HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-06-30, Page 7V1lldide AY¢ SRL 30Lit, inn c Sundery Afternoon 13e ISABEL HAMILTON. deesei9H, Ono the toed am with thee. Be thou not Afraid: trill help and strengthen. De thou not dismayed ; Yea, I wiii upi:oln thee. With my .own %lent bane; Them art caned avad chosen. In my siert to stead.' 'Awar4 tbezz. and fear not .o Children of toe day. For Isis ward 51:x11 never, tie, The oleevei of the ctreiaaoreal robe were not of the mail c.nvenient torese '',,cutting, bet Dr. MtClute skilfaily abler;' el the operation, and his health was dr.i.ni: i, tea^ tied eaten 1n biedaded cake ` with great enthuatasm t 6cv€rel beautiful re3olls and silver I sit d& were-p;eielited ten Dr. dieehlre i by noes; fo: of tCr•SAr l3,wY;en Le Sound ° ted the alamni and w number of tele- Women ele himself supported and gapped by that', Wants of eengratUI tiara were reeeleefi' dieing under whom re acted, his pro- (luting tbe dey, cue aetuaUy during, the ceet1Wi s were prcnien iota his courage reeepetou. The good washes showered and zeal never Riled.' upon D:. McClure in person aad by tele- eeCendense(l frau Daily Bible dram were tatheed, we itnw, by many Ite:atheds, who were unable to be present, tent :re WORLD MISSIONS would .add to them our sincere hopes that, D:. McClure may spend many mere 7a wows Yonne Auy Casual peeseriiy. about 8 O'clock on Tliurstley everting, mine the ;4M - Never paps away. liantly illuminated aletleta1 • School corn F.- It„ Howerdde pound, with the badeguard stretcietng> in double line, Thant tine gate, to. the At . " US' ''''''11017`.1_�-1eohoo2 door, and betaritio the fuslUade of Help u,> to end eeer'trust in Thee. our ereekers, might have Wondered whether A. ather. mut resting on The promises,. ge Royalty wasexpected. lie 'would leave 10 ully forwent. Arnett. been sure that hie sper,ulattOns were CO* • ,4. S. LESSON FOR DOLT 10; 1035 I,Cero s- Tepee—The Call of Moses.. beacon Passage—Esedus 3:10-15: 4:10.13.. Golden Texte+ drostilis 3.23. The deliverance and training of Doses were a provlaenttal preparation for Itis future work, The only circumstance that the Bilge relates of the later years at pharaoh's court is his =order of an yptiazt taskmaster which forced him to flee to Median lit, order to escape the tvr;mth of the kine, In a tidian--that is,. net peed be aeon the .i,roeeesion that shortly atterwards eiltered the Medical -Sehoel gate, headed by lantern bearers caroling two enormous ceremonial 'lan- terns hi front of a stately Reuse in a gorgeous seariet satin robe, and followed by, rams upon rank of iMedtcal faculty,, alumni and students. A visit from Roe« alty.wauid not have been celebrated with sueh enthusiasm es the 95th birthday ob Dr, McClure, which was, the oeeasion of all this festivity' Alumni had gathered from various •the south-eastern portion• of the Sinitic provinces, of Ohlna to do bettor to their peninsuia..he acted: as herdsman, and "loo shib''t most of the alUmni "Preetising married _the daughter of a priest called m Tsinan were present, IU. addition to Jethro. the score or so working in tmheeloo•. Medi- ]"1te forced sojourn . itt the solitude of cal Qchool and ellospital,• and these, to- e wilderness was,like his life at Court, ether . with the 'whole rteedioat faculty th adapted to, prepaxMoses for his work. Be. was •taught his own- in eoteney, The voice from: the bltt'ning bush : announces fo him his mission, • The ,middle forty. years or Moses' life was spent. in Median, and. he was in' all probability happier than at ane other. period' of his life—happier than weep. in Egypt, as the son .of Pharaolm'S daughter, lie . received • the homage of servile crotvds yet knowing himself to be the ob-• feet of secret dislike and envy of `those who bowed before lora—happier than when, 'in later life, the burden of Israel lay it.pon hiiti:.,• and' be felt that°burden day, and touched on :the wonderful in- most hard to bear. - As a men of pastoral..hebits, rte no • doubt employed_ a ortion of his use . P in writing the book -.of Oeruesis and pos- sibly the book of Job whi'h is. by. sortie held to have, !been' his composition. How Moses enjoyed :the kind of life he led,. and how little he desired. to quit it for a wider and grander field of labor, as • shown by 'the manner 'in ,which ' he re- cowed the Call .to proceed: to Egypt for, ` the . deliverance of Israel. A communication, 'Most solemn and emphatic game to eine out of a 'blush burning, but net ednsunied,"' which be went forward to inspect at close band, Tele spealter ennouneed . himself as the , GOd of Abraham, of 'sane, and of Ji'tceli. a declared , that' he' bad, ; beheld' with iviite compassion the miseries et • his people; And that the time for their, de- liver�ance had conte, All tint was Wed, It .doubtless; mane the heart -of Mose. glad, Brit the clestng Words. filled. him . with consternation, for it declared that he was to go back to Egypt, to present himself .before the. Mina their reigning, and to demand for 'Israel leave to depart filled him with unfeigned astonish resent, "Who am I, that I should �go_un- to Pharaoh,- and: that Z • should bring .forU the Children of Israel-• out of Egypte" The. answer was 'undeniable and sufficient -nee will be with thee:' sti11 Moses Was not, satisfied, The difficulties of -the enterprise -his own supported uno fitiiiess for. et --his reluctance to .plunge into, the,. conflicts .he foresaw— all crowd- . _ ed upohis thoughts, and made his heart . sad. One objection after another that he made was patiently removed; as a last hope he proclalneed. his inability to plead before : Pharaoh, saying, "O my Lord,. I ain. not eloquent; but I am slow of speech, and of a Slow -tongue." Yet, .when he had nothing further to urge.in the way et seeciflr• objection, he .rolled •.the whole • nass •of reluctant feeling into ane strong groan for release from so Tearful a task—"O, my -Lord, send, I pray Thee, by the hand of him .whom Thou, wilt Send." . But he was the mart Appointed for that task; ,fox this he lead been born; for this, preserved; for. this trained; and there was no escape Iorhlm: : 'Clod: knew his fitness better than he knew it himself. ` A -writer eonitisenting on -the reluctance of Moses to. accept the most iniport'ant oftee, . the deliverance of on oppressed nation, - ever offered to man says; :".t is clear that distrust of. the Eeing who apolce from the burning bush was at the bottom of the extreme hesitancy shown birth: Ye lit our midst. ueaome titoro 41-t;1134114raa. an tid para Lice E; D't'JLLETIN,they plata to reduce la Weed costs clime ealy the most ettrsettve pr.duotN, and, therefore. be in a'. better posltt0aa to 1n ether words, "It w rite eye that sells expo with tate Iiresent sew prices of all the delle :' Citeese a suitable do .edge card crdvs, for presentation to the consumer. pate eerefu':y And Le au attractive manner. )tarn. and home Week Ontario Io dierrtev E GODERICR STAR w and information for the • 'Busy Farmer tFazreisk:eci ty tbe Ontarlt3 Dcpa„t ient e Agriculture). ZLia.JJO11e New Market ,leer „' a taut--�1e?reated'•--dcuured f An adnitt°aat market was op:;te3 to sheens. set' d cieen ng plants, All (Wei finer:0 f.un a ewers when Brazil SLUM. two P edhne. !(lave hats' m re t�aesincte. aides neetd,ed that Canadian fresh free. i;.veral epeeataa reeeo that encu' bust - ::lay eater Haat ctsztntry Gree of duty, i>7pt aas� ti ares MACS AS lie As they Attractive rack Seth Goads I' T:lote facts Wenda indleate that taunt Growers are-reminclea that la trines of eta. ge aerally, .disc petting forth every effort this eta, to scauro the highest'! gleno:% or eve: Supplied markets. ;ewers .pessiole eieltl per afire, en this way. MAKE THE .SUMMER SOUR By Ilene 1Sltrclay Things that are sour or tart, seem to taste better in hot weather than at any other time. •Stack t+o With several kinds of pieklee and your emergency shelf will be prepared to furnishe garnislmee and relishes. ,Here are two excellent pickle suggestions: and student body, filled the Assembly, Rall, which was transformed into a place or mustard. pickle. of beauty with flowering plants and :. Tartar Sauce Qhiineso lanterns. The speeches made by ; , Is CUP mayonnaise rho. xep;esentaGives •of the alumni',: f&culty • and students left no doubt in'the minds 2 tablespoons chopped pickle of all present, as to the esteem matt affec 2 tablespoons .chopped olives tion in Which Dr, McClure �le held by ail Ado. olives and pickles to Mayonnaise. who have .(leen taught by him and haveFresh pineapple Dessert worked with him, Dr, MclO1ure, in itis lemon unlet e 1 contrasted he conditions under, I pa,.kage j x p y' diced fresh. pineapple .. #•t� 'Chin was- car,. - w ich' • ediaal vrorir . in a h m. reed on when he arrived in Iionan,near- 1, pint unlit ase- ee ailin to Prepare the e lemon.Junket according to 1v 50 years ago; ^atad th ink... v g Prep r h directions on package. Dice fresh pines apple quite Math, Add sugar to taste, Vegetable platter This Is a very popular sutupuer drab, irate wlnte;ed well. Besides being dam- various phases of farm life. and wick but care should lie talose to make it 'Well •:aged from recent tinfavoreble weather, which they eould have derived Sit no this crop will be late in appearing =the other manner. market. Alarkct for n r DOW peicea° Set farm Predu' a'naddittle Indicated t<t Monereai esieet on the attendance at• Farm' and Ilotne Week at te. A. Q. last week. The Late repasts to the Ontario etlarketing cbanpe .scam regional gatherings ire pre- 13oa d Would indicate a paseiblo market viouS Years worked out well anti tluishort in alontreal. fur Ontario straawuerrtes, cu0rsea In autmal and field hasbandry, Xis patrons adjacent to t4ontreai, rile home economics, and 1toY}icultUre, were crop has sutbered t cnsiderab1e damage eminently suecessful and ably carried .ram winter kitting. The repoict from out. As a. result. many farmers and their further east states that, while the pllants wives secured essential information aiiout balanced. Keep plenty of "green' 'in mind and your platter" will . pro"aabll* balance. itself. Here S '.one suggestibf' i'reetC fried or home 'fried potatoes; gonions; ree as or Xrie gg plant or green pe age tends to promote feather growth and Board, states that there Is en. outlet for string beans; asparagus or spinach, 'l o helps materially in earrying the eltiekS Ontario producers, at present, have to this add a crisp leaf or two of lettuce over the critleal period when .thee are alfalfa meal in the United Kingdom, d with sliced hard boiled egg and most likely to crowd and smother. It is compete chiefly with South' Africa. 'she •----- Outlet for Alfalfa Meal possible for Young Birds in Great Britain "Boostsit 'deadline chicks to roost at an early, 0eorpe R. Paterson, Ontario Marketing covers delegate to eet'the ehleks to roost' just meat exported by our sister Dominion !s well garnished'with strip$ of svteetrsogr, as.soon as they na longer need heat to noted for its Uniformly deep shade of keep them eomfortable. One of the best green, elm its relatively low. fibre eon• vt'aYs of getting chteke to roost is to build tent, Ontario shippers, Who would seek: a sloping roost to the rear of the brooder au outlet' in the pld .Land, wire. be Well house or to one side of the house and advised 'to adhere rigidly -to samples • en enclose the underneath side'•of the roost which sales are bated, and use only'uni- with a fine mesh wire so that the chleks formly weighted .containers. of attractive eennot get at the droppings. They will dppearance: take to .bora temporary -mow In no time„ ,_'Use of Iligher Grade Deed The first shipment "Ontario straw - Mare General This, -rear berries to tete We'st'ior a number of years representatives .'report,' teas made by the Vineland Gatemen Co- Apiculture'px from ` many counties in Ontario, that op�ranee Ltd. last week, The shipmett has been an excellent demand for consisted of five hundred crates of care- thea & e pp higher grades seed grain, and grass fully :selected' and packed berries, - pre. - care - tee .g Ween read • to serve the ju sket . nut a seeds. The number of inquiries, regard-' cooled at C3rimbsy, and shipped via Can• ea n Y . o ' o : f}tg treatment of grain. for'smut, has adian. National- Express. refrigerator car fpineapplea.t heaping tablespoon o shown a great increase over previous Mr, Jack Reales, managerof the Co of each dish:: , years: Fanning mill .screen depots' have Operative, stated this was a trial shie- ventions and improvements that have taken place during his lite -time, not only in rrtedtcal science; but in all phases of: life, 411 held their breath whilethe birth- day cake with its '15 'candles was carried :AG* a> V*$ ..� O'' • Y$371 OnsiNay. kiwisBUFFALO Ns4 CLEVELAND Aeon, hey the, corded soil sus tit.71Jely 1st SOSOK.1ads iacltiuwl Why chive when /wow trtyout rts' obooPti for hiss than the cost of unsold past Moto meal. (beam ... and saves* days *NAM* ei *Karry. *vow Olskt,tcIria1 9;oo PAL.Usi 15th 04140041)4114 Ckilfk itrd-PP. Starttke.» • 'ilrss4 v, DOA ifs Zu yllottoSepttasber5tislocIosi.reanfriday, Saturday ond Su dayonly... WOowVYW SS.00 round stip, /ow *or .KlyN $3Ie• dltkyxr rwlDeni orriikoila owtoC3Dt.4041" loolaiyaFrentloOlopolaimiltoestelitExhorsr'744 'IHM. •CAVIII,11Ngi AND* item* RRANStt CO* • Pon Sttatiry. Ciosilr't ogdo. N.1 ; „4R4'.@OA! 3'144,1f':44:4: vZ:i:`<4�`br3, ntent and preparations were under ay to torward" several shote ears during tile present teaser, •'These berries will be handled through Mr..11. E. Tents. Winn t. Pea. representative of the Ontario Grew- err Markets Council. A . careful check- up ot the first shipments will is made tc insure against discrepancies its pace et paaiiatle of the tars to follow. Ontario Strawberries for Winnipeg ' • The Hydro Store COCItt WITH • ELECTltl l'f'Y Quick;, Clean, Ee,onornical :'CI 1t , °uroifMt+ewunii See the display of various styles stud telcos at The Hydra Store GODERICLI Use Hydra bulbs for light- ing. They are guaranp teed. (food year Dealers are (TIN its ; Slit eta! i it didav Service from Complete Stoc•k t oft "I irk-. at lac°c . )1 ,; Low Prices potato Itlarkct Remands Quality The merchan41IIfl Y of patatoes, as it. the case 05 most Otte: eemmod,t.es, b ix, a state of change and iirowers who pro- pose to keep abreast of the •times Must of necessity re.ogitizo that ,Xaet, This the opinion ot .1. T. 'Cassia, Central. On. tarso Potato Growers' Association, Ono evidence of this , change is that many .odaurners in •eines aha; towns are be• awning interested in the manner lr. which potatoes are grown. ,They are be, ginning, to ask it the potatoes have been grower from certified eeed. if they have Been sprayed toprevent blight, andmann oilier questions .pertatnine to produetto And even greeter numbers are asking fat, e distinct variety of potato. Growers who Select their seed care• ltut e: follow . the best cu fully, -and whoaela praetices hili, in general, "produce r. higher yield of potatoes of a quality which, meets the exacting demands; of today's consumer, Persian Haim :.tile perfect aid to beauty. Esentialto real icmir rre dire Unction. Veneta always in the highest expression of beauty. Its use keeps the hands always soft and. Hnalcsly white. Indispensable to the whole family. • Int - parts added charm to the mother. Serves the father as a Hair fixative and cooling shaving lotion, and protects the tender skin of the child. Persian Balm is the true toilet requllite. . Trade Representatives The - Ontario • e r G:;. and • Veeetabit • Growers' intorosts wet be advanced' b} recent appointment .. cf' . Karl B, Geiger as trade promotion • represertta• the en the. Montrealand district mar- ltets.this year, Mr: ^Conger is .tell -known tri tht. perl$naa,a produce business in Easte:n • Canada, being formerly' asso. dated: with the Dominion 'Fruit Ex- change at Ottawa.. Growers have ex - Pressed themselves as pleased with the appointment,feeling that everyone wail Oe given fair aitd honest rcpre„entation and that detectsin trading and packing will be ell utilated gradually. The Mar.. kett Council has Also reappointed 'II. E. Toner as trade representative en. the Prairie markets. It will be retailed that• dlr. Toms demonstrated" very elearlY the value of an Ontario representative to promote the sale of Ontario produce in the West last year. Ile has just return- ed to Winnipeg after: visiting the princi- pal markets on the Prairies rind :epode eoriditions greatly improved .over a year ago, 'with .prospects for a record being established for Ontario precede on Wes- tern markets :this year: There will also be a representative of the growers , handling their produce ina:.pne the Maritimes. s, GOLD (D.Y Mad) ' cl at the ale in. the sunsets rare I, At d uadtnired the gold in a =idea's hair: I've looked at the gold its the fiewern bright, And dreamed of gold opt the dead. et night: But the gold of a name without a .stain Is priceless far above all fame. - Through the ages the gold of the heart Will mat=h the gold of any art. INSURANCE The . Mutual Life Assurance Company. of Canada ESTABLISHED 1860 IIEAP OFFICE t` WATERLOO, Of. D. D. MOONEY AnetNT • PHONE 2.50North Street. , : Codericll, Ontiri� ly I Weekly Cron Report S: Prom Peel Coun:y conies the report 1 that .fruit growE.s along Lake Ontario have severe infestation of apple scab 00 - foliage in s,~ti*e of regular spraying. orchards sprayed with lime sulphur are , freer from scan than those sprayed .wits Ber.ieaux, ii^y e p,siaity redclover and 1 Beare hay, will be'a short erap to .Write districts because of dry weather during; the carte part of June. The strawberry' crop, due to drought lit many distrloe t Is smaller than anticipated, but never- theless prices are the 1oi e t in years. Its 1Ve111n3tcn Cautu sheep dtppiit day ryas Junc :21`th,-'.wise:r 15;000 aitecp, ti were carefully dipped lit 53. community tanks andiga,o0ii• treated for intarpal para ittes at 'the same time. it bee ;neen emply demonstrated that the mmuali mar- gin of profit lies, in seientlfic care. A total of 0,000 acres of Rutabagas were sown in Wellington in ten weeks. In places where the soil is too dry, the land railer is used extensively to compa, t soil and : bring up moistu: a to seed. Pall wheat promises to bo an' excellent crop in nearly every county, A meetintr to deal with parasites of farm enlrnais brought tut 225 !armere in leathern County. It was the tmanemou s drn1sion that stens he taken to control and eradi- cate, if possible, the warble fly pest. ' The- Alfalfa 'heAlfalfa crop' in Midden County promisee to - give tile best yield t f hay thin year, due to the continued dry weather. , Lack of min in, June was notted thrcughdut the province . and . bas un. i doubtedly depleted the ens of most crops: b1111er'o V.'nrm teevtlere ;will tierce the) atonia^.li and Inteetitles of ttarnln ce et- fcetively and sea easily and painlessly; that the moot delicate ctimaelr will not? feel any Inconvenience from their melon.; • They reeammend tltetnoclves to mothers', as a preparation that w,a 'restor0 etreneth and vlgnr• to their children and a protect them frons tete ttebllitating ef- fects tivhleit moult from- .lac depredation JOHN FINDER PLUMBING, HEATING • SHEET METAL WORK. Phone 127 P a Sox 131 of worms. • , il iT1.p. -y, .:,1ci.kes HIM FUSSY (we of the most important things you can do to make a teething baby comfortable i.; lot Pee that little bowels :clo 'their work of carrying off waste mutter promptly and rcl+uia-!y. For this riiithin d i; better 'then Gad rosin, a pure ceeetallli preli:roti' n Sprcially undo f.u' bat'tea ,and chin drea hil- tjrrtm Cahtt,ria C1rto er, trendy eon cue give it, to young in10111 a to male°:.' oohY s. et it. i; utv. its tear. tne. trr okler•cltilllren. ti,,. Heinen:her, 1. torp roulette; no harsh droop. no naso 01ies is t,ba;obit cly hal en's n. 'Chen your baby t9 fictfut i tilt teeth inf;i,rnfood up'''.•'lyc zt'l T' Jag rinse of Caistorue Be lure you f;•. gcituitle Cay,toria with the mane: CASTO.RIA Indigestion—Gas On Stomach Ate Too Much Fatty Food firs, Robert I trey. tiritigedater, ' 2t,C3.,viriteo:--"My huobaud ©uft- fereil from indit rstion and flan on lug ntoniac".a, pausal by eating too nswh fatty Acted, lent he obtained: Wonderful re:rultn after lievino usral I urtioelt flloot1 Dater.;. "Ho aic) felt tired out thea tee cat up in ¢ate reertninod and eat ftcdina Heanor .:'areal leo. For the pest 03 years "1 der weal a bottte of lil.'v,El. MANIMACTOMICl3 ONLY ltV, deer my DIV!, lay x03 noon on,l it THE 're MIIAtlftri 00.0 L:ialited itnpruoctl day npllet to„ rel Lot-,? r Toronto, Orifi. ' tack i,.ay etrr•;"otra •