HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-07-28, Page 1I Every Thursday Moridug VAU War U vw_4141.04 oery 711114340 m9rulaw, itiGiLmy, and in the zeadeva Itinas, tue euaz day, with An the lates, up-to�,.he ww.ute 4 Iltws %lid tue AleVilandislilig zue,uiaaci Qf the st?r�unpew-4 aud otuera, lu aulp!Q t:me IQ-? paroal I= WeekleU4 DUAV-9. I � I I I I .11 A, I � I or � ok �� a .AVIN� � Printing That Pleaws �111111 -7 1111111-al—I � � fkar oW,-e U C�­.?C La tnm anl ow"a AkipI p-.�IV.40. WQmpl. seirita an:t Xr.-41cz48e , , r ir mew � ift xullrt3a aud s�cw Printin, ,.,,lm v�,3 '. V_ �Z, 3. t - I .e I . -.1...".." - . L__�_ _- I - ___ _ _ _ 1. I I 1. ---. I- ­__­­­­ ��-;_­— �___ I — , 4 . . I � . . . .. I . � . I . . � I 11 I I ' ' I . JS�;V9-.N_TV.=9l) YEAR . sub,VrIption.. $2 *,year in v4naft GODERIM, ONTARIO, CANAD-ko THUESDAY, JULY 28th, 19,832 ­ WAVUR NAFTIM, V01154er $2.50 a,yeu to U. W. PoWts. . . ­ _ ­ - � - . -.-- ­__ ­ . - _ . _;;�;;� --------- -- . _i.-- ___ ---.--.. ___­­__ _ I . I __ .. ....", ____ 1__;;�i�� � I .. __"_____7_-______1_ - . _____,_____ _ � .. .... __ — ---7 -_ ' ___­­__'­ � "I ; J — . , I I I . 91 0 0 .. , e . . n W I . I , 11 I � UVRAM r - , 01i, , . . . I I'll, ..... " I . A J.- � � . . sy -., or I ry st -0 IWIMA , VIC * � Rec --d ' I Li F . , VS I I I , . ,. � . . . I I .. - I. ­ I. . . I . . _______ , '' �. I �, . 4 . OFFICER AND MOTORIST 1, ."...'.. 1. . I . I , I I I . I . � , , - ' .61krWater-w-ra-yy , TOWN OWNED MACKAY HALL SrrE ­ ., STRUGGLE roR BATOr4 LECTURER - TELLS OF DAYS WHEN - Relief Committee , ." * I I . . . I � - . a. . I _ _.____.____ - 1­,­M(y)Z)R­1T __­_­___ 'JUN.J 'ff -_YEN -_ --..-,.-,----. � � -Cek 8, to, cfk _ ,T,j: , - - J- -._-Q I � .W Ak 3rov QUed 1 �l . . _111PI 101 . " ­ - - I .1 ,.I .inolal. ofti Z ,�irw._,F rl'',:'-'--L-OUWX'-f,V,,"W.AstKING"0,"'.,A'lq)WV-...,- __ '"' !�_ -#.,- , , J I _ al __ ­ � , C*1 . '"-" cal: . - w rqk Q _V_,� , ��.� I I - . . , r' . --- - . _ . . . . � I traffic court On Saif�r4ay;ftlornii�i W011 . . . � d I ,�#* � - � . 1 -4- . "Worce. x � - 1.1 . 0"IIi , it I . � n n., ire had just -emerged Mow . of Qualut C u a t o ln a of FAILM TO MAKE RETURNS Runs, Out of Money and Swport I - 1341I��F - A CLOSE SHAVE . from a tussle on -the highway with r " . . I I r#A* Tom-�,-U. i,. owt want , it, , . . .. ,, � " I vharj�s Leo' ,at Loudeshora. whom he - " Early Frencti Canada . i , Is La"g, - Officen . '.. , . . 14 .Merit of vlquo,r Law Is I I Away, , need . had just 'Remain , . . ditort XaUUtACIU"1r_ h r ft.d , for I . . Say I . .1 . . . . . : , � Sim . .. I W$L ' lodged In the county Jail. RI& elm . � � ply 4k, Force . Near Tra at vome of 00rdon Orr* Ing his motaroyqlo Itiehind,Ue'a car the . I .. 11 . . . - I, xzerlph Tow1uhip . . � Vitt" of Uvist Act . I . . I . , . I �. . � .1 � I I I I L I . � . . I I I — I .. . - " . . . I ''. . i officer observed the latter to be purau." . I I . I The Oodorlch- General Rellot Com- .1 � . I . . Senatw Vrank'Tom, of Toledo, was. ONE Doeumm. MISSING Ing th ztg-4ag course, Also -that the driver MONTCALM'S SKULL . � 0" - wittee, appotatol to to-operato with Ula. I . . . '. I In town tWs rv�ek and, In conversation I . I TWO children of Mr. And Mrs, Oar* was ,,listhig to port."' Wlr�h the ,officer . . . — �. . At larediton on Monday morning Wei . .d, . I ' ' � lington Hai -0 was charged before Voun- relief comnittee, of the Town Council, , with The I Star, osproaseddoubt that the SonIl of, � d 40a ,Orr, CiQderleh township. Dor on 'and Attempted to take obarga of the wheel Instituti6ris and HonleS of the by Magistrate Held under the I e � � Xxcl5Q Act has closed Its booXs and vQaaod to fatic- � 1. I - Tq111*91'ancep Good ,Charlie, aged three .and two years re$- Were was a souffle. He pulled his baton - 494. Lawrence waterwar ,worild 'be gone . . Templars Are ]Named , ' r Pe4t1vft had -a narraw escape when but Lee grabbed It And started a twIst, 17ih Century Are Still with failing to make 44 monthly, rO" tioU hocauso at lack of support, or por4 . . ox� ,with. Ift %6ught it I was a oW of I . they Ato a quaritIty at araerlatii of lead, Ing, motion, with the Officer on the 00- , - (kc4pled turns to the collector of national � ro- hap$ for another . very good reason- I I . , I in Tramfor . . .a es., I I venue. He was fted $10 And casts and bcoatxse It has ruit out of funds. Offlow,a � " ! � I r playing. fibutlos. The United Sixtes - . . . poison usid -for spraying potatq *011 posite, end, the result being. that lt'wols . I Instructed to comply with the Act. Mr. of . . I r.,,,,,-,, P �%­ � .., I doctor was hurriedly called and for ,d And . , the committee, S. D, Croft. olialv*�- I d I .. I wautta tlkev ,waterway And the treaty , The site 'oi which stands Ms,cXaY ,tfine.'fegra wtre, held a broken In two. Lee was subdue He Away back In 1660, ill the days of Haist zald that -an, auditor had told him . dltt'�" secretary, and S. � . .. .. I - . . . ,as to recovery, but. !�ppeared,_ n Monday afternoon. . was not mcces-ar; t1)at_ba_make=ze,,�- il!i. '==M. Stitt ttmyi � , d . n.Au laudon-Try-IM-thea -do—devich from the fat-e� ')TatIT_,oWdxix_x 9 I wt�upa�00, W011—E it* __ I . � I., 1. L . . . I '' d I I Half., %- gift to 9z was Isentenoed-to 30ea 4ayq. ­ I � . � _�­# turns. He is a brick and. tile mantif * "" �11_81 r3c. V.S. a0minstr4tiall. 1, I I I . I � . o � hrqpI#, snd of danger, � .1 I O., 0 -.-.I,- Louis XXV., who ruled France uthru. . . I . 44" ijor OlAnS fQr the future. 0�0 .0 , I Robert MaclKsn phuatit . . . . I 1, . , I 'A was speak . . . d - -1 . . ' turer. . � I contilbuted, the suih of $765) � I I 4Lskqd as to the e4forcenrept of the which thore. Is. now ,some doubt 0$ to ,par%, . . I . . . , . . . CHAUTAUQUA FINANCES ' ously for severity -two years, w " "King I 11 . I . , 1� . llqiior.lavi� In the States, lie, iald it was trol. and Ownership, ,has bVC-A somewhat, . . I — : at Canada," the map makeri of that 'day . . . on milk for the �Vtmg children of eight . I . , 84n,ply A farce And' Went W -far, A0 to chequere4 . 0:reer. It has In. turn be- Cannot.. Agree'On . I I I I the grea,test explorer of all, and showed Indigent families. Thebalance was spent, d,* . . � . � � I statement 0 4#0 00&4uh Cliautautax had aqmo, Very f unny ideas of the size Views of t .' on Meat and groceries. , . . , I . - blame the activity of gangsters And, me- longed to'the Crown, the muntolpoutyi. . � . . .heir day. Mogtoalta he des , , . I I - J . ketOers very largely on the condition the 6 -the gechantos , , . - 11 0 - , -, . GuaraiAots Gomm`# L "i � . ,and Impoit%noo at Laxe Huron, Last cribed As a Aobje llgqro. as he told of Tlie following flnanclstl� otatontent . . I . , Qns of TemperAn", Police olidays ." . - . . d. Friday night .At I ,.— . . croatea by.*a act which was not entaro- institute. In the, last deed, registered, . . Ooderich Summer the coMmon M ed O'lod"from, June; 1931, to . . . . . .onument ofect. ,to the cOV0146K the P - . d . ­ . I . , . it u ' W. SpeAklux 14 answer .to our eornmept, dated 11873, the trusteek are named. *All ., . RZOWTS School in, North Street United Church. memort of the French sea ' eral And lot the Pre$eltt� U29 We lisS. Od. . I . . 11: On the IoOturg On "Government by are goiW dead. . The "Oood Tguiplare' Cotocit Is Deadlocked On The Tickets sold- . . . .d � Professor Landon': of the 'University of Wolfe on the Plains. of Ab4hom, Never . . . � . "Or. . IPT5 . .� . .. I �. . . .. I I . . 366 Adults at 42.00 eftell ........ $732 0 Western 01141riOt in hi� Illustrated talk In history bad* this been duplicated. . J - I �� Aa-011114lid" by `C- 'gay 110AM4 At 10h%U- also are mentioned in the deed, but all I"ue 4 One or TWO . . , I . Balance on hand _�._ ........ ... ­..... .­.�$29'Oar � � . . 11 tatiqua last wo�4, &r. 'tout ..Said Ur, these have long since.pyssed out. at exisr '- . . 1 . I � . .06 Cuila At $1.00 _;.­;:,� .... 0 00 11 . ­ 1. I - I Menesotting C4noc­ Club .: ... ;_ __ 25,00 , .r )n 6Tbe'Somatice of Canadian His' The last. picture shown was 'that of I � . . d � . �,��Welll&w . I - .* I I I . A&MA 061114'ua possibly paint, condl�. . . . . I d . . � I . . , these, early Ma s. he vaithers of ConfedertAtIon Who Made, � to!Xwe. . . I . 70 Students at $1,50 .. ..... ....... 105-00 tory,1! showed some of p t . I I — � I . d WOnletr`3 Institute ..­ .................. P- 200, . - " , � Alone worse.than the$ vere�fol, thcy.,�''TI%4 late'.:Rdbert M%cK%y And his Ad- '. .1. � . I I I ... .�. on the,�orqen, one depicting Lakes Hur-i the Canada in whloh.we We today. and .. . .I. . I d . � I I ­ I . � . A, M. Roberteon� 1. ........ ....... ­­........ .5.00 - 1. I i I Were as bad as'they could be, Ivor two fvigor.8, ,tar Mr. MacKay was An invalid , The'town council Is unable. to Agree ' . . . . $923 00' -on and Mi6lgan as, One great body Of to whom Slowing tribute, was . paid . by I 1, I . . . .� ' - s.20, 60, , � I I . � � Mrs. Chas. 91113 . � . ................. ­­­­ 12-00 . . . . . 1. ye"E. hO said, Atbee the Psastog Of tha 'and blind for .the, last Jon year$ of his on the question 'of. holidays for.. the bliautauqua, .'half advertising ........ -water, and'an4ther showing its size as the lecturer. � - � . .1 . 11 . d. � . .. d I — , . , . . � I I I I I 'i Pt At, lite, neglected to ,search the title bef6re Police. The ,special ,conimittee, after the Our.sbare.ot single admisaWn.'... I � . . . saud . �: . I � Voletlead A(�t theo Was 16 alitoM . 44 70 not much. larger ' -then Georgian Day. - , . I . �. I . . .d I � I—. enfo:jemeat ,And this allowed the turn- 'building the hall , Which, of course, de" subject bad'beeh threshed out for,ovor QuAralitorss 42 at 412.09 each ,....UK 00. Strangely enough, the contour at tsk Deb _� . ­ . . . I I ., I .. It boklatv6o . . .......... ­.......'.."..;­ ........... A$. I . ,., . furIners And. racketeers - to. get � set: ' I I ntarto, es Get Docking When : . I � . And rerminqs the ownership of'the ,building. ail hour, at A'special meeting on Tue$_ . . d I 0 . Erie and even Superior wore . . .. . I I . . I � ­ I � I �, : - I .. I . . . .. now they are in, control of the g0v'Orn' To compiic4to, Matters, .a document In day everilkig,' reported: "'Regarding the. I 1. . "00 70 depicted Almost correctly. This, It waw I. .. 0 . . .. I . .. . . . . . I � . , I 0 '. .11 . I In 11% 1.94. . i. : , �*i Ment. i xxxa 1*6k� for. some modification which Mr -to haye set request of the Police for holidays, we I Total - . -receipts ..w...... ......... 41401, 10 explained, ls�dtts to the fac�i: that the , �- . I . .Pier.611 I . I �,,WDI,URES. , . , , . . .. MacKay Is said . . . . 1, ,.apses � E, � ... ': of. tbe.present, -regulations but, sa-vk It out big Vshos. for the mana t ,of bog to ,rep � I DITURES first white =1m, Arivaded Ontario froul . � I d .1 . I 1 . I . semen ort, that your committee can- - � . . I I . . . I . would lyq r0most Impossible 0 ,rep?al the the hall, candiitz . - riot � agree." '. I. . - � L EXPEN �' ' � r, and . . I I --"__W10. � Groceries and- meat . ............. .. . _-.0124O..' ' L I � . e . I ' . QW befound, Mr. Mae . � Light. account .. ........ ..... � .......... � ....... * the north, via the, Ottawa. rive I J$th Amendment. as Latatea Whiolvare Key, however, did appoint truitees,some, '�p ban , , . that tarming.­wis.in progress in the C,ir * * 41 ,%ol , T;Wenty,five : ke Ullic --,� ....... ; ....... ;---.1....-- . ....... � :19,64 . I .. . The e 6K .. bylaw , 9 Mr. auffell,. putting, ners, -, . . I , . . 1. .0 . ,. I . . . . I . I �. I � . . . xist a permits .but on . I . I Bay Into , I . I .. I .� , . . I 11 . I largely rural arid ,do '.not r.ealize .the d of whom ,1%ro no L w. clead or., retrieved; week with pay I for municipal Police pf� , , etc . ...... . ...... _.!i;i� ......... "".., ....... . 1 .58 Georgian , , district long before Wes�- I d .. T�=Owft . -take : � ­ 01, 4 .. I . . I - ­ I I , I teim Oritailb, and the' Lake H�xon: shore :. - ' I . d . . � 11 ­ I I. d . . .conditions in th.er cities *ould,not sup ,While ,others,. who were close i6 ,deoeas- �cer�. - Howowir, for - the past dafteen The Star, advert g .... 11�1.1 , 1-1- 20, 00 At Graind SonA I � 0 , , I . � . . . .. ' " I . part" the repeal .and it requires. a ver ; . . 41 ........ i....' go, oo line. were over explored by, white moo, - . I � . � I . . � I . , � I .1 . I . . .. � � I I . . . I I � � . F ,04 'during-, . years or more t I 1 pay 1 . I . i . I . OFFICE I , - . part of his liftime, And. to mQ weeks, with ! have The Signal, advertising . . : . I � . large percentage at the states to carry ,)At 1110trUctIOUS were been granted - - Commission paid on .salw $essola , . I In a I ' . I R is. SHIPT90 � - - � � . . . . . . , whom# Is, said veil by the couh,,il. The coun . . . I An Informative iilk .. Who � small Pier collapsed at OrAna . ­ 1. � . 11 I.. .1 . . . ,� . I the ropeal. .. . I ... en- Are rr�4 carryingL all . cillors opposin - , I ,. .. I . . I ' * orgo . A � " . . . I � : . . .1. . I . . gly I .. . ,: . .g two w6eki holidays al;,7 tickets; 1. . "Professor. Landows talk,. given in an Bond .. Sunday .night, about 28, p ti . I . . . . , . ., . . d .— 1 � I . . I At the next Meeting of 'the Town gue.: that under existing conditions, one Boy: Scouts .................. -so 95 . . Constable Albert White",$ I . . . . : . I unobtrusive manneri w�s most Informal were throWA10to Lake ,Huron.. All wore Pl'ovinelsil . .. � . .1 �� . Church .... .... .. 2 00- tive. The professor, ayoung man with a brought to shore-Witbott 90flaus IT.111iry, . Trat"ferred to Waterloo � , - ' I . .' I I .1 . FAMER m IS ,PUZZLED Council an Augnst.otli, three represen. week is sufficlent. The lette� asks that .9t, George's , . . t . � .. I.. . I.. I I I . ... . . � I . I I . I I . I .. . 11 d � . . Id _ ' , tatives may be named, Xor , this'bow-d. of the.: holidays start August 6th. Chlef. . . �, .. .i 1 8 25 ' . .. . . I I I . .� I I . . , i I L , d I . - . chant .for historical research, had The Pier was 'crowded � with summer . . . . . � I I d I I I... . I ? . one txttgtods.,� Intimation to 4& effect *was Posteleithwaite and : Sergeant Ross wili alohri Marriott, cartage ...., ........... g .010 pen � Has. Two, Farnis, One In West, , I I . much . ofiginal subject matter at' his visitors Who 'Were waiting to get A ride � Announcement has_ been - Made. by. I 11 . . ,�, � T . given .at the last meetlng-. It Is point- .not know.what's what until August 5th, Harold Black,ston, cartago,'. '00 .. ' . d � � , ­. ., Here,, and No Money, I , ' . . command. Re bag just -returned from oil a motor launch making excursions Walter Moore, Inspector of Movinolal : - . I . . . . I `,_­:­:" I.I. -dranct Baud. It, Was Pollce.,At mitchener, of the transfor.ot 1 ' . . . . I ­ ed Out.' that these represexitailves need next meethig,of counoIl, Owing to the. ,Alkerk Stephenson, epwtags -I.-. . .. ...... 2 09 ioug:4. . ... t . 1, I . I I I I - - dis I Agreement at Tuesday inight, ,, - - - 1. . .. A niator trip thr -q 013 1 1 � I , _4 Quebec and the on the lake Ir ,;,. . , . I I . I not necessarilybe merribeis'of the Cou'a . . . . � . - I Maritimei, and on. that ,trip he .madi it about 8.30 in the evoWng vhed, tile constable Whiteside to Waterloo, to tal�a . , . .. � . d . P . . Joseph Chadburq, his' Son -and a oil. R6peated requests have been, made The sPaolal',corrimlttee�'also reported: . I .­ � ,I . I .. 33 ' I I . . . . . . ,. � I . I . I 45D a - Point �o acquaint h September lot, .Constable P B. I . t I I 1. werg'. I drove Into'' .1 have the town hamp the #uste6s, buf "We recorrimend that the request of the .Chautauqua, guarantee ... ......... $1375 � � 00 iMself With Many struotuM etiddonly started to give,, Way. effect on , I � . I . " ifrlend,.Hanry. So ., God- `tO ' L . . of the contents, of the Jesuit archives. ,Screams of frightened %ionion and. ,clill- McCoy .of. Waterloo will tome to Gdalo7r. . .d � .. I . the mitter has always'boetr ohelvert for. Catholic Women's League for the use of Postage ancl qxclse, .. �­ ... � ...... I... .10 00 I d ­� ­ . eri-.h Saturday afternoon in a Mod�-J T . . d . '­ In fact, -his. talk bad mostly all. to do dren -pierced the. air as the *r collaps- icIV according to the came. annoltuce- :. I k 1, .1 . . . �. . Ford 't * L' . I ar. another. � I . the skating rink on August l6th and ,Refund, 42 guskrarr6rs At `�1.34 - and .ed. :. All those on the plo *.were t'ossed merit, , . . I. I .1 �. I I . ,� . I .1 I . .. .1 I I . ; � i - 11. at , ancX nt vinj*1e from RanAa, . one reason . . I . .56 47 with tbo days, of French.Canada, P d I �. . . 11 I .. 'd . . ,d At a rooen� committee Meetirig MessrIK 17th for 'the holding .of a bazaar be . each .................. � ......... ­.­­ ......... . . lie has. succeeded .in ,collecting � In water, which n5table. Whiteside bas--beon ta- pol. .. . I I t Alt ta., _ 3,000 .. I Iq - I .. . .. . I . I any In. Into the . Y94 . .., � -a� -mile trlp� They carried. a, J, W.d V4yIor,:Aqd A, 04, Robertson actr' granted.upou 0ayment.of $50 and that . - or four fpot adep.. at this point, , �-..' ice work for nearly thirty . rs..� At' the . *� .. . I - . _ � .Campllrg� outfit and,thel I r . eats�, a d nd .the ,dressed the eouni6ll ?,td­we4t 0201`911911- agmat Of $38 be,,,made td1bern towards Total expendlutr�s .,'--.!­i4I491 70 teresting slides� of those early, romantic . .. .. 0.1�. , I . tunes. I . I � . . . .. Crowds',Trom the beach 4nd nearby, age:ot twenty�flve he was village c4u- . . . . . . . � I . � i total expenses for the three, Including ly lrr� t#e� Altuatiori; �;t has. Wen, v*lalrr,� ,the'i ift"d, I . . I . cost of*.4dVerbIsIa9 their bazaar." Audited. and tert e correo , d - Itelfig Ap Cott 4A6. - pind belOed stable .at -Hensall, a position he hold 'for ' ,. I . gas and. oil to.* the.,Wd-Hertry,,was $��.. , ,:.10 , `anL , , I I . . , : I I J. H. � . I . Just preclated . aged rUeliod,to tbo li . � . . . I �, I I I 'its I ,� ar�iinuo ; Page ,�5) .. _ __ -1 . I . I . - . . ..Taylor. . . ... It 13 Just I L . in the last quarter century to rescue th6se� who'bact Veoxi plunged many years.. LMer he was appolute'd . . . I - � 1 50. -.or s, than $20 oAch, It, Is twenty . '­­ � , , . I . .1 I . . I S.D. OR01m, into �ho water. Although the depth was county constable and high county con� . I . d I . .. !'�, . I I tiAl ;6"P !001.77' ==__ I . � "WANTE14' . �. .. . . that Canadians,. As they Are kite . I . . " . . I years:siace Mr. Chadburne -ha �'. � _4� .1 I I I � . I . . Chairman. . or so Wft not great, there ,was some danger . be, dtaOI6. L In 1920, during tire Drury -11040 , 1 I . . 'here, te asked far Mrsi ',MCU9 __�_ today,.have begun to be appreciated b� I. . 4 - , maid. f or - DERS, I c a ,. I � � . i , general house- I .i W., FRANK SAUN I � 64.4 � . 7 I El)— . I I d . Sec'y.�-Thea . , said Professor London, .., . ,. of the late Dr. MoLood, who.practirea �Premises, of Ww, *W. Higgins, Bay- WA,,r,-r,- . s , other nations . . aus6 of the, .excitement, of those who, rule, he was appointed Provinot I c . i I I k. Apply to'Mrs, .WN, 01-MIIS, � � I � , - il 11' - , TO� WA - A re .- � I ­qudrarrtow�,Oamv . ,us history,of our, country,� h$14 goriv 40va.,votItt tho .Plon " xam, stwo. ac, realood At 11900311,114W,1920. , . ­ ! _ *�.,', 96kicine-In 0adoI;bch,,a4d,.learn4 'that -, _ ,_ �k.bolfer,,,�.O,wrror =V VfAN (foot of cobourg St.) , - � Itbtjo,;� . - PV#Oo he said, were bruised and scratchO in1he strug- iviten lie Moved to Oodericb, purchs.sing. . , , . ; , I . . 1 4 . . 1. I � 4 only, surviiijig' m6mber of th� fam� hiie �%mi �j proving,!propeity and pay- I .. I — , F E__ .- ,- d . ., , could be�'divlded into 150 years of French gle to gob to the shore. - . I . - -Victoria street. Upon the� I .- . . . " . I . I I I ly ' 4 . a residence on ) . I AW. xww .resides . at, ChIcoigoi, Th� Ing ToI; ,ad. I I COMPETE14T maid vyishes housework, rule and 100 years, of English -rule, A rich � _ party, ' I _.... ___q---- _­ I "CAPT. EDDIE'UHONORED , the . crowd that was! 'Im - resignation of I spe-,tor Pollow In 1991 . . � , . . . I � . .1 `took a r�ib here, and lef.4 for kincArdlile, 7 - � - commencing about Aug. 8th. . - I ? - . . . � baek-ground, Indeed, Canadians, he -said, - - mersed, con n 1. i I . . .. I . :-� . I . I . . - siste4 of * men, . Women and ' children, Constable Whiteside was named.onforte- . .. . I . . . � - - from Which' -Mr. Chadbur,ne - rUOLIC NOTICE . :Call at 0A.4CHLERIS. I.. .1 . � . ' . a ' , , : I , SeVoxl Miles %, I had shown that it was po.slble for peo I . Eiit eat, C H d qpwdk 0141paty # Politic kwel , , _­* r, /1?,J)0 I I I * � - , .[ I .1 � I - I ; bag. a farm. , . I � . . . I . 6oderleh Skipper .Will P110i Lem�700 pie Of different *Origin, ha�lts TridIT61141 The� had, walked out on the shrall.pler merit. officer tinder. the Liquor Control . I I I , 1 " - I . � 050.40, UEWARD. d, - � , NOTICE � at Canal Opening, - gions, to, -live in ,peace. and to await their turn for a ride on the Apt, a *�adtl:on be has-, olme held, -:-,- - I -1-1 - '. .. .1. .. 1, � �. "I'm between the deill and the deep, .Par the Gillette, Probak, or Velvet .1 TO, 6041TORS . I I harmony, � 'S , I � I . � . I ------,"— .1 — . . . . d something which Europeans bad ' .zh�� As tha,b6at took only it is understood Const%ble Whiteside ,. ­ " , I sea,11 he ,said, "I Ain .Property poor., I -ikd4e.Blade that Jiff* instiuctlo= fall to NdOTICE TO CREDITORS. � . 1. I � . totbeer, I excurzion laun. .� .with lt.in Increaso in . I . I i have a half a sharpen, They cost dinly 50 cents and I ,.1 . ' ' ' It able to accomplish,. . . got paasen�a,.g at mob trip, It could �ransf6r` carries .1 . - I I I wttoii ricar Hanna, and d . . d . d .. I . . Word has beei received In .Goderic . . I . . not Acegrampodate all who Were ready to salary, .He, Is a, native- of' Seaf(Irkh� I I . * . I ;� I 101, - . cre.s. in Wnlost: l0ft"mer,,py My Jast i lifetime: -no extra cost. I had only W. I.Tag- ESTATE . OF - WILLIAIA W. that when the world's largest grain car- . .. Quebec Still lUntonchel . go, and donsequently a* large crowd had . . — .0 . I I . . . . .1 I . � . . .. I __ � I - fst4-r, bOt I have no monoYt nor I now, package of -blades last ydarl. A, DAVIDSON, DECEASED.� . �. rier and holder of at I . Great Lakes . . ,, , . . 1. I . 11 oall'i get any, The fa�ins aie.-- 9,QOO' FLEMING, 54 Blantyre' Ave., .Toronto .. . . � I Much of the Quebec of the 17th. con- gather6d just before the. collapse,of the] .�.' � .1 � 1. .. �- ,. I . .... � � , � r " . .. freight �records, : the, $.S. Lemoyne I I . I. . . I I . I . � I �., . . 11 1. � .. � '. .� ­ I tury was still untouched, the speaker Pier. . . . , . �AT I . . I Iftiltz aPIM but I &n - I_ _­ . . . - of the 02,L stearns� throt-h the Wei- F I I r, n"Irr U It OnAD, I . I I k, nor oa%x I Sell olther.1k. . 1, . bet' . � - I ­� - . . . . -�. . � t I . I I LOST I 1: I � . I , - I'-- . 1 J­LT4 F! R.'" - i 014 'Sunday, 0 17th, be Ween Say. � field and Grand Bend, an Eastman �, . Kodak. Plader.please leave. at the God- ' erit .. � h Star Office.. . I I . . � � LOST -i pair 'of tortaise-sheli )read- � . Ing glasses In.- a black pateut 16a- ; ther case. Pot reward. apply at THE . t ST,ku offl�a. ? I i � � A . I I ! 11 r � __ I, . I . � � . . I I . . . . . . �.. . . . . . . I I .1 V � . ' ' . t, H HUMBER . 1i * ., � . J,&r;.LLER . . I I � i - . - THE 'SMALL SIOREt .. ..: . . V I I . , WItH THIK BIG sycp�K . . . I ^11 persons haviii.g tiny claims against the estate of William W. Davldsonj. late L . I s �, . .said. Homes Land Institutl6ris built in land ShIp :Canal Olt August oth f6r'the * 4,EdcU that day wore still occupied. He had 4%fter the P.Oplorbad taken their un- expected p1gage, and had been draggedi " I 4 .Ln 1. �. 1. � I L . . . I I I . . I I .1 L, . . .. � . of the Village of Aubupn, Township of C official opening, vtaln , V, Hob- . visited a conveiii of the clolste'red nuns Inson of Goderfth,. the eammodote of the, from the lake, manY of them wex. ....- r 'to . I L . . I . . . I � . .. I . I .1 "Mdr- * West WAwanogh, in the County at Rur- on, tArmer, died the only this year aird was shown the origin- fleet,, 'Will ,be, In � command.. off ielating en to nearby, cottages allow their i The Government patrol boat, I � . , : who on or About 23rd day of Way, 1032, are hereby noti,' � Al charter, signed by. Louis Xt%l, dated at the eereniony will -be WExcellency 1638, � thi skull of Uontcalm and many clothes. to dry, Others walked through tire streets to Grand Bond to the hotels ray. Stewarti' . , been in port for sev- had ' �. L I . �eral days, She. was brought to Ooderich, . god to send their named and -Addresses, . the Earl of Bessborough, Qovernor-0en- other relies. Life in Que4e.e, he sold. still oral of Canada, while delegates front all with their clothes soaked., . , . for the L purpose, Of placing a gas buoy-Lat ,. .. . . . . . . ... I 11 11 1nd. full particulars of their'dlaims, v6r. � Iflod by declaration, to Mary Davidson, . I Brussels, Ont,, the'Executrix the Will . goes,on in many, ways much- as'It did in parts of the Emplke -now attending the the 17th century. . . .1 . � . . Xmperl�l Conforende In Ottawa. will lie . . I . 'L - I County. Treasurer - the scene Of the sinking of the Govern- � . :. . Meht dredge,onJune 23rd, off Sayflold.. � . I . '1� . of . The original white Canadians, said' . L thirteen, miles south of Godrich. ..., . of the said William W. Davidson, on or before the 8th day of August, 1032, after present. . - . .. L Professor -Landon, came from Brittany Early on the morning of Aug, Oth the and Normandy, witha tow from PArls, I � SL i and on ft, Crash I e Simcolite 'at the LoAperial 011. - I I t, was In port Thursday With a cargo ' L . I . fleTeb . . % Which date the said'Execlitrix will pro- lake freighter W41 enter the LLWelland and the French-Canadians:of today ro- . . .L L L . I I of -gasoline, clearing the same day toe . I deed to distribute the assets of the -de- ceased among. those L eiabitiedl thereto, Capal, and about noon will Tkuh Lock talned many of their characteristics seven at therdloi where the'afficial The "OrIginaWl were'.sailors ind fishW_ . . Steering Gear Snalps. On Hill Sarnia, . . I L . . 1. . I I . . I I . I ' The. Home Smith brought 180,600 having regard only to the claims of L Which then have bad -ceremony Will take -Place, With th6 Oov- Men L I . and came from the laStL part of ' ernor-oeaeral, Premier R. 15, � Bennett 'thriatiatrized,. . -Boffi Escape . i ' " W th , * , L ' L 'nor . . . bushels of w eat for the Ooderich etc - I h L . P., . she shall notice. Dated at Brussels this 12th day of France L to be they lived arid big. Cabinet, and delegatei to, -the In quaint -houses and wore quaint cos- I . MI InjurieS L . . . voter on Thursday and cleared for the head of tire lakes orl.Vrlday Afternooit. L I . 1 July, 10.32. . I . . �onfiirenab aboard, the Lemoyne -will tumes, while many of their customs, .1:7. .. - I I.--, . 0. . � I . I . ' . . I MARY DAVIDSON, . I , leave the' look and, L procebillng ,on her which were enumerated, have a0vt-ved. I County Treasurer Gordon Young and The Sino-Gernutt airline service bo- I . . L . Executrix, W. W, Davidson Estate, W86Y to Lake Ontario, break the ribbon The Normahs, who came , canal, And the new I originally stretched across hid son, Howard, had a very narrow. I I eEcape from serious injury on Monday tween Nanking and Loyang, China, is to , I be to Peiping. . I Brussels, -Ont. . .the .... t from Scandnavia, were L barbarians with extended: . . . I . ____ � .. I P I . I . . .1 . ­ 11 . — _. .. ____��_;7 d I I wnyay wil Imu uWarod 0AMLa"y a .penchant for . destroying Property, yet afternoon, shortly after lutich how.;. . . . I - I I . , .. . � . � .. 1. I_ - ,, ­ __..... . ­­.. ­ _. ­ — open. For the . 1. . I I . . . I I , , . I I � . I � I - . - . . . . . FOR SALt Olt TO R9NT - ' Le be6asion' It 'a expected the, they developed a remarkable genius for .Driving out to the. Young fa�m In Cat- I Como . . . . . "-_1 . I . ,� 11.1 I . . .. . .. . '___ Moyne Q1 carry &,xgcord cargo. -government. They Invaded England and borne to work at the haying, the steer, � . . I . ,! .. I � I THE 0. F. CAUEY -Co. . � I I PART OF HOUSE To H8NT._,Vur. pECLILIAR10AICCIDEN'T . � Canada, . and were .. hard-headed, prac. Ing gear of their coupe suddenly was ing Even ts . I I I W. CRAIGIE. P_ bleat lot'with a n. Z. the ear had Just pass. AND bUSINE SS 11UWV8 I , . , I � nished, modern conveniences. A , . love for litigatio much rendered useler . FIRE. ACCIOENT ani MOTOR CAR D. Ply at STAU OFFICE.. . / :d . In evidence today. . ed over the C.N.R, overhead bridge . I .. . - . I . . . � � " .. IN9VrIX.k,%4.PL0 suranceandleal Estate. , , Miss Evelyn Black Palls Orr a meta., when It got put of control. Howard Was , h Woman's institute wal I I f, 1*09"Y F60 . , In I I . . �. VOS aALF,-Bauty equipment, Sun- cycle -Let is' Lacerated . . A R-miarkable King driving. The machine mounted the em- The. Goderic . . . . ' V-1 The Mutual Life.of jesatast . . . 1DOMINION, FROVXNCIAL. � dryette irons and Stove, PraotIcally - Professor Landon -gave much time to bankment on the right aide of the road, hold their ' annual picnic at Harbor Park, . ... "I ,_ 9sr1e9:—J6s0'1mT9WPLe� W"?qr'. Goptnic" . r4VXltV1r41ZONDS. , now. Apply Box 28g, Wltighara, Ont, r the long and remarkable reign of Louis the front right i0beels and axle onap- Thursday, August 4th. All members are I I . ' � . . . After mounting ,4 standing hiotor. -1715) - ping and bending, Th cordially invited to attend, - I . . . . . � . . . . . Ph6ma 234 WSON 91t, INu.get . , XrV of France (1043 .This ro , t car continued on . I I I . I F� I . . 1, I ..., �, .. � ­ I -__11.1J1 FARM FOR SALV.-Fotty acres, moro'eycle, standing inthe yard of bet home Markable king, with a love for, routine to A-sufflotent angle to cause It'to turn '.The Woman's Hospital Auxiliary. are, . I . . . � . . �­ - q. . . I I or - less, the pro ertY of the late last Sunday ::morning,. Miss Evelyn � . . I . .. 0 I I I . � ­ I - H. W. 0. Nottel, situavied at the end of Black, 4eUghter of Mr. and Ut 11 arid pageantry, ruled his people in the over four wheels up on the road as It holding'a Bridge and Tea on the Mac4 . � . . .''i � ,, s, ar- strictest sense of the word "ruled,'! He fell back. Ur. Young and his on emerg- gay Halt g!.�ound% Tuendoy, August 30th. . . I � I 1; South street oft the OutfOrn boundary ry Black, Huron road, in some unex. . I I . I I �f the town,, of good clay. team,. large was a veritable Institution., No time in ed from the wrechaae.wlth but a tow from 3 to 0 p.m. Xindly reserve the, date. I : A^ I n,C! ­ h6usd and barn, drive abed; Workshop; scouring another I ' Xcep, in mind August 146th �ind 17th, I �* I I hertabouse,' artesian well (135 feet), the tent her leg came In contact with come hedged about 'with ritual. For forty car. later proceeded to the farm. laxanl- Tuesday and Wednesday, for St. Petor!s . I T'R USER LARLI � beat of water; good' fruit trees. sharp,.Metal and was nevere1q, lacerat- years the daily routirie of his Iffe .never 16ation of the car, which Is very boidly Catholic Churrh seeond -Grand Xermls3 �. I . I - � plalned manner fell off and in her des- modern history was there a king so brulses and cuts and, I . I BE I t . . � . vdral location, close to schools and ed. Dr. Hunter was called to dross the . 11 . * 0 ' IF churches, Par further particulars apply votind. The Machine, which wag not varied, aiId one could not read history damaged. shotved the ball and socket at in the. Ooderkh akatInC rink. This Is , � 0. . I without mairvollipg at thi 'industry of the base of the steering rod to hava In the great event of the maon. '11, .1 . . at Moore s Garagi,.St, Aodrew's St, Goderkh, on the premises or to PERCY or WIM running, belongs to a cousin of Miss the man, : some unknown manner betome dfacon- ' ' I I , . . . . . . � XMF,Im i.� 1. , -1 , . - Black's, a visitor for the day. She Was I I ' . , SPECIAL! OPTICAL OFFER " . I , . I 4 LL -1- �,_��L*,_�_,_ - .1 - . 1. I—- I Professor Landon told of the days of neeted, Th� 'ear was not Insured against . . , I . � - ' confined to b6d for a few days, I . I Mgt - a . , 1, Real bargains this wee an44Wd'Will take REAL ESTATE AIND INS10iiANcjg � Champlain, Jacques Cartier, La .Salle, .400114lon, . I �rado, most Aylldh and up -to - h . I .. . I . . . I date Gtassea. .rim I - I � I . � I, 1 �­ �' f��_ . I . I I . ___­­ In sheii, -white ( or'rimleac. Tour choice. . � � . . '.. I our oldear in on exchange on . 1119 AgmsTRONO AEAL ES�I!ATV NUDE BATHING ? 1� . .1 I . . )r �Ink gold-filled. with . , . Y AND.INSURANCS .AGENCY. . I I I P � vuj� lenses complote, for oply. $0'10.- lnvblble .. ';1 � ' any of t4. following. , " . . I . Voi Safe at Once* Traft Officer Has Suspelot' Moser's Creek and Goldtlf&pe gVell bift,mla With choice of 'frame complete, , ", But . ,� . . �� . � Fine V1. -story brick'llaose.' excellent . Falls to Secure Evidence - . only S12.00., Yellow �old-fllled With flat , . . - I 'i, I I I lol lollte3, only $4.00. . . . condition, modern e4ulpped With cellar, p %phor. I - UODSL A FORD COACH . . . — I ----L Sf at Carlo � I I close to Square,, price $100; 11L� story I Hold Centreof the ,'Jage A- Th&o Orlia . , d . � . . UODM A ,Volt%) ,nOADM= , 103gr 8TUDZIIAXER, 8 OWAN house, Partly pallshed. hardwood floors, Geannin6v the horizon from a badge - . .1 � ,­# . . I . -'-. Include a thorough exim'matign by otir , . " i; - 1031 DUUANT PANEL I)MVERY tv welmmown specialist; Mr. Husluan, : , loso COW. COACII: finely decorated, modern equipped, ,good OVer the Maitland I I er in East WaWan. Deputy-neove "Jaike" Moser of bod- able 5pring on the adjoining farmi Mr. .3vi,., 30 yeari po.al, . ,,, Only drivbn 4,000 miles--41ke neW ng W (Mderich, Von � � I I 1930 mm. i3popm ItOAMITM , cellar, tholeb, location, price $1300; i5sh an one a, the hot days. of last 'Prich and Reeve Albert Goldthorpe of 0oldthorpe won out and the well was ae, anured of tho bea,t'.opUtAl *00k to ' ' . .1. 14AS ,bltft COACH . 1028 ZSSMC COAOU 0 ' . . 11� story house, $050,,,.116 story house, Week, County, Traffic Officer Uvarli; e , .. . 'y - be I �, I 6 -S. - - 1920 DMANT OMAN , $550; 11� story home, $500. � Colborne township, both bonnle munlel. sunk 1" tile cent te' - His political OP , obtained. Thartday and Viday. Ati- ,� 0 0,0t"., F . I * on vala- . � � Is fell upon what Ito thought wa-5 A ,pends, � � �., w Matly othem-ask about. them. eye ponents say the Well do gust 11t1r, 12th, 0mith's Art Store. 004- I I , I I . . Some houtts to rent, nude bathing party upstream. The Pat gladiators, looked horns at Parlow fall and b6page, for Its supply. Mr. erich. . . I .1 , � — "IR I OOD P,O-acre farm for sale. 131f; eared Into the bush and last,.Thursday evening when 1h1r, Mos. Goldthorpe c1mrges that on the eve of _Wd�� �4w . I ,:1 J. E. 9T_EDEL8AUJE1:,A% 6 bathers ftapp . . 1W I , . � .. Prop bargain -$22 per aere, including tho traffic officer hit upon tile Idea of orla appeal against the 1932 asmstardut Dc-coration J)ay, 1031, tAr. Mo�er, Who I . I , I i 11 all crops It bought rek. Small down pirking Alongside a standing Auto to. of his hotel and farm at Dunlop came was.doing onto certerete work out there, CARD OIF THANKS -I t,, . . _ =�=.� payment giceepted. rtmediAtO POS,ke3- await developments. 8hortly aftet a before Judge ,Costello, who drove to t1w pump2d ,the well dq. At thc, last nom- Mr. and mra, rverott Allin wlol I I __ I . 1 ��l--.,..--�'-�-,-��—.��-��-7�.-,--�--l-l�.�l-,-�----- — I eoll, no waste, about GO � _ �01r - t4salk W1 tftmc, =9 Zolpcd tnr'any- war ., . d I . I � I I _­ � "... .11, 1. � - I., . �. . ­ . . . . - I ... I ­ .I --1 �� . slon. Excellent of four tumed up, fully clothed, ceeno of the battle at sundown to as Ination nlec-ting �ftt 4,�oifb�� vma chat�- to save their house. the n1ah', their barn 10 wo - 11 0 - "WONWA-00.0" I 11 � atrea timber, 45 acres tmlft orop; balance 11111t, - . I I , . 11 bay and PsAure. ,00od bank barn. 11� but not,tarrying bathing suit -4, rn*S. tu4. to� latorfero with ,*laying operations. od that Reeve nbldthorP3 bad to send wasburned. I - . '� . 1. I , � �, I nt*17 house, fte 6ndltloa, 19 Milo from Much 0 pr6of would be AMIcult the During 1* 1wasontatfon Of Ilia cwO up au G.O.S. fDr a bue%ot� lbrigatle, so I'll I- W_�*_-44�_*­­4-­ , . I GoderIch., clote tel school, good markets, officor decided otgothist laying I% chugo. Mr. tfo�er Wervetl that Mr. 0014thorpe that his wall MIght ni akc� N jfWnt thow-t !, ZORN , - * I . I !I I , � Sun Life 988urenoe OOTPHY of Book —_ * 0 1 1 one nelghborhoA � waa comothing of a "kibitzer." which Ing. SupDartora of tile spring oil the ad- VIVAV300.4-04 Thurs4ay, : Olot to . . I Z�, J. W. ARMSTItON6. CAUGHT IN MIXER - we ago told is tlus 1114dish fOT `butter,�� joining tarm tald that on the afternoon Mr. and ILlro. Alon. %V%L-on. of CoMamo, I . . �� I . . - . ,,fare Int . � . IDOX 80. 00derich. In,- Tile Doputy-neove was in the att be -oratlou Day tile Goldthorpa a con. , . : I , VAirtTAt OR INCOW 7 � . I � � -1 .1 _. -, %irbe-A Ildl, (106dell TowmMo, Its: of egplaining that the valtiv Of 1115 Pro- Wmi, was dry, on the afternoon f Do' LOVEOtIOVE­ At Tonawanda, N. Y., I Life, Assumce taken for domestic Mpotes Ahould be MeAtured In Vkiw 'at Actwe"t ptsty as a pasture tarm largely depald- coration Day the Wove hi=elf urnod on July 8th, lf)32" to Lit. Ar"is, Mes, 0. . I 1, I. It -=A, of taeaMe as disthrot from caDH9 Value. M&ny, men, thinking in DUPLICAT'R CONTRACT � ed on tile iaWall, It It wo a dry tile taps� and, lo and bellold, tit water D. Lovcgrove mee tlao CamDmi, of . .;. , �� ­­­­ st3ton the empu whleb couclxs, thronah can, e i �nc-,�Vo Goderlerl) a daughter. , � te2rds ef,glpgal VAIVS, think tlwg Am Well Insurrd, bat WhM tl�ey Agato A 0 V JP t I 0 A ft CONTUACIT � I t � III& asswatic,6 Jil, A,trms of Inome vatte, find that thelt as urafteo It quite 181111110619 T01U*NAW,.qr will be While oporatlag tile kl&b of a C6�A-e tile fatm. dricd up And Tat WiLl forced to run2d thoAr olro In a ma -'e=, ont. A Mir. DIED . 11lade%ot% .1 creto Ibilon, tracst *11, dmetlt% f�6*1:�* earry Watt? to tile cattlo, - aele had bwa perfor)XIC1 � I I ' � ' L22 Ito- �2111� o' t 12"As ef t, i A ' ' L � , , I � 11 I � , ` il 1923 CHUISM I � f - I l' I , i 'el � hol ass!r� �� _ , , f o I'lad JVt htl.d at the 801ft SVNSET tn PATWIIIION-At Ciluton, va ,Itoa­ , . _ " I , $hip, Met w1th %list etay might have jusl�l t4erl Albc,7� jlltcrru;ftl�d� CAW ,Yudge 045tolto will make a cruto of 'day, July 23t.11, 1032, 'IC:510 13A4�tC.:tO.J. I Vtnt 4e=a W-ul roue assurance $�Xld over a wrio'l of ten or tweatq, I 1 69 1 *%IOAV XV01ING, ItIty tftlf, - tit ,, W giving his declolwa, w1dow Of 1110 Vito D321101 PaRamon, � . I Yen -t 9 r,ravtd a vf26d94C4*aV, one) t1gy lasl,, Jake: ,,L+ b Imt Itko OaldthotpVa %,It. o, towash:p M . 2 , 'A I i At 8.30, ovift-k. Vek. in IcIsthts b4cllffo ent*Iled in at Golbolzo eeaxtt-rp . . Wlwa It rllns� .take is Dulllng elrorza for hot, dry asca 01 t�cftrs. I i, . -6 COZ(113M the maefatnety and 11A, Was being caitled we bctfs 100 ftic", 'S7 , . . offlet 115 I All 10'�02$ Ot 0:096 Ar ' , � vxattic., la the sio4 wc-c-k �ow two� to (4- IN me""ORtAm � O" " vkbol" . I * MV11W. . � no wiltu us brothev Vrczit by prftpo, VnTrAp it SlltauW W 02V1LA1Zt4 S111-5 it �UP 104 C7Ctk, fCd=0 US d==!!4WXAt %ad UINMIGHAW�111. Taving M�Mazy 01 � �, H. R., LONG, Ditittict Agent ted n 0VANIJ*03 %N1 hara d -Mbtt I ifttode"r, 6411 ft:Z,A_­%ekC-t!5 so C#Aff. . at -lion, ught aud Tozemcd Ift. 11mest .1 . I �,Cl yeir ASI, a C-6, nlzovc-167 W" %a -d 63 to ronde 0 �0 Jot"n nc-n,y mlcoh3w, wlinl ?Astca SWI7 1 1 � � I.., .1. � I �... . I -11.11."... - �� I 81511.1481tv 18)(10ar, 15ft"Oto I WAS Iftst-3 And teToftbcd $111 Is wInve to lr�,,15r, t110 cww*X­�g tc% 6,41 A -Ext'" 01 r_=Ls' is frulling*0vou M44U JnIy Mvl. 1931. Ca�no dAy %'0'21 U:'4(!.�,14 ---,— - _fA - I- - - I . --- 00 for a, low ds% � - P�ag. 6e to, op al, AVAIL- ird", CC:,;:'X15 PTX-a1VXaff.1a. .tav -0 'y romem - � � lm=L� _.....­ . I.. .1 . �. _. 111. ­ ... I—- . ­ 11 L cemttovy V,1 . I C 41 -.30, .bnca by V,,��Ik% I �, . il I . . . I . . . . . . A - � - ___1__- ---.....-----.-.-.�---.--------.-,� ---'-�-�-'--"--"-""""'�'-'----�'--�--'-'-""�'-L"�'�----"- -I'--,'-'-- ,�...,..-...-�-,�."��.....-.,.�.�-.�-..,.-.�,--.--,...,-..�."--,-.- . ­ .1. ­­­ .... ­ . ..... ...........- ... 11-11-1-1 -1 -111--. 1-- -11'......".11-.I....., _____­­ ......... ­.­ ..... ...... ­­.._­.­­ � . ... ....... . ­.­ ... � . ... ..... _­_­.­..­ . ..... ____.­__._. ___._.._­_._...­.._ ... _._..__/___.�