HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-07-21, Page 1Every Thursday -Morning
Th e ;i!? zs V-.." -"el evol TburA3y =Mug,
ZVOU&MV, 37.4 In tht lvxdeei hA913 the
satn ,- dji .,Cta AU t%3 Atest T; )434.113 W=ute
laawi ar 4 u -e wCr,-h%r,u!Ujr tu, i A;e3 of t4e.
13t)$;e.-VL""3 w13 Wlae.-S, In. amp,la t1me fr.
vwwAl ta weeig-eal buyini.
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I I I . I
. I I I - ..... " . -1h
Pfting That Plems
0 .
Walae" laa sjcwl ftlaUCT tcxa roa
313r OfNce U cov-eet La fanu ari 3 'W'11,
wZatel. V;Qta t se,ivlza ana =Iezat,,
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1. . . $-ZZ=N1"11T0IX-ZP YEAR I aubscriptim: $2 a y1tar Ia car,*da . GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, T HURSDAY, JULY 21stl, 1932 . WAt#M X?ArrAU VabtUl= 11 .11,
. $2,P a 3 aar tQ U. S. i4lats. . I I I 11 .
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haut . F Aftl I I I , ,hno . 'in -Ses,olon.
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. I . 1. I.P.. .. I . . -- .
I JOHN YOUNG I : Rog;*Stored at , Lavii6ty" 13oivl I
1 W ` " N% LAID TO REST I 1: rho summer School I- , Stolen From. P'a"r1k ,
. , .;. - . .
, I
i: - f FeteA,
,!, : Chuich Is FlUed For TPosa atte.14jug eq,derich, Summer Crowbar h Used on- Door Under
i i school of the oresayteries of Uuroik nud : Grandstand ,at the ,Race, - ,
. I . The Fuaer4- Service 1. Perth, In session this week at wortil. .
. . I . I ,on Tnesday . . I trv4 United ,oburch, are as follows; ' . . Track - I . . i .
I . . UabOl $roWbmer. .SwAeld; Marzaarat .
)I . gNg T", Jaaktias, Dlyth; Helen, Younobi ,1 .
I NATIVE OF COLHO - ut, Irolen When Agricultural, Parl; grandstand
. qiam3ton, tonaasboro; 1116101% Cheer, was opened, for the season shortly be-
; I ' ' Ooderlich; Gladys Stone, Bernice Set- fare July Ist, It was discovered that an
. Atten4ed SOPDX44 $911901 *I*rC-- O.... 'Esetor., NIA34 XWaughton, rear, unklaowu thief had. at a time got Yet
. " H b . determined,, stbleta a lavatory bowl from
*4 Active and Succes" . ir.-timur, Woodhokm,' Jean Duncan, Ell- .
. . Ca" . - . zW,)w'h* Thompson, TAgmes Uo%d, Mll- a toilet under the grandstand. Before
* . . I I . . . . . I dred Hickey, Mary Gilt!2114t)l, ROYSIRDad; tho,water could be tur4ed on It. was
; . -lord, -Mar4aret Rutherford. na0ess%ry.that somothing be done about
. of. veter,s c4urcit was filled on Tues- Joy4a Buthe.
! . . . MyrInud, Wynne, - Rev. Mr.. Rutherford, 'it; s4 96 new, bowl was purchased and
,I . C re, of Installed it a cost of $20 without the
. I Lay mora,as for the .-dua.ra*. "Fr Woodham; 4oan Pate, IOUTIQ *ae, Trqw- .
. . V ev UU9, parish Vilest. At OrldsL; Sev. V. 0. and Mrs. Armstrong, ,formality of calling an emergency meot-i
i rli . 4roha J,vo Lug of the'town bounoll .. . .
I . I .Strathroy and %.nAtivt of 00*borne Bowman-ville; Joan Sanders, aiistowel; These, facts were revealed at -Tuesday
. - 1 - Luis, Hunter, Marjorie -DelbrIdge, Elm. t
, , towlarhip, w, 4 death occurred At LOU .
n laq. Vrldxy, July l5th, at the e0ly vrap; Mary sottger, Seralco Bottger, night a meeting of the town toulaoll.
I . . . . I when the bill Xor tlfo new -bowl was pro.
age r,f 4.5 yo3r . ,The body had' Inift in Dqh4eldA MoOltigan, , Alice .NVassmsae, ,
. . . do 0 -chum . . .
. stew. Ja th .4 from Monday. noon West TAolakton; Erma. Workinala, Olga Aented. . -
'. I . a`lcd scores of Tornaer frIonds, Aud'ac- 'Bell, Aev, R. X Conner,. Ic an, Rev. "This. is a daring plecoof business,"
- . 04intalaces 7marly" ' of, . Ipp I said Couucmu - Turner. -There should ,
, them s0h 1 40 A alcohn argatat rl".i- 'At.v- I
- - . $500 1 . . .
IS FININD . I. . . .
. I.. FOR
. I
. -- —enjon"of Hensallp Saya . .1, I
* "'Ieni. to pal vacancies "BOO" WAN OFF DAY I . Ht 01 v* *0 Liquor. I .
I . ,I ** , P . . . .. . . I
I .
. . I
I C*UW 11Y TWO. . - . Away
I I I I D**Ihs . . . -Thero will *, no cinadlan Olympic. I I
I .. . . I . ropresoutauvo in the polevault event at ',IPk1M, AppE:" PENDIKO
. Los Angeles next month. At Hamilton I ,— .-
POLLINOIDAY IS -AUGUST 4 last Saturday cana4lau, Aspirants,, In- 1. .",
elmling our owA "Bob" ftolUrt, failed Blyth ,and Soliforth Host'siries I If .
To" Council Meeto - For First to mak"the required "eight' 12 feet' 0 Were Sued Uko . I .
Inches, "Bob" was oft color and the I #%Mouatls I .
Time in Over a ' best hetould do was 12 feet. Gilbert ot . I It I . .
Hamilton vaulte(i 12 feet, 0 Inches, but , I . I . I
I Mo -
I . =W - - . . that was his, limit. - American Olympia Vor tho third time'llarecont Weeks A, . . .
, ..
Nominations for the two vac . 4knolles on ropreselatatives'Aro cle4rin?, 14, feet. and Huron County. laotelkeoper has beetv '.
I over. - . . MOooed $500 and costs for a breazh of ' . .
the public, school toard, ,caused -by the . . I the Liquor Control Act. Xn Ali thte 4 .
deaths of James V. ,Thomson and W11- . town owliat ; ,. etaulte I ot tax payfiw . ots. cues an appeal has been entereoll'on, the - . 1. .1
* to .4 . I
liam Wallaee. will be held o4 Thursday, When the rink was In ,private hands, ground that the One Is excessive. I .. I
. William Lemon, -proprietor ot the XoW .
July 20th, slid polling, It necessary, one the CXU twige used It for a bazaar, COhnnerciAl Hotel, Hensall, was
. week Uter,.Thursdgy, Augus 4th, ,M%Yqr paying 45-09 Once alto on,''AaOther otta- . Aned . I I .* 1.
Lee announced on, Tuesday evening at 81011 49thing, . . . I , . . $600 And ,costs, by Malistrate Rold on I I
An ad'ourned meeting of the towncoun- Councillor Uallabar*41W6 charged the Monday ,morning. His olate wss.ralded ..
.. I . . I , I be =Ore , $Upervi Ion at Agricultural 1. ' . I on July Oth, sun x oluklaury of wNskey I . .. . I I
; , . 0huma, took =3419U to. pay 4 final td- jorie S.roadfoot Isab,011. Porrest, Gladys s 4 '. ell, the ' first to be held since June 17th. OrllugemOla 4so, itt ,wouldn't look very 4 boer; located -behind the bar, - wo .. 'r,
11 bute. Bev_ p.r.'youlog *as ill but one, Coleman. jagn, Park. Doois And windows are broken . -LRC?od now' to give it to the V.'W.0 for a" . I , . , I
1, , Webster, Vxmoudvllle; . " , Soth deceased Wer elected, to office for . .
, . I , .11, cited.
. , I : week and- Was removed from StrAtUrdy Lily Grab, Dorothy Ryohman,, Exeter; aud'stt= stolen and the police app4r. Fine Pro * 11 .1.8 I " t13 31-02, . . nothing 11 I . a
" ' I . to, St. Josqp)als Hbipital, Loodou" but . entiv ban do . nothing .aWut' It. That I 0 Years 19 . .. . .. tWV4'iy Reeve MosOrpointed out that Union told an unustial ,story. He . I I I .
I . I Rev. C. 04#101 tviontol , Dorothy Craig' place, should. be cleanod.up -after a oole-w - in Zwketing Mo". 1 said two strangers had left the stuff With . .
ilttle.,fiopa was hold for #is Tecovpry by I Lats, o DOM , . . Cottola!s Model Shows paid $200 for the
'I.,.. I -Adattrg, 4wy'`Vjneent, Madonna W*I-; , .
. .
I I , . I . -outt House =4 — . ... I . . Tile town -fathera, -Are in an e0quoral. use of Victoria Park, -whereas the* ( ' him to be given Away, Which be Vw 11.11 - .
. physicians. I . I . . . d0lic, Westfield', Vlfilaltrod. Savage, biatiou, , jot - g4 is C I , I , , Zan- I d .1. 1.
I . I . : On, other parks," ' 4 .. . I . I I cal and also A oUckering mood. when the act of doing when* ral,04. , .
. ,
.1 . Tuesday morning solomla. Requiem Wenner Itefiderion, Se0ottlat Rev., W. . tauqu% gets the sokme park for nothlow. .
1 0 'wAs IJUAS ,b Line, it, was disclosed that c Such Is the ltdcard- of G " A saleiinan for A 11stamp protector" .of. "Isn't the Ohavltau4U3 a M -making "The story Is beyond belief," said ' . I
I . . Was- Y Rev. Or. 'OhlAbOIrlap a L Seaforth; 1$ ash drawers . . . , onoV . . .
,:. . . . tells Ripbanoftol, have been stolen. Clerk Knox said a - Cb&Mt&UQIW 06 JWd , Ifered. counoll a ,second hand m%chlue' affair. somebody idust got sopaeth IA 1014, "I have heard of Uquor I .
. coudo 'ot. deceased. " He - was a act by Alberta Richmond,' Nellie J.Plar, SlYth; . . I r Ing?" Ttling trate I
, ,"., Rev. ',K. A..Urlssozi Of St. Peter's Semin- Verna Chimney, A . crowbar had. been used in bue Instance. . . This W*4 for $20, Rieve. Craigio, to whom I'dipic' he asked, . . I -1 . being mysteriously. found IA Tonto ,cor-. I .
. ubqta, V. ra , . . . . ..
1. sty, London,. As deacon, at I id ReV Jo eph ' I I , . , Clarke, It also was said th# Caretaker William . - I . . I., . . I ering" just - comes natural, said. "Tell Mayor I 4- Ot t tLt I kno ners. Awl of most everything alser 4%volt. I
r . I — I . aee— X h ,w. of, .
f . ' Marjorie Prouse, Alma-4OW014, Goderich; Doak bad ln keys to the place and that Very excellent pr . , I I him we will -give him $15,11 Clerk. Knox, gKoWing On troesi 'but this Is tho. lltntt.
- . 00-,k of -at. Oeter's cathedral, LOnd011, Pauline Robinson, Mlyth, top Ptekson, Rather, Is it a 1041AW Affair," . . . . . I
: . , 6grams ire being giv- carried the new$ to the salesman with- The mattor wA3 reterr9d to th Crow `Attorney Holmes asked Lemon . .
.. PlAtl3j; Akfftford, Danny- Job 0,11 the time for $IQ , year, - an at. tile Goderioll ChaWAuqua this .out and tome back with: . "He won't 'committee for a report. , . ., I I . If -he bad omade verbal and written . . . .
. as, tub doacoa. 111.11ai f4laoril, or%tlon, Port Albert',' L he could :not be., expected to be on the - . 0 special
r I
. .
, , , I . pres -hed by* Rev. J.: S. 'POCO*, fitting brooki Joy - Kemp, Lepo,re Pirrot; Mit, !,Xew Brooth$,!, which take.lesa than $20.11 . . r . . 11 .
,. tribute to tha .high Christian 06baracter ' 11 The , special 'and polio works-, 00m, wpek. The play ,. I Taxit; Are 'Down . throats to.p. London brewery, threatening I . .1 .
. olhell , ; Seih McPhoo NUC, Rev. S.'Math- . I . I
mittees were asked -to get lbjisy.' .' was the attractioh for ther opening nigl I doingl" ,rho .deal - , COUntY . I I ,
I And wort'j* of the departed priot was I , at , . dhortisPNothing, , . dive things 'if the ftewery did not - 11ol.onao
. . I .. . .. I lots, .GrAna Salad; Jesp, Hotson, Rev. . I.. . . . .1 1 I . I : Count . t e .
. I
. paid, I I . 1 I . 'Capt. 2dwards, TavIstook,, Mrs, (Aev.) .r — I I I 0 1 . 1. . I I '. (Molad4Y) drew a full tent slid was very was Off, I I . .. I . . I 11 was Wormed by letter that across" with money to .pay h Attle, . I ; . . 1, .
: The pallbearers were,: Rev. J.. A.. Mo Mclut 11 , . . . ;a . I entertaining and wholesome. . I I Isoyt MAY Carap Here. taxes Are down. this year, Vxank Donnolly, defence otm4el, c"- , I
- .
; . I ,
I I I osh"London , . : I I . 1. . . . I . .. thancko,"16' the .-DouatniQla OOv' 611t, lenged the, relevancy ot.the qUe4tioning,
. I .'. 1- ''.. ylor ' 0 Sort'antitfo and his Venetian . ertun . I
. Cardii, Xt%zsbridge; 'Roy, L. W,. Power, . afid oNman. , 'Strollers Port Huron YXC.A, wrote intltnat . . ...
, , . - Zurf dv Rev. 4 IF, Paquette, Ot Angus- I I — . . . " . I gave , delightful musical pk4rams Tuas Ing that' a group of. twenty, boys, with ' vhich has Assumed reaponsibility for A. but nvas. overruled. Lemon' denied mak- : I .
, tine; -Ov. 4, W. Goetz, Seaforth,,'Rev. PAND' SA YS THANK YOU, I . I 'Win Troohy day .a ' nd ' the I g- I.. . the old age pens ' he had,' d ' , I . . . I .
I I . I I fternoola .and evening, a reater shire of . Ion$, Ing throats, but admitted ma 0
. I
. I I . I I r , eaders, would lika to camp at Obderich . . . ;. .
I IL U I I . . !. . . . . singing and ,'Playing of this .talented for'A'weak late in August and asked n$, The amount this Year" Is $iI,$5S.0o, requests for money. . .. I . I .
I ' .. ' . . ' . .
* I " '66iiiciii J417 20th": - . . I I . I hotelkeeper was allowed his 11b. . . , r . . I
11 , 4rcla4pd bryidAle, and Rev. X Z. I " , I vihich: is 41466 less, than. last year. . , Thar I
11 i Iivuu, 'Culatola. .. - . . . . company. was one of. theialgh spots in * they,w I . . . ..
. . I.. . .1 " ' to a camp site. Last poar ,ere at .
,Other -Ne!orgytagat In,atten a,oe . . . . :r 3rephey and triffith Win Second the I The Onance tommittee. will rep6r 'on ,Orty on production of $1,000 ban, ,p . I
j,, - da Were Editor Goderich Star. . .. ,. Chautafiqua .program* TheY: have K-ettle point. 'They travel' On bicycles, tho,teguest of. .end- . ,. I
,I Rev R,' 411111KAW, Watford; ,Aev, , 0. A. Dear I . . EvenL Hen3all. Psiir - Third voices . , of, ' extelleat quality.,: and, musical on which a I . the Slue Water Highway 109 th6r0ult Of the appeal. SoolOrth - .. .
I I r, -The Goderlob ,dW;ons . . . I. I r I .. . .11 is.stippea their equipment' Association In grant of '$300., An . . n-01milarr , , "
. * L. Pettiplace, Strat. Sand is to thank -you for'the kind 0 1 1 im: 11 : . I . . .
. I . - _ , Rev. too Eent . C.11.2 . .. . . They sleep' outdoors in sleeping :bag$ . I 6 Its annual d, Blyth hbtelk apers are in . . I
Dayle, L01W . . . On Tuesday i I I . The letter . stated traflic. was, holding up position. . . . . . . I I .
11 r ud 'Rev. O. Zck remarks *ppearin$ in Your paper ovek I , , . , .
r' wening Dr.Vdughalft gave I .. 1. .1 .
fo.d; ae"v1.4,-,,bXa.tZe ,- They will: be told they -may. locate at the well this year, thwi; 11,000 cars la , - , 4- , - - -
1, . I ' . , his licture on "The Challenge ,df the tourist. Camp ai Harbor ,Park if they ad. . .
, . I bart, St C3JuWb1qe: Rev,, Fl. Odr,bW3kt,, the, - hOltagy .period. , It: gives them e'l- ,7211r' .y 'S! pal I . .. I . I . I w
ugb6 Winglaam, As 'Of bO*Iers, eighteen Now Day, I. a report of Which win appear .Wish, I
" ' '
,! -.Dublla; -Rev. S, .MbU =rigetnelat to , go on and work. .).hard f0m 00deelch and eighteen . I . I ..I . -crossed the ,border -in ,boo .week and t43t Sunitner School . . . I . . .
, . from out of In our I the Slue Water was now being. advorA . . . - .
1, Hav, W. A. Dean, Part Lambt6h; Rev. hnd so ihowsteady iraprovenfelat, They 0 -1 . rl next Issue. The lecture on The tax .collector reported vollectloms, tIOqd .. . , 0 0 . . I.. . .
I " t wit, took, pat. Iri the Purity Our -Wednesday ..afternoon was .0. - Any Han . I 1. . I ession . . . . , .
- .
.F. mi-owe'lay, .th11n48v11l&,` RM 'J; a3ack Wish to thank everybody who turn- trophy OU a . t -the-'local.'graolas ent a on the air. I .
. I I t tham U '011 1 7 of: $8,712 since, the last statoth .. is No* n $ .
', QuIgIcy, Parkhill, Rev. Philip .P.- Pocock, id In - and helped them ,son, OA - "Goveinment by Qangland" And month . -Adverilsio 00derich . . , I . ,. I. .
, . I I at the tattoo. on WednosojAy afternoon. Albert,Taylpi. .t , . ago. Of this A= $600 , was . .9 I . . . . ..
. ' - I 1 4 . I
1). I -God,er.'ch. : . ! . . , especially the ladles 11, provided the and'J . he adolress - Was a revelation to , anyone srrpara. VolloVing the expiry of the Victor LaUrison, journalis an I d Auth : . . .1 4. not liti _ . I .... * ' L
. . w 0 Os . Sowmsm. (00dorlch) were the not umillar. with discount date t1a wa . 6 . a lu . .t .
." , . . Born W. Colborne , : lunch ll the Uaoxay Hall for -the ,visit" winne, the ex e t ,to which . or' Atte . .%
. .. . . I . .. I . . rs. of, the trophy And ,first. P Ize, in organized crime is In control of affairs ere , 11. In, tax former citizen' of I114S town, hs$ - written - 0 d , . . !
. I ce ' ' 0 I .
11 I Father Yolang'tvas torzk In payments The Amount'ta date Is an article, U1441Y Illustrated, On "A Con- - to e em's- . , -. 11 I ,
Ur. and Mrs, Son . , : t ,Canadian - . I . . 1. I .
. The latS' j Ing baffiy mon, Who bid gro$kt praise for the: lirst. tVent, 'Jeffrey and- Duncan in Chicago and other U. ,6,'cltleS, A 4 total '*'::lag M .
.,.,. . I . -Oolb,crne, '9 a 6f William and an . . about the same as at this time,last year. tury in Thl Yesu . I I .
I I 4i:3*09119eO4 Of the (S,o1f0rth5 w1nninX the second prize, 0040*1V 19r, Tw tered
"i'.. decals I... lie h2111, ,,for t4a 114441d, 049spi o . , report of this, Address appears elsewhere I 1. I
$:I yourg,both of 1*110M.4to e.( ,.-aj tol. : A, "ra the second event i, vroph6y And 14 this issue. Aoth lectures were most I Police -Holidays . . Geographic , &g . li 11 11 .
, .. I , - filiina.'i Vroof slabets. iw-, 11 . . . . .
. .
I -splendid IJ 4*0vk , - 4%0 I . 3 dozen With a. registration of six I ty.six, an of , ,
7 . taqelv d I .primary education here aw I . . -*6 and- sand c. OrIffIth (0cderich) w6fi I dicate the Article -will take up I I . I li . . . . . . .
- , ,,,
ss, a at wlahes, W43 pro . . 1!.,,b: tUerr- 'and J,,,Svi 11rat. prize Inforthatt"' L 11 I . . Every Year about this time the matter or . ...
, ,
'i I tc.1k, wl ,andary, school 'cours . W p t e MO id and I. b,Eistnian (AW More Page$, With An equal number of! whom .are yo 11 .
. Via The, Scott, I
- f the -iband ,boys while the sh of .holiday$ for chief Posteletb*alte and Una , ladies, Godorich, oum- , I , . , .
A,ssumplfl[ol% Collage, Sandwich, ,ge thin %Ud Wives .0 W, I Ooderioli) 'Won second. And'lla thi 'third Musical Comedy Vora- illustrations. Tho a bj I ,
Ii - 1 `wbnt to S'.. Zater*s San . piny ,gave musi,cal ptogr&W W,edfil%dAy Ant Ross. crop up. 1t is ;a1ways a . I U act i"ttO Is Of mor School of the, "Unitod Church vrea . , . I .
hinary, Undon, fathem and friends of !the boys did ull event McDonald Arid j?,uttior of Hens , historlo, interpot. ,adahltably: ban . . I .
6y t -work "'i ' ' . I . . I
" "" * , , ,, ., w- grour - . all afternoon add p4enIAg.*JaI6,1Aer6 itLuch =4.4 .41ibjoct,ah4 this year is lio, 8"010 d" Werlpa-4 Hurbn and Perth Is "In session .
f " as wolatmed, to the-prf4th0d, ;, -thv , - . vdii, ---rb*y . AIXO Wft'*St anti' J. tUtt: Aud', parther of. ming pl ogt ,a each ,led by one -whor has spent much time Ili this week. When the 6ohool convened . I , I
'* ,V ,, I enjoyed,-- the '6( I
. e, e br,*ado got . their 8Iyth'se-'.,cbftd. ' , .. im belh$ "The xcc`PttOlfti * 'Ithe gentlemen at
21.1 0 it, .1014: 00; Arst: I. . . ' . ..
, at Illshop Vallori . . Cotter% Saturday Xlght,1i.,dur1A9`.wh1oh 'Ask , for two weeks, commencing. L I research.* The magazine has, a cl=12- on MOA44Y It WAS found that tho laulia. , I . I
' tince oti he grounds, - w ,. Ing ,A .- I I .
: "". ug
I I.. ,sharge was As assistant parish priest at assist ur-Oco. Mo- there ere tvi PAirs of- -bowlers . tion of 31,000 And wants th' .
, 1 T179M many of the , , . So I ust 6th. There was a, suggestion- to re , 0 tOWr. to bar of - StUdents was slightly lower than, . L
Bt. A101case Church, Windsor ".He. *as Load fati the toah,ftg lae.did I vbnnec- . . Old , Ottish 'son964:were. I . Insert a. display .
, 'A Seafarth, 4v6 frOm1VIft911amj one from far the . request to the special commit- . advertisement. Coa4bll in past years, but the total has - Since . . ... I .1 ..
' or ne, from, sung. This, was a very -pleasing ,pro- I . I .. , :was kindly disposed, The Lilia no' I I
It there .thieg years, :arid ,in 1910: was tiola With tlhd -figeworl;3, iftol,Reit. Bar#. Alyth; two 'from stratf.. d, o gram. ' - : . .. tee. with power to Act.' , . 0 cOlm' been Augmented by. late regtstra lon. I . I
, I
, . ass!gped , to 'St., peter's tathedral .as Mal= James, w6'acied as drum major Hamill, ozie.f:o= Wbst Lorni, t - I . . 1. thlti e.--wlll decide. . .. a ,,
I . 2S$i$.1ant,tO War. McKeon, . L -at the .grounds, Also. ]Ut.-COL Sturdy," 06109418P anti one from xinea wO, from This (Thursday) Afternoon The Artist 07his. 19, a fulany way of running . . I I .. I The t;lassos and mass meetings 4ke,b4iq9' ' . "., , ' . 11 . 11 I
I In 1 21 .he booAthe who Acted 4% mas I I . rollne tak! Trip are. the attraction and they are things," said. Councillor Humber. "There , After the paik motmer' held at North street chureti, where a!40 I I , I
. . . I
11 I . I
. assistant priest. at . ..ter .of ceremonies. Ing part. Is ple0ty of iime,, we meet again on , , ' be no lack of. tenant5 for., , orved. , . .. 11
- I , , i . . . . . very highly spoken of., They also give 9, There will d1z%oer ,And supper are ,being , isprved. , 11
. I , the Roman Catholic. chi rch In St. Marys. .' Yours Slncarely - I . . . - I . .1 . . August Sth. Why. not' Idt; 'this thing The students aro, billeted At .vArlous . . . I I I
I I . . *
1; . and fro:L,la blwrb, at the, end. of three .. - I . I musical prelude ,tonight, followed by . the Park. House wtkon It is vacated on . . I . .
.. I I GODZRX C9 CITIZ*V SAND. ' ' CONTRACT RRIDGE - ',John S' Ratio' Impersonator, humorist sink in-- Whx lat. air. "To4p Carey, who homes. . I . . . . . I . -
. . . ' ' . .11. , , _1apt give It alittle thought? 86ptembei . I . .
.. . , years, went to the Church of Our Lady Goderich, July !4th-,* ,., I I . . .. . . . -for theclositig day These men knew since 4iftuary Ist they Aftei -the -supper hour on Monday . I .
. of Help At wali4ceburg, Prorh 1025 Uzi'. * I . A branch of the ERNEST ORV And entertainer.: And I would be asking for holiday$." . ,recently.. returned .from the West. has .
. . ,w, he: *%s st,istrathroy - ' ,ENE . (PrIday) the afternoon program. will be I I offered $30 4'10.011th, Providing, he is evening A gotAoiaber hour was held ,on - . . I I
. t U rn . Partizan guernia warfari is - seriously, SAW619, STUDIO has been establish. a ,c . Maypr LeeThoso:, mon", want to allowed 30 p er tent. of tile motor catnip the, church lawns in order.1hat the, 3tu- . . 11,
I Oil Monday ?6atifichl high mass owas affecting, freight service, in Manchuria. , I ad lit 'thO HOTEL ' hildrenls.program when the Marlon- tfiey ban lay their fee, AIL, , a delats might become acquainte it I .
. I I . I .. I - $UNSET, GODE. ettes *01 presa4i,IiHinsel know right away so . . . d IN 11 one
J.: sung In- SL Pet4r'4' Cathedral lit 10. - . ,=, :: -- -- ,. .- . RIC ,and Gretall"' plan . s,11 I I I . . I n4ama -and his wife who, con- 1. .
.e. o'cl"k And the remains,, were LIC NOTICE HI under the directlOft Of .MR. and the evening program Is another play, dutt.a tourist camp, at. Thornbury, on another. Later In the auditorlum. ofthe .. . I -
I I then . . PUB ]PIERRE C. THOMSON., . I . Reeve Cralgle-Plb Is reasonable, It deorg I . I . -church 'the class heard a,.mast .
. brought to 03ddribla. . I I . werely Mary Ann." I I Ian Day, also have rqado an appli. . Inspira-, . ..
I I stber Voutig is sUrViVeol'bj two brg- . % - - - r — . SOUn Instructions tor.begimaersand ' The attendance At nearly all' the an- you -or I were going on a vacation We cation The parits committee will de. Uqlftal. address from.Rev, Walter4-S.'Crim, . . . . . I
. .. I t , F - . . I intermediate players in all standard - w , . of KIncardine. Rev. Roy cormOO, th3. . I . 11.
11 fiers, Wilitath and Prank, both: of dode- NOTICE I I . ,. . iertailamoints has been good, but consid oUld vant more than one day to pre- cide. . I I I .1 .
. .systems. , , I . . . . . .
I rich; also two 81gte . 'In& 'monthly chest clinic under the , - M , . . . president of the school, presidcd and I
. 'L 4(51)t , 7M erably short of a nuihboi required to ParV-" . I . IVS UP to the. special committee.to say the 'devotional I . .
: .OF GZ&V`211, , " Miss "' n . ty Young. d'lrectfoft of the. Queen:Alexandra Said- rWW-,SPecIa1 rates I I , ver, must Whether or not tp exorcises were In chargo I., .. 1.
. . I ;ft staff *21 be held Ori Wednesday, . for krOUPS Of friends. $11160) and a: *606 deficit will hive- report back to _a town will pay $2 for . I
mad, Mrs, Irene Oldvalophey, tari . . .eilize ttl ilht, of the guarantee The special committee., howe , I
I . I I . I ( . to 001m * ell 6h: AUgU# Sth, -a report of thi'tunemployment research of Aev., o. le.Watts, The class leaders . . .
of S:lxicoe. ., July 27th, at the Goderith,hospffill, at I .. I . . . I I . before Anything 'definite .is * known. 6ornmittee. for which is claimed many -Rev, William' LAno of .Seatorth, Rov.
1, I ;m. Consultation free. Wako arranP. . ---.;---- - 'be -met. by the. local, committee,- A, mat- . . I
., Le.qers have 6*m% sent by . 1) I Councillor Humber's 'notion: to this ef- helpful Ideas on how to handle the to- O' T' Watts, Rev. F. W. ,Cr4lk, Mrs. W. . .
, . racket t Oln ments through Youir 'own doctor 'or NOTICE TO OUDIETOAS — , er. of about $12 each for the locat com- ' . I ..
latotfolmtk of --,-^--------------------------- Wittee of 42. In view of ,the fact that . .
I the top of an Austrian mountain. to A through thO auperl, the hos. feet carried four to three, Councillor Ilet problem. Council ,considers It al'; R. McIntosh of Londbn Rev. Dr. Mar%. .
I village one mile below, . .. . - . - Woman was absent. The Mayor.,dld not ready is fairlywell versed oh,this sub. tither. gov. De Witt C-OsQhs, Rev, Stephen . .
. pital. . VOTZCZ,T0 MI§Djj 61 j .. j the deficit Is substantIhIr and that. It has . .
. . I 11 . I I I 11 . Mathors, Rev. .
, .. . . . I I .-N---- . D9., A.. C at=mn . . I. I I .. . been made oldIttilp that the Canadian vote, ' . Ject. . . . . Charles:,Walcolln, Rev. ., . I
I I W., O. H. 'IN THE ESTATE OF- Wna4AM W, Chautauqua will ficil be lWurid In any The doderio h Tiotting, and Pacing I Charles Daniel and Rev, Principal .Day. .
. . I — I I , Wontinued on poge, 4) ' I
. I I , . . DAVIDSON, DECEASED 'way as to the dating of the choutoucitla Apgoclation- -was given permission to use . A. . Idson"Were Introduced to the ,students, . .
I I — , .
. I . I .. I
11 .1
,I I
'I I . . $30.60, RVW44P . I r : for next year, it is extremely doubtful. it Agricultural Park on civic Holiday, TWILIGHT TOW&NAMENT and each, reviewed his part of the weiWa .
C. H - UMBER , - I 'Pot the Gillette, Probalo. eIr ltl' . ..- a committee of guarantors *ill be found August Ist. I I .
H r All persons having Any ,claims against . . . Four Godorleh Oinks s tpoed by J. It. program. Miss Idabel Saille, registrar. I I . I .... I r.
. JeWELLER L. . Zdge B'ade that Jiffy lustructionsr 'fall to the estate of WlniVn W. Davidson, late for next Year., . r . . Tlae -Venus Onto was granted permia and.wlsi Cheer, treasurer, also Were Jal, , . ,r . ...
: a Cost Only 60 cents and of the I . ,. ., . . . Bich to irect a sign In front of Its Place Wheeler, A, Taylor, *J, ' SWaMeld And 1J. troduced. , r . . I .. I . . .
)$t. IL . I I . I I
I . I . . THC- SMALL SIORK - r ' r JaSt4a lifetime; no extra ci had only Village Of Auburn, Township of . I- . . . I I . . r . . .. . r . of business, On !production of. V, WNee, took part ln A ' tVoinght r toUtna- ']Rev. ' Walter CrAW - spoke on "Tho ,' . . . .
I . West Wawanosh Inn had Mont rat Clinton on Monday but, did. n .
r . 'r Ift the CoUn he usual
1! WITH Irme 4112ATOCK I new package of blades last y6ar. A. r ty of Xur. JLIE I I bond. It WaSr reported this f ot challenge to'Youth," and Its rotation to .
, I 0 ur;
. I f="=0, 04 Blantyre Avei, Toronto. on, fpner, wh ,died on 0 about h
r 11.... . , I . —. I .. I "r.-"-.--. . the A rV rvn , UR paid $106 transient traders fed. , break Into. the .phze-wilantag'Wass. A the loyaltion r of ..life. Loyalty, he said,; I . ..
r I 11 . i -- ----1;..-. ---.":- 93rd, day of MAY, 1932, are hereby noti. CA -L -L. . . r twilight tournament at Scotch doubles was the flaost important and t 11
I . . , I r - ned to send their names and addressestr - A Ticklish Position, Ignifiloant;
I . r . I I . .. . I . -1 I Is scheduled for Ooderich Prid of next I .
I_ .
. ,V
. .
1. I
I r I and full particulars of their claims, ver. . . I I I the ,Catholic I week at 7:90. ' . . . VVVI%A W the Vngush janguo,ga, . I . . .
. . Mrs. Peter Graf, for I . -.,
. owilog to heavy seas quite a humberof Women% League, naked for pi — . .
I . 0 lifled by declaration, to Mary Davidson, yachts Out Into Port here at the to Otago a ' bazaar in West ati ,mallalon I . I., .
E e, -
at rtl
J W. CIRAIGIE . Brussels, 011t., the xboutrix of the ii private , hk 'The cost of staging tile Canadian Na
. ' I .
I d Real 6 1 of the said William W. Davidson, of, or WeLlk-ead,. .Among 'Ahem was tb&,226- during the second weak, of August. The I tional Exhibition at Tbroto annually b . I . . I .
, Insurance' an I -a 't IV' before the 8th day of August, 1,032, after tooter.' *",680*en II," Owned by W- C. ,rink. is In temporary poweasion. of the I $1,226,000. . Brotherni Soveielgn And Adrian. Each .
. Rands, of Dotroft. Others tied up were . . . . .
. . which,date the said Executrix will pro- . . . I . . ..... -----.L. . Pitt With $50 and 40051w .
* I I rd the '?Aatd Marlan"I also from the .De- . . . .. I . I . I . I ." .
DOWN10*'41 PROVINCIAL ceed to distribute the -assets Of 3he a. troit cht . . . . . . . .
MUNICIPAL SONDS- ceased among those I 1 V4 club, 1191hofish 11,11 froth SAYS - NEIGIRB RS TURNEWON HIM. I , Monday in polite court here was a I
. I .
I I t:. . I I . I having ont'"ooll thot"etol Ubunt Clemons; "Elsie," -from Pkeemorit, I .0 0 I r . . , day for the brothers Duobarme, . I
. . . I I . . .1 I which a regard only to the claims of O.' ', and "Priscilla,4 from Toledo, . bad, . . . ,
I I he shall then have had, notice. . . . . WT4T',r JR.M. W A .% (11 P IDAIAn A'P P. AVIZ Sovereign and Adrian, Hay township, . .
I I I . . .
I . I , ". , ..... Dated at .9russels this 12th any of, I ^W%P . soverel8n Paid $60 and eo3to lot! brwi- .
. . I I I . - . . _r July, 102. '. I 'The "Ma'hitoul1W, was in $undaywlth . . I I — , , . I . . . . 4 I . Ing beer for other than his own con. .
. . . I . MARY DAVIDSON, pawleng6ra from Windsor .and Sarnia. Deputy ,Reeve Moser Distusses ' DANGEROUS PLACE , alltUption, while Adrian, whb 'is ompl . . . .
I She went on. to, Sinearditler, her first . . 1. ed at Detroit, paid a like A by-
I . Executrix, W. W. Davidson Estate, visit to .that, port this season, And to- Controversy With - . mount, for .
BETTER USED CARS . .. Brussals, CIA., Iturfied In the evening. tile Owen Colborne, Reeve Cralgle wants white posts in a3multing tile police. -.. —AN" .
. . I 1Z4=ft!t,1- - -,-. - - I . - - - Sound Transportation Co. Is well?Pleased I . stalled on the cannon bank as a warn- In the e4rly bours of Stoadast morn,
I I -F01t SALE OR TO RENT with the patronage this boat Is receiving TAKES ISSUE r . Ing to motorists that a ctee'p Incline lids Ing the brothers were Augiffigg tile boor . . I - I
. tit Moore"s Garage, St. A.ndrew's.St., Goderich PART OV HoiUM To RENT,par. this year And looks for a return of pop. . To JUDGE bey6nd. Ile tald Tuesday night that It when Constables WhItealde and Oundry .
. I . I . . , . . a car was to go over tho town might be walked In. There wan A soulille, AdrL,'U,
. liable. 'Zt might put ua In a. nasty and 0116 bf the constables -1
L , i ' I . nishod, modern conveniences. Ap. Ularity In lake trips. It has ,been Inti. .. . . . , Vontto the .
I -Rdal batgains flaii. tee'eks a d i U, take' PlY ,It STAR 0MC9. . U13t6ol that a larger -boat will lie placed Changes TAxej (row Pafic . 1.
. . n We WF to mo35,11 he Bald. The request will receive that and babon were d a la
, , . . --- in service on this route next season, '661 A a , r VM Adr ft, I
. I r, ARM ron SAU.-Porty acres, lawro The- fishermen report tatehet as ;fair Separate Se , Stir . the attention ,of die- public works icom wao lodged In .the county jail,
I I your old car in -on exchange on ..: , Or lelft the property of the late and . I 0 Yeaii ' mittiDe. . . ,... , , - I
. I . a -splendid market lot Gmau ash for . ----.--- —-
I I . I . - - I ,any of the folloWing. .,. * . I ' ' HI W- 0- NVA61, situated At the end Of "smoking" puiposos. The- demand Is - Ir If I could. I fell off- the verandah -
, . . . . ' . South strect, on thd southern boundary from Arnotboan cities, "I di.ec . ,
. I . I . I . of the town: of good Clay learn, large I I Paid Public C011401 taxes to? fifteen and broke an arm and white I was on ComlonA Events, I
.-MOVE144 VORD COACH - house and barn, drive Oiled; workshop- — I— I---- - — :' ,1 years in Colborne Township, I wanted the broad of my back my, neighbors (?) I
, UODM A V6RD ROADSTER 1.630 STtWMAXER 9 *$XDAN horl-house; artesian well (135 feet)" tG WANTED . to to laelg4borly and I -thought my con- got O'Ut a petition to blotie me. I don't . ,. . A , NI) ,. WTSINCS c; nRyEr,14
logo CHSV. COACH 1091 DtMANT PANM DEUVERY Ve* b#sb of water; good fruit trees, 81deration in this respcot was appreci.A. like that." r I I . 7- . I 1. I
L "'\ 1030 OHM. ,V09T ROAMMS, blaly- olven. 4joou miles-41ke new Ideal location, ,elose to, schools and 18, .--A man'd bicycle. apply ted, but when my noligiluora .circulated 11r, Mo5er'a form b a6=0 at $200. Reterve Atiguot lotil for-111aple L03f I
11;28 ism COACH thurehes. Yor further ttloulars it 1, t. STAR OMCE. Day at I .
JJ&J , 10018 (=V. COACH , 04 the P&Dly ---a, . . ......... - I Ed- . - a petition to prevent me conducting a It was reduced tror4 $goo by the, court Ooderfoih ,PavLlloh, Bridge and
, I premises or to -= y or W , I
. I , . 1993 clmlraLft COX", it. a. 1929 DMANT SEDAN ; ITArr9f, ., I WAM"---Man wanted to -out to 0 it 7 pot P. 0 rev on. m diput,V reeve claims It . . . . I I
I .
. I . - . - ]REL21honograms on sutomobilm, ,A pare g Chat).
- I I ; -'- - . ,_It - -:, t " , , - changed my mind and -tra.loste MY dill Is too 411gh. Re SsSrs be paid $3100 Ampicen Maple Ile tor, 1. 6. D. a
wil - . ......
"i I UAL ESTATE Atip MSVRANOV . or full time, Experlente Unnecessary, whool taxes -to the separate seltool at for It v hen times were good., but that The regular meeting of the Oode jelt
- I E'. STEDELHAUKEARX, Prop, --11-11-1 - 00derich, which Ia ,my right," states ho Would, gladly. take $2500 for It now. Board at Trade WAII.-b l - . t ' -
v 6 . I Al,, Write 8ox 25, STAR OZIFICE. . 0 h 4 in the own
I -, .- — - .11.1111.1 Tlm AnmSTRON6 azAt raTut . I I I Deputy ge6voWasdt, discussIng histur. 111hore Is no hou--o on tb&-,rr4Pftty, nor ball = UdAday ovenlug, July 23th. at
-- - ! -_-- - --- - -1 , - - - . AND 114ftMANCR A61WOT. Arovorssr with the Township.of ADolborne, Is it Worked or produring i;aVenue-wor-th. 4 P21, 1 .. I I . I . . .
- , - - I .
I . - --
. I - 1. .. JPAW ftlt sit Once, which t -bb Year Irwromtol, his aist!s- tlaentloal g. TIle, lalld Is very IVIA. MC rc
VRAI 11 stfty brick laouse, c,xcollent I NIOT11M I . "Mt, -Wldeh InereAse 110 beorl upheld "Colborne althply, 14 ,vojj!j 11 -010 M0141111Y tdeOtfilg ,Df the' I I
,5 trd4f 16 WOZOAt T10$P1ta1,AtWIiarr will ba held .
. ,tanditlon, modern equIoDed with eollsr. I " by tile court of t0lsfou .and an appeal ed'"t tt"00 aUd Z -" 802ng tO VfolZe5t In -
. Jun Life, 98,868#08 -GOMP80 of Oepada C'106 to Square, price $1400,1,1% story AppUcations will be ir& clved bsi' ' e4tered 4)eford Judge Wt#30, . the public llbm"g board room ol
I bottle, PXt`tIY'pDlhhed hsrft fiaors, the UlIftbigMd ,UP ft July 98th, 13 much Of My farm''10 the 1AW *Ili "6 Monday, Jul y 25th. at 4 V w. A fun
11 - ftelY decorated, modern equipped. good 1032, for booths or rerftlittiolat Mr. Moser owirll the old ho4ol ptoporty empt from taxes. I W wt to 'play the rJttC-n(JAZ,C-4 45 rcoillmtcd. ,
I I 'poll I illar, * location, prite. 41300; on the northeast Comer of'.0m,dop In- 96MO fair, !but I Won't be lmilostd On-" XeOP in Mind August 16th And 17th,
, t
. , AN MIKIIS11% or -I r'O It 1 0 th*L a or r3 . pot'ors
. 11 AtOfY 11691t, $450; 11,1j story 110gle, Race Meet tetteetia". Ile ilisa owlas t4 IM-0crts tsld' Mr; iVO-'Ort uambllf A 11AIf dM11 Thtsda,V 41nd, WcAno3d y, f , . K,
'I'Vour Ich e for an ariount far ift "cess of my MA lostifts rellall I vlu story house, sw, grAss farm. T1 TIAM lag Mt far= Iood 14iftt, he said-whlai wtTe Catholic, Church ocrond Grand lterraLms
wo that laur tout h",A hard time t*r#u&ft# *e to t _ I ns, othem-*sk about them. . ,et
I i t t4e thu - MONDAY, AUG. list. Divert - got Illy Lc Mo& *Mt? IM- b0no wotWd and' kteglag f0milles, in the octacriell tkating rink. %113 b
, I Terall I - 1 5 , w roof which llad a lower jls: et wwd,.qt than his,
t t :000ted the day whttt I would receive this Cheaue 1111ey .11 me houses to rent. 11 clivic. AMDAY lwovm ats 6a thd old llow. It at t1le great evc lt 6f U10 geason. .
20-atre farm 16r talv Big Aild colUite. T113 ytsir At*MY VIP "This Is a rdlghty pocr thui) to be Ia.
llmm Awoub t Or Inconvenience Of ptyliag the pretnimft. Ile could A Jktt, bar#6In-$22 per acre, including rate stm per toot frdar*86 Itt. 11113`1 S11110*6 Ulert."'Ad tile It", tMeric erleeWing asst-$14menw, lie Addcld. INOU . I
ill!1Z L lt **3 right Amd. I w4s, wroug. I vish I Ito 11"d to hl Im. All, COPS If bought iguiet. Small dowift side of tmek and 02.66 ver goo
i p.,rtunititi ini t0en. the larget"pollit-y ,he &:,1vL"!1 me, to fake,,, 10-yrittlat accepted. meftto pottes- fronuS6 outslmof twk. an 'the ftfel Proerty froW $rj!;o t6 $100. T'k106 WAS's 161`90 CrOWCI'M the tOwu- ,I. DMN'XWALTW.-At Wo,jiaWs 11o3. I
' 1,11to 0--ostisoes exewv r "Iff Mt. 4;117 lull to beike thdr czwt of revisloll Itall Detroit. July IOU, 1932, to me, a2(1 . I
, 140 W1,15vd tesftohy recelved by the 8un t-Ife Atsumiftce Vo, r&-ently sion. Efteellent ooll, laor watc, itbout 00 10 Mt 4Ceflt, tO A%0'thpW Ap-Z- I I
"3 ?a s 2a? 11,*V. XcfdS tithbet. 4S acres grain troll, b4l1incd Meation, privitego to grand stand Moe -r. lqs timt lie did tiot hiske thn hi.. proettdiags, and tho Mv,attlan wots Ars, ltzt-d 1)4nkwaltor. gk 4sushter. I
! I I . bay and ttur6, amd billk. barn, lt, Ct tte fteattso I spent $166. 06 asys sox"hit. littted at tfteA. 'Cour"Mor: DIZO !
stigg he .-, to be cow -red b,7, M"rAtt apt4kno J* tnttnded 40 r"kcs the JnC.T0S#,A ,to y mocrextil Of #A,ftf0T4 %&S th, .
- t ,
01ft its aode * " 1W tindition, 12 miles frafa - - t1ir 113rr - 0 OU0 HA =-.-At Woadstoek, on Ttr,,%,-,%r, , "
% * I a nel h 1 tO $011061, 491-J4 tntirko", Vhts 00 'bu
Lob". floll. t rAlet-ted to to to. InvO IV IV M-t r *ft gaVe Vt. Mot,,,r any: u7 loth, willssm lla ov.
1*W"ft 4", R R- LONG, Diattict Age -it I Ift 4' , hom, s6laills Ibb!7 to me, %-Lat baUlWit was ,9uDXr4 Mo latter states. jtttro -,ao!d. TOJUI;G. I.,
I "' ..., 1. .1 ...", I—— 1, , ----1------ ..1.1 ., I I .... 41. W. AVW!5".01.10. W- F. CLAW 8fty., In a terilwet'radluon, I ftte,A Z up thrvVa And CGareLflo"s q imftll And 154 -At tandon, an rddlv kvnk?
11 IN aw-1--1 I" . n, . o3X Rev. r,al'11107 J04n J. 'W,nuaso
9 * "I Omeorvft 11 11.1.1--- . I—- - 6
I - - -, tnuFas og, to, tar'l m lata. 6 ro';0nue-;,20. P2Uldl V40 aAAWS44 Mm.L. I It"Pl. 0: All v3laW QWMN" 81 X_,=' ).
4 1 1 . . , I .