The Goderich Star, 1932-07-21, Page 8Cieluburn • Sem Wmleehie tarot 'else weckeend visaeze f mole Teeente, • lehne Irwin Is iti at Lee else Mts.ij1 n else areth Gravel rasa. , ore:. htla zza. Mere Elteacigean, feeens the eetatre, callea relatierecG "POO_ Tesenspeeei ot Ceeaton, ere eilre taceege Ste:rage; the :tamer eon 1' ofethe weeld , rzahl ti;IL1 nalwatico, triidco the etettu-chuvultoz last itteSteleee. ' Mre. Wm. dace:eon iziVieltlea her eon, Jaime da&zeil, al t 3tV(141A353 iT-Illiatit7 it Peanut, PritLesere. ttiweete viets in the Presbyterian eliurch here aud at: Smith%UUZ on Senley. Mr. and rs. Thee. Andc.sreen, ot Ooderieli, tao fernier .part ot tile week ori relatives in this locality. all:a Janet Dolde and her stster, alba Ex.nia Doble, o Pertlind. Oregon, are rivee hero this week on a vieit to rehte DINNERWARE Jost in front, tioilend, 111 sis, iii,h4c "jai ori, twelve p1 v-• A.. *to, 104#r4tt C�ler' 1- 54.-,orw 00 With, Mr., Iletithatiee's sietoe, Oro. awe erwin, ono day le4weeTe. • Congratidatiortk,MIi M, Aderas and O. Oood ors theie etteeetis et theeEntranee mane „tee Mr. and ears, John Said% eteompene Miss Alma =Chi is holidaYing a the lee by the termer's Mother, MM. *later, ult:::1,4" 11°' and' 4145. *pent the weed.end With Mrs, Slater, „master Donnik-fiosso,ufrPlaninninhn, Sees, daughter, Mrs, Edger Lawson, ot is visiting with die moo,' $ Medd er Frank Paithbv owes with the far- thl4 Week. 11 s.• ont last rettelletation to ttawa. 'Panning' )efetfeet, returned, recognized as the basic; industry of the :tot - "nleiO Dominion, The retention made thein ear evene eepreeeated the feel thlit they were eontldred the bower* r O. here Ikt one or the defeitation to of wood and drewers ot voter for the csita;‘,,a last weeieend. Demieion by thoxe anthority,, miss Alice Tinenesee Is spending. her (Front another correspondent)eteuesys, at the nonce of her grendPer- taeo. Bean's sister and. her family eats, Mr. and ears. Wm. o p o were his guests over the week -end. Mist Dorothy 'Orate 1$ (104i:1444 Gede- J.•Taeler and 80h have improved their rich, arirnraer Edtakiel thia Week deea deb - atom by treating: it. to a coat, of Paint. gate frOM the ig P. S. oat %noir Mated tho Village, • • ;44:3y ineeita t3 Steel. #alt19 1334-0 irCatty latile70 11,aymg ceoeoe'Oene la thee deatirect, eietne ee reo eateretes teevo etarted, CO k2' W42D weeo3 e'fizza gee?. • 'Mrs. lite. Eerete. CI Pentiase eS been zo'VYQne:ore; aequalistareeee tetivea aea feensea ethe erneasenfey. '7..ere else is a soese at the ireme ete. and ales. 4M, . • Tge reguler ineetasi a tele itinten elstweie 'wee ise. ea Feiley vane. ZsIr..-'Arn3;e1 SPO:tezsUDave bilx4o tike rooting. Ail yamer peeplo irrieeea „to attend. • '• Rev. P. W. Ceelle eleiiverea•-• a very bee' •terestiage aaaeos • Irene the Meer, ionton eirespir OA Sunday, tektite for 'te ceejeet, i4Tise .tee that• heridemEneetiragee imenterene teegXe Met. etitech . • IPeone. anether eereezeir dent) 311 Ihi$41 Pleitae(li 6 RiVerSide, the...w.eelte6=-6,Lita Vat-Ur:9-- l.erilee. Aid Met lise'Oraeo elturele on' Tisuredey. whet oboistthirty present, •Mra. Woods taking oharee at the open. and Prayer hawcien. react the $eripture' Urge LC/ / f eeel lag exerebee, einaing . MM. eies4 #1, vg THE GOD RICE STA1 T to V' alsce 1032 Auether„Shipment has just arrived OF Al 0 14,), IEN614511 DPeitatlit SETS, TEA SETS. BERME riETS, ETV. Abe lovely seperete perus. se sada* Mr gifts are.1 prim. $et Ote Pinner Sete are wander - tali and at Mach low pekoe, New Yew clunee to get a real ifls' „ tier Set cheep. Saithss Art and Gilt Stoic Fut, $1. none19* , lemetor gave a lotion reading- 'at's, • • Gardner 444 -Mrs. Pickard eana a duet '-'""""""'''' and MOS Dom 'Bardeen sang a solo. The regular ',Monthly Meeting ot Then Mies Stn1iz' Z Clintori, eve eal- Plingstunott leirmon of the Women's. In - led on or an addrese ed her westa titote Will he bele ThursaitY, jely 28th, Oveeomville, whieh Was eery inspiring. et 3 p.m. Pao haute of; Mrs ! J Ry - 1e related a narciben of her eSper., UM The hOstesses Wili 'be Mrs, O. a, Hutto wines there and was vere inter. BrOW11, MrS. Reee and Mrs. It Day. other tiMe. The presiderit, asi 'Proc. Dengantion 'United ohisreb. Sunday Himenties-sehool-heactetheire vett, chiefly dm arranging tor the rasp- ClOderiell, Wednesday 'alternate:I. 'Per* 'eoctal to he held on the 27tit, also T'lle Sienday school and congregation , of Erskine- forelbyterian eirerch, Dun - (From another correspondent) • gannon, heve been invited to Joni with Vbs. Ect Speiran.• ot Ooderielo weathe Lttel(neW Presbalerian dituldaY school 'Joey. It, w33 zawae tewo befeet he ...eareece cineeleaserse, hat aithozait he ie.:este:ales cf.? tee:`,..eg hes neze, dean:seat i'en* wee 37.70, he b lesereese feeehig ei.V: ltee bad. *len: .regue,er meet;ng e: the gamiest- „rea breech of the Jereler lasOtate wee heel at the blaze hg elise Liery Maim OW. Charles C3U6r4rM, e• t1 Tiurreday. M4SS Margaret 0m7slit, the twee:a:nate • •Teeetiplea the etiair. The reit call. was •answerea by eageesttene for, litUdd / tenelees, Miee Gera Virilkaie; Vae =tele .peinted assistant'.' lizoretary. I. Arilat3 Voiles, Eietrigarmon, cieliverea 4.,mose Me etruetive!ciddrase 411 IF )34 to 413 fat tee?. 'aii dreaming.” P. Yokes has the inteee 'este se the Junior Isotitute,..es Welt as t the Junior, ritialerS' Cinb, nitiOli atil?,eart and expressed Ins pleesure at being Pee* • cent to addreee the gat:herb*, tae or- ganization of Which, lie iseertily AP,I proves. ells addreas wo very Innen 01 Preetatetriby sal Ali--present-Miszr Men- derent eteetritelteirti ea Piest:vire-reed, • ing Tth Te geering then topic else tom of a picnic out,e-doere. upon the lawn q the tostees where Mess Mary Million deMOnstratea *Raw to bulk; A gentle: fire." A seng-song Wes enjoyea artd lunch 4ile served, picnic stele. TAO 'members 1st tim annior Institute accept.. ect the Invitation of the Junior Vermere* CW a tis loin them in a wiener roast et Port Albert ozi Friday evening, •Since the It Meetirig IiIrs.. Everett Errbegtoo. (nee Miss Mere Kreuter) a member ot the Iustitute who wee Married same time ago. was Made the recipient of,a allVer er old friends, nrenthere tic tUe Peett- tut& 'late next meeting is to be held at the home of the president, Miss MM'''' geret =ruin. Miss Claire Pentland is a guest with, her aunt, Mrs, T. Huey Walker, Braze eel& having accOmpanied her on tier tee •oent return to leruseels. after Mrs- Wake eeting, She will be wet -collie back an, Th • Mr. and Mrs. Eli Holtahauer. of Nip,- entreat. _ gene Falls, also Mr, and Mrs. Fsed Pot- Mr. and dare.est deValdeteintlton, Wes ter and tatullY, of Holeriesvilleo visited Ethel and Mrs, 0, E. Erna Attended the Amoral of a coustrej.ri Stratford on Thes- day of this week)! t Mr. andgikro`fra. Mayhew, of Thamestalle, spent res 'dist of this. Week visiting the ladya brothers end mother, atm, Thos. Straughan, C. M. and Wm. Stranghati. Mr. and _Mre. Sturdy and Or Reveletoice, 73.0_,,e tette '0 iatives en this, vioinity On '*eiur •,elast Yleek. It is forty-nine years %nee Mr, Sturdy lett Huron Co, 4.06.1 .1••••••••••• WE CAN TAKE CARE OF YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN FURNITURE , Stoves,. fact 007 - thing*. for the :home 'ft* 1932, and yfie save iy00 *toner.' Blackstone's On the Broadway of Goderich visitille in ,the comMunity last week. in the anniial Pinata at Ember Park, mr. sant alcAllister, of Detroit, Mich., Materiels. ou Thursday Afternoon, JtilY has been a visitor in the eeinntunity, 2ist, wire, John smith, of .efedeeleh, spent IZ, 0, Mohelland, bank auditor, er had enloyed a pleasant Vi.sit With, Mr, Suttee)? at 'the home of Me. and Mrs . with his essistant, were in Dungannon, and lair& AB. Pentland - Win. Puller. on MendaY and Tuesday in a business The heifer width was 'intended ear the ValcOner Spent Sunday At tbe entitle of Mr. And •Mrs'. J, M. Wilson, of ElOra, being klaughtered, was found tec bes wee and wire, teee, paieoner. • were teensient visitor8 at Dengannon on eased with tuberculosis 'end the mete M, •and Mrs, Ytobt. MoAllistee end Wedliels4a3", 'bebid aeeteati44404A by MIR was MU'S unfit for oaristunPtigre and' ev*e r family spent Sunday at Auhurri with Ratideen Reed,- wilts foined her stster, neceeearily -destroyed., The .petrehe of and eers. Dave Hamilton. " M133,04110 'Reed, of Toronto, and her the ring, therefore, •ctict without tilde Mr: Jas. Herten and Miss Marguerite eanacitie laurigannon beef ring this week Won - twe, end /Are, Geo. mecum:mei and brother,. WIllirsta el.' Reed, of Petroit, portions of meat, Otte week. t ftia ir the home et axle abo eere, wm, Feuer, father, -Mr. Role Reed, Oodeeich. edam. en rredae, family, of 'Louden, -.were recent guests at.who are holidaying ut - • Red Wren, Ie.teau,„ was 'a Dungennore thle:vIL::43'el'11.41: leahttliSa;erleehatitkiPOYlltePsCiliti °4?tkelriedT;th.1)0 'PulbtPeiCtul2J°11EgtAlcitt.KeitteParrelab.Ye: jo'43arnittntglat, E:nwarreeends' t°tr.r. °°aerich'' vitterl , °caul:lied. besides those living in tents,. terten, oneeeri.. Dungannon very az- • - Onto, was here for a do or tare Ilideateele I in company with Robert Devidsone in- vestigating the recent fire whicie 'ele., strayed the tine barn belonging to Wil- bur Stewart of on, 0, Colborne town - eve brae" of horses made a dash Mr freedom when 44 • rePert will be te°elee4 at ;tile in Kingston and then tontietne their, The trip rope on the halt 1 The regular meeting of the v. S, eentab Y on Sunda, rn Deputy Fite Marshall Cowan, or 'pr..' Will be held in 'Union church cin Pricier '4We:unaided by Mrs. McCullough and mr • and Mrs Richard cifowhinney ••evening. AU young people are totted they•were geest$ iteter the seririee with itdr, and aim D,‘ MUMS) and famUy to attend • , 'Fortune fe.Vored 'Wilbur Brown, when left on a Motor trip on TileScialt,,' Mr. Mr, Robt. aletwed was injured, last win b •on Saturday afternom his fipirtted teant Munro will attend the NfasOnio mee g •wee g s p His trip ieriS Ow LI" of One 'Thousand eahelhg '1141Wal° t° at the' till: pare'oe,11;ecY°tIgi.liettneeotlriarto: •t'iselinprpetudeoevnectr lirSt Diljaeattittagzshut utntihe nclirt FrreTarnsure Euatthee, Wands, load, Nire are *mod that it WiS not of the lenitive, allowing the wagon to eeca o •e-treeoweererere: more serious. of otmoth.t.tv.,etwelywAids. oit.u.laetejautolireci, 0,aurvrtiveeesd rotinouetnn.len?dtg;I:SLtthreorrino.d,Sureeiri. gartobwaot they Mr.. itvaMsrvse,..7Roplheertasatirirdly sguranp,riesfedDonnt Dungannon. bungalow tnrenougalhors soona, the ofiadrra,r4ieerrbolirthewaraeroad. GODERIC, 11,04110i_ 011 wiuThebe„saflobristerniveettnt tiot entmeloenn rcdhetu'rInPoenr at camp•leitaidgeeni on Monday mem. jring dear of the Nvagon ast when ell but one Of the members of Vigere Pant. lellettigan, halting taken o ses re thentselves after the int- eetentyelittle birthday. Present' were-- the farm across, the :road /rem his home: clan, of Toronto. home of spheernduitolineelituereholidays at tbe° The minute_ picnic er Union Sunday Pace, winch broke the tonetie and neck Mhtliare FaIi tt mile th 'Pennigan, 'ale; OUP gannOmm is raeisingPillti.re-reSeohdelline: ,Ift. Tilts` aEcliceE°w.ie, oerbieeri` mite: 104buenr:b7itstre. Th$6111:7sidaNVII1Y afleernhoeoin4, -1-atagyar2Vtrioll'aza;1117, Itte'seisQ sttnedati.,f t,haelinh„inarhesasndendb the FertranEklindwinrin(Igear, Seaforth: 'Mrs. hia barn. Mr. Thomas Drennan, of ee available, Games and tneeewm Secilred by their owner. On of the The only. absent memher„ of the family LE of DRESSES ight at the heist/pa of the season comes this opportunity to purchase your hR weather wants.at sp(ciar . 4. it Ztu •44, e ye dies' and Misses' Voile and. Celanese t 9 oc, Dresses spacially priced at e2ch tv.w.vg, Nialftiih71oile, and CE4P,Pressex SWIM SUITS Child's sixes 22 to 26, each* Girls' sixes 26 to 32, each s' sizes 26 to 32 s eed style, each Ladies' 34 to 40, each , Men's 34 to 44, ,speed style, each . $1 65 These ore 411 in fine pare wool in this season's styles. Beach Pyjamaslor sGirls, Misses' and Ladies at popular pricss. 1111611001•100111=1.1MORO..0•01141111111•10.- Your. Steele O. W. SCHAEFER dut Phone 56 eon 5, ASiefieleereeehevinteeerriewee4wel.' ling erected, whitholsotoetesoluileopied- ern, me. John Tigert .is erecting a. new s,,, Miss Orsoe pond is la charge of , tue e4v1:, e,tr Id elm tree at her Mealy gathered to 'hotsor her upon' over the home at Port Albert, Mr. Eir- uiss xatideep maczatieics of Asimeid the eantp, assisted by aese Muriel 13. r eolieretiof D. Glenn% lot The the ooaeion, of' the obbration of her am Sandi*, erectieg a new barn on ,Sundisy, Ju . • beach at le i one wishing a 'ride wilt kindly meet at 'thr°4111 Oe wire lence' into Mr' St°44" (VI°1et)* it'11/14a°' 4.11d Miss Ethel Pin - •Man •weiner roast at the 1 n o • house's Paid' wher the ft ' e nigan w * restde there the barbed wire on the top of the fence. of Macklin,•Sask. lelerabers elhese re- iiPatrick '(attabel), ... no enjoyed. Conte and bring your bee:. herses rec. deed'. niinar scratches freely was Atrao VIM. am K --.............................„..—.........---,..... All young people. in the community act L .. ',..".'''''.*..'..' . ,,—.,.;,' ,1'. '7'1",•11'''' - '' . i ket. Everybody welcome t ee..........,00.;ale' ' '''':. I The Jul, meet* ed the *est a, was Members cif the Junior Partners' -Oluls .sPeotiVe families Were also present, and and the ;tinier Instittite, with a few ee a very happy, time was enJoye'd'e. tatir , held at the home of Mrs. jai. 'Iroliog op t Thursday afternoon With eighteen Mon- thole friends .enjoyed el 'delightful 'went, wistt le that Mrs. Finnigan' may have done. The devotional exercises wweaere IrritittletrevP-erinititte13Tta:'eSittelree°!tria.M.Albeofrt the Mr. ilitiMt.lrY. hrittaPvPlYdlt•urFnisgg9illat' theen' ddar.two. • 'little , liers present. Considerable sewinii taker, say isdes_cen. kaiconer, yito open„ evening Was via ip Plating games and daughters, Agnes an( Jean, of Welland, sweron4 on Tuesday evenina, jtay. 26. • wm the home. of Mrs, Harwood where can e Y were k etwa.ds h s with her rap . Clearance of Summer' 'Friday and Saturday July niitifia'23ia We will offer many spW ecial oo in Teirnineet'and Tailored Rats, attractive in design and quality at ' HALF PRICE chikirentg Ilats; Baby Bonnets and Scads. MISS M. R. Illaci,ICAR Iiin!otort Street 3,91.111o,riph SAVE YOU 'MONEY. Compare Our Prices! Kee thiliverY'Service • PACiSoap rfilOssirs ALL BRAN Ligi,A,Little e / P OUR NEW SUPERIOR 2.fi TEA, in Lead pkgs' 44PUC , RAINS IftEe!iSVac!e KASTARD 'As 2 cl 49c CHOICE QUAUTY TOMATOES2** Sc rma•••••••dol. FRIO JARS %au tik MeJ $1.14 IcERTO Rubber Rings that Quality 29c • tlia esaeleer later those areseht 'gathered 'around the arrivea on Tuesday by tot,. led are • ed the Meeting with I Sprinkle Alany Nations." Mrs. cathitre to Waal! the Walsers and enjoy Cralk reed the prayer from the ales- the hot OCOSS. A sing *Ong Completed I Swientinhelhtleateerolhisl cmall viNrAtths reneepoinnare,dwto. the el/Mina's enjoaroent. • Arthur Brovnt and Benson Pentland, •Orailr asking tlie cuiestiOna, The offering Of the 0,A.C.,-tatelpn, were week -end • Tbe laYmne. Spacious ThenaMent EllPattle14 444 *1844, Mies wag received and the creed repeated; Vi,sitora at their.teepetive hoMes. A Pairner tioepu- ered 4.waidsdrseunts_go. Rev Iona Olive Elliattrietre who are taking snipe vlslted the CreitiOn," which was interesting Story et mer course at Taronittou' piVritritieerke.itY. as over the week -end wtth tapir parents, , as Unique, :Mrs. Palmer read an 14.4 *44 110e'' Mrs, W. T. and little _son, of article written by Rev. 0. ene titled "The congress, The CVOs and The Ltittiellthfoernirt'egr'tezeht't3rellit;'Ihvree visitors vjtth 'Crown," Short prayers 'were read by Mrs. Phillips,' ears,..etase Ana urn, tune Mr: arid earea 0, M. McKenzie and barna, The kvnin elent lone roe Au two thildren, Malcolm and.• A.adrey Mankind We Pra311,4 was sung. and the Jeanne, *44 141b Itaa Iteiclt wile 44/e Meeting dosed by repeating the Lord's °14°tYeetclurnae"rit°ttalahea h°11(1137 Vpreel" to Dmigataton on Saturday PraYer in unison. A dainty lunch was to, zerved by the hostess. evening. immiLLBR parker Wargihe have returned. from a guesta with dere Stewart _ Air. and lifra, ttebt. J., Wiggins and Ashileld, whose home was destroyed by Ilre last. ,winter, ha.s had a fine new houee erected, and 'Wilber Stewart, of by fire about. time weeks ago, will. erect a new barn to take. the Place eft the one Colborne,thatwaa burned. whose barre was destroyed Report of S. S. NO,.. 8, Asieneldi eassed from Sr. 111. /17. -.Alma Anderson, ;84%; Murray CamPhell, -82; Irvine Eedy, 74; Doris Swan, Bo; • otdra McKenzie., 67; Dorothy Robb, 64; enio3rIng Visit Jr. and Oath/ Albert .rtivett, 63; itichera Oat, 63; Glenn. W. Figghts will return to his 'Harvey Culbert. el; Harold Finnigan; 60, home in. the course Of a few days. but Passed, although absent for some or au Agnes and Jean Will reznain far an reaminetions: • Madeline Cies*, EUIIe tended holiday with. their grandparents, Miss Edna Puttees Elgie, of Itippen, and Miss Alma Filudgen, or Seatorth, are enlayirig fortrileht'e holiday with their grandmother, lam. Robert Pine - gag. Mrs, •Melvin Peed and two children, Oirvin and Dees, of Toronto, are boil - doing with Mrs. Reed's mother, xts, Sarah Orrin, having been accompanied bhyereMr. Reed, whoeWas a. week -end guest e Um. Richard Park, spent it 'week With her daughter, Mrs, Howard Black. Mr., and Mts. Prank Stewart and two eons, 3olur and. Nathaniel, of Magnette, wan, Parry Sound Destrict, were reeent and ,• Rea. J. Million will OecupY Senrodliet nelieville. • by lirs. William :hong, of LI:Miller, ' 1. BELFAST pleasant motor UM to Brantford and other relativo. They were acOOnMenied - Church latildt on Sunda. Jul, A very Urge ebncourse of neighbors, with whom also they had been pests, Miss Scott, of atudinay, Is atepting There eae several from lee:miller at- friends and relatives assembled on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Barry Somerville, of lfts‘ 'Sam OherarcAld• tending Summer, Sehool In Oodetich this day afternoon, to pay their Anal tribute Winnipeg. Man.,. are guests with Mrs. Mr, T. A. Cameron, sent as a delegate Week, of respect to Charles Wesley Ritchie. Somervillees sister, Mrs. Rhoda Sproul. to°tta/Va' aPen't Part °t.• the week -end -Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Wilson and Oldie tonceeston 13, Ashiled, when bit funeral Miss Clara. Sprott), of Stratford, is en# Wlthhls-mother hi Lanark County.ere Mrs. JO. terment itt 'Morita cemeterat, toed. parents, me, end Mrs. Davd stoma. dren, or Toronto, spent a week with Mr. was held trent 'hie late home, with in- joying , two -weeks' holidaY with her Ur. and Mrs: .'W. Bray amt. daughter, ikazie, Of Windsor, spent Sunday with Rev, A. and Mrs. Brown and family, new. The funeral service Was conduct:. Mr. and Mrs. vniusue if. McClure and their e°48.14e• Mr:, andMrs4°hh 144/1111* ot alergeesville. are sitendillit their heli- ed by Rev. Campbell Tavener pastor of family Were guests on Sunday with terr. aft *ha Mrs. eaeole mare and daugh- daye Ire the Village., the Aslifielct United church tireelit. and lideCinees sitter, Mrd. Andrew Shepperd, ter, zillie„ Orangeville, and Mr. Will Quite it large number from the village the Orange Order or mon. of width the and Mr. Ciliepperd, Clinton. Beare anent an afternoon recently with Caesar, Vtolet Errington, Donald Rose, Fern Alton, Alberta Climb, Palled, Ale vin Beed, Billie McClure. Pessed front Sr. 11. to Jr. 111.-Anetta Stowart, Itomond Currie, Pi; Jim Errington. • " . Sr. 111,-Vaitutifred Swan, Marjorie Smith, Vere Itivett, 'Clayton Anderton. Jr. Rivett, 70; Ettabel 'Web.; 'ster, Carepaelie 12; Leverne Culbert, . 68: Frank Eedy, 64, Vont ;Young. aei Jaek Ceeastr. eatildeededudee- son, Gerald Ctuale, Bernidine Web, Elwin 'Finnigan, Neil Haines, lieta swan. Passed. teem Priinere, t Firsee-floss Zedy, ,LOOPa-4400 rd • 41 141.411040tiZRIVint, Verna Stanley on Sunday, having Spent a . . montres ,vaoa,tion with her father, Mr KFear . We are Neese& to hear tiest miss Cleat Pinnigan was successful in her recent examinations. Sate. has now a Perman- ent first-olass .hertificate- Miss Jean' .thinclle, of St, Catharines, Who has „been visiting her frIenci, Miss Alice Sheppeact for seeere 'Weeks, rez. turzlett.to he horae *z Saturday., The Nile Y. P. See °Igor 36 strong, had a weiner roast at the lake on Friday evening lot. It eves perfeet night, the moon being' nearlY full and the tent- peratere just right. All report a good time.' ". Rey, 333,, l'ePre,; seining the Ontatio Prolaibition tlntott is to take tile service at Nile itext day, euly 24th, at 4 p.m, This ought t be- a very interesting subject as Tem- peranee Is most involved matter just now, come aect ar get a neview of the situation, Mr. and mrs. Jas. B. Thompson and two children, and Ur, ate aera. Arthur Tandslyn, of Oshawa, were week,end Visitors at the tiOnle or Wry. and Mrs.- Herb Pentland and with- other relatisO t here end Ooderich,., The 'Feting People's SoOlety held their lest Meeting on the parsonage lawn, with 25 in attenderice. Anita Sproule led the meeting, Beth MOPikee react the Scrip- ture lesson, Edgar enemata, read a piper • on 'NV Own leisrarye" and bre Tina- gan gave one On "Falitetzs Men of On-, Melo." It was decided to hold the next e • meeting 4Brogie'e beach on Wednes- day, July 27th. aeal ivrophee vma +chosen AS 1111e delegate to the Summer *hoot at Ittodertolt, A number of thegamere twore Pbkep TrcieYect up. In the lawn berm 1 task in the 12th of July celeibratiOrt deteleed roan 'Mu a useintier, took part eViany improvements. In the line ee Mzetind Mrs. Ram Mullin, Ooderieti Val report, at lege armed. • In the liervite at the grayeside, The betiding are being made this Muleteer. Mee HMO, of Hamilton, and Me& petty of hie neighbors and friende yeer, Wes *On At Mount Forest. a Wirt dwell* bY the addition of •ci new vers. week -end with their *Mein% adr- George FhilliPe, of FordYhe, anent fast rverett Allin has the sincere sYm.. late Mr. Ritehte, who wes in his aetit Mrs. Winiant Sproul is improving her the loes Of UN 'harn on Saturday night of the late Mr. and Md. William Rit- therlee Elliott is erecttng tieW UM' DP" 'allirg/ell* 'by fire. nine. end tense to Aeldbid when one *ha kitchen 55. the rear of his house. Mee, et latge number frau here athlhaea GOOD FOR BABIES *Your baby will thrive On °ode* rich Dairy MI*, and You can des Pend Ori it being Osate, end ebb in lintterdet. GODERICII DAIRY Your Mahn* ak r,te 431 TT oneeluslf years old "tee. He had three Nellie Shatialetoit hat .had her 'stable, the 144116ftle tilher41 mt. fru'• alstere and four brothers of whoin only and wooctehed torn down Arid is having One, Under the auspices of the 0, L. One Skittle Mrs. William Johnston, of •The iyinpathy of alt es extended to the bereaved wife and two eons. a, new kitchen, garage and woodshed laseknow, and two brothert, 4atnee It erected. %Pas dewy SfeRenste,• Cowes* d Roden Eh hie th ,Ititchle an William e , e letter or Walkettile, survive. Ile b sur- Vtved also be hte widow, formerly Miss Catherine ,Oardrief,: to whom his was warded %bout 15 eeers ago, and two eon& Wesley end John Ritchie. Re had teen in felting health for some time and about' two weeks ago was taken t St Joseph's hoapital, London, for treat,. merit. He paned away In Landon an *Wednesday evening. The pall -hearers were George blunter, Alfred Andrew. Robert Andrew, Ralph Nixon, Albert Reim and Prod Anderson. Relatives from distance weed for the funeral were: Urand dim Williani Z. Ritchie and Mit, Walter, Welliertille: Mrs. Car- le t1khIe, Witsgaor: Mr. and Mrs, Jade Dttiloit; Mrie Ronald Tim. mins, Detroit; )drs, Atkinson and death. ter. Witt Itrielter, Guelph; Ala' and Mrs .11.1hert itheldt. Arian; George Mehl and hit* liot filkble. Guelph: William lane, tins. IIM Reed and It I* Seed. Chide**. Mr. and Idrs. *obert Johnston, Cledstelt: George Johnston. StrantAll Mahon Irwin and litts Ileth Irate, igineardlie: Miss Myrtle Ritchie, Tarmac and Ur. and Mrs. ltattITIIITI, Plitt MP" lit anti Sint P. Roo were remit vtelbors in Aubleen. They were seam. parded by their aon, 13orialst, who re- mained fee 4 week's vidt with his Untie, James liedd, David it Itiringtorh ton, I. Wet W*. wanollt. had i narrow !naps from ser. hew Wary at Ada Iterne retevitly while deeming in bay, A Mktg atMY ,Whion Wag it'ilth IMO the now, taught ea a pole en the Scaffold. daatedasnit The pole and touting it to felt The sing *trot Mr. ott the aide sit then fireiteed atm* the owl* and inserted ha down, Re wag shinned end ressif. ed a Mee! nett on the heed whkh Wed 110•10•Ni•Oliiiiii011•Nolliisem7 ormiliii.0110114•••••••Iiill MEN'S OXFORDS Men's fine quality black Oxfords at special prices for one week only, GoodYear welted single solo with leather or half rubber heel. Sins 511. to U. Regu. lar WO. Special $2.95 M. ROBINS ALJENT FOR TIP TOP TAILORS TO MEASURE " • • GARDEN PARTY tinder anspites of St+ Cltir$44 ektIrckWieleilleed - Gail/ the RECTOISIt TUESDAY, JULY 26th Tea eaoni 5,06 to 7.00. Aitialatesso 16 barn lee, Th 4110 Ctutdy, Pitney Work. Where Quality Gives Price a Waning" • GODERICH nack Orin Gnat "Nis .1.11.VROOMIN Arm grwrigt NILE. Ida Siam DrirriseY had a initeereful narri releirig on Saturday. Mrs. D. Cook, or Toronto, It visiting her sister, Mrs. D. (McPhee, at pateent. We hetir that Miss Grace Blake hoe been suttessful in teeming a positioz. at teacher in the &Wilk Continuation &hoot. Relie W. G. Shaer and tensity have this weak Otte td their 'cottage 4 Poet ityeree whetthey ere tie Vend their • holiday& Mimes I:0'06 and Olive Blake, otneer Lueknow, 'visited at the home 01 Mr, and ,Mrs. Jno. Teti on Friday'. Mitt Mimeo "Carle, of Ibrontoe is spending her ieteation wIth her brother, Mr. /slum parte, and other reletiVee het& Mbe ten* Pouted returned to Port -H111.111..14NERIt .4.•••••••••••••• Clearinik 'all Spring and, .• Summer Millinery at $14,00 and $1,,E0 Geithani Gold Stripe Hose in regular and outsize. C. A. & S. MAINNON Phone 13s ' :The Squitte Beware of Moths... Which may eause snore damage than the price of. a Cedar Chest. We have a nice amebae:It of Cedar Chests whith VIII protect .your furs, blanket, et. Bow about those Window Shades that need renewing. We Intro theist in all /sizes, R. WHEELER **Mare peace susi Inhere* Director ilassitiest St, cbitterich The Goodivill Clianers and Tailors Have completed their alterations and additions to their equipment and are now prepared to •handle anything in LADIES' CLEANING and PRESSING AS WELL AS GENTLEMEN'S WORK GEORGE KAY EST TRIM GODEIUC • 4