HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-06-16, Page 3TWCHSOA`Y, Julix loth 1932 T1417y"E GODEHICH STAR LC74011'. PAU1 QZU01'0. V, MIT C1 tftZ� LM.4on IAL�erikl A5W_1&t1,2n; W. IMAM Coun tv. and District q0et�-,h. 4. U.,omulociz, IkAtortla; ARE YOU INURESTED Am R i Rowton. W. -AG.. Fratik Ra. T'...S., U_ IN SAVING -MON stock 4 V AL .4 U. W. U-N-tior an I E, It. Vczany, of The undon AdVeTMer* Elmrd Smith. St. r orzau wiNomm iaoy PaQuarrD APPOINTED PRINVIVATj Taomas, and A.,Q. =403% of the P.oa* Tar. charlQ4 Mason. fmm "DwAtor. �r mauavr of William McDowell. 3�.X. L 4 C,01,4 of F" the VorilWon Store -at W1113114M, and in dbrd= Ana mm MoDowen, qf Brwsrel% S C�.h_ , been appowea prinelpal of narrow acy. 143$ bcon appointea mamger of U45 14fe cf Public Service n L_ HREODED ,,he z)4mlulon 15tore Qn W.4ar clill Road, CD1%t4=40U "bo -01- Air. Ido0lan waa Clio Cl the b4t. 4nown x0en A41 the County, oud his death �.,rvlco to 14n SHIPS To S09TLA", brin�& to a cime a life or C V _M? towuBbip. caunty and the country as a .T.T4GAG1Q5MNT ANNOUNCED Mr. V. W. And"Qws, of Clinton, -110 whole. =a. W. T. Miller of NVing. shiln straw berry puints all over Canada. H EAT Tragedy 1145 playod.uo lIttlo part. in 1=, announce the eligagement of their has tj-As year had an order from Scot- H F - ----- the history of the McMillan family. Up - only daughter, vcrWlsa�eu, to Mr. Icon. land. Mr. Andrew., mys Bennett I;S� not wards of 20 yeoirs,aUo a f3011 �V4s k0lel the only one who I�au blast -a way WtO Two b.1scults and Milk -cem. neth Opon In a ruzzmay oicclo!Qnt, Pad last D, to, taue, �1�24.31ay iaWi markets., . I ber'bis. only T=%Wa, sour_Wau found June. dead Awbed. XAAACAV RUIUBASO AT IMEWER miealfor a f6w gonts-s In,rellgion Mr. '.Nieminan �Was_a, rtos�' METER, STUDENT ORADUATES A stam of"rhiuVarb .#own by Mr. F Mr, EVgene Howey, of Exeter, has been �vliiis. of Exeter, was taken Into tb� X440 in Canada with Canadian WAdat On Feb. 1$ 1831, Mr. NEeMillan wa, successful in securing tint cl=.*hQn0rS Times Advocate ofte r"entlyi. The united In mar;lo�o to"ary W., dausht', alk waS,2$% inches long Without the "Pli CAMIXAM $1101DIDODWIREAT COMPANYr LTD. of William McLean, ruclzersmtth-towa� in t4a -bouor Course, Philosophy, FinglIsli. st and History, at the fourth Year examin- leaf and was 0a Inches hi eircumfereaq.e a , tions Of. the Tjniveralty of Toronto. wbich'Is* considered splendid growth for Mr. MoVAllan, ts survived -by ow. this time of Year. daughter, Margaret, at home, And a bra . I I . . Mrs. Ritchie, and the Iate Robert Ritchie. ThOUSandS Hollor, ther, X J. McMillan, *USeafortb. DEATH OF WEND916IN , BOTH NEW $MEN AT EXETER. Tho oorimony was performed by Rev. 1. "Tom" McMillan was ever the type o B.. NAIne, in the absence of 8pv. W. P, man who would be known In the Scot After a: brief illness, the death of W. A now Are siren electrically o0oratett, L%nei their pastor.. The.bridot , who look- Late Huron Member -tish highlands as "ot bounte fecliter." A Wenderlin Roth Occurred at'his home, was tried out in Exeter recently and was ed particularly charming, was attended luau Of strong toonvilctimis, puticulart% Lot 20. Von. 9, of TuMbarrY, 0:4 Wed" heard for a considerable distance, ' It hAS by Miss Violet piper, while the groom Oil L'A$C$l questions. he Invariably proved Q, ist. go was bornin New been 'Placed in the bQlfoL tower 0 the was Iattended , usoen Lot nesday, Jim by a -piper, The StrMar Trinte Paid to e a hard bitter in his speeches on tho� pub, 44aralAny' 72 years -ago, and %Or the Past town. ball and was.Wed out again later, young.gouple will reside In Se4forth. 'MW,L MCK11an Ifo platform, but despite his lotthrigh tweAty_av�e years had been. �a resident of The Council Are considering the purchas- outspokenness, or possibly on accoUnt'Of Turnberry; Besides- his sorrOvInK Wife ins oX'4%jne.' %1e, was gehUlnely popular -among mar he leaves to mou m. his loss five sofis And SEDDON-XV"LL 3,00 PMENT. AT FUNEM of all political opinions. both In Westerr four daughters, 'AN A quiet wedding was solemnized by Ontario, where be Widely. known, one. UNFOItwx�XATE $PILL Rev. Wayburn, Smith- -at the Baptist Pat -I amoa& his coll0aglieS at Ottawa. As a silver, Creek Dairy milk Wagon* 60gage -on Wednesdayo jime ist, when A MAO, of Strong COnvIctionS He was the possessor of great &bllitjr =010 I AL. was coming down the hill on Goderich Agnes, daughter'of Mr. and Mrs, Harry and a "Bonnit Fechter" on !hQ platform, having salned'valuable, street, East, Seaforth, on L Saturday Newaii, of , Wingham, became the bride experience its % lecturer at farmers', in - DR A.. xr. TAYLOR has resumed his morning last, the harness broke, frIght- of Wilfred -Seddon, Youngest son of Mr con has any Canadian Community stitutes throughout Ontario and.the �Da- practice, L HIS office hours will be ening the �hcrse which ran away. The said Inv4r%bly ad 'Mrs. Ralph Sod. On. AS ,Qlady; alinion. . HIS sN-Ochea , wen the same ASL before his Illness. wagon'turned over and was considerably a witnessed so Impressiso and so shicare-a Newell Was bridesmaid . And Mr. Harry t"Iblite LQf 'Public regard as that paid last closely reasoned And logical arguments, sulashed as were a quantity of full milk Merkley was. grooxwman,: The happ wLqII buttressedwith factaL aild.figures in R. F. J Awk"ER. Y Thursday -.afternoon to t4e Toemory of ra! a. ro t;. Vale . Nixon, late 'Thomas L or bottles. The driveri. u couple left On a madding trip to Toronto the 1kcMIllan, M.P, for support of . thern. A practical la escaped with minor L cuts. and'Voints east and on their return will II - - : Sduth Huron,. who was laid to rest Ui himself, he was faml AT with the pro EYE, EAR, NOSS, 'THROAT reside on Josephine street, Wingliam,,.. blems of the farmer, and forthright In Late House Surgeon NOWL York Orph- Maitlandb3nk cemetery with fun Masonte championing their . rights. This facat, ospltAl, Assistant at. RETVRN$ FIROM 1011INA honors. 'Men pronilnent. In public life wl colorful, personality, P thannic aud Auml H coupled , th his Moorefteld's 'Eyla Hospital and Golden Mr. Lim Lee, who, a Year agg Sold his from all parts of. Ontario, And from. made hipi.much in demand as speaker A FAREWELL.. I$ANQUET Other . sectiong of the Dominion, were Square Throat Hospital, loado.n. kng. , restaurant bugine"ju Exeter and left for �33 Waterloo st; so, Stratford. TQISL- a a funeral, Which In political campaigim all over t a Colin-] Clains, has. ASAM returned to, Exeter and A complimentary banquet was tender- in attendance � t. th mself In A will' remain there until he Secures- an- ad W, S. L L, Lit as, the. accotooitaAt'of was probably th6. largest ever fil the try. and he WAS Unsparing Lot. M I phone 907, 6-4 the a seen giving of, his aervides As a speaker to, At Hotel� Bedford, Goder1c;h, ontreal at 0 -the m mars a other position.. Stoice.returnIng toChlas the - linton,* by the district, Among ou wag t. evening of the -third. Monday of eult - men bfL Clinton on Mon ay evening of fellow Liberal, candidates, in, other. con d Hen. W. t, Mackenzie King, leader of znonth'until the fqi16wiu9'7day, Tuesday, ho'hois been 4Larried and. wlidle anxious - last week, on stituencles. to -bring.hls bkide to tb%. country the the evoi of his departure the Liberal party in the Dorninl0n; Mit Native of Huron V.m. law. ol'prohiblt,the. same.'L' from the town, Also, AS, A token of -the, obell F. Hepburn, MR., leader of the On - 9 of, the Ian bigh'regard'la which heL was held in the tario Liberals, , Arid: a. 'Large number of He was a native of the c6unty. which ENGINEERIN0 glon, he wai Attingly presented bY members of the Canadian � House -of Com. he was proud to represent at,Ottawa for LL WORXING AT LIONSI PARK his. comrades at their last m -eting with nions, the Sefiato being also represented so 16�14, having been. born in Hullett L V��OEBEL &,CAREY. a small memento. Mr. LOCOS. has been: by Senator John Lewis; of.Toronto, and TownsW 1004,:-som Of John March 18, Workmen were tusy last week building moved by his- ba-Ak'16--Elgin, Ontario, Senator Rankin,� Stratford, Honj D.- M. McMillan and Janet McMichael, both oI ki Engineering a cement dam - at the eastern and -of the Can�,ultln�- 'and muni-ocipg Wherehe will, take over the ma.pageral-ft Sutherland, minifter of militia, was the whom w6re of, Scottish origin, xveyltig Lloiis pond, %t Seaforth; � 'It is hoped thai Dralfisge-:�Land Su of the branch there. official: Tepresontative of the t will prevent sediment from entering Dominion He - �ecoiVed blS.ad_u0%tj0n L In the pub- Mpsczdo Temple I%Ift. CAOdodob' ont. I -the-large pond during the spring flood% Governnient. The warden and county lie tchoola of the county, and ear Y In. Phone 230 council 'of Huron Ifi A body were _ajSc Lin his career Commenced taking an actIvel Season, When the dam I� combleteoltue %AURAAWN Ww"ImAdSWEIZE, iMZajL%X1Ni5 attendance. It is estim;Lted that'at least Interest Lin'the pub affairs of the comw I LEGA CAUDS 'Water will be diverted"AAd' the pond and children. wore ra ity. He was t6u flier Aux �tloaued out. Miss Glover of the, Clinton Collegiate 3;000 men, Women un no: reeve of kitaff,, has fesigAed and- for the present Present when 'the, funeral service, con- Hullett Town.shipjor many years. u AS' 'Liniment. is eapo­� HAYS, wil ducted by Itev.. J. 13, ICA ne, B.A., of Sea- staniling As, to practically Insure, hiaz ro- Do. a' , Egyptian so t ' imbued -With Liberal prin- Barristers and limiters, FIRE DESTROYS BARNS her place I not be filled,. It will de- Thoroughly election In 1930, when 4e. was rewned cially recommended for spider, or infoc- forth, and.-Rov. Dr. R H. Larkin,'of Tor- I erals M C. WAYS. x.c., and R. c. j5��Yi, B.A� Fire destrojed the. large, barns of Mr. pend upon the number of pupils - Coming d, L ' . Wes, he WAS Selected by the. L b by it large.majority. ton . 4tro6t,' GoderielL, her memb onto, rommen�e Of L South Huron to be their standard tion of cow's 'teat, Invaluablo aW In Uettry� Block,vil the, Londlon. Road south 4P bi the 4,11 whet A seventh. er Tfie� treat maJority were unable to gain �earer W the general election of. i017, Fee of High TgLrlfr Telephone �8, of Hen all, eatly.ThOrailay. Jime 2nd, A Of the ktaff 'will be L engaged.: At' the Cases of -spavla; curbs and splints., numo meeting of the board it Was decided that admission tQ the house, but stood rever- His defeat L n t4mt occasion discouraged A man of great. energy,, lie,was ever. er of implements, tk 4uoutity - of enW upon -the spacious lawns whild the 0 i S L views. AS a fQe pigs wel neither his friends nor. himselt And he ready - to present hi of *9: NAIRN. 96od,.and. a1lumber of is burned. the. staff should. be re-engaged at,'a Tel The origin the At6L'IS a.mystery'but, I, ditation In Salary for the Coming term. solenin words of the funeral servicefloat- was again a Candidate i In 1921, though high tarl 8, Whenever the opportunity the Q he was again defeated. The generil t ardster and Solicitor The board re ornmended thaf the s od out thr6ugh pen doorway. It supposed to be caused by someone ub- offered, and he vlelded a ttenchant %)oil NOR= ST, . scene. 139 OMee:' Phone 612. Ing In thebarn. Mr.'Blockls loss.will be Jett of boFitkeeping be taui?rht in the was a striking and mernoxable' s End PaIn, swelling a 11WI election of 1925 found him again in the on this and mqny other topics affecting lower school. Services at the'.graveside, were sh:ort f ES heavy. leld and 6ri this becasiazi he Was elected the welfare. of agriculture. but Imp ressive, Rev. J,L B.. Kalne offi- t Of Rt. Imely death rem Ves an Out PIL PRANK DONNELLY, B. as a'supporter of the governMen. His -unt 0 iat8d id -the committal: service of the It 'IrtL on. Mackenzie King. the -general standing figure in the,publiv life of Wes- (HARMORRHO108) NOXIAM WOMAN INJURED, DEXTH.0F EXETER LAbY church, after. whichmembers of the Brir election which came a Year later he was to. 0 N6040 0"Oos"t. 111ordster. . Solicitor. Et - WI ntario.L'.. and:L.TeB�VPS 1L. Plijind '282. '. HAAMTON Gcolerjoh, An, �,mfartifn Oir�- Saturday-.- �afternoon, inne *-4th,'tann1x,tio.dge candurted-t* Mt.L. qa,­ 'a Ate Accident cacurred To- returned, an will be difficult Indeed to fill, about six hours: aftqt the.. death. of- Miss. rites of 'the Mascmic order. cently when Mrs. Jack M Ing the Ovseqtlent years.�Wig so out- haro, while L I tKay" of Wing- A'finle Harness at Clinton, Mrs. Wrn. An.unusual but spontaneous tribute to doir hanging, a Curtain on. R'Wjn of the Stairway fell off Y R- PA"Row' dow At the top John Harness passed away In Exeter Lin the late Mr. McMillan todk plane shortly the table upon . which,she was standing, her 64th year�- Deceased had been CrIti- Afterward An Seaforth, When a large Murlster, Solicitor, NotarY Rablici Etc- CA:UY Ill for �About six weeks and, - had- number 'of 0WXerjS'gjth6rCd, Idfront of successor to J. L, X1110r"Ift landing on her bacl; against.the edge of derl phd4e 97. Offico. The Square,. 00 ch the step. While no bones broken. been ailing since last Dece ' mber. Her ihe town ball, �ieard ieiOral oloqUent Mrs. McKay severely hurt her back And husband predeceased her, L 111 1912. She tributes to their late momber.from the h t is survived by live sots, vmqre 0., Al- lips of Rt. Hen. W. L. Mackenzie King, a bert T., Walter 11. and Laveme, of Exe- senator Rankin, L Iron- J., Ci I Elliott And She Will b incapacitated foi 9, s or time. ter and Czar of Point Edw4rdj And three ex- . Mayor'Golding. Mayor John M. Daly laarrister and Sol 01tor daughters, Mrs. Th.= Brogharl, of Wind- also 'spoke briefly and introduced the DEATH 'OF lag$ j Life Bldg., Adelaide And Victoria A HARNESS ,or;* Mrs. Lloyd Baynham, of Guelph, an i�� Telephone: Elgin 5301 d other speakers., Toronto 2. 'The iunerai,of the late Annie M. Har- Miss Margaret at'#Dmei Honorary Pallbearers XV --y- zesg, who died In Clinton on Saturday, June 'ii�e honorary included 4th, took place,from the residence . , pallbearers CHMIDPRAC11C of her -broth CREWE Rt. Hen, W. L, Mackenzie, King, Liberal AAVOJLAMADAM er, -Mr. E. Harness, on Mon7 k, Inteiment In (Intended for last week) leader for the bomiftlon, Mitchell V. T�R17GLESS PRACTMOITM. daX afternoon of last wee L . 0 WXX P the 'Exeter cemete:y. Miss Harness, Who MISS, Jean Bushel, of Lucknow, spent)Hepbura, M.P.. Ontario Liberal loader: JUIC J.' C. Elliott, K.C., M.P., West OHS -LESS was In her 74thL year, had been an in- the week -end with her friendj MISS Lor- I Hen. L 0 ,,RHMOPP TOR AND DRUG Middiesex; Dr. A. HWI, M.P., Walker - AC CH. valld for the past 54 years. She Is gur- ena -Crozier. THERAPIST, GODERI vived b d Wra. C I Of Exeter, ar�Vnd Mrs. ampbell and Mr. ton; Dr. shaw, Clinton, president of thL-IL one brother,, Ed and rs n A sale -of fine foods that brIngs to you a glarlous. onportunity to partake In riagnetl� batbs. Mrs. James Stewart, of Windsor, Albert Campbell, of Westfield, south Huro Liberal Aw6ciatlon; i acrifIcing Lte desire for quality. Nationally Equipped with eleetro-I visited ATx. 'and Mrs. Va-A. Crozier last Lleper, Un I desboro; J. R Daly, mayor "i extraordinary savings without s offer. Plan io chir6- n known foods selling At prices such as only I'DominlOW can Electronic electric treatment Arid Saturday. Staforth; Charles A. Robertson, M.L.1 visit your "Dorahilon!' th , Is weelt-crid. We can assure you you won It bz d!,s- praetle. Chronic, organic and nervous Mr. And Mrs. Jesse oro, of Goderloh, Oodeftch,- no�s Gray, MIP., Sarnia', ex- Oay tile I)oniffilon Stores Vqy.­ jispases. Lady in 1 r. I I , to attendance, Office MAY 6RGANIZE BAPTIST' CHURCH are visiting. their daughter, Mrs. Mat. appointed. It's cheape* in., excepting 01 Golding, 'Seaforth ihours n to S. And 7 to 0 p ark of Toronto WAS in Shackleton, and 7,qr. - Shackleton', this Mayor Monda� and Tlfttrsday by appointment. Fritz, Zurich; Wesley Beattie, Seafortbl-t are Such Volues-0 and Scaforth on Tuesday of last week, - Ac- Week.' Mat 01141.0 dt Your J)Wnsnio - n Can Yogi I See A. X. ATKINSON. residence Mr. and, Mrs. . Shackleton . and Dr. J. W. Rutherford, M.P., Chatham: office, corher of soutb. street and Brl�- companied -by MISS Matthews and Miss son Benson, and Mr. and Mrs., Jesse IF. 0. Sanderson,' M.P., St. Marys; Dr. r ALMOLIVP tannia Road. Phone 341. Delamore of London, students at the Gray, of Goderich, visited relatives at David M. Smith, Stratford; Senator John Baptist semixiary In Toronto. The two Whita0hur-oh Sunday. Lewis, Toronto, and Senator J. P. Aan� SOAP, AU siri% young ladies Are remaining. to visit every The regular meeting of the W. -M. S. I .......... home during the'next two or three reeks was held at the home of Miss Agneia Mal- kin, Stratford, 0 1 Among those in attendanoe frofti out- TEA- wWic to Ascertain the necessity and feasibility loch , with the prLesid nt; Mrs. -Menary, FACKA09 16 -OZ Till rrHOXAS OtnMay &- SOM I With MTS. side points, in addition to the honorary of organizing a Baptist congregation in in the chair, and Bert Plant- Saklag Powdev 34C in charge of the prograni, Read- pallbearers were: G., A. P. BrIckendon, uve stock and - General Auctioneer$#, Seaforth. A similar canvass js being gan glgln Ave., Godedch_ Made In Mitchell by other ladies, ingg were given by Mrs. Treleaven and1president of the London Liberal Asso- -aiid Mrs. Bdakenden, gales made everyVIlere and_all efforts Miss �susan Kilpatrick, W6. Sherwood elation, * Miss Gar- We. )read the bible' lesson,'Mrs. M.'Shatkle- trudp tfprjL._ A PL j,.cjjn;AQA,, 29 -fom d!1ekid­*.iY6r­ 14rs. ad :­ , president Of the Young Men's 20th Can- -VANSIEW'., 23 F I Armers, �sale Notes dig CL wad with a solo: Mrs.' McConnell gave the tury club of London; Wn. Duncan Mar - Phone 119. 4th chapter of the Study Book, after A qtOet but pretty wedding took place NO Presbyterian church manse, $eaforth,, of business were dealt with and the TINS on -Oatur4y eveningi June- 4th, In- First -Na 2,1� T Pulluo" ETC, Gaulcy. Tendered i duet. Several items "IVU, DAILM. when Morenee, only, daughter of'Mr. and. meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. THE. SAYSIm-' T' NOTARY PUBLIC Mrs. � John Knight. iVU , United. 10 Mar- MenAry, after which lunth was served. General conve0neing dc)ho riage tO James Fletcher. Ritchie, 06a of Mr. And Mrs. Joe Uackett, of IL=cknow Good Companies Represented, spent Sunday with. their daugbter, Mrs. .10 A Clodexl0b, Ont. Bert Treleaven, And r. Treleaven. GODWRIC .,362 ., 1,%jCKILI,OP MUTUAL FIRE IWSUR` ANCE COMPANY. rkMt AND ISOLATEDL TOWN PRON ERTY INS111I.ED. It valve ot Property insured up to Jan�. Mr. Wallace Tviamley and family via- lted.Mr. and Mrs, Wm.. Hasty Sunday. SPRING FOR WAMES HEAT FOLK`�. LB. rIN lay Iletty garclay MAKE Youp.-AF017*06-0 SALMON.. When the men come in from fishing, when the guests have fiftlahed the last FMTHEIL 1- WITHOUT rubber, or when the family'la Spending A=d I n frie-AdIW h-rif; �1­ .00. to.ffi-, T"eftING IT AWAY jj1AN(')Y 11 ^n a " am's 0 M.011=8­461iti 'Ilentiv-, Properlp.made waffies, with 0ood butter PACI dent. nri3adhaqen; Jas. Connolly. Vice- I andreal twruvare fit. for a ldrig. D President, Goderich; 1% V. McGregor;, I Plain Waffies '11"t HFAT FOLKS � #.Iu P, 0 ft 1.) RPM. I ­ DIRE(7r6nS--,1,qs, Shouldleo, Walton', V19. Wm. Wrin, Constance; - Georod *.&CA#- GODERICH ut Gey, beaforth., Ilobt. 'Verrio, Harloc ;I John pepper, 13ruceflod; A. Broodfoog -TIM =ADING" AGRIN , ton; ITSI-­W. 3 Yeo, R. R. 3, 0 S r VEjtAL DIRECTORS U kii. *tVdtt, Myth; Ea. 141n0loys Sea- and EM13ALIIEIIS doith, Jbhn Murray, Seaforth. . retan Waffles PailzIniolders can pay their as8pa%., ALSO tripats at CAIVIR CUM) store, Goderich" 'The JZoyal nankL Clinton, or J. IL ANTATLAINCt SMWIM AT ALL Maid%, Z*Ileld. ROVRS­�.MGUT OR DAY fttlits 100t 217. Day 120 FIRM jfVbVjRANCJ9 11� Ieupn mill. Ilavo, it Attended tS b�l t�b a egar Yalu% volt beaten 'EST WAWAXOSH NUTIUAL ME 2 tablo5pnns melted butter WheelHeld omee. bw4amoa. ont. .9 - - 1- chas� Hewitt, Rlaeardme, vleg&nt P=eral Direntor and rmbt, Davloboll Dlmaamou, VICV-Pr,4141 dent, In additloa to tho Pzeddeut rind, Embalmer VICO Prcnidoaoll the fonowLng $26 INVU- r - LP' Also Ambulance Service i t3rs- Wn, w4tr3n, Aulwam% W. I Thovair,on, Au�um; 'Wai, WcQuWzi, Goderigh ontulo to All calls 13romptly Attonaed to ,,M410rt, 901�rwd; TIM ot-n% P., Z 11,7. clay or ti8bk v7 T1tr.T1"_jLVM1 rs�,. Mats. Store M; I(OwIs 35om no WC34% 2 cups soplal ealm flour, sifted 3 teasj=6 baking powder. %a teaspoon salt 3 egC VOW, ivell beaten I cup millt 4 tablespoojig melted butter gr eau whites, btf-Ifly beaten 8ift flour once, Measure. add baklug powder -and salt, anck slit again.. Com- tti"a _Illo ,".1 AAA +. lop I four, lbeating until smooth. Vold In o"'a -I ` ,whites, nake on hot, geared waffie Iron, K Oervo hot Idth butter and syrup. tft4og jt 4-M-otilm %7cffie.3. . retan Waffles �rti cup special cake flour, sifted Iteat Folks' Coal aild Iteat �V, 614al .11,erv.1w 3 teaspoons balting powdek 01vo you -the be3t, valuc,5 for your m3ney tcaspooll salt nucar Order �aur supply today of our 0. u &, 11� Ieupn mill. that you will find, a egar Yalu% volt beaten W. Blue coal., and Inalzo wz*o, of sat. 2 tablo5pnns melted butter 131415torY Co3kinu MW a -a aloxfa^�tary 2 093 WhAes, didly Ibleaterk boating nest %lutor. n� cup P.,= Mean. ellopDcd 0M i3our once, meaesuro. add baking CALL rov;der, calt. and sugar, arid sh"t. tz5etllor twice. Combine milk. C"a and buttla" add to flour. Vald snc��C, JMt L�!Ua SMMUC, add M-iMEO. M -UP oil 1W. croaxi ramo irta, e3*TVq With Natle? wad try 1j. WIL-n wam"'s. /rup, -tiakC3 8"1 4. *NLIWI COAL MUSTARD COMPANY M=� will, vlacirs povmn Grape Suite 33c tar: XMIADIATV-1) 011=4L muffets 2 Paw, 230 I.IGHT _5Vr1VP__ rVARS 15 a X,AnOL 0, 01=1 LAO ALV? EACII 2. A� :P A aeliciond, fraft, dalaty i7ary. tietausly tilletl witit 111V09, cultard Cream, orm", low I Me VC0.end. I McCormick"s Palm Beach vv AF Sib 23 Choice Large BANANAS W111, A"FERMELON 3 lbs. 21c 55c -each . Sweet ORANGES .. 256doz. 11