HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-07-21, Page 7'DOM, SPAY, AMY 21st, 1933 THE GODERICR TAR Sunday Afternoon Be ISMSEL HAMILTON, Weeniest. Oen Feeln ensee an elan and selenee anew. = Vete, care, else, Lee, All ea ent at eattrage. faith and netozel 0 par, them 'teem anove. ad pert them, Lead, to' eat and all, ' As eaen ata ail shall need,. ' a etee like trg.,enSe, each t To, Ite gable titutart atd (lead. , • 01sar1na Kingsley, PRAYER 0 Lena we hen' a OW =aid, about ne. Eye, ear and thought will be neesied • all our , work, tbis day. NOW, ere we ter en it. We +commit to Schee eye, ear aelealmughes, ,Bless than and }meat -heir neettark Tieing ea, that, asettootegn_ Thy lave blaoel Ames without. any thought ci icure, to our spiritual life may le old en .00urse when Our mind cannot coo, eeieteely tune to Thee to Vommit each. - partieular eat te 'r11.9' service- Hear this theen Be told these WS Was the .sub - dance weeieb, in plate Of bread, God hae tended for their etaff Of life. God stated Ins reasan for this zairacu- 'y was Cor lerean Wan• Meat as they lzekea Zerielieely beck to the elaen Wheat they tot esny "sat key the flutes Isac-s," bet wilea. ;nay "cila tat laved ta sha Although their normurinee and dise trust were enteral:sly levelled at 'Stowe aud Alton they wore really Created. against the need who bed taarle them Me /wane r care. Beefol from heaven, rainea down dant fee atx days in the week, was promisee. Tae very ext marring the tece^of the giound around she carep was' seen to be covered 'With "a email zounds thing, as email as the lam -frost -on-44%e gronled.t'n-The Pee askedeve any (mother, .."What Is (Weise" Mee Hebrew- of that expression being "Martha" gave the name "Manila" t the Peoci Miraculously provideds, Mee() was able to answer that question foe Magnesia Best for Your Indigestion our prayer for or Saviour's sake. ' Amen, • Thomas Arnold. • S. S. LESSON POE 3111.Y 31, 1932 lous elealing Wttle them. It vas "that I Wanes Ageing Dor Sannaele With Aedlielid *Mains Meet people who ender. either Nee- aleeatly er ehrouleally tem Vag, SOUIK::.'s and 111 IIF.Eiave VW; (iiriqatiatted disegreeatle diete, patent foces ten um of harmful eltuge, stOR13CA I).13. raediciaes eel artificial diseestants, end halved tene tcaspeeufel ei liesurated Maga-ono. Tat lZttk, water efter meals with the result Mat their etereaele tenger troulaca there. they are able to vat as they please sled they eriloy !Mich better health. These wilt:verse Bisurated Magatsla rove; dread the approaeh of meal tire became.) they know this wonderful antiacid and food corrective, evtaieh can be obtained itom any good drug etore, will instantly neutratize the stomach acidity. eweetell the etooracb. prevent food fermentation and mike digestion easy. Try this plan, yourself. but getleieurateteMagneeie especially prepared far etemaeh em. BEVERAGES FOR GROUPS , Betty &Vaal • giants/1i agailaet a ip-up. BUt the The hoe/4101e hostess Ands: frequent Mothers who leave dentate and specific Se Pelmet lean per 2 eggs (beaten eiaoirelort to prepare a cooling beverage lineanretions ;for the "carrying on" • of• (ground) ,911011Y) for a large groUpas Here are two exeel- 11101;401.01d ditties during their. vacations, la' 1101Ind veal . 1 cup milk lent reales for such. beverages. leant 1arenfew in number. Often no ore is (gvound). • 2 eUpe tern •f1&e aonsequently there is no milk. No one CoMbine a ingredients tharoughly, Plans for "Carrying On".i. During Mother's Vacation """*"..""".' ISAMMARA, *MOOS f • - k Tneee eemes a 'the, aering teere Eau's- I Print Salad roen evaea meener, dezedale that eee r.enle'l erree nee .es.er eteanbernee, eamealelsee ? - that she uniet gee a.wae =el Entered bananas) fee.% the bureadtain el tlatly dutieenceteeee oaaeee Raga. Canis . Sho tinea and Vaats aane. aval peaee. In ealte meneleangs as to thele welfare, eittrene metner's ateenentlee inerts otize family eta and WOO hen wedeln the eennteY, ceeelaire ee tbe maurstalas. 17Sfla sboleavee—anen then the coraennen beeins. Tete ceafusien that reispaa la taa houselleld detriae the cusiteenal vaeattou is after) causea by leek et tnetneught. Why should the executive Of a UMW> thinz that she an jilet pick up and have any meso than other executives ? Tne bueluees Man wishes his eltetatime; • • aeliy Bell • aeeenegereeenande 'neteetionge-reneennat •- "hirt4t,, aaeldete troa3e8 Inn1013) poddene I- pound emonadbam 2 tonlespoonn (graund) green pepper Enna thater DINnirea • Ilam /seal Make during day and elaill neeere ne tienceareeene attazherl) Nev Petatees Green titans (eeketitle luriets (wash tinnotlahlY. • en) • strino and Oen until tee:Oa—aril butter and ••seaseetinee) Geeen Onious • BMA Butter matters will Cie -promptly cared for elur- ing' his staseace. If necessary, euzneene Is asked to do certain important tliinge for Min. He tapes every possiale pre- lalepeinted to put out Milk tickets, so Pi teaspoons salt ' ertimbs guests will an late the Door and tbequiek so the ener0 value of the eugar • Lessen Toplco•-T he • Giving.. of •The, May prove them, whether they evill walk ee IS home when the ice man eomes userl is just the thing "*". autter Melts and the lettere wilts. The Manna. my law or o" X4E8SOn PaSSagO'"EXOdUS 1614, 14, Lot haooxick in the Bepositora Bible as1 bridge ten/iL5 er even a Walk' around the dirte dishes lieee deSignated eporieor • • e and so accumulate Wait the last animate. • 35.• the follqwing to say about the •proytna • Golden Texto•James Lan of the children o Israel at this time bY W' e eanaot bat d: marveal the large- Coelinhile the Lord discontinued tne • a`, nese of laettrt," widen it la possible for teat of need and penury, which, had God to bestow on man as le seen in the easPaettY of faith given to Moses. It en- abled bine to believe that the immense host, wedoh he had Ied from ainicht the fataess Oe Egypt would, by the power of • Cestin bountiful right band, be sustained ecenfert in the wilderness, Having • spent forty years Ws life in that very • region, he knew, when be led them into atm wiederneesthat without a miracle, Mennezeivahle in its extent, and coutenu- Mrs In its duradion, the whoie multitude mist Perleh. Does it not seem that this • is enneta te no act of aith, the r proved to be too severe a discipltne, He substituted the test of iulness. And in •doing so It was seen • that worldly and unthankful. natures an not to be satise tied; that the disloyal at hea.rtealet cora- Paha however favored. They were fed "wt h manna, Which they knew not to make them know that man doth not live • by. bread only, but by every wqrd that prozeedeth out of• the mouth• et God doth man live." And this food was uni- versally given, and universally suitable. The etrorig am! the weak, the aged chieftain and little childrea' ate arid sae•red history relatesi' It was erion Pad 4‘.ere ncnridied' .No stern decree "''` eluded any member at the visible ehurob to a severe test In about a 'tooth after thele leaeitg Egypt they arrivedat Slim, in the wilderness d';° -In sharing the breed from heaven; theY did eat tae same EY this time their- stoelt et provisions, taken with them from Egypt appears to sPiritnid meat Provided only that thee" gathered it Their Part was to be in earnest in accepting, and. so is ours; but if we fail, whom, sball we blame except oureelves? In the mystery of itsorigin, M the silent and. secret mode of its deseent tram above, in the constancy of its bestowal, and in ita.tultability for all the vamp, for Moses and for the youre- est child, the manna, prefigured. christ." eneve been 'wholly exhausted. They bad bed a proof of God's ability to supply t,beir needs when they drank of the water at Marah and *found it bitter. But es they lookedupon the catuarY r.otma aaout and compared it with the district through whieh they had come they ealvno prospeet ef finding subsis- tente far their myriads. The more they Oonsidered it. 'the more gloomy their views became, It is the nature cf man undererate past even, and to over-rate past advantagge in comparison (with the preseat. Sce now, the Israelites thought mush, oT the plenty fvgypt, while its slavery and its tail faded from their view; and they were keenly alive to the privations of their , pre.sent, position, while regarellese of the land that they • wee eeeking with its freedom and hope. •But Ged was dealing with theta as a xnan deals with his thildren. They are ed, trained and dlieiplirted, God was dealing nitii His children in a way that they could learn the great leessone of His se.hool. • The thoughts of the people foun4 ex- pression in murmuring against 1Vloses and Aaren. We have said. these thoughts were natural, but they axe not on. that acconnt to be exeused. Had they re- • fleeted as they ought to have done, they should have thought of what the Lore's high hand lead marvellously wrought MI • their behalf, and front that experience • have gathered hope and tonlidence. JOHN PINDER PLUMBING, HEATING SHEET METAL WORK • Phone 127 P. 0. Box 131 Orgrolimalo.•••••••••• INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada • EST./k8t-188ED 1869 READ OFFICE; WATERLOO, ONT.. D. D,, MOONEY. AGENT• • PHONE 2S0 North Street Wettish, Ontario • Party Punch, 1 plat tea infusion pint cold water 2 cups Auger 2 'ups crushed pineapple 1 cup orange juice • 'cup lemon Juke Se cup strawberry senile Mix all the ingredients and stir until the sugar' is dissolved. Dihrte crushed iee. Serve in tall glasses gar- nished With thin slices of legion and maraschino cherries, • Fruit Punch for a Crowd (Makes about 4 gallons -60 large glasses• , 120 small) • 4 pounds • sugar • 1 quart water • 2 quarts tea • infusion • 1 quart lemon Once 1 quart oealage 1 quart grape juice 1 quart grated Pineal)* • 214 ganons iced water 1 -cup strawberry slices 2 cups fancy, orange slices • Make syrup of sugar. and I. quart wa- ter. Make tea istfueion bY Pouring 2 quarts (8 • cups) boiling water over 5 • tablespoeas tea,. Cool Combine syrup, tea, fruit Suices, pineapple ana iced DINHER • , Water. Add strawberry slices and • Roast Beef oreuge slIces; which. May be cat infaney (reheat ha oven) „ • rurtlilermorep there are to menus pre. Pared. Everyone wants SOMetbing cut. terent and Tpreceeds to get it lir his own unique way. Market lists are queer and food. amounts take on atolormal pronto - times. What a help it is When the housewife makes out metelsmarket nets and suggestione for the days oe her ab. senee. It saves time Mad money, toe. 'Here are Some menu. suggestions wince will be easy for the amateuur •manager 'follqw 4 •• F1R$T4DAY BREAKFAST • Corn Plakes (CuPboard—red and green package) Strawbernes (in refrigerator- already washed) • Toast (use yesterday's bread) • Butter Coffee (for father --Put 2 tablespoons coffee in dripolator and pour 2 ceips, hailing water' over unicuzoist Vegetable Sew • • (heat in kettle) Pottito Salad evegeteblea diced and • in refrigerator—add mayonnaise) Rolls (heat in eveapper) Butter. • Cub Custard (in refrigerator) FM a long narrow cloth bag with the mixture and boil one hour. This can be baked in loat pan in a moderate oven (350 de. P.) One lour. • Yield; 8 servings. Vacationing mothers would have tow- er worries about the folks at home jr plans similar to the. Ones here were worked out, , • ' WORLD MISSION'S shapes or, merely halved or quartered. • . • school Homes Less iced water may be used and • panels poured over blacks, of ice in punch A week -end Canadian Girls In Train- bawl. When straWberries are out of ing cortferenze was held in September, season the strawberry slices may be re- t leclokreelta school Horde, Smoky plaeed by another cup of orange slices, Lake and tone:nanny, and the confer- Recipe may be halea or quartered to erece 'gave splendid opportunity for get- serve a smaller group. tinge together and becoming acquainted, not ohly with erseh other, but tam with MAN'S HEART. STOPPED the leaders and with the provincial ee meretary, Miss Galloon?, who was pres- BY BAD STOMACH GAS ent, and contributed won+ to the pro- W L Adam e beefed en `With gas .atter a:am. •••• • meals that his heart- missed beats, T,he conference opened all a rally en Adlerika brought out all gas and now Friday evening. A jolly sing-sorig, eleo- he eats anything and feels fine. Camp - tion of officers and. a helpful talk on bells Drug Store. "Being a Giri Is a, Sheat Adventure," made up the program. The following seetiens tonsieted of Bible Study and diseussion periods and also inclitded a hike on Saturday afteereoon, with its. eampfire, its sunset vespers in the yellow eared among the hills, and, as daylight feded, dramatics, reports from C. G. I. T. camp at. Fallis, and the carnp-fire stories. Sunday aZternoona session, with its thee ea eneing a Girl Is RUling a Xing' acne" and the closing ceremony, brought 1 the conference to a close.—MarY Mansfield. ' She: "Did you see any sharks when you were crossing the Atlantic?" He "Yes,1 played cards ;with a cou- ple of theml" WARNING LAWN SERVICE WATER RAVES ase of water, for lased service Is frora : 5 (five) (A10% iri the afternoon to 8 (eight) ceeloce in the evening. Anyone Irene water for lawn service without firet leaving made, a proper applieaton, or Anyone mina lawn cervica Gut of the neve Loam, tent ba dealt with aceording to the reatnatiena, Cornaranity ta-operation, !r &J Red. titer and ILight Commission GODERial Beked Potatoes (use Potatoes in bag and put. in oven at least one hour before serving time) Stewed. Treinatoes .theat, add seasonings and butter) • . Bread Butter JELLY ROLL NOVELTIES By Betty Barclay Make you: own jelly rolls and surprise be family and your guests. aelarty wain - ea do not know how to make these deli- sacies, but really they are (lune- easy te PrePere. • Grape Jelly Ron • • (4 VA cup speg'ia1 :ag:s)eflour,siftCd teaspoon baleing powder teaspoon salt 4 -'eggs, unbeaten (18/!4ratklp peuaesne:ernnv yar.lin sift flour once; measure.Cembino baking ppwrier, salt and eggs In-"hOwl. Place over smaller bowl of hot water, and beat with rotary egg beater, adding sugar geadually, until mixture becomes thiek and light-colored. Remove noel •from over hot water, Feld in Pour and vanilla. 'Pour inta pan, 131eitille in. eites, iited with -greased paper. Bake in not °Vela. (400 deg. F.) 13 rinenttes. Turn •from Pan at °neeonto cloth coveredsvith petvderea sugar. Remove paaer, Quick- ly •cut oft -crisp edges of cake. Spread with jelly and eoll. 'Wrap in cloth un- Melon filled with ice tream til coot. (get trom drug store) Minildn Jelly Rolls ----------- , • Caffeine -free coffee .with such an outline and with anir- bus people . appoluted for certain dettee. the tot day's meals. should e� smooth-• ly. Then there should be a .market- list for the eecorret • day.... • • . MARKET. LIST Toil gECOND DAV • 1 pound -cottage cheese 2 loaves bread . 1 peund ham.. ee pound.. yeal •le 'potted -pqrk 1 •green pepper. • • • 1 small can diced pMeeppiee, • e 1.2 dozen bananas • .1 pound potato thips le pound green -beans . , • • 2, bunches spring onions Jelly roll (ordering fiaan bakery) . SECOND DAY laREAltrA§'r . Fruit in season • in refrigerator) ' , Pep Bran Flakes- • • (cupboard) • Soft Cooked Eegis. (DroP eggs into boiling water; turn heat • off and allow eggs to stand about • five minutes) • . Toast - e Butter • Coffee (4 Cgs) el cup special cake our, sifted teaspoon baking powdee 11.tc:P0an, gait 4eg • 31. cup sifted sugar -1 teaspoon vanilla . 1 cup red currant jelly Sift flour mice and measure, Combine baking powder, salt and eggs in bowl. Flare aver smaller bowl of hot water man beat with rotary egg beater, adding sug- ar gradually. until mixture beeornee nil& and lightecolered. Remove bowl from over hot Water. 'Vold in flour and eanilla. Pour into two pans, 15x10 in- ches, lined with greased paper, and bake in hot oven (400 deg. P.) 10 minutes, Turn from pans at Mice onto cloth cov- ered with confectioners' sugar. Remove paper. Quickly cut off crisp edges of cake, cut eaeh cake into six pities of equal size, spread with jelly, and roil. Wrap in cloth and cool en reek. Before serving, decorate Tolls with rosettes and borders of sweetened whipped eream forced taroagh pastry tube. Makes 12 rolls. • PAGE UM? 'it's lowly honey -- how' muchdo you want?' All her neighbors wonder how Ed. Baker's wife gets such good prices for her honey. But Mrs.. Baker's secret is simple. She sells by Long Distance telephone,, " Low evening rates an Station.to•Sta. tion calls begin • 1,00 p.m. Sail lower night rates at 8.V) p.m. • "It's lovely honey this summer," she telephones to the hotel In town "Yes * it deliver by the end of the week." Long Distance is quick, easy to use -- and prafitAk. • APPLE AND CARROT DISHES ley Betty Barclay. Apples and , earecte are t plentiful, cheap), mid healthful. Hereare two laved .salads intwhieh Out may beused to advantage' t , • Apple Coconut Snlad • 3 tart apples, pared, coree, and racial 12 cup Seedless raisins 1, eanactaanut, southern style ' 'a cup mayonnaise Toss apple's,. !raisins, ane eeeoriut to - gather lightly; Moaners eats le OUP mayonnaise. Serve on erisp lettuce. Garnish with' reinaining mayounalse; and sprinkle with paprika. Serves 0. , Coconut and Carrot Mold lee (ewe grated raw carrots 1 eau cevonute outlier:1 •style et cup. meeennalse • •• Combiew earrots, covonta, and ineena- raise. Blend.. Peet tiraltist tato ladi- vIdutU. Cain. Hameld an cast) lettnini .0steresh alth additional Mo.ye: conmise; Serves 0. Espense accounte (St. Thomas Times -Journal) Es.4.. W. G. 13roivn, retiOrignuotieratof ef the Preeayterlan Cramer in Canada. • trevelling 'from oae earl of Canada to the other, visiting over 250 congregatious lead preaching to over 02.500 people, and his expenses -were lees than Vale. Seven luindred (tellers! How far would that take a ragout dime:toe or e ce,binet =Meter ? Old gentleirtenbrowsing lo book store --.last lee.:sni Peenpeiienenti" wile; ir.d he di d of?," Ceeer—l'in reet ewe.' •Soine :nee eel ernpilain I believe." • Her Back Was So Weak Hard For Her To Do Housework Um. J. A. Seluder, Winnipeg, Man., writest—“Pisto • years ego X bad a severe operation and it left me with a weakness in my NIA, Oa it wan hard for me to do nty housework. 4010 Water, who had Used Themes Kidney Pills Wins great aueeesa, kept at nits to try them. X took iter advice,. and after having taken three bexes I was isles, to do my • tousewark and not suffer any paina after," Prire One, a box at all 1nig and 'general etores or mailed aired, on receipt of price by Tho T. Viiibltril'Oeq Limited, 'Toronto, Ont. • J. %COSY, the road-gFipping tread 'lasts for the life of the tire. hey tsell for 200 less tha CAUSEn "standard!' tires. 13ECA.USB only one tire ---Goodyear's Weather Tread. ---is Path- finder's saperior. 13+ECOSt any Goodyear dealer wilt - give you local Pathfinder mileage records that:wilt astound you. Goodyear CA135 tb.ey bear the B name arta guarantee. %CIAO they axe outselling e•very other triade in their class. CA -13S their Supertwist Cord con - sanction is assurance against de. structive inner friction heat • . ISECA.USS the traction pattern is in the centre of the tread ---where it should be. n.;