HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-06-09, Page 4TOWN TOPICS During the zuonth of 0tay five bs:the !eros mine 'deaths 'ere re ciisie:e'd' ax rao teal,, WIN$ SCHOLASSIIIP In a grow o1 o3tav o Childscwo Ftospital tto-iea rerceivieg aavertia at the gtadauatton: exetcliiee rat Tueeday The `Tcreate .Star publishes the jalcture cal Atria Kathleen t learihue. o1 Regina, alta leas eve t a seholarehip for post graduate creek at file University of Toronto. Miss C?eaa>tbate Is the daughter of Mrs. Clears - late, of Regina, Sorrlm:ly Miss here, :e Ball, Of Gcderieh, BEGINNERS BEAT EXPERIENCED ERIENCED A jttncy rink bowling competition was held at the greens on Monday ,flight with ax.°largp sattendpnve of bowlers. Three nner3 were played, the personnel .of the resins :changing for . each game. Prauk ansaesetawon. first priee, .-neu'ife 11Catka'e fen second. Geo.. ltuaoVlcar third,.' R. C. VThately fourth, leek Newcombe fifth, Feed Cralgie sixth. 1,. iroung seventh, Kelly . Johnston eighth, Jos. gwatseld ninth, "Wm. Abell tenth; and Wm. Powell the booby. Tice funny thing about the results is that nearly all the winners of the high, prizes are new men at thegatpe and only One GJ. Swataeld) is a skip, while the winner . of the .booby prize, Wan. Powell, is a aeaeened skip. to Friday night last Albert Taylor, With Cleo. Mumby and D. I. ldW, were the wlaanere of first price in an Irish trebles eompetltion and C. Qrlllithe with 13.: Ball and I. Sanderson won second prJze. PLAYS NO FAVORITES Wank Ofacer Herman Lever gens 'fan all, He play* z favorites. Qn Satire, dap fait he had the vera Motor Co. of Cinaadie ; ,in WOK- -Court • lam apeediilg,: henry **sill there in person but air accredited representative parted with i7,00 and didn't a* Luna to pay. IIIOAIgU SILLS LS PAID 11'. ET. Gayton and Herbert Plekeein, insgaxine salesmen, who lumped a hoard 141 in Menrwn last February, for lean« in their Iaudlady "in the soup" eeeb, psrted 'with $25.85 in police court Iaat' Frfday, The landlady' will get 'leer every dollar. The salesmen were arrested at Mitchell And Spent a day in jail before securing lues!, MUST REPORT ACCIDENTS Traffic "ottieeri Again .,r, rase -.:teat. motorists are not "=reporting aCddents' where there is personal injury curtained, or whE a the-tliniWe ta3=the earleover $50. Complaint also 4s . made that gar- ages aro lax in reporting. a£Cidents. Garages must do ao irrespective' of the damage sustained where someone hay ;Deep mitered, There isa bean' penalty provided for non -observance. WILL CALI. CONFERENCE Goderich has taken the initiative in ca311ng a conference of municipalities which guaranteed the bomde of the late lamented and defunct Ontario West Shore Railway, These municipalities, Huron township, in Brruce county, Kea- eardine, Asluield and Goderich,' now have some $100,000 .in a sinking Rand 1th the trustee, the . Torohto General You Owe It to Yourself to see rbc many smart.', -: SurnmerDresses a We: are shinnying in our . Ready.to.Wear Department. Some of the • .new arrivals are Meshes, Linens, Voiles, and Pastel shades in Waskabie' Crepe . fuiirange of Bic3cIi / Pi auras for child - _. ..., ... .,,sem... ren, Misses and. women.. An early selection 1 ,EIIIIt1 is advised. Yo. ti R Stole GEO. W. SCIIAEFERV:Lr Piscine 56 • E GODERICI :lit Cerporatien, nails; iihkb to retire Wilds when end as they fan due. It a- ase/red that Me tuor;ey cull be invested 26 hitter advautage then It new 4. to yield higher interest, amt. the anunlelpalitiee are to tae salmi to cone sl+dir tide sotlea. AN EUVVATION The town Sather& are reeeivi'ng an edit- tottol5"ln road building these days. -Be' gently they purchased a tank car of 13014 asp) alt. Ueretofere Qoderielotea always used a tar product. 'Last Yrlday aright the councillors were told treat !!null asphalt and tar will not !bloc, and that llgpid asphalt win cause * tar ;road; to disintegrate sod break elle The sense will happen if ter is used on liquid asphalt, aceerelirig to the opinion of engineers and chemists, 'sloe Asphalt. La tis cents cheaper, hutis an American produet, whereasthe tar Is 100 ,per cent. Canadian. Aa matters stand the a*Ahalt', people tluaperial Oil) have the edge. DRAW FOR LLOYD TROPHY • The draw for tate 12oyd trophy eon- test at. the Maitland sell course hes been anittie, The first 1lglit 1s to be C'orpplet. ed by lune 15th" and each succeeding round a. week later. The ioliowing is the draw, • the figures after the name being the handicap: W. F'. Saunders 18Dr. Hunter .26 E. Field 18 J. Donaldson 13. r, ra 24E.B ea 1 I? G neon C. B Goan $ 0. 'Walker 13 G. Jenner 14 I. I), Eastman....a0 T. ProttaFiard... 24 Or. Field. '28 `Itat �Viuianaas ,t4' Judge Costello.., 22 J. U. 'Taylor IS C. Nate' 13 JmTiauder 26 '1; R. Patterson 18 J. Acheson 20 C. A. Reid to 1t. Johnston 28 Dr. Macklin 16 J. B. Reynolds........1$ R. 0. Whately..,28 W. A. Couithurst 18. C. 2Vieakin 24 O. Oliver 26 D. D Mooney...,.24 IidP. LtaYd • 14 WOMEN'S INH'TITUTE MEETING e ar ' nt meeting f the e r all mo hal m e a h s g y B Goderich Women's Institute was held' in MacKay Ball on Thursday afternoon, June and. The president, 3VIrs. Percy Baines, was 4n the chair. Miss J. Groves' gave a very helpful and interest- ing talk on "Vegetables axed: their value." Delegates were appointed for the district conventionto 'be held in 13elgrave on dune 7th. Mrs. Abel, airs. T. Taylor, Mrs.J. Bisset, Mrs. Ifiggjnson, Mrs. Doak and Mrs. ,Swanson were the delegates appointed. The greetings and good wishes of the members are being sent M Mrs. F. Riley, now on her way to Eng- land', through her sister, Mrs. Shore. • It was decided to hold a strawberry social, date to be set later. The special speaker sent to the W. L will hold 'a; meeting on June 22nd at three o'clock in Mae:ltay Hall. The Auburn branch of the W. L will mate with the Goderich 'branch ler this ..fleeting.Mts. B. Price gave cur- rent events whteh proved very interest- ing. The meeting closed with. a :context, "Making a hat out of a newspaper and flue pins in five minutes." Miss Salkeld won the prize. • GODEIRICH[ BOY GEADUATES Among those who;graduated with the degree of Master of Axts at the annual convocation exercises of the University of Alberta in Edmonton on Friday of last" week is Mr. B. W. "Dick" Ryan, of Moose Jaw, son 'ot 02r. and Mrs. R. W. "Ryan, of Goderiah.. Mr. Ryan, a member ' of the bolleglate faculty' at Moose Jaw; has been taking extra mural work in history and English through the university of. Alberta for some time past. Mr. Ryan is also' managing director of the Moose Jaw • Plying Chtb, which has been haying. a very successful drive for members, securing 110 new members, and a Moose law editorial congratulates the 'town on having Such a number of men interest- ing themselves so' whole-heartedly .in aviation at a bane when .flying received sucl'r a set back la the. 'withdrawal of:the air .snail service in Western Canada, "There can be no question' but that the - set, back is only temporary." . says the Wetter. "The airway is bound to become the universal means of transporting mail, and is already; an aecam$llshed fact in many countries. If there ,he, any part 02 the world. where the air mail should prove its worth, it should be Western Canada with 1ts vast distances between major points, and . with. the return of normal conditions it may he expected a that the air moll will be resumed on the prairies," : i i Summer Suitings Showing a Fabric for every whim Lowest Pricess in years See -the newest in Straw Hats Dry _.Cleaning ' Suite Overcoats Dresses $125 Frank 11. Martin Tailor and Matter. ' ` 111SREPAY, .TI NE 1933 Town Topics MAT CANCELTRAINS T S It ie rumoed that rthe C I1:R. morn - g and night trains in and out of Gode- riel. will be discontinued. after June 26th. SUGAR BOAT HERE The Saskatoon arrived yesterday with a cargo of sugar from Wallaceburg and cleared the same day for Owen Sound, G. C. I. TEACHERS GET.. CUT At a special -meetiing of the 0. C. I. board on Monday it was decided to make a 6 per cent; out M. the salaries of the teachers at 1a1•esent on the staff ,4 xe. engaging them. for next school year. TWO VACANCIES ON spaoo :, STAF*' There are two vacancies on the public school staff,:1n24ss ,Laura -tlelson's resign nattoar was accepted by the Board at the monthly meeting onMonday and Miss Homey had lien • resignation in at - the previous meeting. POLICE MAGISTRATE MODERATOR. 1ilr. Albert Beilyer, of Kenilworthe. police magistrate. of Wellington county,: was 'elected moderator o1• the Walkerton Association of Baptist churches, which met in Goderich. on 'Tuesday and Wed nesday this week, and Rev. W. T. Bunt, of Cioderich, Was chosen .vice chairman. About nits?' delegates were in:attendance. A full report will be published • in our next- issue. • LARDER -MILLER: A pretty wedding took place at North street United parsonage on Monday afternoon when .Bdncal Elizabeth, laugh.., ter of. Mr'. and Mrs.. John Miller, Cfode- rich, was united in Marriage to Wilfred. 7 rder, soli, of Mr, anc1114r1. Jolitl dsit Goderich, The bride was attired its a brown printed eine ,.dress with hat to neaten. Miss Irene Jeffrey, who attend- ed ttended the bride, Wore navy blue with match- ing a3Cemorie,s. ',Allard Miller, brothers ' of the bride,• Was. best man: Mr. and Mrs. Larder Will reside on Nelson street,' Goderich. Tile bride 1s a graduate et the Goderich marine and General Hos-: pital. AtrEILIAR11 GLASS. FQR .GODERICH? A report Irom the Department of, Education en the recent survey of the oder! CI ah p ubli e c schools made by lar. B. 1 Amoss, inspector 01 auxiliary, classes; • shows.th.at "there are a. sufmient number at pupils t0•foran and maintain one mixed uxiliary training class" having a maxi- mum 'attendance of 16, . The room ad - bitting the kindergarten' in Victoria school would make a 'very satisfactory elassroonn," Dr. Amoss reported, "and a successful member • of • the preterit staff recommended for this work by the in- spector would be granted a'.te;:azporaarg:. auxiliary clisisie effuse *tertilleatos Until each time as the summer school courses are resumed" This ages referred to the school management , ceeninittee ..by the biased at the meeting on Monday„. TOWN TOPICS 4 OISSIMC'I2 LOSES FIRST Ooderich sollballers opened the sea cn at Victoria. Park last night, easing to Grand Bend 28:'. MRS. GORDON BI$SET PRESIDENT 2tra> Gordon Besset Was eleeted. Presi- dent of the West Huron Wozaena's Brashs tote at the meeting at Uelgrave on Teles, day. a full report of wheeli will be given in our flat issue. /PURCHASES RESIDENCE 1FolloWing her auction sate on Setae- day Mfrs. P. J. Ca.ey will leave for Mount Cermet where she will snake her home with het sistersein-law, the MStsses'Carey. Mrs. W. J. MeNevin has purchased Mrs. Ciirey'a recldenoe eta Wellington St, DENTY8r8 AT GOLF .About a dozen' members of the Huron Dental Assoeh,tion • enloyed a social afternet% at the Maitland Golf Club• yes- terday wind are high In their upraises at the Club awl the caterers for an enjoy- able afternoon. WEEKLY BRIDGES atop HELD HAYS The ladies of Maitland Golf Club have arranged for -a- lxsrkly e1d- :daY__atn-- Thursday aftermaths,' open to. All lady members, and for a weekly 'bridge party on Tuesday evenings open to all mem- bers. The f=ret ,field day was held last Thursday, when the prize winners were aS follows: Hidden b=ole, Mrs. Coan]- thurst: best putting score, Mrs. Walter Naftali Mrs, J. H. Taylor had tete best score for the round of the course. Tlae first of. the 'Weekly bridges was Saeid on Tuesday evening. with. eleven tables of bridge and one of .Mala Jong.. The win. 1 ,nets were as follows: Winner contact ' bridge, Miss Catherineallays; winners! dupifoate: Horth, and south, 1st, Mr. and Mrs. .7.' 13. Taylor, and Mr. and ldrs.� 1. D. Eastman, t4ee; 2nd, Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Hater; 3rd, Mrs. W. W. Sault' and Miss Gladys Saults, East and west lst, Ma'; and Um. Prank,Sauuders; 2nd, Mrs. C ulh o t urst andT2r" . D.• Ia. Mn o e a y, and Mrs. O. Hays and Mrs. J. n. u, mins ties; 3rd, Mrs. Walter Naftel and Miss Saunders. Mrs. Dunlop ancl, Mrs. D. P. ' • plBarber C'8y Mack! Now "We" is a Feed -natured barber gesnt, Winaa keep his premises and pays his ,reap And if you -want tai be be etyle, Why Biot let 'eine*work en you awhile. He can't make brown, eyes grey or green,. Or make you fat if you are lean, .Hut be can improve a horaaely face, flyless it la a real hard case. 1de 051t oast hair or a razor Bane. Hut he gan't put brains ear wild bone. Ile don't try to sell you the whole shop, But when he's through he comes to n stop. Now i drop in at various Camey, And give to "Vie" a few of any dimes. Then "Vic" remodels me a 'bit, And l; go out and make a hit. Now if you are homely es the duce, Meet kill the wife with. jealous abuse; Just soh: and see Barber 'Vic." • 2,'q -sae's, the one team_ the trick. - "Vic"' did „net.ask'ne xor cuao Sidle ditty, For 'tre didn-witsh luaowtoi . thssat-1t' 2 erwa anas so witty, ]E;d That "Vic's" a gay with his feet ori the ground. Por latest styles. in �"cdr.cuts and a goo • clean shave go to "VI C" HARRISON'S West Street Goderich THE TELEPHONE TAX_ There has been little womment by tele - "hone users who find on their bills for day the new tax which the Dominion government has imposed on long des nee calls costing 20 cents or more. The taxis e ^ R per cent and became effe..t:ve May 2nd.. While no tae; is pleasant, the 3 perpent rate adds very little to the Mooney wore convenors; cost of long . distance.. telephoning and WEEK -END SPECIALS Silk Crepe Sport .Dresses— in pastel shades of white, " pink, • blue, mauve, canary, and green; snappy and becoming styles, sizes 14 to 88. Special for this week::. ux rner Millinery Smart hats of pa mma, straw and fancy braids, offered at a very low cost uid in the season. Special.... Annosncing • THE FIRST Beauty Shop ON .THE SQUARE hefts Edna ,Campbell formerly of the Qoder4ehn Beauty Shop HAS LOCoATEI1 ON ' H SQUARE AT NORTH STREET and Se ready to give quality service in all lines of. Hair Dressing ala I3eAutk Work Phone 526 Geayterlels Week -end' Special in Hosiery Full-fashioned Silk Hose in new summer shades. 70, Special, per We are continuing our sale of this season's goats at the Ioyest possible prices. �ceats of95 and 1250 excellent quality t style. and Sale gee +► q li F.G o e a a +► West Side of Square CORNIELD '17 L \DIl=.,' and MENS WEAR 1.00000000,041140moollwol000lfirotawaiK... _. JUNE BRIDES Here earlco the traced We eve. EPaaice l,. B3tVe ` !!undies and in dczoratibs ^ In' e?r.lalinng3 either for Lome er c:na: cin, p for tale; a dial eveatta, and C^:1 Ore y'0U tin Watt t n nil!Ca t: a,:ee icer any Oi.vaniza. GEO. STEWART GOD)RICH *a:4 Gt. Elate Io: the Governine:It's 'e nsit eratron in leav- ing calls of less than 20 cents tax -tree will be appreciated, by rural and sub:trbai. telephone userswith whom such -.cape • ars most Ireauent.. On long dtstanes 1 costa 40 c is the ax l be lag en t will o,aaly slightly 1Y eve; 2 cents and on a 80 ce it eat], 3 cents. The maximuni tax trhialt will be charged on a single call 1; 25 cents "Ad' The (whole Town Will Re 'Talking• —And why not! Here is a 'truly great. array of real bargains -a value carnival whel'e the little old dense buys a, whole `:lot' more than ever. before --a salewhere' even 'small coins do a lot of work! TOMATOES wmli !moot" • ' ire 0.00/144. C(11Gf! IWO) IVATEleS SOg14 CASTILE. SOAP 14o. 2%. Tin 10c RICE KRISPIESKellogg's ENCORE BRAND -•MADE FROM TOE PUREST: 3'.N,GRLED7.EN'I'S SANDWICH SPREAD: EN'COlzE 'BRAND., Contains 'Honey, aIgCnso Vinegar $ricea n d Edible oils CANDT ,. BARS nouns JAR RINGS .SALMON vim CORN 'STARCH BORDEN= WALNUT MEA S RED RUBBER SEALTITE NANCY QUALITY Bars Pkg. ,4. 3/'..oZ...Jar 3% -oz. Jar . 5 Bars 10e 2 Pkgs. Yoe oto. i Tib 10e Henson's No. 1' Pkg. 100 klslx�rosQ X ib. 106 *MUTTER OF THE BETTER SORT—AT REAL LOW.. PRICES SILVERCROOK • CREI1>IEa2X StINNYF,IE)r l IASTI� M ED, LH. 21e b'. BACON mum) UnnaI:FAST. Epic REE SLICED, 2 LES. 221c HAM URG 90 ib. 10 r wesbly Ground lib. 10e CHOICE YOUNG A & 7i QUALITY" LAM3 BEEF LEGS lb. 2X , Pott Rib Roasts ib. 1$e FRONTS Iib, 9e $arielsss and Rolled lb. 220 CO i '3IN arzoN' awe p LE. BOILED RAM and LIL POTATO SALAD Both for 200 rum. OS' TOE SEASONeaLAICE NIPIGON FRESH ItEsnGot3oa SALMON WHITEFISH Fresh Caught Ib.15e . Sliced lb. zg,e l3Y TItC 250 Chit ix Orange -e, �i Week at 4 b. ORANGES t r al►1t, COW, Vateneias 6 tAIrI SIZE 6 toll 1 o n r rate r> LIZV l 83t4Lt, SIZ=E got Oe t4tEi1ICi4t SIZE Lain;E SIZE tar lee tnr 1 All t T4 PRODEt'ER9 POlt EGGS. ASK MIR STO1 HAT GREAT ANTIC & PAC IH4fEL) ul• t ltitlak El TEA CO