HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-08-04, Page 1Every Thursday Morning The Star is published eveneThursdey reaming, REGULARLY. and tii the reader's !untie the ''' same dee, with All the late"; up -to -the minute news and the neerchaediaing sereesagee a the searekeepen and ()there, he ample time far pgi-usal Or weekeead. baying. 1 acrid) teimaseeletreatealnerefalaseiteleetele~~~1~0~afewe Printing That Pleases tor XiaMiess alact aleelal Patin; fE'QM 8:ar ofnee. as comet En feem. and Li' well planted, Peeeept atevize atitl Meleeate prizes., . eanVENTY-TlifinD YEAR - 11.033. Excursion to Goderieh, Aug. 13th .'..0CritIOU Sinclair and Jimmy Prise 1 Win Be Special Guest. With the Party • a The Oodericl. eeidiond the Huro • ld n Oaoye.Aeeaclation TOronto aeo *ea elmrating with the V.N;Ii, in connection with the treeureion to Goderielt oil Sat. urday. August lath, from Terouta. A little gelebratioie that will Create lot of intereet has been arranged, Gor- don Sinolair, the TerOnto Star's travel'. lug zeporteri seturning front Illsworld, toUr and •will make his first public ap- meranese at eadgrich.....Kitl—tlm-excup, • sion, "Jimmy" 'Prise, the creator ot the weneknown "Bird's Eye Centre" cartoon et the Star Weekly, will aleo.Make thie e trip as a epezzlal guest. "pm train will be jmet by a rube band and the well-knOwn characters of "Bird's 'We geretre" will be ptominent. A special laticheen 'will he lield at Menesetemg Park at noon on SattirdaY with •Clor40a Sinclair as the Principal speaker, relsting serail intimate details Of his world. Mar. 'rise Will • illustrate the talk with travel dew. - hatted number of tiekets for gen- tlemen ally Will be available for LAMM • County people and application should be made for reservaeions at an early ,date, as there will be a large demand for tickets. AN APPRECIATION Editcr, Goderiab Star: t leper Sire -On behalf of the Citizens' Band, I Wish to thank those who so „ provided autorecbiles to take baudrinen ta Stratford on nday even- ing /est. It is this eort of co-tmeration wherli` &zee mueli to build up a band. It is real eaceuragernent. The band hae an erig•agement in Kincardine on Sun- day evening next and any further assist - awe cf this nature will be greatly ap.preciated, Phene 38/:" ' .1. E. liteCKINS, Bandmaster. sescrAL OPTICAL OFFER High grade, most stylish and up-to- date glasses ,rien Or rauless, Your ehoice In shell, White or pink' gold-filled, with leriseS complete for Only $8.50. invisPele bifoeals with ehoice of frame complete, only $12,00. Yellow gold-filled with ,flat spherical lehsee, only $4.00. These prices Include a tlaorough examination by our well-knawn speziallet, ,l4r, Hughsort. Ove: 20 yearscoming to ,Goderlott. Vat ,i.surecl of the 'best (mace' work to btained. Thursday and Friday, Aue tll h, 12th, Smith's Art Store, Godh. - TEN1DERS. 'WANTED TENDERS WANTED; • • Tenders for cleaning, scraping and painting the standpipe (the Commission to .supply paint) will be received by the Water and Light Commission up to 8 p. Thtt:sday, AuguSt lith. heaSt ' with, particulars of work re- quired may be had from the Superinten- dent, Mr. J. Be !Celle,. W. T. altaINEY, Chairman, Water and Light Commission, ' LOST • LOST—A Ladies' :White Gold Wris14 t Watch With linnets,' A.D.14,, on or • near the eautere. Finder please leave at SDS CFFICE and receive retvard. C. H. HUMBER JEWELLER' THE SMALL S1ORE • wires Veit era wrong 1 TIIE O. F. CARRY CO. FINE, ACSIOENT and MOOR CAR NCI: • Awn fon The Mutual Life of Canada ornet:--$4soloc Tomo, war sr., doormat I • Phone 230 ' NELSON HILL, Manager eleineriestlair $2 a yeart Canada $2.50 a, year to V. S. plate, GODERICII, ONTARIO,CANADA, Ttrunsomr, AUGUST 4th y 1932 WALTER NA,Filan Paint= Old Boys Plan Picnic at Menesetung Park TOWN BUZZES WITH TALK .SUNDAY-CRUISE41ALTED Crowds Watch On As Lord's Day Alliance Officer Visits Boat MANY ARE .DISAPPOINTED Meeting to Eorm Goderich • Branch Is Soarsebr Attended Although there had teaert ramalings in Connellnamtnseparde-of-Tradeartre eles to the .eifect that a complaint had gone in Iron). Galeria% protesting against tne eteinler Mentteulln running Sunday afterncon eXoursions Mit of this port, the general publta were not let on the secret until they were turned bapit at the gangplank ot he boat on Sunchw lettere noon tvlth the curt •explanation that the trip was definitely. "off." The mouth per was =veiled viint prospectise-passengeo, many Of them trom out of town; and expreasions of disappointraent and indig= nation were Ilea:0 on every hand. It soon became noised aboat that it was the Lerdai Day Alliance that had thrown a monkey vannalt in the machinery, and that while their move was unpopular, they bad simply demanded the enforce- ment ot the law, it was explanied. Complaint Sent In • The Mallitoultn ran an excursion the Sunday prevlous and after this a pro. test was registered with the Lord'a Day Alliance at Toronto ana with the Owen Sound Transportatiori Co., the owners of the boat. The latter, it seems, did not acknowledge' the protest arid propeeded to advertise another otoursion, svith.the result that Rev, George McLean, secre- tary of the Lord's Day Alliance, came here from Toronto on Sunday and • in esomPallY With (Wei' "Dick". Posteleth- *vette visited the boat shortly before * • • • They toici trie that it was tinlairful to cenduct a cretin other than on regular echedule on Sunday and that if 1' did so, my aompany would be 'peosecuted, said Captain 'DI...McKay to negtspapernieU. "X replied•that 1 naa no desire to break the law and woUld call it off. • The :ant •/ heard -of this was at Windsor •last (Sat- urday) ineht when our manager, Ur: Wannsley, tutor:lona, nea that someone had written Into the Lord's Day Alliarree and to the 'Oyten Sound 'Franspottation Co.; protestitzg .igtrineteIfie Iab1dttg �t these 'cruises and threaeening prosecution if anetbee was held,'• We consulted our lawyers and were advised to go ahead. and mike a test case a It. However, there wasn't' a great amount of mono' involvedand. we didn't consider it worth While," the Captain said.. • Minimum Fine $25 .Ciaptaia 1VieKay weut on to explain that it was at the reeuest of members ,t)f• the' Town Council and Board of Trade thet Goderielt had .been made a port a call and it also was at their suggestion that, a Sunday. afternoonecruise was ar- (COnttnued on pole 5) • • ' STRAYED, • ..••••••,*.A.nu,•••••••••••••...., s • • • .• • ..... TO premises of W. W. Higgins, Save • Meld, a red heifer. • Owder may haVe same by proving property and, pay- ing for ad, PUBLIC NOTICE • WA REWARD' • • Par • the Gillette. Probak, or 'Velvet Edge Blade that Jiffy instructionfail td sharpers. They cost only 50 cents and last a lifetime; no extra coSt. I hadOnly 1 new package of blades last year., A. FLEMING, 64 Blantyre Ave., Toronto. •••••........••••••••••••••••••••••*irommili •J. W. CRAIGIE • Insurance and Real Estate • DOMINION, PROVINCIAL, MUNICIPAL, BONDS.. . • • _BUTER:.USEI)--.CARS • at Moore's Garage, St. Andrew's St., Goderich 'Real bargains this week, and we will take your old car in on exchange on • any of the following. ‘0DIE, A FORD COACH egosem A ronee Theseepaatee 1030 STUDEBAKER 8 SEDAN 1980 MEV. COACH 1931 DURANT PANEL DELIVERY 1030 011Elf. SPORT ROADSTLeat Only driven, 4,000 iniles—like new 1e28 OBEY. COACH • 102,8 ESSEX MACH 1023 OHRYntinft COUPE, E. E. 1826 DURANT SEDAN J. E. STEDELBAUER, Prop. 4un Life 11831,1111108 Oomvaii of flafieda CAPITAT. OR iNtOME? Life Assuennee taken tor domestie purposes eltould be mesieured. hi terms of inome as distinct from capital Value. Many Men, thinking in tonne of capital values, think they are well Insured, but whoa they figure their assamnee in terms of "num* tralut, find that their assUratie0 Is 'quite inadequate.. Witat innate will aotir fisItiraMe vela aver a perica of ten or twenty yeees f Ottae 115 Thelle3 Reelcieneie 840 H. R. LONG, Distliet Agent CONGRATULATIONS,' In Me wake of eltin4ay's boat • Incident at the harbor soMe wag • cauaed a sign to be posted on a West street telephone Pole- It has been, read by hundreds and up une tit Tuesday lead not been torn down. It .aeads: On Behalf of Goderlen Citizens X express my heartiest eongratn- !salons to taseenesseteaese. arsons • responsible tor prohibiting the steamer Manitoulin viewing •Me the afternoon of Sunday, July 31st, • It is the Most outrageous and • Ingeopritical act I have ever beard of, even in the 'town of Galeria. A BROAD-MINDED orrr.zErt. BOY'S FOOT CRUSHED. Truck Backs Over It at Fair Orounds-," Strong Olen rage14.01 Yeaa2, 18 -year -ox on of Mrs. 'Mary • young, West street, had, his eat foot painfully injured on Monday • everting at the fair grounds when a truck tacked over it. "Billy" was working in Harold Blaeltstone's booth on the holi- day and in cleaning up after the •day's bueinese lee was engaged in emptying, 'ab cf water alongside the booth, It was dusk and a truck, in squaring away tc. depart, baeked into the tub while the boy was bending orer. In some manner the lad'a foot beeame lodged under piens of the dernolishedqub and wheel of the troek. Els screams promtptly at- •sneted help and strong men soon push - ea• the Vehicle free of the boy's foot. First aid was g:ven and temporary splints and bandage's' we.e applied, bat it has site* been learned that no bones were broken. The foot, however, Is badly bruised and swollen and it 'will be some vneks before it is right, • HIT BY AUTO Victisn Admits It Was His own Fault— Has Arm Broken Walking across the Blue Water High - ,way, south a pplop, ,Saturnay niant after dusk, Huron Ambrose 'Fuliford, pro- pretor of "bad's Cabins," was bit by a passing car, th.own clear of the ,yehicle and sustained a broken left arm, above the ,eYaow. He is recovering at • his _home at Dunlop. Mr. Tufford was we.ik.ing to town on the left side of the road, facing the traffic. A motoriae. pulledeup to offer him a ride, and it was while crossing the road to accept it that he was struck by a northbound car. He says he misjudged the speed and Ells- e tat= of the auto and that the accident Is entirely his own fault. Two Women Seek Trustees' Seat Nominees of Home and &Imo Cub Are Opiosed By Men •• e There le an election in progress today, where. the •Palate school rite-, warda go to the polls to choose rep. resentatives to filltite vaeimeies ealeeed by the deaths of . Trusteee James F. TInimson'an4 William Wallace. There are two candidates in 'each wata. In -St. David% Mrs. Bertha Join - Ston, Wife of George Johneton, Is epos, ed-.3*Y-HarrYanaaBlikelate-Arearewl ward. Mrs. Las Oray, Wife of P. D, Gray, is OPposett by MaskK natutelers. Time nominatedlast, l'hursday even-. in, but who.tild not 0100, are:Robert Bisset and Allan D. acteLean. in.15t, David's and Rod JolMstOrk in St. An- drew's ,ward, The entry of the iadtesa both of whotn are Waive mentiners ot the Home and Scheel dub,' Wea sorneWlaitt emexpeeted, for no Intbriation hadbeen given. Less than a dozen ratepayers attended Timm, day night's nomination proceedings 'and the chief concern.ht first appeared to be to persuade someorae to aeleept the seats by aeclamation, However, •witn • the aomination of theladies things Wok on a clifferent, complexion. -Messrs. Black and Saunders were the first to 'qualitfy on Friday, they .visiting the town. hall in the morning, It was after fear faelack in the afternoon when &Ina Gray and Mrs. Johnston filed. their papers' and they did so, of course, with the krzowl-, edge that theta aotion precipitated •a contest. • • Where. to Vote This is the iirst election ler 'school trustees held Irt Goderich for enahy • years. There are five 'polling places in the 'two wards, as .followis: • St. David's, Millerla Garage, Hem Mitchell's. Store, Jerreei Meat Market; East • street (two polls). St. Andrew's ward, 1Vic4rtleur'S Electrical Shop (two polls), Priddle's house, William and •Caylea streete; Oely ratepayers ,on the voters' ILst, Who pay public school taxes are eligible to vote, • • House to House Canvass SPIRITED RACING, BUMPER 4 1Lower School . ,4esui,ft Are Out Those Who Were Successful at —CROWD AT HOLIDAY MEET Old Sol Bosuns and 3,000 Pass the Goderich -Collegiate •*EcHoes OF THE • MANITOULIN INCIDENT EnabarrasSing question:—Was it you .wha stopped the Manitoulin from mak- ing its cruise on Sunday afternoon? • An ohnoxiaue letter nailed to a tree in Court House Park WAS ripped dollen bY the police and, reposes in the magise traten office. Through Turnstiles In Afternoon RAMONA POPULAR WINNER Extra Heat; Are Required In All Three Stakes ••••ow•mov...... • The familiar staccato commands of the Tannint The for that pole horse• !" and "001t. Were again heard. at Agrieteltural Park on Monday afternoon when the Ooderieh *Inotting and Peeing Astociation staged Ite annual Clete Holiday harness meet. one 0! the best in ita bistarY. Perfeot weather)a fast track, a 3,000 -crowd, and particularly epirtted rachig combine ed to make the daY an WM/310ft sec - cess.. The face of dapper Dr. Whitely, the president, was wreathed in smiles, wbile Treasurer E. R. Wigle wore "that satiened lOok," "Poo" Clark, genial sec- retary aria clerk Of the course, fairly beamed, all of whieh /spells "a perfect Ramona Comes Through The victory ot Rartione Grattan lit the tree -for -all was immensely popular. There were some misgivings as to the ultimate result of tins rice, for Ramona, eame home frofn the Grand Cfrottit meet at Fort Erie last week /slightly lane. She had worthy oppoeitien in Tommy Oben-, ault, the Eaet Aurat, N.Y., hone, drivea by the reliable Fields, who took the first heat. But Johnny WW1 brought Rath- ona home .heading the field in the next three heats and made no mistake about it, The Second neat .was done iri 2.10te and a null In 1.04an• This Week some twentsedive members of Central and Victoria hone and school clubs have made a house-to-house One vass of the two wards, On Tuesday even- ing and again last night Ina ladies met at the home. of MIs, fjohhistart, one at. the candidates, when • encouraging 10. ports were received, according to officers: Arrangements were made to get out the vote and scrutineers were appointed. "We• have no particular reason for put ng candidates in the field. other than that we feel women should be rep- resented on the school board," stated Mrs. W. r, H. Price, president of Vic- toria home and school club. "Our eppoti- nts are both estimable gentlemen atid we have nothing againstthem, nor are we trying to ran them down. I would Iike that, made clear," Mrs. Price said: • It was further explained that the ladles really did not precipitate the election, whicki will nest the town some $150. The women candidates Visit- ed. the town ball at 10 o'elock Friday morning and took away qualification papers, intending to return. The men, Mrs. Price said, dld not qualify imtil after the ladies had called on the clerk. However, she did not know whether or not the men knew of their visit or in- tentions, but presumed they would be told. Chas. K. Saunders and Harry Black, the two male eandidates, have no organ- ization nor have they asked anyone to Vote for them. "We are just taking 'pot luck,'" both candidates explained to The Star. Mr, Saunders; said he was asked to act as a "pinch hitter"—to Serve the bal- ance of the ternt just to fill itt. He did. not anticipate an election, he said. Mr. Black was in the same position. Both remarked they were taking very little interest in the election. If some men were to lose their self- conceit there wouldn't be much lea. WANTED ••••••••• WANTED—A maid for general house - wore. Apply to Mrs. WM. CHRIS- TIAN (foot or Cobourge St.) flOMPEI'ENT maid wishes hou,sework, - commencing about Aug. 8th. Call at ISAECIILER'S. a,afelarralen-A cook -general, references, by Mrs. JONES -BATMAN, Brit - amine Road, WANTED—Agent ,for Rankin Teas " and. Coffees. Apply Box 30, STAR, OFFICE. • POE SALE Olt TO RENT -port. SALE—A Beatty White Cap Elec-• 1110 Washing Machine, in good con - ten, Apply at .STAR OFFICE, VOA RENT-eOrz Tratalgar, betWeen •e- North and Victoeia 'Streets, a com- fortable seven roomed house, hardwood Boors, hot and cold ater, garage and ,garden, immediate pobsession, M. W. HOWELL, Phone 3 or 213. POOMERS WANTED -2 eomfortable •••••1 roOms for tourists or roomers, breakfast if prderred, near the. bank of the lake. Apply .at min OFFICE. rro RENT—Modern red brick hotiSe, • oorner Neleon and St Andrew's Sts., all modern convenleates, inoluding elec- tric range, howie contains four bedrooms, bath room, ditteng room, sitting room and kitehen. There is also• a large red brick garage. Possession at once. ALEX. YOUNG. FARM FOR SALE, --,Forty acres, more or los, the property of the late IL W. C. Naftel, eittlated at the end of South street on the southern boundary of the town: of good clay loaM, large house and barn, drive shed; workshop; hen -house; artesian well (138 feet): the very beet Of water; good fruit treea. Ideal locatiat, close ' to echools and thatches. For further particularapply On the premisee or to PERCY Or WILL , REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE TEE Armo1-4mo REAL ESTATE "IL AND Dant/RANCE AGENCY. For Sale at °nee Fine Ile dory brick house; eecellent condition, modern equipped with cellar, elate to Square. price $1400; 1Se Rory house, partly nollehed hardwdod fleOra, finely after/reed, Modern equipped, gooa elIar,acholee loeation, Prke $1300 ay story houee. $050; Ine etary liouee, 550; lee !story luusc, $300. Many otheran-ask about them. Monte hawses to rent. 1100D 200-eere farm for sale. Big " bargain—s2g per etre. including ell ereps if batieht quick. 13mall deem payment ficeepted. Intriatdiate 1X12ssse Mon. Extelleut eon, no %taste. about !SO acres thaber. 4.1 flares grain ceop, belanee hay and pleture. (bed beak barn. lle eon/ lion% thee conditlen, 12 mites train feederleb, close to eshoel, gaed Meade. One' elellnarlte ed. J. W. AIIMSTRON(a. Ealt nioderich, Impressive fifty-fourth opening tore - Monies of the 'Canadian National Exhibi- tion will take place on Friday, August 26th. . AUCTION SALE SALE OF ANTIQUES, ),-.3 • IN THE letAteuelle OP THE ESTATE of the tate Mary McMahon In pursuance of an order made by his Namur Thonnts Moore Coetello, the following chattels will be sold by public auction on SATURDAY, ntrausT 13th, 1932, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon at the store of the Late James Thompson, Cowl House Square, Ooderich, 2 Walnut Tables, 12 Walnut Chairs), 1 Walnut Rocker. 1 Walnut Sofa, 3 Wal- nut Foot Steels. 1 Needle Point Piece (Aecension), 1 Needle Point Piece (Oreen Kea. 1 Stoddart Square Plano, 2 Val - nut Chairs, I Hickory, Chair, 1 SteePle Clock, 1 Dining Eitension Table, 1 large Chair, 1 Walnut Bed Couch, I Wel- nut' Sideboard, Lamps, 2 Braes Candle Sticks, 1 Brass Snuffer and Tray, 1 Dog Iron,. Curtains and Over -drapes. Stair Carpet, Hall Carpet, Hail Table, 1 Me. hogany Dresser. 1 Walnut Chest of Drawers, 1 Walntit Beil, 3 Rokers, 1 Walnut Conunode, 4 Wood Shaba, 1 Clock. 1 Walrfut Settee, 1 Candle Snuf- fer and 'Fray, 1 Wood Candle Stick, CUr- tains and Minds, Carpet 25 x 20, 1 Small Bedroom Table. P Oval Walnut Frainee, 2 Curtain Poles (Walnut), 2 Candle Sticks. 1 Walnut Drop-leaf Table, 1 Fled. room Set, 3 Pitees (Witintit Heart). I Walnut Dressing Stead, 1 Walnut From, ed Mirror, 1 Walnut Framed Cadc.h, Walnut Oval Frame, Curtains and Minds, 1 Caest of Drawers, 1 Steeple Cock, 1 Mirror, 1 Drop-leaf Table, I Cradle. 1 Saddle, 1 Walnut Writing Deals. 2 Wood Chairs, 1 Clock with Wood Works, 1 Small %Vanua Table, 1 Wale aut Cowl*, 1 'Walnut Wish Stand, 1 Walnut Cheir, 1 Cherry Table. Tam antlqUCS are neW on disphsT the veil etare. Tering Of the tee- !1AYS de RAYS, OoJetleh, °Marro, noneitees foe tho Etecutors Iterate Ro Mier MeMs110:1 !stat. arage,cormsax.4..., • Mail and. Empire: There would have been more apparent sense in the action 01 the elergyman at Oocterieb who pre- vented a Sunday pleato excursion, if he could have ,detoured the excursionists into his own churela, • .1trotest • Mit& of the Oodericb. Star: Dear Sir,—Certain individuals in this town mast got it great deal of happinese out Of. ruining the pleasure of others. By preventing the passenger strainer Manitoulin Berra making a eitindayafter- noon erutse on Lake Huron they damn- ed people of •some innoceat pleasure which, in a great many 'cases; amounts to their only form, of enJoYMent God gave us the great outdoors to usei, in our pursuit of health and heppitiessel These righteous souls who are member% of the Lord's Day Afilance League, by their action dare to telt us that Ciod was Wrong, we are nODs. suppOsed to enjoy the wide open spaces, but rather to crawl, Into e .shell on Sunday and spentlethe day in idleness. It would seern, they would prefer that we should spend our time creating evil, which idleness .only can bring, - There is something else for the people Of •Goderich to .consider and that is -It this policy of narrow-mindedness is to . centinue, 'just where is this town. „going to get in the Way of being an up-to-date summer mode For years Gotterich has been without a boat service, It was fortunate insecuring one this year, •bub obviously the owners are not going te be very Much inclined to eontinUe at this port if such things are alloWert to • happen. If it is compulsory to pull in the side- walks and lookup the town on the Sale - bath, surnmer visitors, of avitich I am one, will certainly steer olear of 'Heroes Golden Gate. • Very truly yours, Indittlite The following are the restate of the laapartraental Lower School Nomad Ei trance examinatione.of GOderieb, Cone. • *nate. June, 1932. The standing or the students is granted on the examination conducted bY the etaff throughout the year, but the students who fall in tbe school examinations are permitted to write the examinations set by the Edu- cational Depart:neat M Jane. ' TaaentialaaPeennverenaTitterrebrinaneeln— such students and. twelve were eaccose Italy -posed. ' • ' Pour subjects are Ingluded in eaelt of the Hot and second years, though 0, Mall amebae. of the atudents are taking fewer' of the optional subjects. • OROTJP *—hose posing In all sub. jects taken by them, arranged alphabeti- cally:. • • Clifford Allin, Thelma Anita Mil' • Baechler, Verna Barbell**, IlaroldBlneka Stone, Otago Elialen, Rath Caldwell, Frederick Carrie. Ake Careenbers, Vera Clark, Morale Castello, John Craig, lisiM Craig, Melville •Cestigle, Kathleen Crawford, Keith COL Kenneth Catt, Verna Edward, Ida Elliott; Irene . Ora - tiara, Dorothy 43reene, Erie °riff, Evelyn ' Hill, Norma Hill, Bernice Hogarth, Wal- ter Hunt,. Oho Hatter, Donald John - stern, Doris Johnston, Douglae aOhneton, Wilson 'Knight, Phyllis LaWrellee. gear* Lee, Prancis Linitlater, Cluerlee Love, Margery laimby, Irene Lynch, Ethel. Mc. Kenzie, John McLean, Douelda Moe Manus, Marion Matheson, Margaret: lelero, Oliver InfooreaLeelle Naftel. Britee Orr, Herbert Palmer', Binh Patton Irene Pellow, myrtle Pfrimmer, Doris Plante. Maricm Raines, • Jean Robertson, All Ruston, Aline Bellows, Albert Shore, Atte • drey Smith, .John Snyder, Harold Stone •ens, Helen Straughan, Lenore Stotnees, Keith Wolters, Phyllis Tatelor, Gran Thompeon, Prances Thomson, Agnes Tborneloe,. Harold Turner, Antimny Vrooman, Laura Wambold, Edward Wieland, Robert Williane, Gertrude Wheeler, Ida White, Jean Whiteside. Angus Worthy, Eldon Yen Keltb Younn. Heti Yeung. OR,OUP B—Those passim; in all but: • one of the subjects taken: • Helen Slack, Donald Croft, /Cathleen Corson, Mona Harrison, Dove Herten, Annie McKinnon, Gordon Me:YlaintS, Vttilliam Riley, Donald Wiggins. • • OROUP C--Thotte passing in two sub- jects of erie lOur• - Teresa Bilechler, Marjorie Campbell, Nelson Carrick, Mildred Costello, Carl Finnigan, Dorothy Muir, Keith IVIurison, • Witinafred Pitbiado. • ' GRoUP b --Those Passing In one' sub - jet: ' . . • Elva Heats Required Five heats were required. to 'declare whiner in :the 2,18 °Olden Gate.Stake• taken by All, Abdell, Ouelph horse drive en by "Cy". Feathers )3011 Peter's, with Stan Praser in the stake, was second, capturing two heats after finishing ninth in' the first. But for an unfortunate ac- cident in the fourth kzeat might' have won the enee. Rounding the back stretch on the Orst lap deck Harvester threw himsele. Roth Peters. plied into (Continued on page 0) PUBLIC SCHOOL PICNIC FORMER. GODERTCli .80y. 'Whole Board- to ite Committee to Make Arrangements ALB: TAYLOR WON TROPHY His Rink First at Hanover—Goderich, Seaforth, Kincardine Tourneys On civic holiday two Goderich rinks took part in the Murnament at Hanover and two in the . Seaforth tournament. Albert Taylor, with ,J, Newcombe, Lorne Young and T . Taylor as the' other mem. bus, or his rink, won the trophy, but the other rink (F. Toole, L D. Eastman, T. Pritchard and � 14. Wheo,ler) did not. qualify as prize winners. The same day two Goderich diners visited Seafertit tournament but failed to *in a prize. The players were Je IL anoorrfrine P. Bis- set, J. trophey and F. Hunt, and br. Hall, C. Griffith, R. Johnston and J. Swaffield. - • Today is the date of Kincardine's tour- nament and P. Hunt's rink (the present hOlders of the trophy) Will have to de- fend it. • Last Friday there were fifteen pairs of bowlers who applied to take part In the Goderieh tournament more than could be accommodated. The first thirty- four pairs 'applying were accepted, Mr. Logan and his partner, from Brussels, woe firet. Dr. Johnston and partner, • Lucknovt, second, and Mr. McCoy and • partner, also from Luelinow, third. I. D. Eitetnian and Oeo. MacEwara Ooderich, were tourth, and Geo. MacVicar and Rev, D. J. Lane won the special prize. Last night's local tournament retuned lts Itobt, Bisset and Cieo. Matheson win- ning lint and C. Griffiths and D. Brown second. GOLF 4 The send -finals in the Lloyd trophy • . eontest will be between C. Inaftel and the evihrier of J. Donaldson arid C. Wal- ker, and between Robt. Johnston and S. Oliver, Entrio for the barrow trophy eon - teat are Mesdames Lloyd, Brown, East- man, IsloorleSa Donaldson, Coulthuret, Dunlop, Costello, F. Saunders, Barnes, Taylor, Hays, Mieses Lee, Williams, • Orassick, Tom and Saunders, and Messrs. Christian, Williaras, 0, Nate', Mooney, Baetanan, 0. A. Reid, Taylor, a • Walker, Dr. Reid, Pritchard, Pattercon, Lloyd, 'I'. Carrie, fl. Oliver, Cern, Killoran, J. Carrie, J. II. liughee and Judge Costello, The Kirreardine lady golfers vialted the le • Mattldted couree on Tuezday and play- ed a frlendly tournament with the God- erich lady golfers. The :tore was as fol. lows: Kincardine Lacilea— Mia3 Stewart 0, Miss Butler 0, Mrn. Hellitvell tallse °Haines 0, lfra. Spero 1, Mrs. Cottrill 0, 1E= lefacLennart 0, Mies Ccougal 1, Mrs. E AfacPherton le. Total 3. •Cloctcrich ladiec—Mre, rtruee 1, Dr. Zlarej Tem 1, Mrs. J. H. Taylor te, Mrs. DOlialch.on 1, !Ira. Llloyd 0, Mete 0 Mille 1. alto SI, Lee f, MLis Graselek 0, We. Eastman iSr. Total O. Milner was terved at the elute house t and ail egpreseea therriselvea tee Tuning e had a very enjoyable atternoori. The Caderieh elottleultersal Set tett t will held I13 annual ficever inane in !de- a Kay Hall, Aulguet llthea2tletfemberre 11 aro &eked to have their eat51eit5 at the ss hall by 12 o'clock. Thureday; tlee *El be open to the public at 3 pea. Para nett may lie obtainanatM. J. T. Fen's reeitlence an larvae lama. The flOteete may be renenna fecal tite hall at 0 nal., Edney elientag, Is view: of the cliange in the peroonnel af the preerat era::: board whleh the Notion today will inake, the board at ate August- meeting on Tuesday nigh deelited to disband the eamraittee prey. iouely appointed to look after arrange- ments for the seheol picnic peovided for by the bequest of the -late Robert Mac- Kay, and to constitute new comini See Kay, and to emnaltute a new committee coaeitang of alt the members of the board, a motion to this effect being made ay Trumee mins, aad semaded by Trus- tee Cutt. Una original comneittee consisted of Trustees Wallace, Thomson, Carrie and and their repeat under date of May 2nd, atter reciting the tertns of the bequest and that the interest would be available June 15t11, continued: "Your committee recemmend• that a picalc be held at the Victoria school grounds and that both Home and School Clubs and the teachers at both schools Ile asked to meet the coitunittee to make arrangements." The date at that'iirne set for the Monte was Friday, Sept, inh, It being Solt that a June date would come too eloee to examihation time. the funds not being .avallable,t111 June leth, Mr. etayinond F. Player wrote renew- ing his application for , the position of musical instructor in the public tehools. This wits laid on the talele for future consideration, on motion of Trustees Carrie and Schaefer. A report from the General Accident Assurance Co. an Victoria ochool boiler showing that the boiler wet; in good. con- dition Internally and recommending the we of a solution of lime In the water ainndpitriseubpolyler to countered patina, Was th referred to e property ommittee. • A letter from the Riley Engineering Co,, Ltd.; advertleing their automatic coat stoker, Was placed on file for future conelderation. The trustees present at the meeting were Jas. Carrie, J. Cutt, Rev, 1 N11. Mills, Ow...Schaefer end W. 11. Black - tone, the last-named benne In the chair. The teaching etal and 'their eateries for the next echool year are: Roy Stone- h'ouse, $1700; J. Edwin Smith, $1000; /Moe Lottie Robineon, 81060; Mine Oer- &ode SturdY. $1000; Miss Edith Wiggins 8025: Mite Hazel Hartwell, $900; Wise Laura Johnston. 0900; Miss Esther Hurne, 023nlitelo Emma L McDonald, 8950; Ilea I. E. Sharman, 81500; alice Winni- red Ball 81100,; Mies Mabel Bantle $023; MIs Gladyn Maabowell, a000: Mis$ Durnin, $900; Niro, Lillian M. Thorne. oe, $000. SHOULD CARRY SPARES case, "I Didn't Know," Doesn't Go In Tragic Court . ' Tante must be heavy at Pore Albert, Saturdea morning In traffic court oanty Constable Hoy of that village ateed Medea Martin, Hit 3, (laderfeb, o appear charged: with imeing insigne lent Maine an Me automobile. Mr. fartin eald he didn't know hie inane ere out aUlret alai when lie dal Make he alecoveey lie had to drive to a Gab - go to get a Win, tut the policeman awn tra LIret. Tite :adenine -ate, itt Irenolna 81 line, told ateetin it %Ivo a wen pre. eautloa to tarry 0 spare train or two. Citltdtciii darleina conterne will &ate tate the 11032r Ineinne Canada' Dag peon grant ef tae Capaellen Nana -mei tg441. Men, Tnzaana, Align! 20,na, :4. Marjorie Hendersoa, Water, Aunt, Donald Lane, Robert Medd, Itobere Muir, Donald Murphy, Barbara Thotrieon, Re- mona Whitely. The certMeates of those who wrens the Departmental examinations have been sent' out by mall, The certifloaes of tile other students will be even out on the reopening of school 90 Thuraday, September:. 1st,„.1932. J, Piancipat fAT THE HARBOR] The D. B. ,Hanna arriVed Monday with 100,000 bushels of wheat for the Western Canada Flour Mills. She clear- ed Tuesday and is expected back here on Friday or Saturday with 180,900 bushels of wheat for the elevator. ' The Oeorgian broueht 116,000 bushels of wheat, rye and flax from the head of the lakes for the elevator on Tuesday, clearing the following day., Tbere is Sortie improVement in the grain trade, which has beesj cadet all summer. Prospect; at Goderich areeold lo be good for a brisk early and late fail trade. CominA EPents AND IITISINESS MESS For Sale—Collie Pups, excellent cattle doge. Apply to Eveiett Finnigan, Cart - cession 4, West Wawanosh. The weekly tem at the Maitland • 0011 Club win atead of Wednesday, the t two he held On ThUinday in- weeke, SW. Whatley will have charge onI Thi Itiurt:td aoYn' rr re AAullustt 281th1M, and Mrs. • The Women' Hospital Auxiliary are holding a BrIdae an(L TeA on the Mae - Nay Hall grounds, Tuesday, August Mit, from 8 to 4 p.m. Kinctly reserve Me date. Hop in mind August 10th and lath, Tuesday and Wednesday. for St. Peter's Catholic Church tiecond Grand laerinita in the Goderich skating rink, This Le the great event of the meson. HORN OKE—To Mr. and Rine Leo W. Oka of 11402 Outer Drive West, tkstrolt. on July 27114 at Henry Ford Hoepital, a daughter (Margersa 'Louise), DIED aLtorr—At Ripley, on Wedneetley, Auguet, 2rd, 1032, Alvin Sterling Elliott eon of William IL Elliott in ble 13tit year. The funeral Will be twat on larte Fred Elliott, eat line. Goderich tenon*, day at 2 pane from the Immo of raft'. to ,Italtland eemetefy. IN MEMORIAM f3TALHER—In loving Melmay of aur dear mother, Mrs. Rebut Stelkee, win pateed aWay Atieuet Oth, 1931. 'Tie eleven yea:a, hem ewita timey mo3. Loven sweetot memory never dice, We man inotheris help, he theetp waya; With !ter we epent ouch liappy arm, We rao_3 liar when we neca a feletta: OW cheered our live/ olle eaethen our peine God grant CM17.0 thy tve meet we:MI.1 No morning damns. na Went vetuezte Int tee remember Lea —nedin iniesed by Dauanteal