HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-06-09, Page 6THE, GODERICH, STAR C%U;,^b wau'd ply. Our Streets Are Too Dark I own Counct"'I Is Informed t) tbovb114, bero of itm Ctcz,40r man:. toal'al at iWovrz�"% as VW 507"Rot WIM A WONO-0fon r" atl - - - - - - - - - t. .4a ClUxmn of 031�. WIM-0000YEAR$ CM -HO MOR41" "Ito ain atwmlcl P"4?W.y rm 0z Ows csanc* 4.14 to a ta�,Ilot Lsejj- In %rt' W -n tD a,­� v%iz Lo eawia do, t3711 on Jano Ma tot tLo ow It. 033blth=nt 01 a central cbpczespillng Objec;A7, to PiM der'.3. Qltr W41all 14,3n, ncbert W0.1ri was unzzw C-Arymm nwan W113 zmazulllnu 0 017 1-, pin=uka ngo- It r4c, BrIa vhcax�gcr of c2mnz arce 0g. jijltal�lc p;ata for altd t,.s tho rZte curdVi ston:uor puta inla Goacr..h I s, I Lf p3y, 05 cent3 dn hour far D M3:1 oni In Juno the UAVLllerc anaurl of a he cn Q -a Cz�tmty mt?an. Zia rjalci Ito had tever toyal VOICOmI T, - mayor oa!d lie badl It, -tat I that Qu C*z:nil -�that tho�t3wa wan to pay f;�- this w7itten to tilb 020. . ev -Inf, ul harbor cau14 easily their cl fe:%R, boat, which is the Ezrao cj�-4 as tile I ij ff.,� faur"gt calatan ot h iad a jr�­ x1ftiroa till tho wri en fbe Plots T4'as Huxl zn4 draw$ 14 Icet., The cb2n- n3d and bad to be pl5wed up and've-0,- Et"VeZ GI ed, The towu pald for thlo uarl: .3c.4im.- nel liere Is . 23 feet deeli, QDZICNAI VM5 =do b7 CJUXIC1110' 3, U 'P -eouat�ll mueting. the citizens had no m6noy. They'bad Wants A01on. . Brimri at -44ay ijUat's "What Stand hall Owen ZoUnd and Aftrr weA:krInj 1111:zugh ctl,-,r to=, a at been ashed to provide ,3ztAxe wid zd�rljt tjt2� cauuMllor salld li� bzd rl ivegatablea for themselves for nad VIn. 4outhampton taken On tile Blue - water it-, , means of Legl the HiChWaY A00clatiol ds%od CouncIllar ed brano convialel � tilz C-�,dvrlch so. tor 8 U00 '13 'One he Turner. ikaayor L2el ki Wolf from the door, and it behooved V I . 1, . oy. i4avo dr�p. Zercd in compal la tile matter C: to help. The bills were PA14'r wd out., ,strect, illuminstlin. Ozz e reason for tb7c town trouncillor T.urner—"Xs vognell was,that our town. -was `hIWnf,, Its 1!54i, , In thlo c,onucetion 4 letter wz� r -id qoln� to taka any Stand on improving undel follage of trca-. The light: from the Ontario (Gaveramoft url this highway? Tbe county Is not spond. ghould -be strunm In t4o centre of the municipalities ta take the lultlatiVi I" Ing enough money on thIS road, It 18 4 str�et, as In other tol he Argued. this "bach to the laud:1 movement, It igreat asset and they, shp4ld at lewtkel Voun.,Ulor Carl Worsoll was right 4e. was aarted that Goderich already w%,5 the dust down. It deserves totter treat. hind Councillor WeWn. He said he Showing loadqrl me-ot than, It has bew�- getting. rould like to.cee West, KinyDton and VjXPI I Report Miled The col was: told that a Aeputa- R=xiltou atrl Inr0aularly, �better tion 'wouid likely wait on tile county" lighted, Councillor Turner put in a plea Councillor Brown asked for a final ro- council at Its June sessf= It Waal hoped - tor colovad lkwfts around tho Square p6rt on the relief sewers. US said this, to have more'of the rqXd surfaced, but durina the tourist season, If they did not In his Opinion, was a cen1mend"I" PIl Engineer Patterson had 9104',tt W-44 net cusl toa much. Other towns ", re a5le of work and Something Should behpatOu dralued. c , record.. Ile was told. that all t a HIS tb afford It, lie said. were not yet 14 and that a report Nvould Private Busl�esl Beforva 151mmut contes, you Aodt we, or hear, or These sugae�tlons were referred bouncil resolved Itself Into �omlzittce . to be made at the next council meeting. 0 l alammitt"4 for a report of the -whole to disouss the Shecig MI& AW ith 'Warfaft ithat is going on inside your um Hea4 To, Out Wee 1 6 and Grass Col Gould said he wanted It dleton prosecu'Uon incident a#=, c.cun, gives no warn - Made clear that equipment of the Pres. cillai Ruxfib�r. had '(told the worU­ what Caused 6y ftiction of separated put% Thu time has again come.for the cut- byterlan Church being 4tored in the'Art- he thought of it all. ting of Woods and, drass. Councillor craft -factory texnporal would not mean ing. That is, *hy yio? sjjoulld-� &cad the blowo" itiore Turner "opened the seasorVI with Is Why 90 41tO committee of thol %hole, . . . I i a 'c' any to the town 'in - Paying Mr, , there anything priv4te';Abol th%lurl than a=y quest that. harbor blo be attended to. Higginson. lie Was told, that Messrs. otha1ire 09uWe;..',I This was Immediately follol McLean and Sau:adlers of the church Wayor 74ee­-1.1ll is.,�- w been, the � viPOM ld� a. blol Iftree reporters, vn�re obliged to leave If you lt� .. evex the chamber and It was , afterwird$, MT.- somewhere on th6 roaff"' you win wefcoare the pro led 1104M the Information -against the 1) 6heriff would bf� wIthdrawn, but no ex- tection ojW=d 16y tl= balanced constmcdon, of* Good - planation could be elicited.. The council. -Tirm. Was 44dres�Ld *by Town -Solicitor Nairn Y=.. closed doors.. Even the blinds were drawn.. an Ineident that, ca "w'"I a'' t 8,611 We� 'used In. these trdr Nd amevf dres� corcos, aud tread are SMIM Merriment, X Tax,E3 Coming in OnO.- Goody ar ..World, famous for 'ght out durl6g the routine, It was brou del!"beratl of council tjjat*� a t t, I - f extra-mileagd qpafities� protected, by Goocivear-priorll -Name the Bab oa, o . �A -,. 1 $12,457 ftitaxes had bLe paid t' CCS his - year. bpik up, lia4d -and. iiioulded sed rubber�, aa; Councillor . 1-tumber '.As&e(� thilt , the k. ntlw e � gge Sul arrears. paid. 'he Placed on laydiby layer i th r a d 0-66dlyw eakas Thi fixture ;l OM aL 0=,_ Building Permits and the stalrdy, thid4 AI&Weaher: The following applications for building mated unit.. pleftly -permits were referred to the fire col mittee: William. Lol McDonald -rool Tires, 4l tourlst �mblxl $ilo,. William, Me. give you unusual wcaribig:q,�Mfity A -SYMPOSIUM BY FAMOUS PEOPLE' OF 1,tosh,-xeibon st- rerl dwe g, 6ils TO -DAY oxxd� MISS Evelyn Jimes, Eigin ave. Wn thousands of extra trouble-free: miles extra,. resist - __c cted by W."Uara Lewin, teroolthg dwelliner,, $IM, M Ir. Uumball, East St., ;ahce to skidding'. ..and.freed(joi-frol: most.&M916r­ To select sultable r .19r00fing dwellIkIr, WO; F. V. Mingh6m, t. a Ame Jof d-th baby ",comes Into"t)*world remodelling prendses an Square formekly olin ards- the Wwo Indeed., an absorbing problem. . Miloas of - )a )w babies were. born last . 0US . n . ' �- - L 11;- .. occupied by gWer, Theatre, �600; Gordon g, h, year. And yet thel oxv� less than 1,600 n�.%me to choose from Varel Young#, Wilungtol street,* repairing wra. search directories for sugges, ons. eahaa.We�'orgate some Intl new anoil vrAlffam j��, POIrl7years.more -bavatidden on GoodyearWres ti peopl, names? A Street, garage,. $W. thaff ther kind." A petition -for -Street olling, from Wat 0 cha-iUs S. Chap' lin erloo to. Wellingtorr bU Picton Street was referred to the pubUd awks o�tteej W Sell The 0. C. 14 request for $2200 Following are.. my lavorite rl td,the ftance commmilitM V� Wood and DrVn11axxL lip or, Messrs.. of_ thdr poolL room. -Piled for % rlena*0 GIBES—Uslry, Lita, Constance, Ado; and May... hing, cbMpm p*femd t o EU=N]3 is a nauto, tit Otleek origin meanbia 4.well borl finance.' zgndmaster J. E�, jjuDkjrj�j � wrote ask- BA%BAZA Is a. Itamo of, Greek origin meaning "Aringer.". It Ik the, nume. Ing that the- Interest orr tile Robert Moe. of tile btraine v Wwworl civil war I ' Xay bequest 'to tft band W ap Tie p d to Sal"o. la the &ot(:b diminutive, the' Clepe alrcad�r . had lbeen Putchd0d And! he askeg. oat this a0counti be pald� Heel to 0141 'This corntrittee also 'Vill Th BaC WK. deal with a requeEttm'eredt it sim it the Dall Pa corner of Bayn-rd a%T& aritannhi rol made by.g. Mill upon the pipsing of the neaessarY fo . lylaw. Used for sale, the building to be tom PRUARING, . ()RMGFS Von coloration of such foods as appi I e§ or b I a - A r". a r 01' 0aya TIMO lPrankL Phelan offere4�t. buy th, ka, down and carted away. nanas, when tbey'are allowed to sta4d; L A .: , fte". Committee at the Mattland. haller Shag for NM .11 1 . I I ' .1 . : L . . . SALADS lr� it for 'a few minutes. letter was ieterred� t,4. the Special com. The specioLcaounittee -reported: Pabst WorksReport Xr, 'Pyr.on .16bason, Amarath, Uhn.,, *vittel had dull b . t would Inat jj> "tht ed, lotr zlIoes,,,pe0,..r'emove otitbr skizi And Persian :Balrd,' is alluringly fragra t. IVW(I r days at a mittee. Rb8ard.hNL lAtier, ztdra� tl Pains in my ach The public works tommittee, report - tit I Was, a victim of" this iek)aditi4= tor . a . boat two Alepoil-Ilm. or obouniu-1 Goderich 0Zg9a L 400. 4ith . referenoz to as � f6 , 11— memoraxie, -cut in thin, even : slices. Adds a'charming reghement to the Most, all the reportS.Lot Standing dommIt their assessmexxt. V the Oir H -al or q44jter for easier bandling finished, appearariel Creates and pre- yearsi until I was, advised to use'Doan's Xidney Pill& tees; after . ex y 01 t P. We E=t� eMsidared #he X aGed present $yj.W,, Wp,.,b-Va refi=ed., the With fork' serves complexion ­cf. surpassing level[ - end boX '�*l 'Olt conddel better, so I con. were adopto& w% fallal matter to, th-r- assessl ta, xep=L '2. Re the treatment of rQ I ad, on Market street, 'A4 "eX,Urel Softenl 'and whitens timed until I felt all right tigain. 'I wo tow, ready to 111nance committe Vor segments, peel. tut on either side ness A advise, al bothered with A dull 046 in the back to Mr's S. AntoiU4 'tbAt have tonsid=�� t110 WIfirl fz=� the and recoinmond. th nctite'be published a tmh dtviding niembral and remove- the bands. oboob and dispels all Irrita- ba*graiitad a ligease to muniolpal counails,' of Lonfl," . anr a se caused by weather conditions, tco Domes Mbey 1�iw- peddle frosh� fruit and, vegoto,4 ft� the rxoat =Wspa skil VIl pulp, 5eg" b �xoent-�jdthout tb� tion 10 from 4 shallar letter. froml3trathroy asking tb%t I .. '. L S wiftly absbrbed by the. tisgues, leaving s6r44.63, rj#jtlozls rdr tual djIng St membrane. Price 50C% a boXL at all drug and gcsl stores, or imotorl t,Mck at W and that 06 refund of Goderich clevAcIl. palitl= t1bi, 16i6mixial to Ebi pledes or.pub6. Out. tegments in never 06 Vol of Stickiness. -axlesa. malled direct on, receipt of price by thc� T. Milbuni Co.j� $10 be Made on tug fie for -16giSlatUre; to; &e. tgimIcip TIF, e e& two or thret pleo - es; A ple this yearl '21 Caul Once, 4 baVe POMM 11C cl gial or cut fruit in thick ilet requisite. Invaluable to all women, 4rding th&. vz000sal. to -buy in s6me Contra reL Some ]�Wlted, Torl ()At. over tha eXpendit, e% for vol at, the town pit an&'have roted- a Ontario 'West. 41hora Rall*oy bonds allclea and cut oue each segment, free who ewe for c.leganm and distinction,: education. V.4 recomrsand. tftt the ipv- trictor fb='A Johnstolec at at p!L-- d 'Z* ftem membtanal. guaranteed -Mj tha town with funds now irnment. we imiltlanedli v4*=11;xgiV -and 'Cents V= ha�T any bral itace that wel to 1nrI(xd1x:qgP apt -re on hand In: thd 0. W. S. U. account, we, Nan� aals; 0"Ve Children. Or that these3 mardellp4tilm Ike = nzfted. mal�e salad 4 6 moisten Such J of xl 3, We have securod � Z,%mj�. t emokos MOST G..—w G reoommorid. W Ur jel mQetjn6 ba almd� W rttloal, tll. "'d Inmediants as cheese, or , to marinate FOR FLETCHE tesentatives. Itam; the tour interested tractar ta ft t0led on ranL� =11529 , R13" UAC An at2xer . ingredients. Juice: prevents dls-. I uftifol �ftwft F. H. Martin, IOU, 17&~ Municipalities -be, held at at early da6 to In haullng-gmder or in a, re- m Con"'Ider the xnottl , the 430,OOQ VroVInt6 Bros. Prfflb0Wi &I Ma1).'0bx:k nt, ti=: of int-pectloar It aLWears� that A Rd -r n R A "OMEN"" and,14. UqbLUS, and, wk re.cMme;ij that ele MEN, ON of Multobm 6 per tent, bonds due April two 1111AVOW or-Tlp�Tbv 20�ol polio, some� or t1x& feades am enortisthtag on 1. 10471. flift McLeod, Young, Weir & serge be lxurchas-edl ft-migh R3blw Wt 'alake ztxl and,, we recommend that the Co. for 0, W. S. U. account 'Lin 'efthal cIorb--a=erW4 the width of this streeb; fOrl of')10.011tott bonds, tire now A&M -C $27 eavfb�. we hu" recLiviod fhe w4bleel-t s#s0emerl LOP! In: the Bank of Montreal, and thei trans %�M minx Wftbon� Cost of jjjo 18.1notX Sewer action will ba� Immediall completed The- v'Ator, light, ain& bmbolr wraralt- tOrAyucl*d on We4ofticreir, It cuts t1c Churclt.wd Nelson streefAje�t the I tee, :(e,l ll:rhe radvirig a I , , A. W Aa& ike Itif hydrot polo- arx Britannia, wAd th front of gbVft==0z4 relief VMft pmralft, to be $Urlm.", eklolusive, or admirtl5tration ht Makes Wrs., afidla, reftWnte! Is belbi ftk0ft UP z -w It commission . nises, and we� rftonaTtend that' tho'. ght"we' with, tAe water Xxxtr USK, gx* -lteasy-t handle. Itre4o' 9tatutneft Uel hdol and fdrl tv Ires we �ft baying *e ballbbw bea0v Slides tft gover-4ment; the, petilAm for a, Seftt xl and pointed before V14cing them vtr Itrarr street fk=.Whci:s. street to L lmke i no exii0sive decoration, in, ol bel tho Canada Aiid: Dominion fact nam e at, all, vl�hel% su*cco. b sql usbw tht extra, stor- Zrftb,-M- street W andwe have had M, raftson report on al space in tw fteigbt shed at the dock r. UsIrg- the rttne4n,.h s V& at, $1(y per msnt�x; '" retoolniond that the mItte be eropontered to bl � pl'p,- -9*W. In the to" 1411 Yard, o sewer .,Uft: it for olit 1101uTid" out"I'V In ealmates on paintingt ther ba alifbo Constructed an Uary otteetfIram fift�' ,st'ro t,nIntk$ street to tot 20, I.e.. 350 feet, tit bell VL*rl omjj also rest To safe'W1111s, ceilings mid parO. 101. an approl co5t Of' $175 for excav%- iharbor, and also t4oarLplonle ta'bles# r - - and lar to tal)les to wtor camp. ting *0 recomfuend that if Air. V. flons throlag1lolit your hon*, nwrence� 4rosvph Jack arid L, Mictc algn The 104ustriAl c6mmittte recommend:. tin agreement to par an annual 'Cliarge MI It has.structurat td. that 1ho old church building Ill 0 $3 each for ten YOM!, drid after that the Xatl rju%pbl Oo. be. a4l, at the Al jj�r year for each eal etion, ft. lilation Valuej, Is. dratight X-13 t but of thd general tands 9, the 13th eonwntWe soWor be bull VeMkiwpiroof, easy the trattling S00- under the somwbiou of, twt, committee. and that woe Zndumcd Rikee at ..... Install* stives tible in now. ril wat Won to constrUCtion and, is an exed. A virotone Tires — the tires th&t hold 4 the world's moirds ft tva* smd toodfor ftdoranft, Wetly. sad trille- fte* TWO , is Addidww, proot of t *t a I U'e Of tjj0L ho , elft'a 41k,"Oh Old soky, bum itto ev Or y Vifestme the V" Vatolifts tuth �Xduivt fttutft ss GUM-Dipplax, 2 #*it Cord Vies under the tmW, *nd . balonilied con- *Mdjoh. L Together thew feW=" ja�k you 95 to 40% tam rdilew —at no ex tra oot. 4W tlemmber, the Q **ted& tod workmamwp IrL every Virettone we pamteed fm AM lij(�� of tht fire. Put sk set of rimm" on row ow today. Ste YOW viftfftt VitestOn't DeNkf- IVO()D & WN,. It. JAINBo bKlll� V116 UU0 W. J. SYMONNSO Mt(" , I Own the Finf-st, Refrigerator Ever Built Let us vxplaiift the Zoo a &yl Meter Plait of purchasing a Westinghouse Refrigerator ,Talbot & Cornish On the SquarlIerich UIDAY -fht Now R()M- AN= "Votl Un. mmffitlo 00 Ulto Mpky 04 &F, lent bl for ayptex or Alabastin& OyftOt -P:aY 6&QX.1Y ide'kfwd by thd tza wfe oil the board aj:dt J)" Gteon stripe alogg fide ed&. A" AtUASTIN4 61KNU, 14"1 Fob 841% I&V The Goderich I M"Utactuving CO -P Limited, Godericho Ontario. Goderich Plal Nfla, Go&rjeh, ont