HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-08-04, Page 7I tp I, 'M ____ . ­_ _..__­-­-______, VA'ox SINM -, TommiM XLT Ukk 3134 I THE GODERIC11 Is 4IR - - ___�� __;;;;W�- �Iw � I - ______ 1W 0 '..W...'�_W­ .- I .- i6aaa-M I— py"00"-w, � ,a 1, .40114-001 A1101w­ -11, . 11 1) I 0 it a I 0 7 UUM ratio In 11 am 150M Empire s Brains on Empire a Best 51up I -1-1 ,.!I I For Days At A Tim I - � ; .�!-, aa, . ; *AM* x1m, WA%".--# I 1 W4 1 I � i Mr. Hym 4okwo, A I .. "Big W for &YO 0$ * I . . 1: .... ; 'avu� Psajow WL My bwk wwch,voovia - I I , _. 11 � Asoot, I was * *ktimof 041 itiolt for *bf*t t" 'I I I t isutil% woo *44"a 0 000 M"'s W -U47 1'ill& 9, ter a beut to prillse my God - ot r . I-hEe A btart from 4n. set free; A lles;.t t.bi4t A"4wjWs feels Thy blood "brICAY 65 freely $bed tot me; tbous . A 17,eart in everything renewed, Cell." I ,,,4 Ana full *i love divine, Fgrf0t0 And right. and pure, and good, I A copy, Lard, of Thine, frala .. . I C. Wesley. MAIREIR altqruative , Ju$t.':oe to Our nflghbCV. It 14 MC -11% j . i , - _ .1 ! that St. F&W en=erato as t .1 I t I i I I muarvehended In this sitAX4 j I . I shalt 1OV6 tby mighbo ", thy- I .1 I . . . I I . . "ThW4 Shalt not steav, I I I . . I � , St. J,auj does uot, exhort men tD re- I � I i .i . I I . � ,�:. ... . � fwal theft merekv �n qrdex to be I �? , . . "..... I I . . . .. harmless, but 0 do geed. That is the' !, .� . .1 ... I , . ... coutemplatQd whou lie says, :, � . . � . k umid om boX %Ad felt, CmAderOMY bett0r, W I C04- I W 316W to 0404 VM01 I felt all riot %4% X ix *0 V3 to *dvlo sn" bo0ored *1th . 040 10 1 1W un 004*14 x0sar 1100.1t - We4i W a INX at 011 ang said ev"04 swroo, or - � X*jW dirwt on Tooelpt of r4co bt thst T. milbom Vviv . I loroatot' 0311t. 1kat"11 % I ___���­ _�__ dv*s, In the evcniug, eaVACA'Aho On. twOOINGS lrox rAXTIIES . � . " . . - , ,,*xe love to Theo, 0,ChrIst,1* And go "Lot I ; the t1def Btealvor more, but 1.4ther : . . . I � . � I . I . 'W ,m%tratl='t of- everyone in -attendance. i d know, Met final at - . . FU%u our love to our netghbora grow and let I Wln- labour, working with his baUd.S � a . . I '. I � . the thing that is WEL tl t Ile may Tests on WheAt tirtil.41tv ctuence of % dinner Iq meawred W, thl� D21ilulto msults Irfem Me, applIvation �rbe-zoma %ugnifest in cior deeds. For this, A- a,l I*- we Amen, . I . .. . I have whereof to give t* UDA that' bAtU i .. . I ' riety of Invitlag .dC,4=rtoI of to�.%Ijj�cZ to fall wheat .have Uteri desSeWt- A Va eat to vVery raclabov 01 Which Will. #pp � - 'Pray. . . � . I 64. LESSON FOIL AUO. ;4A 1933 � A._ (BRU. 4. 28). . . I . necdo" k I .AThou not bear false vftue�s j3*4DntArjo, .41. ob#wnca by Ia. farmem the fqmtly, Is a necessity 14 the UDUnc-' , d, 1*�32 under tot and flav- �� 2 I , , uz-:an Topic"Whe Tot 0WAM-t-o-eat% Shalt *" , I rvAgy there are plots 1wife's r"IPO Wx, cofftea We as a I � I � - 12 I 'against Zes"n PQ!%Me;--X%odUW 20. 4 , thy nelghboi." I �,,�--,�_�Z�, -, I . �� 1. .� , .. , I - St, James called the tongue a world �'--_ Under tho. supervislop of tuo Chemistry too-rIch - .- oring. -- adds a uatlsty�ng. not- I, ]Xrartraontor the Agr_ultural cojloq�. touch. jiiiCAy,0,t*5­0Q,sny_prepA%cd pud, ­`�, I Golden T0(--UVI#CUS Aft I$- �� ,I 1%allor thy 14ther AudAlly nigther A I . Of 19t0ty, For It Is CQUaJly ready to �*,. �, I � . . ::,� :: . k m�st of t.%Q leading fertilizer mixturo dlng$ which' Will 1011d &tI0CtIQA to a , , I i PO4: the � : . *A thy days may be 10-09 A , j&n4 Which the I,ard thy 47md giveth i � � vrolpik the upo# V God, and'. to TO , : I ­ . t .1 . I . I bj . ,,_�-.,. . . , our nelghbor big. fair famo. The ninth 11.1'k*. I . . wore used. .. . I MODI; . I . Arabl*u Vulldillif Alter three years of this experimental . thee," . . . .11 I .. 00MAlandraeut does -not Un4ertgAe tO I I i'll,.: . . I . bridle the WzRue by merely forbidding .. - I wo.-X the Chcmj�* ter, I cup licht .ry D�partmont makes FlIve tablealtoono balt killing of brown sugar. .3 egg yoIks,.,,,4,Cup cold I e 4tand'to j . 7he relatlouship, In Which W . cur Parents, a relationship based upon- , . �'�. I" � . US in a Court 6t justice to wrong Our - � . �, the stateMmt that wintoi strong offet, X,a teaspoon vanilla, I' wheat can be overcome to A, large 0XI, dd dozen lady lingere, Cream tile butter, (l . tbg lad tilait. .we Owe our e,xistence to , , -man. b$ per3my. . i.:4.� fellow ..-1 ­ '11, tent by applying sttitablo teM.11zerts, on sugar gradually. and then 010 099 yolks. . . them,' that we are ma,oe In their image, e transMss 1t.1wbvnever ve con �, ,� � W " - . - I __ �_ - Map q.- well dralned � soll. Also It was found. Add coffee and vanilla drop by drop (If '.. that fQr 40 ion a time 'We. depe4d on t . � ceive, A strong suspicion and repeat It as . . . . I . . . . . I . that fe-tilized wheat Stools out MUCII coffee Is Added quickly the mixturo ,wilt ) . . them for the. Actual maintensnoo of life, a - thing we J�now or -when �ve vindleXt 01 . , I . 1,4tish (;vKwM*"t ddeptes fA the IMPerjal � 141n, Chancellor of the Vxebequer; Rt. H= StUlt- I'M 11 . PROX IA 3r I ut-_�e -abundantly than does unfertilized qurdle,), ,place 2 or 3 lady 0 4 P - I , #nd that, as the necessary roAlt.of all , . ourselves against a Charge ,W throwing, necanontio Cenjel"" at ottavo, ,V'4oftyr4pbed ley Baldwin, Urti President ot t 11. 8 �_ _0,7�'_Vl�_ . * � T T3 T13% T`a._I­.; Q.."Mralva-0, istninding- 1 . . I � fait or sherbet glass and cover 'With wheat. . I .1. . I I . . # - - box for 3 I . If �_. - . I WAm&_VhAtff.1L I 'r,"Appopm. - 4.v". I ww"-, Fertilized Wheat riperis � more uniform. tonce M . I � . � I this, wo Axe Iwo, , P e y on , lim"A %board the Caundian PiAcula, 14mr IMUre, U." .. bulto . - � lcin� ly ouoht.lta.111" . I . abjpVt.4ZOuW,U�on�jha. BL�ff,ap,u.Air Philip Cuttliffe-Uster, .Colonial Secre- . o 0 .. + � . I . -'--- � ------thor-it,y,,..duri�g,-4WMho . - -, xejj�jk . Ututfftft-Of-A& - I than untertillZed wheat, and, 8t 1 hours,, . 'rtam , . , : siliz - . 4 at* "Ajaria" C � ; . - ­­ �"-"U-1$7x'-Pttr-that-ot.tr--Iwdk-lu4sme4ta- _.A. , an ,event unique In inarine Qr 'governmient .tAry; Rt. i1oE.S Rro IMUMOM, -- 41 . I x -hip, is naturally Made t e highest Sym- . � I Ann , 1-'-"S�i-e-a'�'t'e'�'d-'Iat--to,-rlFb't;.-they�,%Te.-Rt,,-Uou,.,e*,oltur.e,,,..and-�Rt. Ron. 14 rd. Hailabom, 0 r ry ft a earlier - so a satime . always speak more loudlY and conflde,ut� a S. . 9 00 eta UV-Td1*---­----_-'-_��- trol of our relationship to. God HIM - of Stato for Waj.'7­__­__­­--­- ---1$7- ---%-- o --and­gtas ....I�__ 9-4 , - a One tablespoon 9ef%_fffi_0-_-,__C ­ . - . ,self. . . 'Uol�nanl -ALP"' U H43l. NeVIlk C,bambiza I I . . . laver . a _rl�q._ �water, I ot, Avilloping qrfam. 1-3 cup. . - ring our parents Includes roped, ,,.y than,our icinxily ones reason A'A't2r F.L . . I . . I -Glotalned It fertilizers ..are. use wbon. ­T:U--,-1 --J t_-- , '�, .Eon* _ � . I . . . . V4 cu $tron . � 1. , I � ., but the i, .1 I . 1. R tolled cottei, av v plain, Angry Passion prompts the - . . I . . � 11 .. 11 . ,, 1, - . . Sugar; p li love, And obeaierioe ai 16no as childhood is . _. ­ . I . . I . I I . � �, .... seeding grain, - '.. � vanill Pcon lemon Jkliget , .. . . former, i4nd its 'voice Is loud, While the I I + . . . . . . . � I spoon a, I tables 14 1 11117 'and youth continue, and the gradual � � ' , 'L Applied with .the. drill ,% pinch of asilt. Soak 6010itift In eo rMatio L L , 'rtalzer$ .the some Jertj.j81Ve . . . I . calm reflec-tion, whWh tones clown and I L 0 -nfo n . �. I . lbette,, results than Izero, water 5 MIAUt0..VWOIv0 W hot vcaffic* .. . . modification Land transformation of these 4_111a and I , :1 . I I eetens the )Udgmetat softens. 4so the, . . �ujburn cA ews . ' ' . L.. tjj�n.ad'd, Sugar. 86t bowl Containing,. . . . . Affections and duties into higher forms SW . . I I . I I I i . � ... f6j'.aa t 4B�� ... , L when appiiE4 broadcast. I . , I _ h�? y +.F - . I . bxpresiion of it. (The . Expositor's Bible) - ,�,6.!o ...0 . bL j . . . I . .. I . � a "Mie)* As the Increase, Inyields Is the decid- mixture In pin of. cold water and 'Stir L as manhood and woulanhood draw Ott. a I I . .. I . . I.- . . . I I I 'Add cream, : . The promise attiachect to the COM- - , ,LWORLD MK$SIONS - . . (prom 4nother ,00rre4porldent) . I . . . I . . . . Ing factor in tising fertilizers It extra until it, begins Lto thicicen. 11 I � p <Furnished by the Ontario DepArtment of Agriculture) until stim and flavoring. Turn . 11 wamdwent is,one of prolonged life W in- ' Tue, Men upers-A S"oet - . . . . - .. bushels per acre seems to..1eavQ a. mar- beaten Ill. . . � 1. . .1 . . The annual x4eetiog of the Women's I I . L - -_ I . I . avervtgo into wet jitOld and oh . . L I . L . . dividuAls, I . Among the inmates ,61 the I*per Home Institute, �bad in ,the ,Foresters, Hall, - -*� L I g!n of profit. This Was' the I I ' . L I . - Of ON, . .1 L Find New Disluffttant : . . did not have up-to-date knowledge of the I . I L I . *-'- n4ta�jly to the I . F.om, tile .CQ4C4PUOR l . e due to there have been three church melrf4ers, on Tuesday, attarrtooft, July 2Ath, Was . + - obtainedL In the past two,years, There Is p4rAgn Balm appeals t . . I . , . father ai.i.d mothef,. we rise' to the con- And tbey-,hAve been doine what .they MS,14ed oy 'thrgeL &peclal features, .The. _ An effective disinfectant for poultry , markets and to* What the trucke, of- I a,, Added benefit for *00 or two years IA dainty Woman. 'Stimulating the skill, 11 . , I . . I . + , . . . .. ception of the love due to Clod. Above 'Colild in the Way of holding a little Anancis,l: Stawmint - for 1. the past h uses developed at the Dominion BX- fered, The grower. -Much to his sorrow. the stanLd.of clever ard g.Ass following Malting it velvety 861t, in texture. It: + , . .. I .. . L � I. I . .,:Wl, we can xeccig;jze Him,as the. Father prayer,'meeting by tbemsejves� In addl- year.j proOnte L 91 by tile secretary-treasar. pCimental Station Lenno.XVille, IQUe,, later learned that he Sold -his CArrotS (it Wheat. , L . I .. �� . ortAtes and pr"ervcS VOmpleXiOns, Of C%- . I . I . morning P. . s1en . . d'er, Miss,MargaretIting; a most excellent a . . . I I . � L 1. " . If I � . - Charm. Delicately fragrant-.' . cb6l, � ., I . . . . . , Ad One witich 16 proving, entirely satit- oue-�thlird the market price. .. . * ! . . . I , , . . 9 . , . quite ... . � �of our Lord: Jesus Christ, Who irk -Hlm�. tjon to the xogulir� ' address on, "The Relation of the Home 4 . , and delightful to Use- F-9003olly revqln� . :_ and through His Uicarnatlon;,,has Adopt- Stind%y Services. #�or the last few . iullding," .given by Miss. 140tO* for washing poultry . equipment It Would. Seem that growers who axe DRINKS 13EFORE BED . . � . . . to Community I L should . . � . mended 'to soothe, and dispel, T01191U:14316 . p4jtjQn of go " months S=eL,d .tbb other . . e -up as fell W8: , I. Selling their products to tiuelcer$ I I . I . .1 - . - , - ajid a minute and tn- It . .1 L . I US into. . I A letters .have, Luella JohnitciA. . I I - I L ' . ed , the higbept..0 . lepers .have. nd hopos, Is mad 6 OAdy, . Markets very closel�, .setL tht . It . : I . or ohilftng,- OtItnulp,iinj; and invlsorilt­ , 1. �� I And m4op us. heirs With HIM of beell Showing a.growirig.interot.11a the,tcrMining Ac0ount of the distrid meet- . Dissolve thro-quarters of a, pouno, of . . I lay Betty, Bare . . . Ithful loveliness and . - . "', p ' . . all a quantity prices according to these markets and L . . . . l4r - Ins, imparts a yet , . ,. al .life, (Condensed froin, T�e $er- Ocispel Ste io, And answer [Ing, held An .Zelgtave, on Jun , by� Mrs. coAceutrated lye In'&S v,m; I . .i. . . rotecti JLK. enho,rtcet . .. 1. . I � . . . ..r . + L e. 7 .�, I I I . I I , Before -bed drinks ate very� popular .p js� the L i . L I L intelligently question L I WM- APtItsoli.. . . .. of. water ,as possible. It Will be = I . . among those who, do not With L to eat. t�Aextuted Skin. Persian ftltu 1. . I . . .. I 1 1. Miss King's statement . showed that. sary to do. this Several: hours ibofoie it . . I unrivalled totlet, requisite.' . I . I I I . . . , . 110AVY too& At - this time, -yet f eel the . - I Command L . I .1 I L . $ L ' ,�'".�__ ­­-, I . L. "Thou 'Shalt not kill,!' . last February we . I . WetWy Cro + 1-nev drink ,. I .. . . I I . . 'mon Bible), , . . I g Ott L t, W,s� holding for that amoun. - 11 lett� wetq able to � the -most delicate ( . I L , I . L asked .Pastor, Chang"t .;o,,� + ,� V I . - . ­.- . __­ tm of, the ,South Suliurb 'Independent church during the year -total expenditures had Is re .lye Shoal be Cold . L L . , ..� . - , . __ CbPA*Iqk- §RYSL� 5'_ this "Ad' t4lk...to, 3be_Jn�jre&ghej(l,, ,the surn of -$403.62a Which quired, as the . 4 . At last report Eastern and Northern d ror.+ nourishment -_%46h L . , !,� 0 � ..1. � I I . I . . W i � - ne-all Z e - , -tit i % t It -he- -would- CQM ._____ ­ - 1. ---- ­ "' - - - W- ed. To this add Ili 'quarts. Of . � : . . . I . . . I . I %qeAt that Jt,4s when. ., . - _M_ _Ww�,.us � . _­­__­_______f,ii,-­ . Ontario -,were--quite , dr ..With. �the � 'should be' rich in fwd* value; . ­ L I ­ ;_ I . . . . I . ,hjj .. _ oult. _. . I . - L �. I I . mail 'is Ott-. brother. holding- his place- on mates And See about gt&rtiXlg an 'In4lair-, cluded a grant Of $50 to t e 00 may- taw linseed oil, slowly. - g . r AS I ry er: half 4 cro . p I L � . P I 1; ­­ _ n order. ' The I , atter -- - IV .1 11 �� �� .0 .., - -, . . . . I L I , I AndLon a ity -.pja:ySrOUnd, L $7,5 t.6V&rd the Tedegor- - , ' that bay was not muoh,:oV ze ft. . -,.- - -i - -_ W - , . I es, and 'sugar a. I . � . the UnIveue by the .same tenure by. e. -s, clas�. This be kindly did, . while. Keep stirring until a smooth 3*� .1 , , �� . . ­. . . . ,. .1 .1 .Dr. Wang .Hwel I ting ot, the.interior of the Vorestersa L a 'a - A� C Ili a.quick-energy fuel that ra�tdly+ an -1, , . � I 1. L -w6n a ap- I proitluvO. then + gradually ,nd. pastures were brown, wlt� orm . I ,. . . . . I , tvo, and'deAr to the. certain .L$AtUrday pttroi,we quid 'so . a , . . . . L I L . I . " ,hold o 11, and also' $106 AS the . one gajl�n of.L C responding ihrink4gp..In Milk flo*. Rain nounces to the body thai riourliholeat . . . I I . . *b ioh , We . . eq out 'to. the Leper HA . . . ommercial creosol, 1L. . . I I . � . . same Father, that we understand how and Pastor Chang NY . pr1c$. of' velours stage Curtains i0i the ,add . . . : .. . . . . - those who ,Wished � . . n LAtI.V until the Allid li.%, 6 needed' in- those. distri(Ad to assure � 1'. has be I en obtained� . . . . . f . . I � . . &tern U the duty of . repressing the' ftst Horne and examined I . I I ihall. A balance of � $420.10 remains on gtirri 9 00nSt0 I I good jjeldL in spring .g , raln and. boedi - , I .. Egg jWlk Silake 11 , . . . .1 � . I . . I . I . 11 �, L . . . . �n ,. . I I I our. breast to join the church. Eleven - presented 1 tiand in Ilie bank, . . . clear dark brown. 'Use o4e-hillf cup of L I + . I �, .. .... resentful Movements within . . .1 .. . . . I ,crops. A'25-acte Aeld of altalfa In Peell I , i CUPS 'milk L I '' I � . � . I . L I I ' I. . which -would even -wish -to crush. him, . themselves, and it Was dedded to bAP_ in opening her address Miss JohMIA . the mIxture to, a gallon of water. . . .. , 1 ,4 L ; . . . . It L., L ". . I I I I I L- . . . -1 I . ; I L I I . I . � , I. I I e' A I . , , � . j. �' I 11 I I . agginst tis �oa of�theln. The eleventh man Was stated that some L 'tiM6 Ago. a Ce�rtaj . I L .which was cdtj)Juno8th, has bloskme 1 -3 eggs . � I .. .. , 1! I I . I . . L + L '.1 � , � . . � . ­ ,an.,* � : . espoons sugar . � :, li�c .they Are a rebellion . Soybeans Ill Ontario again.4hd ,�as,ready j week ago for the 4 tabli . I . '.. ". . + I - I , � Vv4w ordWance =4 Jotgaippt. Divine not rejededoift- grounds of laekof knowl- magazine had offered a prizt for the I I . . I .., . . . I .1 . * :, :­ � . I . ' -1 I . I I . . .1 . I I . . AS I his best aASWejS L to jile question; ,,What Is . "Soybeans.. In Ontario.' Is the titlecits ,mower for,the second crop. Pu&rIn ri: � L I teaspoon vanilla , . . � I I I I . I I I �. . . I :. . .� edge or evidence of fitn"Si 'but . . . . I . . . . I I I I , L 11 . . . I �gncvclence. . . L Hbrae?,,. of the ,� eiglit hundred answers Very Intere9ting pamphlet Prepared by ports an unpromising out . 214� teaspoon a It + : . . . . ... LLL I I � 1, I I I -" home Is. ,quite. near 411�th& Cilur04 It . . I I . . I . . L I a �.L 1. .. . � .:,. . . I I "'Thou $halt not tommW adulterY. which came tr1int. - all classes -of, society, Professors. W. J. Squiftell and J. Laugh- toes, Forty acres of alai, . I . , I I � . I 1. 1. IL I Th ' Mafidmepz follows I very ob,- I w,u thought be had.better link Up with I . I . I . Few graim nutmeg -.;� I. . ., 1. . ..� - . . L . I. ,. : 4 . I . I . . . , , . . , . Is. corn valch the ,editor termed gems land of the Department ,of Field Hug- threshed on one farm IA Essex, .w Few grains cinnamon . ; . . . _' than L With thi : o4e.: here 11 severL N cate'a I, , bl�hedL . , . Ith At , 11 . . vIDUsly Tjoln even the rudest ,prinCiPle ihai�.rather 5, PU I, 'They iiandry, 0. A, C". COP16S L'of %b" I L . . . e, 11 L � I . I ". L' L I . .1 ­ Ad . I I � . were sel �n Air* yle d of, two bus' s per acrt , Toltmet 13C - add, the , . . : I I . . hee lollowl day morning, Aprill . . through your JoCal!'agri I , I he)' �,- at the eggs until very light, .. . I . � L. . . L I . .1. . .T, I . .ng Sun ' 1, W I . obtainable cUl. I will Aot.give as -high ,a yjeidL as last year sugar, I Salta Vanilla and spices,, thm the., .. . I i, . . .. L I I . 1 4 . I . I . � 'L '. . . . �st, the baptiS. L was. held. Pas- T itmv , I., ..world of strife shut out, tural.. representative. ;Soybeans were first I tn . Norfolk. Prospects. for a good ttimato rallk. Stir till the + suga I I I L I . � .1 I . 11 . I .... .1, . .. I ... . mal. Service I. I , .1 , I . .. I I , . .. I I . . . . tor Chang ,spoke ab4it- ,the'Mimning of and a world of love shut In. . tes . ted fit 0. . A� 0. L. in 1893 'tZa asstmibut. harvest r is , dissolved...' . I 1. : - +L � ., I I .. - baptism I and tifselplobip. Then t e te, i .2. Home -;-the father's kingdom, -'the I . ,are excellent tn Most districts. .then beat Well, Serve cold, . I 1. I .. I � I I 0 , -operablve.� tests to farmers In There. a . ... . , .. . .. I I - I Y", � .. I . I . * . . � I .. I I . .� . . I lepers ea I Me forward Yront their seats�mother's world and the ObIIWS Paradise- -�d for co L . rp 'Approximately 60 fields of re- I egg Nog . I ­ I L, I 0 + I . . . . .. I . . I.. . I 'L I I . . . '' �., L . There are InamW 3aurpoM loir I . I I I . I 1,i� � . . . L . , . , .. tered-grain in Renfrew Couni�, Blue-, 4 egg$- �, I . 1, L I and knelt it, a tow aoross the hin. Mr. Rome-the,plaoe where L. we grumble 1901L . . r � ­. �4_ , al, ,most. and . Are . tre ' ' . I . I I which Soybeans Can be grown. As d sup- berry harvest -is Ili full swing iri'Ndrtli. � - I�t'cljo suor , L I . I L I I .1 .. ' I . . swen, tho_wartierl of -the 1,eper RosOlt I , ated -best, : . . " I . L . L * I I + . I .1 I L ; . . . � I I . 1. . ­ + � '* L . . �, 4. -Home -the Centre qf -Our. aff�ectlons, plerrigntal bAY PrbP they have,, An * Im- v.rn Ontario.. + . . L i I ,Cup orearia I I I I . . ,� ' , . read ont the names in turn, and Pastor . . I I . L .L , 11 I . . + L I I .1 .1 � . � round which �ts' best Wishes portant .place, In yield *ZL'd' 41 �_ - I . . I + I I., I .� ead* out the. names in turn, an'd Pastor, A out bea.. . + I . . . . I , 3 tablespoon! Sherry flavorIng � I L . . I . . I * , . I r . I . I � I I I , . Value of Live Stp�k . . I . : . . � � the k . . f 'ranks high, and being a *gL � . . ... A . q . I "'� ' on twine. L Odder the -crop, , inteeotin . i , Beat yolks Of egg$ Until! thick and � . I . . Chang sprinkled a littie water 5� jjojAi-_,tjj6. place' where the small. legume, Soybeans are beneficial Ao tto figures on agriculture corn- I L. . . . "I I I . . . so. the lemon colored, Add sugar gradually, I .. I I . 0 head of each; 4aying as, he did are .great and the -great are small., , piled from the 1931 census havd just I , I . . ' I . 1. 7. .: . . . I great Words signifying their, . admission 6,.Home is th'. place where Lour .land. The seed Is the richest protein, been released. . one Lbul)etin shows.� tile betiLting constantly. Chill well, Gradually � 1. I . . L . I L. : I I I I I . . e , producing grain that can, be grownL In I I I. . . I . .. . . . " . I I I , . I . Into the . family cit. the Triunc Clod. He stbruacbs get three square Meals a dly, . beat In 11%vo4ng end cream, Last stir 11 . . 11. . � .. L this province. It also yields a L large 'total lialge of . live stock and bees for � , L . I I 'L � . + ". . I I . . I I I L . . . . . then led in Prayer, oramending. them to and our hearts a thiiu�anci,' . I In AtIffly beaten egg, ,white$. Serve at � . . I I L - . I . I I .. I eavenly 1. Home -the -only.'.rAace oil earth . P L "Inp- - I .. . b 1I nol, cervalu- . I I "Fralm-.4mr-W110-toem-fi--el � FeTt'1,1,z,d *"'hcat P" " _ a Uu, "t"I"d ,, Co � - ' A tha J$Vr, - 'A 1116 ' . A so y Y' � � vor _ f-__t1o` ,_404 _grw �_ rl11V PiWaYL _____ ---. of = �_ ,�ja ned t fertllj;,�.s e I I ,_ .l , I I I I I' i �, . ' L - , . I - 11 I , , - I - !I?.t. . , . I � 'I the � care .and lovce of. pur H am tint. of 611 which has, a, wide com- bntarlci Is $172,581,3%. as iar�d . I . � � . . . . one i . � I I L .4 small glosses. 1. � . . ' ,. .. I : . I ­ rL . where the faults d failings.. cit, htlman.� L Mercial Use. The cake or ,meal obtain- with a value of $235,005=1 for 1921. or! , . . .. I . 1. q I .. .... L . . . . va�then'Tbe usual Sunday morning 'er 40 , ed from 'the process . . a decrease Of $62,01,8ik, ,or 44.56 PW , . I + I . � I . . I I I . Wang, lty are hidden under the sweet* manilo' Ing Of -soybeans to � . THE IMPERIAL. C014VERENCE � ., . I . .1 L . . I vroe was then Conducted by Dr. , , I I I extract the oil Is All, excellent I tent. This decrease is partly explained . . I . . .1 11 � I ' . [ LL I I -Who - Wei as his . te4t: I'There.__%ft ... some Of 10vq- , ... . - . - , 1. high p ' ro- I . . L . .. : � . I L - . .1 . I... :. �6 . 't. I L I � I . i;l ­ I te ',6f Proceectinj, Miss iii-linstdA­,pointed tein -Concentrate -which,- can -be-- used with- 'y L a decrease in numbers of the various . L . . I L_ . - 11 - . I , .�, - . � . . . 0 . standing here who shall not tas Close I L . clasies of live stock­aiia lj�itly by 0, ti&��-, Our hopes ari� rising, as.,th_- 011ie draws ,' . I - L I . I L 'T111: ut that on . i 6xamination love stood good results In balancing rations for.lile nea . -, . I I 1. . L - I . . . . . . . _ . .. . . . � - . Ill .1 death. till they have seen the Xitgdom- 0 . . L I I vrease In -yglues which has taken Pla_�c Th . . I . ..� .. I � . � . I I . I . I I . I 11 .. 11 i*- of God cOM6." " .. . Cut as the keynote In each of them. The At.6ck. . . . ­ . c delegates are. cornIng, fr-,)m far arid 1. - jl�. I � . L . . �. . I . I � . . I . I. . � deaveW arid most Sadred Spot On, earth . Sty narke during the, period. There was a decrease, near, I .. L L . . ! .r I . I . . . I I �'Z '0 I . * L I � . . . '0 L, . . L I . � . . i , . I � � � ­ 4, � � I L , . ; . . I . . L -, . . . L '. The muniber of Inmates of the Loper is home. Arourid.4i *the Mot Satired as, in ten yearg.of 4.72 per cent.' in number 7*y all .10 III(-' Empire, ­­ L . . I - . o, ; . , L . - . .. . ve - , -.�=� . . . � L . _. � ,, .ikA"f . 11 f%l __�­ memories Mdweiliig ' conditions. And 'aystems _� . . and, hold It, . 'L L I � . . 0 I- ­ 5� , 800121,10 a. 1,. A I . � I I c;_�; � Haspltaj,., conulau, , OA caMe mnal 23.3.4 per Cent i value. I clear, L . - forty. Recently three have been' dis L cluster. The house May be ,Small and ba'vO been radically changed by truck B?At while the total n L un�ber'of cattle has'Its troubles and trials they hope to � . F�. L . . . . I. . L. I . .1 , 6bArged pruticallY cured, . including one the furnishings poor,. but when horneAs transpoitation and. Jobbers, who own. decreased during the decaide, the nurn-i clear, 1. L 1, , _. . Ste theShow,window of �i I . . I - gle L With I . Y. I I . . . � * . latiorls, min * . tie church members worthy of the it is the'dearest trucks, ... 1. ILWe . . � . �tjvc N . of the original tbr . . . . name Work L I . ber of calves. helfer$.And Cows In. Milk I should welco-rne them wAft our lusty 1 - .. . I . spot' on earth, for there Father _ There"Is no doubt that-tbe truck has I . . I _ . L . .11 . . the two Inillion .460ted ,�, I mentioned above. ClIdeloO BU1101U.: L ,or In call has Inerettsed, tending toshowl - �- ebeers, I ... . *1. . . . L I 1. __-___-____4 % �, . . ed. and Mother loved. It is the great extended .Markets to growers. Some re- that the dairy Industry has advanced�AndL In Mel , r wisdom rest out leirs, , i '.� _= Visitom, scim the spirit L . I . . . . L' . training ground foq men .and women cent o.Aturrendes Show the, clitadvantagej; . I . . � I . . . .. , grilis I .. I . . I I . I "I - . that . and ,thriUs. . I LS L who. will play their part in building our during thg,-,same period, L The .average! ' ­' , L PEP COCKTAI ., . . . not so -much of the truck as a mans of , I They Late trusted c0n�lllbrs, th!y know ' . _4� - txperle rice the m6miasm I ­ .. Ity and our national life. - I price per unit of catle of all ,classes in i , .. I . . =e:l . I I I—— I commun a . transportation but of Jobbers. There are - What we need I - -1 i� -that pettrieActS tl%i,q gor­ , .' . � D�uring the pa I. . e take L 1931. Was.. $36.60 as ,compared with An!.To. end this depression, they � _%--�.-T . . . . By AnrW Sibuy'lei dered by Margaret Ferguson, At the Cases where these men. bav n ad- . .. - Are ail L 9��i� .. gestia Wq)-acre bl't';iale , . A cocktall may be : as liarmless as W olose-of the Meeting a da . Inty'lunch, Was vantage of growers who. have not up -to- average value of $40.47 In 1021, � L agreed-, .1 I . . .. I . ;FS # t3S park a . lid ko icole. 4 glass of water, Yet perfectly delidouifon served by hostesses, Mrs. James Woods, date knowledge of markets New Corn Dlsea�s . . And out ,Of this M -as, tobe Empire they'll . i . . . . As art ex- e . I , lead . I . M : ,.,. :t '. pertnatielit anti C040Y es- L . a warm day. Its fruit. Juice Supplies min- Miss Viola Thompson And Wiss Phyllis Simple - of this might be noted. an. early Corn Crops of IWe8tern Ontario have I . . . ion edifices, I I I a- For White PeaMr. ecloured, yea eve:v P031t . . . I � I . . . .. I - . - _.. . I . I 11 .. '..", . - .- = erals and Salts. Its sugar furnishes -quick- TO or. . . . I . . carrot grower In Southwestern Ontario I new menhice In SteWarVa Disease;. � which I Creed. , , . ­ . . � . . ,%ems .� O' - tit' - Barn,". � I I . I I - - I I I I �. ' ..,;, . .. . . 1. I I __ - - i 1. - energy to A,�weary body.. As 9, Whole it is ' . . . was approached by a buyer who owns has 1eomme prevalent .in �Xent and Essex, per one common cause,, they all will 1. � ,� I . . I . I I Cecil and refreshing I - golftd(%11�8 that . I *WESTFIELD his ­ own truck. This particular grower Counties, with a sprinkling in Mldlle- pload, � . .� I � � to. Great llritain'ifipq3thram , . I I . . . I I . . . ' touches the spot and 0003 One UP, . . . I � . . , . seg, tantliton, Xorfolk, and Elgfn.� Rep i Ask acid to help. them In. their hour 0 , , , , - .Z, 6and and thirty Other I (Intended for last Week) - . I I - 'I. -I . I I ittintade I � I . r6gentatives from these countles.met re-, � need. � . I .. ., 4; leading Ynilitary and .INSURANCE 0, 0 Miss Mirgare; Gordon is ,visiting her F I, - � � . I I . � . a., I . - I . 1". .. cone I I . tentIg Aca consider the problem . ert orga�i�.Rtiiowq . . . . I ' " : ' . . - I chop and crush the leaves of dozen friend, Miss Mary Bills, - � � I Dr. .0. I . ,,, .... I . . . apiigi of mint.- Mix With one- . HIGH-CLASS 14. gerkley vatholo�st, of tilti Downtnion I NeW history there, I AM sure. will be (out- apporatico-o(i I I � halt "UP Miss, Sturd�, of Wirigharn, visited last . . . I � I made, . I � � � litter. , . I ' - � . . . laboratory at St. Catharines, and Prof. . , notionally (wriouat "W11, . . , , � - I sagar And Juice of two lemons. Let ,Aeek with her Sister", Mrs. Lewis Cook. And. all the peoples of thb Empire savedl; � � . . I The Mutual Lifol � "AlIg OCCIlsibtlallYo Uiss' Bertha ElIts left on VddaY on Davies of the Dep�rtment of Entomology , X W . � .. Voice I'Alibition chcarUS4 1 1 . . I stand two hourg,."JOL . e 'confiderice by the world . will be, � . . ilk I . I . - I at, O.A.C. e et to give Inicirma- i � I -P fl f . Add: three-41lattets CUP sugar, one pint a tr4p*to Atlant3c bify =4 other PoInU . gained, I . . . . � I , � . KAYC VOtt with "NI 1.0 . . water, Juice of One orange, $train over congratulations axe extended to Miss PRINTING tion. to the representatives. it was point. When the renuhs of the conference are � 0 ', - I, Iry .. - Mary Cook and Master . Xenneth. CAMP- ed out that Stewart's Disease is a bac., I prool med. , ' I . i - � ,. I. I . . 1,,ngland 111"; "The . - , , , �, I I As'surane'ec*20. shaved lee, Add two tottles giriger ale. - ai 41 Triumpli" 1932 inviring . . � ,ijoes of bell on. having passed 'their -triflan... I I vasculal,bundles, The Unity of the Empire will be main. '- , I '11 t; , � I . . I- . I . . Serve In tall -glasses with thin ulaks Uary and' -O�Ue' Cook drer We � ejo give � . terial type, attacking the ip the! tained: . � � - .. ; I �O . . V.xilosition page,- I I lemon, mint leaves, and .cherries. I YOU prompt of the.plant stem and Clogging t f . . . of Canada , '- I spending tile week with their cousins, and satisfactory service at . . dUct4 Carrying bioisture And food to the.�Uhg live the Wag In his diorious - . Olympic athlet , cs Front - oe"llan Pofich lonte of . ,1 I var'sgl - -t . . .. I ESTABLISHIM 1410 " I duo grape Juice . 1. . Misses Muriel and Dorothy LW, I a . moderate price In tho leaves. These subsequently wither - ind reign. I i . - this � , Meg, Never., ll . I , I , , . , I . . ty AIII,AX, PVZ . � "I 4. .. Njarathon Swim for uorid . W � . VEAO OFFICE t'WATUL60, 00., . .,Torolato., of piriliting,- the PlAht die.g. The disease works fast,� I I I . I., I I . � . . . .. : , I I cup. sweet ditler . . Mrs, MoVittle. 0., returned hovie on following lines 355 Callto-nil. Ave.. Sandwich, Ont.' � t Aharnrionship., two' An . I % cup grapefruit julte Saturday Attar -spending three. weeks 11tillIng the plant In three days affer.tjje! I - � . - � . * * * . Infection becomes'apptirent., . I �. . (hille-rica; all brandiv; ail . ElY . , . �rubcrcular Testing of Cattle � . .. . D.,Da, mooNL Juice of I lem6A � with ber Son, Mr. WeArY MeVittle, Of I I The disease' . .1 ... * 2 -pints mineral, wat.er I Cloderleb. I I I . centre Was established by. minute yellow , , . t1larrie Examiner), . . I . Agriculturej,tigincer-A . - . . . - I I . AGENT I CUP Sugar . " I The first ripe tomatoes of the Season -Letterheads. specks comprising the di,ftene areas on One more arguniient to.- tuboreular . - I � . . %Vhat'prugravn-ie-., . I . . . Pima g5o - Mix the ingredients and stir UntillgrOWn in this vitinitywere grown 13Y -Envelopes the roots bundles. Instructions for con-, t ' esting of c . attle Ia advanced Ili the news . 0 1 ente rtal n1rient, e..'14,& I I � Nolk strod I Catlerich, Ordarle sugar Is d1stolved, PoUr Into a large a. . I amp,bill,'who reported h4v- --Statements tr'ol of the disease. Will be sent out that out of a supposedly fine herd of 41 tion, reatatioll. . I . I . � �. ..�. .. .. 1__ __ pitcher over a cake ,of lot. A few grit- Ing, ripe tomatoes about July 29rd -BiftheAds . shortly. . . . I I ___ , ---.. . �4ro.l A. La Pave, of NOW York, Mrs- .. "Guernseys on. a dairy f4rot near Wal. ro fivoid disappmotmatro atd 1Hfw1Vq,,'1'r . . I_w____1___.7__ Ing$ of nutmeg mAye.be added It de- H, Hoover and Mrs. A, Carr, of Blyth, -Private Cheques Potato, Ga"Itting the momi'mons havar, oredlifid to fl-,": . I I _. __ � , ... , ­ 1. Ired. . .. , I -Circulars . ,. kerton, Bruce county, no less than 33 odoms Rarieria(wfiv /w, 6-d-tand 1'4011-` , I - . . I I s vinited or% Sunday at the home of the . Friday, July. 22, mar�.ed an.� eVtnt of mIlkera were found by. government In- 11111=1 TRIVAIPIP, ctory irvarpung tommat'l, ina I .1 � . ­ - . Douglae j3jyptian Uniment Is With- t former,s uncle, Avi W. a. Campbell, and -Tap � � unug6l Intellest to ti e potato gro%vrs of I .Nalwddy A*g. 27, ofid Av dh� of Ike Z &01-1 c.-41 , *K - I "I'll"", rival. Stcm bleeding instantly.. � . . R spectoris to -be infected with tuberculosis 10khossidg (hoput famerls, Aut. ,17. S0.1. J. � . out A other friends. -Cards -1 Ontario, when O., "field day-, Wag held at I .. . cauttrited ewounds and Prevents blood ­�. . . . MauvOrs by the Ontario Department of and had #0 be used for beef Purpones 890t. .11 Sept. 16. 41ERV90 8VATS- , � . .L � I . � -Tickets , , , . Iculture. 'in conjun�tjon, with the. on)y. Some of the tolw;. that Do reacted OaA"9TANO RC L I . I WARNING. �, �,,00ftotllnt� . . . AlAFERING _sAle Bills . - . Agra Were IMPj'.`tcd from the thilted States'a . 5k.aod1lt.00­8,0x,9ftt41il;S#wAch . . I I I I - -.1 111. I . . I .,W -Dodgers . I Central Ontario Potato G,towers' A=. feW, years ago at a colt (of ,note t,,lan - (f lkltrx offat4A 60101 . � "ar . . � - (Xi�tvnded for last week . -mehils I . . clatlon.. Over 100 Attended thla function, $30 h, d wov tested a . 2#ei0.Voj(,9 ZX1118ITION CUOkWS � . 11AWN �EBiVg WATIM RATES , , NV. cloorge Olenn, of Detroit, Is . arid enjoyed'a splendid pro�ran% Includ-. . . (.1troutid fl"r m,wir" Ito, 0 j with his brother, -Factory Forms �� year r p frool � #1.06fornotChmoatt - ' spending big ItolidaYal . � Ing the inspection of, rever4l potato : . . . lj�e of water tor IAWA OetvIC0 0 � VoIDWIA; of tile malady . 1� I L DEPRESSI NS Mr. Tom Glenn. --Society Stationety 11'Ods and tiv� discunion of potat,o -.1-1 ­I­*­:�1-- I .0�fsj IC44;je 40 t,74 -20V 0410 WOhOW 40!aV .'& from : % week- .� , ' CON461011 Xwsondt Exhibihm, 7'orooM . 411111111 ?*11g. S. j. Xillpattlek spent the � I 1. *1; ALWAYS END - --.1116tims I digena. , . Tile w;3tnc,n %bot marries a mail :)e- ., MIS 0. W. WAURS 5 (live) oclocIt in the afternoon to I ieAd with her aunt,.11185 UzAe Webster, -Boo A m3st edifying tall., wm delivered by (",11150 she Is vorry for bim Ls apt to be � WIMIAM IN(P . � . 9, (elqht) o!,eloek In the evening. . JU91 Atmi"196 A , 4ttelitlow. , . L PeCAW'...1t. , Geaeval lilar-Ager . I I WE HAW 111<xos Olive and. Elsie Anderson to- -13toino-ts Cards Mill 'Tneher, chief of certified teed Ili. rorry ffir herself lator on .' . I � I . .1 ,.. I � ­ I . ­ .1 - - I I I . I _____ .... ... CHAO MADE OVCN is YIMS : turned Gaturday from a' ten days, visit -ViAliting Cards six,t,cra for the Watinton Another ad- - I -.- . � ,- �­. _-­­ ­ , - , -- - .­.­,­_ � . Anyone Uting water tot INVII AGO-eMANG FIVENY DP*I- with Mtrolt friends.. -Wtddling, Stationery d_v�3 to reepitt, partitular 4ippreciation 11 ­�_ _�_ rerviee Without first 113VIng made SIM ANDVARS OF 600D nev. and MS. R. T, 10103trict" of i .. ' .,*� .a proper applIvAtIon, or 11TIlInt, tjj�%. are guests of 11r. and Mrs. -Invitations , wita that of J. T.,Casnln, On'tarla Mar. Pains Around - Ner,,Nearat � ' . � . � So (ROM 140 TO 10"- 16� J. Itilliatriek this 106c. . . * , * * keting Board. *at 0601 L AVIYO710 ming lotwil nerldeo out it IS tokfte.t W DAIL mlc=et� Itath and Viola Itichardmil. Of . The speveh of Prot Henry 0, Pell of A Of tue above hours, Will ber dealt Tho Star figs. an *40-daito tile Ovartment of . Dizzy Ind Tired After lki We with according to - tile requTatl= I . jW MM lqMrsmlo "AD. te;keloy, wero wak-ond guests 'at thL, commercial pr1ating plant was %nil reeeived, Cht.mVstry tit ,O.A.C., I 11 Mra. Ilenty 1:oeb, Muriel Like, Alti., *r1tesf- I 1 1.104,40 Or their unvie., mr. 'Imae Craustoll. 6 I I Voramulit'v oo-oparatl6n 13 t6li* 106 AVAILA01,9­600t) I I I - 14st 11all I had bad pains arotind my beart, emd . I . I I IWAtM -WIM KA ,and Airs. Crautton. I and we art etimpped to wn Other 8livalters Ineluded 9 ft, HaMp- . c3ob moming, after doi%: a little 1tou*wofk,. I ooemed. Sted.' I _. I tev, rald Mrs .,vtllur W. Drp%n rind ont all OWS01i Of job WA& on. Canad!an Voloh Gyndlcatp: n. 24, to , get,vety diu�y anti fcol all tirctl out. * to COPY.,, �,jj=e!) r.tj4ol and nertha 130OWo, Of , I YOL -.t ,.Mrp rt of tllj-q w0l: � Prompt service. Stlmctiflle'd of 14,w Vf.wlt. who In rditeir fit , a that milksura's Matt =4 Nervo Pn - I Inurgonvilte. epon" ra to lr� 0 the ,-Bettpr Crern %ith Plant V,j,j4" pulf. . for the;* troubles I scat fov U -box, and . . � . 10411_1 �v calling on Athklaeld friendn. I ayer I felt or wholi � I . . - dian rndu_q�, "U" I I wor I I ater and !Ught 1,jr.- anti ,%Ira, P.1chard Johnston alld 'Almu9n; '21fts"'.-w Wa1c. Calla ete �114:t'lllm the pill$ for U fow d, H - i , mraral moual, of carnia. M 600FIRIC14 STAR tric"'. Ud.; C. V, 11rougZalon, ontaro 1 4 lot lictter. SiArm thca I lzavo WA ta va4ta of 11.0, - COMM101011 A4W &,V�*A 10- !jur. ond Mm � , di;,Zy epp tho beaft. I I . T01110t4to left, _�1,l0j1(lj9 =211ing Gil a W5!0W Uip . . 1. Phone 71, varin"'no tcud-, 1 .113, =1 pain§ atouaa �, . MOO M& a box at n1l dvag "a gqlerol More% or � GOOERICH - *pv# .Opti IOL ito wintlipeeg, Tu"y .plwl waiv a tilro i A P,)!n#,�) du�nr,a de�-Mlc-=Z,�awn, ecr,- I - bik- , . - - I rb-00 difulf atk raoipt of vritk't� Tbe T. mlbara I I 11 ".. I I ' ­­ V=,tTml %32doy. . ; I . i I � 1-10 I . . 11 . . . � . I (;I., raawd, Tom% Ott, __ I � 11 I= W-Va'a" I . I. � I I . I , 1. . . �1 "I . 0. . . .. .1, I . . .� i 11