HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-06-23, Page 5I T'IKT1.1R MAY, )W($ Nilo 1N2 -:- AMONG THE CHURCHES The annual Sunday aehaol Fi:nja off8t. Czeoe's Muth will be irld en Wed- nesday, July tith, at ¥einusetung Park. The choir of St. George's church will aoulst in the Music at the carfirmation service at Past Albert on Mor.iay t.en- ing, June With, at 4 p.m. Sterling July 3rd, tit. Oeerge'a Sunday, school will meet in the morning, the main church cehaol at 9:45 aim.. end, the prinoitrs department at la ane. 8peetsl Thenlogiving servieet will be held on Sunday, July 3rd, in eonneetioiil with the anniversary of the Pendniwa ot� Canada, Rev. D. J. Lane. ,'m nIster of Knox;4 .Presbyterian ''Cluirch, will eanduet !milt» 1 versary serAices :at Brussels on 8undey .next and the pulpit of Knox church.. here. Will be Occupied by Rev. W. More,. of "Brussels. "horning and evening ori Sunday. �__ Services at Baptist church Sunday next, pastor, R. W. T, Bunt: 10 a.mi.. Bible scool; gospel service at .11 a.tn.. subject, "Yearnings and Aspirations for Heaven;i0 gospel service at 7 p.m.„ sub-: "Where Quality Gives Price a Meaning" .. GODERICH French Dry Cleaning Works . .Y • J R Mi WEST STREET THE GODERIKH STAR ge.t. ''Heaven a Ecce. not merely a .►tate;' Regular eery ees will be held i": 'Fie. tent St, 'United church neat Sanday, June 28th, at 11 win, :and .7 pan. Rev. Jame Aatilcny= M.A., of Whemes. Road United Char b, will conduct both ser- vices. Rev. P. W. •Crain will preach aa- niverEEyl se;ene:iss et Tnearies Read church„ Sunday Ftiiool at 10 L U, Rev. G. T. Watts. Rev. J. I6. Ford, #rev. F. Co. Calk and Messrs. Wm, Bstilie. L. IC. Barnwell end W. M. KOift A relator merited the Goderich United ehurohes it the meeting of.>?re aytery in Dungamij t. on Tuesday. Revv, ,Arthur 8inelair, 'df Remelt, was appointed chairman of the Presbytery, Services at North. Street United church Sunday next: 10 a.m., Fellowship Class; Mein Club; 'topic at Men's Club, "Eslien- tials for, effectivee prayer,'' introduced by Mr. Jno. Dustow: il. a.m., annual Plower Surtdayi iaaerament .of baptism. The paster will preach a special object. sermon to tile children.. '1 pane /Ming people's service. ,Address will he given by Mr. Clayton R. Watts. On Wednes- day afternoon, July 6th, the aminal Sun- day school and congregational picnic will be held at Bayfield park. itNOX ouvaoR W. 4, S. • Knox char h Aux111arY, W M. S., held an enjoyable rneetiing at the home of Mrs. A. D. McLean on Tuesday after- noon. Mrs. Herald read a splendid:. Paper,ofl Formosa; in which ,she traced the history of Presbytery Missions on the beautiful island from tate time of the landing of the veteran: Missionary until this year, when the Diamond Jubilee was 'celebrated. . Miss Hazel MacDonald, who is spez don; her holidays with " her mother, zVIrs, Murdock IvreeDonald, de. scribed her life'and Workat Pouce Coupe in Northern.British Columbia, where her services'. are highly appreciated both by the church and the peoplein this pio- neer settlement Mrs. 41; C. Dunlop Ronducted",' the devgtjonal .. exer'clses. Prayers were offered by Mre. Albert Tay- lor and 'Mrs: D. .J, Lane. Mrs, R. J. Walter conducted the business part of, meeting,. and invited the members of the society tc, hex home. for the July meeting; :.A delightful social hour was enjoyed. C se of the ee at the to h m ting when 'dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. McLean. CAMP KINTAfl PROGRAM • • Boys, .girls • and young people • of the Presbyterian church in the ,synod of Ramilton " and London will hold camps atLintpil during the .summer. From July 1-9 the boyswill hold forth •imde the charge of Rev, NVf. &P Innes, of For- est; "The camp will . be visited by the mod- erator ilt n a of - and.London nod )3m o tri ondon s y , Rev. W. J. Vest. Rev. ,}VI; A..1vroZach. eran, editor of' Presbyterian publications, and Rev,' Denny Bright. There will be Is your. Summer Cottage at Nienesetung, Bayfield, or haty wier'e hat ween ' Yon cant. ; hat!e Goderich. Dairy Milk delivered every morning be- . -. pore breakfast. Phone4571. GOHERICH HAIRY. r "Your Milkman'' PACT* MM The S#rongtaas TiIERMOS BOTTLES .Pints and Quar#s-: (:A111PBELL'S DRUG STORE Paseo GUDE1t1W'IE. ONT. talks by Rev. R M. Hanna, of Ripley. and Rev. Frederick Qaforth,'bsith m the Morning and around the eamp Are at night. • ' The camp for young people follows from. July 11 to 17. with ltev. G.11..Me- Donald of Lucknow, as nonvenor. Lec- tures will be given in the morning and sports and recreation in the afternoon.: Popular w'iceturea will. be .liven to the evening, the speakers including Rev. .1. 8. Short, D,D„ Barrie; Rev, K. McLean, Wing'ham; Rev. J. D. Smart, Aline Craig: Rev. B. L. Walden, . of Glencoe; Rein D. D. ,Armstrong, of Durham; Rev. J. W. West, of Atwood; Rev. William Barclay* of 1;Iam)1ton, and Rev. W. 1MS, Rochester, T):D.. or 'raronto. During camp the young people of Goderich will pay a visit. On Sunday the morning service will be at. Aslnfieid Church. The girls' cnmp will be held following that of the young pebpie. Imam. iPAY Cast f3u>Kiday was 13<yra' Life Sunday in the: Vatted church and on Sunday morning . Rev. G. T. Watts preached in )!Earth street United church en the clues - tion, "Does Farming Pay?".' He took. for his. text, "He that tilleth the 'soil shall have abundance of bread:" The farmer usually has his living ; anyway, he said, but apart from this the blessing of ,Work gave the fanner independence, health, self resiiecie and sanity of mind, and strength of body. 'The farmer lived close to nature -end saw the wide expanse of heaven instead of. having the view only ofacity buildIngs The 'farm r had. time to think and it was from the ferule that' the best thinkers. carie, the best inn in the professions being re- cruited from the. farms, Mr; Watt's an - ewer to the' question, ."Does; farming pay?" would evidently be in the afe me- tive, The farmer might not accumulate much wealth lout neither slid the preach- er and yet the joy of the Work satisfied the ministerand similarly there were satisfactions . in farming apart from the mere monetary rewards. Mr. .W'atts compared the w rk of the fainter' to that of the preacher in that both broad- casted the seed, knowing that a good deal of it' would be wasted on account of UAL 0000 WO** 111O44 NOS *IA We little a Hinted number of wcrlt !! at to the Iowa or lens other lob, wid e w.tl s;.:1 them at 141.44 wink a they last," They Wee of be,.e: quality than you anal pf is ,eat, of the mall order catalogues at ti tile tante jir3ee. Come and see us when in reeed Of any. Wan weer for yourself and finally. We can save you in3ney in quality and price. The tag Street Footwear oat )oliate, „She^ G.Mlat e WILIAMI AIM PreFkter. St. Opp. 11110X1`lair OBITUARY 4. ' FRANCIS LLONA1tD t *EIGHTON Francis' Leenard Creighton, beloved 1ltieband of Laura Kirk, formerly of Dungannon, pasted a,wey at his home, the steny ground or the weeds Or the 540 W. Savannah, Detroit, on Saturday. shallow so% but there was always .sews June lath, after a serlous inners* of Seto. which fell on goad ground and brought eral months. Besides his sorrowing wife forth aund_a r1y, eonie tBiety Some aaX- hy, leaves to mourn Once c lid ren , Cy and serine a hundredfold, 1t*U?1s. Pearl and Thelma; also two. ......................................7... ! sisters. Mrs, Wheatley, of Sault Ste. ,Marie, Mieh., and 'Mrs. E E. 1111ton, of (athriand tw. Crn and The annual reunion iiicnic e1 the Gordozl V, of Detroit, alltior!whom were pupils and their families of the old Mile present et the funeral, whish was held school on the (*Irvin hunt, West Wawa on .Mond:,y. June 20th, from the Alfred nosh" le to be held at 1144101' Putt, N. Croslcy mortual:y, 1330$. Woodward cloderieh, :oh SaturdaY. Juno 2514. avenue, under the auspices of .the fligh- Come early and renew old lriendslnips, land Park eommandery, No, 53, ° to the Ladies please brh 1Uneh, Tea wit. 'be Acacia F'ark .cemetery+. Mrs. Andrew M'. supplied on ebbe grounds. Kirk, of Seafortin and Mr, and Mrs, J. COLBORNE • D. 'Beecroft, of Whiteelnurrh,"attended.' : Carlow store will be closed next Wed- nesday evening instead of Thursday. ( �A KING NILE sti wi11 take : art in ;the with' .hich .the Dominion Day Celebration in • will open at 9;30 a. m. Valuable prizes for - De�corated Autos,. Decorated Bicycles, Industrial and Merchants' .Floats and �alithumpians,� followed by Children's Gameson the Square. Afternoon Program at Agricultural Park STARTING AT' 2:00 O'CLOCK the funeral. The Y. P. S. will hold their meeting Roman ueoeusty of at,Helens spent. at Frid, theay° .homoeveningof. M SS Winnie Marsh on 1`eaturelay with Robert Irwin. Mina Ethel Mcxlwain, of Goderich tp,,:. M°' S+ B. Stothers, aJ Essex, Wits ;n visited with Mr.and Mrs. Wm: Merl- week. at Mr. H. Horton's during the "eek. M, and Mrs. Ern. Mit;hell and son Mr. and Mie.. Alfred Armstrong and Charles, attended the nurses' graduation boys, of London, spent the weelc-end I n .Goderich on Monday evening.. with Ashfield and Lucknow friends, Mr. and 'Mrs; Alden Allin and two blim Laura Roach, who has been children and l fr. and Mrs. Jno: Treble assisting +Mrs. Norman Shackleton' this epent Sunday afternoon in Brussels: mouth, returned to her home near Rip - Mr, and Mrs, :Thos, Guilliart, of Clow- ley Sunday owing to the illness of he. gouda, Ontario, and Mr. Jas.'T river, of sister. Woodstock, visited. with Ur. m`hd . Mrs. Wand was received by Mr. S. J. Kil- Allan Wilson and other friends on: Tues patrr; k, of the death of Ills brother, Jolla . day H. Kilpatrick, which. occurred In :Saska- The .diamond Jubilee of 'Smith's Hill' teen hospital Sunday, Jute 19th, alter united church will be held on Sunday, a lona illness: 1 3 d 11 wain on Thursday July 3rd, at a.m. and7.30 pan. Rev. Mrs. Henry Horton received word' lust 1 W. Lane, of Seaforth, chairman a the veek.of.the•death of Her.unebe Mr' J s. Huron Presbytery, and Rev. Colin Young, ' a Stathers, .ivhic)n took place' in WinnipeE} Toronto, will conduct the services. • A Hospital June 3rd. The late Mr, Stoth- i4 lawn social will be held o Wecfines a l n dy, July 6th, at.. the home of Mr, Alex. ers Was well 'known Sn:Ashfield, tel ere e - Young, .of Loyal. grow to. manhood on the 'term naiv oq- . , cupied 'by Mr.' Alex. 'Hackett, .eon. 10. A QU1'TELD News of his passing was received with deepregret bythe friends r! of hisyouth, ds (Mr.. :and Mrs; Hector MacGregor and who held him in high esteem because or baby .Margaret, of Texas,` are visiting at his sterling character... Mr. MacGregor'& old home in Klntail. A number from here attended the '1:'he monthly meetirig'of. the U. F. of Webster reunion at Bayfield Saturday,. Ontario was .held at the home of Mrs. Although the attendance .this year was not as large o as r usual hethes Kenneth. MacLennan on''VVednesdayl of i' s a there was usual last week. program of sports which were entered Rev, t 1r. Readies, of Htllsburgh; took into with zest and greatly enjoyed. by charge of the services in Ashfleid .P -es. everyone. A number of softball games byterlan chtireh on sabbath last, Ftev,: were played. Dinner and supper were SJ. i3, Grant twill preaCli next Sabbathcon- c. on the. -tables, which are so c veniently arranged under. cover. Those The . sacrament -of the Lord's Supper from a distance this year included: - SIr: was observed. In the evening punch was and iVirs, harry Waded, Mrs John Mc served on the verandah .of the .wheel. Gee and: several members of her famliy. There are four new cottages in process .Mrs: Jamey 'McGee and family, Mr: and of erection 'at the camp.. • Mfrs. Judge, Afr. Gordon Webster, all of The 'first services of ,this season was Toronto, and Mrs, Rachel Webster and held at the Presbyterian. Summer School three daughters, of Detroit. . at the lairs near ICinntail, on • Tuesday of SEE NORTHERN ONTARIO FIRST last. week. There was a good attendance of ministers, ,elders :an4 managers and Tnspector Walter Moore, of (Kitchener, .i;heir,,families front t zet urtoundingcon- was in town on' Tuesday. Ile le :.ser- gregations. Addresses .were,, given by tainly a booster for Northern .Ontario, Messrs. . McCullough, X'ollook, Forbes, where he spent some fifteen years before Patterson and others... . receiving his appointment at Kitchener. - You have the beautiful agricultural P(1R`TER' HILL' areas down here," he Says, "but up north • the minting and the timber would knock The Y. P, S.•of Grace United .church your eye out Redoes not believe there will hold a beach party at. SUrlt's beach j anything like it in the World.. The do Friday evening, June 24th, • Niagara hydro development he says Is Mrs. W. l Harrison, of aarpurhey, is , spending a short time with herr cousins. Mr, and Mrs..Tames Harrison. The Choir practice which was to have been held Monday evening was postpon- ed on account of the Men's Club meet. inti. - • ' The ball game between I.lolmeevllle and the junior team of G. T. M. C. was a snappy game, resulting in a win for the Juniors of 29 to 10. A game between -the I married .nen and single men will be. inlayed an the 28th before the Club meet - Ing. • - . .7 The Siren's Club meeting on - Monday evening was very largely attended, Mr. Jefferson- of Clinton, being the speaker. His Address was on Shakespeare's "Mer- : haat of Venice'':.. The •talle was enjoyed. • by everyone. Some interesting features were brought to light in the address and - j -a nearty'vote.of thanks was tendered Mr. j Jefferson. On Tuesday evening, the 28th'. the club..Will ;have Dr. „Stevenson - of Guelph as their guest. who will speak on the subject, "The Warble Fly." As this is a subject that twill interest every- one a good attendance is looked for. A program will take up part et the even- Cing. - A most cordial 'invitation is. ex-•� tended to the men of the township.: MILITARY MANOEUVRESjby Elgin Regiment MOTORCYCLE RACES :ig ao�Roa Racers SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT (4 teams) 3Mile Race - 100 -Yard Sprint - Relay Rac EXHIRITION POLE VAULT by Bob Stoddart .Plan for a real outingin God' rich Dominion Day Como early+ -Stay late Ban �e �a r� �yy. O `1`1=1% QU'AR6 AT IG I" Ban Conol t and t1 eat Carnival �i ll�l EI11it{ Hlil llCi Day. CARLOW STORE ripen'! Silk and Lisle Klose, 25e :pr. STEAWBEi1RIES ' and all the. Yfrcins'�-Sugar., Jinn, /at Rubbers, Zino Rings. Or we 'nave Strawberry Jam, IP you would rather not can. NOTA --'We are closing early next Wednesday evening ---Shure it's a Garden Party we be agoin' to. Be you ? ' FRANKLIN McILWAIN WE CAN TAKE . CARE OP YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN FURNITURE Stoves, and in fact any thin for the home for 1932, and we positively Savo you money. Blaelistone on illy 1'oat ay d' Cisi er'iddi' r - Remember the dates June- 24th To. July 1st A whole.week - of SPECIAL PRICES at the Godelrieh Drag ' Stores. - OVALTINE ... .......29e, is7c, 03e CHOCOLATE BARS - 6 for 22c ENO FItt*IIT SALTS 60e, 96c DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 39e GIN KIDNEY PILLS , 39c WILLIA14.S' PINK PILLS ... '39e LISTEufl4E, MEDIC AI ....49e PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC, 49e LA,VOi1IS, MEDIUM 49e EPANA TOOTH PASTE 30e k'EPSSODI:4T TOOT PASTE, 39e TOOTH nurser SPECIAL PAWS GfEi141', 39c ARSENATE OV LEAD), Lin. 2do VLY 'PDX, 8 -oz. Bottle 40r SNOW yourru TOILET PAi'EC, 2 rolls for 2re -BATH C'AT'S 1"e, 22e, fine FILMS. No. 120 21e No. lie 200 CAMERAS—No. 2 Brownies 5'".?n No. 2 i Brownie !S 75. Mien or tan Anion ab'1xCIIXGA�1 f. C'112AS1; for can' burn • 2,1e Tway iiru„e cd tine fictig tore 3. A. Q'A.U.Mt .t J. IT. Lts i)i'I2 0. C. DE:N1t)i f 11. riaGL1: New Arrivals in ladies' and Misses' Apparel for Holiday, Street and Sport Wear , "rostota ne and Bramble Knit— Three.piece and two.piece Knitted Suits . J � � f in many new shades and styles for the present season' white Flannel Skirts at only $2.95 each Witt ee .and Colored Skirts Separate Made horn a heavy quality all silk crepe, or, if you prefer, we have a nice range of w to 'lannel Skirts at +only each Fine' Wool Pullovers an a l ve ..s Blouses anPolo d Mesh P t Silk Blouses and Blouse. .Lance Blouses - in pastel white and shades. Apectai al 6 dozen Ladies' pretty Valle Dresses sun and tub -fast. Special price eac$1.50each HIBBERT Phone .S6 The Cash Stogie Reliably: Merchandise at Reasonable Prikces. only a s7ua11 thing eonurnrgd tothe Ken- yon and. island Late powers, front the former of which: power is being trans- mitted 300 miles through virgin forest to Sudbury. The potatoes they grow up in the north country, he says, its something wonderful and they have no Potato bugs there yet. The : timber is mostly jack pine, spruce and balsam and this, is very. easy to clear oft the land • and pioneer farmers havemade wonderful progress during; tile -Years : he spent in the north.. First there •would; Abe talie log cabin and a little clearing and each Year would see. 0.e larger• - area . cleared on these farms and progress made in many ways, Nor there Ontario. is the place for the young rnan.. he says, end. he recommends' 'everybody to see it first,;. The Cotton Shows outfit is in node- rich and will be set up to Victoria Part: for a couple of weeks, starting about the first of July. With the :Cotton Shows at Victoria Park and the 1 (lint reginient at Agricultural Park Aver tile Pint there should be lots of activity in town, and the big Dominion : 7?ay . celebration will be the high spot. (31i1U reU Gary f#'; r rOR FLETCHlElt'S . 6. A S ! '0 , t A •«r ' Seiiiarior Stores continue - their Money Saving Values for Thursday, Fri., - and Sat.,. June 2344 25 WE SAVE YOU MONEY :0.11100$...-, 46, tins ' CRY'S % lb. tips I Glanrk'a orK eans 3(0 ! Ttf� '3 Oaks r ' � •Soap. 2 4tins. SALADA TEA IA ah. Package 23c CRISCO 1 -ib. tins Ba � 23c 3c SOAPSul'j�t'isE'� lO Bat's for 47c OXYDOL l largo pacCiage slid 2 seises l irk'! Soap, all for 2231: lirape Hurt Flakes 21c CORN S'tni2(1..rd Owility, 2 this 19c ja CALV ' CRT J. llleEWN 0