HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-06-16, Page 2• 10.6friliti dre•m-r ' The4:50itteticip. --....itir icllyarit were eleeted: Presided, ae e." e..e a • ieeeenteo mese:: aeclealeIn firet vie...elect eublisieed eiGy Thiersetay ree 'Ene BeerIcl*ate. $t4. 14 W- Trewerthk clintani We, godcrleli.&Mello:len Mee-- reee erla vZee-latteeiatzt, Moe Qlealles w. equal* wed ciretit Senate $3.40 per "igen. DelOgaranen; seeretaryetreaeilrer. ;ear in advance can "arreaee •$3.501; Mrs• J'• J. tate% Wtnithaint anditale• Unita $latese $00 Per Vex fri advance., Alm 'Williene Fader arid Mrs. O. W. Seth del aria new addreszes Should bra-lee:adman; teeth et Winghanaiefederation •elven wier.e orange of address Is re" repoevratatice, Moe, Rater, WIng:ram. quoted. CANCErele-4340t;$--We 141Q(4 Mo. Retro; Davide= who retired at ber elan, it et our sobeeribere prefer net „,,,,„,, ,. , ,,, „,,„ • ;ix caw tte:1, tau to eemo, before expera„ term of OM° as disteiet ince:cent, Vie co have thele subscriptions lotarapted I "" "---e rcleceel oaeselaii a three -Yen nen. while sewer:wen* win nee se aecerded a hearty vote of tharike and carried In arrears over an extended per- etZ)pzeriettion ter he eervezes. lad, Yet. tra'as 'we are hoffiled to elorceri At the Otero= maze, Web opep. we assume; Pze subscriber ',dales the eer- keel with comn li it ingi a vice ontinued. REMITTANCES ehouldj loYs ng, Con tided he biaac by yea/stem, later. money by Miss Cooltee, of Belgravewith alise ceder or eheque payeble at par in Goa- k Whc.eler pre,siding at the piano, tho pre - OM . leiclent in her addrees, reviewed the work tof the past year, and commended the Tettettsteme. jun no, me Institutes fee their hearty co-operation 1 and splendid work throughout the year, wegelt, elle 4ald. Ilan deem') a great Ine eoiretion to her. •SW' urged the 'senior, branches to Interest theraselves to 0, greger extent) in the girls, 404 to en. eoeuraga their -Joining tho-instittltea- SLpq .rklos , I where PoSsible, tec fortn jUrtior branches Ooderleb la echeduled for two haus.. !The value of coaching' 'classes and short up 'celebrations in atily-Oominion Day triunes was eMphasized. staid the import-. end the Twcuthreto $oy nothing about ante of providing clean, bealthy elected . life, educational facilities ter those re, Chautauqua and other events. • mining In rural elietriets, aloag Hues lin which they are intereeted, alui good literature thrOggh libraries, ete„ for both Tile depression nettet he otter. Halton boa and girls. 'SYMPathY was extended County councillot% have Ineretteed 'their to .thoSe Institutes which had lost valu- pay from 04 t� $0 Per meeting -:-or per,. able. waders and inembere, through h teeth, in the poet year, also to the Len- aps it was as a measure of self ala desteoro Institutewhose fitter connnunity Mae of trouble that the inetease was hall had hem a prey SO dames. She • made. " •congrattdated the •Londeshorse Institute upon their spirit of enterprise in we Om 'their building reecoristeueted, A The proposed cancelling of trains pieesina•poem entitled "We Haven't neeessary to give adeotete service is one Time" was read bei- her in toticluding other evidence o., economy etertino at • her addrees. Mrs, McItinley, of Clinton, gave an excellent repart• a the Women% Insti- tute Omivenelon held, last tall at Chee- ley, she being the federation delegate, and ilitra. Eiteriew, of, Ripley, wha is the. Provinei al . Veneration representative, geve most instructive stddress upon Various forins of .Woroen'e Institute 'work, end, summating busidess by the •enure/on afterwards conducted a question dower. idea, meets ,with the aeeire a the far. An. Interesting feature of the •atter- noon etseloo was A table -setting deneon- mers to go to Ottawa to express their Empire trade eand a monster 0 stfuartion dondUeted by :Mist Laurette. views on e and Miss Doris. Smyth members farmers' delegation IS announeed for of the Junior enstitute at Dungannon, • Saturday, July Ulth, The D. P.' O. has Instruinentat piano selections were arranged the delegatiOnoawl the event Pleasingly rendered. diming the afternoon •Is being boosted as a Wonderful' oppor- rogrMaievse :11401elgezticatngiterles Seott, of Iler4 tonity to vied the capital and •tee the of •St. Wiens, and a lailere • qua attractions of ,Ottawa. . ' 'from . •Lendesboro seng very. pleasingly • and responded to an encOre. Mrs, Andrew Eirk read the resolutions The editer-in-ellief of th'e, itae 0. le. which were endorsed bythe. meethes, Review has, had an early experience of An invitation from Wingli bold the next taunted meeting in 4- 11 to what is in store for° the -writer Who •ham, was accepted, and the Meeting speaks right out what lie thinke Without . closed with the -eireging of the Rational ' trimming the expression, of his, opinion ;when. • so aa elot.to offend public opinion. Won- . • the wrong end. S?Ung deem of eXPen" se A from the top down hestead of from the bottont up would be a lot more sat- adactory. The, new PolloY Of theiallrOads ht den -What. sort Of PeOPle we,Woiild all be CANAIDIAN•LEGION ...__ if we disregarde.1-public opinion in our , • DEMANDED ' APC4.06Y •evoids and aCtions, Not unlikeey we - „eeeeeee . . • ' • would all be getting oar bumps. Ur. Some notoriety was achieved .by • the . Sutherland' is a clever. orriter and may. editor -en -thief of the G. C. I,Review • develop -into a leaaer of thought along he his article In the 1932 issue. Tim • lines Of progress. to . better soeial condi- . . • . Uons. Dr. Wfls�n Inteeking at Auburn last , week, took tbe view that the message of .e. the. Opel was Intended foe the •bettere .inetete Of 'sold Connitiiiii-lie're"41141 neat end Organized religion ocular.), In forsome mitieism for .its • tenure .tO triagewhich was enough article gtves voice to quit,e advanced ideas but a good many people abed teiwn halm expressed themselves to us to tee effect that the writer was not far from the truth In inane points. Formal pro- test came from the Canadian Legion in a letter to the Ttustee Board of the THE GODERrCU STAR You can now buy d ROSe Orange Pekoe 38t 1 lb. The lowest price it has ever been sold at. Clever. Aubuiii:ITTative oh _ . - 'Ts r . Importanttt :Europea- Or. 13. F Wilson CiVell Humorous Thought -Provoking • Address 43 v••••••••••• „ONTARIO IS 11,EAUTIMI. To Study Rus'siau Five -Year Plan • at First Hand • • The eoviallzing or tile means of pro- duction so that people could go to wotic withotit having to wait till the whiatle whistles; and a religion 0)4 would seek to . remedy injustieee In the now and now instead of singing Of the sweet by tend bye; was the tauten of a verY'strik- ing address by %fr. B. F. Wilson, of Erie, Pa., in the roosters' Ball, Auburn, an Tuesday evening' of last week. air. Wil- son is a native of Auburn, mad hadbeen revisiting the scenes of •ble boyhood. Mrs. Neilson, also is a former leUronite, being born at, Man:well near Selerave, and they have been. linding the country from Niagara Falls to eluelph and. the •beautiful town of Goderich and the little town. of Auburn, nestling coe the billside, very beautiful, "If they had, on area like that in California; they would tell the world," said lvtr. Wilson. "You don't odvertise enough." Ur. Wilson achieved .some fame elrice be left Auburn nelf a century ago, for nearly eight years Was in the -Methodist ministry, has tree. tolled •extensively through Canada and the qtates leoturing on social problems arid spent two of the most inspiring rears of his life in Ores& Britain travel- ling from Land's lend to John O'Groat'e cooperating with, as he says, themost marvellous political organization In the world; was elected for the. Legislature Of. Itansas, and was called baek by cable to Greet Britain to assist in the election O f Ramsay leieDonald, arid Is now- on the eve -of leaving for a loog tour to Surope with a. part Y Saended by Dr. 'Jerome Davis, of Yale University, sailing on'the 25th of this month to Sternal, OermanY, Berlin, Vinland, and to Russia for a month of study, .wheil they hoped to get a Wage view of the five-yeareplan and write a book between them, and after their visit to RUSsie Mr. 'Wilson hopes to go to the Geneva coriference. - Made World Sore for Plutocracy • The- world had changed, very tepidl G. C..r. dated June 1th y airing .the last few years, which. Meant -, DS new problems which we should' not try • elletitlemen.-Wcoin of G to dodge, •said Mr. Neilsen. We ''were e,- the erretutive mittee the oder- ich branch of the living in art air plane age industrially but Canadian Legloh,respectfully 1)311ticailY 33d .rtlig13341Y in 94ci"-call t thie idea. It is an enceuraging eign desire to can your attention to the fel- day. ripest of our religious InstitutionsPractically in the hospital and anis- oUrts 'taking time to consider of the tineeS, boweVer. to See the 'various liming resolution licloPted -Jim were eth, 1932: "Whereas an article law recently ap- sionaries had to apologize for conditions Itv elation e peered in the 0. JO, I 4 w en eu 8 - a thee are. We bad gone through a tocial problems,Mid to- etuy dunderlying "A Studerttea View of the Weha World" by.tWeee, bloody war which sacri,ficed 10,000 000 causes et Such rattestions as unemplot- ha. the members of Goderich branch of lives rind it was the professecl c hristian =ea. azid our4h itaderi; In various de, the canadion most World that went ,into this war, to make nominations are speaking out. ,rho emphatically protest the printing at the the world safe for democracy as we saiel, rorruordootion of industry ond oven oi, sa.icil article, but instead we had made it eate for •fanning, and the large aggregations Of it'ateahraag• that Inah7 ot the Plutocracy, and •exploitin g power was in the saddle everyivhere, and millions .of mente contained therein are true or eapital neceesary to lenience' niaes'proe theoretically possible for the 'benefit of people were wholly deperiden't on a few people' for' bread. ottr granaries the fooling `egxeelemaPtotet)lit aild warehouses were lilted hundreds of a-ctiore certainly, brine new prehteinenio. mankind, to nevertheless take lu-el the TeSinta 4)f saeh matted effoits taateh.e. ThArtatteleinty, sto 9 ments a" of 3 thousands Of people were hUngrY'and are In some way made eeeessible to the radical • and revolutionary eharacter thettit d h o Of the thurch sem seemed -. be many instead of atecruing to the benefit IWlitch history has proved to be un wise to Sae. "Cheer up, brother, you'll soon and unsafe to carry oat, ood which tat, be dead." If Jesus bad given that et the Sew. Ninety-five per oe.nt of the wealth of a country in the Meade ot 5 history of the British *nation bas amply tteetehing he would not have been killed, proved to be urisoited for our partioular mad•the speaker. And it was the re - Per 'Cent. of the ppole Is a condition needs, and that a gradual evolutionijlglous people r)f the day that killed tireat erninot but bring about Unrest. • along the lines of :human Improvement • 4 ,4 Is entirely peefemble. MRS. GORDON 13ISSET PRES. Medal at Mutual lifeetiog of W. IL InStittite on Jrnie 1th "2, • %%at etateMents of a seditious and disrespeettul nature . have been Made especially In refereace to our reigning loons° and those in authority. • • "3. That more than a hint has been printed reflecting on the motivei Intel - 1 ' Ugence and loyalty to 811 Patriotid' laelgeave woe Cans- je centre at Winch. the 'Mans and esPeciallY to our anned. tomes niet daring the recent war. Wonletiel Instltute Wit Huron of seof ler their dietriet annual nicetinfi oil "4. That seeds dition arid Taman. June 1th, whens very inter- atibeeellliegathering-evas 'There were matting and afternoon Les. 40na, 'at betli of aittelt the dtstriet lOre- sident., Mrs. Robert Davidson, ot Dun- gamic's, ,presided. About one bunched and fifty delegates were regittered, end at the afternoon meeting the hall was n11.131 to eapay. As many as' ilfteen and sixteen reproentative cams from many of the branches. which with the recently ontutir.ed Junior InctittIte at Dungannon, now number twelve. A etunpttiotte dieutier was terved In th•e haeercient of the United eiturela tunoina lent the ball, by the ledies Of the Bel- .erave and pt. Augustine brattello. After • tide dinner hour, Rev. Mr. Grant, pastor of the United church, welcomed -dr arknotes to Delgrave. in a neat entail. which •was replied to in a pleasing. ed. tyMr. Itclitert V1413httnAll, Illyth The 'me:Ming scaliest eilened with the tinelag of the Institute Cele, follawed bY teeriptufe raeeding by Mee. Cordon inissett el Octicrteli and prayer 1)y. as. Me- Clintsa. in „tindrew Olden, Miss Sero Darr. .1:ends:tem tire. Ttetert WI lon, Olytla, and Mrs. Charles Alton, leraugannen. WQ10 elected as the cemitaittsetire:Mutt:vas% The dangerous political opinion liave' been emreect among...the,. etude/eta...of_ out. Colic.. glato Institute at a time when their Weide are most Impreselonable. "0. • That general -doubt has been east on the intelligence Of Mir people. "Bang folly cognizant with the fact that Our Goveroraent is not perfect and that errors have ben and Are 'being made, wo still believe that the above mentioned artfelo to he obnoxious to Canatliete eitleeria generally, wherefor we revive that t "The person or pertona responsible for thee Publicatiort or who allowed. the pub» lication of the aforesaid article do Imbli* catty explain, retract or apologize for the statements therein toutained, faint; which negate() must be had to higher authority:" • , . (Signed) A. II. JANA ' rfeaitzeut. rise article tinted, tiniong ether things, that no country greet or small, was ever worth the sacrifice of a tingle human lite and slaggcsted that military oniCials Join a eireus to cattly the 'desire for Parade uf unifeirms. . The enplanatien •anil expreSsien 02 re* gm!: frosi Prinelpai Hume and W. Cali. e. mEtt. svia8tata. &land, the celitor4n-eialet of tile G. rcadtheminutes- d -the last annual tnettlint whiSi •was held a (Wert& VtO sZs froM branch recretarles. . Which foliowz.d. that cclIcl %I:41klutd tczn aithreugh.' cut the year. the Catc?. attcatten of the. itintitutes having te.-:a.-earc:...t.c1 rciLkitily • to iszlat Work,' hat% tzvmit citn1 la Nor. lit= Ontario and in 17Jeltan C..„kitads. 'The mats 'me %,-ery nzatifVngh thz. face •et the pr csmt etzzemt... erisItl. and the varis-43 inetrIzcs 0.70 cenga- ttiletrd men CV:4 slt,".calid eittcraL-0 t'.1 tin tre PcnsIts caves:co etareleeee ezemitteCe-erehee eattees, ieeefterranit? teal teal:tn. Ce., :1C.aTil. and C.`...2 f.saesteee' filooft wan gleclb7tlre. err. cf The 1 trZe eta!: it? ticetiel e!cc- ore.6, ..eLdere, Um. Mete$- K.t4e ertt rxy Review end the writer of tho article oh- !crted to., pahltited in last weeit's ne (belt eetned the Matter cetiefactovily .11111 CC,117.zerrtcd. The article was de* saleed as the vapettics 02 the youttlful mind feeling it, way and not ta ;1, can- sidered as to t'ci iLltergreted ardotiniy Wm a tjrawn up writer. ACCIDENT AT WINTIIROP %Vital ea2 :suddenly swelvcd, castetraelvene....-,Ve nil finely tinted over t'.'see tmes ncar Winthzeto eat day. time 0, 0.7.131e. Cart,-,4ii, was ti*:.,7,•:a. Otto alCr..2 WaS Z:A1:1'7 :.e.:cnattd. fie was taRea b Cral.L‘11.3 Cmith: a. c,%top.a.nr.:eh, CI% tz.1:Lts and ettaf.ers. T.cn wc2, tht.lr way to•atratford trm ,:.:173n1. The cav w ,c1;trthe• ••-,ttr.t of ate.tt $65. Waa ateae to. 1 Jesus, who was epeaking for the mimeos 1VILSON who eoUld not plead their own cause. •Whistle Till' the VVhistie 'Whistles ,Theusands • and thousands of 'good Canacilens .were worried about to- raorrow and betweexz eight and • ten millions in 'tire States. Were Unem- ployed and were told they woUld have.to wait till the whistle whistles to go to work and • in the rneantime they could whistle till the whistle whistled. These Were days of the .trust. When a child Was born he was met at the start with a trust and. be Went out with a cof- fin. trust.. Itusedto be "trust Sit the teord;", notv It was, "trust Ineverything else." Tho' expleitation systein . prevail- ed everYwhere. The.Iand wee oWned by, the land ownersthey got it by hook or by crook, mostly by .trook. The land was monopolized, so was the mebbinery. • The farrier was told he was the.foun- dation of society .and •like a good fame dation he was not supposed to move. The earmer feeds the nation lead the Woild aid he. Ought to be independent but he was in a bad state at present, while the man Who fatmed the farmer that faimed;the land was getting along very nicely. .•• Mr. Wilton said his father used to be a shoe makerwith bait a -dozen Inert .working for hint. Now shoes were turn- ed out by machinery, which Produced. more shoes than we could wear, and; we produced so much wheat that we had te go hungry. Some people -said the hunuin race had sprung ' front monkeys but he dide not think we had sprung very far yet. When monkeys had plenty they nodes picnic; when mankind had plenty theY had a pmdc. Mr. Wilson evidently believes itt equal rights. Woman was the first agricide Wrist, while man went off to hont bear, and yet It was, as it were, only the day Vetere yesterday that Men give women the right even to vote, and mankind had made a sorry mess 'of politics with his tense of mis-rePresentatives and a Senate full oe men who died years before they etopped breathing. •. . The Machine Age . We had 80,000 fewer men in .the.West producing wheat and yet more wheat was being prociuced because we hat and Mosquitoes Q.,uicldy by • A Perfumed Mist Based on Japanese -Fiovvers ' There is a spray based on an ex-. tract of Japanese flowers, It was • developed at Mellon Institute of Tridustrial Research by Rex Re- search Fellowship, Ten years and over $100,000 have been spent hi perfecti'ng it, The name is Fly.Tox. When used in a new.type Ply-Tox sprayer, it fills the 2Vphl With a cloud of per-. fumed mist, harmless to people, stainless to anything. But that flower extract is deadly to flies and mosquitoes. It kine • them quickly at is touch. Aladthey T A Rex keie Hsei rly*Toli only, and always ilk a inew.typs Fly-Totz spreayer. L11 every stroke will releeLe into the air conic ltE0,000 particles of spray. rIy-Ten is efficient beyond all gompare. It is all.pervading, quick and econotideal. Hverylet is tested can't escape if Fly.Tox is Used rightly --to fUl the whole room • with that gloating mist, • rly-Toy, at a cost of 1 or g cents, • rids a roma Completely of these deadly peaks. This is the latest, Most efficient most economical way to free your • home -and keep it Ate -groin these germ.bearing insects. They • contaminate all foods they touch -infect when they bite, They de• . stroy over 40,000 lives per yeat mostly fives of children. Employ it libc,NrallY and often ti) be safe. arch Product; on flies in oar laboratory. 1t0 pe. • tency la guaranteed by, e'very denier. The nothing less. efficient When the safety of' four berme fre at stake. Fly-10xb sold every- where throughout the world, Harmless to people. StainIesS. Fly -Tex is made in Canada. 11046141416661164611.6.41,66.6666-...---.., 6666.,,,4466,6.•••*6... Pains In Stomach and So BadWould HaveTo Sit Down &trj.ts Landry, itaneton, -JX an certainly rcranr..tzsal Dr. 1.Powler's Estrwt oii" Wild Verawberry tor cramp or pains la tho stomach am! 111 •cacli awful' rasa mv steals ▪ -h. e to.7:2 part' of tee, teeteete, at itimra.„, 1 • tz=o to tit down, 1t.sz-,ls 1)r. 1.',4eitErra, onEI • ca.:a vcIicyc...l. • egV,1,('-a. chitarn w.:•to tnal etwenia kc --,t a 1tt3 the, eel it tc.110.7,1 ttem wealer cci eny o ttr.,..-a hovel tenellints." machine* that would cnk threah and 441et 75 or IGO tiros a. day and the Tnist owned deur =elle esuld grind eUough deaur in 44 ciitYs and engine Soo a year's sappy. Qzza nundregi Wad ten tItOuSSMI tans ef peadtee retted UsCalifeinia Int S'ear and in wrath America they were Miming coffee tokeep the Pave WI 3114 titO Ores PM,: went out. Arid we called It a Cbristian, Xt Ni'as neith- er Cltristian nor eivilizatiall. We were Vending like drunken talk= Unde Sara speutlest ayr $74%000,000- en Inilitarism while aple were lumpy for food. Sometblus t. be done about It an, Surely we eauld organize our .batelligenee ee (het with sueh plenty it eleauld be easy for everyone to live happily. Jesues mis.elen was to put righteousnehe en tbe earth. He nete-e. asked any Anon to worship him. erne not to increase the population of a eitY oalted Heaven but to put right- eleusnese on the earth, leut 'we were so busy going to Ifeaven In the sweet bye and bye that We forgot to do anything for the now and now. It we were going fo--kne- Ifeaverleleee Shoul.d start to practise 'in Auburn now. - Jesus a Marvellous rhil. °soaker Jesus did notteflusis4wtodo ev thing 'while be was on the earth, eald, "I bate yet many things to y unto you but ye eannot fear them now; how be it when. Be, the spirit of truth is 'come Be wifl guide you into all truth," "Ye shell know the truth and the truth shall make you free" was not ePelten by a 'religious tenatic but by a marvellous philosopher. And we had to interpret Ris teaching in the light of world needs. "11 any man, say he loves God and hateth his brother, truth is not in him." .And any polities' party that dodges these great -issues it's name Is Minis. We can't fiddle While Rome 1Mrus and expect -the sapport of ittelli- eent people. The control must be in the interests qf the people instead 01. In the interests of the interests. We should bring about reality in re. Heim. We should stop waying for the Windom of heaven to come and Voting for the devil. to stay. You can go tc •heaven by any ' recite you like but we should try th fix up the world a little be- fore we leave it. We haVe got to get a Political' party througls whiebthese ideas wUlfutioteen, and the time was coming when we Must bring out a. great program for the „fanners, for the trusiness Men. Tue idea that what was good enough for MY father was good enough for me was all bunk, -Some day We were going to see the moans of life socialized so that the individual might' be free. Ur. Geo. Sturdy occupied the chair for the Meeting and Miss Ihneson played for some community singieg before the lecture was given. . REEVE:MAKES, • A ROT RETORT suggestion to Abolish the County Council Draws Fire McNE.11. TRIALS REHASHED Cost of Administration of Justice Is Again Raked Over "Xf they want to start 'this abolishing business, let them start right in Toronto. There are plenty of things they can abelieh there, with preflt t,o this cpun- try," said Reeve Albert Goldthorpe in county council Wednesday morning last week. Re. referred to the suggestion from Toronto that couhty councils be abolished in the interests of coot -tomer. Goldthorpe, speaking vety icatdler, strongly tondemned the, pest ef the ad- ministration of justice le this county. Re• harked back • to the MeNell bank robbery 'trials. which, he said, cest the county between $6,00 and $7,000. Be singled out several bills tor comment and referred particularly to one of the crown attorney for expenses becurred in attend- ing an Investigation exe Toronto of efuron county criminal justice accounts. "wee paid the shot but we never got a report," shouted the afteeve. "Are our o eurts to -become a farbe; are they co be made the laughing stock of the coun- try?" he asked in referring to hotel, re- staurant and other bills of oiliciaIs and jurors. 'It wasn't our fault that the jury dis- agreed three thriee in the McNeil trial. wtis becOase one of the head detectives of the Proviitte of Ontario was a fugitive from justice when lie had an the parti- culars and fade and was lit charge of this case. This is the kind of stuff tnat is-goingon in Toronto while We poor farmers are struggling trsring to pay our •bilise The trial was held We a da 3r be- o rtuse the prosecuting attorney was in-, diSposed, and we all kuow what that Means,' and he was pad $100 a day. We are being bled to death by this sort of thing, Let . Toronto' clean. up -ite Mess first." IteeVe• Goldthorpe then •attacked the practice of sidrourning eaSte-ixt police court. Be cited an Instance tvilere one eato cost the cavity $400, There were three enjournmenta ond for oriole the crown attorney was paid $25, "'I say the 43ov0nuneht lead. better a.boliale something else besides tounty 'coattails." • "1erliep.3 we are a UtIIa backward in matters of thie slid Wardell lead. er, "We should make it our business to lind things out. There Is a. lot of money going somewise.r.e that we know nothing it, orne test of adintilistration of juetice Is becolning 0online." County Constables' Pay Irani when a he •rat down.• Previousl,y Reeve Ooldthorpe was given quite. l .lia hed referred tomneage tellested.by con. stable's:Minim 10 cents. 'a mile or trans- postation *t prisoners and 10 eents...a mile for themeld the officer's' ear.. "11, 81Sattro. Palish,. this' 25 eutito a mile," he • Rem• Ge1ger41*"That's whet 1se7. • . •Ifiggins tip here. told, Win to'dig into Ottridry received S1000 lest rear. That M ! is tee uchM. 'att wliy 1 want Auditor then things for years hack." •• Clerk Ifolinan-"All that" Is,, in the wawa. report." ..Hoeve Gelger-"It is scattered all over. have It all summed up." •Csuncil /Ater AoVed et a motion to • bring Mr. IINgins to CatIcrich. • The tlissemion was tireught about h7 • e letter -11.m Cienerel. Victor Williams,. et the Ontarl.o police, outlining the bluties.i eonstabies and paintiml out that it tva4 the cairratVa titer' to irrovide rZa. itVrt'C: Whiteside w:th an office. Came InClittn3 cat= nat see why the assnto thotal'cl, =Vide an •ellIze fa2 ate in'or wham t."..,vv Ind no atta taco I2 tne9 did so 42 csveral MovEzzlitt eZttitt, 14.trtitm rwe ; Tha 1a11:3wing titi,nz.ms were ss tSIZn c3=7.111ii T3Iff.04.1. Urn um vout •,...slo**••10.....••••••••••••• Get Your Summer Toggery AT THE - Men's-Toggery Store Flannel Trousers, Flannel Suits, Panama Hats, Grad Underwear. Chas. Black Phoae Rotel Bedford Next Bedeord Rotel procure• a wreath for Mr. Momillan's timeral and that the clerk be instructed to write a letter of sympathy to ,ins daughter, Mies Ilargaret IdcMUlan Carrled. •ArcWbactinUttr--Tbat a-resoluticeo-elee sent to, the Secondary .school boards of tlie county requesting their co-operation in reducing the cost 01 our eecoadary shooIL Nithlie this council does not tvish te impair the service and usefulness of the educational syeteva, we feel that stoPi StmUld be taken to bring the cost of carrying oil our schools more in keep- ing with the present e.sonomic conditions of the country and we would suggest that a reasonable reduction in teachers" salaries would 'be 4 means ea that end, Referred to education eommittee. ' Moved by Peter -W. Scott. and A. J. Goldthorpe that -this County Council ap- proves .of the action ot the Coude 'of Wentworth asking for an appeal. to the peerednion Railway Board to have rural telephorte rates reduced be keeping with .itke thnes.--Referred to Legislative OM- mittee. • Moved by Peter W. Scott and A. J. Goldthorpe that this council request the Ontario Legislature to pass Legislation cemitsinns Grand Juries in- the Province of Ontario on grounds of economy. -Re- ferred to. Legislative committee. ••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••• JUNE BRIDES aere comes the bride! We spe- • cialize in flower bunches and In deeorations fgreweddings either for home or Church,, or for other soolcti events, and can give you the finest in skilled service for arlY oecasion. a • GEO. STEWARt GODERICH Bruce St. •Phone 105 Do You Need OUNTER • CHECK BOOKS? WE CAN SUPPLY Carbon Leaf Carbon Back See Us for Prices Before • Placing Your • Order .14 • The Goderich Star • Phone 71 CASTOR IA • For Wants and Children in Use For Over 30 'Years Always bears the Signature of 144 -FOR THE WEEK 9r, - June 113th to June 25th Phone 368 for Good Service and Prompt Delivery "Aeroplane Quality at Submarine Prices," • Choice Fresh Dates, 3 lbs. for. • Clark's Pork and Beans, large No. 3 tin, 2. Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. for... New Potatoes, 5 lbs. for , Deture Jelly Powders, 6 for........... . Sy -?a -Co Toilet Tissue, 3 large roll's for... Granulated oy Brown Sugar, 10 lbs. for. P. and G. Soap, .10 bars for Rosedale Toilet Soap, 6 cakes for litaechler'S Pride"' Coffee, 1 lb • 6 • • • 4 4. • p • • • f.4 • 3VkCormiek's Maple Leaf Cookies,.1' lb:. ... Shirriff'S Country Gentleman or Good Morning Marmalade, 2-1b. .. . . 'Large barrel plain Olives, 35 -oz. net...... Our Own Blend English Breakfast Tea, 2 packages.. . 4 • 4 • • * * • .4 4 4 • 6 • Duff's Pore Lard, 2 141,. earton. 4.4 Choice Dairy Butter, per lb.............. Choice Ripe Bananas, 2 lbs. for .. Peameal ,Cottage Rolls, per lb.. Hire's Root or Ginger Beer, per pkg.. • Bulk Soap Flakes, 3 M.% for... , Orange Spices or Lemon Drops, per 21c 29c 23c 25c 25c 25c • 59c 37c • 1.9e 37c 27c 39c 37c 41c 21c 18c 15c 1 1 c 29c 25c 18c .BAECHLER COR. EAST S'TREET and S'QUARE1 Phone N8 Our Own Deliver:,' Aumwassuiiiammemosimumerammormilmmummummelk