HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-06-16, Page 111100404011NINNINIP.~4110(INIM404,414
Every Thursday Morning
The Star is •vaislled eveey Thursday feerninit,
=GUMMY, and in the reeriene bands the
elaY. Whh AR the eateet up-te-the Minote
neon and thereerehatteltelng meniagee a tlie
eterekeepers aren otheee, =elle tteae foe
neruael fer weend leineoe.
IPrinting That Pleases
41 44441.14441104444.4 'Wetetieefere
BOSItlein Sod Wetal Printtng teem Toe
Star effteet te carrion in. kart arta is- wen
prIelteit ateeetepti aereine and Ur:Aerate
eseEVenNTY-Tellae0 YEateta
SUbecriptien: $e $ea ut Canada
#2.50 a year to V. S. puirda.
WAltoetal, NA) , Publieher
• 1
eputation Secures Continuance of
True Billsjn.Three
Criminal Cases
.1„,,..Twa of Andrew Moore Charged
It5 With Cain:anal -Negligence
in Progress.
The grand lury at the Seeelons of tne
. Peace which opened on Tuesday at the
Court House befere His Honor Judge
Costello, brentelit in a true bM In each
of elvea triminal one:trees, two chogges
Of negligence txt automobile =Went.% and
one charge of perverting justice: The
a- that case to be tried out is that against
lefoore, the) driver of the light truck
winch ran bite tWo elderly ladieslast
rebr4ary on the main street of Egneond-
ville, oatising their death. This opened
yesterday efternoon and is being eon -
tinned this morning. The Crown Attore
ney is prosecuting and J. J. Huegard is
, the defense counsel. The victims of the
e• aceltient were Mrs, Alex. Charlesworth
and Mrs. Sara McGeoeh.
In the Estate tn ELLEN KELLY,. late
.of the Town a •goderiaL, irk the County
• of Heron, Spinster, Deceased,
All persons having claims against the
Estate of the late Ellen Kelly, who died
on or about the 29t1 day of &larch, 1032,
are hereby requtred on or befere the 23rd
daY of June, 1932, to send to the under-
signed full Parteculare of their elaims
duly. verified, •as after that date dee
Estate will be disfributed without regard
•te the claims ernich no notice has then
been received.
DAteeite at Goderich this. 31st day of
'May, A. D. 1932, •
Gorlerieh, Ontarloo
• Solicitor' lot the Aelininistrator.
JOHN S. BEDFORD, late of thenTown
bf Goderich, hi the County of Huron,
• - gentleman, deceased
TAKE NOTICE that all creditors and
otbers ItaVing victims os demands against
the estate of the' salcitJohn.S, Bedford,
who died on or about the 14th nay of
January, A, D. 1032, are required on or
• before the 7th day of July, 1932, to de-
• liver: Ato the undersigned exeeutor
Particulars of their claini.
• AND TAKE• NOTICE that after mph
• last mentibeed date the exeoutor
proceed to distnbute the assets of the
said deeeased among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard,only 0 tiae claims
of which he snail then nave noelbeetand
that the •mid executor will tat heir liable
or the seen assets to any person or per-
'Rafeor whose not
then have been received by him.
aoderiche °Atari°, •
Petitions to have roads treated with
roa4 ell or tar should be presented to the
Town Council at once.
Petition forms may be had at the Town
clerk'.: Office.
Dated this 14th day of June, 1932.
• L. L. KNOX,
.Toten Clerk,
• Tenders, addressed to the undersign-
ed, for the brick building known as the
Old Church, on the National Shipbaild-
ing property on Brock street, will be re-
ceivel by the Town Council up to 8
onloek p.m. on Friday, aune leith, 1932.
The building, with exception of walls
Arno:rang other buildings, te be taken
down and removed from the premises
• witheti two month%
02all to the satisfac-
tion f the Town Council.
•The highest or any tender not emcee -
eerily accepted.
• G. P. GOULD, L. L. 'KNOX,
Ch. of ItaluStrial Com. Town Clerk
aPeraters ler the celebratlim ot July
12th in Oloderich aro announced as fol-
lower most Won Bro. Rev. %Wiliam
Lowe, B.A., Past Grand. Chaplain; Rt.
Won Bro. Rev. E. aYes. Grand 'Chap-
lain, 'Ontario West; Rev. Bre. Ointese, of
Anse Craig; ear, George' Spotton,
and resident clergy.
'Prizes will be given for, the lareeet
lodge on perade, for the best dressed
lodge, for the lodge from the greatest
distance, for the la.rgest L. O. B. A. lodge,
Io. the leeet d-reesed o. A. lodge,
for the best dreseed L. T. B. lodge, for
the oldest Orangeman on porode, ter the
best life and drum, band, for the best
fifer, for the best drununer, forethe best
L. 0. L. banner, for the best L. 0. B. A.
banner and a special tor the Orangeman
with the largest twills?, To stimulate
the decoration et business premises
prizes are offered for the ieest decorated
store front.
There wt11 also be a hag of War he-
tween Ooderich. Town, Goderich Town-
shtp and Ashfield Township and at night
a grand band tattoo and fireworks dis-
play, the tattoo and flreworke to be at
Agriouleural Park with an admission of
25 cents.
Lodges from North and South Huron,
South Perth and others are expected.
A list of prodsions required for the
efa Elgin Reginient damp Izi Cloateriche June
tee 30th. to July 3rd, may be seen, at the
• Town Hall.
Any one desiring to oupply the proe
vesione or any non may leave their
tender or quotation At the Town Clerk's
Office and they will be handed to the
• Regitriental OnIcere.
L. L. REOX, Town Clerk,
Ed. Smith Assistant
Prin. at Victoria
And Nes Laura Johnston To
Take Miss HOrney's
lenss Laura Johnston, of town, has been
appointed to the position on the public
echool stag 'made vacant by the resig-
nation 'on" Miss Edna Harney, and Mr.
Edward, sahth, of Lucknove, to fill the
Place made vacant by Mi.ss Nelson's re-
signation as .assistant to the principal.
• At the adjourned meetlog of the board
on Friday lent it was carried that con-
tracts be sent out to the teachers at the
same salary as lest year, to be returned
by the end of the month,
The motion for the appointment of
Miss Johnston in oboe of Miss Horney
was made by Rev. MraMills and seconded
by Cutt, the salary to be $900, Miss
*race Hamilton was the first choice for
the positien Apar), Viteent leo Miss Nel-
son's oresignatlon gust Ur." Smith the
second, a motion for the appointment
of &Use Hamilton being introduced by
Geo, So/reefer Etna as ,Oatrie, and an
ainendraint for tne appointment of
Ismith.bo Je..Cuto ancl.P...R-Miller. The.
:notion' carried but Miss Hamilton has
intimated her inability to come and Mr.
Smith therefore gets the Appointment
The salary is 31000.
Mr, Smith has a Erst-class tertificate
and an elementary certificate fh art, has
taught two years in S. s. No, 6, Kinloss
and has completed practically two years'
work on an honor course in biology and
ohemistry at Queen's University. He Is
a Presbyterian and has taken an active
part in thoir and Sunday school and as
President of a large Young People's So-
ciety. •
TO PAY $200
As Damages in Car Accident—
Was Not Represented
Other Cases Adjourned to Settled
Out of Court
A jury etripanelled to brtng in a ver-
dict in the action of Urs, James Couto,
of Meleillota for damages sustained in a
car accident Qat. 13th last when Chas.
Bondi% fruit truck cathed into her ear
in passing, assessed the damages she
suetained at $200. The accident occur -
reel on the county highway between
Myth and Walton about three miles east
of Bledln MrseCoutts was in a delicate
state of health at the time and, as a re-
sult ot the nervous think as claimed,
gave bIrth, to a child 'the same night'
(Prematurely) and the *Mid lived only a.
few days. Mrs. Watts was accompanied
by Miss Violet Carter in ner car at the
time of the accident.
• When the case was called neither Mr.
Bondi nor his counsel, speared and His
Honor Judge Costello, •who preeided,
asked 'Registrar Johnston to get in .touch
,tvith the eelicitone °Mee In Toronto, that
of Fisher, Robertson, Aitcheson, PickeeP
and Colvin, and on calling the office up
Mr. Johnston wap informed that Ur.
Robertson, who wits to act as Mr. Bondi%
counsel • was in 'London. Mr, Daiteey,
counsel for the plaintiffs, said he had 10.
be in Toronto the following day ,and
could net consent to an adjournment.
Notice had been sent to the defendant's,
eounsel Mid it was their fault, if the case
went on in their absence.
Only the evidence of Mrs. Coutts and
of her doator, Dr. Sproat, hi Seafortle,
was taken, shoWing the injuries. she had
Sustained, and the judge gave the jury
a series of• questions to answer, as the
result of which he enteredjudgment for
$209 damages, The jery constderedthe
'defendant negligent and that this was
the cause of the actident, that the evi-
dence did not ,show negligence,, on the
part of the plaintiffs and in their opin-
ion the premattire birth was the result
of the accident This was the only jury
ease set down for trial •
A GENTS WANTED.—Don't be work-
"- less if you want to be active. Be -
tome your own boss in selling 160 home
and farm necessities. 100% profits.
Make 330.00 weekly to start with. • Can-
adian Line. Sure sale in every home.
No risle. Very attractive • propositiOn.
PA11/11LEX 001V1PANY, 4'185 St. Cather-
ine East, Montreal,
FARM FOR SALE.—Forty acres. rnore
or less, the property of the •late
H. W. C. Nene, situated at the end a
South street on the southern boundary
el' the town; ot good clay 'loam, lame
house. and barn, delve shed; workshop;
hen -house; artesian well (135 feet), the
very best of water; good fruit trees.
Ideal location, close to setools • and
ehurches. Per furtner Oarticulars apply
on the nremises or to PERCY or WILL
C.• 14.-1-iUME3tFt
FOR 161/4c A DAY'
it costs I.914 cents for daily rations at
the jail, accordbig to the report of the
jailer preeented to the June seesion of
the county council. During the past six
months- there- were .loety-two prisonere
committed as follows: 13 for breach of
the L A.„ 5 *for chicken stealing,. 5
for theft, 4 as insane, 3 for breach of
the Inland Revenue Act, 2 for carnal
knowledge, 2 for forgery, 2, for breaking
and entering, 2 vagrancy, 2 :retie pre-
tences, 1 contributing to juvenile delin-
quency and 1 for fraud. There are at
preeent 8 prisoners •
We sold 76 trend tars in Goderiele and surrounding country in less
than eight, Menthe end we believe we have made Many fieende Mid tette-
fied caetoniersi Our Used Cam are good eleert etoek, all trade-Ine on new.
ears, and they are free frein Ilene and (all elm-limb:once. We tan supply,
any Medel or make iron% our large supply at 100derleh, Tilleonburg and
Dan. .
?!Life ilosuronoe gompoRil of Ganglia
'Tour elicepie for an ametint far in exeoes of age antlelpetione reminds
Me Mat your agent bad a hara time leer/Made:4 an to take thee polleY.
retail tliet he ptetUred the day wieen 1 would metier) thee chcgtie. 1talked
more about the, ineenventenee of paying the prendune. Ile 001114 see farther
Caen I. Ile was riglat and 1 Was tereng. 1 V.7141. 1 tied yielded to itis
p)rttutitten and taken the ler polity he Mend nee to taae."
The above teetlineny re:neva bO the Cure tete Am:ranee C. reeentlo
so:nal for iltr,elf.
• 4
• (Mee 110
1511°1"e" Itmitlence n. R. LONG, District Agent
• Following the aninellneeinent that
the morning C. N. rA. treia out of
Goderich and. the night trate In
• Would ete cut off enective Juno
26th, Mayor Lee wired to °Metals
at Toronto and mane arrangements
for an appointment t dineuss the
matter and ;4m:1(13Y atO:30 pan.
• was agreed upon. A delegation
trora Ciodericie consisting of Mayor
Lee, O. L. Parsons, J. W. Fraser
and Gordon Bisset went down '
Monday Irienting and they were
joined by a gentleman from Selo• ,
ringville, At 'reroute the delega-
tion met General Manager W. A.
Kingsland, • General • SuPerintene
dent Frank -nucleon and other of•
and made out as good a.
case as they could, showing that
trucles were alreadynelaning log the
buginees of the Tleseet Bros, at the
same price as, the' railway, and
Pointing Out tnat the cutting off
of trains would ntraply give an
• impetus to the trucle nusiness,
• which was already getting a lot ot
the business. Fortunately them
• was a good number on the train
• Monday mbrning and the delega-
tion did not fail to van that to the
notice at the officials, The delega...
non did not get much encourage-
ment and in fad were told that
the cutting off of the service had
already been decided on.ever, yesterday yesterday morning Agent
Croft here received word that the
trains -would be eontinued and that
the service in and out at the mid-
dle of the day win be by oil Owe
trio engine front' Stratford. The
Godeitch delegation and the peo-
ple of Goderich may well Seel elat-
. ed at the success of the mission,
tor the cutting off, of these trains
would be a Berious blow to Gode-
rich, both from, the point of view
of mail service and express and
• passenger service, and woUld also
have meant the removal of 'several
/airlines from town.
• C. O. F. Itally
'Tuesday Last
flohnesville Cheese
Patrons Here
The lgolmesville Cheese and Butter
Factory are inviting all patron., who are
interested in dairying and any others
who care to join with them, to meet in
aoderich Harbor Park, Saturday after -
north, June 18th. This will be a basket
picnic and they are inviting the patrons
of Huron Cheese Foolery and the, Pine
River group to join with them. Co10-.
petitive Sorts will be enjoyed: A geed
tine is expeetted.
Prank elearns, cf Londen, will give an
address on the production of dairy pro-
ducts. A.• 11. Wilford, of Toronto, chair -
Man of the newly formed Ontario Cheese
Marketing Service, will also explain the
plans and results which are hoped for
from this marketing servite. It is felt
that, such a soeial gathering would be of
great astistance to the development of
the dairy industry of Western Ontario.
— "PIO= 1OTICE'-'7.
All accounts owing to the firm of Alf,
TslebUtt and Son xnust be settled by
June 30th.
(Signed) ALP, TE1B1171' & SON.
For Sale at .0fice -
Fine lee story brick house, excellent
tondielon, modern equipped with teller,
cloee to Square, price $1400; lie story
house. Partly polished • hardwood floOm,
finely decorated, modern, equipped, good
cellar, choice location, Priee $1300
lee eters? house, $650e lae story house,
$550; story house, $500.
teeany -others—ask about them.
Some liouees to tent.
Good 200 -acre farm, PrMcipally clay
loam aoll, fine cohdition, mostly telt-
drained, lio uneeerinete or waste land,
Shout 60 'acre: thabered, balanee fine
grotvinO grain erop, hay and ioasture,
goad bank barn, 8 -roomed dwelling home
it fine condition, located about 12 miles
front Ooderith, price $4000. Tents
$1300 taelt, balance easy terms. Theme.
diate poseession. See or write
Box 60, Goderich.
$23,001) TO BE SPENT
Waterm—Sheppardton South
Including Stretches of "Blue I
and St. Joseph
$50,000 for Provincial Highway
• •Clinton to %wham
After a live-bour &anon which eXtende
ed into the evening, Huron county coun-
cil concluded deliberations of its June
Meeting on Friday, The tax rate this
year is el:elate, the 4=0 as last. There
was no eerlous attempt made to redUce
It. The sum of approximately i30 000
will be spent on county roads in 1932.
Ibis including 33,000 out new construc-
tion, an item which was vtgerouslY op-
posed, for stretches of the 13Iue Water
Highway south, from Sheppardton and
near St, Joseph, . The sum of 350,000
also will be spent this year on provinctal
highway account, el which the county is
to pee, '00,000 in bringing the Clinton-
Wingham toad up to provincial seen -
dare This etem was given a stormy
Passege, but passed by A vote of 19-9.
Attacks on -the' eost' of administration'
of justice by Reeve Albert aoldthorpe
end the appointment of a committee of
ftve, win& the Colborne reeve ' heads,
proved one of the high spots of the June
session, A committee also WU appoint-
ed to "probe into the cost of stenography
at the court house. 13oth cominittees
report .Deeemben•
R.esolutioris eisaing that the seleriee of
school teachers and salaries and fees of
provincial ,ofilcials in the court house
and registry office, etc„ len:night down
to a point more in keeping with present-
day conditions, received. the untunineue
exidorsation 01 the ecnmcil.
Comity Finances
• Reviewing county •finances •Auditor
Higgins 'ott Friday morning pain the gen-
eral, account showed. a deficit of $31,000.
The good road saceount glowed' a sure
plus of. about • $3;000, while the debt • of
the county on. provincial MD -
count ,was $141,000. •
Ta the Editor aoaerleh Star.
Inederleit. Oat. •
enear Sir,—I1 le not often that OM' nen
a enanee to read ouch a lino !Ooze of .
literature, co outeponen, so tun 01 Wog-,
est to each ono of ue-throughout. tha eivn.
Wed world; ad Um article entitled "A
Student% View of the Mild," la 'the
The aileron County Counell. will hold eurrent eel, C. I. Review.
its annual Menlo at laayfleld on Tnteese Tht) majurity of the patine will be
day. June 23rd, and a, committee cone overjoyed to find a man On this day and
=gnu of the warden, the clerk and clew who has; as has often neen rennon-
DouglassoMitott and Henke, Will Make ed. out very Mann AccoMplished, hit tno
arraneentente. . •, . nall on the bead. The mmority aro busy
- • k ' ' ottrulteo the . midnight oil edeeming to
Lions Clubs To . dodo aottle 'Way in which to drive tho
. horse back into the stable after the door
• H• old A•noth• er C•h
..,„:,.. ims been lopned and bolted,
AIM Them hes been o greet deal •of critie
• elem let*, as witness the eEeplanation
. .
seam& clubs ,,,„ and Expinadons of Regret" whIch• ap-
Gaderich and '''' peered retetttly in. the Ooderielt newne
papers, .1 Ieel that theta is not mueli
explaining or regretting to do, but with-
out a doubt there are others Who think ' •
different and who csevt reaponsible for the• •
At the meeting in the Cioderloh nione Unfalr preseure• which was, broUght to
ClUie last Friday ,Chlef Zoom of the. Sews bear on the heriele.of the two who under- ,
forth Club was present and • arraoge. signed • that Article. • .
Ments were made to hold another crip- Since the apPearanco of the 0. 0: I.
pled: children% elinin. Probable, the latter ilt.eenvIlLsxv8I dhaireeedtliedearoclasarrenset. prthetety aeuatieshottrt.:
Part of July, in aaderich, with the .tWo
Which e eee no reason, for whatever. If
clues paeoperatine, ..et is proposed. to
tphoissedls tothtelatiiheleilefwthr;est.eilottleeidchtlelte it sup.
make 010 of doctore In connection, put•tiathi,
the, War Zelemerial Children's MS
London, thee tirne, ninclasome ealualne ptiefuetdheta.afporubeurnsehntainin earepolaoigeitembewreitoz-•
Work has .alreedy been done at title hese
poilttalbl.lifoarntlheo:deorflolels.olorielep;1400. hAnt. .tothrfeat,tithr:ilht
the previous meanie Of the Godettcb
time e in every person's life when the .
tlpierra:b7onuatts ad.thhae: 0! the nl eat:vitalgoes
01,ei al pa, re but
baiti eat:
dren% committee reported on• the var-
this instance, to. eolne.11 , not only hurts
tom eases wench the Goderith Club has
but it hits p:etty herd. '
not mentioned, .the ' various
at present Under oversight.' Nettles were
And in conclusion .1, would Wee to lisle
'MS" being the'persone who tensed tie 'article to nie-
referred no as t ase A., lile, 0, etc. In all
geed •• Progress .13 being made, . pear isliDolttistinl,,v‘evt'sh•Pta0Perrebs.ithlooll, u.redada onvieeer .
.• .
• .•
the editorial entitled "A- Student% View
.Birtill. Control . .. . of the World,' slowly and carefully, min
_ when you come to the end of - One 01 the
Condemned finest editoriale ever to come from the
' . . . . • pen of It G. 0, L student lit the •Review,
. nen—. ' ' • you will; I think, feel that sent were a
By Fr.- ti. Pocock in 'Addressing little bit hasty when you eattsect the pUb-
lication to be withdrawn. front Sale
District. Holy Name ' " .
With sincere apireclotton •to the ecietor
.• Rally - for (Mowing an space, in your valueble,
. • paper, I rerimin, •t
'Tbree hundred men and bey& renewed , ' Yours sincerely
their pledge. to ..clean speech. or. took it • n'e/OX 130p.r.g.a."
in July
' $800 hi 1931, said Mr:Higgins. Ile re- the .11ply Nellie Seelety, let St Peter%
The house of eefuge showed a profit of tor the tlx•st tittle ,at the distriet rally of
commended that this account' be kept
Half Hundred Lodges Represented
separate , The auditor also recommend -
-. church on Stulday afternoon. The rally
inoluded Godericin Wingliam, St, Aug-
m Parade .ed that thenreasurera books be balanced ustine and leingsbridee parishes, and the
Monthly and that theybe reconolled men awl boys assembled :egress the street
with the bank, something whit% was not
front the chureh and marched to the
done at 'presentee Mr. Eiggine told coun-
ncanactian Order of roosters ioa Per
Cent. Solvent"was the legend displayed
�nthe side of Billy- Woodsalittle—p
phaeton in the Poresters' parade on
Tuesday niglvt. The C. 0. P. has been
having a campeign for new members in
Huron County and the parade and initia-
tion on Tuesday night in Godeeich were
• memorable events, and there was a very
fine attendance at the church service on
Sunday mernhig last at NorthSt. United
• church. The following report is supplied
• ley the recording • secretary bf Court
Insurance and Real Estate
chureh headed by • the . •clergy. Rev,
a---ti-ln-KOlteening-Usteln--014111-e-OuntY Patlier-Philip-Poetselereof-eStoneeteressewelte
Was somewhat antiquated. He promIsed is supplying for Ree. Fr. Lowery during
to give the treasurer his
assistance end the' latter's absence at - the eucharistic
was thanked by counell In a motion
which was later introciticed andca
'nted. cOneress la Dublin, his old home; Rev.
,Considering ...what the Er. • McArdle, of . leingsbridge; Rev. • Fr.
Working hien is McKeough, on. Wirigham, and Rev.. Pr.
being Paid today, some working for as
'questiort but that the meanie and fees ot
day, thare 15 to Pnaogguaerit.te, of St. Augunine, also Rev.. Pr.
%sere present and the sermon
low as one dollar a
'Plenty and provincial ofticials should be was glven by Rev. Ft.'lierman.Pocolt, of
reduced proportionately, said Mr . Hier- London, a brother of the supplying par -
gins. Criminal justice accotmts were en- Isle ,priest of St Peter's. The eervice
consisted of • the litany of the . Holy
Name, followed by the sermon, after
which the gethering stood, while they •re-
peated the pledge of the. Holy Name So-
ciety, in which the member promises to
abstain from all ,pwearing, blasphemy and
• obscene language: He acknowledges al-
legiance to Jesus and promises to recoge
ilize• duly toostituted authority. The use
of the pledge at the front he the great
aceourits should state what his expenses • war was Sound very helpful and the so -
are. The sum looks big. yen can clii ciety has since beep continued. And. the
on 'the criminal auditors and find out." service concluded wieh the benediction
The Cost of education, mostly by a re- of the Blessed Sacrament.
Pr. Pocock in his address pointed out
duction in teachers' "salaries, should and ill undoubtedly come down, the auditor
_ titat t I • h d the • rld had al-
wways been opposed. The world ermined
°deride. theta too high, he said. He gave county
On Sunday, June '12the 'Court Ctode- eonstables earnings for 1931 of '$1.5213.62
rich No 32 held their annual church ser -
as exampleand said they did not in -
vice' and parade to North se. united elude Pay for attendance at courts
en ,
church where Rev. G. T. Watts preached The auditor was astced if payments to
a very imprssive sermon on "Salvaging me. atenery did not inclUde out 01
the Fragments of We to the members pocket mOneY, punts paid out for his own
and congtegation. A very cordial ' wel- and prisoners' expenses while travelling.
come was extended also by the pastor. oe don't Ichow," he said, but in fair
Special music was rendered for the ben,- tees to Mr. Gundry the criminal justice
sion. Visiting brethren in attendance
for the service were front Belgrave, Lon-
don, Seaforth, Dungannon, Auburn,
Kitchener and Benntiller, nearly one
hundred participating la this event.
The monster parade on Tuesday, which
was the culmination of our Huron County
campaign, was wonderful, impressive, and
a real outing for many brotleers far and
near and was greatly enjoyed by all. The
weather Was ideal. • •
The monster parade prOceeded from,
the MacKay Hall, North St, along Nel-
son St., Hamilton dt., round the Court
House Square and down North St to the
IMO,' It A N(31
Aotar re*
The Motes! Life of Catoda
cirMei-INA.ZAtZttinonit, vits7at. c..:atinza
hose 233 NELSON HILL Kaasger
hall again, headed by standard bearer
A. Meeker, and the Ctoderich Citizens'
Baer nunibeinner nitre:planet wlinch
Played real _therm/ mug° „for, the ocna-
sion. The parade nturibered nearlyfine
hundred membets with %inwards of One
hundteci candidatee in the rear in fancy
paper hats and tarryilig the banner,
• "Some of the candidates but riot all" told
needed by Piper Mutch of Clinton, To
the rear of the eandidates teas young
Billie'Woods with his little shetland pony
and phaeton' and "Shiner" McDonald
was eii hand with the goat. Many
thanks mud be tendered ba the C. Q. F.
to Roy Patterson for the servicee of Traf-
fie 01E0er Lever who kept traffic in con-
trol for the occasion.
The Scene now changes 'from the Mac-
Kay Hall to the dance pavilion near the
Sunset Hotel where the hall Was Med to
capacity, the Meeting tailed to order by
Brother OrgariLzer Wm. 11. Len.
' high Court Officals Present
The following High Court officiate were
then, tailed upon to take a thale upon
the platform: Bro. Alf. P. VanSomeren,
High Secretary, Brantford; 13ro, C. G.
Chapin, Obairfnan of Medical Board,
Brantford; Bro. A. O. Wiley, Superintene
dant of Organization, Brantford; Bro. W.
J. EeneY, Iligh Auditor, trantfoni; Bro.
11. E. Elliott. Digit Auditor, Winghain,
and tiro. rt. Murray, ra6autivo Com-
mittee, London. The following rrontin..
800,00 REWARD
' ror the Gillette. Probak, or Velvet
Edge Vade that Jiffy instruction fail to
sharpen. They cost only CO dents and
last a litethrie; 110 egtra cont. I lead Only
1 new package of nlenee lent Year. A.
FLEMING, D4 Blantyre Ave., Torten°.
added, • Jesus and it would crucify the ehurch
Corrects Statement now. "If I should please men I should
Reeve Goldthorpe seised permission to not be a servant of God," was his text.
He dealt portictilarlY with three aspects
tf the church's teaching which were ()p-
leased to that of the world. leirst there
was that of religious education. The
ehtireli insisted that the teaching of ee-
ligion must be a part of the education of
the young, otherwise they would grow up
dectiessto and without-- moron
Would result • in lawlesenees. This • was
the conditioti Which Ittus'sla was heading,
inwards. The use even of the name of
Ood was forbidden and the young were
to grow up as agnostics on atheists. In
this the Russian uoverriment was adopt-
ing the sure method of producing the re-
sult It aimed at for if the Young grew up
without knowledge a Ood the country
would soon become' atheletic.' And on the
other hand the Roman 'Catholic church,
in demarieltas that religion must be n
part of education of her children was
The aecond feature the speaker dwelt
on was the teaching of justice in indue-
try. Forty year ago Pope Leo XIII had
foretold the condition tato'whieh the
world was drifting an aceount of the lack
of justice end today the world eves in
exactly the position which tvas predicted
forty years ago, One did not need to be
a prophet to foretell that condition how-
ever; it woo the inevifabie remind dis-
regarding the principle of juetiee.
And the third subjeet he mentioned
on, tvhich the church and the world 're
at conflict was that of birth control.
There Wag nothing new about thie.
Romans knew all about it and practleed
it and the result wan the decline and toll
of the Roman Empire. Now the old On
wee being buttressed by aclenea, but in-
tcrfereneo -with the laws of nature in
• thie reaard brought about der.adence and
the Itietory of the Rearm Ellinire and its
subjugation by the Ooths and Nuns and
Vandaln would be repeated in the case
of any nation which adopted the same
;)racticen. The speaker advocated care-
ful ctudy and attention to tlae papal 15 -
of 50 pronouneementa of the WI
of the church with two tli&unand ears
of experitnee behind it.
tt Allit maw von SALE, --43. C. W.
-"a • Le3horne, eXeeptionolly lectoey lays,
lug divan. 1533 hone for tiio pen sig
neonate have given a %Atte ave.lage pro.
fluetion Of steady 05n. 'Irene low pelted
at $8.59 pen' 180. Considering that a tow
egtett 080 p?.r bird pays for the tOtil
coet of the chickene. Dayhaa ellteke Ujl
tO June ea. Alto elatekenne ono to thl'OO
weekn okl, at Ile. lee and 10s. Phano
1413. Carlow. titY.1.13 CLUTTON,
cotreet a statement which appeareat in
the Stretford paper, credited to him,
stating that council had been instrumen-
(Continued on Page 0)
ent members of the order were.then tat -
Jed to the platform: Bro. Rev; P. W.
raikenpastor Vietorioe-St. -United
church, Goderich; • Bro. Geo. Spotton,
M.P., Wingliaid; Bro. 11.-.7.-A. MatEveitii,
ex-inaror, Godench; Bro, Wm, Bantle,
ex -member • of • Executive Committee,
Goderich; Bro. Wm. Trewartha, mayor
of Clinton; Bro. Wilmot Haack% reeve
of GI:Aerial Tivp., and last but not least
our grand and oldest member in the hall,
tiro. •Chas. Dann,. 01 years of age, 48
Yearre a member of the 0. 0. Joining
• same in Moorefield and transferring tO
Goderich Court during the past year.
Rev. P. W. Crane gave the address of
weleodie to all the high odd officials
end other visiting brethren forstheir at-
tendance atid hoped ttwould be profitable
to ell after the night's entertainment
Wa9 over. Aleo remerited that eve were
all glen that ,.this telebration was held
in the beautiful town of Goderich.
Letters of regret from several of the
high court °facials tvere read, ;nettle
theit they were unable to be preeent on
account of other important matter% but
• wished every Court in attendance pros-
perity and a good time. .
Oneeminute silence was then obeervea
hi memory cf our late Bro. Than Weide
tan, M.P., of Constance Court, who pee.
ad to the life beyond recently.
Upwards of one hundred candidates
were then uttered In by Organizer
Barnes and tvelcomed by 13ro. A. P. Van
Contemn ,comradeehip end fratennte
to all.
The Past Chief litengere degree tenni
of London under the direction of Bro.
Olias. Perrin then adMinletered the
initiatIon in a verseaceeptanie and please
Ing, and trapreceive Manlier 10 all.
laro, W. J. Beney then Gave an outline
of the finances of the Order.
Persented With C. 0. V. Woe
The following rezannere were then tate
lea upon to receive a C. O. V. ring for
their cervleee rendered in cerineetion
With Getting new eanditlatee. They are
eel folloVer Egetere-Walter le. teslatne
W. 11. P011eil, 3. W. Miller, A. 0. Itich5.
A. Penbole, II. C. leOnl, II. £3. lecaeee, IL
Cole. Gad:Melt, Met. litoegastlan Jae.
Eatheues. Cilaton. D. 1). G:oveaina:
(Cantinucd On Dane 0)
Road illogre Caused 1,069 A.Uto Accidents.
In Ontario In 1931
Reeords of the Motet Vehicles *Branch
of the Ontario Depanment Of IfighwaY3 .
cause *1 Of accidents in which thet outonto-
bile was ineolved, was nealsideenif-the-
road driving.• •
• Life, ibnb -and property are; an the
moray of the driver eh° through Agnate-
ance, selnshness or just conunon •care-
lessness, will not keep to the right, ol.
the toad. . '•
Accidents . t annot be blamed upon
amateur. drivers, as records . show that
considerably more than halt of the driv-
ers concerned in auto accidents last Year
were between 25 4nd 54 years old, and
more than ninety per cent. of them had
been 'driving for a year or more.,
apomat thin week -end 200 yard ll 80 -
Melt fast' color voiles in good patterns.
Your 1119110 Ifle yd. at CalltAtr..143,V.
An In nu) hour ho pasced away.
'nue C°v°211141c01 i1olz217.7 15t/i11tl3-4 We often sit anti think of hina.
haat e. eteanTeli
d wen In peot eedyle enneu ete ere alt Atone.
'rate contiz p:er Lao now tc.lon Por memory 13 1/10 only thism
el, the Zee,: ea Cie eeraent wed: tenet( I `Mae (nth can call its own.
Ant tenyteted, •WIVE an4 aneatelne.
CominA Events
The Hortieultural Soclety tnembere are
Melted to bring flowers for a display to
be lield in the Thomson store on. the
Square June 23rd and 2415, flowers to
be brouglet in the morning of June 23rd.
The Goilerich Hortieultural Sotteey in-
tends holding a display of flowers, prin.,
drolly of roses and peonies, but also of
other 'flowers, in the Thomson store on
the Square on Thursday andFriday of
next week. All fleeter lovers are cor..
chaffy invited to view the display. ,
Dozens of smart, tolorful dresees for
the warmer weather. Washable orepee,
voiles, meshes, also a full rangecelitnese
kpk. ri,suL4 u1-131r1IFECIZETtAtrt4'
The -Aluneek Chapter, a D. E., will
hold Ito regular meeting in the library
on Monday afternoon, June 20th, at four ,
o'clock. . .
Superior Storee anneunce this weett
their third anniversary 'sate, and offer
Many iipecials in.groceries, a partial. Iint
of which appetite; in their ad. on another
page. Call at the store of J. Calvin Putt
or .1. J. MeEwen and aisle about others,
and share in the salaries"
The brother and family of the late
aeorge Mose take thle opportunity tee
express their appreciation of the many
itindneseee extended to tbent in their re- ,
cent bereavement; oleo to the returned .
coldiera, and to thone who kindly lent
their cam.
moTlizn, SONS ani
BEADL11.—A1 Detroit, ou Tueelate
June Itin to Mr. and Um. Harry
•daughter (Marilyn June,. '
aotterich •'Teemshio,
on Thursday, June 9th, 1032, George Z.
titt§4111t.--In GoderIch on Wednesdey.
June 1515, Annie Mary Soniereall, widow
of the late John Carneno in leer galt
Ooderich Townshipon
Monday,.4une 1311*, George Jame Real,
in Ins 03r0 year.
Goderlell, on Tint:Mese,
Jaen Deli, Georee Mee, aged 00 Yeam
fond and loving meat.
Gm of our deally beloved hueband ana
lather, John W. Murray. who pallea
away June 2015, 1031.
God called 111111 heal& it Wee Me will,
ilut in our beans ire loVo hen etal ;
1113 niereiory 15 as dear today