HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-06-09, Page 3THE GOMM STAR
County and Dis'trict The 40* An,..,,,n ne malual meettug cl the Ortarb or�
kla,-Xty. of wW-,h Vr,,f. A. W
of 114,tulleal,
yourg, M -At.
%2roat% is xc4dcnit. wtll to tcll lit Me
bM2 of ot. Oc�mao�� viltITS3, st,
XA"R Y., -r.. CAU41111U. ioa:�Wcd- ��. VZWasda� Arta
SlEeNAVES PROMOTION FiIday. Jurw 2$zd jand 204- Ad-
zarqxm. PROT-40TCD dasSC3 of wex"reo *111 alv= by tho
zur. Z. L, Lucas. for tile past six years Mr. R. F. MOKWUDY, 10=4Y 401 mayar Of �St, Cathalnc% Zu. V=4 U.
accountant on 00 ollmou staff of tile Muovalo, *as b= promoted to an as Avcry. aud b3t, Rom Caami C. R� U110y.
zanl:- of montiezil, has U.'en transfortc-d eutivo VQ�'Itl= '51th the 'Supertcst Car- 13M., rC2tOr Of ISt, OAO_�rtjeS 0111V�h.
-;Igla ss pqrattou at Londw
zigin n.- 'For the last few A has
Mr. Lucas g�Q,5 to Z to lvblch Prof.* Vourzp,. tho prcslilfmL
For 40 Yescs
rnanager of thQ branch. years Mr. 1W.Kintzer lv�ls Wen la'ana2pr will roply. Prot Z-rcd l4gindoll. ZZ. A,.
a! the TOrauta district �or the MMLI firm. a. 0. lot the univorz1ay cc %Wstc An,
loven * Ithe Iftnest It, oatarlo, 'Will Gtvo an advIrmD On "What
VIANTON FrNNY'DANK DWIPOSITS Sea* Arww"at V WW 11=11F 113� been dozve� in Ontario by tho, ULrterIL,
OhIlldren of tile Clinton Public sch-?! -174-POV-111) STURGEON SItO3 =4 monumcats Baird of Canada."
QM32 on devo,5it in I Fishing in Lak,� Huron Norman, rcr. and a. 14,.ro number of historle vart.,va
j);jvgi the sum of 01M lowest In :95 yesirso are to be Given. Vjdft to 12�rl, Drmz-
tile Fenny rlank. This, WaS the condition -guson 0 Sarnia, last week hauled 00 of -rViciZ. to
at the end of A�rg, as a3alust $1,244A0 his n� a sturgeon HIS Bank offers. a s-
et w4alling 174 Do=4 Mond, Quecmtoa Helalita. to Valatino
on April �$Qth, 193L Da per. cent of the and sblpp�,d the monster to Now Torlt, HIM and to "Concm Orem." the homo T Out-of-town customers eq.AaAly as
zboro. wjs vre, dent, S. H. Whitmore. Of i1r. Loulz Blalz� Dot
nd Ralph gosling of Londe at Ot. Johm,
"Pupil* coute.bute" wriere at current
Wallacei sevrotary-treasurer, IV. will be made anil Mr. I)uft
.4�.pego of about �715. "Onted by -the Ptaff and 'employees, with - wiluarn. Is tq,zlvo an good as that %vhich it affo�&poop e
4 handsomd oc4isl=al chair. On Friday $. BtOadfDQt' 'Mes=. UeIVUIQ Traqu4ir addrc-,$ On Tho Early History of St.
Vul'TS ScHOL41tsulp aAernoou -theprzi1AtatI=--1V4-2� MA44 vi- �04 VVAtqD_n_-1T=_. --elected, -to Sam- Johns-
eatotth 1W he It zalliwpo
wj�� Carl Aberliartj of S ERRINGTOW-KRAVVER address being s W. Judd and t4le ex0ZUttVQ committee, to -act AV 11 th
'has, beeli'a student at the Facility, Of 'Ized lat the I presoatation maill by Ma. -Ross Me- 0111COrS. If you have mail, sery
Medici of Toronto, has 1 A quiet liveddini; Was 'Solemn NILE ice you can liave
ne, Uatverslty Mary W. Z
.,With honors. 11, addition ho,ludkUQw, when ranter, for- (Intended for. last vook)
araduated HUGH HILL HEADS to e nearest
was awarded the gQldmodal of the- gra- meily Of Walton,.,%vas united in marriage banking service. Write th
duating tlass and the ChaPpQ11 PrA zO -in to Everitt Firrington of West'Waw=03h, SEAFOr a
.,TH GIRL AwAxiosy) mEvAL NORTH HURON LIBERALS Rev- W 0- Shaw Is In. attQ11d4neO t
I . the uni�n Conference of the United branch for complete idormation.,
medicine.. The young voup% vII1 reside on. the Miss i4orgaret White of.Graee Hospl- church, wh1oh is In session at St. Thom-
groom!s farm on the seventh cpacession1al, Toronto, daughter of.Mrs.M. White
h RUgh HUI, of Colborne township. was &s. Mrs. 6haw and Evelyn accompanied
of West, Wawanos.. of Seaforth, has won the )Ugliest btandw eleoted president of (the North Huron him.
jet m%rrjuge was solemnized atth, Ing in the 11rSt Year class with 8C9% and Liberal Association to succeed H. S. El- A -good meeting' Is exp"ted at tho� CANADIAN BANK
A qu -T"JVJ
Ontario -street parsonage, Clinton, Wed- ERECTS VATS IN has been awarded a gold bar pin Medal, liett, Wingliam, and prq6lded ht the Young People's Society Meeting On Fri.
Y, Julie 1st, when Wiss Isabel Vair- Similar to one wou last year by �her twin annual meeting. hold In Wingham on clay evening. Miss Nthol. Tabb, Is tliQ MMERCE..
Frariklin,13aluton, of the BlYth sister, 'Miss EM04410 White, Who this Way 31. Other officers elected. are, convenor in charge. OF co
-P and Mr@. Wil
sarvize, daughter of Ur Woollen Will, has been busily engaged In year came within five marks of obtain, yjr�t vjco_pro,
uam. FaIrservice, lot Clinton, w" -united sidelit, Dr, McLeod. Wrox- A meeting of the.trusteo. board of the with.which IsamalgainatcA
having three newtoment vats ereq�eil in ing tile intermediate year Prize, etor; second vice-president., Was Powell, Nile parsonage held lat, the manse
in Marriage to Mr. Ralph J081109, $04 Of the tannery S60tian.- of tho mill. Theso was
Mrs. Cha Of Lox%- Ill greatly facilitate the handling of TM STANDARD BANY, OF CANADA. OtA
nd S. Joz
a llng,, All Blyth; third vice-prinddont, WiS, X. IR, last Saturday levenuig. Thof are tile
Davidson, Dungannon; secretary, J. J custodians of the proc-eeds of the said of
de4bo., The'briftl couple were noat
Ilarie quantities of sheep'skln4 passing AN INTCUASTING WEEK 3ULY 18-25
bridi- wore her trAvelling,through this woo Itobeltson,mR..R. 6, OoderWh*, eXpolttly� the Sheppardtim church. Mr. Thonias
tended I I pulling. The week of July 18 to 2'5 9vOmIScS to members, s ap
ume, a drips of blue flat ciepe, with Ashfield, M. Matheson and McPhee wa pointed treasurer of the
I a trimmings, avid-,aa;VY CIO be an Interesting Week. This is thoweek M& bL Dalton; Colborne, A. Flober, and board aztd.Mrs. Win. Watson as secre-1
railigm . ae
��Ilyl of the Ooderiah. Summer School iind'also, Miss H, Stewoxt; West Wawaliosh, W. t%ry, zle, who 'are attending the Assembly: at
6at with grey accessories. Immediate nallsh lan#naga IS 011C ti of
Tile V c t Qn
after the ceremony Me, and Mrs, Joslinf; RADUATUS AS OSTEopAT1.1 of'the Goderleh Chautauqua tJWy 18 to Watson and Miss B. McAllister; Past London,opent tho'wook-ond with Ntr
in Hyde . 'Park, Me#xoft Episcopal 22). And� the :girW camp at Kintill un- WaWanosh, George Culuringlim and and Mrs. P� J. Mac%lillan. Mile her� noises which' ive,make in order to 06m -
left On a InOtor tilp.� on their retUrn St With ewth othen—Ocom Bel, -
Will resid . e In Lovidesboro. �chhrclL Thursday night of. last week der the auspices of the PreOyteriah Mrs. J. J. WcOee;_rAorris, W, Elston and LUCKNOW Air, XaclOnzte 111led,the pulpit, Of the Municate
they h rich, with Miss 19ai Cowan,. forme nardl$haw,
Mr. Xenneth Thompson, - 'of 'Luaknow, 0 u r- Mrs. Laldlaw; Grey, Stewart UcQUarrie Rincardine - Presbyterian ch4rell.
a. Honking, of Goderjoh, Is visiting
uRING July J'At arge; is set for the and Mrs4 A. Lamont; Turn-berTy, Howard r -a. Cameron Geddes and
U , and ZT.
ENGINZ Isecoud youngest� son"of Mr. and Mrs ly of Goderlch,, in ch'
M. Thompson, graduated, Itoln the �g_ sA . Me week( h to Wylie and Mrs, Joseph Lovell; licrWiek, LUcknow friends. .,Mr. 1 0. L, Yeager, of Toronto. spout the
GC�MEL, CAREY. cago, Vollege of. Osteopathyi having veryr and Miss 'Ii McLaughlin; week�eud wltlx,�0, and Mrs. D4a Oodd�s
'the T; McClement Mrs. W. C.. Johnstone Is visiting her
sne,%OS�ful�y L colopletled requi I Vi one, of Ingersoll. ameron Geddes while here
1 .1 DzAvi- or, =s. W. R, � SAUT11 Oodericla, Dr. A, .. Hunter and- Mrso son, Mr, D. I%r. Johnst hEre, Mr, C.
consulting and Municipal Engineering gour-year-cour-e. Howrie; Wingliam, R. McLean and Mrs, Rev. R. W. CraW and Mr. Wm. w1urdle i took part In a,contert- In the Carnegie
plainage.-Land surveying The death Occurred at her residence, j. 'j. gIIIQtt, 03lyth, j.,R� Cutt and xr$� 911
attended:, the conference bOld in Clt�h. j hall on Friday iii t.
Masonle Te Bldg. Goilerloh,'Ont� North Main street, Seaforth, -on 4%tur- S. Popplestoriej.BrUssels. William Gil- ener I I ast , veeU. "Nlrs. (Dr.) MacLean, of'Wellarid, mot- The best
mille-bone 21�9 CHOIR AND S. S. TEACHERS' clay, MaY. 20tlh� Of Wargsret'Anders6n - and U I thing you
lespIL ra. N. Hamilton, delegates
The chair and,Sxbbath School teucb-,�' Wife of W.R. Smith, followln-g an'iliness to the advilory committee of the, Ovitarlo Miss Flora, Andrew, of London, pent ored to Luclnow last.weelt acompanitid
LEUAL CARDS �vrs of'Pirst Pmsbyteriun church 'S, of over a,year. SUIT -the week.end with her parents, Mr. and by Wr mother, Urs. �D. Sherif. Mm. Ca n
ea- band.and thiee sons IvIng.are her hus, Aasoclatloi� the president and Mrs. Mj Mrs. George Audr . OVS, here I Sherif will Tewin. In her home 'here for it I r
forth, were.the guests of the Ladies' Aid I William D, and J. R. Davidson. The resolution. Comm Ittee. art of the : summer- bn ore
HAYS & HAYS, �of the church at.a, delightfill'bailquot in RdndOfsOn Smith, S*aforth; Frank' Gi had as' chairman % H. -Robertson, ixr. and Mrs. the early, p 0 19 II&IOUSHESS ond
hiph Were Smith, Part Colbo.�ne, Az A. , W. - Hamilton and going, to the cpttRae at Bruce Beach. 2�
Barristers and Solicitors. the school room, . The tables nd two dautgh Goderich. "' other members Were; daughter Helen, :v1sited over the we SOCK HEADACHES
R. C, Hayj� X.6,, -and R. M HaYs,'B A� laid for 10%' were prettili d'EtWorated for tcra, &is.- with relatives In. Rockwood. 'e.k" '�Ir. Albert 33oyd received the liewa on
iy that. his sister,.,' Mrs. Grace Sold everywhere in
Hamilton street, GQdeilohl. R,Scot., $eaiOrib and Wendt,.. Wroxeter, M Stewart, Ash- end Sund.
ithe o.-casion arid thereoAst, was ptirtlou- MISSI.B0110 Smith, S.eafqrth,'. field, aad,Mrs.�M. R. Davidson, The: Miss Anaiii May
MacDouald,. of* De- old, ?sc red. ifts.
-Telephone 88. larly delicious, chief speaker was Mon. W, D.. Mother- troit, visited recentl W NIc.hol. had pa$sod,4way in, Chicago on
y with:. Luckno
hold from
%!oil, lormer federal. minister of agricul-, friends. Saturday. The funeral will be.]
Ihe Lu_^kuow on PIS
D OUGLAS R. NATAN BRI IT. IS SECURED' tot*, Who is 1n,.j-D4rou'vIdtIng Members
DE,TO-BE rAESENTED, The anj�jversary of* the South Kinlosg Wrednesda�, in' hill cem-,
eqnent: In G,,een)
-of of. the �: Gillespie' clan. to Which his wife Presbyterian church Was lielii last, sun -
Barrister and Solicitor: Before leaving the office, the jol Dr. W. F, larlt secretary of the Fall etery,
Board,. rec ' belongs. other speakprs were the Hen. day.
Ofr.ce: �-jORTH ST.. Pho `1�22- knitting j:;OmpjWy, Miss 161bel Falr4e - Fair elved - A. letter -the . other Rev. James Wilsoni -of Toronto,
Who was married, Wednesday to Mr:* day Informing him that tbd Central Vx- Nelson 'PtWIlatn6lit, federal Libqi4l or was 'the Speaker for the day,
B. A. P6rimental F-arM_Otrawa, would'bsve an ganizek 'in Ontario, Thomas McMillan, Mr. and Mrs, Phill 1 0 . Ma . QW111AU, 'Mr,
DONNELLY., Archie UacUllIan and uws. Scott X.AC-n -nd: Her - ea.
e9hibit at derIch exhibition this crubef. In, the Commons jor, Ocluth Pains - Ar'Ou :H rt
the do' In ,
Barrister. Solicitor, Rto., y0ar, on September 21 and 12, It is a'sk- Huron, 4n4 Charles Robertson, the, rl& Xenzie sp�4 Sunot4y. w h lilonM licar 1. . :
-HAMILTON ST.�. Goderlbb. od that a 25-foo't space be reserved In Dizz and..
Ingla: -representative In the Ontario it
Phone 282. In al'i tl�e Amberley. TiTed Aftor 08''"kg. Nousewark
the In ili�.bulldl practically y
a lig, and this Is beini Leglalaturi�. 6 -ra. N. I). MAcKenzle returned home Mrs. 11 em I tune
C speeches there Was referene to the im- 9 - -
done. This Institution had an exhibit on. Sunday after spending three weeks, h,, Unriel Lake, Alta.i writes.,
here W.1629'whtoh drew much fay �erlal poonbadd coriference. Lust Fall I Wid bail puias-. aroundemy heart) and,...
orible In Winghara hospital. where she u . nde. . on a little hoe
comment eh,roorning, atter'doing work, 1 seemed
13arristir, Solicitor, Notary Ilu'bUej.F Went, ge. operatl6m 7111 . I.. .. - . . . . i
. Successor to J. L"Xillorun. P , tagot d4zy fivid feel Al jre(j lout
�Phane qj� Offtc;. 'The Square,, Goderich Mrs. Mar the' S, very
garet Watson.: who spent acing that Milburn's Iteart, and Nerve":Pills'
DEATH OF FREDERICK BEN0CUQH were gdbd for these troubles I sent for a'box, and.
winter with her sister,,.Xrs� mii�x� Pierce H , E� T
T occurred fit Hensall an Mon- Do You Nei�d of winnip6g.returfled home list week.
VRNEST M, LEE.. Ll GH7,65. he death AW' after taking ilie pills�for a fow days I felt %.wholo
day Of last week o nor son, Xr Malcolm Watson, of Wat�
f. Frederick James lot bet.teri $InOo then I have had, nq !return of the
Barrister -a Bengough, who passed away after a dizzy Spells, and. &Ins around tile heaft.
Zid Solicitor erloo, spent'. the weck-end with. his
Sru Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria lingering illness Of' Several years. Mr. mother here. Price 500, a box at all drug and general -ftores, or
'Telephone., - Elgin. 5qQ1 BengOulli. was the second ton ofthel4te Mr. F. Scott MApKeliziL,� prine pal of I mailed djrOt ran receipt at pride by Vika. T. Milburn
Toronto 2. .1 James and Mrs; Bengough and was,born, MaejCen,� Co.,Uvaitod, Toronto# OUL
==�_ t � 6 M%oOjjj UniVers
,E in StSnlek TOwriship 73 years ago. Be- J
sides- his Sorrowing w1dow,
& leaves to CRIECK
MOurn his loss.one son, Robert of Mid.
DR- F` -1J- F?n$ ch.; aria four slsters,.
.1 and, W1
Lalto Housii surgeon Now York Orp.11
thalmic, slid Aural Hospital, iLssistar) at A NEW BUILDING AT SEAFORTH
goorefleld's. Eye Hospital ancl Qc1deA' 'Work f qbmmence d, on Monday of last
Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng... preparing� -for th6 congtruction �of a
Waterloo, -St. $.,.$tratforcL Tole. week
modern co=retd fireproof building soukh
phone :267. WE CANSUPPLY.
At � Hojel Bedford, Goderich, '0 the� of the Beattie Block, Setiforth, 'which,
the third Monday, of n eadli OnIV In completion, will be the new home of
11evening of
%1�jonth =jil thp following dayA Tuesday� Seaforth News. Mr. H. Eldge has the
urchased ng
Pan, and up from, Mr. James Ki 1�. TONS'.
The ar -on JFOOD
$191.30 0ontrad. The property was p C. b Leaf
ys. 'The work
TOKONTO to in. Vrosh.jA Appeal! Youll find every iio34"
ACT1C giye employment to a considerable nu ai
C. 0,
eturn bon Back'' more, onjoyable mema when,foodo coma from.Dominion Stores.
He will
ALASKA and r ber of Men, so that with.the new theatre icar
JoLims. -PRACTITIONIM. commencing soon, there should We brin;, You better foodi. to Ik.dtk your cooking—foods that
Your travel budget will building ent In S41f enSurb t a succct* of e0ry� reolpe, 'Try Mapping bore a
take- -),on further than be . little unemploym orth this week avid. sea how dinners and builgain benefit,
AND DRUGLES-S ever before with summer.
CH. See Us for*Pribes CKED IN VURr oxavr, OIL
TIHMAVISI� OODERI rates *this ) ear at econ- NORWEGIAN—VA
omy levels.
r�qutvped with electro-magnetle baths. I
Mectronic electric treatment ar4d �ehlro- li- 'That long dreamed of Mr. a I nd Mrs, I Edgar, F, Dunn of Port I I.. __ I . 1. . .. -
pf,g,ctic,. Chronic, organic and nervous PICO.
trip to AlaSka, for in Order IS A, R l'ok I EN FR S
disesse5. Lady in attendance.. ClllcO Stance, costs surprising1k d0lborne, Ontario, announce the engage-
bours 2 to. a. evil I to 9. p.m., excepting little. Reduced fares for Ment of their daughter, Margaret Unilly, I?
monday. and Thursday by appointment, to I* J. William A, Greig, of Timmins.
ATT=SOX, residence and your rail trip through Ontario, so . n of Wr, and Wri.� John: C. 3wzzT 1l%XtD—N#"LV BRA I VO WIMCRIS
office. V PICKLES ....... 27 -oz, 19c GRAPE JUICE :ooTTjx
%nal-, Road. Phone 341. to take,place the latter part of. June. 'The Godefich Star, BOTTLU
color of Sduttt street and Brl- Rocky Mountain scenic. e 9 of Seaiorth, Ontario, the marriago
coders to'Vancouver, Or I
Victoria, Prince Rupert HAWES' A tASTY 118AL
Seattle and 6y. beat Mr. and Mrs. nobert A. Campbell, Of
&16NEER%1*G or
MieXillop, announce the engagement of FLOOR WAX Trx 43c KIPPER SNACKS .... Tit, Sc
through the mo their eldest daughte 'Annie Tviae, to Mr. Phone 71. MAY =NT03
guardeli,. Inside. Passage QUICIC
. . I to Skagway where . the John P. Hillebrecht, eldest son of. Mr.
Stock and Gd�neral Aactioneerso T=4 of,!98 ro-lives its and Ifts. Henry Hillebrocht, of Brod-
Live hagen. The Marriage totake plaic
Elgin Ave,, Goderich. romarice, P early
Domlition . Storest
VAles made everywhere =d ell'effOrtS in June. A p . ureli Canadian organ-
�ta give You 8atl THE
uo. I '!k manalred and
Farmers' Sale Notes discounted. D ATH OF MS, 10111 UTTIXG o Pork Beans '2 -Tirio
Phone lig.
The death occurred oil -Thursday, -Way operated by Canadlang.
NOTART PUBLICO 0re, 26th, Mrs, Win, Utting, of Wingham,
-uttiba; of Nor;.
Wfilow-of . the. -late"Win; GODHUCH
NATIOW-A L wich, England. Bora� 10. yea;s ago In
1310field., Norfolk, England, In 1870 ohs
actieral -conveyancing done m9friod and to this happy union seven HEAT FOLKS, T11y
0ood ComPanled Represented rhildreh were born, four of whom sur- VW1 V. *A d. 0&
rriono 208, %AOutw9vAJr
Vajpp,,ot piroperty Insured uP to Jan-
uarv. 1410. $3,M8.975 00 Joe Gandler. ot Clinton, toolchl glid.,r
i-rinewise Presl-� T -L A � �_4- �j -
dent. Broadhafton; Jos. C012160111Y. ViCe-
VrMld6nt, Goderld1h; 0. V.,VOGrOgOr,
-Ser.-Treas.. OcafOrth - Wall,=
DlR1,r,T0jt-__Jas. �IlouldleO'.
Wal. NVrin, Constande ', GeOP90 '.NkCart-
C16-y. searorth; hobt. verris, Harlbek:
tolin.Peoper, nruceVeld; Ai nroadfootf,
A 'T5
GON --W. J Yed, R. R. 3, Clinton
jr.oi. NVatt, 8:yth ; tol. Hinehley, 'Sea-,
loith; John Murray, Seaforth.
Pallevtjoldero can pay their assess-
rvtpnts at CAJ�In Cuttl,) store, Godewleh,.
The ljoyal Bank, Clinton, 'Or. 3. IL
Relft, llayfiol&
Trave It attelidect to bV the
NSMANCE Co. home ion Vriday evening, luay 27th. when Peace
v"tablisli-�d 1870
Itimil Ofilee: Dwitantio", Oil.
chas, Hewitt, Itideardina, pros crit,
n3bt. Davidma Duagauumnon, via- ca-
Acat; ift addiftl fa the 11�enldOn ftud
vito vzLnidLvit, aie tonavvinq arc- bitcx.;
t3m: %�. lVatlml, AU4=; W. 1
VV. V. r,00j, P.. P.. 2, Lucknow;
031kold, GS104eb; Fmac-n
Acloat, 1101VMI,; Ti% G21MU, 11.-Z TO.
vivo her. In 1914 &fro, Utting came to
Canada and' had resided In Wingliarn
sinoe that time. The four thildren left
St c
-n' I Tim
0 ZD o a
to mourn her loss are, Wm, Titting. and
1 -craft of that deserlalon there and
M.S. Percy Harris, of town, and Charles
and George, Norwich, Eng.
laromed Much in,prent, nQ_nado a itic lit
R 11
C Ml 9c BACON 17c
auy AEAr row swt ON 0A0
[LUX" 30A 2 'j&UC
V on U My, "Zobrl, TO
1take Part In a demonstration of, alreraft
lat the London Airport; It was the only
1 -craft of that deserlalon there and
' 4 'ICIt OUD3
V01. QL
laromed Much in,prent, nQ_nado a itic lit
R 11
C Ml 9c BACON 17c
although the wind was not particularly
. ....... ... PICO,
favorable. On Gunday, another trial was,
Made and in the afternoon lie made a
900d'111�,ht. One of the Pilots of all-
Other plane al -so madd a flight in Joeln
�;very eneeitive born
Ivithift tile Vol. qjLIVAUS 3 705C
craft, commending him highlk on Its
pire-4 - out of 5 In
A meeting of the trustoea df thn
Whcn you take your vacatlott thI5 .11211*
A deficlotia two-laslor
. ronse Coto. 0,0nerougly
.P apple l5quaresfiVed witil fla';Oty pine. r-ADa
I 23C
loits Pellool PCttiona of
M9' not 101114D the, old coal bin at work.l.
Townialilp was held in G. ,�, r,10. (I geir
r4, that you "n enjoy your re 3 In
uver37 54,4001 was ropre� ted by at, lort If 'Vou know t1lot Slour Coal �UDP,
two dek-Cates. Therounell uLeojwa!5 prcu 4y 1 _q MIA t a&41M Aftig"
sont, nnd 90�vo .04MA011 and 'Ur. Val- In, for the year, and t1tat you a-ved wo W
mago, 09 Uercillop, *Oro Interested vir- �y by ordering It early, you'll get -,r-ese zuo- 23
men, 14, Ch
U41pant.q in the &ruo�jons. reovo Wil- much -more fun out, of your vacation,
Haul Arehroald troly proolaod cilia t1f, _,,Take a 110to of ti1c. Heat r.ojtm, p1jobc,'
W. IS. ftaftiltoot newd n secretary. TQ nujn4* CC. nnd call u a
quedl= Of tel�hors Was dL6cu_oJ tmol, _1 t1ga y. EXTRA SPECIAL EXTRA SPECIAL AM SPECIAL
Varlow anale-5 Wid the majority 'wore of CAU THE
the oulls'a that $800.00 = a fair tal- Braeside Bntter Redpath Sugar Mayflield Butter
ai�y for tho avtracel CN1001, the larger
rtlzon!s of nczen�ity. pay -Ing raog-o rn5r4ey. 090"
T113 frZt= dmidod to azuaaL7i� 4 TatIt - hr ..... 20C 10 lbs ............. u.i,soc Per lbo .... ..... . .. 18C
cvmlth r-juecdcual Asrnotlaftm aqd tho 11
10110wina it, 10 MMAR OMPANY