HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-06-23, Page 8Under ausielees of
Alan& is'positively demonstrated
to you right on yoUr Own Person
wit*neut any *huge.. You do not Church
spend a penny unites toil are ladY on ROT' 011A1 BOER'S LAWN
satiefied. that it is the right THURSDAY JIM 30th° •'32
pllerice for yote, A eonsultation .
witb. Mr. Reavely will not you, supper eemee he 0.10..„,posene
, .
nOthing. Don't let this opt:Mr. will he the PUY, "Climbing Roses,"
tunny get awaY frota you, Ito- by Weetileld 'Young People,
meatier the date. ADMISSIONe ,Isie and 35e
I ere,
county gravel trock is busy pot
ting A cut. of gravel ou the base l'
Illey are tiauling treat the crialiter
stalled recently on the nets South
of the Midge.
The Bieliep of Buren took einargo of
•the, 0=nm:ration eervice in St. Mant's
eleureleenere oneTneedaY...1451, ....V.VO,liee3f"
ronttrzned, tour from tide eonereoatle
seci one Stem Meth
Tile punib ot Aubeina nubile telerel
. an agreeable. therougheeing bzumb,
creme thirtyellve in attenciarteo last
week only ilex: reverted at eelleol on
2.7endey; .41 the etheeef lied deetie4 to
"haw the areelese •and 'be dene ulth
Mean." Tliero 'is 1.1010 4artiltii or ori•
toZion an only thee° who nave lean it
aro able to be out. There .ore none left
hero to epread It el thy re ini ready
to onjoe: Dm onager nolldAys.
Debi% and zehairt
Zette, leeer, of Toronto, is the
it abet Edgar feeeceon sit preeene.
..41MS b,14-42.0 Donne b spending her
- ea:sae:en- peneent eaffnel.lereinether
vieeiCeo. •
moo:nee ween the eane4 nt the
rereocr vein nO heard. Iley wal Co a
tee; Geeel eecee tine year.
IlarVeg DAvesen, et Detroit, t
peet ee /33 week was. tine nueet,
'ante Mr. George Daweera.
Leet Saeoette theee woe eervieee
Pecenyterien amen, irere. owing
t.annivereary ceeelece at 'Sarni -ea U.U.
elem. Lent Mille. of the Oth e:>..: :i
of Woe Wawaturin vielteil her perento
tia the village tiro former part pi' this
end ntee. Willel.ns awl family. of
4X:deed* visited Mrs. brother, BA -WIELD
Dee. eeeeRge Dawson, t.ho fornice Part, Of •Mrs. Annie Rofitatt 'On, 4anlea'
tbe week.
Imo e.o4 eere, 4gelowneet aterivee, hem Metered tei teuelniew on Sendey to viei
the beginning of the week alto gend- frlenU '
ins a, week ,erijoyiair their honeymoon Mr. Arid ears. Barr, of ..vetreite hey
•oteurelen. Moved Into; Seotelnuer% cottan
Last Thrmsday eveniree several .ee the tck tho°seaSen,
Mr, Carter, of Clinton, has talon
Mmonie, fraternity went to Stratford to
:Attend a meeting at which, the erehe ilealtion with P. 'Ai. EdWardS as -clerk or
minter vme. present. the ,eurnmer,
Last *money morning tue atom trash. The choir S. Andrew% 'cluteli Are
started operation, The material is: Iii of. 14a,rtY •V:11131 "ea"
Placed on the Base Zino. between Hallett Ina Pt. wa.1 '004'
Prld Ooderich Township, The Webster picnic tvee hehe Jow
'Mrs and Mrs. William 4,, iItetn,Pson ott% ;one last Siturdikle a large,
Attended the -ennuis' plow or the °moos crowd of relatives attended;
of the Weet 'Wewasnoll ineileenee Voirie Mr- and Mra- rt°bert SoOtionther and.
• PanY. Which was held, last ;SAturday fiarold 'Scotchiner spent Sunday at =de
Sliver, Lake, in roam oatulty. may visiting friends.
Olt' William J. Thoingeori and Join° The local softbell team played a re-
Wileon attended a Meeting Of Old tight tarn garne with Ooderish on Tuesday
AlOsollio IMO lot. Thursday 'evening. t_elte.alag, Fesaltali4 In a for Oode-,
Ths -district deputy grand Master paid °,
Int official visit to the lodge. that night./ e vwaie.ann weerinLeand Wise, BeAcom, of
143st Saturday afternoon afternoon the woos of looniecee were visieers vvith Mr. and Mrs.
S. IS, No, 3, Colborne, met nn. tlie earro Oeo• W. Elliett, lase'Sunclafiteebe
f‘te, Frank Stanley 04 4the balaita of tlaae• , , ,
the leteltlatici. Titer lied their smut, &Liss Aferntiere,' StrathroY, Arrived
pecnio. 014 and young thoroughly enollOt ;week to, spent) the summer in the
joyed themSelvo. . ' village and is boarding with hire, John
(Froin another correspondent) Plet.°21,
Air. and Mr/ S. Marsh spent a nee
laSt week visiting triends In London.
Weinie8awing beee have been the order
or the day on the gravel road the Peet
Mies Olanys Taolor, of Clinton BIM.
nest CoUege, ie eaome. tor tier litdidays at.•8139P 1104 to the barbar shoP Ibis a
pree,ene. reantiful etock ta4hooee frome .
.Ir. and 1.1in, A. Way, .4 .Seaforth, Ur. And Mr. Fred PrAlle-and Lewide
sPent SlinelaY at the home of letr. Niern.1 at 'Umlaut,- Ur. and bIrs.
Roberton, • • 1,,IFOottler. of ;Mich, Vent ;Sunday with
O. B, Erratt is in Toronto this iveek tub Misses Vowile in the village, ••
• w-tli 40attle
niaetera Prank and Olen. Utillveen.
at their orandparent'eeMr. and Wirs.
A. AsintIth. • •
A young son arrived at the home of
M. Nelsen Patterson on inesthey of this
r Alt Occasion
Cole's Bookstore
° The indies of Taylors' Corriere church
• will nolti tordM party on •Mr. Roo
chentuks' lawn •on =motley, Jung
a 30th. Slipper Serred from to 4 p.m.
The Westileid young "people will present
theM play. "Climeing Itosee," AdtaieSion
20e and like
Another pioneer oz Oinlericri Town-
• 01110 died, in the person of Elizabeth
•EMUS, VidOw•ot Thomas Churning, at
her laonie in •the 16th• coneeasion of
Cloclerich Township. The deceased, who
• was in her 87th year, ha4 spent praeti.
cally• MI ler life hi the district. She
was the last surviving member of a fame
Uy of nine children of the tete David
and Mrs. Stuns. in• 1088 deceased was
mirried to Thomas Churchill, who
deceased lier by eight years, having met
a tragic death in a level erossing acct.
dent. Deceased_ is eurvived by four clid-
then, DaViii, of Clinton: William, or
Ooderlett Township: •Intim of Vletieria,
B.C., and one claUghter, tfrs. Robert
Colclough, of Ooderich Township.Te
funeral was held froin her late residence
in the idth conceesion on Sunday after,.
noon, June I2111. Rev, It. McCown of
•St, Paul's Anglican ohureh, Clinton, cone
(Meted the servioes, sesisted by . Rev,
John Thianieson. Six nephews acted as
pallbearers. They were Fred Churchill,
W. Falconer, Thomas Churchill, Samuel
ternient as CbM cemetery,
castle, 0, Mnrphyza John Smith, Id-
MeSerS. 'As.- B. Reed Beam Weston,
E, Ertvin, J. W. Tippet and 'Ica Darn
snent WedlagotlaY .atteri.loon. Jet. Strat-
ford on htisineaa "
Miss Dorah Chapman, of -1401410h. hao
opened up a, gift slop in klYirs: lioses
mr, and afra Ales. -Sparks and 'two
sons, of London, Ore. geneting a week
eareping on John roods". taren'on the
4th conCession, Goderielk, TOW
The Young People's Society , St. An-
dreres church held te'beacte, part and
week. se,,eneeereado eery welcome. weirrer roast Ori evening last
los )4argisrot pow Is home from !when it good time alOeikeloyed by all.
Chicago holidaying with her • mothere. ' Ittie tend letrs. Reiliebinsen, Me... and
Mrs.' Ernest Marniatailintr MeOtind Mrs.
RuptareEipert Here
you, Suffer front' rupture . 11
ef Year OPilorturrity hie now .
arrived, Mr.; •TtOistely,
rupture .expert, will be at the . I
13eclior4 Hotel
.1,04`; 00, dikt only
Weduesday, June 29th
encl. Net 'Illetised to gtve free Olt.
Chapman and their families, of London,
gent the week -end in their cottages
here, e '
edr. and Mrs, Robert Bearel,' of Lon-
don, hare been In the Village the past
two WeekS getting their" three•i,eautiful
cottages on the lakefront in Shape for
tenantS Who are moving in ter the.sunt-
Bishop Seeger will be here in the An.-
gilean chinch en Sunday atternoon next
at 3 o'clock. When 4 pfunber win be
eenfttMett, ,Gle Will also dedicate tile
•nielnorial VindoW inetalied by Mrs.
Panne memory' of no husband, the
late Rev. William Bind%
atrlination to any siliferer and to
-dononstkate tus UMW'S al)Plionoo, - - --------7------
This appliance will contract the
been kilOWn to cure oases in /min Garden Party.
opening in IQ to IS days and has
Three te e*. ;tenths, This ap-
Ladies of TalldVs to,rder
04:10 0=3 0=0
Now is the cheapest time to put in your next
Winter's Coal.
Stove Coal. . .$15.50 per ton
Chestnut. ....•$15.50 per ton
.$12.50 per ton
Pocahontas.. "..$1.2.00 per ton
Soft Coal.... ..$11.00 per .ton
. For cash On deity.
ery, .these prices
are subject to $1.00
per ton reduction.
All our coal is weighed on &our scales) the market
We have some second hand Electric" Washing
Machines at greatly reduced prices.
For Paint, Oil, Varnishes and General Hardware,
0 Plumbing, Heating, Eavetroughing and
Tinsmithing—call or Phone
P hone
e at
A r 7°Ite HARBOR
THURSDAY, JUNE 30th Tony Fares Ordestra
FRIDAY, JULY is! grit',1:4122
SATURDAY, JULY 2nd Tony faresOrthestra
Meet- *t the Pav. itet It‘i ft" t 410, A dmishion /Se
Iffern‘ers of the visiting Militia in Uniform
admitted free.
MisS Carr slinit Sunday at lehangan-
ars. itoceue spent a foto days in
Toronto lost week,
• Mrs. E. H. Walter is up&tcling a week
in Toronto with her• Son, • •
' Mr. and Mrs. Olaci.stone Origg vieited
i'vith Mr. and Mrs. 'avoid Good on Sun-
The young people all report a good
time t their picnic at Bayileld on Sat-
Dungannon ball team is schedllied
to play Semniller team' On litiday night
June 24th,
Odr. and Mrs, Earold, Walter, ,of
Onto, Spent the week -end with and
Mrs. Era. Waiter,
Mr. I4o.Verty, of Termite. Preached an
able serinori Betnniller elwxcli, on
Sunday Marrzhig in the interest of the
Mrs. erectile and ehildren are spend-
minteo.a4ac:,noopictoko,f weeks with, their Tint,
Miss Verna Pollock, teacher at No. 10
school, spent the. week -end with Ur. -and
Barry Po. wier, near :
tilYt41, Vent a day recently with their t
daughter, Mrs. Dynes Campbell, , a
Mr. and Airs.' John Johnstone, 12th at
eon., epent Wednesday with their Vend- m
dengliter, hers. Dynes • Carripbell, •tr
Ivin and Mrs, Oeorge Lane motored to p
Itivervient a:ad spent the. weeleeend' with
• the latterss sister, Mr,s, James Laybarn,
and Me, Laybuth.
Ur, And Mrs, Wilton Irwin, atom- w
Pained by Ur. 'and Mrs, Joseph Smith, to
Lucknowe motored to Stratford. inert
spent the weekeend there, •
o pt.:Jena met the me- which Snay
• e:ZUCs :r.tcPatii: Plea Wail*HaatdPetUteaterYexta
' plea 4 jute eager seeks which had le
. dyed .0,17,4 made lute varlet* useful
eles. Sile gave the foliewlee, "Erc
, X 17ataa bo, tene. fee. there eee. amen+ w
terkt,vpryparie,rreatetye eget.,41.1321;risets elAeci3rvoriactitit bp. vutve: 4v0 pl:e, aux
riefen ..a" Ttie,-rday.. illine Ala.' Whencarei' '
mine was neletradend et Elizoloth '. X wculdi be brave. for thoo is emu*
mat. eeeO,:ed eldeet daughter of Mr. mmiter:
Mo. Henry WMiane Le:Moe. eoneee;:ien i Z would be etz.vv,z1,.f3; eleeeo le uniele
. tWo, AShileld,„ and William Um -boucle; beer;
Diekeen, eceond km et Ur. and Min:, X Wonid be priest of' all,,` the fee, t
ThenniseIXeiceDn. ot rOrt Albeete Tile:, ' frienclion,
Cerrito:ay Was performed by Rev. 0, Eimer, i ¥. )I he giving and fceget the Oft
Taylor, pastor of Mei Il4ite4 church. X Would be beembie tor X know my wee
who is ie brotherein-law of , tire bride -I now
room. The cbarming bride, ;who le, X worild look up -and Omen -eaten lov
v,opinar in boat church arni social circles, i" and list:
leaked very dainty in iii, gown of shell- i At tho cbetieof her address, a hea
hilt georgette over Satin, witheisce trim. i vote of thanits was tezedered her ann. t
Mee, white hat, &yes and elides. alleOureetIng closed with the sineine of t
was attended by her sister, Miss Jean 1 National Anther* lire Junior and se
Ledner, who wits attired in pale blue 'tor Xnetitirte,s of Dungarnion eerved
flowered chiffoxi Veil% and wore White f dainty ionelmon. .
bat, gloves and esboes. Tire bridegroom A peeeeyteo. league game ee &one
ewes eupported IfY his youngest brother.
Milted ehurch on the dialuend at Dun
Wao PlaYed by the ghla er Dungann
Melvin Dickson, Following the cerise
tirony, the bridal party motoreel to the pinion Wotinoday evening Vim tb.
Mame efet the bride's parents, where 'a met a team, of young ladlee from Walt
18;etellue::::::44:tvesat „404417: %tvpaesni8e:ettle: Snutillite:t e4;4431: e'v riir.4.. STI1OlbeirtPlarut:e.'4.1rcP iu..4Ivnigf133;:r. ;C(vaga:
about.. twenty ;note being present, 011
the irrielegroeM% grandmother, afro, wile
base, 2V33$3 Reed,' dind base, cora Finni
Ilam Reed, * veneiahle. Jady of elgUtY. gala; arri ,hase„, Helen uslereon; eho
eight summers, .Tim dining -Om was
Prettily decorated, the color scherne being .4(4)* 114447 11:3°t; 1.14/4 1/614°' 4114re
, ill pulk and tonte, with Oak amt. whoa Anderson; lett rielder, Oahe Pentlan
Mr. and edre. Franklin Trompeone
streamers ,suspended from tile ceiling London, were tveekeend giteste with th
and caught in the ieentee where a large, formera *Ober, Ors, Wilt Thoritpaoir.
white Wedding -bell hung above the wed- Mrs.- Onaa; Thompeon, of London,. vis
tdilihnige cake
st,WIshat°45,n cwebililtree•4411%4111'Altatea' PThinke wiltert 11,;,:er,y,,tb•Itelyaviri!th'end lothWlertill",hinilergasUrstn:
runner extending the length et the table
Over the white cloth. Pink and white l'elAtive4 and friend*. .
roses also. decorated the table, and other ,a431(rthisitel:. 'Kca.l'aj.' x'araizzGgrrle anea W1141,144‘,1ix'iatlitle3
early summer. newel% :Marie the Tenni a att the parsonage an 'rttesday.
bower of nsauty. After dinner the benPY Mrs. Abraham Culbert nas return
couple left by . motor for A honeynroon. hem 4 pleasant' . vide wftil her tier,
i.trli; which wiil inchade Kitchener, Nis- Mrs. Male:oho Lane, of, Eltelough, , , •
gem rom • and other Plaege, Clem
their return on ThUnidaY infenitig, a ree evel*notts:g,X4P korC4crennoe. 11,04•40, ,1114,4"sisedte,r1,!$4'°
.00PtiOti is to. be held In the Parish hell, law, Mr. liarrlet Fowier, pen. 7, Asn
Duniennen, which will •bo attended bY ,flehe. Who.. we are sorry to SaY, is in
14,1Orge. number Of their friends. Me.
and Mrs, tnekson Will reside, upon the poor health at Present
mtgoroort:41:34;00; at Pont uAriboenrt.thwehesreea tieofge' 4lict 1(11' '11#0. 44cl'ell'e4 '440
beet *hes, of All are extendenetti them
Mrs; JO J. n'yan,„ • . ' •
noW, were row* feimets with ,elin. an
Mrs, J. R. alteRabb, Lucitriow, ;her so
. Jack, of Wingliam. and 'Mize Iteta We-
ill: tr.tutdeteetiongottourtotuheeziasuroberldPollsb.ritoteerystutovf, reonahr. or tatoknote,, were Sunday guests
with riles 'Elizabeth Crawford
June 2lateein the United aura,. Dun -
gamic" with.. sessions , morning .• and , Meg,. Xac. Matcchren and two eld*ren
,visitert .prrs, Maul:ions parents, Mr
,afternoon, Meant Se.yentr-iive reinistera
mite Mrs. R. A. X.:Renzi% recenthe• '
and Itierreen being presentRev. W. 0,
Lane; moderato, Presided. :The. various.. Mr, and MM.' Airthlir Skid* and 'ter
charges of the pree4ytery wein tom re. wanerd4N:r4.4.1aaw. ifItheacvicork.., atild:Ourt :/51.10 Be voabl t
presented. , Thaystanding coining -Wee for - _.,
the year ,Were appOinted,. and the glee- 1.4.11,;.qsratiitx.°11eiT, rett,4g is' ih.e. eret.. in . this
thin of otlicer6 for the year was held, re-
aaiptaii as eeneeee; .chahenaahe Time Ar_ titstrie; to .conunence the hay harvest
and leas Altead'y stored some of this en*
thur tainclairiAlFusall; secretary', Rev.
W. A. Brennen,' trucefielde assistant in the. b°311' it 'being entellY ereltani
secretary, flev..' ,p, ,Tavener, Ashfield; Of alfalfa .:,iyUr ibe• general next 'Week.
gees.% it Is exifected that the cutting
'treasurer; Mr. F. S. Savauger: &aloft.
Dinner Was served in the Sunday school Solite Of the ,heirry- crops in the distriet
room of the chtiren by the ladles of Durt- have bort Ilatt'ened-by Wind and rain.
g;tinspnitmea:;:ited eh, 711. to whom a hearty SomeaVII liaillar"..talt tla4':tiieOf tti.-0' in -
Vote of thanks :tome tendered , for then- dfcatlen 'er tt.gront deal'of.senut in the
. . . -• •
bellen*.h.awSParrtt to the •CfOlittwainnctg"puhnial:
from Dungannon, school.; Verna Ander-
son, Myrtle Caldivell, ;Seth Park. The
names of , ,thoeepuples • will be ineleded
In the lileth -*hog : Entrance results
when. publish". . At . that tune the
.awarded to the Fifth Class pupils on the
„standing 4war il i„ will . be . hadleatedi
Lower sal** , nding. has also 4:tee41.
siitlects taken this year as follows; All
eiddecte : Mildren Andersenie 'Carman
Ifehles, Bernice.: Itotteh.. Agnes Young.
Al!. but one subleti-Margaret Elliott.
'Kitchener Finnigan. Meriferie Menai*
id. The following Ian:Ms have not been.
warded tower Sehool standing On two
r moreesulejedie Thornton redy, tier-
renle FInnigurn'peviel Riviera, Bert Wnye-
rd. 'rhe Ptmlis who have not obtained
aoreill4eulek JeOr4 tteh, °IittavIree,,rell'sewerioratuntiltn: .or
ylng the Mame thins set by the De-
artment ot'Beleyett on on sUbJeets.
. ,
A large ..,gathermg of Vilmen's• In,sti-
Ute Members asSembled In the Parish
all, Dungalin04, On Ttlesday afternoon,
hen tars. Clarence' ItayeS, of George-
wn, the ininenter rerealter eent bit the.
apartment Of- Agriculture .rnstititta
TO 1RS1AY. rd, 14i2
on. Friday, elture 17th, a little daugh-
ter arrived at the home of ittle and ma.
Victer Hey. Congratulations
Mr, William Richardson, of Detroit. b
epending it few weeke with his brother,
George Richardson. •
On Atonday, June, 27t11, eonfirmation
eervice 'will be held in Christ thureln
beginning,' at teelook M the evening.
tverybody will be Welettene to attend:
Lunch will be merved in the -basement at
ItIS close of the Sertletr.
of Moths...
Which May came. *tote damage
then the price of a Cedar Chet.
We hs,ve a nice aesortment of
Ceder Chests which will protect
yalm furs, blankete,
How anent those Window Sliadee
that need. retneelnit. We have
them ln all &es.
Sennittere Dego an sutras
Director •
Iltimilion Et. Otaderie
on, wet Vett ttee teacen
EXt.. Now ts the, tinoet re
three yam MOPlineey deattlit
qata rem:Meg Moe.
teO10 wed rea=ately donee
Oern, Mine neon w1t21
e.7.eranab"..e tool 14Ceifieri aied
Ceeeileo S'01,elet,
OOO) envOte tone oeiteerettee.
rewee iss The saw*
Wheat thiS Year. •+
SlYtIr Angle sphool board Le fortunate
In securing. the services of Mr, Barry
Shackleton as principal of the public
school there. ete: and Mrs. Shackleton
and two children; liave been residing at
the home of Mr. )Shackletozes brother,
William, since Moving front Sasketchetv-,
an, where the fanner had burly hail'
exp3riehee teacher. S necessary
for him to atteu, d Normal School in On-
tario" for a term before 'being granted a
ettrtincate to teach ln Cuitario. This he
tcrihde':taterltiStriU384ttd•CriciOSeirnat gette°1 4114"
Entrance examinations, will be held on
11/4fondat Ttiesday and Wednesday of
next Week. Stine 27th, 2$th and 29th.
Dungannon is one of the centres at
Whiell candidates for the entrance will
‘Tlie.re, was no school in Toungattnett
junior' room on Monday arid WednesdaY
of' this week, owing to the fact that the
teacher, Ur. 'Russel Scott, was in Ripley
for the purpose of writing examinations.
A large number front DUngantion and
VicinitY Were In code:dole on MOnday
trening to be in 'attendance at the gra-
duation exercises of Aluandra Marine
and General Bespitan when Mise Irma_
ranch, wrts preeent and . delivered a t Roach,
°f, 1:Ming"°°n' Vaa ^eXie °t'' the
Iencild address: upon the subject, "The, Re. Bev. 0. A. Seeger, EishoP of Harm,
11113and Activities of the Women's Xn-f the partsti of ob. rata% thumb, ban.
itUtes." /tepresontativea from the In.; raa an day mandays June 27th. In
itute branches. at Itintall, St, Helens Salmon, and Christ ehutch, Pert Albert,
Confirmation will be administered at St.
Paul's thurch, Dimgantron, at the hour,
of 3 p.mand at Christ >church. Port Al.
bert.' at 8 Alit, following. which ea tocial
Irani- will -be spent. Ito. Wm. Ball will
be bedireted as motor ot the polar In
Christ niturch, Port Albert, following the
confirmation service, The ... Anglican
cemetery Mir be dedidated the saute day.
The regular nittothly titeeting of the
Dungasenen branch of. the Woman's In -
dilute .which Should be held Thursday,
dune 30th, is being withdrawn for the
o.owingt.tc, the recent meet-
ing on. Tuesday, when the summer
Mr, Itonfil4 Pentland was In attend -
A1 the graduation esercise.s at the.
U011TharMtnee°ttineral of Elisabeth West, widow
nciaanIleOventenzHoepital, Ooderic
i h,
ot Matthew Thomson, vest held on
things, 'tier clarity of thought vision value of worthwhile
e'Thy lira 1.1167rge sinnintenrOf lifrnitendroutiiteenigdhed.
her kel* senatk of the
and expreeslon, her oasp and %laid isly*
trayed of the vitsl things- of lite. makes
her presentation of the work very Ace
ceptable, while the earnest ilidet force
ot her reeeeage le augmented by iter
aympathetic attitude toward tier fellow
WOrkers. She divided the wdrie of rasa.
tutes into three main 8ections-14e**
tient, community activities and social
unettons, which Ito to make
eed branch. Vdtleation is perhaps tif
the gresteet importanee of the three.
titO :hooted the te-meeratien et the De -
1 Vartruent of Agriculture with the Usti.
, tutes and emphasised the importance of
availing ourselves of the demoneteation
leeture courcee, the neaehing classes and
!free literatnee ineevrided. Cleser Co*
9.0e:tuition between bettitates and tettoole
wan etreeeed, and tregeti *13 ;mantes b
a g'zt3ter intfrest in the eeeling PeoPle Of
t7aqaMMtAzitY1 by assisting in previding
wilole7.2.1th I1al Zito. and irs nr*Vqg
weal lite uterc attra2tive i3 oling in
he eetetbliclienent ct noel ineatlea, li
rho gato fe-,v peenteee fee- the
benellt01 rcenette 1LS Itt, to
ere. tile on emney tusking citric!,tIlt
l0i m3 rel. tr3 jtd-
gleing detericee.S in emcee: te
eene foe 833+.3 ceittlde tfn tene".t...ory:
tere ntrested the fret trete reteene
72% (1.1',!,T7t Zr fee it,
1:a11aal ele selteal do leer nuts cheer.
010 aoi 411e. be 3 beeetter,
et a ireeetter, *oft epee% highly et fe.
eahnee eta 01 the etre...ere as they al.; ,
Intele worthy of ntelee: Z1.0.1r, ehe eteekt
c Unlit and at tient samples ot settee
s trWg etkoltittult woel frorn wee'
4 et:, into, eV" and other garments
and SL Augustin, were guests Mr the
afternoon or the ,itnalor and Senior 111-
etitute brattories of Dungannon. Mrs.
Charles W. Alton, president of the Senior
Women's Institute of Dungannon, pre -
Sided, and presidents of the other bran -
Ones were invited to take their places at
the front. The tneettrig opened with the
singing a the institute Ode and repeti-
tion of the Lord' ii Prayer. There Was
eonimunity singing, Mrs: Xtoss of
Dtuegartnon lamenting at the piano, and
Diann stdo$ by IVirsgob:listen and Mrs,
MeDonside of leintaill, were much enjoy-
ed. as was also A Isola, "Love% Old sweet
sewg," br Miss Greta Webb of St. Bele
us, which w64 responded to by an ene
eerie, Mis. O.. /Oink district seeretary
of Bast Thirth3 , /Institutes,
brought geeetings ROM •Balt Zion.
Mrs, lives4 who was forme,rly eelltaid
teaoher in Northern Coterie, has bed
Wide exPerienee in Instituter Work, and
bars, The deceased Wellunik Who vas in
tier DOM Year., Was One of the oldest t:t
the tesidents of this district andwas
born near Blenheim. doming. here with
members of her family', of Whora there
Were elevern *bout sixty-six years ago.
She bed been hi felling health for some'
nate, mostly throiigh the Infirmities of
tears, ea the hen* of her daughter, ant.
Dorsi &lord initlyth. con. ent, West
Wawarresin where she peesed away Tute-
day. Tier iniebend predeeeetted ber by
over tiny t ears when they resided .1n
Dungannon. Of a very andeble dimes!.
tier. the Was very mach beloved by eel t
who know ner. Time daughters enr-
oll:7e, Otte. G. E. 8mettr. West Vnetvalaesb:
Mo. WAteen,. ete..e::e, end Mrs. Cratg,
Viteteert Ceracele. Aim Xterein Teelea-
Don't Miss This
Wonderful Wedgwood
English Pinner Sets'
9? pleas only $25.00
Dewy brantifel calming
they jest invited IttM
Cone in and see
Smith's Art aml Gilt Store
iirait St, Phase lta
pleased -to announc44o the ladies
of Goderich and Vicinity
a ser; 5ilk Hose
Seivic*ureight, regular 425. New pr.... 1 15
Heavy Service weight, regular $1.50. Newt' 25,
0*.P.O.Y1,4.• *it wig 41 we * 'f•
• sSouteen" sheer
!1.O.. $1
,',5. 25
All guaranteed fast quality,
with French "Slendo heel.
lialyser Prices are always
wow rematifie.
No binding, no garter
Arai** stretchesas the, leg,
requires, gives additional
length for the tall; extra
width for the stout, even to
a ffili, outsize.
See the New Rose in all
shades and sizes at OtIV
HOSiellr counters..
S.tote E . . Value: -
Yowl'. . ' ! f
, . .
Phoni 56
yen. Dime:Mr:on, is a stater. .The„ turi,
end 'services wereeennuebed bY Rev. C.
C. ia1no, her Dast,04 and interment was
., Dungannon' -Cemetery w1th two:
nephews. 17tiehard Park, and, Bert. Tre.
leaven,land two graxid.sen‘ Clayton and
Gordon' airryth, acting as Pallhearero...
A •weli attended neeeehig.'nf.t... O. tr..
824; Dungannon, was held, at: the
Orange Ball on in,hirsdaY,
'09hh,ty Master rattle= of Eat Wawa -
:nosh, and Rev. Ernest, SaYesi Grand
ChaPlaln, of Witighatm4Werei'present•andl'
addressed the gatherh*. • •
The Dungannon' mated church soft-
ball team Were the Wingers7in ar.•gent
With 'Clinton United chitrchleam, played
at Clinton on Wertnesdayeevening: The
score was 23.2n in fator...of Dungannon,'
Mr. and tere, Robert. .1:eel/Meta and
Mrs -Richard McWhinney-wre in Wing -
hem .on Thursday.afternoon where, the'
ladies ',attended a nreethig ' of= the: ,exeme
the of Maitland Prestlyteriae.
Plione 55$ • Pidgin St,
AU:grading Otte ,striettlY accord..
inn to OovEienrent Reguratione
Prompt Servicee. Top prices paid.
Conte, where yehr 110 not have to•
take your eggs out on trade. -One
patronagd• Is appreciated,
Plum. 26 Oppositir Towa HAL East St.
-mug ,PLAUIV00-"The ,Iteeides4; Age -411i sUr east.
rariria33---liesday and Wednesday
Two sutut ATTnActioNs von THE 110i/DA31 WEEK".
'will be here CrIondan. Tuesday and wedneadaY, with
- in a frolic0f fnu. mut Muelee produeed by
Ernst Lubitsch.—Music lay Oscar Strauss
"One vir n.
our :With You"
JusI astu troth OLIvestineg lin this perfect treat. e
"ChtleidiVit Charlie Ruggles and Genevieve Totsin,
Roland Voung and Josephine Dunn
Are lnetudC,1 Iki the 4ellent east
Thursday,, Friday- aid Saturday
The star tileastaitt eharaelemee, Who has improsed Yoh bolero wiled his.
tlyteerale semen Portrartle„wilt.* Shown in the westenteeeso role et 1113,
"The: Hatchet Man"
witn LORZTDa. TOMO and TULLY StutattAtt,
A dramatie anit of great twee and their lotto I
• By DAVID/MARCO and AOIIMX71:i ALUrmiatt
Zifatiners,,,AVed., Sat, 04 Friday, the, Virg of July
COMIN O.,-"Itell Mors&
M. I L I!. N E -R
For the weeh.end we will offer lifelny Spefini
tenivrei in
$3.00 values for. ;81.15 $4.50 values for..
.53.tri0 values for.,.$2.00 I Baby Bonnets. ...lie
Attractive in desiten, quality end price.
Vol nee ceolOe*Oe. Melted te /menet ex; eare.
1ingston Street Goderich I