HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-08-04, Page 3- - - � - 11 **K" THE GODERIC11 STAR - ' � * ry I I '11* - VAOX i60 - 0 % I � � 'TaVASDAY. AVOUST 41:111 1932, - , - __ - __ ­ ­­ 11 _- - -.-- - .- - ____=;�;;_�;;_.; - - -_ IAII0 I ! - . - . . - - - 1 ;47.;;;;;;;;;;j6;;;;��___­ - - I � _.V� I � - � __ - . � I " . A _.�~..W_W,0-----­0 I WIN$ $0 PRUZ � I, ­ . 11 -l-.---ll-�i" W.I :_ - _., I � I . 7- 1 � Si .- I Imple Remei 0 valf:10" Fill1liff, G"trich TOWWW10% I 41 A � ' d . trict � I—— ' ly Gives Exhibition , citis IFIcAsaut 5ttirprift I i County and Dis �- Harvester Colt - .? OR w HARDWARE - PLUMMNG . 1 . . � t I Ry . , � . ! I For Bad Stoma'h Two - Yew' - .01d 11**ts 2.30- Wbtto VAIelat�110 IFMIer, 1PIZ11 canvc�$!04 . I � , - � � � Small Orawit itt the el 00',terl2h toWla!!IIP� W43 Otc)J23CA 14 Sometimes it is wl,se to be tt "Doubtilig . I SUMMA � �,, Gives Swift Relief Stvatfor4 Races 44TIng IA,'�t SaWT43Y MeMing 04 XOMC,3- . % . I I ints or � i catative, of the Ivarmial ToUacco C,',, . Thoulas!'. This is no time for blind "WAng , . ..- . � V19t. I " �.. Nec4 Of stront Me& ,wile, had aTivea to tito farm, approa�%el tbings for ' 4 1194fo .a $imple Ilowe Revipe ,yip, all the traits of an old him 11% tho field bcIrlug Imnoraut t1mve. , by litabit.11 Tod.-ty Nye must test ' . R16h3r4 ,Vuflip. zl-ycar-ola gng1tsu Tile funeral of Rev. Jr,lbn Qeach took DioDla 0 , - t . -farm handI, sfio. himsolf through the place last Tbunday at Ustowel, .a Prl- ReepsStomackinylacc9aditiori . campalsaqr. Jitmay 9=.14 i5 two -Year- U.". Vloher %yea told that ho, had vma ourselves, to make sure th,tt every penny we . � lao on Q farm neAr Owen vQto r,eryico being hold at the residence chTroubte3 old t.otter. 'ownQ1 by ItIrs.- J. Mullin, � .41 heart with 5 r 4 at 2 oletock, Qua a pulillo service halt an Ify,PU4MaVjctjM9f StOMA -you Qzftizh. and driven by hQr huslsanO, at �czoud prlzo In tho rempany'a III% Old spend brings the biggest possible vttlue. � . ,Sound, X3 r== % given. -Gas. iqourae53, pan or Bloating - ollum titlo contest. At the request of the . . I . I hour later at the Vulted church. whoro u d cer"j" relief by' stratf.ard last Saturday afternoon, trot- When you got -your Co -0, Hi-trdNv:%re, . '. 0110=8011% SC00014 Rev. Mr. Armstrong, 99 Bowmariville, a fQUj),%jP this elful le advice. articclal tcd a mJI0 In 2.29,% and wort, the well- tobacco roan he Immediately iircsscd UP - L . Don mke strong medicine$, and varaq to town to have his 144tUre 'Mumbingi He;iti�g 4nd Tinswithing frow . MI..$ Uatildo, rowler, teacher -10f 64. former pastor Vt the local church, pffl- dlgest4ats Or Pull down your system merited applause of tho upeetators. JIM- tAken with the. $tjo cheque, in his hand., � 11 - 11 . I up. I., Hallett township. TCCOMM�nded clato* . I *or within rc;1,601a Irdo Mack was dred by Jerry Harvo�tor , , � 0i. -Is. C. Lee, you got the biggest possibla - ' , . assi.sted by the present pastor, with starvation diets, r � ? cat what they like if . - F a I I . � . I � I High School QA- Rev. T,T. Itob# Deceased. Who Was a most talks Mal � aud Is a cOmer- In win this $40 Mr - I'lier gave A title 0 . � I 11 I . � AnS. , '. lour pup!ls . for the . I they -.vUl keep their stomach fmc frOm I to a picture of s, Ilshing scene, He talked value. . . . * , tran,ge, with thq following r�fosults: Mar- , native of gnglan4, retiVed four years ,qouriog acids that hinder or VaraAYZQ the Despite the fa�tthat IjL'waS the Open. it over with his wife, wbot suggcstodl "Pa- � . . I I . . I I . . I , pris, UtMiChAel, aged -_12, hop.00; I)DrO.4 ago. Ho, was 80 pars ,of Age. work of digestion � - . ad easiest wag to do Ing day Of the VeAtonary reunion, there tleace Howarded.11 It *23 'sent In with Store 23 , . I � , thy 112,aq. age 12, honor&; Stew -art 1. And the best a. me,31 wit a tea- was .a smaIll crowd at- the races, the . . "' � . ' - _ _ �k�y tw is to follow every � " � a coupon from tho newspaper. When J�k�q� House t1p. ___­ I . � ! . " ENGAGENIENT -ANNOUNCED - - - _­ _ _ - -a plea- -boing L71 . �� 0 . i .. .... __­ . px-044, ALL. 13 'Years, viariss% 'Dale, I -i�4&iffll of -plamuted MaSncPla� stands ess. -than halt filled. blAc", i4visea - - Well' _Ewo � PT 'a . " H6(el SUM4 64a CHAS* C ' . L E Q . . . !-- ­ .,F . . � I I . ._ . ; 7 �4 At- I "I . Scaforth 140.6A - The tinpilerniout is =leas, Inexpensivi, form Of mag7 thm. ho t34 . I � -1. . I . � . . . . : o3L. 11, PM3. I . � � for amt. bc , .4 Grattqn. owned 'by Cuthbert of Lucknow. Mr. FiaUcr bad - Porgotten. thutitle, be I � : . � ' neala tbqLt:promp,tjy neutralizes acidity . ' RAOR . . A=O�Actod. of Rut�, eldest daughter of weel And elcOft Won the 2,30 pace In a field of ten. The - Uts,wlfe remembe-rctIL' 1f6­'--c-9fiamiyi1t- . AROWARX A;T0JW-AT_Tft,E_RA - ;, - . ".. - ___ ­­ '"' ' ' ' I ' . 6 O'acb 0 4 �40 4, ' . . I � L 4 t'o L fastest beat was dono.1a 0,12!�' 14 this that there was more money In fooll I �- � � . . � 'Was stolen from New Marie, 101A., to R, It. LYAIX �oulwon. of ra an 4pp 7 at I I I -_ . . . . . A eptr Which , vI.0 You race Zlsio Harvester, ctivniod by Oldd ptt, .. ____ .'' .1 ; 1. . 1, . . .1 . 3 ' BIEU� 7 _ , � . "cci� 4 i 0 -4- JUST UELPA�P THEMSELVE14 9to. ­_ -_ " V - - TOK-H I I L ­ Mr. and Um D. T. Walkotn ,Sault . - 't' . thl.h. y 9 d A �""` Mg I .. Hamburg, About three We6k4. Ago was, P � q, cktre 4round with these contests than the . - . , , _�, , on' L 4 t I i.g, .t. I , .. . . . . I I I I , Qt Ord .� $to � . . � . . i ort. Colborne, Out., eldest. .sq.n,el Mr. . was fourth. .. she TA4 'third An tho first -in farming today. And the beat pArt of It I � .1 . . . . . . ­ ar Monkton, ,and Mrs . .-U. H. -Robinson, t 11,,Ont., VIA 0 about �� . . located early last week ne oat go Per coattly Unneoca'ary. I . � I 17t di.tM55 I Is .40VI, two heats, ,but broke rounding Into the ,is he 'aces not subscribe for any daily . . . . . it had evidently been. deserted shortly the marriage to take place In Sault Ste. . I i . i . I . � stretch In the third heat and linished I . GANIZING DAIRYING. BEAN MARKET STRONGER I - . . . . ifter the theft. When found It was Marie, August 11. Mr. AObIVs0'P.js % .. . I . . - Wt. . . � . � I newspl%perL He borrows. 11W nelghbor-s, REOR .. I . I . .1 . - . . I � . . . 1. ;stripi;ledand many Parts stolen, but 40 bother of -Miss Dorothy Uoblusou, noyal chords are, producing the, lighest, crops, The 2.:W handicap furnished. tho best after the latter- In through with* it. . . . . . . . . � . __� 4 -1 0____ tvolvIng reorganization IIVUq*Ies from oreat Britain to the - C. 1 IV of the dairy , , . . . . I Oerton reported - the co On, -the, sideroad Apartments, Sealorth. . � the only reason for this seemingly Is raring of the afternoon, It requirIng five . . , Itort. T. L. Uonne- Ontario Market . Ing Board for Canadian. I I I . e weeks it stood there. - . . that tl%eat; Orchards. are taking more � . BAYFIE1,I) I Industry "k Ontario' re, h a Ano Iduring the t4re . . � . beats to ,declaxe The Totier, an Amer- . dy, 1611nistior of Agricultu - 4 . bpans have developed thQ fact that there I I I I . I ASHFIELD AUSIDENT PASSES. -,��. than the usual rest after a ., bountiful lean horseAhe witruer. Margaret I I . I A, m9A enjoyable bridge tea was. hold ,lounged the launching Of 9, five-year are very few beaus, available and Pract- . . � . I LfOERAL 0 � ANDIDATg, INJURED Auotber longtime resident of, AsMold yield of the previous year. m .1 . I I'Dingleton," ,the ,charming surarnpr plan to capti. e Via tatmors the ticoitlly none at present prices either for 11 . . � . Sarals mare, won -the IPA t . . .kr for Onto I 11 Wo beats Art . I . . . . . seaforth, Expositor: W. 11K- 001ding, township, Ralph Bueglass, Was . . . home .of Mr. and Mrs� V. R. Will, on ,cheese market In Great 'Britain. The tuie export or domestlo-frado, ' . I . I , . . � . HO sensational style, while MacDougall, the aea-cansid. . =1he ft%corn Fe- - *0vA"h4b-owurrto*_44�me­cW T WEATHER EiTECTS . 6....T� ___ �, -01war4orm ..A._" _... A A-4441 , I . . . . a . ea .1 � fte,raWW,-jU1y-28tb,=de�. I quano, - � . - ectiort, while working at T. e SL _'­ pices 07 the 1ayfleld Golf and Conn. era ­; - ___jAbffALUQMW=_t - ___ft_ - I I . .. I _* "U�. ulatod After . - . deral by�el -the the 12th concession., 1,% ,miles west ,or Zurich 'Heatld: High Constable a- 4' __' tAou by de%partmental officials. calls an; lmport�r In England for large an Iv, -4 -1 I t -tities-,01,-.bcsna.-at--*--I)rliae-�vonsidersbl3r-------- ­ . ... � I I— I I lIbresher Co.'.',,Ltd-i-,On.'--Akhit�elcT'C'�huraF,"o-n--.U-on'di'-'*'J-ul�--25ih--,-()=dty-�-autt-A.-�*htt�stttey,-Ur-tWdai,et,-' I'- ­ . way.a,..A.-faO_4r,..dp,,.plie-J.�&,.aus .� -'- ­ ----",h- for----------- 7- �­­­ � I -- Bell, EnAne acd-� . . , tif -614's-, jw­ ­­ -th -- I � . . .1 . 1. .. . yt. - . V -having some big. hanftap� . _. - � . I I �. was t e tentlim . to Ave .. 1. A-. process . of Amalgamation and higher than prices hero, but. expoXtera . - . , . . Saturday iQ'st 6d thi mlsfor�ene to h%V6- Some time agg," jjr.. Butoglass'suffered .a ,'Weio ft� fIawn on Monda � ii the tablei'on'tbe lawn, buttwing.to'tho ohee . as have had to report that. there are not I . . . There were no less ihan six spills In elimination by which Ontario . his hand and arm badly cut, A number fall, Which, wsto fa severe shook .to 'the Interesting cases in the vicinity of Zur- Inglerriency of the weather they were 'reduced tn'humbor from sufficient stocks in storage or 4upplIe3 - I I I of elitchas Were required to* clone the 00 will come under the 3 -year-old $500 colt stoke race, In , - factories willbe -150 . . . . . . I available to accept the offer.- .. 4 . . 11 L11 . . aged gentleman, .who was in his 84th loh to I k after which which twelve started. Horses wvnt down, arranged In the house and verandah 774, as At Present, to - I . I I . -'I , . . wound -And as A result Of ,the accident, - year. He is survlv6d by a, Water,. Barbara, the L.C.A. -ThAa hot weather. evidently . Um. Will received. the. guests and was 2. oreatice, ot 20. new Storage Plants , Further survey'ot the situation see= I . .1, I � � -Mr. Golding was off work for a few days. I who has made her home wit1r,him. Thit Is creating a big thirst, with some peo- sulkies were wrecked and drivers. were assisted, by othdr. mosubers .of the club. , rk, an effort to. achieve better grading !to Inditate tliai the Ontario "hean Crop . I , . I . I � I . - I . I pie prilvislon thrown 411 over the track In two Of. the V . . . ... I A to be considerably . less t1234': . . ... .. �� . . ., � I neral service was held.on. Thursday at Pie. alld the laW, 1148 am I � three heats, but neither home nor driver There were eleven tables In all.' Mrs..F. nicisi%ry. in sit export business. Is go lag - . I I . . I . . I I ru ' h . - tr&c a. Encouragement of farmers to In- normal this, year and the cotklPikratlVell � � , I DR.' r. J. R. FORSTER. , . . 2 O'clock, With Interment -in Lochalsh that such t frat can. bi legally Iquenola- . V. Granger won the prize for con t, . . . .. I � . . . �� I � . . . I . were seriously. 4,njured. Billy 9 I � quick thange in the situation from a I � . cemetery. . ' . ... ed, But It Is, only too bad when one to 0go, a and - Miss Anne Dewar the prize. for sure inclosed. production. ' . . .1 . . . � Udg6tovin horse', we heats : � . - I . X= EAR, NOSE,. TJUWAT ' , . . . caught trying to quench such thir'st,con- I � won the first t auction bridge, �rhere were -many other The minister declared'ithAt the Plan's depressed market, at low prices to a live . , . . " " � . 40 - Late .1 " . I 14" -, Yo�k� or WX'"kW8 ',CHAVTA0VA - PEFICIT trary to the law'of the land. It is not . . p0ly. It. very - .. - - H , * W e1%, 'ph- and race, d6lig the second in Vie ib�� prizes given. =as Lillian Aikerithead won succes ag the attitude demand.and ohortago. of au ' . . . , la"40041i, #-W84**t *rj�,, 'I - 7 , Markable time of 2.12%. LdUa o'larmora. The Government could encouraging from the standpoint of the,., ' . ' . L. I . WinghaWs Chautauqua Idefteit- was what -the Individual thinks 14 right, but 1C*T11 a one for being the tallest lady, while Mrs, '01 th . . � I I . . . . =61 Mal ik�40 Hospital 'and. Golden � . ' � tot tompel, but only entourage amalg%- industry. , � I .. . . . . , I . or'911 - $450 and tb U - ooks Toronto hoise,.,won. the last heat.. after G' W. Wods. was Awarded the prize for, r .. . I I . . . . 1 � . equ%re Throat Hospital. London, EP'g, . . t*enty 'guarantors bad.. put what Is .actually- On .the statute b � . Triatio4s of cheese factories, It the am. . .1 I - - - . 1. 1 I . . - I - I . . . I I . 53 'Waterloo St, M. -Strtatford.. T610- up :$.22.50 each. . There � wJ11 act be *W that Counts, I ,. . I I Billy, Hugo had been sent to the stable- being the shortest; Miss Alice Drouin te-, Protect the ohild from the ravages ,of . . , . � � . I I . . 11 . . . . . . � '. � . algamations werfs put through.. the far- . . .. . . � � phone 267, - . . Ch utaliqua At Winglaam next year. 09m. '' , .. I . . . Boy Brothers made a good job of. the, A -better 40-cbeese at, . . . . to ved a ,prize for having the smallist, mers could produce: worms , by using Uothir arravew� Worm. . - . . I . � . I . . At,, Hotel. aedfoid, Goderich, on the , a . . . � DAATR OF It, t4i JONES I,' '. '. , starting, Uec Hays was' one � of the. feet, .&Iss Agnes Will for being the, per, three ,cents per .0 . . It is A at%V14V , .. I � . I the, third ]N40nday of e&clx meAtIng on 'this,.the Lucknow . - . . . .. . I P . ound.. less 'than before. .Exterminator. ' d remedy, - I .� ­11� ' *yening of . r WILY, it Is 0a yeai.s . 11 , �*pjjth until tile ,following 44y'Tuesday, � says, �11.,ucknow guarantor$ were The death oeturred At the Scott Mena. timers and Dr.Clark clerk of theeoursio,, son Whose birthday was. � nearest that , When the plan get4:14nde , d . use hive, enhanced its re- , . I faced , , . . I . ­ I I . � � . .. of I I . I . . . . with' a a 41 Orlal., HospItalL in Seaforth last Priday ' i_ I � - I - Mrs. ,R. J. Laidlaw, of Brazil, the expected tb%t officials � will -be. sent- to Oujl'dion� . � ,� .1 . . � �. � Next visit in September. � . in I .deficit .4 Year, 4o lost � I E X.E'M P T 10 - day, . England— .to ( . I I � . I . . � � . . . - . � March and :Qanadiau. Chautauqua W" mqrnih . .NS .. � . � ' - nanize, a- sales staff, � I . - . I . ?: , I I I I . . . �_. . I . - . . , �. I . g, of. Robert gutless ,gones,,man- . � � FROM JU � RY SERVICE lady present from"the greatest distance. 1�=Iw asbeen achieved An . the apple .1 Jugoslavia . will . control . Medical Adver- . I . I . � , I . ----- --- - not successful. lu signing up for return ager of, the Dominion .Oank, 4fter a . . . . I . I � Tlwre- were also prizes -for the person. ; � ese . . . . . . .. " . . 1. . . 11 . " , ' Is I'll � � . . . . . . . ' I _ . I I I I t . tIsIn& ., I I I . .. . . . . .. I ­ . ENCHNEERING . . . engagement. It is evident, if *this, district short. Illness, He had � un6rgone art. ry to duplicate ,in the . .. . : . , * . I I I __ .L "' Few people, , , perhaps, are. aware of the sitting on �the chair'. und.er . which W48 - . . . 1. . I . . . . . . � .. � I . . I I . �_, �! , era exam , I � operation On Monday from w4!ch he ril- I . I I ,and butter .manufacture," Said 001OV101 .. ., � � .. I ..� . I � .. I I . . . I I . _ P , - Kennedy. addingtbat.the Big 'IQ" brand .1 - � is a gen Ole, that this com any I many *,,who. are exempt.fro serving on ,stuck a .postage, starnp: and for the � per I I I . . . . I I , . Ift CAREY. - Will either have to mfakt- drastic redue. Iledi but tLmplicatious. later f followed. m 1. I . I . . . . �� I , I ' ' to playing the -ha Used on, the . I 1, � I I I I . . I I . . n nd In which was the Of the tipple trade would be I . . . . GOEB17b I . . I I . .. I 'orts in, their require I d guarantee, or tAke : and he Is Jurles,for. district ,courts, �� . . I . . . - . ., . . ' � . . ,qAme unconscious, He was es on which was marked three, dairy products. : � . .. . .. .. . U , . . . . .. .. 11 . . . The Ust of. exemptions is �s follows, In ace of sped . . � � . . I I . , I . . Municipal Engineering . boiz, In Liverpool-, Ongland ., . ' III � . . . . I e . ' . � . Consulting: And tlxe financial responsibility upon thern-. I , and came Ion list of civil servants, 41tar-S. Besides thtse a whole basket o ' - - - . . � . . I I � . s1nage-Laud. Surveying ' I . . f I . ZAMIA UK � I . I I , Dr I addition to a . g . I I . . . . . I I lidg,. Goderich; Out- selves--otherwisti a, failure ,to secure en.-, to Canada when a young. man, joiliqg . - I � ' I 'katortic T80196 I * .1 � . , 1. MI persons sixiy.*yeArs of age or Over, prizes was given.away to tbo§e who hold in all- -infantile complaints that are W F_RI3A 1. 0 WENT . . . ' L� . I � I . �­ Phone 230 .. I . I agetnent � will force thenaL to diat - the' st-Ift of the Dominion Bank. at Win- I L . t. ctf .. SOAP L . . . . . .1 I . 0 .a . on . . . I every head of ,municipal council, , every an n ur Acts or who the.resel the depredations, of twOflilg A.MEDIGINA . . __ ­ . . I I . " His PrOM014611 Was rAPideand he , ­ M, AnL the stomach &nd. I Intestines WIllbrIs : Cortip1cle ty,ratmetit for Oad Logs', UltoN * - . I . , tinub this tokm of entertainment, 'g. . ' . . . . � . �' I., ' . . . at least 1. 4IPL . , municipal I , ed..a little slain Qr.a gr,.�d sla ' . . . , � treasurer clerk, coll�etor,. as- Play Xcuttia. Potwomed !)"r"S­�t31P*rt"qb1e"tC: . , I I , L LEOAL VA*1115 . 1, In thev smaller town .. come to'Seatorth as manager about .16 . ­ I . . . ' Iss'Morley was In charge of thli,novel W.prm powders. wfil.be found An effective L- . . . .. .. I I . I . . . I a and ylilages,". � . ,. . I sessment commissioner, assessor and of- M I L . 4 I . . .. � . I I I . . . . i . . .1 : 1-­� ' _ I L '. " I 11 - -;, " . � . . . � I .. Years ago, ,. Deceased. was a past preal-, . - - , 0011V to � . %*mtdk , They'attack the cause of these. . _ . . . ! ' . . I , . L I � I . �. 1. ery professor, teachier or .servant , plan � Sfreshmenti Were served troubles, andby expelling the ,,-.-,- . . - jjAyS,.&,BAY0; .L I . L1611T APPLE- CROP; - . . ­ � -LL dent ,of the Lio Club, past president . . . ' I . . . I : .. ­ � I . . . Icitors. ! _ .. . . .L . . . 53 of a uAlversity.c6ilege, Institute .of leirri. by the younger uembers- of- t.44'ciub, PoI7 from the or ans Insurian orderly work- . .. .1 I ' , . 1. I I I .1 . I . .1. Barristers, and Sol * )ken.L.Of the Seaforth Golf and ;Couxitry Club, . . , .9 I . *'m w" , I . . . I I I . y$,.x,C., and 14. C. Hays, B.A. LticknoW Sentinel:_ EnqUiring of , of Whiell I . Ing or any kind of school, every. minister,, lowing tea a pleasing, 'event was'the Pre- ihich 'the 00 IV- � %ft C79 _ -0- 1.". . I � . I . I I . . L . .m C, Ex. kilton htrc�t. Goderich. . , neth'Cameran asto the prospect . he *U - the, founder, a, past . Ing, of the system, without V. igtiv or- � . L . .. . *., � ,, . na� . .. Ive, ap, , - . priest or ecclesiastic �of any. kind, every sentation. of - the: ladleal cup to Miss not maintain its strer I . . % . L Telephone 98 ple crop this year, we'%re, informed that mister of Brittifila Lodge, AX.' W AX.1 . child can I 1110111111W , 2FEEEM I . - 1I .. . , I I . I and 'A - I � . I . I � I .. �barrjlster and- 'solicitor of ., Mrs. W. P.. thrive. These voWdera,mean hei th ,,. . . . � I . I , , , . ' -y , the aupifirate Grace Jbwett by the captain , L - - L L - I , . � . � . .. V, . L . , . . . . : I . . d secretat -tieasurer� of the Collegiate - . . . � � .. . . 1. . . L . I � . � . . LL .. , J.;__6 I. ! .� � �. In his paVOcularly fine orelia!rd the har- I �tn - - I—- 1. L � c7ourt aotually,prattising and ev�rj stud- 'Stevenson... =as .I.Owett won the cup In ijuprovemenC � ., . . . .. . I . . . 1. � I I . T' .1 .. 1. . , I He took an Active ,in- I I I . . .. . - . . . . . . . Vest, wlll,bj� very light, qnd.not expected Institute board., I . . .. I I .. ----...---*-. 1� . I . .1 . L � . . ... . . I . : 0 . a. � NAIRN. I . 11 . . I I , . I terOt In the Velfare of the� community. ,Lent, of law, everk qt�icer of any.court of the tournament for members of the club I . 1. .1. I .1.1 . 'We ,are well 'equipped to 4iVe you with 1, L's ... I ' I ... I I DPF I .. ... I . I 1. 1 -to exceed 200 barrels. Last year,hAd:Mr,. . . ., .. . I L . I . . krL . I . L �f . . . . .. . . I I - . L� . . . L.. . . . and dqdu� his soJourn In Sonforth bad justice, every surgeon,. physician, dental on the .Previous 'Saturday.. Mrt. V. V. , afiyape6ial floral offering.you may haviom L L I .. Calnwidn ,packed .seme, . 61 tbe - pooper: .. . I -cups ,and Misses Janice a I L . I I , � I . . . ., SajMister and Soneltok � . I I I ztaged numerous I)lays an4.9onc I surgeon, *, pharmaceutical chemist and Corbett read tea COMMON �, TABLE SAL. In mind, from A, simple - bouquet to the . I I . I - � Not= JOT..." . phoni ism. .. I I Isave bad. some � . . erts for I veterinary . surge . p I n L -Stevenson and Holley. Louise , St I . I . ofnco.. .� .. grade apples he would I levery ,editor, reporter iphick, . I I . . . . I L.. t __ olulott. eVtry' ID -club . ­ . . OFTEN HELPS STOMACH more, elaborati decorative basket. . . . . � .1 2000 bgrreb. Mr., .John Joynt is not e*- ,age ' society, .apd, aper e I I . . I . I . I � I L' . ; - . L I and printer of any. public uewsp or sold flowers. The proce da of the Affair, . I . I . . . .. � ,&jRAN.X D0j,rXf=y, B. A. ' L organization In the town. His - visits to i . . 1 . . . . 1. � . . Lpepting to havio 5icri'thin 'ii)() barrels . - ''. Drink plenty of- water with. ,Pinch �of ' I . I . L . . 11, , . . strittijournal �every person employed in t . he anjoUnted to CXer $'30, I . spoon. L _GE -:ST Ii I I - cry pth r to hoW. crippled, cl.ii1dren, throughout th . ? . I . L . : - I I ' . I L. off his orrbard. �ov P 7 ar, . I . I .e di management -or Working of a railway or . . � - - . L salt, if bloated with,gas Add a . 0. EWART . � I � . I I . . . brought,many a ray of sunshine to I to , Pitcher plants, which hold Water, are of Adlerika. This washes out: 'BOTH .. I . . I L . . 11 1. sirrister. 9ofteltor, Etc. - 'over, a Ught trop Is the generai rule, but t I jr tele- U of All I makisT . j , L V 2. HAXILTOX. ST., dodgich., L "Ishet-Ins.11 - He .leaves. a *ido*,. Irene strget -railway . every telegraph i .chosen by tome kinds - of mosquitoes - as I stomach and -bowels ,and jrlds, YO, ,. . : I . . - I . L �'O'. .. . .Photo 28 1 � tbU d4ason,befnT the -oft tear, Is expect- Phone operator,. every, Miller, overg, tire- . I 1.� 1 14 . L . .. . . � .. God"lob ' - . Murless Jones, his mother and: father gas.. Campbell's IJr g Store . I * . .. L ,. I : I I � . " I . L I L . .1 . ad to produce the smallest crop In Mr. - I man, - - , , * I breeding places. . ­­ . . L � . I . .. . - -brothers in Englanc . . I . I . _ _,__.�, -_ �________�_ - . . . I . Camesq s-,,expPr1enco.;He refers to this two iiisters end two . i � I . ., I I , . a ... , I ... L IT , Y " DARROW, . . � . . 11 L U, y LL � . . . I � . . I .1. . . . . .. I I . .1 . I I .1 . . , . I I L L . .. . . . �.­ I . 9 a. fre �L$Vf that' the �6ttor or- and Ireland, and one brother, Noel:S. ... I RIVAL )KORSKIWONEN I . . I I . I . . , Notary ftbUo, Etc.. 11 ak = . . I I . . I . .L . . . . � . - - IIIIIIIIIIIIIINW201100 . I . I . I., i barrister, Solicitor, . I I . I . 'L .. . . � .1� ­ �Iry . . I I I . . . . . L . . . . 11 . . . I- * . 11 I I . I .1 . .1 1. . I L . . Saccessor to J. L. kAlloran . Jones, Toronto. Thi .funeral was held 'ramily riv will play an Important . ­ . . . I I . . � ,111110 . . . ­ L ,. ­____ I tL L ' . L . . : . . . . � .1 I I . . � : office. 'the Square, d6derldIft. I L � I ­ . londay Afternoon � the, 'Maitland !part' In the races'at Saratoga Springs I 1. I I I . , I . . ., � . Phone 97. 1 . . �` L' . . . . . . [ onL.N L I 0 . .. L . � . . . , .1 .. .1 . . . I., 11, : .. I I I I . . ­__ '. em ' L, L. � I I . L .. ' L .. . I . N W . j tank C etety, 8 . eatforth, � z� 1: Iri August. Mrs. Parker Corning and .her I . ' I .. .Qu . . I . * :. . . . I . WE - ARE - 'O , L.'' L . L IL . 1. . - I I I I .. I L. I �, ,., L . I �. L . . 11 . . . I . I . � . . . ' . r': breds compete, and Mrs. I . . .. ,. VRNES . T AIL LEEL . , ... . DELIVERING I NEW USE FOR AUTO. L oug, e 66rhing, will watch IL . � .. I . . d �Jt,h. ,:hMary .. I . . I I L� , 1. . ! . . ihifth� 1, . . . alot ..,.F obds,l . fin . . I . L L . . . . , , ; I 0 1 . . I L ' . ' . . ' l4stowel Ba - -dayL'a LAS- 1. I I , I . L ., , . Y I . . I I . I ­ .. 1lairigter and Solicitor -L� . � , I . ef, The other . Charles ginot Amory is entering. her .L . . , . . . . I . L.. ­ . I L I �. . quit Ltfet,. Bldg., Adclalde I toWel'farAier found A.new Use for his racers in thoLsame races in which,her '' ' . I I I IL L � . I .. .. � . . . �, I . . . . . , IL L .1 . L ., . . I . . . . . I I I I F � � . . I I . ' Tojephone:. Vlat% 6301 I I automobile. He hitched, It to his bay -son, Alfred Vanderbilt, enters bit ate a . prices . . . � - 0 0 . �1 Toronto 2. - , ­ 'L . I ; atlowest . � � and Victor% 1, , -'AL. - . L. I I � L .1 CRYS.T. . fork, and used it, to Pull. up the fork pers. * . P - I . . r I . I I I . .1 I I . . . I I . . � . ��______ . . . . I I I � I I . . I . I , . . - - � r . I � . '1' L ' . 411 . I - . : - I . . . I . . . I with* its load of hay. . For ,this purpose I - - I . . I . ' . I L. - . . CMOPRACTIC j . I . . . � . ", ." , It Whs, QR40 efficient, about several times Of,the 700 4 -in on 'Egyptian: , . . . I in. years . I . I . . . .. � , . � rugs listed . I. I . I I I . I . I . . I . � . . . I .1 � 'CL'L I : �. I : '.L . . L handier than a home or a team could medical Work I of. 1550 .S.C., 0out 18 'are 1, '. I .1 . . . . � � I . . . : . GLESS I pitACTIT1010RI; I � I - L . I i, I I . L Dominion Siores, buyers purchaie, for. you, from every part of the Empire, a tromeniio'us I ! ,.. 1. � be, It was simply a matter of. drive ,In the U.'s, 'Pharmacopoeia, today. : I . . . . I I L . RT -t . I I . r 1. .. I I __ . ". , . . I . . ... . I I . . . 'L� . I variety ot fine1004A. . I . -is whIch I � . . . . I I ­. ahead and then stop arid back up. Not . I L - . I b: our tremendous rapid turnover We are able to buy carload shlpm�n . . . . . � I *ftrM()PftACT0R AND DRITOLMS' . A -PhoAe Call,'Will Bring Our OnlyLt4is, but'a weight of 20 lbs. or so . . " .. . . I !I . . . 21-bP111.1u,91 why Domirtion's Nfles are lo.wer. . . . - L GOVERICH. I . . . . I I . . .11MAPIST, . .1 Delivery Wagfio to your door. I Attached to a VOP4 thro gh a pulley and, ; . 11 . . � . . Th# price Is lowbr, the 4ualfty Is higher . . . at Dominion Stores ev�ry purch . L . I I � - - I . I . 1. . . I. on . . .. . . outitailding VALU . . I -.1 . . 1. . . I s . 1 I nagrietto baths. - . r . . . I - .. . . . . . . . r4uipped with electro -1 . . I then to ,the carriage or truck on. the 11 ffrL � . . . . . I . Electronic electric treat4itont ar,d chlim- I L L I overhead track, L brought ., carriagat . .1 I . . . ­ . practic, . Chronic, ofg,ayffe *and nervous I . the I L MRS . 50 . . L I I I , .diseases. Lady 'in Attendance. 'Office Geo. Johnston. back L to L the tripping block, and savedthe . . I . CLASSIC CLEANSER 2 V � . . � I hours 2 Ito 5, and 1 to. 0 PjU., fox6iepting L I . . , Won an the load a good long hatd. pull I . I I . ., I . . I . ...� I I .1 . I . . I . . . .. I . . I . I 'y appointment . . , I . .1 I . I MoridaY and Thursday b I . I L ,. : every time. This cannot be done to Rood L . . .1. ... � . I NEW LOW : MEDIVIA I . residence and L S L I I I I . .. : I . I a .. I . I A. . 1; ATXIXS0N,:, itreet 'and Sri- I & 008 * I advantage when a hoke Is. used, Re . . . IVORY SOAP - PRICEF CANE 7` . I L . . . r0ce. c;rner of South I I .�. I , 'L Phone 499w 1. I ented, the Idea, but I] . I � . . . . . . I . . . . . I 11 I . I I . I . . ca=ja 11oad, Phone 341. L I I X a aoo St. ! hasnIt ptit 1; should I - � . . . . === .. . 11 . ­- ­ Li g . be L Just as possible as. was the Idea . of I . . r VICTORY -T . . . I I . SW= mrxw IS e I . I tying flah hoolis Iii the fleece, of shoeb at LARGE JAR LAROZ JAR I . . 1'.1111 . AUCTIONEIMU*d ­ . . - ERA] MckleS . 47MG "UR NUXM'290 LL L . I . � _ ,. .1 I � - - _. I I I i . . . . . I L . I 1. their throats,'To catch sheep dogs and .. ­ . . . . I ., . ,. I . . . � L _ . I . . . . I an Application was out made . . , L , . I . I . I � rpHo"'US 6UNDRY &.sox,. ,. . . ' . . 0 foe pro- OWNE'r AbtV ME,&'L", . . t I . . - Stied tectloft for this brilliant Idea. If you PRUNE LA190Z SIZE . . LB. 4) . I . I TWU L , , S . , .0 LL I . . . Live Stock and General Atte110111ce"t The Urest I . .1 � . I I . I ".-A have a ear, even if you haveWt obtained . . . .. . . . I I . IF , I . I . L . .. . . . 'lln Ave,, Goderldh. . . Ek license to operate it as such, or even a I - . I . I ­ - . I I I .. . Sales.made elerywheft andAlLefforts . Electrical Shop. J permIt to drive It upon'the high . - I 1. I . CROSSE & 19LACKWEt;L'S . CREP I I . . . .. " . mado to give you 606tiSfActiOn. ' . I . way, YOU . . . �% I . 1 .4 . I I . * Sale Notes discounted. - � . . ,con rurf'AtL out, hitcli It to the hay rope I VINEGAR LARGE 25a CATSUP - so-ftLE We , . � . . , rarmen - .. . .. L . I THE - . � . 130=13 ­ . . phone 119, - . . I _. .. We Corry a good stock of , and When You drive in wItb.. a load of I WOLCH'S . . L . I . L . L.- . . YOU'LL WtJOY . " � . . ­ t, � ���t=t___! !! - 'Eharkat Applianceo. i hay, 'leave, the horses where they dro 'CH . t('rRAPE UICE ao=n 33C: KIPPER SNACKS T111 5C - I . - And jump In the car to Unload. go Un- D . . i .� % MOvAny "MU0, ETC . , i I . . I - . I .-",.."-,.......----x-,,-,----, , Fixtures, etc, ., hitching and hitching, up again. The a �`� . SMOAPOnE SrjICEr) I . . . . - � . . . . . CONNOR'S OLACIEU I -V- I 1 7 1 . . GODE 1 I . . . . 7U. BAILrE. . I I .. I : Idea As .good. I . ,4 1 NO 2 14c .111 .. "Ns 25c I . IN . . . . I I . . I PINEAPPLE Tlk SARDINES � 3 I . . . . . NOTARY PUBLIC . L We Specialiie in . ... t . I .., . . . I eleneral Conveyanc ,� FACTORY WORM SUNPAY - FOL � I . I., 'L Kinic a . C ItrI.LOGG'S . ; I . I . I I . Good Companies WPreseAte& Wiring of All, Kinds . � HEAT . I K . Castile Soap 4 -CAXW 25 Com Flakes 3 P1 --GS- 25C I I . . . . � rnone 298, . . Ooderich, Ont. I ' _. , .-- � '' _ L ,. 11 . I . I 1. . . I . I t___�_ _. ____M Estirriate� given on ­ L __1 I 1. _ . .1 I Walkerton Industry is Pushed to' Xeep I TO C -UT our yo"& ­ I . I . L . � . ' ' I ap I ­ % . . . . I . I .. I L . .1 L . . . I . 1NSVRA' . . ' ! plication Pate with Orders . . . L . . NOS ' . . . I *AKM MM,MS ? ­ i . . . . . . I All Work Gawanteed . I . I . I I L I . . IV C . ­ . - I . , � I . L KARE, ii'm . I I I . mu'ru" rME INStu L I I . I , P&G SOA P *. 10 32 I - I I I I 3113XILLOP Co'�%IPANT IL The factory of Larsen & Shaw, at . . .. . . I L L . L.. ( -1 ANG Z I . � I . L I Frank McArthur I Walkerton, is so rushed with ordersthat 6 4 4 . mus I . 1111. . I . rAA'.NT AND V40LATS13 TOWN Pqop- . - West Street I the big steel presses were kept runningil . I 4GINGER WInAPS 1040 . . suar,I). . Phone 82 . I I I I i . I . . F, W r -it' I �N . . ' . . I ,1 all day Sunday, . The" Telescope com. , bilill . . I P , L . . I I . red up to, 3111, ;=t; , , , I Inents" . . . . I., , Valve of rtrop�rt�`Inau ' . . . I . "At One time this would have been I - S r AIlLSIGAN . . =1 1 - )48,975.00. - -'- - - N - . L 011AUTY . . I Uary,010;$3,13 J?riosl- .. %-It . SHRIM _ 11 . 1 170 1 . OrVICERS-4chn Bdutiewlse, . ebuoidered an Infraction. of the' Lord'& 11 . .1 I I . � L .1 I I � . dent. BrOAdhagen', Jas. Connolly# Vice- I 'DAY Alliance Act dnd resulted in charges i I 11 � � I . 1. eriCh', 1). ]?. MLCGrC*OVf ' . �. , ­ . I . , . . president. Odd I being laid against the -operators but In' I I . I a I Se0.-*ftcag., seatorth- ,,,,,,,, L, 1. . REPROSE TEA lto�- 70' I . . DIRF,GTOH5-JaS. 'Sho waltoll; BrOkE BM this time of dopresgion. so many wheels[ . . L I 11f. - ,::: I . 11 . ...... ...'--.j.... . . I . 3 I L ' I %rr"; W Vic, (;0.nStaAfce;1 Georgo Njef(lart- I DERICH I tp know that In Walkerton one factory I . I I � � . . I coy. 80fDrl%; Robt. ForrIs, 11arlock; L . 1, I I . , . I . I L . a; tot Industry lit idle, that It Ili a'plea§urd I . ":,L �. John PePperf Breectlel . A. SrOad(66t, _Vnn lXAntX0_ I . I Is tornpolled to work on the Sabbath In % . - '. . � . . . Vr"ervinfif , xeig,tolsites . I Seaforth. . � AGENTS-% I Yee, it, Vt. 1, clintond, PUN99AL DIRECT01tS o ep put up to the de- . . � I . , � I . I 1. I � � I : � : . I I . I [,a I C, . _ s - _ , , , I� �- 11 � , -7 II .__­­�. I I 11 t - I , i - + a. Mir ; +.I 11 . I 'I I � - I 4b I rn,awss: E I � 1� I . I.---- 'I i , - I I I I I I r!l I 1* . . 'I 0 , 0 . 1404 IF Mand. In these days of threatened lr�- I . .. . FRUIT JARS - rOn JANS-IF'On JELI=.- . I x4j. Nvatt, 8:yth,-.,Ed. Hinchloy, - . 11 , (ofth; Jobtf, Njurray, Beiforth. 1181ts I B07= 29C . and EMBALMERS I CERTO , ALSO � (11130141 stagnation, the.clang of mach. If you b4d a two-fainily ho *0, lice. 1 e 8mall ...... J)og. $1.05 BVjL9 . I I I polle-4tordets ean PeLy their *84es9- InCrY on Sunday, is about the .b6t way wouldWt let half of A stand Vacant, Medium ....::::::.Doz. $1.15 " , . � C) Motor 000plehl . Monts it C41via CUP, AWDULANCV, $P,RVICH AT ALL 11 VINEGAR. .,.. � � GAt I . . : The ROY4 ft0k, Clinton, at J. U. . L . Possible to Wake 0, jo,71UI *Aoltw until the bringing you in nothing. But did you . Large ............. Doz. .$1.5a , 40C . A . : Rel(ra, Basruld. I I I � notitts-NIGHT OU DAY 14rd.1 0 1 ever think of renting Your CO -11 bin I L 11 . W110t1a ]PICKLMO tt_,:� _ _ _-, - �_�_ :"%,�!t - -­ ' I 0 "' - Lo. 21C .- _ PWO.- 111#1 2 . ­A....�­­.6.,­­,...� for -the 19ummer? The Heat Folks ate ll . . I jrj9r, tNS�VxANCIC . . ­ I I.- L' . ­ I ''.. "I ­ I- WEDDINGS ARE SIMPLER In the market for empty coal bins. aq , I . Rubber Itings. . . '. .2 bu. 11Z COMIPOUNI) L " _ - I - � size Will do, Good TeUtAl gladly I)al(r,,. 0 - IroVe ItL attended to �by thO � .. I W0ddIft9,c0effiOnIea are growing much .1 SPICE . * ­h"MWIAV� t'V*%' ­�, J)ftuhtm- #1AA. #I,.*, A 4-1 I.. .A, it 11ou bay roup coal NOW, put call --- - . Parowax 4, # 0 4� A 41 I, r, + . 2 Pkt,S. 250 MUSTARD Lot. 290 ( WgSIr VVj%W,"%1181X . L t IMUSMCF, Co. i I . &Ublishtd 1818 - Head Office: va"Sah"do Oat# i alms. Itetitt, Itigeardine, , PresIdent: I I I Itobt, I)xVIdlon DUngintIM, VlCe'PV0SI' . . I dtat'. In 11441MOn to tho President and VIC6 P'reSWOat'L tUfj follOW'ag 'ard I)kft- to2g: ,�VnL Watwn, AUbut%; W. IV I T110mmou, Atilium; Wo. MQUIlwo . Laekno= W. V- netil, a. n. 2. tucknaW; 111� jtjTr7 -L 8161kf�ld, 4wtfflelt; rtnest Ackerk Irolyzaal; Tim 01m, R. it. 140. I I * Lueknow. I It ,CMITj Tnn*_1&VM, ReC. I 4-tnA. 6"T.Hfts, Tire", .�v 0 W �O�ket the. won It Would cost us to . I -Ing to Mls-s Mary Hanlon, wile haS been' atorto it until 'Pall. Wjee"�- sr"t 60 L . :4 . thurp'll 0kretaw of, tile uttlo, Churell uIllell Chelpeir th%t 3704 Win 90311ZO AU . Choice 4 I L Azalaid tile Co A Now . 'Vork for 20 Unw-U3117 largo; return on the Boleo Choici Sesdiess rn� in F011, L . Vlehra. M"* H n3a sa,76 that 1190 that-WOUld 6th0rWL'0 10 %ftut- Hero . COuPlea Wert uiafr2ed hi the ehumh I Lq'it Profit tuat i5 all volvet it, addi. . GRAPE RUIT . i June, but only three, vio-fiding groupi han tiou, to the attafactioU of bohit$ t0 for , ' I . � to many its ft brldc,�jut%jb, wintor Mae. , , 35c a doz. 1 ,4 for 25C 29c a doz. I . I I - _11_*-...-...-- C" "M, . 110 I Or, , w -IN ; I . I i ___ -, __ ___­­­­__­ ----�-�---�.----,,-,--.----�-----,�'.1-�--��-----I Caualit Ili rt thtindorat4ai near OpP2- ' - �l 0 lyn" povalmay, 0, ,eevoatoan-�,Oar-old Olt wom.- I �er,llstv drxpVtj doad fro -M fmr, a yoarl 'COAL I DOMINION STOR E'S l� Aft�? litor SUIt"? Itat, ated undo: exaf.' . Collp'MYL � C A N A D A � S I A R G � 5 T R P, T A I I (; ft 0 C k R S I V40 tzm, OlTeum"4'aace3 "91JO B". MUSTARD �. L_ . mulai . ­­ I � . , . I I . . . . . I . 0 I � I � I I I II I I I .. . .­ ­ . . .- . . - � - - - � ..... . - . I ­ - _ � � - I . L .1 - � I . I -1L . . �. I L � � .. - I - ­ I 1. I _­ ­­ 1. � . I . . . I . . I � . . 1. I � ­ � . ­ ­ . - I . ­ � � I .. I - I - I ­ - - . � � . . -1 . I � I � . -1 . - � . ­ __ . -1 I I I � - - � . . I 1. . . I I I � - . I ­ . � � I - . I ­ � - I I I I., . - - I.. -if. . � .- 11 ­ " ' �- '� - ­­ ­ ­ -­