HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-08-04, Page 2----- _ - -
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I � . I . - I I SOAV, ATIr,lVaT 412, 1032 11 .
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1; . . * VA(M 'M "__— v Of THE GODERICIR STAR "" . .- ��
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V_� --;-��--Xs **W04 --w-061
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. the ownch jawto Irvin a tU)5lUt",V1c*WM C""'kUit".11 1. I 1-11. -1 I—.
! 4D Wl'kPiDW 1110 MM44 Ct the Word , t�A L 0
I - . Oursw VA Toe Star 111010.11 itua The Empire. or the Soviet ?
WWA". "try ,- - wo .
* CiWf-; cwwnsch, V*Wdpaaa Frive-- wron okra fortuAlate 1x1re in fWnir IXON11144- . 0 1
1 1 . -
"I p4mas w3d 02vat OV�U;u $2,0 Per , (by A. A- -WINTOSH6 Auisgipg Moxio4ipv. EvAitat pf Tho Globe.) . I
� . 424) d ed on the lae st,'Ire", 11B, $44, 1,1411rA MM J6 X whoop"*
" I LU A4%wxce (14 .01frears Al -
_ ,
� . " - Waited atattsb 4�o.w per vt*r In ailvapce, +,Owns wy4ch I vU* are pasitiv4y 40. . I .
. , ,
.. . looth cla RW xaqw 44dre"es khoula Do Im-led on WeAnesday aft011100-11, Zvery" I w Provot (Alta.) News: MM Tuompson. hort of UIA V$ $4 If there W*% any suarantee that uus�
1. .. 4avM when ebauge of addroo is re- . 4Q, died st Rayter. Saturday, July l6th, it is Utllff 8 Aoi -4d get on an equal ecouomW fwt-
I I [S—We ft n d bod and bus after a 16jerjuW Ijjr4es$, was forxnerl;V reported. the Empire �con tw I
led, ,y who can gets out of town %nd bus- 45 23, al- sia, wo
� . . t CANCUWAInON I -
: rt miz_t of our. eubs.,xibers ,W, ter 'lot ixitss to at a staudstill. But I do not 4uili6 mazoup. Ishe wao born, at I)=- ready Seriously dIvIded on tlii� que6t.lou lug with the rest of tl* world within a
. I . I W have Mir subscript.191a Interrupted I
I . 44 VAse they fall to remit before explfa. think that Gddor�eh is making tP.0 best. ganxioli, Ontarlo. In 190 ohe was marrud of �$ovle. trade, .M.r. l3enneWs tutw4ua- reasonable t4Mp. or eVta that an Utter
" 1. I I -ct was sound In prluol-' ,collapse cculd be wv4giled, there, mii;bt
j �i ttzere to tto aw. A. ..,. TUQWWp, BA. tion of thesubjr
; fjon. VM!q oul4criplious ,will no� be ,Qt I% OPPOrtURIM3, It 012DUld 99t 01115ti,Tbe YOU plo, , an4 substance,� 11$tgte-coxxtrolled lie some argmuent for treating her as
! � . vowle4 In a7rears overan extexided-per,I .1 Dir couple. moved .to uwwn,
i . I I lod, ret,'uAless we 'Wo 310*,IfIed to cainel, 110 �4 t0w4 Of summer bomeo And `CQ+e',F,.,,,,,,,. wbere they spent three year,. Bb,xidards 0 ,,ving, StAte-controlled la- another fonlgn nation. There is no
:1$ 1 tages, but Aso a town willou appeau., t9, � bor, State -aided dumping al" atated by vglia aregunient for considering tra%.-
i -�j I vr# Wume tl�a subscriber wishes the 40-
� I Should i transient .visitors and weck-exiltro--to Moving to WimilmT in 1903, they do- high State pelio�y, coaftt In �beory and with Russia while she Is out of step
, 11 - . e vot�;l two. ,ye;o to worU at the All Peo- in practice with. the frop, InStItutions of wit]% other natloxis, wonomIQ411y, and
1 . � t:)Od 'none' annot afford to take t4o . .
I I .1 Good- people who e pie's Mission, until 111 -health torce4 % the Zritisli 1�mplre." And M. Bruce Ad- otherwise, and operating a system aon-
� i ,, , I $iob, 1, t3ummer, or even a week. for their vae4, return to Ontario. Coining, to AlWrtR, lit tied. "The marketing methods adopted trary t,07 All ,commercial prilwiples. U
.. _: �,(, , . --�-- ttoo." , .- -- I I . .. � � W4. by Rmsl* completely diBorgantzC4 the Russia is conducting a "great exPerl-
�, I �� 11900, they settled near, Haytgr. I
. �
�, ,� I � . -1 , a - ThqmpBoxx,�W,Ae.,) � 'kiet .
" , , -'-A -been " . ar -of Mont," the utmost 04 eat be Bala for .. . , W _1 �
., . , .1�1 T,V !,,V, AVOUST.4th"1932 " This ,subject, of vourso. u4s, _?�4!!hjy Tle .A �A,,VOM Tbvxe�ls no form . .
_ __,. _____ ,____ . _8ppote# In every i ;v�tltloa -which-bas aroused it, cortairft It is unwise to take,it se'r- , 11 7 ,� ___ 1. I I .
f'. .`� , .. .1 � ___ od times without number. Whattlits community whore she, reoldod, a44 she - ' al or es. ,4T)IIS med4-1.'awli
�. 1) 1 ,4, 1 - __ - . . such . st-ong feeling among Australian lonely until It prove.q Itself. �� I mental trPub, .
. business man, had, In nilail wa better anti hot huMband rondered,many 4cto,of wheat sroworA as the dumping, *1 Uus- And why Russia, anyway - the. olie reckoned. "AS incQmDqta1#0 as the grains Ste late the Pain." I .
" water Ixo0iit attrgotigns, Wb" b4thbili kindness, to the people, of the West. Hav- 'Stan .Wheat int, Gra?'t Brit$ , Mt.,7 which officially has no com- of sand." . I will allev I L . I
'4 1 ,�� , . . . In. It ,Q . or -apparent; bld I
[ ; � � Star'Spa. beach we .bavo� is .good Ing taken a, hospital training, rho proved impoSSIble to Bay wh4t will be the ex- plaint to make About'its ,condition, V1 XN=CAW- 4wivult to understand;
' .
I � ,, the only trouble I . I LATF=. not VISIble
! 4L I . . I , is ,Act ex�6uglx of it, a great. b2nefit to, the 001MAIMItY In time tent of-Russilm competition a:id its et- the, Istitjoh. ji:mpiro wishes. 1c,illipense complicated. "The � rely' den; conceAled, "The. l%tent meallIn
J! q ,,, . . . being ,that there . 0 , . � � problem is eati. . Was never divulged." � . . � 9� I �
I � � , . . jUgistrate neld advises motorlsts' to while' sbc�m I auo Is muoh room for Im- of sickness. On. more that one occasion fec in the luture. : gexieroslty� there is to point in handing .too M450%te for ovel9w, - . - . . I
I I � she took the sick into ber'hQme and. it Id Unpossible., it is ktown to be It to a natioxi supor�perfeot, whose only AjqgM V
,, � I I , TE: to jjghtexx� or Jesse . n plj,- I . . I ..,
I 11 7, . . them back * to . � I
� 0 . . carry spare bulbs for their headlights provement, In Its ontronce. accessibility nur4ea health and Impossible, Surely )*npfre statesme,j are.grievarime, Is that the rest ox the world 11 I
, I . . I
. . - I I
I � -5 "a thus jAsure themselves against Pay- and surroundings. U an . 6PPO I ot meeting tA build up a Ua
� . . st�vneth. Rarely , giftett in mind and n . � do fabric is not as It IrL � . I . I . . . . . . ... . 1%
, I . - Xor,the Soviet Government to undermine � 11
1, ,� -i � Ing a fine. But how many do? .. should .ever present *011 to correct allY heart she Possessed a surmy and wjp�. wishes, Yet � Wis said that Canada, I .. � � I . I. 1.1- I .. 11 . .
i ,�, I as It V We are told, -and also convinced, that I . .
� ) . r I .. . i 6 r . . . or all of these. drawbacks It. should be sotne personallty� find will be rolu, . -Australia and New Zealand, on the one the PrUiSh Empire occupies one-quarter � . . . .
, . - , r
I S , . . � se4, In , SSI - IS OVER AND . .
� . . . . snapped up� FrIpse men Who gave our bor home. and 4aximmity, THE DEPRE ON' W 1. � . .
i ;j � With Wheat AQld$.r " -hand, ,have 'the opposition of witain, of the world, has one-Afth'of the worldWs I � I �
� ) ,* I gatt�hod a, about ing., ,Approximately two hundred autoxxio- .and IndIA, on the other_$hadeo of Ar- population, Is an aggregation of natlopms I . 1, 1. 0 .
. . . waterfront away, -wittingly or unwitt � � r �
- - -11. __.=c4_MMq_Mone . . . . . a AV -
� _ . .. able L for their r Velopixie . _ . 10 I I i I r%d% a , -
� .L . I . ok-T&-st0rmsj-MtM ILliesckrrictl the long cortege of sorrow- cost Have they, been dissipated by the with: untold natural: resources !requiring � 111111111 AOV%k r
. I �, I us . ,I ",erv-ue��.r-,Bnd;41-� _rng friii�dswEo _Id1lUw__,er&-e—rem—%Ns-5rWu- � w . _ _ AJ - -
.1 ". �� � _- . _____ � r County, .bM 44dm4-Am4 - fortunate Jn 'Icb, W9,_4A e fqp!R��j � - . l!1111�1111, ; ____ - . r Al s .
I . � , r . , _1_ , �Rk_94* 1-1- . I'), -Mrs.- ..-Thom o;%__to,.,Pmy4sL. . . , me t, r I . Ir — �_�
�Ixls res cot 24S year. - . .----I*- - . PS 100111dom _..!,_.1__1--., _!V_j__Ik. * - .. , -, __ '9f exist .
. R 0 . 1 � . tial,ric,li s ;lip I �
, .. , ,. e ,y*aeLthe drom
. the family . r . _4_ 1. 1. I. 1. I r .
. . . hes to the Wort tions, We.aretold tho
. . . I .. 4evel" I --I
r � I
. .
( . . . r . . I I . WHAT OTHERS SAY - -w'o""'xig a private servlee at Wlt1X tile best oi wis 4 Ing genera . 144' th-ov . to the old stand - - ,-.— � - - I I I
1. � I . I i . . I . . home, funeral rites were 6xidUcted in -opment of ,Illimitable proportions, with I e .. Cru , I .. , ' - '' .r - . . . . I
�1 ! r .1 . . I I . . . the Memorial 21all at Uskytq bV-Wv, j. in genepal, It bas beep supposed that tbf . .
� .,r, 1 Bruce coupty's -tat woman, Miss Bizel ' . I � � Economic c9ixfoerwe, was oalled to our- corresponding profits, awaits actlon� and - intf Sto. , . r
� : ' , I I West N4 Broke I W. BOub;idge, 4 former pastor, and Rev. Vey the ,possibilities of. Empire trade a4d Investment, =4 that, If taken told of I I Edward Hotel Block, K ..on I
1� ,J; , WIPP, has been .sent to MI for Bix (wiingwo0a xm*rpriso-Bigloan) King . , � , . I I
." . Tb`QS' Bart'r of Provost. The building Vj�plxe -development. ,-Oux, trAde,,1 as W. with will and pwpose, every man, wo- . . I . ! . . . � , ,��
r r a . r 0 in the . Emprje tan be rried. ' . I . I I
" � . months. rjj�weyor� she left the. court P 0 Iiia e U3 0 to Ac1coOm date the , . � 'fall . k
. The Saakatoliew ii wheat Pool Will - r0i �A 4 Q t . Bruce and many others:bave said, And man and child line of stock will be ca .
�' . . . I with a jaunty air.. presum4ly -ret4ftg complete the present crop year vith 4 inany� mourners who attended, I . truly believed, "is complementary," "We provided for, With plenty to sp"7 - It .A . I - .1 . I . .. I �
.1 - . 1. �
, 5. , IwIpped.ii ,surplus of over a million -dollars. Page have come together," � Bald 24r. Bennett, ,this is the case,. and we do not, doubt It, . .. . � ProMet SerVice GUaranteedf.
. . . . .
1, . .1 - to admit she -bad been I that PoS$jmI$t r Who Said the. We�t Was The W. had.been beautifully decorat. - Is There 'Anyt1illis more necessary, or r . . . ,
. "I . . . e of .our power to work out , I I � . —, � - .
f I . i r . . : , . . broke I . . I I . I ed with flowers , by the people of the " til 00"fidell -his more urgent that . . .. � . . �
, , i� . 11 . I r. r. ,, . . I 'eleven glrl4,r Mrs., a plan for our common, benefit." T to centre attention r 0, ' r I 0 r
I'. i I I . . � - � community, and I the Empirei nations have a right to do, and Plans ,on this great task, L And seek to . Repai rid toning ar old
: � , . - ' I 4 of Aermett, I Tho1AP&(m`& Sunday school class, ear- � - Itit all Brit b I tring at � 11
;, ,; I . A despatch Irom Ottawa says: "Stuce . . Prou. � . if they have any right ,under. a make the*,. .-'.a Emplie what It 4b6uld I I "iarity ' . :. A
r I
1, � '. .. . of Anotralla Lay& jai$ ,Card$ on the ($ ried the :wreaths and bouquets. At the co mon, .sovorqjgnty�, ,Strjotl .4 be, before dinous . MimAiftery a`�s P-ec' I -.. I
!", , . I . Jr,1ject*r Challeoworth) r - -in . ,y 00%). ng, 'uncert,explorJzg the . multItu . . .
t QVoryr Can servico, =68 33. Bitigham, . Of Winnipeg . r r . . I . I r ,,, .,St L I
��' , Table," A headline WIT164 C%U'(A $6 fel. r I eneV' t , k4an, Present I Imilp t4i, �oxmirles withodt, the Empire have and %in, bypaths'Without? It'We � '11 be so at -c e . p .
, .
, �. . � . r . . . , b . le ha . sang IWY Task," and W. Fox.an AI W, not� more that aii- academic interest in- must -Wander, let Us at least avoid wor- ' Repairs wX Id � ` rices
L- low we know to zemark that those fel- *aA 'Intensely proud of Rt. Ron. R. B, , .4 , I . ` I -11 -.1 - � * I .
l r ,
� i . . t the *Conferetice Proceedings.- no, mote ihWbigr the. strange gods of Sovietism. . I _r :
. -
li .1 I lows at the Conference should allt out S�mlett on ,tWl§ occasion, Ms bearing rJake Sang "Jesus SAVIOur F.90 Me-" than has the Empire in. interstate Ar- #� '* .$ # r L . � i I . , . possiblefor. cash . - . I I .
. I . I I . I 1.
. I . andL he She leaves a husband) two SOUN Joe . . . .. I .
'.' , " r ' the bridge game a ivero, splendid . r rangements of the American Reppbjlc� The most apparent fact is that, If SOJ* , We 41,:'r ; . I
" -4d get,. down to bus- And utterance' 1 1 line' . Oil Burners., 1, I I
: L r r really seemodthe man of the hour. %r, and Jack, and. an, adopted , - 0 0. darry a full. of Bunseh
I . � InesS. I .. . I . daUghter' �Xt I* tradWonal ,British wisdom, bow- v1.6t principles axid'policles� am Permitted . I
i,�'; � � I . r. � . I I the delegates -from. afar atterivards proo, Irene, .. % I . . . 'e with those of. t . I r no - matter how ol ' '
� I � . . . �. . I . . - .. I over,. toi be generous And, helpful to the � -to . Intortwin be Wltl�h Installed in your r piesent'stoves, .d.. , - . .
11. ,4 r I . . , . . . . I �. I r , I-! ,.., – r. r. ' r . rYour I I . , bise I �
q, , I . :1 . * . .. . claimed him. . �� . r . - I I . World. r But C&n the MUpire be helpful Empire, the latter will be st trangled.. T3 uits or no
� ; � : : . I I .1 -;-o . .. I I . . . - at. i6me, bake your r I .
. � , . . . - 1 rhey will he.
"I . -on barb�r has Xbfurneid 0 , . I I . by building 4 structure to; a waiting CAxiadA the 'question. of RusslRn q-111 � j . �
� I A, Walkert I . ; . I � I
I � � . : . . , . AN ALLURING DIR ' � . . .. . 'W'30.% jeSS ftol Cost..$ er .. , . : .,
!,.. .; I *ork. after -being laid up thre r' ,7 wrecking crew. to destroy? .. I sion of Inclusion 'is one of success o-,� fail. , sale,at.20, r . quipped Vitth or . .
I 4 inouths A. SusIntss ponfeavrwe' . . . I r . - I .
. I r .
I . . . . (Prom the Sokforth News . .. nferezjAm' I rices, on the'.
. with throat trov'sle � that Oo*ttd bill . (Toronto Saturday Night) 1 . .. . .. . . . . A, * 1* * : ure for the E.-oxibmic ,CQ, ' west ;, p r
, i . � . � . . � I . Ago) . .1 . Cdoada cannot. ship without electric * .. . � I
� r 4 . I . . . I. � wheat to Zr,ltaln starter4. Lo . % � :.
�,, .:' ,� I r that the rest it was.pja�� that all the participant4 .1 . . I - . . I I r I . . . r� � � . I - .. . I . I 1, I I . � I .. . .
, I I speoth. , it ,16 to be''hop6h It A . - . I - __ . I What are: preferential tariffs, 'or tariffs. against Soviet competition. . The laur mark6t. . . , r . I I 1. I . . �
� I . ba;bew and , ense litstorical as I . they 20j. $0 or Mr per hund. d thousand. million feet of stajjdIi;' .� . � . .. I . .1
1, �., � . . � ,Was �f muilial benefit to r gathering -of Irm,0 Are rmet� N. M, Cantin, the founder of at'. 1'06- of any kind, be i re I r . . . A call will be appreciated.- I . I 0 - -
� Customer. The . idea r of , . M16 Importance cent., to.a nation whose trade Is directed, Ing timber available for export giannot I �. .1 � : , I : ,
�_�'. 1; . � 4 , �. . � I 9, �speedhless well as toono . epb,,Us at last,mAde a statement which .1 I . . . I '... r .. . 1. � . I . I I r . . -
` . , . ., . ., I . I pot to �wringle, and uric Imoossible pro- ,Love,_ by.' a St4to monopoly which may at its be marketed � against Soviet. labor and & SON. - . ..
, I
� ,, ,,, , the scope of his projected, canal � I.. I �
�f, � I , . bubor Is preposterous. � I . posAls, but to reach solutions that Will Across Western 0 , x - itario. %fe saysthat he 'pleasure disregard, costs, or. prolitsi And methods. .The Canadian dolla*--cannot . ` , I .,r C 'EMENTS. . . r
I ,
;� I ,�� � . .1 I .. . stimulate trade riot only within the Em� ther, ,RUSSjan � , He t . . I I .. . .
;" t 4 � . I . � I � . . , . has suffl:eleftt capital allied with him.to whose chief ambition Beems to be to owe maintain 'ItS P.-Ide 'beside at t r . . I . � I : I I � . . �� .
� . .— . . - world At large.. So far aiAnce the -proje�t, which' be sum.. tho,world coiosial sums ,which it cannot rUble'r The British pound placed he. I � . .
� � . .1 . I . lore but furthe � - .
: �, , : '. . . . . . .. . . 11 � I %phone 180. . . .. . Sole. Agents. - : ' . .. .
I r . as CahWa waA concerned partizan ton- Marlms' in brief as follows. 110111 �Has Britain. made. any. progress services. of the Sovlet�canaot exploit the - I . - I I : r . " . .
., ''I . 11 . ,. . . . . . .
I A nporter at Ottawo, Conference . Le. - pay? . . . . .. - I - . - I
r , . - .
��:� I I siderAtions ,were set aside and eminent From the eastetu.shore oi' . a In collecting the,,faur thousand million mines and forestk and water powers. of, � � � . � r
� I . I twto * stoq, on what An English dole- lAberiLls were found Dralsing the Utter� th r lAke Huroi i I I , . r � . . : � � - . I �. I I *�
-, r r to I I � I I . . : . . .
r < r I xl� , . ,. .. . I . . I . I .1 .r I . 1. . . � . . rr
1. . b e north shoie fty dollars , already owed by .Aussia? Has the: bomitio I I
. I � ___` gate for rea.itfo,st. It ixicluded* & es'bi .W, Bennett as. bight , as his. r I . of Lake Erie,, A r , r . � I . � . 1. 1, . I . I I � I I . Ir , . -
,V ,4� . I $44 . anc , . . � y I - miles., * The depth -� Thl#� feet �degr, .experience shown tnat trade w1t# the L Canada, Australia, and New zealanck, ---. _._� 4 I . � � . . I .1 . .. . .
. , I , co I . = this �questi . an. .. I I . � .. . I . I r .1 � .. . ... I r.
. , Uple Of chops, a half-d6zeri ojgs,� party Mends, I . - . I . ... . I.
. .. . . I r. . - Width -400 feet at the. water line. ,Cost Soviet Republic Is pr6fitable 'In. any re- are right If Russfa 11. I . ,, . �. � _ . I � -1 ... . .
� � - I I I . � .
. . r I . . � I I ,,r 11 . . ... I - r � .1 .. .. . . I M , . .. . . , . 1, . .- .
'� three ox� four ou S of tes"et4I Much of � .. I 'one, as the dif- 4Pect. . blotted out of flie picture, at least until . . .- . . .
I . ' I ' . . .10 . . r . � -��06,000. Locks--Obly two r takes . r . � . ''. � .. ... �� .. . I 11 r I . . . .. . . ., . .. . , I , r - . ,
,. . It'conforms with general trading me-. � I I . .1 .r. � .... � .
J, . . ; .i. the value' of the story to lost, however, I .. .. XT *W" HAPPEN. ference In loVel between, ther: . 84 far"as available Information indi- I . . . I � . 1, . I .
� i ,.: � , " $or ' ,,,,, r ' . , I Is but nixie feet, Estimated yearly traffic cRtts, 0014 All ,Russia IS '401119 to* gng- thods, the.Empire can get soxxicwhere,�,It -, �, �� .. .. . . . I %% 9' � . . .
I'l �.' :� falo q, neglected to AtAte, . . (aeatorth .BXVositor) r --.Over � twekity - tkOUSand r Vessel-$. Tot-' land It, piling UP more 4ebts. In 1924 is to be feared that, .otherwise, the.pra.,.. 1, � .. .. � .. �� .. "I .. . r 1. � . . .. .1. ,�. . I
. , I . � I . . . � . .. I 11 . . . �
11 . 11
Z_ �, whethop it � wao the'llnglishman's '� Owing to� the fact - that t*o lines be. x1age I1%V0IVQd-"SeV0htY � . 0 . I . �, . . r :, 11 I. � � I r �
i A . � i , * or not, . .. million, tons t the United Kingdom had an adverse tical results of,the Conf�rexice *111jall . . .. . � .
' ' . I r .�
4 , � firit or second o I ort of .. .I
� .
. reakfast, for We are la� 0 me interc anged, in the� last issue .of freight. Wirnated. cost of survey ,- trade balance.with the Soviet of nea;rly Sh .vxpeitatlon�; , : - . I... ., A� ,� . � I'll . ... '.. I I .r I r . . . %.. . . I �
I I I � " , , . ... � I ,
I � I � A h — 1P, �. ' ' ... .. , . 1. . � . I . 11 .
. .
. .
. .
. . �' . .
. .
- � " �. .
r S. I I I , r - r I %% I . .3 , . . . . : . r � . . .
I � I T .1 I formed -that OV& Io.mo they ha�e two The Mroin 9xpositor It. was: made to $24,000. :'A$ will. be noted, Mr. Cantla's twelve million Pound in 1920 01 f0llr� I I ,,',�. L ::: : . % ,.r. I , . ., � I
1, , 1 � . , I morting � meajS. .. r r I . f statement deals'lu large figures, but, he teen millIonsI.Irt.19261 more- still, in'1927 r .. . . . I �. 11 ..,N r :� __ . � 11 � . ., � 1� . - . , . . I i
.: I I . . . .
fj,� . appear tbat Mr. Ted Taman ,was doing, .. r, ` ,L . . L r . . I . . 1. . i
. '-� , I . .. . I sh6cl by -this twelve millions; in 1928 almost sixteen . , , L 11 � . . . .
I., . ..
M .. sayo' -the cut-off Wompki r . . I .
. . ii L I something br other at the , Imperial r in . . .: . : .
I , . .. L I . . canal -and, the Unsatisfactory' waters milliong. in 10.10 the adverse - balajace, Our WleAly Les'spn . L � .1 . I L ' , I . � . r . . . I ; � . : ... r � I
, I
U, I I . . . r'.. r . r :, LL_ . . . . r I . I . .. . rr .
i�� . v . . Conferento &rid that the Conference avoldid ... r be Seen 'by A glance at the bad gTowli to imore than r twenty mil- . . ; I � , , . . ,. .. .. 11 .1 . .. .1 . I r I � .1 � � o .
11! � , . r . . I . " L r I . . . I � .. 11 ,
r,�,, . We're getting back to the goordolddays. won a prize at Grand Bend..Obviously map, and it is evident that the canal, lions. And' durin 'this, time, While, Bri-: . L .- .. . . , r :: 1 iI,.r ,
- . .
: �� , , � . . . krCo. S.N%. George James of the L , g In Enklish . : . , .
. . .1 s, not at the, Imperial once opened, *ill afford great opportim- tain was payib r . . - ,� .1
; . ' r . Last woe . . . Mr.* Taman wa L L . g In gold, the Soviet WAS , . L (By W. L. Gordon) . .
` . Ity for all classes ,of 'manufactu -in 'L qrM Credits:_ dot Qj_ L . .
f L - -� . . jull I C ,,,dr,,,,t,,. obvid.) L . , . I
. ton regiment du;. tip, Ott. old drUxft-. C,ntcren 6, L' . , � ring . Paying With 1011g; � .- .1 � I . :, . s
� "i. r � I . . . y the ayments for. l6ag'perlods. - � . � , . . I. . ,,,,,. r I . .L -CIAL ... . I I �
. r
�, : . - snayw's baton .which hfWbQen. in stor- Cott nce .had :won tothing,.The 4x- No one: Will -101%ture to contra- rIAg P . I— . r ": SP L _. . . . . S
terests. . : . L . I
. ? . . - . . ' . . . ere I the r ,,,, ! ' - - . . I � �. I I I . .. .Words Often . L I . .r r I I � .1. . �. . r . . I . . . . I . . . � .
1: , . IR& � $,or I ni�V$ , y cars . . rally intonven nee, has diet of these 4taterniots, con'L ' ' I I . — . I L I.. r L
. .
. L L .Lt . The . brass . had positor TegrbtS if te L I I . , . . �� �.. .1. . I - . � Do not say, "Be Is not as Weojtby a � ,g . �; % . I L .. OR mm, W F_ �, , :
1. tUrto L� green . apse . . —F
L . I d eon I .L L I I . . r . . . r I . . I .L . .
,; 1. �axid. t�lnlng AS it does an "If" ol . . I L .. . . . . E�" I I . I �
I - : .,the rod tassels bad b caused MrTTO,mah, or the ripperjai, L dimeriolonS. 'r
I it *VPr"anCj. 'L be fadqrr But Mr.' Cattin I . I 1dr, Jbfies.11 Say," "HO Is not so. we4thy . I L . L r .
, . I . . . r.. . ,. . . 1 L . .
� I I but be polished ' . . .., promises to make good, ' I . as, 04.11 �Ust "so -as., Im negativw state- L 'L
., . &Odk ., , re- Conference plt4or,.for that matter - . . I I . ' . . JU r. .1L
R, I Vlaced o 14 Strat his stuff 41 4.1118� . 1 . . GOOERJGflL,� . '. . '. I I . I.. . L I . I . . I..
,. � i . . tisscls e of the error... � . AAR$ � , I _ . L' . . .. * DO hot . . .. - 417'a of L directois. . & ign L I M Sth
th , . . � . I .1; " . ments. Lf 6tb to A�,g . I . r
i i $,,,it of t ,xis' .Band at - . .. . I 13URNED � L say, I The bo . r. .1. . - r I. I . r . r ., L r � . .
1. be; Goderloh Citize . . : ... �� .. . .r . � MONO . WORKS is r . .
, I . . . 'L . - Not Good Business . 11 . MENtAt . are going to be there."Say, *1 going,to Delivery , L . .
'i( Z ., � I .. . . JAL to" CoMli"$#jon IS Blamed F&I I '. ' H.4?4jLT0X St L L .- � .
� . . I . inpt' L . L .
11 ,the. Otratford Tattoo last -Uonday tight, .. - (AMOXI 'HOrald) . . . n I I . ere." , . : I . P'hone 368 for Goo& Service and , Pro . � . r
. r: 1. . . " 1 . Spon be th . I L . � I .
, �
I �, . - . #Who can remember. when thoythou,ht ` � L r . T�Bohoxe�ii of Quebec Sayo.r . I d � I Up I .. I . eat blateriil mind Latest : L ,Do ,Act sayj 11X forbid you from ,dng r. I r ' . r . I ----- � 11 ,,,�. . I . . . . —4 . I ' . 'L
: ..., � - - --- . r *emler . r Ashfie' , Towns I Blake - I I . A �, I r , , , BetingL b'e Ii . . . � ... � � . . . L
' .
IV , , I .. a dMin,010jor Was m6re lmpox�tahtthan . . I I . .1. 1. L. 1. Designs . L him." say, "I f rbid your fin L %t6 SoU I � . � , " L
, . r - ,
. . � L the construction. or a St,sLawrenceses- * L I .. .. I L , , p, 2 for.....a.... ... 11 I .,
1 , , �, , the band? � , 'r �. . ' ' L .� L Do not say, 4Xe dove from the btla6.,, Clark%' Tom 17C 1
' � . . .. . I . way would be A' national otlifte. Spending Ithout warning on Saturday after. 93tort Workmanship - Say,. -he dived.11"r . : . . %, : . . . . I I . L I . I I .
. .
. � ' . . � . � L of vill1lons necessary 'to . - 'All Work Ounrantod I . ,branr, , . I .. ,L. I r .. . . .
� , I � _., . . ,th� hundreds . . � 1 1.,4,00 ' r
� . L 'I. . . . . . L . . Min the fine bank barn of James Sher- . Do not say� "I did not go mote . I � .
. r I
.; L' I I ... . . 1. build the canals and. locks and' other . Prices Reasonable . S., r
jL I : " I A Courno town*tp firmer. has been 'V�Orl,S When ttjoL ,o , wed dowri wood. loth 600cesbloo of Ashoeld town- "'Your builliese WillL be . It . .. . . . .
. L � . .
I , . , . count* Is b i- I could b6lp.". S*y, "I' did not gq,�Oftener Good Black, Bulk L Tea 39c lb.f 3*1.b for .... .
. ,I . - td Mftalt �he *Itli debt does savor of crime. But It IS 'ship;. burst Into flames andL kVaSr totally . .. AppreclIxted, I .. thin Was xiedeSgo�_Y.! r.. .r L � - . .. .. I I . .1 r. .. . . .. I . I L . I . . rL
II - .. granted aLn -Infuriation . . )Q not r "I. Was .Sort of 8 I r r I I � , � r
� .
I r from: seizing his alltoMobile, not so much the expenditure ,4f the destroyed with lis contents which 'Iii� : . . r A'. A. "TTON L - I Say, urprised I I . . . . . : r ' .
� � .! sherig . , " I ,AjtjO to gee her," Say, I'll wlas rather surprls� � , * � . .1,0 C .: �, ,
. . claiming his car Is es�eattal to -the earn- tb�L I � ' ' Led., . . . ). . . 'L
� , r money -to which exception mast be taken 0,luded six pigs and' the season1p , hay 000ftlen . , - - ON FlY Coilsi6ofor - - A, - - .4 A .- -'- I, * - - A , . � . ;
r I . .
� . ,,.,, o � partnership tha� is being 0� Vop., A motorist L� r . . jklospronomiced L I L .1 . . .:� 1 � I
OSI.tor who. had just driven P. O. Box 1�1 r . L' . . . . r I I I .
� 4 I L I -1 L I . 11. . I I . Words Often 1 . . . . .1 . . I 1. . I
t� � .. 7 1 . f his livelihood, and lik4 his be feeted With the t1hited States. Canada Is Piltt saw nothing to attract his Attention. ___ , � L . . . �. . `
' I . 'L . dr lie I — I ,;�. . I L r . ohoad. Pronoun I oe for-od, 4o as In of tj r� . . r C
I . . ... . .
I + 11 should be,pxempt. A few yoats.ago the opening. the way, for serious. differencos After Proceeding down'the roa heard .1 . . dt L . L'the: 12 IS , Non Such Stove Polish, 2 bot es fo . _
I . .For
i� . ooU . AS would LhAy Be L . � L' . I as: in tore, no:, as in or) . .4. L . . +
, . 'I . I 0 _cited at"411L appli- .and difficulties with that country in. the a report and turned aroutd f . '. . I . (n . I I L. . . . . .� L.' 35 + �' I
i �j r . . . . 'o goo games . + I.. I . r .. L r . ... .
14 cation of this kinO� but It IS a faot that rfUtUre. Giving treaty rights to the unit- shooting Into the Mr, Spontaneous Olt- . � L Allento . . . . . .. I .r ... ; . .. r' I � I 1. r I I I . " r r
I I .L � L I I . .�sll . . . . r I
I - ed States of unrestricted use of the St, 'bustion Is the o4ly theory adva4ced as . . Deficit. PrvAoutce, .'61-1 t, e as 14 16)" L .
ttay many � thousatids of -people do, earn I . Yo . , ent firstr Syl-� -r5444, tin Pure ,Clover Hon .......... A. L. " 37c .
I Lawrence river which flows wholly I Do or Need ' r left, both I's ag inr it, acc
to ther cause of the -fire. 'jdr, L'SheiWootj . . L . . I .. � L . . . .
. L . L . I
1. � . their livelihoods with aptemobilear ,And. through ,, Canaillan territory scarcely 1 W&5 L Working In a. nea , . r . L. . . . lable, ' I . . � �p r I ... . . L I .
I � Aeu lit' th, Prohounce, feb-xoowa4TI,, , the L .1 . . � . L .
il, I. I but for them they would bo. on the re-, looks like good b4slueSs on the p%rt of .r . rby = * r . .1 I . .
ue,' ,however, Canada, r L r . � . . � . t11116.. RiS fBmiW Were away ant .. 06 As in tool, ',and riot feli-yott-ary. I DeLuxe 6 r'.. ' r L
. -
.,� . litt.1.1st," it It equaliy� tr I I 1. � t lie I COUNTER- "bruar" jelly Powders, 7 flaVorg, fo
11. r 21O.WePho4e, He bad taught to do but I I . . 1�xqulslte, Pronounce oks-1twi-oit, both ,, . � .. � . L .1 . . 25C ; 1,
I � ' L r'' that MW peoPle cannot see .It In that , . I . 1. �. -.0— . .. . stand by and "tch thp tiames lick . UP .1 . . . . . i'Ar As. in It, Arid accent first syila�blor, not .1 . . I I I . . . . . . . i
. *
I . I I 31611t. 06'.4.1461" . . . . .. I. I Odghter 0%," . L ,his *01jerty. Somer L r .1 - .r the, second. . . . .L . . L LL I I . . I I L . ' "
�! I X � r . L . . rj� Years ago he purchis- r, 11 I I L . I �
'f I ___A-.O�� I . MMA. In Saturday Night) � id the.14ria from Joseph Cranston, whol CHECK r Permit. Accent noun . an first syl- Pure, Bulk Lard�.2 IbS. foir. . f.! I. 4'.. I. .. �. :r'19 .
� I MO -1, . Throughout the world People are feel- . I 1. . . . I.. L I . ... I I . . I . C I
, ; C retired. to Godert � . lable, verb on last syllable, �
I "UTAUQUA r Ing better, During, the lost tow weeks ch. The ' low is partly .0. JVP Q ? L . prairit.. Pronounce, pra-ri, a As !In I . . .. .1 . . . 1. I .
- . 1. I . I
I . . . world and,naticnil deVelopiftents-AAve covered by Insurance. I . . pray, I as in it. .L . I .. . .
. r I
I r � . I I
I I ivided In overywlic-re chiwnged glooth -into hope . r go 1%10 . I . I Lemon Cookies, per lb ......... 6 .*#� ,5(: L .,
� Ch4utikuqu% kritertainwent.pix I . . . I . Words Often M"pelled ' -L ,� I I I .
I . . r
r I I Godetich In I this and other Ye 'L Ars has . and -thoto axe Indications of the birth of L vNIQUZ INJUNCTION. I � ... I . L I . . .. I . I . I . . . . I
it. fro% an -edU a widespread belief that. the tu"Ang - L - � : , . .. Mortgage. Observe the t, though all, I . 291. I .
. . . .
I bad much to commend _ Point of the depression, has reAlly., come rarmer Wo,aa px*;vthj $helift *)roM � L ' . 1. . . ent in pronounaloLtion. Regime; though L Clark's Vealp Sam and Tongue Pate, 2 .. .'. L .
. I *
. I - . ' .
L . catlobal. viewpoint, It has been clean At last, The � rAusowe reparsdions get- SMInt His � AutawoW . I pronounced, ray-zheerA Management. tins for ..... ..... A. . r . C
6 ........... ***.
and Wboles�mo and for a AUmMW t0TM troment, It .19 hoped, has prevented *n Wg.'CAN SUPPLy. Observe the e following the g. Rhubarb, -L I I I . , .rr L
. . I
. I . r I ,r I . r Observe the h. ItelleTt't L le not el. 11ab, : . . % I
3*6-0oderjoh It Ats In p9ttloularly'vell econowle and political collapse $4 the On Pridailast Judge T. U, Costello Itue (notin. Observe'the �c, T4G11F1P00T or O'CHIDAR MY SPRAY. -.
central states of ftwpe. the apparent I . A I . . . . . .
� . -with the &theme of things for the holl- success. ot the huge British WgX logg, On the aPPI104tion Of Prank 1>61inel1g, . � . I IL I . . . .
day summer Months, , r . . .. . 16.OZ. r
Vroxxx preSexat 144� conVerSion (M -e biggest single, piece of acting on behW 'of 'L HOWA L U. I at " Carbon Led , . r Sy"10" S.OZ. SLC
_rd 3 r . . � . CbnV.0xxC L . .
. , I , . L , * - I " onVegato, collect Assemble. . Ltin
� ca*nt ohisUlaUtlu Will not be Ir 11 . . I . , , bottle V . .
I a back financing t o world has knowia to 4&te) 001bor'10 township farmer, applied for I . . r SPootaole, show, exhibition,' b--.'- 3 L ; . c
I " . ' Pageant. . . ' I . . I . . .
. Couragei bravery, daring, fearlessne- , .1 I 1. . .
beforneXt Ve&II and from %. purely entor- has greatly lietvtefied the British Moto And ias granted an injunction Until - so I .r I . - .
Aud is alrea likVinir V41,10" *negelal August Sth to regrain sherI&G. 0. "'Vid.. . . d%i I
. . . %
. . tainment 0914 this is to be regretted. offects, Including the dirtetlon, Of InVest- 1. dleton from &citing Baer's automobile, Carbon Back valor, boldness, intrepidity. Gold Medat Coffee� 14b. tin. A . ,� ... L. 4 P, .,� I 0 . A, 4, I ., . . MIC , . I
but out Citizens w1w41AVe guaranteed Ment funds Into Indodrial seturItICS; which he had stizea 4nd, advertised for I — . ft, it , tavor Woun)* eftork.trw, Attempt, . I . . . . . . ... .
estas. . . .. . I
there oltows a fixed reveinto, ,cannot bo tile big rafto �dMolidatlqa And other sal I , I I . .t.
. I expmtod to be left "holding the �ba n tates . bavc, cheered 0. , . I . See Us for Prices I orition address, spetchv.harangue. , j?. & G. Soapo 10 ,bars for. .. 16 0 6 A 6' % A 4 4 A .# . o 0 A 3151C r. 11
*.,. � . . This iiijuliction Is believed to b : - COAVonl6xit� Suitable, adaptable, bandy, . . . 1: t.
� I American Anane't and businegs andeaus- UK L . I
,yoar att.er year. � Ile in C,%n. Jftrst of Its. kind granted in Ott 0 lkfjoft Plating Your , 'r war& study . .
As a matter of foot "guarantees" 10 ed g rise jit Security prll�es, Wit t jepio. Was Argued by MhSel th . $M0. It I . . � , :�'fL 'word threo timea and it LIS . CaMeo r calt *0 4,. *.LA.. I 25c, ' i-
. . I ada, we nit Wy look hopttully, ir at the Automo- L 11se Uffet Soapj 6. & for.. �
the chow bwIncs3 ate, Way vvatticallSl mon With' the members of the Va- bile is jestontial tor the earning of a live- . Order,. . ., yourt.1.1 Ut "us. Increase out Vocabulary I 0 . r I . . I.,
. ' . .
L I . j . ' Wot S . r ,
11 . . ,extinct. All over 0�nad,% and TIAM pire family, to the Ottaw% Conference, lihood by his elloot that It 6hoUld bel � . Up mastering one word each day. d C,
I I ry" and included, in - - . . , r I or thl I 3 lossim: AloWie?s'noyal Blue L 2 pae'kages fbr....-.# . I 1c, I .1
. .Vmtts locturers, actors, aetrw6,, eircUt but also to the Particularly 400VIble tlo�ed as llmacblue � I . 0 1 �
I i i ei,op ptozptets and to ther btaotits ex- the list Evetipt frog, pelZnrc,�o$ t SMMCMV., characterized by of, Te- - . '' r I I L . I 11 L� I
�� r riwple. wreset-lew �aftd boxors are taklill De"trd to follow,the signbig .of tht, At- Ift the Exuutioxi Act, Al L set ou . qtdrIng,,, much sitting. I'M tedontuy I .
r , "Pat luck"' on, a permuitago basis and Lawrence WjgerWays tivatr, And, of ut- I .0%1g, with other The.Goderich Star - liabitt are atal cotiduelve to Malth." Violtex Toilet Tissue, two 1,000 -sheet rolls. �
I �
.�,-, " chattels ordinarily Msod in the, debtoi!$ . I . VLAOMOVA; grossly wicked: shaine- I . 23c'' . I
i . Lound thinking busine,n Men It. Odder- tiest Moment to the whole world, com- I � I �
)I . Ich will usu .$ou tb%t thtl L Is just whe't 2110dity prices In recent weeks Iwo ex- oftupation. . �. . � rhon6 71, 1 Ully ctImIUM. "They were pUnishtd lor L . . L I
-nmuzsiging texicitney to ,111 lt�SO tile tar Is 014 tht 00-11tOr I�W � their flagitious trimes." . . .. Star Ammonia, 4 small p1cgs or I large' Pkg.
. Mia%xtauqua ehould do and rhould havei I ht�lted & most c , , . __ ,- - 11 r L. 11 * I r 230
1 1 r st�bllfro and oven, in some, Instwives, to IBM dilm' to tho first sm f"Uted, -, . I I _C0MPMi"TA.* tlmt cannot be I I
. . I
I done long thret--_,ttud on lts� own feet. climb, which is the maximum amount of ex.* ', - " - .. !_ I r .
I %I, , . 0 tion. w som . , �� Pare Maple Butter, 1.1b. .tin ... .. ....... (
ii I r *=**.�-�* � 1. 29C
% I 'X44� 014utluquek Manasoment W.! jav I Tbe tar Is a 1928 Pontlixe. 0*
. . b 0 an I IslaMeMs, rimpla sad 00 .
4 111M ;mIM119 on dle PAUM-o of "lie ., � Canada Dry Stone Ginger Beer.or Ginter I
I wl In. talls �Tau lae I, but t1m Ski; Is UP. "eft1mt s"ves lstll-
i r I M4 A gvem Mvanutt. Tho ftoltbit, , r ' .. r�.. I
I It ohautauquA want; to couics bstk hm,, I I Ima once it bas sfturtd &-foothold, tottn& - Ales .4 , � , ", - C
'is no daubt ILSO&" a",# `w A%"* IM61 "s"get tMA $prod All 4"r No( F&M I . I 0. 29.
. jr,j�xt yCetr tlaer-o . It *111, be. LL L Its trip on the lbrone - .
I , tzUre1v *Otmuw aud w1a bo �AMYMA . 05utly. pi. .T. 1). xeuws Mthmh . I .. "I _ � wo VA 4. Duke, Tt*1XV-%*It * clarles Spaghetti, 2 tins for .............. � I
I t '" Ipt . . . 1 19C
i Q M-Crious, C'Upport" but Its sa%nagi!ment 07 L "I " Wf1t*.=AdMy M"a VM I* I% ve*
I standing. Vftfs of SO- .
� Att=xl of's,0411111, 111"41109 1� 0 .. j,A,, . Fr 1kittog or 80Vrft COM Reefo 2 12 -oz.
I Its tak-M. %V dtiln't V-1taw W14,0% PMIMA � 1 6 1 'ferite, hmvover, misht bAY6 be*n we- I %a ;�,Utlot, "a V! fol* , I
. - .
f, . , & . - C 11
b-vth, )aoy. Wnbaps byl I vented Ud tho romedy been ustd when a o""d *ith M%eOei& aWd'PlOrIft tins for ...... .. *.*,*. 6*4.&# .......... 29'
I Inust %ko lci3 al, � ths-L trouble V&M �A Its AM 'Stages. M I � rL 1-1 I Thee, ft&V3,, told, soft caot on the �____.. I . . 0 � .
I —.------ ___ ...... � -
. i I zoxt ,rear ttl,� Mautauqm r'nio!"y wlu�� 1 I .
not r"lect *Ohriftk tut ut..% tbh Dreffsft- va* ot my Molath *Ad, kept 1q*e%4- — -
� � . . lm�zo Us(W P-1 tile dexc,=11. tien M ouct iixg ftfil ft6 AM of MY f6ft 'hota
'I I ._-�- ---*--,,- .- A� I ------#--__ 8" 'Uslor Your Fruit and 'Vego,table Supplies �
:( � _ L r I a ab"t t*t*q Olt thft Oft tt I be- I
, A VISITORIS VIEWPOINT 11 RE L oR ,,cara davt tsnt whitkey to get. thev , ",
, I - * "It "609 6 a ftl"@�
i bel� of ,�;PW av$ % 11011OWnist ftct I Oft I .. L Y )Apcq to ka tM .
� -_ 1� coft 04. Idju 01" All &Y K*A ""7 ett tz, T%t I
I I * 4 tht th'x,. c"r,oa Matt bel.,
. i I 11111-:41ally. �n , WeAN 3 "&I* Not , m of
t4tt 1VCd_r1ttft7, a *y tot I AW 3, , whftty." 'IV", but WIXIMV DWS & Mlo fty", littie Oft" **I* left.
,, jo7tlxeto No r1logs x1" *"too"% I I I %vt sttwod %Uog bodotk 1911064
i ,t_-T"Vtjt,kt%t SX4 a tZCIAtcy to t5vm� wo�, _ . , 1 rettd; ed1tir. a G.W.BAECHLER ' �
, - _", , , ,.,�'. - I __-1___-___.
. jw W o&w. ok ye(w V"*NN4 �,' _ vitteww sAa rMIR toftk4o, Wi0ti
W � � I ,
I I I �-
____________U_._W_WTMV_W" I . �j I
. L %sey H___ r. - I
I -------- �
I ,
I .
I j
I t. I
I ,ni. I H., L E 'R�
I I I -
I - 'I
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