HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-07-11, Page 2• Wit 'W O : 4 A=te•# _= .•s. be Golmicb $vtat. DE1tCB STAR P4b?, eked teary Triuratfii at `:'he Star (ftl.ee, ala::ceiela, Sirbactiptian Price e Camas.; acd Great $r➢taU ;?:Dti per veer ire advance Cha arrears 42.30), Crated States, ea.50 pee tear in advance. Beth ea aid new addrecsea shaiuld last jivcn wae:1 c.°lanfce of address 14 re- pi;cstecl CANCELLATIONS—We as n d Mat m r:t cif car subscriber,. prefer not tar have thea subsc4140, lnterrulsted In ea:o they fall to remit before easplra' Me. Whits suleserlptions velli m; be mriedfiReCara ova,'r a.a extended1er 4 lea, yet, canrs w e axe notified to canwe rear RssMrs:o oras sui3aeriber wishes the ter vivo centhaued. 19.TAi^i r;'3 al;auld be aevacle by registeredletter, aunty carter er cheque sayable at par in (cele -Kele Kele TilUitSDNE, JULY 1491, 1931 Star Sparkles1 elfin snood"s two neavepapeee have tau merged with Mr, Devitt Wiiiian . ° Ca editor, • Tire Enterprise -Bulletin tsmita tearable hands. • A man has about as much Chance •of meuring a loan tat a bank"these days as has the Toronto ball club of winnine the Internetional League, ;xelais +rhe, a.. a b•:eY u;ribt, leave thele but in. Met' curage •gad walk, but theysee m.gllty few in name ben'. BICYCLES AND DOGS • Met of the made et the tew a elle now In goe4 shape. Thfa ig peetteidarly trite WHAT OTHERS SAX Bible and. PNilkil babel aScac cc l►,ierater,) Anie:icau trap .-ere are gala to Bare fosi;d' the 7tairex c: Sabel ihh f7ldeewpoa. One hundred years agA ila:ci Ceutty were large mature trees scattered talnia. Re m`ters at tile' t`ti Arsa�`L , >~r.ie.zal PA?' c�aaver,t:c.s last g:'rn� � rra;. ccverefi with a /wavy stand cf t�➢m4 through the Wen. 'I7iel�r removal i9 tier tared it :P Au>nga. tie:: '„day there sae man weal tilled not nevi partieulariy anci s;4ptinSs - al, f the• Square and tilt Ski EEts leading tq terms with fine buildings that are ai ere- email trees already stetted wits make aa' Olt to the people who sett:eii the coiitity. taster growth as the eompetlttnn a f. the it. $erste opens aro even food a Hough " Seale the arms THURSDAY. Ji31ix fitly, 343t 1 Huron County Woodlots $ i« Cr Manitt, Foreattexa, Tens How They Are Waned Considerable Saving e1 e f have the entire scralarger trees has beet} reanave�➢. la ^h to dance as Las bees d niers- . age cleared and sander cultivation, 011ieAix. Noble Hiollalad o3 Hallett `Town.- , i , ve « decided that h acre wntrdlA it re eP h t v obi d ..i ed he. 9 ($ o a a rm ) t o h tittle value. atm er have w. ve ,o, .. t Rfi p a ocd a not, K. �$ h tut they er Crated ea �GoeR e a sirs dal Y.. « ., i e that, s id be ate G d 1t n s .v an aseet ou r s fo owl . ex4e s v P asit lies aRetesla.a,e.l lI i; ed esaaiugii fee rase /435911132 ialesele There will >;a little public o ri# O tta off R r e r rile c:acerin-e�,rrreil passe;i at A«taxa,{eutGing and pasturiutif. 'Would it not be Was as second growth maple stn with arias et this t'0w3, as is almest hourly aeelarinthat all perananent positions i wiser to keep a percentage of the farm trees 3 ft. to 14 ft. is diemeter. ;tic demonstrated, mp ai tines before the in the Cavil ecryvice, vaeatat on. July 30th. In .productive wee:lland to provide fuel was euttiug out the defective and stead very eyes et otacere et the law. Nottaug11932, shall be abo ihed aur removed and logs far lumber? Steep hillsides, trees ter fact wood. me also: tapped 100 1) that cif the .sidewalks, it acres, wil9,rQna the varrous spa men• after, also, fn ease of an position ie- eatisfy rile bteeele riders. corning valaut, tlae deputy minister must QrTlais parRaigagr1 Is la onapted by City Haat rile ;Abbe triterest will snit - plaint son to they germinated. « Rf r h crani en plalut whish The lame ias Peseivcd fromff"er if the Pest bc, net fined, otherwise ii? f An incs�slnR number of farmers each y A y g a ladY'who, within a fortnight, was twice cv➢U be abolishes trio, Nor wilt there be Year are protecting their, woods from 1926 the stock was shut opt and Plant. violently thrown to the sidewalk, once' any more salary increases in the civil stock and helping the natural a'eProduo- lug' h the open.s'om fngs nenced. Pines, service before lit arch 31, 11139, Such tionby planting. trees `that are furnished spruce, walnut, white ash sand blank on the •Sdunre, by cyclists who, hag tali iueasurex sh;iulci be productive of con -'free by that Ontarlo Forestry Brazen. lust have 'been planted. Natural re - her, Nor she an aged lady, or snit slfierablo savings. The farm.' of James Carnoehan, TuokM Prcduetivn, has also Dome in at,n4 along. pled, "but an aotive, middle-aged woman, !dere- atony, gravelly, sandy Riad swamp one rnAple trees, Wla➢oli produced, 30 gallons should have been lett in trees, ;es cnitt- of , syrup aianuanyt vated crops and pasture give meagre re. The .bush was pastured and the stock turns from these sons. .. • were browsing oft _the seedlings each ereniith. Township, has 12 acres of wood„ with the Planted trees make •up a ane but not active enough W dodge the Men and Thele Spirts • land that has never bees; pastured. er young stand. A berry patois. illustrates severely called. Thirty cords of 14 In. the -difficulty in securing natural repro- eneko-'like trail of tome ble5'eie riders. wood has been cut off the bush annually duetfou or sueeessfut planting Ina thiels The 'Star oftengets complaints of this tor' the past 32 years. Considerable logs berry patch. . nature. It does root publish halflotfor lumber has also been taken out at Mr. holland intends to gradually take them'.° Some relate to vicious, tagless hart that ditrereht tunes. iaugar maple makes up .out the large trees as they interfere with more than 00 per cent. of the stand.,with the young beneath trees beneathem. he in- dome n* dogs,a who take a delight in • °nipping" basswood, white elan, rock elan, white, tends to improve the growing conditions ash, ironwoesl, black cherry, and yellow. in the nattral stand by cutting .out alae birch, ;weed species -(ironwood) crooked :trees, (Kincardine News) g Enland has a population • of feirtY people, eop - le, about ten million of thew being adults who wears s at ohildren and adults, but" very lit ever .done about it. With all this rain we now have some- Sergeant Art Roso of tile. man ting fresh to worry about -(--potato tot tome says tho bicycle riders of :Clod --so the isrowers tell us. But is not our give him 'More trouble than does normal potato crop now too heavy, and thine elso Which within the s is not the price too law. "There is al- ways a diver lining. they pull on otter their heads. It takes about fifteen seconds. ;longer to put a Int is shirt over. your head than it does to put et the • open•all-the mething ante Scattered. shtgle trees are Out here and defective trees and trees toe closely mulekyle. They, lose eoputt n Eike .four 'there, as the show signs of defect taus- spaded. erieb Years' .tune each ads putting y.t are sthheir Y Ur. W. J. Washington of West Wawa- any- beads—butdecay shirts and they have the right to put mature trees are take* out for logs and nosh Township has 18 acres o1• hard - 'here them on any stay they Mice---af s they tualwood. 'The woodlot always presents. wood bush that was pastured until 192s. an unbroken front as no large openings It is a second growth, sugar maple. beech Are made. The •openings are soon filled bush with trees 6 ft. and 15 in. in die.- by seedlings that start from the seed meter There were many large openings A Tariff Board blown from neigraber➢ng trees, A wood. and ;there aro no -(tees under 0 ln. 1n (i'inaracial. Pot) lot cut in this manner gradually becomes diameter, showing. that all . natural re- • uneven aged, with all sizes and ages of production for 3D- yearn has been lbrowsel. The• attacks upon the protective a tu. - trees represented It is the Ideal' type 011 by the stock, lvaturai roproduotion iff, that ..are now being de, re, np 101 wood)pt for the farmer who .plane to has. been slow .coining in under the trees convincing• to the intelligent student of make' ,annual 'Cuttings for fuel wood, :as. and in. the, open places that were gees- affairs because they, do'nein demonstrate there will be,. trees reaching • maturity sed over since. Battle were 'fenced' out, that any uuidue advantage' is taken of each year. The forme; may cut these It' is senting in slowly but is not gen any of the bigh rates nortiinally in eft slid they are equivalent to the annua eral. He has planted red pixie, white. feet., But the great discs of the pubUc wood growth on the, woodlotc A Wood- pine, walnut, butternut acid red calk -Wit: is not. to be expected to make' any logi- lot as fully ;stooised as evfr.. carnochan's. • the open places. oal examination• of the case and it is s:iould .grow is cords of 4 ft. wood per! More fertile in heron County have unwise for supporters. of protection. .acre per year, waodlots than many of the Counties `.of J. S. lierntghsn, . Colborne ; Western •Ontario. There are Still suftl- ,, J. S. T ernighan, ox p,,e a cleat seed :trees of the more desirable' in. most of "them to seed them up naturally. Township owns .an le -sore woodier ,that. If there ate revolve:: products woodlots' What with the copious rain of the past few weeks perhaps the water and ]Ight commission will consider ,a rebate on the lawn : service of .Sts customers. Wo -said "perhaps," John f7 Rocketeiler, on his 03rd birthday, sate prosperity has always re- turned alter it depression and will again. !in the meantime ` the old boy night amuse himself In giving away shiny new, quarters, or, half dollars, instead ,of shiny iaew dimes, Premier ':Henry . has, expressed hingself ns opposed :.to • municipal control •of school• taxation and. of school; .boards, The change,. he says,' would .be a :cora- plete reversal of the policy of the Prow • 'vtnce Ln relation to the school. ,That • may all be so, but evidence is not lack - Mg that there is need at least for closer .�-operation between the munteipal councils and the •seheol boards. JUST GRAfl' ` THAT'S ALL The Inerehraits and nainufattarers of Cederfch have been :pestered to death eoliciting. advertising for , this, that end t. tries Other Thing- and 1•N'a are ,sorry to eay ' :that .many tnem have handed out good *Iloilo, and redeiveil .nothing In re- tina. A ,maenzine 'patronized etrOYed after it had beea pritited 'and of n peace oii➢cer. We believe the ser-. win. g@ant, for he ' is the only 'constable in this man's tdwn who wears out any: shoe leather. • • We grant that complaints have been. trade about potpie riding bicycles on sidewalks: and that section has been tak- en, but it le obvious that this action. has been glaringly inefrectiso. Our Weekly Lessons in English whetherawe eat Inindustry or in government, in S y (By W.Gordon) , elsewhere—to take for granted that the public is convinced'of the net benefits of Words Often Misused. protection. While the enanufaoturees Tho, not. say, !ego ifoavers win.grow would be looking' after their own best. hero besides •this kind." Bsy "except interests 11 they'evere to protide evidence trite kind,, of refutation of the in'iplfed:aesumptions Tao not hay, ..,01 two evils, choose the of . these charges against the tariff, no least."' Say, "cheese the leaser.". finally satisfactory proof of .the fairness ,. "lie is a knowing chime/ of any tariff item will exist until a 'tar- Say, "an .intelligent child:' if! board,is reconstituted: on tine lines Do ,not say, "At what hotel are you of the one Mr. Bennett has promised stopping?" Say, "are you stayinge the`. country—whteh°will have authority Do not •say, "The Missouri River. emp�• to study the effect on different •classes. ties into the MMfiesissippi," It has never in the community of each individual been empty:' nee, "tlo*s • into the Mir- item' in the tariff. - >ao not say. slsslppi,':t. say, Conference Cannot • Fail heard, from her." Say "more than a mohtai." • Do not a 'tXt is above a month since • Words Often Mispronounced • „arraign. Pronounee.a-rez, first a tine etresse4, secoad a as in 'train," accent lot syllable, and not a -range. in "no," arfeerit soond syllable. ,eat indications are that the work okelie ing treo to rot, while they Pride them- planning ,to burn a few eords of wood In Cremate. Aceeat on last tellable Is 'various preparatory committees is well selves ors the harvesting ef their other the fan aad spring. The money would Preferred, . haa been managed 4471C hall! 8. it IS a sugar raaPle heeal.„ laid now by nrotectine the ma 11 p d , white elra bush with beech eel nlaPin lioga that l'eaeln tiattralle, or bf etart- • Get Your Summer Toggery AT THE Men's Toggery Store. ers Flannel Suits, Panama .Hats, Flannel Trousers, Grad Uuderwear. has. Black Neat Bedford Hotel Phone liiotei $edfor What Shall We Name the Baby? A Symposium by Famous Pepple of To -Da)' To selece a suitable name for each loabi that comes into the world Is., indeed, an absorbing problem. Milliont of Aew babies , were born last year. And yet there are leas than 1;000 names tO choose from. Pareate search directories for sugaestions. saall we ercate some interesting new No. 60 Maria feritza • 1Ir,re are re few suggestions to; a baby's name: Leopold, Charles, OeerrJe, Otto, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Mathilda. QUENTIN is a name of Latin. origin meaning "fifth, boy." It. is the name of a hero of Scott's "Quentin Durward." ' • - • 'WA:MEIJI:Lk is a same of 'Teutonic origin •megaing ',mighty battle maid." eilethilcie, a variant, is the name Sott's heroine In "Relteloy," Other I variaats are Hilda„ Tillie and iViatty. predominating. Twenty cords of 16 ft. big, plantatione. ' ' ROG $11iPeneNTS FOR MAY and feeders 2, Huron Co. •Localre-'Total,• wood are eut annually and. logs for , lumber are taken out Timber Is -dMere I ForeStrY MAY •be pre-f:is-4 inteaelvelY Auburn—Tcrai hogs 737, eoect bacen hogs 3220, select bacen 749'. bacon 2ese, '.... hi font Weedlots as the material ennicv- 2e1, boon 421, butchers 00, heavies 4, butchers 300, Ilea:vies 51, 'extra heavies ent from other crepe as..# 'does not ha/e to be harvested In a perticular season r ed ho. thltinines anal improvement tut- lights and feeders 15. Goderleh—Total 4, ilghts and feeders 46. Aaron 'County tinge makes [fine fuelwootl. that ean ;te hOgs 133, select bacon 30, bacon 81, sa-Total hogs 0010, select bacon 2333, year. It May be left until prices are more favoable or tan be used for an, tiled or sold by the farmer. There Will butchers 24, lights and feeders 2. Me- bacon 5834, bet,thers 975, ,heavies 35, ex - always be a market for logs, and Wes- Gawe-Total 'hogs 319, select bacon 73, tra heavies 6, lights and feeders 13s. emeegency, Many bushes have supplied halite to matkets. Good reatis ", And , •• ' 1,3 the matey for the big payment on the trucks win tend to aeake timber peeeri bacon 200, lititen‘rs 38,.; hiaties .2, lights. - farm. , More eonsideration should have on farm woocilots yell valuable. There been given to the cutting and after care are many fine young stands (2-0 'In. in ef the woodlot, so that It. would be In a diameter, 20-60 et high) that, would •be be.netted by wiee thinning.' The owner weld. improve his property and ab the same time secure valuable fuelwood. There are many woodlots that have Viewing conditions. Bosh:lents of vit. (B. C. Buchanan in Saturday Night) cenciltien to etunish another fine cutting Ittatwitlestanding earlier impressions, it in /0.30 Years; • may notv .be safely said, I think, that Both Woodlets present a fine appear - Ottawa Ls, or WM be when the time ance ras an the defective trees have been comes, ready for the Corderence. Mr. cut. Trees are a crop and there should Bennett at any rate, will be ready for it, be cuttings to remove the decayed and Which Is the main thing,. and the 'prese broken trees. Many °amen are allew- Desperado. Proneurice the a. as In "day,' not se he "alaa Accent third Oratis, ?Pronounce the a as. in "ate," ia woe& nr1 on the mer would frequently spend It. before As for the businese of tlae Conference, from the London method. In London outwodly at any ente, is quite different the Ottawa method ot approach to it faarir:pettstf ura.inCa. Swasaisli:,aNduenais:11.0petThinegeuutp- iee.vin. geafoTr Sho,mTaRe. E, t TF:A ... 1 ting of 40 cords of 14 in. wood annually! , , , - ' RS white and rock OM rive years ago the ILI To hi . , as, are talking aboat the Conference al - cattle were shut out and planting in the, 7 \ yj se--PwriGiermiseanneotrtrAse't Icea Words Often Missuelle4 , Most dallY, In parliament end Outside. Indelible; ible, not able. Cantaloupe, or :the British attitUde and alms. mr. '13 1 Frederiek Logewski, 23-yeareold Cfer- years ago was plaWed and put into beans. i Cantaloup. Observe the second a aend .ThoiraiS, in inagazine articles and at man farm hand from, Bay. townshM, in .1030 it was planted with white ash ' the oupe or oup. Bleyele; not by , nor luncheons, tells what in ens opinion the ' south of Zurich, was en Mender sea- I and red oak. It bas ,been cultivated and' 0, oonealescenee. observe the , .se, British attitude isn't. (Kr, Baldwin says itenced to three years it Ringston pere,-; the trees have made a fine growth. The But probably the most uterine case 0t. Sacrilege. Observe,the 1 and the ege. the elm Is OS close an approach to Em - all has Just tome to light. A Sarnia with saga m I Synonyms pire free trade as possible. Mr. 'Thomas ivnite oh averages 5 feet and the red, i teatiar 3r by •Denglstrate Reid for an of- s serving his term be wilt be deported, the 1° talesman was in town last, week selling. dissentious. . mind," dolares It has no "cut and dried a e g • es an ePruce Zee Water Highway maps, printed, last Disorder, 'disturbanee, cOmmotion, tu- yearaaa left -over Issue --containing the °nit Introdtictory, prefatory, preliminary. edeeetisoileata 01 Ooderich Merchants', kite, tard.Y. dilatory, year and, ridiculoua ae it mew seem, tbe Disown, diselata, disavow, deny, re - mouser estagt succeeded, in some ziounee, eepudiete. d *ells th h, 4 It ti " 'White 05h• Averages 5 feet And the red i fence against a 13-yeavege girl, After • lastances, In again colleetina for the IV rd St dy same advettleelatent thit year. This, oe "tie() a Word 140 times and it is course. is nothing short of firaft ,About "urre" Let us increaae our voeribulary bY Mattering one a'Orii e0•011 idaY• 'Words the ordy .consolation front a 'newspaper for this lesson: ' ' . 'standpoint. ' is that the canvasser at,as . Annxorloa; state of being deVoted made, the Conterence Must be a sue-, .". '' 0, v. middietad, Gadericb, „ Tit. ::. -,. 'Unable to collett frem tire merchaute tfi same. habit ••or -nursuite "Re 'had a toe, ;Mast aehieve Its main PUrPoses. • ' . . . . r crazy state- *tea arrested end ill no, strong addiction to slang." .•. ' , Vailure, atter the world-wide attention Township, is leaving 40 acres in wood- condition to . be. .queetiOned," eaid lier.J • I'd UN FrI0ENCE: lavish generositla the coriferince Ilea attracted. would. be land and. planting 30. .acres of rotten Dannelly, qUoting a decision of the . (nue- "The wealth, of our thumb ie a testi. too ingittiportable a blow to tfie Enmire, bids and flate along. tlae hayfield river, bee Appelate Court to show that a pri- ` mony of his raMillieence." . to tile eauntriee of the Eropire indivi- Forty acres have never been cleared and caner, must be 'Warned 'Oen time he is VAUX PAS. (pronOttnce foepa, 0. al th cluallY, and 'to their governments, There pastured ter years,. The pasture lahd queetionece . :. scheme" and hopes no Deeninion delega- tion will hose either. here In Ottawa the governMent believes It is best for it to iay nothing in adv.ance of the Corp, /1 semis to me that ante, in short- Planted in furrows or spoteplantect make !taken at Credit= ten, days ago ahd at- I a fine pitines:tieri but hardwoods (maple, , aided Was then remanded to jail for elm, . besswood ash, walnut) require sentence. . 'I cultivatioxito give them a - start. Th v, et 1 Detente Counsel Frank Donnelly rest - do very well sPet-planted In a bustethat is not too open. ed his caSe oa the Crown. evident:4;0ml- NatUral reproduction of white ash, gl g g P c cons a es elahtedness ean the possibility of failure sugar maple, beech and basswood bas interrogate a prisono two and, three be tentemplated: that this Conference come in well, The huge Maple and: time4 00 *Ile wail/frig tela`ting t° eannot fail foe the simple reasen that the British Empire collectively and the Unita and goverturients Of the Empire participatine In the Conference cannot on any accOunt afford to let it fan. No matter what aaerifico might have tO beech will gradually tut out foe fool crime other than that tor which prison- I and It WM give the young treee a better ally pleked up for vagrancy and later chance, as the big trees hold thern haek by theit shade and tome* for the matie adrait8thaS 10 Coristables Gundry thee prisoner WAG in an excited and, who are out of business. or dead. ILI. T. Hamm WM right. TRAPFIC PROBLEMS Early this year the hoard of Tratie tsok up the question of parking, on the __lett. "His letter contained a. grCat tratiG the business seeeloil. pate no, a as in ale accent last sylleble); tan be no doubt that tbe governments had Inn 'out and weeda on it were be- Crown Attorney Ranee atgued that false step, "Ills ,faux pas proved discisa at Lotion Mee Ottawa fully reallte this coming a. nieriace. lie deelded that the Quebec emieffeemeame applicable la trous." and evIll eat • actordingly. Ite IS -national trees atuid be the most satisfactory ontatiti, PLHOIldtalf; use of more words than ,"The. Quebec 1atv," he said, Cquare arid of the , general regulation of hetetz3rY to eXiness tho bar I tort that nothine be done, obvloial,y tr.- illmle"un s."31?'„,„..„,„,,,,„,,,,„' cause the quesMii et parking is a tick- ---." - Mb. and contentious ow: and quit° nat. COAL FOR TIIE' ' intrehants de net care to inig up in that rub of thins. Peeeeilure of this sort, of retiree, dots Zist get cniYane anehliere, but an this Velma' board nit 11011110 evealug, Falettrie 00 needo no testimonial at its mid Empire intereets that are at *take, crop on this tenet land, as he 414 not not pelvate Intereate. It is the aatioris 'with to break it up again aad the trees of the Empire that will conduct the would be en effeetive weed control. Conferenee, not the priVate Interests of Twenty -live acres hose boot etforeet- The Empire goeernments cannot be entirely ignorant of what they severally. intend tO proper,* or offer to the ,Clone, fee -epee. for memoranda and inforMae They should he pretty well acquelated "eaya it is reprehensive for constables to Interrogate pristine:a. That is wrong, Police 'constables *have a perfect eight t -G question prisetere and our law al - ed to Owe, epruce, walnut and poplar. Iowa evicienee souree by ponce interr*. They are 'making' satisfaetory growth. gatIon." and In a few yeare' ain tim weeds by The 'Crown CoUntel Saki there were their shade. Natural xeproduetion has mitigating eireunistatees in the eate come hx thickly through the bush anti being tried and that it did not call for in the araee land adJoining the weeds. the maihnum penalty in that the A pleasing feature of the reproduction mother cf tho yeung gee ems, partly at with ono artother's position when they Is the large pereentaee of white ash. bete , , • PUBLIC SCHOOLS.-mcet here: %Vitae. ash wood Is very valuable and le elagistrate Mid held that a eetond. • In great demand by handle makers,11- At the rcgtilar nicotine' rot the publie h a tonutable was not necessary. The thero aro no ends of L. neer was overt the contract far sup- ipewers other than iteelf. Whoever trlee pzezeccat5 0n0 • .0 r,plying anthracite to the Central selfera it ter eouglis or colds. tor cuts or ton - t E will at $13ati a ton. and it was pas.t.ed to. tmloo5. tor timing ttltna. for Pabla the lintba Or body, Well knew that. tire medieine prove) Itself and need; no goarantee, This &Iowa why this 011 Is pat far tam Calorie/a the berate lial,pureirre .a large tar of Eel Jaeket Ilt) C4% 3144 110 122"131.3.:'alcc/ 19 cave en seuth tido of Vieteoht cehool the Pr= for the to.opratimi 0114 Vallee arid to late:* the matter of Improving . with power te aet. It wee ttaeted to complete the new '..tal—Clereleattte read tilt:ens divide! (2)—S4 e e ettite, 'Mice) aveilable, (Itte Etat at the 1)31'4 IN ticeltited vacant! telistir.al Dave truth and .'dnye unload r:Itl the tcgli 01111C11 13 14s-lt(1 to WE ARE NOW tetter et tympethy is to he teat to' DELIVERING the fetidly et the lete Wm. Wallace andl eleetioa to fill the cacanty% net rut the Male RYSTA Phone V ihirat a Fear dew. In the manufacture Of skis. W te as „ee pawner, he eaidi Wee, escited because he win not ce`l ttl) tlikk ht1811 as 8'"'"" was under arsest. Ile bad previously Maple and bee& da, bet If there le a gone to a fernier neighbor and tO his teed tree near an, openhig there is gen. ralintaer with 143 troublea beeause, he orally a (Peat nutaber of White oh eeetle ItneW he had den° Wrong. Tile mother Jur. Middleton PmelieCa SsIteelon Oita and should be. reprimended, and, if there ting. 11,1 1029 ho fahi 200 tre:'s tha were erounds, neoecettted. avant,: The trees SeTeetted far eutting Eczema Started On Her Hands t ‘Worked Up To Her Elbows vaitei:—"Ltst watered terribly from teem. My hands worked up to nis elbows. X teed eintmeate, ma tried *eying other, no ealied, tmedica) but they did not "Xs began to flair* imparts Meta tided to toe 1.1LITC:,lek Bleters end efter taltIolg tome 'bottle', the 1111/41014111111106 now Ole 10 do 1,tty honynce,st vat. Toresio, .101. ratty way emit before) 1 atotte3 UN rat weralitstst Geo. Johnston & SOS lint 499w Knitstos 1 July 16th to July tard Phone 368 for Good Service and Prompt Delivery Redp.ath's Sugir, 100 lbs..$5.00 10 lbs. 55c Baechler's Fride Coffee, 1-113. tin for, 12 -oz. tin Forest City Baking Powder with Libby's 1 -lb. square tin Asparagus tips Clark's Spaghetti, 3 tins for. . Old 'Fashioned Oatmeal Cookies, per dozen Our Own Blend English Breakfast Tea„, Cameo Toilet Soap, 6 cakes for. „ 'Challenge Corn Starch, per pkg... Comfort Soap, 10 bars for Chocolate Bars or Gum, 6 fel.. ..... Crosse & BlackwelPs Pure Orange Mar - Valley Mixed Cakes, 2 lbs. for. Bulk Soap Flakes, best quality, lbs. for... Carnation Milk, 2 large or 4 small.. ... . DeLuxe Jelly Powders, 7 flavors, 6 for..... Clark's Vegetable or Tomato Soup, 3 Ons.. Fresh thinly -sliced Boiled Ham, per lb... Choice Ilome7grown new Potatoes, per peck Heintz Pork and Beans, large tins, 2 for.. • 37c 23c I 29c 21c 25c 9c 43c t235ice 35c 23c 25c 25c 29c 37c 1 See Us for Your Fruit and Vegetable Supplies BAECHLER CO EAST STREET and SQUARE Phone 368 Our Own Delivery.