HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-06-16, Page 8PAGE ItKitIT
eteZte-A.-'atotnteten 113' eftantiteia 'few
axe Lev. •Mr. McElroy, et Stratterch
teen Sur.day, Juno nal
The Rev. Mc. Canner., et Eippen, con-
raf::z.rr. Rev. ter. Patton, Was, in Hipp=
The %Zee. Mr. LeveetY, of %Conte, Will
px"..:Cat the mutt et tee temperance ore
IlRetre zupeer wilt be tilepeneed on the
Vtle Many frlende ot 'Mr, John tea -
meed aro sorry to hear he Je nate in, St.
on tor appenclieltie. Leteet report Is he
demg vere• Well tent we hope for
On Surulate Ante 19th the Rev. It.
tvelee—at it eten. and 7 pan, Special
freesia at both Servtees, On the 29th,
WediaesdaY. a lawn eocial will he held
at the lidMe at Mr. Melvin TyndelL
The Leatee' Aid met at the home of
Mrs. WM. Weeteen on Tuesday, June 7th,
with 4 large attendance ot members,
The President, *Mrs, Duos, presided, M -
ter the opening devotional exerelsee there
was discusslon regarding the lawn social,
'and eommitteee were aintolnted for the
difterent tebles, etc. The social will be
held on Meivht Tyndall% -lawn And a
good program is, being prepared.
The 60th anniveraery of the Onening
of the ehureh at Smith's Hill will be
celebrated on the 4rd of duly when Rev,
W. Lane, Of Seaforth thairMan of the
Heron Presbytery, end Rev. Colin 0,
ter ot Sunday school and thurch, will
onacluct the services. The Mesta Will be
cupplled by a metre choir, all over 50
The June meeting of the W• ltt wa$
neld at the tome of Mr. Alex. YoUng,
Lcral, with 20 ladlee present, the presi-
dent, alrs. W. W. Walter, presiding. The
meeting ehened with enceing and prayer
and the scripture leseoh wits' the 5ard
chapter of Iamb. h'he minutes of the
Teat Meeting were approved. 'Phe supply
Yong then led en prayer.. Mrs, Beth -
Kin the bugs' whet Climax and
Zuglsiller, and tor the house
hies we have Spray in bulk and.
tiryd and "Cy and hot,
Try- oar lee cream ante ice cold pop
'OPT CA1.41,
. 4.
. Extraordinary Sale of Glasses .
Reading Gltises Ivith dark shell frame... $3.50
Reading Glasses with white or pink gold ea co
or in gold frame, comprete.....
methods and 'modern equipment.
A. 11.• COLE, Optornetrise
erington gave 4 short talk on the *privi-
lege of helping those who have not the
gosPel. alas a safe hid sure invest.
Mut to lend to 4110 Lord. Mrs. (Rev.)
James Hamilten read an article on the
All roads are expected to lead to Port
Albert neXt friday. the occasion being
their annual garden party.
Sunday is to be observed ee
lite of the late Dr, Hudson Teeter, Neut
Rural Life Sunday in the Nile ehurch.
man of prayer, Whose 100th annlverseter service 10 at four theta*.
Is eelebrated this Month Miss ale Clark The
gave A reading on elm significance of Mu Oraee Blake has resigned. as
eThe seining Beene, he "Standing . oo. teacher of the Nile school, =se BIake
Holy Oround." A duet, "Softly and
Sweetly desUs is Calling," eats effectively
rendered by Mrs. 0. Melthee and Mrs.
Patton. The 044)Per 001itest was taken
each gave 4 short report of. the center- lleve we did not fully appreciate what
enee meetings in St, Thomas. Mrs. Mies Blake has meant to the eommunity
(neve Patton sang as a solo, "lie giveth until this announcement of her resigna-
WV' The Meeting -closed' With a hymn tion was made, We with her every sue -
will be greatly missed In 'thls hoMmUllittr*
She took an active Intehest In the pupils
not only with cregard to their educational
development but aim •theit moral and
cultural weleare. We are inclined to be -
and prayer and a eocial half boo Ava$ ,cess In her new fields of service, The
new eeaeher at Nile is to be Miss Archie
spent saver the luneh provIded by the
ittakville and eomeis to us ,vrith the best
of testimonials.
Mrs, Barr, in myth on Saturday. Ato Mary Ellis spent last week NVit4
•Mrs. It McCabe. Is spending a couple Toronto friends.
of weeks with her sister at Beyneld. Miss Mae Vincent spent last week with
• tat Brown and his 'friend, of Toronto, Winelcore friends,
vtsited his Sistee at the parsonage ever . aches -Vera, Wilkins, hif Coderione spent
the 'week -end.. • • • Sunday with Mrs. 'W.. Rodger and family.
Mrs J. X1801411 and. attise Mabel of
church are • holding, their annual *chic ' 6 - •
11i RS1MS', JU al kith nu
vs pi
1 Mrs. Neale 'Steward lead as guests reec
IMe. und ldre. Cull Sloan, et St.
Samuel Venttand. veite :templed weal
them on Monday.
guesta with Mr. and Mrs. 0. at lideKen-
40 and family, 10. and Airs. Bea Wee
Ildge and Mrs. W. J. Wooliege, Sr„ r
turned on Sinzaay to'their homes In Tore
at Bayileld on Saturday. • . daughter, Mrs. W.. Kelly.
Rev. Connor, Odi„ of Kippen,
Some of the friends of this vicinity at -
preached in Bowater chureh on ehtee-
do last. net Vert. yawn taking aneneee, ltaetnededutthAe-le:cunclerSotalicoeirti Solatuurodrra‘of the
Mr. and ears. Ciroves and their oldest Mrs. john Freeman, Iroquois Falls,
son and nit wife, a bride and groom of spent a few daye tast week at the home
last Saturday, and. their younger son ot her sister, mrs. J. HoWard Campbell.
• 'let and Mrs. Bert Badinan and tWO
ehtldren, Lorne end June, of Windsor,
were week -end egeste with Um. Bad-
ririgtOn. MA Erriugton, who returned to
Windsor with them, 13 en101113 a visit
in that eity at present. .
WM Robert Finnigan le enjoying a
Visit With relativee at Kippen And Sea -
forth, hattng returned with them when
they were her guOts tor the week -end,
They are her daughter, Mrs. Eigle, mr,
Siete and two daughters,' larances and
Eleanor, of Kippert, and her eon, Prank
Finnigan. Mrs. 'Finnigan and three
daughters, Muriel. Alma and Porte; of
Rex, the tine American Istal-dog, owne
ed be Mr. Richardson, lineman for the
came to an Untimely end, pe the main
street of Dungannon, one morning re,
cently, 'when he 'met Instant death bY
being struck and run aver by a 'motor
car. Rex was a prhne favorite especial-
ly with. Mr. Richardson% little aanghter,
Jean, who feels Ale loss keenly,. both as
pte-construetion work conuneneed on
the . county road south of. Dungannon.
leadIng to Nile en Mondae, when men
and teame 'with plots, graders, ecrepers,
eta, became busily engaged. The wort
is 'online:Ming at Mr. Abram Culbert%
gate, thid. ie being supeeintended by Mr.
borne Township. When ecempleted. this
improvement will be much appreeiated.
as ehe portion or road between Dungan"
non • and -Nile, has, of late years, been
One:of the worst of the county reads. at
the time of the spring break-up. • •Many
of the . opportunity of earning melee
needed money, While many Idle. inenhell
als0 find employment at this work. . •
Stir. Ernest KMehler, ,of Ititobener,
who for some :time has been 'employed
as pastry halter; with Mre Heber J. L.
Eedy In the local baketshop, has severed
ine connection with that firm,. and will
• tefurn to hie' fernier place of -abode at
Sehoolethholiers ere next In line tor
Ann daughter, spent e. few days with Mee. W. Stackhouse and Miss Ada, of
Mrs. Groves" sister at the parsonage,. Blyth, are spending a 4few days at the
home 'of the forraer's nephew, Mr, Wm.
at the Pavilion, Goderich
Jack Evamand His Orchestra, VENETIAN GRILL
London, Out
FrCe Taxi honk C.P.R. Office, on Square
Tan .ts the rumtest Put' surnmee outfit.
Crepe, growgrain tibbon or white Igoe, and sin go nicely with your aura.
Children's -Oats, Baby nontiets, Wedding Veils
and Costume 1.4itillory.
Vett are Cc:MVPs Milled to inspect our Stock,
notion Street Coderith
Mr. Alex. Kelly was crushed to Wing -
ham hospital on Saturday where be un-
derwent an Operation for apperidieleis.
We are pleased to be able to report he is
improving as well as can be expeeted,
Louis, Mich., spent last week' with the
formers brothers, Messrs, W. H. camp.,
bell and N. CamPhell and other
friends, Dr, Campbell made the triP
especially to visit hie brother, eat .1, 11.
Campbell, who is very RI at the home of
Reuah Straws in all the new
For spore wear, the new Were
bent Briefs Anti, CrastiableSt
Iternedelling anti rebtecteng of
Pananme and othem carefully and
reacouably done.
Pe yen need the adhentable top
Or outsize home We carry a full
range in oil the popular avow.
..-We invite your rAtren.g,
C. A, 4Vc S, hicRINNON
Phone 155 The Square
with the zinging of A benne end nevem-
less read A passage trom =inter° and
Rev. C. IL McDonald of leteknow offer.
ed prayer, Adttressee •were given by Revs.
T, D• IvIcteullough, of Kincerdine, John ,
Polleeh, Of WhIteelntrell, Pates -1
son, of Bluevole, after whiele the Sure -
meat 44 the ford% Supper was (lioni-
sed, Rev. Pr. Forbes, of Teeswater, VOn.
ducting the commuition-serviee in a most
Impressive manner. Following the sere
vice social intercourse Was enjoyed, and
a edeticious supper was served, tables
being set on the spacious verandah sure
rounding the main 'building, atter which
all adeourned to their reapectiVe homes,
much pleased with the ontileg..
W. and Mrs, Riebeerti MeWhinney, Mr.
and Mrs. Pred Ross. ItIr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Davidson and. Mrs. John, Bennett
were in attendance at the "retreat" at
Cameo on Tuesday afternoon.
ahr. O. M. McKenzie is to assist with,
the singing at the annivereary services
to be held at Carlow Presbyterian church
on Sunday text, June lath at 11:00 am.
Cunt:ugh, ot Kincardine, will lie the spe-
cie) minister. ,
The annual parade and church service
671, Dungannon, will be held on Sunday
evening, June 19th, at 7:30 p.m, instead
of at 7;00 pen,, the usual hour tor eer-
vice in Dungannon United church, When
Rev. c. Keine will conduct the sere
viee and addrese the gathering. Visiting
brethren and sisters will be math wel-
A series of gardeh parties in conneee
tion with various chureh orgenIzations,
will be held hi the near future. A sue.
cessful one was held at crewe United
church on Friday evening last, another -
is to be held at Samuel Cooke's, conces-
sion 9, West Waive -hash, on Friday even-
ing of this Week; as also, on the same
evening, at St -Andrew's United church,
Port Aibert. On Friday evening, June
receiving tuts in salary, and there le e4th, at the parish hall, Dungannon, St
general Interchange of teachers lit this Paul's" Anglican church bola a
dist:let. The salaries ot most teachers stra*berry festival,. and on Wednesday,
near 'here relnained practically the same June 19th, Dungannon United church
during last yeaie and in some ea*, as and Carlow Presbyterian church' win
was the case with Dungannon% Junior each hold a lawn social, the former on
teacher, received a raise tin his case it the church lawn at Dungannon,' and the
was of $100). et looks this year, how- latter on tile spacious lawn of Mr. mid
ever, as if there will be many even of Mrs.,. Melvin Tyndal a short 'distance east
the experieneed teachers who will not of Carlotv. ett the latter strawberrles,
be successful 4n obtaining' poSitions in as well as meats and all good things, will
their -former • profession., as there is a be served. It would appear erem this
eurplus of tesehers, and many of the list that there need be n4 one in this
students- -now •graduating from Normal district' go hungry, throughout Jime, at
Anniversery services are to be con-
ducted in, Erskine Preebeterlah church,
Dungannon., on sunday, July 3rd, at atea
Burgess, of South Kinlose,. will be the
special speaker. .
A truckload of about a dozen and a
half of the young people of 'Dungannon
United church enjoyed et tionle of the
young people of Huron Presbytery at
Itteneeetung Park on Saturday last
Mr. Thomas Stothers has received
word of the death in hospital at Winni-
peg of his youngest brother, James
Stothers, of Nipanin, Sask., after a short
school, are accepting Veer low selarles
, order to obtain positions, .• some as lote
as $600, In the case of one Continuer
tion School not far distant, -which dia.
missed its etaff of five teachers and ad-
vertised for teachers to fill the -vacancies,
Ilve days atter the advertisentent AP.
peared had received no fewer than 500
applications, ma on Saturday last, the
village MS full of teacherst making ape'
plication in person, They were almost
as nuMerous, it, Was' said, me stones an
the road. With mounting taxes, how-
ever. it is felt that economlee must he
made, •whether' in the best interests of
edutation or not remains to be found
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alton motored to
•Lonclate on Wednesday and spent the
der very Pleacantly, combining business
with pleasure.
Virs. lIortary is hi attendance upon
a patient resitting on the Leke Road,
Phone 556 Ploton St.
"Where Quality
Gives Price
a Meaning/
French Dry Cleaning Works
The West Street
Electrical Shop
Wo carry good stock of
Electrical Appliances
Fixtures, etc.
We Specialize in
Wiring of All Kinds
Estimme* given on
Work Guaranteed
Frank McArthur
None 82 West Street
cot me aura 0
to rose ieet.
49Sw Low St
The saorament of the Lord's supper
was dispensed in Erekine Presbyterian;
thurch on Sunday when a goodly nnm-
ber of members were present Peeparit-1
tory servicee were .held on the previous'
Thursday evening when nett.. 0. It. Mc-
Donald addressed his liearere 41(0
are the telt of the earth."
itlin Erma Regale who Is to be one of
the graduate nurses at the . graduation
exerelees of Alexandra Marine anti Oen. ,
ing. June 20th. was a taleet on Tuesday
with her parente, Mr. and Mrs. Burton
A treat is la etore Or the ladies of this
at 3 p.m,' When Mrs. Clarence Hayes, of
Georgetown, the summer, Speaker' tor the
department, Will eddrees a joint Met big
in the perish hall of five Woillethe and
girls' institutes, namely, St. /Ielens, St.
Augustine, /Oita% arid the junior and
tailor inetitutes Dung/Moon. Every
'woman and girl in the community le
cordially Malted to he present.
The Huron Presbytery Of the United
ehurelt is -to bold a meeting 10 Dungan -
With morning and afternoen seesione.
Mr. Ian Method, agricultural TOM.
eentatitte the Glinttin, was •a rotator at
Dungannon on Titeeday.
A very interesting and Inetruetive
Canning denunistretiett Was held in the
ed. church on Tuesday afternoon when
thirty0ria and young ladlee *Valle
ed themselves Of the opportunity Of see.:
Mg Mite reale ChUreh. of Peel Cennty,
detnonstrate the tenallng of 'vegetables,
the rattle -thee verietlee used being spine
mat Anti. aepitrague, This Vete the largest
elms that Wets Churela heet hitd, thirty
heimehhe Meet attendotnee at Arty pre -
'Clam deirtenitretieta given bY her. The
elate Wes in connection with the Olris,
Clarion and Canning Club, in which
there am eighteen members. rour
;idles of Vegetables are te cenried by
there for exhibition at the leeal no.
tram the Netts eupplied at Very /ow telt,
nom the Deaartinent of Agriculture. It
is a worthwhile project for the yenta
ladles, 'who are taking Much interest hi
About one hundred wnd twenty -fir
,persoits gathered en Tuesday at Cam
cabin ibetoneleet to the Dreabvterhut
synod of toation anti Hamilton for th
annual' "retreat." ittecteetetitetlyee,
being preient tract every conferee.
Hertel charge in the frethytery of Melt
land An impteulte devotional aortic
was held, ler. W. A., Williams, of Oran
brook and *het moderator of the litres.
Is your Summer Cottage at
anywhere between ?,
You can have Goderieh Dairy
Milk delivered every morning be-
fore breakfast Phone 451.
"Your /Will:man"
Which May eauSe more damage
than the price of a Cedar Chest.
We have a nice assortment of
Cedar Chests which will protect
your Airs, blankets, ete.
• How Mout those Windovl Shades "
thee need. renewing. We heed
• them Ln atm
Furniture Dealer and Funeral
Habitant)" St Dederick
"Nu -back" Corsets and Corselettes
"Nu.back" is ingeniously designed in two
pieces that adjust to any position of the '
body. When you stand up—the garment
"telescopes;": when you sit, the top slides
down again—without wrinkling, without
slipping, In brocade and knitted elastic,
Corset sizes, 28 to 40
Corselettes, 36 to 48
Other Models,
Sea Grass Rugs are smart and look so cool
in the high Japanese colorings. Special
First quality Gold Seal in 6 patterns:
Size 2 x 3 yards....
Acheson (E,Son
Illnese of soft cancer of the thrtett. Ills Chth.itae $31 'X" (he ZIL •
wife, who was formerly Miss litiatgaret -In tin For Oyer 30 Tiara
.Nixon, of ,Astineld, survives, also Ova ;
sone and. two daughters.
While Doing iler•Housework.
Would Fall Down In'A Faint
lire, I. Steinberg, Leslie, Sask., writese—"Two
years ago I started to get nervous headaches and
dizzy spells, and sometimes I would fall down in a
eaint -while doing my housework -
"I wee getting to be a nervoue wreck when a
friend told me about afillournes Heart and Nerve
Pills. later heel used the first box I woe ehnost
free of the fainting shells, and after using the
second box X was absolutely relieved. These pine are
0, wonderful medieine.tt
Price 00e. a box at all drug end general stores, or
mailed direct on reeeipt of price by The T. Milburn
, Co., Limited. Toronto, Out.
KILLED :571ARIC°‘ 1931
CARE otzi.Touit
stos4s, and iii fact any.
thing for the hopie for
193ii; and we positively
the Briailway if Wench
Killed or Injured
by Motor Vehicles
in one year
Because of -
Drive Walk
LeoPold Macaulay,
ave Your.:
Buy your Drugstore Wants
periniee become dollars.
epeeial prices for one week,
Eno Erna Salts
69e, gee
4bbey's SAM, mai,
Zentants 39e
_ tt"" 0°41010
train us, You will be
Our Suggestion of • seasonable
June linn, to 24th, • '
Cold and Vanishing
' C t
' ream
We have
surprised how the
merchandise with
Ports Green
Arsenate of teed
Hellebore '
Insect Powder
Cuturica Soap
Hepatica, Waif
Baby Pants 19e
Sc a OM
Pound pkg. 250
:Gum, Cheeniate Bats
6 tor 25e
39e, fire, 93c
10e, 25e, 50e, $1.00
ii, C. Dunlop, i, A. Campbell, J. It Lauder, L R. Wigle
at the Pavilion, Goderich
Jack Evamand His Orchestra, VENETIAN GRILL
London, Out
FrCe Taxi honk C.P.R. Office, on Square
Tan .ts the rumtest Put' surnmee outfit.
Crepe, growgrain tibbon or white Igoe, and sin go nicely with your aura.
Children's -Oats, Baby nontiets, Wedding Veils
and Costume 1.4itillory.
Vett are Cc:MVPs Milled to inspect our Stock,
notion Street Coderith
Mr. Alex. Kelly was crushed to Wing -
ham hospital on Saturday where be un-
derwent an Operation for apperidieleis.
We are pleased to be able to report he is
improving as well as can be expeeted,
Louis, Mich., spent last week' with the
formers brothers, Messrs, W. H. camp.,
bell and N. CamPhell and other
friends, Dr, Campbell made the triP
especially to visit hie brother, eat .1, 11.
Campbell, who is very RI at the home of
Reuah Straws in all the new
For spore wear, the new Were
bent Briefs Anti, CrastiableSt
Iternedelling anti rebtecteng of
Pananme and othem carefully and
reacouably done.
Pe yen need the adhentable top
Or outsize home We carry a full
range in oil the popular avow.
..-We invite your rAtren.g,
C. A, 4Vc S, hicRINNON
Phone 155 The Square
with the zinging of A benne end nevem-
less read A passage trom =inter° and
Rev. C. IL McDonald of leteknow offer.
ed prayer, Adttressee •were given by Revs.
T, D• IvIcteullough, of Kincerdine, John ,
Polleeh, Of WhIteelntrell, Pates -1
son, of Bluevole, after whiele the Sure -
meat 44 the ford% Supper was (lioni-
sed, Rev. Pr. Forbes, of Teeswater, VOn.
ducting the commuition-serviee in a most
Impressive manner. Following the sere
vice social intercourse Was enjoyed, and
a edeticious supper was served, tables
being set on the spacious verandah sure
rounding the main 'building, atter which
all adeourned to their reapectiVe homes,
much pleased with the ontileg..
W. and Mrs, Riebeerti MeWhinney, Mr.
and Mrs. Pred Ross. ItIr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Davidson and. Mrs. John, Bennett
were in attendance at the "retreat" at
Cameo on Tuesday afternoon.
ahr. O. M. McKenzie is to assist with,
the singing at the annivereary services
to be held at Carlow Presbyterian church
on Sunday text, June lath at 11:00 am.
Cunt:ugh, ot Kincardine, will lie the spe-
cie) minister. ,
The annual parade and church service
671, Dungannon, will be held on Sunday
evening, June 19th, at 7:30 p.m, instead
of at 7;00 pen,, the usual hour tor eer-
vice in Dungannon United church, When
Rev. c. Keine will conduct the sere
viee and addrese the gathering. Visiting
brethren and sisters will be math wel-
A series of gardeh parties in conneee
tion with various chureh orgenIzations,
will be held hi the near future. A sue.
cessful one was held at crewe United
church on Friday evening last, another -
is to be held at Samuel Cooke's, conces-
sion 9, West Waive -hash, on Friday even-
ing of this Week; as also, on the same
evening, at St -Andrew's United church,
Port Aibert. On Friday evening, June
receiving tuts in salary, and there le e4th, at the parish hall, Dungannon, St
general Interchange of teachers lit this Paul's" Anglican church bola a
dist:let. The salaries ot most teachers stra*berry festival,. and on Wednesday,
near 'here relnained practically the same June 19th, Dungannon United church
during last yeaie and in some ea*, as and Carlow Presbyterian church' win
was the case with Dungannon% Junior each hold a lawn social, the former on
teacher, received a raise tin his case it the church lawn at Dungannon,' and the
was of $100). et looks this year, how- latter on tile spacious lawn of Mr. mid
ever, as if there will be many even of Mrs.,. Melvin Tyndal a short 'distance east
the experieneed teachers who will not of Carlotv. ett the latter strawberrles,
be successful 4n obtaining' poSitions in as well as meats and all good things, will
their -former • profession., as there is a be served. It would appear erem this
eurplus of tesehers, and many of the list that there need be n4 one in this
students- -now •graduating from Normal district' go hungry, throughout Jime, at
Anniversery services are to be con-
ducted in, Erskine Preebeterlah church,
Dungannon., on sunday, July 3rd, at atea
Burgess, of South Kinlose,. will be the
special speaker. .
A truckload of about a dozen and a
half of the young people of 'Dungannon
United church enjoyed et tionle of the
young people of Huron Presbytery at
Itteneeetung Park on Saturday last
Mr. Thomas Stothers has received
word of the death in hospital at Winni-
peg of his youngest brother, James
Stothers, of Nipanin, Sask., after a short
school, are accepting Veer low selarles
, order to obtain positions, .• some as lote
as $600, In the case of one Continuer
tion School not far distant, -which dia.
missed its etaff of five teachers and ad-
vertised for teachers to fill the -vacancies,
Ilve days atter the advertisentent AP.
peared had received no fewer than 500
applications, ma on Saturday last, the
village MS full of teacherst making ape'
plication in person, They were almost
as nuMerous, it, Was' said, me stones an
the road. With mounting taxes, how-
ever. it is felt that economlee must he
made, •whether' in the best interests of
edutation or not remains to be found
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alton motored to
•Lonclate on Wednesday and spent the
der very Pleacantly, combining business
with pleasure.
Virs. lIortary is hi attendance upon
a patient resitting on the Leke Road,
Phone 556 Ploton St.
"Where Quality
Gives Price
a Meaning/
French Dry Cleaning Works
The West Street
Electrical Shop
Wo carry good stock of
Electrical Appliances
Fixtures, etc.
We Specialize in
Wiring of All Kinds
Estimme* given on
Work Guaranteed
Frank McArthur
None 82 West Street
cot me aura 0
to rose ieet.
49Sw Low St
The saorament of the Lord's supper
was dispensed in Erekine Presbyterian;
thurch on Sunday when a goodly nnm-
ber of members were present Peeparit-1
tory servicee were .held on the previous'
Thursday evening when nett.. 0. It. Mc-
Donald addressed his liearere 41(0
are the telt of the earth."
itlin Erma Regale who Is to be one of
the graduate nurses at the . graduation
exerelees of Alexandra Marine anti Oen. ,
ing. June 20th. was a taleet on Tuesday
with her parente, Mr. and Mrs. Burton
A treat is la etore Or the ladies of this
at 3 p.m,' When Mrs. Clarence Hayes, of
Georgetown, the summer, Speaker' tor the
department, Will eddrees a joint Met big
in the perish hall of five Woillethe and
girls' institutes, namely, St. /Ielens, St.
Augustine, /Oita% arid the junior and
tailor inetitutes Dung/Moon. Every
'woman and girl in the community le
cordially Malted to he present.
The Huron Presbytery Of the United
ehurelt is -to bold a meeting 10 Dungan -
With morning and afternoen seesione.
Mr. Ian Method, agricultural TOM.
eentatitte the Glinttin, was •a rotator at
Dungannon on Titeeday.
A very interesting and Inetruetive
Canning denunistretiett Was held in the
ed. church on Tuesday afternoon when
thirty0ria and young ladlee *Valle
ed themselves Of the opportunity Of see.:
Mg Mite reale ChUreh. of Peel Cennty,
detnonstrate the tenallng of 'vegetables,
the rattle -thee verietlee used being spine
mat Anti. aepitrague, This Vete the largest
elms that Wets Churela heet hitd, thirty
heimehhe Meet attendotnee at Arty pre -
'Clam deirtenitretieta given bY her. The
elate Wes in connection with the Olris,
Clarion and Canning Club, in which
there am eighteen members. rour
;idles of Vegetables are te cenried by
there for exhibition at the leeal no.
tram the Netts eupplied at Very /ow telt,
nom the Deaartinent of Agriculture. It
is a worthwhile project for the yenta
ladles, 'who are taking Much interest hi
About one hundred wnd twenty -fir
,persoits gathered en Tuesday at Cam
cabin ibetoneleet to the Dreabvterhut
synod of toation anti Hamilton for th
annual' "retreat." ittecteetetitetlyee,
being preient tract every conferee.
Hertel charge in the frethytery of Melt
land An impteulte devotional aortic
was held, ler. W. A., Williams, of Oran
brook and *het moderator of the litres.
Is your Summer Cottage at
anywhere between ?,
You can have Goderieh Dairy
Milk delivered every morning be-
fore breakfast Phone 451.
"Your /Will:man"
Which May eauSe more damage
than the price of a Cedar Chest.
We have a nice assortment of
Cedar Chests which will protect
your Airs, blankets, ete.
• How Mout those Windovl Shades "
thee need. renewing. We heed
• them Ln atm
Furniture Dealer and Funeral
Habitant)" St Dederick
"Nu -back" Corsets and Corselettes
"Nu.back" is ingeniously designed in two
pieces that adjust to any position of the '
body. When you stand up—the garment
"telescopes;": when you sit, the top slides
down again—without wrinkling, without
slipping, In brocade and knitted elastic,
Corset sizes, 28 to 40
Corselettes, 36 to 48
Other Models,
Sea Grass Rugs are smart and look so cool
in the high Japanese colorings. Special
First quality Gold Seal in 6 patterns:
Size 2 x 3 yards....
Acheson (E,Son
Illnese of soft cancer of the thrtett. Ills Chth.itae $31 'X" (he ZIL •
wife, who was formerly Miss litiatgaret -In tin For Oyer 30 Tiara
.Nixon, of ,Astineld, survives, also Ova ;
sone and. two daughters.
While Doing iler•Housework.
Would Fall Down In'A Faint
lire, I. Steinberg, Leslie, Sask., writese—"Two
years ago I started to get nervous headaches and
dizzy spells, and sometimes I would fall down in a
eaint -while doing my housework -
"I wee getting to be a nervoue wreck when a
friend told me about afillournes Heart and Nerve
Pills. later heel used the first box I woe ehnost
free of the fainting shells, and after using the
second box X was absolutely relieved. These pine are
0, wonderful medieine.tt
Price 00e. a box at all drug end general stores, or
mailed direct on reeeipt of price by The T. Milburn
, Co., Limited. Toronto, Out.
KILLED :571ARIC°‘ 1931
CARE otzi.Touit
stos4s, and iii fact any.
thing for the hopie for
193ii; and we positively
the Briailway if Wench
Killed or Injured
by Motor Vehicles
in one year
Because of -
Drive Walk
LeoPold Macaulay,