HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-06-30, Page 1e. • , t Every Thursday Morning ; it Is palaaahea every Tataaday morning, REUtleARLY,, an1 in the realer% 'hands the • • eerne dey, wetie tao leteet up -teethe minute et r.e.ta aml the meeenarellelog raes.Sages d the 4 6'.:2ZaVeVerii ard Taves, in ample time far •• pertreal for wee:a-era lizteard. trn44401 PINAINPINWIN •~41 410•004141441** 4110,00~1~•••• Printing That Pleases 1.3,41,....4 *ex Pavan froai Tele Star offtee =tee he term it.14 w printa Poeulpt Meleearia Inetteeate • =4-4-7-r-Tmnyo waa Subleriptiou: $2 * /ear 111 VAnCla. 450 yea to XL fa, polute. ADVANCE PARTY OF —JO7.P GODERICH, ONTARIO, CA.NADA, TIAIRSDAY, JUNE 80UI 12 • WAL= I?4,-Fritte Peadieher I IN REGIMENT REACHED GODERICH 10 -0 e g. I t pry c , • • \ •;te4•.•“:0, , • •- Fetittons to aave eoeds treated aith road oil or tar shoUld be presented to the Town Council a once. • Petition forme mar be had at the Town Clerk's Oface. Datethis 14th day of June, 1932. L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk, • 11.11$1,10 NOTICE ......— $50.00 REWAItle .For the Gillette, Probak, or Velvet Edge Stade taat Jiffy InstrUetiotis fall to sharpen. They cost only 69 cents and inSt.e, lifetime: rio extra cost. I had only 1 ,new package Of blades lest' year,,; A, FLEMING, 54 Blantyre Ave., Toronto., poBtao NOTIOB-Mr. W. a GAN, Chiropractor, a Toronto, will Gorey on the ProatIce in 4 N. Atkinson% place duringeethe months of July aael Augot, lie comes to Goderich highlY reccnimended as a therapist and clrugleta healer, and te oonsidered Well 'Versed in all lines of drugless healing.. ' A le, ATKINSON, - , .GOOD . . OBEDGARS GIVING TO ECONOMIC CONDI.' %ION'S IJSED TRANSPOItTATION WAS NEVER, SO • REaSONAHLE 3N THE MOTOR can MARKET READ THIS LIST • . Chevrolet Coupe, 1029,, motor in Al eizape, upholstery and eitash like new, five brand new tires. Make- us an oenft. . • . . Ford Roadster, 1829, ramble- seat, /Our TleV/ -Ores, paint hke-new. A snappy ear for 8 'song, , . . Ford Coach, 1929, neVely paint- ed, tires and upholstery the Al shape. `Meter „just ewe:battled A. eraat buy, See our etook of "Model To Fords and drive one anta3+ wrthbut as moth as tickling your pocket book. They 'are all tonditioned. Motlel T Truck, 1% tons. new - tires. II you hate work for this. ' Truck it 'Will pay, for itself in one Anat. . • ' - , . IVIONTIILY PAYMMNTS SAN BE ARRANGED ON ALL OARS. F. II. Wood & Son Ford and Studebaker South St.. Phone 83 Ontario Motor League Service GOLD BRAID AND sousAMaies Men the Oode.rich band steps otit toe- raorrove Morning in the Dominion Da.Y parade it will be resplendent in new uniforms Orate lone of gold braid, lend two new r.ousaphonee, which were orderee tut week, will be among the musleel in- strtiraeats. The players of these will be °Irvin Young and Graham Ingle.,. Mr. lauekins has leUt in a wOladeeful lot of time the wet fifteen months teaclelug the boys and already he has achieved wonderful success with them. He has Se band a over half a htmdrede including 16 cornete, 0 trend:104es, 4 altea, 4 bari- tones. 4 bases, 1,eaxophone, 1 picot°, 9 olarinet,s and 2 drums and 2 sousa- phones, The new mamas arrived last Frldtier and the Old uniforms leave been undergoing adornment with gold braid to make them metal up. Preparations for tae tattoo on July0 12th are going on apace It will be a lag event and the display of 'Hand fireworks stupen- dous. Another big day for the band this summer will be oiyie holiday, Aug. 1st, when the band will play •here fez the rime Meet in the afternoon and then jump -into care and off for. Stratford, where they will take part In a tattoo :en the evening, At Strathera they Will be playing alongside Of Galt, Kitchener, Perth Regtnemeat and C. N. R. bands, the Ooderiph,hodobeing the only town band taking part but they will give $Obct aOcOtla Of themselves. DRUMHEAD SERVICE • : SUNDAY AT 9t45 A.M. i5on't forget the drumhead service of the Elgin regbneot which will be held on the &Mere on Sunday morning com- mencing at 9:45. The service will be matte easily heard by all by means of Mr. RHO% airlielifiers• • BAKa' Culpts• FOR SALE (WOKS AND PULLETS FOR SALE. - S. C. W. Leghorn Chicks one to three Weeks old, 11c, ,13c and 166-Pu11ets „six weeks old 50c and an additional 6c. .week for older pullets: • A feweday• old ehicks at $8.50 per hundred, ' Bredfoal healta, edger atitt high PrOdUctione. 2 - week -old cockerels at zt per hundred, • • 'a • 'W. RIME •CLUTTON, • • R. It 5, Ciodericht Phone 1413, Carl*. - • ' • FOR -8.4414 0,)1 IIRNT enEMOTtir ,oki,nkit-V44.1.samt at .... • qsargatn:. eold quickly. 'Will menace:. Apply Box 231, CrOderX01 SALE.',4-45 acres Of ',alfalfa and ' titetethy hay for aide, Penteliesera may have time to •pay by payltig 6 pea centelatereeLper annum, Apply to WM. STRATJOHA,N, I3emniller. • FARM FOR SALE -Forty acres, more or tees. the property of the late H. W. 0, Neftel, situated at the end of South street on the southern boundary ef the town: of good may loam. Jame house and barn, drive shed; workshop; hen -house.; artesian well (135 feet), •the very 'best of water; good fruit trees. Ideal location, close to schools • and churches. For further particulars apply on the premises or .to PERCY or WILL NAFTE1L. 1 C. H. HUMBER . . JewELLEft . THE SMALL SI ORE ' • • WITH THE EIG STOCK imorooryoomoimookosiolmoomomoosOriamodomoon,••••••••••oro•moolimm., TOWN of GODERICH 1932—TAXES— 1932 After July, 1st 5% Penalty will be 'added to 1st Installment unpaid at that date. llay early and avoid the penalty* J. H. ROBERTSON, Tax Collector: • USED CARS at Moore's Garage SL Andrew's St., Genera We 'have sold over 80 Used'Cats hi Goderich and district. And it ts only through our fair dealing that we have the CCM- lidellea of the people. This week we have to, offer: 1929 Dimant Sedan 1929 Essex Coupe, rumble seat 030 Ford Sedan •4928 Hudson Brougham 1928 Chevrolet Coach Pontiac Coach • Stat 6 Sedan Model T. COUlk •2 Ariodel'T. Coaches , J. E. STEDELBAUER, Prop. E: W. VAIL, SALESMAN un Life gosuranoo Gomm of Cola AN IMPRESSIVE TESTIMONT 41rour clictit0 f(.*:mitmount far Ise elates of my antalpetlorie rerainde nte thatroar aeent Ind a Lard time pereueaing to to tt tIt aliey. recail thee't piettarea the daa then X would rezeite) Vale cheque. I talked :axe taatit the lazoeteettlenee1ZpaYing the aredlitern. Ile tenld 'me futher team X. Ite e'en reetae attd It was vaaeng. I w21 1 :ma yielfded 10 his pa:1'4%111es and tat:ten the la:ger poll.iesi l 'i1 ale to Toe aNeVe tat:Seeded reccleal tla Goa Life, teeetneatece Go. reCentty noefee foe Walt I °into! It0 1311111": lifteeideacts H. R. LONG, District Apra kive iftl-h.V061--ht-,• Applied For Job Political Plums Continue to Fall in South Huron, . .. It Soma ....,.. Of the twenty odd applicants for the Position of -comity reglstrar et deeds, to Which Mr, Alex. Neeb has just been ap- pointed. five were front Gotteriche In the Ilse also were ftee returned soldiers: Naturally somellis,satifaction Itas arisen Over the cholce. The death of Thos. McMillan, M. p., while deliberations were in Progress, seems to hate played an iniportant• Part In the ultimate selection. A by election will have to be held in South Huron and the choice of a man Irma that riding appeared to be the logical move, it was argued. 0 Xt the rule of averagehad been ap- plied the position would have fallen to a Math, Huron and likely to a Godertch man. Seventy-liVe, per cent. of GOVOTTL- milt appointments have fallen to South Huron and Goderich town seems to have been "oh the outside looking in" to a marked degree in the motter of picking, off political plums. A glatte4 over the lest makes this at once apparent. These facts were made known to the govern- ment. "Smith Huron Conservatives zepaeto have a weight which we in North Huron lack to put things Across," a Conserva- tive saidto Tae Star. , . . .. . . WRESTLING ON 12TH . Professional wrestling has been added to the 12th Of July attractleas in Gode- rich, which eXPectS the biggest day in Its history. The Orangemen, with Char- lie liallatt in ehargee are arranging tor an attractive card to be staged in the West street rink on the afternoon. of the big day. The card will be a regulatioti. one with threebouts, the main bout limited to two bours, best two out of three falls. The full program veill be announced In next week's -Star. ' _ ' The regular meeting of the Saltford Hospital Auxiliary will be heldat the home of *Mrs. Albert Goldthorpe, on Thursday, July 7th, at 2.30 ceclock, - NOTICE TO CREDITORS aJOTICE TO CREDITORS. . reN THE MATFEM OF THE ESTATS OF JOHNS: 13EIDFORD, late oe the Town Of C4oderich. in the County of 110011, gentleman, deOeased. . . TAKE NOTICE that all creditors and 3thST3 having deli= or demands against the estate of the said John S. Bedford* who died on or about the 14th day of January, A. D. 1932, are requited on or before the 7th day of July, 1932. to de- liver to the undersigned executor full Particulars of their claim. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such Last mentioned date the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said executor will not be liable for the said assets to any person or per- sons of whose claim notice SlEal WC then have been received by him. F. R. DARRCeW. • OoderIch, Ontario, ' - Executor. WANTED • . i -.........„.. NVANTtide-oA. geod rebber-tired top . buggy, Inquire at STAR OFFICE. WANTED. -Work cleaning ofaces or " similar work. Apply at STAR OFFICE. A GOMM WANTED.--riona be work- less If you want to be active. Be- come your awn boss in selling 160 home and 'tune necessitiee. 100% profits, Make $30.00 weekly to start with. Can- adian Line, Sure sale In every home. I No risk. Very attractive proposition. FAMILEX COMPANY, 4785 St, Catherine Best; Montreal. . . Representative Wanted POR • . • ' Rankin Teas and Coffee CHATHAM, - ONTARIO . • REAL ESTATE AND INSDRANEE Tag ARMSTRONG REAL _ESTATE -a• AND INSURANCE AGENCY. • • For Sale at Once Fine 1%. story brick house, timellent condition, modern equipped with collar, close to Square, price $1400; Ile story litaisea nutlet polished hardwoOd" floorre finely deCorated. MOdern eqUippOd. good Cellar, choice location, prlee $1300 ; Ile story houee. $650; Ile otory holtse, $550; lea story house, $500. Mang others-aask about theta. Some liduses to rent. Cited 200 -acro lam, PrinCiPallY clay learn sell, fine condition, mootly self - drained, no• UrieVenness or wrote Iand, about 60 Acres timbered, balance :fine growing grain crop, host and pasture. good bank barn, Oeroomed dwelling house In fano condition, located about, 12 tnilea from Goderich, priee $4300. Terms $1300 e atilt, balance 00411 terms. Vitale- dlate poSseetion. See or Write , J. W. "ARIISTROND. 130 80. Goderieli, -- - J. W. CRAIG'E Insurance and Real Estate 1 DositmoN, itROVINclAr* IgreNWIPAT, ZONDS. ' 1 _ THE 0, F, CAREY CO; . tiara ACEISENT ad ROTOR CAR tsiSElt A NICE Amor r:* Tile Mutest tile ei Naga& mac- weasel leant vim se . ceettoe , lobs,* 244 tiON Rift Mudge I - STODDARTS TASK uas Little • 'Trouble Whittles Qatari° litle-edelymale Test Ahead ' HOleSteddatt had ltttIe troUble winning the- Ontario Open liole vaultitig cham- pionship at Toronto lazt. Satoretay. Wearing the colors' of the 0.A4.Ae. he eleered the leav at, 12 ft. le inthee. He was trYillig for the Olyttapio standard, 12 feet, 9 Melte% when bls pole broke, He trlea a new pole. but could do nothiria with it. (Merton Mackinnon. West End "Y" end Dave Aerates, Hamilton. Oleme plc, each, vaulted. 11 'feet, Melees. Sinee bia return,. Stoddart hoe been practicing daily with a zee,* pole, tat the Olypraio tests at Rarctiltort on July 15-1$ he will be Pitted against Vie Pick- ard, Hamilton, who ltas a mark ot 13 feet, 3% inches,, made some years ago. Bob confideatly expects to Make tlee Olyprolc math, but fulla appreciates lie luts' his work !cut' °l' it • toohheenirf.etbdwigeorrektlaeay:".-4 6s5ttaligeannill avielrsSaertyfoorf Diver Goes Down The Elgin coUnty Regiment, afilliatecl• . With the Northumberland Fusiliers, ',The TO Scene..of VVreck ‘184tingFifth." with two bode, 250 . strong, will orrtve this (Thursday) even- . ing at 1905,,by special trent from St. Capt, Earl McQueen performs Thomas. An advance party, with tents Plucky t and equipment, arrived early -today and PeaLast • Sunday $tag kAil Set For a Bumper Holiday•,Prograrn Elgin County Regiment h.T� • Arrive By Special Train BREAKS QUARANTINE • Tonight•TO ATTEND MOVIES Ol.gOO** The vereatIlitY or youth knows omETHING DOING ALI. DAY nebonds. Just when there is a • wail about adolte and children, Big • Parade, IVIIIItoty Speotade breaking' measle$ gjtararithie, an • -0• elgalt-year-ohl.lail, 1:Wavering fonn Softball and Athletic the ilieesese slipped out a Windeev E • t*• ot hie home and, is reported to ven have attended a Matinee Meng With Inunireds of other children. Given good weather Goderich on. Pri- Of contae he was missed, and when day should experience euid enioy one of he returned punishMent is Said to Its Old-time, bumper Dentinion Day have been adminiatered Via the celebrations. The committee have done Well imovett slippSr Mtge. The tad is a great movie an. Just how. ManY "gave' the measels to • will 0,1W4 remain k mystery. •' • , eveuything is In readiness for the regl- ment to • go under Canvass, The food • SuPcotnmiPli%s4 ahretav'enFgeftennleellx..°01VIn8eatiettUradltithl4Ffe Last .atindayy on Lake, *Ultima Oaptairi the regiment will • march along' East Earl McQueen, owner (tattle tug Max Li *Street to the Square, aroinect the Seuere. of Aniherstburg, donned:a diver's outfit . to Montreal street and, thenee to tke • governInerit _ and succeeded In locating the evieca -of oar:Ming grounds- at Agrlealtural. Park the . sunk last, Thursday morning avtalmuesat alerchants and citizens have been asked to decerate thole plates for the holiday zeilth of here, elle 'Wend the wreck in and it goeswithoot saying that all °ode - 19 feet of water, resting on ite side. litS rich remain up to give the. visitors. a feat of going below to this great depth Towing reception; . • . • was highly commended, by 'Capt. Reid, of the Reid Wrecking Co., and by 'In-; /Eil* AU -flay Program specter ,NioLuckie, of , the Departnipt of The program -moping,' afternoon and Plante Works, Who were hete.• They e%ening 18 now *ell known toeitizeos. described It as a 4;langerOus lob. requiring The lag. parade :will be held at 0-tierria- much,phick, A buoy 'Was, aneherecl de.the, and is in good ho.nea. The •SIgin County scene ref bke wrecka as it ts located in. the eeganent, with its brass and bugle bands, navigatioa land A 62 -foot • "spud" was wUI take part, as .wila the citezense•band picked ute nearby and ierohltlit to Cioder- 'decerated .autemoldlee and. Hoots. Indus- ich. •Cheef .thspector J E Larochelle, of tete) andmerchants'. noats, decorated the D. P. W., Ottawa, also has been here bicycles., etc4. .octogenarian clan In eotireection with the sinking of the TilSO evil' be hi line. government .drecegi. e • There. are no less than twenty four Capt. aleceueen was on a mine sweeper events fn. the children's sports eo be held during the war ,•and as an , experienced an the Square • anmediately• after the mariner and diver. • Parede and past experience leas shown • . that entries will not be beckiag, Cash TO HOLD.BANQUET. • pnIZes, are being given. ,• . . Grand muitaryYSpectatio. *Ian geception ter ,ziow .z.imand --Trade Titeetigln County Regiment % will pre- ", • Commissioneee , sent a Military spectacle in tap lettere • • noon which promises W•be a real aovelty'. The 'civic Conunittee Of the Hoard o They have aunounced the 'following pre.. Trade at a general meeting of the board graM: on Monday evening, was instructed to Tbe order will be (1) Trooping of tae make arrangements fOt the visit to *odecolor, by the whole regiment; (2) Phy- ric,ir on July 81h of Po M. Croft, Cana- afeal Drill; Pyramids, etc.,. by meireeers dian Trade •Conuxiissioner to leetv Zee- Of the ItiUgle Band; (3), Flag Pag'eant, land.. It is proposed to hold a* banquet featuring ilags of the Empire:- (4) March at trid Hotel Sunset; . • Past, firing. Of feu-dadole and adeaace The retail merchantscommittee re-. • Inreview order by whole. reeemierite . ported that it was not prepared to make anee recommendations as to Saturday night parking on the Squire. au town coinerel is to be so advised., • • • The Huron Old Heys' Associationis to be asked to endeavor to run at occur- sbleo: to Goderiah some time JulY. The board now has seventy -dire mem. SIX BANDS TO TAKE - PART IN TATTOO The following bands will participate in the tattoo at. Agricultural Park on the evening of J41Y 1.2tht, Stratford, 'Kincardine citizens" Band, Blyth Citizens' Band, Wingham Citi- zens' )3and, Clinton Kitties' and, the Goderich, 13oncl, Lieutetol. A. te Sturdy will be Master of Cerenwhies and the admission to tbe growls 18 only 25o. • SUNDAY BAND CONCERTS The Gederich baled played at ClInWn on Sunday night last and the Clinton band will be here for a concert on Sun- day evening, July 3rd. ' BISHOP SEAGER TELLSMASONS Hand of Providence is Shown in History of North • • &veriest 200 CRAFTSMEN PRESENT D. G. M. Como* Stratford, and Many Visitors at Service in St. George's One hundred and fifty of the Mesonle Order frOM Oodericha 'Carlow, +Stratford, Olinten, Exeter, Manichean, Forest, Sore nia., Windsor, etc, attended the melee " M Si. Oeorgoes ohurch here on Sunday (welling When Rt, Wor, SM. Right Rev, Oc. A, Seeger spoke on the subject of God's providence and sovereignty, ;mint- ing out that what we looked upon• as chance was rather the accomplishing ot J. A. cartiphell, Mrs. E. Wane, J. R. twhoeDivwfile'clgh to anand ePeurPoct forse,hIsto andhatsit • • Wheeler, J. 0. curie, Cleinge Buehler, Words hi George Schaefer, Walter Rem, J. (tt, Bishop Seager said, "WO giVO thee Vrooman, X tOteina, COrrifteld, lea J. thanks, 0 Lord Ood Almighty, ,Which - Symonds, A. Outry, Fred Orion. Gordon art and, wast and art to coin% ioecouSe Wong, Meta Hogan. F, IL Wood & Soo, thou bast taken to thee thy great power Cole% Book Store, Garden Tenhutt, What- and eitaisuareeaivetenryed.or the Nexth Anteriem Ewan & Tebbutt. re prizes are on dis- • spicianyarnie, Thomsons store window. oU the epolanyteirnaenwt Wasalt Uel:ebk e do U4Poomi thuTihse b:Doetnieto eion prices are [-a short Pute to Incite and CathaY ine.Pvro7sutrn Zr the atternoon: 25 cents and 'Mina, and the name el the ialraid/ they first teethed, the West Indies and for adnits and 10 vents :for ebildeen. -e • • the Lachhue tepees were ixedleatiene ot Narrow Briwhat thy ere seeking, a way t dge Is It seemed hard to vealize that up to the eWhrough. end of the fifteenth 'and the beglemino Seem of Accident of the sixteenth century the :Mown „ World consisted ot the eOuntries around - Temp of Horses and Truck Meetthe Mediterranean elea, bilt in the latter Part Of the 115th and the early part of -the • lOth centarieS a great Urge to -ex-- - - Pleration Seemed to ootne over the evorid. •• il•etetfiteld 'Road•• When the North Americttt tontinene • was dlecovered 21 waa looleed upon as au • There' Was tot suiliclent raent to pan obstaele and a hindrance rather than as for a truck and a tenni of horses on the ccluctillug 14nrtb While n"If anfl all • the eatly exploptione were in search of narrow "China bridge,nine 'miles south unty through. . of Godereali on the Hayfield road, last Then the struggle betWeeri the Frontal Sattuday. Tne oesuit was that the ra:vde,rataheetBrwiteall 01.3tleteeenevezeads tfheer• truck, unable tte etele 5001.i:enough, allegentight the French were the only. people who %ay ()althea Into, -the. diontes, head. on, had a definite policy in the new world knnakinit 'bath down *nn 3eVerelY War' Their plan was 10 build a line of forte , Mg one The trUck Is Owned by the along thee ea Lawrence, and down, the °Wench Manufacturing .0o. and was. Missouri and Mississippi so as ,to hem - (invert b llatt x1 carried alaalodaesid tthe peotilential and prevent , e0trithloglosgs°,3dTtllealted atr rsesactrir:ololiEd°by Wile weet, attd it looked as 'if their plan wa.$ helr access to the octet areas tt o iae mina Elliott, a farmer on the Hayfield suoceeding, yet today the precioniettating ao ' nationality' on Vela continent was the • • According to Thiele °facer Lever, who British. In this too we could orily vay investigated theteaeti, going steutit, ivas in the words of the text. "We give thanke on the bridge, well aver to it own side t wane the truek,, •travelifilg. narth, hove acit.; tahneed, tvOastLoarndd Gout. tAnliniefeernhaty,newehamicil;H M sight .-over the crest cf the bill and thou least taken to thee thy great Power 'descerided tile .Lachnee the .:161-v,er- n. -n"'' and hest reigned." ' . • • plied hes brakes •but was unaoleto stop' . 'ben can% thestruggle of -the Amen,- • In time, accoeding to •the traffic ainicer, can colonies for their indepetidetnee, The :Softball Tournament who tested the brakes. They were food faulty...and peosecution has been launch- winch he coneldered a tragedy, brother There is no lack of entries for the fiebting against brother, but out of it ed Tha vehiclee could not have passed — - • 'softball tournament which will be in pro- had emerged three streams .of United on the bridge, which is '13 feet wide - grese during the afternoon, West Monk- .. Empire Loyalist% Who came to Canada ton, Bayiield, Ocidetich, Elgin Regiment and formed the backbone of our natian, There will be three games plaYed. , ,Entries for the athletic comptattans, • Al e'eli. *oNttne eyb C• imen . • . per,trar So through the history of Ude con- • a lanauaoe Should be the. words of the tut, and -perhaps Seaforth are sureostarters. •and again flS We thought of this our open to the county; -are being receevel, . -eta oh, . titient we could trace the hand of Ood'a, . daily. There are three from Masan• sovereign providence and in these diet,- •alone. The taree 'events arei ' 00 -yard Has' Talien Interest •HZ PUbht cult times the Mason • should direet thought towards faith in Clod, who wol working •out Ills purposes, dash, half -mile retest and three-mile run. • - •Affairs ault by Bob For M An exhibition pole. any Years Silver trophies and medals are the prhae. . Stoddart, who again showed his eliss at • ^ e-aAied 52 _ v "" Temente lase Saturday, Is an irten teeresg As predicted by The Star some weeks feature of Vie program. The Evening Program • Township, has been appointed registrar A street tarnival, with dancing, is te of deeds for Huron County, to succeed be 'held in the evening. }Terra Meeareatil th• e 181e William Coats. This announce - and .his committee has been working ' hard on this end of the program. Meat was made by Hon. W. el„ Price, Throughout the evening eneyetery men attorney general, test Saturday'. The and women" will be in the crowds ail ch evenlag and their apprehension, cdth the proper salutation, will win a valuable prize. The merchants participating are: •• ago, Alex. Neeb, former reeve a Stephen Being on the eve ahnost Of another: Deminion Day Bishop Seage:as eermaz was a very appropriate one. • ' • The musical part of the service Wal rendered excelleatly .by the organist and • (Continued on pace 4) COMin,g Events oice &ma not come as a surmise. The new reeistrar is 62 yeare of age, is • AND 13118INESS IIIIIEF8' member of one of the pioneer fainillea• • a the Hensell district, Hie grandfather Watch •CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE fhlid, ° moved to Stephen totvnehlp from Water- window or oay epecialse, 100 county. Fronk early nuenhood .1)/ft. • "Holivecod" Bathing Stilts tor every Neeb has taken an active interest io, member of tire lanallY, smart new deeigns . public affaira. Ilia ability woe early in fine pure wool. "Holywood" $ulte aro recognized by his neighbora by his elec. 1(4C1 Onlir At SCHAEFEW434 tion to the tot:awhile tottncil and later to . Owing to the holiday the first anstaii* etenveerrlevyeesehrlep., Wohnichthpeoeseitheionty,„heeeehheeldil fhoer ment of team will be accepted, Without the addition of the penalty, Up to ?done Evidence that a debtor had administer- $315. Ile secured judgment in city/don . ed two black eyes and a bloody nose to tonne and took a note. /learning that Was a valuablo)inember and was tielected dale July 4th, , 11926 he was an tmetleceeeful Conservative Lower Hosiery prices-"flayser," reg. to eerve On Walla:tent COMmittees. In ./. H. ROltEIVISON, Colleeter. the man lee' owed was given in Judge Elliott had some time pveviotts given his Costello's county court an Tuesday. The , wife a chattel niortgage, :Marshall galled evidence ns candidate for the LogiSlature. 01.25 now $1.15; reg. $1,50 Chiffon and co& tomb amusement . The forth in his automobile to get the wife% deo WianaElliottr, 'Neeb la the eather Of eight chit- Healey Gervice Weight now $1.25. All iarmotar; ;astildingintluanatt19 rn, 0tOntvnapotin,a niendstai. endorsation of the note, Then the trou- ' ble started'I'hiwoe On January e lt 4 mten. lee It a ember of and en active aro firat quality and haVe the "deride" . s Ce Milted doLog the damage, but pleaded last, ,worker in the Eavogellcal church. • heel. For extra value buy '"Itayser" "Re knocked nte clown, choked nee and Ir. self-defence. ...,.........,...... Rose at SOfIAEFEIVS. Xne N. letarshalloKtrkton general mor- hit mo many them," 'said ,Marahall. %JET'S unnukstma, CONTRACT The Ooderich Women's Institute will chant (160 pounds), The man .who took "Finally I eccaped and ran toward) the ' ; e-"e-oe Meet In Maclay gall On Thursdly, July the beating, had a bill against Elliott for road, but Elliott followed, struck me *a W. 1...xteetreardisaneirFaokies,00Eviti.til frail to 7111, at three o'slock. Roll call will be -..L...._•:.• -- ., ,,,L4---,-....----- -,11, the back and knocked me doten again. „ an.swered with, "Iilitts for Monday," arid AUCTION SALE Finally 1 got away in my ear. I wee - — carrent events will be given by Oara, 0. terribly brtdsed about the head coul,face tIlle old Spfne •that it'a •an ill wind Matheson. A report of the destrIct co:st- and etietained 'Mont bodY InJurlee. li that blow; lio ll good 110115 true. Tlw vend= will be given by one of the delee had to get it doctor." Federal Governmen had Intendea dredge gates; also a Paper by Mrs. G. Eiseelte The doetOr Bald Mareliall% *eYee Were ing letheardine harbor and entrance this Special music 15 being arranged and it eammer wine ite own equipment, boa, ae le heped there will be 4 good attteudated • lo now 11011 known, the goveriunont • dredge sank en route during is storm. 8°ItN tetetitIvh. th,ervesrprletentdt170dre eedtglilneghd.ctituhlepinleeariit. . Cia100.-411 Gedencli TcwrishIP. ea „ Wedneeday, June 22n6 , to Mr . and Ws , GOrlaadtSertIO Otiga, is itatighter (Jewel " I D Farmet Gioes After Merchant He Owes And Administers A Sound Thrashing MORTGAGE SAM, UNDER SY' vrrirtin of the Powerii of Sale contained 'in a Certain mortgage, 'Match wilt be produced' at the Hine Of slightly' awollen and that his no had • Sala, there WM be, offered for tale by • beeri bleeding 'Dub you shotild hove GEORGE EbLIGIT, Auctioneer, seen him next clay," said Mrs. Marshall. at Public Auction . Jude 'Costello gave +Marshall judge ort PRIDAY, the Rh day of JULY, 1982, 'merit for $315. the'full amount of the at the hour of -two &dock in the after. claim, and 835 additional for the beating eal thing to do evae to give 11119 well. noon at the farm of Cecil A. Haider, R. Id. No. 5, Geoderich. Ontario, the follow- up he took. The claim against tits. El* finown genttenian the job, And this very ing property, namely: • lion, who troS eneolned In the ;suit, wee thleig has 1.:(1D21 done, Or Mt Purest leas ntDminz.-xn Ooderich en atteloeee , paiceis or iraete of !and and leremje,ea purchaeeel over a periee of three yeara. le that local and county men will '4 "il ettod Mae Were heeri awarded the contractTito. reettlbst , decatii Jynnoara. 20t•It, Thorne Ilcdfern, in hes ALL AND SINOT.ILAR thoee certain -1-1-o'L'Oct Tho aroceriee BROW, lying end beam In tile Townehi) —eoe--to------ elven work which tines+ had not nutlet* IN MEMORIAM of -Colborne, itt the county of Rumn, FIDDLER PLEADS Guiunt petal oceuring. The tug 'Forma" left raja, i 1 <. tbeing composed of Lots Numbers Thrca . • on Tao''''4a7 Uterneal.1 for Coninge.'03d father and brother, who liava p455C,1 t3 Sluevale Mon Admits Ilreeking Maws aild will rcturn to Ivneardine nith the the orcat teyend. Saw In Treo Places al Dance I (lreclge "P. j. eare.e." ee, - I ara thInktng of is picture, i Ceutetiee Wae reserved Until July all TO 711E1T stivER STDEETS • ITI1MVopritctilumrewoef tallyanb:43oirlieett: aottrd'Pet fItte:. reeetel a 4570111110 holm witli stetable aelllapa:larceldoetietlefilarnOnljnittdopf. 14,reet:tleugaeleh.olAtiaaaspeavael:21hricttintge:31teiztatittyntacopuahrt.• Mace InemerY will 'never fie17 c3L2. Cann bulidings. . Daughter onelma. t,r71102()LI:Aa0:125 WM La E0113 Gatlat to a rd' Priday Ian% and pleaded guilty to assault'clime anci:ser 043) gaicon 4f anliplialt tO , VjleUM,0in ! h - 0 .- 3V V fi17 e.. OGMTadd causing beene pore. to rad Under,. treat tho etrceete Gil entieli Site new tower feenmel Vieltera, aiia died fe”4T: yCA1,3) azitatel F A: en het' tilo ipmehmy raGav to 11.:..... old demo at woaC, it 1110Za"...YV Of the Didevale orehes.." was laidantirraan ado:or of the patkie Juno 2311i, 1925. Me Vine of cale and thebalartte,4113 fz3, yie the tneantirao, bo dee lib malty , tszelee committee nelated Out that it• In the lonely lezaea cZ nietit, tItiely dap. on 81.099 ball, ; would coz,1 lite to= Wiv.:-.112aily Os rental ateleeti deep itoreltico my eyel, Por ftarttr.cr VW:Neu:am and c:,-ndltioits. Dating it dance at taireVale Coath, ea( to keel) thcee chteete tratezed as the :47 tion-lbta Med in tin ,13.1:eat ir•zaW.. f tale, aFiPI7 to ,,, ,, _ ITIATIMe W. PAGE, tratittad histi^012, a;ratiaelied Uncleza-ox.1 teasel% these ea the alaaaatt and the ""41`i;Cd' r4S7 u°311. 612° uel' &tag an idternotsion with it rcoest 11' etfeet3 were areads? th0t714ag ai.v.s 0: 1 1137(I'LY.I.I' t117E3111.0 ESI.'1313r'k' IIVI't :7-tar:2 13Vjg51"1,11420" a dance or twa. Una:lwo.31 re-, 'o -ear terileli the astphait treatment ' P. Eit° Illia4c4 v''''V'-'11 val? own; . .. TOTente. One 1, ft-pop-ir fr•ii, ,,,,,,,,,,,,e• n s.4 n c y nl,tr.,^1,61,3r, ,...VA(1. V,/,1"''d r..„7,0 Vi'r; r,,i,r--.1**, r,•34.,,,,,, *1-,* - Av.: daY l).7 CV i Mtn him rr;.2.-70, t-l!cm..7 ta tt,,,1 .4,, •,„,........ -.„, -...,"-.0.1.1..4 0 OI W 0 , o....... . + ,w ow. o, ...Woo ow I, ,..A.Loo}or ...i,.. Aa i walk tki.,:,,zzqt1 /no tec.r.c. pease at dleatee.,0 etees caeca:deo ily of P.Trittd., A 1.t0tc 1il-z•,-.:1 emittro tint Este eneee Lae tee MX:6 by Cou.:::,E!,37 II:CAll nCC? VrIlltIttf:TA Jsiti', 132. ihnke Vatt.atc;,--.78 sAw Le two C.'rci. p!:::::11:3 1.:; e,...r.::::1::::' Ta7,1c:t. LOV1t9 NWT a..:1 ritatedila, mud Four la tile 1O1ut1i Coneeesien, Weir - tern Dit,:ision, in the told Township of Colborne, containing. one inteeleed Arisi iiinety-eleht etre% more or lea,. On the teld farm there Le /said to be • , eaeade • '