"I 113"kett, f -3 WIA W,7ric worjo, In 1, V11W , .Ie� �
�1�'i - "Zow, 6,Wnt mpr4 �
� 1 4 UBUI RIX We render a complete tbe wceic wint ber 413t, In cr, 211m. Ircls, yaur b�ru?. X4!1'en ug your � Wu I
,Vr, ,&W,%. llackelt, rli�aw w4h 0 few new rzctures. n � 1
11��;14 ucz�� I f . ro-,n rawa��U:., sge=t U we ))Avg Just Xe2elvt4 trQva ii- 0111. 11 .... i �
a iow qay, " old e5urAry ,% ,sW;kwent Do Ugu, . .
I 7_,2-_, U *214 I-Xz c,X;,'-'1, '310. T. A. 0 1 Piro, -C '; Dn' ,% ess ,
Ar.0'rawn Lml� a va'wpab3a COW 001'eal servic�o- Clive ."W7 pi"d . 19%"
_�ajcby r,CVC.-al fr,�M,t4140 VIU(Ig�j otux'ete;F o=5umea the larp" .W1 0W1V.W,KA S VS
P � .
4 . I cani '=D. t,ful cal-�,red ;rj,nt3, lczpfes of Was. , bazu on Me taral of ,
- '41%. ation, a -n (I � , JaMes Mverwol
"vx1ndca t,A:� txt3 ill G101M. examin, it AV. ;Md xr.", ruw,-r mcla, E, ". iWll 41
-1 =15,3, 013 . C -'e$ —Xr-inCl, LAndU-Ape#. �'COnC0404 7. thpeia MIJC3 ul,rul-east or Formerly.
: � Za.s. Zj�ar Isawt)n, eg tlia. villal,e,'15 GI -asses are needed, they r naq�rch =1(07w t�� 1.,zrdon, OZ r,axidAy 10rie041 ;ft0We,',4, ZuOsh #nd � DUDWAUROn, on �Wuw day aftern-43n. Tho .
t I r, I
- f Bre WO cawwd -by spautanwwr combm.
vz�.%,n,5 9c;2UCI 4.;l Gatt 4t preverm ta VX42d 420 1�,-LldRF Vith Mr. All')�Ila _. I
I " I ,are frow $3.00 up. I ,,a -Wench 041aur 1 $6 to $a, $!Zhoos
I *sta lzst -van- ClIt ,
,: Wrr. Art",im, 41a,J tor Cu Or. . ATM. Map.,4rg. ! V��;Aa In and e!"J."y ccn.,;ng Mew, ltf,=� und started In a .maw eoutalwa,�. 19 .1
I f,_,� .*_,�v. Zad W,*s..Cu_1,.�11a- warl Alzo-!; Invisible 131 -focal knws, _____�____� lab�)ut 23 to='i of tWa year's bay. rill -.11 Cb00S0'e8r1Y and Savely included are ,the seasoWs
Dzyx- . I I � . i,. I
I I ZJr. 4UohIn laob2x-0u has h1j, tc= at fitted ivith any fraine ,ii�SHMMD � - ..," Ila' -':314 to llave been droppoa into tuo smart DrOsses—VOILES, IVIR SUES and SMKS
, nev. ar. and Alrs� T'0,�qatt, of .'�JJI�3 0 0 raQw. witilqut beina sprcaa. Fhe barn
� t,�Q crw�jacr tl;14 r,c�-L- In,ptaca of Mr. you choose for $1.00. " I , I
� 1. alt S a d0litsfire was a lArgo one, 45,206" with wing �51X I t , I
. I %:=Va tcam I . . . I � , ,;,. I'. 'wort", ,or* ,aamplug 'at. .tile lalto n6., 1h* kt 'I 14 j60'. Tite Are 0310lated In thQ wing. ,ue. Sill? and Rayon Dress Material and Voiks i ..
. : . ' . . I I . ... zintalj- cast st, PhO40 188 16:40 III$ car, Mr. abQrw,oqa lost . I � -
" - 061-. 4ud Llrs. Sbpvp3rd and Mr. and I . � Mr. onti Airs. Jolla aa,oc. of _ � - . I some .
i I , .. . Tama- __ . T. . - I JMPl04?rt4 � $;lc4udiug o b4y 19i.der. 136-141cht in large, choice of neat floral dots in all cot.
. . . r1w., I�ttor, cp�-nt tile first part of th"o , Ai LN COLE . are visiting ,4t the I'D.= Z9 Air& ii'li., I I I - 1. 11 -1_111- . . 440at V, loaa auct SWAO he=. Tile IOU is . . .
.1 - ��_ - .
, week tn z4rip", , ,4, _* 'Alac4azle, Writan. I 1) * 7 . Partly Colvored by insurance. � or.$, - Regular 50c to So at per ya :
� W, willer, .=I It's owl fi*M 10�%A arc! D , t - —�-— I I 10$ . rd .. ...... 35C - . I
. - - OPTOMETRIST -- -� _4J,,,A,1Targqpt, 11ftqm , I � I . . I I _,"- 1 .
I ': .vistum, tb6ir grlend�* Ur. 'WP%W,%, I . , " " WPQ� bas. - bce4l - , . LE , . flij*, and. sw. o1witex 'DwIlin . .� I I .
1. 1141144ing 4$ Z412941!4 FAII.0, returnra MURN and . , ,
--, ---o-�----, , - I ek. I I . .
X.r.,aud Mro. ClIvOr Oar%, at 06dar- prctty �7* . Mrs. I nd Miss L-I)uis � 0 I� . 1
eraqv, In Rullett. . — 0" tle daught�r, Patricla r4oulse, of Woor�7RUzs—HALF PRICE ,
I � I home At thn,md of tho we Nibs JOWDI, of wor,7nto" � . . I -1 , �.
. O,aro claiming as h4th , ,14urv4re guesta Wall, s Plz4t s: I 011bri Axmlli 2 1 , I
I. 411_-� � her ,home :a vl�ang . 't - Mr. Durift, I .
, 1)� ,50m 'C' MacDonald 'R bere at prose. -it. I
� Ich, vt3lted friends in the Villago the On per acre. . Maol)011414, of TOrop --.-;. =a Aus, watreq Cuts. Mr. and Mro, A, j. pllrnhl. . , ze 27 x 56 ldt and "s - . 0
1 . . . latter p as forty bu6b toi kire: vidtfug at � Smith were in, . . I . aster *Rugs, si - 't . .
.art of )art week. . the home ot the forruor-8 ,$L.ter, Mfg. D, walkollon Over tha weej&eud� I � . - IROrollce Crawford, of X cebtre with.varlous f-I'liq borders, boa
I . . , I <From aslothor correspondent � I MIU �nQra, . vy deep I �
. Mr. J=ph 4p;wtor andlamlly, of Port ) MacLennan, at Zaurier. . . I . % .. 11
are visiting W. Cartor'S parents Mrs. 9. Wmdek, *1 Pearl Hunte -1 visited her cousin, Alloo, Is a guest with her 09ter Miss Catharine pile. Regular quality v,W '24�,a
. _ue $4.50, S4
. .;PlytW, visited her . -_ I , — Ruston, of 00dericil, last *egk. Cmwford*�RA, it 010 home of that . , , jurday I I I .
I 01P.In cousin, Ura. F., Ralthby, on t%ouday, Is.
. . . . in t 0 villase at presmt. ' � . t Mr.,' and W44 Whiteman, of Detroit, aunt . Mr , morldilY onbr,. each, . . t . 4 . � , 4, . 0 . . .. , . .4245 ��,�' . I fi
The Rev. Xr. Ash�owft, Of Wood* TV;& Armstrong ih visiting her sister. . � RNMMLER . *51 R* 4. Durnin. I . � I . . 41 .1 I
. .
Zto2k, supPIW4 the Prosbyterlau polpIt Mrs. 0. 10oadlO and Mrs. Jolla Arthur. QWtO 0, number attended t,Uo race$ in called on triolids'bere on Sunday. Mr. James Mewhinney left "early on �.. . I I 'BUTTERICK PATTERN * .1,11
. is * week. . Goderfoll 1j)n M0114gy. . � Miss Alma Scrimpour. o,f Mdetich. Wednesday morning on a m6tor trip to . . I . S.
Ul tho village last Sabgatli. th . . . ... I � I . "..." . .... ...... I ....... - . . .
Master U=y Uindo.,knEtIct, of Detroit, Mrs. %Mul)114 And little- 44u`�hter, of W.ba ullpvtlek w4s a irlsitO lost- *Oex ,with her Aunt, mrs� Western vp=44, . , � . "I .�
v1sitor in the Archie ,Uorton , . � In ,comparly with I I ... . . I . � . I . .
� I is the. Vost of Ills grandf me or .M .. ,, , I . I Messrs. 'Joseph Cranston and Thomas ' . . / � I I !
. ath,r, Mr. 04trOlt, arc visiting at,thO 110 - r.: village last ,week, Mr. and Mra. Xroest Brockenrldpi ,of 0- Allen, of I
Goome AW10, of the Do* Line, Hul- mad U-11, H. Wagner. . .1 �, . � � 72weshing f , " , t 00derIch- Thpir destination 101ft L . : . .
� . ...
. . � . wu from Stratford Sosoltal, Por acre.. . . � I , Mr. William Ali � . -O%Ls n �
loW . I Mlss� Mildred Scott is homo for throp the day, yell4oll whea is the Or'der Of Ripley- Were Sunday V1,10rA of Mr. Ud will be Wilkie, SgSkateheWan. Mr. Allen
'� Ing frOW 30 to 35 bushels Urs. Archie Horton, will visit his brother� W11k Ac, ht; o &
. Mr. William J, Thompson attended the I wOQkW v4gatl . .� . Miss Isabel ,Cbestnut, of Luolulow a bACbe1O ,former 44 , the wiest.. .04, . I . . . I I I . � bon. V
R as A nurse, Rev- Mr.. Patton. left o # .. r � I " I . . � I .
i , se. . ,:Un '', i n Monday' to v1sitett At the homO, of Mr. and . I GOIDE I
. .
� os An son, o ''al 1� � 111a . . Mrs, A.' Miss Flora DurAI4 leans on, Fridav . 1 RICIfft ONT. I
- a W I , day I 1 4
I I soot Amproving t#e lakO with his farnily. I � . I - . . I - I --- - .
. . I Jack 007 returned to Ills ho . . .. . . . . . . " . - .
Wra. Davidson. ' Miss 0614A and her mo e r, 4 Ina engaged conducting co;Lcbin,T class . . NoM - _� ___ _,
,, , th^ &s. 0014 Stmtfdrd after 04 visit win I! I . .43 . � . I .11, ; —1
r6 formorly of this 'An� iL'hW grand. .A coaching clas's t, . . . . .1
Of Hamilton, Were renewing, 014. ae. mother', Mrs, P. Stewart. , or the "WgIll, girls JOV I L
I �
. . , I 0 lcoaut,0.0 Huron and Bruo; . 'tor's for Dungannon And vicinity: VIl_ Anderson, godgeg . - WK4 1
............. I'll esdayd' 'called 04 old flukkintances 'In tile *41496 for a few dAys* Mrs.. A. M1841a Sp�nt'a week ,At her holelth lage Wilma -Treleaven pod Marjorie H
....... ",,,""I'll I I 11 I - "I'll, ........ ........ -of this W lot Week, 1 94 Wedne .was _,_ ngle. Norman.
.... .
. Mr. sod ,,"I'll, Mrs. Ifelson Armstrong and . LLLLL . $CIa ... ter'. w1l. Ock. . borne In Toronto. Her brother; Harall-I Thr ,sday In . Dungannon, McDonald,* South of �- I I ay, James Houston: OQ,VS, 9-12, EloW I I �
miss H. 0 has boon the, Mr. Kerr ana family, ofCalifornij. vi4�. ton Clutton 00 Olt'$ trom each. 'bQtmt village, 'Margaret Taylor, jack. W01r, Harold A .
. , y are eligible lallott ,and Lenore f0th=;, 2116rdi of edck - in . damm" Rod -
.their dAughters, Vorna arid Madajeoi�of.RuOot ,of 1101060111, 463 Beatrice Lai. Itod,with bb uncle #nd gunt, Mr. and her back. I , Motored down and'..brought ,to attend the', C, N t', is
, I , . I .
I . .
. . r; ;*60, day . wook, . � The maxly friend I. . .. ,guest$. Of tho PrOVIA00 and take part in Rast� of . . roe, Leslie 116y, Carso'n Ilay; O - .. I I
at Tdrouto,. u � eXce le; ys, ov
I Wooftotk, $visited ,their friend, .Urs. son, returned tO her home in soatorth Mrs. 011". Xexr� .last village, Anna Reed and IfAeu,Anders6n, Mun I I riz bo, .. Or 12, Dunq_ I
I . Arthur ,� � this week, . - . . L � � . , 4 of Miss Violet 130910 the Judging competition, village. . 1111- �
� I . the Ars& of the week. . . I are Pleased to k I . Those f ' Amy Young and Alma Aren Under 0, JohA Gerald MAC Wilson,
� . .. ,%%o end of last week, Mr. and gra. � Mr. and Mrs. A MdUrlon and Mr. and I . . , no Improv- Hoon County are Miss rom lqivjna; West of , � �
I �. I ' GODERICIR TOWNSHIP ed iti health, ,h% w she U '"Oh - 81810 I village.' Evelyn and Cora Jean Treleckverl, Donald ;Zlie; older .
I . W111%ul P30000. Mr, and Mrs, Er Mrs, 0. A1033404 an 1?OrI8 Motored.to ving. been I I I . . . I . ..
, � nest 4 . confillOO�) and Miss Andersorl Culbert . . .
. I . bed for go - .-. , �04tbv�4114 �Qrawford, of, I�lm-, V * SAVAge was girls, Cora 01010 -
; . , me time. � . on,.grs, WiIiiAM DI.Ok. I
. . .
� Paterson *nd Miss Sa;110 Carter, .of the St PAthOrInes on-Vt1day 1knd ,spent the InUt. Will Harrison sPeAt,the Week-aud, . I � � gantlOu, .and UISO.Armie Straughan' of in. To' a week -end visitor son, Verna Ch�unney, Dorothy MoUllian, I . .
� 4 . f 1"_"_�
I I v11lage..VIsIted.Tobormor3r for an outing, woek,*end with -Mrs. &,,Loyeft, I 4eoforth. . 1 t . . . � . I Stratford, wbere, he Uatgo,ret MoLeodj Mary.McMillan, I . I
� I . I � . . I . I .. � . Auburp. , . , 4nj9yed. the� cen. I
� I Aft. Altalud Kirkland, of ..Toronto, Me.. 044, Mrs. -0. I Miss aelon COX, of tondon, Is visimt . ,,, . � . I Xmt - . 1: I ROV. At. L. Burgess, of . leartl4l celebratlou-�.. , I . , , Uary
PaRred, throoRb the village ' week. don Thor"P$Oft" of 't -on- h intS, Mr. -and 74 , . . . . . I .1 I . .. Weeir&eA McMillan; 9#10 Over 16, - Doreon, TAyloi, - , '
. South -XIA108s,
.. on 4 . , Spent ctvio holiday,. with. friorI6 e' ff P30 . ra., Herbert Cox I *Ill 00UPY the.pulpit of :Kr d 94048'4t; the boxits of W Isabelt -Rab�.tson, Mary UOUill", DOT � ; :
. ,�
,� .
. , '. � Mrs. Lewis Taylor spent the . 0klu'P*Osbv- and Mrs,' ' 0 othy McMillan 1�j . � _ . I .
I end visit to ill$ 6bter, Mrs, William Wil. here. Mrs. Thompsatl remained for the Mr. llerbOrt COX and Ray Motored, * Past week torlon ,phunch on Sun ,xt. . David 'Glenn werev ,Dan I
I - . . 00 at tile ,home, of xr� land, Mrs, Beg, , day AL �.. . d I I , . ary Momillan; nwrle* , . . � �
. London' and Spout th i a . I . Ryan, . . Figgltlk Welland, his aJstOr,',M1rs R �
I . 004, Of tbO'Tth 0:)ucOMIdft'O( West Wa- Week with -her p4redts, Mr. And Mrs, H. trio , At a ,recent meeting of the . Obert Wbraell'a ,race,, Mrs.. Willi ' I �
. . . .. I . nds, . . . . . . I I I Managers Cunningbani, atld'tbe lattor-A little ton, Mrs. Chas. 0074gram, am Dickson I . . I . .!
. I vrinosh. I . Mogridge, . .1 I . I . I . an is , visiting her and -session of trakine. Presbyterian Ian, also of I
.. I . � I , . I I Mr. AMM01118, U � 0011ft, MM. 000. Addison, of Londesbo.o churohi I . th 'W,olland On their �jeturr�- tow� Mrs.' Clarenipe D�� 1. .
I .
I . . . , mrt- Italph xaqx, of Sarnia, has -been " The memorial service hold 14 San's Z. Alvin Prootor nd this week. .. '. I ' . I 11, . 0 Was ,decided 0 m;tk6 some Im. I - Mrs.,Losile pontl&nd"women%walk- � , ,
. . VIsItIng her - Ifiend, Mrs. Sheppard, in 100410terY last 610144Sr evening Was large* Miss -Tearl, Of Zurl0h, spent. Sunds�y at The W.V.p. I I provernents 04 the elltraube. to th ey, wom, accoft4nte& -by Ur, Figglust' Ing exhibition,
I., . I lfiv� viliko" *. Xtiox. came up WIt tile ,fly attended, Tile corun O' proctoes� I . I. I.. And Ladies, .Aid meeting church. wo . 11 .. au . I . . .Judged `bk Poise and .1
I � nittto is worthy . . . I was. held in tile burph. At Pre�ehb there are tio . I'll, � . ft, Agnes ai4a jean, gracefulness, of carriage, Mrs. , I i I
L #8114,0f tile' Week� 'they both returned Of Pralie for. the splendid ,condition 0 ' q141W a liumber took ft the ,0640 10 Pwmellt On trances; the" ,will he done�.g . . On- , who a 0 d a,'� fOPthight's holiday Pent . Leslie . 1
. .
I � .. � . . � f � . rich Wednesday. I . I . � I . Way. Wft. I tdt � I . land, Mia. -R, Davidson, Mrs. Froak . . � �
I , to"�Sdrrtia On Uonda,y. - , the',cometery at present. ra0es on. Monday and report large cro . And QUO ,Corner 'entrance . e grand arents, Mr.- taid, . . . . -
I . I .. WdX . . w� be� MP4e:GJ L . Mrs. Hawkins,.10j, Robert Moll I . . . I .� I I .. I
I � At, VAO AW. part ,of't'lle . Threshing haj begun And good rac". Mrs- jack Ryan. Of taylield, spent a . Ein ot . . WA 23. . .
Woek Mrs. , In'thIs nelghbDr� : few Oftys -last. week. wit through the basement, The. work, v4U:Gl k I . Or telatives ill the dis. . .
. ., I A derlicloos'sUpper . . . ; I
) . Mr, and Uri. T, Uemsloj end, -Mrs, .be' , . . . . . . was se.ved jupOn. , , I
I . , ..
. � I C190'90"Se4dle .had Ur. And Mrs, Robert bood at Mr,� J4 Wagner's. , It � took the . I . I And children, Telford Xijbn, Pa har fri commenced 10 the near future, . trlot' �, " I . . .. the ban); in the shadd'of the. troos, tile � I
�, . of Tor . I ,, . �
I . : _T`ulley. -Of`_%V6ocTsf4CTc;-Mr. and Mrs. Hen. .Oang.ovei a ,day to throsb--out.A. Onto, have been Visiting their � . . Mr. and.:Ur�. -1. A. Perry -and Mr. and Recent guest$ At the 13DInO W Mi. and men a-cting as .hosts. Following . . I 11 . .
1, I I I � �4ellv- . aunt, I I .' ldr.� . Harry sandonort and, daught � .;
11'� . - Mf,v- --D, 0ardinor. -- - . Mrs. Robert 134vidson were, I all .
� -1 I , ;ry, Wilkor and their son,,Waltor, of New, acre f1pid of Wheat, k7biqla Produced Well I - - -------- 33,M74-1181ted "ceial --at�tba- boam Or'. 'U's- jadk X-07, all of Toront . Miss Evel . .there were games of . . ppok : , ", . .
I . ItAmbUrg,.pa her. guests - - to four hundred busbels. * .. 11 I ____� . re .y ., Ot VeW.Rud-miti -"-P, WgrP Reed, - TDrJn*j- - - Ur, - Re softballi team$ of. I .
, ' Ay_ � Wfllianl� ea --=d Lit ladles P . . .
. . 'Mr. Isaac Tabb, , : ' . . I Q1v1,o7hOf1day ,&uistj. With M& . 1. . i .- __.
� ' . troX and their fath I O.; � 4rUcIpatin- , �-- - - 1. .
I, I . I The EoUnd of f�a - __;,; . . . . . . I Urs, 1perry'g 4ster, *#f4. ,:,%ox noffman. . er, R.1, Reed, Go . . .1 91 ., - , ...
I � I I `�G d- * Xembers. I
, . threshirig Insoblue rp . I I , , - AFET(IT Ur. *eo. Cantelon And sister, of Clln� I erloh; With Mrs. W., T. .Natzo at . were present, from, Carolw , , - 11 : .
. . . 'is he4rd ajWn. SOVOMI .1106 threshed 1� A new W110611oUrOw made of.. 'alumin-, . I . . I I At a metting of thp executive Of tile home Of Mr's W. R. th� Benrnlil.er, j . , . .
. I out tbt, tam at - I � v - Ubs Jeln�!Udorsort Is spending aweO% ton,- were, recint Visitors 4 the' .home Of Junior Institut I Stothe.-s Wbgrn, Blyth, Fort Albert' '. .
. I I . .. a, held at the . Were. Mrs, 0oderic t
,� . I . Vhe alld It 'is tuqlIn$,O4i;J,�m weighs only'.37 pounds. With her frlen.A�Wtqs bia4cla-mcoougan, I . . �
�� � . . I � . . . I . ; I I I . I I . . Mrs. 1);'UOP-he6. ss tr , borne of - ' h,',Luck4ow,� tejrcato and, D A�l I � , .1 � � A .
� . w �, � .1 ,. � 1. . . .
. I I 11 11 ,. � I . � . Rinloss. . . � . . . Mw6s - tditil I �111 Ina Vinalgan,, arrangements Neil XI-DO441d, Mntall, her ,duughter, gAnbon,, - , . 11 .0 I �, !
, � . . . I I I . , I � I I I I , -
. I . - . . - . .1, � .11 1 . . I I � �M . I I ,Ind. Mary Sheppard, of confplet 2 bea � all party At . I . . . . I I �
I I . . . 11 I T6ront I ;ed for 'holding were Mrs. Edward .Rielly and Mt. Reilly, with Mr, And . . . �! � . ..
_S__. 1. I 1, __ I . I I , . ��. I I . I I . 11, L r.'. Daniels,, Of Brantford, who spent S .. o,are.visitingattile-h6m M little daughter, X-orylin 1 X-3. Kfi,klaud, , Teeswat I " . .
, ,
. �, . , .. I . I., . �-� , . -�: 77 7 - . I . � . I .11, . I 1. two weeks wit' alnu I 01 Sheppard, I O Of'.,, -� 'Port' A!bert On - Friday erenl�,I'g, � Ang , their . rene, T)O� Were recent godsis wrth Mi Xlrkl 1kro � . I I
. � . � , . . , I I . 4. Mr. Godfrey ' � . '. I . . Y's slster�, Urs:, William Wnion 'Arid 01id's. , "I
I Worrish s Of the. Junior p4rentsi hir. and Mrs, :koll TqoDDD . UM � . -
Mr. H. T. 4 i Ilstj:t0it- Who hadbmi with -
I �. I - I . Jng during th . H411 help� I . 12th,.*when the member � .Mrs. Relli . I ., .
* t'� I ". I . � lj . . . . . I ast' Wao - k, , . O hayl�g, returne . 4 h6MO Mary and VdIth, .and and 'daughtem Ferm�ij! � icl4b Will be their .guests, A Xlutall� . . , , , , ttld, Ulss Jean Wdr4q; 'Wyomin '9 . � 1171 I I I
. .. . a gueAt, At . 'I :..
;f . . * son, Carman, 0i novel way of ,L621tribufln . � - Ur.'� aiid Thomas , �
I � I � . . Toronto, ,Vverg guests on 'S � . , X
, I ) mr. and urs, rs%l%h X11patrick, of Chl.m und�y at the � . 9 toward the Mrs. .W. . the borne of ",!,
� . . � . . . I . . : I . expenses ,of the evening hasbeen. R. :Stothers, Robert I . Wig-
. , I . ! � . - 0 h 1 . . , � Stothers, gans, this week. . .
,� � 14*' ,,L --�� V N' t Mrs.. I . 1 -
I I 11, . ., I �:� ,. a . I - . , � home Of Mt and Mrs. John Tabb. ed, to and the yOu resort- Mrs. Wa M. Maize,. her son, 10 I . ,� . I .
. 1� � ., . P�trle, of � Ur, aijd Mrs . ng 41on Will be, Asked j .1c, I
� . . . . I., , . . � .1� . . OQF .04 , M .John . .
. . . . I I . I . , . . � _ I thf4,o;itt"CO3n.t. anc, . - MOB Da;vldson � And . A stone crusher is -being InsUllga, in . I � �
Where I I
. Iro I . Of AshfiOld. visited at. the .the childr Stanley VAZIAOne and to contribute one oent lcr..o�cb year Of a �l pit- Otte and � . . I
i home Of Mr. dnd Mrs- S. J. X . I . I Motored to Elora, tht gravc �
. Jlpatrick ,. . hOY" were guests . . One-bAlf Awes. I I
, . GODURICKPAVILION'. I . . . '64� of * EOZ]"10- and Olt' , and their age. Tile YoUng ladles will ' t with Mrs, .3tothers, west of , I
.. , I . - . . . . 'on Saturday. . . 4ts. VV=, Aveagan and Son, Of Gode�ith, , the lunch and each supply slster,4 ' I Dungannon'. 101*4ed -� itono ,will ' . I I I .1�
. . . . .Mrs. j. M r, ' I . .
,� I .�. . 8 , . . I Aft' J,' C� StUbers, Donald, and ,Vein Visited on Sunday the . . member has the p - Wilson, And X- . . L'. I ,
- at ' . home Of lWi. f vIlege of inviting one gues . .ri- ,$011,, � . .. . . . . a here, to resurfAc6 the 4. � ,. � . . . , ,
� lhier . the Ausp.1ce Of 9 to, Leaf Ch IF. . , t VlAted � JA14 Feagan.. k The iAy ._. :, . . � mPe streah-,of roa : .
, . OP 90ter LOAF.' on, ,s others, of London, I � � . . .
''I I � 11 � I I . . . Mrs. JRen.y Xtorton on W Mr. and, V18ItCr$.$t the . lwlll.bwid lt�a o'clock. * � , The first thre4ling .to ,be 40 . n' . 11 I 4 between Dungannon, . J � I
. ' . . . .. . adnesday.. home of Mr. . I � e 14, this t And 141101, Wbieb k In ,proo6as. of .ra . . . ��, .
�� , , I . , I I . ' Xary phq4 , J0411 Mc- T4r. -Cantelon and d4trIrt was done by Car� Bros, ,On, th-0.1strUcilon And. W$Qlng, cou- - .
. . .
� . I Afto : g St I I turn t,, "OOMPanled them. oil theit re- 04 Wadnosday of last Week weio- telon, �qt Clinto ** his. sister, -miss can- farm -of Thoinas Wiggins,, dffellialf - . I I I . i � .1 I
We ay.�. -Au U London, Wherle she wi . � Xy I . n, were recent. guests � I .
, dnVad Oth, , "Otto"' Mr. anct Mrs, S, A - Or and Mrs,.Dr,, - . nd S I I
. . . I . . =11; 'D. #, AudOr.-orx a on, 0arman, I I .. � .
I .... I . _.. � I . I . It spend ,a With Mrs, Samuel' Pentland, b north'of bullmn V$aturday aft�Dr. have rented the �so_ I . . I
1� -1 I I ., I I . . � . .� . Week With her to4ablj. .11 . ''.,.. .Jackson, Of Toronto, and Mrs. J, Tiffin CODIPibl6d.by their s1sier,.i& I elrll� a10- MOD when a on" OA c A � . �
''.. I � frank Shaw a- nd His'. (itch .. , I I I ; and. tlaui.hter� Vera, of GoderIch. � . Edwards I W acta of wheat. wits Will., U4*, conoits : I .
. . � I estra , � -------`— . � . and - IOU - 5, Ashile"d I
11 . �i DANCING � I I Mr. Edwards, of Souris threshed from the $took.' I � ) and . 1. I .
.. � . . � I A, Pleasant eVehigg �*As spent "' ,t,lba� TIIO estimated have 60 ' � buckwhMt. The . I I
� - .h I Who -are Visiting reldives in. 4r.ec . ore. A reM41ning hundred . I
� 11 . I I 1. , .. .. I of Stratford: . ' AVEST11ELD . 7 At th; yield- Was -thirty busheI4 per A sores go" in,,, J
. . a . I .
. ....
... I . . . . u I rn. visited o I a Ome 'of Mr,,Jibles BinellDn' Friday, I .1 11 I "es ww, be Used for 11 .;
I � I . I ,. I I � . I � . . . I Mrk� J. Mcl�rle t- Aub I .,of Country, ,� . numbir 14 this district Are sto - Pasture,. . ' - . 0- . I . - , 11 I
. . 'fill 40 'July 20th, when a nUhlber ot his iela; Ur'. -and Mrs. Fred, 9 eat. . . �
, � . . Ok4hrRsh 1, I I
�., . I 'Brioje, Te a and Bazaar in - aftornoon-lit 3-aMock er, Mrs, Gordon Snell. ttv0s gatheretl to celebrate With. bim,ills -children, I I the* wh . ... . I I . � _. I I . I . Y, j . I
: . Friday with her, I ,
., I I � I . . .� . . .11 I . COngrMulatins are ,extended to Miss , 70th biithday� Tho of torout Treleaven and i�wo in . . ( �� I
�. I . I. . . . I ..... �. .. � , _. I �.... . ..�� I �. .. , se Present were from guests with the, 0. were wetk-end. Melvin Reed, Toronto Was a Week -and The Live Stock Pavilion [It tbe'oana- I �
. � . 0 - I -1 Edna Wolsh. on passing hel, piano exam. Clinton, . Wl�hgham, Apburn, ,*6s . former's Mother, Mrs,. and hOlidAY .4uest , I dian National Exhitiltion, Coli$ 1 I'll,
, , � I 1..��, . .... . I . ,., ., . . , 1 :7 I - mr, and Mr's. Bart tfield, Robert Treleaven. 1. . I .� . with, Wes. Reed And a. I
. I _ � . I __ .. '.. .1 , " 11 . . Vincent and finilly, SeXIMIller and Go�oricil�, . family at the'hom6 "Of Mrs. ftr%h oar tomm I . I 14, �� ,
i, I 1. _�_.� , odottes 2,000 beAd ot , Oum, a
. I . .. i !�,,!., !", . 2A -1 � I . .. Ars. Ha * �. � � cattle, IiSoo. .1 .
� . . I . � . . . .. . . . . 'of 13elgrllv�*, were Westfield. rft� formetly :Ulss vInj V6, � ' 1. , . I I . . � I sh . � I
I � � -1-11 ''... � 11 . I - � -.-1 ,� .., � I ... . . � I I I � . . V�sltors on The annual Public' �er*e Of the Xlle DI Catherine , . . . ttly 444 1,200 sirinO, ,, I . . 11 .
I I . _ I I I � . I I I
. I Sunday * I 01118,.Of Dungannon, now Of p . I eWOyAbIo,.meetIn9 Of the Du .; � . I 1, I ...
- I . . , � , W,U,S. is tobe held next Sunday after- borne, , was a t * I I I y n-. .1 �
; . . . � I
. .1 I ; ,, - -r � I .. � I -r. . r, .1 - __ � I Mr. aladAWs. Lamonte arid. Mr, W& 110011 At 8 P.M.' ' gues with Mr, ai salmon branch I .
- . � I I I , . . . I . � � p ;, - 7 . .. I . . ThO ladles'are pleased Tllom4s Wig' I . of the Womgkl.,s Institute ; , CIL114rial .
. . � 11, . �, I . � -I .. . . . : . . . . ... I. i . . . . I.. . � . ` At friends, be- I Was held at the bolno of Mrs. LT. j. RyAb !k * I . �
. . . . � . . . . . .L � . th I , I *� . I
.1 - � V have secured ra. 1119 acOOMPanledby her S111%, ILI.,, Har Thur�d afternoon W a 00 A � I 01% r.0 FLEtoffers, 0 . . I . ,, ,"
Ilam LtLMOntO spent over Sunday wl to announce that tht, gins'and other ' . (7 ry ' -
. . : I . I � . I .,. ' ' ' � I r and Mrs . ter Cook. . � .
.. . I . L . I
_� ��(� � I I L I I . Ii�, 44 iis, Vd. Erwin and family, Of GoderIch, to ' eonduot this L al: � . I C). , ? , 1, ,
. . . - '
,-� , 1- - T . $001ce. borne.. . i, . �7, . I � I n - d t I
or C.
"1:. [ 0
4hoo �y
. I � I � M �. Wal I. Hetherington and,Uiss Mahal, Battle, 0' And Mrs. H%r4y, 0 , Ith 9
.. , 1, � . I . , ew member joined. � Mrs,. ,.. 7. A -0;ft- -. r I
. I
I . . ,. of dodeitch, .visited on Monda Sunday school **Ill be at 2 p= .1 . Tile I . 1. � I N, �.A L , �'
. I .
I .
I L . L I . . home � I 7 at the . Missei Alma, Vinnigan, Of sea- 'Char2es Alton, the president ',conducted . 11 1. I I I "'. � I
I I �
1, I 110. Weeting.. The, program WAS in I � . �
. . . .. - . �., r .
I _� .
� L I 1. . ... - � . . I . I of TvIr.. and Mrs- J, L� UCDO*eU, Mrs- D-'COOk returned to. her home 14 forth, and 9drii.Prances XIM of zip- O . ,charge . . I .. I . _� . �
. � 11 . '
, .
L V ,E 10 Miss E113 14RY Wilson And hOr mother -Toronto OA J011day; after $pending a Pon, returned to f '
� ni
. � L . I I . 11 . . .. . . . . , .
. I ; ..� I I . I . .. Mrs' 7t�'.lson�i�tof Oodorleh, spent Sunda� OW Weeks with 'her ,sister, Mrs�.D, Mc� thottr respective home, I �08. F. Ross, Mrs. C, 0, I I I . . I � L I .
- L
I .1'. I I lq :. . . , . . . With Oros daUght L I .eceutly, after .a. pleasant f�rtgl Mrs. a. David . son wh grown and T 1. I . . 11
i . . L ....... . . �aq% , , . . 11. I . . e�, Mrs. Will. Phee, and Other ,relative$- Wr& MoPhee vial glat's - I r . 0 'Were 'also 'the 'A'". . L- �, .... .
. � I . . I , , L' . 11 . .,Carter, .� � , . t with their grandmother, Mrs. R .hostemes, Miss.Ma I . . . . . � .1
L I . . . . . . I , . I L � eutortabled a �kum a , WE CAN . . .
; 111. I � I I PA, ORES', I . I ert; Finnigan, . . I ob- . r9aret 9yan f . � �
I I . , . I I L . avol,64- ' ' '
. . . ,, � Master' 1�rofikiirl and Whnan; Carter'lmtiv�S to an aftern L h I Instrumental CARE OF I .: . . .. .
L � . I I I I I . 0 I- ., anti MIS it Don Party In honor . Mr. and Mrs, O'los and brra, W. T, Maize or'St.. . YOVR .....
,� , . 9 R eeft � Carter, ,*I Woodstock of her sister, ,14rd. 'iring With two
. I . the L .
.?. I L . I . I . . . S L . I . ,Cook, One daY las� were rkent; v Robert Algy, Of Icipp�n'LlplanoglAlt I � L .
4 I.. . . . I are V siting With Mr. 4nd M'$V Fred �.' week, I .L I IsItors with. the - ls,ttor,s Lg - IN, '. I
L . � .P L I , . two solos in her P-EQUMEMENTS, .
. I . Cook, . . - L The Sunday 'evening - s' ' . I m0hery MM Robert Finnigan, being ao. usual line , I . . . I � . . .
L . . I . . Orvico under the tompined by Miss Idurle, style, - ,, .
� Wesley St mkhouse. auspices of the !*OW* , . Fixinigatt, 'of ,,being Played by Mrs. 0, 1.
�, .. . .� . . ,.,ECIA , AVING, - -, Mr. and Mrs. i the acoompanimergs
� . I . 'L L S .51 .. nd VML a People*s Society Seaforth, .. ,
; . L ' I I.. . ft* , . I Now Misses Leila a- L, Stackhouse, of WAS well stendo& Miss ,Dellght Mutch Mrs. Pay. Them . . . d, 0. Tvleavon, I 1 "I .
. . opff .1% 0 . 1IM1,0field, were Westileld v1sItO,-S on Of Oodoricti, PC L Mrs, 'Ross read' -a. poem, What bave you -FURNITURE
I .L �W . ednesday. . aV0 a Very Interesting talk Free) of Timmins, oit= Miss Clive, done todayv I I I
I . I . I 1011 �'The Advii UtUre. of t11O,vP Miss Ma . I . . . ... I
. I joese. MOOS Effective A69, 4ths 5th &61h 9 ry t' guest 'With L her Ontario is'; Mrs- Davidson read' a L ' � L . I I
L . � p-41. � " I .. - _. I I I - . .L .. Mr. and Mrs, Wm- WAIdeu, Miss Mad- U01CO, Of 00 Mother, ' Mrs. aeo.- -paper on "Visiting the Sfok,"L Which ,was . .L I 1. .
I . ___ 0 , oline and dorloh. sing i solo end. Free" , . ..
iMI'D Ll 0 � , . 'L . , . I 00M . . I Oodlitl bl"04 by ice L Sheppard . . I . I Very coMprehenslVe in its a Stqyes,and 4 - fact any.". - - I.. 'i . ,
. I Mr. UOyd WAIdetl �Mlt over MIES At 'Mr- and Mrs. Sidney Free and son, cope., Mrs, I . ML L 1.
I . I I. . . the week -end with the fOrMees daughand'Edgar Sheppard. .�. Qedrg . 'Aurton Roach invited the. its I .1 . . � . . I
. .1 : ter, a0s. Reg. joruling, �at WIndsoi Mrs. James' 0, returned to their home in grant. I h.d1d it9 ne the lai�l 'of L thing -for . .
JeL . I tItute to
- - LARGE PACKAM: I I . TAbb find daughter, Min. , ford, xt Meeting. on
10 ,� . . . . . � Mrs, Vlotor� johnston, of LudkAow, L following a. MO the ,home for , - 1. .
. '' . . . . 9 1 1 and her Mother. Mrs, Shell, of L . I ni�, Of this vicinity, and Mr, nt" holiday With L her home, Arld It was decided to' . I . 11 L
I . . . ThOs. T06, of and Mr$. Mr- FlTe'g Mother, Mrs. Geo..,yrea i the new nittritt President, Urs, Joylte. -193 W L poS* '01rel'y I
. . I *00-01"Wom" 00 -ft ,,,,, . . visited on 9 Toronto, ron on � Ooderich, Motored to Pt. . , . . .
� . ' . OrIdAY With thO forMees sis- Hu LT Mr, MelvIII0 Culbert had t I Gtordon 1 2, -A�d 10 iti . . .
. ., L hUrsday last, and visited wltr of his Car, an oldsmor he engine 1310sett. Of Godorich, to attend as I
� . . . ter-in-lew, MM IjDwar.d Campbell. . Urg� Jag. OrahWX.L j110, badly damag.' 8 Well as , . , i . - . -
. I i 2 , L. They Were awom- ed 'when, oil I'tht, Junior In utute. Lunch Save
JourfiL L, I � , *as then .
1. ) l4%("t1'*:0,6fi1ghc I CAM 11aYIng Is About over for the scajorkin Panted an their. return .y r9turning from a berry. YOU 10000. . . .
"I . . - OAP I i . L. I I this vicinity. The farmer�ere'commen. iirday by Mlop jane, Tik on $at- picking expedition, theL front wheels of 6erV44 end a pleasant $Octal hour spent, . . .� . .. .1, . . .
. S . . 4 5C 1 bb, who b - .1 '. . �,
. .
I... . I L L I � I. 1-0 L .�. ��_ , I . . clog the h0vest. Uerryllieking Abd ,Ore- visiting there during tile Past ad been the,car dropped Into a deep rut, allo*. t Mr. and Mrs, *UrTels'W. Alton:v'isited I L . 1110.01� . . . I L . . ..
. .. I I L I terving Are the Odor Of the day for the Week, Ing the engine to COMO forcibly into oon.� he f6riller'b brother, Willf4r, Alton, and . . I . .. . . I I . . . I I
S L . ". I I . � fUrs, Alton, of, Ripley, Miss L" . . 'L . . L
I : ' Yolulg PtoplefaSoclety bold their 'tact 'With a largo Stone, which was I
MeOting on Wednesday , Let . : . I
, *
. L _w ,day,$ her e S * L I
�, L . L Mr. and Mrs. Adgrils,'of London,. spent the besLoh.'_Migs Xl,ce ,,'V'nlng last at Projecting in the roadway. 'Dreaney bad 48,9110st fOr a to I*.
iwi k TINS "" I leppard geve, a I ' '
. SARDINES,gt�t . I 61. 25c Sunday With Mr. and Airs. John Vincent. very. Interesting talk on Ntroft - - Advertl8er-Tople-110 fol. Aleec"Miss Zotitiv, Durnin; Of Port rran�. Blackston � I
%toy were aoco the " "Uymu '"lng POWAMI)h Will be of Interest to . L .
- . . I . Writers,,, AA4 Charle$" 'Molf'.6 .
I � ` _.. � I . .1 .Margaret. Vincefit, Who Wilf.apond #,,few ptipbr on George $ ven4an. huresid. is OOS, who b Onjoyjrrg tile a W tiv I 0 i th BroxdWay � .
I . thOr of many- 'a tilt& dlAtrict: "1801*1 Wthoson, her sister, Mrs. Dr, *all holld ys' I Of 6 aerith
� I I te 11 regr-old dlLughtOr Of Mr, And Mrs. Mr.'and Med, ,1.,j. , Of Godo-Ich, is . , 6 .0 L I . '.
�. ift. � 'days In the �lty. . . "Treasure Isiand.11 Special M 11
. DORHAKs pkg, . '1116 Sund&V tollool held their picnic given b uslo was D, J- Matheson, Was the Winner o . . RYaft with Mr. and - . ,- . .
L y ft -1301 MoIntyror .and Oug gold medal for the h f the Mrs. Harvey Treleaven I . I _.--.-.,-(, ,
. . 04 Wednesday Ofternotra At Mr. ,V,krl Worthy. after 'Which �Ighost marb mAdo 811zab6th ,orAwiorc, an, LUOknov�; Mrs, 14 6
L . RNSTA , Nc , games. w 0 enjoy. : by'L pupil 'of Urban schools In, East d � Us$ - Uountjoy, L_ 1. . A �
I . RCH � 1. .... I WIVItArIT& Although it was & cool day od',by All presont, .. I L or ,. S 'L. . ��� ,
L 0 - 40 Z number tpent $Dine time hath 0 1 0., -.4 � . 0 tAMbtDn at the ,at the . .11, L . ,I
. . I Ing in -����, . High school entrance ex. tqtm0r'$ Summer cottage at port �, �, , I I
. tile river. , rile attenloorl . L amivatt Albert. I . 11 . ,I.
. spent in L 11, CO. on$ this, yftr, Isobel aU6 Ire. . I .
. . ,v,3 . . , L, t
CHATZAU� 1 Playl0a fOOWI. tott ballwa,s . . �CARLOIV I a prL,e for the local I)Upll . . . �
I d vart6w , Members of Ma'mington Star Lodge, A.
. Ur� Ernest, Your takhl$r VERANDAH ' �
4g 13 the.
I A lb.. 09 .''. I 5- C racie$. I ... fir the 11191i0$t Marks. Her splendid ,� . L
I , HI, .... I 1. . . . st, to, begin show. F, & A. M,, CAVOW, With .their I I
; . . � . __�� L threshing �this yber. lag at the age or 11 ye families . �
I . ... I - I . I .1 . L � .. .Mr. jam Its Is a credit to � held a Most enjoyable pitnic, on I .RS I - k I V * '� '
11 , � I Woo ... _ . " " L holm's outjlt "' CW94 Isobel j404 htr tole I the take, CHAI I I .I& L
t , . . I - -_ splendid y1old.operate'd and th#"' is 'A Evans -bOt, Mr- J. ,kirk bank at the tear or James MoUtlloinla . I V
. V* ROYAT YORK I , -'�' UbbOl. attended a0hool in 88 farm, Wednesday afternoon, of last week , L . . . 0% * , .
" ,
. 7 ' .
L . I A
� 1 DO . holidays list, Monday. Tit& pupit Will ShAcklOton, was her6 on nof- a. nice AL�sorto "I ie
A C �be taken by gov a dull Moment from beginning to . I
I WD '?A Rev- W' J, Patt= ]Olt for Ills montles No. 6. Atbiloid, during Part of tile y�;�, About .
""ne " y , 1;30 '�Orc Present &hd therer-was We hAVj " A
b. FOR DABI'" While her mother. formerly Alks MAy
, COFFE . � , c � ��;P.' L OXW14104 C04- Much tr6dit Is due Air, McMillan ndah and I
h 1"t. 1b. tina L � 25 - ibut Your baby will thrive on oode." . � John Million, U.A�� next .,Visit ,In . rne!lif Lof VerA
. L I L, ,,, 11, tigh Julry Mak, Sunday at a I with her father,, the late Thomas and, Jgmts MeXonzie for the succes
. "W" � Mild YOU Csn de� I)r. John MikOU34 ,%Ud t,kD �Dnt.41,d IshackItt6n, 0 s5 of L Desk Chain, d, i f f a r ' � I
" Pend on It belnl� setc,, eleArl and 'L Q)Vft�9,�OulltloAd; Isobell � the plon1d,for Which no pains were 13par. ent.,
I ,
. rich In buttierfiet, Ills brothers. Alexend DOXI&Id, and,Nft . The tegular 01 I
. I - 011thkV Ifiedting of tile Od In thaking preparation, tolorsi�suid StAes, Lot' us. _ I 1
4 1/* lb. oft" - . 'V1(,V,3h- lAtIllAn, Visited at tile borne J)u0A1IIIOa brantit of the 40nior Ingi. An 10t0ftstfilt program of r i
its . . bf Mr. Alex Young, toy&I, or, 1vtonday. t9tO, Will be, held at the hom� f0f tile pr#,. carried out on the 'be ,�b, 8P0 ts was 9UPPIY Your ri.eeds so yo �
HONE ' "'t lar' 3k -GOD ER DAIRY e ol g
i Y rult' 0 U
. �� . I " L I I I -- -_ a COMM U n
I - _. _.. - I - iowe*_-��_ - —, 9t 'Ut-' Mtgs Margaret Durath, Oil Thats,4 With L119-of-Wat. Three different teams ad your Itis re -
11 . I 'Ml" JU711% 2- Young, Of Thronto, Is aldc may spe u
L , - . I OW06 Your , . man I 0. I I *Mdlne her 11011dAY6,Wlth ber inothp,,r, day' 'AngUst "I at 2-30' pla, The toll ObUftsted, first, one of men .
. .,� ftro Ph*" 01 Mrs� R- M, VOUU9 and her � . "A fttbry e Of 010 thildron, . L ------Pl : . t�, I
' 1. Tfie, Istter,ts lru�tovjn niett 'r ddr *Arin - and . . L
Iftound the Worl& _ - " ' I , 9 . Tile fallowing we
. re'L'At liftlesS . Y, etter be SOM Of Our Gran ,
__ mothort", There Will bd a dibat� rtsolv. races -
-.1. .
� ____ - . I 4 w0h I , .
, S gep * _ ��__.__ L,-. ,. _ _ - 4 A41e L4(liee Aid . n%tt Witil. ftJ WIt.S tS - P!�t 15 Pioneer Woman contribIlt. 110;80 5 and lulder: tlmc,. -D'n -
"WON 9 In .
111% Call will'bD susWeref , Afte, one, of timo. "' comfort, : ; , .. t10 , I
lbteri Tube); I J by women, And third, on
Davy) Povkh 16 -oz. pk, 43C � 1111- 11 I,,, . .__;9;;N9" .1 to w1uners in tha Olt R. W1HftJW1T4 - I
�� �, 1,1k, r Taplor fttWtutg, I ,
.,��=_. ,1, I Of knox church,' 4 %")% .
I I Goderleb c Moro to YID101011k thall W moderll Vh%tleA Adems - all , Funerm .1
. lstl. *t th6 both* Of U , "S t'heir WOMA11 does.,, Tile affirmative will Ih, . ms*y Aolllwmm 'boys,
* I 9UL _ , I 5 to 1, Leslie nay, DIMcen , hifecift , .
1) *It* a
L rs' a' WsltM uPheld by ?4u,Woe:L "Aftiftoo SJ, ,
SAlfford "evilt% 1011 "ft1"ft5,, July 26th. Stoll , I ,
I SOUP AYLMER TOMATO 4I P# � 110 C06rr and Jean John. i ftest Ultebtll, CarEon )lay; bq , 06derich
1 #, XlftroldL Adam% Tolft pato ..
w � 3TINS . 4 There Were about Otty PtOOenk SovtrAd 1411 . W111101CItetth. ?Acolurd and Mtrs,� )
__ , _ 1tv Ron - * ..... ; I .
I'll, 43C , "Where Qual of the vfmtii&g ladk" ok"Istfd In't C, r Vol 8111)pott the negativ& There , . I I
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I ubh.* a. Aft6 tilt 1'At+tIn* elo"d an en. fAquts end Old tiMe CmtuMcg� A pAper
I '1%1 hour We% W'At as *11 W` 1XIII bo 91VIM, A ttor,v 0! Pioneer dk)*
- I 06 Piric '�Dyeblt out �, 0
andRe 0 1 A' '"S e took Of' the bount l"I lurkCh PYOVIOd by told 'by 9ftnft[Jther& Z* hog.. I I
., . . _ -25c , , $$ "A. — . , . I tes$ft Vill be Anty You", Ann* Refa, I n I I Rd , T . �
''I � at Meaning I e Goodwill viluanelme and �iil on I
I'' 'I -o W,oJ*W"#Ai#'*W", = A little Milk *Mtd t6 the Wettr in Mrs' XV(00tt Zr:10004 4A,d lfml�y ,Ve� i
as& ., . "It'll IcAullfifter Is boiled will keep t1je, 'Clure , -11 ., - . . I .
)RANGE �. floweri Whitt. I L 406 Pollock. whitoll"reb. , I 7
Urge I (, . tile- ill ' 111MI COMP-1le-ftd.thtir slterstikig and addition
� =��.. =��_._ D' ,"It Of ft1kint Pir0byttrign 11 a
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I WIMRA 40-02 � 6"uDled , I h&n , AIDIntht And skre ,now I
jars 1 2.9i , *_*-%4*1,..ft**�, 1.111�1;1i=L , � .
I AG.01*4-R1C,R . ; � - - . . . =U I the Vdyft 10tind to Jertm" 36,21. "And,, die anything 111* ' L ]POP00d to . I
"NLOW MM Pt "M6 to L*t�t that whert Jehadi bed �, f I
PIXASE PHONE __ 11- V__� ,�Itad three or tone leave& he r'ut It wlth�" LATUS CLEAVING sitid ftESSIN(; 11
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.,�Z.1:11.!..= i : Vot'P- ORDER EARLY fifta U" cwift W"is 006 ,r*1464, AS WELL AS GENTLEMENI's won
— ROA or $h(fte,, i I .
� (114d Or yffllje� �� VAS i�omwned Ift tht Art thit ,W&S M j . _�,� I I � !
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,� tht hfttth - ftilock is a forcefrIl .
I I CALWN an, I J*;:;: " I Iff-VIMAIAN PrNwrlty 4* twore"11", I .1 �Peitker, and Sere a veiy ,%prt",Iv, , U
_ - - ---" _ L" ___ Were With "J, % "r� I I NP6
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I . ___ - ZtMOM for the AlbI6 S.e.tjtly we)qld� Irl"i
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