HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-07-21, Page 2roxix Two THE aopEracir STAR • +on or •••••••••• NJ, Pa. 40 t'S e gets Ciobettch Star. " 4 S"' • Summer Tc-EivneQ,. ef ceerie) Is# IhMlithea Lathy eariesaay teo Tao Star elatea e7c7 cf imeemaieg tea 11.7eaftafpnArtgla4$1'612p,°;;11"eeean vat," Atrealy the Teeonte Star tor gavgaeo are Qa.reara sou); V.Ctu.-.-cS et greed ocean !Mere Coirsplaint „3„, of aadress, aite$4an ee,„ e.evateets geleg rp. an immense baehor best of all childrena rentediesfor,ggee. lnea Star!) •20 far hear In advame-leteang hate Terente laarber wend 1cflela wad new adactccs be Zane found Babya Own Tablets the itur Cerftgalet, CO°, Teething and COnstiPetion," estitee Aka, George Walker, Tboines. hum Ont. Certifi- cate ef SAFETItin each ahe paekage. More Ebert 32$Q. 000 packages sold LA 1931, 12.1.Z o- d eaceraza nil. meet trepertana of all, .0c .0 . Mat mese. et ear euaszahese pecz zet, tia bAVO their cab:Olen= hlterraged in eatto they 10 to remit, lactom capita- l:Ma. While eabscolptione will not) be. earriea eereare over au eatended per- , led, unlace we aro yeti -ilea to eanzet WC VI? euboarieer wiebre tao 4er* vitee eontintieri, XtEeigiTTeAteCelaDiG be made by gegistered letter, geone7 ender. ez eizehoc.Payable at par in Ocelle. Star Sparkles' Celearatioa cOmMitteee ,arte finding out 'Met big mow& elo not neee,searily mean Coig eche receipte. There ,do not aePear to havo been eveu Any taint milk left trom the oale of that ereeMere merger eaeck. g Greatly mil:treed real eotate vales. It le Welted, tatpu au a big stride in elm eoMpaipaXeentratieleg everything arid , auythiga Teronte, a, eaMpaien already hoe greatly injured the erneller towne anti altiee of ...Outage. There to one eoneoletion the Wilibused, tioa. It took thirty years to get the t. Lewrence waterway to the Position! BABY OWN TABLETS It now eceoPies MI we believe it WM; take more 'than thirty 'ear k to accom.1 arzytietetaiha4.,...aia- from ea world at are imiriediately, and one nevigation etandpoint. T. X,. cluireh, illeri*P3wU1 nerhe inlbtletY "reined* 'But according Mt the Canadista gazette °4414PO Wh° does 4° care what Ile (Undo* three bade principles bave al - about tine 'big interests, nas this to say ted' been aocepteci or guidastee of the teaty 1That every nation, of the Empir•e HMI ell tiolittes. pontleei alet" illave unfettered freeda° treatY with •obvioue repereuesfone the United State$ presidential dee* tion. ristillal* it IS 41' p*Wer pre- position an it acme to me, has no deenficance 'whatever in terms at navigation. A treatir le one • Mag. hut its fulfilment le artofiter. "An the banks and the trust cone, _parries im both sides of the line are , after the pewee. they don't give a Akiroseb chapter, walx, made 490 hoot about navigation." trom its ...mile toppe,te onapaum, M. Church r_ eferred tire 'Wash- ington Treaty and the Boundary Tees juot represents About oneeeixth of Waters Treaty and the Itush-liagot a nage et VOppera, but even $06 is not te J e sneezed at these days. 110.0•00,, .there 18'a eoder, mere laviting and more conveniently legated spot titan thie I live not yet tound it," said a toarist Seim waS taking a Weather. art 'a aencb it -Court House Perk .the other day. Treaty. • "Trtese1n Inea largelynifli fled," Ile declared. "I prediet the present treaty 'will prove to be merely another scrap of paper, ut whether its provisiorie are implemented or not, eon can. be sure that - the Prinelple of public ownersbip of power le simply not ha the picture.: The whole seireme is a power game 'from Start to finish. Mote its own development. That the fostering of lineeoninote Oa' duetries is unsound; That or every put ot the 'Empire egrieulture is of ultimate importanee. Ithast°of the ditleulties that may artse will certainly be (mound the dlemessiepos es to what constitutes an "tineconernM induetry;" bet there should he enough wisdom In this congress ot the best pelt- tiota a.nentalities o tile EMpire to arrive at solutions that will be for the benefit of all. - Ti1 . very text of the agenda with Its comPtehensilre details indicate the Sialrit in which vast problems.,wili be ap- proadted. •0•••••••••••! • A Staggering rrranrid (Einaneial Post) The cool wee in whieb political lead- ers .at Tovonto and. Ottawa are planning to add eeveral hundred MilliOns of dol- lars to Canada's public debt throtegh Um Medium ot 'tile Bt,, Lawrence Waterway Compihnents suoh as this are oppredik.en a . word X the* that the sov- Proieet, ninst be a. spume of amazement ted. , prop rights nt °mare) era 'being to setiouseminded Oartadian$ &tee to 1 . sacrificed la Make a Raman hollilaY•the .staggering PYramid of richt burden , toe the private 170,tver parene.,, now carried.. on nOne too robust shoul-. After towing I Motormaile rues, Now Mr. Olzurob know a whereof' he' chIrs' Exam the Canadian viewPoint,the arguMents against „considerationk at the talthIg •a eide on the fajta' wheel au d °Peaits ;Men It comes to the hubjett of present time aro so important, eepuouu.,, •airigalle ;Pin, Ping' aloft in. tiro mite- .eteetrie rawer- • He as the navigation eallat that they need soarcele be repeat - gem and witneasina a few bleed:turd., feature of thii huge St, Lawrence' pro. ed. There has never. been much. Sap- ling 'Avrestlirla 'beide in the past tato. Jed as something te be awed to foal then 'tFor,,vrt A.ni'inthbCtnadnit,' fe'r•the seawaY •exceln Ontario arid the pros - weeks, -en hoer or twe in the Chantatio Public- We hope he is right and we are pt addIn a 05000a0.000 outlet (wee • Words .Often Misused . qua .ient . perhaps mare :appreciated inclined to believe that he is. Canadians c er nay. nolgete free of f)0 net say, elely Monne wit; mateh, tuan over before. . .ieareatiy...tave Am% minions into muscetoharge, to compete with our sorely -taxed 1iafly- fnereased.,, Say was onsiderably over .whieli the Hudson . Bay flnilwav raft systzn is hardlY A PrOPOSiticrt to re- - increased," . • Like This Depression' Exchange Fiado Real Joy In parity for inv. I /-zave bad room fun :children hat dm was atuatleg-aena he -1 ; liae deeeeeeeee, No mere paw. testethere dale We chant have etah dem the ace:whet started than1 eeee twee n playing briaze and auleg eleaa laza M ray Dille. 1 had. forgotten hew to she wee never at laerae. We get stuok itve, what it Meant to have reel frieads, end high faluttee. We even toek what at wee him to eat ernamon, every- downtbe old family hod and Ireught dot7fi, Eaet ts, I was gelato a little eet of twin beds—on, the instalancat latett hat. pleat. Wizen I wet bone at night, • Three Years 4'0 only one reap of our nae wife was at lieme, ehe weoldalreadr outfit cola he Dia of town at a thne yoki be in Ile: bed and I would crawl ternine.. Ile bad to leave at the at minute and If she eame la last, it was viee vehsa. get bavk. as seen ae poble. Marty times 1 had striven 100 miles to a lzan- Wet. sat throtigh tatee home et lanalt in order to cdtake a five minute speeeb.tben drive the 100 untee Izeck so as to be ready Mr work next morning. NOWA- delei we meke these trips and we stay as lens as we want to. The whole outfit could leave the office now and it• wou14- n't make any difterence. TVs great to drop into a etore and Met that you van 'vexed an hour or tem Or throe or buff * flay gest visiting and uot Cadillace are. walking...eat: 'one, i me of Accident Last I I haven't inert out on a. perty for eighteen months. I have lost my book of telephone nunabere. My wite has dropped an her eIube. I believe we are TeherriSDAY, atiVE tact, Get -Your Summer Toggery AT THE Men's Toggery Store mtel Trousers; Flannel Suits, Panama Hats, 4 Grad Underwear. Nest Bedford. Hotel s Black Phone Hotel Beaford •;••*••••••••••mree•,m0000•*••••v*.***.•.•••••••••*••••••••w0 ming, in love all over 'again. I ' • d prettj, well eatisfied with my wife' Log iriles and - rola will keep her at leaet until she .- • r fouirtayy eratretenttelfr Iffeer ltiltwoe twdoeitaiews:; • Bread wagoii Crash I ana feeling better duce the depression, T'•••••••00".10 take more eeercise. I walk to town Hohnesville Intersection h Scene and a lot of f b d t dr1re feel thet you are wastilah valuAlge time. I like the delaxession, aux getting ac- quainted *with ma neighbors. In the last taa Months have become acquainted with folks who have been living next door to Mit for three years, ion fole kiwing the Biblical admealtion: "Love your neighbors."' One or MY neighliers hae one or the beet -looking wives Ilaave ever eget:. She ie a dandy. I ant get- ting acqUainted ivitb. Any neighbors and „learning to love them. I like the de, Pressiozz. '1'hree. years age X• was eo busy •and my wife was so busy tbat we -didn't see mucb. of eacte• ether) emaoequehtly we sort of lett intetest in each °tiler. I never Went home to lunch. About twice weelt X went. 110.111e to dinzter"-at 0^311 the deprethion. Saturday X. On getting ,real, benest40-goodness Msteignatonalitvraiefieoaurwegitvnow, . we haveeround twine co.. driven fee.d. Three years 'ago we batt filet Tbe truck ef his oczeerleh artinufac- • on It. - hen• -- • - - are -tare) Bakeries deiven by Harry cireee '1.11 n w 11114 Oodericii. and she bread truek of On - roast breast of guinea t nal': we grad to get sow-besoni With the button . --6 Stratford, crashee at the intersection of the Baron Mad' and Maitland. calves - I like the depression, SKY salarY bad slot, is Holmerville, on. Saturday -morn- been. cut to where I can't afford tO buy 'ing, The bread truck was badly wreek- 'lettuce and spinach and parsley arid we ad and• the driver received, among other frozen acreso5retirtstoanhaa vaue 't.Shaantclwizdamthesocashaz! vinihuterblesi e . badly laeerated right hand ness vzhich has killed, more good Oen • etrillehecituhlereeiderndeerdiolhealdreittverell,tivvoans. in the than the tworld War: . act of making a left httud turn oft the I like the depression. Mame years ago pavement an to the eilaitland concession never hail tittle to go to oburob, wizen the breae trude suddenly hove into • 'Sight over a slight bump ta the road. eloNt- never had time to go an,Y. "SS 7 lo e So darn smart there wasn't A, miler swears be :did eta) see the bread , where with her. it X old go on a party, Preacher J21 WeSt Texas rcopki tep truek and Orace• states he did not see 4-aill11111.1.111011.111111111.1111111011111111r Mothers Value this 011.—ttlotbers who Maw how ouddenly croup rimy seize tIzeir children and how necessary prompt ace a ion is in applying relief, alwaye iseep at. hend a supply of Dr, Therms' leelectrio Oil, because experierice bas taught then that thts is an excellent preparation for the treattnent of this ailment. And they are Wise, for its various uses render it a valuable medieine. WHY HAVE MOSQuITOEs? FLIT kills them cnever locate her, einee therone e anytaing, Now am' gto church the Baechler -touelt Until it was ten late WE ARE NOW X ould, was always. a epiaade or ,u "redhead' reingartt; never .iniss a sunda`I. Anal ff to avoid eollisien. The latter hag tot oleared the pavement in its left turn DELIVERINQ ° available, •I didn't muela worry about it. this depression keel's on,, X *4-1 14ft gahtg wben the Fresh came. .01144ng. the:' • . , My wife. belonged to all the clubs- M to /Miler reeding before- long, I like dolt rear corner Of the Opderich vehiele . town. . She even • Wiled the yotmg the depreadora '•. . . • , . the bread wagon, travelling west, aare eenerl against a . highway sign, ripping it •• . . . • . • , Olir 'Weeldv fueSsons vowels. Bitimainme. • Observe the two tout andthen peed into a telepbone pore, ga. ..Etteuette. obseryee the nate.. w.hich was brought down and Woken in a .* synonym,: s1t:hult. oti:diaeliist,esitriceland-'thent:i.Iedoetbo Erigh'h (lae NV. L. Gordoe) s•Sote,table, companionable, aormannieae Tram.: Officers Lerer and Zexten A child bas been Injured by o.....,,,,., Misses to share a quantity of grain les- gees at the prese4-time. Th4ene foirgth; . .Y" '9* t" hen -a quarter .ot that new atored 'in surfeit of Dearer Which has developed la In Cotirt House Pada Wititit has 'been closed to arfiniebile traille and thellid Choderich elevateis, in. -order that the gastern _Canada in. the Past year has h ` _, te - ..' t , ot o altered vete meteriany the targunients in - • , Western. ar:tiers may gee a ten r , w , be clOSed:te .youthful bicycle' riders, moo,- :mare a; tatshri or :their ttrain. %lila, ac- , favor of the' proet as a politer producer. og whom do not :look arid do,.not .enove a .At least et thorough airing ef the -whole compTished, the drive is aory on for tit& matter will not ire long delayed now. Irhtttler t11°Y '''re °I'llg IntiSI °I the thnet Sh Jesevrence Waterway.' Where is this ' and moreover, dc net eare, These are ."tough eays"..for thenw$ . PaPers. as well as for. other lines of bust- ueSS wait*. The Pembroke Standard, Cramer, .tvaleit bus 'be A publithea as tieing going to stop? A Difficalt Task WHAT OTHERS SAY Disarnaarnent (Christian Solente Welter) send.weeltly since l.02, itiS reVerted to - , .„ , , in.,,, t e in d e areelng that task lie e A sileneer rent 'irtvenea In -.hag- eould reeelve hut little credit, for the and not dem-on,stra-tiv, witi-i accent on wearla, awing to erenonete. pliditiorts. land reduces' the sound of the explosion ,flefft be has bad to make has been s. first ,symoge, "roe emute! time," tee's the antiouneeo oil a .flrearee to Practleallg thet of close defensive fight to hold M -a- minimum ...Bylaw -at, pronoUnce brigeend, f and t: "t1M-pithileatiert of a seMi.tveekly trig a hook- If all nations would only, age eve ereeet on oanada oi woad eon_ g as In ,b15; ar nwiresed; and a..z4ent hes been a 10311.4 garnet ' , eteue to an egreertent on diserrnamene ditions. In that there It ilthe glory. met s liable, ht th , I t. ......,,-.......--....----e- they might do even 'better, tut a:Ole who know Mr. Bennett well Jaguar Prob. un i . e will believe that lie would not have TRANSIENT TRADERS D. in winrinn w3,0) preference that he should b Pr (2, 0, Buchanan In SaturdohNight) No Prime Minister of enacts. ever had tre'dillieuit a task in the government ot ,the eenntrY AS I*. Sennett has had these last tv,,o years And Such bas been the situation tittle Itowever successful lie Do not say, "Charles is no*Mare near so old as Joha." Say, 'as not aearly so old, eto." Do. net say, "His speech was right good." 'Sae, "was very good' • Do not say, °They have iota et:Money," So, "They live hienty money)" Do not say, eThe members are re- quested to, meet .together next 1/tonday evening."- Omit together. , Doanot say, "14.ere are a pair of, seisg sors," •Say, "Here is a pair:" . wards often misoonarmaes Demonstrative. Prototmee de -mono stre-tiv, with actent on second syllable, had b . re apavar, ag as In ag, Seconclot as In far, accent tirst or E. A, D. it otherwise, that It would he Ins own Lots of Work f e ime Alin- • lable' . . , .____ . . . , ,ereeoge. ererahmee' ' 1 . . . ettaz a little Pord roe:toter. itter whoa 'the tountry had the greatest . drivee-hreetaNhe ball-nnt—e-' cramine. 'has long been a contentious natnt in - • - - - ' •-e---- - --- ''' Ileezi f 1 . , ate.AsPinhoncloiunt*ee4a,th:ehle-vals aaj' liasr7 1: nue,paeolti,1,101en roetllehise theearvice.s of its eutetanding did in n when the way would Pronto last y al municipalities and •for this r°11° Mnd men. and two lir' reasee it is intereeting te re d e tourt got out mad went • sabteeokrt lecie ,tptiseiraiellevseeeetec: teheecit edoorigilokireanttle.°Instiherof °L.Lethaserittgleitl.sePrisnounee be-thar clf)Se'' ea in like sardines. Three er the' men ha easier and the eredit free- y - -ticeision on the eubJeet ifist handed dawn beaches. Then tit 4%71at. by atagaarate Smith of Windsor. in the lighted rigaretto ees tirols The tietinitien cf a "trandent trader" Last timelt I • need 1 o eis 'first e in event, a as in ah, 2121' .° v ,,,elite.,tning to 40; A tiii8tliettit was the 1,91 PIAY no Part in Ills ondutt Mathis cent second syllalile. e • ' 44 - of a Leamington action, wieking .wrong Conference. However. right .or be in the attitude he take; Wernseerenn0141s-st dttli a on own oara: 0 o earl is my pet averdon .'j h8r,,,Incg n e •ComnIrenee—and many- not only ,Supersede;• e vnrselnnatzrs %lave hn:t 0en t so nathing better titan to have take; ira* the e Nee ene than ono be One "across my knee oral in this eountrY rotth bthor * • tee a.eeeetenent The make st tanned tbe spot tl- tive, affabie. • • • vestigated. the aceident and intimated Discordant, dissonant, discrepant1 dis- that charges WOUltl.he raid against heth agreeing. , - drivers, one for femme te give proper Coutanainate, roil, stahe defile, pollute, signals and take proper precaution in infect,• Poison. making a left hand turn off a highwaY Eni437inent, settseeetion, geetteeegiota and the other for reckless ariving, balminess, felieity, fruition, • ‘A. Jinx appears to he foliowirig tire Geeerich truck. It is enly a few Weeks Contemplate; meditate, ConsWer, pen - ago that it crashed into (tam of horses der, • on a narrow bridge on the .Baylield road, Distant, separ_ated, away, far, remote, far lt,tdeb the driver was tined, . Word $tud,y • , . "Use a were three times and it is yours," Let us increase our vozabularl? bY matterind one word each day. 'Words for this lesson: nhaltillldio:C7:ABLV,,His;,.pr• aetetipr,...iihtau.ntath,rtiea.tur"eTh.( jittteue huddled tagethes in an improvised bee." led him into difficulties." • or essault, "Tile fortress twahlimpreg- cOnclitions are, inmatable to lack Of un- derstanding." .1 vided effhana, "The Children were . PBSOIPITANT; falling or rushing TWIPRZOblABLE; able to xestst attack ° ' ImPBOvISBDi made, done, or pro-- • 111DOWITABLE; nbt to be eubdued. "His indomitable epirit led the toys to 1 victory." ADEQUACY; state of being fully suf- doient, "Bis .efforts lacked adequacy of purpose, and were futile." t,reo, beel:'tbuadyrt—ingWhttimkeaenkenistla think Ironst " Jesper—Bemase you never return any yOu horro‘V. s ley 41" tiown on. ,.. an 000nting.rnankv on Ian vocoinntries threenvee's.volltleoaisu.soilleunnins: to.bseove dose, , are not on the aesessindat roll or who i New Beeped foe ocreebod car•41 g'ittnetisey—reoettithelelottencetelnrned, etheendartatni::tismon to3f 'sjithe: til° t attitude. vell be Mauer:tea bY ' ea e' Observe all Wes' of Onte.rio so etezese %those ncini3eaJ Cencele'e Welland Canal thews what i " " . 34ire.. are entered on it for trte first. time." 1 IChrisiitni• Selo:zee Monitor) tale etscialortrete ruled that the tran-,1 (;rain-carrler Aeacroft, I Success et Parley Seems A.ssured Isufb, tbe ttonfelpohty for three olouths v a 000 ausntitteGO oite3wh'tel:te.' is.-1°-414eleudt ' . ;FT:: attiset4,41'honegbile (EMancial Post) dent trailer, ie :me alio bee Mit resale:3! cloy boalittning butierterie- Ile imposed :through tidily and gives the big ,dlt1 a A3 leatilh rt. Atte ot $10 and costa Of $5 on -......,new reemd. The feat colors with ttwil aasemble .1 1 lltiZenSi• a the El4Pire 1°1444 that a transient traderie jgs'''iu.' Ise th° thing° to be 'exPeeted Wit;i4maii accePt ouhr°1-g-'114-auptar's a the Iv°1.1(t t° erase etlie. erolooted, water:Vasa tong the se; the' haler tIL5tit del lot an411°w Wae°14:°. bad_rea.t ‘b!ezei. ta411r:ti eau:. 3 Ttoolled,inoere:Itant Lleeaerrerteeten ate ,,in colnraiseione-When henetlw veil aaaraa nfrt0em utleval able 4i7:431111::1111ine2v43 0'1;44eed on tu 11 XV pulatno3lAoittirtt ttlie altnite,d State e perhele heralded parley,' grows nue, huleh* thtulotteatien of - the eonferente agenda ' great rah by tbo tealul 0 °'1:4tle'P' ellug like barnacles foreirtY thct *will , . a 0 e Into no.ports, movie or generally emirdsed, with er ;age ettert et re- tlz tarlic opping 1 it ottoms, when _ week. tooled little that was not Itzrh . ;''.1eareteseaal: , 4 ..aota...-..." '' . "e: IrAtt" N. ' haD3 the single eXeeritiori tbat to litb; i. 221t;re an b3 lie hnrit510 ht requiring lose The Newspaper !surprise of many,toomention la ' made ot immigration as a eubje.et for disotts. . transient traders to tate 011t d- lieegaei ., fa nomilicisilfrmieds,ybourn.ea,i) If they Ore atiting in weld faith Ana re.. a me, g ISion. afore important, however, la the • widely -rumored teller that Print° =ti- tian In bUsieese the azoneY required fef c)takingnullsilzW . e nec- tlt : bra are ' etre meant:. o a .rae It ister Bennett 11a:1'h-ell-nigh deeicied t take the tariff bull by the tome and Is the Veer:co. Ls applied en' tases and. tho 1 it--huying atIvertisiag bonohonslOr bust- peepared tagatnet the , advice of the .traziolent does not bee, 1.t 18 were - not IIM aSAMIA. ' These are trititlig teim---e-so inajority of Canadiaa manufectureree t ter. this -safeguard nil zint of fly.bp, Mr bitstilese-ehut Unto to ne trier', offer very definite 'and eubotantial pro. welts wawa Taa.ostz,„„ up. ,,,,,,o too. trit?2:0 froortZetnt1011LoahorhsrinaSsite reels. ferenoee to the Empire and particularly hos, "I' 4" c'ws Oteat Britain In return for wider op- elient • who ttoa in town year in and Paper has not hem in--VItriltil hh dePreSt ,portunities in 'the marketthe ot Cana- yoar out and 03Y4litS- tali -O r', hertainly WM. It atilt holds, its eiroulatien—and man jumber, baton, tattle, and other j. entitled to flee protssuen he is e_e• g tfal- lite audienee. The tuldleace Waage it,: prentery proarote within .the remelt 11 . . and pno tor 1t—ever day. The lama-. dreie, current - information ate' hula, LEI'S ALL HOPE TIIAT ' 'paper hermits you to piek youthat r bettelleatea at nothing will•he attenapted III :markets. and avoid advertising waste In the way of a wheat quota, as to plan hat TOMMY CHURCH IS Ri4irr pear encs; to reater ettstomero to whom tbeen. found 'which (would prove of roe you can fual do sell geode no. Thelpractleal, value in assisting Canada and Our Estetteral getzernment' LI -Urge/dug ling—to we fan and. reason and argu• crop, . . there and_ 011, over for momcl&am ot ent mont to Pry ibious out, wry In tho retain et current% opinion ery- . aewspaper persons yott to do serious rel. austrehe in the ntatIrettos of this kep 1 =Dui? bu• sts t .a;s Isat og wallets. 4111fi neWertaPer Permits • Ire- :stakes that tome ,sort of Empire, bank to !met it4,13m5, rsar, to to wo5reolg as to iviiej,0 tia calmer Of appeal, at low osts. Tor bet. wa ornergo own. the Conference and zillizuo COMO from. ttitlt Whtelt to Yang' adrertith4 rthiars wheat the7 Was duction at a stabil/god rsopire eurrenee hallh the preeretel St. Lawrettee deep 61 34.10 most IPan this Var---111 nest's- are very bright. ' svatc:Way. tontictten svitr4 *Web MIS. As The $1bankolal Peet has pointedeat eantala and thiltoa ,Glatss lave hist. litany mistime) the obstaeles inch plan from (tteadzae What of view are eignod 4 treaty. It appeara to taken very eMelderitble but at lest it wilt be fee vented that titre tneney 011017 hly interesting ete What mecca§ ts e tor eale3 area better buelnese, eaebilize that poospeets foe the turoerefol intro. 14'4.6 GUM& SIAInt tSaturday blight) OEM et the Most talliteloul at delusions ated orarte Tem/ pazift rtn61 ottor where wan the idea that thfi %Whitt& lin. Inn thing cult the verg and Carbuncles stmt. cone. as It did ha the ease ett the .cazreat in Canada and piesumdmlY, else' .aeve! In °teeth* the" 43f45taelel 4-11d 13,041111S. considerable VII Its of the 13ritath Cornmenwealth of tia. hens are golftg into this Centerence blindfold. leothieg could he Orate torn the truth, It is now dear that What $hall we Na.me the Baby? A Symposium by Famous, People of To -Da Conducted by• WIlbaut To elect a suitable name for each baby that comet: into the world is, indeed, ita absorbing aroblem. Millions of new babies rete boat laot year. Mil yet there ate le.se tban 1,000 names to choose trona Parents Search directories for seggestions, Muth we create some interettlag natate? No. 61 Sophie Braslatt SINGEft A few at my favorite names for babies are Ilary Louise, Sonia, 01011.3, Jean, ArthUr, Peter. and Leon. ha)18 o onto of ors& olori ir:hirteon, popes bave borne this ilisMe. A -derivative is Leon. , IZONARD is a ltalile ot origin meaning "lion arena." SMIXit a name of Greek origin meaning "Wit:done" ' GLOB/ANA name of voin origin atoning "the glad:ills tvoman." la a. riStile invented by Spenser for the Queen of Fairyland representing Qagen Zlitebetli in the dalnOtts *liege*, "The VArrie Queene." tational propets, for wh!,211 C.snadisns handkgPt torte Witlt Great Britsial which now arise through the gap are still payies theen,gh. the nese. in eiteheoge rates arid the Operation 01 atittr deg 'Mc; Mae askta a man enetdeee tl,hiltt1.011*ano damping sts- itItcw,ted ft bike s'.*13t eeentatives et the vatieus govern. tate which are designed to etteet this. vatw cn tho eleggeee c1 t4e) prclottade,,merits whase prettige with their peopies It eidd that Great Schein is adatrant zattmay. 110tau: cm tam Tani". iit:ziautts:tinaket,ambarellnirttitutornalrngd mitheltrtelyetttho Iluttoti,enclasir &wig thel.noint thgttndelteit4ePr. be re* rcnz2e 01faeitee. rol ageing wbl have' eseefully censidezed atop:nets Whattret18 Ehkrel Mr' way 01 ite' tat he eettietel ta tee furthee tato the ,to Euln1t It Is ht* t. imPertant that rower inirf b°tit'41 and htrretttert pre sztts,:t. $10. tfotf ecese-onethdd. tealite, de the dee. ftresttrS, 4"01 kb-`16k.reoentl, de-1-44ble as C., in a dais cf tato eXpping ttli!ch IV!..ecal'711:': the tt,h4,„; n'the- -eft -7" ' c they may he, are of littlA ellteet Without po and that mitt the • ective pretereitee ,fialch 'centre he len ied eft to V. geoat eaten.; 0 the Rt. steh emerge teah a "exam! eve," thel° 13,teleVItee' returnee watereely 18trea:l. Its eel The details et the tarleue pheirees futietus hao Ectut.' uOuY:S cell's tr:3 eerteheta not bo diftblott tho Ithlth bare hinc/t0 ts.ken piece _ Xmpi. trtze fret t., — 'mime et the lecher itultittrigiitte In the 'Bemire will mike prteetial tonidct with !atoned* snot Cahadoth busittes mett he !litre el* It* that the building ot IEW fLL1bWLW dotioi the tett tit <earth elteuld be one ,ot the roost telualele ftatotesel theeeno ether lets .Corehe ate dlotatette reAny theterentis of elY:STSt ageS 3 -telly in the lake pert tykes et Otterie. rt sottilresne ere.th I the LetetetriAtten • . Olkildren. Or this irgergly 4..) to this pay Teti! C A sir 0 R 1 A Orme, All Over His Body Poe 011ealanblittalWAS OILY MIUMNINI Cris 110111141 1016111111, Mr. P.ithard Charriock, onitem.-•- "After winos operation for appeaaicitis ray was not in the beet of roadition, end ION re4ellt /tad a very bad *their of boila Ana carbuncle.% gibed tit eve/ neat of my bode. One thee they got no bad 1could not sit ois chair or Meer, comfortably at night I had .nown about Pordoek Mood Bitters being a roa blood purifier no gat is bottle, and after toting lialf of it the bona and etulamelen were eiteetred of More growth, and by the time 1 bed Wee pert of the world 400 1 in* toupiesrly rebewst nal have toyer betta bothered A Phone Call Will- Bring Our Delivery Wagon to your door. Johnston &sons PitOne 499w Kingston St. PE:CI:ALS —FOR THE WEEK July 23rd to Jtily. 30th Phone 368 for Good Service and Prompt Delivery. St. Williams Pure Orange IViarmalacle, 29 32 -oz. jar for... ....... • Pure Clover Honey, 5-113. tin. .... Lemon. Cakes, per lb. 4 t • • •••• 4 • Fancy Quality Shrimps, per. tin.. . Large Jumbo Salted Peanuts, per ib. Duthie's P. D. Sauce, per bottle 47c 15c 21c, 15e 14c Heinz or Ciosse & Blackwell's Ketchup, 9 1 c 14 -oz. bottle . .1. . . " Kraft Old-fashioned boiled Salad Dressing - 12 -oz. net. — ........ . ... . . Choice Breakfast Bacon, sliced or in the piece, 2 lbs. for... .. .... „, Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes for........ O'Cedar Fly Spray (knocks 'em dead) per bottle 37c, 57c and 95t Red Rose Tea„ black, green or mixed, 1/2-1b. 9%. package for.... .. . goltit-• 21c 27c 22c Corn Flakes, any kind, 3 packages for, . Od 3 Large boxes Matches.. . , . .d ..... • . odd 'Loaf Cheese, per lb.. 4**beI 25c 25c 24c Cantaloupe, large size, pink flesh, 2 for.... 25c Baechldes Pure 141aptha Soap, 10 bars for, . 45c Clark's Pork and Beans, large No. 3 tins, 27 2 for... 4.... .440041,40*40.••*14.1, Woo Medium tins, 3 for.. . 23c Chase 44 Sanborn's Coffee, 14b, 49c Heintz Cream of Tomato SoMP, 3 10 -oz. 95c ttas for..... d * 4$0 ; It 6 d * " te for Your Fruit and Vegetable Supplies • BAECHLER COR. EAST STREET and SQUARE hone 368 Our Own Delivery.